Yet Another Star Trek Podcast - Ep 008: (TOS S01E06) Mudd's Women

Episode Date: April 19, 2022

In this week's episode the gang learns that Scotty and McCoy have never seen a woman before in their life as three very attractive women are rescued from their ship about to crash. Also there's about a guy calling himself Walsh but is actually Mudd beams on board with them trying to do a money making scheme. Not really sure what that's about, but Brad hosts as they try to figure things out. Drop us an email at Be sure to check out our website, social media, and join our Discord! Links for all are listed below: Website | Discord | Instagram | Twitter | TikTok | YouTube “Warp Speed” and "To the Stars" was written and performed by William Grobbelaar Music: Additional artwork by George Rateau: Past Sadness by Kevin MacLeod Link: License: Sovereign by Kevin MacLeod Link: License:  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to yet another Star Trek podcast. I'm your host Brad for the evening. I hope everybody's having a fantastic evening. We're having a wonderful show tonight and I actually have the excitement to announce a very amazing special guest. We have head of the Rigel 12 Mining Guild, Mj. Joining us tonight. Hi! How's it going there, buddy? That's great. I don't know who those guys are. Is that good? That's great. I don't know who those guys are. Is that good? I really I really feel like you should since they are technically in the episode we watched so Oh the horn ducks
Starting point is 00:01:05 Well, you know, let's just go with that. Well, go with that. Leave it there and we're gonna move right on. So, you know what? That leads me into the next man who will be joining us. The man who doesn't need the Venus drug to attract other men would have drew. He is joining us from far out there in outer space through how are you doing, buddy? Man, it is a little lonely out here in outer space
Starting point is 00:01:25 But my my head is quite shiny and it is a beacon for other men. Oh, it's clearly very very visible and a bright Bright cloudless night you can see it from miles. I can it's almost like a star the the North star the beacon true at that How you guys doing? It's it's been a bit of time since we've last talked. I think what was it today? advanced before release. But somebody's gotta go on a work trip. So. In air quotes. I don't know if they're in air quotes. Who is that jerk that has to go on a work trip, I wonder. Are you singing a song? Oh, wait, that's me.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Who's that jerk? Brad. Brad's the jerk. Well, I appreciate my two best friends accommodating me in my schedule. It really means a lot. Thank you, both gentlemen. No, thank you, because it gives me a whole week to edit two episodes. I love you, but don't thank me. Oh, you're just tracking along. I could tell.
Starting point is 00:02:43 I mean, it's upon the start you're kind of like I just kind of coasting right now I'm not coasting listen I don't really know where I am I absolutely know where I am can't remember when I go to the bathroom I remember I just don't listen I remember, I just don't, listen, I remember. I feel like this isn't married. It's called, it's cloudy. There's some haze there. I feel like there's a dimer in the, the, the, the works, yeah, works.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Yeah. Hey, you know what? I gotta start, when I'm hosting, I gotta start really. It's gotta be right there in the beginning, get it over and done with, and then just start building up an allowance, you know? So we normally do this on a Tuesday. So the way it's planned out is Sunday, you know, I relax. Monday we work, you know, get up at 5 a.m.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Take the dog out, go to the gym, start work, watch the episode, let it kind of absorb, and then Tuesday, get up at 5 a.m. Go to the gym, work. And- Stop bragging about your routines. Listen, the fact that I have a routine and we're still basically in lockdown,
Starting point is 00:04:00 it's, you should be giving me undamairts. I don't know what the opposite is. Who's in lockdown? Oh right, you still have to travel. I go out and I walk outside of my house. It's not like before. Yeah, you get one hour of sunshine, right? Yeah, yeah. Is that from daylight savings? The wording that's about. Well, I appreciate you taking time out of your business schedule to work with me, buddy. It really means a lot. I truly do.
Starting point is 00:04:38 I can tell you where you can put that. Well, you know what? we'll save that for later. Oh boy. Well, well, this week's episode was a bit of a treat, at least in my mind. It was an episode called MUDS WOMEN, not to be confused with Mud Men, which is a Celtic rock band out of Canada. It is. Really? Wait, wait, wait, let's stop right there. What? Mud Men is a Celtic rock band out of Canada.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Are they made of mud? I, you know what? I'm pretty sure the answer is no to that one. But, you know, you're gonna have to ask them yourself. Are you sure? Are you sure they just didn't call themselves madmen, but because they have a Canadian accent, it sounds like mudmen. You know what, that's a entirely a possibility,
Starting point is 00:05:37 but hey, you know what, why don't you just try dropping them online and let's see if they tell us to shove off. Are they Canadian by birth? Did they migrate to Canada? Or do they, are they Canadians who do Celtic music? I feel like I need to start giving you a dimmer. We are recording on St. Patrick's Day.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Did they get their name because of St. Patrick? As soon as they only play one day a year. No. Yeah. That's a demarrads. I mean, you said they were Celtic, right? It's a Celtic rock band from Canada. I don't understand. Nobody is going to. You know what? Let's just give Brad this.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Brad, we love and support you. Hey, you know what? It means a lot. It means a lot. Maybe one day we will find out how the mudmen got their name. If I were to start listening to the mudmen, what song would you recommend, I listen to? Well, their number one single is five o'clock. P.M. That is a good segue to what happens in today's episode. So as stated before, we muds man or chef. I'm not anything this. Don't you dare mark this for edits.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Okay. You see now both of you guys are messing me up. I appreciate it. We wouldn't have done this on a Tuesday. No, no. I think on a Tuesday we would have been a little more sane, but hey, you know what, let's just roll with it. Okay, buddy.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Well, in this episode, we start with a daring, amazing chase between the enterprise in an unknown ship. When I say daring and chitling and exciting, it's kind of more of like, woo woo woo. But right before the Nash Raids, it's gonna hit the unknown ship, the crew of the Enterprise, beam aboard the captain and the other occupants. The captain, a snidely whiplash, wannabe of a man, goes by the name of Leo Walsh. He is accompanied by three lovely ladies. Eve, Magna, and Ruth, they're all brought on board and we quickly see how infatuated
Starting point is 00:08:18 Scotty and McCoy are. And Spock's kind of there thinking those guys are idiots. No idea what's their problem Did these guys never see women in their entire lives? No, I mean well actually maybe They they have the Yemen They have seen women to your point, the the the young man and we also have a hero. Oh yeah. Yeah. You heard. There's plenty of them on board.
