Yannis Pappas Hour - The Sand Never Settles

Episode Date: October 13, 2023

It’s always too soon to joke about the Middle East, but it’s the camel in the room, so Yanni breaks it down. Also, Yanni explores the Geoffrey Hinton piece on 60 minutes about the dangerous future... of A.I. also, RFK has launched a terrorist attack on dems & repubs by announcing an independent candidacy.  See Yanni do stand up live in your town: Red Bank, NJ Oct 14 San Fran Oct 27-28 New York City Nov 4 Providence Nov 10-11 Phoenix Nov 16-18 Spokane Dec 1-2 Tulsa Dec 8-9 Louisville Dec 15-16 Portland Jan 11 Vancouver Jan 12 Toronto March 23 San Diego Kansas City  Ticket links on yannispappascomedy.com Join our highlights page for highlight clips from the episodes: https://youtube.com/channel/UCfMy34qIYYy7XiRaHKO1ykw new bonus episodes every Wednesday at https://www.patreon.com/yannispappashour?utm_campaign=creatorshare_

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. It is Giannis Cronkite here with the news of the week. I will be talking about everything except the Middle East. Because other news is also happening. 2,000 people are dead in Afghanistan because of an earthquake. I don't think anyone knows that. It was a big earthquake. People died.
Starting point is 00:00:32 2,000, that's a biggie. My science background says it was probably a 7.19 on the Richter scale. Oil prices have jumped. That's good for Russia. We're going to talk a lot about AI right now because we're scared out of our minds about what might happen after listening to Jeffrey Hinton, who is a British
Starting point is 00:00:56 guy with a British face. I mean, those British faces are special. He's got a special British face and a mouth full of British teeth and daddy issues. But he's the godfather of AI and he sends us some warnings. A warning.
Starting point is 00:01:12 So we'll be talking about his warning. Also RFK still hanging around like a bunion. He's moving to an independent candidacy where he will be doing his campaigning strictly on center of right podcasts of comedians. His main source of outreach is Bobby Lee.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Outreach is Bobby Lee. Scientists say lots of foods that are high in carbohydrates should be labeled as addictive, and maybe that could help the obesity problem. Good luck. We don't have an obesity problem. We don't have a fentanyl problem. We have a emmer-effin' boring suburbs problem. That's the problem we got to solve.
Starting point is 00:02:08 When you go out to those suburbs, the only light that you see at the end of the tunnel is a free refill of sugar-full iced tea at a cheesecake factory with a portion that could feed an entire Palestinian people. That's a lot of people. That's the only mention I'm going to do of it. Welcome to the Yanis Papas Hour.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Please don't hurt me. I only say Palestinian because they're in the public consciousness right now. And, you know, their population has really soared in Gaza. There's a lot of them. Otherwise, I don't know why I would mention Palestine. There's nothing going on in the news. Things are pretty quiet on that front. You can't really make jokes about Israel, Palestine, because it's always too soon over there.
Starting point is 00:03:24 You ever notice that? Just when you think it's always too soon over there you ever notice that yeah just when you think it's not too soon I'm about to fucking lay out a zinger you go no it's it's on again and it's just too soon too soon never ends the dust never settles because it's all fucking sand. The sand never settles in the Middle East. As things have really gone crazy again. And where would we be without X? Everyone has rushed to X. This has been good for X. Everyone's on X now.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Truly not knowing what to believe. I've seen articles saying World War III started. I've seen articles saying Hamas is ready for peace talks. I've seen articles saying that Elon Musk is considering going complete socialist. I don't know what to believe. It is a stew of free speech over on X. speech over on X. And if you want to see a swastika, you can find it. You can find it because it's there. They're there. If you want to hear some good old anti-Semitism, you can't find it on any of the legacy, the legacy social media companies. Can we now call X the only one that's not legacy? Legacy's become a bad word. Like liberal.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Like liberal or Trump supporter. Or Trumper. Or MAGA. Legacy's bad. Is it from the legacy media? Or did you get it from somebody's profile where the truth reigns on x do we have the hollywood hogan music for that can we just play nwa nwo music you know the dent at the breaking glass or whatever whenever i I say X and a Hollywood Elon Musk,
Starting point is 00:05:25 you don't know what to believe on X. Everyone is thrown out opinions. There's hashtags, um, brutal, brutal, brutal situation that happened over there, um,
Starting point is 00:05:39 over the weekend. And I'm not just talking about a lot of Tik TOK comedians doing weekends at clubs. That was also brutal. And the audience it must be fun when the audience finds out when they just show up and then they go wait the whole thing is going to be you asking us what we do for a living so i know a lot of people had brutal weekends i don't mean to demean what happened in the Middle East, but there's a lot of people who paid 40 bucks to see Bleep It, whoever I'm going to say, and they were very disappointed.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Imagine going to like a big historic venue and watching someone go to the front row going like, so what do you do? So what's going on? You guys together? What's going on? The algorithm is doing a great job of making everyone have a sophisticated palette for comedic art. They're doing a great job of promoting those people who want to soothsay.
Starting point is 00:06:40 It's a weird place, man. We're in a weird place, ladies and gentlemen. We're on the verge of a more intelligent apparatus being, what do you want to call them? Alien intelligence? I don't know what you call them because we're entering into an era where there are things smarter than us. Now, here's the irony of it. There's always been people smarter than all the other people. So now you're going to have AI who are just smarter than those smartest people. So I don't know. Most people are barely sliding into human. Let me be clear.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Barely sliding in. I'm talking play at the plate, 15-minute review by the umpires in the booth, late 15 minute review by the umpires in the booth seeing if a person got a pinky in before the swipe tag happened into being human we're most people are closer to chimp they are most closer to chimp than they are uh than they are jeffrey hinton that's for sure this guy created ai and he's been working at google and now he's retired and he's teaching in toronto why would you choose toronto what is wrong with these people from northern europe guy go to paros put on a speedo go to a nude beach and walk around with your awful beak face and your British teeth and just live by the Aegean Sea? What do you want to live in Toronto for?
Starting point is 00:08:11 To go see Andrew Schultz sell another show where the Raptors play? To see another Indian guy with the Toronto Blue Jays hat? To watch another hockey game? To get another double-double at Tim Hortons? To go see Jason Rouse again in Ajax? How many yuck-yucks are you going to go to? It's cold up there.
Starting point is 00:08:36 To be surprised when you meet a black guy and he goes, hey. And you go, whoa, I never heard a black guy sound like that. It's funny when you run into black guys and they sound like they're auditioning for the movie Fargo, and you're just like, it is so weird for us. When I went to England and I went to a McDonald's and they were like, hello, and I was like, huh? I mean, because it's just, you know, they look African-American,
Starting point is 00:09:03 so it's like they don't have any like, when you hear like Lennox Lewis talk about boxing, you're like, he gave him a right hook and then a left hook came and then you see Lennox and you're like, why aren't you selling me weed through a bullet glass window? Why do I not, why can I not see you through a bullet glass window handing me a nickel bag
Starting point is 00:09:23 while there's one shelf of Utz chips that have expired five years ago to my right in my periphery? Why do you sound like Jeffrey Hinton? Jeffrey? Jeffrey Hinton, the father, the godfather of AI, issued a stark warning on 60 Minutes. Can anyone get through 60 Minutes? Who's watching 60 Minutes?
