Yannis Pappas Hour - The Man in the Tassel Shoes with Josh Peck

Episode Date: May 7, 2022

The hilarious and talented actor Josh Peck (mad movies, TV, internet fame) has two feet in Bay Ridge for a long day. Yanni & Josh review how smooth the father he never met must of been to punch th...ru his mom while he was married with kids. Both Yanni & Josh bond on NYC shiz and having mom’s who gave birth to them while they were in their 40’s. They talk Josh’s journey from fat to hottie, child star to movie star, and life-of-the-party to sober father. This is a wild and fun time! Wasdadealis!Get Josh Peck’s book here: Happy People Are Annoying https://www.amazon.com/dp/0063073617/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_8ZAAT27P07P878ZX7XKPListen to his podcast Male Models episode with guest Yanni here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hazmat-scientists-visit-my-apartment-yannis-pappas/id1595769029?i=1000559134157Join for a weekly extra Longday episode and more bonus content and benefits: https://www.patreon.com/yannilongdaysSubscribe to our clips page for podcast highlights https://youtube.com/channel/UCfMy34qIYYy7XiRaHKO1ykwThe show goes out every Saturday. Come join in on the LONG DAY & Follow Yannis PappasInstagram - https://www.instagram.com/yannispappas/Twitter - https://twitter.com/yannispap Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, everybody? This is Giannis. Welcome to this fun episode with Josh Peck, actor, comedian, YouTuber, influencer, podcaster, father, and Jew. It was a good time, and former fat kid. That's also, he's an inspiration to everyone, but also, we do find out, is him getting skinny discrimination against big people. Okay? It's violence towards big people to get skinny. So I don't know how we feel about that. If you want to know how he feels about that, watch the episode. I'm also in Cleveland right now, May 5th through 7th. As you're watching this, I'm in Cleveland.
Starting point is 00:00:39 If you're there and you haven't gotten tickets already, get them. Newport, Rhode Island, Roebling, New Jersey, etc. YanisPappasComedy.com and get your bonus episode at Patreon.com slash Yanni Longdays. Now enjoy this episode with Joshua Peck in a place that if he had made a different decision in his life, this could possibly be the neighborhood that he lives in. If things went different, like if you, let's say, you know, let's say you were like, they weren't looking for a funny, chubby kid at that time. Let's say it was overweight but not funny. Yeah, but not funny.
Starting point is 00:01:41 You're overweight. And, yeah, you just didn't have any talent. Bay Ridge is where you could have ended up. I could be at your junior one bedroom doing this right now. In like a parallel world, I could be coming over as like a D-list comedian. And you're a guy who's like an accountant named Josh Peck, who's about 400 pounds. Who's like dabbling in the podcast. Yeah, yeah. I'm like, I have a podcast.
Starting point is 00:02:08 It's not looking good for my left foot. Yes. You know? Josh Peck, everybody, of course. That was what you call an untraditional, unorthodox start. But when you get Josh Peck to Bay Ridge, there's only one thing left to do after this, and that's get John Stamos to Bay Ridge.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Can you believe it? It's going to happen. It's got to happen. Yeah, with me qualifying it now that i've been here i've like scoped it out for i'm like stamos's secret service yes so i've been here i've seen it it's safe it's nice you you're breaking this in right now like people you because you're here i may be able to get someone else now because if i just showed them ari shafir sure they'd be like oh wait is that the guy who was happy kobe was dead and i'm like yeah but you know he went to therapy and yeah he's got an edinburgh uh special coming out that's funny yeah he's got he's been on legion of skanks a few times he's not as he's not as bad as you think so yeah yeah, thanks for blessing this. Is this, when's the last time you were in this shitty of an apartment?
Starting point is 00:03:09 Oh, constantly. I'm in recovery. So, you know, I'm constantly in beautiful abodes like this. Yeah. Recovery from a long time. 2008 is when you stopped. Or at least that's when your publicist told them to say it. Yeah, 14 years.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Yeah. Is that the Hollywood story or is that the hollywood story is that the real story this is real but this is where look i walked into the lobby of this building and it looks like you know noah bomb box nightmares yes yes it's funny you're wearing that shirt because i'm like this is looks like where boskia grew up yeah it's just so new york it's very new york and i i have friends who moved from la to new york i've and like they're living in dumbo they're having like a different new york existence i'm like your building has a pool in it you don't know my life yes no you don't get it it's not
Starting point is 00:03:55 it's that's not new york that that new new york could be in any city you see that you could go to like whatever city and that it's like that income bracket kind of follows itself around it's like when you go to mexico and you're rich you're not in mexico right you know what i mean if you go any country you're like i want to have a native experience but then you go stay in like a five star you're like that's just the rich place it's not here bayridge is still kind of it feels like when I moved here, it's still, it feels like the New York I grew up in,
Starting point is 00:04:28 which was like in the eighties where it was like, there's a pizza place. People still wax their eyebrows and they're not girls. You can still get an Italian ice. I don't think they know what inflation is. It's just, are you paying cash? Well,
Starting point is 00:04:41 slices is $1.50. You know, you want it. So, you know, if you ask for a slice with cheese in Bay Ridge, they're going, what? It fucking comes with cheese. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:04:50 This is presumed. Yeah, what do you mean with cheese? It's the only way it fucking comes. It's like asking for a pizza pizza. You want to fuck, it's redundant. Speaking of eyebrow waxing, you're a Greek man. I do it. Yeah, you can tell.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Do you do it? Freshly just done, too. They're pretty, they're very well kept. Thank you. I have to do it. And you do the wax. That's your way. I do the thread. I do the thread. Yeah, I just done too. They're pretty, they're very well kept. Thank you. I have to do it. And you do the wax. I do the thread. I do the thread.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Yeah, I do the thread. Love it. Yeah, there is an Indian woman I come face to face with every couple weeks. I get mine from an Israeli woman. Do you thread yours? I'll do a little threading. I've done waxing, but my wife put a stop to it. No more waxing.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Well, what kind of waxing? What do you do? Butthole? What were we talking about? No, no, no. Just the eyebrows just the eyebrows yeah okay i don't know he was like do you think john stamos waxes his it's gotta be yes dog he's surprisingly not super hairy you've seen him yeah around him yeah he's like almost suspiciously not greek-ish yeah the eyebrows are a little greekish but yeah he's not as hairy as Greeks usually are.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Like, I, like, yeah, I have to like trim down. Wow. Yeah, like you see what I do.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Nice beauty. I'm not that hairy, but the problem is I'm like sweaty, so I get a rash. Really? So I guess trim it down and then I put a nice coat
Starting point is 00:05:58 of antifungal on and then I'm ready for the summer. Love it. Nice ringworm cream. Yeah. Everyone knows. Can ringworm cream. Now, everyone knows. Can I stop you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Holding the mic there, I'm getting a lot of noise. Okay, I'm doing that thing? Yeah. Yeah, sorry. I was just holding the mic like I have to hold the mic. Either way I hold the mic is like a first year stand-up comic. They used to hold it like here and it would break in the middle of the set while they were bombing it would make it worse or they just don't know how to hold it and they go like this what's up everybody either way i'm nervous how many when chapelle
Starting point is 00:06:32 says he's gonna do a new special yeah does the microphone company go the trans community gets prepared when dave chapelle says i got something to say Trans people go Get ready We're about They're like Yeah they just treat it like Ukraine I think we got some intel And another attack's coming Right But like this is a microphone company
Starting point is 00:06:53 So they go It's gonna be a good year Yeah This guy drops more mics Than anyone I've ever seen He does drop Well Chris Rock used to drop him At the end of the special
Starting point is 00:07:00 He used to always drop him But that's one That's one Chappelle's I mean 30 Yeah He hits the knee slap all the time yeah he always hits the knee yeah and jared if you continue to do that i'm gonna i'm gonna fucking throw you into the fire yeah he does one joke jared harvard where he just hits his leg and i'm
Starting point is 00:07:16 like okay now that we've got you on the road a little bit we're gonna remove that chapelle influence because i'm like i just saw you in the early show and you were banging your leg and you know the joke so it's not that funny so that would be like if we were sitting here and you said something yeah he made that a thing he made that the leg bang thing when was the first time like when you realized i'm really good at this? I haven't yet. When did you know? So everyone knows you. Most people know you. They're watching this, right?
Starting point is 00:07:54 They may know you from different parts of your life. I know that I get it, dude. Like I've had things on a smaller scale. It must be weird when people are just always going, Josh and Drake, Josh and Drake, right? You don't like that shit. Do you like it still? I've come full circle about it.
Starting point is 00:08:10 There was certainly a period of my life where I was like, enough, let me get away. But it's also because my awkward teenage years are in reruns, where most people can burn their yearbooks and swear their family to secrecy. I'm like, it's in reruns and we don't make residuals. Right. I'm like, there I am, fat again. But you know what's cool is you went from like the fat funny kid to like the hot guy.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Not a lot of people make that transition. Who else? I mean, you may corner the market on that. I'm trying to think who else. I'm trying to think who else. And what other fat kid do you know from when a kid? Maybe Jerry O'Connell. Jerry O'Connell. from when a kid, maybe Jerry O'Connell. Jerry O'Connell.
Starting point is 00:08:47 He's on the talk. Jerry O'Connell. Yeah. Jerry O'Connell and Josh Peck, maybe the only two fat kids where you look at them. And now I go back and I look at Young and I go, there was a fucking hot guy in there. You and my mother knew.
Starting point is 00:09:00 My mother used to say, God bless my Jewish mother was like, you were always handsome to me. I'm like, just you, Ma. It wasn't looking good. Yeah, well, that's the great part about having a Jewish mom is that they love you so much they only see the pot. They love you no matter what, right?
Starting point is 00:09:14 It was like she was probably telling you you should model back then. Yeah, definitely. And listen, she was going to give her 401K compliments too. Yeah. She knew. She was in it for the long game she's like i better support this kid so he supports me yeah so you grew up in hell's kitchen i grew up in our new yorker i'm new yorker i was born in uh i was born in murray hill and i lived there as a as a young
Starting point is 00:09:37 kid went to ps40 on 20th street wow public school kid ps40 yeah and then i i yeah and then around seven or eight i moved to house kitchen i was there until i was 14 and moved to la now when you moved to house kitchen seven eight years old you didn't get a place you didn't like when you say i moved there it wasn't like a seven year old i emancipated myself yeah you didn't walk in with a real estate agent at seven and go i'll take it it was your mom and you yeah yeah it was my mom i never met my dad only child single mom and it was just some real New York shit. You still don't know your dad?
Starting point is 00:10:07 No. And he died. So he wins. Oh, so he died. Yeah. So you knew who he was. I knew who he was. My mom and he, they were like business acquaintances, would see each other every couple years.
Starting point is 00:10:19 And he had a well-timed separation of six hours, just long enough to knock up my mother. Wow. This is interesting yeah you mind if i ask some questions please yeah yeah um so what's going on here you're they were business associates they were like they were never married never relationship never relationship ready you're a booty call kid you ready ready for more? Yeah. He was 62. She was 42. Wow. They hooked up once.
Starting point is 00:10:48 You're looking at a miracle. Wow. You're supposed to be here, man. Maybe. Probably. No, for sure. For sure. That's written in the stars. Story like that is written in the stars.
Starting point is 00:10:58 You know, when we had kids, was yours planned, your kids? Yeah. That's a different thing. There's no magic in that. No. There's no magic in that no there's no magic in that when you sit around your wife's got a thermometer in her mouth and she's going fuck me now and you're going like all right let's make a baby fun sex and all she's thinking about is
Starting point is 00:11:15 she does that little rollback you know the rollback they do afterwards it's almost like they're like a pinball machine trying to help the sperm in there you're just standing up like well you know you feel like you're used a little bit it doesn't even feel fun it just feels like you're being used
Starting point is 00:11:32 for your sperm and then you're like okay and then they just lean back and they just hope they're pregnant there's no magic in that right there's no fun in that
Starting point is 00:11:39 your mom got fucked yeah like we made kids we reproduced totally we reproduced we made kids. We reproduced. Totally. We reproduced. We made a plan. When our babies were born, our wives were not fucked. Yes. We serviced them with sperm. Exactly. Because we were
Starting point is 00:11:54 already in a relationship. Yeah, you were born in passion. Yes. Forbidden passion. My father. Was he Jewish to dad? Of course. Okay, well that part. He's like this. I did 23 of me. They wrote me back.
Starting point is 00:12:09 You know what I like about Jewish women? Even when they have an affair, they make sure it's with a Jew. Yeah. She was like, look, we're not supposed to be doing this. You're 60. I'm 44. But I will do it. I just, I have one question. question are you jewish okay let's
Starting point is 00:12:28 proceed i feel bad because i'm literally your biggest fan and so i feel like you're here interviewing someone listening to the podcast like people are laughing in the car being like can you have someone fucking funny around the show no you're very funny so this is uh yeah i mean you you kind of you're in you is, yeah, I mean, you're in a few different worlds. Yeah. You're in a few different worlds. Because you're an actor, but you've also gotten popular online. You do funny skits.
Starting point is 00:12:55 You hang out with David Dobrik. I always call him Daniel. It's David. That'd be a different vibe. Yeah, that would be a different. Daniel Dobrik would be. Daniel Dobrik. That's a fucking cool name. Daniel Dobrik. David. Be a different vibe. Yeah, that would be a different. Daniel Dobrik would be. Daniel Dobrik. That's a fucking cool name.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Daniel Dobrik. David. David's a little more. David. Daniel. Daniel. Daniel. Daniel is.
Starting point is 00:13:14 Daniel's got a little more something to it. Yeah, selling subprime mortgages. Yeah. Daniel. And if you say Daniel, if you say someone's name Daniel You know he's not that fun a guy Daniel If you refer to him as Daniel Yeah
Starting point is 00:13:28 If you call him Danny Yeah Kid does coke Yeah If you got a friend His name is Or Danny Boy Where's Danny Boy
Starting point is 00:13:34 He's got the coke He brings the coke He sells the coke Yeah Right But Daniel's not partying with you It's mostly laxative Yeah
Starting point is 00:13:41 But it's still coke You're gonna shit But it's gonna be a good time yeah so your mom and dad how do they meet they they were like the kind of people that would see each other twice a year and they would have maybe a lunch or something what do you mean they're the type of people who would see each other twice a year like do you have someone who like you find charming or nice that you see like every now and then you're like we should hang out or like we should grab a bite more often and you never do right okay so they were more acquaintances through business yes became friendly yes your mom i'm trying to paint a picture here please
Starting point is 00:14:15 your mom do you need a water no please um so your mom's like found an older kind of was he like a mentor figure it's exactly showing her the business of real estate. She was a headhunter, so she would get people jobs and whatnot. And he worked in, I think, I can't give too many distinguishing factors because I got siblings out there I don't want to meet. You got legal things.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Yeah, you don't got to worry about it. I don't have to, yeah. Just because you're in his apartment, you might slip. You may be like, oh, I forgot. I'm not supposed to be here. I feel like I'm in my boy Yannis' house. You are.
Starting point is 00:14:46 You want to play Nintendo 64 after this? Yeah, we can. In order of pie? So let's paint the picture. Your mom, young, attractive Jewish woman. Okay, she's in the headhunting business. She's trying to make her way. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Right, how old is she at the time? 42. 42, so she hasn't been married. Yes. Her parents? Her parents, her dad died when she was't been married her parents her parents her dad died when she was 16
Starting point is 00:15:07 and her mom remarried yeah so she's got a nice framework she's got a and they're calling her once in a while going when are you gonna when are you gonna
Starting point is 00:15:15 meet a nice Jewish boy when's this gonna happen when are you gonna she's going I'm a New York girl I'm you know it's career you don't get it
Starting point is 00:15:22 it's a different generation we're not in the kibbutz anymore. The kibbutz of West Orange, New Jersey. This is a capital. We're not in South Poland. We're not in Poland, I gotta make money. I got a good career
Starting point is 00:15:35 and I've met this nice man and he's showing me the business and he says I got a lot of promise. That's right. And let's picture him. I'm picturing. A Jewishy Richard Gere. What do we think?
