Yannis Pappas Hour - Tesla Gone Wild

Episode Date: May 21, 2022

Yanni takes a deep dive into what is behind mass murderers and why they have replaced serial killers in our culture. We are a culture obsessed with infamy and fame. He examines every facet to the psyc...hological profile of these wackadoos and the arguments that usually ensue from both sides after these tragedies. He highlights and analyzes the media’s roll in further radicalizing these wackadoos and points out that mental illness does not encapsulate what they are. They are asocial types—psychopaths and/or sociopaths that are born and/or made by an American stew that is detailed herein. This is a long day in the traditional Yanni sense but also has much levity! Join on in and hear us make it this oh so light subject funny! Jared Harvin is in studio.Sponsors: Luminhttps://www.luminskin.com/?utm_source=fumes&utm_medium=podcastExpress VPNhttps://www.expressvpn.com/fumesJoin for a weekly extra Longday episode where Yanni really goes wild and more bonus content and benefits: https://www.patreon.com/yannilongdaysSubscribe to our clips page for podcast highlights https://youtube.com/channel/UCfMy34qIYYy7XiRaHKO1ykwThe show goes out every Saturday. Come join in on the LONG DAY & Follow Yannis PappasInstagram - https://www.instagram.com/yannispappas/Twitter - https://twitter.com/yannispap Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh boy, everybody. Welcome to just the audience for the Johnny Depp Amber Heard trial. That's all we are. We're not citizens anymore. We're not a body politic. We're not Americans. We are audience members of Court TV, which right now, let me tell you something. of Court TV, which right now, let me tell you something.
Starting point is 00:00:27 If you want to invest your money in any stock, invest it in Court TV because we have stumbled upon the best new type of entertainment that will exist in the future. It won't happen in the metaverse. It will not happen as an NFT. It will not happen in Burt Kreischer's stories. It will happen on court tv right now hollywood producers are figuring out how they can look into the lives of other celebrities
Starting point is 00:00:54 and create some other domestic incidents that we can put on fucking television to get these ladies myself included in front of the television like a soccer game in Europe with no commercial breaks. For four to 12 hours straight to see if Johnny Depp will glance at Amber Heard. I am fucking riveted. I'm on the head of my fucking seat. I'm on the head of my seat. And let me tell you something. Amber Heard should have sued.
Starting point is 00:01:21 She should have sued the producers of Gone Girl for stealing her life story. It's all about the Heard VDEP trial happening right now, but also it's America baby, so you know what the deal is. AR-15s are back in the news and the
Starting point is 00:01:40 fucking wackadoos behind the scope. They are there and we'll try to make some comedy out of it. Also, Chris Rock may host the Oscars in 2023. Why? I haven't delved too much into the article. I just saw the headline because that's what we all do
Starting point is 00:01:56 and we all get radicalized by doing it. Maybe the article says something different, but you got me, New York Post. You got me and I'm ranting about it. Maybe even the article Chris Rock doesn't even know that it happened. Maybe Chris Rock hasn't even commented on it. But the New York Post, as responsible as the news is these days, has decided to maybe offer up Chris Rock as a potential host or co-host for the Oscars in 2023.
Starting point is 00:02:20 We'll look into it on the podcast. And, you know, this isn't the podcast that tells you the news after we read it. It's the podcast that finds out what the news is while we tell it. South Carolina, finally, the white girl from some other area washed up on the shore. They dug her out. They found out who her killer was. It was from 17 years ago, which is surprising because it was a missing white girl. Usually those fucking things are found pretty quick. But this one took 17 years. I think at first they actually had a suspect who they thought was a black guy.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Turns out it was a one eyed, creepy looking white guy who should have been arrested just by his face. You see that guy fucking shopping. You look at his face. He's done something, my friends. You can be proactive. Fucking, you know at his face, he's done something, my friends, you can be proactive, fucking, you know, whatever, dude, treat it like Chris Hansen does when you pick up the cookies, you know what he's there for, and it's no good, Bubba, we'll show his face right here in the box,
Starting point is 00:03:17 and you'll make the judgment for yourself, arrest the guy who has a face like that, even if he's got a clean record, he's gonna do something. Ron DeSantis, or as we like to call him, younger, handsomer Trump, has outlawed private protests, I guess as a reaction to people showing up at Kavanaugh's house for, let's just say it's not a dinner party.
Starting point is 00:03:41 So we will delve into that as well. Otherwise, Elon Musk is having some buyer's remorse perhaps, or is it a strategy, what's he doing, he's definitely playing a little fucking hardball, and I'm not talking about the movie with Brad Pitt, which wasn't even called hardball, it was called moneyball, but you know what, when you go stream of consciousness, sometimes you make mistakes and you mispronounce stream of consciousness, because I'm talking fast, and I also mispronounce words. And this is Yanni Pappas. I am a Greek man who was born of Greek immigrants doing a podcast. And I am a comedian. My special is out right now. If you don't watch it, you are committing a crime against humanity. You're a sucker. You're a loser.
Starting point is 00:04:20 You're a goddamn mass shooter. This is long days and let's all delve into What's the dullest? All right. It might have been a little harsh to call you a mass shooter. A little bit. But you're definitely not a good person. If you're not watching Mom Love, which all it costs is a share it's a free special i put up that i put a lot of hard work into okay me and jared we had a nice long tour okay it culminated in wisconsin and i decided to shoot a special on the last day there so um there's the
Starting point is 00:05:21 guy there's the guy is it up on my shoulder right now that's the guy. There's the guy. Is it up on my shoulder right now? That's the guy. Look at that fucking guy. You see that guy. Yeah. You see that guy buying a Slim Jim and a People magazine at a supermarket. You call the cops. And they say, what are you calling for? And you just go, I'm calling because I saw a guy who definitely is going to do some shit at some point.
Starting point is 00:05:47 I mean, look at this guy, dog. Look at that guy, dog. He looks like a half a grandpa, though. Dude, he looks like a guy who is cast as the guy who kidnaps somebody's beautiful young child and does bad things to her. who kidnaps somebody's beautiful young child and does bad things to her. I also think he had a long rap sheet of doing similar stuff, right? His name was Raymond Moody,
Starting point is 00:06:13 which sounds like a goddamn criminal pedophile's name. Raymond Moody. That is not a baseball catcher's name. Those names are usually Buck or Pudgy. Raymond Moody, he's going to do some bad stuff. They finally caught him 17 years after the case. 17 years after the disappearance of this girl. She disappeared on Myrtle Beach in South Carolina.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Near the border of Georgetown and Charleston County. How you doing now? All right now. What's going on now? If you go to the South on vacation, I love Savannah and Charleston. Those are two of my favorite cities. Me and my wife have gone to both on vacation.
Starting point is 00:07:00 If you want to have fun, you could just walk around and everybody you see there who's a local, you just go, how you doing now? And they always respond. All right now. All right now. How you doing? All right now. All right now. So they finally got this guy. This guy was able to get away with it for 17 years. I don't know how they finally got him. Um, but I think at some point there was another suspect who was black. But I don't know too much about the story. But he had a history as a convicted sexual predator who had previously kidnapped and raped children in California. Okay, here's my question. Here's my question.
