Yannis Pappas Hour - Slipping & Slurring

Episode Date: May 12, 2023

In this episode we run public relations for Oakland A’s TV announcer Glen Kuiper who had a little on air live slip of the tongue. Then, we explore the rich history of famous live slips of the tongue... that landed people in trouble! Whoopsidayseeeee!See Yannis live Dates & Cities belowAll tickets: https://www.yannispappascomedy.comBoston July 8Poughkeepsie, July 21-22Long Island Aug 17Salt Lake City aug 4-5Dallas Aug 24-26Springfield l, MO sept 7-9Calgary Sept 22–23FORTË Wayne, Indiana Sept 29-30Toronto Oct 7Red Bank, NJ Oct 14San Fran Oct 27-28New York Nov 4Providence Nov 10-11Phoenix Nov 16-18Spokane Dec 1-2Tulsa Dec 8-9Louisville Dec 15-16Watch Yanni’s stand up special: https://youtu.be/ArlCFemEDvQJoin our highlights page for highlight clips of every episode: https://youtube.com/channel/UCfMy34qIYYy7XiRaHKO1ykwNew episodes every Friday and new bonus episodes every following Tuesday at Patreon.com/yannispappashourSponsorsNativehttps://www.nativecos.com/?conditional_message=WELCOME!%20USE%20DISCOUNT%20FUMES%20AT%20CHECKOUT&utm_medium=podcast&utm_source=long_days_with_yannispappas&discount=FUMESButcherboxhttps://www.butcherbox.com/fumes/?utm_source=podcast&utm_medium=cpa&utm_campaign=nuggets_for_year_mar_23&utm_term=fumes&utm_content= Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yanis Pappas Screwed in, got a lot to say. Ah, shit. It's about to be a long day. It's a long day. It's a long day. What's up, everybody? Welcome to the Yanis Pappas Hour, where, you know, we give you your news. Yes. We defend the indefensible. Yes. We act as lawyers, public relations specialists, marketers.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Yeah. Mentors. Yes. Translators. Correct. Historians. Mm-hmm, and all of the above. Listen, being a newscaster can be a difficult job. I've done it. I went and did Wet Button in the morning down in Miami.
Starting point is 00:00:58 It was called the morning show on Fusion. It's live, baby. We go live. You know, people make mistakes. We're comedians. We make mistakes. We fumble words. I have. People make mistakes. Sometimes they marry the wrong woman.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Yeah. It's a big mistake. It's a big mistake. They marry the wrong woman. They have kids. They stay for kids. Big mistake. Yeah, you die having no prenup.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Sometimes people take cocaine. They have an allergy to cocaine. They die. Rest in peace, Len Bias. Sometimes people... It was a mistake. Real big mistake. People do and they make mistakes. That's a beep.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Bye, bye Miss American Pie. Sue my Chevy to the levee. Just beep it. That's a beep. Levee is dry. People make mistakes is my point. No one's perfect. Just beep it. Levy is dry. People make mistakes is my point. No one's perfect. Nobody's perfect. Nobody's perfect. Perfection
Starting point is 00:01:51 is boring. Yes. There's no love without hate. There's no yang without yang. Yes. There's no joy without pain. There's no Bobby without Whitney. There's no Bobby without Whitney. There's no Bobby without Whitney. There's no Klonopin without Whitney. There's no trans.
Starting point is 00:02:08 Both of them. Yeah. There's no trans without women. There's no trans without science. There's no science without the devil. There's no God without the devil. Correct. There's no glasses without sight.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Oh, boy. There's no left foot without right. Correct. And there ain't no good call of a game without an accidental drop of the N-word. Sometimes it happens. Sometimes it happens. Sometimes you're at a comedy show and you were a very popular character on a sitcom and things ain't looking that great.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Yeah. Your agent hasn't called you in a while. He says, how come you not get me any work? Because Elaine just got another fucking show. George just got Shallow Howl. George got another sitcom. Fucking even Newman is doing some type of commercials. How come you can't get me any work?
Starting point is 00:03:05 And the agent goes, Bubby. I assume he goes, Bubby. Because agents don't sound like, hi, I don't know. It's no agent going, I don't know. I'm from Nigeria. I'm your agent. No, it's Bubby. Bubby, you're Kramer.
Starting point is 00:03:22 You'll always be Kramer. Look, I've been in this business a long time. I represented Carlton. We tried to get him, Bubby. Do you know how many movie roles we tried to get Carlton? I'm calling him Carlton, and I know his real name, Bubby. You're Kramer. There's nothing I can do, Bubby.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Okay, I'm trying to get you some CarMax commercials where you come in like that. That's all I can do, Bubby. So you're feeling down. You're feeling frustrated. You're feeling like you've been pigeonholed into a role. People don't know your name's Michael Richards. You were on a second-rate show called Fridays,
Starting point is 00:03:58 which was always second fiddle to Saturday Night Live. You were a big part of the famous Andy Kaufman moment where he trolled the whole show. And you got angry about it. But then Kramer came along and then we came the biggest, hottest, funniest show of all time. Shout out Larry David. We know he was a bigger part of it than Jerry.
Starting point is 00:04:19 And then that ends. And you watch all your co-stars get stuff. And you get nothing. You get nothing. Except for some comedy club work. So you slide into a comedy club in Los Angeles, I believe. Yes. And it's not even full to see fucking dog, the Kramer character.
Starting point is 00:04:44 People don't even know your real name they just call you kramer i can relate i've been on stage i've heard who the fuck is this where's panos where's borisa say does it i paid 20 i want five does it's iunds. I've been there. I've been there. I've gotten close. You get frustrated. The room's half full. People don't know your real name. There's some noise up in the balcony.
Starting point is 00:05:17 I've been close. And it just happens. It just happens. Blink of an eye. Yeah. Someone said, you just go. be quiet African American up there. Be quiet Afro American up there. It happens. When in doubt, go David Duke.
Starting point is 00:05:37 It just happens. Who hasn't? Who hasn't? Who hasn't bet a little money on a game, lost some money, and just said, God damn it, you African-American. It happens. It's happened to Kramer. And it happened, unfortunately, to my client.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Local newscaster. It's bad enough being a newscaster for what team? The Oakland A's. The Oakland A's. The worst team. Small market. Small market. When's the last time the Oakland A's won anything?
Starting point is 00:06:15 I mean, goddammit, they took the Golden State Warriors and moved them out of Oakland. I mean, Oakland has nothing. Nothing at all. All they had at one point was a steroided up Giambi brothers on the Oakland A's. They had Ricky Henderson for a little while. They lost the Raiders, too. Huh?
Starting point is 00:06:34 They lost the Raiders. They lost the Raiders. And now they're losing their most beloved A's announcer for at least a one-game suspension, which I thought was excessive, for who knows what this guy's going through. Right? Wife could have left him. I mean, look, it happens, right?
Starting point is 00:06:55 Mel Gibson, it happens. You know? Do you remember the Mel Gibson phone call? Yeah. I told him. I spoke to Mel. I said, listen, your wife's a gold digger. She's going to try to get you, okay?
Starting point is 00:07:09 It's a known thing in Hollywood. You get a gold digger wife. I mean, how did he not know she's a gold digger? Wasn't she like Russian or Estonian or some shit? If your chick has an accent, she's a gold digger, right? Get out of there. Yeah, she's a gold digger. Or at least know that you're going to be recorded. You will be recorded.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Also, if you're racist and there's someone who you're not 100% sure you can trust in your life, i.e. Gold Digger, you're going to want to suspect you're going to be being recorded to be blackmailed, right? How about the guy who owned the Clippers who said you can't take pictures with blacks? Donald Sterling. Donald Sterling. He got recorded. You didn't think for one second, Donald Sterling, that the woman who was 50 years younger than you might try to get a little bit of that money? Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:49 What are your weaknesses, Donald Sterling? You're a racist. In all fairness, though, he was born before cameras. He was born before cameras, so he wasn't sure that it was possible. So you got Donald Sterling. You got Mel Gibson. It's like you're going to get recorded. I told Mel.
Starting point is 00:08:03 I said, Mel, listen, you're a racist. You hate Jews. Okay, you're around this broad. Watch what you say. Replace the word Jews with Albanians. If you get angry and you say you want her to get raped by a pack of, replace it with Estonians. I want you to get raped by a wild pack of Estonians.
Starting point is 00:08:25 You can even put Eskimos in there. It rolls off the tongue better. I hope you get raped by a wild bunch of Eskimos. But did he listen? No. No. He didn't listen.
Starting point is 00:08:34 He said something else. So this happens. It happens. People do have bad days where just where their true true thoughts come out their true thoughts come out. True thoughts come out. And unfortunately for our guy, he's following a long tradition.
Starting point is 00:08:56 It's a long tradition in American entertainment, in sports entertainment. It's a long tradition in American history. Yeah, where guys get caught dropping the African-American word. Yes. And also having a dog to bounty hunter. Right? A dog to bounty hunter has to make the apology.
Starting point is 00:09:13 The apology's fun. The apology's the fun part. True. Did Mel give an apology? Good question. I don't know. You have to when you direct a movie about Jesus Christ. Good question.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Who was probably an African-American? Well, in between. He was a tweener. He was brownish. He definitely didn't look like the blonde hair and blue eyes. Yeah, no. He looked more Arabic. That was the check.
Starting point is 00:09:40 I mean, come on, dog. Her name is Oksana Grivigli. So she loses $14 million for speaking out against Mel Gibson. What does that mean? What does that even mean? She was a model. Look, if you marry a model, they don't have any thoughts. It was a custody settlement. Gibson pleaded no contest in the charge of misdemeanor battery originally agreeing
Starting point is 00:10:10 to a custody settlement of 15 million. Alright, the girl got paid. She got paid. Didn't he also get in trouble for something he said about Jews as well?
Starting point is 00:10:16 Yeah, I think to some police officers. Yeah, he got in trouble. So the Jews and blacks, you know, it's just,
Starting point is 00:10:21 let's give Mel Gibson some credit, shall we? Okay? He covered all the bases. He covered all the bases and also he was able to have a very successful career. One of the most lucrative franchises in movie history with
Starting point is 00:10:35 a black co-star the whole time hating him. That's pretty impressive to have a massive career and have meetings with people you secretly hate. You sit down, there's yarmulkes everywhere, and in his brain he's just going, Jesus killer, Jesus killer, Jesus killer.
