Yannis Pappas Hour - Its Raining Russians out Windows

Episode Date: October 1, 2022

A comedian gets fired from Carnival Cruise. A president—whose brain is in a wheelchair— is asking where in the world is Jackie SanDiego! It’s raining Russians out of windows. They keep drinking ...too much and slipping out of windows. Slow down on the vodka, Ruskies. Did you know that Vlad Putin became president of Russia with a 2% approval rating. He owes his grind to Gary Vee. It’s a wholesome origin story filled with hustle and a little murder. Finally, Yanni begs Nike to make another hijab commercial. Iran needs it right now. The Ukraine/Russia conflict, threat of nuclear war and the Iran uprising can all be solved with a few simple commercials that Yanni writes for you on this episode. Tune in to hear em.SponsorsBon Chargehttps://ca.boncharge.comPromo code: fumesMint Mobilehttps://www.mintmobile.com/?utm_source=podcast&utm_medium=audio&utm_campaign=mint_podcast&utm_content=fumes&dnfemfkahqkdlf=fumesTrue classichttps://trueclassictees.com/en-caPromo code: fumesWatch Yanni’s stand up special: https://youtu.be/ArlCFemEDvQJoin our Patreon for hilarious bonus episodes each week: https://www.patreon.com/yannilongdaysJoin our highlights page for podcast highlight clips: https://youtube.com/channel/UCfMy34qIYYy7XiRaHKO1ykwLongdays is your news show that’s not news. Come cheat on your beliefs with the delicious maniac. New episodes every Saturday and new bonus every Thursday on Patreon.com/yannilongdays Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Guess what, guys? We are back. Before we get into an absolutely incredible episode, let me tell you about my upcoming live dates. Jared Harvick will be with me for some, if not all, of these shows. So get your tickets at yannispappascomedy.com. First up, Austin, Texas, November 11th and 12th. Then we're going to Detroit, Michigan. Finally hitting the Motor City, December 1st through 3rd. And then Chicago, February 24th through the 26th at Zany's. Then Rhode Island, 331 through 41, Rhode Island. Then Tampa, April 21st and 22nd. Get all your tickets at yannispappascomedy.com. Come see me live.
Starting point is 00:00:41 It will not disappoint. And also, patreon.com slash yannilongdays for your bonus episode. Go join. Now, enjoy the episode. What's up, everybody? Welcome back. We apologize for the last three weeks, but we all had Havana syndrome and we were all checking out our bumper, getting ready for maybe a nuclear war. Who cares? Who knows?
Starting point is 00:01:08 As long as we got somebody who's looking for a dead congresswoman in control. He's at the wheel. Jesus, take the wheel. I'm not even that religious, but God damn it, Jesus, please take the wheel. I mean, what a time to have a geriatric leader right now. I mean, it couldn't be more of a secure and less precarious time, but it's very, very comforting to know that Joey Biden is our leader, even though he may not be aware of it.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Also, we got a new leader in Italy. I'm being told she's a descendant of a fascist party. Who knows? We'll get into it. All I know is I saw a fiery speech from her and the girl has got charisma. She can speak. And she's trying to bring Catholicism and family back to Italy,
Starting point is 00:02:02 which, you know, hey, I don't know what's going on in Italy too much. I just know that if you walk with your girl, you will get a, and they might grab her. So I don't know. Maybe that'll stay. Maybe that'll go. I don't know what her policy is on that, but we will be talking about her.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Her name is Meloni, Meloni, and supposedly she is the daughter of Adolf Hitler and Mussolini. We will find out. I don't know, but she's a nationalist. She's a nationalist. Some people are calling her fascist. But she just recently said that she supports the women in Iran because they are letting their hair down. those girls want to let their hair down They want to take it out of a wrap. They don't want to look like Jared when we get back to the hotel
Starting point is 00:02:53 There's a storm that's hit, Florida I don't know how much jokes we can do about it because it's happening right now And by the time you watch this Florida may be completely underwater right now and by the time you watch this, Florida may be completely underwater. But those people in Miami will keep the party going, baby. So don't you worry about it. 16 Wall Street firms have been, they've been, they've been fined. They've been fined. I said billed.
Starting point is 00:03:24 They were going to be billed. Yeah, they've been billed because they've been fined. I said billed. They were going to be billed. Yeah, they've been billed because they've been fined 1.8 bills. There's a lot of bills going on. 1.8 billion dollar fine for doing some no-nos. For doing some absolute no-nos. We will get into it. And Biogen also had to settle 900 mil.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Or as we like to say on this show, 900 trilly. Why the hell not? Because they did some bad stuff with some drug stuff. They were a drug company that did some bad stuff. Also, the vaccine apparently makes a girl's period last longer. That's all we needed is bitches being on the rag for longer. Thank you, Pfizer. We got two more days of crazy
Starting point is 00:04:06 because of you. Rob O'Reilly, my old friend's in the news. Look, maybe he did it on purpose, but, you know, supposedly let an N-word slip out
Starting point is 00:04:16 on a carnival cruise, which you're not supposed to do that unless you're in the captain's quarters and it's it. Because you know there's been a few of those slipped into captain's quarters. But he got kicked off the Carnival Cruise. First of all, I want to say,
Starting point is 00:04:30 I'm sorry you're doing cruises, dog. Second of all, hey, listen, if I was doing cruises, I might have just lost my mind too and just went up there and yelled every slur in the book and jumped off without a raft. So I get it. and yelled every slur in the book and jumped off without a raft.
Starting point is 00:04:44 So I get it. Also, we blasted an asteroid. I don't know if it took it out of its orbit, but you were able to see the video right up until the end, until it hit it. I don't know what it does, but let me get this straight. We can target an asteroid moving, and I know this for a fact, a gazillion miles per hour in space. That's how fast they go, a gazillion.
Starting point is 00:05:09 That's a real number. We can target that with missile precision, but we can't figure out a way to stop fat people from snoring? Let me get with this, okay? We're living under the threat of nuclear war, so we're gonna have a fun podcast, and let's delve deep into this and find out where the hell's Jackie. What's the dollars? So Joey Biden is our leader right now while Russia is threatening to maybe use some nukes
Starting point is 00:06:02 and apparently at a press conference or something, he was searching for Jackie. He was going, where's Jackie? The trick is Jackie passed away. She's not here with us anymore. I think she was a congresswoman who passed away. So he's in a good place. I just don't know if we're in a good place.
