Yannis Pappas Hour - Smashing TV’s

Episode Date: June 1, 2024

Yanni rants and raves about Terrence Howard, Robert De Niro in his apple sauce years, celebrity politics, women and guns, and what football means to America.  Chapters: 0:00 Intro 1:04 Terence Howard... built the pyramids 9:02 Robert De Niro endorses Biden 21:15 Celebrity Politics 34:37 Women with guns 38:27 Destroying tv's on football Sunday Our weekly bonus episodes are highly rated and viewable here: https://www.patreon.com/yannispappashour?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator

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Starting point is 00:00:00 it is another episode of the Giannis Pappas Hour. I love you guys, man. I love you so much. I hope you can feel the love through the microphone. I'm going to try right now. Ready? I have so much love to give. That was love.
Starting point is 00:00:42 That was a sigh. I know, man. I put the love through my voice. That was love? That was a sigh. I know, man. I put the love through my voice. That was my energy center. I accessed my energy center. My energy center is full of love, and I released it through the airwaves. Everything is a frequency.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Everything is an electrical current. Terrence Howard is leading the way. And so I figured I'd just follow up and just say, I'm listening to what you're saying. One times one can't equal one. That's all there is to it. That's all there is to it, Jesse. I'm no mathematician, but I agree with Terrence Howard,
Starting point is 00:01:22 and that's how I know he's wrong. but I agree with Terrence Howard, and that's how I know he's wrong. Because he says there needs to be balance in the equation. And so he says one times one can't equal one. And he gave a reason for it. And it sounded like that sketch from, what's the show with the Wayans brothers?
Starting point is 00:01:49 In Living Color. It sounds like that sketch from In Living Color. You remember those guys were in jail going, the frequency is. The best, yeah. You got to transmute the confirmation on your connotations for your dissertation to understand the balance of desegregation on our facilitation of the anatomy of the situation. What I understood times is if you have one times one, so if you have one, one, that equals one, right? I think so.
Starting point is 00:02:29 Yeah, I think so too. But I'll just go with it. I see a one and a one, and when you add them up, it's two. One plus one is two. One plus one is two. So one times one's got to be two. One one time. Yeah, one times one is not two.
Starting point is 00:02:42 No, it's one. But he's saying it can't be one. It can't be it's it can't be one it can't be one can't do it because of balance or something like that but people respond by going terrence howard doesn't think that if you have one and you you get handed one one time it equals one and so they're going like he's retarded that's what they're saying everyone's saying he's retarded he's either retired or the smartest guy in the world retarded or he's got the flower he's got some sort of flower of life and he's fucking the ancient egyptians had it all figured out and the aliens um you know co-bred with the ancient people. And they had this all figured out.
Starting point is 00:03:27 They had cell phones before. They had TVs. They had it all, dude. They had it all and somehow lost it to the Jews did something. Did he go there? They did. They got to have done something. Is that where he took it?
Starting point is 00:03:43 Dude, there's a real look. No, I'm just following in his footsteps and giving you the real history. So the real history is the Egyptians had figured everything out. They kept the Jewish fucking monster contained. They enslaved them to keep them contained. As you know, if you're on X,
Starting point is 00:04:00 it was the right thing to do. And at some point, the Jews got loose. They broke point The Jews got loose They broke out of the cage They broke out of the fucking Jew cage And they took Got everyone's cell phones They took their cell phones They took their planes The ancient Egyptians had planes
Starting point is 00:04:15 They had all that Here's the deal They built a triangle man It's not like they built the World Trade Center What are you talking about? I mean everyone's all impressed With the goddamn pyramids Oh But it's a triangle dude it's a triangle isn't it just a triangle well it's like four triangles it's like four triangles combined into one no windows in it there is no
Starting point is 00:04:35 window is there ac in there no ac it's no ac is there a gym in there i would like there to be a gym is there a laundry room is there an elevator how about a balcony how about a lobby how about how do they have any fake plants in the lobby is there it was was there a doorman seriously do they have a package room they don't got nothing good in there do they have a dog run do they even have a dog run at the period dude it's a building it's a triangle you know at least if a plane ran into it you could slide down the top though that's true you could slide down the top could you slide down the top because it used to be smooth at one point you'd probably burn your ass off wicked ass burn but you'd live you'd fall at
Starting point is 00:05:22 the bottom just you'd have no more ass. Now, if that was located in Brooklyn, I'm saying $4,000 a month for one bedroom. If that was in New York City, it would be expensive. Maybe five. Yeah, I mean, listen, I can't believe we haven't got in there and turned it into condos. How come we haven't turned that thing into a goddamn theme park already?
Starting point is 00:05:42 Why hasn't a French dude thrown a rope between those two things and tightrope walked on it yet? I was never that impressed with the pyramids. I get it. They hauled some rocks over there. You can do amazing things with slavery. People don't think it was slaves. Of course it was slaves.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Who do you think built the part? Who do you think built everything back then? Slavery was basically a way to get construction workers. Before there unions there was slavery and guess what guess what socialists look at what we got done things got done things got done so you got unions now you got dudes they go off duty slaves you can't they got to carry those rocks until they're dead that's right time and a half but guess what look at what we got we pyramid, baby, which is a triangle. You can't even light it up at night. The colors of the Giants if they win the Super Bowl.
Starting point is 00:06:34 You know, it's not even that big. I mean, it's big for the ancient world, right? Do the pyramids blow you away? I like the one in Vegas. Yeah, I like that one, too. I like the New York in Vegas yeah i like that one too i like the new york in vegas too there's less crime i mean that's the one in vegas it's pretty nice to be honest with you the one in vegas is nicer than the one they originally made
Starting point is 00:06:58 look how nice that is nice and and clean. Yeah, also... It's just got a pool. It's just not that... I'm much more impressed with bigger buildings. I'm much more impressed with that Lego building that they got downtown in New York where it just looks like Legos. I haven't seen that one.
