Yannis Pappas Hour - The Digital God & Free Will

Episode Date: August 29, 2024

Trump is raising money with NFTs again to try and compete with Kamala, who raised $545 million. The Kelce brothers secured a $100 million deal with Wondery (Amazon), and Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegr...am, has been detained in France.   Come hang with Yanni & Jesse for their weekly, more timeless, bonus episodes here and support the production of this show:  https://www.patreon.com/yannispappashour?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator See Yanni live on the road Dania Beach Sept 13-15 Tacoma Sept 19-21 Vegas Sept 27-29  West Nyack, NY Oct 11-13  Brea Oct 25-27  Milwaukee Dec 5-7  Austin Dec 20-22 Tickets: https://www.yannispappascomedy.com/shows

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up everybody before we start this episode as always want to tell you about my live touring dates You can see me in danya beach florida september 13 through the 15 tacoma washington september 19 through the 21st los vegas september 27 through 29th West nyack new york october 11 through the 13th brea improv october 25 through the 27th, milwaukee december 5 through the 7th austin december 20 through the 22nd rochester january 16 through the 18th join the 22nd, Rochester, January 16th through the 18th. Join the Fetiverse, access our weekly bonus episodes at patreon.com slash Yanis Papas Hour. It's only five bucks a month. Support the infrastructure here. Thank you for your support.
Starting point is 00:00:36 We love the fans and thank you very much for your viewership and your listenership. Now let's start the episode. Hello, citizens of America. Now, let's start the episode. Hello, citizens of America. My name is Giannis Pappas and I am an absolutely fake newscaster. Fake news should make you happy, because real news is going to make you sad. We perused it, and it ain't good. It's no bueno, as the Hispanics and Latinx like to say. Es no bueno. So today we're just focusing on whales and seawater and fish sticks. Who don't like a good fish stick? A good fish stick with tartar sauce. Tartar sauce I think is just mayo with spices by the way. Also Russian dressing brings ketchup and mayonnaise together.
Starting point is 00:01:28 So it's the first diversity condiment. It's the first interracial marriage that created a mulatto baby. Thank you to Russian dressing for making pinks sauce alive. Also you can make pink sauce by taking tomato sauce and putting a little milk in it. That's what you call vodka sauce. There's a lot of good sauces that are pink. Shout out to the singer pink as well. She's always had a gymnast body and she loves marrying skateboarders but she started as an R&B artist singing black music and now she's a total skateboarder Much like Machine Gun Kelly
Starting point is 00:02:10 That's how it starts a lot of times and then they just go they it opens the door and then they just go full mohawk white so You know Robin D. Angeles, I think did the same thing. She's been accused of plagiarizing some black authors. So who knows? Maybe her next book after this will be about the white moral nuclear family. And she might do the crossover that Machine Gun Kelly and Pink did. You start out co-opting black culture, that gets you in the door.
Starting point is 00:02:48 And then once you're in the door, baby, it's time to start talking about seasonal white waspie recipes in the Hamptons. That was probably the next book. Buy my muffins. They're gluten free and plastic free. Because we don't want those plastics going to your brain which apparently we're getting plastic in our testicles and in our brain now. Just stop reporting on it. Just stop reporting on bad stuff. Me and Jesse came across an article that there was some mosquito-borne disease that killed a few
Starting point is 00:03:21 people. We didn't read it. We don't want to know. Okay, but I did read it because I like to know what's bad out there and supposedly it's very hard to catch. Like AIDS if you're straight. Telegram. We're gonna talk about Telegram. We're gonna talk about the Ruski who started it. It's all the rage. We're gonna talk about the importance of NATO and how if Trump gets in office he needs to understand that we are just going to be paying more for defense than all the NATO countries in Europe and such. Because hey, when you're the rich guy who picks up the tab dude, if I go to dinner with one of my more successful friends
Starting point is 00:04:00 do you think I'm reaching for the wallet? That's how it goes. When you hang out with someone richer than you does he ever come to your house? Do you think I'm reaching for the wallet? That's how it goes. When you hang out with someone richer than you, does he ever come to your house? You know what I'm saying? Nobody goes to hang out at the poor person's house. The richest guy in the friend crew, his crib becomes the club for hanging. That's how it goes. And America's the rich guy in the club. So he's picking up the dinner tab. We go to a steak restaurant. Who do you think's gonna pick it up? You would hope maybe Luxembourg would pick it up. But Luxembourg doesn't want anyone to know that they're secretly rich.
Starting point is 00:04:34 They just walk around with a Seiko watch, like one of these tech billionaires, like Adam Sandler, who looks, Adam Sandler looks like he's always, like, putting on whatever's in the closet to just go to the mailbox and come back and that's how he goes out during the day you know and that's how a lot of these tech billionaires are. Mark Zuckerberg issues an apology after probably a long night of hanging out with Dana White.
Starting point is 00:05:05 And the Kelsey Brothers are about to make 100 mil. Don't they need the money for a three-year deal to do a podcast? We want to listen to the two Kelseys talk about stuff. The Kelsey Brothers are football guys. One of them is Mr. Swift. This is the Honis Papas Hour, where support for females hopefully will carry us through to bigger numbers. Yanis Papas.