Starting point is 00:07:41 here's my question. How the fuck does this guy get a chance again to rape and kidnap children? And furthermore, how is he not a prime suspect? And how does he get away with it for 17 years if he's in the area? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:58 I don't know how the cops didn't see that one coming because obviously, due to his picture, he didn't see anything coming. Yeah, I mean, the cops are not doing a very good job right now.'m gonna be very honest with you they're not doing a very good job this other fucking wackadoo above fucking buffalo yeah they were fucking he was threatening to shoot up the school i mean he was doing in the era of social media you know what
Starting point is 00:08:17 i'm saying instead of fucking checking out what is going on on a comedian's podcast maybe you guys can start checking out what these fucking losers are posting. Pay attention to what them do, because the Buffalo Shooter had a podcast with David Duke. I mean, you get, there's no more signs than that that something's gonna go wrong. Yeah, here's the deal. You don't gotta worry about me until you see my
Starting point is 00:08:38 Patreon drop to fucking below 30. And then you wanna put an eyeball on me. But as long as we're hovering close to a thousand, I'm gonna be okay me. But as long as we're hovering close to 1,000, I'm going to be okay. As long as things are okay with the Patreon, you don't got to worry about my fucking... You don't got to sift through my podcast.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Otherwise, you're going to be butt naked with AR-15 on the Bell Parkway. Yeah, but you might want to take a gander at this fucking kid's Twitch stream. You might want to take a gander at this fucking kid. Look at this fucking loser, wackadoo fucking kid's Twitch stream. You might want to take a gander at this fucking kid. Look at this fucking loser, wackadoo fucking kid. What a piece of shit. He also, yeah, I mean, this is just, mass shooters have replaced serial killers in our culture. I think part of the blame, much like serial killers,
Starting point is 00:09:25 is I think these guys like fame. They like infamy. They're trying to get noticed. Our culture is all about trying to get famous. Everyone's always trying to get fame. And if they can't get fame through talent or whatever, they're trying to get it through infamy. You know, you got it through mass shooters.
Starting point is 00:09:43 You have it through assassins like David Chapterwood or whatever Chapman, you know, they killed John Lennon. They're always trying to get attention. And I think this kid is no exception. He's trying to get attention. He's a wackadoo. I mean, they always it's really funny. They dress up in these military fatigues as if they're going to war. And then you see the footage, which is horrific. I think people should watch the footage. Usually, I feel like it's like disaster porn and it's horrible. But there's something about watching the footage that puts you in touch with how disgusting and how helpless these people are.
Starting point is 00:10:24 It materializes it too. Because you always think you have an idea of how it went down or what happened, but it's gruesome. It's one of the most gruesome things I've ever seen. And it also gives you a sense at what a gun like an AR-15 can do, the efficiency in which it kills, you know, I mean, it's just like a video game. It's unfortunate. And it does beg the question, like,
Starting point is 00:10:53 dude, what are we doing, man? At this point, like, what are we doing? Okay? When these things happen, all people do is argue. All they do is argue about stuff because they're both scared of each other's side, right? So the right goes, the rights are for guns, obviously.
Starting point is 00:11:14 I guess, and they go hard with it because they're scared of the left. They go, the left's gonna take away them all. If they start with regulating these types of guns, they'll continue, right? And that fear, you know, is not in a vacuum. That didn't come out of vacuum. You see that with certain other things. It's like, oh, you can't say this. Well, now you can't say this. And then the left just keeps going and going because that's human nature, right? I've said it before. Nobody knows when to put down the sword and pick up the plow and there's no end to up. And humans are greedy and they just like to keep eating.
Starting point is 00:11:50 They don't know when the battle's won. They don't know when to stop. If they get this, they want another one. Activists don't know how to stop being activists and get a job. So it constantly just keeps going. So the right is scared of the left when it comes to gun control because they think if, hey, we regulate these AR-15s, the next thing that's going to be is like they're going to take away my 22s they're going to take away this they're going to regulate this they're going to regulate that so that's all that happens
Starting point is 00:12:12 when these happen is just arguments you know the needle's not going to be moved at all because what happened in middletown once that happened when they killed babies you're going when they fucking it was like and white babies newtown yeah in newtown you're going, when they fucking, it was like, and white babies. Newtown. Yeah, in Newtown. You go, all right, if they don't care, if in this country they don't care about white babies, then, you know, the history of this country, it's like the value goes white, missing white woman, and then white baby. You know, you would think that that was like, all right, the fucking law the fucking law enforcement is going to, is going to jump into action. The politicians are going to jump into action and they didn't.
Starting point is 00:12:49 So don't expect anything. No solutions will happen. And I love how the right just goes like, there are no solutions. It's just a mental health problem. You go, I don't know, dude,
Starting point is 00:12:58 I don't know. People, there's always crazy people, right? Yeah. If it's just a mental health issue, then like, how come when you walk into a fucking mental health institution,
Starting point is 00:13:09 you don't get shot right away? You know what I'm saying? It's like, there's a lot of things going on here. There's a lot of, there's radicalization going on. There's access to these types of weapons. There's failure of law enforcement. There's access to these types of weapons. There's failure of law enforcement.
Starting point is 00:13:25 There's mental illness. There's radicalization by editorialized media. There's a whole bunch of factors to all these things going on, but it's a big problem. It is a big problem. I think I read a stat already, the amount of like mass shootings we've had since the beginning of the year is like already in the hundreds. I mean, this is the
Starting point is 00:13:49 country where if you want to be in danger of being a victim of a mass shooting, you got the highest chance here. If that's your thing, if that's your kink, if your kink is like, hey, man, I want to go to the supermarket and not be 100% sure I'm going to be okay. I want to go to a concert in Vegas, and there's a small chance that I might just fucking get shot from up above like a goddamn chicken in a chicken coop, defenseless against foxes. Which, by the way, that must be brutal when you're a chicken and like and your owner forgets to put you back in the coop and you just see those eyes and you're going
Starting point is 00:14:31 fuck and all the birds laughing at you that can't fly away yeah all the birds that can't fly away going like sorry dog
Starting point is 00:14:36 I don't know what to tell you they bred you down to be defenseless and the chickens are just going they're just going fuck and the chickens
Starting point is 00:14:43 are just running around and it's like, it's over. Is that owl laughing at him? Like, look at this nigga over here. Yeah, it's just over, man. When that fox shows up, it's over.
Starting point is 00:14:52 And it's a bloodbath. It's funny because it's a bloodbath. That's like the mass shooting that happens in nature. It's a bloodbath. Those people, those chickens are defenseless,
Starting point is 00:15:00 those people are defenseless. And what do you want them to do, dude? The guy had body armor on. There was another guy there with a gun and he's fucking shooting at the guy. But the guy's got fucking body armor. So are we all supposed to walk around at all times with our AR-15s drawn and body armor? No.
Starting point is 00:15:13 I mean, how do we follow this to the logical conclusion? How do we stop this? How do you? Okay, stopping it's impossible. And that's a child's wish because bad'll always, bad things will always happen. They even happen in countries where there's strong gun control because there's crazy people. How do we mitigate this to a manageable level? Okay, which is how adults deal with negotiation in the real world.
