Yannis Pappas Hour - Joey Chestnut Goes Trans For Pride Month

Episode Date: June 14, 2024

Yanni is back at the news desk to cover this week's headlines, and there's a lot to bleep for Pride Month. Yanni reports on how men in different cultures blow off steam, the banning of American athlet...ic legend Joey Chestnut for going trans, the flourishing of the Liver King, why black women hate Caitlin Clark, why real lesbians aren’t as marketable as fake lesbians, space tourism, the case of Pamela Smart, and the Republican theory that Hunter's conviction is just a distraction.   Come hang with Yanni & Jesse for their casual, weekly bonus episodes here: https://www.patreon.com/yannispappashour?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Good evening everybody. Welcome to the Yanis Papas Hour where we cover yesterday's news today so you can have a brighter tomorrow. A lot is going on in the world. One of the most important things I want you to know right off the top is drowning in the United States is up. After decades of decline, there was actually a reporter on this beat who was assigned to this story. Somehow they calculated that drownings were up in the United States. I did my research and I found out what he did is he went to a bunch of black neighborhoods and he found out that black people were getting in the pool more. Hunter Hunter Biden's been found guilty of gun charges, but that is not
Starting point is 00:00:46 good enough for Republicans who say it's a distraction from the weaponization of the justice system. We will get into it. Charlie Kirk weighs in through that big massive pillow forehead he has. Is it true? Is it not? He looks like, it just looks like someone stuck a party oxygen inflator. You know when you're inflating those balloons at a party? A helium, took one of those helium tanks and just put it in his mouth and started pumping. We will get into it. But hey listen, the kids gotta make content. So of course it's not good enough. It's just a distraction from the weaponization
Starting point is 00:01:27 of the justice system that has happened against Trump in New York City for his hush money payments. Wouldn't it be nice if you could pay a hush money payment to your wife? Just hire a lawyer and say, hey, from four to seven, zip it, legally. A couple of people went to space on the Virgin, whatever, Branson, is that his name?
Starting point is 00:01:52 Branson's Companies is the second tourist to go to space on Virgin Galactic or whatever it's called. And they reported back that the world is indeed flat. It's not round. Mystery is solved. A lot's going on. Three people were injured in a rodeo in Oregon, and everyone was rooting for the bull.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Who doesn't root for the bull? What kind of psychopath roots for the people? I think that should be the new Robert Hare psychopath test is force people to watch Running with the Bulls in Spain and rodeos in America and if anyone who roots for the person to live, that's your psychopath because all normal people are rooting for the people to get to become shish kebabs. So happily three people were injured as a bull jumped the fence and injured three people. Again, reporters are reporting that the bull jumped the fence and the bull was African-American.
Starting point is 00:03:01 That's how he was able to get over the fence. He jumped, or he was related to Matt McClung. The kid had hops. This bull had some hops. $63 million worth of coke, that is a lot of good coke, has been seized in a port along the Florida coast, in Florida.
Starting point is 00:03:25 And the Miami Tribune reports that the economy of Miami has taken a $63 billion hit. They are in recession, $63 million. And Joey Chestnut of the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest fame has been banned. He's been banned for tweets about transgenders. No, that would be legitimate. That would be legitimate.
Starting point is 00:03:54 He's been banned because he's being sponsored by a vegan Frank company. He's pulled, he switched companies, he switched to Lisa, he pulled to LeBron, he made an announcement. It was the big what was that called again? LeBron the decision it was Joey chestnuts decision and he decided he was going with impossible Franks and he was leaving Nathan's this hasn't happened since LeBron's the decision and They banned him which means Nathan hot dog the
Starting point is 00:04:26 Nathan hot dogs eating contest ratings will now be zero. Nobody's watching if there ain't no fucking Joey Chestnut I'm not tuning in to watch some Jap fucking win again on American soil after what happened in World War two. This is the honest papas hour. I got my sin in I'm coughing and we're back, baby Jesus fucking Christ you swallow your word to Joey chestnut red white blue No, it's in my lip, but I got a little animated about the Japs. ["Japs"] ["Japs"] ["Japs"] ["Japs"]
Starting point is 00:05:11 ["Japs"] ["Japs"] ["Japs"] ["Japs"] ["Japs"] ["Japs"] ["Japs"] ["Japs"] That's a bleep, right? No, leave it in.
Starting point is 00:05:31 It's America. It's Pride Month. Leave it in. It's Pride Month. Leave it in. Okay? I don't know what kind of rights they have in Japan. I don't know what kind of rights they have in Syria and Gaza and Afghanistan.
Starting point is 00:05:44 You know? I don't know. I don't know what's going rights they have in Syria and Gaza and Afghanistan. You know, I don't know. I don't know what's going on, but it's Pride Month. It is 31 days to celebrate gays. If you do something gay during Pride Month, is it gay or is it just a celebration? If you do something gay during Pride Month, does it count or are you just supporting the gays? If you do something gay during Pride Month, does it count?
Starting point is 00:06:08 Or are you just supporting the gays? I'm asking for a friend. This is the month if you wanna, if you have any, if you're bi-curious, if you're homo-curious, this is the month to really, you know, and also, you know, it's a great way to celebrate the Nathan's hot dog eating contest, is to take a real one. month to really, you know, and also, you know, it's a great way to celebrate the, the Nathan's hot dog eating contest is to take a real one. So Joey chestnut, I mean, this is big news. This is,
Starting point is 00:06:36 this is one of the greatest sports. Um, I, God, I wish that they would just air this. They would just air this in Niger. What? In the country of Niger and other similar countries, Haiti, which is being run by gangs. It's much like Los Angeles. But a government has been instituted in Haiti.
Starting point is 00:07:03 So that should solve it. I think Haiti will be ready for tourists in a couple weeks. Dude, how great would that be to have a game show where people try not to win because the prize is a free vacation to Haiti. So you bomb on purpose. Even why Clairvon can't fix that situation. So the Great American Holiday,
Starting point is 00:07:33 it's a holiday pretty much, the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest. It's on July 4th. It's on July 4th, it's for America. It's a way we celebrate being absolute circle pigs where people just, where these athletes, they stuff hot dogs in their mouth, drench the buns in water and stretch their stomachs
Starting point is 00:07:58 to maximum capacity. And Joey Chestnut has become a star. I mean, it used to be Kobayashi, right? I'm sorry, I'm just, every Japanese guy's name's, was it Kobayashi? Was that his name? Or was that the Japanese guy from Revenge of the Nerds? Because I think he was also Kobayashi.
Starting point is 00:08:15 I think so too, yeah. And I think he was also the fake lawyer in Usual Suspects, Kobayashi. That's him too. I think every Japanese guy is secretly named Kobayashi. Also, if you didn't know, your little Yanis Papasour fact of the day is that they sell dirty panties
Starting point is 00:08:30 in vending machines in Japan, which- Kobayashi's panties. Do you know that they sell dirty panties in vending machines in Japan? Look, different cultures, the men in different cultures have different ways of blowing off steam. You have a long day of work. Some guys want a cigarette. Some guys want to go home and, you know, tune up their wives a little bit. Some guys like to do a little CBD. Some guys like to take a little clonny. Some guys like to do a little meditation and breathing.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Japanese men like to just get a few strong whiffs off of a dirty pair of panties and it just brings their blood pressure right back down. Long day at the Subaru factory. Long day at the Subaru factory. A couple of mistakes were made. A couple of guys walked out the fourth window because they made mistakes on the line. And you got to account, you got to go and tell their families that they made mistakes and now daddy's dead because of honor.
Starting point is 00:09:33 You're going to pass a vending machine, pick up a Snickers and take a few sniffs. Different cultures have different ways of doing things. You know? That's a way to handle stress. I think in Afghanistan, Taliban ran Afghanistan, I think they go up and just tune, I think it's just, it's fucking jail rules on the tune-up that the Mrs. gets. When there's a stressful day at the Taliban, at the Taliban factories, I think it's just a, it's just a free for all tune up.
Starting point is 00:10:10 I think Malahandi just gets a tune up dude. And then the guy goes and smokes a hookah and he feels better. It's a two course cool down. It's a tune up and then a hookah pull and they feel great. cool down. It's a tune up and then a hookah pull and they feel great. Different cultures unwind different ways. We unwind with a nice CBD, cigarette, maybe a cigar, maybe a joint. Taliban guys go home and they kill their wives. They just take her, just walk home. I had a tough day at work. Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. And it's totally okay. But back to the original point, this is massive news. Okay, this is massive news, this is topping the headlines. This should be of primary concern to all Americans
Starting point is 00:10:57 that Jesse Chestnut, Joey Chestnut, has been banned from the Nathan's hot dog eating contest because he signed with Impossible Burgers, which are basically Frank's. Whoa, beep that. But they get it, right? Make sure you can see my mouth, but just take the noise out.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Cause that's a funny name for vegan Frank's, isn't it? Frank's. So he said he was doing it for Pride Month, which is what a lot of companies do, which a lot of companies do is going vegan. He's going, it's a trans dog. It's a trans dog. It's a vegan dog that identifies as a hot dog.
