Yannis Pappas Hour - Pop Tarts vs WW3

Episode Date: May 4, 2024

Yanni rants to Jesse about the Pop-Tarts movie, the humanitarian crisis on the campus of Columbia, homophobia, and Kevin Hart dancing in gambling commercials during the playoffs. Our bonus episodes ar...e highly rated and viewable here: https://www.patreon.com/yannispappashour?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator See Yanni Live coming up in: LA May 2 Raleigh May 17-18 Atlantic City June 22

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Down as poppers. Got a lot to say. It's about to be a long day. It's a long day. What's up, everybody? Welcome. Hey, everyone. Hey, children. How are you? Welcome. Keep this in.
Starting point is 00:00:34 This is me practicing on openings. Hey, everybody. What's going on? See that? That is unconscious. Sup? Sup, guys? Hey, Tianus. How are you? What's up, YouTube? What? Sup, guys? Hey, Tianus.
Starting point is 00:00:46 How are you? What's up, YouTube? What's up, YouTube? What's going on, YouTube? Smash that like button. Smash that subscribe button. Smash, smash, smash it. Smash it all.
Starting point is 00:00:57 What's going on? How you guys doing? You two can do this. I just want you to know you two can do this And that ain't a lie That ain't a lie That really isn't a lie I mean I don't know
Starting point is 00:01:10 I think people have gotten pretty good at this But it is really stripped down entertainment It's really stripped down We've gotten rid of the bolts You get rid of the walls You get rid of the insulation You get rid of the plumbing You get rid of the electricity You get rid of the plumbing You get rid of the electricity
Starting point is 00:01:27 You get rid of the painters I'm using the analogy of an addition on a house Because it's on my mind For what comedy used to be You used to have writers, producers Those were your painters, your insulation Your plumbers And now it's just the wood.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Now you just got a wood. It's not even put together. It's just wood lying on the ground. It's scrap metal comedy. It is scrap wood. It's just a guy who can only see a couple of inches in front of him. It's like driving with no headlights on a mountain cliff at night. That's what podcasting is.
Starting point is 00:02:08 It's driving and you got a broke one headlight. Late at night, there is no city infrastructure to provide any light even in the distance. You are in UFO abduction territory. Late at night, you hear crickets, and you're driving along, and you're just hoping you can see a little bit of the road in front of you, and that's what this is. I don't know. I can't think past five seconds.
Starting point is 00:02:35 I can't even think past a second. I'm just talking right now. I don't know where the comedy is past a second. Where's the comedy? I'm just searching for the comedy in the void of darkness. It's not preplanned. It's not prewritten like Se. It's not pre-written like Seinfeld was, like Friends,
Starting point is 00:02:48 like the new movie, Unfrosted. Unfrosted is going to be star-studded. You know when something has so many stars in it, you can't even keep up in the trailer and that's just the trailer? You're going, wow, that's the trailer.
Starting point is 00:03:06 So there's probably about 20 more. I mean, I think I forgot Fred Armiston because it was like, oh, oh, oh, oh. And I just, I want to say I'm excited to see Unfrosted. I think it's good. I've always wondered about the origin story of the Pop-Tart. And Jim Gaffigan's in it. I think his role is going to be great. He's playing like an older white guy
Starting point is 00:03:27 who seems like he owns something, which is what his face and body looks like. Old school own, like, you know, guys who used to own Yankee Doodle Candle, candles, things like that. Just like an old Germanic, kind of middle Ohio, you know, kind of looking guy who just owns a big company so
Starting point is 00:03:46 he looks like he looks like he owns a cereal company and uh he went back to his old hair for the role um he was early to hair tits shout out dan soda for hair tits is that right yeah i mean he was a bald he was a bald like public school teacher looking guy. And then he just put hair. He got hair on. He's got a temper too. He'll punch you in the face, Jim Gaffigan. I've heard that about him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:12 The great Jim Gaffigan. Yeah. Originally, I mean, you're looking at him with hair. I mean, you got to go back to bald Jimmy when he was just bald. There's footage of him at Stand Up New York where he's just full bald. And I think he got an early edition of hair tits.
Starting point is 00:04:25 And in this role, he's back to looking baldish. Bill Burr's in it. I couldn't even. Amy Schumer bravely is in it because she she's off-season size in the movie.
Starting point is 00:04:42 She's Zion in the off-season. Zion Williamson in the off-season size. She's her true size in this. She's Zion in the offseason. Zion Williamson in the offseason size. She's her true size in this. She's binge eating size. Which I get. She did not slim down for the role. And she's playing a villain. Which for her, I think, is going to show some acting chops.
Starting point is 00:05:01 She's going to have to stretch for that. Because usually she doesn't play that role. Amy Schumer's in it, Fred Armiston, Bill Burr. Bill Burr with hair. Bill Burr, he plays a Kennedy in there. It's just star-studded. The film looks great. It's Seinfeld's first
Starting point is 00:05:18 time directing a movie. Since Seinfeld, he's done a special I think, or one or two he released his old jokes from the 90s he's been comedians in cars where he sits down and has coffee with comedians
Starting point is 00:05:33 you sound super excited about this movie I am excited to see it's very what's funny about it it could be hilarious you're planning family movie night right now it could be hilarious but a lot of times these movies where it's just like let's get every single millionaire comedian in it you know let's just get every single one like a lot of times it doesn't go great a lot of times you
Starting point is 00:05:57 ever notice like those just massive ensembles just never go great um it's a tough sell on the theme. You got to really care about Kellogg's. It's very Jerry though, right? This is Jerry without Larry David. Jerry without Larry David cares about Pop-Tarts. As a 64-year-old old man, he's making a movie about Pop-Tarts, the origin story of Pop-Tarts.
Starting point is 00:06:23 But it's an adult movie because it's about the business behind Pop-T it's a company by the way i don't know what kind of bat blood this guy's drinking but he looks fucking fantastic he's 70 is he 70 now 70 no no no way jerry's 70 he's 70 no way he's 70 jerry seinfeld is 70 years old. 70 years old. He looks incredible. Dude, he looks better now than he did five years ago. So he's 70 and he looks incredible. He's got that young wife that's got a lot to do with it. I think you're just sitting around the Hamptons one day, just like throwing money at your kids.
Starting point is 00:07:01 I don't know what you're doing. You're taking million-dollar bills and painting. I think you're painting. After you've gone to the mountaintop, here's the thing about the mountaintop. The mountaintop, if you want to get back down to Earth, you've got to go down. And sometimes you get bored on the mountaintop and you look at Kilimanjaro and you say,
Starting point is 00:07:26 I want to climb up there. What do I need? I don't need a Sherpa. I need a movie about Pop-Tarts. He did the B-Voice. He's been around. Jerry's one of the greats, right? I love Jerry.
Starting point is 00:07:40 But there is clearly a difference between what his comedy taste is and what Larry's comedy taste is. When you saw Curb Your Enthusiasm, it felt like sort of a continuation of Seinfeld without the characters, just all Larry. And then you kind of realize like the whole Seinfeld motif was very much Larry's comedy, right? It was like Larry's kind of, the way Larry saw the world. I think Jerry sees the world in a very like OCD, anal kind of way.
Starting point is 00:08:13 And he picks apart things and it's very funny, very, it's very minutiae. But he's got a great sense of humor. He's great at what he did. So you pick Pop-Tarts. It's a very, you know, it's
Starting point is 00:08:27 an interesting thing because it's like a historical piece. It's a comedy. It looks a little bit like an adventure. And what's funny to me is just the backdrop in the world of the movie Pop-Tarts coming out. Now you think this is just going to get lost
Starting point is 00:08:43 in the void of Netflix. Yeah. You don't think people are going to tune in they're not excited are you excited i'm too honest i'm not excited i'm curious i'm curious because i'm in the business kind of not really yeah you didn't get your cameo call for this yeah i wouldn't be excited for a cap is that more the time i think it's the time i'm more excited to come do the create comedy like here just like free than i would be because now you just now that you have the option for this you just think of the fucking hassle of sitting in a thing putting on makeup to who gives a fuck who really gives a fuck? I mean, that's just me, though.
