Yannis Pappas Hour - Power, Capes & Why Is That

Episode Date: April 12, 2024

Yanni rants and raves about Tucker Carlson’s latest interview with a pastor from Bethlehem. Additionally, the eerie similarities between the alliances forming now and those before World War II are s...triking. Conservatives praising Pinochet on X is wild! Our bonus episodes are highly rated and viewable here: https://www.patreon.com/yannispappashour?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator Support our sponsors: Freeze Pipe Visit https://thefreezepipe.com and use code YANNIS for 10% off your entire order.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, everybody? Whoa, this was a fun episode. I enjoyed it. I hope you do as much as I did. I go off the rails. So stick around after I read my dates to check it out. But if you're interested, I'm in Kansas City right now, April 11th through 13th. I'm in Los Angeles. The Netflix is a joke festival, May 2nd. Then Raleigh, North Carolina, May 17th and 18th, Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 22nd, and then a bunch of dates after that in September, October, and so on. So check my website, yannispappascomedy.com for tickets. Join our Patreon for our weekly bonus episodes, patreon.com slash yannispappashour. Now enjoy the app. Smoking cannabis doesn't have to hurt. It can feel good. Upgrade to a freeze pipe today
Starting point is 00:01:12 and experience icy smooth clouds without the throat burn, chest pain, and coughing attacks. Freeze Pipe makes a unique line of freezable pipes, bubblers, bongs, and more that cool smoke by over 300 degrees. They sent me a bunch and they're awesome. Visit thefreezepipe.com and use the code Giannis for 10% off your entire order. That's thefreezepipe.com with the code Giannis for 10% off. Order today to get free shipping and say goodbye to harsh smoke forever what's up everybody welcome to this little
Starting point is 00:01:46 hang on the yannis pappas our podcast podcasts are a modern format of entertainment if you're hearing this in the future hi how are you we were an archaic form of entertainment back when the internet was big before uh before uh people could go invisible and turn into flies and there's a guy getting a transplant in his brain or you could read his thoughts or whatever i don't know what's going on we were just talking jesse and i um jesse scottura behind the wheels of steel and we just don't know what to believe anymore. Okay. Is that an earache or is it Havana syndrome? Do the Russians have a sonic gun or do they not?
Starting point is 00:02:33 Is Finn Affleck a guy? Does Hamas have hostages left? No, it seems like they can't find 40 hostages for a ceasefire, which means they're fucked. It was their only thing that they had. It was the only leverage they had for those guns to stop raining down on them. Was 40 hostages and they can't come up with 40 hostages. It's like when a loan shark says, do you have my money? And the guy goes, listen, listen, listen, Michael, things are tough right now. You know, Karen are tough right now.
Starting point is 00:03:06 You know, Karen needed a new coat. Where's my money, you piece of shit? They can't even come up with 40 hostages. Why don't they just say it? Because they're still holding on. They're like, look, right now they're missing. I think they can't come up with the 40 hostages because those 40 hostages have, um, have passed on. I think they've passed on.
Starting point is 00:03:27 I don't think they've, I mean, they were in a bad situation to begin with. All right. They were in bad situation because Hamas is holding them going like, if we got the hostages, they won't bomb us to into oblivion. And Israel said,
Starting point is 00:03:39 uh, this is all about the Jewish saving the Jewish state. Um, we're, we want those hostages, but if you don't, we're going to obliterate it anyway. So unfortunately, being one of those hostages must have felt like a bad thing. When those bombs started raining down, they were probably going, wait, wait, wait, wait, what about me? And the other ones were going, just, you know, ask Yahweh, we're going in.
Starting point is 00:04:07 So they can't come up with it, but it's not, you know, listen, I don't think it's as big a threat to the world as Finn Affleck, you know, not being recognized as Finn Affleck. Welcome to the world, Finn Affleck. Birth date. Here's the thing. You know how adopted pets have like a gotcha date? That's what they call it, a gotcha date. So they haveck birth date here's the thing you know how adopted pets have like a gotcha date that's what they call it a gotcha date so they have a birth date when you have an adopted pet nobody really knows what the little orphan's uh official birthday is they guesstimated right so like oh
Starting point is 00:04:37 your dog's probably about six months old and then you got a gotcha date and the gotcha date is the day that you celebrate when you got the animal from rescue. I rescue dogs because I'm a better person than the people who buy from breeders like Jesse Scantaro. I don't get the pure breeds. Why are you getting a pure breed in the city? What, do you got a farm? You need a pure breed to work for you? Yeah, let me go get a pure breed German Shepherd so I can go bite black people.
Starting point is 00:05:04 I mean, what do we get in German Shepherd? Why does have a purebred anything anymore, especially in the city? The only reason for purebreds is for working jobs because that's what they were bred for is working jobs. If you just need a dog to cuddle with you on the couch and and replace children because you're against having them and you're a city slicker, adopt a dog. Get yourself a little pimple that pulls you around and bites other dogs in the park and you make excuses for it because you're a city slicker? Adopt a dog. Get yourself a little pit bull that pulls you around and bites other dogs in the park and you make excuses for it because you're a liberal. Just do that. Okay?
Starting point is 00:05:33 What are you getting a pure breed for? Just get a pure breed. No, yours is actually a little bit of a mix. Yeah. He's a lab mix. He's a lab mix. That's what you tell everybody. If you got a pit bull, it's a lab mix.
Starting point is 00:05:43 It's a lab mix. If you're in Miami or you're in Florida where they have a pit bull blend, just say lab mix. It's a lab mix. That's what you tell everybody. If you got a pit bull, it's a lab mix. It's a lab mix. If you're in Miami or you're in Florida where they have a pit bull blend, just a lab mix. It's a lab mix. But then I got the little wiener dog. You get the little wiener dog. Sergio Chacon has a dog that guards drugs. That dog is outrageous.
Starting point is 00:05:57 That dog is the size of a human. He's got a cane corso. He said the other day the Amazon guy came, the door opened, that his dog was at the top of the stairs which made it seem even bigger and it just went and of course the amazon guy was black because when's the last time you had a white amazon delivery guy i mean that is i mean talk about um the way the koreans have fucking monopolized the markets the blacks have definitely the blacks and jared harvin have definitely monopolized the Amazon delivery guy job. I don't remember the last time I've seen, I've never seen a Chinese Amazon delivery guy.
Starting point is 00:06:30 No, they're all mailmen. The Chinese, yeah, there's a lot of Chinese mailmen. But the Amazon delivery is strictly brothers. Yeah. So, and they are scared of dogs. So, Sergio told me when he opened the door and his dog's at the top of stairs and the dog gave a big like i protect drugs in my genealogy report bark he said he actually saw the black amazon guy turned white he said for a second he looked like michael jackson he was so scared
Starting point is 00:06:57 i mean sergio says he's getting another one sergio he's gonna get another one of those yeah he says family doesn't know about it but he plans to get another one of those? He says his family doesn't know about it, but he plans to get another one. Dude. Yeah, he's going to have two Cade Corsos. In his studio apartment? Let me tell you something. When Sergio's not home, his family's safe. That's true.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Oh, he keeps it upstate. All right. Oh, he keeps it. I don't know where he keeps it, dude. You got to keep that thing in jail. But purebreds are for jobs. Okay? They're for jobs. Who wants to get a purebred Jack Russell for jobs okay they're for jobs you ever who wants to get a purebred jack russell
Starting point is 00:07:28 yeah they're cute but you cannot tire that thing out that thing's looking to kill snakes and bite and just you know you get yourself a nice purebred who's calm you know get yourself a nice mulatto get yourself a mulatto dog a good rescue. So you got a gotcha date. So the gotcha date is the date that you celebrate when you got the dog. And that's like, it's adopted birthday, right? Like my little girl, Isla's got a gotcha date, right? You celebrate your dog's birthday? We celebrate her birthday and her gotcha date. She gets a little Papa Chino.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Everybody goes. I mean, Starbucks knows what it's doing. They didn't spread like wildfire for nothing. Wait, was this a puppuccino? It's a a puppuccino which is fucking whipped cream in a cup i mean jesus look if half of us are going to get diabetes from the american diet shouldn't the dog on his birthday too have a little sweets have a little sweet sir yeah throw a little zin in is that the zin this is in so you were holding the wet one yeah it's the same one yeah i had to take it out it was too much yeah i mean you're so low maintenance.
Starting point is 00:08:26 When we order here, I said, Jesse, you want a bottle of water? He goes, no, I drink from the faucet. He didn't even ask for another Zin. He held the Zin he already started. You're like my mother who used to dry paper towels. Did you grow up during World War II? Dude, I lived through the Depression.
