Yannis Pappas Hour - Right Turns, Crypto Dirty Laundry & Louis Katz

Episode Date: November 24, 2023

Argentina is turning right. The Netherlands is doing the same. Italy did the same. Yanni’s got the scoop. Spain is protesting in the street and Yanni learns about it as you do. Also, sex traffic lau...ndering with crypto and a chat with hilarious comedian Louie Katz who has a new YouTube special out. Watch Louie Katz new special here: https://youtu.be/01FUQkgPs3E?si=ibCxiow2vjzhezGT See Yanni do stand up live in your town: Ticket links on yannispappascomedy.com Join our highlights page for highlight clips from the episodes: https://youtube.com/channel/UCfMy34qIYYy7XiRaHKO1ykw new bonus episodes every Wednesday at https://www.patreon.com/yannispappashour?utm_campaign=creatorshare_ Support our Sponsors:  DraftKings Download the DraftKings Sportsbook app NOW and use code YPH.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hola jugadores, muchachas, muchachos, rascacielos, feo y guapo. Yo soy Giannis Papas y yo soy en Argentina. Don't crave for me, Argentina. They have a new president who looks like if Quentin Tarantino made a movie about the Argentinian election. Doesn't he look like a villain in a Quentin Tarantino movie? Or he's a drummer in a Beatles cover band. Javier Mellia has won. And finally, a libertarian candidate is the president of a major, major country, man.
Starting point is 00:00:49 So we're going to talk all about it. He's a real firecracker. Also, it's a good time for the cryptocurrency agency. As it's been discovered that mounds and mounds and mounds and mounds of sex trafficking and laundering has been going on on these exchanges. FTX is down. Binance is under fire. Kraken is being sued by the SEC.
Starting point is 00:01:16 And Tether just froze $225 million because it was going to Asian South trafficking stuff. So these places aren't regulated. So I don't know what a libertarian stance would be on that. But I think it's apropos that we talk about Argentina's new libertarian master and how that plays in with Bitcoin and things like that, because he is for that. He wants down with the banks. He wants cryptocurrencies. He wants everything regulation. A forma, a forma, a forma. Ministry of Gender Services, a forma. Women's services, a forma.
Starting point is 00:02:03 He's getting rid of everything it's just gonna be him the government's gonna just be him it'll be him and that's it he's cutting the rest of uh the whole government and it's just he's gonna make it a free place again and argentina before him was is in big trouble 40 40% poverty rate. Fucking, they owe the IMF, what'd I say, they owe 44 billion or something like that. The economy's in a toilet. The only thing coming out of there is Messi,
Starting point is 00:02:38 and now he's in Miami. So Argentina's got nada. So they kind of deserve this guy, okay? Not only do they deserve him, it might work. We'll see. Finally, the Libertarians got a president. If it works, this is going to make Libertarians popular the world over. So I am flirting with becoming a Libertarian. We got a lot of fun stuff, including me talking about Thanksgiving,
Starting point is 00:03:05 what I'm thankful for, and my weekend in Phoenix where former governor Doug Ducey came to my show and I told the audience that he was there and I said, Doug Ducey's probably the best name politics have ever had. Either you become a successful candidate to hold public office
Starting point is 00:03:22 or the greatest male porn star name of all time. Doug Ducey starring in Harry Pooter and the Sorcerer's Bone. This is the Yanis Papas Hour where news meets blank. Down as poppers. I'm a man of the people, so I just want you to fill in the blank. News Meets, put it in the comments. Happy Thanksgiving. News Meets, self-destruction. News Meets, euphoria. News Meets, truth.
Starting point is 00:04:22 News Meets, social anxiety. News Meets, it's a Mad Lib. It's a Mad Lib for the people. This is interactive. It's user-generated. That's what we are. We're a user-generated show. We are interactive. We want to know what the fans think. So give me a tagline. News meets sex. News meets drama. News meets comedy. Give me the elevator pitch so i can take it into a network and get declined so uh doug ducey who kind of does look like me he looks like his yeah his eyes look like they're crossing ghostbuster streams and his hair is kind of matted down like mine. He kind of looks like me a little bit.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Yeah. When I'm 60, I'll look like that a little bit. His son, Jack Ducey, was a fan, and he brought Doug Ducey to the show. I met him for a couple minutes for dinner before. Very nice guy. Huge fan of Kerry Lake. But I think very popular governor.
Starting point is 00:05:27 You had dinner with him? Yeah, I had a quick dinner. I came towards the end. You had dinner with the governor? Yeah, I had dinner with the governor, the former governor, and got people. It was very cool
Starting point is 00:05:38 because these girls came up and they came to our table before and they said, first I want to say, we were right by the club, and they went, first came to our table before and they said, first, I want to say we were right by the club. And they went first. I want to say governor, thank you for keeping our kids in school during COVID.
Starting point is 00:05:51 And then they went and also our favorite comedian. And I was like, that was cool. That was cool. Somebody who's a fan of me and Doug Ducey. I guess I am leaning right recently. Oh, he's an R.
Starting point is 00:06:05 He's an R. He's an R? He's an R. He's an R. He's an R. But he's not a Trump R. He's not a Trump R. The Trump R's are new. The Trump R's are a new part of the R's. Just like the squad's a new part of the D's.
Starting point is 00:06:22 It looks like a lot of the world is making a turn for the right Italy that chick it seems one by one slowly these countries are starting to gravitate towards these anarcho what do they call them anarcho-capitalists or right-leaning anti-immigration nationalists and we got a new one here in Argentina,
Starting point is 00:06:47 but this guy describes himself. He self-described as anarcho capitalist, um, and a libertarian. So I don't know if this is the first major candidate to be the head of the exec of an executive branch of a country who'd self-describes as a libertarian. I don't know. It's one of the first, if anything, first in a very long time. So libertarians are celebrating online in a big way, in a big way.
Starting point is 00:07:18 See how it turns out. Let's see how it turns out. Now people on the left and some other people who are on the right in South America say, you Americans don't understand. This guy's another Pinochet. He I think he said things that supported Pinochet. Pinochet was a dictator that the United States propped up who.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Who who disagreed with a few people, and a few people stopped talking. I think there was a few people who stopped talking. But Latin America has been very left for a long time. All those countries have been very left and all about the people and sort of rebelling against the United States. There's Pinochet. Just a, just a, just a, whatever your, whenever your guy's in uniform all the time, that's
Starting point is 00:08:13 a, you know, that's a, that's a red flag that the guy may be a little too right. The good thing about this guy is he looks like a beetle. He's not in uniform. So people are calling him another Pinochet. But I i mean the guy's got sideburns dog the guy looks like austin powers he was a television personality who was an economist who would go on these shows in argentina and boost network ratings sounds familiar and uh he's a big fan of trump i think he's been called like a trump clone um and his rise to power seems very similar to trump sort of a media personality who uh drew big ratings whenever he was on television um the the ground was fertile for him to come to be.
Starting point is 00:09:06 The economy's in the toilet. It's very left. They got all these government agencies. One of them's for gender. So they're cutting all that stuff, the gender. Afuera, afuera. There's a video of him. There it is.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Afuera, afuera. Minister of Culture, afuera. Ministry of a video of him. There it is. Afuera. Afuera. Minister of Culture. Afuera. Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development. Afuera. Ministry of Women, Genders, and Diversity. That's a good one. Afuera.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Ministry of Public Works. Afuera. Afuera. Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation. Afuera. Minister of Labor, Reemployment. Afuera. Ministry of Education. Afuera. He says indoctr Innovation, afuera. Minister of Labor, Reemployment, afuera. Ministry of Education, afuera. He says indoctrination, afuera.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Ministry of Transport, afuera. Ministry of Health, afuera. Ministry of Social Development, afuera. So he's very theatrical. He's very theatrical. He's a populist. But, you know, much like with Trump, everyone blames Trump, you know, much like with Trump, everyone blames Trump, you know, for his theatrics and his hyperbole and hasty generalizations and irresponsible speech.
Starting point is 00:10:20 But nobody ever says, seems like the ground was fertile for somebody like this. Why is the ground fertile for something like this? Well, I'll tell you, because whenever anything goes too far in one direction, it is just a matter of time before an equal but opposite reaction happens. That's how it is. That's how it is. That's how it is. And so there'd be no Trump if things didn't get so kooky
Starting point is 00:10:50 in a lot of ways. If it didn't favor one group of people on the coasts more than people in the middle, it wouldn't have happened. And I don't think this guy would have happened if Argentina's economy was so in a toilet and maybe the government down there
Starting point is 00:11:10 has got very bloated and ineffective and maybe this is what they need, a little hard shift to the right to straighten things out. We will see. I don't know enough about the intricacies of Argentinian economics. I don't know enough about the intricacies of Argentinian economics. I don't know their economy. I know that they're a major, major, major, major economy in South America, one of the strongest,
Starting point is 00:11:38 right? That ain't saying much. That ain't saying much. That's like saying you're the best player in the Wizards. They're the Jordan pool of South America. They dropped 40, but they're going to go 10 and 60 something. Decades of economic mismanagement. I think the former president got convicted of fraud charges, right? Something like that. I don't know a lot about it. But decades of economic mismanagement
Starting point is 00:12:06 have resulted in repeated crises, soaring inflation rates, and a booming black market for Dolores. Now the country heads into its second round. So the IMF's lent out a bunch of money. So he's got to deal with that. Who knows how that'll go. Argentina's peso currency has been shackled by capital controls since a market crash in 2019,
Starting point is 00:12:34 which led to an unwieldy array of exchange rates where dollars trade for over twice the price of the official 350 pesos. Great time to go to Argentina on vacay. And if you're a scumbag, pay for a little sexola. The dollar stretches very nice down there. So he's coming in amidst a massive economic crisis. He came in by a landslide too, I think with over 50% to 40-something percent that his opponent got. He won in a big way. And he goes,
Starting point is 00:13:18 Argentina's going to reclaim the place in the world that it should have never lost. So he's basically, he's going to make Argentina great again. It's what it is. It's the same thing, that Italian chick. They all have similar vibes. They don't play by the rules.
