Yannis Pappas Hour - N.W.O Elon

Episode Date: April 29, 2022

Wasdadealis is back! Yanni is back from Phoenix, LA and Dallas and unleashes a solo episode. He explores why the Russians & Americans had a prisoner exchange, Johnny Depp v Amber Heard and Elon Mu...sk joining the NWO and playing heel. Didn’t everyone just love him? Also, more!See Yanni live in Cleveland May 5-7 at Hilarities tickets: https://www.yannispappascomedy.comJoin for weekly Bonus episode: https://www.patreon.com/yannilongdaysSubscribe to our clips page for podcast highlights https://youtube.com/channel/UCfMy34qIYYy7XiRaHKO1ykwThe show goes out every Saturday. Come join in on the LONG DAY & Follow Yannis PappasInstagram - https://www.instagram.com/yannispappas/Twitter - https://twitter.com/yannispapSponsorLumin Skinhttps://www.luminskin.com/?utm_source=fumes&utm_medium=podcastBonus episode this week: New Toy Shit https://www.patreon.com/posts/65737552 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up everybody welcome to another episode of long days Elon Musk Elon Musk and Elon Musk and Elon Musk this is a good time if you want to commit a mass murder or you wanted to take over a country or if you wanted to get away with grooming or whatever evil you're into right now, do it. Because the news is completely preoccupied with weather. We're returning to a Nazi digital landscape. Joy, what's your name? Joy Reed. What's your name?
Starting point is 00:00:38 Joy Reed from MSNBC. Sean King are very concerned that Elon Musk is a white supremacist and Twitter is now in the hands of a white supremacist. I haven't seen this tenuous a connection between Elon Musk buying Twitter since the slap, since Hollywood's 9-11 where white supremacy was blamed for the slap. Hollywood's 9-11 where white supremacy was blamed for the slap. But hats off. Whenever you can try to tie white supremacy to something, I'm always listening because I believe it's entertaining. And Elon Musk, welcome to the white supremacy crew, my friend, because you may not have been a white supremacist before you bought Twitter.
Starting point is 00:01:21 But now that you're seeking to enforce free speech, welcome to white supremacy club, my friend. The club is bigger. It's like pronouns in bathrooms. They grow every day. White supremacy is a group that's just, they're multiplying like bedbugs. Johnny Depp, wow. If you're not watching that trial for entertainment I don't know what you're doing it's better than any movie any podcast right out now
Starting point is 00:01:48 you gotta watch it Amber Heard seems like a real good time and it's all fun and games until someone shits in your bed the Russians have just released a Marine in a prisoner exchange
Starting point is 00:02:03 which is weird because we're not at war with them, which makes me really nervous. And poor Brittany Griner, she's still sitting in a man-sized cell because no ladies can fit. And she can't fit in a lady's cell. So they got her in like a real plus-size cell and she's still sitting there, I believe. I believe the Russians agreed to this prisoner exchange because what they got in return is a Russian naval pilot who was set to do 20 years in Connecticut. And I think the Russians gave us back this Marine who I think was set to do nine years in prison for whatever, for being American and eating McDonald's, whatever they'll throw you
Starting point is 00:02:41 in prison for. And I think they did the prisoner exchange because he was a pilot. And I think the Russians just need all hands on deck right now because their military is not doing great. So they will take a pilot if they can get them. So that's happening. Disney, Florida is saying no more tax exempt status for you, my friend. We are dissolving your self-governing abilities. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:09 And people in Orlando are probably cheering because it's a red state. But then they're also realizing, oh, fuck, I'm going to lose my job, dog. If Disney leaves Orlando, Orlando, what is Orlando? I mean, what's going to hurt worse? Shaq leaving? Penny getting hurt? Hardaway, if you're a basketball fan? Or Disney leaving Orlando?
Starting point is 00:03:33 I don't know if they can handle all three things happening in the last 50 years. So please work something out. Just please stop touching kids if you are. Another thing that expands every day, pedophiles. Pedophiles and white supremacists are under every pillowcase. Fauci has said that the pandemic is over. We've ended the pandemic phase. Well, will somebody tell Portland, Seattle, Madison, Wisconsin, and parts of New York City about that because I just got yelled at for not having a mask on.
Starting point is 00:04:10 This is Long Days. My special will be released in early May. I will be in Cleveland May 5th through the 7th. Get your tickets and always remember to search and seek to find out what's the Dallas. Now here comes a great kid you know you can trust. From the truth to the news and cameras. To the fake politics and the propaganda. Get his kids screwed in. Got a lot to say.
Starting point is 00:04:49 Oh, shit. It's about to be a long day. It's a long day. It's a long day. Well, what can you do? It's been a little while since we did a little What's the Deal Is segment. Because we've been switching up between episodes with Jared and episodes with me at the desk. We don't want to keep anything consistent.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Why would anything be consistent right now? Nothing is consistent. People flip-flop on what they say all the time. So I'm changing up the podcast. Next week, I'm going to do it with the girl who I meet on this chat right now. In fact, my next podcast is going to, I'm just going to get on a dating site and try to meet a podcast partner. And I'll just be like, you know what? I want to switch it up.
Starting point is 00:05:28 I want to switch it up. Who knows? Maybe I'll just, I'll just give the podcast to Jared for a month. How about that? A little residency. A little residency. Let's switch it up. If you would like to do my podcast, please go write a review on Apple.
Starting point is 00:05:44 And the best one on Apple, when i see the apple reviews on apple whoever has the best review will be the winner of my contest which is to host my podcast so that's what you're gonna win and in fact i think we should do that for fun why the hell not we'll have one episode where we'll pick the best review on apple and whomever that is we'll come in and do an episode with jesse and it'll just be fun to watch imagine they nail it oh yeah imagine they're so good that people are like they don't want this podcast back they're like we found the real delicious maniac and it's not yanni comment rou roulette is back up. Could you say the word podcast when you get a chance? I think I maybe said it too many times.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Is that what they're saying? Fuck Apple, white supremacist fuck. Okay, that's what happens with comment roulette and you look down. The only way World War III is taking place is Uncle Pauly's kids vote blue. So what they're basically saying is there will be no World War III
Starting point is 00:06:44 because Uncle Pauly's kids will never vote blue. It they're basically saying is there will be no World War III because Uncle Pauly's kids will never vote blue. It's not going to happen. I had a great little swing. First of all, Jared definitely had COVID because Jesse got COVID and Jesse gave it to his girl. I don't know if you listened
Starting point is 00:07:02 to the last Patreon episode of patreon.com slash Yanni Longdays where you can get an extra episode every week. If you're not supporting the show, then you're not supporting free speech. And if Joy Reid heard me say that, she would say that's a dog whistle. It's a dog whistle. It does seem that white men are the happiest about this Twitter. all it does seem that white men are the happiest about this twitter i don't know why we split everything up like this into white men and bipoc that's all it is and what does bipoc mean again bisexual indigenous people of color anybody but a white man anyone but a white man how do we just
Starting point is 00:07:39 say it like that instead of calling bipac just say anyone but white. Everyone except white. Because white is not right. White is wrong. Why don't we just call it wrong? Anyone who's not wrong. So it's been a great week for Elon Musk and all the white men celebrating. It is true. I can't deny that. I mean, you go on Twitter and the white people, they have not been this happy since like the Rolling Stones said they were touring again.
Starting point is 00:08:15 I mean, it's a real, I mean, white guys are really, you know, they are really excited, dude. It's like hockey season. They're very happy um because i guess they feel like they've been discriminated against in this new culture where calling someone a white guy is now pejorative in some sense if someone goes if they go of course i should have known a white guy said it or I'm watching. What else would you expect from a white guy? All you got to do is replace the word white guy with Jew and you understand how Jew became a pejorative. It's the same exact way.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Someone in the comments is going right now, Yanni, are you comparing what has happened to the Jews to white men? Yes, I did. Yes, I did. I understand there's a difference, but I'm saying, I'm just saying the anatomy of it. If you just did the mathematics, when you stereotype any group or generalize any group, you're basically discriminating. And I feel like white guys right now is the safest. It's just the easiest discrimination. And I get it because they did a lot of discriminating.
