Yannis Pappas Hour - Kamabla, Kooks & a Yaaased VP

Episode Date: August 8, 2024

RFK isn't fond of bear cubs, Trump dives into fan fiction, and his wild tweets have made a comeback! America is dominating the Olympics, while riots break out in England, with conspiracy theories on X... already blaming the Jews. Candace Owens plays historian, performing mental gymnastics worthy of the Olympics to link the Armenian genocide to the Jews. Kamala Harris picks a VP and it has nothing to do with optics. Meanwhile, Hamas has a new leader who seems less than enthusiastic about the role! Come hang with Yanni & Jesse for their weekly, more timeless, bonus episodes here and support the production of this show:  https://www.patreon.com/yannispappashour?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Before we start this Yanis Papas hour this week, I want to tell you about my live dates where you can come see me do stand-up comedy Friday April 9th Pottstown PA at Soul Joles St. Louis September 5th through the 7th, Dania Beach September 13th through the 15th Tacoma Washington September 19th through the 21st Skankfest in Vegas September 27th through the 29th Skankfest in Vegas September 27th through the 29th. Levity Live in West Nyack October 11th through the 13th. Brea California October 25th through the 27th. Milwaukee December 5th through the 7th.
Starting point is 00:00:33 And then The Mothership in Austin December 20th through the 22nd. And Rochester January 16th through the 18th. Tickets are at YanisPappasComedy.com. Join our Patreon for our weekly bonus episodes, Patreon.com slash Yanis PapasComedy.com. Join our Patreon for weekly bonus episodes, Patreon.com slash Yanis Papas Hour for a more timeless, casual hang. ["The Most Foreign Name"]
Starting point is 00:00:58 Good day, everyone. It is Yanis Papas, the most American fake newscaster with the most foreign name. Yanis Papas. It should be illegal. I should be rioted against. I should be forced to hide my ethnicity and change my name to John Pap, or John Paples.
Starting point is 00:01:21 John Paples. This is John Paples, your most American fake newscaster, recording here from the heart of the country in the deep cornfields of Nebraska. Or if you're on the left, it's Yanis Papas, broadcasting from the inner city of St. Paul, Minnesota, where our new vice president resides as governor and he's a hunter. He's a white. He's a white.
Starting point is 00:01:49 He's a white man, but he's Yas. And that's all you need to know. And so people are going, is he too Yas? Was Shapiro in Pennsylvania like the real, like peel the centrist or or like Kamala's got that because she throws everyone in prison and we need to go more Yas.
Starting point is 00:02:09 But Shapiro's of the chosen tribe and that has really, that has really divided the Democratic party. So they chose Yas. They chose Yas. And let me tell you about Tim Walz. He has a Beyonce day in Minnesota and Minnesota is not a swing state.
Starting point is 00:02:26 So this is a real confident Floyd Money Mayweather choice. This is going, hey, I'm not gonna mountain too. I'll make the choice I want. We're going full yas yas. We're still going complete optics. White man, women of color, he hunts, that's good enough. We're still playing the optics game. Unfortunately, it looks like the right is starting to play a little bit of the Looney
Starting point is 00:02:49 Toons game. We will get into Trump's Truth Social post, which is fan fiction. I'd call it Trump's, it's a fiction, but it's a fun one. And we will get into that. Not fun times in England. Right over the channel, the USA is making me proud because we are number one in medals and number one in golds. As long as we beat the Chinese, I don't care.
Starting point is 00:03:18 I root for every team that's not the Chinese because if it's not America, it's a one less medal for the Chinese. So this is America versus the Chinese in civilized war and we're winning and people should be appreciative of all our synchronized swimmers and our Paul Vaulters and all the other sports that if they were otherwise on TV, you'd throw something at it. Volleyball should be a bigger sport though, it's very exciting.
Starting point is 00:03:42 I've said it many times. Riots in England. So while the games are going on in Paris, the riots are going on in England and guess who's behind it? I don't want to say because all I see is people. All I see is human beings. I don't see skin color, I don't see race, I just think it's easier to go, how did the Masad pull this one off? Candace Owens probably has an answer for that. She also is here for history lessons,
Starting point is 00:04:13 to let you know that the infamous or famous, depending on who you are, and what position you have on the Turks in the former Ottoman Empire, founder at a Turk, who was most famously or infamously or however you want to put it, atheist and ethnically Aturkish or Ottoman, was a Jew. According to Candace Owens, she will figure out a way, she will figure out a way to make, does this guy's name sound Jewish? Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was actually a Jew and that explains why he did bad things.
Starting point is 00:04:55 One of those things being the Armenian genocide. It's because we got to the root of it and he's got that evil gene. He's got that bad gene, the Jew gene. And it's just when bad things happen, just find your way to the Jew. Pin the tail on the international mysterious man of mystery, the Jew. So we're going to have fun with that. Great time to vacation in England right now. Prices are way down on airlines. And in funner news, Hamas has finally picked a new leader.