Starting point is 00:13:33 They scream a lot. They're emotional. Giorgia Meloni, who I think in some way might have been blood related too. Yeah, do you remember? Not saying that has anything to do with it but i think she is a blood relative of mussolini wait we got to correct that because it's a big statement yeah so she's the prime minister of italy since 2022 now here's the thing the left wing of you
Starting point is 00:14:00 know boohoo's this stuff all the time they really-hooing big time, saying it's going to be this big disaster. They're going to be throwing people in concentration camps. Programs are going to start. They're going to be catapulting immigrants over walls and into rivers and throwing them on planes and deporting everyone. But like, did any of that stuff really even happen under Trump? What happened under Trump? I don't even think he built the wall. You know, I don't know. What did he do? He hardline China? Yeah. What did she say? Yeah. So yeah. So I was right. Thank God. Cause that's a big accusation. The umbilical cord that connects Italy's prime minister, Giorgia Meloni.
Starting point is 00:14:47 I'd love to have a cup of coffee with her and smoke a cigarette in a cafe. So what is it? She's related to him in some way, right? Yeah, I'm looking now. So she's, you know, the youth. She's opposed to immigration, which other countries like Switzerland and Germany have accepted to keep up
Starting point is 00:15:11 their population levels. That's what she says. She's not wrong there. They, but you know, they, they, their populations have gone down because people in the West,
Starting point is 00:15:21 you know, when you get comfortable, it's very ironic that like richer people don't have kids. And the reason is because they fucking are partying. They're enjoying the spoils of prosperity. Whereas poor people are just depressed and they just sit around and make people. They just keep having kids.
Starting point is 00:15:40 So things are a little unbalanced. Cultures are clashing. Old world problems are now coming to the forefront. So things are a little unbalanced. Cultures are clashing. Old world problems are now coming to the forefront. We're heading back to Game of Thrones. Kingdoms, the medieval times are coming. Zealots, religion, it's all coming back. Traditionalism, nationalism. And the funny thing is,
Starting point is 00:16:01 the people who have gone very far left rail against it and are very angry about it and say, you know, they cry wolf about, not cry wolf is not the right way to say it. Yeah, kind of cry wolf about what's going to happen. And those bad things haven't, she's been in office a year. What has she done? I don't know. Is she throwing Nigerians into the street? I don't know what
Starting point is 00:16:25 the immigrants are over in Italy. I mean, what's going on? But also, the main point I want to say is they kind of go like they don't see their role in how this happened. They don't see, they don't understand that
Starting point is 00:16:41 their tug to the far left has enabled the people, the people's opinion and the people's appetite for an overcorrection on the right. If even if you want to say that it is, which I probably think it will be, but you know, that's what happens. That's what happens when you get away from the Doug Ducey center left, center right. Doug Ducey is right, but he's center right. What does that mean? It doesn't mean you're a fence sitter. That's what extremists on the internet's left to say. Oh, the moderates have been... No, it means that you're willing to work
Starting point is 00:17:23 with the other party and you're aware that you represent people who don't agree with you. Because when you get elected, usually in a democracy, you win by like three points. Right. So then you become president or you become governor or you become senator of like. A majority that's only like 54 percent at most, and that's considered a landslide. So you have to also govern for that 40-some percent. And that's what center-left and center-right people do. Now, I don't want to get rid of extremists because they make comedy a lot easier. So I don't want to get rid of them. They also play a role, especially in times like these, or they play a role when something
Starting point is 00:18:03 gets tugged. You know, it's like radicals during the Vietnam era. I think that was great. Women's rights. I think that was great. Sometimes they're needed. The problem comes when you get radicals when you don't need them.
Starting point is 00:18:17 You don't need radicals when things are looking great. After gay marriage has passed, after the economy's booming, after gays can marry and there's tons of social programs, then you gotta pick up your plow and put down your sword.
Starting point is 00:18:36 But they never do. We need more Doug Duceys out there swinging dick from porn movie to porn movie. Doug Ducey. Doocy's out there swinging dick from porn movie to porn movie. Doug Doocy. I mean, look at Doug Doocy. He's fighting against socialism.
Starting point is 00:18:53 This is his new project. Yeah, his new project is a group to fight back against socialism and protect the economy, economic ideals that make America the greatest country in the world. So he's right, dude. He's right. But he ain't Kerry Lake right. You know, he was able to reach across the aisle and work with Democrats
Starting point is 00:19:15 because Arizona is a purple state. Most places now are purple, right? Even Texas is like a swelling cock, right? Florida's purple. Pennsylvania, Michigan, these places are all purple. Pennsylvania, I said Pennsylvania. All the big electoral college states are purple. Alabama's red.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Mississippi's red. They also got the highest poverty rates of any, I mean, people live in shacks there. If it wasn't for Ole Miss, I mean, what would Mississippi be without Ole Miss? Right? And then you got your blues. You got your California and New York is blue.
Starting point is 00:19:58 But there's a lot of purple out there. And so, I don't know. Was Trump as bad as they said he was going to be i guess if you're a democrat you say when it comes to abortion he was he did end up overturning abortion which i think is horrible for the republicans by the way obviously like i said last episode but when you get into the weeds of the abortion issue, the Supreme Court said, we just don't think the federal government can implement this and threw it back to the states,
Starting point is 00:20:32 let the people locally decide. A lot of people personally would say that's bad, but a lot of these states are overturning it and going, we're going to create our own laws. And I think it's hurting the red states a little bit too. I think I read 700,000 people moved to Florida, but now 400,000 are leaving. Why is that?
Starting point is 00:20:55 I don't think abortion being banned is helping, you know? So I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. All I know is I'm not going to talk about the Middle East this episode. So we'll see how he does. We'll see how Javier and his retro haircut do in actual office. You know? Will it be as bad?
Starting point is 00:21:25 Was Trump as bad? He hard-lined Asia. Was that smart? In retrospect, I mean, is it the right thing? Probably. Because they are pirating all our stuff. They are building up their military and you're going, why? What's your end game?
Starting point is 00:21:40 What do you want? What do you want? They constantly threaten Taiwan. Yes, the chips are made in taiwan but they're designed in america we're still on top baby they're designed here we could figure out a way to make them here aren't we trying to bring it back here yeah once it taiwan's going no no please stop please stop doing that because once we make the chips here we're just gonna go china it's yours taiwan's going, no, no, no, please stop. Please stop doing that. Because once we make the chips here, we're just going to go China. It's yours. Taiwan's going to go, no.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Because that may just satisfy their appetite. Hopefully that's enough. The thing is, we don't know. We don't know what their end game is. What are they doing? They're not big fans of Muslims. Neither are the Indians. India's also a massive player now.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Nuclear power, big economy, a lot of poverty. You know. Big player, South Korea, big player, Japanese, big player. South Korea and Japan is two places I wouldn't be scared to go to. India? You know? I don't know. I don't know if I'm itching to go there.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Pakistan, definitely not. Bangladesh, hard no. Russia? Near the no, but before this, this I was like I'm curious I'd love to see St. Petersburg Russia's like that interesting mix of like they went communist but for a while they were like European
Starting point is 00:23:12 with St. Petersburg Russia's like you know Russia's like good guy bad guy you don't really know what to make of the Ruskies they're just depressed all the time. And I think they just make a lot of bad decisions because they're depressed. I think they just drink too much Vodiki.
Starting point is 00:23:32 They need sunlights and more vitamin D supplements. And I think they'll be fine. Because, you know, they're kind of up there in the Nordic. They deal with the snow. Okay, a lot of them will blow their brains out. Kind of the cost of doing business. The summers are great. You know, Scandinavia does it well.
Starting point is 00:23:49 You know, a lot of them blow their brains out, but they also like are hot and they smell good. They don't sweat a lot. They're always cold. It's great. I'm just thinking of the places I want to go. I'm just thinking of the places I want to go. Spain is also like massively protesting socialism.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Huge on the street. They're also out there chanting, it's not a Muslim country because they got a big history with that, right? They kicked the Ottomans out. They also kicked the Jews out. Whoopsie. Those were Christians. The Jews get it from all sides.
Starting point is 00:24:26 I won't talk about the Middle East. I'm talking about Spain. They really kicked the Jews out. And a lot of those Jews did return to the Middle East where they were welcomed a little bit more than they were in Spain. I don't know if that's saying much, but Spain is, the protests are huge.