Starting point is 00:05:38 When you all tucked up in the day been long and the news online going on and on what's right and wrong and there's something up now here comes a great kid you know you can trust I can't wait to tune in to the Kelci. I can't wait to tune in to hear two-Sci. I can't wait to tune into hear two football guys who are brothers. The Americas in love with the Kelsey brothers. They're great. One of them is dating Taylor Swift. The other one's still dating the girl he's been with forever. They're both football stars. Nowadays, anyone can become a podcaster and they got a lot of upfront money. I think they probably had some sort of podcast going before or one of the Kelsey brothers had
Starting point is 00:06:29 a podcast going before but here's my take on this the Kelsey brothers new podcast and their hundred million dollar three-year deal with Wondry which is owned by Amazon. My take on this is they need they need the money. This is great for them because they need they need the money. They both really need the money. We really need this podcast. They need the money. So I'm glad that the Kelsey brothers are not gonna be in the poorhouse. Do you ever notice how rich people just just there's no way to get poor once you get to a certain stratosphere? They just throw things they just throw things at you.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Please come to my restaurant, drinks on me, here's a hundred million dollars. Remember when Prince Henry's just like here, Henry Harry, whatever he is, you know, the black sheep of the royal family. Remember they just threw 300 million at him or whatever. The Obama's got 300 million. It's like, here's, here's, you have 100, here's another 100 more. Nobody ever gets 100 million who's got 3,000 in their bank account.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Nobody's ever searching for the diamond in the rough that needs the money. You have to really do a crime, sell your soul, whatever you gotta do to get up there. your soul, whatever you got to do to get up there. Data swift, whatever it's got to be to get up there, you got to get up there yourself and then once you're up there, rich people just play, remember, what was that game? Taps or keep it up? You just keep it up in the air. They just keep the ball up in the air. It was taps, right? Real city game.
Starting point is 00:08:05 I don't know if they played that in the suburbs. Taps. We just keep the ball, they just keep it up in the air. Another 100 mil to the New Height show. So they've been going already. What do the views look like? Pretty big. Big, huh?
Starting point is 00:08:19 They got two and a half million subscribers. They got 2.43 million subscribers. So they deserve the money so they deserve the money. They deserve the money. I'm just saying they really need the money. That's the... That's the other thing is they really need the money. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:39 I'm glad to see a couple of boys make good like this. This is great. Legacy Media is really over dude. Does anyone get $100 million deal besides Stephen A Smith? Is there anyone making that type of money on ESPN or any of the legacy media shows? Call her daddy. I mean, this girl, she's got 300 mil. Like who on TV is getting those type of numbers? Who's even coming close?
Starting point is 00:09:12 It's an amazing time for content creators if you can get 100 mil to just sit down with your brother wherever and just podcast. Congratulations to the Kelsey brothers. I like them both. I like these guys, man. I think they deserve every penny of it. Judge Judy gets paid. Judge Judy. 47 mil. 47 mil, still Judge Judy. People are still watching Judge Judy adjudicate the important cases of America, creating common law every single day. In hospital waiting rooms across America, creating common law every single day.
Starting point is 00:09:49 In hospital waiting rooms across America, she's making 47 mil to adjudicate. Yeah, all the highest actors are from another era. Jennifer Aniston, Matt Damon, Ryan Gosling. Jennifer Aniston, 42 male she's listed at. But these things are just, you know, I mean, I've looked at these things for other people and I'm going like, it's not correct. Nobody knows what anyone has in their bank account.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Nobody knows. So congrats to the Kelsey Brothers on their podcast. That's about as good as the news is going to get this week. That's all we got on the positive front. The funny thing is we were searching for positive news and we just couldn't find it this week. It's a really bad week for news. It's all bad news. So we're going to try to make the bad news good today by talking about Trump's trading cards because they're back available for people who want to collect. They're only $99.
Starting point is 00:10:51 They're $99. He hasn't paid me one cent to promote them, but it's the fourth drop of his NFT. I want a pair of his sneaks. Are those still available? So apparently he's made one milli on these, right? And I guess what happened was Kamala Harris, after the DNC, was able to raise I think 545 million. And I think after that, Stephen Miller and Trump, he sat down and said it's time to pull back out the NFT trading cards. The RFK endorsement was fun,
Starting point is 00:11:28 it got some buzz, the attention back on us, but damn these Democrats just have deep pockets dude. Where are the Koch brothers? Where do you need them? Who's funding this pot? I mean the guy's being sued every day. Trump is sacrificing it all for you guys. Does he have any money? I mean he's selling NFT cards. Rudy's selling coffee. Everyone's doing merch, big, right in the middle of a campaign. Our boy Donnie T's doing a fourth drop of collectible cards. Our crypto president is what he likes to be called. He says other people call me that I don't know I don't know. I don't know. Am I that I don't know. I don't know It features 50 images of Trump including portrayals of him in an Iron Man suit
Starting point is 00:12:18 No punchline it's for you. You can't add comedy to comedy sometimes sometimes you just got to read the sentence It's for you. You can't add comedy to comedy sometimes. Sometimes you just got to read the sentence. So if you want a collectible Trump in an Iron Man suit, it's only 99 dollars. And I think you can pay 15 or more of the cards will receive a physical card as well. So you can hang that right up next to your Trumpy bear and really spice the living room up. I would love to go to a dinner at a place where we have a Trump memorabilia collector. You know, I used to collect baseball cards as a kid. Do these things have any value? I guess they have value in the community of people who collect the cards, which is like most things now.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Everyone thinks, you know what it is? We live in this era where everyone thinks they're the mainstream. And then you go outside, you get on social media, you see a post, you see all the rah rah in the comment section and the trolls. And then you get off the computer and get in your car. And America is just seems pretty
Starting point is 00:13:29 fine. I mean, groceries, I think are a little higher for some people. That's bad. But nothing's burning out there. It's pretty but I think everyone feels like they're the mainstream. So I think if you're into Trump cards, I think the people who are into Trump cards think that they're having like this big impact and they're worth all this money and it's not worth anything outside of your small circle of sycophants. We're living in this time right now where there's just these like tons of niches where everyone's just circle jerking like this, like doing the Trump circle
Starting point is 00:14:05 jerk and nobody is aware that their circle is tiny and insignificant because they are, you know, they're blowing each other. They're all, everyone in their little circles is just reinforcing the delusion of importance because everyone has some sort of platform and mouthpiece. But in the big picture, nobody's important except for Donny T and Kamala Harris, Elon Musk, and that's about it, and China, and Joe Biden, and that's about it and China and Joe Biden and that's it and Tulsi
Starting point is 00:14:48 Gabbard and the Yanis Papasauer and Donald Trump Iron Man trading card but you can you imagine like when people buy this card like they do it because they do it for this to support him and I And I think it's like a mission, like let's do it. Cause he does have sort of like a cult-like appeal, which happens a lot now in these little circles. Somebody with a little charisma will get a bunch of fucking losers around them and they're all just kinda thinking
Starting point is 00:15:19 they're changing the world or they're doing something important or making a difference. But really they're just kind of jerking each other off and feeling important. Don't you feel that that's a little true? You know, does anyone know who anyone is when you go outside? But then when you go online and you see the confidence some people yield about their importance. And, and you know, the impression they're making in the world, the digital landscape has just warped everyone's brain into thinking that they're making a change or a difference.