Starting point is 00:08:50 But apparently these women are special. Yeah. Work with me guys. Try. All right. So okay. You know what? These women were so special.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Um, just a, well, just a disclaimer. They do explain why they are special later on in the episode. Right, so I want you to just quickly edit your synopsis for next time. They didn't have a daring chase. It was, they turned like lazily to the left and then to the right. They were avoiding cones in a parking lot. I know. I feel like you missed the sarcasm. Maybe. There was a level of sarcasm there that you clearly missed.
Starting point is 00:09:42 You are you are a masterful storyteller and that didn't come across. I'll give myself a dimaret. This is a new thing. It's a psychological thing where I'm gonna make you give yourself dimerrets. Good luck. Self-dimmarining.
Starting point is 00:10:01 Anyways, Walsh and the three women, they're brought to Kirk's ready room because Kirk wants to discuss Walsh's ratic behavior while piloting this ship. Here, we find out those three women are not members of the crew, but they are cargo. I do want to take a moment here folks to clarify, it is not human trafficking in this episode is technically mail order brides not much better. Kind of the same thing in some sense. Now it's the same thing. Definitely the same thing. But it's a bit different in that sense. No. If you can't order a bride through Amazon, it's not mail. Wait, can you order a bride to Amazon? You should put that in your search box and let's see.
Starting point is 00:10:43 You should you should put that in your search box and let's see I In kind of need a mode you yeah, you may not want your wife to know Because remember when you do a search it will pop up again if you're saved in your profile. Oh, that's it Yeah, work Amazon I was like last time you were here you were searching for a male or a bride. Maybe you'll be interested in I remember seeing some very interesting search results when we were screen sharing at our previous job. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Oh, most certainly. I can imagine today I want to hear about those. So because of the daring chase between Mr. Whiplash, oh, I should say Mr. Walsh and the enterprise, the enterprise is now down to a single lithium crystal due to their attempts to catch him. So in this case, they need to figure out some quick replaners. So they find a colony on Rigel 12 that is mining supplies and they head straight towards there. and they head straight towards there. While on route, a formal hearing is held towards Mr. Walsh's behavior as expected, Walsh attempts to blame Kirk for the destruction of his ship.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Through the help of a robotic lie detector, we learn that Walsh is actually a criminal named Harcourt Fenton Mudd. Thus the name of the episode, Kirk has mud confined to quarters, but for some reason allows the three women that are accompanying him to freely roam the ship while they travel to May uh, uh, uh, Care to agree or disagree with me? Nah, disagree. They weren't the ones that were, uh, you know, at trouble. But, uh, you know, guilty by association. Ooh. This is America.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Ooh. You know, but, but, but, but as expected, we learn that mud confines with the three women to gather information and means of communicating with their new destination. It is soon revealed though the women are taking a drug that impacts their lore and appearance to men. Eve starts to have doubts on the deception that she is taking part of and showing frustration towards mud and the others. As predicted, when they arrive at Rijl 12, Kirk is told by the miners that they are not
Starting point is 00:13:14 interested in anything they can give them except for mud's women. Who would have guessed? Kirk muddened the three ladies, beamed down to the planet where the miners enjoy the company of the lovely ladies. Eventually, Eve gets frustrated over the lie and begins to fight with one of the miners and then heads out recklessly into the wilderness during a raging storm. One of the miners finds her, brings her back to safety and lets her sleep it off. You know, because you gotta let the woman just cool off sometimes man
Starting point is 00:13:47 You know in the morning the drug starts to wear off letting her beauty fade Kirk and mud appear and Perfect timing kind of situation showing that they have a extra capsule the Venus drug and Advising that that is how she was changing her appearance all along. Eve decides to take the drug to show that the drug really works and she can be attractive.