Starting point is 00:07:15 And it's all uneven. Yeah, I mean, you haven't been to the city. When's the last time you went to the city? You've become a Brooklyn borough... You're a borough monkey borough trash yeah you're an italian borough trash when are you just gonna give into your jeans and just fucking start a plumbing business dude look at those legos plumbing is my calling yeah people think it's horrific and it looks ugly i think it looks great you like that i don't i love it i love i'm just trying
Starting point is 00:07:43 to think positive it's so ugly it really is so stupid let's make the floors uneven and have them popping out for no reason now i bet you it's cool because you probably have a massive balcony if you can live in that yeah i mean it's great to if you're a stockbroker to jump off when the market crashes and i lose all my positions in my sweep accounts i don't know know what's going on. I turn that thing on. I look at it like a lady watching a football game. I don't know what's going on. I look at my stocks and I go, Derek Jeter scored a touchdown. I don't know what's going on.
Starting point is 00:08:17 I don't know what anything means. I'm weighing over my head. When the market crashes, I'm jumping out a window. Well, the best thing you did was you put everything you own into the stock market without knowing anything about the stock market. Yeah, that's the problem. And that's why I think it's a big mistake. Because I started out by dipping my toes in the market.
Starting point is 00:08:34 And now I'm up in the deep end. I'm in the deep end. I'm up to my neck. You're way over your head right now. In water. I'm way in over my head right now. Well, the good thing is you have a financial advisor who you could call anytime you want.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Sometimes you think things are good ideas and then you realize you're in and over your head. Like Bobby De Niro taking time out of his day from his Tribeca mansion, leaving his one-year-old. Leaving his one-year-old. There's a 79-year difference between him and his son. And he went down. Why is he wearing a mask, dude?
Starting point is 00:09:11 He took off a mask. He went down. Why is he wearing a mask? I don't know. He's outside. I don't know. Why is he doing this? Why is he doing this?
Starting point is 00:09:21 Why is he ruining his legacy? Yeah, like just stay out of politics, man. So Robert De Niro goes down to the courthouse. What's he doing? This is all during the Trump trial. The hush money trial. The hush money trial. The hush money trial.
Starting point is 00:09:43 And he's screaming at fucking people on the street. This is him mixing it up. I mean, one of our movie stars is mixing it up with a Nate Bargatze fan. You are gangsters. You are gangsters. You're washed up. Fuck you.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Oh, fuck you. Fuck you. So some guy called him washed up. Some guys in MAGA hats are yelling at him. You're trash. You're trash. You're done. You him washed up. Some guys in MAGA hats are yelling at him. You're trash. You're trash. You're done. You're washed up.
Starting point is 00:10:10 You're trash. You are gangsters. Everyone gets too worked up over politics, man. He still hits a good fuck you, though. Yeah, he does have a good fuck you. I'm going to enjoy whichever president wins. And the way it looks like right now, it ain't looking so good for the Demis. For the Demis.
Starting point is 00:10:34 It's not looking good. Political article. Big political article heading Dems in full-blown freakout over Biden. So top-level Dems are texting They're fucking They're trying to reassure their donors Their donors got a lot of questions Surprisingly, Trump is now
Starting point is 00:10:54 Outpacing him in fundraising He's beating him in battleground states Donors are going, I don't know We don't trust this People don't like Kamala People don't like Kamala. They don't like his age. They don't like inflation. They don't like the border.
Starting point is 00:11:11 What are we going to do about this? And the Dems are just going, it is fine. It's going to be fine. Why do they have their head in the sand so much practically? Why are they so why are they such in a bubble the Dems that's what I want to know why are they so unaware of what's going on outside of DuPont Circle in Washington DC and and San Francisco and certain neighborhoods in Brooklyn, and that's about it.
Starting point is 00:11:50 Why are they so out of it? I have no idea. I mean, listen, the guy's got trials at the ass. It just makes him stronger. He's got, look, my point is, though, his wife showed her tits. Let's go down the full list. His wife showed her tits. What?
Starting point is 00:12:10 Is that someone knocking? No. His wife showed her tits. We've seen her tits. He's, an audio release where he was saying he just grabs women by the vagina. He took documents he shouldn't take, and he's probably going to sell them on eBay he's done everything wrong with his mouth actually when he was president
Starting point is 00:12:35 he ran up a pretty good deficit he was spending a lot everything else was pretty stayed the course from Obama the country was doing pretty good um you know covet happened he came up with the vaccine a lot of people fucking don't believe in it i don't know i got i'm growing another head so who knows um and then biden got elected and then he fucking says he didn't get elected and he tries to say it was an illegitimate. I mean, he's done everything wrong.
Starting point is 00:13:10 My point is it still still with doing everything wrong. I'm going from the Democrats perspective. When are they going to go? Let's go for some drinks. Do you guys want to go for some drinks and talk this out? Let's go for some drinks. Do you guys want to go for some drinks and talk this out? Let's go for some drinks. Let's go down to Georgetown,
Starting point is 00:13:29 get some drinks, take a walk, and really think this thing out. Meet me at my townhouse in Georgetown. We're going to sit down, we're going to have some drinks, guys, and we're going to say these things that Giannis Pappas just said.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Okay? There's a good argument to say that he really wanted to overthrow that election. There's a good argument to be made that he did incite that riot at the Capitol. There's a good argument to be made that his wife's got nice tits. There's a good argument to be made that he did pay the hush money to the porn star to keep it quiet. There's a good argument made to be that he did obstruct justice when they were trying to get the classified documents, right? He did cause a problem. There's a good argument to be made that this guy has done everything that would have capsized anybody else.
