Yannis Pappas Hour - Tick Tock for TikTok | YP Hour

Episode Date: April 26, 2024

Yanni delves into the forced sale of TikTok, the size of Charlie Kirk’s head, and the increase in depression among adolescents and those in their 20s. TikTok serves the algorithm of destruction to u...s, and it’s hard to see the strings. Tune in to hear Yanni shouting into the void. Our bonus episodes are highly rated and viewable here: https://www.patreon.com/yannispappashour?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator See Yanni Live coming up in: LA May 2 Raleigh May 17-18 Atlantic City June 22 Support Our Sponsors: PrizePicks Download the app today and use code YANNIS for a first deposit match up to $100!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The best thing about prize picks is it's really simple to play. You make your picks, you submit your entry in less than 60 seconds. Quick withdrawals, easy gameplay, and an enormous selection of players and stat types are what makes PrizePix the number one fantasy sports app. Proud to have them. Download the app today. Use the code Giannis for a first deposit match of up to $100. Download the app today, guys. Use the code Giannis and you get a first deposit match up to $100. Prize picks. Pick more, pick less. It's that easy.
Starting point is 00:01:02 What's up, everybody? Welcome to an all new, brand new Giannis Papas Hour. It's all brand new, meaning it's not, it doesn't have anything to do with the last episode. It's got nothing to do with any of the previous episodes. It's got nothing to do with anything that happened in your life before this moment, because mindfulness, be in the moment. Don't worry about the future. Don't worry about the past. Listen to my voice. Meditate with me. Just be with me. Let's feel each other's energy.
Starting point is 00:01:30 We're all energetic beings. You're listening to me through your Hyundai speakers. We have 100% Hyundai drivers. They all drive Hyundais. There's nothing wrong with a Hyundai. It's a good, reliable Korean car. They're the good Chinese. they're the good chinese they're the good asians it below the border below a certain border a un border they are the good asians you go above and they're the bad asians those are the bad ones welcome uh to uh another episode patreon.com slash Giannis Papasour for our bonus episodes.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Check those out. I am fresh off of a nice lunch with Dan Soder. It was very nice after I boxed with Sergio Chacon. I am connected to my friends. Get connected. TikTok is on the TikTok clock right now. It's TikTok for TikTok. TikTok, TikTok, TikTok.
Starting point is 00:02:29 Looks like the law passed. Looks like the government said, you know what, Charlie Kirk? We're going the other way. And we're saying that this is a propaganda tool of the CCP and we're getting rid of it. We're getting rid of it. We're getting rid of it. Now, does TikTok have anything to do with the 30% increase in adolescent depression, suicide, all that stuff? I don't know if this is just an older generation looking back at a generation and going, Yeah, you guys, in my day, we used to walk to school.
Starting point is 00:03:04 In my day, we never had any problems. You guys need to go to church and realize that there's only two genders. There's two genders. There's only two genders and you should be wearing your shoes and your ties when you play ball. He was a great ball player. When I was a kid, Mickey Mantle lived in an apartment upstairs. We both said hello to the same mailman every single day. I drank my coffee black and I wore my black socks high when I had sex with your mother,
Starting point is 00:03:36 who had a very, very, very, very full bush. Those days were different. When your mother went to the hair salon, all women went to the hair salon, and they had bras on, and they wore their bras. They didn't take their bras off for nobody. I don't care. There was no Bob Dylan's around saying, take your bras off.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Who changed his name from Boskwoskwitz or whatever? We were able to identify all the Jews in our day. They didn't change their names in a hide. It was a different time. Edith. Archie, where are you? I don't know if it's that. It was a different time where the blacks lived over there.
Starting point is 00:04:23 We didn't think about them at all and things were better. The only time we saw the blacks if your mother wanted to go to the cotton club to hear some jazz. The ballpots were separated and Jackie Robinson ruined everything. No, I don't think it's that.
Starting point is 00:04:45 I think we're looking at stats here, and we're saying this is a no bueno. I think we're saying it's no bueno. I think we got to let our Trump Trump. When you see numbers like that, it's crazy. Now, here's my opinion, and this isn't an anti-woke stance, because the anti-woke crowd is getting out of hand. They're Highland Hitler in the middle of pleasant fucking
Starting point is 00:05:07 Pleasant Valley, New York. They're hailing Hitler. They're re-examining the propaganda war on Hitler. Be like, hey. So they're doing something different. Okay, so this isn't an anti-woke rant I'm about to go on. But I want to say this and I want to say this with conviction and the authority of my degrees in American studies and history, my liberal arts degrees. This wokeness
Starting point is 00:05:36 is a thing and it's no good for the kids. And I'll tell you why it's no good for the kids. why it's no good for the kids. These kids are acting like morality police. There's very little difference between them and morality police in Taliban morality police in Afghanistan. Obviously, they don't, you know, they don't stone you to death or whatever, but they psychologically stone you. If you have like a different opinion, if let's say you didn't, I don't know, have a lawyer present during a hookup at a bar. I mean, it's just and they turn on you like a pack of hyenas and ostracize you if you don't have the right position. If you ask a question about the Israel-Palestine thing, first of all, they shouldn't be thinking about Israel-Palestine, let alone fucking cutting school for it. I mean, Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:06:31 I mean, I understand we had the anti-Vietnam era with the boomers, and they were out there protesting and protesting and tuning out and not trusting anyone over 30 or whatever it was. But they grew up in a different world. They grew up in a world of what I was just making fun of. People going, the blacks were over there. They were repelling against that. They also had the draft.
Starting point is 00:06:58 And they had the draft, which they didn't want to get. Look, not taking a shower for a couple of weeks is beneficial for a few reasons one of them being you may be a little too dirty for a draft so that's really going to light a fire under your ass and get out there and hit the streets when so you can almost understand the selfishness of their protests like we don't want to go to vietnam you know what i mean muhammad ali didn't want to go to Vietnam you know what I mean Muhammad Ali didn't want to go to Vietnam so much so he turned he said my name is Muhammad Ali now it's against my religion I don't even think he believed in any of the Muslim lore I don't even think he was fully
Starting point is 00:07:36 into the muzzy world I think he was just going hey I'm just picking a religion that it's against it's against my religion to go kill people I don't even know if it's against their religion. If you look into their religion, their religion is very into that. Historically speaking, they like to expand their borders and go to places and go, hey, what are you guys worshiping?
Starting point is 00:08:03 No, no, no, no, no. It's Ramadan now. It's Ramadan now. It's Ramadan now. Maybe the title of the episode, and this may be going on the Patreon, because it's Ramadan now. They like to do that historically. That's just what they like to do. They like to go show up and go, hey, buddy, it's three o'clock and you stand in the wrong
Starting point is 00:08:21 way. Turn around that way. Yeah. Mecca's that way. hit the rug hit the rug buddy hit the fucking rug because let me tell you something now albania let me tell you something you fucking slavic fucking subhumans it's time to hit the rug bow down in that direction. And that's just how it goes. That's how it was. That's what the Adamans did. My hotel, Israel. Welcome to Israel. So they had something to protest against. These kids have something to protest against, but I don't know if they are old enough to understand the complexity of the issue. I don't understand, especially if
Starting point is 00:09:07 they're like 14 years old or 19 or 18 years old. You know, I don't know. Is there a difference? But I just think that these kids are really thinking about issues that they shouldn't be thinking about at such an early age. And they're judging themselves harshly against this utopian metric of morality that just runs antithetical to what being a developing human being is about. Making mistakes is part of being a child. It's part of being a boy. Because women are like grown adults by the time they're 14. Nature programmed that way.