Starting point is 00:10:51 And oh look, there's an African-American gentleman. Yeah, that's more impressive than Kobe and Shaq. That's very impressive. That is kind of like the show, because they hated each other and they were able to still win. Mel Gibson was able to just still have a successful career. And, you know, Lethal Weapon.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Him and Glover, Danny Glover, we worked together. Looks like he's having a successful relationship right now. He's back together. No, this is a new one. With a 34-year age gap, just like Jesus wanted. You know, he's such a big catholic what do these guys got to say about what the priests are doing what do they have to say because what i say is like that's nobody's business all right separation of church and
Starting point is 00:11:37 state yeah no taxation who are you to judge the the why didn't they go hey these are these are our rituals, right? You're not supposed to, this is our religious freedom. You're not supposed to be able to impede in this country on someone's religious freedom. Keep it in confession.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Yeah, I mean, look, we can't, you can't tax them. You also can't say, hey, you can't do that. You're like, well, that's my belief, right? That's protected.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Exactly. Isn't it protected? Why is it not their belief that, you know, you can spiritually transmit things to children in the way that you do as a father, I'm listening to everybody's problems. So I got to get a little steam off.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Listen, I can't judge that religion. Yeah. I'm American. It's not, it's not my place to judge. People got weird things, right?
Starting point is 00:12:21 Greek Orthodox with blood and blood and body of Christ. We eat the bread and it's supposed to be Jesus' blood. How am I supposed to judge that? Cannibalism. Yeah. I mean, Jews have sex through a sheet, right? Or something like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Okay? They don't eat lamb, or they don't eat Tic Tacs. I don't remember what it is, but I can't judge that. To me, that's un-American, but that's their business. What can't they eat? The Muslims can't eat pork, so they don't eat bacon. What's weirder? What's truly weirder to you?
Starting point is 00:12:48 Not eating bacon? Replacing bacon in your morning brunch. Or? Or pedophilia. What's more unnatural to you? How good is bacon? Bacon's good. I don't even know how you avoid bacon in this life.
Starting point is 00:13:06 How do you avoid bacon? There's no way successfully to avoid bacon. You know? Bacon's in everything. It is. Yeah. I mean, you get a cheddar biscuit, bacon. How do you have bacon bits?
Starting point is 00:13:16 It's in the water. Yeah. Bacon's in the water. How do you avoid bacon? Yeah. You know? It's what's weirder. It's in the air.
Starting point is 00:13:24 It's like a pheromone. Even if you tell me it's not weirder, it's as weird. Right? It's as weird not eating bacon. I meet somebody who doesn't eat bacon. I'm like, I don't want to be around this weirdo. I meet somebody who has sex with children. I go, I don't want to be around this weirdo.
Starting point is 00:13:39 Yeah. Technically, it's the same reaction. Not eating bacon is like someone saying they haven't seen a Chinese person with a mask. Yeah, and if you're telling me one's worse than the other, that's your subjective opinion. I'm dealing with objective laws and facts of this country. That's your opinion. These are opinions, okay? It's opinions. And what happened to freedom of
Starting point is 00:13:58 speech? That was the best one so far. Yeah, that was a good one. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that had a little Chinese food behind it. Oh, yeah. That's like, you know, when you want to fart, you want to fart good. Eating Chinese food is like taking steroids. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:12 It's like that just felt like Barry Bonds with a big head. The slow job. Yeah. If you're in a farting contest, steroids is Chinese food. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Well, I guess Indian's the, that's a real growth hormone of farting. Indian, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:26 Indian would be number one. That really packs the biggest. No, that's the growth hormone of BO. Yeah, that too. So this guy, I mean, this is unfortunate, right? He's an Oakland A's announcer. Yeah, he's already in the dumps already. Yeah, he's, apparently he's here interviewing Fidel Castro's son.
Starting point is 00:14:44 I mean, who is this guy? Who's the other guy? I don't know, but it's not helping his case. I think Sean Hanks is about to do a movie. The guy he's with here, I mean, this guy looks like an Al-Qaeda cell. Yeah. Either that or a Civil War reenactor. He looked like he just got casted in a Peaky Blinders porno.
Starting point is 00:15:02 I mean, that might have been throwing him off. Who's making me work with Osama Bin Laden here? And then all of his prejudices came out. I don't know. I heard Negro. You did? I heard Negro. But let's hear what you guys hear.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Because I heard Negro League. Let's see. So this is Glenn Cooper, who is the Oakland A's announcer. This was pregame, I believe. Hold on. We had a phenomenal day today. Negro League Museum.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Okay, pause it. Okay. Okay. Maybe I was wrong. It was a strong I. Museum. Okay, pause it. Okay. Okay. Maybe I was wrong. It was a strong I. But who knows if English is his original language? What if he came here from the Soviet Union?
Starting point is 00:15:53 Yes, yes. And what if he's an immigrant and he struggles only with E's and I's? What if his Spotify was just plain trick daddy? Yeah, I don't. That's right. I would like to hear him pronounce trigger, because maybe he pronounced it trigger, and I'd like to hear him pronounce peg. Maybe he pronounces it pig. You knock him down a peg, and he goes, you knock him down a pig.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Maybe the Izy, maybe he's Soviet. Maybe he came from the Soviet Union. Maybe he's a Romanian immigrant. Was he born here? I don't know. Does he have a speech impediment? Was there anything in his mouth? Is he snoozing?
Starting point is 00:16:27 It's possible. Okay? If it wasn't for this very, this just could be a very inopportune moment where a snooze in his mouth matched up when he was talking about
Starting point is 00:16:36 going to the Negro League Museum with Fidel Castro's son. We had a phenomenal day today. Keep it playing. Keep it playing. Laker League Museum. I want to see the other guy's reaction. I want to know how quick they became aware of it.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Watch his reaction. We had a phenomenal day today. Laker League Museum and Arthur Bryant's barbecue. He didn't react at all. He didn't react at all. Yeah. You know what's funny? It was probably a joke He didn't react at all. Yeah. You know what's funny? It was probably a joke they had earlier in the day.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Yeah. And he just Freudian slipped it. That's right. They were probably joking. They were texting each other. Are we going to that museum? We're going to that museum. That's right.
Starting point is 00:17:19 And it was probably in his head. And, you know, it just came out. And look at that guy's reaction right now. He's playing it off cool. He played it off with heartburn. He and the Oakland A's. Now, granted, let's defend the guy. It is an Oakland A's game, and it is baseball,
Starting point is 00:17:35 and it's early in the season. So, in his defense, he did think, like, only three to four people would see it. Yes. I mean, how many people are watching baseball this early in the season? Nobody. 12 people, maybe?
Starting point is 00:17:47 Mm-hmm. And who's watching the pregame, really, anyway? Right? This was before the game. So who's watching? Not that many people. True, indeed. If it wasn't for the internet,
Starting point is 00:17:56 I think he could have got away with this. This is like the safety instruction part of a flight. Exactly. Nobody's fucking listening to this. Nobody wants to hear about his day. Yeah, to be honest with you, I don't know if I'm more offended By the word
Starting point is 00:18:06 Or that guy's beard I mean that guy's beard Is like death to America It does look unkempt Yeah it's just He's I mean that is a God damn
Starting point is 00:18:14 That is Osama Bin Laden's beard It does look like he would Free the liberation To free us though Yeah I love how he went straight To the barbecue after Let's hear it one more time
Starting point is 00:18:22 I want to know When he became aware of it Maybe that's it Maybe he was thinking About the people Who made Let's hear it one more time. I want to know when he became aware of it. Maybe that's it. Maybe he was thinking about the people who made the food. That's what, maybe he just jumped, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:30 We had a phenomenal day today. Or pause it. Maybe he was announcing but his head was someplace else. His wife was banging a guy, happened to be African American, and displaced anger. Let's hear it one time.
Starting point is 00:18:41 It could be. A phenomenal day today Nigger League Museum And Arthur Bryan's Barbie Keep it going Keep it going That's it That's all they play
Starting point is 00:18:52 I think this It does seem like He kind of They made a plan before To make a joke about it Because he left some space For him to throw in something He said
Starting point is 00:19:01 Nigger League Museum Yeah maybe And then he just Copped out at the last second. Maybe the kids got, listen. Listen, commentating a baseball game gets a little boring. You ever listen to it? They're like, oh, yeah. And I, you know, they have to talk about their day.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's like doing some, you know, it's like, you know, it's like AM radio sometimes. No more exciting than a waiting room at the urologist. Yeah, I mean, like the pitching change. Like, anyway, I got a hot dog today. An unbelievable hot dog down there in the Oakland area.
Starting point is 00:19:35 I want to give a shout out to the local Chevy dealership there. Kevin helped me out. Kevin, just want to say hello. Big, big Oakland A's fan. Been in the family a long time. His grandparents started, came over here. And first thing they did when they opened their, you know, taco stand was became Oakland A's fans. So I just wanted to say hello to them.
Starting point is 00:19:55 You know, it's like they got to think of other stuff to say. It's boring. So maybe this guy just had enough. Maybe he's like, I'm dropping a fucking N-word. Had to. I need to spice it up. I need to live dangerously. I need an adrenaline rush. Is there a bigger adrenaline rush
Starting point is 00:20:10 than dropping an N-word on a public broadcast? No. I mean, that's like doing a bump of coke. How much do you think that got his heart racing? Fucking up to a million. I'll tell you that right now. At least 120 beats per minute. Right off the key. Right when he hit the N-I.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Right when he hit the knee. He was like, oh boy. His heart just went. His whole life flash beats for him. Oh yeah. Hot sweats. Yeah. How are you apologizing for this?
Starting point is 00:20:36 If this is you. I'm going, hey everybody. Hey everybody. It's Kippy Coper here. Your pal Kip. Your pal Kip over here at A's Stadium. Got to say, I got a couple of texts during the second inning from friends and family. during the second inning from friends and family.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Apparently, I was unaware. What had happened was I'm doing Invisalign right now, as you can see. Trying to straighten out my teeth. And, you know, since I started doing the old Invisalign, I know, I know, Oakland area. It's a little superficial. It's a little superficial. It's a little vain, but I wanted to straighten out some of the choppers. So I started doing Invisalign about a month ago. Ever since, I've been struggling with my E's and I's.
Starting point is 00:21:38 A little struggle. For example, I got a daughter named Kelly. I've been calling her Kelly. for example, I got a daughter named Kelly. I've been calling her Kelly. So let me just say this again without my Invisalign in, and here I am with Che Guevara. I just wanted to say earlier, I wanted to correct what I'd said.
Starting point is 00:21:57 We went to the Negro League Museum. Knee, knee, as in right here above the calf, the old Negro League Museum. Chuck out some of my favorite ballplayers from history, some of my personal inspirations. Also, did I mention I have three black friends? I have three very close friends, and my first cousin is married to a beautiful woman named Letitia.