Starting point is 00:09:27 I don't know. I think I'm a decent actor when I do it, but I don't enjoy it. I wouldn't say I enjoy it unless it happens quick, unless we're doing something fun and it's quick. You don't like makeup. I don't want to do the makeup. When I used to do TV, I used to hide from the makeup girl.
Starting point is 00:09:42 You hate rehearsal. I hate rehearsal. I hate all that shit i hate hitting your mark you just want to wing it i want to play with my friends i want to wing it i want to play with my friends even when there's lines it's like let us just play with it i mean comedy's timing let's i think that's in a lot of ways why judd apatow was so successful because he just let them talk and he had steve carell and willrell, and they just like fucking had a script. I think that's also what Larry did. I mean, you could see even the great comedy
Starting point is 00:10:09 that kind of seems to have ended a little bit. It was really Judd Apatow and Larry on TV with Curb and that Judd Apatow run of amazing movies, and that was kind of the style. You know, it was before them, the Farrelly brothers. Those guys were on an epic run. They were on an epic run. How did they do it?
Starting point is 00:10:25 Did people have to hit their lines like a Woody Allen movie? I think they were a little bit more scripted. Even Woody Allen let the actor play a little bit. Well, you could always tell in those comedy movies,
Starting point is 00:10:34 like a Judd Apatow movie or even Curb, the way they shoot it, they shoot it wide. It's always in like a two scene, so you can just allow for that improv or you cross shoot it
Starting point is 00:10:42 so you have cameras on either side. That's the best way to do comedy. Just let the, let the funny people play, give them the script. If there's some lines that you think are really funny,
Starting point is 00:10:50 we used to kind of shoot like that a little bit. Yeah. Like I want this line, but like have fun with it. It's a comedy. Like you can't really stick to a script with a comedy. You know, it's not like a Daniel Day Lewis movie.
Starting point is 00:11:04 What's funny to me though, is i think you have to be jerry seinfeld to be able to to get to make this movie i don't think anyone else could walk in and and people would say you know what i think there's a public clamoring a uh i think right here this i think the people are want i think that they're for this. I think they're ready for the Pop-Tart origin story. They're ready for a Serial Wars story. You know, it's a real, you got to have the muscle of Jerry Seinfeld to walk in and go, I want to make this fucking movie. You got to have some juice. Yeah, like you can't make this movie.
Starting point is 00:11:41 In some ways, you almost say, is the star power in the movie sort of a way to sell it because the idea is like i don't think it was done purposefully but i'm sure producers encouraged it they said you know what we want to get as many cameos we want as many people posting on their twitter and their instagrams as possible that they have roles in this movie to sort of maybe boost a little interest in what otherwise would be. I mean, is it a great story behind it? Because the McDonald's origin story was a great story. So maybe it's a great story like that.
Starting point is 00:12:16 So maybe it will hit. Would you have thought that the founder would have hit? No, but that was treated a little differently, wasn't it? It wasn't a comedy. It wasn't a farce. Yeah. I mean, it was kind of farcical, it it wasn't a comedy it wasn't a farce yeah i mean it was kind of farcical but it wasn't this is just meant to be a comedy this is meant to be a comedy about pop tarts which is fucking jim gaffigan's goddamn dream i know when he came up i wonder if it was a convo because i think gaffigan and seinfeld were on tour together
Starting point is 00:12:43 for a little while they were doing arenas together. Does comedy work in an arena? I don't know. I don't know. You ever tried it? Well, as Tim Dillon would say, here's the good news. I don't think you got to worry about whether it works or not. It's one of my favorite things that a friend of mine has said.
Starting point is 00:13:05 Let me go down the list. Hair Tits up there dan soders came up with dan soders come up with hair tits and face nut for crying because it busted a face nut those are two good ones are two good dan soders and then uh he's got probably a few more but then tim's but here's the good news is one of my favorite when someone's complaining about like man i don't i'm fucking i just don't like la you know there's something about it well here's the good news they're not they're not asking you to like it they're not asking for you to choose between it or new york well you used to complain like i don't know if i want to move to everybody but he He says it to everybody,
Starting point is 00:13:45 but he's done it to me a few times, and it's very, very funny. You'd ask his advice. I've heard him say it about it. Yeah, it's just one of the things he does. He goes, well, here's the good news. He also has the thing, I wish them well, which is sort of like a very passive fuck you,
Starting point is 00:13:58 which is great. I wish them well, you know? But it's not as good as here's the good news. That's the best. Here's the good news by Tim Dillon is one of the funniest things. You don't have to worry about it. Yeah as good as here's the good news that's the best here's the good news by tim dillon is one of the funniest things you don't have to worry about it yeah well here's the good you can play well here's the good news yeah like you'll be going like yeah i don't like like remember i said it to you were you like you know that's just well it's not for me that whole thing of you know money i don't care about it and then he would go well here's the good news so it's funny so yeah so here's the good news i don't have to
Starting point is 00:14:33 i don't have to worry about not getting excited to be asked about to be in a cameo but generally in my gut i don't get excited for anything that's like takes your whole day when you're not. You're sitting all day. Right. And then you film like that. Just that part seems, you know, I think now because there's an option to be funner and freer and quicker. But before these were like dreams of like, oh, I want to do that. You know, but what if Netflix was like, hey, what do you got for movies?
Starting point is 00:15:08 Yeah. Then that's fun because you get to control it a little bit. Have any oh i want to do that you know but what if netflix was like hey what do you got for movies yeah then that's fun because you get to control it a little bit have any ideas you want to you know what do you got that would be fun i mean i think they're going to make a comeback because people are just going to get sick of this shit so yeah there's a vibe shift yeah there'll be a vibe shift um but getting to my point about why i think this is funny is it's just, it just, it, it's a, it just encapsulates the, the duality of the times right now. You know, it's like a, I don't want to call it tone death. I don't want to call it disconnected, but it's funny. It's like the fifties. Like it's, it takes place in the sixties. I, but the theme is very fifties, right? It's like just sort of this innocuous kind of Pop-Tarts war or whatever, serial war, and against the backdrop of like the specter of
Starting point is 00:15:54 World War III, which has never been realer, which has never, ever, ever been realer, and just students storming, taking over buildings and riots in the streets and fucking accusations of genocide and some babies under rubble for sure. People being raped at a festival. And then there's just like, guys, guys, guys, let's all go to the ice cream parlor together, get some jelly beans.
Starting point is 00:16:25 It's Norman Rockwell, baby. This is an attempt to just pull. And that's why I like it. It's like, hey, guys, it's time to get every single fucking powerhouse comedian who makes millions and millions and millions of dollars. I'm sure you can still be funny after you make millions and millions and millions and millions of dollars. I just haven't seen a lot of evidence for it.