Starting point is 00:14:15 But it turns out it was actually just a placebo and she was really attractive by confidence alone. To sum up this episode, Spock is immune to flirting with women. The enterprise runs off six L-cell batteries, and True Beauty is on the inside. Brad. However. I feel like there's some thoughts towards this episode between us. I can't get over the fact that McCoy and Scotty have never seen a woman in their entire life despite working with at least a dozen on the ship. So my mind is that the drug probably emits some sort of fermonic chemical, whatever, I don't know, some BS that supposed to deceive
Starting point is 00:15:20 the appearance and kind of give more of an attraction towards the individual. I think that is probably how it works. I mean, come on, we're dealing with some sort of science fiction here, so you can't have to work with me in that sense, but fair. As ridiculous as it sounds, I think that's the intent for it. So I don't entirely blame him in that sense, but because Spock was a different of a different race, it would have a potentially different impact on him where he's just like,
Starting point is 00:15:52 yeah, whatever. Well, Spock is in control of his emotions. You know, well, we can go with both. Okay. Well, let's go with both. I think that's good. But gee, what are your thoughts? How did that episode play out for you, man? I was so distracted. Was the Venus drug kind of overwhelming you? No, I wasn't sure if mud had a lot of chest hair and that was just popping out of the top of his shirt or that was just emanating from his neck.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Or if it just goes up that high. Well, let's ask. Let's ask the man with the experience. True. No, true is waxed. Yeah. My chest hair doesn't start until like way the hell down here. Yeah, okay, okay, but I do know somebody though that that has like
Starting point is 00:16:52 the first yeah, yeah, exactly for coat and Seems like it's a tough to tangle with so Right because it gets tangled you shire home through exactly exactly So right, because it gets tangled. You should come through. Exactly. Exactly. Just think. Um, but, uh, what did you think of?
Starting point is 00:17:10 Let's talk about the actor that played mud, uh, Roger Carmel. Carmel, Roger Carmel Carmel. Mm. Caron. I don't know. I don't know. Well, there's no A. Well, there's one A, but, um But what did you think of his portrayal? So the I mean I was
Starting point is 00:17:30 Really excited for this episode Mainly because of Star Trek Discovery I can't remember the actress named the guy who plays Ray Wilson Ray. Ray Wilson, yes, yes, thank you, thank you. Like his portrayal of mud on that series was so profound to me. Like I loved the character. Like it was so, like it was one of those snidely whiplash type of characters that I just love to hate and it was fun and so I was really looking forward
Starting point is 00:18:06 to seeing how this guy was and I'll be honest I actually really enjoyed it. Like I mean I think this portrayal came across as a little bit more whimsical whereas you know rain Wilson's portrayal is a little bit more sinister. Very sinister. Yeah, but you have like a back back to future type element to it. I think that was the second episode. All right, he was a prisoner at first. He had a time loop.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Yeah, but I think I kind of expected that when you compare the original series to the later run series, there is a level of silliness in my mind that is associated with it. Due to special effects, different type of dialogues, I feel like they tried to overemphasize things. We've seen it previously in some of the other episodes, but I feel like with that character, it didn't really detract much of the appeal it had for me. I actually enjoyed, it was, to me it was very similar to what we saw in Discovery,
Starting point is 00:19:17 but slightly tweaked in a more whimsical side of things as opposed to your point where it was more sinister. And I think it worked well too. Like I, I enjoyed it because, you know, although he was threatening to take over the ship at one point, I feel like mud was pretty low level threat. You know, most of the crimes that he was accused of were like theft, right? There wasn't, there wasn't any like, there weren't any violent crimes that I recall seeing. Were there? Not that I recall, but you did mention something that I
Starting point is 00:19:52 wanted to bring up about him wanting to take over the ship. Yeah. And I don't know if you remember that scene. If it was him, the three ladies, and then there were two Starfleet guards in the room. Standing behind him, and he's like, I'm gonna do all this stuff. And nobody's gonna stop me. And the two guys behind me, I'm gonna pay them off. Oh yeah. Yeah, it's like, he's right now.
Starting point is 00:20:21 I'm a, I'm a shift ended five minutes. I'm not dealing with this. Yeah, yeah, that's kind of the vibe I got from it But but that's just I found that so hilarious. Yeah, they were too busy staring at the ladies to pay attention what he was saying clearly clearly Worse security ever No, we've we've seen worse the um the handy there was such over-sexualization of the women. And I, after the episode, it says, story by Gene Rottenberry.
Starting point is 00:20:53 And I was like, okay, well, Drew Sadie is kind of a hard dog. So that tracks. Yeah. So sad. That kind of, to me, is how I expect it. And if you noticed, none of the female characters that we've seen in the show had like any prominent role in this episode. Yeah, you heard was basically just she was there for like a visual effect and then it was done. Right. Yeah, she was a she was background dressing.