Starting point is 00:22:21 How are you, Letitia? Shout out, Letitia. Anyway, let's get back to the game. Yeah, folks, before we go out here, we're going to have a big sponsorship from Jet Magazine. Jet Magazine! You know, I've made a few suggestions
Starting point is 00:22:36 to the front office about some of our local sponsorship here, one of which is my favorite fried catfish restaurant down there in the Oakland area. Give it up, everybody, for Nigel's Fried Catfish down there off Route 66. I also like Big Bubba and Big Mama's House Barbecued Fried Chickens. One of my favorite spots, to be honest with you.
Starting point is 00:23:01 And ladies, if you're looking for some weaves, go down to Popcorn Beauty. Get yourself some Murray's. You know they got that good hair down there. Absolutely. And you'll catch me later tonight. I'll be at a jazz concert. Man, man, man, my favorite singer. Rest in peace. I don't know when
Starting point is 00:23:21 she died, but she just came to me. Aretha Franklin, rest in peace. Peace out, y'all. We'll be right back after these local sponsors. Peace out, y'all. One love. And then when they came back to commercial, I would just be in full Africa garb.
Starting point is 00:23:39 You come back, I'd have a dashiki with a hat on. I would look like Nancy Pelosi after George Floyd got unfortunately murdered. You'd see me just right there. I'd be kneeling on one leg. I'd have fucking Black Panther playing on my phone in the background so you could hear it. I'd be like, I'm sorry, I was just in the middle of watching a little Black Panther.
Starting point is 00:23:57 My favorite movie. Gets me amped up every time. Anyway, back to some good old ball. Back to the ballpark. That's how I would apologize. But Kippy Culper here, he apologized by saying, he said, let's hear his apology. From Kippy Culper.
Starting point is 00:24:27 Earlier in the show, I said something didn't come out quite the way I wanted it to. And I just wanted to apologize if it sounded different than I meant it to be said. Let's see what this guy says. The reporter reporting on the reporter. Let me hear it. ...been calling Kuyper's language unacceptable and said they are working to address the situation. The president of the museum, Bob Kendrick, released a statement saying the N-word has no place in society.
Starting point is 00:24:58 He also said that while I don't pretend to know Glenn's heart, I do know that my heart is one of forgiveness. I don't know Glenn's heart. I do know that my heart is one of forgiveness. I don't know Glenn's heart, but I have ears. Yeah. Also, I mean, it does have a place in some very funny Dave Chappelle sketches.
Starting point is 00:25:11 Yes. I mean, what do we do about that? And honestly, if it didn't... I'm asking your opinion. What do you do about the Dave Chappelle sketches? You leave it? Yeah, you leave it.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Or do you dub over it? It's African American. It's part of pop culture now. It's like a Nazi flag at a museum. Right. You can't go over that. You can't go over that. You can't go over that.
Starting point is 00:25:26 But black guys can say it, no? Yeah. Yeah. If they're trying to act black around their white friends. Yeah. So there is, is there, like, can Hootie say it? Can Darius Rucker say it? Yes, Darius.
Starting point is 00:25:44 Darius Rucker can say it. Darius Rucker can say it. Darius Rucker can say it. But can he say it around his hootie band? First of all, who's hootie and who's the blowfish? Because blowfish can be singular or plural. Yeah. I always wondered. And I don't know what a hootie is.
Starting point is 00:25:55 It's an amorphous of a sound. What is a hootie? So is he hootie and the blowfish is the band? Obviously. Or is, because he can sing, is he Blowfish and Hootie is the band? No, he's the one who hoots. Oh, because he's hooting. He's hooting.
Starting point is 00:26:09 So he's hooting and the Blowfish plural. Because the Blowfish can be, it's either one Blowfish or a school of Blowfish. Now that just makes me think Hootie is another word for nigga. You never know. Right? I don't like that. As we recently learned, you can be a Latin American neo-Nazi. Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:25 So they really are becoming a very diverse group. I mean, we're getting very, you can't add comedy to comedy. Dave Chappelle made a sketch about that a long time ago. I have a message for Mr. Mauricio Rodriguez, post-mortem. The Nazis don't want you. The real Nazis aren't looking to get you in. But I think it's very funny now that you have just like a Mexican Nazi. You know, this guy had like Nazi tattoos and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Yeah. Which is very funny because real Nazis, it's funny because real Nazis are going like, what the fuck? They don't even know how to deal with it. They're going like, I guess, thank you, but shit. We don't like you. We don't like your cat. I don't know what to tell you. I don't know what to tell you. I don't know what to tell you.
Starting point is 00:27:05 You killed those people on your own. You're not getting in. It's almost like he's trying to join a group that won't take him. It's almost like, you know what's happened? You know how people always want the thing they can't have? It's almost like that's happened with hate groups now. People are like, why don't they want me? I'll prove it to them.
Starting point is 00:27:23 That's the answer. Yeah, I'll prove it to them. Oh, the answer. Yeah, I'll prove it to them. Oh, you'll take me. You'll take me. I'll be a Nazi one day. I will grow up. There should be a musical made about a Mexican kid who wants to grow up one day to be a Nazi. I'll show them.
Starting point is 00:27:36 I'll do it. I'll break them proud. If you couldn't get into Brown, join the Nazis. Yeah. I mean, that would be a great musical, right? Like a little minority growing up wanting to join the Nazis and just. I mean, that would be a great musical, right? Like a little minority growing up wanting to join the Nazis and just make songs out about that.
Starting point is 00:27:49 You know? Just piggyback off of Mel Brooks' musical. What's that one called again? The Producers. The Producers. They try to make the worst musical possible.
Starting point is 00:28:01 This is an even worse one. A little Mexican kid. Where was he from? California. Who's a Nazi. Where was he from? California. Who's a Nazi. He was a Nazi. New Texas, I think. Dallas, right?
Starting point is 00:28:09 I mean, Doc, this kid could not look more like shortstop for the Kansas City Royals. And he's a Nazi. It's hilarious. So it just shows you you can't add comedy to comedy because Dave Chappelle
Starting point is 00:28:21 made a sketch about this a long time ago and it was funny. And now, here it is in reality. It's happening. I don't know. It's life imitating art. Guys, we are brought to you by the GOAT Butcher Box.
Starting point is 00:28:33 I mean, what can I tell you? You like protein? You like it shipped straight to your house? Yeah. You like high quality, cage free, ethically raised meats of all kind? You got to go with ButcherBox. It just saves you time at the grocery store, makes it easier. I use it.
Starting point is 00:28:52 Who doesn't use it now? They shouldn't even have meat in the grocery store anymore. It should be shipped to you fresh, frozen, boom. I mean, it's a waste. You know how much of that stuff they throw out? Just go with ButcherBox. You'll be helping the environment too. Am I wrong there?
Starting point is 00:29:05 But there really is a case to be made that you tailor order what you want. It comes frozen. You put it in the freezer and it doesn't get wasted with that display. They put all that meat. You know how much meat is probably just wasted? I guess they give it to Tiger King's Tiger or whatever.
Starting point is 00:29:19 If you saw that documentary. But otherwise, so much food gets wasted. I think in the future, it'll all be by order. So it's like they can tailor make it so you don't have to do these grand displays and try to guess how much people want. Especially when everything goes electric and they can drive it and it's not hurting the environment. I'm a lefty.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Take care of the environment. So ButcherBox, you get your meats. It's incredible. Their website is so easy to manage, right? Convenience, cost, quality, taste. It's so easy, dude. This is a no-brainer. Sign up today using the code FUMES to receive ground beef for a year.
Starting point is 00:30:01 They're doing so well. They're giving stuff away. They give you a year plus $20 off your first order. A year of ground beef. This is a special deal for my listeners right now. Okay, let me repeat that.
Starting point is 00:30:16 You sign up today using the code FUMES. You will receive ground beef for a year. A whole year. In addition to $20 off your first order. Stroking off for everybody. That's two pounds of ground beef for a year. A whole year. In addition to $20 off your first order. Stroking off everybody. That's two pounds of ground beef free in every box for a year, plus $20 off your first order.
Starting point is 00:30:33 Go to butcherbox.com slash fumes. Use the code fumes. Go enjoy all their meats. Mexican couple gets married in Nazi-themed wedding on Hitler's anniversary. What the fuck is going on? Holy shit. Local authorities and Jewish community leaders denounce the pair who reportedly named their kids after prominent Nazi figures.
Starting point is 00:30:55 To be fair, Germans and Mexicans are very proficient around ovens. Yeah, Jesus, they are. Fernando and Josefina in Texe Plaxo, Mexico. And look at these two. They're like mestizos. Are they like white Mexican or no? Because there are some white Mexicans. He looks like the dude from Inglourious Bastards.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Yeah, they actually do look like white. I mean, what the fuck, dude? Who the hell likes Nazis? Eh, fucker? Eh, fucker? Eh, fucker? Hell yeah, fucker. Yo, fucker. Hey, fucker. Hell, Hitler, fucker. Yo, fucker.
Starting point is 00:31:27 Adolf wasn't all wrong, eh? Let me tell you something right now, eh? I fucking loved him, bro. Fucking Hitler was good, eh? I'm trying those fucking jewels, bro. I fucking throw them over their wall. You hear me? Yo, fucking let me tell you.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Hitler had a lot of good points, eh? Yo, the only thing, bro, his had a lot of good points, ese. Yo, the only thing, bro, his car is kind of high. Let's fucking jack this shit out and make it a low ride, eh? Yo, you could do a lot with a Volvo, eh? Yeah. Fuck a yo BMW, eh? Put some fucking rims on there, ese.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Yo, hon, let me tell you, I mean, listen, Hitler made some fucking good movies, eh? Yeah. Oh, you're packing some bass. John Jacobs Jingle. Hi, Bruce Schmidt. His name was my name, too. You know when you have a kid,
Starting point is 00:32:15 you just have children's songs in your memory? All the time. Why did you say all the time? What kind of kids are you hanging out with? Well, you could be dating a 19-year-old, and it's not weird. Yeah, yeah. 25-year-old kid. Joseph Goebbels.
Starting point is 00:32:27 Let me tell you, ese, Joseph Goebbels wasn't no wrong, eh? He made some good fucking movies, cabron. Very weird. Very strange. Very strange. So what did he get suspended for? One day suspension? How many days are we going to be without Kippy Culper?