Starting point is 00:15:37 You talk to your kids so shit like this don't got to happen. This is a person, like you said, he wants attention. He wants spark under his name and he wasn't acknowledged by his parents when he was growing up obviously and racism became his dad and violence became his mom and he wants attention write manifestos he wrote a whole snl monologue has a goddamn manifesto talk to you goddamn kids it was it was more it was less of a snl monologue and more of a yanni long day it was a 180 pages. There's a lot of missing semicolons and commas. Yeah. You know, do white supremacists have like,
Starting point is 00:16:10 they need to have an editor. Yeah. There needs to be some sort of like white supremacist publisher who goes like, just send your manuscript for review. Yeah. I think we could lose about 176 pages
Starting point is 00:16:21 of this dribble. Dribble. God, I really do have a brain tumor. Dribble. You got it. Dribble. You're just going over it? Yeah, dribble. Drivel. God, I really do have a brain tumor. Drivel. That's it, you got it. Drivel. You're just going over it? Yeah, drivel.
Starting point is 00:16:28 I like this sentence. We need a period there and a nigga there. Yeah, because look. It's like, hey, dude, you already said the N-word. We get it. A lot of this is redundant. You need to tighten it up for social media. That's when you need Andrew Schultz to come in.
Starting point is 00:16:40 You need a racist Andrew Schultz to come in and say, hey, we got to release release this manuscript eclipse. Nobody's gonna read all 180. You put this fucking, put this up on the gram, you put it up on talk in 90 second intervals. And then you have Legion of Skanks and Anthony Cumea proofreading. They'll promote it for you.
Starting point is 00:17:01 They'll promote it for you. Obviously, you know, like you said, racism is at the crux of it because he had like the n-word written on his gun no it was not the joe rogan n-word the mel gibson one no and yeah not the lewis j gomez one yeah no he had the joe he had the lewis j gomez one yes with the er yes he talked about it last week it had it uh he written uh here's your reparations written on the gun. He did everything. His goal is he wants everyone to know that he's doing this as a bulwark against what he thinks is going on, which is white replacement.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Yes. But it takes a lot for a person to get to that frame of thought and racism. All you got to do is watch three or four Tucker Carlson episodes. Exactly. And you got to do is watch three or four Tucker Carlson episodes. Exactly. And you get the gist. Now, you know, you do watch those Tucker Carlson clips and you're going, and he's not the only
Starting point is 00:17:53 one, obviously, but he's the most mainstream one who alludes to this theory. And the theory being that there's this mass conspiracy that the left wants open borders so white people are replaced and those people tend to vote left. So it's this mass replacement thing that grows out of our problem at the border. So that's really the issue. We have a problem at the border. We do have a lot of illegal immigration. And so the right goes on the conspiracy going like,
Starting point is 00:18:36 look, the left wants this. They're doing nothing about this because they benefit from it. They benefit from it by bringing in voters to replace people who otherwise would vote republican so that is essentially what the conspiracy is well yeah it doesn't make any sense with this case because white replacement you kill mainly black people you kill me percent of the population well here's the thing these guys to, one thing they tend to do is not make sense. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:06 I don't know if you've taken a gander through mind conf, but it's not what you call cogent. Get your fucking thesaurus out when you're dealing with Yanni. There you go. Because I'm gonna fucking throw words at you, baby.
Starting point is 00:19:19 The purpose of this podcast is to teach you the rest of the English fucking language so you don't say like every other fucking word. Maybe if we could communicate better, we could express ourselves better. There's a whole fucking language out there. Why do people stop learning words?
Starting point is 00:19:34 The more words you know, the more you can express yourself and the better you can impress a chick when you sit down, especially if you're not fucking popping or lit on the ground. If you're not fucking fire on the gram you got to be able to use your gift for gab exactly just think what would helen keller do yeah throw the word cogent out there maybe you'll get some puffs so yeah i mean these guys don't tend to make sense they got all the hate but none of the logic to back it up i mean just just the fact that he wrote 180 page manifesto now manifesto is a word that when a 180-page manifesto. Now, manifesto is a word that when you hear the word manifesto, it's never going to be good.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Somebody has a manifesto. What's the actual definition of a manifesto? Is it just like, hey, here's my reason? Manifestos are hilarious. It's a thousand pages of rambling. Yeah, it's just rambling, dog. When you hear manifesto. Go the other way.
Starting point is 00:20:25 Yeah, nobody's going to read it. If your boy calls you and says, hey, dog, can you dog. When you hear manifesto. Go the other way. Nobody, yeah, nobody's going to read it. If your boy calls you and say, hey, dog, can you take a look at my manifesto? Contact the FBI. Publish declaration of intentions, motives, or views of issuers to be at an individual group or political party or government. Yeah, so manifesto is never a good thing. Yeah. All right, if you see someone at the library. If you see someone at the library, if you see someone at the library
Starting point is 00:20:47 and you go, hey man, what are you working on? And he goes, my manifesto. Right there, you know you got a problemo. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:53 We also have, what was the guy, we had the Oklahoma City bomber he had in the manifesto. These guys want, and also him, the uni bomber and Timothy McVeigh.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Okay. He blew up the fucking federal building. They all have manifestos. All right? The guy in Norway who went to the island and killed all those fucking kids from the other political party, he had a manifesto. They all think, here's their thing. They all think that like, it's pretty funny when you think that they think they're like, when they're writing that manifesto, they think, it's like when you're high,
Starting point is 00:21:35 you ever smoke a lot of weed? I know you don't. But back in the day, remember you smoke a lot of weed and you decide to jot some ideas down? And then you look at those ideas the next day and you go at the time you're writing them you're going dude i may be henry david thoreau right now dude i mean this is fucking john steinbeck shit and then you wake up the next day and you're like dude i i'm close i'm close to special needs like this is i'm this is this is just drivel these guys when they're probably writing their manifestos do you know how fucking great they feel when they're writing it
Starting point is 00:22:07 and they're going like, dude, it's me? They're arrogant. They're going like, it's going to be me. I'm going to set this whole thing off. I'm going to galvanize all these people. As soon as I do this, the next thing you know, I'm going to be looked at as like the John Brown of this issue. And he was a maniac, but he was a maniac with a good cause.
Starting point is 00:22:28 You know, and it just doesn't turn out that way. People just go, ew, ew. You know, look, I'm not trying to help any of these guys, but if I was, I would say start with your manifesto being a little shorter, because nobody's sitting through 180 pages of redundancies. Short and sweet. Short and sweet.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Maybe throw it up. Are you reading it? It's a nice pop song. TikTok offers a lot of options of musical ambiance. You got to have that shit transcribed. Get a clip guy. Get a clip guy get a clip guy hit the talk you know and do it in clips start with your first clip 90 seconds hey what's up my name is fucking what was his name he probably had some fucking stupid name hey my name is this guy
Starting point is 00:23:18 what's up everybody you know i mean uh you know who the shooter payton payton payton gendron hey what's up guys my name is payton rhymes with satan um i'm about to do some satan shit you know otherwise you just it's not gonna work guy and i'm not trying to encourage any of you but if i was i'd say start on the talk nobody reads anymore that's That's another problem. Nobody reads. I mean, people don't even, even people who do read, they listen on audio. So maybe it would be fun.
Starting point is 00:23:53 You know, because these guys are so deranged and stupid, you can go like, hey, dude, look, you need somebody to read your shit. How about Morgan Freeman? He's got a great voice. And he's gone.
