Yannis Pappas Hour - The Need For Totalitarianism by Yanni the Astounding

Episode Date: April 19, 2024

Yanni goes full guru and recommends how to return to sanity by lessening your sphere of concern. Somehow this turns into a totalitarian takeover by Yanni the Astounding.   Our bonus episodes are high...ly rated and viewable here: https://www.patreon.com/yannispappashour?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up everybody, welcome to the Yanis Pappas Hour. It's good to have you with us. It's good to be talking to you. I hope to give you some relief. I hope to give you some humor. I hope to give you some peace in this world. The less you focus on the better. My self-help program is all about focusing on less and less and less and less going more local local local local not with your produce that's not possible not with your clothes that's not possible not with your cars that's not possible but with your information people are preaching sunlight they're preaching breath they're preaching. They're preaching breath. They're preaching turmeric. They're preaching vitamin supplements.
Starting point is 00:01:06 They're preaching all types of meditation, yoga, EMDR, trauma coaches. We got it all cooking. Religion's back. And the reason why all this is back is because we've gotten too global with our concerns and information. We have to go back local. It's time to tune out and tune off and not trust anyone of any age. It used to be don't trust anyone over 30. Don't trust or listen to anyone. So I've been working with a tech developer. We're going to develop something called
Starting point is 00:01:47 where you can mute. You just mute. It's a mute. It's a sonic mute that you wear in your ears all times, sort of like old people have a listening device, but it mutes. Someone starts talking, you mute.
Starting point is 00:01:59 I want you tuned out. I want you off. I want all. We need an absolute fascistist totalitarian takeover of the internet and shut down. PodTax now, bad friends off. A lot of the problems is bad friends because we have Bobby disseminating Korean propaganda, Northern Korean propaganda to a lot of young impressionable minds, you know? And that's how the invasion has started on the West coast. Cause a lot of the North Koreans and Chinese are already in. And, um, of course we've got a Mexican takeover of certain upstate New York towns
Starting point is 00:02:35 and certain areas. And this is all been promulgated and propagated by a massive, massive, massive disinformation campaign that has been disseminated to you through various social media outlets. So I want an absolute totalitarian, nationalized takeover, starting with TikTok and then Bobby Lee 1 and 2. One-two punch of TikTok and Bobby Lee. And we got to close that down. Tiger belly and bad friends needs to be shut off. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Andrew Santino is an unwitting participant in espionage. He's being used just, just a fucking redheaded comedian from Chicago. Who's apparently Italian, but I don't think they come in that shape, so there's got to be some dirty shit in there at some point or some finish. You don't get that fair skin
Starting point is 00:03:32 if you're in the Mediterranean. You don't get that unfortunate gene unless you're a snow monkey who wants to try to conquer the world. So I assume he's got some German in there, and I think that's what makes him so susceptible because the Germans just have that thing. Charles
Starting point is 00:03:47 Darwin was their Caitlin Clark. It was their coming out party. It was their, finally, someone speaking to us. Finally, our representation. Origin of Species by Charles Darwin's for the Germans,
Starting point is 00:04:04 it was like when the Indians finally had Aziz Ansari. It's like finally someone has put pen to paper on what we've always suspected in our gut. There is a natural selection to this. We're the top of the food chain. Everyone else is beneath us. When you listen to firsthand accounts of of german nazi soldiers um when they were going into russia and they were going like we believed that they
Starting point is 00:04:33 were less than us that their life they were not human they were just that was that so i mean i know the jews got the monopoly on the nazi um kind of sympathy sympathy about the nazis but it wasn't just about the Jews. The Nazis looked at everybody. They looked at, they were subspecies, like lower. They were just lower culturally, intellectually, the Russians, the Greeks, I mean, Romania. I mean, come on.
Starting point is 00:04:55 They didn't see any hope there. They just saw workers and slaves. They just saw camps. Put all these people in camps and clean this place up a little bit. And just, we want German overseers everywhere. And that's what it is. And Charles Darwin kind of, you know, it was like their what it gave them.
Starting point is 00:05:14 It gave them permission. It gave them the what's the word I'm looking for? It gave them the validation. Finally, it's true. Science says yes. Look at us. We're blonde. We smell good.
Starting point is 00:05:29 We're tall. We're the ones. We're number one. And a lot of people don't know that that started before World War I. And that also was the predominant German psychology before World War I is we're superior. So it didn't start with Hitler. It was all in there. They started that.
Starting point is 00:05:52 The Germans started World War I. They teamed up with Austria-Hungary, which is Germans, and they just wanted to spread their superior fucking genes and their superior culture and their superiority. And they just wanted to rival the British empire. And that was, they wanted to take everybody down cause they were inferior and they wanted all the ports.
Starting point is 00:06:14 They wanted all the resources. They wanted to change the balance of power. And that's just how, that's just how it went. And then somebody has assassinated the fucking Austro-Hungarian Archduke. And he was a Serb. And they blamed the Serbs. And the Serbs said, we've got nothing to do with it.
Starting point is 00:06:34 And then Germany and Austro-Hungary said, but we're going into Serbia. We want to do our investigation. We want unfettered access. And we're going to fucking clean up. And then Serbia said no. And then that's what started World War One. That was it. It wasn't just the shooting. Serbs said no. If they just said yes, who knows? Maybe we'd all be speaking German or maybe they would have just taken that. Who knows? Who knows? If this guy Fuchs didn't give the nuclear secrets to the Russians, you know, after World War II, this German physicist, this goddamn, this traitor. If Klaus Fuchs would have kept his mouth shut with his little Rosenberg friends, maybe they wouldn't have got the bomb and we wouldn't have had a Cold War.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Or you say it was inevitable. They would have figured it out eventually. Who knows? That's the interesting thing about history. You read back and you go, fuck, it's this one guy. This one fucking guy. You know?
Starting point is 00:07:36 If we would have just burned everything, but eventually, because that's humans, eventually someone's going to slip and it's going to get out. Right? That's why they needed to do what they did in Batman. Remember when Batman, he used all that stuff,
Starting point is 00:07:48 the surveillance stuff, and then he shut it down afterwards? That's what we should have done. But then we would have never done that because it gave us the balance of power because we had the boom-booms. But the problem was we knew the boom-booms were no bueno because we did some tests in New Mexico
Starting point is 00:08:04 and the next thing you know, people's skin started falling off farther away than we thought that they were. There was one school in New Mexico, and the girls went outside, and the ash was falling down, the radioactive ash, and they thought it was snow, so they went and bathed in it, and none of them lived past 30. Just kills everybody. So the boom-booms can't, andicans do oh these boom booms but then the russians got them and then we had to create bigger
Starting point is 00:08:31 boom booms and then we got to a point where we created such big boom booms that you're talking about the whole the estimation was with the big boom booms you're talking about 600 million people 600 million people um would die with the big boom booms it's over if that's the case it's over so you can't do the boom booms so both sides knew that and then both sides started using uh disinformation having spies in universities all that shit is true so when people go out and know what to believe it's because a lot of the shit that you're hearing is intentional warfare from professors, from articles. They would write articles. They started writing articles.
Starting point is 00:09:13 They started compromising journalists. And so they understood that you got to – and we did the same thing. We created fake civil wars in Guatemala. And so that's where we are. And so it's amazing that most people don't go to that first with the Internet, going like, there's so much confusion and hate on the Internet. Why is that? Why is America coming apart?
Starting point is 00:09:35 I'll tell you why. It's because our enemies are in there. And they don't look like our enemies. You got to pull the mask back to see the Chinese face. They're in there. It's just they're in back to see the Chinese face. They're in there. It's just they're in there. They're in everywhere. They're in everywhere.