Starting point is 00:14:28 There was a hush money porn. If Joe Biden fucked a porn star and then paid her hush money and covered it up by making it a legal expense, his whole family would be it would be so over. His career would be over. Anyone else's career would be over if one of the many things I just mentioned, and I'm only remembering like four things, be over. But in spite of that, he's still beating Biden. This is deja vu, as Yogi Berra said, all over again from a strategic position. Why did Trump win the first time? Was it because he was so popular?
Starting point is 00:15:09 He's entertaining. He turned everything into a roast battle. But the reason he won is simple. The other option was so unlikable. People are not that sophisticated to even know. You could talk to someone Who loves Trump And they just are gonna go I love Trump, we didn't have any wars
Starting point is 00:15:30 Or whatever The guys Sent ice on some Mexicans And that's all I need to know But he did spend a lot of money He didn't build his wall There's a lot of things he didn't accomplish He inherited The top of the line spend a lot of money. He didn't build his wall. There's a lot of things he didn't accomplish.
Starting point is 00:15:46 They say it was going to come, but he inherited a fucking the top of the line time. Country was great. Economy was booming. Obama, especially his last four years, things were great. He got healthcare passed.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Trump inherited it. He didn't get us out of Afghanistan, even though he said he was going, he didn't. Biden did. There's a lot of things you could Afghanistan, even though he said he was going. He didn't. Biden did. There's a lot of things you could say, like, all right, he was, you know, maybe he was an ordinary president. You know, people say there were no wars, but we were still in Afghanistan. But despite all that, he's kicking this guy's ass and they haven't even debated.
Starting point is 00:16:26 And, you know, if they debate, it's going to be worse. He's going to say weekend at Bernie's. He's going to be ripping, dude. It's going to be fucking kill Tony up there. It's going to be kill Tony. By the way, Donald Trump needs to do kill Tony. He probably will. And he probably will. Tucker Carlson did it.
Starting point is 00:16:41 And he probably will. Tucker Carlson did it. So why are they not going for drinks and going, we may have a candidate problem like we had last time, two election cycles ago. We may have a candidate problem. Why is anyone not, why is it taking so long? We're only months away.
Starting point is 00:17:09 So why is someone going like, hey man, this is not a good sign. I mean, the guy's got more trials than Diddy right now, and he's still out fundraising and winning in the states that are important. Maybe we should pull him and throw slick Gavin Newsom in there. Throw anyone in there, dude. Bobby De Niro's got a better chance. Just grab someone under the age of 70.
Starting point is 00:17:38 And throw him fucking in there. And just, you know, tell Kamala she needs a pink slip. Nobody likes Kamala Harris because she's just going to go up there and say, what has been can be non-burdened by what can be. What can be should not be burdened by what has been. Do you understand what I'm saying? You can ask her any question. Like, how many did Kaitlyn Clark score tonight?
Starting point is 00:18:05 And Kamala Harris will go, what can be should be unburdened by what has been. She's a wind-up doll for that line. But right now, this is bad news right now. And it's deja vu all over again, like Yogi said. Because I think this is a similar situation. Not similar. It's the same exact situation to Hillary Clinton it's an unpopular candidate he's just a very unpopular candidate
Starting point is 00:18:34 and you know you have to I think part of it is like the Democrats just can't understand the rest of the world right you? You got two types of voters. You got your overeducated and useless, right? Overeducated and useless. Liberal arts degrees. They live in the city. Mom and dad help them buy an apartment. They like to, you know, tell people they got a gay friend.
Starting point is 00:19:01 They like to make sure they have an international friend group. They're doing all the right things. They're saying all the right things. And they went to Boston College. They majored in English. They majored in history. They majored in anthropology. And there's millions of those.
Starting point is 00:19:17 And they live in coastal cities. And for the most part, they got taste in art. They know who Dostoevsky is. They got taste in art They know who Dostoevsky is They used to love Woody Allen movies Until Mia Farrow Fucking made her documentary Now they have to
Starting point is 00:19:32 Pretend like they're not good movies It's those people And then you got Your undereducated and handy Those guys Who can fix your sink Who can fucking lay some brick. I'm talking about the non-Mexican ones,
Starting point is 00:19:47 which is not many left, who can fix your carburetor, you know, and their wives who are cashiers and stop and shop and they eat their brunch at the Cracker Barrel. They're confused by the word brunch. They don't know what a mimosa is. They don't even know what rosé is.
Starting point is 00:20:14 They don't know who Cezanne is. They don't know who Cezanne is. They do not know. They know Thomas Kinkane, and that's about it. They know Wetzel's Thomas Kinkane and that's about it. They know Wetzel's Pretzels and that's about it. They don't even know that you need to make an appointment at the Apple store. They get walked in. They're always
Starting point is 00:20:34 confused. They're like, why can't you help me now? They always look at their phones like this. They don't get it. They go when they have to go to a wedding they go to dick sporting goods to buy an outfit you're not supposed to do that huh you're not supposed to do that jesse's one of them and they just don't have any understanding of these people they just don't think that they exist they don't think that there's millions of them and they don't think for one second that they're going to align themselves with most Italian Americans and vote for Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:21:13 Hey, he's got the Bronx now. They're going to join Dennis Quaid. Dennis Quaid. That's how you know Hollywood's in trouble. When a guy just goes, you know what? It doesn't matter anymore. I know he's an asshole, but he's my asshole. You know it doesn't matter anymore.
Starting point is 00:21:29 And yes, you can expect to see a web series from Dennis Quaid on Anthony Kamea's network coming soon. There comes a point where when you look back historically, you'll say, how did we know Hollywood was officially over? When Dennis Quaid came out and said, I know he's an asshole, but he's my asshole. I'm voting for Donald Trump. And the reasons he gave is the weaponizing of justice,
Starting point is 00:22:00 going after Donnie T. He paid this bitch off. Did she blackmail him? Or was it blackmail or was it hush money to keep her quiet? Because she was going to tell her story, right? She wanted to tell her story. She was getting some offers. And that's not what he's on trial for.
