Yannis Pappas Hour - Pakistani Messiah with Tourette’s

Episode Date: December 29, 2023

Happy New Years, my Friends! Jared Harvin joins us for our final episode of the year. Boston’s mayor Michelle Wu gets swatted, we exhume the Mel Gibson recording to his ex-wife and analyze, Pizza Hu...t ain’t doing good, and sports gambling is America’s biggest industry! Enjoy!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Happy New Year's everybody! Happy New Year's my friend, but to Americans only, America first. Like I said, get your tickets now to see me in Portland January 11th and Vancouver January 12th. And then Miami January 19th through the 21st. How's your year been? I'll tell you guys right now, 2023 is going to be my year. There's still, what, two days left. I'm going to make it happen. I want to welcome back for our New Year's episode, the great 80-year-old, 26-year-old
Starting point is 00:00:42 Jared Harvin. Mr. Driving Shoes himself is back for us for this special episode and of course the world most famous finger painter is behind the keys of fucking steel with his 80 year old hands we are a geriatric podcast
Starting point is 00:00:58 that's what we are and I want to say happy new years to all of you Konnichiwa to yous in China I know your new years happens at a different day, so I give your dragon a little salute. I guess that's the New Year's dragon. And Sean Terry wants to say Happy New Year's to the Sky Chinese, which are the aliens out there.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Happy New Year's to people from other worlds as well. The Sky-nees, as I like to call them. We got a lot going on in America this week. A lot that you'd really want to be informed on. First, I want to tell you Pennsylvania has done something good. I want to start with some good news. Shout out to Tank's Good News, who gives you news. It's called Good Things Happen to Special Needs People.
Starting point is 00:01:45 You can check it out, Tank's Good News. So in the spirit of Tank's Good News, this one does not involve anyone at my brother's school, but what did happen is a Pennsylvania dog shelter for the first time in its existence has zero dogs. My question is, how many Chinese have moved into the state? My question is, how many Chinese have moved into the state? Tucker Carlson has given another very important interview, adding to his reputation post-Fox, which was split.
Starting point is 00:02:27 His reputation was really split. gave Tucker Carlson one of these every day. He's given, finally, a very important interview with a very important global politician, Frank Underwood, a fictional character who was on trial for sexual assaults. So, Tucker Carlson, I pop the zit in in your honor. Happy New Year's to to you you fucking weirdo cali pizza huts have just fired all the delivery guys uh right before the state legislature is supposed to pass a bill that raises the minimum wage to 20 dollars 20 dollars even or 22 dollars to $20, $20 even, or $22 from 1550 and pizza hut goes, we can't take this no more. We're already losing the dominoes in the shittiest pizza available market. Um, so they laid everybody
Starting point is 00:03:16 off. So there's a bunch of 15 year old surfer boards going, how am I going to buy my weed now? And how am I going to say I accidentally lost the pizza when I was delivering it high to your Encino neighborhood and go, whoa, dude. And of course I'm joking. It's all Mexicans. They'll figure it out. They'll find another way to get a couple of dollars while, uh, the people who used to do pizza delivery, teenage surfer boys, will continue to sit in their house and smoke weed and play the latest game on PlayStation, which I assume is some global battlefield game.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Now I'm an old guy. Now I just sounded like an old guy. Are you back there playing some global battle game, JB? What are you doing? Are you arguing with some kid in Illinois who's 11? Did you just call somebody a black person and he had word on there? You shouldn't be doing that just because you were mad
Starting point is 00:04:14 that he didn't help you out on a special op in fake Afghanistan. This is the Giannis Papasawa. As you know, put your swim trukes on. That was a combination of trunks and troops. Rally them up. Rally the troops. Get your American flag swim trukes on because we're going deep under the sea
Starting point is 00:04:40 where the water is. Yes. Giannis Papas. Yeah. We're the what-ass. There's no way we're doing this podcast with the window closed. This is a pre-war building. It is 50 degrees outside New York City, but it is 120 degrees in this room. This room right now feels like the desert in Afghanistan. So we're keeping that window open. So occasionally if you hear Puerto Rican bumping their music, welcome to Brooklynlyn new york city where this uh show takes place that's what it is welcome
Starting point is 00:05:29 welcome uh back to the show jared the great jared harvin yes yes mister is is that a rapper or not in the airport with yannis pappas yeah yeah himself the skin color makes people think i'm a rapper when they take a look at the Crocs, they know. They know you're not. They know I'm not. Yeah. There's always a chance that someone at first glimpse, and when I mean someone, it's typically a young white girl.
Starting point is 00:05:55 Okay? Because they have to have that look in their face that like, I can't really know the difference between black people before three seconds. They got that look in their face whenever we're walking around it's like a suburban white girl right who glances at him and it takes for them they don't see a lot of black people so at first glance he's a handsome light-skinned black guy with cool hair walking with a cool older cool looking white guy with sneakers at the same time they're putting away their MacBook. At the same
Starting point is 00:06:26 time, well, in their first couple seconds, they're going, it's a reaction, it's a double reaction. And they're going, is that Chance the Rapper? Am I safe? It's not Chance the Rapper. And the MacBook goes down. But walking with an older white guy does make the MacBook come out. They think you're somebody. It's like Tylenol for racism. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:42 They think you're somebody. At first, the first second, I think it's Chance the R to rapper and then at 1.2 seconds they go it's probably another rapper i haven't heard of yet yes who's more into socially conscious rap you do not look like a guy who's not into socially i have a tribe called quest poster on my wall you you look you look like a guy who's gonna to rap about Palestine. Yeah. Yeah. I look like a common protege. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:08 We're going to hear some opinions. I'm going to go to your concert, and it's going to smell like incense. Your concert will smell like incense. It won't smell like incense mixed with weed, but high-quality weed. Very high-quality. Yeah, like body-high, smells like dish detergent weed. I'm going to have an LP named Weed. Never should have been in Vietnam.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Yeah, you're not going to be doing a drill rap appearance. You're not going to be doing a guest set on what Sergio listens to before he has a talk with his daughter to calm down. So happy New Year to everybody. I hope everybody had a good Christmas I hope everybody got what they want Jesse just wanted some more clay for his sculptures
Starting point is 00:07:51 and a few more oranges so he can peel them when I went to his studio the guy's got a bucket full of orange peels it's art so happy new years as I say every year, happy new years my friend I hope you had a good one I hope you bring in 2024 So happy New Year's. As I say every year, happy New Year's, my friend. I hope you had a good one.
Starting point is 00:08:09 I hope you bring in 2024. We hope 2024 sees peace come to the world. I think it's very possible. I think it's very possible 2024 is the year that the Messiah comes back. That's my prediction. I'm reporting it here first. I've broken a lot of news here, and I'm breaking this news.
Starting point is 00:08:30 The Messiah is coming back. The problem is going to be, the problem is going to be, the Messiah will be an autistic 14-year-old Pakistani girl. So a lot of people who are Christian aren't going to accept the Messiah first because it's female, second, it's a teenager, and third because she's going to be randomly saying slurs during her speeches on the mount. Yep.
