Yannis Pappas Hour - White Robots & Lies Travel
Episode Date: February 21, 2025Will robots be white or diverse? Do lies travel faster than the truth on the internet? Yanni delves into Jay-Z’s civil suit being dismissed, the accusations against Tom Hanks, and Kendrick&rsquo...;s allegations that Drake likes them young. Are we living in a commentary dystopia? And finally, a vegan trans cult commits terrorism and it’s not in a Coen Brothers movie. You can’t add tragedy to tragedy and comedy to comedy.
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Good afternoon, everybody. It is Janus Papas from the Janus Papas Hour.
We are a very niche podcast and I appreciate each and every one of you.
We're still cooking over at patreon.com
slash Janus Papas Hour for your weekly bonus episodes.
If you want a little more, they're a little more timeless and laid back and local.
So that's good. I am your favorite comedian who is one phone call away
from talking to people who have made it
to the top of the business.
That is my credit.
The phone call I just had, that's my credit.
I wanna be brought up on stage as that.
And that's the way you like me
and that's kind of the way I like myself,
just kind of laid back under the radar.
Ain't a good time to be on the radar.
But my papers are good and my mom is legal. She was
legal. She was totally legal and that's how it goes and also she was most she's
white right Greeks are white I guess so for Steve Bannon I'd be safe but for
Elon Musk he wouldn't even bat his eye because him and Trump or Trump because
they want everyone who's very
capable right because it's a tech takeover so of course Elon Musk isn't
gonna say I want only whites because then half of Silicon Valley and half of
his company would be gone because it's all Indians and Chinese doing the work
at least half at least a quarter at least 30% the ones that matter the ones
that matter are a lot of them are South Asian, Indian,
and a lot of them are Asian.
So, and they haven't been here that long.
So of course, Musk and Trump were like, we're going for excellence.
But Steve Bannon goes, we were going for white.
We wanted white.
So he hates Elon Musk.
So the feud amongst Trump's inner circle continues. There's two wings.
One that wants whites and one that does my heart is open to you this way, but
very probably could have been an autistic tick. We don't know because he wants everyone who's just
excellent, but it could just be self-serving or he could just mean
Asians and Asians and South Asians who are good at coding until the robots come and then they're going to want everything out. And Steve Bannon it's like okay they're negotiating they're going
okay we'll take the robots but the robots have to be white. What are we going to do when the robots
come? Will there be racism against the robots or will Steve Bannon be okay with them if they're
white robots? Can you be racist against a black robot or I mean you know or a
brown robot or an Asian robot? Are they gonna do diverse robots or are they just
gonna be all white robots? Because they're gonna make humanoid robots. Meta
just invested a whole bunch of money into the future of humanoid robots.
Human robots will be a thing.
Tesla has them already.
They're figuring them out.
They're going to be mass produced.
We're going to be living in iRobot very soon.
And one of them will slap Will Smith for what he did to Chris Rock.
That'll be the first thing.
As a joke, Chris Rock will call Elon and go, can you send one of those things to Chris
Rock to smack him for me?
And that's what's gonna happen.
This robot is black and white, like a black and white
cookie, very nice, represents America.
What if some of them are reddish to represent
Native Americans? No, can't do that?
Can't do that. But I mean, we want
diversity in our robots
and I just want to ask Steve Bannon, is
it okay if the robots are white? That's all. So Steve Bannon and Elon Musk don't like each
other right? But also Trump keeps saying he's not a Doge employee he can't do
whatever he wants. So I don't know if he's some sort of special advisor or
he's just he's just a renegade is he a renegade what do they
call those renegade justice what are those guys who just do their own justice
vigilante he's a vigilante he's a slashing vigilante and but according to
Doge I don't know whether you want to believe it or not I do say that there
will be trouble with this down the line but according to Doge right now they have saved America
55 billion so far in what they've slashed. Now what they've slashed a lot
of people don't agree with so a lot of people wouldn't say that they saved
them but I will say I'll ask you point-blank 600 million has been cut
from the Department of Education for divisive, what was it,
divisive ideologies. Anti-racism, gender shit, right? So do you want that? Answer
the question in your head quietly if you live in Cobble Hill or Brooklyn Heights.
Right? Just answer the question quality, You know, because stop acting like you
don't have a four million dollar brownstone. Okay? Stop acting like you
care about the poor just because you talk about caring about the poor because
you push the poor out of fucking Court Street and below. Okay? Smith Street used to be Puerto Rican social
clubs. Now it's not because of you. So I know what comes out of your mouth is you care about
the poor, but you bought your brownstone for $4 million with help from your parents who
have a lot of stocks, who have generations of stocks from, you know, their investments
from Wisconsin or whatever. Daddy knows how to invest. He took his, you know, his car milling business, and he put that money
into fucking stocks, and he was able to give you a nice down payment for your $4 million
brownstone. So I'm asking you to just answer the question quietly in your head. Are you okay with
that cut? Did the Department of Education need to
allocate 600 million dollars of taxpayer money to anti-racism to teach the kids?
Maybe you believe they did, that's your business. But answer it quietly and maybe
you'll get a different answer. This is the Honest Papas Hour where truth
doesn't see the light. So it's all about Doge and not Dogecoin.
There is a Dogecoin, but this has nothing to do with that.
It's all about the Department of Government Efficiency and its leader, Wilhelm Elon Musk who is really rounding up
he's out there with his three finger sniffing teenagers rounding up fraudulent
money or money that he deems he has a mandate from the American people to eliminate.
Hard to argue about the mandate.
He did campaign on this.
I know people are upset, but it's hard to argue about the mandate if you believe in
democracy because democracy did vote for Donald Trump in sort of a declarative way. You know, of course, it's always electoral
college, but he flipped a lot of swing states, and it wasn't even close. So this was on his
campaign agenda. And this is what they're doing. They're going through everything and they're saying America doesn't want these progressive DEI policies and
education. Then he's going to the DOD and that's when he could end up becoming
dead-end because then you're messing with military contract money and those guys
are armed and that's where irony is about. Where you're going, everyone should have a gun and they go,
you think we should have this level of guns?