Starting point is 00:24:44 The biggest protest in Spain against Catatalan Amnesty Law, which is, I guess, a law that draws, it drew 170,000 at a protest. That's big. They marched through Madrid this month against the amnesty law, which Spain's socialist government agreed over Catalonia's 2017 separatist bid in order to form a government. So they don't want that. They don't want that.
Starting point is 00:25:20 So they're specifically protesting that. But in the streets, they're yelling against socialism. They hate it. So they don't want to separate. They don't want to separate. Why do they want to separate these people? Or are the ones who want to separate? What's going on in Spain?
Starting point is 00:25:38 Right now, I'm just admitting I have no idea what's going on. You brought it up. Yeah. The sentencing of nine Catalan independence leaders by the Supreme Court of Spain triggered protests in Catalonia. They were convicted of sedition. So they want out because they're more right wing. Is that what it is? I'm guessing.
Starting point is 00:25:55 That's what it seems. I think it's its own island. It's another island. Yeah. Oh, so they're like Cyprus. They just want independence, but they're still culturally Spanish. So give it to them. Who gives a crap?
Starting point is 00:26:07 What's the big deal? So are the protests in the... Here, just go to that article, Thousands Rally in Madrid. Up there. Which one? Any one of them, so we can find out what's going on in real time. This is the only news show where we tell you the news as we learn the news. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:26:27 Yeah. You're on CNN. There's a lot of ads. They got a lot of bills to pay because they're in debt. It's a video. Do you want to watch the video? Yeah. Why not?
Starting point is 00:26:36 Let's see what they say. I don't know if we can. Let's find something else. No, just find an article. There we go. Your own news. Agree and close to share information. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:47 That's a large protest, dude. Wow. The leaders of the Popular Party, they joined the protest. So the Popular Party was out there protesting. Hundreds of thousands in Madrid. Sanchez's Socialist party finished second in an inclusive july general election but he reached deals with several smaller parties to back him
Starting point is 00:27:12 in parliamentary vote for another term including oh including catalan and basque separatists oh so the people voted him out but they have something in their government where um he could stay in to win the support of two catalonian separatist parties he agreed to grant an unpopular amnesty to hundreds of people facing legal action for their role in Catalonia's separatist movement over the past decade. Oh, so he sold out what the majority wants for him to not lose office. Now I get it. Oh. So the agreement with the Catalonian parties, Catalan they're called.
Starting point is 00:28:04 I'm pronouncing it wrong. Catalan parties included, what does Rafa Nadal think about this? That's all I want to care. Included opening talks on the possibility of holding an authorized referendum for independence for the region, but with the legal framework of Spain's constitution. Critics say that amnesty is a self-serving measure, right?
Starting point is 00:28:23 To allow Sanchez to remain in power and accuse him of trampling on the rule of law. So. So they've congregated outside the Socialist Party headquarters in Madrid and rallies organized by the far right against the amnesty. Some protests have turned violent. Some protests have turned violent. So, we will continue to support all mobilizations and calls to oppose the government born from an unconstitutional pact. It's called the Amnesty Deal Acudita, which it kind of sounds like it may be, considering he lost the popular vote. Oh. Tension. The am Oh. Tension.
Starting point is 00:29:05 The amnesty has sparked. Dozens of retired right-wing generals issued a manifesto on Friday calling on those responsible for defending the constitutional order to remove the prime minister
Starting point is 00:29:15 and call new elections. So this guy is unpopular. And... Tried to pull a fast one. He tried to pull a fast one. He made a deal with some other parties.
Starting point is 00:29:24 He said, listen, just support me, and I will take another look at your quest for independence. Now, they don't want Catalonia to be independent. Why? Because it's like... No, I think he was going to give amnesty. They sounded like... Oh, so the guys who were calling for amnesty,
Starting point is 00:29:44 the guys who were arrested or whatevernesty, the guys who were arrested or whatever, calling for... Sounds like some of that protest got violent. Yeah, so, right. So that's what's happening in Spain. They've also been on the streets chanting that it's a Christian country, not a
Starting point is 00:29:59 Muslim country, because probably it's part of what they believe, like that right-wing group believes. So, you know, generally you're seeing definitely a right populist movement popping up in a lot of places. You're going to see it again in a lot of these countries because of the protests, I think. Even saw it in England.
Starting point is 00:30:19 There's like massive pro-Palestine protests. And then you saw like English dudes with beer guts, like soccer hooligans trying to reclaim, like we gonna get out there in fucking Brutality streets. Guys, we were brought to you by DraftKings Sportsbook. If you're gonna bet on the games this holiday weekend, use my promo code YPH.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Why do you use my promo code? First, because you love me and that helps me, but also you will get $150 instantly in bonus bets if you bet just five bucks by using my promo code YPH. What a thick week of games. I don't even call it Thanksgiving anymore. It's really, it's football. It's a holiday. Well, they got the first Black Friday game now. First Black Friday game. Games all this weekend right now.
Starting point is 00:31:13 You're watching this on Friday. There's games coming up this weekend. We got some great games, and the spreads are as follows. And you figure out what you want to do here. Looks like the Miami Dolphins are minus 10 against the Jets. The money line is minus 520. The Jets, plus 390. This is an interesting one.
Starting point is 00:31:34 It's the battle of the worst. Giants-Patriots. All right. So you want the Giants, you want them to lose. But here's the thing. They won last game. Maybe they're on a little momentum streak. We want them to lose because we want to win that draft pick.
Starting point is 00:31:47 I know, in my heart. But if I'm putting money on it, I'm taking the Giants. Taking the plus three? They're plus three. And so the money line is plus 136 against the Patriots. I'm taking the Giants on a momentum swing. Really? Because that, yeah, the Italian kid, he's getting a home-cooked meal.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Yeah. He's at home getting a home-cooked meal from his mom. Getting his laundry done. Yeah, yeah. Houston versus Jax. Jax is minus one and a half, and the Moneyline's 120. I don't know who I'm taking, but— and I don't know who I'm taking, New England and Giants, either.
Starting point is 00:32:20 I'm just saying these are the lines, baby. Steelers are minus one against the Bengals. The Buccaneers are plus two and a half versus the Colts. Good game. The Saints versus the Falcons minus one, plus one. Minus one for the Saints. These are good games.
Starting point is 00:32:36 And the Chiefs and Raiders? That's another one. If you just go for like, hey, let me go with the underdog here. Raiders are plus 8.5. It's up to you. Do what you want. Do what you want. But go download the Drafts King Sports app right now.
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Starting point is 00:33:29 In Connecticut, help is available for problem gambling. Call 888-789-7777 or visit ccpg.org. On behalf of Boot Hill Casino and Resort, Kansas must be 21 or older in most eligible states, but age varies by jurisdiction. See DraftKings.com slash Sportsbook for details and state-specific responsible gambling resources. Eligibility and deposit restrictions apply.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Bonus bets expire 168 hours after issuance. Terms at Sportsbook.draftskings.com slash football terms. It's crazy out there right now in the world. It's crazy. And in Italy and Argentina, you see it happening at the box office. I called it the box office again.
Starting point is 00:34:23 The ballot box. It is kind of the box office. I called it the box office again. The ballot box. It is kind of the box office, though, because it's a show. You're getting tickets to the show. So what are we looking at now? Soccer hooligans? All right, yeah, those are some soccer hooligans. I mean, soccer hooligans are just British citizens. That's what they are.
Starting point is 00:34:44 So if you have a British passport, you're a soccer hooligan. Let's just call it what it is. All right, you're a soccer hooligan and also you're a guy who goes to the Netherlands for sex on his bachelor party. It's what it is.
Starting point is 00:34:57 That's who you are. And you wear weird Adidas shoes. Yeah. They always got weird European edition foreign Adidas soccer shoes track suits and track suits and you speak what you speak with a stupid accent and who's that oh that's cardi b cardi b uh is she getting into it with michael rapaport no this is her making a turn to the right also oh what's she saying oh this is her making a turn to the right also. Oh, what's she
Starting point is 00:35:25 saying? Oh, this is interesting. You want to hear this? Yeah. Alright. Yeah, because we just had Louis Katz in here and he's taking a turn for the right and he's the biggest fucking cocked left wing guy I know. I'm joking. Louis Katz is on the show and we're going to
Starting point is 00:35:42 be cutting to my sit down with him. His special is out now. Um, it is on his YouTube channel. He's a very funny comedian and we had a great time. So you got to check that out. So we're just going to take a peek right now at what Cardi B said. Right. In New York, there is a 120 million budget cut.
Starting point is 00:36:02 There's a 120 million budget cut in new york that is going to affect schools public libraries and um the police department y'all don't give a fuck about the cops but like it is what it is there's gonna be an 120 million dollar budget cut with schools with libraries and the cops and the police department and a $5 million budget cut in sanitation of a budget cut in sanitation. Bitch, we're going to be drowning with rats. We're going to be drowning in fucking rats. That's right. And they're doing the budget cut probably because of the migrants.
Starting point is 00:36:38 So we're going to be having a budget cut on these shits. Mind you, this is what I said. I'm not. This is what I'm telling y'all. I'm not this year. Don't fucking ask me, I don't give a fuck the resume that they send. I don't give a fuck. I'm not endorsing no
Starting point is 00:36:51 fucking presidents no more. Because how is there a $100 million budget cut in New York City for fucking schools, libraries, police safety, and sanitation. Sounds like this show.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Yeah. We could fund two wars. We could fund two wars. Motherfuckers talking about we don't got it, but we got it. We're the greatest nation. Wait, wait. Pause it. No, we're not.