Starting point is 00:22:28 He's on trial for the falsifying of the business record. You know? Can you prove it was a falsified business record if you just say legal expense? It was a legal expense. He did have to pay. That's what his lawyers are probably saying. Like, look, it was a legal expense. He did have to pay. That's what his lawyers were probably saying. Like, look, it was a legal expense.
Starting point is 00:22:49 We had to pay this fucking broad so she wouldn't tell her goddamn story. We had to pay a lot of broads. Some of them were not true. They could just say it wasn't true. It's only a he said, she said. I don't know. But Amber Heard.
Starting point is 00:23:04 No, not Amber Heard. There's a lot of ambers who are just lack class amber rose was she a porn star at one point might have been she dated kanye for a while yeah she's in the mix she's in the mix of fucking important endorsements i don't know why they led with her because there's bigger name stars so So Amber Rose, who's a model with a shaved head. And reality TV personality has endorsed Trump in a post on Instagram. A major pivot from the former exotic dancer who founded a feminist slut walk protest. You know, but who gives a shit about these? These people don't fucking know.
Starting point is 00:23:43 They just try to make headlines i'm pulling for joe biden now because he's an underdog dwayne the rock johnson also told fox and friends host will kane his 2020 endorsement in biden cause division well that's not that doesn't mean that's just a fact. Meanwhile, comedian and character actor, uh-oh, we got to find out which way Michael Rapaport's going to weigh in, said he would not vote for Biden because he paused weapon shipments to Israel when the nation's military moved to invade Rafah, where millions of Palestinian civilians were taking refuge. Thrift shop rapper Macklemore, great lover of the jews also suggested he won't back biden
Starting point is 00:24:28 in a song he released supporting the anti-war protests at columbia university rapping the blood is on your hands biden we can see it and fuck no i'm not voting for you in the fall nobody ever said he was a great lyricist it's got bars nobody ever said he was a great lyricist um still a short list though wait what taylor swift beyonce we still waiting dude taylor swift still has not come out uh-oh she has not come out he lost tay-tay that has not come out she has not come out and said who she's voting for, and we need her. She's getting calls right now. She's probably getting calls directly from Hunter.
Starting point is 00:25:11 I'm just going to listen. Can you say something, please? Say something. Bruce Springsteen did not officially endorse the president in 2020. He lost the boss? Until releasing an ad. No, then he did. Just days.
Starting point is 00:25:24 So in 2020, he did. He's the boss? Until releasing an ad. No, then he did just days. So in 2020, he dead. He's damn down the line. Former President Trump has garnered support from celebrities. Well, these are the usual suspects. And celebrities is a loose term. They're using it loosely here because we got Kid Rock, Jason Aldean, and Jon Voight.
Starting point is 00:25:40 I guess Jason Aldean's a big country singer, right? So that probably goes. Kid Rock, I mean, and Jon Voight, I wouldn'tan's a big country singer, right? So that probably goes. Kid Rock, I mean. And Jon Voight, I wouldn't call him a big celebrity. At this point, I would call him the father of Brad Pitt's wife, ex-wife. What's her name? Angelina Jolie.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Yeah, it's Angelina Jolie's fucking dad. Trump's got LT. Whoa. He also scored some unlikely endorsements, including fucking L convicted. Why'd you got to do that? Why you got to do that? Why you got to call him a convicted sex offender? That's like Mike Tyson said,
Starting point is 00:26:16 no, you're a piece of shit. You're a piece of shit. Remember when they brought him out of the interview? Yep, that's right. No, you're a piece of shit. I got to sit here and talk to pieces of shit like you. You're a piece of shit. Utah legend John Stockton endorsed Kennedy.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Whoa. Kennedy's supporters include Rob Schneider and Woody Harrelson. Whoa, they're going for RFK Jr. Actor Kevin Spacey, not a convicted self sex offender that's right not a convicted sex offender where where where's that why because a lot of the people died oh there's no evidence so weird that like three of the people died he gave the independent oh he's going for rfk too now is that an endorsement you want i don't know he's not convicted he's innocent just like robert durst did it do it if the glove don't fit you
Starting point is 00:27:15 must acquit how many of the accusers died in the kevin spacey um the ke Kevin Spacey saga. I mean, why is Alex Jones not on this? Two. Two of Kevin Spacey's former accusers died. More than one. Ari Bean, a Norwegian author and ex-husband of Princess Martha Louise accused Spacey of groping him at the Nobel Peace Prize concert in Oslo in 2007. Can't you just tell a dude to get off you
Starting point is 00:27:52 and punch him or whatever? The allegations came a decade after the incident. On Christmas Day of 2019, Ben died of an apparent suicide. Oh, these apparent suicides. Those happen a lot. They happen a lot around the Clintons. That's right.
Starting point is 00:28:08 And who's the other guy? Was it the masseuse? Was it the masseuse who died? Let's see. So the Norwegian author and the ex-husband of the princess. Here he is, the massage therapist. Oh, it was the masseuse. So he accused Spacey of um grabbing
Starting point is 00:28:28 his generals twice during a private massage no he forced the masseuse to grab his general to grab his generals all right hey he missed the spot yeah you missed the spot no big deal he's just being thorough guy's got ocd i got a crap down here yeah no he's got ocd he missed the spot um it was decided the case would move to trial but was dismissed a month later when um the accuser's lawyer announced the accuser had recently died how did he die what a coincidence cause of death has not been revealed has not been revealed the cause of death. Unbelievable. Apparent suicide and not revealed. Dude, it's almost like he became his character on Game of Cards. I love that show, Game of Cards.