Starting point is 00:09:27 White guys were really good at discriminating. And so now they're getting it. And also, like white guys have done very well. White guys have done very, very well. So I get, even when they get discriminated against, they just go like, they go, okay, okay. Someone said something on Twitter. Okay, whatever.
Starting point is 00:09:44 I'm going to go back to being a lawyer or whatever they are. Like, so they're not, they're not in a bad place yet. But if we can create these white guy programs, which would be fun. I'd like to see white guys go into some Japanese re-education camps. They'd be playing fun games. There'd be, you'd have the white immigrants playing backgammon.
Starting point is 00:10:06 White immigrants love backgammon. So do Dominicans. But Greeks love backgammon. I feel like Romanians, Greeks, they'll be playing backgammon in wife beaters. The Italians will be cooking good in the white guy programs. The wasps will figure out a way to have tea hour. They'll have tea. They'll smuggle in really good whiskey.
Starting point is 00:10:31 They'll be classical music playing. For the younger whites, they'll be mosh pits. It'll be okay for the whites in there. They'll figure it out. It'll be like a white collar prison, a pogrom guy program re-education camp where you have to renounce your whiteness by getting by and the way they torture them is by just you open up the white guy programs in in arizona and you just there's no shade that's the perfect torture. They just get roasted? Just, there's no shade.
Starting point is 00:11:07 There's no shade, dude. That's the way you pay back. We do that, if we did that for like a year, could then we could stop talking? Like, can we just move past stuff or no? Harvard right now is investing $100 million to atone for their role in slavery. So I like that.
Starting point is 00:11:27 Put your money where your mouth is. They got it. Start handing out. Start handing out the dough. And listen, Ottoman Empire, take a little page out of their book and all Greeks are asking for, we're not asking for 100 mil. We're just asking for you to get your fucking greasy paws out of their book and all greeks are asking for we're not asking for 100 mil we're just
Starting point is 00:11:46 asking for you to get your fucking greasy paws out of cyprus that's it we just want you out of cyprus is that too much to ask cyprus is an island they've occupied half of it who's they the turks and i can say it as a pejorative too the turks generalizing people's you know it's just fun to do it's never going to go away you're never going to be able to you know not have fun with greeks and turks or white guys doing different things and black guys doing different things and chinese guys doing different things people like to do different things and so you're gonna there will be fun had at people's expenses. But if you can get a little reparations for it, why not? They were supposed to get 40 acres and a mule, which is a nice deal. No other country who's ever enslaved people has offered them
Starting point is 00:12:38 anything, right? No enslaved people have gotten any reparations for anything. I don't think in the history of the world, the U.S. government, I think at some point had floated the idea. Right. But I don't think it went through or something. Or maybe they give it to a few people and then it stopped. I don't know what happened. I'm not versed on it at this moment. But they did float the idea. So I think now Harvard is going for it. Harvard's going 100 mil, which for Harvard is probably a drop in the bucket, right?
Starting point is 00:13:10 This is just for research. What are they researching? Yeah, I love that. I love when they go research. Research and investigations are my two most favorite phrases. Whenever you go, we're launching an investigation into that. Make zero mistake. There will be no result from the investigation. Anytime there's a panel that's set up to look into something and investigate it, they come up with nothing. Whether it be 9-11, the JFK assassination whatever it is all they're doing is a it's a pr it's a pr move to sort of just
Starting point is 00:13:49 appease everybody and they go we're putting a hundred million dollars into research you know if i was black you know what i'd say i'd be like yo fuck the research dog just hand me 50k and i'm good how many black people could you like divvy that up for? 100 million. You could probably pass around a lot of loot 100 mil. Oh yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:12 That'd be nice. Take care of the Red Hook projects. That would take care of the Red Hook projects. Yeah. I mean 50K each baby. 50K each. Enslaved men and women served Harvard's presidents and professors
Starting point is 00:14:29 and fed and cared for Harvard students, researchers found. Is that what you found with your $100 million effort? Moreover, throughout this period and well into the 19th century, the university and its donors benefited from extensive financial ties to slavery. Yeah, that was kind of the whole point of slavery, was for everyone to kind of benefit financially. So Harvard, you're not unique, man. Everybody benefited from it, but that happened then. From its school's founding in 1636 to 1783.
Starting point is 00:15:04 From its school's founding in 1636 to 1783. The only thing that's kind of weird about this to me is like, if you're alive now and you're a faculty member at Harvard, or if you go in Harvard and you're going like, yo, dog, I'm alive now. Why am I being found responsible for something to happen between 1636 to 1783? Unless someone's willing to cake up the money. If they want to give the money, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:15:31 If the government wants to give the money, I'm good with that too, you know? I don't know. This is a complicated thing. That's your taxes though. That is. But not if it goes through Harvard, right? Harvard is like private donor.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Pull it from their endowment. Oh, they pull it from the endowment. Well, they can. They can, but that still stays within Harvard's money. I don't care what Harvard does with their money. Yeah, if I start having to be taxed for it, I have to say I'm okay with it. Even though my family had nothing to do with it we weren't here and even if they did who
Starting point is 00:16:08 gives a fuck i mean you know some people are related to fucking people who did crime are we gonna fucking hold them accountable i mean what can you do here but i do acknowledge that you know they got fucked and that really messed up and even playing field i do get that i understand that but i also think it's cool that that's even being acknowledged here They got fucked and that really messed up an even playing field. I do get that. I understand that. But I also think it's cool that that's even being acknowledged here. Because the thing everyone needs to realize is like this is slavery has happened in a lot of places. You know, people got fucked everywhere.
Starting point is 00:16:45 So at least give America credit that they're going like, hey man, maybe we should fucking, at least Harvard, give 100 mil into it. I know if I was black, I would feel differently. That's what a lot of people don't do. You got to put yourself in the shoes of other people. If I was black, I'd be like, yo, 100 mil? Give me 500 mil. I'd be pissed.
Starting point is 00:16:59 If I was living in Greece and the Turks were about to say, we're going to give you reparations, I'd say, fuck you. And oftentimes in wars, countries do pay reparations for the damage that they did. The Germans did. The Germans did. After World War I, probably a mistake, a little too much.
Starting point is 00:17:14 And then they got pissed. That's the thing. If you take all whitey's money, then maybe whitey, then this maybe reinforces white supremacy. White supremacy is fucking on the rise. It's always on the rise. They took down another white supremacist, the lives of TikTok. That page was always just reposting videos
Starting point is 00:17:33 of people saying crazy stuff on the left. Jacob Sagart in Comment Roulette says, will Harvard dish out money to Asians that were rejected because their SAT scores were too high? It's a good question. One of my favorite controversies is that one because nobody knows what to do with that one. Because if they just left it up to the standards, I mean, all the schools would be all Asian. But Asians are being discriminated against for that reason.
Starting point is 00:18:07 They know how to take a test. Do they know how to take a test? I mean, they do. I mean, they really do. But I don't know. I had a good time in Los Angeles. Had a great time doing all those podcasts. There's some good ones still coming out.