Starting point is 00:16:00 It's not happening, baby. The only person who made a difference is our good old Ruskie friend who started the telegram That guy is making a difference because he's allowing and facilitating Isis child pornography and drug trafficking But also pro-democracy Chats that can go up to like 200,000 members. So again, he's God free choice baby God gives us free choice. Do we crucify Pavel Durov for creating Telegram, which to be honest with you, I didn't know existed.
Starting point is 00:16:41 I'm a loyal Instagram, Twitter, Facebook guy. I didn't know. I'm not on WhatsApp. I don't go on the one that disappears, Snapchat, that the kids are on, where they're doing God knows what on there. Whoever created Reddit, like they know it's going to be used for evil. Like what's good? The guy who created Reddit's like Dayton Serena Williams
Starting point is 00:17:06 and he's living this great life. Meanwhile, you go on Reddit and people are just bullying each other, sharing murder videos, and he's just walking away with tons of money going out there going like, you know, we gotta make the world better for females and just, isn't it funny?
Starting point is 00:17:24 They create these products that are used for such nefarious purposes, but they are so pious. They take their fucking money and they just go, I don't know, I'm turning a blind eye. I'm turning a blind eye to the power that I yield with my platform that I created. Like I didn't even know it was going on. I didn't even know.
Starting point is 00:17:48 Pavel Durov goes, I don't even know what's going on. I don't even know. I've heard some things. I've heard some rumors. I've heard some rumors that there were some neo-Nazis that shot up a school in Brazil. I've heard some news that we were temporarily banned in Brazil.
Starting point is 00:18:03 I heard some news. I heard some news that there's some child traffickers on there. I've heard some news that we were temporarily banned in Brazil. I heard some news. I heard some news that there's some child traffickers on there. I've heard some news. But listen, man, just get in there. Get in there undercover and do what you got to do. That's our position, right? What's our official position here at the Yanis Papas Hour? Is Pavel Derov the billionaire who created Telegram who lives in Dubai which has how many 900 million users something like that what are the unique things about Telegram you can have a private group up to what was it 200,000 members. So you can build an online militia. Or you could use it to build a massive
Starting point is 00:18:53 whale watching group. When you can amass 200,000 in a private group, it's either gonna be, it's extremes. The groups are gonna be extreme. You're never gonna get 200,000 over enthusiasm over books. That'll never, that doesn't galvanize those type of numbers. You start a book club, you're gonna get 2,000 people in your private group.
Starting point is 00:19:16 You start a pro-democracy revolution, that's gonna convince 200,000 people to get in there you start a hate the Jews group I don't even think 200,000 I think they probably hit their limit and then they started lobbying Pavel or whatever his name is for more space they're going like I didn't I didn't know these I didn't know was gonna be flying off the shelves like this terrorist, you can do a lot of good stuff. So basically we talked about it and I think I kind of we kind of reached an agreement, right? So he's just God in this scenario. He's the digital God. He's providing the
Starting point is 00:19:58 infrastructure like God did and saying, do with it what you will, my sons and daughters, do with it what you will. And sons and daughters, do with it what you will. And we did with it what we's do. We did the best of things and the worst of things. And the reason why he's been detained in France, if I didn't mention that, is because he's cooperate with judicial bodies and governments on giving information on some of the criminal activity that they've documented and, sorry, my nose is itching from all the coke,
Starting point is 00:20:38 and they also have criticized him for not moderating any of it. And he goes, hey man, I'm G O D free will baby. It's a free will. It's a free will argument. And that's what we've decided is true. We're basically saying law enforcement has to up their game, right? They got up their game. That's all there is to it. We got to fund them more. But then you got to spend a lot more money on law enforcement, right? And let these billionaires just cake off. So let's put this on the people is what we decided.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Because you can't I mean, you got to do something, right? You can't just let child traffickers communicate coordinates and stuff like that. You can't let ISIS and terrorist groups and neo-Nazi groups just coordinate so they can blow up schools and private chats that law enforcement can't access unless they go undercover which when they do You know, maybe they're slow to act because they're an underfunded bureaucracy. So maybe it's time for superheroes This is what's great about Adam Smith's free market. You have to find a solution For the problem that arises. So it's time
Starting point is 00:21:45 now we need real Trump Iron Man. I think the only thing we've gotten to the point I think, well we really need to build superheroes. We got AI, we gotta morph, we gotta combine humans with technology and create Batman. There needs to be vigilantes who are out there preventing this stuff because I just don't think local law enforcements can keep up with the technology which is global. You got these people from all over the globe
Starting point is 00:22:20 coordinating and conspiring. Conspiracy is a crime. Conspiracy that commit an act, aggravated harassment, or child trafficking, or terrorism, or whatever it is. It runs the gamut from the least extreme to the most. But conspiracy is a crime. There's people conspiring together to do things in groups. And YouTube and Google and Metta, they cooperate with law enforcement
Starting point is 00:23:00 more. And I think even Twitter does they moderate they have community notes They have all that stuff the thing with telegram is it's complete la se fair So, of course you got the libertarians up in arms Going free speech baby slippery slope. What's next? Edward Snowden, this is bad They're gonna throw us all in camps. Because of course baby, gray zone issues get thrown to the wolves.