Starting point is 00:21:21 I was also going to note to like her her uniform still hadn't been pinpointed at this point. It looks like this episode was she was wearing gold. Yeah. Yeah. She was shot early. Yeah. So a shot earlier. Yeah. It was the fourth episode in the production cycle. So even though they released it sixth. What I see didn't want to error because of the intergalactic Pimp. Interesting. It's true. Hookers. Really? So they didn't want to error because of the intergalactic pimps. Interesting. He's truly hookers. Really? So they didn't want to error it early on. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Because there are some lingering shots of, of breasts and butt. Yeah. Like it's, who, who was this team at again? Families, sci-fi nerds, basement holders. I don't think you really had sci-fi nerd category at that point, because that was like 1963 that came out. Well, this episode came out in 66. 66? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:15 Yeah, 66. So, I mean, thinking about from our perspective, Mijid is that that genre was not was it was around, but it was not a prominent aspect. Yeah, I don't think the stereotypical Star Trek nerd image really came about until after the show was canceled. Yeah. So Gene Roddenberry had the final cut in terms of the script of in terms of what they were going to bring to screen from a paper. Gene Roddenberry had the final cut on that big rod and this horn dog. Yeah. Yeah. So sad. And it's. I know the overall progress of this episode, it was something that I felt was very risky at the time, based upon the way they were portraying the female characters and the way it was. To me, it kind of made me question, I was like, how did they even get this past as sensors
Starting point is 00:23:24 back in then? And To your point is Gene Robbery was is been known to be a horn dog and it clearly shows in this episode. I will say though at least in the sexualized portrayal of the women they also were like they knew what they were doing because they had ulterior motives. You know what I mean? It was kind of a empowering them in a way. Right. Exactly. So they from my perspective, it's like they were acting like I candy because
Starting point is 00:23:58 they knew that they were going to get something out of it that would help them in the long run. Because we do learn, we do learn at one point that there are women from colonies that have a lack of men, so to speak, for them, eligible individuals for them to marry. And from the way it seems And from the way it seems other than the drug part is that they really want to find somebody that they can rely upon. And that's how it felt from the characters. So NBC apparently had issues with trying to talk Gene Roddenberry out of his sexual fantasies that would try to come to life. So, Sir Jeff was really just his entire fantasy, got it?
Starting point is 00:24:48 It's and reading it, even William Shatner is like, how this even made it to strain is a miracle. And I have to agree with Big Will Shatner, if we can ever get him on a show, we can ask him ourselves. Friend of the show, William Shatner. Friend of the show. William Shatner. Shout out to Big Will. Mm. Mm. Now this, right, this was actually MUD's first appearance.
Starting point is 00:25:31 I guess he got popular enough to come back, which is nice. He shows up in the animated series and I think he shows up in one other episode. Yeah, there's a season two. Yeah, season two I think he shows up in one other episode. Yeah, there's a season two. Yeah, season two, I think it's, I see that I mud, yep. Yeah. And then of course we have the discovery. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:57 There was a short track and then there were two episodes with him if my memory serves. I think there was a short track if I remember correctly. Yes, yes, there was. So, Shatner, a Shatner, Kirk. He was, so one, he didn't get his shirt ripped this episode and I was kind of sad. Damn it. There was no Vulcan sleeper hold which you know also, you know disappointing but Kirk was able to More than a lot of people resist His urges right well that's because he was trying to reflect him back on the women
Starting point is 00:26:38 He was he was like it was like you know the I was like You know care bear stare It was like you and Miami Beach. Well, to that point, it was, it maybe wonder too about mud. Mud didn't seem to be impacted by the women either. Well, yeah, I mean, well, listen, right, when you're, when you're dressed like a pirate space. To this is like he he doesn't have any, he doesn't need to resist anything.
Starting point is 00:27:13 He didn't have to have like any urges that he had to push back. Or anything like that. It just felt like him thinking about, you know, the money that he's gonna be making and that was all his focus was. So, him. Well, the question then goes is like, is the drug, you know, to what Drew is saying is like, was it, was there actually anything with the drug that was actually impacting anybody? But was it just like like Scotty and McCoy never saw a woman before? Well, I mean, McCoy had a woman from the man trap, the Sultra Bacoper. He had her, right?
Starting point is 00:27:59 Mm-hmm. Yeah, the Sultra Bacoper monster. So he's clearly seen a woman before Scotty. I don't think he's ever had, well, he's so far. He hasn't had a love interest. No, well, the enterprise is his love interest. So that's weird. Uh, that's a weird image. Is it tough?
Starting point is 00:28:20 That's a weird image. We will. We will leave that topic where it is. No, I'm going to say one more thing we can move on. I'm now I'm picturing Scotty. Cut all up next to the engine. I will like a bottle of whiskey. It's basically all the radiation kind of just leaking out into his bones.
Starting point is 00:28:38 And then right and then spark walks in like what are you doing? Nothing. Nothing here. Nothing to see here. You can go. It's like one of those awkward moments where somebody walks in like what are you doing? Ah, nothing, nothing here, nothing to see here. You can go. It's like one of those awkward moments where somebody walks in. It's not what it looks like. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Cosset are! Yeah. I told you to knock before you come in. I'm cleaning the room. I'm doing it. I'm doing engine bay testing. So that's what he calls it. All right, now we can move on.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Now I'm so glad I didn't push harder for that one. Seriously. That's what Scotty said. Why did I decide this was a good idea? I don't know. That whole interrogation scene. I thought it was all done. So was that the voice of the...