Starting point is 00:08:54 So that's going to be tough. But hidden in between those slurs she can't control will be messages of peace. It'll be up to us. And that's because God has a sense of humor. The first round, it was very sad. Tragedy, right? Like the Godfather won. The return of the Messiah is going to be more like
Starting point is 00:09:11 Lethal Weapon with Joe Pesci. We're going full comedy, okay? It's Home Alone. The second one's Home Alone. Very to your face. Yeah. It's going to be like, brothers and sisters, we gather here today.
Starting point is 00:09:24 All people are one. Beep them, beep them. And we're going to go like, brothers and sisters, we gather here today. All people are one. Beep them, beep them. And we're going to go, is that the Messiah? Would the Messiah say that? And then we'll have to, you know, scientists will have to vouch that this person really has Tourette's. And they're not just doing it to get views on TikTok. The beacon of hope once you get past that helmet and hijab. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:09:42 You got to get past the helmet and hijab. Which is an interesting question you pose if you're a muslim woman and you have you have to protect your head does the helmet go on over the hijab or under the hijab i don't think that question's ever been posed on any new show. It's a valid question. I'd like to send my email to whatever caliph is available. Is there any way to call the caliphate in Iran? Is he still called the supreme leader?
Starting point is 00:10:18 Yeah, yeah. Listen, anyone called the supreme leader of a country is going to be a problem. Yeah. It's just if you're called the supreme leader, you're going to be a problem. If you're called the Ayatollah, country is going to be a problem. Yeah. It's just, if you're called the supreme leader, you're going to be a problem. If you're called the Ayatollah, you're going to be a problem. Okay? You're just going to attract a guy.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Do they sell Ayatollah beards for Halloween? I just like to come in with a beard and have people guess. And they go, who are you? Are you Ulysses Grant? Are you Charles Darwin? Are you an alternative comic from the early 2000s? And I go, no, I'm the Christian Aitola. I listen to the Giannis Papazauer,
Starting point is 00:10:57 who incessantly talks about the second coming of the Christian Aitola, which is coming to a theater near you very soon. So I do think peace is possible when the 14-year-old Pakistani with Tourette's Messiah does come back, the second coming of the Messiah, comes back to stop the Israeli-Hamas conflict, to stop the Ukrainian-Russian war, to tone down this new Cold War
Starting point is 00:11:24 between the United States and China, to calm down Taiwan and China and say, hey, guys, we're all the same. We're all the same. Underneath, we all have skeletons. We all bleed red. Some of you may bleed a little more blue and white. But at the end of the day day everyone's still got a little american in them and it's red so that's the important part um and i hope greta thunberg has a great year coming up she's got a lot a lot of protesting to do she's never she'll never run out of protest she's a girl like when alexander like when Alexander the Great conquered the whole world, they say,
Starting point is 00:12:06 Alexander the Great wept because there was no more worlds to conquer. Greta Thunberg, you will never have to weep because there will always be a cause for you to protest that. Yeah, of course. There'll always be something for you to get arrested by Swedish police for.
Starting point is 00:12:23 So I hope she has a great. She's getting to the age where you could make fun of her, right? She an adult yet? I think so, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, she's 18. She's 18. So if you can get your pussy eaten on camera when you're 18,
Starting point is 00:12:36 you can definitely, as Andrew Schultz says, get these jokes. Yeah. You can get these jokes. Catch these fire, catch these hands. You can catch these fire. You can catch these hands. You can get these jokes. Okay, fire, catch these hands. You can catch these fire, you can catch these hands, you can get these jokes. Okay, that was the section of the show.
Starting point is 00:12:48 I like to reference Andrew Schultz so I could win over a couple of Indian guys wearing the Toronto Blue Jays hats a little to the right who like hip-hop and such. Anyway, I'd like to talk a little bit at the beginning of this year about, or the end of this year and the beginning, depending on when you're listening to, what this week's news means to the upcoming 2024 year we're about to have. I've made my prediction for world peace, but we're going to see some trends in America that are either going to continue or they're going to stop.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Yep. One of which is sports gambling, which is maybe the biggest business in America right now. I don't know if it's OnlyFans, TikTok, stardom, or sports betting. But sports betting is up there. There's no more taboo on sports betting. But sports betting is up there. There's no more taboo on sports betting. This is like removing the taboo of homosexuality, of all these things that used to be sins, that are they sins? Homosexuality is not.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Sports betting Is it? Is it a sin? What does Jesus Christ think about our legalization Of sports betting in 38 states Now it's grown to 38 states I Personally think That it's great
Starting point is 00:14:20 Okay, because what's our biggest problem? Our biggest problem Is stupidity Education, Because what's our biggest problem? Our biggest problem is stupidity. Of course. Education. What's our next biggest problem? Drug use. Meth. Okay?
Starting point is 00:14:34 What's your next biggest problem? Police brutality. Police brutality. All right. Jared's back. Gun violence, which can go along with that, um gun violence right diet this is the the five finger full court press of destruction or no finger if you struggle with the last one yeah or you struggle with the last one or for sergio it's four and a half yeah
Starting point is 00:15:02 the inside jokes are good though if you you know Sergio's got a little finger. So it's the five-finger press, full-court press, of what's preventing America's greatness. Now, if you want to talk solutions, gambling. We're creating massive jobs. We're creating a massive distraction.
Starting point is 00:15:21 We're creating massive dopamine hits, adrenaline hits, adrenaline hits for people who live in shitty areas created by an auto industry sanctioned kit to go to Chick-fil-A and... Dillard's. All those places. Yeah. Dick's Sporting Goods. I mean, you name it. You go anywhere in America, you don't know where you are.
Starting point is 00:15:57 I've said that many times. You drop me off on any side of any highway outside of a major city or anything older than 50 years, anything younger than 50, anything not older than 50 years old, you know, I'm like, I'm in the same place. It's the same place. We travel all over the country. There's no character to it. It's the same stores, the same cheesecake factory, the same mall food court stores, the same third topics. It's all the same. Subway, you get the point.
Starting point is 00:16:29 You get the point. Now you've given people something to do, which is gamble away their family's inheritance, retirement, investments. Correct. Which is going to make them have more drug problems, which is going to bring them back full circle. But like all good things, it gives us a grace period of boom. And that's what capitalism loves is a good grace period of boom. We all know that the booms bust, but we need a fucking boom.
Starting point is 00:17:00 We need a boom. We need a boom. The boom now in America is primarily being propelled by what our Protestant roots would say are the ultimate sins. Pornography and gambling. Drinking and getting high. I forgot about weed. Another great one to chill everybody out. We've suggested many times on the podcast
Starting point is 00:17:22 putting that fucking, doing something a little stronger than marijuana in the water supply. It's a recommendation to our government. I support it. So what do we think? What do we think is sports betting expanding to 38
Starting point is 00:17:38 states, seeking to get into every one of the 106 states? 106? Right. We got a lot of states well i remember we have we've struggled with that it's 52 or 50 it's 50 states right i don't know why i said 52 uh you know look when you got military bases all over the world sometimes you can get a little confused of course you're like is that our country and they go oh no it's not um 51 and then an asterisk towards puerto rico right they're kind of with us they're kind of not commonwealth yeah yeah yeah it's not um 51 and then an asterisk towards puerto rico right they're kind of with us they're kind of
Starting point is 00:18:05 not commonwealth yeah yeah yeah it's kind of like um you know you puerto rico they made the country sort of like you do the people like are they what are they are they white are they but they're kind of in the middle yeah you never know they're really the ambassador between the black community and the white community it's puerto ricans you know they're like right there in the middle even they're usually their shade is like a little in the middle. Even their, usually their shade is like a little in the middle between a full-on donk and a bro.