Starting point is 00:32:50 You know what happened is Dan Soder's girlfriend. Katie Dolan. Katie Dolan was being an announcer for the Yankees, and people got upset about it. I don't get that. You get very used to who, like Michael Kay, Paul O'Neal. Why does it look like someone punched you in the glasses? They're like crooked, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:09 They're fogging up, and it's the headphones. No, but they're also like, oh, because the headphones are, yeah, Jesse's like this right now. He's like, I don't know what's going on. I got to get used to you wearing glasses. Me too. Are they coming again? Are you seeing better yet? No, I hate it.
Starting point is 00:33:24 Culper shared, he's 59 years old. And then afterwards, he promoted Arthur Bryant's barbecue. You know the people at Arthur Bryant's barbecue going like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Say dinosaur barbecue. Please stop saying how black the bark is on our brisket. Stop. A little earlier in the show, folks,
Starting point is 00:33:46 I said something didn't come out quite the way I wanted. I just wanted to apologize if it sounded a little different than what I meant it to be said as. I just wanted to apologize for that. Now, back to the game. Here comes Sandy Martinez up for hitting on the left side. Ooh, indefinitely suspended. So anyway,
Starting point is 00:34:08 the NAACP dude, right? We were reading that statement. They forgave him, right? He said, I figured him out or whatever. It's one way to make the news, right? So look, if you want to outgrow being an Oakland A's commentator and you want to getgrow being an Oakland A's commentator
Starting point is 00:34:26 and you want to get to the big time, I think it's good to concoct this, right? Because you can spin it that he just made a mistake, right? But now you're in national news. What a bigger redemption story now, right? Maybe he's aiming at trying to get a big market team. Maybe he wants to get over to the Dodgers. Maybe he's trying to get over to the Yankees.
Starting point is 00:34:48 Right, with these words, the Red Sox. Red Sox or a lot of other teams. It's probably a lot of teams. Maybe he wants to go do some commentating for Alabama's baseball, Division I. Maybe he wants to move. Maybe he secretly wants to move. Maybe he's being priced out of Oakland because all these tech kids keep gentrifying the area. He's like, it's too expensive.
Starting point is 00:35:09 I want to get down there back with my people. Let me just drop in Edward and get hired by Alabama immediately. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Who knows? You can't judge this guy. He's got his motivations. But you know, the Oakland A's have a lot of attention right now. This is the most attention the Oakland A's have gotten since Moneyball.
Starting point is 00:35:27 So that's really the only time it's happened. Some people use racism for bad. He's using it for good. Yeah, I mean. So what's in his heart, Jared? Is he a racist? Well, he's 59 years old, so there's probably a lot of plaque, which is funny because it's going to be black anyway.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Definitely needs to get a calcium scan. I don't think he's racist. I think he just has a problem that you have sometimes. You just need to slow down. Sometimes you got to slow down. Slow down that car. Just like Pinky said on Friday, slow this motherfucker down. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Okay, listen. Here's the thing. Jared makes an excellent point, okay? There's certain words you want to take your time in. Certain words. Certain words just got to go at a school speed limit. You want to pretend like there are police cameras there. You're just going to end up hitting a kid named Tyrone.
Starting point is 00:36:12 You just want to go slow. Give yourself a speed limit. You want to enunciate some syllables. You want to prepare for certain sentences. Because that fucking traffic light, that traffic camera is going to go off and your picture is going to be all over black Twitter. There's certain words you just want to prepare for. Slow down.
Starting point is 00:36:30 You want to slow. Take it slow, baby. Slow down. You can't speed through a black neighborhood like that. Sometimes you want to put the Tesla in self-drive mode. Yeah, you're going through a black neighborhood, you want to take your time. Opposite of when you're really going through a black neighborhood. When you're really going through a black neighborhood, you want to go
Starting point is 00:36:45 a little faster. We'll be waiting for your apology. You definitely going to want to step on the gas a little bit. Depending on the time of day. But if you're speaking, you want to take your time.
Starting point is 00:37:06 ASMR, dawg. You want to enunciate. You want to slow your way through that N-word. You went to the empowered black Americans. Here's a way that can help you. It's better to forget the N than to try to land the E. Yes. So if you're going to struggle with it,
Starting point is 00:37:28 I recommend you go for Egro. You can't mess up Egro. Take the N away and you're safe. Right? Because even if you go Ig, there's no N. Yeah. We went to the Iger Museum.
Starting point is 00:37:42 What? They didn't get me. Iger. There's no N. True. You got to lose the N. What? They didn't get me. Iger. There's no end. True. You got to lose the end. Okay?
Starting point is 00:37:49 And take your time. Take it. And if you can, just pre-record it. Pre-record it. Yeah. Pre-record it. Dub that shit like a Chinese film. Yeah. Pre-record it.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Right. You know? I actually think everyone over a certain age who's white should be pre-recorded. You should be pre-recorded. You should be pre-recorded. If you're over 59 years old, you should pre-record the game. Say, when did this game happen? It happened yesterday, but we had to pre-record it because good old Kippy Culper's behind the fucking wheels of steel. Yeah, if you're with your granddaughter in a park and she's flying a kite, have ChatGPT finish that sentence for you.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Who else has been taken down by saying something racial that would have benefited from a little pre-recording? Jimmy the Greek. Jimmy the Greek, yeah. Jimmy the Greek was the first famous one. Now give me a little bit of info on Jimmy the Greek because I don't really know who that is. Right, because you were negative something years old. You were somewhere, dog.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Where was Jared? I was just a thought. He was in his dad's balls. I know, but there was an idea of a Jared Harvin somewhere. I was probably born in a theater where Shaft was playing. The idea of me. Well, actually, you came around in 90... 97, dog.
Starting point is 00:38:56 97. So what was popping in 97? Jerry Maguire. Jerry Maguire. Jerry Maguire was a big movie in 96 or 97 or 5. Pulp Fiction, 94, 5, 6. Was the food poisoning game for Jordan 98 or 97? 97, I think.
Starting point is 00:39:13 That was me. I'm just guessing. But it's either 97 or 98. Yeah, Josh Peck and I have the same birthday. What's up, Josh? He watches the Patreon. Josh, what up? He does?
Starting point is 00:39:20 Yes, he does. Oh, Josh Peck is here. We do have one celebrity who watches. Yeah. Joshie Peck. I love Josh Peck. What great energy We do have one celebrity who watches. Yeah. Joshie Peck. I love Josh Peck. What great energy on that fucking kid. Good dude.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Yeah. Jimmy the Greek. Jimmy the Greek Snyder. So he wasn't even Greek, was he? His name's Snyder? Jimmy Snyder. Why'd they call him the Greek? No, I think he was.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Because he... Does he... Uh... People are going to be talking about my high-riding shorts. Is Snyder a Greek word? By the way, if you watched the Are You Garbage episode and people were concerned about the ottoman, the ottoman's doing just fine.
Starting point is 00:39:57 It recovered. We had to spend a week in intensive care, but the ottoman has recovered from good old Foley sitting on it. We had to pump it back up to a machine. We were taking its blood pressure. No, it was close. Yeah, it almost died. Yeah, it almost died.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Yeah, it almost died. We put it on a ventilator in its back. Yeah, it was in the ICU. Then we took it to Ikea. Yeah. So he was Greek. So Jimmy the Greek's real name is Dimitrios Yorgos Sinodinos Jesus Christ
Starting point is 00:40:26 Sinodinos Dimitrios Yorgos Sinodinos Greek names just look like Somebody fell asleep on a keyboard That's really funny I know Where'd you get that joke? I created it
Starting point is 00:40:36 I heard You did it once live too Yeah I said it yeah That's a good joke man Thank you You're in the right business That's a funny fucking joke
Starting point is 00:40:42 Yeah You told me in Cleveland That I did it in Tampa Oh I told you it you was good then yeah i said it i said it walking the street in cleveland you said tweet that then i did it in tampa because of tarpon springs and it killed and then yeah jared's a funny funny kid you're a funny fucking guy thank you quick he's quick he's funny he's smart he keeps getting better like he just keeps going up levels it's not going to be long it's just like jared's not going to be here forever and that's fine just got to fix that gay part yeah although
Starting point is 00:41:10 that's a benefit just keep it dude it's a benefit now so um he passed away in 1996 uh jimmy the greek passed away in 1996 but his career passed away a long time before that his career died a little earlier than he did and And that happens sometimes in life. And it happened because he said something that, to be honest, now is like in your 23andMe. Right? So it's like a known thing. So this is interesting.
Starting point is 00:41:39 And I want to be careful with what I say here because I want to make sure. But again, this is pre-recorded which is the benefit of it but i do believe fast fast twitch and slow twitch like they just now say that some people have it more than others right i don't know i don't know about that one i think they do so give some context what context So fast twitch and slow twitch muscle fibers. Okay. So like, for example, on my 23andMe, I have the fast twitch.
Starting point is 00:42:11 They will tell you whether you have fast twitch or slow switch. Okay. Twitch or switch? Twitch. Okay. Fast twitch. Slow twitch, fast twitch. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:21 Did they say that you have a brain tumor in there too? Yeah, probably. Yeah. No, but I said I'm prone to it. I'm fucking prone to Alzheimer's, a bunch of other stuff, heart disease. I did my calcium scan. I got a little buildup on the left. What are you going to do? It's all right.
Starting point is 00:42:33 It's all right. Don't you be like me. Yeah. I got to eat some blueberries. That'll cure it. He didn't just say one thing. He said a few things, if you look here. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:43 So, Jimmy the Greek, which was one of the first cancel cases. Yeah. Jimmy the Greek. My people, of course. Jesus Christ. He goes, Dave Black got everything. Dave, he was front of the blacks. This was during an interview with Hodling, some guy.
Starting point is 00:42:58 He goes, they've got everything. If they take over coaching like everyone wants them to, there's not going to be anything left for white people. Again. That just seems like the truth. That just seems true. He could be in a strip club saying that. It still rings true.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Yeah, maybe white people got upset about this because they're like, he's fucking shut up. Because that's kind of like what we were saying in another episode. I don't remember when. The next day the three-point line was invented. Yeah. Snyder described blacks as being superior athletes because generally he said they work harder than white athletes okay again they're coming from
Starting point is 00:43:31 different neighborhoods you know you see how sometimes people tell them that you know what fucking you know what uh you know what fucking one who's this fucking one of the most famous thinkers of all time he said if you tell the truth, you better make them laugh, because otherwise they're going to want to kill you. Epstein? No. Yeah, that was Epstein. How do you look at your saved shit on Instagram? Saved posts.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Saved. Here we go, saved. Because it was the last one I saved. And then you type in J-Hart 15. So Oscar Wilde. Oscar Wilde said, if you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you. Because so far,
Starting point is 00:44:09 as the kids would say, Jimmy DeGreek is just dropping facts. So far, so good. Spitting facts, yeah. So far, he's spitting facts, dog. He said, blacks are superior athletes because generally he said
Starting point is 00:44:20 they work harder than white. Then he added, the black is a better at, well, you see, the black doesn't sound good. The black. The black. You got to say, you got to say blacks or black goddess, black gods.