Starting point is 00:24:02 All right, then the next thing you know, you're contacting a black actor to read your shit, and then you can talk to the next thing you know you're contacting a black actor to read your shit and then you can talk to the guy and be like hey do you see
Starting point is 00:24:08 what's going on here and he goes wait I love Morgan Freeman and you go exactly guy have you thought this out and he's going no not really
Starting point is 00:24:15 I'm just a sad kid who doesn't get puss and I'm lonely and I'm a little bit I don't have emotions and things are bad and I haven't found a thing I'm passionate about yet.
Starting point is 00:24:26 And you go, exactly. That's when you start the conversation. The conversation starts when he starts considering Morgan Freeman to read his manifesto. So that's why you gotta, you know what I'm saying? You gotta trick these guys. You gotta go in first and be like, hey man, let me help you.
Starting point is 00:24:39 You know who's got a great voice, dog? You know who's got a fucking great voice? Now does Morgan Freeman have the best voice probably probably like he's the number one he may be the goat if you want to try to tug at heartstrings like you know i'm saying like if you got a good if you got a good red bull commercial and you're trying to trick people into drinking that liquid crack because you're trying to tell them it makes them more active and adventurous. Who better to trick you than the fucking silky, smooth, raspy, comforting voice of Morgan Freeman?
Starting point is 00:25:13 Then you got those real racists, though, that will agree to have an audio version of the manifesto and they'll pick Liev Shriver. He's pretty good, though. Yeah, he's good. Now, who's Liev Shriver? The brother that played Wolverine's brother in X-Men Origins does he does hard knocks he narrates hard knocks uh oh yeah he's good yeah yeah he is good and all those boxing uh lead up yeah everything for like hbo yeah he's good yeah or you can get or you can you know bruce buffers uh bruce buffers is available for hire yeah yeah i mean in this, if he does show,
Starting point is 00:25:45 you can do his manifest as well. Yeah. We got Dylan Gendron versus reality. Peyton Gendron. Oh man. These guys are so fucking out of it, dude. The sunset park guy was good.
Starting point is 00:26:05 His YouTube videos were good. His YouTube videos, what do you mean by good? I mean, he was a good performer. He was a good broadcaster. Yeah, I mean, they were also a little too long. They were too long. I watched a little bit of those. I kind of, I was like, dude, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:26:20 I mean, maybe it's not you. Maybe it's a little bit of the times. Like, people are not, I mean, you know, I don't even think most people, I mean, when we look at the YouTube analytics on my special, it's going to be fucking 30 minutes. Most people are tuning out after 30. I think his views reflected that. There's something funny when a guy's throwing up like a three hour video to like three people. And you know, three of those views are him rewatching it. I mean,
Starting point is 00:26:49 these guys are just yelling into the abyss. They're yelling into the abyss. And then of course, a day later, um, we had a fucking Chinese guy in California roll into a Taiwanese church and he tried to kill as many people as you want, but he got tackled. There's some hero. The guy I think who stopped him is the one who lost his life. He was a doctor. He was actually a doctor of a football player, some fullback from some
Starting point is 00:27:23 NFL team. He's a primary care physician of some football player, some fullback from some NFL team. He's a primary care physician of some football player, probably amongst others. But that one was thwarted. Sometimes it's not just a gun that stops, it's not such a good, sometimes it's not a good guy
Starting point is 00:27:41 with a gun, sometimes it's a guy with a good tackle that'll stop a guy, a brave person with a tackle. It's nice to see that Asian people can still tackle after the Asian belt. Yeah, I mean, I just, what's the logical conclusion? The logical conclusion is this, man. I mean, you know, like, when are we just going to stop arguing and, like, look,
Starting point is 00:27:57 the left has to stop saying guns are bad because that's not the full story. People need to start talking about the full story. bad because that's not the full story. People need to start talking about the full story. The right has to stop saying that all guns, any cost, no regulation, no matter what. You know what I'm saying? There's got to be some sort of conversation towards solutions. Whether those solutions are mental, whatever it is, I don't care at this point. If the AR-15s all stay, but this stops, I'm fine with that too. Like whatever works, but something has to be done. The problem is nothing is being done.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Nothing's being done. Chris Rock has the best solution. He did have the best solution. Make the bullets really expensive. Regulate the bullets. $5,000 a bullet. $5,000 a bullet. So if somebody gets shot, you know, he did something, you know,
Starting point is 00:28:45 he deserved it. It is actually kind of like maybe the best solution. Yeah. Yeah. The bullets really, that's it. Yeah. That's it.
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Starting point is 00:32:39 package. That's a great deal. This is a necessity. So this will help you. Go get it. You have to have it. Now, of course, the right does have a point in that you don't necessarily need an AR-15 to do this. And that's shown time and time again in different countries. It's happened now a few times recently in Waukesha. You had that guy with the SUV fucking just he was like zigzagging. He's pled not guilty, which is hilarious. And he's also complained about his conditions in the jail, which is fucking hilarious. His mother. Which one?
Starting point is 00:33:17 The Wacosha guy. Peyton pleaded not guilty too. He pleaded. These guys are hilarious. They're going, he's going, I don't know. He's like, what do you have on me? They're going, okay, Peyton. You streamed it.
Starting point is 00:33:31 You gave yourself up. You're the kid in the military fatigue. You're the kid who wrote the manifesto. We saw you at the crime. You putting down your AR-15 and giving yourself up. I think we got you, guy. Oh, this Focosha guy looks a little. Yeah, he's a little whacked out too.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Now, here's the deal. Looks like Keegan-Michael Key and Key and Peele. Now, I do agree with the right a little bit that the most important element here is the guys are off. Yes. Now, mental illness, I don't think is necessarily the right word because I think these guys it is in a sense depending on how much empathy you have
Starting point is 00:34:08 but these guys are asocial personality types. They're sociopathic or they're psychopaths. They don't have feelings. They don't have empathy. You can't do what that kid did. You cannot
Starting point is 00:34:18 there's no level of radicalization. Like you can blame Tucker and all the other wackadoos who expose this conspiracy who expel espouse this conspiracy all you want but that's not going to tell the story there's a certain line because in order to do that yeah no matter what you believe, you can't do that unless you have some innate or socialized asocial feature that is so prominent, it allows you to do that without conscious. Because when you watch that video or you hear about what this guy did, to be able to do that. No level of anger, no level of rage.
Starting point is 00:35:05 That is what you call psychopathy or sociopathy. That's all that is without a, without a doubt. No level of narcissism is going to let you do that. Amber Heard's not going to fucking mow down those people. She's just going to lie about Johnny Depp fucking beating her up. And then she may take a shit in aisle six and she may take a shit in aisle six. And that's about it to To teach you a lesson.