Starting point is 00:15:45 Yeah. Oh, for some reason, I see the shoes with the tassels. I think your dad had tassels. Definitely. Yeah. Yeah. You know what I'm talking about? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:57 The tassels. Oh, yeah. You know what I'm talking about? Penny loafers? They're the loafers with the little tassels. Of course. Yeah. He's got tassels.
Starting point is 00:16:03 He also has a pair of penny loafers. He also has a pair of those. A statement sock. But when he was seeing his mom, the tassels came out. Yeah. Those are the fucking, he's trying to get laid. He said, put the tassels. I'm seeing slacks.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Maybe a little belt. Is it, or is it a little stomach over the belt? A little bit. Like me. Just like, yeah. A boy. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:23 A boy. The one, the crease down the head, the nice slack. Do they go out for a Reuben? Were you born after a good Reuben? After. They went to the Carnegie Deli. They went to the Carnegie Deli. They went to the Carnegie Deli in Midtown, RIP, no longer there.
Starting point is 00:16:39 But, you know, the famous, you know, sandwiches is big. Yeah. And that wasn't the only thing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So they hooked up. They hooked up finally. So they hooked up finally. famous sandwiches is big. And that wasn't the only thing. Yeah, yeah. So they hooked up. They hooked up finally.
Starting point is 00:16:49 So they hooked up finally. And I didn't know this so much later in life. I'm like, wow, you guys hooked up and you went for deli and that was it. And then somewhere in my teens, my mom goes, well, we hooked up again. I'm like, really? It's like you had bloated sex after the initial sandwich.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Hi, mom. Shout out, mom. Oh, my God. I don't think she'll find this pod. You're safe here? I don't even, yeah. I think you're safe from all legal recourse here. She might leave this off her website, which is her Facebook page.
Starting point is 00:17:19 And she always, or I'm sorry, she calls it, she goes, oh, I just updated your website. I said, what's my website? She goes, my Facebook page. And it's literally everything I've ever done in my life she's she keeps up with you oh yeah she proud of you yeah she's the best I mean we were like meant to be I always say that when when I was born like I would look at traditional families with parents and kids and I would say like oh like the kids are the employees and the parents are like upper management right but my mom and i were like a startup right i mean if you put that on stage that's a funny bit that is really funny like single mom and kid yeah it's a startup yeah and i was just lucky to grow up in new york because even though it was an oddity it wasn't that odd
Starting point is 00:18:03 right because i'm going to public school so I'm not the only kid like I met plenty of kids growing up who were like oh you never met your dad like I fucking wish I never met my dad like or they were like me they just didn't have one so having like a strong domineering single mom was not new right I think
Starting point is 00:18:20 even if as a Jewish family no matter what even if your dad's there, you're going to have a strong domineering mom. Yeah. That's just part of the deal. A hundred percent. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:29 I mean, it's a matriarchal system, the Jewish, I mean, the Jewish women just run the show. They're tough. I remember my mom's best friend,
Starting point is 00:18:37 you know, I won't say the name, I guess, for legal reasons. I got to pretend like people care. I got to pretend like I'm on his level. Yeah, I can. I't i gotta really be careful there's a lot of people i gotta just
Starting point is 00:18:49 make sure let me call my publicist first um so my mom's best friend they went to law school together she was a jew her husband was like one of the biggest criminal criminal defense lawyers in new york he was like one of the two he was was on TV all the time. And, you know, he's a criminal defense. Like, he's hanging out with, like, drug dealers. And, like, at his funeral, when he died, I went to his funeral. I mean, dude, the criminals there was like out of a movie. I felt like I was in Bad Boys 3 or something. It was like dudes with ponytails, coke nail.
Starting point is 00:19:21 I mean, it was like criminals. And they were giving speeches like your father helped me you know so much like he saved my life stuff like that so this is the guy very successful power loyal criminal attorney i mean she would fucking speak to him i mean they would come over like for holiday parties she would fucking talk to him we would i was like four or five and i was like i would get like geez and he would just kind of take it dude like the fucking successful powerful guy and she would just take his balls and go yeah you know let's go all right it's time to go fucking you know they run
Starting point is 00:19:58 the house run the show dude yeah and i remember yeah growing up like it's funny i have a buddy my buddy eric who's a criminal defense attorney. And I would always say to him, like, how do you represent these people in good conscience and whatnot? He's like, listen, I'm not representing them. I'm representing the legal system. Like, okay, I'll be justified. He's like, look, you ever get in trouble, the only people you're calling are me and your mother. He's like, you're going to love me.
Starting point is 00:20:20 look, you ever get in trouble, the only people you're calling are me and your mother. He's like, you're going to love me. And then one day he invited me down to Los Angeles District Court in downtown to watch a trial. And he said, what do you think? And I'm like, it's cool. It's like Law and Order with ugly people. It's like the real thing.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, it's interesting when you think about that, like you try to think about, the job that they do. I do understand that they, yeah. Like, they need, criminals need representation. That's, like, the best system you could think of, right? But then, yeah, the job they're doing is they're trying to represent a murderer. Like, how do they do that job?
Starting point is 00:21:02 There are other places. He is kind of right is what i'm saying like he is represented in the legal system and you're also kind of right that is the way you got to rationalize it so they're both kind of true he used to say he's like there are other places in the world where there's a 98 conviction right trust me you don't want to live there yeah hey your honor uh i know it looks bad okay there's four four girls were found in his refrigerator you know um but here's a day he he's insane can we do something with that and that's their only hope really is to get in your only hope is getting a loony bit if you're like really
Starting point is 00:21:38 i guess that's the only thing you can do if you're like if the evidence is you did this i guess that your friend just goes like he's crazy and they go and you just hope that there's like very open-minded that's when you hope for the aoc ilk you like that you thinking you go like he's crazy and like let's talk about his family for a second mom wasn't there and then someone goes but hey josh peck's dad wasn't his state yeah his dad wasn't there he grew up in this and then you hope for a judge to just go absolutely let's just put him in the loony bin i asked my buddy once that about the insanity sort of plea and he's like here's the problem right you try to say they're crazy. So they go, funny, we have a video of them driving to the scene in which they committed the crime. They seem to obey every street law.
Starting point is 00:22:33 They seem to stop at red lights and like, maybe not too crazy. Temporary insanity. Then you get the temporary insanity one. I just went crazy from the moment. If you take it from the moment I killed to the moment afterwards i blacked out right i don't remember it uh everything else i remember but i don't remember that i love when they use that defense i don't remember whenever when anyone anytime anyone says they do not remember in a court of law they're lying that should be obvious totally yeah amber heard beat johnny depp is what I'm trying to say. Are you, is there a thing, like, when you were being a knucklehead kid,
Starting point is 00:23:08 is there a thing you did where you're like, wow. When I was being. Like, if that had gone the wrong way. As I reach for a snooze. Let me get one too, God damn it. You want one? What is it? It's a snooze.
Starting point is 00:23:17 I'll get you. I need another one. No, I'm just, that terrifies me. I got 14 years. I can't be doing snooze. Oh, yeah, yeah. You can't do nothing, right? It'll be bad.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Yeah. I mean, I drink coffee, so I guess I'm really be doing snows. Oh, yeah, yeah. You can't do nothing, right? It'll be bad. Yeah. I mean, I drink coffee, so I guess I'm really playing with fire there. Yeah. Yeah, coffee's the only thing you can... Oh, yeah. Dude, addicts love coffee and Red Bull. Can Red Bull just be honest and call it,
Starting point is 00:23:34 hey, we're the drink for guys who used to do coke? Don't fucking keep flying in airplanes and shit. Nobody takes a Red Bull and then goes and skydives. They go to a bar with their friends who can still drink And they order a Red Bull Because they can't Because if they do They'll do blow
Starting point is 00:23:49 Right And that's it Well is that Do you do I mean you're a podcaster So you've drank Liquid Death before Yeah of course I don't know how they wedge themselves
Starting point is 00:23:57 There's certain things that are like very on brand The motif is podcast Right Liquid Brand Manscaped Casper Better help Feeling asleep Hey you guys like bird dogs Tifa's podcast. Right. Liquid brand, manscape. That's right. Better help.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Feeling sleep. Hey, you guys like bird dogs. Do you guys need some CBD, dick pills, a way to shave your dick, and a bed to sleep on with your shaved dick?
Starting point is 00:24:18 Listen to my podcast. And then therapy after listening to the podcast. But Liquid Death looks like a beer can because, and this might be urban legend, but I heard the founder was tired of being out and a sober guy.
Starting point is 00:24:30 And people always be like, why aren't you drinking? Let me get you a drink. So now you walk around with this, you look like you got a drink. Yeah, that probably makes sense. That sounds like the reason because I always, when I see the,
Starting point is 00:24:39 it doesn't speak to me. Because when I saw it, your first thinking is like, is this like uh one of those like uh you know red bull kind of energy drinks and it's just water so it's gotta i i wish we had liquid death as a sponsor right they should be what are they nuts i'm gonna contact them for retroactive payment be like dude josh peck talking about liquid death i mean send me at least a gram look they send me a couple of carbonated waters and I give them thousands of dollars in free plugs.
Starting point is 00:25:06 So liquid dad. What do you do? Just put it together here. Liquid dad. Liquid dad. Or freaking cold spring water. Whatever you want to drink. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:16 So you get born. Your dad disappears. Right away. You become an actor almost immediately after that. Like nine years old i started did he come back in your life after you got the deal no i mean he had three kids and a wife right like so he was having he was like getting medicare and chicks pregnant right like it was over like i i'm sure for him he was like oh i'm supposed to have a victory march into
Starting point is 00:25:41 convalescence or like a couple well done like affairs under my belt yeah not this right right and so he headed for the hills i remember my mom even sent him a letter when i was five wait so so it was an affair for him it was an affair he had a wife he was yeah i mean he said he was separated but we we know how that yeah yeah you know okay so he was a smooth talking dude yeah yeah okay did your mom know what she was getting into? Did she admit that part at least? You know, in hindsight, as a fully grown human being, I think about that. I don't know. I don't know what the real...
Starting point is 00:26:14 I know she says she always wanted a kid and assumed that it was never going to be in the cards. So I would imagine that during this romantic interlude, there was no thought of protection. My mom was like, hey, let's see what happens here. Do you think there's a possibility they were having sex and he was
Starting point is 00:26:33 he's a veteran at this. Thoroughbred. I know he was probably telling your mom I never do this. Yeah, this is crazy. It's you. It's because it's because of you break out the tassels he had a pull-out move he had a pull-out game is what i'm saying do you think mom was ready do you think mom was ready for a kid and he tried to do his move and then
Starting point is 00:26:59 she locked him in this was 1986 though too right So I can What The way I imagine it And that's all I can do With my dad Never met him Is that
Starting point is 00:27:16 He you know He probably was like She's 42 Yeah I'm 62 He thought the nut was safe Right Especially in 86.
Starting point is 00:27:25 He's like, I thought, because back then you're like, you probably like, oh, she's 46. Back then you just figure 46, there's no kids happening. Right. And Jesus, you're the new Jew, you're Jewish Jesus. You're a miracle. Yeah. Yeah. Because he was Jewish.
Starting point is 00:27:43 So yeah, he probably, he might have just let go in. I'm sorry I'm saying this about John Pack. You can. I think, yeah. Because that's the way sex works. He was totally abandoned. Yeah, he might have just let them not go. I know, I mean, most of my friends are married,
Starting point is 00:27:57 but I got single friends now who act with abandon in 2022. Right. Right? So back then, I think people just didn't, I don't know if he was thinking that could ever, ever happen. Right. Right? So back then, I think people just didn't, I don't know if he was thinking that could ever, ever happen. Right. 46, your mom was?
Starting point is 00:28:09 42. 42, which is the same age my mom was when she was born, when I was born, yeah. Also, yeah, when, I didn't even know this, when you're trying to get pregnant,
Starting point is 00:28:18 women are only like fertile for like a day. Right. Right? So so many things had to line up for you to be here. It's kind of cool to think about.
Starting point is 00:28:27 You know what I mean? Like, your mom had to have become a headhunter. She had to, like, do a different thing than, like, what's expected
Starting point is 00:28:37 of women of that time. You're supposed to be married. I mean, that's pretty, she was pretty independent. Oh, she, yeah. And then when she had,
Starting point is 00:28:44 like, and then when she had me like every like i think my grandmother let me just say this i love the fact that your mom fucked your dad a few more times afterwards she had to make sure you know what i mean i love that let me laminate this it was the lamination fucks Yeah That's a cool story My grandmother Like straight up I think said to her
Starting point is 00:29:09 Like what are you gonna do About this And she was like I'm gonna have it Right Like But it was just so foreign To her
Starting point is 00:29:16 This like You know My grandmother This Jewish woman Born in the 20s She'd be a single mom And have this kid Right
Starting point is 00:29:24 In a wedlock It was a different time yeah that was like that was considered anathema if you don't know that word you know what to do uh it's concomitant i learned that from you common it is good same time and if you're playing the honest pop is drinking game yeah drink every time he says um something wrong war brings about strange bedfellows I'm really an insufferable fucking fucking
Starting point is 00:29:51 machine of drivel you're the best amenities of modernity which is somewhere up here where's your book you didn't bring me a fucking book
Starting point is 00:30:03 fuck happy people are annoying I'll bring it I'll send it I want to get rid of Batya Ungar Sargans which I lied and told her I read
Starting point is 00:30:11 I didn't no I did did not yeah so she was great on the pod she's great she's great
Starting point is 00:30:17 she's very smart she's great and she's gotten hotter which Jesse pointed out fame will do that which is funny because you've continued to follow her
Starting point is 00:30:23 oh yeah yeah and she's looking good. Yeah, I think she's kind of like, I'm on Tucker now. I got it. Is she on Tucker? She's done all of them. She's one of those.
Starting point is 00:30:34 She's filled that market of former Democrats talking about the Democrats. Yeah, the Barry Weiss. Yeah, there's a bunch. Everyone's kind of doing it. Everyone's going like, all right, it's time for a little. Everyone on the left is going like, let's tug a little bit. Let's get back to the, and there's all the, you know. But nowadays you always wonder like, is that just your grift?
Starting point is 00:30:55 Are you just, is that your lane? Because that's a new lane. Right. And everyone looks for the lane. I think if people don't have a grift, we don't know about them. We haven't heard of them. It means they're no good. Yeah, they're no good. a grift, we don't know about them. We haven't heard of them. It means they're no good. Yeah, they're no good.
Starting point is 00:31:06 A good grift, you should find out about later. Yes, that's exactly right. And then- Like Scott Joplin. Yes. And then people should be forgiven because if someone gets away
Starting point is 00:31:17 for a grift for a certain amount of time, you should be like, hats off. Right. It's like your life was a magic trick. Van Gogh.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Yeah. Good grift. Good grift. Yeah. Good griff. Good griff. Yeah. Good griff. So you become an actor right after that. You're a child actor. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:32 In some ways. I mean, eight years old, I was doing stand-up in New York. You did stand-up at eight? Yeah. So you went up there. What did you talk about? Were you like, hey, I don't know my dad. He's fucking my dad.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Basically. I was fat. I had a joke uh because you know entomans a very east coast centric thing but not everybody knows it but it's like uh store pastries right it's like pre-made pastries so i had some joke like oh in school i major in entomology the study of entomans and like i'm a fat fuck i basically just did impressions and made fun of kids at school. And I had a tight five minutes. You had a tight five.
Starting point is 00:32:08 But you knew early you wanted to entertain. Yeah. That's interesting. So entertaining kids at school wasn't enough. You were ambitious. You wanted something bigger. You wanted something more. You felt that talent.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Is it innate? Or is it because of the pain? Was it because? Yeah, pain. It a, is it because of the pain? Was it because yeah, paint is pain, painting over the pain. Anyone who gets into entertainment, it's basically we're painting over the pain. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:31 I don't think anyone who gets into entertainment is whole because you're, you're essentially asking strangers to like you, which any normal person would go, why the fuck would I care what this person thinks about me? But entertainers are like, please like me, please like me, please like me, please like me. Because, you know, their dad fucked their mom and left. I don't even know if he paid for Carnegie Deli. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:32:57 Got a couple Dr. Brown sodas. But you know, that's how greatness is fucking made. It is, huh? Yeah, it's how greatness is fucking made. It is, huh? Yeah, it's how it's fucking made, dude. I mean, if Steve Jobs wasn't left on a fucking doorstep, we wouldn't have Apple. If he had good, loving Syrian parents, first of all, he'd be in Syria. Right. You know, but what's he going to do in Syria?