Starting point is 00:44:34 You got to say. Nubian princes. Nubian princes. See, if he would have just changed one word to the Nubian princes are better athletes to begin with because they've been bred that way. That's bad. But also, I mean, somebody made a joke about that. Bill Burr made a joke, right?
Starting point is 00:45:04 And he was like, they were like running. He's like, slaves were like running across state my ancestors were like drinking fucking vodka it's like of course that guy can fucking jump out of the gym or something like that
Starting point is 00:45:12 you know so it's how you do it it's hereditary right so in slavery they did wean the gene pool this is a fact right
Starting point is 00:45:20 they like to take stronger that's what they did I'm not just saying it's what happened you sound like Jimmy the Greek but no but that's what happened did. I'm not just saying. It's what happened. You sound like Jimmy the Greek. But no, but that's what happened. That's his next statement.
Starting point is 00:45:29 Oh, so what did he say? This all goes back to the Civil War when during the slaving trade, the slave owner would breed his big black... It's just the way he said it. Because what he's saying is not historically inaccurate, is what I'm saying. Just like athleticism is hereditary for black people, racism is hereditary for Greeks. You can't help it. So look, he's saying... Just like athleticism is hereditary for black people, racism is hereditary for Greeks.
Starting point is 00:45:46 You can't help it. So look, he's saying the black is a better athlete to begin with because he's been bred that way because of his high thighs that go up into his back. And they can jump higher and run faster because of their bigger thighs. This all goes back to the Civil War when during the slave trading, the slave owner would breed his big black. This is just the way he's saying it. Would breed his big black.
Starting point is 00:46:12 The slave owner would breed his big black to his big woman so that he would have a big black kid. That's where it all started. And then Snyder said, what a foolish thing to say. Snyder said yesterday, I thought I was being instructive when in fact I was destructive. That was his apology.
Starting point is 00:46:32 That was his apology. All right. Now, here's the thing. Technically, there's a kernel, right? Historically, you know, unfortunately, that's what made American chattel slavery so brutal, right? They ripped families apart, and they did sort of do some of this stuff. But I don't know if that's why they would have, what do you say, they're all the way up to their butt or something?
Starting point is 00:47:02 That's just the farting coming out. Okay, so what I'm saying about the fast twitch, slow twitch, is that they tell you some people have fast twitch or slow twitch muscle fibers. Now, the fast twitch muscle fibers is what power athletes have. So they're better at, like, sprinting. Whereas the slow twitch are, like, better at, like, marathons or lifting heavy stuff as opposed to speed. So I have a fast twitch.
Starting point is 00:47:28 I think Jimmy Greco also says something about the fast twitch. Black people have more fast twitch. Now I think it's more, they say Ethiopians tend to have a little, there's things like that that are said more openly. That it's not like, whoa, whoa, whoa, what are you saying? Because it's not a big deal. It's, like, genetic. It's, like, whatever. You can obviously see fucking some people,
Starting point is 00:47:52 the Kenyans fucking dominate the marathon. The fucking Scandinavians dominate the strongman contests. Yeah, but, of course, Africans will be good at marathons because they have to make up for all the running that they didn't do. That's right. So in my 23andMe, you can see it. When you go to 23andMe, it tells you whether you have the fast twitch or small twitch. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:48:15 So this doesn't sound good. This doesn't sound good. It's understandable. Right. But it's not complete. The problem is he probably just read some shit. And again, you're going to want to prerecord this. Right But it's not complete The problem is He probably just read some shit And Again
Starting point is 00:48:26 You're gonna wanna pre-record this Also you're gonna probably wanna keep your You just wanna keep it about the game Yeah keep it about the game You wanna keep it about the game my friend Cause he definitely read an article Then he saw Pam Grier in a movie Yeah
Starting point is 00:48:38 So So So So he was Hotug who is black black, criticized the firing. Wait, this gets interesting. So he was talking to Hodling, who is black, when he said this. Actually, Hodling criticized.
Starting point is 00:48:55 He's not black anymore. Who criticized the firing of Jimmy the Greek Snyder. He said it's outrageous. He should be fired for exercising his First Amendment rights Rather than silencing him They should keep him on and cover the issues Of civil rights in sports I like that
Starting point is 00:49:12 That's something that is so forgotten in today's game When was this? This was back 1980s 1988 This was a big story I remember I thought it happened in the late 1800s 1980s? 1988. 1988, yeah. This was a big story. Jesus. Okay. I remember.
Starting point is 00:49:26 And then, wait. I thought it happened like in the late 1800s, so these comments are a little bit. Where were we? Then he added, it should have been on Covered Red. Musburger, former colleague, it's a big hole when you lose someone who contributed so much as Jimmy D. There's only one Jimmy the Greek. People ask who's out there to replace him, but there's only one. He was first of a kind, but he also was a character. There was that segment
Starting point is 00:49:55 of audience that wanted to disagree, wanted to argue with the Greek. I'm feeling a twinge of sadness for the individual, but on the other hand, there's no way you can defend those comments, period. Given how outrageous what was said, I don't think they had each other now look what he said was outrageous right because it's a generalization and that's not the reason um wholesale that blacks are better athletes than white i mean now we know that right you got guys who got higher fucking you got white guys who got higher yeah that whole white guy can't jump myth is not really true, right? It's like Vincent DiVincenzo had the highest fucking, whatchamacallit, what do you call that?
Starting point is 00:50:32 Vertical? Yeah, the highest vertical of his, one of the highest of all time. Christian McCaffrey. Yeah, I mean, these guys are crazy athletes. So it's, you know, the first part of what he said is the most true, is that blacks work harder, it's what they could get into. But not all black people have gray jeans. I mean, have you seen Jordan Carlos with the shirt off?
Starting point is 00:50:48 Yeah, I mean, listen, have you seen Jared Harvin try to touch the rim? Okay. I can touch the rim. But what happens is blacks work so hard, they made it look easy. But what Jimmy the Greek did does have some sort of a kernel historical truth to it. It's just, it's a tough thing to say without being very careful about what you're saying. Because unfortunately, that's what these evil people did do. And that's what slavery, there is truth to what he's saying.
Starting point is 00:51:16 But there's no truth into that leading to his hypothesis, right? Yeah. Because his hypothesis in and of itself is a little racist because he's saying like, he was like, he's basically reinforcing that they're being bred like racehorses or something like that. So that's wrong.
Starting point is 00:51:34 So he's wrong, you know? So at the end of the day, Jimmy, keep it about the game, baby. What the fuck happened? But you know, I think Jimmy didn't think he was being racist because he was talking to him. Imagine saying that
Starting point is 00:51:50 to a black guy. So I don't think, I just think he truly thought he was like being, you know, historical or whatever. How bad was that game that it led him
Starting point is 00:52:00 to that conversation? I mean, Jesus Christ. What was the score? The score must have been 103 to negative seven. Here's my bet. How much did he lose on the team with more black guys on it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:09 For him to say that. It's the juice of the game. I'm never doing this under again. Yeah. God damn it. You know, you just, ah, every time. They're just better athletes. You know, I should have known better.
Starting point is 00:52:20 You want to know why they're better athletes? Ah, because I was reading David Duke's book yesterday. That's why. David Duke nailed it. That's why people, when they say they're in the was reading David Duke's book yesterday. That's why. And David Duke nailed it. That's why people, when they say they're in the black, that's a positive thing. It's a positive thing, being in the black. Yeah, you probably had a C-note on the Celtics.
Starting point is 00:52:36 Let's think about some things that are, because always, you know, you always think about the things that are black that are negative. But black, what's positive? Magic Johnson. It's a good one, right off the bat. That was quick. It's a good one. In the black, you're the prophet. Yeah. Batman suit was black.
Starting point is 00:52:50 He's a positive superhero. What else we got? The space that Stevie Wonder pulls all his creativity from. Blackness, darkness. Darkness, yeah. Darkness, yeah. That's an inventive one., darkness. Yeah. Darkness, yeah. That's an inventive one. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:53:06 Yeah. Black, what's a good thing that's black? White, we got angels, we got clouds, we got,
Starting point is 00:53:16 um. The side of Khalees Hawkins that's not annoying? Let it slide, she doesn't watch this. Um, that's about it Dubs
Starting point is 00:53:28 Dubs I guess Sign of peace Blacks What's good with blacks Black the color black Bad guys wear black Defiance All I'm thinking about
Starting point is 00:53:39 Is that third bass song Black guys Bare guys wear black Must have been a white guy That started all that Make the gas. So Jimmy the Greek went too far.
Starting point is 00:53:51 That's a bad one. Went too far. Who else? Look, you're live. You make mistakes. You make mistakes on this podcast the whole time, bro.
Starting point is 00:53:59 You do. But you know, the thing is, nobody's ever made a mistake like that. So I do, Kramer, The best part was when Kramer tried to save it When he went there's those words
Starting point is 00:54:12 Those words We still have those words Can we listen to the Jimmy the Greek Thing so we can hear it And hear how bad it sounds Because everything when you read it Is really bad That's like when they take a joke
Starting point is 00:54:25 and they try to put it in an article. It removes all the context. Maybe he said it in a real friendly way. Give me a second, Jess. Like, hey, Blackstreet Superior athletes! Right? Maybe he said it like,
Starting point is 00:54:37 does it soften it if you do it in like a Jerry Seinfeld voice? Well, it's not dealing with how good of the athletes they are. Maybe he's saying it like Barney. They were bred that way. I love you. You love me.
Starting point is 00:54:49 The best black athletes come from single families. Okay, let's see. Was asking questions about Martin Luther King's birthday and the progress blacks have made in society. Their CBS sports commentator, Jimmy the Greek Snyder, gave his impressions of blacks in coaching in the National Football League. His answers could raise as much controversy as the statements by former Dodgers executive Al Campanis last April on ABC's Nightline news program.
Starting point is 00:55:22 Pretty soon they're going to have to equalize it for the blacks, for the Greeks, the Jews, and for everybody. I mean, let's make it equal for everybody. And is it equal? What about in sports? Well, they've got everything. If they take over coaching like everybody wants them to, there's not gonna be anything left for the white people. I mean, all the players are black.