Starting point is 00:18:29 You know what I mean? Dressed very proper but playing their music out loud on the train. Yeah, so the Puerto Ricans like they're American but they're not. They're also that
Starting point is 00:18:36 but they are but they're not. So a lot of people have fears and say that this is promoting gambling addiction. I don't think it's an addiction.
Starting point is 00:18:48 I think it's a passion. It's a lifestyle. I think it's called a passion. Some people have a passion for the numbers. You know? It depends on how you look at it.
Starting point is 00:18:59 I wonder how a libertarian would look at this. Right? So you're free to gamble. People are going to gamble anyway. At this point, I don't know if we could take the train off the tracks, right? I mean, BetMGM's going.
Starting point is 00:19:16 DraftKings is going. And I support all those potential sponsors on this show. I support them. You're welcome, you guys. Yeah. Is it an internal, like if you have a gambling problem was it brought on because of gambling or do you have something in you that you know needs to feel needs to feel something is there a hole in you that needs to feel something needs to be filled
Starting point is 00:19:41 with something yeah i mean who are the biggest losers in gambling? When I go to casinos, um, the people I think who are losing the most, the children who aren't able to go to school now, those people. Yeah. Those are the people you got to think of,
Starting point is 00:19:58 but how, what percentage of those people are actually affected by the gambling? Cause the gambling never comes alone right has have you ever met someone who has a gambling problem that comes alone where it's like my dad was a gambler but the rest of his life i mean the rest of his life was it's not the only picture perfect yeah not the only blemish on the whole record yeah it doesn't come with that something else that comes with it it's like a burger and fries yeah it's like dying of covid at 40 it's like what else did we have going on there's always something else wasn't like my dad had a gambling problem he gambled away
Starting point is 00:20:33 our family inheritance and my college uh you know 259 or whatever it's called 529 or whatever the fuck that account is called but hey he won the nobel peace prize that you never hear the end of this sentence going, and he also won the Nobel Peace Prize in biology. It doesn't happen. It always goes, and also, he lived outside of a liquor store, and he hit my mom a few times. There's always ands.
Starting point is 00:21:01 There's always going to be an and. There's always going to be a conjunction present in the sentence of my dad gambled. It doesn't go period. You never hear some my dad gambled period. It never is my dad gambled period. And he was a compulsive liar and womanizer and... Like an improv troupe.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Yeah, so why punish the rest of us? Why punish the rest of us to want to have an innocent weekend in Vegas with, you know, a stint at the craps table, maybe a little fun upstairs if we had some winnings with a now affordable $1,000 prostitute? Of course. Right?
Starting point is 00:21:40 Because the same thing goes with this. You never go, I went to Vegas and gambled, period. That's another sentence that has another conjunction after I went to Vegas. Nobody goes, I went to Vegas and gambled, period. Right? Unless you're talking to your wife. That's the abridged version. Right.
Starting point is 00:21:58 It's the lie version. It's a half-truth version. Because the truth is I went to Vegas and I gambled. And, and I got a prostitute and I ate like shit and I drank like a fucking fish and I blacked out and I killed someone's tiger by accident and I got into a fight with an Arabic prince who in a fight with an Arabic prince at who was there his security fucking beat me up I was you know it just keeps going it just keeps going and going
Starting point is 00:22:31 and going right and I stayed here for three weeks because I lost so much money I had to get a job driving uber for a couple weeks and that's why daddy disappeared for three weeks so I've come back with a lot less money but at least some in my pocket. I'm sorry. I'm sorry to everyone. I'm sorry. I'm sorry to you, my family. I'm sorry. And also, honey, you have syphilis now. Yeah. Or it comes with just an and I'm sorry. I went to Vegas and I gambled and I'm sorry. No one just goes and I went to Vegas and I gambled. There's always an and. There's always an and with anyone who gambles. So they call it a disorder.
Starting point is 00:23:07 There is a such thing called a gambling disorder. But isn't that like a, isn't that a insult to people who have a real disorder? Like someone who has diabetes, you know? Like, I got to take my insulin, and somebody's like, I got to take my Vegas. Like, what? Yes, gambling can stimulate the brain's reward system much like drugs or alcohol can, leading to addiction.
Starting point is 00:23:42 I think we know that. That's why every gambling site you read an ad for gives you a three paragraph disclaimer. And I'll say, but if you have a problem gambling, if you haven't seen your kids in four years, and if you don't know your kids' names, or if your kids are now whoring themselves out just so they could pay for college, please contact 1-800-GAMBLER. If you've jumped off a bridge and you're still alive, please call this number. But if you've killed yourself, please in heaven,
Starting point is 00:24:09 make sure that you tell Jesus that we were sorry for what we, you know, it just keeps going. They say that shit fast as shit. Yeah. According to the national association, addition addiction professionals, problems gambling actually has the highest.
Starting point is 00:24:20 So we got to stay away from suicide. We did a whole Patreon episode. I think we did 20 minutes on suicide. If you're having suicidal thoughts, seek help. It's temporary. Call this number below. Jesse will put it in the episode right here. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:34 I'll give the German yeah to this. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. According to the center, 20% has, so gamblers have the highest suicide rate, which is up to 20% of all addictions. Wow. So gambling offs you more than anything else. That's weird.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Yeah, because that's the people who off themselves a lot is people who lose big sums of money. You know, because when you're in that game, you're playing with your reward systems again. I mean, this isn't rocket science. I'm a podcaster. Stand up first. But we talked about it many times.
Starting point is 00:25:14 You play with your reward systems too much, I think you're going to have a problem. That goes with cocaine, whatever it is. Pornography, gambling, because then you get big wins, and then you get big losses. So the losses probably feel really bad. Hit real hard. They hit real hard, especially when you're getting wins.
Starting point is 00:25:32 You're swinging your reward system up and down. No middle ground whatsoever. Yeah. So anything that does that is always a danger. But it is also the most fun. It's also where a lot of people are right now listening to this episode, okay? Nobody is going to go to Spokane,
Starting point is 00:25:50 I pronounced it right, Washington, for their fucking bachelor party. To do what? To do what? Hang out with fucking pine trees? What are you going to do? Touch John Stockton's jockstrap. Yeah, you're going to touch John Stockton,
Starting point is 00:26:04 just get a photo with John Stockton on your fucking bachelor party? No, it's your bachelor party. There's got to be places, a place of debauchery. Well, now there's fucking 38 of those places. So is that a problem? Should there only be one state where you can legally gamble on sports?