Starting point is 00:23:33 And it's either, you know the deal, you know the dance. You know the deal and you know the dance. Okay? You know it. It's, we're all going in camps. This is the beginning of George Orwell's 1984. It's full blown communism or full blown fascism. Ain't no in between. You know the fucking two step you know to jig. We've been playing this game for about fucking 10 years now, maybe a little less. Everyone is either a fucking enemy, a commie, or a fascist. We talked about it last episode.
Starting point is 00:24:13 Ain't no more bipartisan dinner parties that are fun. They end up in violence. So you know the fucking drill. And the usual suspects who love their fucking hearing their voice echo into the ether and getting many retweets and being very relevant, attend the two step dance party right on cue. Edward Snowden, libertarian voices. Then you got your left voices, just calling it Armageddon. Dude, gray is out. Gray is out this millennium. The 20, are we in the 21st or 22nd century?
Starting point is 00:24:59 I'm no mathematician, but I know we're in the 20s. The 21st century, let me tell you something, is in black and white. We've gone back to black and white because gray is out this season. Gray sons are out. Because any reasonable person on a podcast that does not galvanize you with anger
Starting point is 00:25:24 and fervor, doesn't make any radical calls to action and are usually viewed less, will tell you that this issue is a gray zone issue, right? There's any reasonable person can see merit on both sides. Obviously, you know, what did Pavel Durov himself do wrong? Right? What did he do?
Starting point is 00:25:52 Did he not cooperate with law enforcement? He's just a business guy, created a business. People could use telephones, they could use cell phones. I guess those companies do cooperate with law enforcement. Maybe there's a law in the EU that says you have to cooperate and he didn't. I don't know the specifics. And on those issues, I don't know. But as far as the big overarching theoretical umbrella issues, if you will, it's like he himself just created the infrastructure. It's been used just as much for bad as it's been used for good. So he didn't do any, he didn't shoot anyone into Brazil school. He didn't do anything anti-Semitic.
Starting point is 00:26:33 He didn't plan any attacks or traffic any children. He didn't do it, right? He just turned a blind eye to whatever people want to do. And that's his business ethos. Free speech, free speech, free speech, we get it. And then on the other side, you see a lot of good points going like, hey man, you know, this is what's happening on your site. Do you mind if we you work with us to moderate it a little bit? And you can't just have jail rules, you know? It's like free speech absolutists, you just can't talk to them about anything. It's like, you know, essentially the analogy
Starting point is 00:27:13 is jail rules sports. It's like MMA without any, okay, you can punch in the back of the head, you can head butt. You know, technically if you wanna make a, they did that that it didn't work as good then they instituted some rules made it a little more civilized you know basketball you need a referee you need a ref you need rules you can't just have unfettered freedom I mean we've tried it I mean we've tried it I mean
Starting point is 00:27:44 it's human, it's because of human nature, you know? So there's got to be some give or take and then where everyone ends up, I don't know. But I'm just saying this is a hundred percent of Grey's Own Issue. So, but that's not part of the, the yellings about it. All the yellings I've seen have just been the two step dance, which is what the name of this episode is gonna be, is the two step dance. You put your commie foot here,
Starting point is 00:28:16 you put your fascist foot here, you put your commie foot back, and then you shake it all about. You do the fucking Civil War dance all the way around That's what it's all about I think I'm nailing this social commentary right now I don't mean to toot my own horn, but you know people say people will say nobody nails it. Yeah, like yeah I don't say that that's what people say not me. That's what people say they call me to crypto podcast. Not me. I don't do it
Starting point is 00:28:46 It's just some people are saying I'm gonna declassify JFK. I don't know. Maybe he did it. Maybe the government aliens definitely interesting question. I've seen some stuff I'm not saying yes. I'm not saying no. I'm just saying there. I love the way Trump does it. I Love the way he protects himself like that a little bit. I don't know, I'm just saying. It's my African-American over there. I don't mean it that way. I'm just saying, you know. He knows how to he knows how to rile people up. He knows how to rile people up. He knows how to make his supporters go rah-rah and he knows how to make the other side go fascist. He knows how to do it and he knows what he's doing and he's
Starting point is 00:29:25 playing that game because like I've said before he's an internet president. He's an internet president and that's why he got so hurt by Mark Zuckerberg withholding the Biden story, the Hunter Biden story because he really makes his bones on the net. He did in 2016 and in 2020 he could have again, but Mark Zuckerberg has admitted that the White House was wrong to pressure COVID on Facebook on COVID and the Hunter Biden thing. So he admitted to both. Obviously it wasn't the White House. I know Trump is being dragged because he said the White House, but he's just quoting the article. He meant the White House now. But of course they jump to him and they go, look it, he's a mumbling old man, he's got dementia. They just go for it. Everyone's just going for the jugular baby. Let me tell you something right now. The woke era is over. The anti woke era is over. And we're in a new era. You know what it is, Jesse? Zyker's would work better if I said it right. Zeitgeist alert. It's a tough word to get out when you
Starting point is 00:30:37 have the word alert behind it. I tried to combine zeitgeist and alert. Zyker alert. It's a tongue twister. Yeah. Zeitgeist Geist alert. New Zyke Geist alert. You know what the new era is now? It is the troll, it is the troll roast era that we're in. That's the new Zyke Geist. So we went through the woke era, that Zyke Geist. Then we went to the anti-woke era, where everyone's like, oh yeah, DID, oh my God, and fuckin' trans women. And now we're in the all free for all troll roast era, where everyone's just going for the jugular man. You know?