Starting point is 00:09:49 I guarantee you if they did a demographic poll on the people watching 60 Minutes, I think we're going 100%, 46 and over. Do you think there's 130-something? What a woeful generation. What a woeful generation the millennials are. There's a lot of great ones, but they're creating their own fantasy worlds. And they've all started cults. The successful ones have started cults where they're all believing things that are not objectively true. They're religiously true, right? Like we're starting a movement.
Starting point is 00:10:33 You know, I'm the greatest of all time. I'm a hero. I'm a warrior, whatever, for justice. Whatever they're doing, none of them are doing diddly squat. They're not doing diddly, diddly, diddly squat. But it's like a dual delusion that the audience and the content creator are both in on where it's like, we believe your bullshit story because you give us hope that I too can be a bullshitter and take a very easy route into adulthood to make money.
Starting point is 00:11:07 It's like a dual delusion, right? Because cults are kind of a dull delusion, a dual, dual delusion. And I feel like the millennials are, it's open season. That generation really kicked that into being where people could just like claim anything and say anything. Be like, I believe this. And you go like, but what about these facts? And you're like, that's not in my belief system. I believe that this, and it's just, that's, you don't understand this is the world we've created
Starting point is 00:11:38 and it's a business and it's funded by the people who believe in it. And we go and we meet and we do a big circle jerk and we feel great about it, and we're oblivious to anything else that would contravene the evidence of what we're saying, whether that be going to a comedy show for someone who's claiming to be a savior
Starting point is 00:11:59 or the greatest comedian alive or whatever they're believing, it's created, it's completely fabricated. Of course, no one could ever prove who the greatest comedian living comedian is. Right. But you can say it. And if you're saying it to the people who love you, it's a reality that's created. If you're if you're if you're getting white powder sent to your house, you can be going, guys, we're here not just for comedy. We're here fighting against the – they wouldn't say matrix because that's what Andrew Tate's fighting against. That's the reality he's created.
Starting point is 00:12:36 The matrix is trying to take me down. Now I'm a devout Muslim who wants all righteousness. But I also human trafficked a couple of people on my road to riches. This Bugatti was paid for by Romanian women's tears. You think he just showed up with a briefcase full of Estonian women's tears? And said,
Starting point is 00:13:10 he goes, well, we don't take water. He goes, that's not water. That is the salty mucus of fatherless war refugees who prostituted themselves for 50% of the money that I gave them. They're creating his own reality.
Starting point is 00:13:29 He's fighting against the Matrix. The Matrix is coming to get me. Russell Brand is going like, okay, the legacy, he's legacy media. Coordinated attack. I mean, the same thing that happened to Israel this weekend has happened to Russell Brand. There's a coordinated attack. Coordinated attacks.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Everyone has created their own reality, man. Reality is something that is not objective anymore. It's hard to find an objective reality. And in this Israeli... In Israel... Israeli pals. In the Israel club. Why are people so worked up about this one? I understand.
Starting point is 00:14:14 What happened this weekend is heinous. It was savage. It was akin to what you'd see the Vikings do. It's from a different era. You're talking about babies being burned, heads cut off, party goers who are just listening to music who have nothing to do with politics just being mowed down.
Starting point is 00:14:34 And then someone's watching going, what's going on? What are they doing to the open-air prison? Open-air prison. I'm going like, I don't know. I don't know. I don't live there, but I don't hear great things. I don't know. It's all bad.
Starting point is 00:14:45 But that doesn't excuse what happened this weekend. It's full-blown terrorism, what happened this weekend, of such a savage nature that it reminds you of a previous era, before there was even a concept of human rights, which has been most of human history. There's no border that you see on this globe that wasn't delineated after a massacre or a population exchange or a genocide or a war
Starting point is 00:15:16 that included rape. There's just no border. And that continues to be a source of contention and dispute. You can see it in Ukraine and Russia. It's still going on, right? So to ignore that is sort of naive. And it's just something that you shout online from a very safe domicile in Kabul Hill. And you just tweet it because you're living in the platonic realm of theory and what's right and wrong, but it has nothing to do with reality. You know, sort of, it's just why I joke about communists and libertarians so much, because guess what? I love both of those philosophies. Aren't they great?
Starting point is 00:16:06 I mean, if you ask me, dog, depending on the day, I'm a communist. Each according to his need, according to whatever. Everyone lives in peace. Nobody's being exploited. I'm in. I'm in. I'm also in on a hundred of the most beautiful women from around the world wanted to bang me
Starting point is 00:16:27 hypothetically don't be a rat hypothetically i'm also in on that but i have a strong suspicion that both of those things are what you call good old fantasies because i've taken a few turns around his son and what i've noticed is people are dog shit. They're dog shit. They're unenlightened dog shit. And they have subconscious motivations for what they want to do. Saying poverty causes crime
Starting point is 00:16:59 doesn't really sum up why crime happens. Otherwise, Chinatown would be full of fucking crime. There's other factors involved. Sometimes it's down to an individual level. Some people are assholes. Some people have bad fathers. Some people were hit. It's not because they're poor.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Why did Richard, why did Robert Chambers fucking kill Jennifer Levin? Was that her name? Whatever her name was in the middle of Central Park. He's just the first person that came to my mind. Was it because he was poor? He didn't have as much money as her, I guess, but he wasn't poor. He was going to a private school.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Why did Jeffrey Dahmer fucking chop up all those people? Why did Ted Bundy chop up all those people? It wasn't because he was poor. It was because he's from Tacoma, Washington, and they get no sun. It's enough to make anyone crazy. But it's just not enough to explain it. These hasty generalizations, oversimplifications, they're child's play.
Starting point is 00:17:56 The real world is different. It's a different place. Talk to me on another day. I'm a libertarian. Are you kidding me? Just a tiny little government to just just ensure that everyone's rights are protected and their private property is protected and everything's private that sounds great to me man that sounds great to me i mean i
Starting point is 00:18:16 whenever you go to a public toilet you're going this is why communism won't work but then i've got into some friends toilets who own their places and i'm going well i don't know if owning your toilet necessarily means you're not going to piss all over the place either because these particular people are fucking animals i don't know we seem to have gotten to a place where we understood mixed economy. Scandinavia has a mixed economy. We have a mixed economy. We kind of seem to get to an adult place.
Starting point is 00:18:52 We're like, all right, we're going to vacillate a little bit according to the times. If this needs a little boost, we throw some tax dollars into it. Then we unregulate if we need to stimulate in that way. It seemed like we were in an adult place. But then people came along who needed to make money based on things that came out of their mouth because they weren't smart enough to go to law school. They're not smart enough to become doctors, engineers, or work in tech. Um, and they're not brave enough to work in the military and they're lazy. And they, and the internet came and they said, how can I grift, baby?
Starting point is 00:19:25 And they go, we're bringing theory back. We're bringing theory back. We're bringing freshman enthusiasm back. Have you ever considered objectivism? Wow. Let's apply it to the real world. What about libertarian? The paradise and utopia of a libertarian model what about communism bring that Maoism back we're
Starting point is 00:19:50 bringing Maoism back get rid of private property dismantle the police get rid of billionaires we have brought back freshman college ideology you know when you get in there I went to college that first year. You're like, oh, I'm an objectivist. Oh, no, wait, I'm a communist. Oh, no, wait, I'm a libertarian. Oh, no, wait, I'm Jesus. Oh, no, I don't like Jesus.