Starting point is 00:06:22 If you're seeing ghosts or remembering, what do they say when you're on your deathbed what happens is you start to see relatives and people you start to see your mother if we start watching a press conference by Joey B and he just starts going Ma come on man Ma Ma get off
Starting point is 00:06:39 the tide the tide is high Ma if he starts having visuals of the Delaware shore and his Ma calling him in for crab legs, we may have a problemo. It's just funny. It just adds to the comedy that this is probably the most precarious time
Starting point is 00:06:59 as far as the potential for a nuclear war. And Joey Biden is positioned... positioned you know for previous times we've had jfk jr smart guy i mean all right his dad was the original guy to steal the election and use the mafia to help him steal the election he was irish catholic he liked to fuck everyone's wife but you know what he was a smart guy and we had him during the cuban missile crisis at least he was a competent guy right at least he at least the Cuban Missile Crisis. At least he was a competent guy, right? At least he knew Jackie was dead. At least he knew people who was alive and who was dead.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Then in World War II, right? We had FDR. And then we had Truman, right? Who was a little squeak. Maybe a little Napoleon confidence. Dropped a couple of... As my old podcast would say, turned on the microwave.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Just a little throwback. Shout out Chrissy. Dropped a couple, you know, on the Japanese. But somebody was behind the wheel. World War I, Woodrow Wilson. Was it Woodrow Wilson? FDR? It was Woodrow Wilson, FDRdr i'm hedging my bets if
Starting point is 00:08:08 i was if i was on if i was betting on that i would just say i would say give me a number between fdr and truman who was it woodrow it was woody wilson it's great he's the president who has the name that we also use for when your dick gets wrecked. I got a Woodrow Wilson, Woodrow Wilson, Jared Harvard in the building, Jesse's Couturo back from,
Starting point is 00:08:34 uh, his espionage mission in Scotland. Do you have Havana syndrome? I hope not. That's a scary thing. We get a ringing year. I get that when I bust a hard nut, I get a ringing in my ear. And we when I bust a hard nut I get a ringing in my ear
Starting point is 00:08:45 And we covered that I think on the Patreon Patreon.com Slash Yanni Long Days You gotta go check out those episodes Every week Those are some of our funnest episodes
Starting point is 00:08:56 So go join up Five bucks a month You get the video or the audio Become a subscriber to the show And get two episodes a week One on the house. It's like being a bartender. You get one in the house and then a buyback.
Starting point is 00:09:08 You pay for one, we give you one. Okay, it's a good Irish pub. Did you do a lot of drinking when you were there? A lot of drinking, a lot of bad eating. The food is horrible there. Yeah, they just throw it in the fryer. Yeah. They just throw everything in the fryer and they give you fish and chips.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Would you like fish and chips for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? And you're like, no, but I've looked at the menu and it's either that or blood pudding. So I'll take the frozen fried fish. So, yeah, we've had people behind the wheel. Joey's, Joey B, you never know. He could maybe have that Austin Powers luck
Starting point is 00:09:48 where he's not trying to do the right thing, but he ends up doing the right thing. Or Peter Sellers, the Pink Panther. I mean, might as well have the Pink Panther right there. I mean, you know, at this point, his brain's in a wheelchair. Now, at this point, his brain's in a wheelchair. They just came out with some sort of Alzheimer's drug that they say slows it, right?
Starting point is 00:10:14 So that's also in the news. There's some drug that slows it. And I think that his staff and the people in government did an Operation Warp Speed on that. government did an operation warp speed on that they did a warp speed on that what was that what did what was trump's vaccine program called operation warp speed yeah i think they did like we need that pronto dog yeah he's gonna mainline they were like let's skip the trials and make him the trial i mean it's funny, the video where he's searching for Jackie. He's just hallucinating.
Starting point is 00:10:52 And then when the reporter asks the press secretary, what's her name? Jean-Pierre, something like that. Yeah, Jean-Pierre. Some Haitian. Yeah, when he asked her, she gave a really good what happened was. It was a really good, she was like, well, you know, he's a fan. He's a fan. He was saying he's a fan he was saying he's a fan of her he was a fan of her he's just a big fan of what she stood for and who she was give a nice little run around yeah just give me a little run around that job
Starting point is 00:11:15 dude i mean who wants that job nobody were you just taking everything on the chin in a representative democracy or you know whatever we're a republic right sort of a democracy I mean the people half the people are just always gonna hate you and then the people who you have to be accountable to the you're there your boss you know in theory so you just got to take all the fire and you just throw this woman up in front and she just takes it. She's just, their job is to just spin everything. They can't answer anything honestly when it's bad. And when it's good, they just go for it.
Starting point is 00:11:55 They really lean in. They go, hey, look. Sometimes I like when they get asked a hard question like that and they just go straight to the employment numbers. They go, hey, what was he talking about when he was looking for Congresswoman Jackie? Like, isn't she dead? He goes, and she just goes, employment is looking real good right now.
Starting point is 00:12:15 And we've sent a message to the gas companies that during the hurricane, not to spike these gas prices. And we've also played hardball with Putin. You're like, that is not the answer to my question. And goes cut me some slack it's my fucking job you want me to do answer the question i can't i can't i literally can't answer the question or i'll be fired the job interview for that job must be really funny where they just ask her a tough question. They go, what's two plus two? And she's got to go, well, look,
Starting point is 00:12:49 it could possibly be seven if you think about it a certain way. And they just like the way she, and they go, we like this chick. You know, we like her. She kind of made me believe it could be seven because that's essentially her job, right? Is just to,
Starting point is 00:13:05 uh, to lie. And everyone knows it's a funny thing. Cause everyone knows it. She knows it. What is the point of it? It's like a, it's like a ceremony.
Starting point is 00:13:14 Your political David Blaine. It's like trying to have an argument with your wife. You can't, there's no winning. There's no, you're not going to get a straight answer. Yeah. She's just going to go.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Yeah. Yeah. But remember what you said? Remember what you said four years ago? I know. Yeah, she's just gonna go. Yeah. Yeah, but remember what you said Remember what you said four years ago. I know well, yeah, remember what I saw that text How about that and you're going that's got nothing to do with what we're talking about It has nothing to do with the fact why you leave your straightening iron in the sink every time you straighten your hair and then I come in to wash my fucking hands and You use the sink as a shelf for your straightener.
Starting point is 00:13:47 And then she'll go, but what about that text from 1996? And you go, why don't you be White House press secretary? Any woman could really do that job. You notice how they always have a woman? Because you guys are good at lying in addition to not being able to be able to give a straight answer because of the whole smaller brain thing. That always gets in the way.
Starting point is 00:14:05 They make this country sleep on the couch every night. They basically do. Now, women in Iran, speaking of women, women in Iran, they're standing up for their right to not wear the hijab, which I think is a perfect time. For Maybelline to slip in an ad. Boom!