Starting point is 00:35:26 To mark her territory. But in order to do this, you have to have either one of those two things. That's your thing. So, yeah, technically that's mental illness, but not really. I mean, psychopaths are born that way. Yeah, it's not mental illness to let them off the hook. Exactly. It's not. You can't say it to let them off the hook like it's not exactly yeah it's not you you can't say it to let them off the hook it's not definitely all racism they knew what they would yeah no this was all it's it's it's all racism it's at the but like
Starting point is 00:35:55 like that's why i did it there's a certain level that needs to be crossed in order for that to happen what we're basically saying is there's a lot of racist people yeah they won't do this because they're not psychopaths. You have to be a sociopath or a psychopath to do this. The mind is the Kool-Aid mix. The racism is the sugar. It makes it palatable. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:18 It's too much of a happy analogy, but I'm with you on it. Yeah. Because Kool-Aid tastes good. And I feel a little bad that I did that about an event that killed a lot of black people but so bad but also kool-aid is also used as uh a you're drinking the kool-aid drinking the kool-aid so it's an expression yeah yeah so it was actually kind of was a perfect analogy um so yeah both these guys have pled not guilty which is hilarious they're they're going, hey, dog, I don't know the other guy's name, they're going, hey, dog, we took you out of the car that did it, I mean, what could possibly be their defense, their defense is obviously going to be some
Starting point is 00:36:55 sort of temporary insanity or bullshit like that, but they're obviously both guilty, Both guilty. Now here's the thing. Here's the thing. This is where the media really contributes to the milieu that he's directly doing this as a reparations for, he even says it during the video, like here's your fucking reparations. He's got the names of the victims.
Starting point is 00:37:34 I think, what were, eight or nine people were killed in that. One was like a nine-year-old. So he puts their names on the gun. He's got the N-word on the gun. He spares a white guy. He says, I'm sorry to the white guy. He's obviously targeting black people as revenge for this guy who targeted white people. Now, what radicalizes both these guys? You know, you can't talk about one without talking about the other. What radicalizes them, what I believe radicalizes them,
Starting point is 00:38:05 is the media and their inflammatory rhetoric about one thing omitting the other, right? Or their histrionics on the subject matter of what's behind this, the motivations, et cetera. You can't blame it on that because, again,
Starting point is 00:38:31 this kid would have found something else to do it on. But we can't criticize the media in that on the right, they go real hard with the conspiracy bullshit that radicalizes people yeah by going hey man the white man's being fucking replaced and then you get these kids out there with tiki torches going screaming we will not be replaced it's like where did they hear that fucking turn on fucking any of these assholes and you'll hear that right and that conspiracy is based on the left ignoring some of the problems that create those fucking conspiracy theories. So if you have a problem at the border
Starting point is 00:39:10 and you're not talking about it or dealing with it, that creates the conspiracy that, hey, you want it. You want it. That's the reason why you're not talking about it. Not only are you not talking about it, you're vilifying people on the other side who want to talk about it and going, oh, they're just racist. If you want a border, that means you're not talking about it you're vilifying people on the other side who want to talk about it and going oh they're just racist if you want a border that means you're racist
Starting point is 00:39:29 that's what the news does now in order to get fucking attention they're doing a form of the same shit that these motherfuckers are doing in that they want attention it's all attention seeking fucking narcissistic American behavior, and that's why this seems to be a uniquely American thing. It's the same thing fucking serial killers did with their fucking notes to the police and fucking their signature ways of killing. They want the infamy.
Starting point is 00:39:56 They want the fame. They want to be noticed. They get off on reading about themselves in the paper. They love the cat and mouse game with the cops. They love it. So when you ignore that, when you're the left and you go,
Starting point is 00:40:13 instead of going like, we got a problem at the border and we should work together, all countries should have borders. This isn't a race thing. This is like an immigration thing. Every country has a border. Our country seems to be
Starting point is 00:40:25 the only one that has this massive massive problem with it yeah um we got to address it and not talk about fucking you being a racist if you if you're for a border that would that would lessen the degree to which people get radicalized but when one side goes ignores it yeah and i've worked for those medias that ignore the media outlets that ignore it and go like just it's racist if you mention the border you're racist right that's what one side says and then the other side goes we're being invaded and replaced you're going like if you guys keep yelling this shit at each other somebody like this motherfucker who is a psychopath is going to grab a gun and have an excuse to act out the shit that he's all fucked up from by nature or his environment or both. It's like the question, who loses in a game of tug of war?
Starting point is 00:41:14 The rope. The people are the rope. Because you get pulled on so many sides at so many times. The rope's going to lose. It's going to break at one point in time. It's a great analogy, actually. How do we fix that do we put the news on a fixed income so that they don't have to worry about being pariahs and trying to adjust themselves to certain sides to get more money or
Starting point is 00:41:34 get more influence how do we do that there needs to be some sort of standard for the news everything else is regulated this whole fucking minister of truth from the that no that's that that's like saying that's like saying i'm patrice colors and i'm gonna hire my own the father of my kid to be my creative director yeah that's called nepotism if the government says we're gonna decide no there needs to be an independent body yeah Yeah. Like that regulate, that decides. Like in the police department, you have an internal affairs. You can't have the cops run the internal affairs. So there needs to be some sort of public body that grades these.
Starting point is 00:42:17 This is my opinion. That grades these outlets. First of all, identifies true media outlets. So at least you can tell the difference. One is a verified like you know news outlet like legitimate news outlet yeah and the other one is just some dude ranting on his fucking tiktok or whatever right so we start there and then there has to be some measure there has to be some scale that measures the their typical veracity you know
Starting point is 00:42:43 what i'm saying that grades it based on the data, based on the numbers. You need independent bodies that do this fucking thing. Like when you count elections, you have both parties in the room, you have an independent body that you do the best you can
Starting point is 00:42:55 to try to protect yourself from interests. The whole goal is to do the best you can to stick to the principle over interest. So when the media goes fucking wild, right? And puts out headlines that, you know, excuse what this guy did with the car. And all the headlines, and you can Google them and see them. It's like, really?
Starting point is 00:43:26 headlines and we can you can google them and see them it's like really and they and they say an suv an suv uh one of them i read was from npr it goes an suv that barreled into you know you're going all right i saw one headline that said tesla gone wild yeah yeah uh yeah one of them going auto error auto error, auto error. You're going like, what are we doing here? Okay. You know, what are we doing here? Tell the, don't be scared to tell the whole story. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:52 Let people see it. Just like people should see that this other guy was a fucking white supremacist. He was white supremacy is a fucking problem. It's less of a problem than it was, but it's a problem. It's a problem, and this country was founded on it. This country was fucking founded on white supremacy no matter how you want to yell. You can yell at the screen all you want. You can hate.
Starting point is 00:44:17 It can get you upset. It can make you happy. Whatever your emotion is about it, not to sound like fucking Ben Shapiro, but, you know, facts don't care about your feelings, okay? Facts don't care about your feelings. You doniro but you know facts don't care about your feelings okay you don't care facts don't have any feelings whatever feeling you have you don't care the facts aren't good that's the fact the fact was you could only vote if you were a white guy it was founded on slavery there was a scale on who could be a citizen and who couldn't. And you know what that scale was? Way!
Starting point is 00:44:49 Was the number one requirement. So you can't lie about that either. Everyone has to have these full discussions and everyone has to accept all the sides to these realities and stop trying to own or dunk on the other side. That's everyone is just trying to dunk on each other. It's like Jordan Peterson with his recent, he was trying to dunk. He was trying to dunk. First of all, now we got a fucking, you know, psycho, what is he? A psychology professor from Canada who's commenting on the fucking swimsuit edition. You know, it's like, dude, can you just talk about psychology and let you know
Starting point is 00:45:25 standards of beauty stick to fucking who people's uh tastes yeah but he made a mistake he made a mistake and jordan peterson and i don't want to get too sidetracked but that's what we do on this podcast so it is jordan peterson tweeted now first of all this chick is she's hot i've seen other pictures of her too she's hot she's a seen other pictures of her too. She's hot. She's a big girl. I wouldn't call her fat. I wouldn't call this a health problem big. It's not like literal.