Starting point is 00:08:42 You lived through the Depression in the 20s and yours twice i grew up with a single mother yeah now you're growing up in your own depression that's right so does finn have a gotcha date does finn affleck have a gotcha date right because finn affleck wasn't born when what's her real name marcy what's her real name? Marcy? What's her real name? It's actually a really nice name, Sophia. When Sophia, much better than Finn. Oh, I'm sorry, Serafina. When Serafina was born, Serafina was born.
Starting point is 00:09:15 She was born with the potential for tits. Now she's Finn. Is that a gotcha date? Is that going to be her new birthday? Like Finn's birthday is her coming out party, right? So the Zen goes in and out. Jesse can't take the hit from the Zen. Dude,
Starting point is 00:09:30 it's really strong. Is Zen going to kill us? I mean, what's my blood pressure right now? How many Zens a day do you do? Dude, that's the problem. See, I don't think Zens are bad for you.
Starting point is 00:09:36 If you do them once in a while, the problem is I take one out and put one in. You chain smoke Zens. I chain smoke Zens. I go all day. I box today with a Zen in. So it's a bad situation you don't feel it anymore no i don't even feel it you ever double up i have doubled up i've had an old
Starting point is 00:09:51 one i have i have no place to put it i'll keep an old one and put a new one up here so that's a problem that's definitely a problem okay it's i'm i'm extreme with my zin can i have one thing i don't do drugs i don't do nothing okay i mean can i i got a whole bottle of clonopens i don't use i mean i've taken like five clonopens my whole life you just carry with you bottle i just have them with me now and i'm i'm getting so much better i don't even get close to needing them anymore i want to resell them oh yeah you could do that yeah i used to just feel good having them now i don't even even sweat it. You're a little blanky. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:26 I mean, it's not even my blank anymore because therapy works. I'm doing good. So Finn Affleck had her coming out party in a very respectful way for everyone else at her grandfather's funeral. She got up to the podium with her new G.I. Jane haircut. This is a teenager. She's a teenager, so I have to be careful. Tread lightly. Tread lightly.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Tread lightly. Can't make fun, right? Right away, Yanni goes for the first topic that turns this into a bonus. No, but here's the deal. Finn's never going to hear this. Finn, this is not the podcast in Finn circles. We did our marketing research. The people who listen to us are savage.
Starting point is 00:11:07 They want me to go after everything. They don't care. There's no sensitivity in the people who listen to this. And I appreciate that. Because it means you've been through some things. I've been through some things. I've been through some things. You can see it in my eyes.
Starting point is 00:11:21 And the people who've been through the most have the thickest skin. Because they're like, he's making jokes. That's nothing compared to cancer's coming for you. Bad things are coming for you. People really got to thicken up. Finn, if you're listening, it gets worse. It gets worse and worse and worse and worse. You need humor, okay?
Starting point is 00:11:41 Now, I'm sorry, Finn, but I am going to point out that, look, it's not your fault. You're a teenager. You don't understand your own narcissism yet. Kids don't understand their own narcissism yet, okay? But, you know, once you get into therapy, you understand that there is a motive you believe is the real motive, and then there's a motive that you're unaware of that is the true motive. So what was Finn's true motive that you're unaware of that is the true motive. So what was Finn's true motive? I'll tell you what Finn's true motive was. It's a little something called attention.
Starting point is 00:12:13 It's a little something called attention. It's a perfect way to get attention. And why does she need attention? I'll tell you why she needs attention. Because she's got two celebrity parents who are fucking not paying attention to her. Okay, Ben Affleck is off struggling with his alcohol addiction saying that if it wasn't for Finn's mom,
Starting point is 00:12:33 he would still be drinking. I love that when he blamed his alcohol problem on fucking, what's her name? Jennifer Gardner. Jennifer Gardner, who seems like, Doesn't she make baby food now? So she's busy with her baby food business. Or am I mixing her up with Jessica Alba? Could be.
Starting point is 00:12:51 No, but she also has got some baby. They're all making millions off of baby food because these fucking soccer moms will fucking buy anything with Jessica Alba's name on it or Jennifer Gardner. I just hate the fact that he's such a good-looking man that he dumps Jennifer Gardner. If I had Jennifer Gardner, I'd hate the fact that he's such a good looking man that he goes for, he dumps Jennifer Gardner. If I had Jennifer Gardner, I'd be licking
Starting point is 00:13:08 her toilet seat. In perpetuity. I'd be like, are you done with the toilet baby? I'd be licking the toilet seat. I'm sorry, I should be saying that as a married man, but I'm doing it for comedic effect. To drive home the point, Jennifer Gardner is one of the most uniquely
Starting point is 00:13:25 beautiful. Not only is she beautiful, she's got one of those unique, beautiful looks, right? Yeah, just pull up Jennifer Gardner full body shot, which is something I Google all the time. And then we'll get to the WNBA because that's the hottest news going.
Starting point is 00:13:42 We'll get to Caitlin Clark after this. I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna. I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna. Whoa. There she is. because that's the hottest news going. We'll get to Caitlin Clark after this. Hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a hummin' a whoa. There she is. She's just uniquely gorgeous. It just pisses me off that he, look at that, dude. Is there anyone more beautiful than Jennifer Garner? Yeah, Jennifer Lopez. So then he goes, it just pisses me off.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Okay, but do you think these two fucking celebrity kids are paying any attention to Serafina Finn you think Serafina got any attention I'll tell you how you know she didn't get any attention cause she came out as Finn at her grandfather's funeral everyone's there to fucking celebrate her funeral
Starting point is 00:14:20 people are fucking crying and then she gets him and goes Finn and then all of his non-celebrity relatives start crying again it's got we deal with this now you know and jennifer lopez is a non-binary kid as well really i mean it is fucking in fashion so does brad and angelina they got one two i mean look if you have four kids one of them is going to be trans or autistic those are the stats now one out of 30 kids is autistic and i think one out of 30 kids is trans so you're fucking rolling the dice you're at the slot machine and you're just hoping it comes out fucking aces but there's gonna be a joker in there there's a joker's wild right now there's a good chance you're gonna have a trans
Starting point is 00:15:02 kid welcome to the fucking 21st century it's a good chance one of going to have a trans kid. Welcome to the fucking 21st century. There's a good chance one of them is going to go non-binary and say, address me as a plural pronoun. When I come in the room, I want you to say, hey, you guys, what's going on? Or there's a good chance your kid is going to come in fucking counting ceiling tiles. Dude, I'm just so happy that my kids respond to social cues. I was checking to see if they're autistic from the windows. I was like, follow my finger, follow my finger,
Starting point is 00:15:31 follow my finger, follow my finger. Smile when I smile, smile when I smile. Thank God, smile when I smile. Thank God, smile when I smile. Make eye contact. Look at me, look at me. Goddamn, she's looking at me, babe, look. Look.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Fuck yeah. We just saved a lot of money in goddamn occupational therapy. Jesus Christ, those bills. Look, if you want to get into something, people are like, what do we do? We come out of college. One out of 30 kids is autistic. Go to fucking occupational therapy school. Learn how to play blocks with autistic kids.
Starting point is 00:16:00 You got a job waiting for you. Okay? Therapy. Boom. Better help. Boom. Get into therapy. And you don't? Therapy. Boom. Better help. Boom. Get into therapy. And you don't got to do much to be a therapist.
Starting point is 00:16:08 I'd always... There's also like trauma coaches now. Just go with it. Everyone's traumatized. Just, you got to get into the therapy game. You got to get into the occupational therapy game. Occupational therapist or trauma therapy is another good one or content creator like tucker carlson who's become america's number one content creator now what is the difference between a
Starting point is 00:16:33 content creator and uh a mainstream media uh mouthpiece i think we've learned a little bit i think we've learned a little bit um from tucker carlson now is he is is this evidence of him breaking free of the shackles of corporate sponsored mainstream media and giving us the stories that mainstream media would never give us because our government is run um by by israel okay is that the story you want to believe or Or is Tucker Carlson going for sensationalism? Or is it a little bit of both? What's your call? Now he interviewed,
Starting point is 00:17:15 he interviewed the guy who had gay sex with Obama. Similarly, similarly. And even when I went on Rogan and I brought up the guy's background, you know, the guy, how he's had fucking fraud charges in like four states and he was showing up at other elections and things like that. Rogan was like, really? Rogan didn't know. And then I think Rogan even said he's like, but why do you want to, you want to have some fun? I mean, of course, who would say they don't want to believe that? All right, I know it's bullshit, and I still want to believe it. I still want to believe that this guy was smoking crack with a Harvard lawyer who ended up becoming president of the United States
Starting point is 00:17:59 and somehow got in office after 2008, and our country was economically in shambles. And when he left, we were on the right course. I don't know. Criticize him for what you want. All right? Foreign policy. Bomb the shit out of everybody.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Criticize him for fucking Hillary Clinton's Benghazi and Libya and Syria and all that shit. Criticize him for what you want. But I tell you what. You know? I tell you what. When he got office, he took the reins from George W. And our country was a fucking in the shitter. The worst fucking economic mess we've had since the 20s.