Starting point is 00:14:26 We're talking shampoo ads. Shampoo companies could be behind this. Fructis, Olay. Yeah, they got some sleeper sales. They could be behind this. They could be instigating, like, ladies, come on. I mean, that's a whole market they lose over there. They got good hair.
Starting point is 00:14:43 You see that Persian hair? They got Persian hair. They got great over there. And they got good hair. You see that Persian hair? Oh, they got Persian hair. They got great hair. Yeah. They got great hair. A lot of the black girl wigs, where does that hair come from? Did you see hair by? It's usually Indian hair.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Indian. Indians got good hair. Good hair. How about Arabic women? Do they have good hair? Iranians? Semitic? Can't really tell, can you?
Starting point is 00:15:00 You can't really tell. You can't really tell. You can't really tell. You just got to place your bet and go for it. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, when I lived in Bay Ridge, you you know i had a neighbor who wore a full thing yes and uh i never i never knew when i was walking down the street i never knew if that if it was my so i just said hello to everyone wearing a fuller jeep yeah i just was like hey
Starting point is 00:15:19 how you doing they didn't respond because it can't but it could have been my neighbor i think one out of 20 might have been my neighbor I think one out of 20 might have been my neighbor but every time I'm like is that my neighbor I have to say hello otherwise it's rude yeah you can just walk by you feel like you're an Iranian Truman show didn't I just see you yeah so they they are want to show their hair right so what happened was they are want to show their hair right so what happened was maza amini maza amini got killed and now i think there's like a two dozen civilians have gotten killed that's reported or whatever who knows but there's riots everywhere there's protests everywhere women are taking the streets their allies the male allies are you know there's iran had one of these already right where they
Starting point is 00:16:06 they came back and they were kind of, they were kind of Western for a little while. Then the Ayatollah came back and squashed it. Now they're trying to have a uprising again. But anyway, so this is, this is because of the compulsory, compulsory, compulsory, compulsory, compulsory, compulsory, compulsory. Meaning you have to wear a compulsory, compulsionary, compulsionary hijab. Compulsionary, meaning you have to wear a compulsionary hijab. I think this is a perfect time for Nike to do another hijab commercial. I think this is a perfect time.
Starting point is 00:16:38 I can't think of a better time. Nike, I mean, come on. Everyone's attention right now is on the jeep and how nike has a hijab for for women who want to wear it i guess the difference is that they do it they do it by choice and by choice is an interesting way to say that the religion makes them but no they don't have to in america i guess in America, they don't have to, but that's the thing. That's the funny thing in America. You don't have to,
Starting point is 00:17:08 but that's because of America. It has nothing to do with, I think what's, what's laid down, you know what the deal is. I'm, I'm dancing around this. I'm,
Starting point is 00:17:20 I'm doing the white house press secretary thing right now. Yeah. I think of, I think there's some po i think the word i think the official word is you got to dome up you don't peace i think you got to go dome i think you got to throw dome on i'm not sure i don't know what it is but in america i guess you can or cannot in the west you can or cannot although i think france said you got to take him off right something? Something like that.
Starting point is 00:17:45 I don't know. At the beach. I remember there was some story at the beach. Something like that, where they can't wear the full one or they can wear the half one. I don't know what it is. Some people say it's an oppressive thing of women. Some people say it's good.
Starting point is 00:18:00 I don't have an opinion on it because I value myself value myself um this one's a real pretzel isn't it this is a real pretzel is what i'm saying and even though i'm white house press secretary in this one because that's my point could you imagine nike making the commercial now timing is everything timing is everything right now there's a lot of comics who right now you know what i mean they're amazing stand-up comics they were just born 10 years too late baby you gotta do your fucking tiktok videos it's tiktok time show me cook a meal on tiktok to a soundtrack i don't want to hear your stand-up routine and nobody cares anyway okay Most of these fucking one-year comics have got a million followers
Starting point is 00:18:46 and do a question and answer. They go and they show up and they go Q&A. Yeah. So you missed your time. Now, when Nike did that commercial, it was a sexy time. It was a sexy time to support the Jeep.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Sexy time. Nobody was getting murdered for wanting to take them off wanting to you know wanting to do a little gary v half on half off i want to take that fucking hat and knock it right off his goddamn head you're 48 years old put the fucking hat on or off we know what you're doing you're using it as a yarmulke to cover your bald spot you're almost 50 stop talking about crypto i put some bass in your voice too. Yeah. I mean, what do we got here?
Starting point is 00:19:27 Guys, all you gotta do, go to eBay. Go to eBay. Find all your old baseball cards. Go down, resell them, get an extra 13 cent on each baseball card. Okay? That's 13 extra dollars you just made. Yeah. Do you have to give me a speech right after
Starting point is 00:19:44 having a vasectomy every time? Yeah. Okay? So I just got my balls removed. But here's the deal, okay? My father had a huge wine business. I said, let's put it online. I put it online.
Starting point is 00:19:57 You know, it's politics. Some states, they went after me. They said, you can't do it. Okay? Because they want to support small business. Bullshit. Fucking bullshit. Okay?
Starting point is 00:20:04 My hat is half off my head. Why is my hat half off my head? It's because I'm going bald and I'm 50. I'm 50 and my primary demographic that I make videos for are 13 to 17. Okay, everyone's got to grind. Okay, you make an extra 13, go down to a thrift store. Buy all the hats. Resell them online.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Make a profit. $5. You've made an extra $20 that week. Okay? You're going, Gary V, what about healthcare? What about, like, job security? I don't know. I grind.
Starting point is 00:20:37 I don't have an answer for that. Bullshit. Maybe it's not for you. Go drive a bus. Fuck you, motherfucker. I curse a lot. Fucking shit. Fuck you. I'm relating to you because i'm fucking cursing here it's fucking
Starting point is 00:20:47 passion you're gonna fucking stand what i'm fucking saying i'm fucking gary vee you fucking know who i am i'm fucking gary vee i strategically placed a fucking winter hat even if it's in the middle of august over half my head to cover my fucking woody allen bald spot Where did that start? Hajibs. Yeah, so they wanted to Gary Vee it a little bit. Maybe pull it up a little bit, show a little hair.
Starting point is 00:21:15 Iran, you can't do that. One Iranian politician or religious cleric recently said, and this is a quote, women without hajibabs are prostitutes. So I think that's the state's position that if you're not wearing a hijab, you're selling your cooter for money. It's quite a jump. But hey, dog, beliefs are belief.
Starting point is 00:21:38 I'm not here to intervene in culture. I can't say what's right. I'm not from that culture, okay? I was conquered by it, but I'm not from it. Not me personally, but my relatives were. But I can't say what is or what is not. I don't know what's right and wrong, dog. All I'm saying is Nike, this is a great time.