Starting point is 00:55:43 I mean, the only thing that the whites control is the coaching jobs. Now, I'm not being derogatory about it, but that's all that's left for them. So black talent is beautiful. It's great. It's out there. The only thing left for the whites is a couple coaching jobs. I mean, we've got more black coaches than that. I'm sure they'll take over that pretty soon, too.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Well, I mean, there we go. We stuck with, you know, a lot of black people. I'm like, right on, man. We're going to take that shit. He's right. He's right. Yeah. Plus, he was at a banquet.
Starting point is 00:56:11 It looked like he had a few pops. Yeah, he had a few pops. Okay, what about the, let's, I want to see the newscast. I want to see the one that got him in trouble. Because that one, you know, I guess at the time that one, since Harsh, now you're looking back. You're like, all right, Looks like what he said came true Well not exactly yet right But there's a lot more black coaches now
Starting point is 00:56:32 Yeah well they have to have a rule The Rooney rule That was created in Pittsburgh so the Rooney rule Is you have to give a interview Opportunity to a black coach At least one black coach while you're Interviewing for a new job. So that's why, like, D'Amico Ryan,
Starting point is 00:56:47 all these new black coaches, the Steelers owner actually implemented that. Interesting. I didn't know that. Did you know that, Jess? No. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. The Rooney rule, yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:55 Absolutely, yeah. So there it is. Final of action. There it is. His final CBS appearance. That might be it. Redskins fans in particular will never forget this return.
Starting point is 00:57:11 That's Bob Costas, too. Another Greek. And still the touchdown. And Walter Payton winds it up in a dejected note. Jimmy DeGreek, let me ask you about that injury to Green, which I alluded to. That's a very big difference against Anthony Carter.
Starting point is 00:57:32 Oh, that's not. That's Brett Musburger, right? I know the Redskins are very happy about winning the game, but without Darryl Green to watch Mr. Carter return those punts. I mean, he's a big man out of the lineup, offensively and defensively. It would make a difference of at least two points. Jimmy, let me ask you about the AFC game about to start. This isn't it.
Starting point is 00:57:53 No. They probably stripped it from the internet. No, it's somewhere. It's got to be somewhere. But anyway, it happens to Jimmy the Greek. And since then, we've had a lot of slips. It's live, right? There was a woman who got hit by a car during a reporting segment.
Starting point is 00:58:13 The thing about the news is often they go live. And when you go live, you're going to make certain mistakes. You know what one of my favorite live mistakes is? It's so cringe to watch, but it's like one of those things you can't look away from is Kelly Osbourne on The View talking about Donald Trump and immigration and Mexicans, right? So this was at the beginning when Donald Trump first came on the scene and he was talking about building the wall and, you know, they cut that clip to go rapists, murderers. So Kelly Osbourne, there you go.
Starting point is 00:58:49 Right up on the top. Yeah, there she is. So here it is. Watch this. Watch this backfire. Trump is a lightning rod, even when he's not there. Look what happened on The View today with guest co-host Kelly Osbourne. This is the best.
Starting point is 00:59:02 There are a lot of Latinos here in this country that do agree that the immigration problem is a problem and it does need to be addressed and it does need to be fixed. Interesting. But making those comments, those racist comments, do not help. And if you kick every Latino out of this country, then who is going to be cleaning your toilet, Donald Trump? Oh, that's...
Starting point is 00:59:26 In the sense that... You know what I mean? I'm saying there's more jobs to be done. In L.A., they always... But Latinos are not only... No, I didn't mean it like that. Come on. No, I would never mean it like that.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Monday night... Ouch. That was a great moment from history brought to you by Why the fuck is Kelly Osbourne talking politics? That's one of those moments where it just, you know, it's just you go, who made this decision and why? Right? You just go, okay.
Starting point is 00:59:58 You know, it's these fucking dumb marketing people. It's like the same thing that happened with Bud Light. It's like these people, like, you got to hire her. She's so smart or he's so smart. How fucking smart do you have to be to just go,
Starting point is 01:00:10 this woman's famous from the Osborne show. Let's throw her on because she'll get the young demographic and it just shows the reason why television fails so much
Starting point is 01:00:18 is because they make their decisions based all on market research and not on like what's good because why the fuck is Kelly Osbourne talking about politics? She's goddamn Ozzy Osbourne's daughter. She's got pink hair and a mohawk. Of course that was going to happen.
Starting point is 01:00:37 Oh, my God. That was a big misspeak. You know she cringes every now and then. Oh, when she sees that? But how great a moment was that? She's trying to be a hero, and they're just like whoa whoa rosie was like she was trying to drop the mic she was trying to have a moment that imperial british side stuck up real fast yeah rosie was like no no no that's not that's not that's not no no no no no no no no that's not nice you know she's just driving in her car one day.
Starting point is 01:01:05 Like, it just pops in her head. She's like, I can't believe I said that. Yeah, she, man. She's cringe-inducing. She, her face changed so quick. She's waiting for the reaction. She's waiting for the claps. She's waiting for the audience to go crazy.
Starting point is 01:01:20 You think Latinos know? Like, you know, when she's in L.A., she's at a stoplight, and there's people Cleaning her windshield They're like Wait no Hold on Wait no That's Kelly Osbourne
Starting point is 01:01:28 No don't Leave that She's speed on it Speed on it That's the one Right there That's the one You remember what she said?
Starting point is 01:01:38 Oh man No no I didn't mean it like You know you did That's exactly what you meant Who's gonna clean Your toilet Donald Trump? She said it with so much confidence
Starting point is 01:01:45 So much like No mango and chili for you Fuck out of here now It's what it is It's like it's one of those moments Where like What she truly thinks Or what she's been exposed to
Starting point is 01:01:55 Comes out Not what she's supposed to pretend to be Yeah Right Cause like she's Ozzy Osbourne's daughter Who do you think is cleaning her toilet Who do you think is doing her gardening
Starting point is 01:02:03 Like on a It's not a white guy named Carter. It's a Mexican. But she knows. She comes from money. She understands who's doing the work for her. So I get that part. I understood what she said.
Starting point is 01:02:15 I understood what she was trying to say. It's just not how she said it. It's just not the way you're supposed to say it because she's like Kelly Osbourne. She got famous just because there was cameras in her house. Yeah, you're supposed to be giving me what drug is best to go with Taco Bell, not politics. I mean, why is she talking about politics? I mean, you know, it's ironic that Hollywood gets so angry about politics because they do what politics do, right?
Starting point is 01:02:44 They do market research. That's what politicians do. Market research. They try to give the majority what they want. They don't try to make what's good. They try to make what works. That's why they have Kylie Osbourne talking about politics. See, I made the mistake right there.
Starting point is 01:03:00 I called her Kylie Osbourne. Were you paying attention? You said Osbourne, right? But I said Kylie Osbourne. I you paying attention? You said Osbourne, right? But I said Kylie Osbourne. I messed up the E and the I. If I ever went to the... Take your time, Giannis. Slow down.
Starting point is 01:03:10 This is what goes through your head. Take your time, Giannis. Slow down. You know what you're about to say. Take a moment. Breathe. If I ever spent the day going to the... Deep breath.
Starting point is 01:03:23 Knee. Bro. Museum. Yeah. I might also have a problem I repeat If I ever Had a day Where I had to go to the
Starting point is 01:03:31 Negro Museum Yeah And I I may also slip up And make a mistake Exactly I just called Kylie
Starting point is 01:03:40 Kelly Kylie Wait who's the former Governor of California Arnold Schwarzer. Knee. Knee. Eegah. Arnold Schwarzer.
Starting point is 01:03:57 Knee. Knee. Eegah. No, you got to flatten that E out. Arnold Schwarzer. Eegah. Eegah. Eegah. Eegah. Eegah. Eegah. Eegah. Eegah. Eegah. Eegah. You don't got to go to diversity training. Arnold Schwarzenegger. E-R-I-E.
Starting point is 01:04:08 You don't got to go to diversity training no more, but you do have to go to BOCES. You pronounce it. Negger. Whoa, that's too close. No, no, no. The flatty. The flatty. Jesse, what do you mean the flatty?
Starting point is 01:04:21 It just sounds like you said the N-word with a British accent. These are the flatty. You're not ordering bag said the N-word with a British accent. What do you mean the flatty? You're not ordering bagels at Starbucks. I didn't do it. God, it must be fucking nice to just float through life knowing you can pronounce the former governor's name without worrying the world. I just got called a nigga by a man in Argyle socks. How do you say it? Arnold.
Starting point is 01:04:42 Arnold Schwarzenegger. You're so glad. That even made me feel uncomfortable. Arnold Schwarzenegger Arnold Schwarzenegger You can say Negger Negger You can say whatever you want I gotta go Arnold Schwarzenegger Just
Starting point is 01:04:56 Leggo I would just say One of his lines From a movie Arnold Schwarzenegger Get to the chopper Arnold Schwarzenegger Get to the chopper Arnold Schwar Schwarzen... Arnold Schwarzen...
Starting point is 01:05:08 Call him Arnold Schwartz. Yeah, just call him Arnold Schwartz. Yeah. Arnold Schwartz... Just call him the last name of whatever his illegitimate son uses. Or just change it. Arnold Schwartz or Fager. Arnold Schwartz or Tager.
Starting point is 01:05:23 Now you're going to have a different community. Get back. Arnold Schwartz... Arnold Schwarzen Taker Now you're gonna have A different community Get back Arnold Schwarzen Arnold Arnold Schwarzen N-word Arnold Schwarzen N-word
Starting point is 01:05:32 Schwarzen Is it Schwarzen Schwarzen Schwarzen Schwarzen Schwarzen Schwarzen Oh
Starting point is 01:05:40 What can you do It gets a little hairy It happens It happens. It happens to all of us. Happens to all of us. But it's more about being live. You know, do you remember when that lady fell into the grapes? We're going to have to get out of here.
Starting point is 01:05:59 Those are getting worse. What's more offensive, that or Kippy Cooper? That. Hit me old N-word. I think what's more offensive, that or Kippy Cooper? That, definitely. Hit me old and word. I think what's more offensive is imagining you doing that in your sleep. I did a podcast today. We had a nice day. I met up with Jesse Scaturo and my good old Negro friend, Jared Harvin. We had a great day.
Starting point is 01:06:22 I nailed that one. Negro, Negro, Negro. Negro. Remember that Donald Rawlings joke? I nailed that one. Negro, Negro, Negro. Negro. Remember that Donald Rawlings joke? I love that joke. Oh, God. It was so funny. It was right after the Kramer thing happened.
Starting point is 01:06:35 Oh, yeah. He said he was like, yo, he turned it into an opera. Negro, Negro, Negro. But the best was what Chappelle said about that. Chappelle's joke was the best. That's when I found out I was 90% comedian. 90% 10%. I was like, damn, that's messed up.