Starting point is 00:29:16 It's not Game of Cards. What is it? House of Cards. House of Cards. So two of the accusers, I think there was only three too. Three accusers? Yeah. so he's got two down yeah let the other one live to tell the story
Starting point is 00:29:30 these aren't horrible crimes though right he's just a fucking perv he groped one dude groped one dude he tried to force a masseuse to grope him yeah i mean he's a horny guy oh he's horny no but one of them was young he did something with a young guy a young kid yeah what was the other that was the third accuser could be let me see yeah by the way nobody knew he was gay till this came out he's got friends in high places, dude. He made a call to Chappaqua, and he said, I need some suicide.
Starting point is 00:30:09 How much does it cost for a suicide? Oh, yeah, the Clinton death squad. How much does it cost for a suicide? So he's endorsing RFK. So I don't know. Do you want that endorsement? I think so, because he's got a clean record. He's got a clean record.
Starting point is 00:30:27 You know who else got a clean record as of right now in New York? Harvey Weinstein. As of right now, he's got a clean record. So I'll take his endorsement. Who's Bill Cosby endorsing? Who is Bill Cosby endorsing? Can we find out who Cosby's endorsing? Sounds like RFK and Trump.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Why are things falling out from the wind? Lawrence Taylor is a convicted sex offender? Oh, it's because the prostitute was underage, right? I think so. But she lied to him. That was a long time ago. He didn't know. Why is everyone so nosy?
Starting point is 00:31:05 Bill Cosby, I don't think he can talk anymore. Is he still with us? I don't know. He's blind. But here's the deal. I think he also got off. Did he get off? How is...
Starting point is 00:31:20 It boggles my mind, but I think Bill Cosby got exonerated. We don't know who he's endorsing for president. Yeah, is Bill Cosby a free man? Yeah. Cosby was found guilty of drugging and sexually assaulting a girl, and he received a sentence of three to ten years in prison. He was released after his conviction was overturned in 2021. Listen, money talks and bullshit walks.
Starting point is 00:31:54 My dad told me that a long time ago. Money talks, bullshit walks. There's some fucking poor kid who stole his Skittles out of a goddamn bodega somewhere who's doing 30 years. This guy's raped and drug everything with tits that's been in front of him for the past 40 years, and he's a fucking free man. You got to love it, man.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Got to love it. America, there's so many examples. Durst, Cosby. I mean, the list, OJ, the list goes on. I think Bill Cosby killed fucking OJ's wife. It's possible. Yeah, I think he did. Didn't his son die too?
Starting point is 00:32:40 I think so, yeah. Yeah. His son died from neglect or what what did he die from did he act his father accidentally did he switch drinks with a girl his dad's house right oh he took the wrong drink he might have taken the wrong drink which is always you got to be careful that's right he dipped into his dad's stash yeah when you're around ari shafir make sure you don't drink anything. He will dose you.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Oh, he was murdered. Murdered. Ooh. That's also fishy. Failed robbery attempt. He was shot in the head by 18-year-old as a failed robbery attempt. He was 27 years old.
Starting point is 00:33:21 His name was Enos. Dude. Horrible for Enos It's just It's almost like Dude karma's hard to escape Oh you think he's paying back for the father's sins? I don't think he I just don't understand what's going on on this planet
Starting point is 00:33:40 I don't know what the deal is I don't know what the point of this all is But it seems like There may be like a deeper meaning planet i don't know what the deal is i don't know what the point of this all is but it seems like there may be like a deeper meaning than our stupid human brains and egos think i don't know i felt it a few times on small stuff where i just have been positive i'm like this is that oh now i'm in that position that i put that other person in. I just felt it. And I was like, Oh, and I know it, you know,
Starting point is 00:34:10 you can't prove it, but you're going like, what is this thing with karma? It seems to just kind of creep up, you know, did he's living high on the hog and then Cosby's living high on the hog. And then just tragic things happen to a lot of these people. Well, it turns out when you're living high on the hog, you can't drug and rape people.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Yeah, you probably shouldn't do that when you're not living high on the hog as well. You probably should just not do that ever. Yeah, you should probably not do that. Do women just live their whole lives in perpetual fear? I think so. I think they live in so much. I think it's, if i was a woman
Starting point is 00:34:45 i would just be scared all the time yeah like you go to a bar you got to worry about your drink getting you got a drink and all these guys just want like most of the guys if you know not most but there's some guys that would just take if they could right well that's what guys are looking for a lot of times when they go to you know they're looking to hook up looking yeah it's like you got to walk home you know you're weaker than everybody all these men who want stuff even if you call an uber you're like is the uber driver uber driver fucking one of these guys it's gotta they gotta live in perpetual fear i don't know why any women go outside it's such a horrible way to live that's why they always roll 10 deep here's what we can do dude now look there's
Starting point is 00:35:25 some crazy bitches out there no question a lot of evil bitches they're people too but why i am pro gun for women why don't we balance the playing field so women can own guns but if a man gets caught with a gun he goes to prison for life i don't know you trust women with guns yes i do trust them with um with guns i do trust them they're not emotional they're not irrational my mother wants them good they don't get worked up my mother is 77 years old listen your mother right your mother right now is disgusted by the fact that she lives in this goddamn liberal city. Can you imagine? She wants fucking out of this fucking cuck town bad. No, she doesn't want out. She wants them out.