Starting point is 00:09:53 Why are girls so more mature than boys? Because nature goes, okay, you're 12. You can reproduce now. And guys are just going like, yeah, I can reproduce until I'm 80. So I don't ever have to grow up. Look at George Soros. He hasn't even grown up. He still fucking thinks he's playing Dungeons & Dragons.
Starting point is 00:10:11 The kid thinks that he is in Game of Thrones and he's like this magical wizard who can change the world. Some people don't ever grow up. Look at fucking Mark Cuban sitting courtside. Does this guy have a wife and a family? He just travels with the Mavericks. He's not even does he is even the owner anymore. Didn't he sell the fucking team?
Starting point is 00:10:32 So what is he doing courtside? Aren't you 60? Don't you have like a grandkids soccer game to go to? I mean, he's last night courtside, you know, high-fiving Luka Doncic. I mean, you know, who has time to be courtside every single... I'll tell you, every time I turn on my Instagram, I see every comedian without kids just courtside.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Are you jealous? No, I'm not jealous at all. I have no interest in being courtside. It's too loud. It's too loud. It's too loud. I want to go to the opera. I want to go to the opera. I want to sip a nice candy and have conversation.
Starting point is 00:11:16 I want to go to the ballet. I want to go see Mozart's Symphony 12. They didn't have song names back then nobody was like hey let's call this milkshakes bring to the yard they didn't have fucking shake your ass shake your bonbon why is it called why is it numerical mozart symphony 15th point it's like a decimal point mozart symphony 56-47 how about you just call it mama mama hey mama how about call it hey mama how about you call it uh you know sympathy for the devil so i mean did anyone have any imagination before the blacks came and showed us what rhythm was uh we're gonna listen to mozart symphony foot but
Starting point is 00:11:59 it's very calming and they do say that if you play classical music while the child's in the womb that the kid comes out smarter i don't know i'm not sure if it's true yet because andrew huberman hasn't done an episode on it yet but i'm sure he'll get to it but he did do an episode on marijuana and how it uh possibly could trigger psychosis in developing brains at a young age, which I've seen happen to people. So puff with caution. I know weed is the cure-all, be-all. You got bad knees? Have you tried CBD?
Starting point is 00:12:36 Have you tried THC? You have anxiety? THC. How about maybe you deal with what you're running from? How about that? How about that? How about that? Anyone who smokes weed any day, look, some people can handle it, but you ain't fooling me, okay?
Starting point is 00:12:54 You ain't fooling me. Your mom at least has, you at least have a stepfather. If you smoke a weed every day, you at least have a stepfather, okay? Meaning your dad isn't in the pic or something or a stepmom or something. You got some childhood issue you're running from is what I'm saying. Don't look at me with confusion because I'm confused too. This isn't a cogent beginning, middle, and end type of podcast. This is what you call tangential thinking. This is what you call tangential thinking.
Starting point is 00:13:26 This is what you call stream of consciousness. So don't look at me confused because I am also confused. But I do believe there is some sort of correlation between wokeness, social media, the pressure, that whole doxing tradition which has
Starting point is 00:13:42 become a thing, and the happiness of children. I do believe they're not going outside as much. When's the last time you saw a bunch of kids playing outside? Jesus Christ, it's weird. It's very weird, man. The streets are empty from kids, where in our generation, the streets were full of children, annoying older people, kicking balls off their windows, playing
Starting point is 00:14:06 wiffle ball off of somebody else's property. We used to use the strike zone of somebody else's game. We didn't even ask their permission. We just did it. We didn't ask. It was across the street from my house and our neighbor's gate, we didn't ask. It wasn't even a kid living in that house who we were playing with. I know. We were just outside. It was very depressing. These kids are not outside. They're inside in a virtual reality jerking off to anime porn.
Starting point is 00:14:36 I drive around in my van all day looking for kids playing. I can't find them. And you just can't find them. I mean, and you can't return the candy. That's right. Candy's nonrefundable. I got all this fucking surplus candy, and I got nothing to do with it. I can't give stale candy away on Halloween, because that's what you may call it,
Starting point is 00:14:56 but on Halloween, I call it in-season hunting. I call it good fishing. Remember back in the day, it was just like, hey, there could be razor blades in your candy, and don't talk to anyone who's enthusiastically offered you candy when it's not Halloween. Back then, it was a lot easier. You could just grab a kid by giving them a fucking now or later.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Now you got to slowly groom them online, develop a fucking friendship with them all to get called out by some fucking white guy behind the curtain after you pick up a cookie and take a bite it was a more complex world in some ways but a lot simpler world yeah you know bill cosby was just a fatherly figure cath Catholic priests were just who you'd go to. You know, we didn't know what was really going on. So all that stuff is good. But what's come with it is this just like,
Starting point is 00:15:55 when we were kids, do you remember like any serious articles? I mean, you know, I guess way back, right? Lenny Bruce took the bullet, right? And he got harassed by the government for comedy so that was like he took the bullet and then there was this period where just like you would never read about any earnest articles saying a comedian is doing harmful things right you never read about like, oh my God, have you heard what Dave Chappelle,
Starting point is 00:16:27 who cares what Dave Chappelle said? Everything's been filtered through this like utopian standard of morality. Now, the word woke is so cliche and stupid is there another word we could use but this it's a religion man it's like a religion that has a dogma and a doctrine and that doctrine is like um absolute altruistic purity it's it's it's very reminiscent of uh it's very reminiscent of it's not even Marxism dude it's not Marxism it's something
Starting point is 00:17:10 it's like Marxism on steroids it's like this like ultra anti-competitiveness ultra anti-reality perspective that has just nothing to do with reality. It doesn't reflect reality. You know, it's this, it's the paradox of tolerance at full capacity.
Starting point is 00:17:42 It's the love thy enemy. It's like Jesus on on steroids i mean even if jesus came back i think he'd go whoa whoa whoa whoa we have to maybe curb immigration i think jesus would even discriminate against people who didn't um who weren't christian he'd be like you guys are what do they call that idol gods you guys are blast it's blasphemy i think even he would be like all right enough's enough okay there's two maybe three genders i'll give you male female and uh people who and trans and that's and maybe and maybe he'd stop at that i think even jesus would go whoa whoa whoa i don't. I don't know. I don't, I'm not sure if trans bitch.
Starting point is 00:18:25 You bet. You bet. Jesus had to come and answer these questions. Yeah. Or he got a slot on Fox. Yeah. Jesus on Fox. He'd be like, all right, look, wait a second.
Starting point is 00:18:35 All right. Wait a second. I said, love that neighbor. But here's the deal. Back then we didn't have property lines. So where's his tree branches? Okay. Let me just wait a second second love thy neighbor has nothing to do with whether his tree branches are encroaching on your property if his tree branches are encroaching on your property then you can lawfully cut them down
Starting point is 00:18:57 which is you can do by the way just to let you property owners out there know that if your neighbor you can love your neighbor but you can also cut his fucking tree branches down even if they're on his fucking tree is this happening they're on your property oh it happened in my own fucking mother's house and i had a good relationship with the next door neighbor i wasn't living there anymore but i was fucking the de facto fucking landlord because my mother was my mother decided she wanted to die before she died so her brain wasn't working and this fucking the tree and so i just had i had this mexican guy yeah he wasn't an arborist yeah he didn't know the type of tree i just said pull
Starting point is 00:19:33 this fucking branch down so we yanked it down and she went ballistic because it was her fucking tree from her backyard she's like it hurts the tree you don't know there's a way to do this she just didn't like that we didn't ask first which you don't have to do no but i you know i had a good relationship with this woman so it was like this she called like you know in like this frenzy about it about this thing you know and it's like if anyone would have done that back in the day you would have been like look broad that's how it's we make paper that way you. What do you want us to do? Now, look, I think it's very good to be sensitive to the tree's needs.