And this level of weapons?
How about nano robots who go into your smoothie
if you're trying to cut our contracts that are going to the Uganda
and we're getting taxpayer money to pay for it? How about that? Ooh, now you're hurting my company.
They're playing a dangerous game. I think liberals have to take a moment to
understand that this isn't just
liberals who are going to be upset with Trumpy. I mean,
you know, there's a lot of people who receive that steal on the other
end from imports from Ukraine who,
when this across the board
steel tariff goes into effect are gonna go have a boo-boo they're not gonna be
happy and people are like I've said people are all for ideology until it
affects their pocket now according to Elon there's a bunch of 150 year olds who will not be upset that
they're losing their social security because they're not alive. I think there's about
100,000 centenarians in America. None of them are 150. So I don't know. The detractors
of Elon are saying that this is some archaic complex code.
This could have something to do with multiple birth dates from.
It's a whole bunch of fucking gobbly-gook rationalizations.
I perused it and I went, if it's saying it's a 150-year-old collected Social Security currently,
I mean, what's the issue here? Either something's
very wrong with the tax code that needs to reform be reformed anyway, because it's an
error, or it's fraud. It's fraud. So who knows? So Musk's bombshell has long been known by
the Social Security Administration Watchdog,
which released an audit in July, 2023,
showing that 18.5,
God damn it, that's a lot.
18.9 million people listed as 100 years or older,
but not dead were in the database.
Only 86,000 people living in the US at the time
were actually centenarians, according to the Census Bureau.
Yeah, the dog agrees.
So, I mean, that's an issue that was there before Elon Musk.
The same Inspector General office found in March 2015 an audit that 6.5 million with Social Security numbers but no death information. We're over 112 years old despite just 35 people having reached
that ripe old age. So that's either negligence or fraud. You know somebody
who works in the administration going, hey let's pop a pop I live to a hundred
and he's still alive. And somebody they're going to look into it. That's a lot.
18.9 million is a lot. You know, if it was 44,000, you go like,
all right, splitting hairs, just fix it. No big deal. But 18.9 million.
That's a lot around 44,000.
We're actually receiving benefits with 13 of those older than 112.
That's not that huge, but it still needs to be fixed.
So I mean, look, when you have social security for millions and millions of people, there's
probably going to be some problems. So the 2015 audit showed about 3.5 billion in earnings reported by employees or self-employed
individuals who were not on the Social Security member holder.
So they're going in there.
They're going in, they're cracking it open and they're cleaning it out.
This sounds like one of those things that the watchdog agency
had been coming up with but nobody was really doing anything about and now this administration
is in action trying to do something about it. Not all the things that they're going to do you're
going to be against even if you hate both of them. Some of them are going to be good. That's just how the world works.
You know, now him saying that he can't be breaking the law if he's saving America.
That's a provocative statement. That's a provocative statement. You know, and right now we are in we're in the troll era so it is what it is even though the halftime show at the Super Bowl was a big troll of Drake right there's no actual evidence
that he's a pedophile is there I've asked a lot of people who know that who
follow the beef I don't follow the beef because I'm a grown-up Caucasian now
Yeah, I'm a little old threat. So I don't know but they were like, no, there's this thing. He was texting
With the chick from stranger things when she was a teenager or you know went to dinner with her or something
But there's no hard evidence. I mean you're being called the pedophile
with a big platform.
I guess you can just do that.
I guess freedom of speech just goes.
I mean, I guess you can sue and that's what Drake did.
Is he still suing?
I think he's suing, yeah.
He's suing the management.
Can you claim artistic license
when you call someone a pedophile?
Yeah, it's rap beat, dude.
You can say whatever you want.
I mean, but I mean, is that okay?
I don't know. I mean, Tom H Hanks they say the kid eats fucking children. There's no evidence that
Tom Hanks is a pet people constantly tweet because they're upset about his bag a hat on SNL
So I looked into that as deep as I could I spent a lot of time and there's no evidence
There's no evidence that he eats babies. That he touches children.
Yeah, there's just zero evidence. It's some conspiracy theory that was made up
because some fucking actor who was like schizo threw himself off a bridge and he
died. He ended up falling on Route 66 in Los Angeles and fucking Tom Hanks,
like months before tweeted a glove on Route 66,
but he was in another state.
Ah, he's guilty.
That's guilty.
I mean, and from there they go,
they're inferring and they're going,
that guy had this guy killed because that guy said
Tom Hanks and a bunch of other elites were pedophiles
and that's just enough evidence for everyone to
make it true. I mean, that's the era we live in. You know, if like someone who's bitter
enough for just fucking says something about you, you just have to deal with it. You just,
nobody goes, Hey, this is a lie. This is based on nothing.
You just have to fucking deal with it.
I mean, if Drake is not a pedophile, you can't just call the guy a pedophile.
Can you?
I don't know.
There's no evidence, right?
There's been other people who've been accused of it.
Whether it's legal, not legal, it's been accused that they've definitely been on the line.
There's evidence. There's actual relationships with 17 year olds, 18 year olds, 16 year olds.
There's people who know people who got messaged by that person when they were 16, 15. I mean,
is there anyone out there? You know, and then there was one account, one woman saying, some girl,
some account tweeted that she was trafficked by Tom Hanks one
Right on the internet, so it's got to be true and this is goes with Jay-z
So Jay-z and this is why I brought it up because this news is now Jay-z
His suit has been dropped
But the lie has traveled a million times around the world as he was glumped in with the Sean Combs rape shit
Now does this mean something
could come out about Jay-Z? It still could and make what I'm saying, but at this moment that I'm
recording this, there's no evidence that Jay-Z is a pedophile. The case has been dropped.
So I don't know. The problem is sometimes these cases are fucking dropped when they're true,
like Harvey Weinstein, right? So that's the fucking real problem. And that's why Tom Hanks
has to be suffered, suffering, be called a pedophile. And you know, I don't know,
was he on Epstein's plane? I don't know. I know Billy Clinton was.