Starting point is 00:36:12 She wants them out. But she wants to fucking go down to Texas and live not even in a city. Your mom wants to be in a complex with all. All she wants to see is Make America Great Again hats. That's all she wants to see. She's disgusted by this fucking town. I do not trust a 77-year-old with a gun. She wants a gun for her head.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Dude, your mom would be fine with it. She would just shoot people on the street. She could barely walk down the street. She wants to take so many people out. Yeah, that's what I mean. She gets very mad at fucking bikes and stuff you should see her trying to answer her phone she can't even answer her phone you think she's gonna be a little if your mom had a gun she would shoot at the phone
Starting point is 00:36:53 when it rang she would shoot at the phone your mom would be the oldest school she'll go back to that school that she worked at where they said all that diversity shit and she got upset and she will go on a killing spree you know what she'll do she'll be the oldest school shooter in history so the phone will ring in her bag and she'll answer her gun and shoot herself in the head yeah that might happen too but she's definitely going to shoot at the phone when it rings and she she may, you'd have to remove CNN from the TV because she might turn on and shoot at the TV. You think she would take a couple shots at the screen? No, no.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Her anger is focused. It's focused, but if it was on the wrong channel. If she came up. She's got a list. Dude, if she's scrolling late at night, Yankees aren't playing. Let's say the Yankees get rained out so she's pissed to begin with.
Starting point is 00:37:49 Oh, I hate it, yeah. Yeah, she loves her Yankees. Loves the Yankees. So let's say the Yankees get rained out. It's a night the Yankees get rained out, right? And she scrolls by accident because she always knows to skip over. By accident, her finger slips
Starting point is 00:38:02 and it just falls on MSNBC. And Rachel Maddow is there with her boy haircut talking about Trumpy. There's a good chance the next time I come over, there's a hole in the screen. Is there a chance that she takes a knife and stabs the screen? It might be
Starting point is 00:38:19 a bullet hole. There's a chance. So why not give her a gun? Let her shoot at the screen. I'm surprised in America there's not more bullet holes and screens especially when i love those videos when uh uh people's people who have not people who don't have many things to live for outside of like the stealers or the bills i love those videos those home videos of them just wrecking their tvs the best it's just when their team loses their team loses and they just take it out on the television throw a tantrum it's not even their television they're in someone else's house there's two things i get from that first is is that that guy can't be a good dad he cannot be a good dad. He cannot be a good dad. And the second thing,
Starting point is 00:39:11 the second thing that I get from that is that they're not a good dad. That's what I get from that. You, you take it out on your television. Um, there's just a lot of places in this country where football just means that much. Even in New York, man, you've been to a giant game. You've seen what's going on there.
Starting point is 00:39:29 It just means that much. But dude, when you go to Buffalo, it just means that much. It just means that much. That's all they have. And you need it. You need, thank God for the goddamn bills. If they don't collect the social security check, they should be getting, I mean, we should be paying these teams taxpayer dollars should be going to keep these people occupied for at least half the year with the bill schedule with the steelers schedule with all these
Starting point is 00:39:56 football team schedule i mean at the draft 700 000 people showed up at the draft and here's the funny thing about the draft there's like a hundred rounds in football you don't even fucking know there i don't even know what they're watching there's like 10 picks everyone cares about they're following every single and everybody else you're just going like right guard from notre dame they're like who who but we're here oh here's a political idea for you you're biden you want to win yeah tell me you're gonna extend the football season dude if you just went up there and said what we're gonna do is we're gonna to extend the football season. Dude, if you just went up there and said, what we're going to do is we're going to add one more football game. I think people just have to look the other way.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Just look the other way. Yeah. I'd vote for him. Yeah. One more football game. We're going to do two Super Bowls. I'm just surprised that there's just not more violence um after the football season is there has anyone done a study about football season and when it ends and if violence goes up i think we
Starting point is 00:40:57 looked into this and actually football sunday there's a spike in violence on football sunday and that's just at the football games no domestic violence oh there's oh yeah in violence. On Football Sunday. And that's just at the football games. No, domestic violence. Oh, yeah, yeah. People stay. They don't make the spread. They don't make the spread. They don't make the spread.
Starting point is 00:41:11 Somebody's got to get hit. Yeah. Somebody has to pay. Not enough mayo on the sandwich. Yeah, I mean, listen, you can't hit the player who fumbled. So you can't find that guy. So you're either going to hit the screen or hit your wife.
Starting point is 00:41:20 Which one's more satisfying? The numbers tell the story that the wife is more satisfying? The numbers tell the story that the wife is more satisfying than the TV. But some people do the noble thing and smash the TV. So there's some nobility. In that case,
Starting point is 00:41:36 it is the noble thing. Listen, it's noble. But there's three things I know about you if you break your TV. There's so many of those videos that go around and when those big games happen. One of my favorite things on the internet,
Starting point is 00:41:48 just watching somebody just take it out on the television. So I know you're not a good father is the first thing. The second thing is I know you're not a good father. And the third thing I know is that you have a yearly membership to BJ's. You have a yearly membership to BJ's. You have a yearly membership to BJ's. What's BJ's? BJ's is like Costco. It's like the Costco.
Starting point is 00:42:10 It's like the lesser Costco, but it's the same Costco. You got a yearly subscription to BJ's, and you got that television at BJ's for a couple hundred bucks. It's like Samsung sends all the fucking other TVs to BJ's, the ones that die in like two years. It's a TVO. Yeah, because I'll tell you right now, ain't no way, ain't no way in hell
Starting point is 00:42:30 I am fucking throwing anything at my $7,000 outdoor Samsung. It ain't happening. It ain't fucking happening. When you got an OLED, what is it? You got OLED? Samsung, Sony. You got a Samsung LG or a Sony OLED? Ain't no way you're fucking throwing a finger at that screen.