Starting point is 00:20:10 I understand. I understand. Trees give us oxygen. I get it. Okay? But, I mean, this was like an all-out war she caused over this. I took down a big branch. Tree was fine, by the way.
Starting point is 00:20:23 The tree heals itself. I didn't know you're like breaking its arm and like it hurts and yeah i mean you know jesse just did that and yeah i mean it's a fucking tree it doesn't have feelings even though they did some research it said the plants scream or whatever what can you do everyone's we're all dealing we're all fucking hurt yeah everyone's hurt i mean the trees trees, the leaves scream, whatever. I don't know. Yeah, plants scream, supposedly.
Starting point is 00:20:47 They have pain, supposedly. But we're probably anthropomorphizing. It's not the pain we feel. Like spinach when you eat it? Yeah, I mean, look, there's no way that the plant had an alcoholic father. There's no way that the plant had a borderline personality parent. So if the plant suffered, what do vegetarians do? You know, I hate to say it, but Ted Nugent made the best point about that.
Starting point is 00:21:12 You know, he's Ted Nugent, so it's funny. But, I mean, he just nailed it. I think he might have been on that Joe Rogan experience. He just nailed it. And he said, you guys are mad at me for eating one animal he goes do you know how many animals have to be killed for your vegetables and he's just right
Starting point is 00:21:31 so in order to grow the vegetables you have to kill all the rabbits you gotta keep out all the all the animals and pests what you call pests, insects, everything you gotta kill so much life you got to kill so much life. You have to kill so much life to grow vegetables.
Starting point is 00:21:50 In order to actually get the carrot, to keep things away from the carrot, you have to kill so many things. See? There's nothing clean. Yeah. So it's like, what do you want? Life eats life, as they say. Yeah, I mean, look.
Starting point is 00:22:03 If you ever look at a bunny rabbit and you tell me that thing is here to fucking live long, you got another thing coming. Some things aren't meant to be here to live long. So cute, though. They're cute, okay? They're cute. They are cute. But that's their fucking, but you know,
Starting point is 00:22:19 psychopaths are charming, right? Dude, here's the reality. Here's the reality. Here's the reality. Psychopaths are so much more fun and charming than a person who's not. So it's like the same argument. A bunny's cute. So it's like that's the bunny's trick for you not to eat it. But tell that to French people who love to eat hair.
Starting point is 00:22:43 They call it hair. By the way way that's the most unappetizing name for if you're about would you like to have a baked hair no i don't want a hair in my food why are they calling it a hair you know it's that's their trick so you don't eat it right the coyote comes the buddy goes i'm just a buddy and it looks so cute and the buddy goes, I'm just a buddy. And he looks so cute. And the coyote goes, dude, that don't work on me because I also am a psychopath. You're just a narcissist. Now I'm anthropomorphizing hard.
Starting point is 00:23:14 And the coyote goes, I'm here for dinner. You're my dinner. And he says it like that too with a Brooklyn accent from the 30s. He says, you're my dinner. You're my dinner, she. You're my dinner. John, we're accent from the 30s. He says, yeah, my dinner. Yeah, my dinner, she. Yeah, my dinner. John, we're parked at the Johnny Pump.
Starting point is 00:23:28 My dad never called a fire hydrant a fire hydrant in his entire life. He stuck to what it was called when he was a kid, and that's a Johnny Pump. And he never called them Puerto Ricans. He pronounced it the way it was spelled, Puerta. Wait, there's no A in there? Puerta.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Puerto Ricans. And he made it one word. It wasn't Porta, pause, Ricans. It was Puerto Ricans. My dad called them Puerto Ricans, and he called fire hydrants Johnny Pumps. And that was it. And occasionally called blacks Negroes.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Because that was the proper nomenclature at the time. That's right. That's just what you said. When there was a simpler world, it was a simpler time. Eat it! Eat it! But there's no question that you know these kids are thinking about issues
Starting point is 00:24:28 that they just shouldn't be thinking about back then it was you know one or two issues you heard about then you got to college and you learned about Ayn Rand you got a little confused for a second you learned about Marx you got a little confused for a second you opened your mind you considered
Starting point is 00:24:44 stuff and then you went you got a job at etna and you know and then things changed right you got out and then you you got you got a job and you you got yourself your first kenneth cole slacks and the first pair of practical shoes you can afford that look like they're more expensive than they are but they don't last as long because they're not Italian leather, right? They're made in China. And you go to Sutton Place and you have drinks every night because you're in your 20s and you don't have hangovers and you forget about marks. And that's the way it's supposed to go.
Starting point is 00:25:19 You're supposed to sell your soul to corporate America and shut your mouth and raise your kids and move to the suburbs, and then want things away from you. And that's it. I gotta steer away from my act a little bit. I don't wanna give away my jokes. But this is my perspective. My perspective is that of a fucking disgruntled father
Starting point is 00:25:38 who wants all the kids away. Yeah, get off my lawn. Look, there's big protests going on right now in New York City. Columbia University, something, you know. You don't have your glasses? I don't have... way yeah get off my lawn look there's big protests going on right now in new york city columbia university some uh you know you don't have your glasses i don't have i don't have them speaking of being old my glasses hold on i could tell you were avoiding the screen yeah well what do you got up there tiktok clock starts yeah these journalists are still trying to be fucking tongue in cheek.
Starting point is 00:26:06 Tick tock clock starts. So look, the conservatives are worried that if they ban tick tock, they're going to ban other companies. Fuck that. You want my opinion? Tick tock is a fucking virus. It is CCP propaganda. Hopefully this is going on YouTube because they would shut it down if it was
Starting point is 00:26:23 on tick tock. And I'm not saying that because I'm bitter. I got a lot of followers on TikTok. I don't give a fuck. And I got a lot of friends who've sold a lot of tickets. Fuck you, too. Hopefully, you built up your Instagram because fucking that whole fucking propped up CCP megaphone is going down the tubes. But here's the good news.
Starting point is 00:26:46 They're going to sell it because they have two options, right? Their option is they're going to take the payout because the bill that's being signed will give them 270 days to sell. ByteDance has to sell the company. They got to sell the company. Now, if ByteDance is smart. Now, this is the part where I to sell the company now if bite dance is smart now this is the part where i work for the ccp and i play devil's advocate set up a fucking shell company you can't fucking buy off charlie kirk or somebody to buy it i mean charlie kirk is my favorite first of all because his his head you can obviously tell that there was it was a forceps delivery. Charlie Kirk's head.
Starting point is 00:27:28 The guy doesn't even have a college degree. Who is this? Charlie Kirk. He's become... Remember, Charlie Kirk is where you go when Fox gets too liberal for you and then Newsmax fucks up. I think he's on the Freedom Network or something. He's the only thing...
Starting point is 00:27:43 Charlie Kirk is as right as you can get. He also goes and loves to debate mental heavyweights at college campuses. Like the other fucking... I can't remember his name. There was another right-wing guy who would go change my mind.
Starting point is 00:28:00 And he'd go and debate like 19-year-olds. Guys, we are brought to you by PrizePix. I love PrizePix. I want to tell you this right off the bat. You can now win up to 100 times your money on PrizePix with as little as four correct picks. You can turn $10 into $1,000 on basketball and hockey.