Starting point is 00:18:23 We were in Phoenix. That was fun. going to Phoenix. You know, if you want to, like, get divorced and get a new life, you go to Phoenix. Why Phoenix? Because that's just where you see, like, white dads starting over. They just go. It's either,'s either like divorced dads elderly white people and like of course mexicans that's the combination in arizona right you see old people they're all
Starting point is 00:18:56 in these like condo communities that have like community rooms and pools and they're all old and then you see just divorced dads in their 60s with like a 40-year-old blonde, you know, with fake tits. There's a lot of blondes there. A lot of like sun-baked blondes. And it's a wild place. Like Scottsdale is like the rich, it's another city, but it's like considered Phoenix because it's so close. And it's like the party place where there's like, or like being a bottle girl is like a career. It's like considered phoenix because it's so close and it's like the party place where
Starting point is 00:19:25 there's like or like being a bottle girl is like a career it's like a career and they're fun because it's it's somewhat like miami in that there's no pretension like people are just looking for sugar daddies and guys are looking for puss puss and it's a pretty even exchange. And no, it doesn't seem like a particularly woke place. It's kind of just primal, basest, you know, quid pro quos, pussy for money and vice versa. It's kind of what Scottsdale is. And it's a great place. Like if you want to sin and live it up before you die, you go to Arizona. Because listen, it's a great place to sin because it's a wild party place, especially Scottsdale. And then when you die and go to hell, right? You're going, this isn't so hot down here.
Starting point is 00:20:11 I just died in Scottsdale in the middle of July. It was 119 degrees. I'm sorry to say the devil, this is not that hot. I'm pretty prepared for this i am pretty prepared um so phoenix was good we had we had fun shows in phoenix and then i went over to la did some shows over there did some potties did a show with louis ck um that was fun to watch him he always gets an ovation live it's a weird thing yeah like whenever he goes up live i'm sure he doesn't feel much of the cancel. People don't do those things in person. Like I bet you don't women don't walk by him and go. I think people just go, oh, there's Louie.
Starting point is 00:20:57 But, you know, even when he was announced on the lineup at the improv that I was on, there was like three comments going like, do better improv. I hate that. Do better. Yeah. Do better. Do better. And they were like, I'm concerned for the waitresses.
Starting point is 00:21:13 Are the waitresses going to be safe? I'm like, I think they'll be okay. There's other people around. They'll be okay. So those were fun. he'll be okay. So those were fun. Spent Greek Easter in Addison in Dallas, Texas.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Because then after that, we went to Dallas. But before that, I was able to hang out with John Stamos and Dimitri Martin, which they're two Greeks. And I guess that was my Greek Easter. I just hung out with them. You guys cook a goat? We didn't cook a goat. We did pizza again. John Stamos has a pizza oven and we he just made pizzas it's funny because he just does all the work it's john stamos at his house and he's making pizzas and we didn't help
Starting point is 00:21:55 him clean up either it was at one point where he was just cleaning up and it started raining and he we were all we all took cover from the rain and he was just cleaning it up by himself and i just made a joke i was like do you want some help out there? He was like, no, it's fine. He's getting poured on. And I was like, it's real funny that, you know, because he was the biggest star there for sure, and he was the only one working.
Starting point is 00:22:13 He doesn't have a person for that? He doesn't have a person. He ain't that rich. Really? Yeah, I mean, he's rich, but. I thought he might have a butler or something. Yeah, I don't think so. Yeah, I don't think so yeah i don't think i think yeah i guess that level of rich
Starting point is 00:22:28 he might have been that 10 years ago he might have had to at some point have a conversation with this butler as the syndication died down you know for a full house it's probably like okay listen Benson you've been with us for a long time you know I basically hired you once we made that syndication deal and we renegotiated
Starting point is 00:22:52 and the cast sat together that was a glorious day unfortunately TV nobody's watching TV anymore so we're gonna have to
Starting point is 00:23:02 let you go Benson he probably had to let his butler go at some point. I bet there's a lot of people in Hollywood who've had to let their help go. Like Emma Stone, a lot of these people are probably having a downsize. A lot of actors are probably having a downsize, except for like The Rock and like anyone who's involved in the Fast and Furious franchise. There's probably a lot of downsizing going on.
Starting point is 00:23:22 You may not have to build a wall, Republicans, because Mexicans may just start going back voluntarily because the work is drying up. There just may not be that much landscaping work in L.A. soon. You may go to L.A. and just lawns are just messy, or they don't even water them anymore, and they just turn yellow again because all that
Starting point is 00:23:46 stuff is artificial nothing can grow there in fact there's a drought happening in california right now again where millions of people are going to have to cut down on their water um so that's not a problem they probably already cut down a lot on their water based on how many less people there are in L.A. now. Those people have moved. They've moved on. They've moved to Austin and Nashville and all those places that hate that they're there. You know they hate they're there
Starting point is 00:24:20 when immediately they do an abortion ban. They're like, what do these people love the most? Well, let's take that away from them and try to convince them to go back um charlie stevens 13 says there's always work because people are lazy um stamos would never leave la he seems like he's no he's la he's an la kid and they're look, I'm exaggerating. People are working. It's fine. Like there's still work happening in LA, but there's definitely downsizing happening. There's definitely, people are definitely downsizing. You know, they're making cuts. And usually those cuts are going to be their household staff, first and foremost.
Starting point is 00:24:57 A few of those people may have to raise their own kids, which is wild, dude. That's going to be wild. own kids which is wild dude that's gonna be wild but like those middle of the run actors who don't have like a tiktok following or whatever um they may have to that would be a great movie actually a great movie idea would be to have like a couple of like former stars like the internet has taken over and now they got to find work so uh they like just show up and start handing in uh curriculum v ties they just show up with resumes that would be funny to see like emma stone just show up just show up at avis and try to find like and they're like, you're overqualified as like a person, but like,
Starting point is 00:25:46 I think people would hire her quickly. Cause they'd be like, there'd be some gravitas to like Emma stone selling you a car rental. Oh yeah. Like her line. When you got to the airport, her line would be fucking long dudes with all cameras and stuff and whatever. And then, um, they'd be like, yo're like you know the other guys then you'd they'd fire her because they're like this isn't working nobody's
Starting point is 00:26:12 people are pretending like they want to rent a car and then they just want a picture so then you're now you're back out of work and the only thing left for you is only fans that's just the only way i mean do you think some of them are on OnlyFans and they're a pseudonym? Could be. Do you think, like, if I was Emma Stone, and now I know Emma Stone's, I'm just using her as an example, okay? I know she's made her millions doing La La Land or whatever.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Who would be a great, Christina Ricci would be a good example of someone who may put on a pink wig and just be on OnlyFans and we may not know it. There may be some of those who we just don't know are on OnlyFans and we may not know it. There may be some of those who we just don't know are on OnlyFans. And if you look real closely, it's Christina Ricci. It's Christina Ricci.
Starting point is 00:26:54 You know? I mean, she's basically, I mean, did she make huge money somewhere where you can just perpetually live off it? Not on these gas prices, especially in LA. I was in Long Island. I filled my wife's tank. It was four bucks. In LA, the shit was close to $6. Everyone used to love Elon Musk before he bought Twitter because he was helping the environment, right? Now people hate him, dog. It just shows you that people's, they're not so committed to their causes if they disagree with anything that you're about. And it's really funny to see people against
Starting point is 00:27:32 free speech and they're just going like, he doesn't mean that. He just wants to open it up for hate speech. And they're saying that with like zero proof. It's like, hey, maybe he does. Maybe he is free speech, Jesus, maybe he does. Maybe he is free speech Jesus. Maybe he is. Mark Palmieri said, Jay Harvin is now a crip ever since that LA visit. So I just don't know. I just don't know what people are doing for money.