Starting point is 00:20:13 I'm an atheist. Oh, no, this is all new. I'm a fresh-faced, inexperienced, fucking small-minded fuck who's getting fucking, who's coasting on daddy's dollar to sit around and masturbate over fucking ideas i just found out your ego's fucking huge you're drinking every night you're going baby
Starting point is 00:20:35 baby you're just impressing chicks because you uh because you just uh you're taking a james mitchner class and you're like baby i just read James Mitchener. Nobody has finished the James Mitchener novel. They're 3,000 pages long. Nobody's finished Chesapeake. I took a class in James Mitchener. You know how much pussy I got saying James Mitchener? But no girl ever asks
Starting point is 00:20:59 what was the whole thing about? You just know who James Mitchener is. You know how many phases I went through? I remember learning about Ayn Rand, and I'm like, everything she says is true. It's all true. Selfishness is moral. And then you live in the world a little bit,
Starting point is 00:21:17 and you're like, oh, this is a clusterfuck of fucking gray zone, baby. So a lot of people are bringing this freshman college type of morality, this theory, to the debate of the day. And the debate of the day
Starting point is 00:21:38 can be summed up as tacos or pizza. There's nothing I can say here about Israel and Palestine that Jodorowsky and Salvocano haven't said on Hey Babe. This is a good podcast because I'm a good comedian. That's a great show. But sorry, my snooze got caught. I don't think that episode will ever be coming up.
Starting point is 00:22:13 And I don't think they'll ever have me on that show. Cause my request will be let's do Israel and Palestine, Israel or Palestine. John Rose is like, you're fucking stupid. It's Israel. It's like, no,
Starting point is 00:22:24 what are you talking about? Palestine. John Ross is like, you're fucking stupid. It's Israel. It's like, no, Palestine is great. What are you talking about? That's a great place to go if you want to escape. And people need to escape. I watch it sometimes just to escape. Turn my brain off. Peanut butter or almond butter? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:22:44 That's a good one. That's a good one it's a good one they both taste similar israel or palestine ukraine or russia huh no no you gotta escape from that and you need those escapes so hats off to those guys because they do a great show um this is the show you come to if you want to hear israel and palestine but you're not i'm not i have fucking kids thank god i can't draw yeah thank god i'm the dude if i was a cartoonist i would just get another job i would just be like i don't even want anyone know i don't want people to even know that i have the capability to drop cartoons thankfully i don't i'm also greek which is the great place to be for this because the arabs think we're allies and the jews think we're allies because we were enslaved by muslims so i'm
Starting point is 00:23:38 just look don't come up to me and ask me if I want to hold a palm on a Jewish holiday, which happens to me all the time. In fact, I'm getting rid of these fucking glasses. From here on in, I'm never getting rid of this beard. I'm going to grow it down to an ambiguous height where it's like, is he Turkish or Greek? What is he? I'm never fucking tweezing these again. These are going to go so Greek.
Starting point is 00:24:04 Because unfortunately, people are all riled up, and who knows what the These are going to go so Greek. Cause unfortunately people are all riled up and who knows what the fuck's going to happen. And they're all riled up because they're, they're, they're caught up in emotion and you can't, you can't reason. You can't talk about any of these things. The only thing I can talk about is first of all, what happened is terrorism and, and some of the most brutal we've heard of um uh it's on par with the worst things that have happened in in this century right just when you talk about the the way the killings have happened so heart goes out to israel and to all the citizens who were who were um who were killed and families and um you know whatever innocent, whatever innocent Palestinians were hurt in the
Starting point is 00:24:47 reprisal bombings, which, you know, you can only say you got to blame Hamas for that. Right. I mean, what'd you think was going to happen? What do they think was going to happen? You know? Um, I'm talking about this instance. Um, don't go, well, what about what I'm talking about? What did you think was going to happen yesterday and today? Did you think they were going to walk that off? What do you think they were going to go and go, let's try a different approach? What did you think was going to happen?
Starting point is 00:25:13 Bad things continue to happen. All I can talk about is my experience as a Greek. You know, my particular ancestors were, you know, conquered and enslaved by Ottoman Muslims for close to 400 years, as were a lot of areas in that region. And the Ottoman Empire is one of the most powerful, successful empires in history. And it was an Islamic empire. And they did a lot of bad things. They did a lot of bad things. There wasn't the internet back then, you know.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Back then, you couldn't call a cop. There was no phones. So things could just happen that nobody will ever hear about. And when your family knows about it and you talk about it through generations, you know that bad things happen. My father was born on an island, a Greek island that was called Imbros,
Starting point is 00:26:15 which was probably Greek for, like all those islands, for thousands of years, right? Quick side note, the Philistines um some of the earliest inhabitants of the area known as palestine or israel whatever what can we do to avoid this the middle east the area known as uh what's in the news now whatever you want to call it that area in the news now. Whatever you want to call it. That area. Philistines, they think, were most probably Cretan from the Aegean. They were Cretan, like specifically from Crete. The most evidence suggests that they migrated there. They were wiped out. The Canaanites or whatever they were called,
Starting point is 00:27:01 the Canaanites, they were, I think, the first ones there. They were wiped out. The Babylonians came. They were brutal. People didn't show up. They didn't just show up and go, everything's chill, you know. It's like when your business gets bought out, the old people don't keep their jobs. They're gone. Right? It's like anyone who's in corporate America knows when your company gets bought there's a 91% chance
Starting point is 00:27:30 you're about to be on unemployment. It's called redundancy. It's called a redundancy. Everyone knows that who watches The Office. It's a redundancy. They bring in their people. They now control shit. They move in their ethnic group. And then there's expulsions.
Starting point is 00:27:46 There's rape. There's murder. People are forced out into the diaspora. There's population exchanges. There's conflicts. And a lot of these conflicts you never hear about. Because if there's a caliph or sultan, I can't remember what they're called. Right?
Starting point is 00:28:04 But you'd have to, in the Ottoman Empire, you'd have to buy your way into being a governorship or sultan of an area to control it. They had a little system. Some of them were probably better than others. That's the thing with history. You can't like, you can't like blanket statement it. You can't say Israelis are bad, Palestinians are bad. It comes down to the particular person, Pont pilate uh when rome controlled it another governor might have been
Starting point is 00:28:30 more nice it depends you know there was some probably nice sultan they weren't sultans they were caliphs i think or whatever the fuck they were called they controlled regions of the ottoman empire some of them were probably bad some of them were good under certain reigns people probably got murdered raped disappeared from their homes and certain of them were probably bad. Some of them were good. Under certain reigns, people probably got murdered, raped, disappeared from their homes. And certain ones, they were probably a little kinder and they ruled in a different way. But overall, I know what happened to my dad's island is my dad's island was turned Turkish. The Greeks there were persecuted. Persecuted doesn't mean people screamed at them. It means they were forced out. They were killed. They were raped. It's what happened. That island is no longer Greek. There's a tiny persecuted Greek minority still there. Very small. Most have left. Turks moved in. Cyprus, another perfect example,
Starting point is 00:29:19 probably the most similar to Israel and Palestine that you could find. Nobody ever mentions it. You know, the Ottomans controlled it, much like Palestine. The last Muslim group to control it was the Ottomans. They moved in some people. There was Jews that lived there, Christians that lived there. Generally under the Ottoman rule, it seems that the take is that people kind of live peacefully side by side. That's not true, probably, at all.
Starting point is 00:29:47 People were forced out, probably. There was rapes. There was murders. Whoever is in control is going to do that because they're the first class citizens. If you're a Muslim Ottoman, you're first class. Second class, third class citizens, you can't really, you know, go into a law and say, he stole my shit. They go like, well, we're in control here. Your shit is for this taking. You're not part of the people who
Starting point is 00:30:09 run this area. And I know that firsthand because the Ottomans ruled Greece and that's what they did. They were, they, everyone else was a second class citizen or a slave, essentially a slave, you know? Um, and so in Cyprus, it's a good, you know? And so in Cyprus, it's a good example, right? So the Ottomans controlled it. Then the Greeks had independence, kicked them out. The Ottoman Empire folded, became Turkey. It shrunk down into Turkey.