Starting point is 00:09:49 And a lot of times these people are unwittingly participating or promulgating the propaganda points because they read some article that they'd be like, oh, this is the truth. But it's like that article came from Beijing. They call them the useful idiots. Yeah, useful idiots. And they want to. That's a Russian term. And their objective is discord. It's like that's their, you know, and that's just,
Starting point is 00:10:19 that's what they've been doing. And we've been doing it too. What's the difference? The difference is we're a country of immigrants multicultural democracy we have rule of law there's a difference we don't have a totalitarian dictator okay now there used to be a pretty rudimentary fundamental understanding that no matter what bad you did okay look we got the Dulles brothers. They did bad, bad. The CIA's done bad, bad. We've done bad, bad.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Our multinationals have done bad, bad. Been bad, bad. But the bad, bad has happened outside mostly of our borders, which makes it good, good. Everyone's done bad, bad. Everyone's done bad, bad. We've had some deep state bad, bad. And the deep state are guys like the Dulles brothers
Starting point is 00:11:05 you know we've had some bad bats but ultimately we have we do have nobody can hold power for that long which is it improved it's better than the totalitarian dictators once you got a dictator up
Starting point is 00:11:20 you got Trump Trump Trump Trump a dictator is always a sign of Trump, Trump, they're pre-cancerous cells that turn into cancer, every fucking time, every fucking time, every fucking time, except for maybe Elizabeth, she did some bad, bad too, okay, Julius Caesar and all them, they did they did bad bad some of them were good good
Starting point is 00:11:46 so maybe i'm wrong i don't know but i think it's mostly bad bad i want to believe that but anyway that's why that's why we were in the position that we're in is it's just like you know that's the way war is fought now. You know, that's just what's going. It's in there. TikTok, it's all in there. It's all in there. You don't know where it's coming from or why. And the internet has accelerated that.
Starting point is 00:12:16 You know, remember when the internet was unregulated? Dude, it was just recent. It was like after the election of Trump that people were like whoa who are all these accounts like before there's only a couple of years ago man we're like people were going like whoa what's going on on facebook and zuckerberg's going like i'm making money i'm making money i don't know they're like wait you don't check who's making these ads or he's like they pay they just pay i mean i don't know so there was just like all this disinformation fake black lives matter pages it was just that was recent
Starting point is 00:12:52 so i have hope that this will be cleaned up i think it'll be cleaned up a little bit um on x it's running wild i don't know who anyone is when i post something now and i mentioned the word china there's there's or or or russia there's fucking these cartoon faces or whoever with like three followers they come right away they come right away china taiwan is china you fucking asshole things like that and you're going like who is a person who come like yeah my phone's over there because it needs some juice but it was like immediately it was like immediately someone was on my tweet. You don't have to look it up because I remember what it said.
Starting point is 00:13:30 It goes, Taiwan is China, asshole. And you're going, and my thing was, my tweet was asking a question. There's people who argue that if we don't fund Ukraine, then this could lead to World War III. I said the best way to fight World War III is to prevent it. I think, who said that? Was it maybe Einstein? Or no, he said it'll be fought with sticks and stones. He goes, I don't know what World War III, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. Some other famous person said the best way,
Starting point is 00:14:06 and that's the truth. That's the only way to fight World War III, is to prevent it. That's the only way. Because of the boom-booms. Because of the boom-boom pom-poms. They look like big pom-poms. You don't want the boom-booms to go boom.
Starting point is 00:14:19 The only booms you want to see is deep from three from Steffi. That's it. Those are the only bombs you want to talk about you only want to talk about things coming off the or stocky's bat what's his name uh tony huh tony the japanese guy who's hitting the boom booms who had to throw his translator into the bus because he's got a gambling problem isn't it a tony whatever his name is something like that he's the only guy you want to go boom, boom with, Tony. Jap guy.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Japanese guy. So that's true. It's true. And then I said, there's some people who argue that if you don't fund them and Russia takes it, then we're moving closer to World War III. And then there's the other side that says, you do fund it and you know then you're playing with world war three i can see both sides so i said which one do you guys think is true because those are the two predominant schools and i could see both points on how they both could be risks so i was just asking a question i didn't ask to get called an asshole right so yeah my point was ukraine and taiwan i was like if we don't provide even economic and military support to Taiwan,
Starting point is 00:15:27 some people will argue we move as close to World War III. And if we do, we move as close to World War III. So which one is it? Right? And the question I wasn't asked, Taiwan is China's asshole. I didn't. Because that's just like, yeah, man, that's obviously a point of view. That's not the Taiwanese or the Americans or the rest of the West.
Starting point is 00:15:48 That's obviously a CCP point of view, right? So you know what I'm saying, dog. I'm asking a question. Anyone knows that, you know, like he wanted me to say, my bad. He wanted me to say, oh, my bad. You're right. Taiwan is China. So this whole thing is for nothing?
Starting point is 00:16:07 I mean, what are we doing here? Right? So it's like obvious that there's fucking bots out there or people behind the keyboard. They have software that goes when the words China come from accounts that have this amount of followers, they also have a lot of Floridas. When you think it fast, sometimes you mistake the word follower for Florida.
Starting point is 00:16:30 I just said they have a lot of Florida's. I can't believe I just said Florida's. Sounds like hell. There's many Florida's. There's no question. I bet you I'm right. There's keywords. Oh, yeah. Keywords.
Starting point is 00:16:41 And if an account with a certain amount of followers tweets the word russia china they read it and then they they get right in there you got zing by his uh uh i got zing by uh yeah jesse had a brain fart i got zing by a fucking but a sassy chinese butt yeah and they're probably a lot of people and they're probably like the government probably gives them a little check to kind of just be on there and And there's probably shifts of it. And they're going in there. Those things are all automated. Automated, too.
Starting point is 00:17:09 But I don't know, dude. I mean, they've got to employ a lot of people. The government now is taking control of things and redistributing a lot of wealth. You don't know. How do they have so much money to buy shit in cash? What the fuck? Somebody comes in and you're like, what are you doing? They're like, I'm a cleaner.
Starting point is 00:17:22 I have a cleaning business. You mean here? Yeah. And you're just like, what the fuck? How did you come up with $4 million cash? You're going like, what do you do? They're like, I'm a cleaner. I have a cleaning business. You mean here? Yeah. And you're just like, what the fuck? How did you come up with $4 million cash? You know? You're going like, how is that possible? Right.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Especially because it's $1.2 billion of you. Yeah. And it's like, how did that happen? And they kind of know that we're going to look the other way. Because when someone offers you $1.2 cash, when Deutsche doesn't have to get involved, and the cash goes right into your account, it's nice. So we go, it is what it is. We've talked about that before.
Starting point is 00:17:49 No, you want to sell to only this type of people to keep the neighborhood the way that it was and then the cash offer comes in and you go, you deal with it. I'm leaving. I'm sorry I had to take the cash and move to North Carolina and live like a fucking king.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Until everyone does that and North Carolina becomes fucking too expensive. You get the point. So, I mean, that's just, that's the world we live in right now. It's just, it's an information war. It's an absolute propaganda war. And I said we got to shut everything down that's it that's what it
Starting point is 00:18:27 is you want to close the internet i that is i'm working with some tech developers we're going to close the internet and we're going to do certain things and it's going to be my whole book is going to be written about um less focus i want but i want the focus to come be reined in but how are we going to make money? Huh? How are we? We're going to sell it by forcing them to buy it. Oh.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Yeah, first we got to form a militia. First you got to get like a militia, like the Nazis started out small, minus all the stuff they did with race. We're going to force them to buy our stuff. It's a mixture of Nazi ideology. Wait a minute. Minus the racism, just tactics, militia tactics. We're going to force them to buy our stuff. It's a mixture of Nazi ideology. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Minus the racism, just tactics, militia tactics. This sales pitch went up the rails. And Obamacare. Oh, no. It's a mixture of that. Because Obamacare forces you to buy. This is the worst elevator pitch I've ever heard. Well, that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:19:24 You don't even get a chance to judge it because you're forced by the volition to buy. And it's not that bad. If someone just goes, hey, you got to buy this for five bucks, and that's it, and then you get points the more you use it. And so the whole app is about deprogramming you from stuff. So people go,
Starting point is 00:19:42 if you think the word, because we're going to have the chips in the brain If you think the word Gaza If you think the word Russia You get a stunt So it's also a mixture of What the police use Stun guns
Starting point is 00:19:55 Kind of like a clockwork orange You open people's eyes You hold them down That's another part of my plan We've got to get every citizen for one full day and pry their eyes open and force them to watch local news so ernie anastas is back keep fucking that chicken by the way i played that's one of the videos i play all the time that's the best it's the one of the best it's up there with I'm not gay no more. Keep fucking that chicken is great. It takes a, what is it?