Starting point is 00:05:39 He's thrilled about it. And of course, the RFK Bear Cup. And I don't mean he met a young, fat guy with a lot of hair in a bar and was found out to be homosexual. It's the story that's ripping through the internet and providing a lot of great memes. RFK,K. Jr. admits to dumping a dead bear in Central Park, solving a decades old mystery of who staged the bear cub being hit by bicyclists in Central Park mystery. And in other news, he's been suspected to be in the works right now,
Starting point is 00:06:25 making a video with another person who's very stable. Roseanne Barr, another one about the missing case of J.B. Ramsey. I think we figured out who might've done that too. Also, fucking, I lost a pair of Prada sneakers, and I thought maybe it was the guys who were working at my house. But I got some questions, RFK Jr. This is the Yanis Papas Hour, where we give you yesterday's news today, so you can have a much more fun tomorrow. Stick around. from the truth to the news and cameras, to the fake politics and the propaganda.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Yeah, this kid screwed in, got a lot to say. Aw shit, it's bout to be a long day. It's a long day. All right, so much to get to. Jesse Scatoro, the massive Kamala supporter, the massive, massive, massive DEI hire here at the Yanis Papas Hour. I said I needed an older guy.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Everyone's like, you gotta go young, they know the internet. I say, no, I want a guy who does this when he's got a Google. I need a guy with a blown out knee who can't run by doctor's advice. I need a guy who I've known since I'm about 15 years old, who has zero aspirations in this field, who just likes to hang
Starting point is 00:08:13 out and eat dinner with me and have a laugh, because I take this show very serious. This green screen cost $15 million dollars and this right here is a special American-made mic that you can only get in the great state of Minnesota I did not know that the great state of Minnesota was mostly Minnesota st. Paul I think the population is 5.2 million and 3.7 of those live in Minnesota and St. Paul, which are the twin cities. I think they call those the twin cities. Like they're right there.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Why not just form? What is it one city invade the other and just go, we're now Minnesota? Nobody thinks about St. Paul. But it's the land of 10,000 lakes. They got a lot of lakes and they actually updated it. It's a land of 10,000 lakes and 100 million Somalis. There's a lot of Somalis in Minnesota. Our esteemed, the Minnesota esteemed representative, the only one who wears a The only one who wears a esteemed burka is from Minnesota.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Right, what's her name? Omar. Omar. Iman, Iman. Ilan. Ilan Omar. Omar. I just wanna know if you're up, if you ever got on Jeopardy and they said.
Starting point is 00:09:42 I was close. If you're walking around the mall, the Mall of America in Minneapolis and you see someone from behind, you go, is that Ilhan Omar? I was walking around the Mall of America when I was performing there and I could have sworn I saw Ilhan Omar about 300 times. The thing about Somalis is they look very much alike too. I mean, because it's not traditionally a diversified gene pool in Somalia. One of my very good friends from college is Somali.
Starting point is 00:10:16 And I ask him, how big's your family? Because it looks like it's the whole country of Somalia. Everyone has like a similar look. Same thing with Ethiopia, you can tell from Ethiopia, there's a certain look, right? It's just, there's not a lot of, there hasn't been mass migrations, immigrations to Somalia and Ethiopia
Starting point is 00:10:39 that have kind of diversified that gene pool. Like there's a solid Somali look, and they're beautiful and they're unique and when you walk around the Mall of America you just go, if Alana Omar was here she would not need security because she would just look like another Somali woman holding a sneaker and lady footlocker. That's it. Plus they got the head covered so it's like you only see some of the features and that's Minnesota. Minnesota is white people, cold weather, and Somalis and that's what it is and uh that accent oh yeah welcome to Minnesota oh yeah and um and it's going great over there it's going great.
Starting point is 00:11:24 And it's going great over there, it's going great. Minnesota and Minneapolis is where one of our unfortunate incidents happened in this country, right? That's where George Floyd went down, right? Just make sure of that. Is it really, did that happen in Minnesota? I'm pretty sure. I'm pretty sure that happened in Minnesota. I'm pretty sure George Floyd was Minnesota.
Starting point is 00:11:46 We all tried to put it out of our mind. It happened everywhere to all of us. But it happened to all of us everywhere. I was right, it was in Minneapolis, and it was in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Minnesota! And Governor Tim Walz has been the governor there since 2019 and he has just been yost. He's been yost.
Starting point is 00:12:14 And it was all captured spontaneously on camera. Absolutely. Just so happened he was sitting in his hunting hat that he likes to wear because may I emphasize he's a hunter. Are you listening to me, white male America? He's a hunter, he is a hunter. Now he could represent that swing vote that we did on the other episode.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Is he the yas swing voter? Hets, but he also has a Beyonce day. It's almost like this podcast always gets proven right. I don't know where I've been wrong. Tell me in the comments. It's mostly wrong. But maybe they went after him because he's the perfect representative for the Yas hunter. He's a Yas hunter. He's Yas,
Starting point is 00:13:06 but he also hunts and he just organically hangs out in his home with his hunting hat on. With his camouflage hunting hat on. He's a veteran. He is a veteran. You know, Democrats love that optics game, baby. What's your name? What's your background? What who do you represent? They're big into the Madison Avenue way of doing politics, but they do it now not on class or they it's strictly, you know, give me a mirror of the voter, baby. Give me, let's paint this guy as an individual, and when people look, will they be able to say, that's me, because Kamala ain't them, right?
Starting point is 00:13:57 So a lot of people were thinking Kamala was going to go with Shapiro, because it's a swing state in Pennsylvania, and he's very pro-Israel, he's very moderate, he's one of those old school Democrats. Remember the day where you really couldn't tell the difference between the Democrats and Republicans? Mitt Romney and Barack Obama would have a debate, and you'd be like, did they just say the same thing?
Starting point is 00:14:20 He's from that era, right? Let's say, pretty that era, right? Let's say pretty stable era, right? Pretty stable era in a lot of ways, domestically. But Tim Walz and Shapiro are very different in that Tim Walz is very progressive. He appeals, I think think more to the left wing of the left party, you know. He's clean, he's got his hands clean of of Israel and Gaza. He doesn't go to synagogue. He represents Christmas. He hunts. He's clean. He codified basically
Starting point is 00:15:02 Roe v Wade in Minnesota. In Minnesota. You can ladies you can I mean You can go you can you can be Just beep that just beep it just beep it people get the point we don't need that I didn't need to go that hard you get the point. You're free to do what you want. You're consequence free ladies in Minnesota. He loves wearing the right stuff. What's that called? What?