Starting point is 00:29:42 Gosh, the woman who played number one... Oh, magell. the gosh, the woman who played number one. Oh, Major. Yeah, was that her voice? No, I don't believe so. Maybe. Major Burret, with the voice of. Yeah, what did I say? Burret.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Burret. Burret. Yeah, so. Major Burret. I didn't realize she did the computer voice for TOS as well. Interesting. I don't think it's too often because, remember, they don't tend to talk computer.
Starting point is 00:30:14 What is this? That's TNG mostly. So I guess that was the robotic lie detector. Yeah. So the computer voice and most fed Federation starships and fixed installations was portrayed by Major Barrett Roddenberry since the early days of the original series, first appearing in MUDs Women. The computer voice in TOS and animated series was very rhythmic and mechanical.
Starting point is 00:30:36 She continued to play Starfleet computers, became a far more natural sounding female voice. So I think that's probably aligned with our culture as to how we view would probably be going. Cause, yeah, well, I mean, you know, I think what we thought robots and computers were going to be and what they actually are is massive difference. Like today's modern computer is far more in line with
Starting point is 00:31:04 the average computer on TNG. Yeah, and just think about it, when you, when this was filmed, like a computer talking to you was unfathomable. That was not any sense of realism at that time. So, gentlemen, tell me, what was probably one of the things the least you liked least about this episode. I'll start with you, Mijee. What was one other thing that kind of really turned you off from the overall episode? Um, you know what, when you turned me off and took me out of the entire episode was the lighting. The, the way they're lighting the sets, it's always been the case, but they're these hard shadows.
Starting point is 00:31:46 And the way that they're lighting this set, which is supposed to be a starship, is it's taking me out of the experience now. Do you think that's possibly because of the time period that it was filmed in? I mean, back then, I'm certain they had, you know, reflections like, you know, reflector pads, umbrellas. They had things to properly reflect light. They are casting these lights and heart shadows on these actors.
Starting point is 00:32:17 And it's crazy. It's crazy to me. It's starting to take me out of the experience. I know it shouldn't be. But that was my least favorite part of the episode. There were others. So the over the over sexualization was was another part I just did not like. I definitely agree with you on the over sexualization that that was something that's very clear in the episode. But when it when you think about the episode and reading into it, it seems like season one had approximately $190,000 budget per episode, which is equivalent to roughly around $1.4 million in 2019.
Starting point is 00:32:59 And each season just subsets, just keeps reducing towards an in-per-per episode. And thinking about a sci-fi show and you compare it to, sci-fi or fantasy even, you compare it to nowadays, I feel like one million per episode maybe actually a bit on the lower end of a successful show or series and I don't know, I hope as they continue to find everything
Starting point is 00:33:46 and they get into a groove that starts to get better. But no, those are the two things that I didn't like, the over-psych-sualization and the lighting. I may actually be a little bit wrong in this one. I just did a quick search and it seems like the expanse. What's that had? Had two to five million per episode. So it's, you know, to me, you know, hey, they were able to do something like that with
Starting point is 00:34:16 that such a budget and I don't understand. I wish our listeners could see Drew's face right now. It is super creepy. He's lit up like the Empire State Building or on the holidays. Scream and Firehawks, baby. I don't know what that means. Wait, no, it makes you so mad.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Is that a movie? You're a movie. Let's move on to the... Drew. Yes, yeah. What was your thoughts, man? What was one of the big things that kind of fell short with this episode for you?
Starting point is 00:34:54 Um, I just... You know, without beating a dead horse, you know, about the over-sexualization, I think the part that I just struggle with the most is just the way the men act, all of them, with the exception of Spock, acting, whether it's the crew members or the minors, which I could kind of get past it a little bit with them considering they're probably,
Starting point is 00:35:19 alone on this planet, small group of people, they probably only have each other. So, you know, I could understand them being a little bit more eager to spend some time with a woman. And then like, the whole conversation when, which one was it, was it, I can't remember her name, Eve, when she went down to the planet with the headminer and she like made him food and he's like, nobody cooks in my pants and he starts eating it and he's like, well, I guess it's all right.
Starting point is 00:35:53 You know, he's like being all stubborn. I mean, I got a laugh out of that. I thought it was cute and clever, but I don't know. That had a very western type of feel. Yeah, I did. I did. And to me, watching this episode, one of the things that kept staying with me
Starting point is 00:36:14 as an underlining tone was more of like, this is a wagon's west type of feel episode. If you have the guy who's going out trying to make money with selling these women and you have like the enterprise being that that Calvary who just kind of save the women from him so to speak. And then you find like the town where the you know the women actually want to get to like okay cool we're good with this place That's kind of the feel overall for me. Well, they really are hammering home the concept of a wagon train to the stars.