Starting point is 00:21:58 This is a perfect time for you to do it. I got an idea for you. Pepsi, are you listening to me? Get a Kardashian. Get a cop. Fucking riots in Iran. Burning shit, okay? Burning.
Starting point is 00:22:12 You're fucking walking. What was her name? Whatever Kardashian that was. I don't know their names, but the younger one, right? The one with the least amount of plastic surgery. The one that still looks kind of like the way she was fucking nature wanted her to look. Which one was it? Kendall. Kendall. The tall one. Right?
Starting point is 00:22:29 She's kind of the hottest one. I would say so. The least thick one though. Least thick one but you know thickness doesn't mean beauty. You know? No. Get Kendall. I say get Kendall. You get some burning cars. Reset that commercial that you did,
Starting point is 00:22:46 do a sequel to the Pepsi commercial. The mullah's there, and he's just shooting protesters. He's fucking mowing them down, right? They got the hoes out, they got machine guns. The citizens of Iran are walking forward, right? All the women are pulling their hijabs off, and the mullah is just fucking... But then Kendall just fucking walks forward.
Starting point is 00:23:08 She just walks, right? She just walks. She walks right forward. Click, click. Ash twitched the whole way. Bullets don't even hit her. She's doing that. You know the TikTok challenge when they go...
Starting point is 00:23:19 And they're missing, whatever. She's just doing that. And she walks right up to him. She hands him a Pepsi. And he puts the gun down. And we deal with the lives that are lost because Pepsi stopped further damage. And then they make an agreement
Starting point is 00:23:39 that you can wear the hijab like Gary Vee, half off your head. Half on, half off. Good compromise. Half on, half off. Good compromise. Half on, half off. Now, these are women that want to take them off. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:52 It's a lot cheaper to wear them here. It's a lot cheaper to wear a Nike hijab here because in Iran, it's very expensive in that it could cost you your life. I don't know, dog. I don't know what to tell ya. I don't know what to tell ya. I don't know the original meaning of it. You know, Jesse's Muslim, why don't you tell us?
Starting point is 00:24:16 When you were growing up, Muzzy, what's the reason of the hijab, does anyone know? That made it worse. That made it worse. But it is long days. We're having a good time. And where are the feminists in America? Where are the feminists, Jared?
Starting point is 00:24:39 I don't know. Where are they? These women are dying over there. These people are desperate on Twitter saying, please hashtag this. We're trying to get our rights. We want to be able to show our hair. We want to wash our hair with Maybelline.
Starting point is 00:24:53 We want to do commercials. They're quiet. They're all quiet. Where are the American feminists? I don't see it trending. I just don't see it. I don't see it. They all came don't see it. I don't see it. They all came out for Leah Thomas.
Starting point is 00:25:07 Where are they? They all came out for that lady. They were all in arms for that lady. The most amazing female swimmer of all time who was being discriminated against. They came to her back. Everyone's pretty quiet about this one. Everyone's always a little quiet.
Starting point is 00:25:31 I don't know. I'll be honest. I've been following this a lot. And I see, I got to be honest. I see Iranian women, a lot of Iranian women and other women in Europe or in the Middle East bravely tweeting about this because this shit gets you fucked. This shit gets you disappeared in Iran if you support this.
Starting point is 00:25:54 It gets you disappeared. They're bravely tweeting about it, all this stuff. Starlink, Elon Musk threw the Starlink up because they took the internet away from them. The regime took the internet away. So he threw the Starlink up because they took the internet away from them. The regime took the internet away. So he threw the Starlink up to give them the internet. So I guess Elon is a good guy again for a week. I don't know. He goes back and forth, dog.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Right. Once he tweets, it's a wrap. But right now he may, you know, he may be like a hero again for the left. I don't know. But I've seen, I got to admit, I've seen mostly guys. I've seen mostly guys i've seen mostly guys
Starting point is 00:26:26 tweeting about this in support of uh masa imani what do we got here this is a tweet this guy kind of breaks it down in a good way to understand iran's protests you want to read it in arabic no i'm done to understand iran's protests it's striking to juxtapose images of the young modern women killed in iran over the last week masa amani gazali kalavi hanayki i masa mo now i got i got some iranian genetics um with the images of the country's ruling elite, virtually all deeply traditional geriatric men. Yeah, look it. There you go. It's Mullahs.
Starting point is 00:27:11 I like the Mullahs, cuz. Yeah. This is the supreme leader. Yeah. Those guys look open. Those are the guys who are open to a philosophical conversation. Those guys are, you know, those guys are what you call open-minded.
Starting point is 00:27:31 You ever see pictures of Iran before the Islamic revolution? Yeah, it was like normal and people, girls were dressed, whatever. And then the Islamic revolution came, put a kibosh on that. Anyway, I just think it's a great marketing opportunity and i think i think nike can really help pantene i mean pantene well pantene can definitely throw some uh commercial but i think nike this is a good time for nike yeah to to oh yeah yeah for the jeep to do some
Starting point is 00:28:00 more jeep commercials i think you can really support the women in Iran by showing the hijabs that they have with the swoosh on them. Right. Make it fashionable. Make it fashionable, dog. Just so like you can, you know,
Starting point is 00:28:12 you know, just make it fashionable. You're not supporting, you won't be supporting the, what do you call that? Autocracy? Clericocracy?
Starting point is 00:28:25 What is it when the religion's a theocracy? You won't be supporting them. You won't be sending a mixed message. Make it fashionable. I mean, there's a lot of people who do make it fashionable. A lot of fashion companies have, you know, taken the opportunity to make a couple dollars of women have off of compulsory hijab they go there's a Fendi one you know this is a good time
Starting point is 00:28:55 for Nike to do a sequel to that commercial in the jeeps I think it's a it's a pretzel it's a pretzel ofzel. It's a pretzel of an issue. It's a pretzel of an issue. Just like, just like Asian admission in, in Ivy league schools. It's a pretzel of an issue. It's a pretzel of an issue. It's tough. It's tough to, it's tough to have a clean side without sounding like you're betraying your, your, your usual line. It's a tough one. It's a tough have a clean side without sounding like you're betraying your usual line. It's a tough one.
Starting point is 00:29:28 It's a tough one. Okay, so I just want to throw a little mustard on that pretzel to make it palatable. I don't know what to do. I just see opportunities. I see marketing opportunities. Like Jared aptly pointed out, Pantene commercials, you know, Nike, throw it up there. I think everyone should get in. There should be a Pumaene commercials you know nike throw it up there i think everyone should get in there should be a puma one you know maybe an a61 maybe and one one what happened to and one maybe like a half durag half a jeep you know for and one and one that's a good one yeah you
Starting point is 00:29:58 wear the head jeep off to the side you wear a little side you know You know what I mean? It's because there's plenty of opportunities here. Guys, we are brought to you by an exciting sponsor, True Classic T-shirts. These things are amazing. I'm a guy who always struggles with the shirt either looking too small or too big, right? I either look like I'm wearing a leotard or I'm a black guy going to a barbecue. It's a problem.