Starting point is 00:20:32 A caring man to give a tender forecast. Keep fucking that chicken. That was the guy who'd just been on the air too long, who just was trying to have a good time. If you don't, here it is. It's a tough man to make a tender forecast, Nick. I guess that's me. Keep fucking that chicken.
Starting point is 00:20:52 I'll fight for a weekend. Her expression is the best. Keep fucking that chicken. Sorry, I've had a cold all week. So, yeah, we'll have to pry their eyes open and force them to only watch Ernie Anastas. And the news is going to be all good. It's all good news. We're going to reprogram people to what news is.
Starting point is 00:21:15 Like, bad stuff isn't news anymore. That's not news. That's subversive behavior. It's subversive behavior against the state. So if you report anything bad, I'm not even talking against the state. All right, here's the thing. Youive behavior against the state. So if you report anything bad, I'm not even talking against the state. Here's the thing. You can talk about the state. That's how I'll sell
Starting point is 00:21:29 people. You can talk about the state all you want. But any murders, any terror attacks, any problems, of course eventually that'll become don't talk about the state. But it is what it is. That'll just get everyone back in order and so that I'm working with some developers on that.
Starting point is 00:21:48 And I think it'd be good. So we got to go back local. We got to stop concern. News has to be Twitter. I want to do, I want to do a local Twitter. I want to do a local Twitter. Also,
Starting point is 00:21:57 you should get rated on Twitter. Oh, they should rate you. Really? Yeah. It sounds a little like a social. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Yeah. We need order. There's some ideas we can borrow from the Chinese that get things back in back in order you know and i should be uh i'm gonna take by force the comedy community i'm gonna take it by force okay i'm gonna take it by force i'm gonna i have to make an alliance with like a couple of like really big strong uh bad guys and then we just start taking it by force. We just start taking it. We used to go to the clubs and go,
Starting point is 00:22:28 you're no more. We need a comedy mafia. We just close down opinions. Okay, no more of this sewing discord. The Tim Dillon Show is shut down. Shut down. Is shut down, right? They come and they rip his fucking sunglasses
Starting point is 00:22:40 right off his face. And they just put him in handcuffs with the handcuff extenders i was sitting on the plane with women who needed uh seatbelt extenders you don't ask for that loudly what she's like can i get the seatbelt extender please i mean these people were falling out of the aisle really yeah they were kansas city folks i tried to squeeze in next and that that's the danger of not getting a first class ticket don't they have to buy two seats now they these two women didn't these two i don't know how they squeezed in there they had to like lift up their side leg fat and like hold it on their lap
Starting point is 00:23:15 like it was their carry-on you was sandwiched between them i would well i sandwiched between the one and then her friend was in front thank god and me and another guy were sitting next to these two fucking obese went older women they were obese like middle american kansas obese fucking women yeah and then i went to the bathroom right and in the bathroom going jesus christ can i make it two and a half like two and a half hours i can do this right um and then i come back and thank god she goes would you mind switching um because they wanted to sit next to each other but the bigger reason was they were embarrassed and they knew like we can't you can't fit a guy not a guy you can't go guy size and that they were spilling out of their seat when i got in in, I was literally, so I'm being honest.
Starting point is 00:24:06 I'm just being honest. I'm not trying to be mean. She came this far into my seat. Oh, boy. Yeah, she came this far into my seat. She like man spread it on you. So I would have to be here the whole thing. Brutal.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Part of me was going like, it's comfortable. It's like a nice big pillow. Yeah, it's like a nice big cushion. Yeah, maybe I could get some oxytocin from just the close touching of like a nice big you know it's like cushion yeah maybe i get some in some oxytocin from just that's close touching of like a nice warm fat um a midwestern mom who has like a lot of love to give yeah so part of me was so i was trying to rationalize it but they were like can we sit together and i was like yeah of course if we can get um a couple of cranes to get you out of the chair and get you the back one that would be fine so then um she moved to and they sat next to each other i don't know how they
Starting point is 00:24:49 both squeezed that work i don't know thank they have to get comfort that's why fat people don't travel that much because they have to afford first class or two seats or or two seats on comfort plus what these people did it but um and then me and guy, it was me and another guy, and he was like, you want window and aisle? I just looked at him and went, buddy, usually I like the aisle, but right now, do you have any confetti? Do you have any way we could celebrate?
Starting point is 00:25:16 What do you want, buddy? Who cares? We got space. Can we high five? I was just like, all right. He was like, because I don't care. And his I don't care was like, as long as it wasn't that. That was the subtext of that.
Starting point is 00:25:31 As long as it wasn't that. Let me buy you a drink. Yeah. And I was like, I'm usually an eye. And he was a Midwestern nice guy. So he gave me the aisle and I was all set. But then I had to listen To these two fucking Old bags talk And they were like funny
Starting point is 00:25:46 It was hilarious They were like Making sexual jokes With the stewardess Really And she was going like It's all gone downhill Since the stewardess
Starting point is 00:25:54 Was like another Kansas woman She was going It's all gone downhill Since they legalized pot She was like Look at Colorado She's like Everyone's mind's going
Starting point is 00:26:02 Since they legalized marijuana And because One of the women made a marijuana joke and then it didn't fall on the right ears they didn't know they were talking to like a fucking hardcore Baptist bitch everyone's crazy they're smoking the demon seed
Starting point is 00:26:18 or whatever and according to her Colorado's crime is out of the roof is that true I don't know. I doubt it. Yeah. I doubt it. I mean, pick your criminality, right? If it was up to her, she'd get rid of the booze, too.
Starting point is 00:26:33 They'd get rid of everything. Yeah. I think we should get rid of the booze, though. What? Yeah, I think we should have turmeric bars. Where everyone's just drinking smoothies and turmeric. Okay. Yeah, and we got to normalize normal conversation anymore,
Starting point is 00:26:46 not drunk stuff anymore. You want another prohibition. I want prohibition, and everyone's got to be forced to convert to Christianity. We need one God, and that's it. We're talking about whose brand is what. In Australia, this Assyrian preacher who who live streams he's a content creator uh this christian assyrian uh priest got stabbed a few times that was tough to watch uh yeah he didn't
Starting point is 00:27:14 get him that i think his knife didn't open you got to be a real moron if you can't open your knife i understand that guns jam but he was like couldn't get his knife open and didn't the crowd want to like lynch him or something yeah yeah and um you're gonna start seeing that a lot of articles are very the articles are very funny they're going very light they're going it was a terror attack um they're calling it um religious extremism i went to a writer's article religious extremism and they're saying there are there's already been threats on mosques and stuff like that. So they're trying to... It's like, you cannot put it in the article. It's not going to make a difference.