Starting point is 00:18:30 And then when he left, things were sweet. You could walk around New York City three in the morning. I'm white. I'm so fucking white. I'm on the train. And everything was fucking honky dory. You know, everyone was dancing to P. Diddy and having a good time and now fucking
Starting point is 00:18:47 p diddy is out look how that turned out i don't we don't want to know i don't want to live in a world where p diddy's not just going take that take yeah take that take that i don't want to know i don't know what he did to me i don't want to know why it's something suspicious that mace just quit rap everyone and then there's a couple people went to jail for p diddy remember there was another rapper uh shine shine what this son that guy's got blackmail and everyone he's like yo take the rap or people are gonna know that you like the bang boys he's got he he definitely did the epstein thing he's got blackmail on everybody there's fucking cameras that thing is that thing is like the pentagon you go in that apartment for a party there's fucking angles
Starting point is 00:19:23 everywhere yeah there's angles everywhere. But the only thing that they won't catch on it, the only thing that they will not catch on tape in Diddy's house is a plane going into his living room. That's the only thing they won't catch. But they'll get everything else. But a plane smashing right into the side of his living room, they won't be able to get any footage.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Can you still believe we haven't seen one clean shot of a plane going into the Pentagon? Just a clean shot on the pentagon isn't it still crazy that we had to rely on um some ancillary gas station footage three frames where there's no plane is just a fireball looks like a missile i don't know i don't know what to tell you i guess there's some eyewitnesses and source and planes i don't know but not really have you ever seen an I guess there's some eyewitnesses and saw some planes I don't know but not really Have you ever seen an interview with an eyewitness And said I saw the plane glide down
Starting point is 00:20:09 Who knows You know but say what you want about the guy The economy turned around right Who you talking about Obama? Obama And he's the first president to marry a man Yeah so I want to believe he married a man And I want to believe that he had That he smoked crack and had gay sex With this fucking fraudster I want to believe he married a man, and I want to believe that he smoked crack and had gay sex with this fucking fraudster.
Starting point is 00:20:26 I want to believe that. Does a serious newsman... It's okay. You're off the rails today. Well, listen. I mean, things are falling off the shelf like our numbers on YouTube. It's going down.
Starting point is 00:20:39 What did I hit? Whatever. It was the menorah, so listen. Uh-oh. Look, Nick Fuentes fans fans you should be happy um ah god anyway let me fix my balls so i want to live in that world so professional yeah yeah so was that a little was that was that did he not have any producer say, hey, listen, we're interviewing this guy, but here's his backstory. Here's some facts going back many years about this guy, right? want to get smarter perhaps that was a little remiss and he didn't mention it he didn't go to the guy like by the way by the way why is that by the way there's all these uh documented um
Starting point is 00:21:33 things about you being uh an absolute uh fraudulent human being why is that why is that he didn't mention that he was just like like, really? Tell me more about Obama? Like, it was just a full-blown, this happens kind of interview, right? So from that, that interview was silly. It was silly. So now, and then he goes and he interviews Putin. It wasn't an interview. He goes and he listens to Putin.
Starting point is 00:22:02 He goes, and then he goes to the supermarket, and it almost seems like he's kind of going in with a one-dimensional kind of approach. It seems heavily editorialized. Like, we're going to show? You know, it doesn't seem like a full story, right? When you go into one grocery store, and you're like, wow! It just seems, it seems,
Starting point is 00:22:22 it seems like you're not getting the full picture, right? It seems like you're not getting the full picture, right? It seems like you're not getting the full picture. But it does seem like that type of reporting, that sort of one-dimensional kind of, but what about this? But what about this? Seems like it's intended to tantilize internet listeners because internet listeners go all in internet
Starting point is 00:22:48 listeners love ambiguity they love just conspiracy they love fucking sensationalized kind of they love you know I don't know what to
Starting point is 00:23:04 believe but I'm what to believe, but I'm going to believe this. Because it's a sexier, I mean, it's just sexier, right? Mike went off. Sorry about that. We're back. So he goes from the Obama interview to the Putin interview,
Starting point is 00:23:21 and now he's gone to interviewing this pastor, this Arab Christian pastor in Bethlehem. And this was quite controversial. Now, he's got to know this going in, that this is going to be quite controversial. Why is that? He loves the why is that line. Why is that?
Starting point is 00:23:43 This is catchphrase. Yeah, why is that? Why is that catchphrase yeah why is that why is that he also did an appearance on kill tony now i love kill tony i've done it three times now um i just don't want to live in a world where my main newsmen are doing kill tony i love tim dillon i don't want my presidential candidates at the same party that Tim Dillon's at. Call me old-fashioned. Call me old-fashioned. Okay? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:10 I don't know. I just think, you know, there's worlds that shouldn't intersect. Okay? News and comedy and politics and comedy. It's just, look, we're all fucking dysfunctional grown children. We shouldn't be talking to presidential candidates. We shouldn't be interviewing them. We shouldn't be dealing with people who went to journalism school, okay, who have master's degrees.
Starting point is 00:24:37 These things used to mean things, okay? I don't want to live in a world where a Columbia-educated journalism graduate comes on this podcast willingly. I don't want that. That's happened. Yeah, and it's happened. And I don't want it. I'll take it. But it's definitely a sign that something's wrong.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Okay? Yeah, Tucker Carlson was on with Jim Norton. It's all breaking down. I thought you liked this. Huh? I thought you liked it huh i thought you like it okay i like it i don't know i'm just saying i'm just saying what's going on i'm just saying what is going on okay it's almost like a little pump is gonna hang out with rfk i don't know what's going on? You know? I miss the world of fucking snobby, upper-class people who don't want to be seen with a little pump. I just miss that. There was an order to the world that was easy to understand.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Let's bring discrimination back. Not based on gender or race, but let's bring it back based on class. Not class in the sense of upper, middle, and lower. Class in just personal classiness. Okay? Obama's a classy guy. Why is he getting interviewed by a woman who's got bright green lipstick? He started it. He started with YouTube. He got interviewed by YouTube influencers.'s got bright green lipstick? He started it.
Starting point is 00:26:05 He started with YouTube. He got interviewed by YouTube influencers. You started it. I don't like it. And the reason is because you're a crackhead gay. This was nine years ago. Yeah. I mean, look at, what are you doing nine years ago?
Starting point is 00:26:17 Look at this chick. He sat down with a bunch of YouTube influencers. Oh, Jesus. He started it. I knew it was Obama's fault. Bethany Mota. He sat down. Who the hell? He started. I knew it was Obama's fault. Bethany Mota. He sat down. Who the hell?
Starting point is 00:26:27 He started it. So we've gotten to the ground zero of the problem. It's Obama's fault. Okay? Always blame Obama. Yeah, and it probably is his fault. Well, you know, you want to reach the kids. You want to reach the kids.
Starting point is 00:26:41 So now we're at this third interview. After he follows up his Putin interview with this pastor from Bethlehem. Now here's the controversy. So the whole interview is about how Israel discriminates against Christians. And it's obvious that this interview is intended to tell that side of the story and say like, hmm, the Christian right is really in support of Israel. But should they be? Do they know the full story?
Starting point is 00:27:08 How does Israel view Christians? They get spit on. Why is that? Why is that? Now, why is that? Now, I think there are some hardcore Jews that spit on Christians and stuff. I do think that that has happened.