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Starting point is 00:34:08 No. We weren't on the boat. Thank God. Thank God. Yeah. Because I tell you what, Rob O'Reilly dropping the N-word on a Carnival Cruise
Starting point is 00:34:18 is probably the worst, is not the worst part about being on a Carnival Cruise. That's how bad Carnival Cruises are. Okay? You know what the worst part is? on a carnival cruise. That's how bad carnival cruises are. Okay? You know what the worst part is? Is that it's a germ factory. You can fucking catch the flu or COVID or both.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Everywhere you go, you got to wash your hands with antibacterial soap. I don't know why people do it. I mean, if we stop cruises, we could probably stop global warming. Those things, it's like powering a small fucking city. It's like a zip code those things and i don't understand cruises why not just go to a resort if you want to sit in a pool and
Starting point is 00:34:50 you want to do activities why not go to a resort why do you want to be in the middle of an ocean on a germ factory with horrific food and buffets i don't understand it it's just it doesn't make any sense to me why would you do that just to get a little picture of yourself with the life preserver and the captain's hat i don't get it i don't understand who would you go on a vacation if they made the plane if they put a bar on the plane they just keep me on the plane let's never land just keep me on the plane i want to be on i want to party on the plane sleep on the plane party on the plane and i want to land for an hour and get back on the plane i want to be on the plane would you get on a party boss and just say dude i want to do two weeks on a
Starting point is 00:35:36 bus as long as there's a pool on the bus i want to be on the bus i don't understand this yeah i've been on a few of them they suck they suck big dick they suck except for the Joker's cruise that was a great time it's all good cruises are great do you know how much like oil they burn for pointless? People love them. People who cruise, they love them. Well, you're using the word people loosely.
Starting point is 00:36:14 I think you mean mongrels. I think you mean a certain weight bracket of human, a certain type of person. They got them that takes off right here in Red Hook, and you can see people loading up on the cruises. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:36 They got to pack oil for the Carnival cruise and oil for their automated wheelchair. Yeah, there's a lot of moving stuff on there. A lot of wheels. Yeah, you see some of them boarding, and you're like, I don't know if the ship is getting on that person or the person's getting on that ship. They both look like ships.
Starting point is 00:36:53 It's a lot of ships on ships. But apparently, what happened? What happened here, Jared? Because you work for Carnival Cruise. So what's the official story? Rob O'Reilly The comedian that you know From your past experiences
Starting point is 00:37:09 Yeah, I remember Rob from a long time ago I didn't know he was on cruises Yeah, yeah Doesn't sound like a comedian's name though Rob O'Reilly? Yeah, he sounds like he'd be doing the weather on Channel 5 Yeah, well Rob, yeah It's a weatherman's name
Starting point is 00:37:22 Yeah, yeah Yeah, so he was performing on this cruise And apparently he got caught using the n-word in his act in his act in his act now he didn't he didn't kramer it i don't think he kramered it no right or else he might have been thrown off the boat yeah but they did get rid of him right he got fired and they threw him off the boat what did they do they make him like get on a get on a titanic life preserver and just push him out they actually just put them on a door. They put them on a door and they let them float out. Now, here's the thing about cruises.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Comedians usually do cruises as a last resort. So if you take away the cruises, I think it's just back to a regular job. You know what I mean? You don't go from a cruise... You don't go from getting fired on working on cruises to writing for The Tonight Show. a cruise you don't go you don't you don't go from getting fired on working on cruises to uh writing for the tonight show you usually go from writing for the tonight show to cruises yeah so wherever you go from cruises it's not comedy so i don't know dog i mean if if i'm rob o'reilly here right um either i plan this because this is
Starting point is 00:38:29 this gets your name in the media either i i pay a girl in the audience to just go hey let's just do this whatever i mean this is like a big story right where is this on regular news i mean it was on social media news yeah i mean the only way that a comedian working on a cruise is going to get in the news to be honest with you is if he murders someone or if he drops the n-word it's the only two ways they're going to write an article about the guy who went up after the juggler yeah okay guys we got a juggler uh guy's gonna eat some fire but before that give it up everybody you might have seen him from live, but before that, give it up, everybody. You might have seen him from live in Gotham in 1997.
Starting point is 00:39:10 Give it up for Rob O'Reilly. Yeah. So we don't know. It could be, I would say, or he could have just had a breakdown. It could have been like a Kramer thing where he's been on the Carnival Cruise. You're on that thing for like nine days. You start to get a little weary. You're putting antibacterial on your hands everywhere you go. You're eating that buffet every day.
Starting point is 00:39:33 It's just like, you know, that food, none of it's fresh. It's on a cruise ship. It's like defrosted. They microwave that shit. They throw it out there.
Starting point is 00:39:41 You're getting tired of standing behind motorized wheelchairs, okay? You're getting tired of doing conga lines. You're getting tired. You're just getting tired of keychains. You're getting tired of getting off for a little fresh air on land in some little carved-out part of Mexico, you know, where you do a little window shopping for carnival T-shirts and carnival cups and key chains and margarita glasses. You just had it.
Starting point is 00:40:13 You just lose it. And you get up there like Kramer. Maybe he was having a rough set. And he said, you know what? What's absolute career suicide? There's only one way, baby. Saying the N-word on stage is like holding a gun to your head and just going bang just bang bang bang bang i don't know what happened i wasn't there but apparently some people in the show Were not thrilled with it First of all
Starting point is 00:40:46 You're on carnival You can't really be liberal with your act You know what I mean It's like you gotta do I guess sometimes maybe they have a dirty show I don't know But usually I think they prefer the sexual stuff Or whatever
Starting point is 00:40:58 I don't know Thank God Thank God I don't know Thank God I actually want to thank the Lord above how grateful I am that I don't know what the rules are for comedy crews performing. Thank God.
Starting point is 00:41:14 The money's decent. I mean, it's not life-changing. It's decent. But it's like comedy purgatory a little bit. He may be more upset that the word is out that he's on the cruise than that he dropped the N-word. That might be more horrific to him.
Starting point is 00:41:38 I don't even think black people are going to care that much because they'll be like, dog, I'm really sorry that you're on the cruise, dog. People just waddle in. They don't know who you are. They care that much. They'll be like, dog, I'm really sorry that you're on the cruise, dog. People just waddle in. They don't know who you are. They just sit there. They're going to the comedy show because they've already done the club.