Starting point is 00:33:17 Elon Musk's dad, no good. No good. No good. No good. Bill Gates' parents? Bill Gates' parents, probably no good. Not the best. Yeah, I mean, you know, he was like, I'm going to steal this interface from Xerox to get
Starting point is 00:33:29 my father's love. Yeah, what we're basically saying is Bill Gates, no good. Why are you shorting Tesla stock, but you care about the environment? Why are you doing that? Well, Elon wants to know. Elon paid him back in a very childish way. On Twitter? On Twitter.
Starting point is 00:33:44 I saw that. He did that pregnant. That hurts. It hurts, but also it does kind of hurt that I see his perspective. If you're somebody who's claiming you for all this good stuff, and then this dude makes a car that is kind of pushing the world in that direction off of gas, why would you hope for him to fail? Right.
Starting point is 00:34:03 So he is shorting it. That's what I to fail right it's so it's he is shorting it that's what i heard yeah yeah yeah so bill gates is shorting tesla stock right and he got pissed about that i love those billionaire wars well he's putting i mean basically for him to buy twitter he's using the tesla stock as leverage right so if anything goes bad, Tesla could fall half. I mean, it could turn into half, which is scary. It is scary. And he is, I think Elon, he is what he seems to be,
Starting point is 00:34:35 you know, like I think the people who are the most themselves are the easiest to critique because they're putting it all out there. He goes on Twitter and he's fucking tweeting irresponsible things. People who do that, he's got less to hide. I always trust someone more who's willing to just be like,
Starting point is 00:34:57 I'm fucking stupid, I'd make mistakes, than someone who's like Bill Gates is like, just quiet and being like, you know. Sweater vest. Yeah, just kind of donate to my foundation and let's go try this vaccine. You're going like, what are you so into this for? Right. At least you can get a sense of what Elon Musk is into.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Like he's excited by the future. Like he explains it. He says it. You talk to Bill Gates and it's just kind of like something. It's like, you know, Bill Gates is putting on some sort of head and going to a party. You know, there's an eyes wide shut party that Bill Gates attends. Josh Peck did not endorse what I just said. Not at all.
Starting point is 00:35:37 That is a Giannis Pappas opinion. But yeah, but I thought Michael Rappaport had a good take on Elon when he was like, that's how you 100% know that money doesn't buy happiness when the richest man in the world tweets that much. I don't want to be on social media and I've got enough runway for the next 18 months. So if I had billions, would I be on social that much? I don't think so. Yeah. Our bonus last week was about, I was trying to guess
Starting point is 00:36:06 when he's going to get in trouble because Twitter will, if you start tweeting and you get a little loose, you're going to mess up big time. Definitely. And it's almost fun. I think like Twitter chicken
Starting point is 00:36:14 would be a fun game. Yeah. If like, you're just like, that could be good. Like just, if you just, you and your buddies make a pact
Starting point is 00:36:20 and we're like, we're going to see, we're going to take this tweet and we're going to see who will keep it up for longer. Right. And like you and your buddy just go like it's just josh peck just tweets the most fucking if you just tweet something that jk rowling's would tweet you know what i'm talking about and he just tweets it and then you just sit there and like you take his phone and somebody you got to chase the person around try to get the erase button. It would be fun. Twitter chicken is a fun thing.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Let's pitch it as a show. We take fucking celebrities. We take people in Hollywood and we make them tweet wild shit. And we see who's willing to keep it up longer. I love it. Yeah, let's do it. I mean, I'm so terrified to even. I remember your joke, Hollywood's 9-11.
Starting point is 00:37:03 When the slap happened, remember like wanting to write something like i was short-circuiting i was in a hotel room in tennessee i'm like did i just see this and i i think i tweeted like did that just happen and i was terrified to write that right because i was like to even comment even remotely on something controversial controversial i'm like am i just completely shooting myself in the foot? I get it. I get it. And is there any payoff, right?
Starting point is 00:37:29 Because this is what I think. Even if nine out of ten times I'm right and it gets retweets and people are like, oh, you're the funniest. If the one time I'm wrong and I get killed for it,
Starting point is 00:37:38 what I have said, I wish I'd never tweeted in the first place. Right. Probably. Yes. It's an interesting thing because technology has,
Starting point is 00:37:48 we're, everyone's sharing more than they used to. Right. You know, everyone is trying to get famous. Even,
Starting point is 00:37:55 look, now we have like famous fucking professors. Right. There's professors making content. They have shows. There's like,
Starting point is 00:38:04 you know, there's a bunch of professors or scientists or whatever. Now they have Patreon pages. They have their own podcasts and shows. So everyone's trying to get known. It's like the way to make money now. It pays better than teaching at whatever fucking school you were teaching at. And now celebrities are online because a lot of eyeballs are online.
Starting point is 00:38:25 So it's like you got to promote on there. You got to. So it's these. It's like this. The old world in the new world. The old world where everyone used to just like they didn't have access. It's like, you know, if you were Josh Peck, you could go fucking do an eight ball. And the only people would know about it is other actors who are also doing eight balls.
Starting point is 00:38:44 The other people in the lobby of the Chateau Marmont. Right. And people knew to keep their fucking, fucking rat-fake mouth closed. $20 to the ballet. Don't fucking say anything. Josh Peck was not here.
Starting point is 00:38:58 He was not making out with the floor. He did not piss on the side of that guy's Benz. You didn't see nothing. Men in black, look in the light. I did not ask to do a of that guy's Benz. You didn't see nothing. Men in black looking the light. I did not ask to do a rail off where John Belushi did his last one.
Starting point is 00:39:10 So there was this separation. Now there's like all these apps where there's a lot of people and like people can share their thoughts. I think it's kind of ironic that like the thoughts are what get people in trouble. Like people don't say, you know, like people don't. It's like are we really pretending? Are we really all going to pretend that somebody has not said something bad? It's like if you're yelling at me for saying something bad,
Starting point is 00:39:37 are you really going to pretend that you didn't say something bad? It just wasn't recorded. Like can anyone look anyone in the eye and truthfully say they've never said something bad no it's not it's impossible yeah so it's like why aren't we going into it with that understanding going like i'm not going to be that much of a douchey hypocrite to be like oh this guy said that and you know i know i said some shit we're all we're all in glass houses and what i find fascinating is when you fuck up your life becomes your defense right because people then do an immediate forensics on your life and they're like has he done enough
Starting point is 00:40:11 things to where we go maybe this really is him right like finally we saw a crack in the arm and we're like ah this really is you or was this just a random fuck up right and and that's you know that's a good testament to live a good life right Right. You know, don't be like, I find there are people who fucked up and they are paying for it. And then there's also people who are paying an asshole tax. Right. The thing that they did, probably they might've been able to get away with it, but there were so many transgressions.
Starting point is 00:40:37 They treated people so poorly. They said so many bad things that eventually people were like, you're done. We're done. Right. Some of the stuff is kind of good and karma sometimes you're like that guy had it coming right this era provided and sometimes you're going like uh yeah i guess it depends on the forensics yeah i know people are curious i'm curious what's it like you know being like a known successful actor in Hollywood now with that culture.
Starting point is 00:41:09 What's it feel like day to day? Like I already get that. You're a little nervous to tweet. I understand that. Shit. Anyone should be because it's up there forever. I mean, I'm sometimes nervous. I just go for it because I'm fucking stupid.
Starting point is 00:41:21 There's a reason why we're fucking in the first apartment I bought. You know, but I also feel like, you know, I'm a stand. There's a reason why we're fucking in the first apartment I bought. You know, but I also feel like, you know, I'm a stand-up, I'm a comic. We're supposed to speak recklessly. No, you guys have a wide berth. Yeah, we're like the hot, we get away with shit.
Starting point is 00:41:35 Yeah, I was just kidding. But we need it. I think, maybe I heard it on your pod, like that every great king had like a kick-ass gesture. It's gotta be. Yeah, because they need to look at themselves. Got to be.
Starting point is 00:41:46 And that's why I love the White House Correspondents Dinner. Somebody tweeted that. I retweeted it. I can't remember who did it, but I agree. Oh, is this? He's a funny kid. He's like he's a smart kid. He's like a comic in England.
Starting point is 00:41:56 He's kind of popular, but he tweeted something about how how important that tradition is. And I agree. I think the White House Correspondents Dinner is necessary. It's a good tradition. and I agree. I think the White House Correspondents Dinner is necessary. It's a good tradition. If you can go in there and make fun of the president, that means that there is, that our democracy
Starting point is 00:42:12 is kind of healthy. Right. When you can't, there's something up. Do you think that when Trump was in office, there were some talks about like,
Starting point is 00:42:19 Don, we should do the Correspondents Dinner, but we're going to have some comedians that love you. Anthony Cumia is going to host this, but we're going to have some comedians that love you. Anthony Cumia is going to host this year. We're going to have Larry the Cable Guy. I'm just assuming.
Starting point is 00:42:32 I don't know. We're going to have Dennis Leary is going to host. Yeah, Nick DiPaolo. Let's talk about Hillary Clinton's account. That would be his opening joke. Could you imagine if it was just all comedians that were in his pocket? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I mean, you know, that's not a good look that he didn't want to do that.
Starting point is 00:42:51 You know, if you're a president, you don't want to do that, no matter who you are. I'm going like, why don't you want to do that? What's up with that? Right. You should be able. Yeah, I mean, Trump's not a guy. He's a guy.
Starting point is 00:43:02 He's like, he's a guy who can sling, but I don't know if he can take. No, guys like that never can. He can't take it. No, he can't take it. He likes to sling it. He can't take it, which means he's insecure, highly insecure. He's what you call, I think, a toxic narcissist. I think would be the type of narcissist he is.
Starting point is 00:43:21 Malignant. Malignant narcissist. Malignant. Fuck. Fuck. You were just smarter than me on that one. I didn't go to college. It's malignant narcissist. Toxic narcissist is just something that somebody's yelling at a bar about Amber Heard right now.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Right. And nobody's there to correct them and go, it's actually malignant. She's actually malignant. Actually. And the guy goes, why don't you shut the fuck up? Fucking, here's another course. Right.
Starting point is 00:43:48 That conversation, someone is saying toxic narcissist over a course. Someone is saying malignant narcissist over a Stella. Mary, an IPA. Right.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Right. Some a little more, you know, somebody with a little bit more education. With a little more hops. A little more hops in it. Right. So you get the role.
Starting point is 00:44:06 I know at people, I'm just interested. I know everyone's probably asking, how did you start? But I fucking, so you get the role. Yeah. You start doing it. Do you start getting pussy right away? No, because I'm 300 pounds. You're 300 pounds, but you're fucking on television.
Starting point is 00:44:23 Back when there was nothing else. It was television. My closest relationship was with the Domino's delivery girl. She'd give me more ranch. I'd be like, she loves me. You were a kid who liked to eat at that point. I was a kid who liked to eat. Look, this is how it went. It doesn't make sense. I'm doing stand-up. Is you losing violence
Starting point is 00:44:40 violent? Is you losing weight violence against plus-size people? could be has anyone given you shit been like you should have been more proud of your physique well people will bring up like body positivity which i think is totally fair i just want to be like in 1999 i just want to just i want to take note that your tone is very pr controlled and i love it right there i noticed that too. Body positivity is a very positive thing.
Starting point is 00:45:08 That's crazy. Did you hear the tone change? Yeah, he heard the buzz word. Yeah, body positivity. You know Mr. Popper. I love it. I get it. I would do the same fucking thing. Especially if I'm coming in here I'm going to be like, look, I'll go wild with him but here's the topics I'm going to fucking dance around i know i'm coming up here i'm like you
Starting point is 00:45:29 know i heard him interview the kid yeah my mom got fucked by my mom yeah my mom fucking fucked my mom you fuck my way guy i don't fucking know he was some guy who's wearing tassels and he fucked my mom and i'm bored i'll go with you and then i'm like do fat people hate you because you got skinny body positivity on this body positivity is a very serious issue that I... All right. Well, I'm walking up here and I'm like, well, I'm such a fan. I'm like, so I know how you usually... But then he interviewed the kid who does sketches on the subway and he was pretty light.
Starting point is 00:45:57 Like, so do I. I'd be like that. Couple softballs. Yeah. So, yeah. So, what were you saying? In 1999, there was no body positivity. Right, because people were telling the truth about it.
Starting point is 00:46:12 They were going, hey, that's not healthy. I would go into, and this would be from my own family members. Like, there seemed to be this idea that I would walk into a room when I was overweight, like 12 years old, you know, 200 plus pounds, and I would see a flicker go off in someone's eye. And I'd be like, they're going to comment. They're going to say something about my weight. And it was almost as though either they were mean
Starting point is 00:46:36 or they were like so worried about me that they felt they needed to shame me to like get me to do something. Or like maybe he doesn't know he's this fat I'd be like trust me. I know I shop in in the dog section of macy's Like it's his fucking husky on my pants. This is upsetting and uh So i'm fat but i'm also fulfilling a niche right because like i'm on drake and josh and and you know drake is right So you almost have to stay fat a little bit a little little bit. And I, like, knew, I was like, this equation works.
Starting point is 00:47:05 Like, the skinny, like, straight man to, like, the funny fat guy. This has worked throughout history. Right. And then also, you have people telling you while I was there, I mean, like, granted, most people were pretty supportive. But certainly, they were like, you know, you're one of four guys. Like, talented, funny, big guys. If you lose weight,'re gonna audition against jake
Starting point is 00:47:25 gyllenhaal right right right right and i mean he doesn't audition but i would audition against miles teller and i'd see him walking into an audition i'd be like have fun on the roll miles go fuck myself yeah he's very talented there's something very honest about the hollywood uh brutal honesty yeah and that the superficial there, there's something, it's like, because the way you just described that, it's like, dude, you're boiling him down to like,
Starting point is 00:47:49 you know, oh, now he's got to compete with other guys. Like nobody, everyone's kind of looked like as a type or. Totally. It's like that, right?
Starting point is 00:47:56 And then. How much does that infect your brain going like, I got to stay, I'm the fat funny guy or, because they always do that. But Hollywood kind of makes you, because they look at you that way because they know they're looking for a role for that and they're looking to plug it in does
Starting point is 00:48:10 that get to it does that infect you at all you're going like i have to stay the fat funny guy or if i become the hot guy i can't compete with you know yeah james franco you're just opening up such there's just a much bigger pool of talent, of average-looking guys who are going out for that one role. And for me, at that time, it was like you were either the funny best friend or the bully as the big guy. Granted, three years later, Judd Apatow would come around and be like, no, no, I'm going to make people like Seth Rogen and Jonah Hill famous.
Starting point is 00:48:41 And that sort of led the way to a non-traditional type being able to lead a movie but in the early 2000s it was it was a dream it wouldn't have happened so I knew I knew I'd have to lose weight and it would behoove me to do it before I like I had sort of I I gave away my teens right and I'm like if if I'm gonna give up my 20s why even lose weight at that point like then I'll just be a fat 30 year old and be like everybody else right but like I should really do it now and and I did it like between 17 and 19 I lost about was there some fear like when I lose this I'm gonna lose my career no I mean because we're still doing Drake and Josh so you got skinny during Drake and Josh yeah
Starting point is 00:49:19 like between seasons two and four right so how did they write that in they didn't say you were you were sick or did you get a stomach staple operation thyroid i just i started taking thyroid medicine yeah how did they write it what they say look you know the people the luckily the writers were not exactly thin people and the creator of the show is a big guy and so he like there were sometimes like little jokes but it was never like low-h hanging fruit hacky funny fat guy jokes right right it was like i was funny and nerdy but i had like all the best jokes and super smart and drake was kind of on the show kind of dumb but like handsome and musical so it was a good balance so then eventually when i lost weight that dynamic was still there i just looked like a different human. Right.