Starting point is 00:30:39 The Greeks had some civil strife, some internal strife room. So they were a little distracted. Then Turkey invades, Invades Cyprus. Takes over 3% of the island. And then continues to take 36 or 7% of the island. Then the United Nations gets involved. Because the United Nations is now formed.
Starting point is 00:31:00 And it was formed to prevent fucking the world from going up in smoke after nuclear weapons. It was the League of Nations. The United Nations was going like, hold up. We can blow this whole fucking place up. We got to work together. We have to stop. Hasn the League of Nations. The United Nations was going like, hold up. We can blow this whole fucking place up. We got to work together. We have to stop. Hasn't been so successful. The United Nations is kind of like a referee in a WWE match. They're kind of there shaking their
Starting point is 00:31:14 fists doing this, but people are still doing what they want to do. But in Cyprus, countries were able to unite, convince Turkey to stop. They drew a peacekeeping zone and they created, I think the north part of the island is Turkish.
Starting point is 00:31:33 First of all, populations were moved. People from their homes, some of which had been there for centuries, were forced to move. If you were Greek in the Turkish area, you had to go. If you were Turkish in the, which there wasn't, I don't think, any left, barely none left
Starting point is 00:31:48 after Ottomans got kicked out, you were forced to move to Turkish. Population exchanges, expulsions, you know, and the Greeks went to the Greek side, the Turks went to the Turkish side, and the United Nations went right in the middle, and it's still going till this day. I think the Turkish part is considered an independent
Starting point is 00:32:05 country Cyprus is I guess an independent country they're Greek but that's what they both decided they're both miserable just like fucking people making a deal in Hollywood but it happened and it continues there's no bloodshed there's a peacekeeping uh whatever zone it's called a blue zone a green zone a fucking yellow zone whatever zone it's called, a blue zone, a green zone, a fucking yellow zone, whatever zone it's called, whatever color it is, and that's it. So that happened. Now, who belongs there? It was originally a Greek island.
Starting point is 00:32:33 I don't know, right? It was taken by conquest. So when you start the story of the area of land that's in the news now, and you talk about the Arabs that were there who've been there for centuries, and they have been, and it's been their homes and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:32:50 And in a just world, people should live where their family lived, you know, rights, whatever you want to talk about. This is all new. I mean, John Locke came in and was like, you know, individual rights, and, you know, the Romans,
Starting point is 00:33:02 then it got the Enlightenment, and then American enlightened people, like, oh, inalienable rights and all this stuff, property rights. There was none of that shit back in the day. It was like, oh, this was yours. Now it's not. So up until recently, it was like people would come and conquer it and push people out. The Israelites were there fucking thousands of years ago, right? They had a kingdom going on there. They got pushed out. Then the Romans took it over, persecuted the Jews,
Starting point is 00:33:32 kicked them out. Babylonians, I think, kicked them out. Muslims kicked them out. Some of them, right? Arabs, they weren't from there originally. They migrated there as the Ottoman Empire expanded. Previous Muslim conquerings, as they expanded, they moved there, settled there. It is what it is, right?
Starting point is 00:33:56 Then the Ottoman Empire lost. The Ottoman Empire lost the war. And the Ottoman Empire fell and crumbled. And they lost that area to the British to in World War I, to the allied forces. And the British took it over and the Holocaust just happened. And they said, here, take this. And we're getting out of here. And the Jews wanted it because of their religion, right? They were once there and it's Jerusalem's, their holy city.
Starting point is 00:34:29 And it's fucking crazy that that city's holy for three fucking different religions. It's like, Jesus Christ, can you guys just think real estate, man? It's full. Go somewhere cheaper and build that up. You know what I'm saying? It's like trying to buy a Manhattan. It's impossible. I know it's Jerusalem's holy if you're Christian or whatever,
Starting point is 00:34:51 but Joseph Smith tried to do a good thing. He said, now Salt Lake City's holy. Go there. Bring your Bibles there. Buy cheap, sell high. Jerusalem is like the Manhattan ofattan of religion it's too expensive it's full it's dense so the united nations after some fighting right so jewish militias formed arabs militias there
Starting point is 00:35:20 was some fighting as the jews started arriving more from the diaspora, from Europe in bigger numbers, right to return, all that shit. They founded a country. Once they founded a country, the United Nations voted on a resolution. I'm using Cyprus as an example, saying, okay, I think the Jewish was bigger. The Jewish portion was bigger is what it is. I'm just telling you the historical facts. I'm not saying whether it was right or wrong, but they said, okay, we're going to do two states, Israel and Palestine,
Starting point is 00:35:51 and Jerusalem will be international, much like the international zone that separates Cyprus. And the Jews accepted it in 1947, and the Arabs didn't. And then right after that immediately after that they got attacked by six um six arab nations came through and just attacked to try to get rid of them israel won that war they won the subsequent wars and sways whatever it's called s how do you pronounce that
Starting point is 00:36:19 that war s-u-e-z i don't know don't know. Sways, whatever. Swoos. They won that one. They won the Yom Kippur War. They won all the wars. And unfortunately, they didn't start. And they didn't start any of them. They've always been attacked. Right?
Starting point is 00:36:42 And then in wars, sometimes like when Greece was attacked by Italy, Greece ended up pushing Italy back in Albania and for a while took some areas in Albania. It's what happens. When you fuck around, sometimes you find out. And so they took the Golan Heights. They fucking, after 67, there was a 73 war, right? They took more land. The Jews took more land after they were attacked.
Starting point is 00:37:03 So I just wonder what could have been different if both sides agreed in 1947 to two states and Jerusalem being international. Considering Jerusalem is important to so many religions, including Christians, things could have been a lot different. The thing is, it's interesting, all these Arab countries hate Israel and they all wanted Israel out, and they sided with the Palestinians.
Starting point is 00:37:29 The identity of the Palestinians became a thing later. They were Arabs that were living there under Ottoman rule. There was no Palestinians, right? I guess it's maybe named after Philistines or something like that, who it turns out were Greek, most probably. And they all wanted that, and they wanted the Jews out, but they don't want any of the Palestinians. I mean, there's 22 Arab countries,
Starting point is 00:37:52 and there's one Jewish nation, and it's there, and they wanted it now because of fucking how much they've been fucked with throughout history, and they have. Look, anti-Semitism is a real thing. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's because the Jews don't kill each other. The Sunni and Shia are constantly killing each other.
Starting point is 00:38:09 You never hear any outrage over that when they bomb each other and hundreds are dead, thousand are dead. All those Arab countries fucking fight Sunni and Shia. The Jews, the Christians, same thing. Protestants, Catholics, different sex. They fucking war throughout history. The Jews never did. The Jews don't kill other Jews. They're too busy getting killed by everyone else.
Starting point is 00:38:33 So they were forced out into the diaspora after they had that march out with Moses, right? From Egypt where they were slaves. They settled in fucking Israel, Solomon, all that shit, David, the whole thing. And then they were forced out of there when the Romans came in with their big swords and their crucifixes and created Jesus, which caused another problem. And Rome made it their official religion,
Starting point is 00:38:59 ironically, because they used to fucking oppress that area. And then they ended up taking that God and making it the official God. And then things just continued to spiral down because God is good. I love watching people scream God is good while they like parade around a dead body
Starting point is 00:39:16 they just slaughtered. That would be like me screaming I love poos poos while I bang dudes. Is God great? Who are you trying to fool? Thou doth protest too much. I'm not sure if that's what God's all about, even by your definition.