Starting point is 00:41:53 They've already done Bingo Night. They already did the charismatic hibachi chef who's Mexican, but they put on makeup to make him look Japanese and all he can do is make noises. They say, don't talk to anyone, okay name is ojito and they're just like they're just flipping eggs they're like wow that japanese guy's tan and short he also
Starting point is 00:42:20 you know so the people who wander into those shows, they're just... It's the last resort. It's the last resort, man. You know? They've seen the cover band. They've seen the Mexican Bruce Springsteen. Born in the USA! Born in the USA! Born in the USA!
Starting point is 00:42:40 Born in the USA! Born, born, born, born, born in the USA! And they're like, let's go check out rob o'reilly or whatever comedian they just go let's see what the comedian they probably called the comedian the most underrated cruise entertainment this is an article sailing last week aboard the westerdam in the mexican riviera oh you know the mexican riviera it's kind of like the real riviera except uh it's cages yeah the mexican riviera dog is the mexican is that like a did they name that after the french riviera yeah they just tried the the cruises invent that? Yeah. Did the cruisers invent that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:25 Probably the cruisers named it. Yeah. It's like when you go, when we were in San Antonio and they made the waterway, it's like fucking everyone pees in it. They tried to make it look like Venice or something and it's just like- Water looked like a Mountain Dew Baja Blast. Yeah. It's just fucking green.
Starting point is 00:43:42 You go there at night, people are just peeing in it and falling in it. It's man-made. You look up to your right when you're in San Antonio and the water, what is it, the water walk or the river walk?
Starting point is 00:43:53 The river walk. Yeah, river walk. That's another market. There's no river there, dog. That is a fucking sewage canal. That's an attraction at Busch Gardens. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:02 And then they have like gondolas, people in there and you see the tour guide going, right there's a Howard Johnson. Over there, we got another Howard Johnson. Ramada in right there. Look at that. Senor Swanky's to your left.
Starting point is 00:44:14 Yeah, he's like, these were the Mexicans took the stand, and you look to your left, there's a broken crack vial. Yeah. The Mexican Riviera is a beach resort region of Mexico's Pacific Coast. It should not be confused with the Mayan Riviera and the Yucatan Peninsula. How about the French Riviera? How about the original Riviera?
Starting point is 00:44:36 Although much of Mexico's beach traffic has moved to the Yucatan, the Mexican Riviera receives millions of visitors each year. Yeah. Millions by number, billions by weight. So what's the Blues Club? Oh, they got a Blues Club, dog. I'm a comedian, and I'll tell you, I'm going to the Blues Club
Starting point is 00:44:56 before I'm going to the comedy club. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Stellar musicians, jazz, funk. I'm hitting that first. The folk walk music experience entertainment in resorts is hilarious when i was in mexico the all-inclusive with my wife there was that's why i say it there's a mexican dude doing bruce springsteen yeah and you can hear the mexican accent come out on certain words like boy hey and it's just really hey hey
Starting point is 00:45:34 Mexican Elvis I saw that's a good one I like that yeah they do it up so anyway all I can say is it's only up and i mean that from getting fired on a cruise for whatever you do it's only up and even if that is finding yourself working at a staples you're up yeah you're playing with house money when you're when you're working when you're doing stand-up on cruises you're playing with house money okay you play with house money you can't lose it can only go up Cruz is you're playing with house money. Okay? You're playing with house money. You can't lose. It can only go up. If I go to LA and Rob O'Reilly
Starting point is 00:46:14 takes my order, I'm going to say congratulations. Guys, we're brought to you by Bon Charge. Now, I found this company because I was having a hard time uh my eyes were straining it's horrible for you to constantly look in your phone all day as a comedian that's all i do is check my numbers see how many likes i got see how many people commented on the video i'm basically my watch time is no good i'm about 18 hours a day okay i'm scrolling on my phone while
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Starting point is 00:48:38 That's bondcharge.com slash fumes. Use the coupon code fumes to save 20 my people's so this is a thing this is like you know i don't know if we're gonna we're gonna get nuked dude it's weird i try to i'm like i don't even read it i don't want to i don't even check the news i don't want to know i don't want to know it's a little weird they're just like this is like an east coast west coast beef between Russia and the United States
Starting point is 00:49:08 you know somebody's going to get killed on the Vegas Strip yeah horrible Putin is wiling huh I know there's a lot of people who are like yo
Starting point is 00:49:23 just let him take it, man. But you're like, dude, is that what you do? Do you negotiate with hostage takers? You know? And then I love how those people just clearly disregard every other country over there who's going like, who's scared out of their mind on the border. Poland, Finland, the list goes on.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Estonia, the list goes on. He's coming over here next. Yeah. And then also Ukraine. They're just going like, hey, man, let him take it. Ukraine's going, wait, what? And I love how they feel like they got the right answer. Like the right answer is just let him have it.
Starting point is 00:49:59 He just attacked another country. You got all these American pundits going like, what had happened was we fucking, you know, we were expanding NATO. we were messing with him you're like i think you're kind of like defending ike turner it's like defending ike turner what are you am i wrong i mean it's like they invaded ukraine ukraine didn't invade they invaded georgia before that they invaded chechnya before that it's like defending putin is a funny thing you know and i love that it's a lot of people on the internet the best thing about the internet is that like people have a pain you know it's like opinion it's an opinion mill so you know you sit down you're like all right what's your field of expertise i i'm sure before you answer this you probably did about 15 years in the state department maybe a couple years in the cia undercover uh maybe uh you served a couple
Starting point is 00:50:50 years in the military uh maybe a couple years in the house uh house committee for foreign affairs and they go no how you doing i'm a stand-up comedian i'm a stand-up comedian. I'm a stand-up comedian and podcaster. Or they go, I'm a psychologist from Toronto who got famous in the Joe Rogan experience. Let me give you my opinion on the lack of intricacies between the Ukraine and Russia conflict. This is a very complicated and fragile thing in a lot of ways, but very simple in the way that one country invaded another, right? And it's just funny to think that so many people here,
Starting point is 00:51:36 it's so cool to be free, you know? It's like a nice thing to be free where you can just criticize your country all the time. And like, I hear some of these people going, Doug, do you hear yourself? I go, you're essentially siding with Vladimir Putin is that the look you I mean is that is that it are you are you understand that and it's funny how like all these oligarchs are just falling off ships out of windows it's like dude these fucking Russians I love it too it's like you go like when you try to spin it you go like these russians really have to stop drinking so much vodka because you know they keep falling out of
Starting point is 00:52:09 hospital windows and everyone who falls at you who fell out of the window was it just some drunk guy who got confused because he was put in the hospital for alcohol poisoning. You go, no, coincidentally, again, it happened to be some oil oligarch who might not be thrilled with what's going on economy-wise with the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Oh, it just happened to be some journalist who was a dissident. You're going, another one? That's a coincidence. Why are they drinking so much?