Starting point is 00:37:15 She's confusing federal tax dollars with city and state tax dollars. She's confusing the two. New York is not funding the war in Ukraine or Israel. That's not what the New York budget does. They don't go, hey, we're not going to pay for New York schools because we got to send our money to Israel. That's federal. Yeah, but she's taking shots at Biden right there.
Starting point is 00:37:39 She's taking shots, yeah. But she's confusing the two. Yes, she is. Yes, she is. Okay, plus Biden. Some shit right now. Like, say it. Say it.
Starting point is 00:37:48 We really going to our, we really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really are fucked right now. That's it. So I don't know if that's a term for the right. Well, she said she's not in, because she used to come out hard for the left. She came out for Biden.
Starting point is 00:38:03 She came out for Hillary. So she says she's not even endorsing them no more. Yeah, that's it. Yeah. She's done. But she won't go so far as to say, well, she doesn't know. Cardi, let me help you out. You started talking about wars and stuff like that because you didn't want to say.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Maybe you didn't understand or you didn't say, but New York has paid, taxpayers in New York have paid a lot of money to house a lot of migrants. And it's really put a strain on our budget because Adams just had no plan. He was just take, you know, he had no plan. His only plan was to use taxpayer dollars. His only plan was to use taxpayer dollars to only plan was to use taxpayer dollars to fly
Starting point is 00:38:46 down to mexico to tell him to stop coming he didn't pay for that we paid for that okay what's michael rapaport saying he's saying he might vote for trump what because he hates trump he was a never trumper he was a never trumper so let's hear what this uh wait i gotta find the video yeah people are uh yeah people are well he probably is also mad that biden said we got to stop the islamophobia right when everyone was yelling about palestine too right is that his thing i think this is it let's see well here we go i'm sorry i am sorry Voting for Pete Donald Trump Is on the table I'm sorry
Starting point is 00:39:30 I'll still call him Donald Trump Pete Donald Trump And all that But we need to get this whole Situation under control There you go It's happening It's happening But we need to get this whole situation under control.
Starting point is 00:39:45 There you go. It's happening. It's happening. Dude, he may get an office and he may roll out a catapult. Who, Trump? Yeah. Just start shooting people out of the country? Just out of the country, dude. We should be able to vote on who gets booted.
Starting point is 00:40:05 So like I said at the beginning of the episode, I mean, when you go too far left, the inevitability of a turn to the far right is, I just said it. I was about to say the inevitability of a turn to the far right is inevitable, but I'm just being redundant. You know, it's just, you know, we're just,
Starting point is 00:40:29 people are just not understanding. They're just not getting a bigger picture here. And a lot of people are going, what's going on? Well, I'll tell you what's going on. You're partly responsible. You're partly like he's sitting there. You're partly responsible. You're partly, like, he's sitting there, you're partly responsible, you know, for your lack of nuance in your stances,
Starting point is 00:40:52 your previous lack of nuance in your stances. And now you're, this is how you can identify a grifter, just like a charisma-driven grifter. Dude, this stuff takes history studying. It takes knowledge of economics. It takes cultural
Starting point is 00:41:13 understanding. It takes understanding about religion and sectarian differences. What a good geo... What a good understanding of geopolitics entails is a lot of nuance, not just yelling about this and that. Like we said, look, what was the worst thing to happen
Starting point is 00:41:39 when Trump was in office? I'll just say it. A lot of irresponsible speech from a guy who's not a politician I mean when you look at his record what hard line things did he do besides abortion which from the left's perspective I will give you he got those judges in there and they did what they wanted to do and that was because of him
Starting point is 00:41:59 sounds like your vote's on the table I don't vote, that's the beautiful thing about it I don't vote, first of all I'm in Nework it doesn't matter yeah second of all what i am is is besides the point because i'm a comedian it's besides the point because whoever i want i'm even if i get someone in who i personally like i'm still gonna make fun of them i'm still i'm just that's my role my role is that my role is to just question question question and also make fun and and and let you decide you're the people i'm one guy but my vote's on the table mikey rappaport you yeah i know you're probably performing at Bananas and Hasbro Crites.
Starting point is 00:42:47 You and Jeremy Piven. With Steve-O. Dude, stand-up comedy is the Statue of Liberty of entertainment. Give us your poor, your hungry, your me too'd, you're political pundits. Just, I mean, Kelly Conway did stand-up comedy for a little while. Just give us anybody. We'll take anyone. But he's probably saying this just because
Starting point is 00:43:19 of the pro-Palestine protests, right? That's probably a big part of why he's saying it. So it's just starting to, people are just starting to want the chaos to be over. And look, innocent Palestinians are suffering. You can't deny that. I think it comes down to why is this happening? Uh-oh, I thought you said you weren't going here. I think it comes down to why is this happening? Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:43:45 I thought you said you weren't going here. I know. I'm just saying quickly, I think that's what people are disagreeing on a lot. I don't think you can go up there and say, Palestinians aren't suffering. I don't think you can do that. But I think the question becomes when you pull out
Starting point is 00:44:01 and do a helicopter view, you go, why is this happening? How much is it due to their support of Hamas? How much? That's what it becomes. It's hard to avoid because it seems to be what's moving the meter now. It seems to be when you have someone in there going like, yeah, you'll have someone who's very far left go like, I'm not going to say who said this, but you'll go like, I want to side with the Palestinians, but then I see these marches and I,
Starting point is 00:44:28 I can feel that they're like, hate Jews. Right. Like that's what someone said to me recently off the record. Right. And this person's very left and very sympathetic to the Palestinian plight. to the Palestinian plight. So that's where we are. We're in a, we're, you know, we're in that place. We're in that place right now where we're about to see the Christian Ayatollah,
Starting point is 00:44:54 the red carpet is being rolled out for the Christian Ayatollah. It's being rolled out. It's being rolled out. The paparazzi setting up the velvet ropes are being dispersed to the scene. Everyone's buying their tuxedos and getting their fucking religious hats ready. You're going to be seeing a lot of cross chains. a lot of cross chains.
Starting point is 00:45:26 The red carpet's being rolled out for the right wing populist dictators to come in and shut down the party. Daddy's coming home from a business trip and he's not happy about the way you've been talking to mommy. Doesn't it feel that way? And like I said, we've graduated from wokeism to zealotry. So the brains are still off, but we've graduated from like the pedantic speeches to violence and nihilism. So that's what zealots do best.
Starting point is 00:46:07 They sacrifice themselves for destruction, for utter destruction. It's temper tantrum time. Temper tantrum time. Can you remember that? That could be the title. Lastly, this is post this sort of economic nihilism that we saw with cryptocurrency where these exchanges were unregulated.
Starting point is 00:46:29 It was the Wild West. People were investing lots of real legal tender from investing in this on exchanges that have now been proven to be the preferred. First of all, they're all in the Cayman Isles. They're on the Cayman Islands. That should have been the first red flag. Anything in the Cayman Islands is a red flag. FDX was in the Cayman Islands. Binance was in the Cayman Islands. Binance, I think, was in the Cayman Islands. And the guy who ran it was in the United Arab Immigrants. And he was a Chinese dude or an Asian dude or something. Now he's being, he's willingly giving himself up. He's going to do jail time. He's pled guilty. He's apologetic and he's got to pay $4 billion. So if you got your money on the Binance exchange, sorry.
Starting point is 00:47:40 Dude, do you remember? Seriously, when we first started this podcast, dude, Jesse, do you remember? And I don't want to go too far, do you remember how I would rail against crypto and how much shit I talk? I probably lost half of our viewership. They hated me. They hated me so much libertarians love crypto, right? Because they hate the banks, they hate. So, I mean, dude, he's admitted it. He said, yes, this has been a haven for money laundering by criminal organizations, child trafficking. He's saying, yes. He says, I'm facing what I did.
Starting point is 00:48:23 He's pled guilty. He's also, like I said, he's living in the United Arab Emigrants. They don't have an extradition. What? Am I wrong? No, just the way you said. Yeah, I don't know what it's called. It's one of those countries.
Starting point is 00:48:36 Whatever it is. United Arab Emigrant. What is it? United Arab Spot. Yeah, there you go. Yeah. It's the guys in turbines running stuff right they ride on camels and they smoke hookahs and they got tons and tons of money and they got
Starting point is 00:48:51 outside air conditioning and mercedes tons of mercedes there's a lot of sand there so go back to the article okay united arab emirates sorry that's the way you say it immigrants so they don't have an extradition treaty with the united states so he didn't have to come but he said he wants to put this chapter behind him he for him and his family. And he's just saying, I'm guilty. Right. Um, so FTX and FTX and Binance had like a friendly rivalry. And I think he was going to buy FTX. He was going to invest in FTX. And then he pulled out. And then a week later, FTX went down and this kid, I mean, this kid roadrunner. I mean, he was hiding. He was, he was like, oh, they're coming for me. He knew they were coming for me. So they got to pay $4 billion. That's
Starting point is 00:49:47 a lot of moolah. And the United States Department of Justice doesn't want it in coin. They want it in hard Dolores. So they don't want it in imaginary money. This whole house of cards is now coming
Starting point is 00:50:03 down. I mean, look at Tether. So Kraken is being sued by the SEC for the same thing, and they're denying it, and they say they're going to fight it, right? They're fighting it. And this came after a boom in crypto because the SEC kind of lost,
Starting point is 00:50:17 like the SEC, sorry. I'm calling it the SEC. The SEC, I think, lost a few lawsuits, right? And so I think crypto went up for a second, but the SEC hasn't given up. They're still coming down. So the SEC claims that Kraken failed to recognize securities laws designed to protect investors, resulting in the deprivation of investor protection and co-mingling of customers' funds with its own. You know that's happening. You know it's happening.