Starting point is 00:15:34 The flannel. He's a veteran. I mean, he's got it all, right? But he's more of a Bernie guy. He's more of a left guy. He's more of a left guy. He comes with some baggage, I think that baggage being the the riots there, sort of the lack of control of the riots, sort of, you know, he's definitely in that modern democratic kind of, let's be sensitive to everyone. I don't want to notice any cultural difference.
Starting point is 00:16:06 I don't, I don't, everyone needs a seat at the table. He's one of those, like equal outcomes is what, it's all about equal outcomes. I don't care about like, just make sure it's fucking, everyone is represented. He's definitely in that camp. Shapiro, they thought, I think, even though he could probably deliver the massively important swing state of Pennsylvania, I think they just thought he's a little too Jewish.
Starting point is 00:16:37 I think just went, let's, they just go, this is going to be more of an Anglo-Saxon, more of a This is going to be more of an Anglo-Saxon, more of a Christian party. So the Babylonian did a very funny thing that Shapiro got a death to Israel neck tattoo, hoping that it would help. Got it for nothing. But he got it for nothing because he didn't get back. Because that's really, Kamala is really leaning in on that. She's really leaning in on the being critical of Israel wing. So I think that also may attract a lot of right wing voters
Starting point is 00:17:20 because a lot of right wing voters are very critical of Israel's well right now. It's all over the map. It's up for grabs, baby. It's up for grabs. They were just like, let's not do a Josh Shapiro thing right now. We're gonna do a good old... This guy reminds me of Tim Kaine. He's just a good old white country boy. He hunts, but he also, you know, listens to Megan Thee Stallion.
Starting point is 00:17:47 And that's the swing voter I talked about last episode or two episodes ago. He somehow pulls those two worlds together, you know? He can go to that club and like, yeah, he knows how to give a black handshake. That's who he is. It's Tim Walz, and he was picked. can go to that club and like, yeah, he can, he knows how to give a black handshake. That's who he is. It's Tim Walz.
Starting point is 00:18:08 And he was picked. I think they met once. I think they met once when she was over there, you know, championing reproductive rights and whatever. Supposedly they hit it off. And then they had this massively organic phone call where she just calls him to let him know that he's gonna be VP. and he's just sitting there.
Starting point is 00:18:27 He doesn't expect to call. There happens to be a camera on when he gets the call. Um, and there's a camera on her and let's take a listen or a watch. If you're watching this, this is, um, Tim waltz, get in the call. Tim Walz, get in the call. Hi, this is Tim. Pause it. It's Kyle here, and good morning. This is Tim.
Starting point is 00:18:52 This is Tim. Okay, this is where it goes. All right, you got your camera on, I'm gonna call you back in two seconds. That's what happened right before that. Oh, make sure you get your hat on. Do an outfit check first. No, just make sure you got the hunting hat
Starting point is 00:19:09 that you wear indoors. Good morning, Madam Vice President. Listen, I want you to do this with me. Let's do this together. Pause it. You can be my running mate and let's do this together. Pause it. She's so fucking unlikable. As soon as she opens her mouth, her teeth are clenched.
Starting point is 00:19:29 She fucking makes, she makes Hillary look like my therapist, Alan. She just makes him look empathetic. She just makes Hillary just look like a social worker. Just, there's just, she's just got so much anger in there. She's clenching her teeth. Give me the power. The joy that you're bringing back to the country, the enthusiasm that's out there, it would be a privilege to take this with you
Starting point is 00:20:11 across the country. Well let me tell you, I have just utmost respect for you. I have really enjoyed our work together. You understand our country. You have dedicated yourself to our country in so many different and beautiful ways and we're gonna do this We're gonna win and we're gonna unify our country and remind everyone that we are fighting for the future for everyone Right, right. So let's get that point. Okay, let's get it done. Let's do it. Do the work in front of us. Let's win this thing Let's do that. That's right. Let's go. All right, buddy. I'll see you soon. Take care. Thank you. We're old friends. We're old friends. They just, the powers that be just told me 10 seconds ago, we can't go Shapiro because of the fucking Frisbee.
Starting point is 00:20:50 No. Shapiro's a no. Shapiro's a no right now. We're gonna skirt that and we're doubling down and this is a confident choice, right? This is a confident choice. Now here's my take. I don't think it's as bad as some
Starting point is 00:21:05 of the critics are saying. A lot of the critics are going like, he doesn't, what does he add? What does he give? What does he deliver? I think he delivers the yacht. I think he delivers, hey, look at me. We secretly want to go to gay bars. That vote. We hunt. He's the swing voter. Now here's the deal. Also, she doesn't need, she doesn't need a moderate candidate because I think she, what can you attack her for? She has a very conservative on crime record. That's all we know about her is that she just throws away the keys. I mean she was just in San Francisco just it's like she had a like just a catapult like face down into the prison and she was just she was just throwing minorities into cells and so the Republicans are going, how the hell do we attack her for that? So it's tough because, and she pays lip service to a lot of the progressive stuff, I think. She's a
Starting point is 00:22:16 woman, so that's the optics of that. But I don't think they've really found an angle to attack her yet because that's really all we know about her She was a prosecutor and she was attacked, but if you remember by Tulsi Gabbard Tulsi for that for being like too hard on the black community and like locking them all up for nothing for weed and stuff like that and That's the only attack I remember. That was the most successful attack.
Starting point is 00:22:46 It went viral or whatever. So definitely, they're not, the Republicans aren't gonna be able to go after that. Be like, it can't be like, all right, that thing you did, technically we want more of that. But what's up, girl? What are they gonna attack? She's like an empty thing.