Starting point is 00:28:03 New sponsor, we'd like to welcome to the podcast, Bird Dogs. Jesse loves them. You even were rocking them before they started advertising with us. All last summer I was rocking them. They're like shorts with a built-in liner that are so comfortable, so you don't have to wear drawers. Yeah. It's like basically imagine having comfortable underwear sewn in. If you're a guy who likes to save time or you're on your last pair of undies
Starting point is 00:28:22 or you don't want to wear undies and you want to free ball it or you always wish your undies were in your shorts already bird dogs is for you am i wrong absolutely right yes and it's so comfortable dude it's a combination of like draws and shorts or pants or whatever it's like a bathing suit with really comfortable lining yes but it's their shorts right yes but you know how how bathing suits have that mesh lining, and if you wear it too much, it gets all chafey and nasty? Yeah, imagine if that was really the most comfortable thing you've ever put your balls in. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:28:53 Right. So birddogs.com, promo code FUMES. Okay, with the promo code FUMES, you get a free bird dogs dad hat with your pair of bird dogs. So get yourself that free hat, even if you're not a dad. It gets you downstairs ready for summer. I just read it because I think that's hilarious. They wrote that in, but that's funny.
Starting point is 00:29:19 It gets you downstairs ready. You got to be downstairs ready. Your balls and your dick and your butt need to be comfortable. You won't want to take these things off. I mean, they are so comfortable. Jesse, already, you were singing their praises to me before I even knew what they were. I told you to get a pair. You did tell me to get a pair. Birddogs.com. Happy to have you. Go to birddogs.com right now. Enter the promo code FUMES. They have such a comfortable liner. They're stretchy. You can wear them anywhere. They look good. Birddogs.com, promo code FUMES. Guys, let's talk
Starting point is 00:29:52 about skincare, fellas. It's not just for the ladies, okay? All right? If your skincare routine is just washing your face with a bar of soap like me or shower gel, then it's time to level up your skincare game. Okay. It doesn't make you a metrosexual to have good skin. Or even if it does, there ain't nothing wrong with a metrosexual. Okay. They got good skin. Do you want to have good skin? Well, Lumen's got you covered. With Lumen, you get the highest quality products. All their products aim to help you with acne scars, those under eye dark circles, which really have worked for me, wrinkles, sun damage, dry skin, oily skin, whatever your problem is. It's very easy. I love how they do it. All you have to do is take a two-minute quiz on their website and they will tell you exactly what routine is best for you based on your skin
Starting point is 00:30:47 care needs. The quiz is very fun. It's interactive. All their products come with instructions, so it's extremely easy, and it'll help protect your skin from potential damage from the sun, future acne, whatever it may be. All their products are made using only natural ingredients. That's very important. And these ingredients actually work. That's the thing. They have licorice root extract, rose flower oil, charcoal powder, ginger green tea, and charcoal. These are all natural elements that are great for your skin that I'm sure the native people used at one point. And that's why their skin is looking, I mean, that's why their skin looks good, dog. Guys, I swear skincare shouldn't be that complicated and it shouldn't be something to dread. So go right now to lumenskin.com slash fumes and get your free trial of Lumen's products. That's lumenskin.com slash fumes. Level up your skincare game right now, guys. I know what Amber Heard's doing for money.
Starting point is 00:31:55 She got some. What she did is what you call, what's that when you go a little too far? When you, you know what I mean? When you bite the hands and feet, like if you should have just left it alone. Like what is that called? When someone goes like a little, like they fuck up a perfect thing. That's what she did. She had a perfect thing, okay?
Starting point is 00:32:21 She shit in this guy's bed. She fucking shit in his bed. She fucking yelled at him when he took off his own boots and didn't allow her to take off his boots. She fucking yelled at him. She got called a fat ass, which is my favorite quote. Do you ever hear that? Do you hear any of the audio?
Starting point is 00:32:39 No, no. She says something. He goes, shut up, fat ass. Now, he's suing her, right? He's suing her. That's what I'm saying, and I'll explain why. First of all, it's just, he was like 50 at the time, and she was like in her 20s. So it's just basically a high school, everyone had a relationship like this in high school.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Like, fuck you, and you try to say the meanest thing to each other. Thank God we grew up when we grew up, dude. Because, like, we did and said things that just weren't recorded. I mean, thank God. Oh, my God. Every day I thank God. I mean, dude, the things that I said to ex-girlfriends and that they said to me when we were fighting in high school,
Starting point is 00:33:20 if that shit was recorded, forget about it. We'd all all be done and that's everyone from the 80s and 90s um so their whole relationship apparently was just a podcast they just podcasted their fights everything is recorded they were just recording each other constantly and i get it because you know i guess johnny depp married look you get what you deserve dog if there is this is the best anti-drug ad i've ever seen do not do drugs because you're going to end up with a woman who shits in your bed and steals all your fucking money and then you get fired from all your franchises and everyone thinks you're a wife beater right when she It seems like she hit him a lot too.
Starting point is 00:34:08 It seems like it was one of those. And there was a part in the trial where her attorney goes, wouldn't you say that you're a lot bigger than Miss Heard? And he goes, I wouldn't say that. And then when you look at them walking, you're like, yeah, I mean, he's not that big, dog. Amber Heard is 5'7". Johnny Depp's probably what, like 5'9", 5'10"? him walking you're like yeah i mean he's not that big dog amber heard is five seven johnny depp's probably what like five nine five ten he's a squint he's a squeaky skinny like rock and rolly
Starting point is 00:34:32 type of drug addict i don't think he would get the better of her necessarily yeah she might whoop that ass and supposedly she was throwing bottles i'm gonna shit. I mean, I get it, dog. Look, I know what happened. Okay, Johnny? There's a cost for everything, my friend. And I know why you got into this. Because you know when they first got together, it was what they call sizzling honeydew.
Starting point is 00:35:02 Sizzling honeydew. sizzling honeydew, sizzling honeydew, a fumeless sizzling honeydew type of taste. And you're just going, this is too good to be true. Guess what? It always is. It always is. If you ever catch yourself saying to yourself, this is too good to be true. This is the best thing I've ever experienced. Guess what?
Starting point is 00:35:33 There's a tsunami coming. There's a tsunami coming because this is earth where everything is balanced. Everything has a cost and nothing is good. No moment is great. I don't care how much CBD you take. Your balls are going to itch. You're going to have an itch here. You're going to have a scratch here. You're going to be uncomfortable. You're going to have an itch here. You're going to have a scratch here. You're going to be uncomfortable. You're going to have an insecure thought. You're going to have to take a shit. Something is always going to be wrong. Okay. Right now, the back of my kneecaps, I have a heat rash behind them, but I'm muscling through it because I'm used to the discomfort of life. Most of us have been with that type of girl where you're going like, oh my God, this completes it. She's acting. It's not her because anyone real is not that great. So if you find yourself going like this person's great, it's because they want you to think that
Starting point is 00:36:18 because they have some agenda for themselves. What could be her agenda? I don't know. She was dating a woman before she met johnny depp and then she dates one of the biggest movie stars on the planet as a run of the mill nobody knows who she is actor actress whatever the fuck you want to call it what could be her motivation what could be her motivation johnny as the great robert ke Kelly said never marry someone with a headshot what do you think makes an actor an actor they're fucking crazy they're acting so he fucked around and found out and he was on drugs so that made it even worse his decision making is not great also when you have like 100 200 million dollars your decisionmaking is not great. Also, when you have like $100, $200 million, your decision-making is not great as it is
Starting point is 00:37:06 because nobody's going to tell you the truth. You know there was a bunch of friends that he had who wanted to say it. They're like, yo, Johnny. But you're just around yes men at that point. Everyone's being obsequious because they just want to hang around Johnny Depp. If you're lucky enough to be in Johnny Depp's circle,
Starting point is 00:37:24 do you think you're going to be the one that lets you know that she also shit in your bed? Are you going to be one to tell hey, Johnny, look, there's no dogs around here, man, and Jason Rouse is in here. And I woke up and there was a human turd in my bed. You're not going to, it can only be one person. It was your wife or your girlfriend. Nobody's going to say it. Nobody's going to tell Johnny Depp that, yo, I think you made a mistake. They're just going to let it happen. And, of course, Johnny Depp didn't see it because he was head over heel with that honeydew,
Starting point is 00:38:01 that sweet fruit, that nectar that was clouding his judgment. And they settled for a whole bunch of money of course because he was suing her for 50 mil no but first they divorced first time and she got a shit ton of money and you're right yeah she got a shit ton of money so he wanted he was just like i just wanted that's what these guys do these guys do like dog if you're a rich person and some girl do these guys do like dog if you're a rich person and some girl like you had you have a bad date with some girl some girl like gets a lawyer and just says you just go like i'll just give her a million dollars just so this doesn't become a trial because i don't you know the accusations that that can also happen you know that also can happen there's a lot of motivation for that too as well a little hush. A little hush money.