Starting point is 00:45:54 No. I mean, she's just a big boned it girl who looks pretty in shape based on her genetics. Yeah, that's nice. And she's fucking beautiful and i've seen other pictures of her and so he tweeted this shit because he's trying to make this bigger point he goes sorry not beautiful and no amount of authoritarian tolerance is gonna change that
Starting point is 00:46:17 sorry i'm from canada not beautiful and no amount of authoritarian tolerance is going to change that and you're going well you shut the fuck up why don't you look at your wife okay and I don't want to judge now but I'm just saying shut the fuck up so he got owned by everybody his own fans going you go read the
Starting point is 00:46:40 comments his own fans are going Dr. Peterson I usually like what you say but basically i will lick this girl's asshole that was basically the comments going sorry doctor i would clean her feet with my mouth she's a piece so he had to take himself off twitter um because uh you know because you know because he feels like the left is too sensitive. You know, and he's just one of these guys that slings a lot of fucking mud, and now mud's being slung at him,
Starting point is 00:47:14 and he's got to remove himself from Twitter because he can't handle the heat. You got to take a look in the mirror, son. If I would have tweeted this, first of all, I wouldn't have because she's peace. She's good looking, yeah. But if I had tweeted something like this, I would have just said, hey, I'm a dick. That was wrong. I'm wrong. I'm wrong. I'm an idiot.
Starting point is 00:47:27 You know? Look, pull up other pictures of her because she's a piece. I don't know who she is. Yumi Nu? She's pretty. Yumi Nu. Yeah, but she's a piece.
Starting point is 00:47:35 But anyway, why did we get sidetracked on that? It's like Jordan Peterson, I said. You're a... The media we were talking about. Yeah. So if you're going to talk about... I mean, look,
Starting point is 00:47:44 she's just a stone cold piece. I mean, he just made a mistake. You're just wrong. You're just wrong, Kanuki. Yeah. I mean, yeah. She's just. And that's what happens when you focus on looks, you know, because she may not look like a model to him, but he don't look like a psychologist to me.
Starting point is 00:48:01 He looked like a mature Fred from Scooby Doo. He does. He looks like fred got old yeah now i know the point he was trying to make was that uh they're trying to force these you know trying to say and there's some a little bit of truth in that too that they're trying to say yes yeah you know it's not a health thing if you're telling someone to lose weight you're being you're hating on them fat phobic fact you're being fat phobic so that's what he was trying to do he just misfired here it's misfired yeah if they had like a diabetic model you know a model
Starting point is 00:48:30 one foot that's different that's a different thing or if it was someone like clearly obese who was like spilling all over the place or her size looked like a spiral parking garage yeah yeah i mean she's just a big kind of beautiful woman she's a little bigger what was that other one what was that other? Ashley Graham. If you say Ashley Graham is ugly, I'll smack you in the face. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:48:49 Not you, but personally. Ashley Graham. She posts too much pregnancy pictures on Instagram, but I like it. Oh, that's an immediate unfollow. Yeah, she got stretch marks. Let me see Ashley Graham. She's pretty.
Starting point is 00:49:01 You're going to like it. Yeah, she's gorgeous. Yeah, She's pretty. You're going to like it. Yeah. She's gorgeous. Yeah. Yeah, she's gorgeous. Yeah, she's, yeah, that's not, that's just, that's her genetics, man. That's not, she's just, that's a girl who's, you know. Genetics and a little bit of mac and cheese from Chick-fil-A. Yeah, a little bit.
Starting point is 00:49:17 I mean, yeah. But I mean, typically a girl like that, I mean, if she got to think, it would be unhealthy. She'd be, because she's just built that way. I mean, yeah, I mean, people come got too thin, it would be unhealthy. Because she's just built that way. I mean, yeah. I mean, people come in all shapes and sizes. I mean, look, yeah. She's not, you would not consider that obese. She's just big.
Starting point is 00:49:31 She's bigger. You know, I don't mean big as a majority. You get what I'm saying. But I know where he's coming from. You see, I said this on the podcast on an episode before. We live in this country now where it's like crazy and then crazy reaction, crazy and then crazy reaction, so he is, Jordan Peterson is reacting to crazy and he has a crazy reaction and that's what we're doing, we're seesawing between crazy and that's the same thing on a
Starting point is 00:49:59 much more horrible level, but same anatomy that happened with these two fucking mass shooters who are basically the same. When you read their manifestos and their Facebook pages, guess what? The common thread, they both hate the Jews. It's never late. It's never late. And it's true. You look at the Wacosha guy.
Starting point is 00:50:23 Now, he hated whiteys, and he said that whiteys deserved to die. And he was like, wait till you start seeing, like, blah, blah, blah. And he said, if you see old white people, fucking kill them. So, I mean, you know, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to know that, you know, on that day he decided to do that. You know, the kid's going 20 miles an hour going like this through a parade. I mean, I don't think it was audio. I don't think it was audio i don't think it was an auto malfunction no and it also doesn't take a fucking brain surgeon to know that the fucking the donk from buffalo was targeting black people i you know how we know because he said it
Starting point is 00:50:58 he said it and also it's buffalo it's also buffalo so it's the same thing happening here it's crazy crazy reaction crazy crazy reaction this dude does something crazy he's reacting to craziness and racism right so he's reacting to the crazy and it just keeps going it just keeps going because the black dude is reacting to the crazy from the cops shooting black people and all that shit and he's going all crackers need to die because he's already a crazy guy with a long record i think he's got a long record of like horrible shit horrible horrible things that he's done in the past because he's a horrible person race not a factor yeah when when it comes to people's character guess what dude i'll just tell you a fact it's just it's not a factor it's not a factor i've been around every fucking type of human
Starting point is 00:51:47 that this planet has to offer. Race is just, it's a fact. It's not an opinion. It's not a woke thing to say. It's just a fact, okay? If you're someone who likes facts, race is just, what Dr. Martin Luther King, fake feelings. No feelings, man. Race is just, what Dr. Martin Luther King said
Starting point is 00:52:06 is just true. It's true. You don't even have to feel inspired by it or feel, it's just a true statement. A person's character, I would go so far as to say, has his internal character,
Starting point is 00:52:20 who he is intrinsically, inherently, has zero to do with what his fucking face looks like. It's zero to do with it. I've met fucking pieces of shit from all walks of life. I've met people who are good from all walks of life. It's just data, baby.