Starting point is 00:16:50 I haven't seen a lot of evidence for it. I haven't seen somebody who has stayed very funny after they've become fucking... Now when I see Kevin Hart, I want to throw something at the television. When I'm watching the fucking playoffs and he does that little dance i want to kick my 72 inches
Starting point is 00:17:09 right off this fucking wall i've had enough of kevin hart little has kevin hart had enough of kevin hart he might can you fucking say no to something you're making cat williams look so fucking good right now especially when you're out there doing this shit it's like do you have to take every fucking check how many fucking arenas do you got to sell out how many fucking movies with the rock do you have to do does anyone have a friend who tells these people maybe take a fucking break so you can have some longevity nobody does that nobody burr does that i think very well used to now i think it's just hey go let's go full hollywood and i get it but with his stand-up he does that very well i think i think he does it and then you like don't hear from him and then he does his thing it seems like he takes that serious
Starting point is 00:17:58 yeah because it's like think of all the great bands dude it's like you don't keep fucking hearing from them over and over and over again until you get sick. It's like they go away for a little while, and then they come back. Because when you go away for a little while, and they come back, you're a little excited to hear. You're like, oh, yeah, fucking. You don't get sick of them.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Familiarity breeds contempt. And right now, it's Kevin Hart. I'm a little Kevin Harted out, dude. Especially if you're a basketball fan. Like, they just toss him on. I mean, and they keep doing that commercial over and over again when he's dancing. And you just go, enough.
Starting point is 00:18:34 And, you know, it's like this feigned enthusiasm. At this point, you're going, like, you can't be feeling that way all the time. Like, it just... I think the best thing Kevin Hart could do for his career is do like a darren aronofsky darren aronofsky movie take a turn yeah something dark dark dark and heady and you know artsy something with a double-headed dildo yeah double-headed dildo like requiem for a dream a serious role i want to see kevin hart in serious role. I'm sick of that kind of campy persona.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Pull a Will Smith. Yeah, just, I want to see, yeah, the Will Smith when he did that movie with Stocker Channing, you know, just a little art that he did. That's where it started. It was a very good movie. It was Six Degrees of Separation
Starting point is 00:19:19 with Donald Sutherland and Stocker Channing. And it was like, wow, this guy can act. I want to see Kevin Hart play, you know, like, let's take him back, man. Anthony Bell himself. Let's go for a fucking Oscar, dude. Let's go for a Denzel Oscar, you know. Let's do something like that where Denzel got his Oscar for best supporting actor in. Was it Glory?
Starting point is 00:19:41 Glory with Matthew Broderick, which is a great movie. I want to see some serious. I don't want to see him dancing anymore i don't want to see him in commercials anymore i don't want to see him in commercials anymore i've had enough he's in so many fucking commercials and so many godforsaken shit movies i don't want to see him in any more comedy action movies there's got to be at some point you got to say to the fucking agents Like You know let me take a break dude Let me take a break
Starting point is 00:20:12 I know I'm a small package and I got a lot of energy But you're wearing You're like wearing your welcome out a little bit You got to take a break But This Pop Tarts movie May be fucking the comedy classic we've been waiting for it's called uh unfrosted and it could be it could be it could be that unexpected hit that we're not
Starting point is 00:20:35 we don't expect you know with the star power in it um we don't know when's the last time there was like a great comedy movie? I'm just reading about Kevin Hart's new movie. What is it? Is he got a gun in his hand? Is he fucking rolling around? It's called Lift. And what's going on?
Starting point is 00:20:56 He's on a train and the train goes off the track. What is he? He's in a helicopter. And he, you know, it's an action comedy. And he gets to take, he gets to fucking look jacked and taller than he is. I love Kevin Hart, but I've had enough. I want a break. I want him to go back to stand up.
Starting point is 00:21:17 I'm just kidding. Hire me for something. He's just so massive. Huge. He's so massive. It's tough for comedians to be massive it's just tough were you what was the last funny movie yeah what was the last funny movie okay because we we need we it's almost become like the great white hope we're looking for one to be the great comedy good comedy i. I like Bill Burr's movie. A lot of people.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Yeah. Oh, wow. That you did was a little, you were like, you did. I thought it was good, but I don't know if I'm biased.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Cause I wanted to like it. And you wanted to be in it. Um, I, I love, I'll do anything he asks, except go to dinner with him for three hours. Or is he got a nice role in it He had a nice role
Starting point is 00:22:07 I thought it was funny I enjoyed it I enjoyed it I watched it and enjoyed it My only issue with that was The ending got a little messagey You know Oh there was a message there?
Starting point is 00:22:16 Yeah it was like Your wife's always right You gotta run home You know do the right thing Be a family man You know I got a little Like a little
Starting point is 00:22:23 Well it's a movie I wish he was here to yell at us about that But what do you want it to be it's a fucking movie you know yeah um i don't comedy with messages doesn't really i just want to wear librarian glasses for the rest of my life this is just the way librarians used to do it. I don't care, do I? I mean, look at my hair. I just don't care. I roll around the streets like I don't care. My ass is not 100% clean.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Oof. Yeah. I was boxing today, and I smelt my own ass. I don't like when that happens. Me and Sergio don't say anything, but I know he smells it. You don't shower for Sergio? I usually don't come in you know especially because i got these bidets but sometimes you just can't get it all
Starting point is 00:23:09 even with the bidet sometimes the bidets are just they you know sometimes you got to really you're supposed to stay there for a minute or two to really you got to give it a good power washing sometimes the bean the smash b needs a power wash and you don't you give it just like a little sprinkle yeah when it needed a power wash and you get the water some shits require a bidet power wash depends on what you had for dinner it depends on what the shit does yeah depends on the level of fight for a while i was just shitting so great and now i'm back to it's a little bit oh yeah yeah so there's a little it's a little sloppy paint job you were bragging about your duties my shits were great i don't know what it is seems like after i got that cold i don't know if it's like when i get a cold or
Starting point is 00:23:53 bacteria or i don't know or if it's you got a lot of anxiety going on you're redecorating your house you're doing maybe it's that i don't know i just want to shit normal man it's just such a better world when you shit normal when they just come out like that a stress-free wipe and you're just like like the way animals do it just like it's clean yeah and they can just walk around and like imagine animals had this shit like because they don't eat the shit we you know i guess they eat kibble or whatever but they don't have literally fried chicken and stuff like that. Anyway, I'm curious. I'd say I'm curious.
Starting point is 00:24:29 To answer your question, am I excited was your question? I'm not excited. I think there's maybe a lot of people who are excited though, right? Do you think there is some excitement? Why are you nodding your head no? This is an honest podcast. I'm going to say you're saying no. You just feel like it's not
Starting point is 00:24:49 going to rile up the masses. I don't really know who the audience is. Do you think it's because everyone's worried if they're going to be able to get home or is it going to be blocked by a Palestine protest? It is funny against that backdrop, right? That's what makes it funny. I'm all for escapism. I like escapism. I like escapism too yeah i do this is escapism very escapist
Starting point is 00:25:10 now here's the thing it does look like it has a couple of star david stars now is it is there gonna are there gonna be protests because of that um that would make it interesting. That would drive some attention to the movie. I think Jerry did a promo where he took a swipe at friends. He said that they steal his stuff. Yes. I did see that, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:35 He also made another controversial statement about how radical leftists have ruined comedy. I'm going to have to disagree with him there. Yeah, there's been a lot of good comedies. Rick and Morty, South Park still does it. Always Sunny in Philadelphia. They always, yeah, there's a lot of politically incorrect stuff. South Park. Did you say South Park?
Starting point is 00:25:52 Yeah, I think what, I think what, I think he's kind of right. I think it's kind of ruined the movies and some shows. I think for sure. Mainstream. But I think bigger than that, and I think this is what he's missing. And I think in a little bit, this kind of shows his age a little bit as well as going to his Wikipedia. That also shows his age. But I think what he's missing is the paradigm shift that happened because of the Internet, that it's hard for them to compete with the speed and the volume and the access of the and the amount of people, and the shorter attention spans.