Was Tom Hanks on Epstein's plane? I don't know. I know RFK hung out with the kid a lot. So that's evidence. Does that mean RFK doodled kids? Probably not. I don't know. Probably not.
Oh, so here's a funny thing. Here's a great headline.
Tom Hanks and Obama among the names on fake Epstein's list.
So that's just the internet dog.
That's just the internet.
So I just don't know, you know, I love freedom of speech, but you know, like the ancient
Greek said, there's no rules without exceptions.
Can you just call someone a pedophile? Can you just slander someone? Can you make jokes or music about things that just are not true?
If someone accuses you of fraud or pedophilia or a crime or you know, and it's not true. Can you do it?
Right now you can. Elements of slander. False statement. The statement must be false. True statements, no matter how
damaging, are not slanderous. Right, so if it's false, if it's not true. Slander
involves spoken words or gestures as opposed to libel, which involves written,
or okay, I knew that. Harm harm to reputation the statement must damage his reputation of the person or
entity being spoken about yeah well you would think being performed at the
Super Bowl and him saying he likes him young is enough now the defense is the
slander if the statement is true okay so. If the statement is true, okay, so that's
the thing. Is it true? Does Drake like underage girls? Opinion, pure opinions. No, I mean,
you either like young underage girls or you did. You either did something with an underage
girl or you didn't. According to Kendrick, he did in the song. I hear you like them young. Oh,
is he going to defend going, I hear, I hear you like them young. Right. Maybe it's just the word
going, maybe it's that going instead of, if he said Drake does like them young as I hear, then
it's like, I hear, I don't know. Maybe that's the way you get around it. I don't know. But Jay-Z, I mean, we're talking about this because of Jay-Z.
So the problem, the reason why I'm saying this is because the drama over Jay-Z being
involved because it was reported.
I mean, this is why nobody trusted the fucking media.
You know?
So the woman who accused Jay-Z of raping her in 2000 when she was 13, has dismissed her civil lawsuit
against the hip hop mogul.
Now is this because of pressure?
I don't know.
I'm keeping it open.
Let's see.
Filing in a federal court.
She obviously wasn't scared to file it.
Referred to a Jane's Oval, voluntarily dismissed the case with prejudice, meaning she cannot
bring it again.
Is there any information? Why she dismissed it? Was
there contrary evidence? I'd like to know. I'd really like to know if you can find
it. The lawsuit was the only one to name Jay-Z. So I mean there's just one. Today's
a Victor Carter said in statement posted online by
his entertainment company, Rock Nation, the frivolous,
fictitious and appalling allegations have been dismissed.
This civil suit was without merit and never going anywhere.
In a joint statement. Okay, we'll continue. All right, so
the rest is comps. So
Alright, so the rest is comps. So,
yeah, it was accused,
she accused him of raping her at a 2000 MTV music video
So maybe there was, if you drop it, there's just not,
cause once you bring it, if there is significant evidence,
can you still drop it?
I guess you can.
So maybe, I don't know.
But, one accusation, the girl dismissed it, chances are she just
threw it in there.
Like, Combs has got like 50.
Combs got a lot.
A lot out of it.
Yeah. And a lot of people who work for him saying, yeah, it's all true.
A lot of stuff.
So we all know that, you know, it's just happening. You know that Combs, there's just a lot of
evidence. That's what you need is like a lot. It can't be just like one or one dude said, it's just not enough.
One person 25 years ago, it's just, it's just, it's too tenuous, dude. You need like a,
these people have a pattern of behavior, you know? Um, not always, but usually.
So that's a funny thing because I don't know enough about Drake's personal life.
And it is a hot song.
But it is wild.
That, um...
If he doesn't like underage girls, it is slander.
Or is it not because it says, I hear you like I'm young?
Because that does protect it a little bit.
Like maybe. Maybe, I hear you like I'm young? Because that does protect it a little bit. Like maybe, maybe I've heard, you know,
you just protect it with certain words.
I mean, you know, and you just deal with it.
You deal with the stupid public
not being able to think for themselves and spend the time.
Because who's got the time?
It's just funner to think that Jay-Z rapes 13 year olds.
I mean, because nobody cares about Jay-Z.
They just like his music.
They don't care about him as a person. And that's what you sign up for as a celebrity. Nobody
cares about you as a person. They don't view you as a person. They actually like to see you fall.
They like to see you fall. It's entertaining for them because they get to feel better.
They build you up and then watch you fall down. They feel better. And on the internet,
the social media companies have codified this dysfunction and toxicity by
encouraging people to be creators in the comment section. Those who don't, because the whole
goal is to get people to stay on there for as long as possible so your brain becomes
mush and their ads can be seen and they can make money and they can go and show their
stockholders and advertisers at the average amount of time
people are on there, how engaged they are.
So they've incentivized people to comment and comment negatively because they know we
have the negativity bias in the car crash effect.
So people go there, they start arguing or they like negative people just like negativity,
especially when it's anonymous.
And so those people who are leaving
all these crazy comments about Jay Z, they don't know that they've been manipulated in order to do
that. It's incentive. The whole algorithm is incentivized. They're just trying to be seen.
That is their creator. That's them being creative. They can't create anything that anyone wants to
watch. So they create something in the
comment section of something that people are watching trying to be seen. But they don't sit
around and analyze that for a second that I'm being manipulated. They just feel those dopamine
rush that they fucking stuck it to somebody while they're sitting in their fucking mediocre to horrible life, which is fine.
Ain't nothing wrong with it.
But that's what it is.
I mean, that's what it is.
We've all been fucking manipulated to be on there, right?
Creators, content creators, audience, though, everything has been coded to keep you on there including the
comment section right the comments that why is it that every site like the
algorithm is based on comments why what is that about it's about not only do
they want the creators on there they want the people watching on there the
people who are just passive they want you on there and if
you're engaged you're on there. If you're just flipping through you're not really
on there. But if you're taking the time that's what they like. So they run the
world. Let's be honest, nobody has ever run society in the history of
man like this. Maybe religion. Religion a close second but not like this. Maybe religion, religion, a close second,
but not like this.