Starting point is 00:27:52 I mean, it's funny how they... You could tell how sometimes governments and media work together, right? Because you know the government's going like... And I understand. If I was in the government, it would be like, dude, we don't need this shit to fucking get out of hand but i love that they think calling it religious extremism is going to keep people calm oh yeah by not mentioning that the guy was a jihad
Starting point is 00:28:16 the kid was a jihadi a premeditated jihadi attack like people don't know it was like that moment that ann coulter um on john um jay moore not jay moore who's the other guy bill maher bill maher um bill maher when he was like remember you see that moment bill maher goes we don't know the race of the it's kansas city it's a celebration oh at the parade yeah the super bowl parade wasn't there that weekend yeah super parade um yeah we still haven't heard from that guy. And Bill Maher goes, we don't, we still don't, we don't know who the guy was. And Ann Colton goes, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:28:52 We know. And he goes, what do you mean? No, we don't. He goes, look, if it was a white guy, that would have been, it would have been the leading news. It would have been the first thing that comes out. And he was like, what are you talking? And then you just go, fuck, she, it's like a two plus two equals four point yeah i mean you just that's just the
Starting point is 00:29:10 truth it's just the truth ruth because let's just call it what it is you know it's like that you don't want the mob to rise up and start, you know, doing bad things. People keep blocking traffic like this. People keep blocking traffic. I don't know. I think the weather Jews going to send another snowstorm. I mean, they did it to me in Denver.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Did you? Yeah. Yeah. Did you miss your flight? They fucking threw a snowstorm in there. There must've been some protests in the fucking weather. Jew was like enough of that. Enough.
Starting point is 00:29:50 Oh, the weather Jews. Yeah. Yeah was it the uh pro hamas people by the way those hong kong protests went inside when coveted did they oh yes they did yeah they got shut down quick they were getting pretty big right student millions of students on the street yeah when they call them the umbrella umbrella yeah that one see this guy's just pulling people right off the street. Yeah. Jesus Christ. Well, there was a coordinated protest. What was it, yesterday or Sunday, where they picked all these bridges all across
Starting point is 00:30:17 and entranceways to airports. Yeah. They don't want America to fund them anymore. Yeah. I don't want America to fund them anymore. Yeah. I don't know, dude. We also gave Palestine money, too, for a while. A lot of people were giving Palestine money. When I heard that in the World War II documentary,
Starting point is 00:30:36 I think it was Truman who said, and then Palestine has been opened. The British have opened up Palestine for Jewish refugees. And then he said, he goes, and the Jews and Arabs are not happy about it. It was at the beginning. It was just like, oh, this ain't going to be good. From the beginning.
Starting point is 00:30:55 From the beginning, it was no bueno. Wasn't there a war right after? Right. I mean, well, first they went in there, you know, and then the refugees started coming. Then there was, yeah, then there was problems. Everyone says the other side started problems in there, you know, and then the refugees started coming. Then there was, yeah, then there was problems. Everyone says the other side started problems. But, you know, they were both starting problems.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Depending on, you can't report all on everyone. They just, they got different religions. They hate each other. Jews were probably a little on edge. The Jewish refugees were probably a little on edge. They probably did a little shooting first on occasion. Like they were on edge. They're traumatized.
Starting point is 00:31:25 The Arabs don't like it because they're like, what the fuck's going on? But then the Jews also started buying land to people willingly taking the money. Like we're talking about when you say, just keep it in the neighborhood. And they were like,
Starting point is 00:31:36 but this guy's offering that. So there was a lot of that too where they were just buying land. And you got to remember, that wasn't a state. There was no state there. There was no state there. There was no state. That was part of the former Ottoman Empire, and they were gone.
Starting point is 00:31:51 And they were doing a little bit of ethnic cleansing of their own. They should have tried to tie it to that somehow. I don't know. Because the Turks did a lot of ethnic cleansing. And it gets so glossed over because they did it to Armenians and Greeks those were the two you know not just them the Kurds and then there's one other tribe that got fucked that nobody cares about because maybe they weren't as many as the Kurds and the Armenians and the Greeks but I mean you know dude 1.5 milli 1.5 milli greeks were kicked out of their homes
Starting point is 00:32:28 and forced to go back to a place they'd never been this wasn't this wasn't a time where people fucking had euro rails you know they'd never been there yeah they spoke greek but they'd lived in you know anatolia that's where they were just like And then they were like You got They were kicked out of their fucking homes Because they were Christian Because they weren't Muslim They were just kicked the fuck out
Starting point is 00:32:53 And that was it And it was to make an ethnostate Which is I just I mean I don't know dude I'm not taking sides I'm just saying
Starting point is 00:33:02 It's a little weird I guess it's because it happened quick. Is that what it was? Just kind of happened quick. It wasn't this sloth. It was just a massive kick out. It's like a Band-Aid. Dude, they kicked them all out at the same time.
Starting point is 00:33:15 It was just one fucking swipe. You got to rip it right off. Fucking, I think it was 1.5 Arminians, March of Death. I think they died. At least they gave the Greeks, they slaughtered a lot of Greeks, but I think the Greeks were just kicked out. Greeks just showed up on mainland, and then the Greeks, the new country of Greece, because they were formerly Ottoman,
Starting point is 00:33:37 had to figure out, like, what to do with all these fucking people. You know, like, all right, you're Greek, so let's figure out how to fucking find you a home and all that shit. And they figured it out. But it's the same shit. It's an ethnostate. It's a fucking ethnostate or a theostate or whatever the fuck you want to call it. It's the same fucking shit. So I don't know.
Starting point is 00:33:56 There's just a lot of folks on this, but it's like, yeah, I mean, it's, you know. Maybe it's because everyone hung around. Maybe people were just hanging around. Maybe it needed to be, I mean, it's, you know, maybe it's because everyone hung around. You know, maybe people were just hanging around. Maybe it needed to be, I don't know. It's too much of a powder keg. It's unfortunate. It's going to start World War fucking three. No.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Jesus Christ. Don't talk. Don't put it out there. Don't put it out there. Don't put it out there. Everyone's safe. Nobody wants to hear this. Nobody tunes in to comedy here.
Starting point is 00:34:21 It's going to start World War three. It's not. Everything's fine. Everything is fine. See, I have to do, this is going to be, right now we're going to start World War III. It's not. Everything's fine. Everything is fine. See, I have to do... This is going to be a... Right now, we're going to talk about what happened in Bay... This is going to become a Bay Ridge podcast. We're going to tell you exactly what's going on in Bay Ridge
Starting point is 00:34:33 with bakeries, and that's what we got to get back to. Local fucking news. For everyone's mental health and sanity. We're shutting down the... We're doing a totalitarian shutdown of the internet and national news. That's it in a nutshell. mental health and sanity. We're shutting down the, we're doing a totalitarian shutdown of the internet and national news. That's it in a nutshell.
Starting point is 00:34:50 And if you're caught talking about anything outside of your local bakery, your head comes off. That's it. Head comes off. Right away. See, because that's what happens. This shit's happening over in Palestine
Starting point is 00:35:01 and then this fucking kid in Australia goes to this guy. You know how far away Australia is from Palestine? You know? It's true. And you know what the fucking irony is? The guy that he stabbed was against all the bad stuff that's happening in Palestine. So then you go, then that makes them look bad going like,
Starting point is 00:35:22 all right, so you don't even like the guys. You don't even like the guys because he criticized uh muhammad at some point or islam at some point he criticized that i like how you go right to chopping heads off no public flogging no nothing we'll start with public flogging you're right you start there yeah yeah public flogging should we do what public flogging throw him out of windows i mean whatever you got to do yeah maybe like it's like a tiered justice i'll get poot on the phone and find out how he does it. Get some of his secrets. He prefers poison and false.
Starting point is 00:35:50 The kid, that's what he goes with. Public flogging is pretty good. Poot flogs good. Sends a fucking message. Sends a message. And you go, why are we flogging this guy? I'll tell you why we're flogging this guy, because he talked about something that happened in Arizona.