Starting point is 00:39:36 It's all very confusing, but I do know it helps to start the story from the beginning and to understand that man has been more like predators, animal predators in how they divvy up territory than they have been about, you know, they're not, there's no mag, the Magna Carta didn't really take hold.
Starting point is 00:39:56 Habeas corpus, Magna Carta, individual rights. It's not really how the game has been played. You know, France is France because of a war. The areas of Greece because of a war. Italy, war. Empires expand, they retract. Carthage doesn't exist anymore. That was a flourishing
Starting point is 00:40:12 city. They got fucking bombed out. The Romans eliminated them and they're gone. Neanderthals, gone. It's ugly. Native Americans, casinos. Most of them, unfortunately, gone. Not unique is my point. Not unique. I'm not excusing anything. I'm just explicating how it works. And that region has always worked that way. It's been a game. It's a game of musical chairs. Everyone gets up up they rotate around and they try to sit down and whoops there's more jews in these seats or at another time whoops there's more romans in these seats oh what the babylonians are here oh the canaanites are here oh fuck the philistines are here oh there's arabs here now so when you say indigenous i understand they were there longer i i personally support those
Starting point is 00:41:10 people as well like they're there i get it i get what you're saying i don't want someone to come and take my home too but we're not talking about an anomaly here this is no different what's happening in whatever that region is that's in the news is no different than what's happened every single place in history. Empires conquer, they recede. So it's a very myopic kind of sophomoric interpretation of what's going on. It's not that simple, you know. And also you have to acknowledge Jews have had a presence in that area for probably 3,300 years. Something like that.
Starting point is 00:41:50 You know, they've been there as well. The numbers change, but a lot of that wasn't their choice. They were kicked out. I don't know why. They were different. They had a different God or whatever the fuck. Or they didn't pass the brown paper bag. I don't know what it is.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Arabs were probably kicked out too during the Roman time. Like so much of this shit is, you know, you can't, it's not recorded in history either. You just know by common sense how man works and that's how the game has been played. Only recently has slavery been outlawed, has country sovereignty been held up as a standard? You know, that's just recent shit, you know?
Starting point is 00:42:30 That's recent shit. We don't attack Canada. We could. We could take Canada. They're annoying to blow smoke on us. You know, when you go to a bar and someone's blowing fucking smoke in your face, how many times are you going to get smoke
Starting point is 00:42:40 blowing in your face before you turn around and you say, you want a fucking go, bud? You want to fucking drop the mitts and go? I'll fucking go, bud. Fuck you, bud. You want a fisticuff, bud? Hey, fuck you.
Starting point is 00:42:57 I'm from Toronto. We don't attack Mexico. America goes into countries. We don't take it. We don't attack Mexico. Like America goes into countries. We don't take it. We don't really conquer it anymore. Right. We just go and we fuck shit up, cause a bunch of refugees,
Starting point is 00:43:16 kill a bunch of citizens, make some great deals for oil prices, you know, support some fucking corrupt monarchy or dictator and call it a day. But when people just say that, they don't understand that if we're not doing that, there's no other good alternative. It's choosing between dominoes and Papa John's. There ain't no fucking DeFaras in the Middle East. Saddam Hussein, it was three in the morning. We were drunk and it was Papa John's or fucking Domino's.
Starting point is 00:43:48 Saddam Hussein did a good job of keeping that shit in order by killing some people. The Shia and Sunni are fucking murdering each other. Pakistanis and Indians, dog. They're for all intents and purposes. If you wanted to compare it DNA wise and people wise and culture wise before the religion came in, they're all Jews. You know, it's just, they're different. They're, they're, they're all, they were all Indians at one point. They were all the same. And then they were like,
Starting point is 00:44:25 now we're fucking Hindu and we're Muslim. Even Gandhi couldn't stop the bloodshed. And that motherfucker had a bat sheet on. Even Hasan Minhaj can't stop it. He's not concerned with stopping it or talking about it because it's not a sexy cause here in the USA. But the Pakistanis and Indians and the Hindus and Muslims slaughter each other.
Starting point is 00:44:51 It's not much like in the United States when people of the same race kill each other, which the numbers of those are through the roof for everybody. But it doesn't make the news. Nobody cares. Because lost lives only matter if you can attach some sort of political cause to it that makes you angry or you support, you know, because it's, it would be too unifying for us to just say, hey, wait a second. I don't know if that stuff matters as much as we're saying
Starting point is 00:45:27 because it seems like people murder each other all the time. In fact, people murder people who look like them the most. And it's not even close nowadays, especially. It's not even close. I mean, Europeans, you know, they look very similar. How many wars have happened on the continent of Europe? How many times have those borders changed? Just go look through the maps. Go do one of these videos of people aging. You know, you know those videos where people take a picture of themselves
Starting point is 00:45:53 every day for 47 years. What kind of autism is that, by the way? What kind of, what is that? That you come home and you remember to take a Polaroid of yourself every day to put it in a compilation when you're 48 so we can just see a bald spot slowly form on your head.
Starting point is 00:46:09 Go look at one of those for maps and just watch it go. And that didn't just happen because people were going like, change it here, change it here. It was like, match. Fire.
Starting point is 00:46:24 Jews, Christ. For Christ. Women fucking dead, babies on the floor. The border changes. We have to look in the mirror and understand how savage we are. It's a good place to start. And then you just also have to ask yourself, what serves the future of humanity best?
Starting point is 00:46:49 Is it individual rights? Is it democracy? Is it a secular nation that separates church and state? What do you believe? Ultimately, what do you believe? And I love there's a lot of people here from other countries. It's always ironic to me. Their parents came here.
Starting point is 00:47:03 Parents came here. Their lives are going great. But yet they sort of romanticize. They have this romantic view of what their homeland is like or what the culture is like or what the laws there are like. They romanticize it. It's going to be uncomfortable. There's going to be some bad things, but ultimately
Starting point is 00:47:26 I think if you care about the future of humanity, throwing your weight behind wherever there is term limits, democracy, representation, the people rule, women's rights, that's a good one where women can do things. That's nice because those are your moms and your sisters and your daughters. They can do stuff. They can wear certain outfits. You know, they can get a job. They can get behind the wheel of a Kia if they want. That's a good start. That's a good start. Those seem to be, you know, that seems to be progress in the right direction. But now with political correctness, I mean, forget it. You can't even bring that up. Cultural relativism, you can't even mention that stuff. You can't mention the things I'm mentioning.
Starting point is 00:48:11 And so everyone's just gone. Like, I feel bad for it. Well, then, you know, go take a sample of what it would be like to live for a week over there. It's called Yanni's Vacation to Somalia Therapy. Go take a peek. Go live in a theocracy. Let me know what you think. Have your opinions changed?
Starting point is 00:48:29 You know, is Florida bad now? Is Rhode Island so bad? Is the campus of Harvard as oppressive as you thought? You tell me. Even San Francisco and the state that it's in, which is not good. How bad San Fran when you wake up in the morning? Is coffee available? Right?