Starting point is 00:50:50 And what this guy got caught doing was taking the funds and diverting them to another account that was like his. So he's like, they're stealing money. Who could resist that temptation? If you're unregulated and you're not beholden to any security laws, who wouldn't do it? And guess what? They did it because of human nature.
Starting point is 00:51:14 I'm sorry, my laissez-faire friends. Humans are greedy pigs. They can't help it, dog. Could you help it? Oh, dog. Could you help it? Oh, no. If there was no law that you were responsible to, would you not siphon off a couple dollars for yourself like a manager who says, hey, I didn't get what I deserved?
Starting point is 00:51:35 I made you, Tina. Tina Turner, I made you. You deserve that hit in the face. The lawsuit's part of SEC's effort to regulate and bring the cryptocurrencies under its purview, contending that they are securities contracts under U.S. law. Kraken maintains that it is not required to register with the SEC and will continue its services because I think a lot of their clients do love it. And by a lot of those clients i mean very scrupulous businesses who love investing their money in places that don't ask questions right that's a layman's way to sum it up i nailed
Starting point is 00:52:14 it right so that's what's going on right now so ft ftx down, how do you recover from that? $4 billion. Kraken currently being sued. And Tether is funny because they've taken the stance that they have willingly responded to the inquiry from the Department of Justice and are doing it to protect against these child traffickers. So Tether itself enacted the action supported by blockchain analysis from Chain Analysis. And it really does display how cryptocurrency, their particular exchange, is collaborating with law enforcement. Probably a smart move.
Starting point is 00:53:07 They're probably like, Hey man, we let's just, let's be the good guy here. Can you scroll down or is that it? That's it. That's it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:14 So, um, hate to say, hate to say it, but I was right. Now enjoy this interview with the great comedian who has a special out right now on youtube it's doing amazing in one month i think it has 400k views louis katz all right guys hope you enjoyed that episode here's a little additional feature to this episode because i got a good friend in town who i haven't seen in person i think since he had it was since you had hair
Starting point is 00:53:45 i haven't seen you since the hair left yeah and you haven't gotten uh as dan soda calls him hair tits like like he has no i went i had i'm brave and i'm courageous and i decided to shave my head well the thing is you got a great looking head dude thank you like your head is not like your parents made sure that you slept on both sides as a child. So they did a good job of rotating your head. Because some people who are bald got unfortunate heads. If I went bald, I'm going to look like a bird. With my fucking small little, with my closed together eyes and nose. I'll look like a bird.
Starting point is 00:54:17 It's like a mushed together face, big nose, small eyes. I'm an inbred Turk. My good friend, Louis Katz, one of my favorite comedians, one of my favorite people. I truly love this guy. You're a lovable guy, and it's just good to see you, man. Good to see you, too. It's been too long. I mean, you're the first friend I made when I moved to New York.
Starting point is 00:54:37 I met you before I even moved here, when I was just visiting, and you gave me my first paid gig in New York. I did. And, man, it's just, I'm so glad to be here, but it also makes me sad that it's been so long since I've seen you. I know. Because it's such a pleasure. It has been a long time.
Starting point is 00:54:50 And you just came back from your honeymoon, and I'm glad that I contributed to that. Yes. I gave you a wedding gift, and I didn't show up to the wedding, because I couldn't. Yeah, well, that was very nice. I don't think I would have done that. But thank you.
Starting point is 00:55:00 Who wouldn't want to go see Ali Wong show up as a fucking celebrity with uh the guy bill hater with bill hater wearing masks yes wearing masks the only people with masks the whole wedding yeah i know that because they're hollywood and they gotta just make sure people know no i think they're probably use it as you know she she you know she's like she's aware of how big of a celebrity she is she's also pretty private you know what i mean and i think it's i think it's weird to have celebs that like i'm friends with ali i don't know bill hater I mean? And I think it's weird to have celebs that, like, I'm friends with Ally. I don't know Bill Hader. Like, they're just dating.
Starting point is 00:55:27 So it's like, you don't want to just, I think it's a little bit respectful because you also don't want to draw attention away from the bride and groom, who it's really all about, you know? Yeah, and it's LA, and there's a lot of comedians at the wedding, so there'll probably be a lot of whispers
Starting point is 00:55:38 and shit like that. Yeah, yeah, we had to make it, we had to, like, the seating was strategic, so it wasn't anyone who was, people who were, like, wouldn't be too star-fucking, we star fucking we put them away from them you know yeah and if you wanted to be respectful for ali and her privacy i think the good thing would have been to have the uh wedding in chinatown so then and just and just tell her not to wear her glasses and then i think i don't think anyone would know i think it would have saved a lot of money. That's what I think. It would have saved a lot of money,
Starting point is 00:56:05 and I think she would have blended in fine without the glasses. Sometimes she gets recognized because of the glasses. I love you, Ally. But your honeymoon was good. You went to Japan. Yes, I did. You're a West Coast kid,
Starting point is 00:56:17 so you're a little more in touch with Asian cultures than we are here. Yes. The Chinese and Asians here are a little more standoffish. Dude, it is weird growing up in L.A., growing up in California, and then moving to New York. The way Asian American culture is here, it's just different. You guys, somehow it's just not, I don't even get it. You know what it is?
Starting point is 00:56:35 There's more Asian people move more recently to California. Many, much, much more. Yeah. And so we're just kind of used to it. That's who we have around. It's like Asian American kids, the children of immigrants. And here it's like, I don used to it. That's who we have around. It's like, you know, Asian-American kids, the children of immigrants. And here it's like I don't it's like people don't even know. It's like 400 people here still, which is crazy because it's such a metropolitan city.
Starting point is 00:56:53 You know, it's it's it's something that I noticed because I was such a. Yeah. And when you say those things like, hey, you gave me your first paid gig. I mean, Ali says the same thing to me. Tim says the same thing to me. I just feel like a local streetball legend. I feel like I'm not even in the business. I'm just a guy from New York who gave everyone their first gig in a bar room. People talk about me like they do Sweet Pea. You're Skip to my Lou.
Starting point is 00:57:16 I'm Skip to my Lou. I'm like a Riverside streetball fucking legend. I'm not even in the business. You blow it up. And I also want to say i mean just just to say this like you know everyone has a podcast now maybe not everyone should have a podcast now you are built to do this i think it's so great that you have this because you used to go on a bar four you would just go off top you'd go you'd go on for for forever and it was
Starting point is 00:57:41 good do you know what i mean it's like you have things to say you have opinions you know and they're funny you know yeah in some ways i was like podcasting on stage before podcasting started now it was funny it was stand-up most podcasts aren't funny that's well thank you thank you but i did i've noticed that when i have gone to the west coast because i'm such like an east coast kid when i first started going to the west coast it's it's shocking because you're like, you see Mexicans. Yes. And there's like a variety of looking Mexicans. Yes.
Starting point is 00:58:09 Like I was just in Phoenix this weekend, and I was like, wow, tall Mexicans, and like Mexicans that aren't five foot, because that's all we have in New York. Oh, yeah. I remember the first time I heard Luis J. Gomez once, who first of all is a Latino who goes by Luis instead of Luis. So first of all, I mean, there's many reasons to discount Luis's opinion. but well he's a safe he's a self-hating puerto rican yes
Starting point is 00:58:28 but i remember he's like he just said something like no one's you're never scared of a mexican i'm like man you've never you wow you don't really know what you're talking about at all you've never been to los angeles it's like i'm never scared of them they're tiny who cares like not all of them dude not even close dude if the cholos in los angeles were smart and they wanted to make some money they could do like tourist like you can be like oh because i wanted to see cholos you know when i was in japan you know how japanese people there's like a cholo subculture there yes i met one of them dude he even poses for the picture cholo style with one with the foot at the angle like a cholo would he did it for the picture it was incredible man the japanese love our hip-hop kind of street
Starting point is 00:59:09 culture all just any american subculture you know there's there's uh dudes rockabillies who dance who have pompadours and dance in the park to old like 50s music yeah it's almost like they they forgave us for the bomb it's like before, that was the Marshall Plan. I think they were very, you know, we were sweet to them. We helped rebuild after we bombed them. And we gave them baseball. Yeah, totally. They love baseball. I mean, this is so weird. I just came from another
Starting point is 00:59:36 podcast about the Marshall Plan. The Marshall Plan is in the air. It's weird. That's weird. It's very weird. It is weird. Well, because you bring Asian with you. Yeah, I guess I do. Every picture I see of you on your Instagram, you're always eating some fucking ramen noodles or seaweed you're just a west coast kind of kid yeah you went to uc berkeley that's true yeah you're a smart kid you're fucking around asians i mean just you're just you just i didn't know any asians yeah yeah i know i just it's just how i came up sushi wasn mean, sushi wasn't even here, dog. Sushi didn't come to New York
Starting point is 01:00:05 till like 99? That's crazy. We had Chinese restaurants. They were on every corner, and we only knew Chinese people through Chinese restaurants or carrying bags full of plastic bottles. This is what I'm saying. It wasn't like it wasn't who you went to school with, right? This is who I went to grow up with. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:00:22 Just done to Asian people. So it was like Mexicans and that familiarity with Asian culture just wasn't a part of New York. Here it was like black, Puerto Rican, and Jews. Dude, I don't think I met maybe one Puerto Rican and one Cuban before I moved here ever in my entire life. Yeah, it's crazy. And I just didn't understand all this stuff. You know, the thing that blows a West Coast person's mind is black people speak in Spanish. It's like, what the fuck is this?