Starting point is 00:11:43 And who are you to judge Joey Chestnut, who was offered 1.2 million by who? He was paid $200,000 to appear in the Nathan's Hot Dog Contest last year. And then they offered him 1.2. They offered him 1.2. For the next four. For the next four. So apparently the vegan dogs gave him a lot of money. So Impossible
Starting point is 00:12:09 Burgers, these queers from San Francisco, offered this American hero, basically our John Wayne. Okay, there he is holding up the belt. He's unchallenged, dude. He like laps other dudes. And it's crazy because he's a skinny mini but he'll take out guys who are like 500 pounds. Those guys never win. Yeah which just lets you know it's like the jujitsu rules man. You could be a big bodybuilder but if you come across a jujitsu guy he's going to take the bodybuilder out. Joey Chestnut is the jujitsu guy of hot dog eating. You don't see it coming. You go to the buffet with him and you're going, this guy's doing two, three Frank's tops
Starting point is 00:12:47 and then he downs 56 and you go, what the hell, what planet am I on? How much was he offered from the Impossible Burgers? They're not saying here, but it's gotta be a lot. Here's the thing, the Impossible Burgers are bad for you as well. I mean, that meat is supposedly not good for you either. That's what they say.
Starting point is 00:13:05 That's what they say, but that could be the meat industry. Exactly. That could be a couple of CEOs in cowboy boots down there doing back and forths between Argentina, Brazil and Texas where their multinational probably has headquarters. Down there, they're producing oil and they produce some beef. It's Republican cowboy boot Territory they're hunting caribou, you know
Starting point is 00:13:30 There they're going to secret Gay sex parties. That's what happens down there cowboy hats sex parties Yeah, that's how you got to balance yourself out when you're that much man and you eat that much beef You don't think the liver King fucking takes it in the ass You got another thing coming. Did you don't think that story's coming? By the way, that guy's made a hundred, he makes a million dollars a month. What? Yeah. Still? We are the country of Burger King and Liver King. I mean, the Liver King, who's a known fraud, who pumps himself full of $10,000 a month worth of steroids to lie to you about how only living the seven or nine ancestral tenants of the ancestral lifestyle will get
Starting point is 00:14:14 you looking like that and has absolute fucking fatherless finger sniffing morons buying his liver supplements is making still a million dollars a month On videos where you just watch him eat Exaggerated portions of food that is his content millions of people tune in to see this fucknut Fake consume like the most exaggerated size of lamb legs and tomahawk steaks that liver King chef Lionel makes for him liver King chef Lionel is a fucking illegal Ecuadorian who fucking has no chef skills at all. And who has, it's the equivalent to having a medical degree
Starting point is 00:15:08 in Mexico. It's not, he's not even a real chef. He didn't study in France. How hard is it to be a chef when all you gotta do is slap down a Tomahawk steak on a grill, one side, two side, and then hand it to some fucking juice head and have him eat it and go with his hands and this is what people tune into and
Starting point is 00:15:30 people want to make fun of my podcast which is obviously full of Fun loving entertainment that takes very long about 15 minutes of preparation and This guy's getting all my views and he's a fraud he's on steroids he's also squeak he's very ceiling fandible I think he's like five sex the guy gets millions of he makes a million dollars a month he owns all these supplement companies. He's showing you the way.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Yeah, dude, there is absolutely no research that shows that any supplements work. None of them, none of them. If you're taking creatine, you're also a f***er. This is the f***ing for Pride Month. Oh, what? Just get beep heavy, baby. We're beep heavy today.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Just eat your balanced meal, okay? You get your protein, you get your carbohydrate, and you get your vegetable, and that's all you need. And then just go to the gym. Don't listen to the liver king, or continue to live. Here's the thing. The truth is I cannot stop watching his videos and I don't know why. That's how I know that his chef is uh liver liver king chef Lionel. I don't know
Starting point is 00:16:52 why dude. I don't know why I tune in to watch him just his videos are just him taking a bite of meat. He just goes this is damn good and this is he goes this is what the liver king's having for dinner. Liver King out. It's about 30 seconds. He goes we have some Thomas sark steaks and some ball sauce. We got some Fucking he eat, you know, and then he crunch he eats the lobster Like he'll goes this edible and then he eats the shell of the lobster and then he chews it but what people don't know is Then they yell cut and he spits out all the shells course It's all bullshit.
Starting point is 00:17:25 I mean, this is the content. What is that, a rack of ribs? It's just a rack of ribs, he eats with his hands and he just goes, that's good. He goes, damn, that's good. This is all his videos. I swear to God, I swear to God, this is what he does. Video after video after video. And then he goes, watch, he goes, this is what he does. Video after video after video.
Starting point is 00:17:46 And then he goes, watch, he goes, this is what the liver king's having for dinner, and then he goes like this, liver king out. And that's it. I guess he's saving money on writers. Dude, yeah, no, he's got the same writers as Jimmy Fallon. One says, smash his egg on Don Draper's face. And the other one says, just stick this knife
Starting point is 00:18:08 into the meat and say, liver King out. There are 30 seconds, he's juiced up. And I mean, he's got 2.5 million followers on Instagram, on TikTok, who knows 16 million followers. I did a little deep dive on him. He makes a million dollars a month. A million a month. That's probably a low ball,
Starting point is 00:18:31 that's probably a low ball, a guesstimation. He's worth well over a hundred million dollars. And he just keeps raking them in and people just keep watching. So you just, you can't stop the liver, that's the liver king, That's the liver queen. And those are the liver pups. Oh, that's the wife and kids.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Yeah. And look, I can't stop watching. I don't know. I you know, I, I get it. He's got you hooked. Something about his shtick. He's got it down, dude. I think it's something primal about looking at the meat because I think meat is delicious. Because now they look like really very well prepared meals. They went for him eating raw stuff until probably he had so many deadly bacterias living in his body that he just now is cooking them
Starting point is 00:19:24 and he's like, let's just cook them and see if people still like it. I think people are actually liking it more now. So he's probably going, wait, I just ate all that raw meat for no reason. And yo, he mysteriously went from saying you should only eat raw stuff to now eating like all cooked stuff.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Look, he eats the egg whole with the shell. Look at him. And he's able to suck it up until they yell cut. It's just fits it out. How convenient. Yeah. He just swallows it. Oh yeah. Look at all that cooked meat. Yeah. He's cooked meat and he just eats it. Oh my God. What a world. Look at that. Look at that. 584,000 likes to stare at your screen and watch this. Someone there's going to be a book called The Liver King Effect, which is they're gonna, they're gonna trace all the mental retardation that has occurred in
Starting point is 00:20:14 this country. They're gonna find out that these videos cause Down Syndrome. Just like, I believe you're born gay, obviously, I think, you know, you don't really choose unless you're in jail to bang dudes, unless they really look like girls, and then even still, you have to be convinced or really broke, or only have half the money for the prostitute. Just like I think you can, you're born gay,
Starting point is 00:20:38 but you can catch it from watching Magic Mike. I think you can catch it. I think you're born with Down syndrome, but I I think you can catch it. I think you're born with Down syndrome, but I also think you can catch it from subscribing to the Liver King channel. Yeah, I think so. I think so. He sells like powdered liver supplements.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Jesus. So he's hawking supplements. Everyone's hawking supplements. So he just ignored all the steroid talk. It just went, he apologized for it, and it just, people didn't care. I mean, it's like very Hassam Manaj. Hassam Manaj focused on the girl, right?
Starting point is 00:21:17 That girl story, and not the powder on the daughter. And it just kinda came and went. Steve Renazzi unfortunately, it didn't go so good. I was just on Legion of Skanks with Steve Renazzi, great guy, and he pulls me aside and he goes, he goes, hey man, I'm a big fan, I just want you to know I'm a big fan, I love your stuff. And he goes, do you hate me?
Starting point is 00:21:39 Oh no. And I was like, oh you're obviously watching the pod. Oh no. He's obviously listening, which that's great. We need all the listeners we can get. But I was like, no, I don't hate you at all. You didn't do anything to me. I'm highly entertained by what happened. But listen, I want to give him some credit. I really do. First of all, he's a nice guy. Second of all, he owned it. He fucking, and that's what disgusts me, is like, these guys, I guess the liver king kinda owned it. So this point doesn't make any.