Starting point is 00:26:27 And I think that has killed comedy more than anything. Plus his old writing partner, Larry David. I mean, Curb is edgy. Curb is edgy too. So that's another good example. So I don't necessarily buy that you can't do edgy comedy anymore. I don't buy it. But yeah, I mean, it did get woke i mean
Starting point is 00:26:46 hollywood did go woke 100 but i think and i made that argument a long time ago and rogan retweeted and i think that's why he had me on the show for the first time he really liked that i said my theory was they were doing that in order to because they couldn't compete with the internet that early stage they knew it the numbers started to drop so it was like a tool to try to guilt you into watching so they can get some numbers they were like we don't have the
Starting point is 00:27:14 monopoly on eyeballs anymore so what we can do is be the righteous one and it was like an attack you ever notice like everyone on the internet was like automatically a Nazi or like automatically a conservative comedian or automatically no good if they started getting popular online or whatever. A lot of them turned out to be, but closer to that than too close for comfort. But I think a part of it was that was economic
Starting point is 00:27:41 because everything is economic. So it's sort of like if we can sell people on the righteousness and the purity and the goodness of us, we can guilt them into watching this garbage that can't be as good as the internet because it's like hugely, hugely, it's bigly censored, to borrow a Trump word. It's bigly censored.
Starting point is 00:28:02 It's corporate sponsored. It's not as free and fun. It's also super contrived. Like two people that would never hang out together are like best friends. Right. And the internet kind of is more of an organic, genuine connection.
Starting point is 00:28:17 And comedians were like being themselves on podcasts and in short form video and clips and sketches. They were the speed of it. They were turning it over and it was funny. A lot of it was funny. And so SNL's like got to take a week to come up with these sketches and people are just fucking,
Starting point is 00:28:33 there's sketches coming from all over the world. People have cameras everywhere. So I think that had more to do with it than anything, hurting comedy. But comedy's not hurting. Dude, here's some recent comedies it's pretty it's slim picking okay they called barbie a comedy that's not really a comedy right it's more of a spectacle yeah i wouldn't call that that's more of a spectacle then you got
Starting point is 00:28:55 um did they call this a comedy that poor things yes poor things a comedy they're calling it a comedy martian won best comedy or something martian. Yeah, they called that a comedy with Matt Damon. It was ridiculous. When he went to Mars? Yeah, they called that a comedy. Oh, boy. Drugstore June, which All Things Comedy made, which the network were on. So we're going to say that was the best movie.
Starting point is 00:29:19 One of the funniest things I've ever seen. I'll tell you how amazing it was when i watch it um dream scenario never heard of it snack shack never heard of it i i've never heard of any of these movies american fiction never heard of it i don't know anyone but you uh no hard feelings i didn't i haven't seen any of these comedies none None of these. I don't know. The Family Plan. Yeah. But, so I partially agree with Jerry. I think,
Starting point is 00:29:49 but I think Wokeness has hurt comedy a little bit in Hollywood as far as productions. But I think the reason is not because of crazy leftists. I think the reason is it was a way to try to compete
Starting point is 00:30:00 with the internet. It was a conscious way to go, let's guilt these people into watching. You know, we're righteous. We're diverse, we're doing, we're helping, we're perfect, we're for causes, we're this. And it's like, if you watch that, you're bad. It was just a desperate attempt to get people to stop, just wanted them to tune in still. And they just
Starting point is 00:30:21 weren't tuning in. You know, and I think the numbers backed it up i don't think you know i don't think it was wokeness that's right there's enough woke people to get those numbers up those numbers are just aren't there you know the numbers just aren't there on television anymore and in the movies and so it's tough so i think that's what's hurt a little bit uh it more than anything um but I think it was great that Jerry made that comment because he got some buzz going for his movie that moment went viral and it's like Jerry's knocking
Starting point is 00:30:56 they wanted me to come on Fox I just keep saying no Jack may be watching this if they send a truck to my house like they did that one time, I'll do it every time. But I just don't want to drive in. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:10 Wait, wait, what's this? What invite do you get? To do Jesse Waters on Fox. Ooh. Yeah. I mean, if you're watching, just send a truck to my house. He might be watching. A lot of these producers are comedy fans.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Dude, your mother-in-law will be smitten. But I already got that love because I've been on. Oh, okay. I've been on a few times, and I impressed my Long Island family. So now it's just like, I don't know, do I want to drive all the way in on a Monday night for a three-minute segment? That's kind of like, that just lets you know I'm genuine because I don't want to do it. And it's not because I don't want to sit down with him. I'm fine to do that.
Starting point is 00:31:42 It's just I don't want to drive in and do it. I don't even want to sit in a car because they send a car when they send one back, but I don't want to do that either. For three minutes, I don't want to sit down with him. I'm fine to do that. It's just I don't want to drive in and do it. I don't even want to sit in a car because they send a car and they send one back, but I don't want to do that either. For three minutes, I don't want to do it. Even though it's like a lot of people watch, I just don't want to do it. It's just not that fun. And if you do that, then definitely say goodbye to Netflix.
Starting point is 00:31:58 I don't even know if that's the case anymore. Really? Yeah, I don't think so. They don't think like that anymore? No, I don't think Netflix is... I mean, what am I going to say that dave chappelle did on his netflix specials i thought it was divided into the clone that's impersonating dave chappelle you're either team netflix or your team fox teflix netflix is i don't think netflix i think netflix made a stand against that shit yeah now yeah netflix remember they were all like boycotting and um oh for sign up for um all that shit they were just like take you you can you can leave you got to do that at
Starting point is 00:32:32 some point yeah that's what they did they were like and then it just that's what they did and then you know because it just got ridiculous they were like all right you know part of being an adult this is gonna be some content you don't like and you're gonna have to leave and did you see what google did they they tried to start a gaza protest and google can't on a google campus they rounded them up they fired them and they arrested them yeah they did is that what happened that's what you got google just be careful google you might want to give me a limited ad on my pod you guys are so virtuous to piggyback off left last episode for a second I think I re-listened to it
Starting point is 00:33:08 And I think I made the point I wanted to make But here's a perfect example I have a friend who has a kid And their daughter, let's just say hypothetically To protect, whatever, I'll just do it hypothetically But it's the same thing. So you'll understand. Their daughter's a lesbian,
Starting point is 00:33:27 but she doesn't want to talk about it. She doesn't want to like be outed about it. She just wants to like keep to herself about it. How old? Teenager, young teenager. Yeah. And,
Starting point is 00:33:36 and her friends got mad at her for that and said she was like co-opting, but without like, it was like she was, she wasn't supporting. By not coming out, you're supporting... You're not supporting it enough. You got to make a spectacle of it. You have to...
Starting point is 00:33:54 Silence is violence. Yeah, silence is violence kind of thing. So they started bullying her for not being more of an advocate. To the point where this person had to switch schools. Jesus. So that is what is leading to the mental health. And I kind of alluded to that. I was trying to think of a perfect...
Starting point is 00:34:16 I would love to take this example and put it in last episode, but I thought about it after last episode, so I just wanted to say, listen to that point and then put it in last episode because that I just wanted to say, listen to that point and then put it in last episode because that's where it belongs. That's the point.
Starting point is 00:34:29 That's what's going on with the kids. I think I made all those points without giving an example, but that example really drives it home of what's going on. So what do you think that is? I think that's, to all the points I'm speaking to, like this sort of religious kind of pressure that they put. It's like a religious type of pressure they put on themselves to be like perfect, altruistic, you know, fascist. It's like, you know, it's like, you know, it's like it's powerful stuff.
Starting point is 00:35:02 It's faith based. It's like faith based. And it's the type of pressure a kid should have. Yeah. With their developing brains, it's really, with the developing brains, it's like really, and it's, um, it's, I, it just shows that the more extreme you go, it's like the Pac-Man game. You just come around the other side. Like you can't just, you can't keep going left without coming out right. And you can't just you can't keep going left without coming out right and you can't keep going right and without coming out left because they preach tolerance but they're not being tolerant to what she wants to do which is keep it to herself absolute fucking paradox and tolerance in reverse and the they just keep going left and they keep going right. And guess where they meet? Guess where they meet?