Starting point is 01:00:44 Yeah, you're like, whoa. This is weird. You're like whoa wait yeah that is funny if you don't know what a dominican is and you're like what the fuck it's so weird to us but you know what's funny about all this is everyone else usually thinks they think i'm from new york i i thought it was just because i think that was their way of saying jew but i think i think apparently i give off new york vibes i'm like you know i think i'm a little aggressive, a little anxious. I don't know what it is, but I had another, I thought it was the first thing. I thought it was that. And then a Jew brought this up with me recently.
Starting point is 01:01:12 Yeah. They said, I thought you were from New York. Mike Kaplan. He said, I thought you were from, I always thought you were from New York. Well, he, I mean, Mike Kaplan is, can't really feel people. So he's counting numbers in his head. He's semi-autistic. So maybe that's something to do with it.
Starting point is 01:01:27 He's like, I thought you were, I just thought you were four plus six equals seven Jews. Usually in New York, uh, highest concentration of Jews outside of Israel. I just figured mathematically you were from. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:39 I mean, New York was basically that. Yeah. It was Irish, Italian, black, Jewish, Dominican.
Starting point is 01:01:44 Yeah. And we didn't have Dominican yeah and we didn't have uh we didn't have Cubans we not a lot of Cubans um we didn't have Asians um we didn't have Mexicans and so when I go to San Antonio or something like that it still bugs me I'm like yo I was when I met some Mexican in San Antonio I was like yo so you uh you know when did your parents cross the border like dog we've lived here for 20 generations. We're American. I'm like, there's fucking Mexicans who are Americans? Like, yo, this used to be Mexico.
Starting point is 01:02:10 And I'm like, oh, yeah, the whole Southwest is like something I'm completely unfamiliar with. Yeah, man. Yeah, it's a trip. It's all different. And I haven't even been to New Mexico and that kind of stuff. But, yeah, there's people in L.A. that have been there like seven generations, like before it was L.A., when it was like a mission. There's families that have been there that seven generations like before it was before it was la when it was like a mission there's families that have been there that long you know it's pretty crazy and when i was i was in la and i was like shouting out the window where the cholos like i was with
Starting point is 01:02:32 tim and he was like stop doing that and i was like why i was like i want to see cholos and he's like no they're not like i was like but i don't we don't have them and i was like i want i've never like you don't see him that much it's like this this is like me in Japan trying to see a kabuki lady, but they're not likely to murder me. So I think Tim had it right. Right. He's like, you can't just scream out, where are the cholos? Take me to the cholo neighborhood. And I'd be like, wow, I would want to take pictures with cholos like the Montenegrins, like we were talking about just before the podcast, wanted to take pictures with my black friends because they just didn't see black people in 1999.
Starting point is 01:03:03 I don't think you can do that in L.A. I don't think you can do that in East L.A. I do that in east la i think that would that would cause trouble unless they're at a comedy club you know what i mean right they're tough mexicans though fuck yeah yeah they are tough now you just got married you got back from japan you got a new special out yes that's important you're what they call a great joke writer thank you and you're also a filthy little fucking animal you don't mind a little dirt Since the beginning Which is funny Which makes you very endearing
Starting point is 01:03:28 Because you don't look like a guy who's going to start talking about Some woman's asshole Or climbing up on an Amazon bitch Fucking her jockey style Which is still one of my favorite jokes Still one of my favorite jokes I remember you used to talk about How you love big women, which you do
Starting point is 01:03:44 You had a girlfriend I remember who was like 6'1 And you used to talk about how you love big women which you do you had a girlfriend i remember who was like six one yeah and you used to say that you used to climb up on her like a jockey yeah jockey style yeah yeah yeah that's in my this is not happening story yeah yeah like it's less doggy style and more jockey style and the visual of that is hilarious thanks man well it was also felt good so you're still dirty right i'm still dirty but i guess i'm i guess i'm involved evolving or changing i just always i always want to So you're still dirty, right? I'm still dirty, but I guess I'm evolving or changing. I always want to push myself. I always want to grow.
Starting point is 01:04:08 So I'm still dirty because that's just who I am. Dude, it's what I like. It's who I am. But I'm also pushing myself in new directions and doing more social commentary stuff. So it's still dirty, but also talking about different stuff at the same time. Yeah, and where is it special? It's on YouTube? It's on YouTube.
Starting point is 01:04:23 It's on my YouTube channel. How great is that? Yeah. How great is that? Jesse isesse's oh i thought you were looking up ali wong but oh this is at like these this compilation look at that yeah how great is that dude i did that and uh i did it it's just a bunch of comics saying my name yeah yeah and i it just like exploded my instagram yeah it just helped so much. Yeah. So here, Louis's got a trailer. There's W. Kamau Bell! Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:48 We were talking about it on our last bonus episode. We were like, where's W. Kamau Bell? Madrigal. Madrigal. So I have a bunch of dates on there. I got Stanhope.
Starting point is 01:04:56 I got a bunch. It opens with a cold open. There's Marin with a bunch of comedians. They start saying what they really love about me, and then they start saying why I haven't been more successful. Right.
Starting point is 01:05:06 Well, me and you are similar in that way. Every time, I was like, so what's happened? Why? What went wrong? What is it? What is it? John Stamos went on every podcast, and he brought me up, and he goes, why is he not bigger?
Starting point is 01:05:20 Dude, I saw him with the Beach Boys. Yes. I saw him. That was the third. You could have, if you came to the wedding, if you were able to. We did the wedding, and then the next day, it was Fourth of July weekend, and the Beach Boys were playing at the Hollywood Bowl. And so everyone bought tickets, and we went, and he played.
Starting point is 01:05:36 He was rocking out and everything. It's more of a John Stamos show than the Beach Boys show at this point. It is much more of a John Stamos show because the Beach Boys are cadavers. Yes, they're very. Yes, literally. I mean, most of show because the Beach Boys are cadavers. Yes, they're very, yes, literally. I mean, most of them, the living ones are cadavers and then a lot of them are literal cadavers as well. Literally, yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:51 And the dude, I think the guy, the lead singer, I can't remember his name. I mean, dog, his voice, it's just not there. Yes. Yeah, it's a little. You want to see, when you go to see these legacy bands, which I like doing because I love classic rock,
Starting point is 01:06:03 you kind of hope, well, they're different here's my theory you want the rhythm section to die first that's why the who is still good to see live because they got a younger drummer they got a younger bass player and then everyone else can do it all around them but you need someone to hold down that beat you need you need the drummer to go first yes that that helps he's number one he's the mar Marines of death for the band. You put him in first. You send him on the plane to heaven first. Yes.
Starting point is 01:06:29 And then it's in succession by instruments to the lead singer. Yes. Your lead singer's dead. I mean, I don't know. I guess people go to see that new version of Queen, but what is that even? If it's no Freddie Mercury, it's over. It's done.
Starting point is 01:06:42 I went to see the Beach Boys. He got me. I could have got you free tickets, by the way. Ah, man. Jesus. done. I went to see the Beach Boys. He got me. I could have got you free tickets, by the way. Ah, man. Jeez. Yeah. I went to go see them at Carnegie Hall with him. So he got me.
Starting point is 01:06:50 And yeah, I mean, it's not, it wasn't what I thought it was going to be. I couldn't hear the songs. And he was just going like, Let's go, girl. Let's go. I mean, he's like shaking on the mic. He's like arthritis. Let's go.
Starting point is 01:07:05 And it's also weird that when they talk about these girls and there's like all these young girls and they're so old, it's like you feel, I feel like a little bit of a creep, you know? These are your granddaughters you're singing about. I'm not exaggerating. I think the mean age at Carnegie Hall was 76. Wow. I mean, it was some old people.
Starting point is 01:07:23 You know when people usually stand up at the, everyone sat the whole concert. And the one person that stood up was like this. And she just sat back down. Like she just, it was just too much. It was just too much for her to do it. It was just too much. But it's good to see that they're still out there
Starting point is 01:07:42 and they're doing it. Yeah, sure. I love, I like to see these guys before they're gone. You know, there's people I miss that I regret not seeing. Yeah. You know, I wish I saw Dick Dale before he died. I wish I saw, who's the, was it Les Paul who used to have a weekly here?
Starting point is 01:07:55 The guy who invented the guitar. He had a weekly. You could see him every week. I was like, I'll go see him next week. And then he died, you know? And I was a big Nirvana fan and then I didn't get to see them. So i really try and see people while i still can i saw um uh tom petty that weekend before he died whoa yeah so i was like wow i'm so glad i got to see him i saw patrice the week
Starting point is 01:08:15 he died no shit yeah at caroline's we were together me and angela yeah did he seem out of it he seemed tired i mean he crushed but when i met him in the green room, he was just, and he seemed tired. It's interesting when I look back. Really? He just seemed kind of tired. I got to see, I went with my ex-girlfriend. We went and saw Joan Rivers. No shit.