Starting point is 00:26:24 Is there something you should be able to do from the privacy of your own home? should there only be one state where you can legally gamble on sports? Is there something you should be able to do from the privacy of your own home? You know, after all your family's asleep and you open up your chase app and you go, let's go for it. Let's go for it. I think the Timberwolves are on a streak um but jesse's always right money always wins the house the house always wins um you know who's winning espn the nfl yeah dude big buddy's winning and everyone else is winning with with fun and suicide um but it is like liquor right it's like what are you gonna do you can't ban it you can't ban
Starting point is 00:27:11 it all together but liquor is regulated well it was banned for a long time it didn't work right they just i'm saying gambling was banned for a long time yeah so and that's not good people still gambled look at this look what it's doing for these states. Much like marijuana, other states have reaped a total of over $4 billion in taxes for more than $280 billion. Jesus Christ. Big pie. Jesus Christ. $280 billion that's been wagered on sports since 2018. That is a lot of action.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Wow. Vermont will become the latest to accept sports betting. So you can have a little juice on the game with your Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey. But the odds for expansion to additional states appears iffy in 2004 because of political resistance and this political resistance from the Christian, the vibes of the Christian Ayatollah Cometh. Resistance in the sometimes competing financial interests of existing gambling operators.
Starting point is 00:28:18 So I guess a lot of the main casinos don't want it all going digital or whatever, right? Well, they're all in on it. They all have their sports cards. So who are the existing gambling operators? To me, it seems like they need to carve up the state.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Like, who gets this state? Right. Or we get this one. They got to get through all the, they got to carve up the, like the way the mafia carves up territory. They got to carve up who gets what, who's getting, let's talk about who's getting spoons into the honeypot. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:28:48 How many spoons are we putting into this honeypot? That'd be a lot of Native Americans fighting again. Yeah. Well, they do great. It's great for them. It's a thing, it's a thing that's out there. I think it was probably seen more as a sin and regulated by lawmakers when the country had a lot more viable options in production and manual labor post-industrial revolution. They wanted people productive.
Starting point is 00:29:22 They didn't want their neighborhoods uh going to shit it was a big i think a lot of this stuff is financially motivated right so if you got a lot of you got a lot of worker bees there was a time in america where everyone was either a industrial capitalist or a worker bee that's what it was right the industrial revolution we've had two major revolutions the industrial and then the tech and the industrial revolution facilitated a lot of employment as worker bees guys on the line they got paid pretty well they could afford a house it built up all these towns that we go to now that are fucking shit but you see their former greatness everywhere and the industrial revolution created that. Now the tech revolution is creating all these jobs based around vices that used to be vices
Starting point is 00:30:13 during that era where they wanted people productive. Now this is productive. Now these things are seen as productive because there's no other ways to make money because people in the East are making our shit. Now these things are seen as productive because there's no other ways to make money because, you know, people in the East are making our shit. So it's people pushing money back and forth, you know, gambling odds, fucking pushing crypto. It's all based on the value you give it.
Starting point is 00:30:38 And that's our economy. And then based on the money we make, based on how much the Federal Reserve prints, we fucking give that to China. They fucking make our shit. They send it to us. But that employs some cash register person that employs some account person at a company who's handling the account. Having to fucking struggle to liaison with someone in China because their English isn't so good. You know, it's not top priority in China to learn English for a middle management account person over there.
Starting point is 00:31:07 And it never will be, because they don't plan to make it an official language in the future. Right? So I think we give a big thumbs up to gambling in 2024. I'm all for it. I'm all for it. Yeah. We give it a big thumbs up.
Starting point is 00:31:26 It's a major part of the economy at this point. It's amazing. Can you believe we're at a point now? This is normal for a lot of younger people. We're at a point now where it's like gambling is a major, major engine of the American economy. What was that? $280 billion.
Starting point is 00:31:42 So Atlantic City, I expect you to start looking a little better sister get your shit together yeah you know revival of atlantic city that's trash though yeah it's great it's great an industry that's on the decline in 2024 is going to be um pizza hut who every year has seen a decline in their yearly profits. It's getting worse and worse and worse. From 300 mil something plus to 200 mil something in 2022. And then I guess 2023 is probably going down. Patrick Ewing on the magic.
Starting point is 00:32:20 It's Patrick Ewing on the magic. It's on its way down. Real down. It's in the applesauce years. Now, this is a private war between Pizza Hut and Domino's. And I think the only way Pizza Hut makes a comeback is if they find out one of the spokespeople for Pizza hut was touching kids. I lost subway. All right. Blimpies was it.
Starting point is 00:32:48 If, if, if they had found out Jared from subway was touching kids five years earlier, you'd still see a couple of blimpies around, but blimpies got done by subway. So I think that's, what's happened to pizza hut.
Starting point is 00:33:00 You know, it's going to be, huh? It's going to be Craig Robinson, Craig, Phillip Robinson, comedian, Craig Robinson in a year and. You know who it's going to be? Huh? It's going to be Craig Robinson. Craig Philip Robinson. Comedian Craig Robinson in a year and a half.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Yeah. Here's my 2024 prediction. His... One of his private emails will be leaked from one of his friends saying, I have to call you back
Starting point is 00:33:22 right now because I am outside PS3 27 taking a peek. And it may or may not be true, but it could be planted by Pizza Hut. I'm just throwing ideas out there, Pizza Hut. You don't want to be blimpies. You don't want to wait too long.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Yeah. You got to throw some muck. You got to throw some dirt at the spokespersons. You got to put some cash in on the deal right now.persons people gotta find out he was stroking more than that keyboard that's it exactly we gotta get a little yeah it wasn't the only little white things he was diddling
Starting point is 00:33:53 and that's how you start the fucking online schmear campaign too with that headline as it turns out Craig Robinson known for his piano comedy as it turns out, Craig Robinson, known for his piano comedy, as it turns out, those little white keys weren't the only white little things he was diddling.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Boom. Is it true? Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. Is it true? It's not about what's true in 2024. That continues in 2024. Is it true?
Starting point is 00:34:24 It doesn't matter. That continues. That can be, look at how Papa John's also took a little bit of the marketplace and he loves the N word dearly. They got Shaq. Shaq's their new spokesperson. That's what you do when you get caught as a CEO,
Starting point is 00:34:41 fucking slipping a couple of N words after you lost some money on some online betting. To tie all these stories together, I guarantee you Papa John's N-word slippage came after a Warriors game where he didn't make the spread. That's how that happens. Now, you had a joke about that. I don't know anything about his N-word fiasco. Who, Papa John?