Starting point is 00:23:02 There's no, what is it? I think they tried to attack around not having kids. So that was like the first attack. Because like I said, nowadays it's not like, I don't even think any of the candidates understand policy. I don't think Kamala even knows what's going on. I don't think she has worked on anything since she's been there.
Starting point is 00:23:18 I think she's just tried to poison Joe Biden a few times. They just keep her away. I think they've been keeping her away because she got caught trying to put him down because she wants in. And now she's just happy that she doesn't have to anymore. Right, and they didn't want it to become a news story that she was trying to poison the president.
Starting point is 00:23:37 She probably tried to push him down a few stairs once in a while. When's the last time you saw them together as a team in the same room? When she even been near them? They separated her once she tried to push him down the stairs once and she like, we can't have that. We also are not gonna make it a news story.
Starting point is 00:23:53 That's gonna be a whole thing. We're just gonna keep you away. You are a psychopathic, career driven, fucking B-I-T-C-H. And we're gonna keep you away from the old man so you don't push him down the stairs or put something in his porridge. And so we don't know anything about her besides her being a prosecutor and attorney general. That's it. That's tough to attack.
Starting point is 00:24:24 She's critical Israel. Tough to attack. She's critical to Israel. Tough to attack. Tough to attack, right? Because I think there's a lot on the right now that are critical of Israel. And she just got rid of that. She's gonna go up there, she's gonna go, we support Israel, we support our allies, but we want Netanyahu to die. She's gonna play both sides on that, perfect, so you can't attack her. I mean, look, man, this is a fucking, this is a fucking Madison Avenue game now, baby. This is Coca-Cola versus Pepsi.
Starting point is 00:24:54 This is just about optics, sweetheart. This is all it is. Say the things you can't attack me on. I condemn, but also. I condemn, but also. That's all she's got to do. She's got to bounce from one foot to the next. Smile, not cackle. They got to tell her like don't cackle. Don't laugh. Smile. Don't try, try not to do that with
Starting point is 00:25:18 your teeth. Don't try not to let the real you show through that fucking angry chick. Just keep your teeth separated, smile, talk policy, one foot to the next. We're support Israel, but also, I support a border, but also, just fucking but also it. All they gotta do is but also this, it's a shoe in. She is, right now she is a favorite to win it because I think the Republicans prepared for one opponent
Starting point is 00:25:51 opponent and That opponent went down So it's like an MMA, you know when an MMA fighter gets a call and he hasn't had any time to prepare for the opponent He hasn't he hasn't done a full camp Trump hasn't does a full camp on Kamala for the opponent. He hasn't done a full camp. Trump hasn't done a full camp on Kamala. The problem, they started making fun of Biden's age too much. If you guys just started talking about that he was great and used some reverse psychology, maybe he would have stayed in. Trump should have been learning those elections. He should have been like, I understood every word you said, and anyone who's critical of you is being ageist. he should have been like I understood every word you said and anyone who's critical of you is being ageist
Starting point is 00:26:26 They should have done everything to keep him in because I think they would have won that election now. I don't know Now I think he's scrambling a little bit. I think he's back You know, this is groundhog's day dude. We're right back to groundhog's day It's like when I read an article about covid surging. I'm like, this is groundhog's day How many people want to live in Groundhog's Day? All right? He looked pretty calm at the beginning of the debate, but then it's just the old emotional Trump
Starting point is 00:26:55 just kinda took back over and he started talking about golf scores and that's just what you're gonna get. And today we got back to the way things were four years ago where you just wake up and you go, what crazy thing is gonna come out of this dude's mouth? And he provided, he provided. He tweeted out on Truth Social.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Truth Social's his, so he's still got his own thing. He goes, what are the chances that it's fan fiction, if you guys are into fan fiction? This is where our presidential candidates are. One of them is staging a bear, one of them is staging a bear murder by a bicyclist. He's a prank, I guess, or, you know, I don't know. Look, if you found it by the side of the road,
Starting point is 00:27:49 why did you have to make it seem like a bike was hitting? We're gonna get into it. And the New Yorker story is probably gonna be out by the time this comes out. I'm interested to see if the New Yorker story matches what his story is. I imagine they don't have to do too much changing to make it a wild story. It's definitely funny.
Starting point is 00:28:06 It's as funny as it gets. So that's the one guy, and we'll get to that in a second. That's R.F.K. Jr. staging a dead, I mean, he placed the body, and then he put the bike to make it seem like a bicyclist killed the bear, which, come on, as you know, a bear cub would get out of the way of a bicycle, and I don put the bike to make it seem like a bicyclist killed the bear, which, come on, as you know, a bear cub would get out of the way of a bicycle,
Starting point is 00:28:29 and I don't think a bicyclist can kill a bear cub. But that's what he did, and he's a candidate. And then we got Kamala, who's a candidate, who, talk about just shooting right up. I mean, she was the first one ousted. She was the most unlikable and far-fetched candidate, and they chose her for VP to shore up that woman vote, I guess, and she's had to do very little work.