Starting point is 00:36:51 This really truly feels like a Western and outer space in a lot of ways. And that's cool, I'm along for the ride with that. Like, I'm having fun with it. That's good, that's good, but like you said, there are some areas that really don't hold up as well today. One, there is one thing that I wanted to complain about. And it's something that I've been kind of noticing
Starting point is 00:37:19 with each episode, but this one like really stood out to me and this is such a nerdy complaint. I'm ready for it. Go, man. I support you. This is a safe place. Is it though? No, no, it's not. Well, hey, you know how to do this. How about this? Miji, turn around, put your hands over your ears and just earmuffs. Okay, let me talk to Papa Brad and Peace. See, that's 10 times faster. Hahaha.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Anyway, yeah, I've totally done that. All right, what is it, man? What's bothering you? So, we're watching the remastered episodes. And I think they've done a wonderful job of cleaning up the filmed footage of, you know, any time there's an actual actor on screen. But for all the space shots, they scrubbed the original scenes and replace them with CG. Part of the charm of Star Trek up to a CG. I just think it's way more realistic.
Starting point is 00:38:48 It's a more enjoyable experience for me as a viewer. And I just like, I know these were remastered some time ago, so the CG isn't as good as it is now. But there are some parts where it just seems really fake and that whole sequence in the beginning where Mudge Ship is kind of weaving in and out of the asteroids and even just the beauty shots of the Enterprise itself, they're really just starting to stand out to me as being CG. And I feel like an old man shaking his fists at the clouds. I don't like it. No, I definitely get that. I don't feel that that's a product of,
Starting point is 00:39:29 obviously the series, it's more of when they remastered it. And the one thing that really comes to mind when thinking about this was actually what they did with Star Wars. And what was it back in the prequel, when the prequels were coming out they they remastered the Star Wars they added a bunch of scenes and like that's where was it Han shot first or no no huh it was I was we know shot first first and then then Han shot in the the remaster ones. I know I'm gonna get a Star Wars fan, like Pistoff, piece of that comment.
Starting point is 00:40:07 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You can't see the names, correct? Yeah, you can't. But still, I understand you're feeling with it because I love models. The models are so much better look, a better feel.
Starting point is 00:40:23 Yeah. And I think just a few years later, they started remastering TNG and look at the amazing job they did with that show. You know, they didn't do CG for all those beauty shots to the enterprise. They went to the source footage and remastered it. Now, again, I realized that may not have been available, or maybe it was a budget thing, or whatever the case is, there was a reason they didn't do it.
Starting point is 00:40:51 And it's not a make or break deal for me. But it is one of those things that just kind of has been bugging me just a little bit. And it was really obvious in this episode. Hey, true. I get it that you're, uh, that this hurts you. And I feel your pain as a Star Wars fan and watching the original trilogy get chopped to bits.
Starting point is 00:41:17 And, um, if I was there with the man I'd hug you, and we can share in this moment together. Hug it out. We'll hug it out. There are so many just horrible edits done to the original Star Wars trilogy. Unnecessary additions and changes. So this is, this is definitely a kin with that. So I feel your pain.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Well, I'll get out later, right? Thank you. I was wondering what your thoughts on that, Magigi, because I know what Drew's going through in that sense, but it was like, am I just really the old man shake my fist at a cloud? And it seems like we're justified. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:41:56 I appreciate that. Well, hang on, I said Drew was. I didn't say you. I didn't say you. I said Drew. Oh, okay, okay you. I didn't say you. I said Drew. Oh, okay, okay. Thank you for clarifying that part. It means a lot.
Starting point is 00:42:08 It really does. It truly does. I'm a, I'm supporting Drew right now. Ha, ha, ha. Oh, man. Well, anyway, I'm really glad to know that I have, you know, some good friends. Supportive group of individuals.
Starting point is 00:42:26 Yeah, yes. We got more ridiculous insight on how the Vulcan physiology. I love, love the sparring back and forth with bones and spock. Yeah, it's lovely. It really is. I think that's like that sub plot that we've been talking about where like this does really lack. But I think that that sparring the banter between the two really helps push it over. Yeah, that's just there,
Starting point is 00:43:02 that's just if anything, continuity building and callbacks. And there's really like A, B and C storylines. Yeah, no, no. I mean, this is the kind of thing that they're going to be kind of doing, you know, off and on going forward, you know, which is totally fine by me. You know, it's just, it's character building in a wonderful way. And it just, I think really fleshes out their relationship because it's always, I don't wanna say always,
Starting point is 00:43:31 for the most part, it's friendly banter, you know? In the same way that we joke with each other, they're joking with themselves. Right, because bones knows that a folk and strength can toss them across the room. Exactly. You can right backhand exactly Yeah, Drew you were you you were pretty real you got pretty honest and I want to get pretty honest for a second break it down for us I was disappointed in this episode that
Starting point is 00:44:01 Sulu didn't say oh my in this episode that Sulu didn't say, oh my. Oh, there was a perfect opportunity for it. I don't think he's, that's not like a Star Trek phrase. That's a George the K phrase. What? Yeah, I'm pretty sure. Oh, yeah. He totally said it.
Starting point is 00:44:20 No, no, no. Am I, I could be wrong, but I doubt it. I think he really, I think he's, maybe he says it in a move, one of the movies, but I don't think he says it with such emphasis as we are used to, like we are really used to him saying in a specific way. And I don't think he ever says that that way in the series or or one of the movies. I could be thinking of one of those family guy clips, where they took my stuff. I'm I'm sure that's an over exaggeration.