Religion never had the powerful apparatus
of artificial intelligence and algorithms
to manipulate your brain, to actually get inside your brain,
to actually put outside influences into your brain.
The access, it would be like if the Catholic Church
had a phone, like, you know, just contact,
we see what you're doing, that's the sin,
and you're like, oh my God, yeah,
I just jerked off to something unholy,
and then it would be constantly in your head, you know?
Now you're just looking at people at SNL after parties
or whatever, going, I'm a piece of shit, I'm a piece of shit, I want that.
But you don't.
But you don't.
Because everyone just posts things to look glamorous, but they're all miserable cunts.
I mean, this chick's husband blew her head off.
Aubrey Plaza.
I mean, I'm saying that's the reality.
We're all just people.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is just a guy.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is just a guy. His life, his happiness is not more than yours necessarily.
And if it isn't, it's because it's something you ain't doing.
Because the money ain't making him happy.
But social media has really brought back a caste system.
It's either fame or shame, baby.
Because if you ain't feeling fame, the internet makes you feel shame. There's
no just like passive, I'm just passing through here and I feel neutral. They
want you to feel shit, just like advertisers want you to feel something.
Because if you feel the shame, they like that because then you're gonna come back
again to try to feel the fame. It's a casino, it's a mental casino that is
warping everyone's goddamn brains
But it also does a lot of good like they helped catch Gabby Petito, which is very nice Gabby Petito's murderer
Remember Gabby Petito that girl from Long Island who was killed at the National Park
Well, if it wasn't for social media and the woman that was driving through who saw the van parked at the side
They would have had no search
saw the van parked at the side, they would have had no search radius to find the body, and they found the body.
And that was based on social media, social media sleuth.
A woman happened to be driving down that road with the camera on, she saw the van parked
on the side, and then that's where they knew, because, you know, that's why so many people
get killed at national parks, is because you can't find them.
The animals eat you, and it's just so vast. So the search. So they found her based on that. So it does some good as well. Podcasts
I think are great, you know, educational videos and YouTube are great, you know, there's a
very many good things about it. It's great for artists to get their stuff out there,
direct fans. Overall, I think it's a it's a positive. Overall I think it's a positive. Overall the internet is a positive.
The negative is these social media barons who have gotten greedy. They're so greedy.
They want every second of your attention so they can make money and sell things based
on your eyeballs. Anyway, I just went off on a rant with not too many jokes in it, but that's okay.
I'm not trying to please a lot of people here.
We'll talk about something that is sort of
a little more funny and that's the Zazenians.
Now you go, where is Zazenia?
Is that a country?
Is that next to Slovenia?
Is that a former Soviet block country
that we haven't heard of like Estonia?
Zezania it could be no no it's a subculture cult in America of vegan
vegan trans
That's fun. That's like a Coen Brothers movie. That's what you'd want in a Coen Brothers movie, but
This may is
what makes comedy movies so hard right now is you just turn on the news and you
find that the alleged leader of this is zizziens zizziens oh there's zizziens
zizziens yes zizziens have killed six so the leader has been detained, but he professes his innocence because he never ate a burger.
But they got him.
His name is Ziz Lasota and he's 34.
He identifies as a woman and uses she her pronouns.
Oh, can I just tell you a funny story? Yeah. So in Chicago, I was getting coffee, uh, with, with, with, well, one of my
openers Christian and, uh, so we're getting coffee and this woman, clearly a
woman young, obviously young was making my coffee, you know, it was one of those
types of coffee shops, they make great coffee.
I'm all for the trans community and progressiveness for the coffee places because it's just they
just do coffee great. I want the most purple hair in there, I want judgment, I
want to be looked at like is he is he is he does is he an out not an out? I want
that. I just want the painted fingernails on my guy. I just want that coffee with the heart in it everything
I got a cappuccino. She put a heart in it. I'm non-binary heart. I'm good with that
And so when I took the coffee, I just turned around and went thank you, sir
And then I turn around oh, sorry, man, and she goes you had it right the first time
That was the first time that ever happened to me. I've never experienced that I I've never experienced that because she didn't even, she presented as a woman. And she's like
you had it right the first time. As sir. As sir. Oh okay. Yeah I thought I, and I
said it certainly, I'm you know like my old instincts were like fuck that's an
insult. Remember when that used to be an insult? Yes. When you called a girl sir?
When a girl didn't want to be masculine? So I said it like an old fucking boomer.
I was like, I mean, I'm sorry.
I was like, I'm sorry, ma'am.
And she's like, no, no, no, you had it right the first time.
It was the first time that I've never ever been in a misgendering crime.
Now did she hit you with a lot of attitude?
No, no, it was very pleasant.
It wasn't that bad because I think she saw me say sorry.
And, but she was like, no, no, no, you had it right.
Like she maybe thought I was trying to do the right thing.
Maybe I could tell because of her aura.
Well, you're misgendering her really bad right now.
I went, yeah, right now I am.
Now you are.
Right now, well, I'm just telling the story.
Right, you have to otherwise it doesn't make sense.
Well, it's fucking bananas. Let sense. Well, it's fucking Bananas, let's be honest. It's fucking bananas
It's just trying to defy it's like trying to not call grass grass
I mean, it's just what the fuck are we doing if you got the soul of a man? That's fine
Yeah, you're lesbian. That's fine. But like fucking you're a girl. You know what I mean?
Who cares about the pronouns if I was a hot trans woman and someone called me a dude
I mean, why does that fuck who cares if someone called me a lady all the time? It would annoy me. Yeah, I get it now
I don't know. I really it's above my pay grade. Yeah, I love all people all people should be treated with respect
But everyone should not be a Nazi about things if you present like a girl. I mean, she was presented like a female girl.
Right, right, right. You know, not like all the way.
She wasn't like female. Right.