Starting point is 00:38:45 A little hush money. I don't want to deal with this. And of course, all those people who do those kind of fake accusations for money to get that hush money, they muddle it for all the people who have legitimate assault or bad things happening, stories. I'm not good with words today. So they take a little hush money.
Starting point is 00:39:14 So I'm sure Johnny, who, I'm watching this thing. All the audio he's got, there's plenty of evidence that she's batshit fucking crazy. That's why the whole internet's against her everyone's against her she's hired security because she's claiming she's getting death threats she's not getting any death threats from any dudes so there you go and she also got caught lying on a few things the police who showed up she and her friend said that the fight with the the fight that they eventually broke up from, supposedly like the house was turned inside out, according to her.
Starting point is 00:39:49 He was throwing things everywhere. And the cops' body cams and them saying nothing. There was no marks on her. There was nothing thrown. She's been caught lying on a few things. She's been caught lying on a few occasions. But, you know, it's like he settled it he goes alright let's just get this divorce done
Starting point is 00:40:09 he gave her a boatload of money because that's fair just here take it just take everything I work for you know and of course she takes it and then of course she said as a PR move I remember that she was donating all her money
Starting point is 00:40:24 for like victims and of course all you gotta do is PR move, I remember that she was donating all her money for victims. And, of course, all you got to do is tweet that. I mean, I did a fundraiser once. I gave most of the money to the cause. But I peeled a little off the top for myself. As a payment, I did the show. So do you think she really gave all her Johnny Depp money away? Not a snowball's chance in hell, my friend.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Not a snowball's chance in hell. Not a white guy in Scottsdale, Arizona's chance in not getting skin cancer's chance in hell. He paid her to shit in his bed. It's a conspiracy. Thank you from Dom the Destroyer. so he gave her all this money i don't know i don't remember what the original settlement was but he gave her all this money with all this audio proof that she would hit him a lot and all that stuff they just divorced
Starting point is 00:41:21 she said i and then that's when she started fucking going a little too far because the Me Too era was happening and she was like, I want more attention. That's what these people want. This is narcissistic love. It's a narcissistic town.
Starting point is 00:41:37 So what's the move to do right now that the cultural winds are swaying in the Me Too sales? She she goes i'm donating all of this settlement to women's uh charities for battered women or whatever and johnny's probably sitting there going you bitch that was strike number one you're insinuating that fucking i was beating you when really you were beating me. And then an English gazette publishes and calls him a wife beater. And he sues and he loses. He lost.
Starting point is 00:42:30 Then, oh, they do that after this is where she goes too far yeah all i was saying i lost that point because i'm i'm off today we've been rusty from these single episode podcasts to be honest with you single person podcast i was saying she hired security this is how you know amber heard is a little bit of a liar there is not one guy There is not one guy on this planet that is angry or wants to hurt Amber Heard. Every single guy on this planet wants Amber Heard to shit in their bed. Every single guy is going, I will let that woman shit on my head. Every single guy is in love with Amber Heard. She is like the beautiful Tanya Harding. Guys don't care. Guys aren't sticking up for Johnny Depp.
Starting point is 00:43:13 You know who is sticking up for Johnny Depp? Every single woman on the planet. So if anyone's making death threats against Amber Heard, it's fellow females who love Johnny Depp and are going, how could you do that to Johnny? He's such a sweet old, and they're crazy too because it's like, yeah, I guess he's a sweet guy, but he's a fucking degenerate drug addict.
Starting point is 00:43:36 But they love them some Johnny. It's true. I didn't even notice this case until I heard about the shit in the bed. Yeah, the shit in the bed, and guys are loving it. And every guy's doing their scenario now going like, look, okay, if you lost 10 mil and she shit in your bed, would you fuck her for a week?
Starting point is 00:43:51 And every guy's going, absolutely, she's a piece. Because Amber Heard is next level hot. She's like stone cold for Rome. She'd be, if I had my own harem in Rome, I'd make her my wife. I'd steal her from her family and tell her parents, I'm sorry,
Starting point is 00:44:09 there's nothing I can do. She's for Rome. But I would make her my wife and she would ruin my life. She would ruin, she would ruin the empire of Rome. She would drive me so crazy, I'd marry my horse.
Starting point is 00:44:22 That's what happened to Nero probably. Is he met a bitch like amber heard who's puss puss and the nectar was so honey too sweet that he just lost his fucking mind so i know you got security and everything amber heard but let's just be honest it's because you got a couple of death threats from chicks who are upset that you got a chance to bang johnny depp and you threw a bottle at him because they would never throw a bottle at him. And I love how he said that it was oppressive
Starting point is 00:44:51 that she wanted to take off his boots. It's like, come on. That was one of the things. She demanded when he came home, she wanted to take off his boots. He's just not the guy who wears sneakers. He's fucking one of those rock and roll guys. It's like, I want to take off your boots and hand you a glass of wine and somehow that was evidence of abuse i was like that sounds do you know what i would do to have my wife when i come home
Starting point is 00:45:16 take my shoes off and hand me a drink of anything she just comes home and tells me to be quiet the baby's sleeping. It's very specific though. She wants to take off his boots and hand him a glass of wine. Someone made a joke and said, yeah, someone said, wait guys,
Starting point is 00:45:33 I'm behind. Who's Amber? You know exactly who Amber Heard is. I can, I can think of a more important trial that should have been televised. What's that? Dom, the destroyer says i'd love to get abused by her there you go there you have it that's what every guy's thinking emma stone will need to make an nft of her labia to make ends meet thank you from the gentleman
Starting point is 00:45:58 and scholar named viaper missing did you think he had to really analyze the shit to make sure it wasn't the dog? It's a good point. Can you be sure it wasn't the dog? Because in the trial, he's like, I know what dog shit looks like. It's like, well, I kind of think a little dog shit kind of, I would imagine, looks like a girl's shit. I don't think it would be like, it could have been a dude who just snuck in his house and took a shit on his bed, right? You never know. You never fucking know.
Starting point is 00:46:30 There's a dirt burglar out there. But she went a little too far. Wait, how did this shit story come out? So it's come out in the trial now where Johnny Depp said, you know, he woke up and there was, he called it human fecal matter. And he said, I knew it wasn't the dogs because they're small and I don't think they could climb up on the bed or whatever. So he's saying shit on the bed.
Starting point is 00:46:51 So she was gone, but she left the shit. She left the shit for him. She was mad at him. Now where she went too far was she wrote this article. She wrote this op-ed, I think, in the Washington Post where she basically, and that's what the trial's about, right?
Starting point is 00:47:11 So the trial's about this op-ed where she is kind of vague, but everyone kind of knows what she's talking about because there was so much drama around their divorce and there was a couple of audio leaks, et cetera, et cetera. And then the UK publication was after that. So it all started with her doing, she could have not done this,
Starting point is 00:47:39 but because the sales of Me Too were taking, the wind of Me Too were taking, the wind of Me Too was taking the sails that way, she was like, let me ride this wind. And she wrote this op-ed, not naming him by name, but obviously everyone knows who she's talking about. The funny thing is now is she's pulling an Alex Jones, going it wasn't about him because he's suing her for defamation because of that article, because that article is what caused the other article in England, which he sued and lost, but also
Starting point is 00:48:18 for him to lose all his movies and all that stuff. So he's suing her for 50 mil. She's countersuing, of course, for a hundred. Of course. Of course. So, uh, Giannis is the new Jon Stewart show,
Starting point is 00:48:35 not Stephen Colbert because he's garbage. I'll take it. Um, so that's what the trial is about. Is this article right here? Johnny Depp didn't lose any film roles as a result of Amber Heard's op-ed, couples agents say. I doubt that.