Starting point is 01:08:36 She used to do that small Chinese restaurant in the basement. No way. It was incredible. That's so cool. It was pre-like Michelle's a man. It's pre-like fucking. I mean, she looked like a burn victim, and she's just running around talking about Michelle Obama's a guy,
Starting point is 01:08:53 which was equally as entertaining for different reasons. People just start to lose it a little bit. But she was still on the money, and she was old. It was still old, and she was so funny. I'd probably just raw, too, like really hardcore. So raw. it was still old and she was so funny i probably just raw too like really hardcore raw she was so raw and so mean that's all she is so mean on stage she's so mean to celebrities she's so mean to women it's really funny and i think that's why she had so many gay fans because they fucking love oh that means sardonic yeah yeah yeah that really means they're
Starting point is 01:09:22 sardonic dude they just love cutting sardonic mean humor and she was fucking mean and it was really funny i wish i'd seen her i you know i've had nate drunk mean man i missed that it seems like another i mean it was another time but it really feels like a different nate almost that shit is so crazy you know i uh i speak to him still and he's still the same nate it's very funny he's still the same Nate. It's very funny. He's still the same kind of maniac Nate in a different way. I mean, I don't think he drinks anymore, which is good for everybody.
Starting point is 01:09:51 Yeah, sure. But he's the same guy, dude. Nate is, I think that's why he's so beloved. He gets up there and he's probably like, ah, y'all people, I don't know, my people, I don't know. He's got that all shucks kind of American uneducated thing. That really connects to our population Yeah, well I think you and him I think that's why you guys had a podcast together
Starting point is 01:10:09 I say, Nate is the smartest dumb person And you are the dumbest smart person And that's why you two go together That is a really great way to fucking I've never heard a bullseye like that The thing with our podcast Mine and Nate's was He always blames me And he still can't let it go
Starting point is 01:10:28 Really? I've heard him on other podcasts Going like He just didn't take it seriously And really gets Grants my gears But It's like
Starting point is 01:10:37 If you look back, Nate I mean, I'm talking to you Dude, we did everything wrong We were recording it Out of the Apple microphone We didn't have video We didn't know what we were doing We didn't do do it every week. It was just like a, it was so early. Yeah. But I'd love to go back to listen to those episodes now and just see what they were. I don't
Starting point is 01:10:52 even remember what they were. Oh yeah. I think I'm sure I was probably on one. I think I remember being on one. Yeah. Yeah. We had my friend near Rosen on another one. Who's like a journalist. It was, we didn't know what we were doing. We had no theme. Chris Laker would just do, have a say his thing. And like, we didn't know what we had no theme chris laker would just do have a say his thing and like we didn't know what we're doing but it was so early in podcast that yeah it's crazy it's crazy how this shit evolves and change so quickly like you're talking about not filming it i mean like we don't it's hard to remember how this filming every podcast that's new yes that's like in the last what two years maybe since the pandemic a little before yeah yeah but remember when it really became the thing to do you're right and it's crazy to see like i did wtf promoting the thing
Starting point is 01:11:28 and he's like he still doesn't film yeah and i'm like man this is like you're like you you you were an innovator but now you're kind of behind by not filming all the guests you know it's kind of crazy same bird bird just does audio yeah now you uh you're a guy who went to uc berkeley and you became a comedian so you're smart you're a smart guy went to UC Berkeley and you became a comedian. Yes, huge mistake. So you're a smart guy. Yeah, you disappointed your parents a little bit. And also, you were very early to like the YouTube game and sketches. Yes, yeah, yeah, way too early. I didn't know what I was doing either, actually, honestly.
Starting point is 01:11:56 I actually, because I knew you were coming on, I went and watched. I went back and watched the Archduke and that classroom sketch you had. Yeah. And they're really funny, too. Thanks, man. They still hold up. Thanks. The Archduke was, yeah, randomly you speak Portuguese.
Starting point is 01:12:11 Yes, I studied abroad in Brazil, and then I decided to make a Portuguese rap video. Yeah, and let's be honest, you did it for the prostitutes down there. No, I wish. You know, I never slept with a prostitute, and it's one of my biggest regrets in life. Wink, wink, wink, wink.
Starting point is 01:12:22 No, I swear to God, not there. I know you haven't, but I don't know why you haven't. Well, I went, so I've went since then. I was there for the World Cup. That's the last time I was there. And World Cup, you think it's going to be this crazy party, but really, dude, it fucked up the ratio so bad in Rio. It's all dudes. I know they focus
Starting point is 01:12:38 on the one hot girl in the crowd, but it's mostly dudes. So all of Rio, which usually has the hottest women in the world, is now mostly men. And I'm looking at the whorehouse. I'm thinking about going there. And there's a line snaking out. And I'm like, I can't. I can't do this.
Starting point is 01:12:52 This is disgusting. You know what I mean? I don't want to see the line. It's like a line at Lucali's Pizzeria. But for whores, if you're going to go to the best, it's going to get a line. Yeah, but that's like if you were all eating the same slice of pizza. You know what I mean? It's disgusting. But I love the Archduke because going to get a line. Yeah, but that's like if you were all eating the same slice of pizza. You know what I mean? It's disgusting.
Starting point is 01:13:07 But I love the Archduke because he's a pimp from a pastime who wears a diaper. Gold diaper, yes. There it is. So you did a song with the Archduke and I love that you put it in Portuguese there.
Starting point is 01:13:22 Clipe nova do Archdu do o campeão do mundo. That's me not knowing at all about, not caring about search engine things. I wrote everything in Portuguese so no one can find it. But you know, this beat, this is the second video and the beat is made by my friend Jason who married me and who officiated the wedding and Mike B, your guy.
Starting point is 01:13:40 I mean, here's the lyrics. Your pussy is magical like a unicorn. I'm gonna ride it just like a unicorn. I remember this. Powder in the wig, powder in the nose, powder's the lyrics. Your pussy is magical like a unicorn. I'm going to ride it just like a unicorn. I remember it was powder in the wig, powder in the nose, powder in the wig, powder in the nose. Yeah, he wore a powdered wig, you know, and I thought it was like cocaine raps were big at the time. I'm like, someone should talk about this. But dude, this was 14 years ago, and the production is great. It's banging.
Starting point is 01:14:00 Yeah, it's banging. Like, you were way ahead. Like, you were doing it early. You were doing it when we were doing it early you were doing it when we were doing it yeah we were doing it like 14 years ago totally and we were early to it it was like before you could get big from it yeah but when you were putting your shit out there you were doing sketches and and um and bits like this yeah it was just it's really i you know i love doing sketches and stuff like that but it's it just became a i like things that are produced i
Starting point is 01:14:24 like to kind of work hard on things and it takes a long time. And I think the name of the game is things that are, you're able, it's, it's not a quality, it's more a quantity. Yeah. And I cannot churn out like this. I worked really hard on this for a long time. I cannot churn things out like that on a regular basis. You know what I mean? Or, or if I did, I would need a lot of money, you know? You know what I mean? Or if I did, I would need a lot of money, you know? Right. And I think it was the era too, where you didn't know per se that you didn't have to have any production value. Exactly. Yeah. So the story of this is that I made the first video, and this is what you're implying. I just made it to make it. This company came around called
Starting point is 01:14:59 Super Deluxe. They wanted to compete with YouTube and they gave me a six-figure deal to make more videos and me like an idiot i'm like and they just give me the money and then i spend it however i want i want i'm like i want them to see that i'm really using the money like a dummy like instead of just like and fucking chelsea peretti does a man on the street thing pockets all the money which is genius you know what i mean me i'm paying i have sets i have i have editors i have costumes like it's like i'm like i'm a moron you know right we we struggle with that same thing we were we would put something out and be like ah how does it look i don't think it looks good no one's fucking guy just throwing up throwing up on his own penis or whatever getting like a million views i would watch that yeah it just didn't matter as much as... It's hard to see things
Starting point is 01:15:46 when they're new. Yes. It's hard to see things. And most of getting big is just like seeing it. It's just like getting it. Yeah, just being slightly ahead of the curve. Yeah, just getting there early when it's not saturated yet. Yeah, even putting out a special on YouTube, I was talking to Ari
Starting point is 01:16:02 about it, and we were saying how it's like it's like that's flooded the market. Those first few full specials on YouTube kind of blew people's minds. That being said, it's now kind of legitimate to put a special on YouTube. No one's like, why are you doing that? They get it. There's specials on YouTube.
Starting point is 01:16:17 Back then, those guys took, Sam and Norman, they took a risk because it sounds bad. Back then, it sounded bad. Like, you're putting it on YouTube. What the fuck? It worked out. You're not good enough to get a deal or whatever,
Starting point is 01:16:29 but it's the way to get the most eyeballs on it. Totally. Now, here's a funny question I have to you. Has the trailer that you made with all those famous people done better than the special? Because that's got high numbers. No, it hasn't. It's not the trailer.