Starting point is 00:31:21 And the Dems have gotten in on the party. Like I said, they ain't talking like lawyers anymore. They're just going, look it, he's got dementia. He's a weirdo. They're just going for it. Tucker's out there. He's on Meg and Kelly. He doesn't have a boss anymore.
Starting point is 00:31:37 He doesn't worry about losing other people's money. Tucker got fired, if you don't know, from Fox, because he was promoting the faulty voter machine rigged election conspiracy. And what happened was Dominion sued, who makes the voter machines, and they won. Right? Because when you say things on the news it gets you good ratings but then if someone decides like let's take this to a court of law and we have to show evidence and you can't then you get sued for libel and if you're suing someone who's got deep pockets like our boy Rupert Murdoch does you end up losing close to a billion dollars what was it 700 and 700 plus
Starting point is 00:32:23 million dollar lawsuit so I know I know Tucker has said he got fired because he was just, you know, he was just like, you know, being too maverick. But he really got let go because Rupert Murdoch was like, hey, I love your high ratings, but I don't love losing 800 milli. I don't love that. So that's why he got sued. Fox is still paying because of his contract. Tucker, it was a pretty sweet deal for him. And now his podcast is number one ahead of Joe Rogan's. Some people are charmed, baby. Some people are charmed. Some people are charmed. And he doesn't, you know, he's in the internet now. So he can do an interview with Larry Sinclair and just go, I think it's true, man. I think, you know, without asking him about his convicted fraud background, he could just
Starting point is 00:33:18 throw it out there. We're at a time where you could just, you can lob it out. If you're on the internet, you can just do what is true what you read on the internet? I got caught right there. Remember we were scrolling and I got caught on that meme and I was like, oh, this meme says this. The meme said only one vice president has ever been elected president. And it was like an anti-Kamala. And I was like, oh man, she's got no chance. And then I read one check on that and I was like, oh, only five VPs since the beginning of the country have ever run for office. One of them won the popular vote, one of them won and the other three
Starting point is 00:33:56 were like in the 1700s or something like that. So you're going like, oh, you know, it's just you can just throw, you can lob it out there, dude. You just lob it out there So he's on Megyn Kelly and he goes Tim Waltz, you know He goes when I was in boarding school because when I was in boarding school Megan when I was in boarding school I saw a lot of guys. I met a lot of guys like Tim Waltz and let me tell you as soon as I saw that guy I just went he's a creeper. He's a creeper and she goes goes, what do you mean? Like pervert? And he goes, the guy's off. So it's also nice because he didn't really call him like a creeper, pedophile or anything like that. But he did that Trump thing. Some people call me the crypto. Not me. That's what they say. It's not me. But that's what they,'s playing that sort of you know that little two-step
Starting point is 00:34:47 I'm what I can't sue me. I Didn't I just oh? But you can throw it out there you can lob it out there and people just it's it's called a Test marketing you throw it out see how the people respond did it does it catch is Tim this creeper catch Which one you know the Dems are going with weird. So I think he knows because the weird is effective, I've told you. The weird is effective that the Dems are using. These guys are weird, weird, weird, you know. It's working. It's good. It's good marketing.
Starting point is 00:35:18 And I think maybe Tucker's trying to help out by going with Creeper. Let's get the Creeper to stick. Is Creeper going to stick? Let's go. Is he a Creeper? Let's get the Creeper to stick. Is Creeper gonna stick? Let's go. Is he a Creeper? What'd he do? He hugged a dog? What can we get him on? Is he a Creeper?
Starting point is 00:35:33 Did he cut off a whale's head? Like RFK. An old interview with his daughter from 2012 who may be banging Ben Affleck. Again, somebody reported it. So it's out there. Is it true? We don't fucking know. We don't fucking care. We just throw it out there. It gets in your head and now Ben Affleck is fucking this girl. And guess what? I didn't even read the story. I saw someone say on the internet that he was tied to whatever her name is,
Starting point is 00:36:09 Kitty fucking his daughter. RFK Jr's daughter may be banging Ben Affleck. He was seeing her, I don't fucking know. So there he is, they're banging. Ben Affleck's also, I don't know. I've met a lot of guys like Ben Affleck. In my day, I've met a lot of guys like Ben Affleck, and let me tell you, something's off about that guy.
Starting point is 00:36:28 He's a creeper. Look, he's a creeper. I'm not saying he touches kids. Not me. That's what people say. It's not me. It's what people... You see what you could do? You could just make it happen, baby. Is there any truth in advertising? No. You can just make it happen, baby. Is there any truth in advertising? No, there's no truth in advertising. Do you know every, you know, how many times companies get sued over and over and over and over again and are like held accountable for things? A lot of them are bullshit
Starting point is 00:37:04 because everyone tries to sue companies and fucking make some money or whatever. They get settled out of court. They don't so you know you never know. But it takes a lot to fucking sue. It takes a lot. That's why when you fuck around with someone who's got endless money like Dominion voting booths they, we're gonna fucking sue. But it's this, we're all living in this zone of abuse that isn't exactly a crime, right? You call someone a creeper, you can just do it.