Starting point is 00:29:00 She's figured it out. Hats off to Kamala. She just, right place, right time. I always say success is like surfing, man. You gotta catch the right wave. And she caught the, this guy's way too fucking old age. I wave. So Donald Trump tweets, and here we are in Groundhog's Day.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Welcome to the year 2018. What are the chances that crooked Joe Biden, the all caps worst president in the history of the US, whose presidency was unconstitutionally all caps stolen? So we're sticking with that. We're sticking with that. We're sticking with that. The people are people are just not interested in that anymore, but he's sticking to it. He can't let it go. Oh no, oh I'm sorry, I apologize. Okay, okay, I apologize. He's still talking about the stolen stuff though, but it's not him. He's passed on that, that the election was stolen from him. Was stolen all caps, so the presidency was unconstitutionally stolen all caps
Starting point is 00:30:06 from Joe Biden by, and he's got a new name, Kamabla. Kamabla. Kamabla, right? So he's saying she's blah. That's the joke. It's great because she is very fucking blah. So it's gray, comma blah. You know he sits there and he probably throws a few out? He's like comma bitch, no, comma cunt, that's good, but it won't work in the mainstream. Poca, comma, no, vanilla ice, comma, no, white chocolate, No, vanilla ice, no, white chocolate, no,
Starting point is 00:30:54 soul food, Indian fusion, no, no, that's not it, that's not it, lock them up, come on, no, that's, that's what, no, that's not gonna work, comma blah. And they just, Stephen Miller's just there with his bald head going like this. Comma Blah. It's a goodie. It's a goodie. So this is, I guess, the,
Starting point is 00:31:16 this is the opening ceremony for the Comma Blah name. This is the coming out of the Comma Blah. This is the first time we've heard Comma Blah. So it was stolen from him the Comma Blah. This is the first time we've heard Comma Blah. So it was stolen from him by Comma Blah. And then he goes, Barack, all caps, Hussein, remember, where was he born? Obama, crazy Nancy Pelosi, shifty Adam Schiff. He should just go Adam Shifty.
Starting point is 00:31:44 He should've tightened that. You just punched it up. I punched it up for you. It should be Adam Shifty, not Shifty Adam Schiff. He probably went over that though and just liked just the bounce of Shifty Adam Schiff as opposed to Adam Shifty. I like Adam Shifty better.
Starting point is 00:31:59 And of course, crying Chuck Schumer. It's almost like he watched our last episode. What, we went over all his nicknames for people? And others on the lunatic left, All Caps crashes the Democrat National Convention and tries to take back the nomination, beginning with challenging me to another All Caps debate. He feels that he made a historically tragic mistake
Starting point is 00:32:26 by handing over the US presidency a all caps, a coup to the people in the world he most hates. And he wants it back all caps now. So this is seemingly a tweet in support of Joe Biden that he feels on Joe Biden's behalf was unceremoniously defrocked, taken out of power. So he's saying, come on, Joe, get your nerve back, man. Don't let the lunatic left do this to you, bro.
Starting point is 00:33:01 And the subtext of this is, please bring back the old man. That was a layup. Now I'm gonna have to run some, I'm gonna have to run some plays. It was gonna be street ball fun. It's gonna look like the Harlem Globetrotters. It was gonna be the Harlem Globetrotters on Joe Biden. So this is more of what he hopes, right?
Starting point is 00:33:22 This was hoping. He's hoping this happens. He goes, so what are he hopes, right? This is what he's hoping. He's hoping this happens. He goes, so what are the chances, guys? I don't know what the point of this tweet is. I think it's not a good tweet. I think it's a little like, what are you talking about, dude? I think if he would have tightened this up to just can't wait to debate, blah, it would have been an..., the blah gets lost
Starting point is 00:33:46 in all the other crazy shit. I guess he's trying to make, trying to win those swings on the democratic side who go, yeah, it was wrong what they did. Let the old man go. But what he doesn't know is like everyone wanted the old man to go. Nobody, nobody is upset about this So what is the point of this tweet?
Starting point is 00:34:10 Why do we have presidential candidates where it's so clear that they do fucking quacky shit? I Know we're very desensitized to Donald Trump's quacky shit But from from a president if he was, if he was the host of The Apprentice, I feel like this is a tweet, we'd be like, this is fucking great, but when you're running to become the president of the United States, why? Why? What is happening here?
Starting point is 00:34:39 Is this just to get talked about? What is it? I'm asking you. Oh, he's trying to manifest it. It's the secret. Oh, so he's actually trying to manifest it. Because this is what he wants. He's putting it out to the universe. Yeah, but what it looks like is he's not confident. It looks like he's like crying for Joe Biden to come back. It's like he's fucking upset. It doesn't look good. It looks a little unhinged,
Starting point is 00:35:06 the all caps, the now with the three exclamation points. I mean, he's just back. It's Groundhog's Day. We're back to these unhinged tweets, you know, that just go out to the world. And it just seems very counterintuitive. It would be fun to watch though. Comma blah versus him. No, Joe Biden showing up to the Democratic. Yeah, yeah, that would be that would be fun. There's a lot of things that would be fun to watch that aren't gonna happen. I can think of a bunch of things I wish would happen. That'd be fun to watch. But it's just you're not in reality. It's just you're not in reality. You know, you're not in reality. It's a kooky tweet.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Let's be no matter which way you slice it. Explain to me as a Trump supporter how this is not a kooky tweet. I'd love to hear you in the comments. I don't read any of them, but I would love for you to just argue with each other about how this is not a fucking wild tweet. Do you think he was upset
Starting point is 00:36:02 that RFK Jr. was getting some headlines? And he was like, let me, let me, let me throw a wild one out there. A scenario about Joe Biden stealing back the nomination. You know, first of all, how's he going to do that by force? I mean, the dude can barely stand up. How's he going to, he's just very upset that he was replaced because they were planning for a landslide. And now he's got to go against a chick he's got to deal with this project 2025 shit he's got to distance himself from that he's got to somehow fit he then he picked this dude and you know he's second-guessing that he's like who the fuck does this guy appeal to this guy's out there calling women cat ladies and
Starting point is 00:36:41 all his all like a lot of hit there was no red wave that came. A lot of the candidates he endorsed didn't win. You know, he actually hasn't won anything since 2016. And you know, that whole Roe v Wade thing, I think in the strategy room, which is where I like to talk to about the most, is going like, I don't know if this is playing well with us. And now we got a female candidate, and you just, it's, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:12 if she just keeps saying reproductive rights over and over again, like you're just gonna get the ladies, if the ladies come out, if the ladies come out to the polls, what are they, 54% of the population? They're a majority. You got to finally a female candidate.