Starting point is 00:22:12 So I guess I respect the liver king too. I would respect his hominage if he was like, look dude, being the Gandhi of my people was selling fucking real well at the time, and I went with it. It was very on brand, it started out as a small fib, and it grew, and it is what it is. Don't you, it just wouldn't, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:32 people just own it, it's great. But the thing I don't understand about Steve Rennezisi is much like the liver king, he fucking owned it. He fucking owns it. He says, yeah, I made it up. I don't know what I was thinking. It just kinda got out of hand. And like, but it's like, when is Steve Renazzi
Starting point is 00:22:51 getting back in Hollywood, man? I think officially Steve Renazzi should be forgiven before Louis CK. Really? Yeah. I'm putting him ahead of Louis, I'm just kidding. I don't care. Louis CK's so funny. I don't care if he touched me, if if he fucking groped me like Kevin Spacey.
Starting point is 00:23:09 I don't care. I don't care. If Luis CK if I if Luis CK told me to come over his house and he chained me up to a whiter shades of grail thing just so he could jerk off in front of me and my whole family I'd say I'm still buying your next special because you're that funny. No, they should all be forgiven. He also owned it. Right. It's not crimes. I'd say I'm still buying your next special because you're that funny. No, they should all be forgiven. He also owned it. It's not crimes. Steve Renizzisi didn't commit a crime.
Starting point is 00:23:31 He just has to release a banger special. Yeah, I mean, he just made up a story that he escaped from the buildings of 9-11. Big deal. 9-11's over. It's yesterday's news. It's fucking done. Nobody was hurt. He didn't hurt anyone. He didn't fly the planes into the building. That was the Israeli government that did that.
Starting point is 00:23:56 So fucking forgive Steve Renaziz. He's a funny guy who fucking owned that shit. Talented guy. guy who fucking own that shit. Talented guy. Now that doesn't go to say that you can stop making jokes, but I think he's probably got a good perspective on that as well. So it was good to hang out with him. I like him a lot and I'm sure he's still got a really good career, but I mean, man, was he sizzling. I mean, he was fucking sizzling, dude.
Starting point is 00:24:25 And I just, you know, he tells it, we really pick and choose who we gonna like, you know, we really pick and choose who gets away with stuff and who doesn't, you know? I mean, Kevin Spacey's back out there and he murdered two witnesses. What? The two of the guys who accused him of groping him just died.
Starting point is 00:24:48 I mean, if you woke up out of a coma, you would, and you heard the Boeing story and then you heard this story, you'd be like, fucking Kevin Spacey knows the same guys that Boeing hires to kill whistleblowers. How many Boeing whistleblowers have been killed? Yeah. to kill whistleblowers. How many Boeing whistleblowers have been killed? Yeah, I mean, two guys who accused Kevin Spacey of stuff are dead. They were both young guys and they just died. One died by suicide. He just all of a sudden got sad. And then the other one died some other way. And how many Boeing whistleblowers have mysteriously died?
Starting point is 00:25:31 Have you been following that story? That was a bad. It's fucking amazing, dude. You can't get away with this shit anymore. You can't just kill people with the internet. People know. Like you fucking, you know how long Harvey Weinstein got away with shit?
Starting point is 00:25:44 Do you know how long Epstein got away with stuff? Do you know how long people got away with stuff? You can't. Two whistleblowers. Just dead, dude. Just dead. There are at least 10 more whistleblowers that are determined to come forward.
Starting point is 00:26:04 There's 10 more that are, have, are fucking under armed guard. They are, I mean, these guys, they're holed up in embassies right now. I don't know, after the second whistleblower went down, I'd be like, you know what? This doesn't mean that much to me. I'm gonna go work for American Airlines.
Starting point is 00:26:27 I would just, yeah. Yeah, I go, I'm working, I'm going for Lockheed. I'm putting my resume with Lockheed Martin. That's it, I'm out. I might even change industries. I might even just become a waiter because that's about to be a job, a coveted job that's about to be a job, a coveted job, because if Donald Trump wins the election he has promised to forgo taxes on tips. So apparently he's going after
Starting point is 00:26:56 the waiter demographic. He really wants their vote. Can't you just say anything in a campaign? Can't you just say like, I'm gonna make podcasts uncensored, just go after the podcast vote? Can't you just do that? Can't you just go, can't you just promise and go, hey, I'm gonna make the work week two days,
Starting point is 00:27:21 and I'm gonna give everyone $4,000? Like, can't you just say anything? and I'm gonna give everyone $4,000. Can't you just say anything? So this was at a Nevada rally, which let's be honest, everyone in Nevada is either an illegal immigrant or working at it like a Waffle House. That's why he said it.
Starting point is 00:27:43 That's why he said it. Outside of Phoenix, outside of the Scottsdale elite, there's a lot of waiting jobs down there and he knows his demographic. Also Vegas. Vegas, a lot of tips in Vegas. So do you think tips should be taxed? No, because it's a tip.
Starting point is 00:28:01 First of all, are tips taxed? Nobody reports their tips. I guess they are. Yeah, but what kind of like real goody gumshoes is going to report accurately what they were tipped? I mean, they're all criminals as far as they're all tax evaders. There's nobody who's getting tipped. What prostitute who's getting an extra 20 is gonna report that to Uncle Sam? What waiter who gets handed $100. You know what it is, most tips are now on credit cards
Starting point is 00:28:35 so you can't really hide it. Yeah, so they really should, yeah. Yeah, nobody carries cash anymore. I think that's why homeless people are so violent, dude. It's putting all the homeless people out of business. Seriously. If I was running for president, I would also say, I'm gonna take care of the homeless population
Starting point is 00:28:50 by giving them all card readers, so they can just have that. Yeah. That could be their only possession. Good idea. Dude, I would tap. You would tap a homeless? I would fucking tap.
Starting point is 00:28:59 Would you tap a guy who's kind of, I'm fucking. Nope. I'd give him a tap. I'd tell him I only have hundreds. Yeah, well nobody, they wouldn't ask you because they'd be like, how's the struggle going? of, I'm fucking, I give him a tap. I tell him I only have hundreds. Yeah, well nobody, they wouldn't ask you because they'd be like, how's the struggle going? Yeah, I'm one of them. And you'd be like, I'm actually home now.
Starting point is 00:29:11 And then they'd be angry and jealous. That's right. They scooch over, man, make room in that tent for me. You wouldn't tap for a homeless guy? It depends. Why not? I don't know, I don't like to do that. You just feel better handing dirty cash?
Starting point is 00:29:23 Yeah. You don't have to, with the cash, you may come in contact with the hand with the tap All you got to do is hover. I never you give people my never get people money Well, I don't live in an area where there are homeless people anymore So it's not really a problem I got to deal with all I do is say sorry brother if I see someone walking on the side of the road I call the FBI. I just call the FBI If someone's walking anywhere in my neighborhood, I call the FBI I will if I don't get the wave and I don't recognize the face. I call the FBI. If someone's walking anywhere in my neighborhood, I call the FBI.
Starting point is 00:29:45 If I don't get the wave and I don't recognize the face, I call the FBI immediately. Yeah, if I see any type of foreign attire, I call the FBI. I see anyone wearing a beanie, a yammy, a fucking stormtrooper outfit. I see any stormtroopers. I'm calling Luke Skywalker. Yeah, out by you, there's only one outfit acceptable. There's onlyoper outfit, I see any Stormtroopers. I'm calling Luke Skywalker.
Starting point is 00:30:06 Yeah, out by you there's only one outfit acceptable. There's only one outfit and it's usually personally curated by J. Crew. That's right. Yeah, it's a lot of moccasins, it's a lot of khakis, and a lot of colored belts. I've noticed that wasps really like a blue belt. Really?
Starting point is 00:30:24 They're like a real blue belt with like sailing boats on it, you know, and no socks. The more money you have, the less socks you own, I've noticed. Yeah, it's a real winter land where I live. It's snowing every day where I live. The forecast is snow. It's snowing every day where I live. The forecast is snow. It snows in July.
Starting point is 00:30:49 It snows in July all the time. Does it snow out there? So I don't know, I guess that'll be good for waiters. It is Pride Month, 31 days of Pride. Do you think companies exploit Pride Month for financial gain? There's no way we're only 20 minutes into this. No, we started at 10 minutes, we're at 31.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Oh, we're at 31 minutes. Yeah, yeah, I started the clock, 10 minutes slow. Sorry, we have a timer going, so I know just, because sometimes I go long, I'm a long-winded guy, I blow the light. It's my first special to go watch it on YouTube. Patreon.com slash Yanis Papasar for our weekly bonus episodes.