Starting point is 00:50:05 Yeah. Now, you and Drake, what's it like for you guys to still be such good friends? It's really out of space. I just did the... I think I got a brain tumor. Roper? Mr. Roper? How dope was that, dude?
Starting point is 00:50:22 Who was? Three's Company, the Mr. Roper look to the camera. Do you remember that? I don't. I didn't watch a lot of Three's Company, the Mr. Roper look to the camera. Do you remember that? I don't. I didn't watch a lot of Three's Company. Fuck, that's right. Shit. Suzanne Somers.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Fuck, Suzanne Somers. John Ritter may be the best sitcom actor of all time. Brilliant. He just fucking died of a brain aneurysm young. But, I mean, John Ritter was... I mean, how great was John Ritter? Crazy. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:50:40 So, it was John Ritter, Suzanne Somers, and the black haired one. Yeah. And Mr. Roper. And then he had another big sitcom that he was on right around when he passed away. Yeah, he was on something big. I can't remember. That's like- Three's company was so iconic.
Starting point is 00:50:57 And there was Mr. Roper and then Mr. Furley, right? So Mr. Roper, the first landlord. And it was like revolutionary at the time. He would break the fourth wall and do this look to the kid like I just did. It was a total Mr. Roper. That's Mr. Furley. I remember him.
Starting point is 00:51:14 And it's Don Knotts. And it's crazy because they were both really good. It was like a successful sitcom. I don't know if this happens a lot where there's a very successful character and a very successful character and a very successful sitcom with a beloved character that leaves and then another guy comes in and does does the same role uh and nails it in a different way and is equally as loved but he's playing the same role
Starting point is 00:51:38 he played the same role it was a different landlord prince huh aunt viv on the fresh prince exactly okay so just replace. Replace. Audience not smart. They don't need to know. Yes. Well, no, no. I think they replaced them.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Like Mr. Roper was first, right? Got it. I think Mr. Roper was first. And he was the one that did the camera thing. And it was amazing. And they were totally different personalities. But they were both like massively funny. And they both worked for different reasons.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Like, you know, they were so good, dude. I mean, that's when sitcoms were, I mean, Three's Company, I bet you if you watch it now, probably holds up. It was so good. You know what has great jokes? Cheers.
Starting point is 00:52:19 Cheers has, writing is incredible, yes. But I know, like I know, like I don't know these guys, but I know these guys haven't been on sitcoms for a lot of my life. Cause sitcom is the day job for actors. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:52:32 Best day job on earth. Right. And like you go, I mean, when you start, when an, when an actor starts complaining on a sitcom, you know, it's all over. Like their, their, their connection to reality has ended. And why is that? Because it's, you literally, by the time, okay, I'm going to give you the schedule of a sitcom.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Monday, table read. Nice spread. They get a nice spread. Fruits, bagels, assortment of Danish. Nice. You do the table read from 10 to 11. Then they go, hour break. Writers are going to meet up
Starting point is 00:53:06 after this. Then writers do something. Maybe you rehearse. Maybe you don't. Go home. It's enough. Tuesday, you go to work. You get there at 9 or 10. You rehearse for 3 or 4 hours. You do a run through of the whole show for all the writers so they can
Starting point is 00:53:22 watch it. Done. Home by 4. Great. Wednesday, same thing. run through with the whole show for all the writers so they can watch it done oh my four yeah great wednesday same thing new jokes better jokes they learned something these fucking writers thursday maybe you shoot a couple for a couple hours friday audience comes you do the show in front of them it's done so the hardest part is memorizing the lines. Yeah, but it's also not. I mean, even when it's great, it's not like Shakespeare. I mean, it can only be 22 minutes.
Starting point is 00:53:53 Right, right, right. So, I mean, it's not that. It's just a beautiful. And obviously when it's done, it can be genius. Right. But it's a nice, cushy job. It's not coal mining. No.
Starting point is 00:54:05 And you're in LA. You're not in some random town that's got a tax incentive. You're like, I'm missing my kid's ballet recital. You're like, I'm going to the Warner Brothers lot. I'm rubbing elbow. I'm saying hi to the people on the tour. Yeah, yeah. It's literally, it's pretty damn nice.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Child actor, drinking problem. Those things go together a lot of the time. Totally. Yeah. Not everyone makes it out to the other side. But I was also overweight, right? So obviously there was enough data to support I overdo. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:36 I overdo it. Yeah. You like to eat a lot. You like to drink a lot. Was drinking your thing? No, it was drugs. Nice. You're not a drug guy. No, I'm not a drug a drug guy never huh no it's i don't have that thing i don't i eat too much like uh i'm a little thinner i i'm a guy
Starting point is 00:54:53 who can blow up quick yeah like you'll see like i can go on a vacation and come back 300 pounds like i don't have that thing that cut off switch with food. But I don't have the problem with anything else. So it's like food is my thing. Food, anxiety, those are my two biggest things. I can obsess. I can be one of those people that gets caught in those. I'm addicted to obsession. I obsess about something.
Starting point is 00:55:19 Or I can eat. But the drugs never got me. Yeah, I guess I'm a fucking lame. Because if you're going to be addicted to something. Nerd alert. Josh Peck fucking parties. I did for four years. That was a total cliche. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:35 It was fun though, right? I mean, it was fun. And then it was fun with problems. And then it was all problems. Everything has a cost. And it was a bait and switch. There was diminishing returns. For the first three weeks, I'm like like i'm handsome right i'm funny like it literally for me i i say this in the
Starting point is 00:55:52 book not to try to do some inadvertent do it do it that's why you're i mean let's be honest you're not here to fucking hang out with me but like i always say that if if you if the first time you do drugs you confuse it like i confuse doing drugs for being alive, right? Because the moment, like, I ingested this thing, all of a sudden, it's like I wasn't tripping. I didn't feel like I wanted to go to sleep. I felt, like, smart and interesting and charming. I had all this confidence.
Starting point is 00:56:18 I didn't have that shitty committee in my head going, it's all going to end. Your dad didn't want you. He slept with your mom. He didn't pay for dinner. Right, right, right. It was like, wow. He didn't even pay for the carnegie deli i don't know that might be that's conjecture and i feel there's a good chance of it considering how he handled it afterwards there's a chance of it that's the chance at least it was a dutch situation that's what gets his family to come
Starting point is 00:56:38 after me like you can slander our father but he always picked up the bill there's one thing he did he's paid for that Ruben um but yeah so I all of a sudden for me it felt like this was the guy I wanted to project this like effortless cool dude and I was 18 years old and I'm like great I've spent my whole life ultra worried about I can't mess up I'm an actor if i lose this tv show then my mom and i aren't gonna pay a rent right but now i'm 18 and i lost 120 pounds and like in a weird way i thought i was owed this time to be stupid and typical and i was kind of were owed it a little bit i get yeah maybe i mean you know being how could you not have a little what are the amish call it rum sprinka rum spring you had a little run you had a little child actor rum springer everyone because you get you work a lot although
Starting point is 00:57:32 it's a cushy job you're working you're famous so it's like hard to have like a childhood right like even jennifer capriati smoke crack i mean it happens right is that she was a tennis player she like was winning she won she was like number one in the world and then she's like smoking crack and part of the thing
Starting point is 00:57:49 when she was asked about it she was like so you know they take these kids so young they don't have a childhood they start competing that's right
Starting point is 00:57:55 they go play tournaments and she just wanted to be a kid for a little bit and since you don't have a normal childhood you get to a point where you gotta make up for lost time
Starting point is 00:58:03 and you know smoke crack for a little bit you said that not me yannis pep is again at least a little blow did you do a little blow i did you did do a little blow i did yeah did you like blow did you like the who hots jesse loves the who does he yes you hold him right now why you got some i don't do that anymore why you got some you like that white horse you like that booger sugar loved it loved it you like that good calcium oh my god yeah i uh i was a total cliche and i was acting a fool and being an idiot and i quickly like this was literally maybe a good month yeah and then the next three and a half years was just trouble and breaking my mom's heart and ruining my reputation i mean not i always say
Starting point is 00:58:52 like i wasn't a monster i was just a bummer yeah so i was you know showing up late and not being reliable and i think like at 21 years old i just realized that if i didn't get this thing under control then there was like a really good chance that I was gonna hit some bottoms that would be hard to come back from. Smart. I think you had your cake and you ate it too a little bit, which if you can do, if you can, hey,
Starting point is 00:59:12 if you can have a little phase where you do drugs and get out of it, go for it. That's what I say, kids. Do it. Have some fun. Life is short. Do you think about that, having a young kiddo? Because I think about that with my kid.
Starting point is 00:59:23 Yeah, I don't want her to do drugs at all. Me but also like with this for cock the fentanyl right yes no the fentanyl is a big problem you know the kid died during one of my shows no i was doing a show in pennsylvania and the kid died from fentanyl in the middle of the show oh the show like stopped and they were like they ran up in stage and i didn't know what was going on and a kid fucking died no fentanyl. Yeah, it's everywhere. That's crazy. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:59:47 Yeah, you don't want kids doing it because of that. It's really bad. Now, what do you mean by happy people are annoying? That's the name of the book. What does that mean exactly? It means my book agent said, this is going to sell books. And then they said, yellow really pops on Amazon. Because the book I want to read is Josh Peck, The Coke Years.
Starting point is 01:00:08 Yes. That, I hope that fucking book comes out when you're a little older and you don't give your shit as much. After your podcast blows up. What if your podcast blows up? Are you going to care as much? I mean, a podcast is literally the key to being able to say whatever you want. Would you rather have a fucking huge podcast or Turner Hooch 2? I love Turner.
Starting point is 01:00:29 I'd love a big, huge podcast. I mean, I think a podcast is the answer to all anyone's problems or all anyone's problems. Right. Right? The independence, the kind of finance. It's gotten very financially. It's gotten lucrative. Yeah. Yeah. And it's fun. You can still's gotten lucrative. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:45 Yeah, and it's fun. You can still get 100 mil from Spotify and say whatever the fuck you want. And still have ads. I'm like, Joe, I gotta hear about Athletic Greens. You got 100 mil. I'm still hearing about Athletic Greens.
Starting point is 01:00:56 That's fucking funny. Yes. Joe, I mean, really, dude? Fucking the cash app still? The cash app? I mean. Didn't you get paid already? The cash app? Didn't you get paid already? Really?
Starting point is 01:01:08 Lucy? I never thought about that. You're still fucking, how much money do you need? I remember when Howard went to Sirius and it was like 100 million a year. And I'm having to hear about like some diamond broker in Philly.
Starting point is 01:01:22 I'm like, it's enough. Yeah, you got enough. Are you a Howard guy? Yeah. Yes, he's a huge Howard guy. Love him. He's been listening his whole life.
Starting point is 01:01:30 Since I was like a kid. Every now and then I check in. It's too much time. It's like, you know. Has he gotten annoying now that he's rich and old? Has he gotten like a little, because he's a germaphobe. His COVID stuff is unbearable.
Starting point is 01:01:39 Yeah. He's like a COVID hysterical. And that part of it is because of his personality. Yeah, right. Which he probably refuses to acknowledge a little bit. Does he acknowledge it like, hey, this is a COVID hysterical. And that part of it is because of his personality. Yeah, right. Which he probably refuses to acknowledge a little bit or does he acknowledge it like, hey, this is a little my shit.
Starting point is 01:01:48 He's unbearable when it comes to COVID. Just unbearable, yeah. Yeah, well, now you know where Jesse stands on the COVID. No, and I get, but it's also like,
Starting point is 01:01:56 he's what, almost 70? Yeah, he's almost 70, yeah. I mean, literally, probably the GOAT for what? Almost 40 years? How do you keep it going? He's been like the funniest guy on the planet for many, many years. Oh, literally, probably the GOAT for what? Almost 40 years? How do you keep it going? He's been like the funniest guy on the planet for many, many years. Dude, what he did for the amount of time he did it and the consistency is like, he is the GOAT.
Starting point is 01:02:16 Insane. Four hours a day. Yeah. It's insane, dude. Insane and very entertaining. And I still think to this day, the best interviewer. Absolutely. Amazing. I think the best interviewer he asks the questions
Starting point is 01:02:28 people want to hear he doesn't because it's on the radio and his genre and the way he was he asked those questions like if you're talking John Stamos or Josh Peck
Starting point is 01:02:40 those are what that's what you want to know you don't want to be like sir sir Josh you don't want to be like sir sir Josh you don't want to ask the questions I've been asking like sir
Starting point is 01:02:47 how did you get into this so child actor how do you go from child actor to so when you did the wackness was making the transition from child actor
Starting point is 01:02:58 to a dramatic actor what was that line that was right he'll hear like oh you used to do coke. And then Stern would go in and be like, let's hear about some Josh Beck coke stories. And then he'll bring up something. He'll be like, and what about Rick?
Starting point is 01:03:12 I'll be like, you know Rick? Did you hear about Rick? He'll be like, ah, Baba Booey told me. You're like, wow. Yeah, he's the fucking, he's the best at it. So what does it mean, happy people are annoying? You know, I think it just meant that throughout my life, i don't know if i don't mean to project but i feel like many people like me are like i assumed happiness was reserved for the um generationally wealthy the attractive
Starting point is 01:03:35 quarterbacks like i basically just figured that i was born without like a manual for life that everyone else seemed to get and then a dad usually a dad is the one who would do that for you right should have been gone that's so funny you're the best you're literally you're the best yes when spotify giving you a hug i gotta get that hundred milli baby they're nuts yeah yeah give me it yeah set space i get but you got things jesse loves reading these types of books you're gonna read josh pax absolutely i'll listen to it he fucking came it's a good audible it's a night i read it it's like you know can you believe he showed up and didn't give us a fucking i gotta buy the fucking thing i mean this is how bad i am at show business that's
Starting point is 01:04:20 how fat i am i didn't even think right it didn't cross my mind to bring you on because I'm an idiot. I should have went and picked one up at Hudson News in LaGuardia. We will support. Not that you need it, but we will support. Are you kidding me? Thank you. You came and did the male models podcast. Yeah, go check out the male models.
Starting point is 01:04:37 That was a lot of fun. Dude, you're the best. You got a great personality. What are you hiding? I know you a lot. Yeah, because you kind of have like a really good likable personality i want to be the anti-famous guy is that what you want to be i've met so many i i tell me if you're like this i've realized this later in life you know in like
Starting point is 01:04:55 moments when you're a kid or a teeny even in your 20s where you have some awkward interaction with someone and you go what did i say right like i, I must have said the wrong thing. What did I do? If I have an awkward interaction now, I go, it's you. Right? I go, I'm a good hang. Yeah. I love that. You know, I'm fine.
Starting point is 01:05:17 You guys are dick. Maybe it's you. Yeah. That's what I'm telling myself all the time. It's probably true. Yeah. It's probably true. I'm not just saying that. I'm not being obsequious. That's a good one. Yeah, it's what I'm telling myself all the time. It's probably true. Yeah. It's probably true. I'm not just saying that. I'm not being obsequious.
Starting point is 01:05:27 That's a good one. Yeah, it's a good one. I'm not being obsequious. You kind of got a good energy about you. There's something kind of real and kind of natural. I mean, you're here doing this. If you get the Spotify deal, I'll be upset if you change the studio. If you get the Spotify deal, I won't ask you to be a guest.
Starting point is 01:05:43 I won't need you anymore. Yeah, no, don't blame me. You'll be calling. I'll be like, really change the studio. If you get the Spotify deal, I won't ask you to be a guest. I won't need you anymore. You'll be calling, I'll be like, really? You got Dr. Rob DePatrick? That was the guest that he bumped me for? What are you going to buy with all that money? With all that Spotify money? Yeah, I'll get a new producer
Starting point is 01:05:59 first thing I get on Spotify. I'm going to buy a resume. If I get Spotify the album, I'll be like, okay, we need a producer. I think I need a woman. I think I need like, let's go 28 to 36, single, you know,
Starting point is 01:06:12 just kind of, hot doesn't hurt. Is your mom still headhunting? Because that money is a job. You know, sometimes when we get in fights, she'll be like, listen,
Starting point is 01:06:22 I'll go back and work tomorrow. I'm like, you're 77. I'm like, where you going? Yeah. I was like, listen, I'll go back and work tomorrow. I'm like, you're 77. I'm like, where are you going? I was like, I take care of your Celebrex. You're not going to be able to leave this apartment. So what is it look like? What's the outlook now on movies and stuff?