Starting point is 00:36:02 We don't do that anymore. I'll tell you why. He talked about something that happened in Park Slope, don't do that anymore i'll tell you why he talked about something that happened in park slope brooklyn right now it's bayridge brook your zip code is your world your zip code is your sphere of concern that's it your zip code everyone gets a fucking 40 block radius town by town if you live in a certain town and you talk about the neighboring town, head comes off. You only need to do that for a little while. That's right. And the word will get out.
Starting point is 00:36:32 People get the idea. People get the message that fucking Yanni the Impaler. What was his name? There was a guy in history called the Impaler. Right. I don't think there was a guy who brought peace and prosperity to the area the impaler yeah they based dracula yeah yeah i don't he must have been so bad because usually those guys are in control of their names right right like stalin's in control of his name you know his real name wasn't stalin
Starting point is 00:36:59 you know what stalin means in russia yeah you tell me. Steel. Like John Steel, who produced The Donkey Show. Vlad the Impaler. What he did is he just plundered a few Saxon villages. He took some captured people. And he had them impaled, which inspired his nickname. He impaled them. So he was Vlad the Impaler. How come he's the only guy from history
Starting point is 00:37:30 that has like a negative name? Even Hitler was called the leader, Fuhrer, which is German for leader. How come it's not Hitler? How come it's not Hitler the Gasser? Why is Vlad the Impaler? Why does Hitler not have... That would be better PR, too.
Starting point is 00:37:50 That would make people think he's bad. How about Hitler the Gasser? The one-ball Gasser. Yeah, the one-ball Gasser. How come Vlad's the only guy who got a bad nickname? They got Ivan the Terrible, right? Oh, he's another one. Ivan the Terrible.
Starting point is 00:38:02 Is that only two? Even Genghis Khan. How come they didn't call him Genghis Khan the Raper? Genghis the Raper. You should take the worst thing the person did, and it should be their name. Mussolini, the fucking boss the plane guy. Usually they write their own history.
Starting point is 00:38:22 It's funny, dude. When they overthrew him, when the tide turned, because Italy switched and joined the Allies after they kicked him out. Real nice move. Like, oh, what was that? We did a little like this. We were spitting on British POWs. No, it didn't happen.
Starting point is 00:38:40 We hit this guy. When shit started going bad, they turned on him, so he fled. He fled to Germany earlier on. I don't know how they got him back. Somehow they got him back, and they fucking hung his ass upside down. Mussolini. Yeah, he's just Benito Mussolini. Why is he not Mussolini boss of the plane?
Starting point is 00:39:01 Why is he not called, like, Ivan the Terrible? It's Mussolini hitler's bitch how about bitch boy how about bitch boy how about benito bitch boy mussolini how much funner would history be if you went into a history teacher he said we're going to talk about benito bitch boy fucking mussolini so then you make it you you put the morality into the fucking history El Duce That was his nickname El Duce, but now he's Bitch Boy Now he's Bitch Boy
Starting point is 00:39:29 Yeah, Bitch Boy The name of this episode Bitch Boy That would be a good name for the episode Yeah, I mean there's only two Ivan the Terrible and Vlad the Impaler I can't think of another one I can't think of one other one
Starting point is 00:39:42 And a lot of them deserve bad nicknames A lot of them were not cool That's some gangster shit You do something terrible and then you call yourself great Yeah, well the rest of them Just weren't in control of their own nicknames I guess I'm Peter the Great Or Charlemagne
Starting point is 00:39:58 Charlemagne the God Well Charlemagne meant like I think the great Charles What did Charlemagne mean? Charlemagne or Well, Charlemagne meant like, I think, the great Charles. What did Charlemagne mean? Charlemagne or a lot of greats. There was a lot of greats. Not the God. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:40:15 Not the God. I love he calls himself Charlemagne the God. What was Charlemagne's real name? Charlemagne's real name. I want to know his real name too. Oh, go back. Wait, go back, go back. So Charlemagne the God's real name charlamagne's real name i want to know his real name too i was oh go back wait go back go back so charlamagne the god's real name is leonard larry mckelvey so you need a nickname man he are is fucking amazing dog marketing is amazing don't call me lettered
Starting point is 00:40:40 Don't call me Leonard. Leonard, dinner time. Come on. I'm Charlemagne the God. So let's talk. Was Charlemagne's real name like fucking also Eugene or something? Yeah. King of the Franks. Charlemagne.
Starting point is 00:40:59 What was his name? Fred. Yeah. Charlemagne's real name was Dudu. Charlemagne. Can you just Google Charlemagne's real name was doodoo charlemagne can you just google charlemagne's real name well his dad's name was pepin so maybe it was his real name pepin yeah oh maybe it was charlemagne's real name charles charles yeah and then yeah charles the gray that's what i was right his name was given to him after his death yeah i nailed it charlemagne meant charles the gray so they called him charlemagne
Starting point is 00:41:31 but his real name was charles lemange isn't mang like isn't that bad manje charles manje manje what do you get when you get the mange oh that's the mangy that's like a dog right yeah something get dogs get that so that was his name charles lemangy um but it was he was later called posthumously charles the great i'm yanni the fucking i'm yanni the i'm yanni i'm yanni the outstanding i'm yanni yanni the cyclops King. Alexander the Great. You know? He's called the Great. So why is Charlemagne called the father of Europe? Because he did some shit. He fought.
Starting point is 00:42:13 He fucking. That was during the Frank Kingdom, right? Where they took shit over. So he murdered. He could have been the impaler. You know what they're telling me? He didn't impale. He just was in control of his own nickname.
Starting point is 00:42:24 He probably died while shit was still hot. If you're dying while you're still hot. Stalin died while shit was still popping. You know what I'm saying? Guy really murdered a lot of our own people. And we got to reconcile people like, yo, shut your mouth. You talking about my man Steele? He didn't do anything of the sort. Stalin murdered millions and millions and millions of people through forced famine and... What's the word? Submission. Yeah. um sub uh what's the word sub submission yeah how about made say darn how many he take down how much did the great leap forward take down he's the goat according to this 45 mil caitlin clark oh fucking dictators kids racking numbers. All-time leading scorer in death.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Mao Zedong, 45 million. But yo, Stalin got a lot. What did Stalin get? According to this, 9 million. Oh, that's fucking nothing. But also the Chinese, it's like there's a lot more of them to kill. You know? You got to go by percentages.
Starting point is 00:43:41 Yeah. I mean, 45 mil, that's a nice little record, Mao Zedong. And they love that dude over there. It's fucking, you know. They still preach his philosophy. Dude, we should do an episode on President Xi's pops. It's so fascinating. So fascinating.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Because the communists fucked him up. And then this kid got raised, like, by the state. Like, your father was bad and so he's basically he's basically darth vader he's basically darth vader and trump is luke skywalker how to bite because what's going to happen is joe b Biden's going to win His numbers are up a little bit And I don't think Trump's going to be allowed to run Because he's got court cases Kids got cases
Starting point is 00:44:30 What are they calling the ghetto? Caught a case My man caught a case Yo, Trump caught a case He caught a case, dog He can't make it You know He locked up right now
Starting point is 00:44:40 You hurt? I mean, Trump locked up Yo, T-Gon locked up right now Doing a bid Yo, my man doing a hard six He doing a hard six now. You hurt? I mean, Trump locked up. Yo, T-Gon locked up right now. Doing a bid. Yo, my man doing a hard six. He doing a hard six right now. You hurt? So then Biden will die and Kamala Harris will get it.
Starting point is 00:44:52 I can't. I don't want to say that. Kamala Harris will die from. Wait, nobody's dying. Yeah, nobody dies. Nobody dies. Nobody dies. Kamala Harris will just quit.