Starting point is 00:31:31 You don't want to miss those. I don't know, it's been a tough week for Caitlin Clark as well, because the famous WNBA player was left off the Olympic team. And man, is she just dominating the headlines. This girl's gotta be exhausted from all the pressure that's being put on her.
Starting point is 00:31:58 I mean, dude, race conversations, privilege conversations, privileged conversations. It's just nonstop. You know, if I was her, I would take the 28 milli and just buy the WNBA and then just fire all the women. And this is what I would do. You know, all the players who usually go, all the male players who usually go to Europe and stuff,
Starting point is 00:32:25 I just hire all them and just have another male professional league. And I guarantee you the numbers will be, do just as good as the WNBA player. I love watching the WNBA press conferences because I'm a fan, I'll just admit it. I like basketball, so I've been watching. And yeah, this rookie class got me excited.
Starting point is 00:32:46 And Caitlin Clark got me excited, just like she got everyone excited. Not because she's white, and not because she's that great, because she is good, I think there's better players, but it's because she shoots fucking deep bombs. There's no other player that pulls from the logo. And that's what it is. We already covered it
Starting point is 00:33:05 It's a simple answer. It's a simple answer that nobody I've watched them all because I got a lot of time on my hands I've taken two months off from the road I've watched them all dude every conversations about race about the other women hating her their money all this stuff It's just but nobody it's the simple answer she shoots bombs and like we we answered it already there's no dunks in women's basketball so fucking dudes dig the long ball chicks dig the long ball dudes dig the long ball everyone chick everyone digs the fucking long when you see a chick pull up from the fucking logo to break the scoring, the all time collegiate scoring record,
Starting point is 00:33:50 you're like, I wanna watch this chick. You know, she shoots from deep. It's not just she shoots threes. You got a lot of girls who can shoot the three. She shoots from deep. She takes deep shots. And that's what's exciting. It's as simple as that.
Starting point is 00:34:03 And she hits a lot of them. She scores a lot. She's averaging more than, she's like averaging 16, 17 points. She's on a shitty team, but you can obviously see she's gonna be a star. She's gonna be a good player. But I mean the conversations that this is,
Starting point is 00:34:20 dude, it's just everything is race. Everything is her race. Is it cause she's white? Is it because she's white? Is it because she's white? Why weren't they interested? They weren't interested before because the other players were black or they were lesbian,
Starting point is 00:34:35 only because she's straight. She's got straight privilege. Here's the deal, okay? We're leaving this. This era is just, when I hear these, I'm going like, we're still here? Like, can't we just say a few simple things to just end the conversations quick? And that's why they don't let me on these shows,
Starting point is 00:34:52 because I'll just say a few things quick. The few things are, how many lesbians are there on in the world? How many lesbians, how marketable is two fucking dude chicks sitting in sweaters and baggy pants watching The Price is Right for 40 years in a relationship. How marketable is that?
Starting point is 00:35:13 Is that more marketable than a chick fucking doing makeup videos? And why is it less marketable? Because what percentage of the population is lesbian? You know? Fake lesbians are great. Now fake lesbians are great. You know what I mean by that, right?
Starting point is 00:35:33 Watching a couple fake lesbos in porn is great. Nobody wants to watch, people don't even wanna jerk, I don't even think lesbians watch real lesbian porn. They're miserable people. They're constantly ornery because they can't reach boxes. The dude one is always depressed. Because no matter what you do, the dude one still has a female biology, which means
Starting point is 00:35:57 she's average height 5'6", 5'7", with less dense bones. So she's still got to ask dudes to carry boxes. She's still gotta call a dude over to lift the refrigerator. She's still gotta put a dildo on to be the guy. I'm just saying it comes with a little bitterness. So I don't even, you're not gonna tune into two real lesbos with man gut, with dad bods. You know, if you're a dad bod lesbian, you're going to be watching fake lesbian porn.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Right. So you're not going to tune into real lesbian porn. So real lesbian lifestyles are just not marketable. I wish I was a gay guy because I can get away with this because they could just be sardonic. They're so mean to lesbians. You ever hear gay guys talk about lesbian. They're so mean to them They call them no fun and they make jokes about their frumpy clothes and their lack of style And how they don't have fun and they just sit around and they hibernate with each other and they're just in long-term relationships and they're just angry and bitter and the reason I told you the reason they're angry and bitter, because they're, you know, the top,
Starting point is 00:37:06 you still gotta get in a stool to get to the top shelf. No one can open the pickle jar. Who's gonna open a jar? You need a machine. So, I mean, that's the reason. You know, it's just the population thing. I mean, the lesbians would be huge in lesbian communities. I bet you those lesbians,
Starting point is 00:37:24 I bet you Stewie is huge amongst lesbians would be huge in lesbian communities. I bet you those lesbians, I bet you Stewie is huge amongst lesbians. But most of the population is straight. Most of the people who watch basketball are dudes. I don't even think, I don't even think Caitlin Clark's got more women interested. I think she's probably got more dudes interested and dudes want to see, you know, they want to see outfits. They want to see, I do. I want to see Kelsey Plumb walking in a provocative outfit. I want to see outfits, they want to see, I do. I want to see Kelsey Plumb walking in
Starting point is 00:37:46 in a provocative outfit. I want to see that stuff. I want to see sexiness. I just want to see sexy straight women. That's what it is. I also want to watch the basketball and I can appreciate the lesbians for their game, but my interest in them drops after the game's over because I want to go watch Angel Reese walk in in a mini skirt because that's what I'm attracted to. That's what God put in me is wanting to see female athletes who are straight because they're hot and so that's part of it. So they say she has pretty privileged look. She's a good looking girl, but let's be honest,
Starting point is 00:38:28 by, you know, she's not like, you know, she's like basketball player hot, you know? She's hotter than Rod Strickland, you know? She's hotter than Jason Kidd. I mean, I wanna see, what's her name? What's the, I always forget her name, the tall chick. She's like six, seven, by the way. Cameron Brinks.
Starting point is 00:38:51 I wanna see Cameron Brink walk in there, looking like Jessica Rabbit. That's what I wanna see. I don't wanna see a girl looking like a dude walking in with cornrows and naughty by nature jeans because they're back in style. I don't want to see that. Those are back.
Starting point is 00:39:08 I'm having fun today. Oh boy. Yeah, they're back. I can't wait for the tight jeans to come back. Yeah. Because now it's like these eighties. All the baggy shit's back. Baggy shit's back, you know.
Starting point is 00:39:21 My Nike Air Force One joke went viral in the black community. They love it. What was that? I talk about how white girls Air Force Ones looked like they just escaped a serial killer in the woods. That's good, yeah. How it was the black sneaker and then white girls came along and colonized that sneaker.
Starting point is 00:39:41 It's just, I mean, everyone's retweeted it. Who's the fastest man on the earth again? Who's saying Bolt I mean, everyone's retweeted it. Who's the fastest man on the earth again? Who's saying Bolt? Who's saying Bolt retweeted it. I mean, so many people, Fat Joe, like three players in the finals. Holiday retweeted it. Oh yeah?
Starting point is 00:39:57 Yeah, I mean, it's just basketball players. Questlove retweeted it. Any white girls retweeted it? No, it's just, it's gotten into the black algorithm, which is so funny Black Twitter is a whole other way because it's got like Thousands of comments. I think I'd now at the recording of this. It's like 1.2 million I don't think I've gotten I think I've gotten like a thousand followers from it. Like I think I just I think it's Black people see the
Starting point is 00:40:25 white dude saying it and they're like, I like the joke, but we're not gonna I'm not gonna follow this fucking geeky kid with glasses. Yeah, I don't see that I don't want to see the Air Force ones on chicks. I want to see feet. I want to see sandals. I want to see. I want to see pedicure toes. It's a straight guys want to see like, you know, what are we going to persecute straight people for being straight? Or we're not going to admit the reality
Starting point is 00:40:49 that they're just by the numbers are an astronomically bigger amount of people? That's, that just was a stupidest sentence. The amount of straight people is just a lot more. So they're going to be in, they're not gonna, there's a lot of lesbians in the WNBA, they're never gonna attract the male fans the way, you know, it's just what it is.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Matteo Lane, you know, he's gotten very big, you know? I'm sure there's straight people at his show, but I'm sure there's a majority of them are gay. Probably women, right? And women. Yeah, women are the gay dude. A lot of them are gay. Probably women, right? And women. Yeah, women are the gay dude. A lot of gays, a lot of women, it's what it is. Joe Rogan's crowd's not gonna show up
Starting point is 00:41:30 to a Mateo Lane concert. That's the great thing about the internet is everyone finds the reflection of themselves. That's what's kind of become a little, that's what's dumbed the culture down a little bit too because there's just no crossover. Like people just wanna see the person that reflects them the most,
Starting point is 00:41:46 and it's just gotten increasingly niche. A lot of people I think who are great get overlooked because they don't reflect a large portion. It's become very advertisey. The internet has ironically, because there's less marketing on the internet, but it's ironically followed the rules of advertising very well.