Starting point is 00:48:55 Is there a fuel efficient vehicle on hand to take a little trip to wine country for the day? to take a little trip to wine country for the day without anyone checking your passport or asking what you're doing, young lady, outside of your home unaccompanied by a man. That must feel nice. But it only feels nice after you spend a week in Somalia because, you know, you just have nothing to compare it to. So, you know, a store being closed that you want open feels oppressive until you spend a week in Somalia. And then you'll
Starting point is 00:49:37 be like, you know what? I'll come back tomorrow. You know what? The Apple store is closed. They couldn't find an appointment. I surprisingly feel very calm about that now because I just got back from Mogadishu where there was no Apple store in sight. They just didn't have an Apple store. You just new fall boots are covered in mud. And we got accosted from some scary guys. Thankfully, we were also with a Somalian who knew them, who was able to negotiate just a little ransom for us to continue our night.
Starting point is 00:50:20 So we were able to give them a couple of rubles. And they went about their way. I traded my backpack for my life. so we were able to give them a couple of rubles and they went about their way i traded uh my backpack for my for my life so now i feel pretty cool about the fact that this fuel efficient vehicle is available for me to drive to wine country and i feel a little bit better that i couldn't get a reservation on the resi app i feel a little better about that now i feel a little better about that i feel a little bit better about the fact that there's people who worship different gods here you know i just feel good about it i feel fine i passed the sea guy in
Starting point is 00:50:57 the street and i went aren't we both fucking lucky to be here where are you going they're going they go we're going to the we're going to the Toronto Raptors game. Isn't that nice? Isn't that great? Isn't that great that you went and got street food and a guy that handed it to you was wearing gloves? Isn't that nice? You ever see those Indian street food videos?
Starting point is 00:51:19 And you're like, guy's like, he's like, he goes, he goes, he's making the food and he goes, and he wipes his hand and he just puts it in the. extra flavor there yeah you're going like isn't that nice i don't want to call it progress you could call it colonialism patriarchal establishments whatever you want but the way it makes me feel the way it makes me feel often is um
Starting point is 00:51:44 is very pro-patriarchy and colonialism. It's just the way it makes me feel. I'm not saying it's morally right. I'm just saying on a gut level, I walk out, I take a deep breath. Nobody can really take my property for the most part. Laws are enforced. And I go, it's a good day to do whatever the fuck I want. Do I want to go to a museum?
Starting point is 00:52:10 That sounds great. Now, don't get me wrong. Would I care so much if there was some laws where my wife couldn't talk so much? I'm open for negotiation. I'm open for negotiation because I'm Latino and that's why they're oppressing me shout out Bob Menendez I'd like to do a callback to the previous episode they don't want to see a young Latina
Starting point is 00:52:33 do whatever he wants but today I'm going to do whatever the fuck I want because I got a couple of dollars in my pocket the museum's open and also prostitution is back online it's a joke so i'm just saying it's a complicated sitch there's good people there's bad people they're
Starting point is 00:52:56 on all sides and the way of the world has always been an ugly way and um and in conclusion I mean Israel's not leaving you know they built a country with skyscrapers and shit they have a military they have nuclear weapons so
Starting point is 00:53:13 they're not leaving the Palestinians aren't leaving I hope they figure out some sort of solution where everyone just chills the fuck out realizes that their religion is for their house
Starting point is 00:53:21 but if people can't do that if people want to have a religious laws and stuff like that, it ain't ever going to work. Israel is a secular country. They have their religious fucking maniacs. We got them here.
Starting point is 00:53:37 Every secular country has them. They have seats in parliament and shit. The fucking constant expanding. I understand the plight of the Palestinians as well. I understand that they're jammed up as well. Shout out to, are you garbage? They're jammed up.
Starting point is 00:53:51 Everyone's jammed up over there. My point being the conversation should be based in reality. You know, they're all I hear is screaming about who's wrong. And, you know, it's like, what does that solve? It doesn't solve anything it's like
Starting point is 00:54:06 there needs to be a negotiation where both sides are a little miserable and until that happens i don't know what to tell you um morality is not going to work here what's right and wrong is not going to work here you gotta we need a shrewd deal done and there's only one guy that can do it. And he's the deal maker. Donnie T, 2024. This is all happening because there's no Donald Trump in office. A kid. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:54:35 Bring back Jimmy Carter. He was too nice. Jimmy Carter, boy, he was a guy who got. Jimmy Carter was like that when your girl starts dating that guy that really likes her. And she's just like, I don't know. She's talking to her girlfriends. Because, I mean, he's like the greatest guy who's ever been president. He was doing like charity work until he, is he still alive?
Starting point is 00:54:54 I think so, yeah. Oh, is he? I think he might have passed. That's the thing. He's so old, we're not sure if he's dead. Because towards the end of his life, he was dead. I mean, he was also just like walking dead. I don't even remember if he died
Starting point is 00:55:06 because I thought he's always been dead for a long time. But Jimmy Carter is the greatest human being who's ever been president of the United States. And he was that guy that a girl starts taking and she just takes completely for granted. You know, she starts dating him after an abusive relationship. And for a while, she takes some solace and comfort in his gentleness.
Starting point is 00:55:30 But then she just is not excited anymore by how available he is to listen to her. So she goes to her girlfriend. She's like, I don't know. I don't know. He's just's just too god i feel so guilty saying he's just too nice i and then they'll find annie reed and like i don't know you saw the shirt he was wearing it didn't even match the wall the bar we were at you're like what like he sounds like you're making excuses to just go back to someone who fucking beats you because that's a roller coaster of emotions that gets the adrenaline going,
Starting point is 00:56:08 you fucking issue-ridden bitch. I tell it like it is. You know how many nice guys like him were taken for granted? Because women just kind of like it a little bit when a guy's Andrew Tate-ish. Just a little. when a guy's Andrew Tate-ish. Just a little. Not all women.
Starting point is 00:56:29 He's 98. God, he is knock, knock, knocking on heaven's door. I mean, can you, I think what's happened is there's, they're busy up there. They just don't hear the knock because he is like slamming on it, going, guys. And they're just busy having a fucking party
Starting point is 00:56:48 or whatever at Jesus's house. And Jimmy's going like, hello, I'm 98. Can you not hear this knock? He lives in Georgia with his wife, who's 96. The guy's just like the greatest guy and he was like the worst president.
Starting point is 00:57:06 I mean, the hostage situation, people just, he just couldn't handle it because he didn't have a mean bone in his body so he's like okay he was just going like you know he was like okay guys but that's not right and they're going like yeah yeah that's what we're doing but it's not it's bad I'm trying to make everything good why are you taking the
Starting point is 00:57:22 hostages and they're going like because you're in office and we're taking advantage of you. He was in and out quick. Hasn't been a better guy, worse president. So I don't know if you can be a great guy and be president.
Starting point is 00:57:35 You know, I don't know. I just don't know. I just don't know if you can be a great guy because great guys are just sitting there going like, they're thinking too much. They're,
Starting point is 00:57:43 you know, they're, they're like, you know, who is that that wasn't hamlet that was uh mcbeth just sitting there you know overthinking everything it's like take some action you know call on the f-16s you know call in dennis rodman send him in there call in sean penn and get him in there for an interview with putin because if there's someone who can work this shit out, it's the guy from fucking Riverside High, the movie. Whatever it was called.
Starting point is 00:58:10 God, it would have been funnier if I remembered it. What was it? Fast Times. It's the guy from Fast Times at Richmond High that can really solve this problem. He's the only guy that can go down to Venezuela and get some answers. And he's the only guy who can go and meet Putin and really figure this thing out. Because he was in Fast Times at Richmond High high and he ordered a pizza in the classroom
Starting point is 00:58:29 and his brother his brother just didn't get the genes what's his brother's name again terry penn or something he was in reservoir Reservoir Dogs. Yeah. I don't know. He just didn't get the genes. Ben Penn. Ben Penn. You know, just Steven Penn. What's Sly Stallone's brother?