Starting point is 00:52:35 It's just fucking data. So these guys are wackadoos no matter which way you slice it, but these wackadoos end up doing shit like this because they're reacting to each other's craziness and the media is reinforcing their narratives. That's the perfect way to say it. The media is reinforcing their narratives by presenting the stories in these ways,
Starting point is 00:53:01 in these single-faceted ways for them to get attention. So everyone's doing this attention crazy game by highlighting certain things, making certain things salient, and then making other things, omitting other things, omitting other areas of the story,
Starting point is 00:53:23 omitting other things. other things, omitting other areas of the story. Omitting other things. So, it's just a seesaw crazy happening right now. All this will end soon though. You mean when the asteroid hits? That too. But all
Starting point is 00:53:35 this will end because the extreme is what's popular. Because the extreme is what gets the attention. It's like a fad. The median will get the attention. But when my special drops and it's making fun of anyone right down the middle, it's gonna change it all. It's gonna a fad. The median will get the attention. But when my special drops and it's making fun of anyone right down the middle, it's going to change it all. It's going to cut through all that noise. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:51 Will you set me up for a promo? A little bit. What the world needs more of is, say it. Mom love. Mom love. There you go. Needs less mom love. Well, yeah, I mean more.
Starting point is 00:54:04 I don't know what the fuck's going on. My special's not about mom love. It's not. But the last, yeah. You watch it, you find out. I tie it in together at the end about what I believe is underneath everything. It's a joke, but there's some truth to it.
Starting point is 00:54:17 It's a little truth. It's a little truth. Like when I had that one joke in there where I said, you know, you marry a Republican woman, you know, she kind of wants to be with the baby a little. It's a little truth, son. Trust me, because I've been around women in L.A. and hearing them talk about babies. They talk about babies like it's COVID.
Starting point is 00:54:38 It's something they caught. They go, I can't tell. I'm a dog. I can't. Oh, my God. What about my career? My luck's going to ruin my body. It's like they talk about it like COVID.
Starting point is 00:54:46 Yeah. You know, and that typically happens more on the left. Right women are like, you know, stay at home. You know, which is not a bad thing. Not saying you should do it. Not saying you should do it. Not saying women should be relegated to the kitchen. Not saying.
Starting point is 00:55:01 I'm just saying it makes for a happier marriage if you do. I'm just saying it's more what god wants i'm kidding obviously but you know youtube's mod and youtube's bots don't care um so it's it's an unfortunate thing that was a little bit of a long day, but I feel like we've gave some insight into what's going on here. People need to stop. It's the same thing with UFOs, which now Congress is finally having another hearing. I think their first hearing since the 1960s on UFOs. It's Congress. There's less of a stigma now about if you believe in ufos you're crazy it's out there now that there are unidentified objects moving in a way that are are not earthly that are the technology is not of this world and um they're finally investigating it yeah finally so but why did i say it's like ufos you just said it was just like ufos You just said it was just like UFOs.
Starting point is 00:56:06 I just said it was just like UFOs, but I was making a point. Yeah, but you didn't get it. What was I saying before that? Mom love. Mom, no, but I was saying. We gave insight as to why it happened, you know. Why it happens. Mom love.
Starting point is 00:56:19 Mom love. Yeah. On our YouTube channel. But yeah, they're finally investigating that. Elon said he hasn't seen any. He just did a- Oh, that's why I said it. I said, don't lie to the people.
Starting point is 00:56:36 Don't lie. It doesn't work. It has horrible long-term consequences. Tell the whole thing. Treat us like adults. It's like when you're a comedian, you want to play to the top of the intelligence of the room. You don't want to assume people are stupid.
Starting point is 00:56:50 It never goes right. I've made that mistake over and over and over again. Play up to the better angels of people's nature. Trust them that they can hear the whole story. Trust them that, you know, trust people to say, hey, in this instance, trust them to say, hey, this guy hated white people.
Starting point is 00:57:14 He went in with his car and he was mowing them down. This is who he was. This is history. This is who he was. Trust them to say, hey, this was a white guy. He's a racist white guy.
Starting point is 00:57:25 He hates black people. He was there to murder black people. Here's some of the things he said he was listening to. Let's talk about all these things. How can we dissect this and figure out what's going wrong here? Here's the gun he got. Here's how he got the gun. Here's what he said about his school.
Starting point is 00:57:43 Here's what went unnoticed what unchecked tell the whole fucking story stop trying to sugarcoat and pussyfoot around what's going on because you're scared of what the reaction will be you're scared it will radicalize because you know what's happening the opposite by omitting you're radicalizing people because they fill in the blanks they get angry that you're omitting it because they fill in the blanks. They get angry that you're omitting it because they're not stupid, especially now with the internet. They're not stupid.
Starting point is 00:58:08 They can clearly see that it wasn't an SUV, a Tesla gone wild. Okay, they can clearly see that. You know? You can clearly see this guy and Dylann Roof were intentionally targeted black people in order to try to spark a race riot yeah that's what they're trying to do so by you going up there and talking about his talking points you're you're doing what he wanted
Starting point is 00:58:33 instead of going hey this is a bigger we crazy people exist what is making these crazy people do this why this yeah don? Don't omit. Don't pussyfoot around it. Be a Mexican boxer. Nobody wants to watch a fight, okay? Unless you talk a good game like Money Mayweather and you can get me hate you to the point where I want to tune in to see if you'll get knocked out, which is brilliant marketing. Especially, and also confidence in your skills.
Starting point is 00:59:02 And he's the best of all time, no question. But let's be honest. A lot of his fights towards the end were boring. Mexican boxers stand in the fucking pocket, and they bang, and they either get knocked out or they win. So stand in the pocket. Don't pussyfoot around the story.
Starting point is 00:59:19 We're mature adults. Adults. We're adults. We can handle it. Tell the whole story. So you don't create the vacuum that is filled by conspiracy and radicalization. That's what's happening. That's what's happening.
Starting point is 00:59:38 You leave a vacuum open because you're omitting parts of the story, and it's filled by conspiracy and radicalization. Yeah. Both ways. The media's paying on installment plans, but they got to deal with the interest. They got to deal with the interest, man. The payment is, everything has a cost.
Starting point is 00:59:55 And the problem with the media is they don't see their culpability and they just point the finger at the ones, the other side. It's like, hey man, there's two things going on here. You're both doing it. Who started it? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:00:06 Probably Fox. When you look back at editorialized news, they were the first. They came in. They changed the game by getting on there and screaming about there's MS-13 on your fucking windows. And the white man's trying to be replaced. And fucking they got Bill O'Reilly and he's up there yelling and cutting people off. And it got high ratings because it's fast food entertainment. It's fast food news.
Starting point is 01:00:33 It's bad for you. It's coated with a lot of sugar. It's a good short-term hit. And that's where it probably started, to be honest with you. They really started that genre of let's throw X. My favorite is let's talk to a few experts. Let's talk to a few experts on this. And then it would be Amy Schumer and Tim Dillon sitting there on Fox News.
Starting point is 01:00:58 Let's talk to a few experts who happen to be professional entertainers. Who's an expert? They're experts. At what? Snickers. Right. I knew that was coming. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:11 I was going to have you finish it, but you didn't do it. Well, I threw it to you because I knew it was coming. So it's a big problem, man. You know? Dude, propaganda works, man. It's it just molds the way people think it really does. That's why the Nazis had a whole that was part of their whole plan. That's why Goebbels was so important to what they were doing, because it just works, man. It just fucking works. I hate to say it, but it just, it plays on people's emotions. It gets them to believe certain things.