Starting point is 00:42:07 You can just sort of see it. You know, it's like an Asian comedian, the crowd's gonna be a lot Asian. You see Indian comedian, you see a guy who fucking hunts deer, you're gonna go. It's gonna be a lot of guys in deer hats and Republicans. It's just, it's an accurate reflection where it used to be like everyone went to see a fucking,
Starting point is 00:42:23 you know, Chris Rock, or it was just, it's a lot of crossover, you know? There's a lot less of those big stars. That's fine too. I'm just saying I could see how that, the quality is not as extolled as much anymore because people are looking for the reflections of themselves.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Oh, this guy drinks a lot of Buds and Miller. He's from a place like I'm from. There's just people find the one that reflects them the most, which is what marketing is, essentially, right? That's what marketing tries to do, is tap into demographics. So, why would it be any different for the WMB? Can we just leave Caitlin Clark alone?
Starting point is 00:42:59 Dude, they're beating her up, like it's crazy. And they go, oh, all the rookies have it tough. There's no other rookies who are getting like cross checked. And then when the ref called the foul, the one I saw last night, the girl was making fun of Caitlin Clark like, ah, like, as if she was like, flopping, and then you see the play on replay over and over again. I mean, she's just getting cross checked. One place she was away from the ball and some chick just came in and fucking, this is why I just want you to know that women do have smaller cranial membranes.
Starting point is 00:43:36 And it's not their fault. It's just they haven't had the chance to develop them like men because they live in constant fear all the time. That's why my daughters are gonna be taking jiu-jitsu and all that shit. Because when you live constant fear all the time. That's why my daughters are gonna be taking jiu-jitsu and all that shit, because when you live in fear all the time and you're just living in your amygdala all the time, it's the way men used to live
Starting point is 00:43:54 before we made an arrangement with domesticated wolves and they protected us from predators. We weren't able to have the time to just sit around and develop our prefrontal cortex because we were constantly under threat. Women live under threat so until women start taking steroids and living the nine ancestral tenants and can protect themselves, their brains will not increase. That's why women always choose the big douchebag who's muscular and stuff, because they want to feel safe. And I get it. They're under threat all the time. Because for whatever
Starting point is 00:44:31 reason they're just smaller. And guys are horrible. And guys do a lot of crime against women. So they haven't had the chance to develop their brains. Oh, boy. So they haven't had the chance to develop their brains. I'm no scientist, but I mean, the evidence is in WNBA. I mean, this is like, you know, you want, you talk all this feminist shit, right? Finally, everyone is watching the WNBA and interesting and what are they doing? They're just beating up the star.
Starting point is 00:45:01 It's got nothing to do with basketball. They're just jealous of her. They're bitter. They're going jealous of her. They're bitter. They're going, where were all of these fans when we were playing? It's like, that's just how it goes. Okay. Big Daddy Kane feels the same way. That's the way the world was. You can't get angry at her for it. You're taking out your anger. First of all, none of you can shoot. Nobody was shooting that deep. Nobody was played that way, you know? Nobody was playing like Steph Curry before Steph Curry.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Steph Curry is probably the most marketable player. He got non-fans engaged in basketball like since Michael Jordan because of the way he plays. It's just exciting, you know? Basketball changed. There used to be a bruiser thing. A lot of those girls came up in a different era. Now people are shooting from the logo and nobody does it better than her
Starting point is 00:45:52 and that's why people are interested. So it's like you talk all this feminist stuff, it's like Charlie Kirk. It's like you get what you want and you're still not happy. Right? So female sports are booming, like they never have before. You can't deny it's because of one person. It is, it's because of Caitlin Clark.
Starting point is 00:46:14 Basketball is booming. And you get what you want and then you're even more bitter. Now instead of just, what I would do dude is I would just compliment her and say yeah as a rookie She's gonna face some challenges, but she's great play hard against her You can play physical or whatever but just like you know people like her if you say nice things about her by proxy They're gonna like you simple as that
Starting point is 00:46:41 She was left off the Olympic team and then they went and they found the Olympic coaches tweet, an old tweet, and the hashtag was the W is more than one player and you're going like, there you go, there you go. Why would you leave this girl off? They put on Diana Taurasi, okay, who's 41 years old. She's been to four Olympics and There she's on another Olympic team first of all, it's stupid because ratings would be high for the Olympics So just to watch her so it was stupid and you know, every girl's dream is to play in the Olympics and they snubbed her You know, she deserved to be on that team and there's all these excuses like oh, it's a three-year process Dude, she's already averaging 16 points as a rookie on a garbage team while they're targeting her.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Sometimes they pick her up full court, face to face. They need to hire like a Charles Oakley on that team. To just like a real, they need to match her with the bulliest, the bulliest we can find. Just a six foot three bull who can't even shoot. I would just even, the team's horrible anyway, I would just go hire one of those like shot put girls, hire one of those girls and just put them on the Indiana Fever and just she's there for clotheslines and picks and just she doesn't even play, she just runs with,
Starting point is 00:48:02 they're gonna lose anyway, they suck. So she just runs with they're gonna lose anyway, they suck So she just runs with Caitlin Clark You ever watch those blind races where the guy runs with the blind girl? No that yeah So when the blind girls run in like the blind Olympics some guy some like collegiate male runner will run with the blind girl Where are you watching this dude? I'm all over you really are. I'm all over I have to be because it's where I mind for content. So I gotta have things to talk about. So yeah, that's what they do. So you just get a fucking massive bull.
Starting point is 00:48:30 You just hold Caitlin Clark's pocket and just run around with her so she can at least get open shots. I mean, they lose. You can't win that way. But just to send a message, that's our star, Wayne Gretzky, they it They're always gonna attack you got you need a Jordan had Oakley like a Rick Mahorn time you need a Rick Mahone to put you just need a bruiser on there
Starting point is 00:48:52 I mean, it's just problem solved Okay, so I just solved all the problems you want her stop getting beaten up go just hire a non basketball player Shot put female athlete a weightlifter and just throw on the court to beat these other fucking bulls out. It's a lot of beeping you're gonna have to do for pride month. The reason why she's so popular is because she shoots from the logo, done deal.
Starting point is 00:49:17 It has nothing to do with her being white, it has nothing to do with her being straight. Okay, but it does have a little bit to do with her being white and a little bit being straight because most of the population is white and straight. So enough but it does have a little bit to do with her being white and a little bit being straight because most of the population is white and straight. So enough. It's done. I settled it. I'm never talking about this bitch again. Unless something else comes up and I'm out of stuff. Anyway, I think I made a lot of good points. I really do think I make a lot of good points. But again, you get what you want
Starting point is 00:49:45 and they're complaining even more now. Now they're even complaining, all the players are complaining, complaining. No, I don't wanna talk about, I'm not taking any Caitlin Clark questions. They're all complaining. Just like Hunter Biden found guilty of a legal gun charge
Starting point is 00:50:03 and the right wing pundits rushed right in as if they were prepared. As if they were prepared. The show would maybe get a lot of views if I just faked it, if I just started faking a stutter. Should I just f-f-f-fake a stutter? That's right, the disabled podcast. The people would tune in just to laugh at the f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f It just looks like his face is just inflated. His head looks like a balloon a little bit, does it? Doesn't it look like someone painted his face on a balloon?
Starting point is 00:50:48 Yeah. It looks like one of those games at a carnival with the water pistol and you aim at the balloon. That's exactly what it looks like. And so he makes his living going around bullying like maniac college kids. He'll go there and be like, tell me, so what, you know, let's talk about, it's like he'll pick the person with like the dirty, Rastafarian purple hair. Right.
Starting point is 00:51:11 And you know, it's like, of course you're gonna win that argument by saying the simplest thing. Those people are maniacs, but there's, you know, there's a market for that and then you cut it a certain way and you win, you know. So he's one of those guys who's gotten big by saying reasonable stuff. And he's right wing.