Starting point is 00:35:46 Hey to the Jews. Right. Hey to the Jews. And that's what you're seeing right now is a union happening between a marriage happening, between far left extremists and far right extremists. And they've met. And I'm not even joking. They've met at Hey to the Jews. Meet you on anti-Semitism Boulevard.
Starting point is 00:36:04 It's happened before. And I'll meet you on anti-semitism it's happened before and they i'll meet you on anti-semitism boulevard and that's where they're at and that's where they're fucking at because the left now like yeah you gotta it's like they're getting that way and then the right and i follow i take a peek on x my what i look at on X makes it look like I'm fucking in it because I poke around to be curious, and it is big now. It's bigger than it's ever been in my lifetime. It's as big as it's ever been.
Starting point is 00:36:37 It's as open as it's ever been. It's wild. It's absolutely wild to hear people talk in these conspiratorial hasty generalizations uh about just the jews as this one you know there's no variation in them they're just this one group of plotting fucking war profiteers it's crazy you know and that and that Hitler, he was just right. I mean, you just hear people saying he's right. And like I said in a previous episode,
Starting point is 00:37:12 it bears repeating though because it's important. Let's just say you are a bigot, right? Like hypothetically, I'm talking to a bigot. And what I would say to them, and they just go like, Hitler was right about the Jews being war profiteers on both sides a lot of hitler's speech is when you listen to them because they're translated in english now for your convenience and people are listening to them going this is what they didn't want you to hear because he sounds reasonable it's like yeah of course he did how do you think how do you think psychopaths operate they don't go up there and they were, they didn't even tell a lot of the Germans
Starting point is 00:37:45 what they were doing with the fucking concentration. It's like, what did he do? Is that what he said? What is wrong with people? You think Ted Bundy, like I said, went up and said, hey, I'll call you. He said to his girlfriend, hey, I'm going out tonight. I'm going to fucking rape a couple of college girls,
Starting point is 00:38:03 bite their tits off but i promise you i will go to your fucking thing i will go to your thing i know i will do what i want to do and i will make time to do what you want to do that's what compromise is all about but i gotta go rape a couple girls and bite some tits off but i'll be back you know it's not what you say of course he what he said sounded good that's how he got a whole fucking nation but what did he do and he didn't just do your dream of rounding up the jews i'm talking to the big i know that's your dream i know i know he didn't fulfill just your dream he murdered everybody and everyone was subhuman go listen to the original accounts of the nazis talking they were like we believed we were just that the russians werehuman. We believed that the Slavs were subhuman.
Starting point is 00:38:45 He met millions and millions of people that died because of him that had nothing to do with the Jews. All right? He just fucking, and the funny thing is, is in his speeches, he goes, Germany just wants to be left alone, and we're not going to give in to these Jewish war profiteers. We're not getting dragged into another war. That's some of his speech.
Starting point is 00:39:03 It's like, that's the opposite of what you did. Here's my question to the Nazi. What international Jew war profiteer motivated Germany's war? Which one was behind? Which one manipulated Hitler into it? Which one did he not check? You know what I'm saying? You get my point?
Starting point is 00:39:30 Am I making it good? You know what I'm saying? Isn't that funny that he was talking about like Germany just wants to be left alone. We want to be left alone from these Jewish war profiteers, from these other countries that won't take the Jews in because I did watch the speeches. I went to bed listening to them. Oh, yeah. And let me tell you something. The guy can fucking talk like most psychopaths and sociopaths. The charisma is off the chart. And that's why he was selected by this other guy. I can't remember his name. He was selected by this one guy early on because he saw that this guy had like star power. That's where you go to bed to
Starting point is 00:40:04 Hitler speeches. I went to bed to hitler speeches i went to bed one night listening to one it's your bedtime let me tell you something i slept like an angel nice and comforting oh it was beautiful because the speeches are actually kind of like yeah the early ones too especially oh they're just dude he speaks and they translate english using his voice so it's creepy because it's his voice but he's got a rhythm to it like you know it's like nice and relaxed it's fucking he's really but he was saying all that type of stuff like these and he was going the country the countries want us to take the jews but they won't take them their borders are closed to take them but so we have to take them if they're
Starting point is 00:40:40 so if they're so great if you why don't you them? He's saying shit like this. It's almost like the Palestinians, almost like kind of, he's saying that. And which is funny because a lot of the people that love him now love the Palestinian side. So he's saying the same thing about the Jews that probably some hard, hard line religious Jews would say about the Palestinians. So you're actually like, the anatomy of what you like about Hitler
Starting point is 00:41:08 is the same thing of what you hate about the hardcore, what you would call Zionists. Or what are Zionists? Are they still Zionists? Isn't it done? Isn't it completed? I guess they want a little more. Let's be honest.
Starting point is 00:41:20 There's some religious ones that want the whole thing. It's not, it's not, there's some problems on that side as well. But it's just interesting to me. That's interesting to me that they're rooting for Hitler, because Hitler's saying those same things. That's what he was saying. He was saying that, but they talk about these beautiful people and their beautiful culture, but they don't take them.
Starting point is 00:41:44 But they expect us to take them. We're supposed to take all of them and have them do this to our economy and bankrupt us and do all this and then do all that. Just leave us alone. We want to be left alone. We don't want to be dragged into any of the wars that are manipulated by Jewish war profiteers. And then the next thing you know,
Starting point is 00:42:02 and then the next thing you know, when he is devoid of any Jewish war profiteers, what does he do? He goes on a massive war streak. Just fucking war everywhere. Just fucking war. So what did he do? Was that the Jews behind that? Were the Jews behind that war?
Starting point is 00:42:26 Because if the Jews are behind all wars, were they behind that one too? Were they behind that war? Were the Jews the invisible hand behind Hitler and what he did to his people? I mean, you know how many Germans were fucking murdered during that? And towards the end, they turned on him and were like, oh, this was all bullshit. We're all dead when he's sitting in a bunker. He's asking like 40- and 50-year- old men to go out there and 12 year olds. At that point they were drafted like 11 year olds.
Starting point is 00:42:49 It's probably what the Ukraine is doing now. You know what I mean? Just like whatever bodies are left at that point. And that's why the Ukraine is going to give up because it's like, it's what are they going to do? Um, so I mean, I had to,
Starting point is 00:43:01 that would just be my question to the, to the, to the Nazis. Like, yeah, what did he do in Greece? How about the Greek villages that he would slaughter? What about that? There was no Jews there, right?
Starting point is 00:43:16 So even though you personally, I know you loved to hate the Jews. I mean, it's your favorite fucking thing. And then there was another funny thing where this Palestinian protester went viral because she had a massive... Because on X, you can just go, you can say it. And they were going, she's an undercover Jew because of the nose. They're like, the nose never lies. They were making memes, putting her face in that old kind of a cartoon, right? Turns out she's Palestinian. She's like a genuine Palestinian woman.
Starting point is 00:43:46 But they see, you know, Zionist, Mossad-like infiltrator. Everyone's brain is just completely fucking devoid of nuance and broken right now. Don't get me wrong. From a distance, it's fun to watch a little bit. It's a little fun to watch. But like all things that are fun to watch from a distance, it's fun to watch a little bit. It's a little fun to watch. But like all things that are fun to watch from a distance, it's scary, right?
Starting point is 00:44:08 Like a lot of scary things are fun to watch. I like to watch a true crime doc from the comfort of my couch. Everyone does, right, ladies? We love two ladies. But that's a distance. But it's also a little scary. You know, it's a little weird. Anyway, that's a sidetr But it's also a little scary. You know, it's a little weird. Anyway, that's a sidetrack.