Starting point is 00:42:52 I don't care how much I lost on the big. Is that the right word? I'm not a gambler. Unless you're at your boy's house, then break away. Smash away. Dude, I am so not a gambler. When I had that show on BenMGM, it was so funny. They would ask me my question about like,
Starting point is 00:43:08 so who do you got? I'd be like, you know, I always bet with my heart. She had all the fucking, she'd be like, spreads and all that. I still don't even know what a spread is. I got the over-under on Detroit. I still don't understand. Paul Verzi has explained the over-under to me
Starting point is 00:43:23 about 15 times. And for some reason, my brain, I think it's because i know there's like a danger with gambling yeah so my brain just doesn't want to know because i know it's probably so much fun makes the games more exciting it makes everything more exciting but i just don't want to approach it i don't want to get involved because i know it's bad news because i know when you're a gambler you never win never gambling's for people like drake who can just afford to lose. But, you know, most people can't. So,
Starting point is 00:43:47 so when it would come to me, I would just go, I'm a Giant fan. I always vote with my heart. And they'd be like, we're talking about the Saints and the Titans. And I'd be like,
Starting point is 00:43:59 I'm a Giant fan. I always bet with my heart. And I just got to say, I'm betting on the Giants this week. I wouldn't even say the points or just got to say, I'm betting on the Giants this week. I wouldn't even say the points or anything. I go, I'm betting on the Giants this weekend. I didn't understand the spread, the points. I didn't understand nothing.
Starting point is 00:44:15 And somehow I just got away with that for a full year. Just a full year ago. I'm like, the Giants are my team. I just always bet for the Yankees or Giants. You're better off man it's it's it's a bad road who is it it's my brother yeah no you're not a gambler right every now and then i'll i'll bet on golf a little bit if you play around the golf you put a couple of dollars on the on the on the game i tell you what it raises the stakes so much it makes it fun you get more nervous even
Starting point is 00:44:44 if it's like a couple of bucks on the line like i don't know like you know like you start getting like a little fidgety it's about something it's about something yeah you forget about the existentialist on we when you got a couple bucks on something yeah you get that you get that adrenaline rush you feel like it's like maya lansky said i'll tell you what he say he said one money will always be twice as good as earned money it does feel good when you win always feel but twice as good it just feels ecstatic you forget about all the losses i'm telling you like that's what makes people gamblers gamblers they forget that they lost 10 grand because they just made on previous bets because they just made 300 on something when i get handed
Starting point is 00:45:22 cash at the end of a golf round, it feels great. It feels great, right? It really does, even if it's like 10 bucks. Yeah, it just feels great. It feels like free money. We've done one good thing by legalizing gambling in most places. There's gambling everywhere. You think it's good?
Starting point is 00:45:38 I think it's great. I think it's great. You sound so sincere. We've got to put these people... Are you going to go to church, or are they going to go to fucking DraftKings? They got to go somewhere. Good point.
Starting point is 00:45:49 Good point. They got to go somewhere. They can't bowl forever. They just can't bowl forever. Now, if you got some juice on the bowling. Where are the fucking ice skating rinks? Get some of those back. Get some fucking. skating rinks? Get some of those back. Get some fucking, like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:46:07 Is anyone thinking about the psychology of people? We need fucking laser tag. You need, you know, and look, like, affordable laser tag. Like, government-sponsored laser tag. You know? Instead of forgiving student loans, give them a couple hundred dollars to fucking play with.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Oh, yeah. Yeah. Put it in the DraftKings account. You got student debt. We're not forgiving it, but we're giving you a couple hundred dollars on Uncle Sam
Starting point is 00:46:36 to see what you can do. Maybe you end up worse. You end up better. You know? Throw them a couple hundred dollars to have some fun with. Because it's not about the money, it's about the emotion. Which is the name of this episode.
Starting point is 00:46:49 It's not about the money, it's about the emotion. You want to give people an exciting emotion. And they're never going to get that from a solid salary with benefits and healthcare. Boring. It's boring. They're going to get that when it's all fucking riding on the bills and that ball gets hooked left and that down that they feel.
Starting point is 00:47:14 Still, whatever keeps the existentialist angst away is what you go for. That's what people don't understand about the mental health crisis in the country. You can do all the things you want, but you got to find the activities that excite you so much, like gambling, like laser tag.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Gambling and laser tag. Yeah, you get to simulate killing and shit like that. Have you ever played laser tag? It's fun, dude. My point is, I think I played it once, and I've been like, why is there not more fucking laser tags here? It's just as arbitrary as bowling. laser tag it's fun dude my point is like i i think i played it once and i've been like why is there not more fucking laser tags here it's just as arbitrary as bowling why is bowling great
Starting point is 00:47:51 you throw a ball down in a couple of fucking pins i never like bowling the only people who should like bowling are black people because the ball's black and the pins are white now you talk so now you're talking to your subconscious you know you're talking to your subconscious take that white bean it's a way to get your anger out um but it's just as arbitrary as laser are you telling me bowling is more of a good time than drunk laser tag laser tag you can't even tell when you're shot it's so stupid your thing buzzes it's done well then now you play with real guns that now you're talking laser tag real weapons right with live ammo yeah live ammo i like it and you can and you have like body armor on in certain parts so you can only get killed if it hits you in certain places okay so there you go right but if you get hit in another place that you don't die then then you're out. So you always have people on the bench ready to go in, whether they're out from getting
Starting point is 00:48:48 shot or whether they're dead. And I think we can solve a lot of the civil unrest with more laser tag. Laser tag is an underrated kind of opiate of the masses that nobody talks about. Football's doing a decent job. Guys out there getting paid contracts that aren't guaranteed, giving themselves CTE for our enjoyment, while fat fucking slobs drink themselves to death in the parking lot and punch each other in the stands has been doing a decent job.
Starting point is 00:49:24 But we need to up the stakes with fucking real live ammo laser tag i'm open to be a campaign advisor to any candidate want to give a shout out of course to jared z exclusive auto shipping.com you you know the deal if you're moving your car you bought one out of state hit up jared all right if you're a student or you're in the military you get a discount but, you get a discount, but you'll get a free quote and he'll move your freaking car. If you bought a car on Carvana and you got to get it moved or whatever, he'll do it. Exclusiveautoshipping.com.