Starting point is 01:06:42 Being like an actor. Because movies don't make the money they used to make less people are watching them theaters are kind of like everything goes to Netflix or Hulu is that the goal now to get like
Starting point is 01:06:51 like another Hulu show you've had or like something like that that like hits or are you more like comedy because you do both and you do both well so it's like what
Starting point is 01:07:00 or both you're just going to continue like if one falls in your lap you'll do it yeah Turner and Hooch fucking four if it comes around i'm down to clown yeah absolutely no but like last i was really incredibly lucky last year i had like i i worked on turner and hooch which was disney plus and i did how i met your father on hulu so obviously a lot of you know a lot of
Starting point is 01:07:19 fresh new ideas in hollywood yeah i'm the reboot king yeah shout out yeah but both of those things loved it like really good shows and then i did this movie for netflix so like three streaming services so i don't know i think the dream of like doing some some gigantic you know um you know movie that goes straight to theaters i maybe it's slightly anachronistic right i don't know antiquated you know if you don't know that word, you know what to do. And with that being said, I have a very small part
Starting point is 01:07:48 in the new Chris Nolan movie. Chris fucking Nolan. Chris, that's like the kind of level you got to do now. I mean, it's just a dream. The fact that I even get to like
Starting point is 01:07:57 hang out on that set. Yeah. Like if this, if that was my life regularly, I'd be like, yeah, that's, that's DiCaprio energy,
Starting point is 01:08:04 baby. that's DiCaprio energy. That's Yeah, that's DiCaprio energy. That's a whole level, dude. That's a whole. I'm glad I got to visit. Yeah. Like,
Starting point is 01:08:10 if I never get back to that, that moment, you know, I'm glad that I got a couple days of that experience. It's a great experience. You did a sitcom with Johnny, Johnny Stame, Johnny Stamos,
Starting point is 01:08:21 which was kind of critically well received. Mm-hmm. Was it just that the landscape had changed? Was that kind of the reason? Was it like a sitcom in an era where that kind of wasn't going anymore? Because the critics loved it. People loved it. He's great.
Starting point is 01:08:35 Like he can't really miss when it comes to like as far as the love people have for him. And it was weird because, yeah, it was like stamos and then who's sort of loved by many different generations and then his like less attractive i mean you went from fat kid to hot guy yeah i mean look at fucking look at josh pack dog handsome i mean you're fucking holding your own next to johnny steel face come on let's take a where's my fucking glasses? I mean, he looks a little like the guy from Honor Ride. Dude,
Starting point is 01:09:07 Peck is, thank you. Yo. I get that or Young Leno. Yo, Peck is whole, dude, Peck is whole in a photo.
Starting point is 01:09:14 Like, dude, when I look, when I stand next to Stamos, it looks like he's a social worker. I mean, cause that's how you know. If you,
Starting point is 01:09:24 that's the test if you can stand next to Stamos and it doesn't look like he's a case worker I mean you're holding in that picture dog yeah
Starting point is 01:09:32 I mean you're holding you're holding strong on the handsome fucking scale you gotta get a little of that sun-kissed glow though look at how sun-kissed Stamos is yeah well Stamos
Starting point is 01:09:41 but that's Greek yeah that's Greek or is that spray tan that could be a little what was it's the same with that. But that's Greek. Yeah, that's Greek. Or is that spray tan? That could be a little, what was it, Harrison, the guy who played Dracula, who always spray tanned? What was his name? George Harrison. George Harrison. Yeah, it's a little spray tan.
Starting point is 01:09:54 Look at Johnny. He's just, you know, what's he, 57? 56. Yeah, he's 56. I think 56 or 57. He looks so good. Yeah, he looks good. He looks so young and good.
Starting point is 01:10:06 And speaking of food, this is a guy who literally can have a turkey sandwich six out of seven days of the week and be stoked. That's it. Yeah, he's one of those annoying people that forgets to eat. Yeah. I'm like, I've never forgotten to eat a meal. Yeah, well, yeah, he's anorexic is what you're saying.
Starting point is 01:10:22 He's just perfect. It's so annoying. He's got bulimia. Listen, I've got my own eating issues. So the sitcom, was it fun with him? This is where you guys became friends. Are you the reason he contacted me? How did Stamos reach out to me?
Starting point is 01:10:42 I think we, I don't know exactly. I think. Because you were a guy who was listening to me? I think we, I don't know exactly. I think. Because you were a guy who was listening to podcasts. I was always a fan. And thank God, like, besides the fact that John and I, you know how this is in showbiz. It's rare that you become good friends with anyone. Absolutely. Especially when they're John Stamos.
Starting point is 01:10:57 Right. Or you can have friends that you think are real friends and then something happens. Right. And you text them, you get the green bubble. Right. You know, and you're like, I know you have an iPhone, you fuck you. But, like, we became good friends and so sometimes I feel like I'm, like,
Starting point is 01:11:12 sort of his young person correspondent. Like, he'll, like, run shit by me and he'll be like, is this dope? Right. Hey, is this, hey? Yeah. He comes with the real boomer energy, huh? Yeah, that is.
Starting point is 01:11:24 Hey, yeah, is this dope? You like this Instagram caption? I'll be like, do it, Johnny, he comes with the real boomer energy, huh? Hey, yeah, is this dope? You like this Instagram caption? I'll be like, do it, Johnny. You're the man. Yo, Josh, give me a call back. I just want to find out if this is fire. I want to find out if this new idea I have is fire. He doesn't even say fire.
Starting point is 01:11:37 He goes fire. By the way, are phone calls still dope, or should I just be texting? What's up, Josh? What's up, man? Yeah, I'm just, I'm coming back from Coachella. I just want to know if this new idea has got his little litty lit. Call me back. Hey, I just heard this guy, little Uzi Vert, and I think he's bodacious.
Starting point is 01:12:01 Does your generation know Stamos35? Oh, my God. The whole world knows Sean Stamos is like that's icon john stamos he's just literally yeah he's the best so i i just remember him like bringing you up and he's like yeah this yeah this honest guy he loves me like he fucking made it about him didn't he you know that's not what he says when i'm around he goes but you know that's what he says what i'm not a guy's fan of mine so i let him hang out you know i mean what do you want his parents are dead i'm fucking i'm filling in he loves you yeah he's the best he's the best he's the best there is and
Starting point is 01:12:35 so the fact that he he i wrote him i think that you were you did the potter i went to go see you at the improv and he's like i'm i'm jealous i'm not i'm not okay with this he's like next level nice where it's like i'm waiting to find something out to be like oh yeah like so i'm waiting to find out like some john wengashi shit i'm like oh yeah the the reason why you're building that thing in your backyard is because there's bodies under there because he's so good he's like so fucking chill like when you hang out with him like especially like i'm a little older than you so He's like so fucking chill. Like when you hang out with him, like especially, like I'm a little older than you,
Starting point is 01:13:08 so it was like John Stamos was like, Full House was so big. So big. And John Stamos is like an American icon for being a hot guy. That like, when you hang out with him, and I forget, I'm like,
Starting point is 01:13:18 you have that kind of energy. It's kind of like, he feels like a real, like genuine guy. And he's done some things for me like beyond like that or like for my family
Starting point is 01:13:27 and stuff that's just like wow this guy's just like a really good guy like Bob Saget was lucky that he listened to him you know he's like anyone who is that
Starting point is 01:13:35 close friends with him is lucky because they were so close that like you know it's just anyone who it seems like a guy that if you're friends with him
Starting point is 01:13:43 you're lucky because he's just like a nice guy do you feel that way he likes to it seems like a guy that if you're friends with him, you're lucky. Because he's just like a nice guy. Do you feel that way? He likes to be needed. He loves to like, if you need something, he wants to step up and be the one to help out. And yeah, it's just like, I start the podcast, he's the first one I call to be a guest. When he does something for you, does he expect something in return?
Starting point is 01:14:00 Does he hold it over your head? Is he that type? Just like a good Instagram caption. Yeah, that's all he needs. I remember once I was like, he was like, what do you think of this? And I was like, you're 50. And he's like, that's not fucking cool.
Starting point is 01:14:11 I'm like, you're right, it's not cool. Did you ever, so you do the comedy thing very well. Did you ever want to, did you ever like want to do drama? Because you did dip your toe in it. You dipped your toe, you played the bully,
Starting point is 01:14:24 you did drama. Yeah. The wackness, it you give your toe you played the bully you did drama yeah the wackness that was like your second movie right or it's uh like second or third drama kind of movie yeah the wackness the wackness was with ben kingsley who's like that's like having i mean there's a few people in that category yeah he's to act opposite like that's like daniel day lewis ben kingsley uh nicholson no my guy my guy my guy state of grace guy my guy state of grace give me some underrated my movie my favorite you state of grace you ever see it gotta see state of grace yeah put on the list oh yeah state of grace with daniero kytel played batman playeded Batman's chief. In Nolan. Gary Oldman. Gary Oldman.
Starting point is 01:15:06 Genius. I used to have a joke about like, I want to see a movie with Gary Oldman and Daniel Day-Lewis and Cate Blanchett and Meryl Streep. And like, they do everything. Grip. Like, I just want like that. That's like, that's another level, dude.
Starting point is 01:15:19 Camera operator. Yeah, Ben Kingsley. That's another fucking level of like, you're watching, you're going like, holy shit, that's like acting. That's like, so Ben Kingsley, That's another fucking level of like you're watching. You're going like, holy shit. That's like acting. So Ben Kingsley, and he was incredible in it. You were fucking really good in that.
Starting point is 01:15:32 Thanks, man. Like, yeah. And I didn't even know because I'm not a pedophile, so I didn't know your show. Because if an adult knows that show, you're going to be like, why do you know that show? Right. So that was all I knew About you Until I went and looked
Starting point is 01:15:47 And looked at all the other shit I was like Oh he did that When he was young And like you know I knew you from like Social media I'd seen like your stuff
Starting point is 01:15:55 Right But I knew you from the wackness Was like Because I was such a fan Of that movie I liked that movie Because it also spoke To kind of like
Starting point is 01:16:00 The way I grew up Like we were kind of Like those kids We hung out in the city My girlfriend Like I went to private school in the city but I was the kid from Brooklyn where'd you go I went to York Prep known yeah your prep is well you know about your prep yeah your prep was like the the private school for like rich kid rejects so it's like if it was like like oh yeah like
Starting point is 01:16:23 we were famous for lift highly went there I knew her like me and live where she's she was younger than me she's like two years younger but she was like you couldn't. Like Chote. Yeah. We were famous for, Liv Tyler went through. I knew her. Me and Liv, she was younger than me. She's like two years younger, but she was like best friends with my girlfriend. We all hung out, Liv. But our school was famous for Robert Chambers, who murdered someone in Central Park. Wow. Robert Chambers' murder, which was like in the, what was it, 80s?
Starting point is 01:16:39 It was like the biggest story in New York. It was a huge story. Huge story. Really? Yeah. Because he murdered some pretty young... Jennifer Levin. No, that was the chick in... Gary Condit killed. Well, it's not proven, but...
Starting point is 01:16:56 Gary Condit did 9-11 to get that story out of the air. Oh, look at this kid. Yeah. The prep school murder. Yeah, the prep school murder, they called him. Right, so he looks like a Kennedy. But the funny thing about him was he was at this kid. Yeah. The prep school murderer. Yeah, the prep school murderer, they called him. Right, so he looks like a Kennedy. But the funny thing about him was he was like a kid. He lived on the Upper East Side, but he lived like he was like...
Starting point is 01:17:13 You were right, Jennifer Levin. Jennifer Levin. So he was like a poorer kid. He lived with his mom. You could have been, this could have been you. That looks like my profile right there. It almost looks like you. He looks like he has an underbite like me, an open bite.
Starting point is 01:17:25 Christopher Nolan, I'm talking to you right now. Tell him. You do the Robert Chambers movie? If Josh Peck does not play Robert Chambers in the Robert Chambers movie, you're stupid, Christopher Nolan. It's going to Timothy Schell, man. There's no way. Because if you kind of like It's this You know
Starting point is 01:17:45 He's a handsome guy In your way You know Thank you Yeah in like a murderer way Yeah right Sociopath Look at that
Starting point is 01:17:52 You know that's not A bad mugshot No he's a handsome kid If he was in handcuffs That'd be his Tinder profile photo He was a handsome kid And he killed her
Starting point is 01:18:00 Like during rough sex And it was like a big story So that's like That's what put York Prep on the map Wow He choked her out In the park he choked her out in the park during like her underwear yeah it was like uh yeah he claimed it was uh and then he caught was caught spinning the doll yeah they made a video they were making a home video i don't know why killers always have home videos especially back then before there was like cell phones like why is there so much footage
Starting point is 01:18:24 of jeffrey domer as a kid whenever they make those serial killer documentaries they have tons of footage if i killed someone my parents didn't film anything there's no home footage of me right there will be no footage of me as a kid getting a present under the tree well you know as a cutaway while they're interviewing my mom but like every serial killer is just a fuck look and so he made this this was before phones so like nobody had cameras. But for some reason he was at a party and they were recording it. And he made a joke about Jennifer Levin and he twisted off the doll's head.
Starting point is 01:18:53 And so it was like on every news channel where he was going. Yeah. He did a creepy voice. He did a creepy voice. He was like making fun of it. So it was a wild story. Yeah. It was basically the Johnny Depp Amber Heard
Starting point is 01:19:05 of its day dominated the headlines wow York Prep York Prep so yeah that's where I live so what kids
Starting point is 01:19:12 were you hanging out with Dalton kids Trinity Collegiate no we were yeah York Prep was like that
Starting point is 01:19:18 it was like it was like it was run by York Prep was interesting so it was run by Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. I mean, how does this work on podcasts?
Starting point is 01:19:28 Do I get in trouble? Who knows? So they were a married couple. She was like a, she wrote a book on like how to get into colleges. So, and he was like an English guy. He was like a mysterious English guy who came over here and opened this school. And they would like get you in. But, yeah, they would get you in like i i got thrown out from there like towards the end like i got suspended i was like
Starting point is 01:19:52 a bad kid but not like a bad-hearted kid i was like a class clown i was just class clown so i would always get in trouble but what they would do is they would kind of like fudge your grades and get you in places that you didn't deserve to get into and that's what they were kind of famous for because like that was the school that parents who had a little money but their kids like did a little drugs or like couldn't get into columbia or dalton or riverdale or any of those it was like the reject private school and they also had like a lot of like poor kids that they did like uh financial aid for so like a couple kids on our basketball team ended up playing division one like rabin Toomer.
Starting point is 01:20:25 But it was like one of those, that was the school. It was like a little bit of a scam, that school. Because he, yeah, I had like almost Fs, and they just took it off my average when I applied to schools.
Starting point is 01:20:39 And I got into like a few schools that probably I shouldn't have got into. Where'd you go to college? I went to American University. My brother got me in there cause I shouldn't have gotten there either. DC and DC. Yeah. What'd you major in?
Starting point is 01:20:50 History and American studies. Smart kid. Not really. I basically got another high school diploma. When you go to college for English and history, it's just like a second high school diploma. Well, in, in amongst the actor kids in LA,
Starting point is 01:21:07 speaking of griffs, there's a place where they basically tell you, listen, you're going to come here and you're going to take your GED test. And when you're done, you don't have to go to high school no more. You're like, yeah, well, that exists. So GED, they're like, right,
Starting point is 01:21:23 but you're going to take it with our specialists. And you go, what's so special about them? And they're like yeah well that exists so gd they're like right but you're gonna take it with our specialists and you go what's so special about them they're like they give you the answers you're not really taking a test you're paying for a result and i was like that makes a lot of sense because half of these kids like i i wouldn't even trust them to drive they're going like what score do you like? And you're going, well, what do you like? You're a B plus guy. You're a B plus guy. You're an A guy. Well, here's our price brochure.