Starting point is 00:52:43 Why can't these people keep their balance i know it's not putin he's a popular democratically elected leader you know putin had like a two percent approval rating just like boris yeltsin uh when boris yeltsin it was a two percent approval rating and so did boris yeltsin uh when boris yeltsin appointed him as his successor and right before he did um a couple of apartment buildings exploded uh right on the border with chechnya you know like terrorists like to do just random apartment buildings that have no significance not a major city just a border town filled with uh civilians a couple russian civilians you know
Starting point is 00:53:27 they just exploded isn't that cool isn't that convenient and then guess what happened after that putin goes you know what we're clamping down we're gonna unify i'm gonna take a hard stance and then he just went and he just leveled chechnya and he got and people rallied around him i think that's why people are so scared because here if you mess up and you're a politician, you get voted out of office. Where does he go? It's a zero-sum game for him.
Starting point is 00:53:52 Dude, it's not his fault that you have a drinking problem and you fall out of a window. It's not his fault. Are you trying to blame Putin for somebody else's drinking problem? No, he's got to get a drinking problem. He's got to fall out of a window. Yeah, yeah. But it's just interesting that people i think
Starting point is 00:54:05 i'm just trying to understand how they see him you know it's like you know because he plays the victim he's like you know we're doing this because we're d we're d not like there's no rush like there's no nazis in russia right he's going to ukraine's got all nazi guys you know i'm sure there's a few skinheads walking around fucking moscow yeah i don't think they got the most progressive views on race in the middle of Stalingrad. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. So the whole propaganda,
Starting point is 00:54:30 hey, we got to get rid of these Nazis in Ukraine. And, you know, and we got to invade. And they've been torturing civilians and stuff. It's just the audacity to get up on anything and try to speak on this. I know we've done some bad stuff, but it's like, I don't know. And then the commenters right here, right now, there'll be comments right now yelling at me. I'm not claiming to know. I'm just making jokes about people falling out of windows because they drink too much. And I'm just stating a few facts about the suspicions that the people who are falling out of windows,
Starting point is 00:55:09 it could be because they oppose Putin. It could be. Or it's because that they read Humpty Dumpty. Yeah. And how about all those Russians? How about all those Russians who are like fleeing the country now? They're like, and they're breaking their own arms. Yeah, they're trying to get up out of there.
Starting point is 00:55:24 They're trying to get up out of there. They're trying to get up out of there. People don't want to fight, dog. Even if they had a good cause, which they don't, obviously. People don't want to fight. You want to know why? Because it's the 21st century. It's a lot easier to convince dudes to fight
Starting point is 00:55:39 when there's a lot less like technology to like read about stuff. And also like life is shittier without phones, without modern medicine. You can't convince anybody who lives in kind of the West with smartphones and DoorDash to go fight a war. Or just a PS5. Yeah, or a PS5.
Starting point is 00:55:58 There's some Russian going like, are you kidding me, dog? I'm on chess.com right now. I just ordered a fucking Domino's pizza. I'm not going to the Ukraine to die You know Why would I go to war to use the AK-47 I could do that on Call of Duty
Starting point is 00:56:10 Yeah I'm fucking taking an Uber out of here Yeah You can't You know it's such a comfortable time Even over there we forget that Technology has made life really good Really good But you don't want to fight in Russia regardless
Starting point is 00:56:22 You tell me I gotta be cold and I have to go to war Yeah Plus they know they're going to die Because Russians are good but that's what i fight in russia regardless you tell me i got to be cold and i have to go to war yeah plus they know they're going to die because russians are good at that so they just line it up yeah there's double a batteries of people but nobody wants to war anymore that's a modernity the amenities of modernity they don't stop on the frontier russia you know russia is a pretty advanced country. They got them over there, too. You ain't convincing somebody to go die in some sort of war that looks like kind of maybe a losing cause, you know, over, like, they're not stupid.
Starting point is 00:56:55 They're going, what, we're denazifying it? What are you talking about? You know? What are you talking? People are too comfortable. Russians ain't the Russians of old where they're just willing to line up by the millions and die. Yeah, these are the hipster Russians.
Starting point is 00:57:08 Yeah. I mean, dying back in the day in Russia was an improvement from that winter. You know, without phones? Sometimes dying is an improvement. Your life is so shitty. That's why it's easy to convince so many poor people to go die. It's because their lives are shitty anyway.
Starting point is 00:57:21 They're like, fuck it. Maybe I'll get a pension. My family will get a pension. My life's shit anyway. now you can't do that so he's in a little bit of a pickle which makes it it's a little scary pickled herring because he's threatening it which is like this is the first this is what's so scary about it this is the first time anyone's really threatened it unfortunately we used it unfortunately we did it so it's a little hypocritical we did it but we
Starting point is 00:57:47 didn't start that war though we didn't start that war we damn did finish it though yeah this is like a toxic relationship right here this is tough like you cheated but i threatened to cheat yeah this is tough this is a tough this is amber heard johnny depp type of thing yeah this is what you call an acrimonious relationship but But we're the only ones who've dropped atomic bombs. But we didn't start that war. We didn't start that war. You know?
Starting point is 00:58:17 We're no better, but we are little. We're not invading any sovereign nations right now unless they got oil. Unless they got a little oil. You know, just a little bit. But we're not invading any sovereign nations right now unless they got oil let's take a little oil you know just a little bit but we're not avoiding we're not invading norway unless they got a little oil and they don't really have a you know cohesive way to defend themselves we'll get
Starting point is 00:58:35 in there but we're not invading norway for their oil you know we're not invading ukraine for their oil ukraine's got some oil uh off the coast and that's that's why russia's going in and also because putin grew up in the glory of the former ussr and he wants that power back he wants georgia he tried in georgia he couldn't get it so that's what's happening here again he tried in georgia got a few parts right they got a little bit but they couldn't take the whole thing same things happen in ukraine he's got like one or two plays. They did some fake referendum where the people said in those regions,
Starting point is 00:59:08 yeah, we want to live under Moscow, whatever, you know, it was the same type of vote that put him in office by like a 97%, you know, whatever. But he can't get the whole thing. That's what he wants. Look at it.
Starting point is 00:59:20 There's apartment buildings being bombed, dogs. Who knows? All's fair in love and war. Okay? But what I think could fix this, I'm getting to my point, is a good, solid Nike commercial. Hear me out.