Starting point is 00:51:31 And I believe he's very Christian or whatever. But right away he dismissed the Hunter Biden guilty verdicts. So would he have preferred it was innocent? Like what's, so he's saying this is another democratic plot. So it's a win-win. So if he's innocent, he's got this is another Democratic plot. He wins either way. It's a win-win. Yeah, so if he's innocent he's got content to go on So he couldn't really just come and say good right like good He's basically saying the argument is that they did this right in order to distract from the fact that they're unfairly targeting Trump which
Starting point is 00:52:04 Taking my joke hat off for a second, I actually think the two cases in New York are. I will say that. Without my joke hat on, I will say I could make some jokes about it. But I mean, those two things are kind of kangaroo court ridiculous charges. I'll say that. I don't think the obstruction of justice with the classified documents is, and I don't think, just objectively,
Starting point is 00:52:35 and I don't think the election interference in Georgia is. I just don't think that. Just not knowing too much about it, just saying the charges in and of themselves seem like, hmm, that's interesting. You don't want to have, you don't want to go after a presidential candidate and former president for a hush money payment on a porn star for consensual sex. That's just crazy. That's just obviously gonna make it look like a double standard. I mean, Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:53:07 You're not gonna go after fucking Colin Powell for lying about weapons of mass destruction or George Bush about lying about weapons of mass destruction or whatever else you can get these guys on, but you're gonna go after a hush money payment for 250 grand for a consensual encounter with a porn star so she didn't tell her story.
Starting point is 00:53:26 Do you know how many fucking payments probably go out all the time? And you know it doesn't mean he's you know doesn't soil his some point people you know in their eyes that makes them view him less. But a lot of people know so whatever. So I don't disagree there. But where I just don't understand is like, so what did you want to happen? He went, he got convicted, right? He had an illegal gun. It was a quick verdict. And he's guilty, right?
Starting point is 00:54:02 Do you think it's suspicious that it was so quick? Well, it was in Delaware, which is Biden's home state, which is kind of interesting. The trial took place in Delaware. Well, but that's probably where the crime took place. No, it did. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it probably took place there.
Starting point is 00:54:16 But you would think that that would be a Biden stronghold and the jury would be a little bit more pro-Biden. Yeah, because I think mostly our justice system does work. Right. Mostly. Well, a lot of times they justice system does work. Right. Mostly. Well, a lot of times they were saying about the Trump trial was that it was in deep blue Manhattan, where people hate Trump.
Starting point is 00:54:30 So the jury. Well, it's not even just that. It's just the stretching on the trying to stretch a misdemeanor into a felony because they're trying to tie election interference into it. Right. But put it this way. If that Trump case took place in Texas, no jury's going to convict. There's no it. Right. But put it this way, if that Trump case took place in Texas,
Starting point is 00:54:46 no jury's gonna convict him. There's no jury. But I don't think they'd bring it in Texas. I don't think any state would bring it. No, of course not. It's just, it's not a crime, right? So they're saying the falsifying documents in New York is a crime, which it is.
Starting point is 00:55:01 But are you really falsifying documents when you label it as legal expenses? Well then they called it election interference. Yeah, so they were moving the gall post on it and then the things that they had to prove, the jurors, like I think the judge was like, if this, but this, if that, it was like so vague. Like I read up on it and it just seems like
Starting point is 00:55:23 the jurors really were probably like, well, according to what the judge says, guilty. 34 counts, 34 counts for a hush money payment. It just is stupid. The other one's even more ridiculous. And then that chick, that fucking chick in the- Oh, E. Jean Carroll? Yeah, that E. Jean Carroll thing,
Starting point is 00:55:41 the he said, she said, and then the the the award was what like hundreds of millions Hundreds of millions of dollars for defamation of character defamation of character wasn't even for the grope Whatever the purported grope was it was just defamation to care because he called her a loony or something like that And then you see the videos of her and you're like she is a loony. So it's actually like a accurate characterization That's just that's that that just fucking feels like targeting. And it's just, and just outside of that, it's just a stupid move.
Starting point is 00:56:14 We've said it many times. It's just a stupid move by the Democrats. It's just so stupid. It's just a stupid, stupid thing that's gonna give so much fodder for retribution from the other side. It's not the moral high ground. You have the two cases that are legitimate.
Starting point is 00:56:38 Why would you go with these other three garbage? It's just crazy. 83 million dollars. 83 million dollars she got for defamation of care. I mean it's crazy. Are you gonna do Sue Comics next for saying stuff? I mean it's just, he said stuff about her. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:56:59 She accused him of something and he called her a loon. She came into his life. He didn't say it out of nowhere. He said he groped, she said he groped her in a Bergdorf Goodman's bathroom. Yeah, but I'm saying like he didn't out of the blue just target her and call her a loon. She accused him of something that he thought was loony
Starting point is 00:57:17 and he called her a loon. How do you convict on that? You know, on a he said, she said from how many years ago? 40, 30, based on her looks, it was probably 40 years. See, now I can go to jail for that. I mean, come on, it's ridiculous. Those are ridiculous. So anyway, data side, I think, I think this is just an illegal gun charge. He went to trial, he got convicted. It's his, you know, I just think it is what it is.
Starting point is 00:57:52 He was convicted on all four felonies, right? Three or four. Three felonies he was convicted on related to the purchase of a gun. I love the fact that he's buying a gun. He lied on his background check. He lied on his background check. The question was, do you do drugs?
Starting point is 00:58:13 Do you do drugs and he lied. He wrote no. So I mean, that's a crime. You know, that's a crime. So Charlie Kirk is just saying that this is is just they're doing this to show like hey, we don't show favor, right? They're tying it to the Trump Because it's already tied to that right because it's the only thing they have on Biden right is his son for the most part right and the Burisma thing and
Starting point is 00:58:44 10% to the big guy. Is that the only thing, like the big, that's the, is that the right way to use the words cause celeb? Is that? I don't know. Wish I could chat GBT it. Main cause, just in case that's the wrong word.
Starting point is 00:59:00 That's the headline cause, right? Is the laptop and the Burisma and some shady dealings perhaps. You're talking about the Biden crime family? Biden crime family, but that's really what the gist of it, right? Yeah, I guess that there's been kickbacks all along. Through Hunter Biden.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Also his brother, there was some $200,000 check that his brother gave him, like a loan that was never, there seems to be some shady business. He's been in- I mean, 200 grand from the brother, I mean, what are you gonna do? I mean, he's been in politics since he was in his early 20s. Yeah, that's all of them.
Starting point is 00:59:35 I mean, how do they all get rich? That's a long, long time. Yeah, how do they all get so rich? On a government salary. Yeah, and they all get rich. That guy's a multi- It's not just him though, it's everybody, yeah. That's why they keep the job.
Starting point is 00:59:44 Yeah, that's all of them. That guy's a mullet. It's not just him though, it's everybody. No, I know, yeah. That's why they keep the job. Yeah, that's all of them. That's all of them, Democrat and Republican. That's all of them. So, I mean, you can't draw party lines on that issue. That's all of them. I just wanna get in some of those insider trading tips. That's it, that's what we really want. Want some stock tips.
Starting point is 01:00:01 Yeah. So, I mean, this just shows you that, you know, it's not about the truth. It's about the interest of Charlie Kirk to be able to and other Republicans to be able to keep this narrative going. Just like in the WNBA, it's just it's not about like, the truth that the girl shoots bombs and she's good. It's got to be because she's white or the girl shoots bombs and she's good, it's gotta be because she's white or she's... They just keep the bullshit going. It's a liver king economy, baby. It's keep the bullshit going.
Starting point is 01:00:33 There's no truer statement than what is it? A lie travels like 15 times around the world while the truth is getting its pants on. It's just, you know, that's what's going on here with his big head. I mean, it's a win-win I guess. There's no...so what does he want? Did he not want the trial to happen? Did he not want him to get convicted? Also, does it really change anything in your life, Jerry? I mean, you know, all these people that wanted a conviction or are going after, I mean, what changes in their life? Because none of this shit is really germane to your life and to real issues. Real issues are things, a lot of times that I got to give credit that John Stewart talks about, and he's often right, you know, it's about
Starting point is 01:01:19 like salaries and healthcare and people get distracted by all this bullshit. And a lot of times you'll see a lot of people impassioned by this stuff who like don't have a clue. You know, who just like, you know, it's like, this stuff is like reality television. It's like Real Housewives. I mean, they watch it for the drama, because the drama just sells so much better than let's talk about the nuts
Starting point is 01:01:48 and bolts, inflation, gas prices, groceries, salaries, minimum wage, health care, retirement age, social security, a secure border, although that's a big issue. But most of the issues that really matter to ordinary Americans always get, they always kinda get drowned out by fucking Hunter Biden and some check to his brother. That's why they say vote local, vote often. Yeah, cause local means something, right? That's the shit that really counts. That's the stuff, because local means something, right? That really counts.