Starting point is 01:21:51 B plus. This can cost you that. We can bump you up to an A if you pay cash. I mean, I went to performing arts high school in New York before I moved to L.A. And then I went to L.A. and I'm working on this TV show. But I was also trying to go to like Beverly Hills. I went to Beverly Hills Middle School when I was in,
Starting point is 01:22:06 because I was in eighth grade. So they filmed it out there. They filmed it in LA, yeah. Was that weird being a New York kid? Because the wacknesses seemed like you were a New York kid. Yeah. Were you playing on being a New York kid in that role? Was that like more you or how did you do?
Starting point is 01:22:20 Because you kind of, you reminded me of like a lot of kids I knew, you know, from the city that were kind of like that. I mean, I grew up here until I was 14. But then even in L.A., like I was like this hip hop kid who loved like streetwear and I just loved the life. And I think that I remember at this time and for anyone who hasn't seen it, it's about 1994 hip hop. I play a drug dealer in New York City who's trading weed for therapy from Ben Kingsley. hip-hop i play a drug dealer in new york city who's trading weed for therapy from ben kingsley and uh and at that time i would audition a lot against miles teller and jonah hill and michael sarah even jonah hill back then yeah because we're all about the same age right right and they would
Starting point is 01:22:56 always beat me and rightfully so much more talented but i remember this like distinctly new york story i'm 20 years old and i like, I might be uniquely qualified for this one. I might know how to play a drug addict New York hip hop head a little bit. I just might understand this role a little bit differently than they can. So when I got it, it just felt like, yeah, this makes sense. And then it was with Ben Kingsley. I'm an acting nerd. My favorite movie is Searching for Bobby Fischer.
Starting point is 01:23:24 I fucks with Ben Kingsley. So I couldn't believe that i got this opportunity to be with him and he's and he just was like the best i remember like he you know i would just like hang around him and i would like ask him for advice to be this father figure and he would never give me advice about acting or how to be more famous and i really resented it for a long time you'd always be like make sure you surround yourself with good people i'm like yeah yeah yeah what is this pbs i'm looking for some acts kingsley and you would just be like be a good person i'm like uh did he treat like was he kind of like did he treat because he's ben kingsley did he treat you like all right kid or was he more like do you feel like you got his respect he was awesome but you
Starting point is 01:24:05 know you you know it was he he's sir ben like if you gave him the respect and you were like you're the dude then he was like you're cool and i certainly saw a couple people that were like yo benny boy and he was like nope he wasn't into it yeah and the girl who was the girl again she's like a big actress too now right well who's was her name? Olivia. Olivia Thurby. Olivia Thurby. She's a little bit of a piece. Yeah, she's beautiful. She works a lot.
Starting point is 01:24:30 Yeah. There was a few pieces in this. Yeah. Who else was there? Femke Jansen was hot in her day. She was a former model. Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:38 Who did she play again? She played... Who did Femke Jansen play again? Kingsley's wife. She played the wife, right.ensen play again? Kingsley's wife She played the wife Right Olivia Thurby Yeah
Starting point is 01:24:49 Mary Kate Olsen was in there? Yeah It's been a while since I've seen it What's up with Alexander Flores? The kid in the bar What's he doing? He's got a podcast He's a congressman.
Starting point is 01:25:05 I want to know what Kish Fredericks is up to. What's Police Officer One doing? What about Blunt Boy? Blunt Boy's got it. That's the director's brother, Ross. Ross Levine. Do any of those guys, the peripheral actors, try to hit you up and be like,
Starting point is 01:25:21 Yo, Josh, come on, man. Help me out. Yo, Turner Hoosh, can I get a little sign? actors try to hit you up and be like yo josh come on man help me out yo yo turner and hoosh can i get a little sign i think like you know i think what you come to realize as an actor quickly is like no one can do nothing for you ever right like and like the rare look the story of how drake and josh came to be was i was 12 years old and i would audition at nickelodeon all the time because i was like i'm chubby funny and ambitious you need me like you know i am your recipe and so i would do like little things for them like a showcase or a commercial so i booked this movie snow day with like chevy chase chris
Starting point is 01:25:56 elliott pam greer i remember that movie crazy and i'm 12 years old yeah and i'm like talking shit to this guy one day and he's just got like he's on set and he's got like this great laugh. And I'm giving him stuff for my act. And my mom sidles up to me, Jewish mother, God bless her. She's like, you know who that is? It's the president of Nickelodeon. Like tell him you want to be on all that or the Amanda show or like all these great shows that you love. So I tell him.
Starting point is 01:26:21 And nine months later, he calls me and he's like josh congratulations i'm going to move you and your mom out to california you're going to star in the amanda show wow which was amanda binds yes of course yeah you were on that spun off drake and josh but like you never that's once in the last 25 years that i met someone who did something well not but who had the power right i always say like mostly in life you meet other people on boats. Sometimes you meet the water. And somebody who, if they rise, you go with them. Right.
Starting point is 01:26:51 And he had the power to give me an opportunity. And that was, yeah. So did you go and talk to him like your mom said? You did? Yeah, I did. Yeah. And what was that combo like? What was it?
Starting point is 01:27:00 Who knows? It was high pitched and lispy. Right. So here's the deal. You need me. I mean, and lispy. Right. So here's the deal. You need me. I mean, it makes no sense. Yeah, yeah. It never happens that way.
Starting point is 01:27:12 Do you think it was because of that convo or was it because he thought you were just right for it? He was looking through who he knew and he was a little bit of both? I think they needed, they probably, they were going into the second season of The Amanda Show and they only had like three cast members. Yeah, three. they because he called you and said you got it like yeah he
Starting point is 01:27:28 didn't even want you to he just knew he was like you're gonna go in an audition but you got it right right but i need to do the right politics for the people involved right right and i guess there was a reason he was a guys like that get in those positions they know they know they know they're like it's like you know lauren michne Michaels, you know, that's what made him. He just knew. He saw talent and he just knew it. Yeah. So he just knew.
Starting point is 01:27:50 He was like, so that probably didn't hurt that you talked to him. No. I mean, it certainly positioned me in that way, but he like, I mean, he was the switch. Or the guy who did Grandfather, the Stamos show that I did, his name's Dan Fogelman, created This Is created this is us like you know he's a rainmaker like crushes it brilliant guy and he directed this
Starting point is 01:28:11 movie called danny collins and there were two scenes in the movie i was gonna play a valet so you know i've i've been bartender number one before but it was two scenes with al pacino so i was like i'm in yeah and i got the role. So I'm like talking shit to Al Pacino. Like I'm like, first Sir Ben, now Pacino. This makes no sense. What was that like? Who's the least talented person in this equation? What was it being with Al Pacino?
Starting point is 01:28:36 Did he talk to you back? The best. Dude, in the middle of a scene, we're doing a take. And in the middle, he goes, oh. And I'm like, he's going full Petrito. He's doing it. And he's so confident, and he's so free. This sounds corny, but it's true.
Starting point is 01:28:59 He's so free in his gift that he doesn't self-judge. So when he did that, he was like, oh, oh, just making Pacino noises. And then he went back into his life. Yeah. And it totally went back into his, like, what does that mean when you go back into your life? Like it was in the middle of the scene. So we're like doing the scene.
Starting point is 01:29:19 And then I like ask him a question. And instead of taking like a normal pause to be like, oh, well yeah i'll do it he went oh like if you you'd be like in normal life you'd be like oh it's like a seven year old guy who doesn't give a shit right you know right and he was so confident in it i was like this is why besides 50 years of great work like you don't self-judge like you're not limiting yourself you're not insecure you're just, I'll find my way back. He's got that Pacino confidence. That Pacino confidence. That Pacino energy.
Starting point is 01:29:49 Yeah, the Pacino. I heard he, what does he do? You told me that. What? Was it you told me he gives you one take? He'll go like, I'll give you, someone told me he's a guy who doesn't want to do a lot of takes. He's like, is that true?
Starting point is 01:30:02 Did you hear that? I heard that about Robert Downey Jr. He'll give you two takes. Yeah, he'll on howard yeah i heard that on howard yeah but that's the marvel movies how many takes do you need in those right yeah but i heard maybe i heard about maybe i'm wrong maybe i'm mixing it up but i heard pacino was just like this is what i'm gonna give you i'll give you two and then i'm not gonna keep doing it over and over are there guys like that like actors i'll give you two and, you know. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:26 And you get that only after you become Pacino level. You can't. Are you at that level? You go, I give you two? No, I need more. I know I need more. I'm going to be like, these first seven are a warm up. You know.
Starting point is 01:30:40 No, we did a bunch. But the guy who directed and wrote that movie was Fogelman. So then when Grandfather came about, I like, you know, shoot him the little email. I'm like, you know, I kind of look like him. But I said, if you think I'm right, I'll audition. If you don't, because you're the dude. You have weight in this. He's like, go for it.
Starting point is 01:30:57 And then throughout the process, it felt like you had a big brother being like, he's good. He's a good fella. He's good. I can vouch for him. So you proactivelyactively that's interesting so you you were proactive you you emailed him he didn't just sink you out like you you pursued it but it's also what's so clear about like acting in general my acting teacher will tell me this sometimes she'll like i'll audition for something and i'll be like oh i didn't get it i know it, you know, it was that second scene. I didn't really have a good grasp of that scene.
Starting point is 01:31:28 She'll go, Josh, it's NCIS Bay Ridge. Right. It's not fucking Hamlet. Right. She's like, there's probably eight guys that could play this role. Right. So then it comes down to flavor. Right.
Starting point is 01:31:39 Kind of the look or what they're looking for. Yeah. That's right. It's not really personal. Have you ever shit the bed? Have you ever shit the bed? Have you ever shit the bed? Like, you know you shit the bed? Like, I know auditions, everyone shits the bed.
Starting point is 01:31:51 But have you ever, like, shit the bed in something you had where, like, it was, you know, Turner and Hooch or it was one of the movies you've done or the Amanda show or Drake? Like, shit the fucking bed. Oh, I did this movie. Where everyone was, like, had to redo it because of Josh.
Starting point is 01:32:06 Yeah, I did this movie, Red Dawn, that I'm just like decidedly awful in. Yeah. It's out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:12 I played Chris Hemsworth's brother, which take a pick at Red Dawn. It's a first mistake. It's just not good. We don't have to watch the scene. No, we're not going to watch the scene. Or we might.
Starting point is 01:32:20 No, no. Wait, so you just feel like it's bad? No, this is the original. The movie is fine I'm just not good in it
Starting point is 01:32:27 Really Cause I'm terrified Did you get Bad reviews or anything Yeah You did Yeah Can we take a peek
Starting point is 01:32:32 No No That would be It wouldn't be I shouldn't have brought it up I shouldn't have brought it up So where It's not good
Starting point is 01:32:41 Josh Pell Are you second by Chris Hemsworth It's bad I wish my name was Josh Hutcherson It's not good You second by Chris Hemsworth It's bad I wish my name was Josh Hutcherson It's not good How many movies have you done? Let's watch the trailer on mute But on mute
Starting point is 01:32:54 And you can see the tension in my face You'll know from watching it on mute That I'm not flourishing Let's take a peek When did this movie come out? How Bad I Am will come through inaudibly. We got to watch a New York Times ad first. It came out 2012.
Starting point is 01:33:13 2012. And again, it's a good movie. Everyone's green. I'm just not great. You could be just self-judging. Let's see. That's what people told me. I'm an acting expert. That's what people said until it came out.
Starting point is 01:33:22 Yes. And then close friends were like, hey, we all have them. Was this the one where your mom even said, Josh, call me back. I don't think you really lived up to your potential in that one. It's not good. Every day we go about our lives. This is me. That's me playing a football player, though.
Starting point is 01:33:40 So at least I have that. That's a double because I did not look athletic. Threaten our freedom oh Josh getting a little pause Chris Helmsworth looking hot oh man
Starting point is 01:33:55 this was this was pre-Thor yeah I was like you think that movie's gonna do good for you look at dude
Starting point is 01:34:02 this movie looks awful yeah I don't think you had anything to do with it Well, it's nice of you Yeah, it looks a little What they call overly dramatic What's going on?
Starting point is 01:34:12 Look at my face Yeah, you look Yeah, Josh Look at this It's bad It's bad You can tell from there Look at my hair
Starting point is 01:34:19 It's all bad Look at that It was a stupid beanie Stupid This is where the Chinese take over California, right? It's Washington. Washington. I love this trailer.
Starting point is 01:34:32 It's a trailer where everyone looks concerned. Yeah. Look at that. It's bad. There's a concerning thing going on in every moment of this trailer. Where people got to be quiet, they're screaming, or they're concerned. All right, I'm going to stop it because this is an audio, this is a podcast.
Starting point is 01:34:47 This way we won't get, you know, we could throw it up. Our ad's taken away. Did you hear it while it was playing? No, no. What did they say? Because what was like the this summer, Josh Peck and Chris Helmsworth
Starting point is 01:34:58 are very concerned about the Chinese. This summer, Josh Peck loses all his goodwill from the wackness. There seems to be a bomb that hits a suburban house. Chinese. This summer, Josh Peck loses all his goodwill from the wackness. There seems to be a bomb that hits a suburban house. Chris Helmsworth is sleeping with his shirt off.
Starting point is 01:35:12 This bomb isn't the only thing that's gonna hit. It also is gonna rupture Josh's career. So did this hurt a little bit? Yeah. Did it do not good? No. It didn't do good? No, no. So it hurt. So how does that work? You'll never know as an actor, and that's the fascinating part. good i know they didn't do good no no so it hurt so how does that work like if like because it does you'll never know as an actor and that's the fascinating part you just feel it you feel it
Starting point is 01:35:30 like you just feel like a guy who got broken up with and that girl ran around and told everyone you're a bad lay that's what it feels like yeah it feels like the whole world is like we can smell it on you the business is that what going cold means a little bit like it's coming off a bomb yeah and it's just and then at that point it's just time right it's you need a little time to pass and so why do some guys seem to get so many even after bombs though there's some guys that keep coming back is it like are they part of like the secret ritual do they i feel like you know but i think inevitably like people will always lead with your wins unless you accrue so many crazy things where they're like i you've totally overshadowed like people talk about the whackness all these years later or even drake and
Starting point is 01:36:17 josh because it meant a lot to people like it takes me to bring up red dawn because i'm so insecure for people to be like oh yeah i guess you haven't had it that good. But you got a great attitude about it. Yeah. It took a while. Yeah. So it hurt for a while. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:30 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. But it also is just like what I let it do to me. Right. Because like, OK, listen, like I was I jumped in at 23 to an action role, the thing I always thought I wanted to do.
Starting point is 01:36:42 And my buddy has this great thing. He's like a character actor like me, like not not traditional leading man but it's had some good career stuff he goes look i can punch a guy in the face on screen but i gotta go like this after he's like i gotta humanize it somehow i can't be like fuck you right and then just be like and what right right right and you have that quality too yeah yeah i got a shake you got a shake quality yeah i didn't know that there. Right. I was like, no, I'm punching.
Starting point is 01:37:07 Got it. So you were trying to be the Keanu Reeves. Keanu Reeves can pull it off. That's exactly right. Hemsworth can pull it off. And by the way, he's the best. Yes. And if you're that, you know, if you look like him and you're a great actor and you're a cool person, you can do it.
Starting point is 01:37:22 I'm one of the three. Did you and Hemsworth like hit the bars on days off? I was sober you were sober probably was i was newly sober too so i was had you met your wife yet no so was this like getting puss error no no no even when you looked like that you still had the fat guy thing yeah so you the personality you were like you would go up to girls and do that a little bit would you hit your nose a little bit you did a few of those I mean there were a couple you know I might have hit
Starting point is 01:37:50 you were one of those guys who your personality is so good you developed you have fat guy personality oh yeah because if you were looked like this
Starting point is 01:37:57 your whole life you might be a dick not might you probably would be for sure yeah is Chris Helmsworth the cool guy?
Starting point is 01:38:05 The best, which again doesn't make sense because he's always looked like that. But I guess in Australia, because you're not that special if you're gorgeous and built like a god. Should we build a wall in Hollywood against Australians? They keep coming and taking the jobs. They're very good. All they do is do roles with American accents. We can do that. How good is Cate Blanchett? She's probably one of the best the best she's probably one of the best and one
Starting point is 01:38:29 of the biggest robberies that ever happened in oscar history is when she did not get the oscar for elizabeth but gwyneth paltrow got it for fucking shakespeare in love for doing a british accent i mean no disrespect, no disrespect, Gwen. No disrespect, Gwen. You know, you went to a private school in Manhattan just like I did. Spence. But Cate Blanchett played fucking Elizabeth that year. Right.