Starting point is 00:37:30 She's still a plus 116 underdog. Trump is still plus 103. This is in the betting pools. This is in the betting pools. This is in the betting pools. So, well this must be old because they still got Michelle Obama and Gavin Newsom up there. They always keep people up.
Starting point is 00:37:52 Oh they keep just in case? If you want to put some long money, you know. Yeah, just in case the Secret Service decides that they're going to allow another shot at somebody. Oh god, fucking Trump is untouchable dude. They tried to get him into court and somebody tried to shoot him and he's just he's still going and he's back with the nicknames and he's just back. I don't know. I don't know. I think he's gonna have a tough time with Kambala, but
Starting point is 00:38:27 I don't know. I don't know. I think he's gonna have a tough time with Kambala. But the Democrats definitely want RFK Jr. out. They don't like that he's stealing some of the vote. They don't want any votes stolen. And so they're just, they're digging up his dirt and they don't have to dig. I mean, it's like they're going like one inch in the ground. All they're doing is breaking ground and they're being like, oh God, do we even need to go deeper? So, RFK Jr. in probably the funniest news, I can't remember funnier news. Maybe this guy setting fire to a dominoes in England by setting his shit on fire is funnier. But RFK finally admits to dumping a dead bear
Starting point is 00:39:11 in Central Park, which solved a 10 year mystery of who staged the bear, the fake bear death. This was a massive news story, it was a national news story, I guess a little over 10 years ago. I just can't believe that it turns out that the guy who did it is RFK Jr. I mean, what are the chances that it was him that did this? So you probably know all the details by now,
Starting point is 00:39:40 so I don't have to get into the details, because if you don't, you're living under a rock. But if you haven't, I'll tell you quite quickly. R.F.K. Jr supposedly was behind some woman who hit a bear cub and he decided I'm going to take that bear cub because I'm going to store the meat in the freezer I'm going to skin it and eat the bear. You know because he's a Kennedy right so like you know, because he's a Kennedy, right? So like, you know, why just I'm a wild boy So he throws the according to him. He throws the bear cub in his trunk Intending to take it up to Bedford West Chester where he lives and skin it and throw it in the freezer and just keep the bear meat
Starting point is 00:40:21 You know, which is very hard to cook. You got cook it a certain way, Joe Rogan can tell you. You don't want trigonosis to get you. Then for some reason, he remembers he has a dinner that he's gotta go to at Peter Luger's, which is a steakhouse in Brooklyn. So he goes with a bunch of friends who are drinking a lot, and he's the only guy who apparently wasn't drinking. So he's the sober one that decided this would be funny.
Starting point is 00:40:45 He's drinking with a bunch of them, and then he realized he doesn't have enough time to get the bear back up to Bedford. So he's like, what should I do with this bear cub? So his drunk friends and him decide, I guess, that it'll be really funny if, his drunk friends and him decide, I guess, that it'll be really funny if, because a lot of cyclists were hitting, and this is his words,
Starting point is 00:41:12 there was a lot of cyclists hitting people at this time in Central Park, which I don't know what's funny about that, but it's funny, that we're gonna make it look like a cyclist hit the bear and then just left it. So somehow he got a bike. Somehow he decided that this was a smart plan. I don't know where the bike came from. I don't know how he got a bike. But they got a bike and I guess they banged it against the ground to make it look like they hit a bear.
Starting point is 00:41:40 And they dumped the bear and also the bear had stab wounds, which is weird. So they dumped the bear, and also the bear had stab wounds, which is weird. So they dumped the bear cub in Central Park with the bike next to it, making it look like the bike hit the bear. And he gets on a plane, and that's why he couldn't, he couldn't take it back to Bedford because he had a flight. So I guess he took the bear, forgot he had dinner plans,
Starting point is 00:42:04 and then also forgot that he had to get on a plane. And he was also the only sober one, apparently. So I just chalked this up to like really, maybe ADHD, maybe just a little ADHD. Maybe a manic episode, like I'll take the bear, I also gotta fly, and then I gotta go, you know. It sounds very OJ, it sounds I got to go, you know. It sounds very OJ. It sounds very OJ's, you know, hey, I was on a plane.
Starting point is 00:42:30 I had to get in limo and I was in a thing and oh, this knife, I cut it on a broken glass. It sounds very like that. But I don't even think the New Yorker has to tell the real story. I mean, it's wild enough. And then he wakes up and he's surprised that it's national news and he was really worried, he said, because his prints were all over that bike. Now apparently it wouldn't have been a crime,
Starting point is 00:42:53 but he would have got a fine. And of course it's an embarrassing story because it's a really fucking kooky, which is probably the name of the episode. It's a real kooky thing to do. It's a real fucking kooky thing to do. And then keep quiet for 10 years. Like, you know, when it became a natural news story,
Starting point is 00:43:15 you know, someone who has like high character might've been like, I don't know what the fuck, we were drunk, I did it, I'll pay the fine, what the fuck? I don't know, but he just decided to go on the lam. He goes on the lam and he just lets the story die without saying anything. I guess he swore his friends to secrecy until he probably fucked one of their wives and they decided to leak this story to the New Yorker because one of his friends leaked this because otherwise how are they gonna find out
Starting point is 00:43:43 about this? somebody fucking spoke Even weirder I think is JFK's Granddaughter is the one that broke the story for the times Originally maybe so this is like you're going like is was this an elaborate Kennedy court you're going like what is up with the Kennedys and Transportation and why do people always die in transport vehicles? JFK Jr. gets in a plane, he dies. Ted Kennedy puts a girl in a car, he fucking kills the girl. I mean, what is going on? RFK Jr. is in a car, there's a dead bear in his trunk. He goes, look forward to seeing how the New Yorker is going to spin this one.