Starting point is 00:44:28 That's a sidetrack. This should all be connected to last episode because we're talking about something more important, which is unfrosted. And I think me bringing it up after what I just talked about is very funny because it's a big problem happening right now. It's a big thing.
Starting point is 00:44:43 It's kind of taking over all the news right now i don't even know what's happening in michigan i don't even know what's going on with anything else because it's just students taking over fucking uh campuses and demanding water and food so we're on the lookout for unfrosted now let's get to our less important news a less important news um which is uh this fun clip of i guess the um i'd like to call her the amelia erhart of the pro-palestine movement on i think this is columbia harvard's's campus. Or she would be Joan of Arc. Or Elizabeth I. Or I don't know if she's the spokesperson for the kids.
Starting point is 00:45:33 She's more like Kellyanne Conway for pro-Palestine on this campus. Is this Columbia? Either Columbia or Harvard or whatever. And she's got, I guess, her bodyguard standing behind him, who's gay, he as a $3 bill. He's got a half shirt on. What do they call these things? I forget.
Starting point is 00:45:49 The scarf. Yeah, the scarf. The Palestinian scarf. Yeah. And a half shirt. He's got a belly shirt. He's got a belly shirt on with that. That's ironic.
Starting point is 00:46:02 I love it. That's so 2024 it's very 2024 to have a gay pride outfit on underneath your is it called a keifa or something something like that yeah underneath your scarf um because just his kind ain't welcome they're just they're just not well i mean i know you hear that a lot from people say but it's just the truth. It's just not something that's allowed in Islam. I've had some journalist friends who've gone over there, and it's big, though. It's big on the down low.
Starting point is 00:46:35 It's big. You get into a taxi cab, and this guy will start, like, feeling you out. Because wherever it's repressed, it's going to be big. You just know it. I mean, if you've got an adult brain, you just know i mean if you got an adult brain you just know how it goes you repress it more anyone who's out there railing against the trans or the gays i got i just i just need to fucking i gotta get that hard drive i gotta get that hard drive it just there's no yang without a yang you you know? Like where there's extreme anger somewhere,
Starting point is 00:47:07 like if it was above surface, the anger, if you go to the surface and then you go below, there is shame and sadness. It's just the anger doesn't come out of like, it's just... And desire. And desire, like anger about the desire. It's just there's desire. Exactly, there's desire, shame, and sadness. And then on the other side is anger. And that's just there's desire exactly there's desire shame and sadness and then on the
Starting point is 00:47:26 other side is anger and that's the anger is projected it's just that's how it goes that's it's inverted it's just how it goes and it'll always go that way whenever you hear a republican guy railing against the gays you can just fucking follow him to see which hotel he's going to be going to. A lot of times it's a motel. Catch a truck stop. Just check the truck stops. Check the hotels. Check the internet history.
Starting point is 00:47:53 It's going down. Because that's just how the world works. That's just how it goes. When someone's secure, they just don't give a shit. The opposite of love is not hate. It's apathy. So if you're a straight guy, you just don't give a shit. You just don't give a shit.
Starting point is 00:48:13 If you give a shit, it's because you want it out of your face because you want to taste it. It's like, you know, if you're an alcoholic and someone drinks a beer in front of you, it makes you angry, right? But if you don't have a problem with beers, and some, you get my, that's actually a perfect analogy.
Starting point is 00:48:31 You got a problem with beer. You got a problem with alcohol. And your partner comes home and just cracks a bottle of wine. You're gonna go, what the fuck are you doing? Right? But if you don't have that problem, you're gonna go, yeah, I'm not in the mood.
Starting point is 00:48:45 I'm not in the mood for a wine. It's not a big deal for me. I'm not into wine. I'm just not into wine. But you enjoy the wine. It's fine. But if you really want that wine and you can't have it for whatever reason, you're going to get angry. Why are you bringing that fucking big dick wine in here?
Starting point is 00:49:04 Why is that a wrecked hot hot why is that fucking throbbing bottle of merlot yeah in my house am i making some sense look at that veiny chianti yeah look at that veiny chianti i wonder what like that would feel like in my man cave can i pour that right into my man cave? There's some truth. Unfortunately, there's just truth to what I'm saying. And the data always supports it. It just always comes out. Anyway. Want to watch this?
Starting point is 00:49:37 Anyway, yeah. So here it is. We're going to play the whole thing because it's worth it. Why should the university be obligated to provide food to people who have taken over a building? Well, first of all, we're saying that they're obligated to provide food to students who pay for a meal plan here. But you mentioned that they requested that food and water be brought in. To allow it to be brought in. I mean, well, I guess it's ultimately a question of what kind of community and obligation Columbia feels it has to its students.
Starting point is 00:50:08 We can show this, right? Because they've got to see the guy behind her. Do you want students to die of dehydration and starvation or get severely ill, even if they disagree with you? If the answer is no, then you should allow basic. I mean, it's crazy to say because we're on. This is a Babylon B sketch. It really is a Babylon B sketch. Totally.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Especially with the guy in the back. The guy in the back makes it. The guy in the back makes it, but also what she's saying is makes it too. They're rebelling against the school for aiding, I guess for supporting or whatever, in some tangential way, supporting the genocide. But they want the school to provide the meals
Starting point is 00:50:43 to the people who have meal plans. That part is probably part of my favorite thing because I think the meal plan, um, I don't know if there's any stipulations in the contract that go, Hey, uh, we have to be conducting ordinary, ordinary school business in order to be providing meals. I just don't think when there's a school a takeover of the campus and the buildings that they're just gonna go make sure that the cafeteria like make sure these guys can get to the yeah i just think there may be a little bit of a moratorium on uh sloppy joes and tater tots
Starting point is 00:51:24 yeah i think they might just be going like, let's just wait and see. Nobody's going to class. But listen, you guys gotta fucking, you gotta, are you gonna let the chefs through if they're Jewish? What if the chef is Jewish? Oh, dude, what if they just
Starting point is 00:51:39 brought a matzo ball soup? Yeah, I mean, but what if seriously, what if the chef, what if there's someone Jewish on the chef's staff? Yeah, they're not eating that Zionist food. I know, but look, they're going to yell at me because I know there's a lot of Jews protesting with you. I know, so it's not just about, but there have been some videos of some Jews who weren't allowed through. Well, it's either you're Zionist or you're not. So you've got to be Zionist.
Starting point is 00:52:00 So what if it's the Zionist Jews on the fucking... Right. So what if it's the Zionist Jews on the fucking... Right. Then will you starve? Or will you be okay with not sticking to the meal plan deal that your parents signed up for? You didn't sign up for that. You're not paying for the meal plan deal.
Starting point is 00:52:15 It's funny just to hear because she's trying to be like an adult here. This is the funny thing. She's trying to be like a grown adult spokesperson. There's mics in front of her. This is like when there's a mass shooting somewhere be like a grown adult spokesperson. There's mics in front of her. This is like when a fucking, there's a mass shooting somewhere and then the police spokesperson has to get up there. She's like being the spokesperson
Starting point is 00:52:31 for a very grown up thing, but she's going, also we expect to get our meal plans continue. We have a deal here. The university that we're taking over and we're disrupting also has to feed us. They got to feed us. When are they going to let us starve and then
Starting point is 00:52:45 she says that so we'll continue i mean the campus but this is like basic humanitarian aid we're asking okay pause it pause people please have humanitarian aid across the street from a chipotle she's using the same words for the situation over there. Uh, and undoubtedly doing it out of solidarity with her, her comrades, um, with her comrades over there or whatever they call it.