Starting point is 00:35:05 Yeah, what was the context? He got caught saying it, and then he had to check himself into a hospital because he needed help not saying it. Right, well, no, he didn't need to be checked into a hospital. His PR rep suggested it and said, hey, guy, this is a good move. Let's just say we're doing this. You have pre-racial Tourette's. That's what we're going
Starting point is 00:35:25 with right now because we got to save your career and how did he drop it like what did he say he was he was like uh I think they got a recording of like it was like oh niggas this and niggas that and niggas doing this and it's like yeah but who was he talking to in the other line I don't know was it Snoop I think he was trying to sell some new Cinnabon twists you're during a conference call conference call yeah here yeah. Yeah, here it is. It's actually kind of amazing that he says the N-word and then he gets the biggest, controversially, N-word to come rep his company.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Again. It's kind of like saying Beanie Juice to the beer five times. Again. Again, this is an instance where maybe we could say the N-word did a lot for the black community. It did a lot for the black community. Because after you get caught saying the N-word, the the first you need to do is got one of the most famous black people in the country as your spokesperson to make amends yes our financial literacy went up but also our blood pressure did at the same time it was a double wham wham
Starting point is 00:36:18 what do you say designed as a role here he goes colonel sand Sanders called black he said he responded by downplaying he was asked how he would distance himself from racist groups online he responded by downplaying the significance of his NFL statement what was his NFL statement saying Colonel Sanders called blacks
Starting point is 00:36:38 the n-word all the time and apparently he didn't say the n-word on that one either but what did he say uh so it must have had something to do with i was right the nfl it's a kid lost a little bit money on the fucking carolina panthers that's what happened so i guess his initial statement was about something in the nfl that's the most we need. It says it right there. So,
Starting point is 00:37:07 I guess. Who cares? This happened, what, fucking five years ago? Yeah, this was a lot of years ago. Yeah. I mean, some people have really flourished after their N-word scandals. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Flourished. He had a bad one, right? God damn it. Can you just bleep the whole thing? Because the last time we did that, he's- They got on us, yeah. They got yeah they got on us because his people are fucking behind that so just i guess canadians can say the n-word because they're not racist this will help this will the algorithm will like mel gibson mel gibson he he is still making movies right of course he
Starting point is 00:37:40 had to come back and his was a bad one. But his was a private call. Is that as bad as a public statement? Not at all. When you talk, and listen, he was upset. His Slovenian fucking whore was trying to get his money. And she said that he get, all he said was, I hope you get raped. I mean, his was probably the worst I've ever heard. A pack.
Starting point is 00:38:06 A pack, too. Yeah, the N-word was not the most offensive word used in that whole sentence. It was the pack. Yeah. The pack really hit home. Made him sound like animals, like hyenas, like a pack, like wolves or something. Yeah. So.
Starting point is 00:38:19 We can't play it, dude. If he said gaggle, it wouldn't have been as bad. If he said gaggle. If he said gaggle. Group. Troop. You know. A coterie. A coterie, yes. A coterie. A crow, been as bad. If he said gaggle. If he said gaggle. Group. Troop. You know. A coterie. A coterie, yes.
Starting point is 00:38:27 A coterie. A crow, if you will. Yeah, a coterie. Yeah, if you say pack. It's very funny, actually. If he was just a little bit more eloquent with the way he described the aggregate sum of African Americans, that would be doing the right thing. An assortment. Yeah, an assortment of, I doing the rape action. An assortment.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Yeah, an assortment of, I hope you get raped by an assortment. If he said an assortment of niggas, he still would be in Hollywood today. Yeah, a plethora. Yes. A plethora. A myriad, maybe.
Starting point is 00:38:55 A gathering. Yeah. A gathering. It's not your racial epithets. It's your vocabulary. That cut me off. It's the contextual words around them. It's the sophistication level. It's the's the contextual words around them. It's the sophistication level.
Starting point is 00:39:06 It's the class of the words around them. I think he should get a sponsorship with Merriam-Webster. Yeah. A group. A gathering. A gathering has more of a merry connotation. Of course, yes. A troop. A troop has more of a professional
Starting point is 00:39:21 connotation. A pack. A soiree, I'm niggas. A soiree. Yes. It's very nice. A soiree. A soiree. Yeah, the problem was pack.
Starting point is 00:39:37 The problem was pack. Nothing good is coming after the word pack. Yeah. Because soiree just really, it mellows out everything in a sentence. Nobody says, I turned the corner and I encountered a pack and it never is like,
Starting point is 00:39:53 nobody says, I encountered a pack of Christmas cow rollers. Not at all. No. The word pack always precedes something bad. It's just bad, but soiree is good. Yeah, a soiree of,
Starting point is 00:40:03 when you hear soiree, your blood pressure drops. Everything's calm. Everything's calm. A but soiree is good. Yeah, a soiree of. When you hear soiree, your blood pressure drops. Everything's calm. Everything's calm. A soiree. A gathering. Yes. Yeah, you're ready for it, you know?
Starting point is 00:40:11 A plethora of. Wow, what's it going to be, Santas? Is this SantaCon? You're giving a police report. You'll be like, hey, I just got jumped by a soiree of niggas. Yeah. They're going to be like, whoa, whoa, man, man, man. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:40:20 How many of them were there? Yes, exactly. Soiree. It's like, how could you have gotten jumped if it was a soiree? nobody gets jumped from a soiree no they get jumped by a pack are you sure they weren't playing the cops gonna be like are you sure they were being harmful to you or was frankie beverly just playing and nobody ever delivers the word pat comley nobody ever delivers the word pat comley it's always a pack of wolves it's a pack of wolves a pack of cigarettes you know yeah a fucking and usually the word fucking is before yeah it's always a pack of wolves. It's a pack of wolves, a pack of hyenas. Yeah, a fucking, and usually
Starting point is 00:40:45 the word fucking is before. It was a fucking pack. It's usually anger. Yeah, it was a fucking pack of coyotes in my backyard. Your motherfucking got a pack of hot dogs. We don't need that many hot dogs for the barbecue. You ever say I got chased by a gathering of wolves? No. No. Bello. I mean, this is,
Starting point is 00:41:02 this is, uh, look, if you're going to be racist, take some tips from Jared on how to soften it. Yes. The words around, the words around it got to be a little bit more. Savory. Yeah, their connotations have to be a little bit more positive. Of course. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:16 Don't play it. Don't play it. People are familiar with it. It's funny when you hear it, though. It is funny because. The creativity had... You've got to give top 10. He was looking for...
Starting point is 00:41:28 He was looking for a word that could really surmise how he felt, how much he hated this girl. He was worked up into a real lather. He was lathered up, dude. He was lathered up. He was lathered up. Lathered in blackface. It's almost like he rolled around in poison ivy,
Starting point is 00:41:42 and this was three days later, and he just had rashes all over himself. And he just, he just was irritated, you know, like he had rocks in his shoes and he just, he just let it fly, dude.
Starting point is 00:41:54 I hope you get raped by a, by a chorus of, how about chorus of a chorus of, How about chorus of? A chorus of. A chorus would be a good one too. Exactly. And on all this, rape is taking a back seat,
Starting point is 00:42:12 which is horrible on its own. Yeah. So you know you fucked up if rape in a sentence is taking the back seat and is not the operative word of what's going on. That is a great point. That is actually a great point.
Starting point is 00:42:21 He's like, no, he didn't just accuse sexual assault on a woman. He didn't want that to happen. Did you hear the racism though? That is a a great point. He didn't just accuse sexual assault on a woman. He didn't want that to happen. Did you hear the racism, though? That is a very good point that nobody even remembers the rape part of it. They just go, did you see what he said a pack of? You're like, yeah, but he wanted her to get raped.