Starting point is 01:38:55 Right? Queen Elizabeth. And that movie was like, she played the evolution of Queen Elizabeth and like how she became queen. And it was like like you're watching like you're going like holy shit this is acting
Starting point is 01:39:09 this is a saga this is a like a role that how many people could do that role Gwyneth Paltrow could not do that role I'm sorry she could fuck the guy from Coldplay but she can't do that role Josh Peck didn't say it I said it I'm just saying she's good i don't
Starting point is 01:39:26 want to throw you know i'm just saying but k blanchett i mean it's like her and meryl streep and a couple others you know there's like that's another level up no am i wrong is that known in hollywood k blanchett and meryl streep are on another how do you not give the oscar to k blanchett in 1999 and you give it to gwen guenna petro and i know what you're thinking how does yannis know this yes why is he hung up on this why is this a sore spot because i saw it was my my girlfriend eight years melanie hammer um upper west side we went and saw elizabeth um lincoln center theaters where are we seeing it i think we saw it at the whatever it's in the barnes and noble it might have been. Next to the Barnes and Noble.
Starting point is 01:40:06 It might have been next to the Barnes and Nobles up there. It was up there next to the Barnes and Nobles. And I saw it and I was young at the time it came out. And I was just like, it was beyond me. It was at that point where like, I probably enjoy it more now when I watched it because it's about like such a monumental historical figure. But because of that movie, I went and read about Elizabeth Moore.
Starting point is 01:40:23 She's one of the most like fast, like she's probably the most successful dictator of all time besides like caesar and like and she was like kind of benign i mean she cut her cousin's head off whatever the fuck she had to do she had to stay in power you know it was a different cousin like that but dude she had the marketing down like she was a woman who controlled the fucking british empire you know and had this whole marketing thing where she was like you know because she knew it was like cath she was playing off the catholic thing so she never got married she never was like she was like i'm married to the people it's all bullshit you know she was getting her pussy stuffed it was just it was hollywood fucking secret like john stamos
Starting point is 01:40:57 doing blow it was off the records on the qt on the hush hush. But she, as far as anyone knew, she was just this chase and she played on that. She played on the Virgin Mary thing and it worked. And she was like this, she was like very ruthless, like Amy Schumer. She knew how to fucking climb up there
Starting point is 01:41:18 and stay up there. And there was people trying to kill her. There wasn't just overweight girls trying to take her roles. You could just go on a single on those shots cut him out of that isn't it great though
Starting point is 01:41:34 when you can sit and not be a part of it but kind of enjoy it a little bit but I saw that movie and the performance it's crazy have you ever seen that movie
Starting point is 01:41:43 I don't think so they made another one right they did a sequel like 8 years later and then Shakespeare But I saw that movie and the performance. Have you ever seen that movie? I don't think so. Dude, they made another one, right? They did a sequel like eight years later. And then Shakespeare in Love is like, I'm going to wait. Shakespeare, I'm doing an English accent. I'm going to the culture.
Starting point is 01:41:57 You're like, come on, dude. And then what'd she get for Blue Jasmine? She got it for Blue Jasmine. She's incredible. She's incredible. Incredible. This was a stacked year. Look at this year year Saving Private Ryan Elizabeth
Starting point is 01:42:07 Life is Beautiful and the wow who are the other nominees I would have fucking given it to Josh Peck for Drinking Gut Josh
Starting point is 01:42:14 I agree for actor Peter Weir look at all look at these directors like Terrence Malick Peter Weir so who won
Starting point is 01:42:21 Best Picture that year Shakespeare in Love shit I mean come on with Saving Private Ryan? Yeah. That was the beginning of cancel culture. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:42:32 Over Saving Private Ryan, fucking Shakespeare in Love. Does anyone talk about Shakespeare in Love now? This is a fucking tragedy. This is worse than the Will Smith smack. Was the 99 fucking, 99 Oscars. Are you fucking kidding me? Does anyone talk about, does anyone even know
Starting point is 01:42:48 the guy's name who played the guy? Nope. Nobody even knows that guy. Yeah. He didn't even have a big career. You didn't give it to Tommy fucking Hanks?
Starting point is 01:42:55 All the fucking baby blood that kid had to fucking drink? I mean, how do you not give Saving Private Ryan best movie? Who is it?
Starting point is 01:43:02 Joey Fiennes? Excuse me. From Shakespeare in Love? Joseph Fiennes? Yep. I thought it was Ralph, nobody could have been Ralph Macchio. Nobody knows. Who is it? Joey Fiennes? Excuse me. From Shakespeare in Love? Joseph Fiennes? Yep. I thought it was Ralph. Nobody could have been Ralph Macchio. Nobody knows.
Starting point is 01:43:08 I think it was. Nobody knows that guy and they gave it best picture. It was Ian Ziering. I'm telling you, I may be one of the only people that knows the type of hijack this year was at the Oscars.
Starting point is 01:43:19 Like this, I'm telling you, Gwyneth Paltrow, I'm telling you, this might have been the first time that some real malfeasance happened in Hollywood. You know what this was? This was probably a Weinstein push.
Starting point is 01:43:30 This was a Weinstein push in the shower. Look at the, life is beautiful, dude. Have you seen Life is Beautiful? Yeah, but I'm Jewish. I love it. Yeah, I mean, I know, but how? Dude, every Holocaust movie gets a fucking Oscar. They gave it to fucking Adrian Brody.
Starting point is 01:43:45 You can't do an Oscar. And that was the best Holocaust movie gets a fucking Oscar. They gave it to fucking Adrian Brody. You can't do an Oscar. And that was the best Holocaust movie ever. They just don't, because it was kind of a comedy. They don't have any respect for comedies. Fucking Christopher Nolan. If this kid does not play Robert Chambers, I am fucking storming the beaches of Malibu, and I'm going to beat up Reese Witherspoon for no reason.
Starting point is 01:44:05 I put you on, at least the thing you learned about this was this year Oscars. I learned a lot about you and how you don't have a dad. No, I got Robert Chambers. Robert Chambers? Way too much about Shakespeare. What else? You went to American University.
Starting point is 01:44:23 I went to American University. You've got an inner arm tat that's new yeah this is my inner arm tat so this is what happens when you make bad decisions in life so i was in miami and i was like i want the i wanted i was thank god i only got this because i was trying to get the um around the arm i was trying to get the around the arm. I was trying to get the around the arm. And the only other person who had that at the time was from Baywatch. Hasselhoff. The woman. It's even worse.
Starting point is 01:44:50 It's a Pam Anderson barbed wire. Oh, man. I wish you got it. Yeah. I was like a kid and I was like, I only got 50 bucks. And he was like, I can give you one link of it. It's one link. It's supposed to go farther, but it's just...
Starting point is 01:45:05 It looks like you're into fishing. It looks like a hook. It looks like I had cancer surgery. It's like really bad. And here's another bad one. Look at that one. Yeah, I saw that in LA. You were wearing shorts.
Starting point is 01:45:16 What is that? That's another drunk one in Miami in spring break. It's just supposed... It's supposed to mean... It's ancient Chinese scripting that's supposed to mean respect. And it looks like my initials ycp but it you know it could mean anything it could be um i'm i'm uh you know whatever i'm an ass pirate who knows fascinating yeah it could mean anything who knows but it feels like that that color of tattoo ink it was only created in the 90s the faded blue what do you got i want to know what they don't look like that let's see what you got let's see what you got but like it's like yours is a good
Starting point is 01:45:53 cool oh my god max is max you're the dad max my dad is it i haven't been able to let go and the rose symbolizes how relationships die after a little while yeah like my dad like like our dad and then these are fucking cool though what's that mom mom she mom's still with us yeah okay good and then a little higher up yeah yeah there you go ma dog you got jail tats and then my wife because i don't wear a ring oh you don't wear a ring she's okay with it? Yeah. Yeah, you tattoo, which is commitment.
Starting point is 01:46:27 Right. What's it like? We'll end on this little chunk. First of all, get the book. Thank you. It's a good one. Jesse's going to read it for sure. He listens to him on tape.
Starting point is 01:46:39 I'm going to read it if I can get myself a free copy. No, I'm going to buy it. I am going to fucking buy it. Don't send it to me. I'm sending it. No, do not send it to me. Yes, I am. No, I'm doing this. No, I'm sending it do not send it to me no i'm doing this i know no i'm buying it okay we'll argue at the table like i'm a relative no josh i'm gonna
Starting point is 01:46:51 support do you have relatives that josh do you need money still and you're like i'm good no you know josh it gets cold i'll send you a sweater oh yeah no the fact that i don't that i'm not a lawyer or a doctor or some sort of accountant kills most of my family. Right. He's doing those skits. Like I have yeah, like, oh man, when I was on social for a while, they're like, what are you doing? You're acting for your phone? I'm like, well, you understand it's
Starting point is 01:47:15 different than that. Not to us. Not to them at all. I mean, I have a cousin who still goes, you know, he could still go to college. I'm like at 35, I'm going to get a communications degree from UC San Diego. It's not gonna happen right you're a parsons yeah you like the jews go sick they go lawyer doctor it's one of my jokes i have in there is like i'm a doctor and a lawyer because i'm jew you know that's just what we do i did both i just success just smarts um yeah acting you kind of looked at it as like oh johnny yeah he's
Starting point is 01:47:47 in holly you know they go he's not a doctor oh he's not a lawyer yeah but no he he's doing the skits he's doing he's doing his skits he's doing no skits he's like uh you know uh he's like mel brooks but less talented you know they go to like like famous they but less talented. You know, they go to like famous Jews. They know a few. They know a few. Yeah. The Jewish community, you got Woody Allen's still an icon, right? Woody Allen. Do they buy?
Starting point is 01:48:10 Does the Jewish community, are they on board still? I mean, I can't speak for all of us. Right. I mean. Right. But there's like Carl Reiner. Can you make a statement for the Jewish people on Woody Allen? We as a community.
Starting point is 01:48:22 90 minutes in. Yeah. Josh Peck as a representative. Zoom in on my camera. I love Woody Allen. It's tough. I'm a massive Woody Allen fan. So the whole thing's tough for me.
Starting point is 01:48:34 Woody Allen's the one where I go, can we separate the art from the artist? I can't deal without the movies. I can't. He's the best. Well, he will go down. Okay, just do a single, because I know Josh can do a part.
Starting point is 01:48:48 He could go down as the greatest movie maker of all time. A movie a year. 100%. I mean, aside from the other stuff. His bangers. The bangers, I mean, those are, I mean, dude, the writing, I mean, it's just, it's the best.
Starting point is 01:49:03 It's just the best. Woody Allen is in a category all to himself. Is Woody Allen his name? Or did he zhuzh it for the biz? Did he zhuzh it? Is he really like Ralph Lipschitz? Yeah. Is he not John Stamatopoulos?
Starting point is 01:49:18 Or Jennifer Anastonakis? But Giannis is John, right? I kept it real. Can it be Giannis Stamos? His name is, yeah, his name is my name. He could be Giannis Stamos his name is yeah his name is my name he could be his real name is if you translate it to Greek
Starting point is 01:49:29 we have the same name how are you guys not making a movie together we should let's three of us make a movie about finding your dad's family they're in Boca
Starting point is 01:49:40 they're in Boca that would be the movie the whole movie is like we gotta find them you just keep telling me they're in Boca no no we gotta find them I'm like dude they're in boca that would be the movie the whole movie's like we gotta find them and you just keep telling me they're in boca no no we gotta find them like dude they're in boca yeah and then we go on this adventure that's something else because if we want to find them they're just in boca yeah it's the easy part yeah yeah they're in the they're in heron bay it's always some uh
Starting point is 01:50:01 it's a i feel like in flor Florida Everyone lives inside Like a complex Yes And it's just a small city state Yes What's it like being a dad Now you didn't have a dad Can you believe this I knew it Oh his real name
Starting point is 01:50:12 I didn't know that I had no idea Had to be Holy shit His real name is Alan Stewart Cunningsburg I know a Cunningsburg
Starting point is 01:50:21 Who's probably related to him Cause like I mean how big is the community? York Prep kid. Not York Prep but it was a girl who I knew afterwards. What about
Starting point is 01:50:32 let's go through Mel Brooks. He's 5'5". Yeah Mel Brooks. What's his real name? That's fine. I'm tired. Get me out of here.
Starting point is 01:50:40 Dude he's 86. He's 80. He'll live to 150. You can look up my real name. You have a real name? Yeah. Your real name's not Josh Peck? Nah. That's 86. He'll live to 150. You can look up my real name. You have a real name? Yeah. Your real name's not Josh Peck? Nah.
Starting point is 01:50:48 That's fine. Don't tell us I want to find it. Melvin Kaminsky. It's that beautiful. Melvin Kaminsky. What a great name. This is fun. So Mel Brooks' real name is Melvin Kaminsky.
Starting point is 01:50:58 Bob Dylan, you know his real name? What is it? Robert Zimmerman. Robert Zimmerman? Yeah. Have you heard Robert Zimmerman's new song from Woodstock? Yeah, it's better. Bob Dylan's better.
Starting point is 01:51:09 A little bit. Joshua Michael Peck, that's your name. I know, but it's actually Peckerman. Peckerman! Peckerman! This is why you are the top 1% comedian in the game. Joshua Peckerman! No low-hanging fruit for Yannis.
Starting point is 01:51:26 Dude, we got a lot in common, man. Let me tell you, my mom had me when she was 43. My real last name is Pipis. Really? My grandfather changed it, thank God, because in Greek, Pipis is slang for a little boy's penis.
Starting point is 01:51:42 I can see that. Yeah, and so we have that in common because your last name is slang for a little boy's penis. I can see that. Yeah. And so we have that in common because your last name is slang for a penis. I thought when you were going to tell me, and in Greek, Pepisis, I thought you were going to be like, it's slang for an abacus. It's like, I can put that together. Right. No, it's bad. It's for a little boy's penis.
Starting point is 01:52:00 Pepis. You go like, oh, Pepis. It's like, that's what it means. And the worst part is thinking about how did we get that name? Someone in my family had a small penis. I saw my dad's, and so I know it's what it is. Thank God I probably inherited mine from the other side, so I'm average. Because my dad had a small piece.
Starting point is 01:52:18 Rest in peace. But my dead stick was small. It was a very small, it was jarringly small. Really? Like when I saw it like you it was just you just saw bush it looked like a clit it was small now maybe when it got erected was like he was a i hope he was a grower thank god i didn't have to see that which means i wasn't abused but my dad had a small piece dog so maybe that could be another positive of you never knowing your dad is that you didn't he may have had a small piece right how's josh how how is josh peck's piece average average yeah good
Starting point is 01:52:53 girth okay yeah totally no complaints forgettable but in in a good way in a good way yeah meaning it's like yeah yeah you middle of the road yeah. Okay. What's it like being a dad now that you are, is it like, how funny is that? You go from the transition, what's your dick like? Now let's get earnest for a second. On the heels of me asking you what your dick looks like. Solid. What's it like being a dad?
Starting point is 01:53:20 Because that's an, usually people repeat the behavior or they go the opposite way. Whenever it's something extreme, the reaction's gonna be extreme. Extremes breed extreme. because I know that's an usually people repeat the behavior or they go the opposite way. Whenever it's something extreme, the reaction is going to be extreme. Extremes breed extremes. So like if a person doesn't have a dad, like not in their life, that person either does the same thing equally as extreme or they go the opposite and they're like, I am going to be like dad, like, you know, to my kids. You seem like you've done the latter.
Starting point is 01:53:44 Yeah. I mean, sometimes like I mean, you tattooed your wife's name you can't get a fucking divorce now yeah it's extreme and and i like that my wife and i we own a house together we have a kid so her divorcing me is almost impossible because it's too much paperwork right it's a hassle she's in um yeah like there's sometimes where my wife will say to me like he doesn't need to go to the trampoline park every day i said, he does. Right. Like, because I was, I had an older, I don't know if you had this.