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Starting point is 00:29:08 It's going to be less. It's going to be more. It's going to be less. Yeah, I'm not as... You know, it's just... It's very like... It's fun. Right.
Starting point is 00:29:14 It's more... It's fantasy. It's just boom, boom, and you make some money. Do you want to do a bunch of research? I don't want to get into all that. I want it simple. I want it simple, and PrizePix makes it simple. So, they also offer weekly promotions and special offers
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Starting point is 00:29:53 Use the code Giannis, Y-A-N-N-I-S, for a first deposit match up to $100. Support us, support the show by doing that, and also have some fun. Prize picks. Pick more, pick pick less it's that easy so here's the funny thing about charlie kirk so charlie kirk before he had so many followers on tiktok was railing against tiktok he was railing hopefully you can pull that up maybe
Starting point is 00:30:18 charlie kirk's he was fucking talking about how it's engine in the CCP and we got to get rid of TikTok. And he just hated TikTok. And then he started to get some followers and I think maybe some maybe Chinese money. I don't know. Don't hold my words to that. And then he changed his tune completely. He changed his tune 100%, which is what the CCP knows. That's what they know. We've been doing it to other countries forever, but what the CCP figured out and what Russia figured out is that we do have freedom here. You can use freedom against the people who are free by confusing them, by giving them so many options to get famous. Once they saw that the internet gave an avenue to feed that American dream, it's a direct pipeline.
Starting point is 00:31:23 A direct pipeline for the American dream of fame, because let's be honest, that's what the American dream is, the American dream was never a fucking shitty small three-bedroom house in Levittown, Long Island, that's not what the fucking American dream was. Okay, the American dream was for you to be, is Madonna. To fucking become a Talmud, what is she, a Kabbalah Jew. To just recreate, the American dream is to
Starting point is 00:31:55 not be who you are. We always had seeds of that in this country. We always had like that phoniness, that Hollywoodized goal of you can recreate who you are. You don't have to be a slave to your family tradition, your ethnicity, your true self. You can create who you are. You can create an avatar and become famous.
Starting point is 00:32:23 The American dream is fame. It's riches and fame. That's what it is. It's not fucking a suburban house. It's not your own lawn. Okay, that's what you end up settling for. But the carrot that's dangled is you too. You too can be Gwyneth Paltrow.
Starting point is 00:32:44 You too can be a small-town girl whose parents are cousins, and you can get out of Iowa, and because you were the only sibling born with eyes that are a little farther apart, okay? The other ones are like, you know, have autism or three fingers, and you can be the only farm girl that gets on a bus, goes to Hollywood, and fucks a sweaty, fat fucking Weinstein
Starting point is 00:33:12 and uses your pussy, use your fucking pussy as collateral to put your name in the big bright lights. You too could get your name in the big bright lights you too can get your name in the big bright lights if you just let a sweaty fat movie producer give you a massage in his bath robe in a motel it's such a mystery why hollywood never came calling for you yeah you too can do it i don't know why well i'll tell you why i'll tell you why there's i'll tell you why because it actually rains in los angeles quite a bit but the reason why they have these water quotas
Starting point is 00:33:53 is because a lot of these actresses take extra long showers they curl up in a little ball oh that's why there's a drought that's why there's a drought? That's why there's a drought. Because you can see there's plenty of water. They curl up in a ball, and they just let the water run. Because it's their attempt to try to wash off what they allowed to happen. The Faustian bargain they had to make in order to get a part in Reservoir Dogs. What? None of them are good people they're all doing something they're all stealing shoes or smelling feet something they're all got something when you got that much money you just in fame and power just bad things happen to you so that was always the american dream so china just
Starting point is 00:34:42 knew right they just knew like oh look at, look at Instagram, look at Facebook. We're going to create an app that is that on steroids. And they did it perfectly. And I got on TikTok recently, right? I have 236,000 followers, nothing to shake a stick at. And I did it quick, right? But that's how they hook you. First video I threw up was a stand-up video.
Starting point is 00:35:07 It went gangbusters, million. It was my first video. So it's like on the other apps, you had to like slowly build your first video out the gate. So that's what they do. The first ones, they would just flood your, they had so many fake accounts and they would just boost your numbers right up
Starting point is 00:35:24 so they get you at the casino. They'd get you in. They'd reel you in. And then, depending on what your content is, they promote it. There is a method behind the madness of what they want to get popular. It's not organic. It is absolutely not organic. I've felt that algorithm. It's a lot different than other algorithms. And it's very content-based. And it's not just like, oh, did he curse? You can tell. You can kind of tell. viral video about um how uh what was that um what was that hot show uh that korean hot show
Starting point is 00:36:08 that was on netflix that everyone was watching it was about that like those death games oh yeah squid games squid games you couldn't just go on there and have a joke that goes oh squid games was actually a documentary about mainland china or Or that was, oh, a lot of people thought that was a TV show, but it was actually, they showed it in North Korea. They were like, oh, that's just a documentary. You couldn't, that would never go viral on TikTok. Didn't you say your numbers got limited
Starting point is 00:36:37 when you stopped giving them access? It's 100%, yeah. I cut off their access to my full camera roll and my phone. So my microphone, my camera roll, I cut off their access to my full camera roll and my phone. So my microphone, my camera roll, I cut off access. So I have to do it individually for each video. And then what happened? Your numbers went down.
Starting point is 00:36:51 And my numbers just plummeted. Plummeted. Yeah, just plummeted. Yeah. So I don't know. And again, we talked about that. I'm not saying necessarily, but it seems odd. It seems odd that I would have 236,000 followers.
Starting point is 00:37:02 And the last video I put up got 13 views what 13 13 oh you're off the list 13 yeah i erased it quick it was i gave it two days too and i was like this is 13 so there was something in that video that they just they immediately they just they go nobody's seeing it you know that's it i mean by default, it would get more than 13. With that amount of followers? Yeah, by default. Of course, yeah. Were you criticizing China?
Starting point is 00:37:31 No, but I said some stuff. I did do that voice. I said the word stoning in the joke. Who knows? Who knows? This is the thing about what they do, though. Like, right? This is what makes it so hard to decipher,
Starting point is 00:37:50 is that they don't promote one side over the other, right? So anything about China, they just don't. They've proven that. Like, the content they've done, like, they've run analytics on that. Like, anything Hong Kong is like 0%. There's no Hong Kong content on there. There's no Uyghur Muslim shit.
Starting point is 00:38:07 They just, that's all gone, right? They just don't let it. So they won't let that happen. But what they do, right? And I just know there's some street smarts, is they don't amplify just one, right? But what they're looking for is like mindless so these are the things that tiktok does it's very easy if you just you take off your perspective hat and you take off your perception
Starting point is 00:38:33 hat and you put on your perspective hat right old cia jargon right you don't see things you just go from the helicopter you look at it. They like mindless stuff. So dancing, hot girls dancing, that kind of like the shit that like melts your brain, just hot people, dancing shirts off. That's what made the app popular.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Tic Tac stars with, that was the original, that was the, that was the, uh, first iteration. Is that the right word? No,
Starting point is 00:39:04 not iteration. The first incarnation of the TikTok star was the dancing guy, the dancing ones. They danced for like eight minutes, right? They were all hot, and there was like a scene of them. So they liked that mindlessness. Not like, here's how you build a, none of that. It was none of that going viral, right? It was Charlie, whatever her name is, D'Amelio,
Starting point is 00:39:32 and the other broad, and they're dancing not as good as black people to black music and doing the shh on the N-word, which was my favorite. It'd be some fucking hardcore drill rap, and they'd be going, what, what? And then, and then, sh and then the dance move would incorporate so that was about the circa 2019 18 17 20 this shit was very recent and then it's like um then it's like uh a lot of extreme positions right a lot of extreme positions, right?