Starting point is 00:49:56 What else we got? Forthefree.art. Who's going to write copy for them? Let's do that. Forthefree.art. It's music in Hawaii. Check it out. Nate Linder. Nate Linder.
Starting point is 00:50:05 Nate Linder is fucking, Nate Linder is making this podcast numbers go down. No, he's got nothing to do with it, and that's the problem. That's the problem. We got to hire Nate Linder. I'm willing to give it a shot. Give me a good price.
Starting point is 00:50:20 Email our email address, or give us a message on Patreon. Come up with a marketing plan. I will hire you, but it's got to be a fucking good price. Let's start out with a low number and see how it goes. And I'll pay. If you're going to fucking get these numbers up, I'll see what we can do, Nate Linder.
Starting point is 00:50:39 Okay? Because I think marketing and I think Nate Linder. That's what I think. natelinder.com. All right? Wait, go back. That's what I think. natelinder.com. All right? Wait, go back. That's what he does. He helps businesses create high-performing websites,
Starting point is 00:50:51 ranked number one on Google, and profit from digital advertising. He's focused on real business results, like making construction companies famous. Displaypros.net. They're the real deal when it comes to custom trade booths, retail fixtures, and promotional items.
Starting point is 00:51:10 What sets them apart? I'll tell you what. Amazing customer service. I called, and I got phone sex the other day. They'll do anything for you. They treat the customers right. There you go. Yeah, 10% off your first order
Starting point is 00:51:23 if you tell them that that i sent you display pros.net they'll build whatever you need built for you this is good for businesses to know these people if you're a small business hire these other small businesses they'll give you what you need like ma insurance services right guy guy's got fucking business from this podcast and he's telling me what to do i mean you know how much awareness i have brought to ma insurance services okay i know i'm not your first choice but tim dillon does not have small business uh shout outs too expensive he's too and it would be too expensive for you anyway so just fucking take it you're paying 25 dollars to add read if you can't afford that then fucking close your business down.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Isn't it really $25,000 ad read? Correct. To go out to 30,000 to 40,000 people? Correct. I could have lied about the numbers, but I just said the honest numbers. It's not bad. As far as podcasts go, we're big. We're just not as big as all your favorite ones.
Starting point is 00:52:19 Not even close. But that's what we like about it. It's a boutique. I'm lying. I want it bigger. so I fucking will charge you a lot of money. Oh yeah. I want to be doing
Starting point is 00:52:31 a state farm read right now. I'm kidding. I love helping you out. I'm doing him a favor. I'll replace you in a second. No, I'm kidding. Call up Matthew Albani 727-475-1650. St. Petersburg, Florida, in that area.
Starting point is 00:52:52 He does commercial liability plans, but also does homeowners, too. So whatever you need, he's got insurance for you professional liability general liability and brothers you're getting an extension put on your house you need something hit him up hit him up dude a lot of insurance companies won't cover a lot of shit that's why you gotta hit up Matthew Albani he'll cover anything and just cross his fingers
Starting point is 00:53:20 Rebels Raider he's loving the ad reads he's a guy who gets it he's a guy who gets it first of all he's got an amazing product and he's preparing school shooters to do what they got to do which makes me very conflicted the gear that he sells i prefer the backpacks i like pushing the backpacks but i have to say because i'm because I am contracted, that he has military surplus as well. Military packs, load-bearing equipment, magazine holsters, and stuff like that. Use your imagination. But I want you to use it not for your paramilitary needs. Use it to go bear hunting and shit.
Starting point is 00:54:06 That's right. Right? Or just to be prepared. That's fine if you want to be prepared. But whatever you buy, please don't use it. It's 100% real deal tactical gear. Rebels-Raider
Starting point is 00:54:21 is the website. Rebels-Raider is the website..com. Rebels-Raiders.com. Go check out all the cool stuff he has. And listen, dude, if you sold out of backpacks, that's probably a good sign to restock on the backpacks. That's what people want. All right?
Starting point is 00:54:44 It's my favorite backpack, and I'm not even lying. So restock so I can get some Christmas gifts for other people. Suds Auto Spa. I freaking love John Pappas because he's Greek, and he's also got a cool business. He cleans your car, details it. Storage solutions featuring car capsule units, ceramic coatings, paint protection, longevity. You love your car and you want to give it some longevity services. This guy's into guys who like to marry cars, not just date them. You own a car? Okay, let's be honest.
Starting point is 00:55:18 He's not talking to people who are in two-year leases here. He's talking to people who own their fucking car and call it her. If you call your car her and you live in Bridgeville, south of Pittsburgh or any place else, he will travel the larger the drop. If you're a famous person with a lot of cars, nobody fucking cracks open and cleans out a car like John Pappas. You can call him at 412-564-5033 or email him at info at sudsautospa.com Check them out on Instagram if you're curious. suds underscore auto underscore spa.
Starting point is 00:55:53 PCB Tech Art. What are some of the products they've made for customers? Bag tags. They did one for a golf team last week. They created bag tags. So stuff like that. So if you're looking for any business marketing swag in the form of whatever, ball markers, bag tags, key chains, et cetera, call them up. Ask them. You need PCB design consultations, 3D printing services, prototyping. They do it all. Check them out, pcbtechart.com, and visit the online store.
Starting point is 00:56:27 Send them a direct message for any consultations and custom designs. Use the code YANUS10 for 10% off your order. They also sell on Amazon. Pretty cool. We're supposed to work with these guys in some capacity. We have spots open. So if you want to get in, get in. Go to patreon.com slash yannuspapasour and do it.

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