Starting point is 01:02:25 That's the stuff that, it's the thing people know the least about. The least. It's just crazy. Yeah. Because, and people think the president has all this power. He really doesn't. I mean, you could deadlock a president
Starting point is 01:02:35 with an opposing party legislature, you know? Yeah, if you go into the election booth and you look at your city council, you don't know anyone on that list. You don't know any of them, but those, that's really what affects your life the most in your community. That's your neighborhood, council, you don't know anyone on that list. You don't know any of them, but that's really what affects your life the most in your community. That's your neighborhood, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:48 Yeah, so get educated on that. The rest of this shit is just a fucking, is RuPaul's drag race. It's really just gossip TV is what it is. I wanna know what's going on with the deep state, the unelected officials, what are they doing? And I'm only half joking, because those guys are, what are they doing at the Pentagon, what are they doing? And I'm only half joking because those guys are,
Starting point is 01:03:05 what are they doing at the Pentagon? What are they doing? I wanna talk about that guy, all right? Hunter Biden, the president's crackhead son is to be celebrated. I mean, that's fun. That's fun, dude. It's fun news.
Starting point is 01:03:20 He's got a crackhead son. That is fun. Donald Trump paying off Stormy Daniels is fun. That's not an issue that should sway anyone. It's fun. It was a consensual encounter. We cheated on his wife too, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:36 I mean, is anyone shocked? His fourth wife? Yeah. Does anyone shock? Is anyone like, I mean, his wife, I've seen her tits. It's Donald Trump. I love the people in the heartland too, who don't know, don't accept this.
Starting point is 01:03:53 I mean, he was a Democrat up until 10 years ago. It's Donald Trump. He's a star. He's a celebrity. He's quite a good businessman on one hand, but he had a really big head start, you know, from his dad. He failed a lot.
Starting point is 01:04:15 He's a weird looking guy with crazy hair who says very funny stuff. You see what he was saying about Adam Schiff? Oh, hilarious. He was talking about his skinny neck and his head, much like what I was saying about Charlie Kirk. I mean, it's hilarious stuff. He's a roast president. So people love him, but let's not get a twist. Like, you know, all these Christians don't get a twist. He's not your moral leader, you know? He's not your paragon of morality. He's on his fourth wife. He's not your paragon of morality.
Starting point is 01:04:45 He's on his fourth wife, he's fucked porn stars. I mean, you know, he's paid for probably a hefty amount of abortions. Wait till they look into those hush money payments. You don't think Donald Trump one time knocked up someone by accident and paid for an abortion? You got another thing coming. But it is Pride Month so we shouldn't be talking bad about any gays. But they did go to space. Would you go to space?
Starting point is 01:05:15 I'd go to space before I'd go visit the Titanic. Yeah, I don't know who wants to see the Titanic. Well like, you know, I root for the thing to explode. Just like I root for the bulls. I root for the bulls. I root for the thing to explode if you go look at the Titanic. I mean, who the hell wants to go that deep under this
Starting point is 01:05:36 to look at a shipwreck? I would go to space after, like, with eye surgery. Like, I'll wait. What do you mean with eye surgery? Like, you know how you wanna wait till they get really good at it? I don't wanna be the third. This is now the second,
Starting point is 01:05:49 I won that Virgin Galactic has done. I wanna go on like, first of all, for the price drop. It's like the new iPhone right now, you wanna wait. But I would definitely go, look at how much fun these people are having in the capsule. How long does it last? Dude, I don't know, but it is strictly for rich people right now,
Starting point is 01:06:09 because that can't be cheap. Oh, it's only an hour. It's an hour in space. 55 miles up. That's all you need, really. That's all you need. You don't wanna hang out out there. You don't wanna go, I got it, I got it,
Starting point is 01:06:20 give me back to the breathable air, I got it. You just wanna go up there long enough to be like, oh, it is round. I just wanna see the curvature. Do they serve refreshments? Yeah, I wonder. Is it a little space ice cream? Yeah, like a tomato juice?
Starting point is 01:06:35 Yeah, is there a three trillion mile club? Is anyone getting banged in the bathroom there? Oh, banging in space. Yeah. I wanna, I would do Yeah. I would do that. I would do that if I knew it was like the safest for an hour. I would zoom out and zoom in. Dude, this is gonna become so regular.
Starting point is 01:06:53 It's gonna become so, it's gonna be so accessible one day. When my kids grow up, this will be like, they could do it. Just shoot up to space. Yeah, there'll be like a Disney World space land where you can go and just shoot up. You know? Be like going to the Grand Canyon. Great place to kill a person because in whose jurisdiction are you in? That's right. Just throw them out into space. Yeah. Open up the hatch. Yeah. Get rid of them. If you're a teacher and you want to kill your husband, this is the perfect place to do it. If you're a 22 year old teacher in the 1990s
Starting point is 01:07:25 and you're banging out your 15 year old student and you wanna kill your husband, you do it in the space capsule because there's no jurisdiction. This is a fun story that will end on. Pamela Smart was a big deal in the 90s. This is before the internet where we could really find out how much this happens.
Starting point is 01:07:44 We did a whole Patreon episode on this,.com slash Yannis Papasour. It's a topic dear to my heart because it happens so much. We did a deep dive into how much this happens. It happens a lot. It happens a lot. And we found out as you'll when you go to patreon.com slash Yannis Papasauer, you will find out that they are all hot. And Pamela Smart, it fills the prototype. Look at her even now she's hot and she's in prison and she's old. She's still a MILF, a GILF. I mean look at she's a pretty woman and when she's younger she was gorgeous. And she was 22.
Starting point is 01:08:24 She worked at the school. She banged out this 15 year old and then she had this 15 year old and his friends killer husband because there's no other solution I just sometimes like humanity just it just it's mindling. Yeah. Like, why is that the solution? Some people are scared of confrontation. Ha she convinced his 15-year-old. Now look, the 15-year-old served like 25 years, right? This kid. God, imagine being the parents of getting this news that your kid's going to prison because it's
Starting point is 01:09:16 some 22-year-old vixen who must have had really, really good, a good slice. Must have been a good slice to be able to, I don't think the 15 year old should've done it anytime even though he pulled the trigger. Really? I just don't. You gotta understand it from a male's perspective, okay?
Starting point is 01:09:34 You're 15 years old, I mean the wind blows the wrong way. You're ready to go. You remember what it was like to be 15? All you focus on is girls, girls, girls. It doesn't really change that much as you get older. It's just your ability changes you go girls girls girls Oh, but also I got to say something When you're 15, you got the energy to say something when you get older you go girls girls girls But I'd have to talk and I may fall asleep
Starting point is 01:10:01 I may fall asleep talking to her. So it's just, it's a dream for a guy who's 15 to bang out his 22 year old hot teacher or school employee. And then the skills that that 22 year old must have, it's just something he hasn't seen before. Yeah, that's a big difference. 15 to 22. It's like when the league got integrated in basketball. You're just going, I haven't seen anything like this before.
Starting point is 01:10:31 It's like when LeBron James was in high school, he just go, I'm just haven't seen anything like this before. So when she was blowing this 15 year old kid, he's just going like, I've never, the chemicals that were released did just take over the brain. So his brain is just in a poos poos cloud. So he's under her spell completely. You can't blame this kid. It's beyond pussy whipped.
Starting point is 01:10:56 It's pussy controlled. And that's why she leaned on him to do it, because she knew, I got this kid. I mean, she was probably doing stuff that they couldn't put in the transcripts of the trial She probably did a little she probably did a little cleaning of the back door. The kid didn't know what hit him Imagine 15 year 15 years old Right, and she goes for the cone behind the ice cream. She's looking she's looking the ice cream You know when you go for the cone?