Starting point is 00:40:05 A lot of extreme positions on both sides. Mixed in with a bunch of all types of mental health stuff, good stuff, you know, whatever page you want to do. You know, that's what makes it so hard to see. Because, you know, you don't just, you got to be subtle. It's subtle. You know, you don't want to just, it's just that. So you could get lost in some
Starting point is 00:40:25 Alan Watts for a while and hear all good mindfulness shit. You could get on a yoga page. You could get on any, you could follow a hospice nurse who wants to tell you about what people, the five things people regret the most. You could get lost on that, and the
Starting point is 00:40:42 algorithm will keep feeding you that. But then once in a while, you'll come across some that you didn't ask for. You didn't ask for them. I don't ask for them. And they'll just come across, you know, some hardcore Israeli, hardcore Palestinian, hardcore Ukraine, hardcore Russia, hardcore Trump, hardcore Biden. It's just hardcore. It's just hardcore shit. Two kids, two kids. So I don't know, dude, that would be akin to abusive parents. And it would be abusive forcing their kids to watch CNN and Fox.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Just making them, you know what I mean? Just like making them. Going, look, look, look, look, look, there's pizza for you if you sit. You know, not only that, not only is there pizza, you could become famous for eating that pizza. You could become famous, there's gonna be a pizza party,
Starting point is 00:41:38 but you have to sit through Crossfire for four hours. You have to sit through Don Lemon. You have to watch, you have to watch Rachel Maddow. You got to watch this fucking liberal bull sit down and talk to you about the Russian dossier for three hours.
Starting point is 00:41:55 Shamelessly, talk about the Russian dossier for fucking hours. And that's what it would be akin to. It would be akin to that. So it slips in. It slips in. So it's hard to see the strings.
Starting point is 00:42:08 It's hard to see, but they're there. There's a puppeteer there, and that's the problem. There's a puppeteer there. It's a known thing. Beijing has its hand in every private company over there. So furthermore, the bigger point is you just have to understand and accept that that's how war is fought now. That's just, it's how it's fought.
Starting point is 00:42:34 So if you don't think it's there, let's just be crystal clear. I don't even think China would deny it's there. Like, if you gave them a lie detector test, they'd probably go, yeah, but you do it too. That would probably be their best answer. I know that would be Putin's best answer, but yeah, you do it too. And they were not wrong because we do do it too. The best part of this is that the CCP had people, um, lob secretly lobby lobbying to staffers. Why don't you pull up that article Politico? So they were desperately trying to stop this. And as per usual, when things get desperate, you slip a little bit. Desperation,
Starting point is 00:43:14 you slip. You see it in boxing. You see it in sports. TikTok app wasted millions of dollars lobbying. U.S. Congress data reveals. But further furthermore furthermore than that my good friends should i call what did mr rogers call the people who watched him children hello friends hello that's larry nance larry nance the basketball player jim nance the guy who calls golf oh hello friends okay china lobbies congress behind closed doors on tiktokers say. So sorry, it wasn't two staffers. So after a bill passed that would force a sale of company past the House, diplomats from the... Listen to this closely. Diplomats from the Chinese embassy met with Hill offices to push talking points defending the app.
Starting point is 00:43:58 The Chinese embassy has held meetings with congressional staff. I was right. I'm sorry. So it was the staffers. They were trying to go to, they were trying to influence the influence, the people in the ear of these people. So I go, Hey man,
Starting point is 00:44:10 come on, let me just buy you a drink. Come meet me at this DC bar down here. And just meet me down at Adams Morgan. We're going to go to heaven and hell. We'll get some drinks. Let's talk a little bit. Let's talk.
Starting point is 00:44:22 So. Yeah. TikTok, which is owned byijing company by dance has repeatedly denied a relationship with the chinese government so why is the chinese embassy getting involved talking to staffers talking to representative talking to the office of congressman why is that if they're not involved? What people have to understand is a lot of times, people and the media are not privy to intelligence. It's just how it goes. Intelligence has been used
Starting point is 00:44:54 for very nefarious purposes in the past, but also intelligence has also been used for very, to thwart very harmful things. It's been used
Starting point is 00:45:03 for good, to protect us a lot of times. You know, when they foil a terrorist plot, we hear that a lot. Down in Jesse's neighborhood, there's a lot of that. Old neighborhood. There's a lot of that that they caught. They've caught a lot using intelligence. A lot of people don't understand the policies that go into the Ukraine and Israel and wherever else.
Starting point is 00:45:26 A lot of times there's intelligence that we don't know about that may reveal the motives or the modus operandi of the operators in question that we may not be privy to for very good reason. That's just part of it, man. That's part of what it is now. We're a free society, so eventually this stuff gets released years later.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Obviously, we'll find out that the Mossad was behind everything. But until then... Obviously. JFK, all that. But that is kind of the flaw of freedom. Sometimes you can't tell when it comes to intelligence. Sometimes it's a high crime for a reason because it's very sensitive information,
Starting point is 00:46:13 and there's good reason for it to be sensitive information. But a lot of times what motivates policy is intelligence. A lot of times it's faulty intelligence. A lot of times it's good intelligence. It's not a perfect science, obviously. You got double agents. You got all types of misinformation, intentional misinformation, double agents,
Starting point is 00:46:35 all that types of shit. Sometimes you can't trust your sources. Sometimes your source has ulterior motives. Sometimes covers get blown, you know, but the reason why we were able to win the battle of Midway is because of intelligence. Right. They're not going to release that in the press. You understand what the reason is for that. So all you people who are completely defending. You have to understand it's a complicated world. OK, what's this guy who's holed up in a fucking embassy?
Starting point is 00:47:06 Or whatever. Or the trans woman who went to prison because she divulged information. A lot of the things that they told us were good. Like, they're surveillancing us. Juliana Sanj? Yeah, Sanj and all these people. The other one.
Starting point is 00:47:19 Snowden and the trans one. Oh, yeah, I forgot her name. Whatever her name is. Her name. She went to prison. Stockard Channing or whatever. That's an actress, but who cares let's call her stalker channing um a lot of good was found out by that but also it's like there's some probably some things we probably shouldn't have heard as well in a lot of those documents as well but also then it becomes
Starting point is 00:47:41 yeah the government gets too comfortable with the secrecy, and then they fuck the people. So you just have to be able to know that, you know, you can't have that fucking borderline personality understanding of the world where everything's black and white. It's just not. The adult world is not black and white. And that's the problem with the kids now, is that the kids are trying to understand a shade of gray world with black and white brains. Because when you deal with someone who's an adult who has borderline personality, what do they act like? They act like a petulant seven-year-old child. My daughter is black and white. If I say we can't go on the carousel, she throws an absolute fit in the
Starting point is 00:48:22 middle of the mall. She's three years old, okay, if you talk to someone who has borderline personality disorder, and you say they can't, you can't do their movie or whatever, they throw a fit, like they're a three-year-old child, because they have borderline personality, and they can't understand outside of their own wants, and they see the world in black and white, the things I want, and the things preventing me from getting the things that I want. So the reason why fucking mental health is such a big problem for youth today is because fucking the woke religion makes these kids who are not capable of fully grokking the shades of gray adult world yet because they have black and white brains. When you're 16 year old, you should be thinking
Starting point is 00:49:07 about getting your noodle wet, which is a very selfish need. You don't think about consequences and all the people it affects and all that shit and you shouldn't.