But she was like, she looked like a girl who, you know, reads Dostoevsky.
What was the outfit? The outfit was like, you know, not overly
male, not overly female, like jeans kind of, now like the baggy kinda jeans that girls are wearing.
So it wasn't like clearly, I'll put it this way,
it made sense that she had a problem with it,
but you wouldn't assume it going in.
Like I've said, she had the haircut where you could judge
what the conversation would be like, but not guaranteed.
She could surprise you, be like, well, you know,
I'm glad that Trump is cutting a lot of the social security
There's a possibility of that in there.
There was a 10% chance, if I were to quantify it,
there was a 10% chance that that would have happened.
But still 90% that this is going to be
a pretty annoying conversation.
And that goes for right-wing people, too.
I mean, I see a guy in a MAGA hat.
That's going to be a pretty annoying conversation, where everything's just going to be rationalized, justified. I say, Hey,
that's a pretty strange thing for a president to tweet. I'm not breaking the law if I'm
saving the country. That sounds like something Mussolini would say. Not even. That's the
funny part. And that's why you have to be skeptical because it's not even something
Hitler would say. Everything he said was much more manipulative, right?
Much more had a veneer of nationalism over it.
This is just blatant like,
hey, you can't call me a criminal
because I'm saving the country.
So that's just way blatant, you know?
But that's what he does.
He stirs it up with his fucking tweets
and then he comes back and he says, everything's fine.
You know, so, I mean, here's a guy who really knows
he has the media always by the balls. and he just knows that bad press is good press because he's just a fucking troll.
That's just what he does. He really is a troll president. That's what he does. He trolled Taylor
Swift. I mean, nothing is below this guy's pay grade. There's no shame in what he'll do.
There's no shame in what he'll do, you know? He is so petty.
I would go so far as to call it a borderline mental illness,
to be like just fucking thinking about Taylor.
You got a lot of other things on your plate right now.
There's wars. There's a Cold War happening.
And Taylor Swift gets, and from what I understand, I watched the video, she got booed by some people usually it was maybe a majority but not
everybody but she definitely got booed but you're the president of the United
States dog this is a football players girlfriend is she not allowed to pick
another candidate like why are you even involved you won the election how fit how
petty is that he knows what we like.
He just knows what, no, he doesn't know what we like.
He knows what's gonna rile us up.
Cause a lot of people didn't like it.
A lot of the football,
most of the football players didn't like it.
Yeah, but we like it.
We like to hate it.
We love to hate it.
We love to hate it.
Yeah, it's just, I mean, it's a little sick,
but that's who he is.
That's what comes with the decisive action and a lot of the things he takes. I mean, it's shit. Let's be honest. It's it I
Think some of those things to be honest with you. I really believe this I really believe this
I really believe now that he's won and he's kind of won convincingly and this is second term and like I think people want results
Now I think he's a little under the people who support him want results so if they don't see
results and if they see this type of like distracting behavior that just is
immediate just creates him I think they're gonna start to get a little I
think people are getting a little annoyed I think that you even annoyed
people because everyone like a lot of Republicans hate Taylor Swift because
she voted for me but not to this. And also they all got daughters that love Taylor Swift.
So they're all going like, she's just a singer man. Like you're the president.
Like what the fuck are you doing, dude? Like, what are you teaching men?
Like what kind of role model is that for men to just like boo a chick?
Cause the camera shows her she's obviously Uber famous.
Like you're the president, dude.
It's a little disconcerting to think
that you were thinking about it,
went home and had to like fucking fire off a joke.
You know?
Like for a while people were amused at that shit.
But all the people who were amused at that shit
are usually like younger people
who are just like fucking amused by everything
because they're retards. Younger people are just retards I was a
retard I've been a retard many times in my life we all go through to go through
things we make mistakes we all fucking are you know I remember when my cousin
was dying I was fucking doing stupid shit I was upset you know we all do
stupid shit you get older you learn I, how much older do you need to get to learn that that is not a good look? The guy's 77 and he's tweeting at a fucking 35
year old teeny bopper icon. It's not good. No matter which way you slice it. Jesse's
wears has mag underwear on. Am I wrong? Okay. I know you secretly like a lot of things he's
doing. Am I wrong about this? What have you secretly like a lot of things he's doing.
Am I wrong about this?
What have you told me off camera?
What have you said off camera?
I said some of these things, you know, if there's a lot of fraud, that's good.
Come on, be honest.
The border sounds good.
Sending the Marines in for the cartel so we can stop the fentanyl deaths.
That sounds good.
I mean, kind of sounds good.
You can't have, we can't be the only country
with no immigration laws.
The majority of the people believe that either silently
in their $4 million Browstone
or openly in their $200,000 shit house in Arkansas.
Let's be honest.
That's why he won the election.
You can be on the fringe and believe everything you want,
but this is a democratic fucking world. and that's what people voted for.
So that means a lot of moderates believe that because you can't win
the election without moderates.
So let's be honest.
Yes, that's what I said off camera, but am I, and I just said it on camera.
There's a lot of things, you know, you can, if it's true that there's a 18.9 150 year old
or whatever the fuck that is, you gotta fix it.
The tax code we all know is crazy.
We can't continue to have the cartels
human trafficking people over
because they're paying off border guards
and sneaking them in other ways and taking money.
We can't have them continuing to
lace our country with fentanyl we just can't too many people are dying you have
to take them on so now they've been branded a terrorist group which they are
and now they have to fuck with the boys and that's bad because our special
forces are those guys are man that those guys are men, dude.
Green Berets.
So, they're headed there to train the Mexican troops, but you know what that means.
It means we're going in.
We're already using drones to run surveillance.
So, I challenge any liberal to say that this is a bad thing.
All right?
Your kids can't do drugs and be liberal.
The best part about a liberal is doing drugs. Conservatives can't do drugs and be liberal. The best part about liberals doing drugs.
Conservatives don't like drugs.
They like, their drug is Jesus.
But if you're a liberal,
your drug is fucking acid and shit like that,
where you go, hey man, we're all one, we're all one.