Starting point is 00:44:35 I think what they're going to do is just tell the story. My friend. It's a real, it just. Look, if you were up for a job at Arby's, I think maybe even they might even still have questions. Be like, who would do something like that? We would have questions about the decision making of someone who would do something like that. Look dude, I'm being completely honest with you. Politics aside, so don't get mad at me. I know people love RFK Jr. or whatever. You know, he's like the alternative candidate. I'm going to be completely honest with you, dude. I'm gonna be completely honest with you right here.
Starting point is 00:45:06 If Jesse Scatoro told me, I'm being just completely honest, I'm being fucking completely honest. If Jesse Scatoro told me, while we were adults, while we were adults, I'm not talking about when we were teenagers. When we were teenagers, I would have probably helped you fucking stage the bear death. I would have done it as a teenager with a developing brain.
Starting point is 00:45:27 But as a full grown adult, when was he 60 years old? Ten years ago he was 60 years old as a 60 year old man with a hanged wife. I mean she was upset. She had issues I guess. I mean, she was upset. She had issues, I guess. And kids. And the Kennedy name. You're just going, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:45:56 What's going on? It's fun. It's be a fun thing. You're like, dude, it's a fun thing for like a 15 year old to do maybe. But even for, do you think a 15 year old would even, I mean for like a 15 year old to do maybe but even for you think a 15 year old would even I mean What a 15 year old even go to the they just dumped the bear. They'd be like just dumped the bear on the street corner They wouldn't go like hey, you know be funny a lot of cyclists are hitting people Let's just blame it on this. It seems like a high drunk kind of party like
Starting point is 00:46:28 Wealth drunk kind of party, like wealthy kind of disconnect, like, listen, fuck, what did we do, dude? It's one of those things, it's almost like you'd see it in a movie. It's almost like it's, what's the movie? What, old school? No, not old school, but the one, the trilogy that was Zach Galifianakis made him famous. Oh the hangover. This is like a hangover thing This is like a we wake up and you go. What do we do? We killed the bear cub and fuck we were hammered, dude I don't remember any of it. Show me the Polaroids
Starting point is 00:46:59 If you came in and told me you did this as an adult I Would fire you I would just fire you and go like, what else is this dude capable of? Like, what is he doing? Like, what's going on in his life? Like, what kind of shit? Fucking, how crazy is, I'd go, how crazy is this dude? This dude, I don't, this state,
Starting point is 00:47:18 this energy's like a little unstable. It's a little fucking wild. And then when you pile this on with the finger blast into the babysitter, I know he didn't finger blast her, but he hit on the babysitter, all this other stuff that's coming up. And they're probably not even, dude, he's a Kennedy. They're just like, they just broke ground.
Starting point is 00:47:36 I mean, there's gonna be a dead prostitute somewhere. There's probably gonna be like, I mean, a nuclear weapon he fired at his own house, you know, he's probably gonna like have banged his own mom, like he's gonna, who knows what he did? He's a Kennedy. They just drink, they wild out, and he's the wildest Kennedy. He was the Kennedy that the other Kennedy's were going like, stay clear of him. His whole family's like, yo, stay clear of him, because he's wild. He went to some country and he railed against the measles vaccine, right? This is a story people don't
Starting point is 00:48:11 like. But what was that he went to some country, right? It was some South Asian country that was like totally in support of what he was saying. And the government was like, this guy knows what he's talking about. These vaccines are bad and we're gonna stop them, right? So the government stops the measles vaccine. And then like kids are dropping dead left and right of measles. And then they overturned that decision
Starting point is 00:48:47 because it wasn't going good for them. So that's what happened, right? So I'm wrong, the country was Italy. So he went to Italy and promoted the vaccine according misinformation. And there was an increase in vaccine according misinformation. And there was an increase in vaccine hesitancy. And then there was a rise in measles cases and deaths from the disease in Italy.
Starting point is 00:49:14 The country saw a significant measles outbreak in the late 2010s, which was partly attributed to declining vaccination rates influenced by vaccine misinformation. I didn't know that the measles vaccine was controversial. So he's an interesting character because he's done like a lot of like EPA stuff which is good, but he's also staged some bear deaths if you were wondering. So that's what he's also staged some bear deaths, if you were wondering. So that's what he's about.
Starting point is 00:49:49 So Hamas is named the new leader. His name is Yahwah Sehwar, Yahwah Sinwar. And I don't know if he's thrilled about that. Do you think he's sitting there going like, please pick someone else? Because Israel really finds a way to unalive these dudes. I'm just thrilled about that. Do you think he's sitting there going like, please pick someone else? Because Israel really finds a way to unalive these dudes. They killed another dude by planting a bomb in the spot he was at two months after he left,
Starting point is 00:50:16 knowing he was gonna return. They waited two months, he came back, and then they went kablami. And then they killed another guy like in Lebanon. Like they find you somehow. So I don't know if this guy, like I think he's taking this job like this. It's a tough, that's a tough one to want.
Starting point is 00:50:33 I'd be like, you know what? This would be a good time to retire, walk away. Go play golf, dude. You know you got enough money. I mean, how much money do these guys have? How much, remember they did that story about the amount of money the Hamas guys got? Yeah, billionaires.