Starting point is 00:37:38 For everyone, you can just fucking do it. You can just stain someone's fucking reputation and just go with it. I remember, I think I made fun of Mark Wahlberg for some, and it was funny, but I think I was technically wrong. I don't even think he did as bad as what the rumor was. I mean, did Richard Gere put a gerbil in his ass? Definitely. I mean, maybe, it's like a fact that he did, right? Did the Clintonsbil in his ass? Definitely. I mean, maybe we, it's like a
Starting point is 00:38:05 fact that he did, right? Did he, did the Clintons even murder these people? Absolutely. We don't fucking know. There's a good chance they didn't. There's a good, there is no like hard evidence that they did, but we all believe that they did. Does the COVID vaccine kill everybody? People either go, it's the fucking, it's an angel or it's the devil, baby. You know the two step. You know the two step. We don't, it takes too long to get to the gray zones. Advertisers know that they like piffy words.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Boom, run for the border. They like shit like that. Eat fresh. You're not eating fresh. You're not eating fresh. You're not eating fresh. But we're so conditioned to think that the companies because they're making ads are so moral. They're going by the system.
Starting point is 00:38:58 They make ads, whatever. You're in a canoe. Here's some antidepressant. Don't you wanna be in a canoe? I mean, who,pressant. Don't you want to be in a canoe? I mean, who would, you know, where is the morality? My point is, and I've said it before, we've been usurped by a marketer's kind of mentality, I think, and we're all marketing. We've all become like these speedboat marketers. All these content creators are just creating
Starting point is 00:39:31 these little characters of themselves. And it's extreme. And it's gotta be extreme because that's what marketers do. It's quick. It's extreme. You can't throw a real McDonald's burger up there. In the ad, right? Can you throw a real burger and you open the rack
Starting point is 00:39:46 or it's all soggy and it looks, no dude, you lied to the people. Didn't you do that in advertising? What'd you do, you shellacked it. Red lobster, yeah. Yeah, red lobster. The food that they show in the ad, is it even real food? No, it's real food.
Starting point is 00:40:02 It's just painted, shellacked. Ooh, yeah. You'll die if you eat it. Ooh, so they actually do use real lobster? You have to use real food. Oh, you have to, so there's a law. So some regulators got in there and were like, you got it, you can't just fully lie.
Starting point is 00:40:17 You can only lie a little bit. So then they found the loophole, we're like, we're gonna paint it. Right, yeah. So what do they do? They paint it. Oh yeah. This is an insider scoop on how you get little fucking lied to on a daily basis. They got all kinds of tricks, movie magic.
Starting point is 00:40:31 They make the sauce out of glue. In some ways you gotta go word of mouth for your product is probably the purest way. Like my big fat Greek wedding, no marketing on that. Just Greeks going to the movie theater 100 times, right? You could watch PBS. If you don't want commercials, you could watch boring ass PBS.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Dude, remember The Wire? Remember the show The Wire? That was 100% word of mouth. It was like, there was no big marketing campaign on The Wire. There was no like, you know, old, you know, ingrained in the culture motif of like the mob guy that's gonna attract your attention.
Starting point is 00:41:10 It was a really heady, you know, one season was about the schools and it was like, really for like people with a little bit of a brain. So good. It was so good, but it was word of mouth. But it also had the sopranos leading. That was a big deal. Yeah, but dude, but most of it.
Starting point is 00:41:25 Sopranos at nine, Wire at 10. But most of it, most of the popularity was after it aired. Like people just going, everywhere you went, people were going like, your Wire. And then people get mad at you and you didn't, they're like, you didn't watch the Wire? How could you have not seen the Wire? You know, word of mouth, word of mouth.
Starting point is 00:41:43 When people are like, dude, you gotta see this guy. You got it's in comedy too. When like the other comics like dude, this guy, the guy that the other comics are talking about is always the guy. Right? It's when the comics are going like, this guy's fucking good. It's like it doesn't need the push.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Right? Because the push is never truthful. Because you can't hit the gray zones in the push. Well, the guy's good. You know, if someone was explaining me, you know, you see him live. What I hear a lot of some live. I didn't I didn't expect that. I didn't think he was like, I didn't know.
Starting point is 00:42:15 I just see him fucking pissing everyone off all the time. I didn't know that like he was good at that. Like I, you know, stuff like that is because how do you, I gotta be that, you gotta be that fucking one thing that comes across quick and you sell it and you know how to sell it quick. You gotta shellac that fucking lobster. You have to shellac that fucking lobster.
Starting point is 00:42:37 So what do they do? They spray it with chemicals. Yeah. Yeah. Spray paint. Do they Photoshop it? There's a little. Yeah. What do they do to the girls' bodies on the cover? Who's the biggest liars?
Starting point is 00:42:47 Oh. Yeah. A lot of retouching. So everyone's doing that now. Of course. Remember, what's his name? What's this guy's name? I don't know, I have a mental block on his name
Starting point is 00:42:57 because I have sympathy for the parents of the people who lost their babies. Oh. Alex Jones. Who people fucking love because babies. Oh, uh. Alex Jones, who people fucking love because he's entertaining as fuck. And he is, but that's one of those instances where someone with a lot of charisma, you know, of course.
Starting point is 00:43:15 People are always like, he was right about this, he was right about this. The dude does like three hour broadcasts for 40 years. A broken clock is gonna be right a few times. They emphasize the positive because the power of charisma, which serial killers use very well, just makes you wanna like a guy. And Alex Jones is very likable.
Starting point is 00:43:41 So yeah, he was right about Epstein or about the fucking place where all the elites meet. The gay fish. The gay fish, probably right about that. But I mean, how many things was he right about overall? What did he talk about? Did he talk about the retreat in California that the elites go to for 5,000 hours of broadcasting?