Starting point is 01:06:51 10% black. He's like, damn, man, that's messed up what he said. And then that N-word's having a bad set. Don't let him see you sweat. Kramer, tough crowd. The woman who fell into the grapes, there was also a woman who got hit by a car a couple years ago and then just kept reporting. And it was her final day of being a reporter.
Starting point is 01:07:14 So she was like, this was her last, and she was like saying, I miss you guys. I had a great day. And she gets hit by a car. Trying to make the final day of life. And then, like the good reporter she is, she just kept reporting it's uh it's really funny um you know people you don't have to report from the
Starting point is 01:07:34 scene who made that decision that you had to report but from the scene you know some producer yeah i want to see some action you know move around it's like, you don't have to be on this scene for what? Like, where she was standing, watch this, like, put it on. It's, you know, things happen live. Now to a frightening moment that played out on live television. It's so funny. Reporter for WSAZ, that's the NBC affiliate in Huntington, West Virginia. She was about to do a live report, but she was accidentally...
Starting point is 01:08:06 When did Roy Wood become a newscaster on Today Show? That's not Roy Wood. His hand is too strong. We see this. Water may break. Look at this guy barely... Okay, I just got hit by a car, but I'm okay, Tim. I'm okay.
Starting point is 01:08:23 We're all good. I'm okay. Yeah, you know, that Tim. I'm okay. We're all good. I'm okay. Yeah, you know that's live TV for you. It's all good. I actually got hit by a car in college, too, just like that. What a trooper. Can you pause it? Can you pause it?
Starting point is 01:08:37 She said, I also got hit by a car like that in college. Hey, girl, I got a tip for you. Why don't you get out of the middle of the road? He had no reaction for his... Who set her up in the street there? He had no reaction for her getting hit whatsoever. Oh, he could care less. She probably has a couple of sexual allegations against him.
Starting point is 01:08:55 He's probably thinking in his head, oh, God, I don't have to get a lawyer. Do we have a video of the biggest on-air slips? There's some big ones. Go YouTube it. YouTube it. Yeah, just YouTube the biggest on-air slips.
Starting point is 01:09:17 It's not going to do it. Top 10 live TV Freudian slip-up. Let's hear this one. It's live, baby! I mean, you know how many things we've had to cut out for me? I mean, if we... Thank you. Well, the Clippers may have a very comfortable 13-point lead
Starting point is 01:09:35 going into the second half, but as always, there are elements to improve on. I just finished talking with assistant coach Jim Ion, and that's what he didn't like about that first half. He thought defensively, the team started slowly not picking up Portland's double penetration, dribble penetration, that is, double penetration, double penetration. Double penetration.
Starting point is 01:09:57 Yeah. Double penetration, dribble penetration, that is, offensively. That was a good one. That was good. That was a good one. That was number 10 on the list. It's only going to get better from here. According to a new study, most condoms don't fit men in India.
Starting point is 01:10:15 Findings are being reported by the Times of India in an article called Indian Men Don't Measure Up. Poor fit contributes to a higher failure rate, which experts say is a major problem in India. The number of HIV infections has been skyrocketing there. Infuctions. Yeah, not that bad. Infuctions. The actual story was better than the flip-up. He is announcing a proposal to
Starting point is 01:10:37 jack off the cost of keeping your home by 27% Jack off! That was a good one. Again, these strong seas that are moving across the area and eroding the beaches. A big problem. Then as we check the boobies out short. The boobies.
Starting point is 01:10:55 The boobies. The boobies, baby. I'll give it a jack off so far. J-Lo's new song, Jenny from the Block, all about Lopez roots. About how she's still a neighborhood gal at heart. But folks from that street in New York, the Bronx section, sound more likely to give her a curb job than a blowjob
Starting point is 01:11:12 or a block party. Whoa! Whoa! J-Lo's got a cock. You want to get blown. Pause it real quick. What the hell is a curb job? If J-Lo's got a cock. You want to get blown. As Fox reports, this Monday, November the 4th. Pause it real quick. What the hell is a curb job? If J-Lo had a cock,
Starting point is 01:11:28 would you suck it? Just that it's a thought. It shows you how hot J-Lo is. If I get the powers to speak Spanish from it, I'll do it. How about you, Jess? What are you doing?
Starting point is 01:11:41 Well, what do I get? You get to be with J-Lo. Do you mean I get to hit? You get a mouth with J-Lo. Do you mean I get to hit after? You get a mouthful of jizz. Yeah, if I just get... No, I need... Right there, we demonetized. All right, let's keep them going.
Starting point is 01:11:54 I think we demonetized a long time ago. A long time ago. Jesus Christ. Still ahead, the most watched prime time in all of cable news. Yes, All right. Number five on the list. Right after the break, we're going to interview Eric Weihandmayer, who climbed the highest mountain in the world, Mount Everest.
Starting point is 01:12:16 But he's gay. I mean, he's gay. Excuse me. He's blind. That was a goodie. That was a goodie. That was a goodie. He's gay. I mean, no, sorry.
Starting point is 01:12:29 He's blind. He's blind. Those two aren't even close. They're not even close, dog. What the hell was that? How do you mix up blind and gay? You know what? I think sometimes the people in the producers get a little bored.
Starting point is 01:12:46 I've done this, right? I did a show like this, a new show. You just read out of the teleprompter. You just straight read out of the teleprompter. So if that's there, there's times you just zone out in your reading, you'll read it. Because you're reading as it goes. You've got to stay fast. Somebody just put gay in there for fun.
Starting point is 01:13:06 You could get any newscaster fired Just by throwing in there We need a missing link A five letter word Something balls Something toppers Something balls I mean boys That wasn't that great
Starting point is 01:13:17 Balls Not that big You said the word before What's wrong with that? Yeah, balls. You added the S to it. That's nowhere near as good as gay instead of blind. She's got a nice rat talking.
Starting point is 01:13:37 She's 18 years old. Majesty in danger in its rawest form. Now, this is, of course, the magic that is Africa. And once you've been there, you'll just want to go back. Mm, nice pussy. That was a good one. That was a goodie. Whoopsie-daisy, girl.
Starting point is 01:13:56 Somebody had some fun in college. Nice pussy, cat. The deputy police chief says six officers were killed, including the district's top cock. Top cock. Top cock, baby. Yeah. Randy, baby.
Starting point is 01:14:16 Yeah, baby. Yeah. The top cock, baby. And number one, just to finish it off, not to be outdone. I've worked alongside him, and I'm proud to have been his partner. And we've had trials. We've made some mistakes. We've had some sex setbacks.
Starting point is 01:14:44 We had some sex Setbacks Whoa We had some sex Whoa George Bush Senior Likes to Likes to get a little crazy At those I'd Why Shut parties Wild boy
Starting point is 01:14:52 Yeah Man We hope you enjoyed This episode This was a fun one I enjoyed myself Remember Take your time
Starting point is 01:15:00 With that word Take your time School zone speed School zone speed. School zone speed. But what I want you to do is be very, very fast to tell people about the Patreon. Spread it. Spread Eagle. Tell everybody. Tell your friends.
Starting point is 01:15:15 Because we're going to be back here every week. We're sorry you fucking threw out his back. A coat rack or a hat rack. And throwing a ball to his dog, which you're not supposed to use lacrosse balls, by the way. It's the worst for the dogs. Why is that? I don't know. I just saw it in the comment.
Starting point is 01:15:28 Yeah, but that's stupid. It's just a rubber ball. It's fine. Use lacrosse balls. It's great. They bounce. You know, they're hard. You know, I mean, it depends on the dog you got.
Starting point is 01:15:37 If you got a chihuahua, obviously don't throw a fucking lacrosse ball. Yeah, but you got a dog from the streets of Puerto Rico, so it can take anything. It can take it all. Patreon.com slash Giannis Pappas Hour. We will see you next week. Now a word from our shout-outs. Brooklyn Cannery. BrooklynCannery.com.
Starting point is 01:15:54 15% off Giannis Pappas. All one word. Go get these all-natural sodas. They're delicious. They're only 20, 30, 40 calories depending on the flavor. Amaretto, cola. There's so many good flavors, which is like cola. It's a cola.
Starting point is 01:16:08 You got your root beer. You got your ginger ale. You got your key lime jalapeno. You got your coffee spritzer. They're just great. And listen, if you like soda, but you have a problem with your sugar, get these, man. They use stevia. They use monk fruit.
Starting point is 01:16:23 No chemical stuff. Yeah, yeah. And it's prebi these, man. They use stevia. They use monk fruit. No chemical stuff. Yeah, yeah. And it's prebiotic, too. Only ingredients you can pronounce and say. Yeah. It's Jared Harvin approved, and kid likes beetroot. Chris Minetti, come get the sign, you Italian sauce monkey. Meet Jesse in a fucking parking lot. Hand him the cash,
Starting point is 01:16:40 and I'll be watching from a car far away to film it to make sure everything's on the up and up and also so we got fucking eyes on you so you don't try something, all right? Because supposedly you have a business somewhere in South Jersey and Philly where you cash checks, but there is no address.
Starting point is 01:16:57 There's only a phone number. Yeah. I don't know how many people Chris Minetti has kidnapped or killed who have called him up and said, cash my check. I guess just meet the guy in a Wawa parking lot. 215-750-3730.
Starting point is 01:17:09 Chris Minetti in the Philly South Jersey area. We'll cash your check with Minetti Financial Services. You know, an Italian name like that, you know you can trust that name. Minetti. It doesn't say crime at all. ForTheFree.art. That's all I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:17:27 I don't think they check anymore. Check them out. Hawaii music. For the free. There's people who want to get in. One of them is like a great natural food dog company, but I'm strict to the 10. So I want you to drop off. I'm sick of saying for the free dot art. I don't even think he's aware.
Starting point is 01:17:43 I think we've got one space available. Oh, we do? Yeah, yeah. Tell him to join. Oh, tell him to join. Exclusiveautoshipping.com. This guy's just been with us for the... I love...
Starting point is 01:17:53 If you're moving your car, or you buy your car out of state, go to exclusiveautoshipping.com. They also have... They get you a free quote, and they'll move your car for you. Student and military discounts apply. All right. Man and military discounts apply.
Starting point is 01:18:05 All right. Manly Girly Studios. I don't know where the guys are coming up with the money to pay for these ads, but check out their podcasts. They're very popular North Carolina podcasts. Someone listen, let me know. You get 20% off their merch, too, if you're interested in buying merch from a podcast you've never listened to. Where's our merch? That's what I want to ask. Yeah, I got to get that done. We've still got Long off their merch, too, if you're interested in buying merch from a podcast you've never listened to. Yeah. Where's our merch?