Starting point is 01:16:41 It's the cold open. It's on the special. Oh, smart. It's part of the special. Yes. That is so smart. Yeah. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:48 So there it is. So it's part of the special. So people just stop watching after that. No, I wish. No, the problem is, is that everyone told me not to include it as part of the special because
Starting point is 01:16:57 it's bad for the algorithm. They want people to see standup right away. But for me, it sets up the whole theme of the special. It sets up the ending of the special. So I wanted to include it And so I didn't spend all this money And do it myself to not have it be exactly
Starting point is 01:17:09 What I fucking want it to be So I just did it despite everyone's advice And it's been doing well It's got almost like 400,000 views We're at 400,000 399 This podcast will easily get it to 400 And it's only a month
Starting point is 01:17:23 Only one month Which is the east coast way good, right? Only one month. I think that's not bad. Which is the East Coast way to say month. Month. It's one month. Louis Katz, the best comedian you've never heard of is the name of it. I like that.
Starting point is 01:17:35 That's not technically the name. I just put that as a clickbait on the thumbnail. Clickbait! See, I'm doing all the things. Yes. Yes! So what's the actual? It's actually called Present Tense. But I didn't realize.
Starting point is 01:17:44 This is like a week before. I was like, oh, the thumbnail's real important. Yeah. And I'm but i kept i didn't realize this is like a week before i was like oh the thumbnail is real important yeah and i'm like all right well this is what i'm gonna do best comedian you never heard of yeah boom let people come on and be i have someone you now the cool thing is you you hear you getting horrible comments on youtube 95 glowing reviews people love it but every once in a while there's someone who's like i got a guy you can't say you're the best comedian that's for other people to say and then he just going off in the end he says i don't just hate your comedy i hate you like it's like wow dude i'm sorry yeah you're gonna get that type of mental illness on there yeah yeah yeah it's like you hate me i don't we don't know each other
Starting point is 01:18:18 man well i wrote back that i hate him too yeah i did i just gave him a little piece now why did you decide to do did you try to sell it or you just went straight for the? I tried to sell it. Well, the thing about this thing is, man, I shot this thing. Not saying that that's better because I think this is better. No, you know what? In the end, the theme and everything would not have worked on Netflix. It's about me being a struggling comedian.
Starting point is 01:18:38 Right. So if that's on Netflix, it sounds like, well, no, you're not. You're on Netflix. Right. But on YouTube, people get that, oh, this is part of the struggle. Right. And I think it appeals to people on there. And and i didn't that wasn't part of the strategy that just happened organically right but i shot this thing last may i didn't put it out till this
Starting point is 01:18:52 october so like a year and a half later and so at the end i didn't the thing is by the time i it took me forever to just to finish it by the time it's done i'm not trying to sit around for six months for people to sit on their ass and decide if they want it or not right i went into netflix it was a couple weeks i wrote to the netflix guys like hey you're gonna do this or not he's like no and i'm like fine yeah putting it out you know it's like i just don't i don't want to say i could not sit on it anymore i it got it got pushed back also because the wedding you know so i had to had to wait that's the problem with the that was the problem with tv is just how long everything took oh it's and that's why i got beat by the internet because the internet you have an idea you put it up Oh, it's ridiculous. And that's why it got beat by the internet. Because the internet, you have an idea, you put it up.
Starting point is 01:19:26 Yeah. And it's like, the TV is like, there's so many jobs that need to get justified in getting this thing up. It's like, well, let me run it through this guy. Let me do it. Yeah. And everyone's just passing around, making decisions. And you're like.
Starting point is 01:19:36 And that's if you're lucky enough to then get it on. Yeah. You could do years of work, and then it doesn't go anywhere. That's why I'm like, I don't want to pitch anything that I can't make myself anymore. I'm no longer going to play that game. I literally have only so many years on this planet to be writing things to have them just disappear into development hell.
Starting point is 01:19:54 Like, fuck that. You know, it's just unnecessary. I remember. This is a little inside baseball, but true fans would like this. So when I got that job at Fusion, when I went down to Miami in 2013, we were owned by ABC News, which was owned by Disney.
Starting point is 01:20:07 So there was a lot of old school, like, ABC News producers down there. So I was talking to this one guy. I can't remember his name. He's a gay guy. He's been in the game for, like, 30 years. And he just gets it. He got it. He knew.
Starting point is 01:20:20 So he told me earlier, he was like, this isn't going to work. He was like, this whole thing's not going to work. And the analogy he used, earlier he was like this isn't gonna work he was like this whole thing's not gonna work and he this the analogy he used and this was 2013 he was like there's no more yachts anymore he was like the business used to be a yacht like a titanic size yacht and and everything changed so much and it takes you can't turn a yacht he like, everything is speedboats now. And he was like, this is a yacht. It's the speedboat era. And I was like, oh, you're right. That's crazy.
Starting point is 01:20:49 Because you've got to be able to do things quick, put out content quick. That's interesting. Now you see, this was 2013. Now you see everyone's like their own little speedboat. And these big ships are trying to change with the time. Everything they do is so many years behind. Yeah, they're just so behind because they're turning. They're going, oh, wait. They're like change with the time. Everything they do is so many years behind. Yeah, they're just so behind because they're turning.
Starting point is 01:21:07 They're going, oh, wait. They're like fucking turning the wheel. Someone told me that Comedy Central started a podcast network last year. Yeah. And they have since closed it down. Didn't give it a chance for more than a year. So they fucked up how they started it
Starting point is 01:21:20 and they fucked up how they ended it. Yeah. Wow. I mean, just talk about not being able to change the course. Comedy Central is a perfect example my joke about comedy central was comedy central was a great place to release your special in the last 10 years if you wanted to hide it yes it's a great place it's the best place to hide it if you're looking to hide it go at comedy central poor roy wood man i mean like yeah just because of that deal with comedy
Starting point is 01:21:42 central i'm sure he got a lot of money and stuff, but it's like he's such a good comedian that you'd want people to see it more. Yes. Yeah. It's like, I mean, that is the advantage with YouTube. I mean, I was, Soder think, I mean, not Soder. I've talked to someone who thinks that even HBO is not enough. Like HBO Go is not enough exposure.
Starting point is 01:22:02 I don't think it is. That's crazy. I don't think it is. So you're a guy who always loved hotel rooms. I remember you told me how you love hotels, you love the road. Now you're married. You said you're interested in having a kid. Yeah, we're talking about it.
Starting point is 01:22:13 How long are you going to do this? When do we get out? When do we stop? Comedy? Yeah. Never? Death. Death. I like that. I was waiting to ask you so i know what to do i don't know what to do i got a family now i'm like can i still do this like what i'm gonna be 60 on the road we're both gonna get like we're both trying to stay in shape but the truth is the
Starting point is 01:22:34 older and goofier we look the funnier we're gonna get you know what i mean it's like you know this face is just gonna get jewier and jewier and it's like there's no i mean it's gonna it's like why even fight it it's gonna like i'm probably gonna peak around you know 73 you know um but uh no i'm i'm very worried about that i mean like i can't because i you know the the special is doing really well i'm worried that it's going to do even better and then i'm gonna finally i'll get all the road work i wanted right when i don't want to be on the road oh what if what what a fucking twilight zone fucking monkey's paw wish uh thing to happen to me.
Starting point is 01:23:05 That's how life works. That's how life works. It's like when you want it, you don't get it, and then you're like, oh, fuck. Now you're like, I'm sorry, we just got married, but now I gotta leave you. I've gotta get a divorce now, because I gotta go on the road. And like, what am I supposed to do? All these women, what am I supposed to do?
Starting point is 01:23:22 They're out there chanting, Louie, Louie, Louie, what do you want me to do? I'm sorry I can't So everybody Go watch this special right now It's on Louie's channel On YouTube
Starting point is 01:23:33 So check that out It's Louie Katz Comedy At Louie Katz Comedy Yeah It's so funny Thanks man You're gonna love Louie And then after you watch this special
Starting point is 01:23:42 You can go watch All his other videos Including some of those old ones which are classics and go follow Louis everywhere man it's so good to see you
Starting point is 01:23:49 thanks for dropping by thanks for having me it's super fun yeah and follow him on social media yeah that's right yes
Starting point is 01:23:55 and tell me your dates where are you gonna be I'm gonna be in I'm gonna be in Austin at the Creek in the Cave in the middle of December come see me headline there and then in January
Starting point is 01:24:03 I'm gonna be at the SAC Punchline and also one night only at the Irvine Improv so I'll be in all middle of December. Come see me headline there. And then in January, I'm going to be at the SAC Punchline and also one night only at the Irvine Improv. So I'll be in all three of those cities over the next two months. Come see me. Tickets at? louiscaz.com. Boom! Guys, see me live in Spokane, Washington, December 1st and
Starting point is 01:24:18 2nd. Louisville, December 15th and 16th. Revolution Hall in Portland, Oregon, January 11th. Vogue Theater, January 12th. San Francisco,, Oregon, January 11th, Vogue Theater, January 12th, San Francisco, February 9th and 10th, Atlanta, February 15th through the 17th, San Diego, February 23rd, 24th, Vic Theater in Chicago, March 8th, Toronto, March 23rd, Cleveland, March 29th through 30th, Tulsa, April 5th and 6th, Kansas City, April 11th through the 13th, and patreon.com slash Giannis Papashour for our weekly bonus episodes.
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