Starting point is 00:42:36 They're like, no, no, no, no, no. That's how you know the Black Panthers is just stronger than any feminist group because rape just got kicked to the side. Yeah, well, that also shows that there's been some progress. Of course. Because in the past, it would have been like, wait a second. He wanted her to get raped? And then they would go, yeah, but that's what they do.
Starting point is 00:42:55 But now they're going like, what? Did he say? Yeah, I think women should get paid less and kill all black people. Women are going to be like, wait a minute. What did you just say? Yeah, yeah. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Women should be killed,
Starting point is 00:43:06 but don't you dare say that about our beautiful Nubian brothers and sisters. Um, so listen, you know, I think it, the pizza hut has bigger problems than just the minimum wage going up. I think it would have been something else. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:22 We'll see what other California companies, uh, cut their delivery staffs they're probably also getting hurt by uber eats i don't know how that plays into this but i think this is more about the dwindling pizza huts i don't see pizza huts much anymore no i don't see them i don't see them i think for a while pizza hut was paying rent to other places because remember you'd go into the combination pizza hut and fucking it was always like a combo yeah for a while there was pizza huts are like combined yeah the only time you see a pizza hut is when it's with like a taco bell yeah which is the only time i've seen italian and mexicans work together other than my porn searches yes and this is not a clan hat or a birthday hat no put it to the side because when you put it to the side put it to the side. Yeah, put it to the side. You look special. There you go. Yeah, you got it. Yeah. So, I mean, my prediction for Pizza Hut will be that Pizza Hut will join Bed, Bath & Beyond.
Starting point is 00:44:16 A couple of major, major companies have filed for bankruptcy in 2023. What was the other? Bed, Bath & Beyond, there was another big one. Party City. Party City. Party City? Party City's going bye-bye. That's where kids get their balloons and stuff? The only thing you can get from Party City is balloons.
Starting point is 00:44:31 People aren't celebrating anymore? What are they doing? They're not doing balloons? They're doing balloons, but you can blow up your own balloons. How do you have a party without any balloons? What's taking over the balloon biz? You get a nice assortment of balloons. That's it.
Starting point is 00:44:43 Party City. We got to be honest. The only thing that can save all these companies is a nice assortment of balloons that's it party city we got to be honest the only thing that can save all these companies is a nice commercial and endorsement by pete davidson because ever since pete davidson's been doing taco bell commercials i mean they're running the world yeah you see the taco bell commercial yeah he's just taking he's just taking uh the credit for creating the menu yeah he's like oh you guys don't have a breakfast taco i thought of it yeah yeah skyrocketing now yeah Yeah, you gotta get Pete Davidson on there. Get him in there. Maybe
Starting point is 00:45:07 they'll save it. But I think you know. Oh, WeWork. Oh, Rite Aid also filed for bankruptcy. Rite Aid's been going a long time, though. Smile Direct. WeWork. Wow. How is Boston Market not on the list? Yeah, that's another one. Every time I go walk
Starting point is 00:45:23 at the Boston Market, it looks empty. I think because they don't, maybe they just don't have, they're not as widespread, so they don't have, there's not many Boston Markets. Boston Market's an interesting, because it's like in between fast food and like regular food. Not exactly, yeah. It's like an Applebee's level, you know?
Starting point is 00:45:41 Where you feel a little good about yourself eating there. You know? Yeah. It's not like a little good about yourself eating there. You know? Yeah. It's not like a McDonald's or a Taco Bell. Yeah. It's like an Applebee's, but you find heroin in the bathroom. Yeah, it's for lower class people, for poor people to feel a little fancy on a night. You've got to have a few of those restaurants in the country.
Starting point is 00:45:58 How fancy can you feel, though, eating from a plastic tin? Well, you know? You ever make music? You have your spork,, you have your spork and you run your spork around the tin. You kind of make a beat. Yeah. Must be a black thing, but you know.
Starting point is 00:46:10 No, that's a black thing, yeah. Yeah. I've never done that. I've only eaten at Boston Market twice. Now, Boston Market, no, I like Boston Market, but here's the thing. You got to have places like that.
Starting point is 00:46:22 You got to have places for- Lower class. For delivery, for former delivery men who work for Pizza Hut thing um you gotta have places like that you gotta have places for lower class for delivery for former delivery men who work for pizza hut to spend this christmas boston market boston market is there boston boston markets commercials should be that to be sad music a guy getting off of his bus shift right loosening his fucking ralph cramden tie his family meets him outside they're all wearing marshall's coats discount the family hugs the christmas music plays they walk into a boston market and they order a 1699 family chicken platter with sides.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Whole chicken for $1.99. That can't be. Can't be chicken. Oh, it can be. Oh, it can be. And it comes to you in a fancy, like, separated plate. Nice. You got your side here.
Starting point is 00:47:17 You get this. It feels like a family dinner, you know? And that's what you need Boston Market for. That's the catchphrase. Boston Market feels like a family dinner, but in parentheses it goes, not really. If you lose all your money gambling and you want to have one last fancy meal before you're off yourself.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Boston Market. Boston Market is for you, right? If you want to treat yourself one last time before you jump off the fucking Golden Gate Bridge because you just gambled away everything. Cream spinach weighs you down. Boston Market is your stop. We're your last stop before heaven.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Come to our rotisserie chicken at Boston Market where we turn tears into less tears. Yeah. There it is. I just came up with the slogan. Speaking of Boston, we had something happen in Boston, right? What happened?
Starting point is 00:48:13 With the mayor? Speaking of Boston, we did have something happen in Boston with the mayor. Mrs. Michelle Wu. Did I get the name right? Mayor Michelle Wu. Yes. She was swatted somebody had some fun these kids like to swap people now if you don't know what swatting means um it uh it's when you get to feel like a black person when you least expect it there you go
Starting point is 00:48:40 is there anything more that that's actually a double meaning because when you hear about an Asian person getting swatted nowadays, it's usually a black person that's doing the swatting. That's what I thought the joke you were going to make, but you didn't. No, no. It's a good joke. It's a good joke.
Starting point is 00:49:03 And it's just unfortunate that even Dave Chappelle, when he made a joke on that topic, he caught controversy for it. I think you should be allowed to make that joke. Yeah. Yeah. Because it reflects reality. So she got swatted on Christmas
Starting point is 00:49:22 after her Electeds of color holiday party that doesn't sound great this of color thing EOC HP EOC doesn't EOC sounds like we went back to the 50s
Starting point is 00:49:33 EOC sounds like piece of shit I don't like you there's people there's people there's people of color in there I guess that's the
Starting point is 00:49:41 preferred nomenclature at this point but everyone knows it was big news. She had her no whites party, which is a better way to describe it. It got leaked and I guess she got swatted. Someone swatted her. So what happens is,
Starting point is 00:49:56 what is the FBI? Now, what the fuck? Why is the FBI fall for every one of these? Why do they fall for every one of them? Why don't they do a little research on it's the mayor? Maybe you give a little call to the mayor first and go, Hey,
Starting point is 00:50:10 um, I don't know. Are there G are you partying with jihadis this Christmas? Why are we swatting the mayor? I guess they just get the call. It's funny that they haven't amended their system to protect against swatting because swatting just people just keep swatting people. Gamers do it to other gamers all the time. online personalities do it while the other people are streaming you ever
Starting point is 00:50:28 see them while people are streaming and they get swatted have you ever watched any of those videos so there's be gamers fucking streaming and then all of a sudden there's dudes with fbi vests and ar-15s just like breaking down their door and they're playing like some online game like what's going on some of them don't even notice. Yeah, we heard there was a jihadist revolution here. You're like, what are you, I'm playing, I'm in my underwears. I'm drinking a big gulp.