Starting point is 00:44:56 And that would be perfect. Yes. Oh, my. So gentlemen, any additional thoughts before we move on to our rating? How do you feel about the overall message about beauty being from within? I like that. To me, I... Okay, I feel like the journey that they took on to get to that message was flawed.
Starting point is 00:45:27 But that overall message is a good message to try to convey. That being confident in yourself, that's really, I think that's an add point to even. It's not just beauty within, but it's also being confident with yourself and that is a good message to push people towards. Yeah, I mean, they're going to typically have cheesy episodes that are going to deliver a solid message. I think this is one of them, you know, the way you put it, I think, is best. It's a silly episode, but it's despite the fact that like you would probably never, ever, message it's trying to get across in the end.
Starting point is 00:46:27 It just takes a really naughty way to get there. I think this to me would be something that I would show my child, but not until they're like 25. I didn't even let my dog watch this episode with me. Okay. Okay. Like, well, I think to me, it's, it's, it's, it's what, one of the things I said before is that this is very much a show of its time.
Starting point is 00:46:59 It reflects upon the culture of when it was being filmed and made, same thing with the writing. I'll start track thus, if we're being plainly honest. Yeah, product is times. And I think to me is that when, as long as you understand that, it's still good to reflect upon it,
Starting point is 00:47:21 but don't have that become your message of, oh man, this is how I'm going to live based upon the original series. Right. I think, to my point though, is like when I say, you know, whenever I have a daughter and have her watch a 25, like I'm not gonna expose this as a first thing. Because like to me, I think a lot of the later stuff from even TNG is far superior as far as the overall family, friendly feel to it than something like this is. I asked my daughter to leave the room.
Starting point is 00:48:00 Really? Yeah, there was this scene where Eve is in Kirk's room and I'm like, nope. Yeah, wow. Oh, yeah, I remember that. That was bad. Yeah, it was bad. I'm like, nope, take the dog with you. Nope. Yeah, no, that that was really bad. And like I saw it and I'm like, oh, no. Yeah. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yeah. Like, but I'm very glad how the, how that scene went. It went in a, in a, a different direction. Right. I had anticipated it. Right. It was, I was like, okay like okay cool I'm right Kirk Kirk reduced that's what happened he used his powers of seduction yes from the men I
Starting point is 00:49:14 Gentlemen gentlemen moving on to the grading of this episode of a one to ten one being hated the worst Possible episode 10 being the most amazing episode. How did you feel? Majeed I'm gonna start with you buddy. What are your thoughts? Where did this episode fall for you? It's on a lower side of the spectrum. It's definitely a four. Why? The just man, the horn dogs, just the horn dogs and I'm not a fan. I find it interesting that with the last episode, I think you gave that one a five. That one he gave that one he gave a four as well. Oh, he did. Enemy within. Yeah. I didn't like
Starting point is 00:49:52 it any within. Any within was an episode that did not need to be one hour. Yeah. I would agree. I think I think enemy within was just not a good episode. I think there's a case to be made with this one, at least having some entertaining value. True, so like, let's go to you now, buddy. Like, we hear Magi with a solid four in his mind for this episode. Where do you fall into this one? Like, how did the episode play out for you?
Starting point is 00:50:21 Was it something that you would probably go for more of like a higher number or lower number? What were you thinking? So I mean, like for me, my scale is kind of like, if I was channel surfing, would I leave this episode on? And then if the answer is yes, how excited would I be that that episode is on right now? That's a good scale. For me, the answer is yes, but I would put this at like, not like a super excited yes, like, oh my God, I need to start this from the beginning.
Starting point is 00:50:52 I need to watch it right now, and my wife needs to leave me alone. So not something really like, you don't really feel like it's a classic episode. No, just kind of, okay. No, I think, I do think it's a fun episode though. And despite the fact that the you know, the sexualization of the women kind of drives the men crazy, which that's the part
Starting point is 00:51:13 that I really didn't like is that like these guys just didn't act like they've ever been around a woman in their entire lives. I thought the actresses did a wonderful job in the role. All three of them, beautiful, but they also were able to capture that, you know, that kind of sneaky side of mud that he was trying to bring out in them so that they could steal, you know, the tricorders, the communicators, whatever. And I really liked mud.
Starting point is 00:51:44 I thought he was, I thought he was wonderful. Um, just a little bit sinister, mostly whimsical, really fun villain. And I enjoyed this rendition. I like rain Wilson's rendition as well too, but I don't know. I might like this one better. I'm not sure. I have to think about that. Okay. Well, to your point, it's two different portrayals. It ones more whimsical ones more sinister. But you have like, yeah, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:52:17 So no, I was just gonna say it's like this one's, like I described in the beginning, it's snidely whiplash. Right. That's the character he does a very good job of trying. So what would you say for the number wise? Um, that all this puts me in a six. So yeah, no, I really think that was a good solid number drew. I, a lot of the things that you said, I kind of relate to with you on that. The over sexualization of the women obviously is a very is a down point to it.