Starting point is 00:48:56 He was canceled as Jack, as Captain Jack. Right. That's the main one. That was like the big money franchise. He's the whole movie. He's the whole movie. And they fired him. I wonder why they fired him. They fired him because of that.
Starting point is 00:49:07 So, but you know, she's backtracking and then she's going like, it wasn't about him. It's like really Ambrison. Who was it about? But you now, well, you know, now karma is catching up to her because now the whole people are finding out that she took a shit in his bed. It would have all gone away if she just took the money and went away because this is a this is not a clear-cut case of like being a battered wife you listen to those audios and you're going like this is a crazy teenage toxic narcissistic relationship between two people who are out of their fucking minds it's a high school relationship between people
Starting point is 00:49:43 who do not have adult developed brains, right? He got into the relationship because she was hot. She got into the relationship because he was Johnny Depp, okay? That's how the world works. There was no love there. They all saw what they wanted to see because they were the ideal versions of what the greedy narcissistic self that they are wanted. That's what it is.
Starting point is 00:50:07 People like that don't want to work. They don't want to have a real relationship. You think Johnny Depp wants to have a real relationship? He can blame it on his mother all he fucking wants. And then he was going like, oh my God, I'm married to my mother. She's fucking 25 and you're 50. Grow the fuck up, Johnny. It wasn't your mother.
Starting point is 00:50:24 You were dating a fucking person straight out of college. He's like almost 30 years older than her. He's like, oh my God, I'm in a relationship with my abusive mother. It's like, what the fuck are you talking about, Johnny? You didn't marry her because she reminded you of your mother. You reminded her because her pussy tasted like fucking honey. Let's just call it what it is. Let's just call it what it is. And why did she marry him? Because he's fucking hot and he's the biggest movie star on the planet.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Okay? No disrespect, but she didn't fucking seek out Simon Rex. Who's great. He's a great. He's no Johnny Depp, is what I'm saying. Amber Heard had her height. She had her height set on the top, baby. And who knows?
Starting point is 00:51:12 Maybe Simon Rex fucked her. Kid's got a big dick. I think he started his career with a little masturbatory porn, right? I think he was stroking his piece. I think I watched it years ago, and I was like, damn, that kid's got a nice glue gun. No disrespect, but I'm saying a nice glue gun. No disrespect. But I'm saying Johnny Depp is Johnny Depp.
Starting point is 00:51:27 You know what I'm talking about. I'm not trying to slight anyone. I'm just saying Johnny Depp is Johnny Depp is the top of the food chain. She knew what was going on. So I don't know. I hope this trial goes on for three years. I'm enjoying every moment of it. And isn't it funny that it's being aired? It's like on television. Oh yeah. Like core TV has never seen bigger ratings. Like people are just watching core TV and then core T like we just live in a country now where content is everything. It puts money in everyone's pocket. It's all
Starting point is 00:52:00 advertising dollars for us to consume. We don't produce anything. It's all consumer dollars. all advertising dollars for us to consume. We don't produce anything. It's all consumer dollars. It's all consumption. So, Court TV is getting big ratings because they're airing this shit, making content. People are watching it because all they do is consume content. They don't live anymore. They don't produce anymore. And then they buy the shit that they see or the advertisers think they're going to buy it. I mean, they are stretching this into, I mean, they have body language experts on. They have everything. It's like watching the E! Channel for a red carpet if the red carpet was a defamation suit.
Starting point is 00:52:36 It's basically what Court TV is doing right now. So Johnny Depp scores a big win over Amber Heard as Judge rejects her bid to throw out his defamation suit. So that was, I guess that was before, right? Yeah, it was before they went to trial. Yeah, it was a couple months ago, yeah. And they're doing it in Virginia. So you know they both are like,
Starting point is 00:52:54 I don't want to fucking be in Virginia right now. And I don't know why it's Virginia. I'm sure there's a reason. Yanni really talking about this BS and not really, and they might let you have some advertisements. I don't know what that means, Kenny D. Talarico. Yanni, keep talking about this BS and not reality, and they might let you have some advertisements.
Starting point is 00:53:19 Oh, he's trying to say like I'm talking about this as opposed to reality. He wants you to talk about Ukraine? He wants me to talk about Ukraine. Oh, he thinks I'm being like a Hollywood shell because I'm talking about this as opposed to reality he wants you to talk about ukraine he wants me to talk about ukraine and oh he thinks i'm being like a hollywood shell because i'm talking about the john i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm not i'm sorry okay let's talk about the real stuff they're hot and children inside of disney's waterfalls and that doesn't go to say that there is some weird stuff going on. I mean, Disney did get caught. Like a lot of his employees were doing some stuff.
Starting point is 00:53:49 But I think that just means that that stuff is all over the place. And then, of course, they were supporting, they came out against the bill in Florida. And so that's why Governor DeSantis got mad. I will say this. I will say this. I did read more about this. And it's not really a don't say gay bill.
Starting point is 00:54:11 It was named that by newscasters predictably on like, let's just, you got to go mainstream. What mainstream really means like kind of left-leaning outlets. Because the bill is basically just saying, hey, from this age to this age, you can't talk about gender stuff or sexuality. I think it's like kindergarten to third grade. Yeah, and I think that's the extent of it, right? And then I think they just dubbed it. I think newscasters in the mainstream media just basically gave it the moniker of don't say gay bill, which is a catchy kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:54:54 But that's not, that doesn't really encapsulate what it is, right? It's kind of like just from kindergarten to third grade, don't, don't talk about sex, which I get, dog. I mean, I get if you were to take, if you were to just talk to any normal person who's trying to stay out of politics and you said, hey, this is what this bill's about. Don't you think most people would say like, yeah, I kind of agree with that, right? Maybe a little ABCs, one, two, threes. Yeah. Maybe let's keep it to the ABCs and one, two, threes till third grade. Let's not talk about gender identity. You know, and I would also say,
Starting point is 00:55:29 yeah, maybe that's not your place. Maybe it's like the family's place, but then they'll go, all these families, you know, they don't want, they want to repress. Like, yeah, I mean, that's their business. I mean, you know,
Starting point is 00:55:37 not everyone's got a perfect family. That doesn't mean that you, you should fucking talk to the kids. But also, I don't know if there should be a law saying you can't talk to the kids. But also, I don't know if there should be a law saying you can't talk to the kids about this shit. What does that mean? If some kid comes to you and goes like, hey, I'm having this identity crisis,
Starting point is 00:55:54 and you talk to them, does that mean you go to jail now? I mean, what the fuck is going on in this country? What the fuck is going on between the craziness? It's just craziness, crazy reaction, craziness, crazy reaction, craziness, crazy reaction, craziness, crazy reaction, craziness, crazy reaction.
Starting point is 00:56:09 One thing to the next, one thing to the next, crazy, crazy reaction and back again. I don't even know how to comment on this shit. I don't even understand it. I don't even understand it i don't know and oklahoma has banned the oklahoma oklahoma governor has banned non-binary birth certificates again it's crazy and crazy reaction first of, why are there non-binary birth certificates?
Starting point is 00:56:49 A kid is non-binary when he's born? So what are we doing now? I just don't understand what we're doing. We want to make the kid decide? So his genitalia, are we getting to the point where the left side is trying to say that genitalia doesn't matter at all? And I love when they say like gender and sex have nothing to do with it. So then why would you change the sex into the other one if it has nothing to do with sex? I'm just confused.