Starting point is 00:45:03 She'll go, I've had it. I'm protesting pay inequality. My salary's lower than Dan Quayle's was, or whatever. Was Dan Quayle vice president? Yeah, he was vice president of Bush, right? Yeah. Yeah, my president was lower than Al Gore. I'm protesting inequality, and then she's up there with the bull from soccer. And they're talking about wage gap shit. So she quits. And so then Hunter Biden becomes president of the United States because we returned to a feudal system.
Starting point is 00:45:35 And so he's Prince. That would be fun. That would be fun. So then he's Luke Skywalker. And then we find out that presidency fucked is his pops because Dave because his mom took a trip there and that's why he's got drug addictions because the Chinese can't handle their alcohol they don't have the enzyme for it so that's really a good explanation why he's an addict because he can't handle it they don't have the enzyme for it enzyme and so then it's Luke Skywalker versus Darth Vader.
Starting point is 00:46:06 Dog, King Z's Batman. His family was murdered. Yeah, but instead of Batman, he chose darkness. So he's more... He's the Joker. He's more the Joker. But isn't that more Darth Vader? Because didn't they kill him and then... Darth Vader chose the dark side. He chose the darkness. I think President
Starting point is 00:46:22 Z could have easily chosen like, hey, the communists are bad. The communists like tortured his pops, but also chosen, like, hey, the communists are bad. The communists, like, tortured his pops, but also raised him, like, this is why your father's bad. Look at what he was going against. We want to give, and then you show, you pick one place, you see, and they just raised him up.
Starting point is 00:46:39 They just raised him up in communism. He loves it. He needs therapy. He needs, can you imagine all this suppression he's doing and all this takedown of independent business now he's doing it's all because of his pops but what if this is a long game he's gonna and as soon as he can sell he has consolidated well i know the chinese win i tell you because they're the aliens in the future but what happens so i know they win what happens if he like all of a sudden just starts locking up all these communists and gets revenge for how they treated his pops? It's not going to happen.
Starting point is 00:47:08 Let's say like, he just like, aha, I got you. I got you. And then boom. And then now I know who you all are and now I'm turning. Yup.
Starting point is 00:47:15 But that's only going to happen when, um, Jesus Christ comes back and floats down into his house and has an honest moment and converts him like Constantine. It's going to happen when he's very sick with the new COVID that they release. He's going to catch it. And then when he catches it on his deathbed,
Starting point is 00:47:33 then the archangel Gabriel is going to come down and go like, you're a fucking heathen barbarian. We're Christians. Yeah, he finds Jesus. But that doesn't happen. You want to know how I know? Why? Because the aliens are us from the future
Starting point is 00:47:47 And they're Sky Chinese So It is what it is Have you seen them? The greys? Who do they look more like? Us in the future Or them in the future?
Starting point is 00:47:56 I'm just saying Does that Did that line just make this a bonus? Should I have done that in Sean Terry's voice? Should we? Okay You gotta do it in a character Alright
Starting point is 00:48:07 Forget to cut that part But this is Sean Terry's Sean Terry I know that the Chinese win in the future Cause Cause the aliens are us from the future Like Joe Rogan said And who do they look more like?
Starting point is 00:48:21 So the Chinese end up winning fucking World War 3 And then they live for another thousand years. And they have no body hair. And neither do the greys. So eventually, because they don't got to build any muscle mass anymore, because these fucking Chinese, they can't play sports. They all look like fucking
Starting point is 00:48:37 she-girls. They all look like fucking she-males, these fucking guys. So they shrink down into these little fucking greys, get in their fucking spaceships, and eat ramen because they can survive longer without food because they're smaller. The Americans can't fit in those fucking ships, but the Chinese are fucking compact and small.
Starting point is 00:48:55 So they get in there, and they fucking fly off, and they come down, and they visit us from the fucking future because they figure out how to go fast because the Japanese were the first ones to build the bullet train. So that's how I know that the Chinese win World War III. It's because of the Sky Chinese that visit us now. I'm cannibalizing my act because that's in my act. But there you go.
Starting point is 00:49:20 If you're a podcast listener, you'll still laugh at it when you see it on my special. So whatever. And if someone tries to steal it, I thought'll still laugh at it when you see it on my special. So whatever. And if someone tries to steal it, I thought of it. And it's only in Sean Terry's voice. I didn't come up with that. That's right. Sean Terry calls him Sky Chinese.
Starting point is 00:49:32 That's right. Not me. Not Giannis Papas. Not me. The fucking eyes, you can tell. The fucking Chinese grace. So that's what's going to happen, dog. If only Z listened to this pod, he would have more of an understanding of his own psychology.
Starting point is 00:49:47 He should take a meeting with us. He needs to do EMDR. Yeah. He needs to do EMDR. I would have him on the pod. You'd have him on the pod? Of course I would. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:55 I'd go, so, so Z, why is that? See, a lot of people say you're um you're you're really you're really cracking down on people's uh freedom over there um if someone if you if you jaywalk you get publicly shamed and there's a ticket that comes straight to your house everyone has a social credit score and nobody's allowed to do anything now but the streets are clean clean. Why is that? Why do Americans have such a bad view of China? The streets are clean. The cities are, I mean, God forbid. Imagine, imagine Tucker goes and looks at the skyline of Wuhan.
Starting point is 00:50:36 He's going to go. You're told in the media that Wuhan is, the communism is so bad. But let me tell you something. I went to the supermarket and had a dark chocolate. And I love dark chocolate. So, you know, a lot of the things that they tell you
Starting point is 00:50:55 are just, are they true? Is it true? I don't know. Look at the, I mean, look at, imagine he goes and sees some of the fucking skylines over there. He'll lose his life. Malaysia. And then he goes, oh yeah, look at, imagine he goes and sees some of the fucking skylines over there. He'll lose his life.
Starting point is 00:51:05 And then he goes, oh yeah, wait, if you do graffiti, they cane you and put you to death. That's how you keep a place clean. But is that what you want? You don't want kids having any fun? Okay, yeah, you break a couple mailboxes. It causes some destruction. That employs people. You put some nails down in the road.
Starting point is 00:51:23 That employs people. So what? You know, kids like to have fun. You put some nails down in the road, that employs people. So what? You know, kids like to have fun. You do a little graffiti, it's a good time. You're hanging out with your friends. You drink a 40 on the beach, you throw,
Starting point is 00:51:34 you break it and the glass goes on the concrete and it goes into a labradoodle's paw. By the way, what's a bigger indication of a nice neighborhood? A Whole Foods or a white woman walking a Labradoodle? They go hand in hand. They go hand in hand. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:48 You see a white woman walking alone with a Labradoodle at 7 p.m.? You're safe. You're okay. You made it. You passed on. You're in the light. You're out of the darkness and into the light. The Labradoodle is really like the uh the boundary line of that's
Starting point is 00:52:06 right you're in a safe place it's like a neighborhood with an apple store yeah it's apple store what's the biggest indication would it be apple store would it be um would it be whole foods or labradoodle i'd say labradoodle because the labradoodles sometimes are a little farther than the main strip with the apple so the the Labradoodle is, if that Labradoodle is on that block, you're within the bound. Like, you could get out of the car and roll around in the grass. You know, you're safe. Like, the Apple Store is in the middle.
Starting point is 00:52:39 So the Apple Store and Whole Foods are like Rome. It's like the Rome. And then the white woman with the Labradoodle is the frontier soldiers, right? The Roman frontier soldiers. So you're right on the line of where on the other side of the river are the barbarians, but you're still in Rome. So once you see a Labradoodle walking, you're in Rome. You're no longer where the barbarians can get you and impale you,
Starting point is 00:53:09 or whatever they did. So just stand and look out for Labradoodles. It is definitely the fucking white designer dog of choice. They took those two breeds and just said, how can we bitchify a dog? They're beautiful, though. They're just skinny. And when you pet them, they're like bony.