Starting point is 01:18:25 That's what I want to ask. Yeah, I got to get that done. We still got long days merch, and we still got a long day signed. Yeah. I'm like, you know what it's like? It's like when you break up with somebody, but the person hasn't moved out yet, and their shit's still there. Mm-hmm. We got to transition over to the Honest Papas Hour.
Starting point is 01:18:40 We need new merch. I know, some girl complained. Anyway, 20% off. Use the code WEPA. Where do you go? ManlyGirlyStudios.com. Yes, sir. All right.
Starting point is 01:18:51 What about this chick? Sam Gubera. Now, is Sam Gubera... Okay. Now, is Sam Gubera... Did you always have a farrier..., like did you grow up with horses? Yeah, I think she did. If you're from the South, is a farrier like a viable business?
Starting point is 01:19:12 She's from Oakland, actually. How do you know? You spoke to her? Yeah, she grew up with a lot of horses. I think he's banging half of our fan base. No, I'm not. I was really interested in what a farrier was. So you reached out to Sam?
Starting point is 01:19:25 Yeah. Maybe we should just call her every episode. She's not going to pick up. She's too shy, I think. She just wants to enjoy the comedy. But I'm getting hit up by other people who are loving this. I'm getting hit up by fans going, the farrier, the farrier, the farrier. So it's Sam Goubera, which is her real name.
Starting point is 01:19:46 Because it sounds like Goubera. Yeah. And I So it's Sam Goubera, which is around the, because it sounds like Goubera. Yeah. And I will make you my Goubera in a second. True. I'll fly out to fucking Nashville, visit Nate Bargatze, and fucking let you clean up my hoofs. Yeah, you got to shut down this farrier service and open up an escort business. Sporthorsefarrier.com. Sam's Farrier Services if you don't know
Starting point is 01:20:05 where a farrier is this does not apply to you and also like I don't need to explain it because if there's someone who listens
Starting point is 01:20:12 to this podcast and they're looking for a better farrier specifically will you travel let's say I got a horse in New Zealand
Starting point is 01:20:21 will you travel to New Zealand to clean up my fucking horse's feet You know So is she basically like A Chinese lady for horses Exactly
Starting point is 01:20:30 Yeah She basically gives pedicure to horses Yeah Cut the nails Yeah I saw this black dude Getting a pedicure yesterday By the way
Starting point is 01:20:37 Shout out to Mama Too's On the Upper West Side I know the guy The owner He was a big hyenas fan I think he dropped He might have went with Chris. He might have just started, kept going with Chris because he's kind of disappeared
Starting point is 01:20:47 from my comments. That's just the way it is, dog. I don't know what happened to him. But his family owns a pizza shop on the Upper West Side. He's a Manhattan kid. No, no, he's from, I think, Bronx or something like that. But anyway. Is he black? No, no, no, he's white. And then he opened the Italian kid, big Italian kid, or whatever. And then he
Starting point is 01:21:03 opened his own spot called Mama Two's. Jerry Seinfeld was the first one who started tweeting about it because he lives in the Upper West and the pizza's good. And I just, my wife loved it one time we went there. So I'm on the way home yesterday because I was in the city to do the bonfire yesterday with Jay. I mean with Bobby. And so I went to Mama Two's to get pizza to bring to my wife
Starting point is 01:21:25 It's so good Really? It's so good Anyway, so what was I saying before that? Sam You saw a black dude get a pedicure Yeah Oh, so I was waiting in line because it's a popular pizza spot
Starting point is 01:21:37 And I saw this fucking tall black dude getting a pedicure with this little Asian woman And watching a guy get a pedicure is this little asian woman and it was it's watching a guy get a pedicure is just hilarious it's just a funny i remember i got a pedicure once yeah i ended up writing a bit about it but it just looks weird because the guy must have been like six five so he had like his legs like he had and it was summer so it was like fucking he had his shorts and his legs out and he was like reading the paper and you saw this little asian woman just working on his foot and his legs out, and he was reading the paper. You saw this little Asian woman just working on his foot. It's something for women. When guys get pedicures, it's hilarious, but it does feel good.
Starting point is 01:22:12 They massage your foot. I've gotten a few, and it feels really good. I went with my wife. But it's funny because it's usually a bunch of women and one dude who's going and getting his pedicure. Did you ever get the mani, get the hands done? I uh i never got the man did you get the mani no my grandfather used to do that he used to get the clear polish on his fingers the italian one right yeah yeah italians love the mark de mayo used to get the manis yeah you know like that um yeah some guys
Starting point is 01:22:39 are into it you ever get a mani pedi no yeah it was just a funny visual i mean he was too big for the chair they don't have guy-sized chairs. His legs were dangling. She looked like three feet tall because he was so tall. And she was just working. And they were the only ones in there. So it looked like he lost a bet or won a bet or something. It's like he was like his fantasy league.
Starting point is 01:22:58 And they're like, you got to go get a mani from Ling. Another thing, how do you break into the mani if you're not Chinese? If you want to be a manicurist, you're not Chinese, do they let you in that world? That is a good point, yeah. They got that on lock. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:12 You probably have to put yourself in a Chinese finger trap for like two days. Yeah. Anyway, this is all part of the ad read for Sam Gubera. Sam Gubera will make
Starting point is 01:23:23 your horse's hooves look shiny brand new. She's a farrier, dog, and she's got 10 years of experience with no fumes. Do you think she rounded it up to 10 and it's like seven years, nine months? I would, too. Yeah, those are horse years. Yeah. Call her up. The most important part is you call her up and call her in the voice of a horse and say you need help.
Starting point is 01:23:42 864-200-9007. Tell them Seabiscuit sent you. Or go to sportshorseferrier.com. She's in the Nashville area and now she's famous. Now there's 50,000 people. And if you have the RU, if this is on the RU garbage, 80,000.
Starting point is 01:24:01 But yeah, over 100. Because that's just the YouTube. Yeah. Displaypros.net uh the real deal when it comes to custom trade show booths retail fixtures and promotional items so if you guys have anything like you know you're at a car show or you know you're selling some pickles at a fair and you want something to really catch people's eyes hit up displaypros.net um what do they got their uh the code if you put in the code what's the deal is you get a 10 off your first purchase Hit up displaypros.net What do they got? The code If you put in the code
Starting point is 01:24:26 What's the deal is You get 10% off your first purchase Tell them that Giannis sent you They do free consultations So guys If you want to promote your business Hit up these guys And they'll fucking
Starting point is 01:24:34 Freak your shit out Great Okay Did anyone read anything? Did you read? No I did not read this No Okay he keeps
Starting point is 01:24:43 He keeps getting the summaries from ChatGBT. This is, listen, this guy's got an all-star name. It's cute, no Fumare, Eastern Hemi, but will suck cock for a penny. That's up there. He wrote a novel. It's a graphic novel, and this is what ChatGBT had to say about it. In this graphic novel, readers
Starting point is 01:24:59 are taken on a thrilling journey through the dark underbelly of a crime-ridden city where an aging crime lord finds himself losing control over his empire. This sounds good. That sounds like a household. Dude, AI is taking over our lives. I mean, they're better at everything. Seriously.
Starting point is 01:25:11 As terrorist groups and rival syndicates rise up to challenge his authority, the crime lord must navigate a treacherous landscape and fight to maintain his power. I want to read it now. His copy sucked, and he wrote the book. So that's weird. Maybe you should let AI write the fucking book. AI's going to write it now. His copy sucked and he wrote the book. So that's weird. Maybe you should let AI write the fucking book. AI's going to write
Starting point is 01:25:28 the sequel. Send me the mailing address. You guys need to engage more with the Patreon community to make it like the Hyena days. Come on, Yanni. Let's go.
Starting point is 01:25:36 All right. He's not wrong. What are you going to send us? He's not wrong about that. Oh, he wants to send us a... Can we give him your address? I mean, you know. You don't have to tell him
Starting point is 01:25:43 it's Jesse's address. Damn. Yeah. No, but that's where We send shit Nobody's gonna go Fucking kidnap Jesse With those new glasses But I bet you people
Starting point is 01:25:51 Will want to see What he looks like People go going like Please put What does Jesse look like Jesse's gonna fuck up And have his progressive on And think the kidnapper
Starting point is 01:25:58 Is gonna be Some girl style cookie So yeah Okay then we got Staffing Beaver What do they do They staff up dog uh they but i look if you have to name staffing beaver and you're not fucking you're not tricking chicks into porn that's it's a waste of a name yeah but supposedly a higher offshore remote talent to fill important
Starting point is 01:26:16 roles in business and by roles i mean holes from law firms to cleaning companies they help businesses all over north america tax evade by getting talent from places where their slave labor is legal. A 30-minute discovery call can save you. Please call these guys and tell me what's going on. I mean, this is an illegal company. Staffing Beaver. So you can save 70% on what you're currently paying to fill roles locally. I mean, so is this guy taking American jobs?
Starting point is 01:26:48 All right, whatever. He's paying me fucking $100 a month. So hire a bookkeeper customer service rep. Do you want someone to do a job with an Indian accent? Call up Staffing Beaver, and they'll get you some poor Pakistani woman to answer your calls. And you won't have to pay any fucking taxes or claim them on your 1090 or whatever. So this is a list he gave.
Starting point is 01:27:17 Bookkeeper, customer service rep. That's India. He's got his hands in India. Data entry specialist, graphic designer, inbound call expert, outbound call expert, you name it. Go to StaffingBeaver.com and schedule a discovery call with Rob. Mention I
Starting point is 01:27:34 sent you, Yanni, and you'll get 10% off your first placement fee. We should do a hotline. Yannis Papas our hotline. And use them. And use them. Yeah. How do you like them, Apple Staffing Beaver? Let people call, and then they can them. And use them. Yeah. How do you like them, Apple staffing beaver? Let people call and then they can send
Starting point is 01:27:48 their questions or whatever. Yeah. Perfect. Yeah. Or something. I don't know. News tips, stories. I'll get a headdress
Starting point is 01:27:53 and a crystal ball. Something, yeah. So what does he say? Office space, no. Supplies, question, get out of here. Global talent is the hack to growing your business faster.
Starting point is 01:28:02 It's also a great way to save on taxes. Yes, yeah. It's also a great way to pay on taxes. Yes, yeah. It's also a great way to pay lower wages. Make sure to follow them on Twitter at Staffing Beaver for everything global talent. Staffing Beaver. Employ a 12-year-old. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:15 What else you got? That's it. That's it.

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