Starting point is 00:57:27 other one if it has nothing to do with sex i'm just confused because you're picking the other sex and you're saying sex is a construct but then why are you picking the other sex if it's a construct transgender youths make up a tiny fraction of kids in the U.S. has estimated less than 2%. 2% is a lot, dude. That's a lot. Out of kids? Yeah, out of high school students identify as transgender? Isn't that a lot, 2% as transgender? And the number's going up, right?
Starting point is 00:57:56 The number's going up because it's like... It's becoming a thing. It's a thing. It's a thing you can do. So I guess I would expect the number to go up a little bit. I don't know. I don't know. And when it comes to these statistics, mean what do they do do they go to every place and poll how do they know yeah how do they know what it is um i think yanni is transgender
Starting point is 00:58:18 um what is a non-binary birth certificate i I think you can't put the letter X. So if someone's born, so they're just saying like if the parents choose to just not to go non-binary? Right. Or if it's intersex, which that almost never happens. Yeah, that's very rare. That's very rare.
Starting point is 00:58:41 So if it has both genitalia, usually they pick one, right? But if they want to keep it, maybe there should be another box for those few. Is that what the non-binary box is? I guess I kind of agree with that. Then there should be maybe another box for those one or two kids. Well, I guess some parents are going to let their kid decide as they get older, right? Kind of like your joke. Right. So they just want to stop that so this is an extreme reaction because they're just like because the other side keeps pushing that um and they're pushing in the schools and stuff like that and
Starting point is 00:59:13 that's what the other side's claiming i don't know if it's getting pushed in the schools like i all i know is what i see online i don't know too many parents like do you know any parents who are like is this thing like in the schools all over the place like i don't know i haven't been to school in a while i know two parents who are going through it you know any parents who are like is this thing like in the schools all over the place like i don't know i haven't been to school in a while i know two parents who are going through it you know two parents who are what do you mean going through it their kids are their kids are trans yeah that's a that's weird to know two parents it means it's happening a lot and there's a couple of star i think there's a couple of like actors who have like trans kids now and stuff. It is happening a lot. I say let them do it.
Starting point is 00:59:51 You know, I don't see a kid wants to transition. It's just tough on the parents. One parent loves it. Yeah. Like tweeting about it, posting on Instagram. So, you know, making it about that. That's also a way to deal with it. Yeah. That's another way to deal with it is to just kind of like you you almost have to become a cheerleader for it to not think about it too much.
Starting point is 01:00:09 I mean, to me, it's a little much. It's almost like, who's getting attention out of this? It's almost like a way for her to. Right, for the parent to be like, I'm a hero. Right. And then the other parent is just kind of struggling with it. Yeah. Yeah, he's struggling. Big time. Big time struggling. Right. And then the other parent is just kind of struggling with it. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:25 He's struggling. Big time. Big time struggling. Yeah. Yeah. He hates it. Yeah. It's kind of weird for him.
Starting point is 01:00:31 He's got to like call her. Is it a male to female or female to male? It's an adventure every time. It's an adventure. Oh, so it's not more of a non-binary situation. Getting used to all the terms is really difficult. Yeah. It's difficult yeah it's not because it's neither and they scold you too like something's wrong with you oh they're waiting to
Starting point is 01:00:50 pounce yeah they wait to pounce on you like you fucking evil boomer bitch you don't get it i'm trying to shake off my genitals and become an angel asshole fucking let me, you know. Yeah, it's a thing. There's no way you can categorize it as anything but extreme. That's the thing. That's the issue is that they want to categorize it as the norm. They want to make it normal when it'll never be normal. It'll never be normal biologically. The majority of people will never be trance. So that's what I mean by that. Don't misconstrue it. Okay. Listen to the whole clip, meaning it'll never be the norm. It'll always be, I guess, maybe, if you don't want to use the word extreme.
Starting point is 01:01:46 I wasn't using the word extreme as a moral judgment. I was saying it'll be on the fringe. It'll be the minority, the vast minority. It'll be the outlier. It'll always be the outlier. 2%, even though that's a lot more than it used to be, is still, you know, that's very small. That's very, very small. It'll never be the be is still, you know, that's very small. That's very, very small.
Starting point is 01:02:06 It'll never be the majority or else, you know, or else things, maybe it will be. Maybe in the future it will be. You know, who knows? But I guess the thing, you can't, I don't think you can, I don't think you can rationalize a way that they're trying to make it more of a norm thing. They want to make more,
Starting point is 01:02:31 like if any kid has any question, they just go, it's okay to transition. Don't kill yourself. It's like they hijack. You can go, the kid will kill itself, itself,
Starting point is 01:02:40 his or her. I don't know which to call it. So I'm calling it it for lack of a fucking understanding of what their pronoun is. The kid will kill itself. And they just go like that. And you just go, okay, fucking give it the needles. Give it the hormone blockers.
Starting point is 01:02:53 It'll have irreversible effects in some ways, but fucking do it. I don't want to be a part of this kid's suicide. They're like holding everyone hostage with the suicide thing. And then on the other side, they're reacting to that. the other side they're reacting to that you know they're reacting to that and of course you have people on both sides one side who just hates it and doesn't believe in it and just thinks it's a mental illness and those are the extreme extremists and then the other side you have people who just want to like turn everyone trans so those people are in it too. And you know, somehow they're,
Starting point is 01:03:25 they're kind of the engine. They've become the engines. And I think I know why when everyone is free and comfortable, when everything's free and comfortable and there's no cops around or nobody big and strong on a, on a subway car, when someone is loud, everyone's quiet and they just kind of dictate the environment of what's going on and all the quiet people want them is to just leave them alone that's it they just want to make it to their destination that's it nobody's going to stop them nobody's going to get in get involved in the crazy and so that's where we are now We're at a place where we're so free and comfortable and there's no police around on that subway car. There's no big, strong people who are going to
Starting point is 01:04:10 hurt you if you keep yelling. So people are just yelling and yelling and yelling and yelling and yelling and yelling and yelling and yelling and yelling. The problem with that is eventually someone's going to snap and they're going to go, okay, we're going to make laws about this now. and they're going to go, okay, we're going to make laws about this now. We're going to make laws. And so it's an inevitable, predictable reaction. Instead, I guess another way you could have handled it is just like not talking, not making it such a public thing where people are getting on TikTok and going like, okay,
Starting point is 01:04:50 so I teach my kid what my pronouns are i like to educate and they're so fucking condescending when they go okay so you don't know so let me it's like you're not teaching me trigonometry dick you're teaching me some made-up shit that you just made up that there's a hundred pronouns or whatever there is you're not better than me because you know the pronoun zoobie or whatever it is so the other thing would be like they're not out there going like hey you didn't know so let me it's not that hard to take people's feelings into consideration just give me someone asks you to call them to do it another way would just be like to handle it privately. And you know, this person's trans,
Starting point is 01:05:27 they have this, uh, this is how they've solved their gender dysphoria and they've transitioned. You go like, all right, that's a trans person. Everyone's pretty okay with that. Or the majority of people are pretty okay with that.
Starting point is 01:05:37 And they just go like that. And then if some kid has an issue, you, you make sure you go to therapy, you make sure you make sure. And it gets to a certain point, you make sure, you go to therapy, you make sure, you make sure, and it gets to a certain point, you know, you decide after a long adjudication, after long talks about it with the parents and everybody, you know, that that may be the right course of action, that you make
Starting point is 01:05:58 sure the kid's old enough to understand that some of this stuff is irreversible, you know. But I get why there's controversy because it's one of these new issues that is a gray area, it's like abortion, it's like a gray area, it's like, obviously, even if you're on the left, you go, like, I don't want anyone having an abortion at seven months, eight months, you know, it's a gray area, you're going, but then, and then you go, well, then three's okay, and you're going, like, I guess that's not okay either, but four, like, I get it, but I also want women's rights to choose. It's a messy fucking thing.