Starting point is 00:53:29 They're very athletic. They're great dogs. I'm not into these fucking science dogs. That should be a clip where I say, yeah, I want that to be a clip. Which one? Last episode where I was screaming about why you get a pure breed. What do you want? I'm working on your farm.
Starting point is 00:53:42 Just rescue your dog. Be a good person. And that's the only thing I want you to think about is your dog, your home, and your zip code. And that is my Yanni Huberman's prescription. Okay? That's it. You don't even need to. Guess what?
Starting point is 00:53:59 You want to know the reason why you need to deep breathe? Why is it the reason? Did people need to deep breathe before the internet? Nobody need to deep breathe why is it the read did people need to deep breathe before the internet nobody needed to deep breathe everyone was pretty chill my dad was fine fucking smoking a cigarette and having a coffee right and that's it like my dad wasn't in a constant need of a deep breath and sunlight and all this shit and the reason why people need all these things now is because we've gone past our local sphere of influence. We got to get back down. Local organizing.
Starting point is 00:54:30 Clean up your neighborhoods. I want one ethnicity in every neighborhood. That's supposed to be Sean Terry. Okay, went off the rails. I see nothing's going to work. Okay, because that's where that'll end too. Next thing you know, it's sphere of influence. They're going, okay, yeah, Yanni. Yanni, what Because that's where that'll end too. Next thing you know, it's fear of influence.
Starting point is 00:54:45 They're going, okay, yeah, Yanni. Yanni, what was that? Yanni the Astounding. Yanni the Astounding. Yanni the Astounding. You told us to just focus on our neighborhood. So guess what?
Starting point is 00:54:55 We started focusing on our neighborhood when we ran these Mexicans out with bats. And you're going, oh, wait, I didn't want that. And you go, oh, fuck, this has gotten away from me. But then I got to pretend like I go like that because that's the political will.
Starting point is 00:55:07 Because you can't control people. So then I go, okay, let's get back to that. It's all Italian, all Irish, all German neighborhood. That's it. And the Mexicans, over there. You know, during World War II, dude, they just took all the Japanese and they threw them in fucking camps
Starting point is 00:55:25 I mean Dude when war comes You can throw your civil liberties Out the window Yeah That was rough Just people born here The Japanese in tournament camps
Starting point is 00:55:35 Yeah they just rounded you up Yeah I mean the bomb was like Yeah That's another big historical debate Shit gets ugly Dude we need to drop the bomb? But a lot of people don't know that it wasn't just that we wanted to scare the Russians.
Starting point is 00:55:50 It's that we wanted to drop the bomb before the Russians got to that sphere of war to help us end the war. Because we saw what happened in Germany, right? So we took West Germany. They took East Germany. And we knew communism was bad, right, for us. And bad. So we wanted all of Japan. We wanted the reconstructive all of Japan.
Starting point is 00:56:11 So the Russians were coming. They were, like, close. And so we were like, we want to end the war. And the Japanese would not take unconditional surrender. And people say, why didn't you let them keep your thing? It's like, who gives a fuck? They preemptively attacked us. We want unconditional surrender.
Starting point is 00:56:26 This is over, dude. Don't make us do this. And they just rejected it. So what can you do? It's bad. It's bad what happened. But also, here's another thing. We didn't know how bad it was going to be.
Starting point is 00:56:40 It was one of those things like maybe COVID vaccines. When you look back, you go, okay, maybe they helped a little bit. They helped us end the war. Whoops. But it also some people. So a lot of it was a little. The blast zone was a little bigger than we thought. Sorry about that.
Starting point is 00:56:57 Hi, my name is. I'm calling from. Yeah. Can I get an ambulance? Because the skin on my hand just fell off. Where do you live? I live in. I'm so far. I'm in Tokyo. I don't know how this happened. Yeah, can I get an ambulance? Because the skin on my hand just fell off. Where do you live? I live in Tokyo. I'm so far.
Starting point is 00:57:07 I'm in Tokyo. I don't know how this happened. Yeah, I mean, it was worse than they thought. So it was worse. Initially, we were going to, there were some other cities that were on the list, and it got changed. And if you're that city, you're going like,
Starting point is 00:57:21 it's almost like you were supposed to be on United Flight 118 or whatever, and you find like you were supposed to be on United Flight 118 or whatever. And you find out you slept late or something. I can't remember the name of it. It was like Kiku or something was supposed to be the city. But it got changed because I think Stimson, I think the Secretary of War convinced Truman. He was like, they'll never forgive us because it's just a purely civilian target but um he's like at least there's a military base in hiroshima i mean the military base probably had like seven japanese fighters like seven i mean just one military base and um
Starting point is 00:57:57 oh kyoto wait what was it kyoto no it was supposed to not be hiroshima i know that and then um and then you got if you're in hiroshima you gotta be like oh fuck dude god damn it fuck i wish we had fuck why do we have this fucking military yeah uh whatever it was there was a city i don't know if it was kiku or kyoto or whatever cities that were supposed to be but j Christ, Jesse, I mean, how's, can I screenshot that? No. The easy way to go is where was the bomb, yeah, why was Kyoto not bombed?
Starting point is 00:58:38 It was felt that bombing Kyoto would have engendered such anger amongst the Japanese that the post-war occupation would have been, and yeah, and that was Stimson that convinced Harry Truman of that. So they switched at the last second, and Hiroshima got the boom-boom. Hiroshima. Which in history, you think about it, it's a better name.
Starting point is 00:58:59 Hiroshima. It sounds like something bad happened there. I guess the bomb on Kyoto just doesn't have the, are we going to do another Kyoto in Nagasaki? It's better than Hiroshima. So they got the boom booms, and it was worse than we thought, and then afterwards we were horrified by it.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Even Truman was horrified by it. He was like, dude, this has got, and that's what set up the League of Nations, and there was supposed to be this international coordination. Well, actually, League of Nations was World War I. I think the United Nations after World War II. But, dude, once the nuclear age came, and that's how you know, like,
Starting point is 00:59:35 it makes you really not be hopeful because you go on, like, it's almost like how much worse can this get? It's almost like when they killed those babies in Newtown. And you're going, okay, can we do something? Can we just, can we find a compromise somewhere? And when you, after the boom booms hit, you're going, all right. And then they did the tests.
Starting point is 00:59:56 Like Russians and like the fucking radiation spread out. Like, and people were just getting cancer like miles away. And they're like, all right, this is no good. like and people were just getting cancer like miles away and they're like all right this is no good and then once they created the ones that could kill 665 million or 400 million or you're going like okay we gotta figure something out here but we still haven't been able to we still haven't been able to so that's what makes you think maybe it's what is going to be the revolution of mine it's got to be a revolution of mind mushrooms everyone needs a microdose we gotta instead of trying look dude you know what they do
Starting point is 01:00:32 you know how they try to like we definitely did it to chavez right we gave him a brain tumor but what if instead of giving him a brain tumor you put ayahuasca in his coffee see what he comes up with he would come up the next day. That's right. Next day, he'd be like Neil Brennan and be like, I love everybody. I'm on ayahuasca now. That's right. That's what we need to do.
Starting point is 01:00:51 Put ayahuasca in Putin's coffee. I want to give a shout out to the people who really are responsible for this show, being able to go out to all of you. I want to sincerely thank you all. I know I joke around a lot, but I love you guys to death. I hope we helped you a little bit I know I joke around a lot, but I love you guys to death. I hope we helped you a little bit
Starting point is 01:01:06 because you've helped us a lot. Exclusiveautoshipping.com. Our Patreon member, Jared Z, that's his business. He'll move your car. If you bought a car from out of state or you're moving, exclusiveautoshipping.com.