Starting point is 00:53:19 They wouldn't be comrades. They'd be whatever the victims of the genocide. She's doing it, um, to, to, uh, They'd be whatever. The victims of the genocide. She's doing it to connect with them. But I don't know if it has the same effect. Okay. There's certain people who have no more plumbing or house anymore.
Starting point is 00:53:47 And they're dependent on humanitarian aid to come from whoever.ica is also providing some of that aid i believe they're trying to get some aid there wherever it's coming from and i think there's a difference because i think that's humanitarian aid i think um i think the mexican grub hub delivery guy there i i think she's basically asking are you gonna let that guy through are you gonna let are you gonna let papa john's through i mean you could walk out of the building go across the street get a fucking dollar slice so i don't know if humanitarian aid is the right word in the middle of flourishing Manhattan. I don't know. It just, it reeks of hyperbole. Call me crazy, it just reeks of hyperbole to call food and water in the,
Starting point is 00:54:33 I'm sure there's sinks in there. So you guys could drink from the sinks and there might be a couple of fucking snack, could be a couple of snack, concession, what do they call those? Concession things. Sure, vending machines. Yeah, it could be a couple of vending machines. Have some fucking, havecession things sure vending machines it could be a couple of machines have some fucking have some reeses you know what impressed me about
Starting point is 00:54:49 these kids yeah is if they stay during the summer break that would be impressive right because now they don't have to go to school right now they're just not going to class now they're just not going to class will they stay during the summer break that's a good question that would be the question i would have asked i went like this reporter's asking about the humanitarian aid that she requested she requested humanitarian aid i would have asked about uh are you guys willing to stay here past summer break some of them may be like well actually we're gonna have to because their parents revoked our plane tickets they're pretty pissed they want us to continue to get our humanities degrees.
Starting point is 00:55:29 Okay, let's see what's going on. But they did put themselves in that very deliberate thing in that situation and in that position. So it seems like you're sort of saying we want to be revolutionaries. We want to take over this building. Now, would you please bring us food and water? Nobody's asking them to bring anything. We're asking them to not violently stop us from bringing in. No, but a second ago, you were asking the school to honor the meal plans. I did hear you say that. So you are asking the school to feed those students who have meal plans, which I assume most of you are on meal plans there, right? It's college.
Starting point is 00:56:09 So I did hear you say that, bitch. Okay. I even feel bad calling a 19-year-old a bitch. You're 19. I want a commitment from them that they will not stop it. But they haven't stopped it. Well, I don't know to what. So she says, I want a commitment from them that they're not going to stop it.
Starting point is 00:56:29 And then another female reporter, thank God she's female. Another female reporter goes, but they haven't stopped it, right? She goes, there's a long pause there. There's a long pause because she goes, oh, yeah. Right. Steven? Steven? Steven, do you have anything to add? Yes, and I'd also like to say that this is fucking shitty.
Starting point is 00:56:54 This is a bad situation. This is a fucking bad situation. Okay, this whole thing is fucking bad. It's a bad situation. Like Gaga said, we got all our little monsters here and all our little fucking monsters form one big monster that's going to force you to fucking stop supporting
Starting point is 00:57:11 genocidal Israel. Right, monsters? Thank you, Steven. Thank you, Steven. My first deputy in command of security. My security and, I mean, what's he doing standing back there? He's obviously, she told him, stand here.
Starting point is 00:57:29 I don't want an empty frame. I want you back there. And make sure you're wearing your half shirt. Yeah, wear your belly shirt. The gayer the better. And he's got makeup on. He's got eyeliner on, which is great. Okay, let's go.
Starting point is 00:57:40 Belly shirt Steven. Yeah. Here's the thing. I don't feel like we're like older people making fun of young people. No. I don't get that. I feel like we're people making fun of something that's ridiculous. That's what I kind of feel like. You don't have a get off my lawn vibe?
Starting point is 00:57:58 I don't feel that way. I don't feel like an older guy going like, I don't get these kids. I feel like I'm noticing some pretty funny stuff. I feel like you could be at any age and notice some foot putting foot. I don't even think you need to be conservative to notice this funny stuff. And I think there's a lot of liberals who are seeing that now. Okay, continue. Attempted, but we're looking for a commitment. Okay, so she said, no, they haven't attempted to, but we're looking for a commitment okay so she said no they haven't attempted to but we're looking for a commitment why they haven't stopped it she's going i'll tell you why because you caught me there and i'm sticking to it which i give her credit for she doubled down she goes we're looking for a commitment no they haven't stopped it people are able to get their
Starting point is 00:58:42 grub hub people have ordered ordered from DoorDash. DoorDash has been here constantly, in and out, in and out, and that's just a funny visual to have the door guy go, Jason? Okay, hold on. And then they're looking through it.
Starting point is 00:59:00 Okay, two quesadillas. Yeah, I wanted a chicken pastor burrito um and uh there's guac missing here we did order guac comrade comrade did you order guac with chips uh we're sorry we're missing uh guac with chips sorry no english no. I'm sorry. No English. No English. Call the number. Okay, I'll call. Hi, Grubhub? Yeah, I would like to get a refund under order. Where am I? Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:35 I'm in Hamilton Hall on Columbia University's campus. No, there's no room number. It's kind of like the whole hall. Like, yeah.'m no it's not my house no we have taken over a building so it's generally just just come just drop it at the front we'll figure it out just drop it at the front covet style it's a very funny visual to just a grubhub delivery guy coming up to their building and giving them a pizza right yeah okay interrupted drum circle yeah and her last the guy actually mentions drub just play the rest the end
Starting point is 01:00:11 that's it it's the way at the end because at the end he goes grub you hear grub hub yeah you do yeah you hear someone say grub hub but that didn't make it as part of the clip so there she is it's gone viral people are making fun of her um because it's very make fun Um, cause it's very make funnable. It's a very make funnable situation that, um, they're asking for a commitment even though nobody is preventing, um, water or food from coming in. So what she's basically saying is we're students. Um, we don't have a lot of money. Um, my parents have taken their credit cards off the Grubhub. And so does the school want a humanitarian crisis on its hands? Because we can't order Seamless anymore.
Starting point is 01:00:55 So we want them to provide food and water. And they were trying to call them out on there. And she was going like, yeah, for the students that have meal plans, They should continue to honor that. And they're going, well, I don't know if that was part of the plan for them to continue to allow you to go to the cafeteria as you take a break from illegally occupying a building. I don't know if that was part of the meal plan. I'm sure they didn't have the foresight to put that in the contract. But there is something called extenuating circumstances, right?
Starting point is 01:01:23 That's like if I take over a Haagen-Dazs and I take hostages. I'm like, guys, I want a commitment from you that you're going to allow, you're going to buy me food and water. It's like there's no commitment. Or even if I don't have hostages because the hostages throws it off because they probably give the food and water to the hostages. But no hostages because they don't have any hostages they're just going we're going to occupy this agandaz and you guys need to send food in here or else you're going to have a
Starting point is 01:01:51 humanitarian crisis they're almost strong arming a humanitarian crisis they're almost demanding one they're demanding they want it to be a humanitarian crisis when it's just not because they're allowed to order from seamless. What's up guys. Very simple, very simple. Um, catch me at the improv in Raleigh,
Starting point is 01:02:14 North Carolina, May 17th and 18th and Harrison Atlantic city, June 22nd. A bunch of other dates in the fall are up on my website. Now the links will be up soon. Patreon.com slash Giannis Pappasour for our weekly bonus episodes. Join, support the show, and enjoy the uncensored hilarious content. Thank you. I want to give a shout out to our small business shout outs. First of all, I want to just say goodbye to Chris Minetti. I want to just say goodbye to Chris Minetti.