Starting point is 00:27:25 But it's like if you get a video of a couple dudes, then you're like, they all do it. I do think that that has happened, you know? But it's like, if you get a video of like, you know, a couple dudes, then you're like, they all do it. I mean, I don't know. So anyway, I'm not going to judge on this because I'm a journalist and scientist with pronouns, hee-haw. So I am not going to speculate
Starting point is 00:27:41 on what is right or what is wrong. I'll just describe the criticism. So, and the criticism is coming hard. Now, this is splitting everybody. Carson is getting a lot of, Carlson is getting a lot of, I used to love, I used to love comments, right? He's getting like, I used to love,
Starting point is 00:27:59 he's gone off the deep end, now I hate him. It's a lot of that. And then there's others going, damn right, let's get the juice damn right more more let's fucking get the juice so you know here's the here's the here's two comments that really are mice microcosmic examples of the different stances um the bipolarity of the comment section on this video. One goes, great interview, Tucker.
Starting point is 00:28:25 5.2 thousand comments. One goes, Bethlehem is not controlled by Israel, but rather the Palestinian Authority. Point your finger at the correct source. 3.3 thousand. So the great interview folks are liking that more. Why is that? No.
Starting point is 00:28:42 So basically, that's what it is, right? It's a, what do you call it? A powder keg of an issue. What's up, everybody? We are brought to you today by Freeze Pipe. These are classy. I mean, these things look like you could display them on your shelves. Oh, yeah?
Starting point is 00:28:58 That's how beautiful they are. Take a peek. They're absolutely gorgeous, and they are engineered to be really, really effective in making your pull of your cannabis nice and smooth. What's the key, you'd ask? What's the key? What is the key? The secret is freezable glycerin chambers that come on every piece. Pop one of those chambers in the freezer for one hour, and as smoke passes through, it's instantly chilled for a relaxing experience
Starting point is 00:29:31 without the afterburner coughing. The freeze pipes are cool. They look cool. This is for your weed smokers here. This is for your classy weed smokers, and this will enhance your weed smoking experience because a lot of times you're coughing, it burns, it's a harsh intake.
Starting point is 00:29:46 But with these freezable glycerin chambers, it solves that problem for you. And that's the key. That's the secret to these. I can tell you firsthand, these pipes are incredible. They're glass. They're very well made. And this is genius engineering, right? You call it engineering?
Starting point is 00:30:09 Yeah, I think you do. So how do you get them, right? My pot smokers, this is how you do it. You visit the freezepipe.com website and use the code Giannis and you get 10% off your entire order. Simple as that. That's freezepipe.com with the code Giannis for 10% off. Order today, and guess what?
Starting point is 00:30:29 You get free shipping, and you say goodbye to harsh smoke forever. Freezepipe. Check them out. It's worth it. Now, he does not mention that there is footage of this pastor praising the strength of the Palestinian infiltrators on, what was the date again? There's so many important dates now.
Starting point is 00:30:58 What is it, September 11th, July 7th, January 4th? What was it again? October 7th. October 7th, right. You notice how more and more dates are living in infamy until they're all, there's going to be a massacre on every day. Let's chill out. If you're going to do a massacre, please do it on
Starting point is 00:31:11 the same day because we're going to run out of days. Just pick September 11th. Yeah, just pick September 11th and let's just do a purge of all atrocities on September 11th. On September 11th, we can just fucking throw light beams in the sky for everything. That's a little better. Because every day is going to live in infamy pretty soon.
Starting point is 00:31:28 We got the Pearl Harbor Day. We got the Battle of Midway Day. We got the fucking September 11th. Now we got October 7th. Then there's going to be July 4th. We got to celebrate that revolution. I mean, it's just too many dates. Not enough time.
Starting point is 00:31:44 So, there's a video of him praising, this pastor praising sort of the Hamas infiltration of the party that Hamas threw. You know, the freedom fighting
Starting point is 00:32:01 that they did, or the terrorism, based on what you believe. Depending on whose house you're in. I mean, if you're eating with Alicia Keys and Swiss Beats, it's definitely going to be freedom fighters. It's definitely going to be freedom fighters. Okay? If you're at Sean King's newly Muslim household,
Starting point is 00:32:20 how great is that, by the way? We haven't mentioned that at all. He's gone full-blown Muslim, and he was rejected by the Muslims. He's trying. Slick move. Dude, give him credit. From Christian pastor, he was a Christian pastor,
Starting point is 00:32:34 to social justice activist. Listen, Sean King grew up a fully white kid in a privileged neighborhood, experienced a fake hate crime, that he rose up and went to an all-black school on a black scholarship as a white kid. Then he became a journalist who was, you know, journalizing on behalf of black people as a white guy.
Starting point is 00:33:02 And then he went from Christian pastor. That didn't work out. That wasn't fine. That didn't reap enough financial rewards. And now he's gone full blown Muslim. So don't you dare tell me that you can't get to the gym and get in semi shape. If he could do all that,
Starting point is 00:33:20 you can get in semi shape. You could go to the gym twice a week. If Sean King can, as a white guy, live as a black man and then turn into a Muslim, you can go two days a week. You can do 15 sit-ups every three days. He's doing the Huberman protocols. I mean, look, get a couple minutes of sunlight
Starting point is 00:33:38 and get, what Huberman forgot to mention was also have four phones. Get 10 minutes of sunlight. Take deep breaths with a prolonged exhale. And also get three other phones. You need a couple burner phones for some side chicks. And then you're fully leaving the neurological dream. You've tapped into every bit of dopamine.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Make sure you're getting as much pussy on the verge as you can because that also makes you happy. That'll release some happy pills. Everyone's going, what's humor? What's your secret? Why do you look so jacked? Why are you so happy? You can't tell the truth. You can't because I'm fucking drowning in puss. I'm fucking absolutely
Starting point is 00:34:19 fucking drowning in puss. I'm drowning in puss so much I fucking forget where I'm supposed to be when. And I stand a lot of these bitches up on Thanksgiving. Even on things like Thanksgiving, I don't show up. I mean, I'm fucking, I'm giving, I mean, I am HPV, I am an HPV super soaker. I'm like an HPV super soaker in the summer. I'm just spraying these chicks with HPV left and right.
Starting point is 00:34:43 I mean, yeah, that's going to release a few happy chemicals if your fucking noodle's constantly wet. I mean, that kid fucking, his noodle didn't get a chance to get dry. So the reason why it causes the stir is because Bethlehem is under the authority of the PLO, right? So when Israel had it, supposedly, it it was 80 christian and it's down uh i don't think the muslims are um i don't think they're i don't think they uh come with open arms for the christians either right so the people on the israel side will say uh israel is the only
Starting point is 00:35:22 country and they'll say like this israel is the only country, and they'll say it like this, Israel's the only country where the Christian population has grown since 18-something or whatever it is, and that's true, right? I don't think the Christian population is flourishing in Muslim countries. I don't think the Jewish population is flourishing in those countries either, but there are some Christians in Israel. The Christians in Bethlehem have gone down. There's also criticisms because the Christians in Palestine are getting bombed as well. And so talk is like, do we care about those Christians?
Starting point is 00:35:53 Is it just because they're brown? And then the Christians over here are going, naturally. We can't care about every Christian. I mean, are they white Christians? I mean, you know, I mean, I don't know. We're going after, I mean, we're really back to religion here. We're really back to religion. It's really like who we care about and who do they worship?
Starting point is 00:36:15 How many points are they worth in caring? Okay? Do you care about your brown Christians, white Christians in America? I don't know. But supposedly the white Christians are in Bethlehem are being oppressed by Israel, even though the PLO occupies Bethlehem and controls Bethlehem. But then those people will say, yeah, but the Jews can march in whenever they want and they fucking control. They really are the de facto, you know, control of Bethlehem, they really are the de facto controllers of Bethlehem, points to be made on all sides, points to be made on all sides, all I'm saying is, he didn't mention that, right, so that
Starting point is 00:36:58 is not in the, he just interviews the guy, and the guy says Israel's horrible, Israel's horrible, Israel's horrible, the occupation's horrible, They're horrible. The Christians, they want all Christians out. They spit on us. They don't want us, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But there's no mention about how Muslims are probably not the greatest as well with the Christians. There's no mention that this guy praised October 7th in a way. And there's no mention that Bethlehem is not part of Israel. So that's a little weird. That's a little weird not to mention it. I'm not saying that the guy's not legitimately,
Starting point is 00:37:32 I don't know. I don't know the guy. I don't know the guy. I don't live in Bethlehem, okay? The only thing I know is I believe in one Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, and he was born in Bethlehem. And that's all I know.
Starting point is 00:37:42 And that's, I want my fucking Greek Orthodox brothers to know that. I'll. And that's, I want my fucking Greek Orthodox brothers to know that. I'll be in Kansas City. Get those tickets. Wherever Greek community is there, get those tickets immediately. Get those tickets immediately.