Starting point is 01:06:29 It's a messy fucking thing. So you can't make sense of it. I think I make a mistake sometimes trying to make sense of this stuff. Why am I not just making fun of it? Absolutely. Yeah, that's my problem. This podcast is probably boring because I'm trying to make sense of it. I'm trying to understand it. What is there to understand?
Starting point is 01:06:46 People are out of their fucking mind and they're having a blast. Let them have a blast. Everyone's having a fucking party right now. And some people are upset that those people are making too much noise. And then they're fucking starting a party of their own. And you could just watch both parties and go fight, fight, fight, fight. And I mean, is there anything better than a fight video? We have to talk about things.
Starting point is 01:07:12 It's called freedom. Thank you, Charlie Stevens. You know, it's a guy who takes himself too seriously if his screen name is his real name. I want to see GLR 76. Oh, man. So. GLR 76 oh man so I don't know I just know that grooming is bad
Starting point is 01:07:33 I know pedophilia is bad I know war is bad for the most part I know murder is bad I know for the most part. I know murder is bad. I know rape is bad. Everything else is kind of negotiable.
Starting point is 01:07:56 Right? Even assault. I guess assault is bad because if you call it assault that means it was like unprovoked. But beat downs aren't always bad. Mike Tyson beat the shit out of that guy on the plane. There's not one person who sided with the kid.
Starting point is 01:08:14 Also another indication, like if this was a white supremacist country, people would be like, look, look at Mike Tyson, a black man assaulted a white. I think even white supremacists, wherever they may be, are going like, I'm so glad that guy got his ass kicked. That's one of those moments that kind of supersedes
Starting point is 01:08:32 whatever bigotry you have, because you just watch it and go like, oh, it was glorious to watch that annoying guy get his ass kicked, because you can identify, because underneath all the bullshit, we're all just people. And those are those moments that kind of break those delusions of hate that those people have when they could just see mike tyson quietly sitting there and there's this drunk idiot bothering him and i think he threw a water bottle at one point and um i think we'd all like to have seen the beating be a little more
Starting point is 01:09:02 i think we were all disappointed i haven't heard one person or seen one article or one tweet in the entire metaverse saying like mike tyson assaulted that guy i mean i think even the cops are gonna be like dude you know i don't even think there's you know he just, he might get a medal for it. So it's negotiable. Everything is negotiable besides a few things that you got to be hardline about. I guess even sexuality and gender is negotiable to a certain extent.
Starting point is 01:09:37 Who knows? The pandemic certainly, it's over in some places and whether it's over or not is negotiable. I mean, that's still negotiable depending on who you talk to. People are going, are you crazy? You're putting people's lives at risk. And then you know someone who catches this new variant. They're like, yeah, it was like a mild cold.
Starting point is 01:09:59 And you're like, all right, I think it's over, dog. I think at this point I mean Jared fucking had COVID the whole time and fucking you know he didn't get tested so he didn't know but he gave it to Jesse
Starting point is 01:10:09 what were you down seven days big deal big deal big fucking deal yeah it wasn't so bad wasn't so bad at all no
Starting point is 01:10:16 a little sore throat a little fever go to patreon.com for the bonus episode and now let's get into some of our small business sponsors. We want you guys to support. We got a few really good ones.
Starting point is 01:10:30 And you guys should be checking their stuff out. So guys, as you know, want to give a shout out. Of course, it's the water we have in the studio now all the time. Freaking cold mountain spring water. No plastic, aluminum fucking bottle. Keeps it nice and cold when you put it in the fridge. You don't got to deal with plastic, which shrinks your taint. You know, all the plastic comes from China. None of this stuff comes from China. Completely recyclable, good for the environment, and it stays freaking cold. Go to freaking cold spring water.
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Starting point is 01:14:12 and let him help you take your social media game to the next level. Love you, Nate. We should just call Nate live on the podcast and have him do what he's going to. We'll do that next episode. We'll just call him and he'll give us his consulting right there. Chris Minetti, okay, you know the deal. South Jersey and Philly, if you need to get a check cast, go see Chris Minetti at Minetti Financial Services at 215-750-3730. Bring your check there. He'll cash it.
Starting point is 01:14:43 Simple as that. Aaron Lee for the free.us. All things music in Hawaii. They list all the shows happening in Hawaii, new bands, music, everything. It's an organization dedicated to providing artists from Hawaii a place to develop their craft and be seen. So if you're an artist in Hawaii who wants to get a stage, contact them on their website. Go peruse if you want to find out about music and bands and shows. If you're going on vacation in Hawaii, you live in Hawaii, or if you're a music fan, forthefree.us. Guys, we got a new small business shout-out.
Starting point is 01:15:19 Welcome, 305, maybe that's Miami, 305 PLP Media Services. They offer affordable rates in Miami. I was right, the 305, yo, the 305, son. They have experienced professionals that will create a video that meets your needs and budget, offer a wide range of services, including professional videography, production, post-production, content creation. So whether you need to produce engaging and effective specialized technical training videos for your new employees, or you need a creative marketing video for social media, or you just need to film an important conference speaker or meeting, they've got you covered. So email them at info at 305plp.com
Starting point is 01:16:09 or call or text us, meaning them, at 786-548-CAMONEYSIGNH, which is 786-548-2274. Go check them out at Vimeo, at vimeo.com slash 305PLP. Check out their portfolio. You can find them on Facebook, 305PLP. So if you need any videography, any type of editing, anything, hit them up and let them take care of you.
Starting point is 01:16:43 And, of course, my man san antonio my brother who came to the show jared love you to death this is a legit legit fucking guy and a legit business exclusive auto shipping.com if you are moving you your car anywhere in the country i think they do global so get a free quote at exclusive autoipping.com if you need to move your car anywhere. All right, I want to welcome our newest Patreon members at patreon.com slash yannilongdays. Please go join yannilongdays, patreon.com slash yannilongdays, and access your additional episode every week. We have a lot of fun on there, and we love your support.
Starting point is 01:17:23 It's required. Subscribe to your comedy, man, the comedy you love. So I want to welcome our newest members to the Fediverse, our long haulers. Give it up for Corey, Corey Durham, Julie Morton Q, Nathan Cohen, Nick Mullaney, James Van Aken. Wait, is that the Nick Mullaney? No, that's John Mullaney. Oh. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:49 It could be his brother. It's his brother. Then we got James Van Aken, Dakota Star. Dakota Star is a good porn name. Oh, hell yeah. Dakota Star. That name, is that a girl or a guy? Who cares?
Starting point is 01:18:02 Yeah, I mean, that name just got me a little pyoing. That's a dude. It's a dude stro i got i got fucking catfished that is darren or or densnick or densnick darren or densnick oh desnick darren o desnick nicole the obese piece Obese peace. Big girls get love too, girl. Then we got Gro Woodlands. Alex Rocha or Rocha. Brian, what is that, Pylan? Yeah, close enough. Yeah, Brian Pylan.
Starting point is 01:18:35 Palan. Palan or Brian Pylan. Michael Walsh. Casey Duff. Sounds like a catcher's name. Ryan Becker. Sounds like a pitcher's name. Bill Combs. Sounds like a catcher's name. Ryan Becker. Sounds like a pitcher's name. Bill Combs. Sounds like a first baseman.
Starting point is 01:18:48 And Josh Skroda? Is Skroda with an exclamation point? No, it's Skrodal. Oh, Josh Skrodal. So that's it, right? That's it. Alright, welcome guys. We really appreciate you over at patreon.com slash yannilongdays and guess what?
Starting point is 01:19:04 We will see you next week. It's been a long day.

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