Starting point is 00:50:54 How did this happen? So she got swatted. A man called the Boston Police Department early Monday. So it's not necessarily the FBI. I think it's local police. SWAT team. SWAT team comes in. Man called the police, the Boston police,
Starting point is 00:51:09 on Monday claiming he had shot his wife and tied her up alongside another man at Wu's address. All right, so we had a little mic issue. It dropped, but we fixed it, which is great. It's great to have somebody here who knows how to do that.
Starting point is 00:51:25 That would have happened. I would have just been like, okay, I got to stop my podcast altogether. I don't know how to fix things. I don't know how to fix anything. But what I was about to say was, how about giving the mayor a ring before you swatter? I'm not defending the mayor.
Starting point is 00:51:40 I don't know the mayor. All I know is she likes to have uh no white parties that's all i know about michelle will but that aside how incompetent is the police department that they don't just give they see it's her address they must know the mayor's address so how do we give her a ring before we just before we go and swat this broad imagine her too she's asian so she's sitting at the table after throwing her non-white party playing Sudoku. She's playing Sudoku. Or she's doing algebra.
Starting point is 00:52:10 She's sitting there doing algebra. Playing with the abacus. Drinking a glass of wine, relaxing, doing complex math. And these police come in and swat her. She's sitting there playing the violin while she does complex math and plays online chess rocking out the sun with an umbrella to relax to relax and she gets swatted by a bunch of boston officers you know how much that must ruin her classical music is playing right she's doing
Starting point is 00:52:41 complex math relaxing like the asians do that's how they relax complex math problems next thing you know you hear fucking open the door like jesus she's like oh lord oh lord oh lord i love the accent choice on that these bostons these boston tenians are coming again must have been the right wing it probably was some right wing kid who was like, we're going to fucking show some fucking Boston kid sitting there. It's like, fuck her. Fuck her, dude. We're going to fucking swatter. You want to fucking swatter?
Starting point is 00:53:15 And they probably made your joke. About who swats her. Tonight, we're going to fucking act like the brothers and swat an Asian. So I don't know apparently this isn't the first time seems like she's got swatted a lot oh she's been swatted before
Starting point is 00:53:31 yeah she said that her and her family are used to it yeah but that's her being the thing right I don't I don't think anyone's swatted her before
Starting point is 00:53:40 she's just acknowledging the situation yeah she exactly yeah she's like I swear not It was such a hard road for me We're used to it
Starting point is 00:53:48 We're so used to it At Harvard I used to get it all the time Where'd she go to school? I need to know Where she goes to school right now Probably Harvard, yeah God damn it
Starting point is 00:53:56 Jesse, go, go, go Come on You can do it Let's go You gotta egg them on It helps Come on You're at the Special Olympics
Starting point is 00:54:03 Come on, Johnny You can do it I think it makes him nervous Let's go, go Quick, quick, quick I'm a little nervous You just spelled woo with an E Yeah, it helps. Come on. You got like a winner. Like you're at the Special Olympics. Come on, Johnny. You can do it. I think it makes him nervous. Let's go. Go quick, quick, quick. Nervous. You just spelled Woo with an E. Yeah, it's okay.
Starting point is 00:54:11 He knows he can't rush Jesse, though. He knows Google gets the drift. Yeah. Michelle Woo, school mayor of Boston. Go to school. As he's searching that up, do you think she was mad at them for not taking their shoes off before they came in?
Starting point is 00:54:28 I think that's more the Japanese. But your Asian racism is welcome. Well, not. I wouldn't call it. That was called confusion. I don't blame you for that. They do look a lot alike. Confucius, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:41 Confucius. She's the first woman of color. Are they really of color? I mean, her skin complexion is the same as mine. Can they just say she's the first woman with different eyes? Do they get to be people of color, Asians? They're white. When you see her skin color and you see mine and you see Jesse's,
Starting point is 00:55:03 it's the same skin color. They don't get to be in the POC group. They get their own group called different eyes. What? They're different. That's how you tell the difference between Asian and not Asian. They got different eyes. And we shouldn't call black people black.
Starting point is 00:55:22 There should be no black people anymore. When you refer to them in the formal way, it should be people with different hair. That's how you officially tell if a black person has more black in their mix or if they're more white. I think that's the official way. Right? Because you ever see...
Starting point is 00:55:42 It's one of the ways. I've met half black, half whites, and they got white hair. And I'm like, your DNA is a, I've met, it's one of the ways I've met like half black, half whites, and they got white hair. And I'm like, your DNA is a little more white. Cause you got the white hair. But if you got the black hair,
Starting point is 00:55:51 you could be, you could have white skin. But if you got the black hair, Devin Booker, you're more black. Derek Jeter. Derek Jeter had the white hair. No,
Starting point is 00:56:01 I think, I think Derek Jeter had the black hair. Yeah. Well, he might've had the white hair with the black maintenance, because he let that shit grow. He didn't put a comb through it. He had a flat.
Starting point is 00:56:10 Was his white hair? I think his was black hair. It was white hair. He couldn't tell. He always kept it short. Yeah. Isn't that funny, though, that mixed kids, they get one of the other hair. I think the black hair may be a dominant gene,
Starting point is 00:56:24 because it's usually the black hair. I mean, Jason Kidd got black hair. He's white. I mean, he's a white-looking guy with black hair. It's all stupid shit. It's just fucking your hair and your skin color. So I was right to say Harvard. My time at Harvard is so difficult.
Starting point is 00:56:42 She must have faced so much discrimination at Harvard from all the other Asians there. That's the last joke I want to make on that, because it's a goodie. It was so hard looking around and seeing everyone else being Asian at Harvard. It's so funny. We're used to it.
Starting point is 00:57:04 We're used to it. We're so used to it we're used to it we're so used to it that the people of Boston elected us to be their mayor we had to stand up through such hard times we had individual conversations with everyone
Starting point is 00:57:20 so people understood what is truly just an honest mistake that went out in typing the email. What the hell? Oh, that was because of the party. Oh, she said because of the party. She said, we've had individual conversations with everybody.
Starting point is 00:57:35 So people understood that it was truly just an honest mistake that went out in typing the email field when the email leaked. So of course it was a mistake. They didn't want that out there, that they were having a non-whites. Yeah, the mistake is that. What did her husband do at the party? He wasn't invited. He wasn't invited.