Starting point is 00:44:06 Or was he right about two or three things out of 16 million things that came out of his fucking mouth? One of those being the crisis actors in Newtown. And so he's a perfect example. So you go, and then when you're caught, right? And then when you're, and then when you're caught, right? And then when your feet are held to the fire and you go, hey man, there's some real world consequences of this.
Starting point is 00:44:32 My family was harassed. Your followers were calling, showing up, demanding to see fucking dead baby photo, whatever was going on. You go like he did and say, it was a character piece. I was playing a character. It's not me. I was just playing a character, which technically I don't know what to do with that. I'm just saying this is what it is.
Starting point is 00:45:01 I'm just saying that's what it is. But he found the thing that worked. Everyone goes on the internet, not for you, including me. I'm here to make money. Everyone's here to find something that works. And I think self-interest is the strongest motivator for people. And they just try a bunch of stuff and then what happens is one thing works and then you double down because
Starting point is 00:45:29 that's what the algorithm likes the algorithm doesn't know you're lying or being immoral or galvanizing a bunch of fucking crazy people or morons they don't know that it just sees the numbers so if you play the algorithm right then you want to rinse and repeat the same thing over and over again. So if you say Newtown was fake and it gets 15 trillion views, you go, that's who we are now. We're that guy. And it worked. And so then you just keep doing that. And you keep doing that until you're calling Stalin a Jew. And that's how it works. And it's fun to watch these people just,
Starting point is 00:46:10 because what they're trying to do is maintain that character or extreme position that gets the views or works for them on whatever level it works, you know, until it goes until they have, in order to, you gotta keep upping it. So it gets to the point where Candace Owens just goes, Stalin was a Jew and Ataturk was a Jew. And she goes, wait, you guys don't like that?
Starting point is 00:46:36 I, by my anti-Jew algorithm was fucking pumping. What happened? Do you know what I'm saying? It probably could be said in a very, a much more pithy way, but marketed. It could be marketed better. But my overall point, everything I'm speaking to, is it really does seem that the internet
Starting point is 00:46:58 has conditioned everyone. You know, it's given this digital, it's a digital land of opportunity where it's about content, right? So content is about selling something. When you're creating something, you gotta sell something, right? And so people just figure out what sells
Starting point is 00:47:19 and if it works, it works, right? And reality is just, it's a tough cell. Reality and gray zones are a tough cell. You know, here's a real McDonald's ad. Hey guys, there's tons of studies that were linked to diabetes, obesity. Our stuff is cooked in a microwave, that's gonna give you cancer.
Starting point is 00:47:44 It sits on a truck forever. The meat is the lowest fucking quality because we're all about padded bottom lines. It's a whole big company, dude. We've totally used our lobby to buy politicians and get the best real estate on highways and stuff, so you have no options. We've really broken into that poor market
Starting point is 00:48:06 and been able to charge very low because we're giving you literal shit. I mean, it's made of garbage, so it's so cheap to make. That's why it pops with poor communities. It's mostly sugar, dude. It's so cheap. We addict you with the bread. There's sugar in the fucking bread.
Starting point is 00:48:24 We're gonna kill you. But we figured out a way to be really tasty, like Big League Chew, like fucking Nerds candy. And if you're in a jam, and you're on the road, you got no other options. It's really good. Also, we've put a playpen for your fat fucking kids to try to fit down the slide if they can Anyway, it tastes good that should be the real what's the motto now What's the motto is it and I'm loving it. I'm loving it. I'm loving it as someone takes Their insulin needle just like this and goes I'm loving it. I'm loving it needle just like this and goes, I'm loving it.
Starting point is 00:49:03 Um, I'm loving it. Yeah, I'm loving it. The real motto, if we were talking about reality and gray zones would be tastes great in a jam, affordable, the right choice for you if you're poor and here's these, all these animals to get you started young because we want like camel and like cigarettes, we market to the young because older people's brains are developed and they have long term plans and they understand consequences. Now we can't really market to them. We're trying to get people loyal to, there you go, that's for adults.
Starting point is 00:49:47 We got a clown and a bunch of muppet type characters to appeal to young children so we can get them to like it and they can demand it from their parents because their brains are so susceptible to the tricks fed to it fed to the sub to a child Subconscious a child subconscious it has no fucking defenses Even if you're a good parent, you cannot stop your kid from loving McDonald's can't compete with a happy meal You can't compete with a happy meal people don't understand the strength in marketing. They just don't get it
Starting point is 00:50:21 They just don't understand and they don't see through it. And I don't blame them. I'm a victim to it. You can't do anything with it. You can't stop it. It just gets, it speaks to a part of your brain that you can't, your brain just goes, it fries. Even right now, dude, if there was a quarter pounder with cheese here, the best part about McDonald's is that you get the smell and you're like, and then you look at the burger and that first bite is delicious and then you eat it and then immediately, immediately, it's not even immediately you feel like shit, like immediately.
Starting point is 00:50:59 Immediately you feel your body just breaking up with you. Your body's just like, I got, I don't wanna be with you anymore. That's just it. So, you know. And the only thing that pressures these companies is like, regulators, lawsuits. That's it, that's it, you know? But, you know, we worship the dollar here.
Starting point is 00:51:28 It is really the United States of advertising and has been for a long time, hasn't it? It really has been. It's about the sale. It's really about the sale. It's not really about like what's good for you. It's about like what's gonna make me money. And if you're not marketed, you can take anyone and market them
Starting point is 00:51:49 and make it happen. That's how powerful I think marketers are they can just take anyone and fucking ram it down your throat. I think I'm into power slap now. I think I'm into it. Because Dana White just keeps insisting that the numbers are through the roof Which speaks to the theme we had last episode Where I think a gazillion people tuned into the Elon Musk Donald Trump interview by their metrics so powerslap and according to Dana White it is just
Starting point is 00:52:19 The numbers are through the roof even though it it's it airs on rumble and The numbers are through the roof, even though it airs on rumble. And anytime he posts something about it, I mean, he riddles the UFC, which is an amazing product. One of the best, it's the best new sports product we've had in how many years. I mean, it's an amazing sport. It's better than boxing. It's everything. So hats off to Dana White for UFC.