Starting point is 00:52:52 However, there is a sense of empowering like you said, where the women, they're in control of it. It's to me that they are purposefully acting that way because they have a mold of motive. And it even reflects upon Eve in the episode at one point where she starts to get regret. Like she's second guessing her actions in there. The way Mud is portrayed in this, while different from what we saw in Discovery, is definitely a very much more whimsical type of character that I really enjoy,
Starting point is 00:53:36 not necessarily the exact one for Warren, but it's very close. And I think, I'm around the same point as like, if I were to be channel surfing, I would probably just keep it on. Right. So I'm actually a little bit higher than you even. I'm actually at a seven.
Starting point is 00:53:51 Hmm. I actually really enjoyed the overall episode. It definitely has that wagon's west feel of a western much more so than some of the previous episodes. And there is a lot more over the top ridiculousness of the men falling over the women in that sense, which is just laughable. But I enjoyed it a lot more than I had anticipated. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Yeah, you guys make some excellent points. Um, that's so yeah, those are really good points. You're right. Eve did, you know, kind of strike out in her own. Yeah. And I think I think that was actually probably the part that really pushed it more so over to me. Um, that. That fell, I think it's kind of funny. That felt less Star Trek, more so than anything in the episode, and that actually what appealed to me is because it was more of like a Western style. I mean, it is a Western in space.
Starting point is 00:55:04 That's what they've described it when they were initially trying to go for this. And I think that's kind of one of the things that really attracted me to the episode more so over anything else. Fair, that's fair. Yeah, good points. But I think there, of course,
Starting point is 00:55:21 it is definitely not without its flaws. Yeah, I mean, like now that we're, you know, we've watched two for six, seven episodes for review. They all are flawed. And, and most of the flaws are because this was made in 1966. Yes. Yeah. And I, I think it's important that we keep that in mind, but acknowledge it.
Starting point is 00:55:46 Yeah, like the whole production and set the design stuff, I'm gonna have to, you know, suck it up. Right. I think at this point, I would actually be surprised if we actually do rate one of these episodes of 10. I can see it happening. I can see you guys rating an episode 10 before I do. Probably. Yeah, I'm kind of like there's some episodes coming up that I'm really eager to watch. A couple that I've never seen. Then I'm really eager about.
Starting point is 00:56:19 And then one that I have that I'm really curious to see if it's still as great as everybody says it is. I was I was excited for for what are women made of the next one or what are little the the next one is called what are little girls made of. Yeah I'm telling you right now there's no way I am reading that with a low-barred zone voice. Oh, wait, I am reading that with a low-barred zone voice. So, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. What if I tell you the description? Well, that changed your mind. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:56:55 The description for this episode, the enterprise finds archaeologist, Dr. Roger Corby, who has been missing for five years, living underground on a deserted ice planet with a group of sophisticated androids. The yawn tells everything I can see that. It wasn't that wasn't the on. So I looked it up, I, I started to do my research on episodes that I'll be, you know, hosting. And um, guess who, uh, get the, guess who gave the story treatment for this episode coming up? Well, I think, I, I think Rod and Mary does it for all of them. I think he has, like, some sort of credit, but I don't think he was the main, apparently
Starting point is 00:57:42 he turned in the final draft, draft, the final screenplay draft. So, yeah, I'm fully expecting, here's what I'm expecting, right, without having seen the episode yet. I'm expecting a scantily collated woman. I'm expecting, you know, short skirts and, you know, sexual situations. That's why I know nothing of the episode. So I am going to go in with an open mind and then be thoroughly disappointed after I find out you're right.
Starting point is 00:58:22 Yeah, yeah, right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But, but let's, let's, let's try to, you know, let's, let's see how it goes. We'll, we'll see how it goes. Cool. I think we have an opportunity for a 10 out of this one, Majid. God, Drew, Drew, very much. Drew, really, oh, actually, I've never, I've never seen this episode. So I really I really have no idea Remember how we connected before Like you know, we had this look at the connection about the you know going back and you know Messing with old classics and putting CG in it
Starting point is 00:58:59 Remember that yeah, yeah, yeah, you ruined it. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I have a strike with the little folks what no no no no no no you take that back no no no do it you get back on that no folks this has been yet another Star Trek podcast. Thanks for listening, take care. Goodnight, Drew has the merits and I'm sure that you can act my strength. Good night everybody. Goodnight. Thanks for listening to yet another Star Trek podcast, we're a part of the Retro Sessions
Starting point is 00:59:53 Network. This episode was recorded on March 17, 2022 and was hosted by myself Brad Drew M.G. Drew makes everything sound amazing in his editing skills. Brad writes the synapses so if anything's wrong blame him, M.G takes care of all the awesome artwork. Special thanks to William Grobalar music for our music, warp speed and to the stars, you can find him on SoundCloud, we'll have links in the show notes. Also, special thanks to George Retail for the additional artwork. He made us look like lower deck characters, hit him up on Fiverr and you can too.
Starting point is 01:00:31 We'll drop a link for that in the show notes. We'd love to hear from you. Hit us up on TikTok, Instagram, or Twitter at yet another ST pod. Or shoot us an email yet another stpod at We've also got a discord room, so come chat with us and say hello. Next week we'll be watching what our little girls made up. Watch along on Paramount Plus and let us know
Starting point is 01:00:57 what you think of the episode. Remember to drop us a review on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts from. Plus, it helps support the site. It's free. Thanks again and we'll see you next week.

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