Starting point is 01:02:45 He didn't pay for this, so I'm not going to promote his phone number. But he's been a big part of the show, and I assume I must have said something that was probably a little too liberal for his tastes. I think he's gone away before. I think he got mad before. Might have said something that just... Chris Minetti just doesn't like to hear any blip-tart shit.
Starting point is 01:03:11 So he probably got mad, and he just packed up his bags and he left either that or he was shut down one of his counterfeit credit card got something happened disabled yeah but we want to say goodbye to our good friend chris minetti now he might be back we've had this in the past yeah when he went away and he came back i really think it might have been something that i said i'll find out in the chat boards he'll say it he'll show up in the chat and be like yanni you know what you know what it was but there's been times with other sponsors where something happens with their credit card you know what i deal with your shit i deal with your shit here and there but when you cross the line and you fucking made fun of it fucking donny t this way i just kind of had enough of your fucking cuck mouth.
Starting point is 01:03:46 And that's it. And then it'll blow over and he'll, you know, he just needs to blow off some steam. He's got to fucking light a couple tiki torches and then he'll be back. Well, he's welcome anytime. You're welcome, baby. Everyone's welcome.
Starting point is 01:03:57 I don't look into anybody's history where they, everyone's welcome. You know, whatever you want to sell, I'll sell it. Whatever it is blm buy uh the nazis can get in uh yeah they got 100 bucks yeah yeah i'll read their copy uh radical anarchists um whatever dude you know plo bb dude, you know, PLO, BB, anyone, even, you know, whatever, whatever, whatever. Mainstream Hollywood, you know, anybody, anyone's got a product they're trying to sell. I'm in, I will fucking promote it. Just like exclusive auto shipping.com. Jared Z still with us much more loyal than Chris Minetti. ExclusiveAutoShipping.com. Jared Z still with us, much more loyal than Chris Minetti.
Starting point is 01:04:47 ExclusiveAutoShipping.com. ExclusiveAutoShipping.com. If you bought your car out of state or you're moving and you need to move your car, you hit up ExclusiveAutoShipping.com. They also have student and military discounts. And so hit them up, ExclusiveAutoShipping.com. ForTheFree.art, even they're more loyal than Chris Minetti. ForTheFree.art. And I don't even see anything past their website. ForTheFree.art. Even they're more loyal than Chris Minetti. ForTheFree.art.
Starting point is 01:05:06 And I don't even see anything past their website. ForTheFree.art. Next. Nate Linder went away and he came back because he's been crushing it. So maybe Chris Minetti needs to just get the coffers back up and he'll be back. Because Nate Linder went away for a little while until some construction companies gave him a buzz. And he started cooking he started moving some fucking started some moving some google rankings up because that's what he'll
Starting point is 01:05:29 do he'll make you number one on google and you will profit from uh digital advertising with nate linder nate linder.com uh if you need somebody to help you with your digital marketing baby monetize your shit. Every time I hear Nate Linder, I just think of nice pecker. What was that? Oh yeah. The ad we did for him. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:53 That was on, what was that on? Was that on a bonus or no? It was on a regular. Yeah. Yeah. It was on a regular. Nice pecker. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:02 Yeah. Yeah. NateLinder.com or Nate underscore underscore linder no it's just he doesn't even have he just wants you to go to the website now right to the website yeah nate linder.com and then displaypros.net these guys if you need to make a great uh antifa sign or if you want to make if you need to get the a palestine sign or an israeli sign i think need to get a Palestine sign or an Israeli sign I think this is a great time for business right now. DisplayPros.net
Starting point is 01:06:29 If you need any type of fucking radical sign whatever it is, they'll make it for you. You need an Antifa shield? Those guys like shields? DisplayPros.net will make it for you. They do custom trade booths retail fixtures, promotional items and radical armament.
Starting point is 01:06:48 So hit them up at displaypros.net and check it out. You also get a discount, right? I think it's 10% off. You mentioned my name on your first purchase. MAinsuranceServices.com. I think Chris Minetti may have hired him for bankruptcy. If you need some insurance policies, any type, commercial, workers' comp, property, commercial property, auto, professional liability,
Starting point is 01:07:17 general liability, and umbrellas, they're in St. Petersburg. Matthew Albani will take care of you. MAinsuranceServices.com, 813-260-0338. But it's fucking national. So if you need insurance, give them a call. Capritech.com, sports betting. They use AI, machine learning to simulate game results and give you some data so you can make an educated bet.
Starting point is 01:07:46 Pretty much simple. It's free. There's no reason not to check it out. You can download the app on Google or Apple. Just as easy as that. It's a perfect complement for, you know, your online betting. And it's free.
Starting point is 01:08:08 Rebels-Raiders.com. Real deal tactical gear for every day. Amazing, amazing bags. And actual body armor, which is coming soon. No, he's got the body armor. Got the body armor. The bags are coming back. He sold out of bags. Presently he's got the body armor got the body our bags are coming back bags he's sold out of bags presently we only got body armor right now so we're only dealing with body armor um i don't know what happens when you show up to the airport with body armor but i assume you
Starting point is 01:08:36 get taken off the line but if you're not going to the airport and you're just going to the supermarket it's great to have some body armor on he's got you whether you're going to the supermarket, it's great to have some body armor on. He's got you. Whether you're going to the supermarket, this is your commercial right here. Whether you're going to the airport or the supermarket, we got you covered. We got your real deal tactical gear to fly. We also have your protective body armor for supermarkets, schools, libraries,
Starting point is 01:08:59 driving in your car. It's always good to be covered no matter which way you slice it. You hit up rebels-raiders.com. Pick up your body armor now. driving in your car. It's always good to be covered no matter which way you slice it. You hit up rebels-raiders.com. Pick up your body armor now. I don't know if we got any sale on chest plates. But it's just the bags are amazing.
Starting point is 01:09:19 And hopefully he has them back soon. But you can pick up some body armor. Is there anything else you can pick up right now? Military surplus. Military surplus. Whatever that is. Whatever that is. And some some swag that's what he's got right now at rebels raiders on facebook and instagram rebels dash raiders.com suds auto spa john pappas they will travel the bigger the job the farther they will go i would just fucking love for there to be one
Starting point is 01:09:45 Fucking rich guy in Dubai listening to this That just goes, you know what? I want this fucking guy to really detail my car Fly him out to Dubai And just, it'll be the funniest thing Because he's got money to spend So he just flies John Pappas out there At sudsautospa.com
Starting point is 01:10:03 Check them out You can follow him at sudsautospa.com. Check them out. You can follow them at suds underscore auto underscore spa on Instagram. I bet you they got some sexy pictures of some fucking clean-ass cars. I'd like to see their work. We're going to check it out. Give Verzi a boner. Yeah, Verzi would love this shit. You can call them at 412-564-5033.
Starting point is 01:10:25 If you're in the Pittsburgh area, I mean, you definitely use them, but they'll travel to you wherever you are. They figure it out. They also offer storage solutions, car capsule units, featuring car capsule units. They're designed to keep your car dust-free and safe for impacts, mildew, even rodents, ceramic coatings, all that stuff. They specialize in automotive longevity services.
Starting point is 01:10:49 So check them out. PCB Tech Art. Are you guys looking for business, marketing swag in the form of keychains, ball markers, or ball tags? Maybe you need PCB design consultations, prototyping or 3d printing services, check out PCB tech art.com. Visit the online store or send us a direct message by us. I mean them. I got caught just reading the copy,
Starting point is 01:11:15 um, for any consultations and custom designs, use the code Giannis 10, all one word for 10% off your order. They're also on Amazon. So check them out. We got a spot open. We got a lot of spots open.
Starting point is 01:11:30 The more, the merrier.

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