Starting point is 00:50:47 They're like billionaires. How did they become billionaires? The only way they could have become billionaires by foreign aid from countries that were helping Gaza or from foreign aid from Iran and other countries that were supporting them and they just made it themselves worth all that money. Aren't they in like Qatar?
Starting point is 00:51:04 Yeah, they're in Qatar. They're in the other countries and they're like billionaires Yahweh walk away dude retire Just fucking retire man. I Don't think this is a good time to take that job but He's taking it. Oh, they killed the other guy
Starting point is 00:51:26 In a in Tehran they They get into Iran some dude, they get in the fucking massage gets in and they just they'll take you out. That's a tough job, dude. That's got to be nervous every day. That's got to really make you paranoid. You start your car just like you do a prayer and just fucking brush your teeth. I mean, anything can get you. That's got to really, you're really going to have to do trauma therapy after that. That's a tough one. That's a real tough one to do. I guess the Jews are everywhere because according to Candace Owens, Ataturk was a Jew. Now this one, you know, Candace Owens has a massive audience
Starting point is 00:52:10 and I think she might have finally said something that her followers were going like, what is going on, I think I'm out. I read a lot of the comments like, you know, on this video and a lot of people are just going, I think I'm out, right? So Candace Owens has said that the founder of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, was actually Jewish, and that's why he did bad things.
Starting point is 00:52:41 So she's obviously trying to pin the genocide of the Armenians and that's why he's bad. And the thing about Ataturk is the Turks love him. He's like a famous atheist and like secularist, secularist and all that stuff. And I'd love to hear in her 20 seconds how she pins it on him. Let's see. There is evidence, this is going to be be extremely controversial but i will link to you this evidence um... that attiturk
Starting point is 00:53:09 was don may attiturk came from a region where there was a strong sepachean stronghold and there was an israeli historian i'm sorry an israeli individual who wrote a book which has now been discontinued who said yeah i met him before he became attiturk and yeah he was jewish there is evidence this is gonna be extreme. Okay. So this is sort of like the dude who smoked crack with Barack Obama.
Starting point is 00:53:39 Yeah, I don't think there's strong evidence that he was Jewish. Wait, someone wrote a book. Somebody wrote a book, dude, someone wrote a book. Somebody wrote a book dude. Somebody wrote a book and so was at a Turk. Was at a Turk. A Jew. Let's see. This is a tough one because this one says he was born to a Muslim family. So I don't know if the Muzzies are happy about this. He was born to a Muslim family in the Ottoman Empire.
Starting point is 00:54:18 His reforms include the sexual, yeah, he was like, his religious background and identity were primarily Muslim. And there's zero evidence to suggest he was a Jewish. I'm just gonna ask what about the book about that? You know there's vampire books too. There is a book titled Ataturk the Rebirth of a Nation which discusses Ataturk's life and reforms in detail. However it does not claim that Ataturk the rebirth of a nation which discusses at a Turk's life and reforms in detail However, it does not claim that a Turk was Jewish
Starting point is 00:54:49 The the idea that he was Jewish is a conspiracy theory and not supported by critical historical And such claims often rise from attempts to question the undermine his legacy by propagating false or misleading information Most historical accounts and biographies confirm his Muslim background do not support the notion of him being of Jewish heritage confirm his Muslim background do not support the notion of him being of Jewish heritage. Yeah, I guess she's trying to say like the only way that he would commit the Armenian jettison is if he was Jewish. Like only the bad things that happen in the world happen because Jewish people do them. I think she's probably researching doing an episode right now about how the riots all over Europe are being staged by secret massage cells and have nothing to do with the Muslims or the nativists.
Starting point is 00:55:36 That's England right now is a blaze. There's three instances in particular that have really pissed off British people. They've really pissed off British people. And it's these rape gangs, there's been rape gangs of grooming in England. And there was three major cases in Telford, Rotherham, and Rochdale. And to make a long story short, it looks like about 1,400 non-Muslim girls have been groomed and raped and trafficked. And it went on for decades. And it seems like the police did nothing about it.
Starting point is 00:56:20 They did a lot of victim blaming in it. I think a lot of people's perspective is that the police didn't do anything about it, they did a lot of victim blaming and I think a lot of people's perspective is that the police didn't do anything about it because they didn't want to be insensitive, culturally insensitive. But these were Muslim groups and then recently some Muslim guy went around with a machete and started hacking up little girls, right? So that has sparked riots all over, and they're spreading into Ireland and Germany, and what it lets you know is that things are harmonious
Starting point is 00:56:54 and going good. And it's, because it's the Muslims, I think the people who hate Israel are just gonna find a way to make it the Jews' fault. And I think the people who hate Israel are also going to just call all the other people white supremacists. But it does seem like there's a lot of evidence
Starting point is 00:57:24 that this was like a coordinated thing. Like this was like a coordinated group of Muslim men who were raping these people. And I think they justified it a lot with their religion. It's from what I understand from some of the interviews from the victims. So these are some of the things that make everything uncomfortable and make you inch closer and closer and closer to the middle of things going,
Starting point is 00:58:05 hmm, I see that point. I see that point. I also see the reality. I think this is a big problem. I think this is a big problem. Even here in the article, they say, in this case, the abusers are Asian. They don't want to say it.
Starting point is 00:58:25 This is the BBC. So they're Asian. They're from the continent of Asia, which is technically true. You know, it's South Asia, but they didn't even go South Asian because then that makes you think it possibly could not be what we consider Asians, which are, you know, look a lot different than the South Asians. That continent is very big. South Asians look a lot different than the other Asians. But according to the BBC, yes, they're Asians and their victims were non-Asian. So be careful out there. There's a lot of karate out there to get girls.
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