Starting point is 00:37:53 We'll be starting with a prayer. We'll be starting with a fucking prayer. Okay? I'm going after the Christian pop because Christianity, bah! It's on the rise, huh?
Starting point is 00:38:02 It's on the freaking rise. Yeah. It's back, baby. I'm getting a cross. I'm getting a fucking big cross. Big one. It's on the rise. It's on the freaking rise. Yeah. It's back, baby. I'm getting a cross. I'm getting a fucking P. Diddy cross. Big one. Gold.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Nice Jesus piece. Why is that? So he just didn't, it didn't come up, right? So it's like, it does sort of continue this pattern of sort of one-dimensional
Starting point is 00:38:22 kind of reporting. I don't know. Is it important to have producers check? Another thing about Tucker, if you're just watching this episode, you didn't watch our previous episode because we cover a lot of different things a lot of different times,
Starting point is 00:38:37 but there was one time where these kids just completely tricked Tucker. Do you remember that? We covered that on there. Do you remember those kids that Tucker interviewed them and he was like, great story. And the whole thing was a fraud.
Starting point is 00:38:49 They pranked him. Yeah, they pranked him. And they did a full interview and he was still at the end was like, that was great. We found out why that is. Right?
Starting point is 00:38:57 So I'm not sure. It doesn't seem like there's a lot of due diligence being. Maybe when you go independent, there's less producers, there's less in the line. You're willing to go from, I don't know, or is it just you know, and you're going, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:39:11 He's not fair and balanced anymore. Yeah, he's not fair and balanced anymore, which is ironic because he was at Fox. Well, that was their tagline. That was their tag, fair and balanced. But I think that was their tagline a long time ago. I think their tagline now is just like, let Hannity go. Whatever Hannity says, we're on board.
Starting point is 00:39:30 It's Hannity's, just Hannity. We are Hannity imbalanced. So I don't even know if they, they don't even purport to be fair and balanced anymore. But so it's either two things. It's either they're remiss, and he doesn't have the staff he used to have, it's not the standard he used to have,
Starting point is 00:39:48 or he knows and he doesn't care. Because all it takes is like a quick Google search on the guy. Like somebody pulled the video of that speech where he was praised, that sermon or whatever, he was kind of praising the strength of those Palestinians who broke in Israel and murdered and raped and shot babies. He praised the strength of those Palestinians who broke in Israel and murdered and raped and shot babies. He praised the strength of those people. A lot of people call that resistance. Here's the deal. I don't want to get into this, but it's like traditionally guerrilla fighters wouldn't do
Starting point is 00:40:20 that, right? Traditionally. You know who did that? Nazis did that, right? So Nazis would do that right traditionally you know who did that nazis did that right so nazis would do that nazis would nazis would do that right so if you killed a nazi the rule was you killed one nazi then they would go to a village and kill like 300 villagers women children all that they did that the greek guerrillas did not do you know they didn't go target german babies and civilians, all that. It's a different thing. So I don't know. I don't know. Do the rules of law, do the rules of war, or even just some common decency extend to guerrilla fighters or freedom fighters, if you want to call them that? Even if you take that perspective, wouldn't you be like, hey, let's probably that even if you believe palestinians are in this open-air prison by the way i saw a fucking house one of them lived in they lived in pretty good uh and it was a lot it's
Starting point is 00:41:14 a cell phone because it was a post from a you know a pro-palestine uh x account and they were like my father's house before and after or something like that. And the house before was fucking lit. It's on the Mediterranean. It was fucking lit. And now it's rubble, I mean, to her point. But before, you're going, and then all the comments are like, what kind of open-air prison is that? A lot of people, I think, have this image of Palestine as just like it was, you know, just like people eating bugs.
Starting point is 00:41:43 But, you know, Hamas lived very well there. There was rich people there. There's nice houses there. It was a place. It had a nice riverfront. I mean, it was a place. It was stores. It was like a regular place.
Starting point is 00:41:57 But people hear things, and you have to go there. Yeah, they were heavily controlled as far as leaving or whatever. There's all that stuff. But, I mean, just the that palette they weren't eating bugs they weren't just one but it was like a place where people were living and like there was some level of like happiness there you know and some rich people there that's all i'm saying because i saw this guy's house and i was like if wow that shit looked like it was in Palm Springs Anyway I got detracted What was my point already
Starting point is 00:42:26 So yeah so my point is like Is he remiss Or is he doing it on purpose Is he going like this is going to be lit This is going to fucking get the fucking algae going This is what it's about This is what I'm trying to do Okay
Starting point is 00:42:41 What is it Because it's one of the two It can't be both it's a little interesting to me because this it took one google search of another guy to find this sermon from this guy saying that so it's like did he did they are they not doing those searches like maybe it's that they're not because those kids were able to fool him real easy so it doesn't seem like his producers i don't even know who he, maybe he's got Ben Avery working for him now. Like maybe it's just some kid wants to be a comedian. I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Maybe they're all like feature comics. Who's this clip guy? Yeah, who's this clip guy? I don't know. That's the thing. You know, it's like, how much can you trust the opinion of someone who's just got their producers,
Starting point is 00:43:22 just some guy. You know, when you're at those news organizations all those producers are like journalism graduates they're all writers they're all you know they're in the news game okay but we're in this era now where we're just throwing the baby out with the bath where i can't believe i'm saying that fox news had a standard but it seems like they might have had a little bit of a higher standard than Tucker Carlson has now. Not for his opinions. Don't get me wrong. Don't listen to this. I know you're fucking, you hate the Jews, but just listen to me. I'm just saying that should have been part of the story. If you're a journalist, whatever you believe, you believe that
Starting point is 00:44:02 the Jews want to burn all the Christians or or hate whatever you're believing is your business but you can't disagree with me on the fact that you'd want to include that as part of the information in the assessment of who you're interviewing right you may want to throw a couple of questions that way when you're sitting down with putin you want it you may want to go, there's a lot of people that fall out of windows who criticize you. Why is that? You constantly win your election. And if you put him in quotes, then he'd be a journalist. He said, you're constantly winning your elections.
Starting point is 00:44:36 If he did that once, just air quotes around the word election in front of Putin, then you're a journalist. You're winning by 96% like Saddam Hussein did. Why is that? Why is that? And the list goes on and on and on and on and on and on of things he could have asked. Is there anything real in this country? Is the news real? What have you done to anyone who critiques you? Why is that? Now, why is that? NPR editor says network turned a blind eye to hard to Biden laptop because it could help Trump. So this is the type of stuff, you know, that has hurt mainstream media
Starting point is 00:45:21 when things like this happen. Yeah. These are the types of things that have created this atmosphere, right? That everyone's thriving now, going like, we'll never know because there's no one to trust. So trust me. I'm doing this. I'm doing, you know, I'm like, so every, nobody, no, there's, there's nobody who has enough integrity that the people can see has enough integrity that they believe you know
Starting point is 00:45:46 you just need like a Steph Curry type of person to come in and change the game somebody I'm not I'm just saying like the way Steph Curry changed basketball you know the way Caitlin Clark has changed you just need a star journalist to come in and make everyone look silly it's like the way any anyone thinks they're good with their little clips and comedy and then you go watch louis ck do an hour and you just go oh oh i was oh i thought this is you know because what unfunny people will do often is they'll retweet each other and all that stuff because they want to keep people thinking that their comedy is good they're like this is they'll see someone who's not that good, and they're like, I'm not that good.
Starting point is 00:46:26 So it's like, oh, look at that. And then people go, because people aren't that. People only know Allegory of the Cape. They only know what they're exposed to. So they're going like, oh, this is great. This is comedy. And then you don't want them to see the Louis C.K.
Starting point is 00:46:37 You don't want them to see good stuff, because then people go, oh, I thought that was, oh, that's horseshit. Oh, that's bad that's bad so you don't want to see it right so what was my original point you're not following along either and neither am i i don't remember what my original point was you're talking about the climate that how things are not climate change is climate change is not real and greta thunberg got arrested she always gets she's got that happy autistic smirk on her
Starting point is 00:47:12 face when she gets arrested it's just annoying yeah yeah it'd be nice if we get an advocate who doesn't count ceiling tiles that's a very that's a really mean autistic people is it though counting you know that's how renee descartes came up with the xy axis he was laying in bed sick looking at the ceiling squares wow and that's how renee descartes came up with the xy axis come up with this stuff i mean listen i'm a genius what can you do we all scroll it's a scroll fact I don't know where I came up with it. I'm probably wrong. Who cares? You read it on X? Yeah, I read it on X. So what you're saying, yeah, so this is what's
Starting point is 00:47:51 created this atmosphere, right? Everything feels partisan, so you don't know who to believe. You don't know who to believe anymore. So yeah, my original point is we need somebody like that. That was my original point. A Steph Curry like that, a Caitlin Clark to just come in and change the game. They have so much integrity. They deliver the news in such a way
Starting point is 00:48:07 that they just start to win people's trust back. You know, they do it in a charismatic way, but also with integrity. You know, it takes a certain generational type of journalist to do something like that. And that's the only hope. But I don't think it's going to happen. And I also don't think
Starting point is 00:48:25 because I'm an expert on history, I just don't think what I've noticed in history is I just don't think an empire can last as a democracy. And I'll tell you why. Because when you have freedom and democracy, that leaves you free to criticize the country you're in and start to hate it. There's people here who hate the country. There's people here who, if you have a flag, they hate you, right? And they're citizens of this country, and they benefit from it.