Yeah, man, I don't know.
I don't believe in fucking the patriarch,
but I believe we're all one.
And the only way you get there is by clean drugs.
So he's trying to stop dirty drugs.
So I challenge you, right?
I know you may have three homosexual siblings.
You may be the most liberal person in the world.
I challenge you to tell me how this can be bad.
I challenge you to tell me how it can be bad
that border crossings are down 90 percent. You know? And
you're going to get out of all these people are freeing wars. So you want the whole South
America to flood America? You can't. I mean, grow up, grow up seriously. If you're over
30 and saying that to me, grow the fuck up.
You're the one who is caught in this black or white thinking, which in the real world,
you just can't as an adult, you're just aware that idealism is for inspiration, not for
I don't know if that makes sense.
Somewhere in the middle of that, there's some truth. Don't take anything
I'm saying is true. Look it up yourselves. Just like my other podcast, History
Hyenas, the whole goal is to talk about these things, to be right or wrong about
them. For you to just look it up yourself. Make a decision for yourself.
This is half-baked shit and I fly out of my asshole. I'm not well read, I'm not
well researched, I have no experience in any of this.
I could be all wrong.
I have one expertise and I can say it's an expertise
because I've been doing it for two decades
and that is standup comedy.
That's it.
Sometimes these podcasts are very missed
because I've only been doing it for less time,
but I'm pretty good at it.
Pretty good on pods.
That's as far as my expertise goes.
Being a funny jackass.
And sometimes that's only 30, 40, 50%, 10% of the time.
So I'm not claiming to know what I'm fucking talking about.
I'm trying to entertain you.
I'm not trying to change the world.
I can't.
I'm not trying to be Walt Disney.
I can't.
And I'm fine.
I'm not trying to be the person who puts down the Zazayans. Maybe they got
a little good points. Maybe they got a little good points. Who did they kill? Let me see the guy first.
That's about what you'd expect. That's about what you'd expect. Now that guy would have got a
fucking Netflix special three years ago before the Nate Bar, I'd see Shane Gillis take over.
But who didn't see that coming? They went too far. There's just too many names people couldn't
pronounce. And that would have been fine if they people watched all the specials and they were
like, these are great, but they weren't. So then people start to suspect, oh, they're just pushing this because
it's not good. And then there was, you knew the backlash was coming. You know, it was just Nate
Bargatze on a horse, carrying American flag and Shane Gillis on the back drinking a Bud Light,
going, we're coming back to reach claim territory from the heartland.
You remember when Rosie Roseanne Barr did a show that got 34 million.
She got pre cable numbers, but y'all had to take her off because she tweeted some Obama
advisor looked like a planet of the apes.
Well, she's crazy, but those numbers are real so we're coming to
claim those numbers and they came back for every action culturally there's an
equal but opposite reaction so here we are in DC and in comedy I bet you you're
about to see a whole bunch of Yellowstone comedies. Hey, what's going on?
My name's Burton.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
What, you're going to just see, you know, the Heartland White is big right now.
Yellowstone, Chrysler, Nate.
It's just white guys.
The thing is, the problem with the woke moment is you try to take the white guy down.
What you should have did is just celebrate him and say, we're just happy to be here with
you because if history tells you anything, taking the white man down is damn near impossible.
The only person who could take the white man down is other white men.
When you look at the wars, it's like, you know, unfortunately it wasn't Thailand that
took out Germany.
You know what I'm saying?
You just need other white allies to take over the bad whites.
And there are some bad whites, but you didn't team up with the good whites.
You teamed up with the sissy whites.
We don't have a way Jean Jean Biden. Generally what I'm saying I believe but not really.
You just obviously you went too far you annoyed people it's just like the people don't like snark
and you just got to learn just because from what you should learn from this when the Democrats
try to come back is just because you have a liberal arts degree from
Sara Lawrence doesn't mean you're better than a guy who works at the Cracker Barrel.
You're just not because that guy at the Cracker Barrel probably knows how to fix his car or
knows something that you don't know.
And what you know is how to like appreciate a Woody Allen movie and secretly like it while
you also tell your friends that he's probably a pedophile. That's your expertise. Okay.
You know who Wittgenstein is good for you. That's the difference.
Doesn't really have a lot of real world application. So get rid of the snark.
Okay. Get rid of the fucking hubris.
Stop talking down to people in the heartland.
It's not their fault that they were manipulated
by an auto industry that made the whole world for cars
and they can't walk around and they're fat.
You know?
They were also manipulated into that.
You can walk in New York.
If New York City was not built like this,
you know how many more fat people you'd see?
My diet's no better than fucking Billy Bob's in Tennessee. It's just, I don't
just hop in a car back to back, I walk. Have some sympathy. We gotta just have sympathy
for Daryl Armstrong, who hit somebody in the head with a gun. Now, Daryl Armstrong was
an NBA player, he played for the Magic, and now he is an assistant coach for the Dallas Mavericks, and he's been arrested for aggravated assault
because he hit someone with a gun.
Now keywords, he's an assistant coach for the Mavericks.
So people in Dallas are upset about the Luka-Danchas trade, so it was just a matter of time before
someone hit someone with a gun.
Right? That is the GM's, this is the GM's
problem. Now he needs security. He needs, he needs Donald Trump level security, Elon Musk level security.
So he hits some guy with a deadly weapon, but you gotta, the cops gotta sit him down and just
put him in therapy for losing Luka Dantic. That's why he's really upset. He's 56 now. Oh, he hit a woman
with a gun and threatened to shoot her. Well, what did she do? I'm all for equality. What did she do?
According to the arrest affidavit, they responded to an apartment complex downtown Dallas
2 15 a.m. Nothing good happens at 2 15 a.m
So if you're awake, there's chances you're gonna get hit by a gun
Try to go to sleep before 2 a.m. And your chances of getting hit by a gun go down
That's why having kids is great. You're just asleep before all the trouble starts.
Police saw a text message from another woman on his phone. Oh.