Starting point is 00:58:53 Frank. Frank. Frank Stallone. Brent Price. It happens. Gerald Wilkins. It happens. But yeah, Ned Penn is great.
Starting point is 00:59:05 You know, what's Julia Roberts' brother? Poor soul. Johnny Roberts. Nobody knows. Nobody knows right off the bat. Ted Roberts, Steve Roberts. Eric. Eric Roberts.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Eric Roberts, who had a career before her. I think he got her into it. That's tough at the family gathering. What are you doing? You know, at first, I think he had some big movies. Wasn't he in like the New York gang movie? Yeah, yeah, he was. He had like a big role in that.
Starting point is 00:59:35 And then so he had an auspicious start and like a pretty good career. And then Julia Roberts comes in and becomes the highest paid female actress of all time at that time, comes a movie star. She's like, what are you doing? He's going like, I'm doing some indie by an NYU student who's doing this film. I'm very excited about it. She goes, he goes, what are you doing? She goes, I'm getting 25 mil to pretend to be a hooker with Richard Gere.
Starting point is 01:00:01 Here's some movies he's been in. Has anyone heard of First Dog? Has anyone heard of First Dog? Has anyone heard of Brother 3? How about Skin Traffic? Has anyone heard of The Child in 2012? Oh, he was in a movie with Richard Gere as well, Final Analysis. You know Julia hooked him up with that one.
Starting point is 01:00:24 Probably. Yeah. Well, that was 1992, so maybe that was before. You know Julia hooked him up with that one. Probably. Yeah. Well, that was 1992, so maybe that was before. I mean, he was off to the races. He was in Popa Greenwich Village. That's where he got his big star. And he was the lead in that.
Starting point is 01:00:34 But then this song came. Pretty woman, yeah, yeah, yeah. Pretty woman. And then Mystic Pizza, and everyone that's coming, he's just going, can I borrow some money, sis? God.
Starting point is 01:00:53 So peace for all. I hope peace for all. Violence is bad. I take no sides. Just peace for everybody, innocent people. What can I say to protect myself here? Just peace everything. I hope you didn't misinterpret anything.
Starting point is 01:01:06 I'm just explaining my take. I hope everything works out. Everyone's, I hope innocent people on both sides survive. Just please don't think, blame me for anything. I'm just here with a microphone doing my job. I don't know. I'm just here with a microphone doing my job. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:01:31 RFK has decided that he's going to be independent, and the Democrats are calling that a terrorist attack because he's going to steal some votes. He's going to steal some votes. He's going independent. He's running as an independent, and we don't know. he's going independent he's running as an independent and we don't know has FanDuel
Starting point is 01:01:45 put up a betting on who is he going to steal more votes from the Dems or the Republicans what do you think because he's really got a nice cross section of fucking wackos who love him he's got a lot of
Starting point is 01:02:01 a nice cross section of people who thinks that he's got the answers you know and I guess you of people who thinks that he's got the answers. You know? And I guess people love it because I think he's going to steal more Democratic votes because people are really disillusioned, I think, with Biden's age the most. I don't think the Dems are troubled so much by his son as much as they are by just that the guy is just not fully competent and you can clearly see it.
Starting point is 01:02:26 Everyone can see it. So this would be a nice time for a good Gavin Newsom. You ever hear Gavin Newsom debate? He really is a good debater. I mean, Los Angeles has got some problems, but he's coming from a very strong state. People always like to make fun of Californiaifornia shit because san francisco's going to shit i don't know if you could blame that on newsom as much as the local legislature right um the mayors and stuff like that but california's
Starting point is 01:02:55 economy is like bigger than most countries mr french laundry yeah what so what's it why is he french laundry yeah that's like the best restaurant in the world. Oh, when everyone was locked down. Yeah, that's what I expect out of my politicians. It's not going to stop him from going to a fucking five-star spot. He's got the place to himself. That's probably why he locked it down. Piece of shit. But look at that fucking piece of shit face.
Starting point is 01:03:20 Yeah. I mean, God, he could play Dracula, dog. Yeah. He looks handsome. The handsome dude. You could throw him in a movie. He looks cast out of Hollywood. Got those Ronald Reagan good looks, and when he debates, he's good.
Starting point is 01:03:32 So you throw him in there, a guy who can say articles and sentences and doesn't mumble. That's a good start. I don't know who else you could throw in there. You can't throw Michelle in there because trans candidates aren't allowed yet. Who else can you throw in there. You can't throw Michelle in there because trans candidates aren't allowed yet. Who else can you throw in there? You can't throw Hillary in there. There's got to be a gag order
Starting point is 01:03:53 that they put on her because she came up on some interview recently and she was like, the MAGA people have to be formally reeducated. You're like, can we shut this fucking old bag up?
Starting point is 01:04:11 That's going to rile people up oh yeah she always just she comes out of her fucking witch hole you know she climbs out of her tree like in the movie princess bride she lives in a tree and you open it she comes out of that fucking troll tree and she just says stupid shit she's so politically unsavvy you know she's a smart woman obviously she's a conniving manipulative one um she's smart but she has not been effective barack took that fucking hell that health care thing was her was her thing that was her baby that was what she wanted and he just came and he got it done. And when his candidacy came, she was probably like, you gotta be fucking kidding me.
Starting point is 01:04:49 It's my turn. This is my turn. And he came, hope and change, fucking knocked her out. She had a nice little run, though, when she killed JFK Jr. and ran one Senate, though,
Starting point is 01:05:01 in a state that she couldn't even, she couldn't even tell you how to pronounce Houston. I bet you she called, I'll be down at Houston. I bet in a state that she couldn't even tell you how to pronounce Houston. I bet you she called, I'll be down at Houston. I bet you a few times she said, I'll be at Houston Street. A few times.
Starting point is 01:05:12 What'd she do? She moved here, lived here for 15 days, and then won, and then killed JFK Jr., and then won. Threw on a Yankee cap. Threw on a Yankee cap and won. And then she was Secretary of State.
Starting point is 01:05:23 Little whoopsie happened to Magazzi. Whoopsie. Newsom just signed a California Skittles ban into law. What's that? To ban four potentially harmful chemical foods. Now, this is what they're doing in Japan. I mean, people don't understand that the food is killing us here. Our food is unregulated.
Starting point is 01:05:45 Now, what would the libertarians do about this? Would they say, do you know much about libertarians? And we'll end here. Would they just say, let the people die? Like if they die, then they'll sue? Or can you sue in a libertarian utopia? I have no idea. Like what?
Starting point is 01:06:00 Is that seen bad? Or do you just have to go? Is that seen bad or do you just have to go? Or will the market provide the most pious, least manipulative company and its owner just present themselves organically because the marketplace is always right and always perfectly fixes itself. Right. The market will correct itself. It will correct itself. So a few people will die from eating Skittles and then no one will eat Skittles anymore. Small price to pay.
Starting point is 01:06:32 Right. Small price to pay, but for the market, you don't need the regulation. The people will find it out. Now, can you have a regulatory body that looks into the stuff to see if it's poison or is that too much government? to the stuff to see if it's poison or is that too much government? How can a libertarian sue another?