Starting point is 00:57:55 He made the list. Yeah. Yeah, he came and cleaned up. Yeah. You know what her problem is? She didn't make people bring their own food. If you invite people of color and you say, hey, bring a dish that represents your country, white people won't get mad at that.
Starting point is 00:58:11 Because to white people, that's just a potluck. And they can understand that. That's right. That's a good point. Hey, if you come into this party of color, bring some meatballs. Something. What if you got the miscellaneous whites? What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:58:23 The Italians, the Greeks, the Romanians, the Bulgarians. They're going to bring something. Yeah, but you're not going to really be offended by those whites because they really don't count. Right. Yeah. Well, we got to find out. You don't really care about their opinion, you know.
Starting point is 00:58:35 We got to find out who counts. We got to find out who on the scale. We got to find out. We got to find out the scale. Who's white and who's not? Yeah. Okay. Because if white is bad, I don't want to be it.
Starting point is 00:58:47 But if white's good, I want to be it. Of course. Yeah. Whatever it is, I want to be. If it's bad, it depends on where I'm at. Okay? If the police pull me over, I'm white! Real quick.
Starting point is 00:58:59 If I'm a Hollywood, I'm going to go. Oh, Greky. Hi, everybody. Oh, so Greky here. I just came from the mall. I don't know what's happening. Smiley Copita! Anyway, shout out to Michelle Wu. I think she's going to have a great 2024. I think her non-white party, I think, is a good answer to P. Diddy's white party. That's what it is.
Starting point is 00:59:32 I take it as she could have responded by going, hey, we just don't want people to wear white. That's P. Diddy's brand. And his brand's taking a hit. Real hit. His brand's taking a big hit. Real hit. Yeah. real hit his bread's taking a big hit real hit yeah because i think that other guy took over his white party right that music them uh sports guy who's got that party that we talked about michael
Starting point is 00:59:52 rubin also has a white party yeah but the white party was originally p diddy's p diddy was like i want an all-white party in hamptons and i just think michelle woo was having you know where your dungarees perhaps a burgundy shirt. That's what I think it was. Non-white party. That's how I would have done damage control. Pastel party. I would have said everyone is welcome,
Starting point is 01:00:14 just no white Hanes tees. That's it. It's like sorting your laundry. It's like sorting your laundry. You just put the colors in the whites. That's it. That's it. We had a white... I had a white
Starting point is 01:00:26 Christmas party. Are you talking about wardrobe or attendance? No, the attendance I think was 100% white. Well, they were all Greek, so it is questionable. But the skin color is fair. So maybe this isn't a bad thing. Maybe there's one non-white
Starting point is 01:00:44 party. Because most of the Christmas parties are pretty white but not by design that's the problem I don't think on the invite to my family's party they said no blacks I think they maybe even said do you want to invite your one black friend Jared? yeah you had a black Christmas party
Starting point is 01:00:59 I had a black and Puerto Rican Christmas party yeah you have a black-ish your life is black-ish which is already a show name. It's already a show. So your sitcom, what's it going to be called? Black Rico? Black Rican.
Starting point is 01:01:12 Black Rican. Negro Rican. Negro Rican. Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down when you say that. Neat. Neat. Slow down when you say that, please.
Starting point is 01:01:23 Neat. Neat. Don't rush through that. Neat. Say it slow. Slow down when you say that. Knee, knee, knee. Slow down when you say that, please. Knee, knee. Don't rush through that. Knee. Say it slow. Knee. Row. Re.
Starting point is 01:01:30 Con. There you go. Yeah, so do you do more, did you do more the Reekin side, or did you do more the Black side? We did both, because usually the Black side is chill, laid back, but at 10 o'clock at night, Mark Anthony was being played. So we had to balance that out. Is that because everyone goes down with the itis on the black side early?
Starting point is 01:01:49 Yeah, you put on some Kenny G, you get that egg knocking back, and you just chill out. Kenny G is the funniest dude because Kenny G looked exactly like this girl that I used to bang in college. I mean, I banged, there was this girl I used to see in college who had curly red hair and her
Starting point is 01:02:08 face looked like Kenny G and people would make jokes. She looked at Kenny G. So one time I banged her to Kenny G and it was very funny. It almost felt like I was banging Kenny G. Kenny G is interesting because he's a white dude with long red curly hair and the blacks fucking love Kenny G. Kenny G. And all he does is play sax, right?
Starting point is 01:02:28 Yeah. Yeah. Very simple. Shout out to Kenny G. I think this is going to be a big year for Kenneth G. I think it's going to be a huge year for Kenny G. Kenny G is one of the funniest looking dudes. Look at Kenny G, dog.
Starting point is 01:02:47 He's got that skinny sack, too. Dude, Kenny G looks like a woman. Kenny G looks like a woman in his 40s. Not the most attractive woman. No, he's Kenny G. I feel like Kenny G looks like what Rachel Dolezal wishes she looks like. Yo, is he that good? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:04 He's got to be that good if the black community, because all the whites that are accepted by the blacks, because the best music is black. If you can master our genre, and he specifies in saxophone, then we give you that respect. Dude, Kenny G, Hall & Oates, all the blacks, all the whites,
Starting point is 01:03:23 George Michael, they liked. Lisa Stansfield, Ade Michael, they liked. Lisa Stansfield, Adele, they like. And especially the older blacks. And there's one I'm forgetting, Phil Collins always got in there. We've talked about it before, but they're all very good. And Kenny G must be good on that sax, dog. But I tell you what, I've never listened to a Kenny G album. But it was on at your party.
Starting point is 01:03:46 Just comes on at Christmas. Nice little saxophone. I like that. Well, Kenny G's going to have a huge year, too. He's going to do a duet with Dua Lipa, and it's going to go viral. You heard it here first. I told you how it's going to go. Jesus is coming back, but he's going to be a 14-year-old Pakistani girl with Tourette's.
Starting point is 01:04:03 Kenny G's having a big year. a 14-year-old Pakistani girl with Tourette's. Kenny G's having a big year, and Michelle Wu is going to have her non-white party, this time in Newport, Rhode Island. Guys, come see me live on the road. Portland, Oregon, January 11th. Vancouver, January 12th.
Starting point is 01:04:18 Miami, January 9th through the 21st. San Francisco, February 9th through 10th. Atlanta, February 15th through the 17th. San Diego, February 23rd, 24th. Chicago, March 8th. Toronto, March 23rd. Cleveland, Ohio, March 29th through the 30th. Tulsa, April 5th and 6th. Kansas City, Missouri, April 11th
Starting point is 01:04:36 and 13th. And I just remembered we're going to be in Stanford, Connecticut on March... Beginning of March? Top of March? Middle of March. Stanford, Connecticut on March... Beginning of March? Top of March? Middle of March.
Starting point is 01:04:48 Stanford, Connecticut, New York Comedy Club. Guys, go to patreon.com slash Giannis Papasauer for your weekly bonus episodes. Want to give a shout-out to our small business shout-outs, exclusiveautoshipping.com. If you're moving your car or you're buying it out of state,
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