Leading to a verbal argument.
The victim told police that Armstrong had been drinking and became irate during the argument demanding the apartment keys, which she gave him.
At that point, while on the phone with another person, Armstrong picked up a pistol, walked
around the kitchen, and struck the victim on the right side of her face with the gun.
He's going to be in big trouble for this.
He will be relieved of his duties.
I mean, that's a great job to have.
You hate to see it.
Love brings everyone down. can't women just fucking
not look through the phone it could save your life I just victim blame bad can we
can we cut that part out I'm just trying to save her life and like you know don't
date these guys who have drinking problems. If you see any anger from a guy when he's drunk, get out of there.
I blame Darryl.
Make no mistake, I blame Darryl Armstrong for this.
That's an extreme reaction from someone reading your text messages.
The victim had been in a nine month relationship with him told police she saw a text message from another woman.
He got it right at that point. He struck her in the right side of the face with the gun. The document stated Armstrong
then loaded the gun with a full magazine and said I'm gonna shoot you. The victim told police
she then left the apartment and walked to a 7-Eleven on the corner and
waited for them to arrive.
on the corner and waited for them to arrive. Officers spoke to the witness who said they had seen Armstrong
drinking and swearing at the victim. It knocked on
the door and Armstrong was brought into custody and said this was
Luka Dantujic's fault. Officers found the pistol under the couch where Armstrong
stated he was sleeping with a loaded magazine but no bullet in the chamber.
The victim and Armstrong have been in intimate
cohabiting relationships since 2024.
She did not want to get Armstrong into any trouble
or cause him to lose his job.
This is what they always do.
It was like the Gabby Petito thing.
She's like, they got pulled over, he like hit her, she hit him too. You know, unfortunately, like, I also read the statistic that a lot
of times women initiate some of this hitting. And then that's bad too. You know, I'm not
saying she did here, but like, if a relationship gets violent, I think you get one chance with that.
And then if it gets again violent on either side, you got to get out of it.
One you get one hit me.
Because everyone loses their cool.
And for some reason, men and women can't get along.
I mean, men and women is worth the Jews and Palestinians.
They just constantly what are we going to do?
Just give women the Gaza Strip.
Because they just can't get along you know they really can't
But when it goes to hitting that's when you know you got to get out of there man or woman
Woman hits you get out of there, dude
Not only because you know
She's hitting you but like it puts you in a bad situation when you hit a guy
It puts the guy in a bad situation
Where he's emotional and got your instinct is to defend yourself. It's just bad. I'm not saying this happened this here I don't know probably not I'm just saying generally I just watched the Gabby Petito thing and that's why it got me all like dude
You know
It's like what are you doing? You're going cross-country with this guy and you guys are constantly like hitting each other You're going, you know
Guy hit you and then you continue on and then he told the cops. I don't I love him
I don't want him to get him in trouble
It's like I know you're only 22 but like hopefully a lot of women learn from that and I think they do
Um, like what's she saying? I don't want him to lose him driving getting in trouble. Fuck that guy
He hit you in the head with a gun
And then he said he was going to shoot you and you don't want him to get in Any trouble or fucking lose his job? How confusing is that?
Love is really a mental illness
Goddamn emotions they really everyone needs to box breathe just box breathe and you'll be fine
Saturday Night Live draw drew 15 million.
I really think Colin Jost and Michael Che do an exceptional job.
I think it's the best part of the show.
I watched the entire show, brought a lot of nostalgia back.
I do have a lot of critiques about it,
but it's pointless because it's a difficult job
to have all those celebrities try to get them all on.
My only critique that I'll say is, I think they tried to do too many cameos, get too
many people involved.
They should have just did that on the red carpet and just let people watch and enjoy
the after parties and did a few iconic things.
And Eddie should have did one of his characters.
Everyone's there for Eddie.
Everyone's waiting for Eddie.
Eddie did a funny thing where he did Tracy Morgan,
which was funny, but he should have had his own,
Mr. Robinson's neighbor, just, you know,
some of the, it should have just been iconic shit.
That's all it should have been, is just iconic shit.
You know?
Like Mike Myers, the church lady, you know,
that's what it would have been.
But Che and Jost are just really funny.
Like their jokes are just great.
And dude, just tip your hat to SNL. I know comedians have given SNL a lot of hate and shit. And by the way, that's another lie, right? That's another lie that I accused SNL of stealing from
me. I saw that in the internet once. Don't Google your name. Yeah. It's on fucking Reddit. It's a
post a long time ago. This is when it happened
Yeah, Janice accused SNL. I didn't accuse them the fucking fans did right right right, you know, the fans fucking did it. I
Mean it was obvious to everyone. I know
But that's besides the point. I didn't care the characters so well established and like everyone knew I mean
What do you want me to do? I mean you go to the video on the gram on YouTube
It was just lit up with comments going nah. Nah, it's Janice. Marisa. You know, what do you know?
I didn't know you know the headline I accused I didn't accuse them. I didn't make an accusation
I just followed up on what we were people what people were saying and yeah, you want me to lie and say what it didn't
Seem a little yeah, you want me to lie and say what it didn't seem a little, yeah, I did.
But I also told the truth, like I didn't invent Daset.
I told the truth.
My character made Daset a punchline
in that way that it was used.
You decide, I don't give a fuck.
I barely do the character anymore, it's 15 years.
Yeah, 14 years. You know, I think it's more a
thing where you're going like, how come people didn't tell them like people might say, maybe
they did. Maybe they thought that, you know, but it was an overwhelming majority of the comments
that were saying it on the video that they posted. But there's this headline. Yannis Papp is accused
of stealing. I did it. I did it.is Papp is accused, S and L of stealing.
I did it.
I did it.
I saw it and was just going to let it go.
And then there was all these comments and they made a video.
I acknowledge it.
It's a yeah.
You know, I liked that it was acknowledged and going like, yeah, look,
there's a pretty iconic character that was created by a guy who people really
enjoyed that this is very close to, but it's fine.