Starting point is 00:49:00 That's not going to make it. Eventually, that's going to get so extreme that the empire is going to be weak you just need propaganda and nationalism and you just need it right i'm not saying it's good and moral and i agree with it i'm just saying from a helicopter view it just there comes a point where if you want to maintain an empire it can't everyone you can't listen everyone's opinion anymore it's like it just becomes a thing like this is from other Russia now. And you fall out a window if you say anything different.
Starting point is 00:49:28 So I think America will probably, that will probably happen here. You probably, you saw it happen in Rome. You know, you see it kind of happen everywhere. It just, you can't leave it up to the people because they're free and they're all
Starting point is 00:49:40 disagreeing and they have their motives. They want to be seen. They want to create their content. Tucker's out there. He wants to get ratings. Nobody knows what to believe. And then a guy comes in and goes, the party's over.
Starting point is 00:49:50 None of you guys are famous anymore. Now you're all joining the military and we're expanding our borders. And that's just what it is. We're just going to strengthen our hold. Okay. We're launching attacks from Midway Island and we're taking japan now and that's it and we're going full-blown war there's a new axis forming when you read about world war ii it is a little scary right because these alliances started to form and it was all about uh we're gonna get
Starting point is 00:50:21 their rhetoric at the time when you listen to some of the speeches, the rhetoric at the time was like, we're going to get rid of the United States, all the Western democracies and their evil imperialist way, like all this stuff that you hear from Putin, you hear from Z, you hear from King John Un, and they are forming sort of like an alliance. And the goal back then was to for power, right? That's goal back then was for power, right? That's the thing. It's power, right? It's power. That's where people who are all caught up in morality,
Starting point is 00:50:52 they live in a great mental space, but they don't really live in the planet, right? So when you're going like, what's going on in Israel? What's right and what's wrong? It's like nobody ever cares about that. It's about power, right? So it's like nobody ever cares about that. It's about power, right? So it's like if the Palestinians had the power, do you think that they're going to just be nice? They're going to be nice? We're still dealing with humans here, right? So it's like
Starting point is 00:51:17 whoever's got the power isn't nice, okay? Except I got to say, America, we have a system that's a new experiment where things are a little nicer. You're allowed to shave your head and go like, fuck you. I fucking hate America. You're allowed to say shit. I don't know how long it's going to last because it just weakens, eventually just weakens your empire because it's about power. Back to my original point, it is a little scary that you start to see the same anatomy in world war two, starting to form with these sort of, with the rhetoric,
Starting point is 00:51:47 the rhetoric is similar and the alliances seem to be similar. And the motive is similar to change the balance of power. Right? So then that's what taught me that that's what brought me to that. It's all about power thing. It's really just about, we want that power. We want,
Starting point is 00:52:00 we don't want you to have the power anymore. The American empire, NATO, we want the power. We want, we want to be the power anymore, the American empire, NATO. We want the power. We want to be what you are now, right? Well, who had the power before World War II? Who had the power before World War II? The USA, baby.
Starting point is 00:52:16 The British. British. And then the USA became the dominant power after World War II. Yeah, we did. But we were still strong. We were still strong. World War I, we came in too. I mean, we were strong.
Starting point is 00:52:26 It was us too. It wasn't just the British. America was a big fucking powerhouse. After World War II, we took it all. But Great Britain, their empire had fucking crumbled. Not crumbled, but retracted. And America was on the rise. We were the young stud.
Starting point is 00:52:44 We were the five-star recruit. We were the Caitlin Clark going to Indiana. But we were more isolationist, right? It took us a while to get into that. We were isolationist. We were isolationist, but we were torn. We weren't, it was isolationist, but it was a huge debate, right?
Starting point is 00:52:58 It was like, just like it is now with Ukraine. It was the same thing, right? You had the people going, that's not our war. That's not our war that's not our war stay out europeans you had that just like now and then you had a half the population was going let's get in let's get in hitler's evil it's bad it's bad it's bad and then japan japan preemptively attacked because they were sitting there watching the argument thinking we were going to get in and they were like let's just take out their navy because
Starting point is 00:53:24 there's only one thing that could, if they get in, Japan was going, there's a lot of conspiracies about that shit. But ultimately, really, you look at the Japanese sources, it's like they were just going, we want to dominate this sphere. We want a new world order there. We're in charge.
Starting point is 00:53:40 We're going to take China. We're going to take all these other miscellaneous Asian countries, Myanmar and Philippines and whatever the fuck. And Hawaii's there. That's where our Navy was. There, Midway Island and Pearl Harbor. And they were like, the only thing that can rival us in power is the American Navy in this sphere, in the Pacific.
Starting point is 00:53:59 So we're going to take them out. We're just going to preemptively take them out with a surprise attack and take half their fucking name. They didn't succeed. They took down like what? Three destroyers or two aircraft carriers. They took like five ships down. They killed 2,000 people,
Starting point is 00:54:13 but they didn't do the job. And then they woke up the sleeping beast. And as my old podcast partner famously said, or infamously said, depending on if you're thinking about giving him a show or not. And you are or are not privy to hearing that part. We put him in the microwave.
Starting point is 00:54:44 Then they went in the microwave right after that. I mean, it's like, what are you going to do? And then they were going to do another sneak attack on Midway Island where, but we broke their codes and knew they were coming and we fucking annihilated them and like wiped them out. And then that just,
Starting point is 00:54:57 it just became a very long day for Japan after that. It was a very fucking long day. Okay. To quote my old podcast and podcast partner they woke up the boys and it was trouble from there on it was just trouble for him there's a little you know what i mean then things got things didn't get so nice and then we had some guys working on some on some boom booms and we we we won the race to the boom booms and guess what we put the boom booms we put the boom booms in a place where there was some uh as you call civilian
Starting point is 00:55:31 casualties sounds like you're explaining this to a third grade yeah there was some boom booms we created some boom booms and then japan was in a whole bunch of trouble they got into a whole bunch of trouble you know but the plan was to take over the world. I mean, Hitler's plan was to take over the world. I mean, if he would have stopped, dude, after he took like Austria, Hungary, if he taught after Poland, if he would have stopped and just chilled for a while, people would, we were isolated.
Starting point is 00:55:55 We were like, all right, but he just fucking, you know, that's just not how those people are built, you know? Like what kind of personality wants to become a dictator? A guy who's just that's enough no these guys they have freudian death wishes it's like they have a hole in them that they're trying to fill and it's like they get a little rush off of every little it's like being a comic like all right now i'm playing theaters it's like okay not good enough now i gotta play stadiums okay now i gotta cut my hair to look like Hitler. And now I got to run for president.
Starting point is 00:56:25 Now I need to take over the world. Now I need to build American pyramids. Now I need to start slavery again. It just keeps going because that's how these people are built because they're not in therapy and they don't know what the true motivation is, is that their mother was cold.
Starting point is 00:56:39 And that's all it is. You had a cold mother. There's a hole in you. Starting slavery again is not going to fill that. You're just going to end up getting yourself killed because eventually people are going to rebel against you you know so hitler wasn't going to stop and he went into russia and finally the winter came and a lot of people think it's just the winter that slowed down but the winter happened it did slow them down but they were fucking winning they were like fucking marked they were they were like 50 miles outside of moscow. Hitler just made the stupid mistake of going.
Starting point is 00:57:08 He wanted like a PR win for his people because he's such a fucking egomaniac. He just made a mistake. He made an arrogant mistake. He said, let's go take Stalingrad. And he goes, it's not because it's named after Stalin, although that's why he did it. Thou doth protest too much. Why would he mention it then in his speech? When you hear the speeches in transit, you're like, dude, this rhetoric, why he did it, thou doth protest too much. Why would he mention it then in his speech?