Starting point is 00:52:47 But just the, you know, when you're king of the world like that, you just got a bunch of yes men around you. And I think everyone's just going, yeah boss, we love power slap. Nobody's just going, hey, this is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever seen. It's not a sport, this is hostage hitting. You're just watching people practice how to torture hostages
Starting point is 00:53:07 There's no sport to it The guy puts his hand behind his back and just gets smacked to see if he can get knocked out. It's so fucking brutal Look at the views 54 36,000 it looks like my podcast page but double or triple the numbers 500 I know but there's other ones 30 36 52 It looks like my podcast page, but double or triple the numbers. That's 500. I know, but there's other ones 30, 36, 52, 50. But the majority are in the, in the hundreds. Still low for a sport. Five 98.
Starting point is 00:53:35 Let's look at some of the comments. You think those numbers are real? Do you hear anyone talking about the, you feel like anyone's talking about power slap? It's kind of like when people, when people do can see behind the curtain a little bit, it's because it's ridiculous. Like when the Dems were trying to say Biden's fine and everyone's going like, dude, you're gaslighting us.
Starting point is 00:53:59 Fuck that face swollen as fuck. This is the, this is the highest comment. This is the stupidest shit I've ever seen slapping each other like little girls. This is the most fucking retarded goyum game and self of course you gotta throw the way is goyum that's not you. Okay so here's an angry Zionist. This is the most stupid fucking retarded goyum game and-humiliation ritual ever contrived by the ruling elites to keep the goyim ignorant and occupied. They're surely sharing some big yucks at the Kabbalah command center.
Starting point is 00:54:35 So it's anti-Jewish. Anti-Jew. So the goyim, he doesn't even know what goyim mean, right? Cause aren't goyim... Goyim is the non-Jew. Yeah, so he doesn't even know what he's talking about. Oh, he's saying this is for the non-Jew. Yeah, so he doesn't even know what he's talking about. Oh this oh he's he's saying this is for the The non-jews to keep them stupid so Right, right. It's a Jewish plot. All right, so it's okay clearly don't put the shoulders down
Starting point is 00:54:55 Taylor Swift is a man this quality sucks These folks are probably on their way to getting brain damage just like boxers and football players. I always wanted to be a professional athlete. Aha, damn, man. I think I can do it. Look, here's another one. This is the dumbest, gayest thing ever.
Starting point is 00:55:20 I'm telling you, dude, I just look, you don't have to read all the comments to know that nobody wants this, but he pushes, he just fucking pushes it. And I think I'm into it now because that's the power of just ramming it down your throat. Every UFC fight, which I order every one, he just, there's commercials for these every between every fight, you know, it's just commercial after commercial after commercial and It's so bad that What I you just every time you watch it just go. Ooh, so here it is. This is the sport right here This is the sport dude My little volume no, I know you're gonna
Starting point is 00:56:04 So Oh my God. So, this is what happens when you don't have one guy around you going, Dana, I know you invested a lot of money in this, I know you believe in it, but dude, we're on like season four and we're still on Rumble, dude. And the people, I just, there's no buzz on this. There's no buzz. And that's my point, bringing it back.
Starting point is 00:56:24 The things that are good always get a buzz. There's always like a buzz going on. An organic buzz, not a buzz that, you know, the UFC just started getting an organic buzz, you know? They didn't have like major media dollars. It was just an organic buzz just started to go because it was good. You can convince some people for a while
Starting point is 00:56:49 that your shit product is good with marketing. You're always gonna be able to convince a small group of loyal people who are bat shit crazy that your thing is good if you can hook into the thing that makes them feel powerless and then however you can make them feel powerful because that's what a lot of crazy people love. Bullied people, and I was never a bully,
Starting point is 00:57:14 I think bullying is bad, but that's what you do. If you can hook in, make powerless people feel power, you can always get a base of crazies. So I'm sure there's a base of people who are fucking into power slap because they just live and die by Dana White. Dana White is also apparently having an effect on Mark Zuckerberg because he went
Starting point is 00:57:37 and he apologized for the Hunter Biden thing. And that was Dana going, listen man, you want to do jujitsu with my guys? Let's talk about what you did with the Hunter Biden laptop. And so Mark Zuckerberg has finally apologized and said, it didn't turn out to be true. The White House did pressure me to censor COVID content. But when he said censor COVID content from the white house, does he mean Trump's
Starting point is 00:58:05 white house? He said Biden officials, Biden officials. So after Trump lost, yeah. Uh, government pressure and the letter to judiciary. He he's called the government pressure from the Biden administration to censor content on its platforms. And he said he did bend to it and he's sorry.
Starting point is 00:58:27 So, and some people are going, it's no fucking good, a lot of people were hurt, whatever. But I do think, I do think that that might have swung the election for Trump. On their laptops? Yeah, that it was real. So, I don't know, Zuck. I think I found out who the next person
Starting point is 00:58:55 on Trump's transitional team's gonna be. I'll tell you, we're gonna go RFK Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, who just now came on board, Mark Zuckerberg, welcome to the Trump Train. I'd love to see your Trump cards reposted on eBay for double the value. All right, guys, just want to give a shout out as always to exclusiveautoshipping.com. If you're moving your car out of state, you bought your car out of state.
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