Starting point is 01:11:26 And you go for the cone. Has anyone ever called it that? Or am I just a genius? She went for the cone, dad. She went for the back of the cone, the bottom of the, you know, and a little bit drips down. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 01:11:40 You go, yeah, you go the reverse. All of a sudden she's at the ice cream pod. Next thing you know, next thing you know, she takes his leg, flips him back, and she's at the back of the cone, dude. I mean, you know, she could tell him to do anything at that point. Yeah, I mean, you're in Manchurian candidate
Starting point is 01:11:59 mind control at that point. You're in total CIA, Manchurian level type of mind control at that point. This kid pulled total CIA, Manchurian level type of mind control at that point. This kid pulled the trigger in the 90s. And then in the 90s, people couldn't think straight. They weren't advanced. They couldn't Google shit. They couldn't Google, is it wrong to kill a girl's teacher's husband? When the poos is this good, and you're in love with this, is it wrong? Does God think it's wrong? You could Google that now. You can Google, does God think it's wrong to murder the greatest thing
Starting point is 01:12:31 that ever happens to me, his husband? You can Google it and Google will tell you that's a crime. Don't do it. Also, you don't get into heaven. But in the nineties, there was no way to know because what he was experiencing was heaven. So he thought he wasn't having He might have got a he might have got a he might have got his hands on the Old Testament Maybe he got his old hands on the he got his hands on the Quran He took he opened one page his murder all over there his murder all over the Old Testament and in the Quran So maybe he's like, this is fine This woman has gotten me
Starting point is 01:13:05 closer to heaven than anything will ever get me closer to heaven and this is all I know because I can't Google it. It's not his fault. It was his chick's fault. She's in prison for life without parole. She's tried everything to get out. I love how evil these chicks are. First of all, it's good to know, when you marry a chick, how did the husband not see this? I'm not trying to victim blame here. I'm not trying to victim blame here, but he's a grown adult. I guess he was in his 20s, probably. So you're a grown adult. Your brain's not fully formed till you're 25. So technically nobody here was a full brain developed adult, but you're kind of an adult, especially in the 90s. I think your brain developed quicker,
Starting point is 01:13:52 you know because of Atari or whatever. So, um the husband Gregory Smart, like is there any signs? Is there any signs? Is there any signs? Like, did she come home? Like, is she teaching too much after school?
Starting point is 01:14:10 Is there any signs? Did she come home, like, and forget a juice box in her bag? And he said, what's this juice box? And she went, it's my friends. And what do you mean, your friends? Why you got kids juice boxes? Did this kid leave a lunch box in her car by accident? Was there a trapper keeper under the seat?
Starting point is 01:14:29 Were there signs? You know? Was she having a lot of diarrhea because she was eating at a lot of like corn dog kid food? A lot of tater tots. Yeah, there's a lot of tater tots. Was she having a lot of tater tot shits? Nothing made him know that this is the type of chick she had. First of all, yeah, I mean, I guess it's everyone's dream to have their wife be like a teacher.
Starting point is 01:14:57 You know, but you know, you got to be some of those kids that fly did some of those kids. You got to go check out the competition They don't you know they got those fucking they got those kid abs right and just the sexual drive I think that's Why this happens so much here? I am nailing it again is because These kids got kid abs they got those abs, so they can't put on fat yet, and they got that drive. And these women are with these duds,
Starting point is 01:15:31 and they're not having sex, and they're just attracted to that drive. They wanna feel like, I wanna do it again. Remember when you were that age, and you were like, again? At that age, I felt like when me and my wife do this with my daughter, we swing her up and she goes, again that, again that.
Starting point is 01:15:47 And then sometimes she'll go, again, again, again, again, again. So that's the again stage where you're done and you go, again, again. You get blown and you're like, again, again, again, again. So be careful who you marry because your wife may end up banging one of the teachers. I say they let her out. She wants to get out, let her out. That's what she's tried everything up to the Supreme Court. Now she's finally admitted her role because she denied it up until now.
Starting point is 01:16:18 She tried to pin it on the kid and it didn't work. And now she's saying, you know what, he didn marry my randomly killed my husband. It wasn't just random He was supervised by an adult Guys, make sure to see me in August I will be in Syracuse New York August 2nd and Albany August 3rd get your tickets at Yannis Papas comedy comm and Don't forget our bonus episodes patreon.com slash Yannis Papasour. Want to give a shout out of course to exclusiveautoshipping.com if you're moving your car out of state or you bought your car out of state, go to exclusiveautoshipping.com. Our boy Jared will take care of you. He'll
Starting point is 01:16:56 give you a free quote. Okay, if you bought your car and you need to move it, that's what you do. Also, I want to give a shout out to ForTheFree.art for having a credit card that works. Music in Hawaii, check them out. Nate Linder, who we're going to work with, he's going to do, we're going to see how it works. He's going to do some stuff for us and see how it goes. There's been conversations. There's been conversation happening behind the scenes with me and Nate Linder. You think marketing, you think Nate Linder. He helps businesses across the world create high performing websites, rank number one on Google and profit from digital advertising. Nate is focused on real business results like revenue and
Starting point is 01:17:34 new customer acquisition, not just clicks. Nate has been crushing it with B2B companies and construction companies across the globe. So go to naitlinder.com right now. Displaypros.net, I love these guys. They're the real deal when it comes to custom trade, booth, retail fixtures and promotional items. These guys will build you a booth. Their customer service is unbeatable. I called just to yell at them and they took it.
Starting point is 01:18:02 They took it well. I yelled at them for no reason. I just wanted to see if they were telling the truth about the customer service and they took it. They took it well. I yelled at them for no reason. I just wanted to see if they were telling the truth about the customer service and they were. They'll work with you to make sure you're completely satisfied with your purchase. So if you're getting ready for a trade show, setting up a retail space or just need some killer promotional items, check out displaypros.net. Tell them I sent you, you'll get 10% off your first purchase. Of course our boy Matthew Albani doing big things in St. Petersburg Florida it's an insurance company guys you need insurance might as well go with MA Insurance Services their
Starting point is 01:18:35 reviews are through the roof these guys are coming for the big boys they really are he's got a new assistant which which is great news. Hopefully she's hot. Call up, see if her voice is hot. Ask about some of the, the, the coverage they have. You can call them up at 727-475-1650, or you can go to MAInsuranceServices.com. They do commercial and personal, right? So it doesn't matter any type of insurance, umbrella programs, workers comp, commercial property,
Starting point is 01:19:10 auto, professional liability, general liability, umbrellas and personal stuff, right? House, all that stuff. He's got everything. So check them out. Rebels-Raiders.com. Rebels-Raiders.com. Rebels-Raiders.com. I always look forward to see if this guy's got new copy.
Starting point is 01:19:30 Does he? Not yet. Same old, okay. Backpacks on the way. Backpacks are on the way as usual. You can, there's a YouTube link, you can go take a peek for the plate carrier. Right, that's when he explained to us
Starting point is 01:19:45 what the plate carrier was. Oh, the plate carrier, right. So he makes, he's arming you up for a shooting. The kid's got military surplus. Did he just wheel us in with the backpacks? Maybe. Yeah, I mean, if you're planning the next great mass murder in America,
Starting point is 01:20:00 you wanna go to rebels-raiders.com. I know that's not the best copy, but it's the most accurate. No, if you're an aficionado, if you're in a paramilitary group, which is a large portion of my fan base, you want to check out rebels-raiders.com. He's got great stuff. Backpacks are coming. He's got shirts.
Starting point is 01:20:20 He's got shirts. Send us one. I'm going to put it in the message right now, the address. I want a shirt, I'll wear it. So go check out, they got magazine holsters, military packs, military surplus, load bearing equipment, magazine holsters, everything you need for peace. Go to Rebels-Raiders.com.
Starting point is 01:20:44 Suds Auto Spot, my boy, Yanni Pappas. John Pappas out there in Bridgeville, which is outside south of Pittsburgh. If you're real clean, if you're Italian, you're Italian and you like to keep your car sparkling. Well, Suds Auto Spa specializes in automotive longevity services, ceramic coatings, paint protection film. I need a little tune up.
Starting point is 01:21:08 They also offer storage solutions featuring car capsule units. Not tune up. I need a little, I got a little paint chip. These storage assets are designed to keep your car dust free and safe from impacts, mildew, even rodents. I mean, your car will become bulletproof
Starting point is 01:21:25 he'll make your car bulletproof he will travel for big jobs too so you can call them at 412-564-5033 you can email them at info at suds autospot.com check them out on the gram suds underscore auto underscore spa PCB tech art they're sending us prototypes. I gave them the address. I should check to see if it's here. So if you're looking for business marketing swag in the form of key chains, ball markers, or bag tags, check out PCB design consultations, prototyping, 3D printing. They do it all.
Starting point is 01:21:57 PCBtechart.com. Visit their online store. They sell on Amazon. Don't forget the code YANIS10 for 10% off your order. And if you're looking for a product that's going to be a hit, I'm going to give you a link to it. I'm going to give you a link to it. I'm going to give you a link to it.
Starting point is 01:22:05 I'm going to give you a link to it. I'm going to give you a link to it. I'm going to give you a link to it. I'm going to give you a link to it.

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