Starting point is 00:49:17 You should get your heart broken. You should be with some fucking girl who you think is the love of your life until you find out she's fucking some soccer player
Starting point is 00:49:25 that's what happened to me and then think your world is shattered you need to feel those emotions without wanting to take your own life because it you because you're you're fucking in this black and white thinking and you and you and you're and you're and you're you're only capable of black and white thinking and you're trying to measure it. You're trying to be an adult. You're not an adult yet. Whenever that happened to me, there was always an awareness that I was a teenager. There was this awareness because I lived in a teenage world. It wasn't like there was this an awareness i could talk to my friends and my friends go hey man you're a teenager or my parents or whoever goes yeah i've been there too you're a teenager trust me in a couple years you're gonna look back and be like that was teenage love or
Starting point is 00:50:15 whatever and it's great it's good to get your heart broken but now when these kids get their heart broken they're so fucking rigid because of these this rigid religious utopian moral doctrine that they feel like it's the end of the fucking world. And that's because they're trying, they're exposed to the shades of gray world too much and they're interpreting the teenage, they're interpreting that shades of gray world with only the capability of black and white thinking, which is linked to their age and the development of their brain.
Starting point is 00:50:51 Your brain doesn't fully develop until you're 24 years old. It's approximately 24 years old. Until you're 24, your brain is still developing. That's why you convince 17-year-olds to go fight because they don't have a five-year plan yet. So, you know, it can be used in all types of ways, but manipulation works most on young people. And that seems to be lost on young people because they think they're adults because the internet, social media, and, uh, the subterfuge of foreign adversaries has them trying to understand issues with a black and white brain. With basically a borderline personality brain. And you should have that brain.
Starting point is 00:51:37 You should overreact when you're 15 if your girlfriend fucks a soccer player. When you're 60 and it happens, you get a lawyer, you get a divorce and you see the pros and the cons. You go, fuck, I'm going to lose a lot of money, but God, am I going to be swimming deep on these fucking apps with young puss? You know,
Starting point is 00:51:53 you know, you see the, finally I'm going to get, finally I'm going to get some peace. Finally, someone's not going to kick me out of the bed when I snore. You have an adult brain. You can,
Starting point is 00:52:01 you can reason through it. I wish I said all this in a more cogent way but i'm but i'm making some points aren't i i'm making some points aren't i which ones did you catch any of that is there something in there oh there's plenty there's plenty don't worry we weren't trying we didn't we didn't we weren't trying to be adults, is my point. We weren't sitting there taking this shit. We wouldn't sit there and have a conversation. No, it was worse. It would be a buzzkill.
Starting point is 00:52:34 If Yanni started talking while we were all high about Israel and Ukraine, you'd be like, guy. We were worse. We were trying to be gangster, which was so stupid. That was stupid, but at least we were- We were trying to be hard. We were trying to be hard. We were trying to be gangster. We were trying to listen to rap.
Starting point is 00:52:44 We were trying to get girls. It was all to be hard. We were trying to be gangsters. We were trying to listen to rap. We were trying to get girls. It was all stupid, but it didn't threaten our mental health. Well, maybe. I mean, not to this point. We did some stupid shit. Dude, I didn't know one suicidal person when I was a kid. I knew not one suicidal person. You didn't hear?
Starting point is 00:53:03 Maybe you didn't hear about? That's what I was going to say. I never thought about suicide. I was, even though my. Because you were popular. You were a popular kid. Oh, that's what it is. Suicidal kids, you know.
Starting point is 00:53:13 Aren't popular. You didn't even notice them. Well, then what's making these kids feel unpopular? Social media? People like you, the popular kids. It's my fault. It's not your fault. It's you and the facade.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Here's the problem. It's Obama your fault. It's you and the massage. Here's the problem. It's Obama's fault. It's Obama and his husband's fault. That's right. Big Mike and Obama. All roads lead back. You still haven't pulled up Charlie. You did pull up Charlie Kirk's head.
Starting point is 00:53:41 He's got a really lot of face. He's got too much face. All right. I don't know if I made any points. You'll be the judge of that. See, doesn't his face look like it's swollen? A little bit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:54 Doesn't he look like it's a post boxing match face? Yeah. A little bit. His head looks like a light bulb. Yeah. Like around the top and skinny at the bottom. So this guy doesn't even have a college degree, and he's a political influencer. I mean, you pull up the tweets side by side.
Starting point is 00:54:10 It's very funny. Well, it's interesting. This article explains why he's mad at TikTok, and it's because they took his channel down. Oh, they took his channel down, and then now he's defending TikTok because he's got almost a million followers. But there was also some funding.
Starting point is 00:54:23 So this must be an old article right um the fun part is to find the tweets side by side charlie kirk tiktok let's see if we can find this here we go i found it that easy okay tiktok has this is from november 29 2003 so not that long ago 2003 sorry 2000 2023 apologize see now am i gonna kill myself because i made a mistake jesus christ tiktok has suspended a fan account of the charlie kirk show again this is the 20th time this account has been suspended for quote unquote hate speech it's way past time to ban tiktok it's a cancer on america will speaker johnson act that's pretty harsh ban it okay now this is this is charlie kirk this morning april 23rd 2024 wherever you're listening to this, this is when we record it.
Starting point is 00:55:25 Joe Biden is likely to ban TikTok, an app he doesn't like because he's owned and promoted by big tech, a massive in-kind political donation that should be investigated. I've used TikTok now for a few weeks. We're approaching one million followers quickly. I can't speak to the privacy issue, but we are now reaching millions of Gen Z voters daily. Many are turning conservative as a result. It is undeniable cultural impact
Starting point is 00:55:54 because that's what he's concerned about. He's concerned about helping you. The best thing about political social media influencers is they're highly principled. That's the best part about them is they're highly principled. That's the best part about them, is they're highly principled. You didn't catch the sarcasm of that. Your facial expression didn't change.
Starting point is 00:56:11 I hate that. This means I'm not having an impact. I think I can see why Biden wants this app banned. If the polling is right, it might be pushing younger voters to the right so now it's good now it's good and that's the shit china likes to hear yeah yeah that's what we're doing and then the left would say yeah yeah we're also doing that we're pushing vote yeah yeah yeah we're doing both we're pushing you both we're elevating fucking morons
Starting point is 00:56:41 like this to so until you guys kill each other the goal is discord it's look i don't know much all right i whatever diary i just vomited before i know i made some good points and then i'm gonna have to listen back and suss them out it wasn't cogent but this isn't about cogency i don't even know if that's the way you conjugate that but it's not about cogentness the way you conjugate that. But it's not about cogent-ness. It's not about cogency. Cogentry.
Starting point is 00:57:07 It's not about cogentry. But the one thing I do know is it's about discord. The goal is discord. So if you see discord, if you see people fighting on the streets, if you see people setting themselves on fire, which has now happened twice, if you see people not talking to their friends over stuff, if
Starting point is 00:57:27 you see that type of discord, that is the hallmark? Is that the right word? The hallmark of foreign subterfuge.