Starting point is 01:01:20 Student and military discounts are available. And that's who you call if you need to do that one thing. And if you want to do this thing, which is cash a business check, I mean, you got to give it to Chris Minetti. He's a good sport. I haven't given him one good ad read, and he loves it. They've all been good.
Starting point is 01:01:37 They've all been good. I mean, they've been good for comedy. But, you know, he's a legitimate business. Chris Minetti will cash your business check in the Philly, South Jersey area. 215-750-3730 is the number. Also, from what I hear, he is an Italian gentleman from Philly, so he'll have you over for his mom's sauce. After he cashes your business check, he'll take you back to Philly and get you a hoogie.
Starting point is 01:02:01 after he cashes your business check, he'll take you back to Philly and get you a hoogie. For the free dot art, this one I can still get away with just saying it's music in Hawaii. Check it out, though. Check out the website. Tell me if they've updated it. New copy.
Starting point is 01:02:15 Ooh! Nate Linder's giving us some new copy. Can we, just like I'm Yanni the Astounding, let's call him Nate the Great Marketer. Nate the Great Marketer. Nate the Great. Nate the Great helps businesses across the world. I like to read the copy verbatim when it comes in.
Starting point is 01:02:34 Nate helps businesses across the world. Is it the globe? He's a global conglomerate. Across the world. Sounds like I had a smoker's cough, but it's just... Also, allergies have hit me hard. Whoop. He's a global conglomerate. Across the world. Sounds like I had a smoker's cough, but it's just... Also, allergies have hit me hard. Nate helps businesses across the world. Now, you can Google that.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Create high-performing websites, rank number one on Google, and profit from digital advertising. Nate is focused on real business results like revenue and new customer acquisition, not just clicks. Nate has been crushing it with B2B companies and construction companies across the globe. Natelinder.com is back. Natelinder.com. Think marketing? Think Natelinder. He's doing it, dude. Nat Linder's going to blow up as this podcast blows up. All you got to do is stick around.
Starting point is 01:03:29 If you stick around, if these guys stick around, you're going to increasingly get to bigger and bigger numbers. Once we figure out how to stop making them smaller and smaller and we get them bigger and bigger. They're not getting smaller and smaller. The listening numbers are great and steady and growing. YouTube algorithm doesn't love us for some reason. It's probably because I say things like, bleep it.
Starting point is 01:03:49 DisplayPros.net. We love you guys. They're the real deal when it comes to custom trade, show booths, retail fixtures, and promotional items. What sets them apart from the competition? It's their customer service, their fast turnaround. It's unbeatable. So that's not all. What can you expect? You can expect excellent customer service from them.
Starting point is 01:04:08 So whether you're getting ready for a trade show, setting up a retail space, or just need some killer promotional items, check out displaypros.net. Use the coupon code. Just tell them Giannis sent you. That's easier than what's the deal is. So just tell them Giannis sent you and you get 10% off your first order. MA Insurance Services is a boutique insurance service company in the St. Petersburg, Florida area. They got all types of coverage plans. MAinsuranceServices.com
Starting point is 01:04:37 or you can call them at 813-260-0338. Shout out our boy, Matthew Albani. Capper Tech. You know, this is people, you know, we got people on here who like to gamble, right? Throw a little juice on games. And so you know we've gotten people from this show because it's free.
Starting point is 01:04:59 So this is an easy sell. You just go to cappertech.com and they will help. They'll crunch the data for you and give you a better sense based on all the data, factors, statistics. They use learning AI to simulate game results and give you the best betting advice possible. 100% free.
Starting point is 01:05:21 That's the best part. Go to CapRetect.com or download the Capritech app in the App Store or the Google Play Store. Start winning. Rebels Raider. Has he got bags yet? No, but he has a new product. Oh, what has he got?
Starting point is 01:05:38 He's calling it a plate carrier. It's body armor. Okay. So if you're a four-year-old child who goes to school in a pretty lax gun law area this is actually you know this is actually gonna be he may be early in the market we know who to call when the lights go out yeah we know who to call dude he may be like early on a trend yeah but we we're all gonna be walking around looking like medieval knights soon. He's a good guy to know. Body armor has got to be a part of what you do.
Starting point is 01:06:09 He's currently working on my plate carrier, body armor, and a new backpack. If you want to be safe while you hop on the United Airlines flight, you can fill out in that military backpack, and also you can be protected against the bullets. He's working on that right now. Still sold out of the backpacks, right? And he's working on a new backpack as well. I want to see that.
Starting point is 01:06:37 I use it every week. Rebels-Raiders.com. Check them out. Real deal tactical gear. Backpack pouches, all types of packs for everyday carry. Running, training, traveling, all that. They're just amazing backpacks. Rebels-Raiders.com.
Starting point is 01:06:58 And we got ThinkingMan.substack.com. It's a New York City-based newsletter. Essays on everything from movies, pop culture, politics, articles. They want people to start thinking again. That's what they want to do over there. So you can check them out at Thinkingman or thinkingman.substack.com. Guess what? Subscriptions are free or five bucks a month,
Starting point is 01:07:20 depending on what you can afford, what you're willing to give. And of course, my boy, Yannis Papas, John Pappas. My name just means John. He's got Suds Auto Spot. Did we find out where it is?
Starting point is 01:07:31 Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh. We got some listeners in Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh. John Pappas. My namesake. He's got Suds Auto Spa. When I come to Pittsburgh,
Starting point is 01:07:44 I'm going to drive there. I'm taking my car to Suds Auto Spa. I'm not driving. It's too far. Eight hours or something. Six hours. I'm not doing it. Suds Auto Spa, but I will for you, John.
Starting point is 01:07:52 Suds Auto Spa is a clean car freak's dream. They specialize in automotive longevity services such as ceramic coatings. Nice. And paint protection film. They also offer storage solutions featuring car capsule units. These storage assets are designed to keep your car dust-free and safe from impacts, mildew, even rodents. If you love your car and you're in Pittsburgh
Starting point is 01:08:16 or in an area close to that, might as well check them out. Give us a call. And by us, I mean them. 412-564-5033 i say us because i feel like i'm part of the company right now i am part of the company i'm getting paid and i am now part of suds auto spa i represent suds auto spa so suds auto spa if you want to just write some things you want to hear on that and don't want on the show, I got it. Just like the networks, if you want me to cool it on some stuff, cool it. Look, if there's anyone out there
Starting point is 01:08:50 who wants to pay me money to cool it on a few things, I'll cool it on a few things. But it's got to come with a couple of dineros. If these sponsors start having demands, it is what it is. It is what it is. Yachty's got to get diapers. Call them at 412-564-5033, or you can email them at info at sudsautospa.com.
Starting point is 01:09:12 Check them out. Give them a follow on the gram, suds-auto-spa on Instagram. Go there and fucking write some funny comments. PCB Tech Art. I love this. Looking for business marketing swag in the form of keychains, ball markers, or bag tags? Maybe you need PCB design consultations, prototyping, or 3D printing services. Check out PCBTechArt.com.
Starting point is 01:09:39 Visit the online store or send them a direct message for any consultations and custom designs. Use code YANUS10 for 10% off your order. They also sell on Amazon. So he says to me, Yanni, if you send over images you want to use, could be the podcast thumbnail or just the Yanni logo, I'll get some samples together for you guys so you can, yeah, let's do it. We're going to hit you up. Thank you guys for listening.
Starting point is 01:10:04 What's up, everybody? Also, check out our Patreon, patreon.com slash Giannis Papasour. Catch me May 2nd in Los Angeles at the Netflix is a Joke Festival. Rally North Carolina May 17th and 18th. And Haraz in Atlantic City June 22nd. Haraz? Haraz. Did I say Haraz?
Starting point is 01:10:23 You said Haraz. Haraz.

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