Starting point is 01:06:54 How can a libertarian get mad if your wife fucks another guy with a better dick? The market provided. The market provided a big, black, dark cock that she happened to like. That was better than yours. Is it marriage or regulation? I joke, I kid, but I have a point. We don't know. But anyway. I'd like to find out.
Starting point is 01:07:22 I'd love to find out, dude. We've gotten pretty close, close I think during the railroad era right when Lazier Fair Capital I'd like to have a libertarian in here explain it you know tell us they'll always figure out a way I mean because they're libertarian they're a self identity
Starting point is 01:07:37 so if you identify something you'll always find a way to explain it nice and neat in a room that we don't have to make any decisions and we don't have to deal with any real world problems or any real world personalities or structures and realities of human nature and no lessons from history, nothing. You just go, hey, blank slate, you know, let's tabula rosa in an ideal way. Because they go, all the problems that happened in the past are because we weren't libertarian.
Starting point is 01:08:06 And if you're communist, they go, all the problems happen in the world because we have had capitalism. And you go, OK, try communism. And then it doesn't work. And they go, that's because of America. Or you go, you look at Cuba and they go, that's because of the embargoes. And you go, OK, well, Castro was just fucking executing people in the street. You know, nothing. He didn't, did he sacrifice one fucking cigar while these people were eating their shoes? Did Castro sacrifice one fucking expensive brandy or cigar?
Starting point is 01:08:40 Because he had, it was a little more than his need. Does anyone in power to calm this regime? North Korean's fucking leader looks like he eats every meal with Tim Dillon while his people are rationed food so everyone can eat equally. Nobody can have seconds except for King Jong fat fuck
Starting point is 01:09:02 who looks like he's stuffing his face full of dog every day. Dog tofu, dog fucking teriyaki. I mean, the kid is eating noodle and dog every day. Third, fourth, he's so fat. Isn't that a tip to the people that something's a little fishy while these fucking North Koreans are walking around looking like toothpicks.
Starting point is 01:09:28 They all look like puck from the real world. You just remember he looks skinny. And then this fat chubby, he can barely breathe. He's got no neck. And he's like, he's shaking all these people's hands and like, hey, man, are you eating more than you need? According to your own, according to each's need. You're a fat fuck. I think you're having, look at the fat.
Starting point is 01:09:49 Look how fucking fat he is. Does that look like a guy who's only eating what he needs? And where does he live? A tenement like the rest of his people? Or does he have a nice, sweet palace with endless rooms? I mean, it's a joke. It's a joke what you can get people to believe. This has been Giannis Pappas. Pray for peace, okay, but not in the Middle East, because the last thing those people need is more religious gestures.
Starting point is 01:10:22 What's up, guys? Hope you enjoyed the app. Come see me live. New Jersey, how it's happening right now, it's sold out. Thank you. Austin is all sold out. October 19th to the 21st, maybe get on the waiting list.
Starting point is 01:10:35 Cobbs in San Francisco. Get those tickets, baby. I am performing in whatever is left of San Francisco, October 27th and 28th at Cobbs. New York, Sony Hall, early show sold out. Tickets left for the late show, October 27th and 28th at Cobbs. New York, Sony Hall, early show sold out, tickets left for the late show, November 4th. Providence, Rhode Island, one show sold out, tickets left for three shows, November 10th and 11th. Phoenix, Arizona, November 16th and 17th.
Starting point is 01:11:07 Spokane, December 1st and 2nd. Tulsa, December 8th and 9th. Louisville, December 15th and 16th. Revolution Hall in Portland, January 11th. The Vogue Theater in Vancouver on January 12th. Atlanta, just added. Atlanta, baby. Come see me at the Comedy Underground Theater, February 14th through the 17th. This is a little out of order. No, it's not. San Diego, February 23rd,
Starting point is 01:11:27 24th. Tickets coming soon. Ticket link. Toronto, halfway sold out. Royal Theater, March 23rd. The Comedy Club of Kansas City, April 11th through 13th. Get your tickets and go to patreon.com slash Giannis Pappas Hour for your bonus
Starting point is 01:11:43 episodes. Just go talk to the people who are members. The reviews are in. We got the best Patreon going. $5 a month. Support the show. patreon.com slash janicepapashour. I want to give a shout out to Jared Z, exclusiveautoshipping.com. Guys, use them if you're buying a car from out of state or moving your car. There's student and military discounts as well. Get a free quote. Call them up. Exclusiveautoshipping.com.
Starting point is 01:12:10 Also, Chris Minetti. I mean, the loyalty on Chris Minetti. I appreciate it. It's 215-750-3730. Call him. Ask questions. Say, hey, I got all these fake checks. Who will cash them?
Starting point is 01:12:24 He said, you come to the right place. Meet me at Wawa. He's got no website, no social media. He doesn't have an address. So if you need, there's no information here, which is what I love. Just call the guy at his house, 215-750-3730 in the Philly, South Jersey area.
Starting point is 01:12:43 I don't know where his store is, but he does cash checks. If you need a business check, he's got you. If you need it cashed, business check. Personal check, too. Look, if you got a fentanyl problem and you stole your mom's check, squiggle a fucking signature and call Chris Minetti. For the free.art. They're not watching.
Starting point is 01:13:09 It's on, this is a fucking tax write-off. It's music in Hawaii. Live bands and fucking shows. DisplayPros.net. These guys will custom trade booth make your shit. They'll build your custom trade booth.
Starting point is 01:13:23 They have retail fixtures, promotional items. The professional service will blow your mind. I have zero experience with talking with them, but I can tell you that they are good. I mean, if you're looking for a place for this, I got it. They're good. DisplayPros.net.
Starting point is 01:13:41 Remember to tell them Yanni sent you and you get a 10% off your first purchase. Trade booths, right? Mm-hmm. Yeah. My favorite, MA Insurance Services. Wasn't that Young Ma was a rapper?
Starting point is 01:13:55 Young Ma. Young Ma. Well, this is Ma Insurance Services in St. Petersburg, Florida. Don't go with the big guys. Don't go with anyone who's FDIC insured. I don't know if insurance companies are insured. Take a guy with the big guys. Don't go with anyone who's FDIC insured. I don't know if insurance companies are insured. Take a guy's word for it. Can we promote small business here? Can you guys, if you're in that area, or even if you're not, give my insurance services a try.
Starting point is 01:14:18 Okay. St. Petersburg, Florida area, commercial insurance policies, workers' compensation, commercial property, professional liability, general liability, and umbrella plans. I'm sure they got auto too, though he didn't mention it. I'll just say they got auto. Maybe they don't. Call them and find out. Hit them up at 813-260-0338 or go to their website, mainsuranceservices.com. He has a tagline that we never read. What is the tagline? Right here. Ins has a tagline that we never read. What is the tagline? Right here.
Starting point is 01:14:46 Ensuring a bright future. Ensuring a bright future. Big Monday night football game coming up. The Cowboys are visiting the Chargers. Want to make some money on the game? Don't know what to bet on? Well, Capritech NFL betting simulator has you covered. According to the Capritech simulation for this
Starting point is 01:15:02 matchup, the Chargers will win this game 29-21. I'm going to remember that. So based on the simulation results, you should bet on the Chargers plus 112 money line. Wow, they're giving you a tip. Also bet on the Chargers plus two point spread and take the under 50.5 game total.
Starting point is 01:15:19 Boom. Let's win some money with no fumes. You can also check out Capritex for simulations for every other NFL and college football matchup this weekend to help you with your bet and picks. All for free. Caprotech.com. Download the app. Google Play or the App Store.

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