Starting point is 00:57:47 Ooh, that brain is working. Foreign, that's the fingerprint. Fingerprint is better than Hallmark. That is the fingerprint of a small, tiny Chinese hand because genetically most of them are smaller. So it's a tiny little CCP ant. Or a frostbitten Russian finger. Their fingerprints probably just burnt out
Starting point is 00:58:18 from all the cold weather. Pretty simple, I think, if you think about it that way it's not about promoting one site and that's what we get wrong is like oh the russians are helping him oh the russians are just trying to the russians and the chinese and the north koreans are just or and whoever else is just trying to get us all fucked up the goal is not one over the other they just want to get us all fucked up. The goal is not one over the other. They just want to get us fucked up. That's all. They know that there's a quote unquote deep state, which is necessarily a bad thing sometimes as well. That's the great thinking. You know, having an establishment is not necessarily the bad thing. I mean, we don't want to just be electing The Rock and Steve Largen every year.
Starting point is 00:59:02 You know what I mean? You want some guys who've been in the town who know how it works. You want some deep state guys who fucking know how Washington works, who have been there through administrations. So when a guy shows up fresh off The Apprentice, he can show them around a little bit. Imagine if everyone just comes fresh off of a hot reality show
Starting point is 00:59:23 and they just have no idea how government works you want a couple of those guys around institution guys you want a few of those around you call them deep state you can call them what they used to call them old guard you know there's different ways to phrase it to make it sound worse or better You want a few of those around So that's the situation It's to sow discord It's not, oh, we prefer Trump over Hillary They don't give a shit
Starting point is 00:59:55 They want the people fucked up They want us weak And why is that? The reason is because they can't they know. And why is that? The reason is, is because they can't invade us. They can't take us over. Um, they can, they can only invade places where we have influence and they can do that more effectively. If we're all fucked up, if we're all fucked up, they can do that more effectively. That's it. They can become stronger than us economically if we're all fucked up. That's it. So that's the game. And it's a delicate game because they don't want us so fucked up that we, that, you know, we get, that we elect,
Starting point is 01:00:37 you know, Floyd Mayweather as president, and then we launch nukes at them. They know, so it's a delicate game but that's been the game that has been the fucking game since world war one and then more so world war two that's been the fucking game once chemical weapons and then nuclear weapons got into the game that's been the game the The game has been intelligence, disinformation campaigns, propaganda. It's been an information war, propaganda war, economic war, sanctions,
Starting point is 01:01:17 and meddling. It's been a meddling. It's been a meddling. It's been a war for influence. And the closest we've got is proxy wars. I mean, so. I said that this episode had nothing to do with last episode, but it's got a lot to do with it.
Starting point is 01:01:31 Because let's be honest. I mean, these are pressing issues right now. I don't know if I, it's just not my personality to talk about a restaurant closing on 3rd Avenue for some funny reason right now. This protest at Columbia university is crazy because of the scope of it. Um, there's professors out there. Um,
Starting point is 01:01:55 it's not just Columbia, a lot of universities, all these universities and, and the universities have no control over it. Everyone's not going to class. Um, all these kids, parents are not happy. I can tell you that.
Starting point is 01:02:08 I heard they want a refund. Yeah, I can tell you that. I can tell you that the kids' parents are not happy. Unfortunately for this generation of parents, they're on the front lines of what happened to their kids. The next generation is going to be a lot healthier than Gen Z because the parents know what to keep kids away from.
Starting point is 01:02:31 Like, I know. I know my kid's not getting a phone until she's in her mid-teens. I don't care what the fuck her friends are doing. She's not getting a phone. And if she gets a phone, she's not getting certain apps. And that's just it. And it's coming down hard hard i don't care how much she screams and cries and that's just how it is and she's i'm gonna be so in her life i'm gonna be so all over that bitch she's just
Starting point is 01:02:57 it we're just gonna be in it where me and my wife are gonna be in it all over it and um what do you think about these schools are you going to send your kid to one of these schools it's a major consideration and that's what we're it's almost like why we were on the front line our generation was on the front lines for race relations we took the bullet for a lot of that shit, okay? Our generation knows it, especially in the place that we lived, in urban centers, New York City. We were on the front lines for race relations.
Starting point is 01:03:35 We dealt with all the fallout from the race riots in the 70s. We were kids in the 80s and early 90s. The race riots were in the fucking late 60s, mid to late sixties into the seventies, all through the seventies. And then we had some more in the eighties, some bad ones. And in the nineties, we had some bad ones. Yousef Hawkins, um, crown Heights. We had massive race riots all over. And then in the sixties, seventies, there was massive race rallies, riots all over the country. Um. We dealt with the fallout.
Starting point is 01:04:06 Civil rights happened, then we were born. So we dealt with that anger. We dealt with that tension. And we were the front lines. And then the generation after benefited. They were all fucking, we're all great. You know? Next thing you know know we're worrying
Starting point is 01:04:25 about indian people i'm like what the fuck talking about indian people geez this used to be just be a black and white problem now i gotta worry about his i gotta worry about harry konda blue's feelings the fuck jesus the lesbian i gotta worry about her feelings now i gotta worry about white women's fucking sports pay i mean it just got out of hand but uh that's because they didn't got to worry about her feelings. Now I got to worry about white women's fucking sports pay. I mean, it just got out of hand. But that's because they didn't have to worry about that, which was a real issue. So that's a real. Here's the deal. That's a real issue rooted in slavery, segregation, redlining, and then violence.
Starting point is 01:05:04 You know, Tulsa massacre, hangings, lynchings, fucking urban planning, fucking Robert Moses throwing highways fucking in black neighborhoods, ripping them up. I mean, discrimination to the gills. That's something rooted in something real. And then some fucking kid comes along and says a cartoon made him feel sad. And there's a whole movement around that. Or some fucking bull soccer player who's got a Gatorade sponsorship and is making a million dollars is upset because she's not getting paid as much as fucking Pete Sampras. Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 01:05:43 Okay? This fucking broad Caitlin fucking Clark just got a fucking 20 million dollar fucking Gatorade, I'm sorry, a 28 or 26 million dollar Nike deal, why, because there's finally some fucking eyeballs on it, eyeballs, there's some eyeballs on the sport, that's how it works she didn't you know and you know what the thing about caitlyn clark is she didn't fucking whine and bully us and she didn't fucking whine about it and bully us into watching she inspired us to watch why don't you take a fucking page out of her book and shut your fucking girl mouth and start moving those feet and learn how to dunk. Guys, catch me May 2nd.
Starting point is 01:06:31 Netflix is a Joke Comedy Festival in Los Angeles. Tickets at yannispappascomedy.com. Then Rowley at the Rowley Impov in Cary, North Carolina, May 17th and 18th. And then Harrah's in Atlantic City, June 22nd. And then, of course, Dania Beach, Tacoma, Brea, Brookfield, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All those dates are going up for the fall. I'm taking July and August off.
Starting point is 01:06:58 So these are your last chances to see me. Get your tickets right now, yannispappascomedy.com. Want to give a shout-out to exclusiveautoshipping.com. It's the only place to go if you're moving your car out of state. You bought a car, you need to move it. Whatever it is, exclusiveautoshipping.com. Student and military discounts always apply with Jared Z. Chris Minetti will cash your business check,
Starting point is 01:07:20 and that's all you need to know about it. Don't ask any further questions, okay? The number is 215-750-3730, And he only answers call from a rotary phone. So don't even try to push button it 215-750-3730. You call up Chris directly. He answers or his ma and he will tell you how you can get your business cash checked in the Philly or South Jersey area. That's all there is to it. The IRS don't need to know nothing about this. Capisce.