Starting point is 00:57:26 When you hear the speeches in transit, you're like, dude, this rhetoric, you hear it today, right? He goes like, and he speaks a little trumpet. To be honest with you, he speaks in that common folk kind of, you know? Because I've been watching a lot of his speeches. It's kind of like you could see how the common folk, because he's like, we're not going,
Starting point is 00:57:41 he's basically going, we're not going there just because this idiot's named after that. It's his name. We're not doing, it's not going, we're not going there just because this idiot's named after that. It's his name. We're not doing it. It's not a symbolic victory. We're going to take Stalingrad because it has strategic importance. And he went in and he went in. They started winning.
Starting point is 00:57:54 But Stalin had enlisted like a million women. And then and then they got into Stalingrad. And then Stalin just did a smart thing. And he let them in, and then he surrounded them. He fucking, it's sort of like what the Gauls did to Julius Caesar, just surrounded them, right? And so like,
Starting point is 00:58:18 they got into the city, and then they were surrounded and cut off from their supply lines, and fucking million women reinforcements came in, and were snipers they were shooting and uh that was like a significant loss and it was a stupid move to try to take stalingrad they just waited the winter out and maybe continued on them they were 50 miles outside of moscow they had taken all the way to moscow how'd they get there through what what country? They walked, they took the whole, they conquered all that shit. Ukraine they took. They took Kiev.
Starting point is 00:58:48 That's why Putin's sensitive to Ukraine, right? Yeah, but he conquered Ukraine. I'm saying, like, he sees that as the access way into Russia. Yeah, he wants that shit, because he knows the Nazis are coming again. The Germans are there. I don't know. But yeah, he took Kiev. Once Kiev
Starting point is 00:59:04 felt, Kiev felt like that. I mean, they were steamrolling. When you learn about it, they were fucking steamrolling everybody. They had those Panzer tanks and the Luftwaffe and they just were a military machine and they were fucking steamrolling. Steamrolling everybody. They had that
Starting point is 00:59:19 Maginot Line and then they were like, alright. And they were just smart. They were like, we're going to go around. They went through the forest. They went through, like, Belgium. They were like, we're just going to go around that way. And they went through the forest and then they were like all right and they were just smart they were like we're gonna go around they went through the forest they went through uh like belgium they were like we're just gonna go around that way and they went through the forest and then the french are going like oh well they didn't think about that because they had the tanks and the tanks just went through the forest like just knocking trees over and and then they took took france easy they took everything dude and then in north africa rommel was just fucking, he was just mowing shit down. They got like Libya
Starting point is 00:59:47 and then they were going into Egypt and the British started fucking getting their shit together and started fucking cleaning their teeth and being about their business and started fighting back. And then Rommel took his first defeat around the same time that,
Starting point is 01:00:00 it was the time, they overextended. At the same time, the United States banged out the battle of Midway. When Midway happened, they banged out Japanese and the Russians were getting banged out
Starting point is 01:00:13 in Stalingrad and Rommel was getting banged out over there around Egypt and it just started to turn and it was all because of the Greeks in Crete. It took, it was all because of the bravery of the Greeks.
Starting point is 01:00:27 In some way, it all comes back to the success of the Greeks. As Winston Churchill said, heroes don't fight like... Greeks don't fight like heroes. Heroes fight like Greeks. Winston Churchill said that. But they just don't stop. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:00:43 You just don't stop. Where did this start? You don't stop. You know what I mean? It just, you just don't stop. Where, where did this start? You don't remember either. We're talking about Tucker Carlson. Tucker Carlson is Putin. Tucker Carlson is Hitler. So no.
Starting point is 01:00:56 Yeah. The original point is I just don't see an empire being able to continue with unfettered freedom and no nationalist propaganda because your state just gets weakened from within and everyone's arguing and you're divided because that's a symptom of freedom, right? We don't have to agree. We could be different.
Starting point is 01:01:21 We could have different religions. There would be nothing that unifies us. And then you just see the tribalism start You see everyone eating each other You see political parties eating each other It's all happening now So it's obvious that the only thing that holds us together Is a strong man
Starting point is 01:01:34 Julius Caesar's coming Beware the Ides of March Because he's coming And once Trump crosses the Rubicon Once Trump crosses the rubicon once trump crosses the mississippi we are now the mega party as is taking control baby and the military machine is getting fired up and i'm just saying japan you're an ally but you know we're coming back to hit you again for no reason to just to send a message.
Starting point is 01:02:07 But it's scary. It's scary when you see the alliances forming the way they did then. And the alliances back there were your fucking dirty people. Who, the Italians? Fucking Italians. Yeah, I like the way you took it under Shannon. You know what you did. You know what you did.
Starting point is 01:02:20 Fucking Mussolini. You know when they were marching pow uh british pows because they hitler was like take him to fuck he treated mussolini like like he treated like he treated mussolini like you know his guy his fucking little step yeah the boss playing the boss boss to play he was like you fucking what are we doing i'm just sending him fucking and like you saw the civilians like spitting on them it makes me go like it riles up the greek on who like the italian townspeople were just spitting on the the british pows spitting on them and punching them this footage of it um and um so yeah not a good look for the italians not a good look mussolini was
Starting point is 01:03:03 not a good look not a good look but it was all about a good look. Mussolini was not a good look. Not a good look. But it was all about this fascist thing and they want to get rid of democracies in the West. And it's very similar to stuff you see now. You see these strong... Now you have these countries with these strongmen, like strong dictators. Not fucking like Gaddafis and Saddams who were... I'm not talking about Banana Republic strongmen.
Starting point is 01:03:23 We're talking not Pinochet. By the way, I saw a huge, massive conservative account praising Pinochet. Pinochet, I mean, dude, we are, X is wild right now. X is so fucking wild. I just, it's wild. I don't know how to feel about it, but it's shocking to see sometimes.
Starting point is 01:03:44 Part of it is like, all right, let these true colors shine like that's good. But then I go, this is probably not good because people are so stupid. And so if they don't know about Pinochet, so they're seeing this, they just going, oh, he hated communists. So, so the exact quote, and it was from a famous fuck. It was like a huge conservative account and even people on the right were going like what the fuck man what the fuck are we doing now it was jack something jack per sec or whatever the fuck his name is i think he was a bit one of the big uh comet pizza guys jack per chuck per something and he he goes here it is Sometimes heroes do wear capes. And it's Pinochet.
Starting point is 01:04:28 And this is true, right? So it was retweeted here, and this is true, right? If you read, Pinochet particularly relished a torture technique that involved forcing parents to watch their children being raped, which is true. I mean, he was a vicious fucking dictator. And it's like, just because he hated communists, we're going to like, dude. Sometimes heroes do wear capes, pinot chees.
Starting point is 01:04:54 Next thing you're going to see right now is sometimes heroes do cut their mustache right here and here. I mean, dude, X is wild right now. Let's look at some human rights abuses in Chile during Pinochet. The systematic human rights violations that were committed by the military dictatorship under Pinochet included gruesome acts of physical
Starting point is 01:05:21 and sexual abuse, as well as psychological damage. From 1973 to 90, by the way, it was a long time, Pinochet included gruesome acts of physical and sexual abuse as well as psychological damage. From 1973 to 1990, by the way, it was a long time, Chilean armed forces, the police, and all those aligned with the military junta were involved in institutionalized fear and terror in Chile. Most prevalent forms of state-sponsored torture that Chilean prisoners endured were electric shocks, waterboarding, beatings, and sexual abuse. And that's a true account that they would rape the kids in front of the parents. Another, and they would force the parents to walk. Can you imagine dude? Another common mechanism of torture employed was disappearing those quote-unquote who were deemed to be
Starting point is 01:05:56 potentially subversive because they adhered to leftist political doctrines. The tactics of disappearing the enemies of the Pinochet regime were systematically carried out during the first four years of military rule. The disappeared were held in secret, subjected to torture, and were often never seen again. But the National Commission on Political Imprisonment and Torture and the Commission of Truth and Reconciliation approximate that there were around 30,000 victims of human rights abuses in Chile with 40,000 18. Don't forget that 18. They were tortured. Imagine those 18 being like, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Starting point is 01:06:26 Whoa. Dude, it happened to me too. But we like round numbers. So sorry. 40,018 tortured and 2,279 executed. So he was a little bit of a dick. But here we are. Like I said, pretty soon you're going to see a picture of Hitler wearing like a long pretty soon you're gonna see uh a picture of hitler wearing like a long coat and they're gonna go uh some heroes do wear capes and you're going like wow i just long for the day we could all agree that hitler was a dick we're not even there anymore dog civilization is precarious and the reason why we're in this mess that we are is that this podcast isn't bigger. So it's really your fault. It's actually your friend's fault
Starting point is 01:07:09 who listened to one minute of this and don't get it. I can only do my part, okay? Patreon.com slash Giannis Papasour for your five bucks from my daughter's diapers, please. We'll see you next time. All right, what's up everybody like I said our new tradition is to start our
Starting point is 01:07:29 small business shout outs with the newest member first so welcome to the party welcome to the Greek salad of support welcome to the peasant salad of support and we can't do it without our feta cheese in the salad,
Starting point is 01:07:46 which is tech art. What is tech art? PCB tech art. PCB tech art. It's a small business. PCB tech art. Looking for business swag for marketing in the form of keychains, ball markers, or bag tags.