Starting point is 00:59:39 Hear me out. Hear me out. Okay? Civilians getting tortured. Pan out. Opening. Civilians getting tortured. Pan out. Opening. War scene. Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:59:50 Dawn. Man approaches wearing camouflage and a Z on his helmet. He's a Russian. That's their little emblem for whatever, their propaganda album. Comes in. Murders women and children. Okay? Looking bad. Ominous music. Think TikTok, women and children. Okay. Looking bad.
Starting point is 01:00:05 Ominous music. Think TikTok. Dramatic music. Okay. Hans Zimmer. Hans Zimmer's play. Hans Zimmer's playing. Women getting killed.
Starting point is 01:00:15 Hanged from trees. Gutted. Screams. Apartment buildings exploding. Artillery's coming in. Boom. Artillery's coming in. All of a sudden, through the a sudden through the smoke through the
Starting point is 01:00:29 smoke we see serena williams walking through the smoke she hits a tennis ball wow right there guy does a matrix thing to get out of the way. Boom. The tennis ball hits everybody. Bang, bang, bang. Hits everyone in the head. Bang, bang. Hits everyone. Bang. And they just go, whoa.
Starting point is 01:00:49 And they come to their senses and they go, whoa. Whoa. Just do it. Just do it. And then she just goes like this at the end. Sometimes the end's not the end. See you next year. Hans Zimmer.
Starting point is 01:01:01 Serena's not retired. War's over. Cut to the Kardashians. Smiling. Thatena's not retired. War's over. Cut to the Kardashians. Smiling. That's it. Scene. What do you think? It's good.
Starting point is 01:01:11 Not bad. A couple WNBA. Oh, then we get Brittany Griner. Right? Serena hits a tennis. Serena hits a tennis ball. Wow. It pulls the bars apart.
Starting point is 01:01:22 Brittany Griner, you think she's going to run up, but she's too tall. She hits her head. So she's going to run out, but she's too tall. She hits her head. So she's got to be carried out by who? Giannis Atetekumbo. The game is global now. Marketing. We're marketing to Greece. We're marketing to Nigeria.
Starting point is 01:01:37 Right? Then all the international athletes come. Neymar. You just see they all come trotting from their respective sports. And all hundred of them carry Brittany Griner like an ant does a leaf out of Russia. Hans Zimmer plan. Just do it. At the end, a fencer with a hijab on comes in and goes, war is not cool.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Just do it. What do you think? Yeah, you're good. In the Supreme ending, Putin comes out in the middle of the war zone. Serena walks up to him. LeBron comes out the back. He gives him his new shoes.
Starting point is 01:02:13 He calls off all the nuclear coats. I love it. Because LeBron's dropping a new... Yeah. He's dropping a new line. I love it. I love it. Or we do something a little comical.
Starting point is 01:02:23 Where Putin... Where Putin threatens a nuke and LeBron flops because he's known to be a flopper. And then Putin just giggles and goes, I'm just kidding. I didn't hit you. And the ref calls a foul because it's LeBron. And Putin goes, ah, he got the superstar call. And then they dance.
Starting point is 01:02:47 I like it Want to give a shout out As always to Freaking Cold Mountain Spring Water It's freaking cold It stays cold in this aluminum No plastic that's shrinking your taint Nothing made from China You want to support the USA
Starting point is 01:03:00 Go with freaking cold At freakingcoldspringwater.com Order yourself up a case right now. It's water. It's cold. It's American. Guys, you know, you know my deal. I don't have a sweet tooth.
Starting point is 01:03:19 I'm not big on soda until I found Brooklyn Cannery. Talk about a company I approached because I fell in love with the products. No bullshit. I tried one once and I reached out just that easy on the gram. Brooklyncannery.com. Go get your healthier sodas, all natural sweeteners, low calorie. They use monk fruit, stevia, nothing crazy. I'm talking about a ginger beer with 22 calories.
Starting point is 01:03:43 I'm talking about a Coca-Cola. Fuck. A cola. Fuck Coca-Cola. See how marketing works? I called it a cola. It's like it works. But that is made of garbage that kills you and gives you cancer.
Starting point is 01:03:55 This does not. And it's prebiotic. It's good for you. Brooklyncannery.com. I'm enthusiastic about them. Use the promo code Giannis Pappas for 15% off your order. Order a case. I just ordered. I mean, I paid for it. I support them so much. I paid for it. And I bought a whole new case for
Starting point is 01:04:10 football season, stocked my basement fridge full of the key lime, the key lime jalapeno. I got the emerald. I get them all. I get a little bit of everything. I got the cola. I got the root beer. I got the key lime and I got the ginger beer. Jesse got the key lime, and I got the ginger beer. Jesse loves the coffee spritz too, if you like. It's great. It's great too. I drink my coffee in the morning. I drink the sodas.
Starting point is 01:04:32 So go. Longshore Coffee, I say hello to you every morning. It's the coffee I drink. No bullshit. Longshorecoffee.com. Use the promo code FUMES at checkout and you get 15% off your order. Ships right to you. Premium coffee.
Starting point is 01:04:47 They got different blends, different strengths. Longshorecoffee.com. Nate Linder. Mr. Linder. How you doing, natelinder.com? Your digital marketing guru. Help you successfully launch small businesses and help people make their dream become a reality.
Starting point is 01:05:04 He's a 26-year-old hungry kid. He's two years older than Jared Harvin. He's trying to make it happen. So if you're trying to make it happen, make it happen with him. Home services business, e-commerce retailers, doctors, lawyers, you name it. Nate can work with any business and help you really monetize the net, really help the search results, all that stuff that digital marketers do. It's the most important job in the world now. And I'm not even joking. It's like the only thing you fucking need is a digital marketer. So go to natelinder.com.
Starting point is 01:05:36 He's taking the places of advertising agencies. Chris Minetti. Have you ever had the urge to cash your check and have no questions asked? Have you ever gotten a check from a questionable bank and you're not sure if there's money in it? If you want cash handed to you for a check with words on it, go over to Chris Minetti at Chris Minetti Financial Services. And by financial services, I mean Chris Minetti is sitting behind bulletproof cash and he'll fucking hand you cash in the South Jersey and Philly areas go get yourself a goddamn wah-wah and then run all
Starting point is 01:06:09 over to Chris Minetti call him up at 215-750-3730 and get your check cashed in the Philly South Jersey area with our good buddy friend of the show Chris Minetti sauce monkey to the show chris minetti sauce monkey to the max then we got aaron lee for the free an amazing website to peruse for the free dot art go check out all the bands in hawaii uh it's just an amazing website you can find out about artists you can find out about shows for the free dot art exclusive auto shipping.com if you're moving your car anywhere in the world. Get your free quote from ExclusiveAutoShipping.com.

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