Starting point is 01:07:49 Capisce. For the free.art music in Hawaii, learn about bands, shows in Hawaii. Very cool. Nate Linder, our guy, natelinder.com. natelinder.com is finally legal? Again, I don't know. But check out natelinder.com. If legal? Again, I don't know. But check out NateLinder.com. If you need some social media managing,
Starting point is 01:08:11 if you want to monetize, my friend, if you want to rank higher on Google, if you want to see profit from digital advertising, Nate is focused on real business results. He ain't focused on fake business results. He likes to focus on revenue and new customer acquisition, not just clicks, baby. Nate has been crushing it with B2B companies
Starting point is 01:08:32 and construction companies across the globe. The guy's killing it in Malaysia and Moldova. So hit up natelinder.com. Here it is. Think marketing. I got to say it the right way. Think marketing. Think Nate Linder Alright
Starting point is 01:08:49 Displaypros.net These guys will build you A custom trade show booth Retail fixtures Promotional items Whatever you need For your Entrepreneurial
Starting point is 01:09:00 Venture For your small company For your big company For your private life For your family, for fun, whatever it is. You get 10% off your first purchase if you tell them Giannis sent you displaypros.net. MA Insurance Services, they can be reached at 813-260-0338. They're in the St. Petersburg, Florida area. When I say they, it's Matthew Albani and his team, his employees.
Starting point is 01:09:29 So this company is growing by the day, all thanks to the Yanis Papasour. You're all signing up for these umbrella packages, commercial insurance, workers' comp, professional liability, general liability, all types of umbrellas, et cetera. MA Insurance, this is who you go with. If you need coverage, you hit them up. You can also call them at that number that I gave you, 813-2600-338 or mainsuranceservices.com. Capertac. Okay. Very simple.
Starting point is 01:10:05 There's no reason not to check out Cap or Tack. It's free. So there you go. You don't lose anything. They use machine learning AI to simulate game results and give you the best betting advice possible. 100% free. No BS.
Starting point is 01:10:20 Cap or tack.com. You can download the app at the Apple Store or Google Play Store and start your winning. Right. Have some fun.com. You can download the app at the Apple Store or Google Play Store and start your winning. Right. Have some fun. Okay. With sports. Rebels Raider.
Starting point is 01:10:33 Rebels-Raiders.com. Real deal tactical gear for everyday use. Or sign up, you know, get on the wait list for body armor. No, he's got the body armor. He's got the body armor. He doesn't have the bags. You don't have the bags. So if you're preparing for Armageddon
Starting point is 01:10:51 or if your wife likes to punch you in the stomach a lot, get some body armor. I like to wear my body armor around the house because you never know. It's a good move. It's a good move. You just never know. I'm always ready.
Starting point is 01:11:04 When I go to the supermarket, I got my got my dude people should have body armor on okay mass shootings happen it should there should be but you should wear body armor so go to rebels raider and don't be caught by surprise on the ccp invasion or at the supermarket have body armor so you could take a few fucking shells to the chest he should send some to the studio send us some body armor please i'll wear it a full episode yeah what are you a large i'm a large yeah uh you're a large i'll take a large bigger than me i want it tight you six three six yeah six three six four in in air max no no i'll be six three in air max so you like 6'2 and a half.
Starting point is 01:11:45 You're taller than 6'2. Maybe 6'3. Yeah, you're 6'3. Maybe 6'3 and a half, 4 with Air Max. No, no, no. Not that tall. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:52 Two largest. Yeah, I'm over 6'0 in Air Max. I'm close to 6'1 in Air Max. Oh, your little platform shoes? Yeah, because I'm like... See, I'm overshare. I'm 6'0. Okay, marketing. But I'm 5share. I'm six foot. Okay, marketing.
Starting point is 01:12:07 But I'm 5'11 and three quarters. I'm just under six. That's three quarters, isn't it? So where do you go, Rebels Raiders? Rebels Raiders on Facebook and Instagram, at Rebels Raiders. And you go to rebels-raiders.com to check out the website. The bags are incredible.
Starting point is 01:12:28 The bags are just, I use it, so that's all you need to know. Thinkingman.substack.com, check them out. It's also free, or you can subscribe for five bucks if you want. Read their essays on books, movies, pop culture, politics. Give them a read they're fun it's a new york city-based newsletter check it out suds auto spa i think he's got he sent a new message right yeah he told us where he's located and he said that he will travel wow this changes the game that That's right. Should he travel anywhere? He said the larger the job, the further they'll travel.
Starting point is 01:13:06 The larger the job, the farther he will travel. John Pappas, if you want to meet me, but you'll settle for a guy who owns Suds Auto Spa with the same name, this is a great opportunity. Not only will you get your car fucking cracked open and cleaned out, but you'll also meet a guy named Yannis Papas. All right? Who's got a great company called Suds Auto Spa.
Starting point is 01:13:31 It's a clean car freak's dream. How far will you travel? Because I'm into this. I like getting... I know Paul Verzi would be into this. The kid's Italian. He gets his car detailed. Like once a month. It's really hilarious.
Starting point is 01:13:45 He gets it detailed. And, and you know he needs white leather i think italians created heaven because they just want to be with the clouds i picture him with like a little fuzzy rabbit ear hanging from it he doesn't have that but he gets his car detailed he got dice in the window he takes his car in like you know how like cheers everyone knew your name Cheers? Everyone at the fucking car spot, the wash spot, the detail spot knows Paul. He spends a lot of money to detail his car constantly. So Paul would be fucking totally into this. Because what does John Pappas do for you? He'll do an automotive longevity service such as ceramic coating, paint protection film.
Starting point is 01:14:24 I mean, Paul would cream in his pants. Look, this is for Italians big right here. They fucking love their car as much as they love their ma. They also offer storage solutions featuring car capsule units. These storage assets are designed to keep your car dust-free and safe from impacts, mildew, and even rodents. So if you have that problem, if the rodents are getting into your car, this will help.
Starting point is 01:14:47 Give them a call at 412-564-5033. You can email them at info at sudsautospa.com. Check them out. Give them a follow on the gram at suds underscore auto underscore spa. They will travel. They're located in Bridgeville, south of Pittsburgh. So if you happen to be listening to this, go check them out, take a photo with them
Starting point is 01:15:13 and fucking send it so we can throw it up on the cast. If not, they will travel. The larger the job, the further they'll travel. So it's negotiable. So if you fucking love your car, like I know a lot of you Italians listen and do, or Armenians, Chinese love their cars,
Starting point is 01:15:31 Hispanics love their cars, everyone loves their, if you've got cock and balls, you know this is for you. And we got PCB Tech Art. Looking for business marketing swag in the form of keychains, ball markers, or ball tags, guys?
Starting point is 01:15:47 Maybe you need PCB design consultations, prototyping, or 3D printing services. Well, you could check out PCBTechArt.com, visit the online store, or send them a direct message for any consultations, custom designs. There they go. They got screwed in.
Starting point is 01:16:04 10% off if you use the code YANUS10 off your order. They also are on Amazon. So they sell on Amazon as well. And then he says if we send him some images, podcast thumbnail, just a logo, I would get some samples together. Can we do that? Can you send it to them? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:22 We have a high res? We should, right? We should, yeah. You want to use that logo? Didn't we update the logo? We have a them? Yeah. We have a high res? We should, right? We should, yeah. You want to use that logo? Didn't we update the logo? We have a new one cooking? We have a new one cooking, but we said we didn't like it as much as this. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:16:31 Guys, do you like the logo? Should we get a new logo? Let us know. Love you guys. We'll see you next week.

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