Starting point is 01:01:47 And it just works. And when the media becomes content creators, because they're trying to compete for the same eyeballs as comedians and fight videos, and, you know, a guy dancing as a weatherman to a little skimpy or whatever. You know that weatherman? Yeah. I think he might have been from upstate New York who just like,
Starting point is 01:02:09 he's got millions of followers. He just dances. It's fun content. The media should not be competing for ratings with those guys. I don't know if, truth be told, I don't know if the media should be concerned with ratings at all, which is a whole nother conversation. But then you look at NPR and you're going like,
Starting point is 01:02:24 that's a fucking mess too. So I don't know what the answer is. I'm not here to fucking give answers. I'm here to give you a long day. All right, guys, small business shout outs, a freaking cold spring water. Very simple. It is water in an aluminum can. It stays cold and it doesn't shrink your taint from the plastic. Stop ingesting plastic. I fucking do a drip coffee. I don't do the Kerrigs anymore. I don't do the water bottles anymore. I drink with metal because I listen
Starting point is 01:02:54 to heavy metal. I don't. Freakingcoldspringwater.com Go order. Get your cases to your house. No chemicals. No harmful shit. Just good old spring water. And we really support um his a business john mikas he's a greek he's a greek greek then we got uh this dude's name is always hard messiah bariski is he french or something german bar winsky bar winsky's a polish kid yeah brook Brooklyncannery.com.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Okay? Use the promo code Giannis Pappas for 15% off your order. Get these sodas sent to your house. You're having a party. You want to keep
Starting point is 01:03:33 a couple soft drinks in the fridge that will not take your feet off. All natural. Amazing. Thank God somebody's...
Starting point is 01:03:39 Soda... Who... The world's better with soda. And thank God there's soda that, you know, doesn't fucking kill you.
Starting point is 01:03:47 And it also is good for your gut. It's got prebiotic properties. The thing about theirs is they taste great, and Paul Verzi can't get enough. Then we got Nicola Ragusa. You know what the deal. Oh, what's he doing here? What's he doing here? Thank you for my copy.
Starting point is 01:04:03 If Yonix wants to do LASIK. He'll do yours for free. Oh. You might have to do that, dog. I need the glasses to separate the eyes. Yeah, and it'll take 12 minutes off our podcast if he does that because you won't be taking them on and off. That's right. Can someone just do a compilation of me putting glasses on and off?
Starting point is 01:04:26 Right. So Nicholas Ragusa, go to ocnyi.com, or you can call 646-543-9474. If you're in the New York area and you want LASIK eye surgery, mention the name Giannis Papas and you get 10% off, which I said twice, I think. But, you know, Longshore Coffee, Longshore Coffee out of Providence, Rhode Island. Promo code FUMES at longshorecoffee.com to get 15% off your small batch coffee roast
Starting point is 01:05:01 from a small batch coffee roastery. Coffees are great, man. It's quality, and why not? Dude, get rid of the fucking Keurig. Get a drip machine. Coffee should be high quality. You still drinking it? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:17 Yeah. I had a little bit of it. Give my dad some, too. He loves it. Yeah? I'm going to have to take a little stop there when we go to Newport, too. Yes. Let's do that. Are you coming with us to Newport, too. Yes. Let's do that.
Starting point is 01:05:25 Are you coming with us to Newport? When? I don't know. Jared knows my dates better than I do. 28th. 28th. natelinder.com. Nate Linder, he's got a new copy for us every week.
Starting point is 01:05:37 We've got to call this guy. We've got to call this fucking guy. Nate Linder, target individuals at the address level, looking to reach an audience from an industry conference from three months ago, want to retarget website visitors to visitors to increase sales. I want to do all these things actually want to hit your target audience on every single device they own. Nate is your guy, natelinder.com your social media managing guru. He's helping another one of our small business sponsors out. And we'll tell you about them in a second.
Starting point is 01:06:09 But for now, let's go to our fucking old reliable Chris Minetti. Chris Minetti will cash whatever piece of fucking paper you throw through his bulletproof glass window. He's the only cash check, he's the only financial services that has a desk behind bulletproof glass. 215-750-3730 to contact Chris if you're in the Philly or South Jersey area and you want to get your check cashed. That's it.
Starting point is 01:06:38 And then, of course, we got our new guy. Oh, Aaron Lee, For The Free, All Things Music, Hawaii. Are you a band interested in finding out about shit? Do you want to know about bands from Hawaii? Go to ForTheFree.us. Check out their website. Some cool music up there, man. If you're traveling to Hawaii, you got to peruse that website
Starting point is 01:06:56 and find out what local shit is going on. So that's a great site for music fans. Then you got 305 PLP Media Services down in Miami. These guys will do anything you need as far as video goes, anything. So 305 PLP Media Services. And now with the intranet, they'll even do that shit if you don't live in Miami. If you need a video edited, you need whatever done to a video and you don't live there, they will do it. They do videography, production, post-production, creative services, whatever it is. We're happy to shoot and edit your amateur porn,
Starting point is 01:07:30 swingers, hot wives, gang bangs, orgies, bukkake, water sports, whatever you want. It's professional and discreet, but they don't do weddings. Which, why? Why? What if it's a porn-themed wedding? What if it's a porn-themed wedding,
Starting point is 01:07:44 and why would you say no weddings? Do a wedding. Go to info at 305plp.com or you can call me at 786-548-CASH. That sounds more like it's Chris Minetti's number. And of course, the S is a dollar sign because these guys got class. And then of course, we gotared down there in san antonio
Starting point is 01:08:07 exclusive auto shipping.com if you're moving your car anywhere in the world get your free quote with exclusive auto shipping.com they'll move your fucking wheels for you if you're moving they will move your car they're a five-star business all right we want to welcome our new patreon members patreon.com slash yanni long. Can you make that bigger for me? Because my eyes are small. I can see Nicholas. I can't see anything. Yeah, I got to go see Nicholas Ragusa.
Starting point is 01:08:32 We have our new Patreon members, starting with who? Jacob. Jacob Roper. Jacob Roper. Welcome. Then we have, who's the next guy? Liam. Liam.
Starting point is 01:08:43 Well, welcome, Liam. Christian Batista. Then we got, who's the next guy? Liam. Liam. Well, welcome, Liam. Christian Batista. Then we got, wow, neat. Then we got Kingfish37. Ethan Chumley. It sounds like a character in a Back to the Future movie. Ethan Chumley. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:00 James Rindwa. Rindu. Rindu. Rindu. Keith W. London Justin Angako Chantel
Starting point is 01:09:13 Rawson she's there she just wants to see Jared on camera yeah I mean you're a cute kid I mean you know if you can help me bring in the female African American demographic I ain't mad at it she sounds like she'll make me a plate at the cookout And you're a cute kid. I mean, you know, if you can help me bring in the female African-American demographic, I ain't mad at it.
Starting point is 01:09:26 She sounds like she'll make me a plate at the cookout. She will definitely hand you a plate. Yeah, with extra cord bridge. Chantel Rawson. Then we got Saddle. We got Nico. We got Stephanie B. We got High Life.
Starting point is 01:09:39 Welcome, guys. Then we got Tanner Sears, Rayleigh Campbell, all our new members, Michelle Parisi. Who else? That's it. Michelle Parisi. I think that's my friend from high school. Michelle,
Starting point is 01:09:52 thank you. All right, we'll see you next week because it's been a... It's been a long day.

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