It wasn't a straight
ripoff or you decide I don't care I do other things if it was the only thing I
did you got damn right I would have fucking if I was walking around the way
like it became my whole persona if I was Larry the cable guy and I was just lying
to people telling them I was trans and put I just I've just became her and she wasn't just a comedy character
So that's just another example of how the internet just like
All those people that saw that comment they're just it's in their brain that I accused SNL. That's not how it went
It's not true. But who?
Nobody cares about the truth and that's why so many of these
people have been able to just get in there because it's just people just, it's the first
thing they hear and then that's it and nothing really gets litigated and nobody's out there
really being principled about it.
Maybe now, it'll happen, I don't know.
But anyway, how did I get off on that tangent?
I don't remember.
You're talking about the 50th.
Oh, so it was great.
Yeah, yeah.
Like, it's such a hard thing,
they're reading off cue cards there,
but it was just so great.
I mean, Will Forte, one of the most underrated,
so hilarious, he was there.
They didn't really give him any light.
I mean, you know, I would have just done the iconic shit.
You gotta go the biggest stars of their era.
Yeah, I would have just did that. They didn't do that. They did not do that.
So that would be my only critique of it. Otherwise, it was just a great thing. Obviously, everyone
celebrated it. It's an American institution. It's amazing that that guy has been able to
keep a sketch comedy show fucking relevant for 50 years with the
paradigm shift that happened via the internet. That's absolutely amazing. It's absolutely
amazing. And any shit I've given SNL was probably just me jumping on the bandwagon while people
were critiquing it because it was the whole counter- political stance. They did. That was a mistake they did, but that was a mistake all TV was doing. That's true.
Because what, and I've explained why they did that.
And I was pretty much the only one
I saw how that take at the time.
And that's why Joe Rogan tweeted it.
And that's why he started liking me.
But I was saying, it's like,
they lost the eyeballs to the internet.
They knew it before everyone else knew it.
They knew all, for all the money had shifted,
the people weren't watching it.
So what TV tried to do was try to guilt you
into watching going like, if you want to be right morally, you're
checking this stuff out. So they went political as a survival
mechanism. And they weren't the only ones who did it. It was
just a losing cause. But it was a last it worked a little bit
because it was already over. So at least it got some people to
be like, I'm here fucking saluting Ruth Bader Ginsburg,
because if it wasn't for that, nobody would be watching.
But they've managed to rebound from that somewhat
and stay relevant and get decent numbers.
I mean, not as much as a Burt Kreischer Instagram story,
but they're still relevant and they're still, you know,
pumping lost money into it from fucking, you know, NBC,
right? Yeah, but they also do
well on the internet because they can chop that thing up they're taking that
money from there and look this did well 15 million viewers yeah I mean they'll
never get that again yes they do specials like this every time but
everyone's tuning in to see Bill Murray Bill Murray was there he was hilarious
you know it was great it just it made me feel good as someone who grew up
idolizing watching that show and that it's survived.
You know, it's just, it's a feat.
Well, it's such a great concept
because they can just put whoever is hot at the moment
as the host and they'll get people to tune in.
It's an institution, it's a great show.
And they mostly don't steal.
They mostly do it right.
There's gonna be a few whoopsies.
And I'm telling you dude, Chost and Jay,
their jokes are just like,
that was the best part of the show for me.
I just thought they were great jokes.
And Bill Murray, when he came on, was great.
Will Ferrell's great and everything.
Did he do the cheerleader character?
No, no, he didn't.
He did that the night before at Radio City.
Oh yeah. But you know, just like, seeing, he didn't. He did that the night before at Radio City. Oh yeah.
But you know, just like seeing Bill Murray was great. Seeing Eddie.
Seeing everybody. It was great. Nate was there. He did a little question answer.
There's a lot of celebrities there. It's an institution. It's an American institution.
And hats off. I mean, every fucking person who's a big star was a Paul Paul McCartney sang
You know, it was Paul Simon was there. He he did the first episode and sang the first song. So he did that
Carpenter Sabrina carpenter and it didn't sound great, but I just didn't I mean his voice
You just you do it alone. He's got to be harmonizing with another Jew.
If it's, if it's not going to be Garfunkel, let him sing alone.
He's also like 80.
So, and her voice was like overpowering his.
They weren't in sync.
It wasn't great.
Paul McCartney sounded awful.
I mean, the guy's 80.
It is what it is, but it was nice to see everything.
A lot of the sketches were missed.
But it was fine. Everyone was a lot of the sketches were missed but it was fine everyone
was tuning in for the spectacle of it and it's just something to be celebrated and um at some point
you got to gracefully retire i'm saying at some point you got to gracefully retire because lauren
was at the end and he looks old now i mean how old is the guy he's got to be in his 80s he's in his
80s so i think at some point you gracefully do it because when he goes it's over
because the genius is really it was great to see Steve Martin and Martin Short. I mean it's just
at some point I think you want to do it when you're on top and I can't he's 80. So I guess
you're 80 it's 50 years you were there for 45 like it it's, you got, you got, you got fucking 15 million viewers.
This would be the perfect time to make a huge, it would be celery, but he's not going to
do it.
He's going to run it right into the ground.
You know, it's like Michael Jordan did the same.
You're the Michael Jordan of comedy dog, Lauren.
Like nobody wants to see you on the wizards.
Like are you going to top like like 50's a nice round number,
you know, it's a nice round number.
It's just not gonna keep going.
Tina Fey, it was great to see them.
They're saying that she could take over for him.
That would be great.
That would be great.
And look, what if you stay around,
but you just announce, you know?
So it's like, this is a fucking perfect announcement for your legacy 50 years 50 years it's
perfect 15 million viewers go out on top pass it off the Tina Fey would be
perfect be perfect anyway it was great and congratulations to everyone who's ever been a part of that institution.
And the Adam Sandler song was awesome.
I watched that.
It teared up a little bit.
It teared up.
It was just awesome.
It was just awesome.
Nothing but positive things to say about it, even though I did say a few negative things.
All right.
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