Starting point is 01:54:09 I had an older parent and I was an only child. So like on a Saturday, if we went to Manhattan Mall and ate at the food court, my mom was like, hey, we're at Epcot. I said, this is a food court, mom. And not at Disney World. She's like, well, it's kind of. She was trying to make it special she was trying to do what you know was done in Life is Beautiful except it wasn't the Holocaust
Starting point is 01:54:30 she was trying to make it fun for her kid yeah she's like look Sam Cuddy it's like Universal Studios this is fun right I'm like this is a CD store and so if we did that for like two hours on a Saturday we'd go home
Starting point is 01:54:44 and now we were down for the night like you know so i always was like i didn't have a sibling to mess so it was always like playing video games obsessing over tv so now with my kid it's like arcade mini golf trampoline park like there's nothing that he doesn't get to do and i'm doing we're doing it all the time but of course now like i have to be careful he's not like expecting it at all times right right but yeah so to your point i went totally the opposite way i'm all in on being a dad that's great you too i'm all in it's the best it's the only thing that's not overhyped in life you said that to me yeah when i did your podcast and i was like nailed it yeah i don't i don't think i've heard a better encapsulation
Starting point is 01:55:27 for that for what it's like yeah to have a kid it's like it's the thing the only thing that like has no downside yeah because the downside is part of the reward it's like all the hard work that goes into it you you you see them learn and you see them grow. And so it's all so worth it. And you realize it answers a lot of existential questions, especially someone like myself who was always like, what's the meaning of life? Was always trying to feel like sometimes I'm like, I don't get easily into things
Starting point is 01:56:01 because I'm like, what's the meaning of it? Why am I doing this? I overthink shit. So having a kid revealed to me, it's kind of a cynical answer, but it's, I think it takes the pressure off at the same time is that this is the meaning, the meaning of life is just this no different than a string bean or a cockroach or, or any animal, no matter how gross or how glorious it's like reproduction. You have a kid, you gross or how glorious, it's like reproduction. You have a kid, you fulfilled something for nature
Starting point is 01:56:28 where it's like you're leaving something. It's maybe, I don't know, you can put a moral judgment on it or it's like your ego, you want to keep your ego here. I don't know what it is or how you describe it or what the motivation is, but it's beyond it. I think it's instinctual. It's just, and so you, like I feel more at peace about like dying,
Starting point is 01:56:47 about living, about everything because I had a kid. A lot of the anxiety is gone because I had a kid. So I don't know what that means, but I do know if someone asks me
Starting point is 01:56:55 what the point of life is, my answer is pretty cynical now. My answer is like, I think it's to have a kid. Right. And if it's not a kid, then to do something that you're kind of like
Starting point is 01:57:04 proud of, like, you know. Helping. Do something bigger than yourself or outside of yourself. Yeah. So I guess that's the underlying theme of it because like a kid, you're not thinking of yourself. You're thinking of the kid.
Starting point is 01:57:16 So it's like you're not, because we're so, if you're only thinking about yourself, it gets so boring so quick. You're like, if you're all wrapped, people who are wrapped up in yourself, I'm like, you're not that great. How can you be wrapped up in yourself? You're not seeing yourself the way the Western world sees you because you're not that fucking great.
Starting point is 01:57:36 I've hung out with some of my heroes and guess what? They're fucking tough hangs. I've met some of the people who I've been like, they're work and I'm like, this is like, I've always idolized them, and you hang out with them, and you're like, oh, I don't want to hang out with them again, because they're a tough hang, because they're just people.
Starting point is 01:57:50 They're just like people, and some of them are fucking, you know, they're just like intolerable, and you're just going like, I love their work, but like when you hang out with them as people, so there's nothing out there,
Starting point is 01:58:03 is what I'm saying. There's nothing out there. Just i'm saying there's nothing out there just have a kid or make something outside of yourself yeah that was a soliloquy i was hoping you were going to cut me off at some point i can't yeah it was too good it was just i just had a shovel and i'm going here ram and i'm just gonna sit in this hole i just sat in that hole but that's that's what i learned i learned is like it's just the greatest thing in the world and you nailed it with that. And I've had people, you know, I'll make the joke, I'll be like, yeah, I like my son.
Starting point is 01:58:29 I'm really into him. And they'll be like, well, yeah, it's your son, of course. I'll be like, no, no, no, you'll meet plenty of people that aren't into their kids. Right. I'm like, and I thank God that I like being around. Right. Because I know a lot of people that are still into brunch. Right.
Starting point is 01:58:42 They got kids and they're like, yeah, but brunch. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm like, no, no, no. Like, brunch is done like brunch is done yes you know you can do a brunch but bring bring them right kid likes brunch right i know they like waffle in an ipad yeah right well you're slugging back mimosas you know jennifer or whomever probably jennifer right or katie it's very good chance yeah or mike yeah mike yeah there's maybe a baker there sure It's a very good chance. Or a Mike. Yeah, a Mike. Yeah. There's maybe a Baker there. Sure. Baker's a good brunch name.
Starting point is 01:59:07 Did you feel the tug at all? Did you feel that tug to leave? Did you feel that kind of like- To like mimic my dad's stuff? Yeah. Did you feel it? No. I felt that.
Starting point is 01:59:18 I noticed that thankfully early on in relationships before I met my wife, which was that we would get into just like a natural, normal conflict that people get into in early relationships. And if you actually sat in it and saw it through, you would actually wind up being closer. But I just saw it as like a harbinger of more bad to come, and I'd book it, right? So the girl would be left going like,
Starting point is 01:59:40 we literally were trying to decide whether we should have tacos or Chinese food for dinner, and he left. And I was like, well, if we can't decide on this then it's not gonna work because my if 50 of your parental system leaves when you're born anyone can right so my assumption was right did you learn that in therapy or on your own because that sounded like a therapy quote both both yeah but i didn't know at the time, but what I was doing, my assumption was that anyone could leave at any time, so it would behoove me to fortify myself and have an emotional bug out kit.
Starting point is 02:00:12 Right. And be like, I can leave at any time. In fact, let me show you how okay I am without you. Right, right. And I was- It's a defense mechanism. I was perpetuating the bad behavior of a guy I never met. Is that sick?
Starting point is 02:00:23 It's kind of how it works. Yeah. Yeah. And then you either continue or you sick? It's kind of how it works. Yeah. Yeah. And then you either continue or you learn it and go, you book it the other way. You booked it the other way. And my wife, who comes from this healthy, big family, allowed me to learn that she would say,
Starting point is 02:00:38 listen, we can be mad at each other. In fact, we can go to bed mad. But when we want to figure this out or when you're ready to talk like i'll be here because family doesn't leave like so whether we figure this out today josh peck is that your acting was that real because i felt you hit me there i felt the thing you know it's like i was watching a fucking titanic there turner and hooch yeah i mean that was that was the piece of wood half on half off moment of this podcast tv's tummy yeah i mean that one hit me that was she said that to you did that hit you
Starting point is 02:01:12 when she said that she said it like that i would have fucking dropped buckets i wouldn't have been able to hold i you can't leave a woman who says that yeah yeah it instated this idea that like yeah family doesn't leave we're're going to figure this out regardless. And once that was there, I was like, gotcha. And that was reminiscent of like, I mean, I married a Catholic girl from Sacramento who in a weird way is reminiscent
Starting point is 02:01:34 of my Jewish mother from Jersey. Because like I never felt that much unbridled loyalty except from my mother. So it like triggered something that was like, you're good. Kids Jews or the Catholics? A little bit of both. A little bit of both. Jews. So did they get a bar mitzvah? Are they going to get a bar mitzvah now? We'll see. so it like triggered something that was like you're good kids jews or the catholics a little bit of both a little bit of both cat jews so they did they get bar mitzvah are they gonna get a
Starting point is 02:01:49 bar mitzvah we'll see i mean yeah i mean i recommend if they're watching this in 10 years tell your dad you want one because even like whatever if he's going to do what you want you get paid can you imagine stamos's gift it's gonna be nice yeah it's gonna be nice so do it do it little little peck what's his name? Max. Max, do it, Max. The great Josh Peck. This was amazing. You're the best. You're the fucking best.
Starting point is 02:02:10 Thank you so much. I feel honored. Listen. Jesse. Fucking, I don't, is it worth it to even go check out his Instagram? You got 13 million followers, I believe. Am I right? 13.1.
Starting point is 02:02:23 He's got so many that the point, doesn't mean he's got to wait. You ask me, I'm like 122.6. But you don't have to say 13 point whatever. He's got 13 fucking million followers. So, I mean, yeah. I mean, if fucking his Instagram fucking this show needs to be in his fucking Instagram. It will be. But there are some people who didn't know about the book, who didn't know.
Starting point is 02:02:42 You know, so fuck it. The book. I am honored to be here and listen to our pod when you were on Male Models. Male Models. You crushed it. That podcast, it's fun. You and your buddy Joey.
Starting point is 02:02:52 Thank you. That's the thing now, right? The pod. And Christopher. He's a pod and a Christopher Nolan movie. Yeah, take a peek. No, no, it's not a trailer, but he's going to be in a Chris Nolan movie.
Starting point is 02:03:04 What's the movie? Oppenheimer. Oh, you, no. It's not a trailer, but he's going to be in a Chris Nolan movie. What's the movie? Oppenheimer. Are you just... Oh, you're in Oppenheimer? Yeah. That's legit, dude. What's your role? I got a small part.
Starting point is 02:03:12 What is it? Are you policeman number one? Does your role have a number one or two in it? Yeah. If it doesn't have that, it's pretty good. Yeah, it doesn't have that.
Starting point is 02:03:19 Okay. It's not bad. Yeah. Blunt Boy 6. The Adventures of Blunt Boy. What's not bad. Yeah. Blood Boy 6. The Adventures of Blood Boy. What's the character's name? It's a real guy. His name is Kenneth Bainbridge.
Starting point is 02:03:31 Kenneth Bainbridge. How many, how much screen time? I can't say another thing. You can't say a fucking thing? No. It's like the real Oppenheimer Project. You can't say a thing. Exactly.
Starting point is 02:03:40 I mean, they're building the atom bomb. The budget was 100 milli. It ain't the long days podcast. Not yet. Spotify, get in here. Spotify, holla. The vaccine's not real. What's up, guys?
Starting point is 02:03:56 Freaking cold spring water. Stop drinking water out of plastic bottles. The plastic gets in your body. It's bad for you. You want to drink good freaking cold spring water? Drink freaking cold water. Go to freaking cold. What is it?
Starting point is 02:04:15 Freaking cold.com? Freaking cold spring water. Freaking cold spring water.com. No G. Freaking cold. No G. Freaking cold spring water.com. Get yourself a case, two cold springwater.com get yourself a case two cases three cases order them right to your house this is what we drink now this is what you should be
Starting point is 02:04:32 drinking go order them right now and then for your soda lovers if you want a little probiotics a little health a little healthy gut and a soda and you want to keep your feet and uh you don't want all this added corn syrup and fructose and stevias or whatever other fake stuff they put in the diet sodas. Finally, one of these hipster eggheads put together a delicious soda. Brooklyncannery.com.
Starting point is 02:05:00 The flavors are delicious. I was blown away by it. I pursued them because I had one by accident one time at a store and I was blown away and I just went and looked them up. And I got it. I'm in early with them. So I'm going to help them grow. And they're getting a steal of a deal here just because I'm enthusiastic about them. 15% off your order. If you put the promo code Giannis Pappasappas all one words go order a bunch of sodas they come directly to your house brooklyncannery.com are you a type of kid who wants to get eye surgery
Starting point is 02:05:31 do you want to stop wearing glasses and being called four eyes we'll go see nicola ragusa you want 10 off mention long days or janice he knows he's a listener he was a fan and then he got in he's a doctor who's a fan And he's trying to get some clients on a damn good Fucking advertising deal this is what I do Does anyone support small business The way Jan he does you can call him at 646-534-9474
Starting point is 02:05:58 Or you can go to O-C-N-Y-I Dot com Not I as in the letter. You read it right here. Jesse puts it right up there. Go get your LASIK surgery in New York. Guy's located in Astoria. So if you agree, go get it done.
Starting point is 02:06:14 Longshore Coffee. It's the only coffee I drink now. Well done, dog. See? You got to think outside the box. I drink it now. This is the coffee I drink and I want to continue to drink, so it's really good, longshorecoffee.com, for 15% off at checkout, you use the promo code fumes,
Starting point is 02:06:32 and just go, it's a small, you get these small batch, it's a small batch roastery in Providence, Rhode Island, all different roasts, whatever your, whatever floats your boat, they got, All different roasts. Whatever floats your boat, they got. If you like a rich coffee, try the Boss Babe. But go check out their website, longshorecoffee.com. And the official coffee sponsor of Long Days with Giannis Pappas, Nate Linder.
Starting point is 02:06:59 We should call him. natelinder.com, social media manager. Boom. You want to take your social media game to the next lever? Lever? Go to natelinder.com, social media manager. Boom. You want to take your social media game to the next lever? Lever? Go to natelinder.com. End of story. If you're a fan of the show, you know Nate Linder. We're going to call him on air.
Starting point is 02:07:14 Hopefully he's not boring. If he is, we'll just hang up on him. Who do we got next? Jesse Sloan at keyboards. I was laughing at your jokes. Oh, Chrissy Minetti. Chris Minetti. Chris Minetti's out there where you can get a glass of water.
Starting point is 02:07:33 In Philly, we want a water and go to Wawa's. And then you can go to Chris Minetti's and cash your check at Minetti Financial Services. Minetti Financial Services is just a fancy way to stay. Check store. Cash your check. Call him. If you want to get your check. I think he wants people to call him
Starting point is 02:07:52 because I think maybe he just does it over the phone. He might just do it over the phone. He may just take your word for it. Has anyone just called Chris for fun? Someone call Chris for fun and then message me how it goes. 215-750-3730. We might call him one day just on the podcast.
Starting point is 02:08:13 We should do a conference, him and Nate Linder. Yeah, we'll do a conference. So if you're in the South Jersey, Philly area, go get your check cashed. If you can't get to a bank, if you don't have a bank account, Minetti's perfect. ForTheFree.us. If you're into bands, if you like music, if you want to know about tours,
Starting point is 02:08:35 anything in Hawaii, go to ForTheFree.us. Peruse it and check out their bands. What else we got here? We got the new boy or girl, 305PLP Media Services. What are they? You can email them at info at 305PLP.com. What do they do? Well, they do videography, they do production, they do post-production and content creation. They do everything. They do what everybody
Starting point is 02:09:06 needs right now. So if you're business, you're wedding, everyone needs a video. They're in the right business. Go check them out. Go check their website out. PLP Media Services. If you like what you see, go hire them. If you're in Miami and you want to shoot your own homemade porn with some girls who
Starting point is 02:09:22 you told you were going to make famous, you start your own porn business, your amateur porn business. If you're making homemade porn, hit up PLP Media Services. 305-PLP-MEDIA-SERVICES. Read the number. The number is 786-584-CASH, with the S as a money sign. That's 786-548-2274. And go talk to whatever Cuban owns that.
Starting point is 02:09:54 My man Jared. The guy who sneaked in there with probably a multi-million dollar company. I'm telling you exclusiveautoshipping.com is a known thing. Anyway. Go to exclusiveautoshipping.com if you need thing. Anyway, go to exclusiveautoshipping.com. If you need to move your car anywhere, you get a free quote. You got it. Welcome our newest Patreon members.
Starting point is 02:10:15 We're recording this only a couple days later, so we only have a few. Patreon.com slash Yanni Longdays. Our first one is Matt Davidson, Elizabeth, Arwin, Erwin, Nima. What's that last name? Salsa. Salsa Salsa Nima Salsa B billion which means she's Armenian so welcome my Armenian sister or brother Jean the GI Joe in Chrissy's poop shoot pressed up against Yanni's skin flute bell. I love people still doing the hyenas stuff. About a year late. Yeah, about a year late. And the next one is Jadiva38?
Starting point is 02:10:52 88. Jadiva 88. Welcome. Patreon.com slash Yanni Long Days. And it's been a... It's been a long day.

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