Starting point is 01:08:06 Maybe you need PCB design consultations, prototyping, or 3D printing services. Check out pcbtechart.com and visit the online store or send them a direct message for any consultations and custom designs. They also sell on Amazon. Wait a second. PCB Tech Arts.
Starting point is 01:08:24 Can we use them? Sure. We can create some swag. Yeah. PCB Art. Some 3D printed swag. What does that mean? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:08:32 We can get ball markers. What are those? Golf balls. We can get customized golf balls. Yeah, but that's not what they are. Yeah, that's what it is. That's what it is? Yeah, I checked their website.
Starting point is 01:08:40 You did? Yeah, I want one. Let's talk. Yo, seriously. PCB Tech. We want to start a merch store here can they do that shit yeah they do business cards they do all kinds of stuff like laser cut oh yeah i like it a lot all right check them out pcbtechart.com just you should give our
Starting point is 01:08:57 fans like a little something 10 or something yeah get smarter next send us a new copy of course we got our mainstays right here. Just guys who should be paying us a lot more because they do very well. Exclusiveautoshipping.com if you're moving your car out of state. If you bought your car out of state. If you're on Carfax or whatever this shit is and you buy one from fucking Louisiana. You know, you buy a lemon. But, you know, because it's cheap and you need it shipped, you hit up exclusive auto shipping.com.
Starting point is 01:09:26 Why? Because they have student and military discounts and they give you a free quote. That's what Jared does. That's the way he's been doing it since 2016. Chris Minetti. I mean, there's only one guy to go to if you got to cash a business check in the Philly South Jersey area. Let's say you want to go to an Eagles game, but you go, oh yeah, I want to see if I can
Starting point is 01:09:46 force a check and get away with it. Kill two birds with one stone. Hit him up 215-750-3730 in that area. And he will cash that check for you. Capisce? For the free.art, it's music in Hawaii. Why don't you go check him out? Nate Linder is back like he never left.
Starting point is 01:10:03 No, he did leave. No, you did did leave but you are back and um i appreciate you i've been working with nate for a long time and we've been able to get our podcast uh down six levels no i've not been working with nate and that's probably why we're not growing it is once you do some pro bono work for us nate show me how you can do i'm not just gonna hire you just because you have, I'm taking your money. So do some pro bono for us, and then I could really sell it as an example to others of how you've helped us grow.
Starting point is 01:10:31 But what he does is he can help you rank number one on Google, and he can drive business leads up. He's been crushing it with these construction companies he's working with, okay? We got to clip that, by the way. Think marketing, think Nate Linder. And he likes you, like all great marketing companies. He wants you to contact him on Instagram, at Nate underscore Linder.
Starting point is 01:10:54 Go check him out. Send him a DM. Make it funny. Have fun. Nate underscore Linder. He's part of the culture of the show. I can't believe you should never leave. You left, and I'm mad at you.
Starting point is 01:11:04 DisplayPros.net. Now you could work with these guys similarly to build your custom trade show booth, retail fixtures, promotional items at displaypros.net. These guys are screwed in and they will give you 10% off your first purchase if you tell them that I sent you. So go get, go, go do that. And of course we got screwed in Matthew Albani down there in the St. Petersburg area who's got a boutique insurance company. That doesn't mean that it's any less effective or better. I think they're better.
Starting point is 01:11:34 You can trust him more. And I say that because he's paying me. So mainsuranceservices.com. You can call him at 813-260-0338. Tell him Giannis sent you, and he'll say, that's great. Because he doesn't offer anything, right? But they can help you get a wide range of insurance policies. Commercial, workers' comp, commercial property, auto, professional liability, general liability, and umbrella plans.
Starting point is 01:11:59 So hit up mainsuranceservices.com. And, of course, Caprach, your sports handicapper. They get, they, I mean, there's no reason if you're putting juice. There's just no reason not to check in because it's free. So what do you want me to tell you? Let them do the work for you. Okay. They use machine learning AI to simulate game results based on all the data they have.
Starting point is 01:12:21 It's going to give you an idea. It's going to help you. It's all 100% free. So go to CapRetech.com or download the CapRetech app in the App Store or the Google Play Store and start winning. CapRetech. CapRetech.com. If you're betting on games, go check in.
Starting point is 01:12:37 Let them help you. Rebels-Raider. Is he back in stock yet or no? No bags. No bags. He sold out. They're so popular because they're so freaking good. He's got military surplus, though.
Starting point is 01:12:48 Yeah, he's got military surplus, which means guns, knives, and North Korean prostitutes, as we said. Did he design these bags, these Rebels-Raider bags? They're so good. I'm proud to have him as a sponsor. At Rebels-Raiders on Facebook. I like this guy a lot. He's funny. Website is Rebels dash raiders.com 100 real deal tactical gear for everyday usage he's out of bags but he's got like jesse said
Starting point is 01:13:14 other types of stuff on the website that you checked out right i saw you eyeing up my bag i yeah i took it out of the bell you put it right back in I did yeah Yeah I was like yo But I don't need it Because I got one I saw you Yeah Where is it Yeah look That's what
Starting point is 01:13:29 I have it right there That's your weekend bag That's my weekend bag If I'm doing two days I just take that bag And a small little It's just I put that on my bag
Starting point is 01:13:38 It staples in here It's got so many Different joints That you just can load up It's just great Stay away from my bag. And it's got the padding. Yeah, I want that bag.
Starting point is 01:13:48 So go to rebels-raiders.com. And, of course, thinkingman.substack.com. It's a New York City-based newsletter. It's really good. They publish articles, essays, and thoughts on things like books, movies, pops, cultures, and politics. Think for yourself. Check them out.
Starting point is 01:14:02 Read them. It's free, too. There's no downside. If you love them and you want to subscribe you can uh subscribe for free or you can give them five bucks a month so add thinking man on sub stack check it out and we got finally we got some freaking copy from our new guy from last week john pappas john pappas i I support the Greeks. John Pappas owns Suds Auto Spa. It's a clean car freak's dream. You know, Paul Verzi would love this.
Starting point is 01:14:32 He gets detailed like once a month. Really? Italians just can't handle. They like white leather and they like a clean car. Right? So they specialize in automotive longevity services such as ceramic coatings and paint protection film. They also offer storage solutions featuring car capsule units.
Starting point is 01:14:52 I bet you a lot of car eggheads know what I'm talking about here. These storage assets are designed to keep your car dust free. I like this. Keep your car dust free and safe from impacts. I like this. Can I get in on this? They keep you safe from impacts. I like this. Can I get in on this? Yeah. They keep you safe from impacts, mildew, even rodents.
Starting point is 01:15:11 Okay, I don't think there's rodents getting in the car. Where are you in the Appalachian Mountains? I mean, I don't have to worry about mouse in my car unless you leave Chick-fil-A in there all the time, unless you're a dirty bird. But, hey, it'll also keep rodents out of your car. Give them a call at 421. 412.12 Oh sorry Give them a call at 412-564-5033 You can email them at Info at
Starting point is 01:15:33 Sud Saw Do Sud What is that? Suds Auto You can At
Starting point is 01:15:43 Suds Auto Spa Dot com At Suds Auto Spa You can at sudsautospa.com. At sudsautospa.com. You can check them out at at suds underscore auto underscore spa on Instagram. Where are they located? Pittsburgh. Oh, Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh Premier Auto Spa.
Starting point is 01:16:01 So if you're in the Pittsburgh area, I guess only, right? So there you have it. Oh, no, maybe they travel. Do you travel? Let us know, John. Thanks for coming on board, though. Zito alas.

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