Yet Another Star Trek Podcast - Ep 034: (TOS S01E21) The Return of the Archons

Episode Date: December 20, 2022

This week The Gang watched "The Return of the Archons." The crew of The Enterprise go out in search of a missing ship... only 100 years after it went missing... cause you know... why wait 10 when you ...can wait 100... by that logic... why not wait 1000. Brad hosts the show and goes off on a rant or two, while Majeed and Drew sit in the background. Be sure to check out our website, social media, and join our Discord! Links for all are listed below: Website | Discord | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | TikTok | YouTube Drop us an email at! “Warp Speed” and "To the Stars" was written and performed by William Grobbelaar Music: Additional artwork by George Rateau:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Good morning, welcome to yet another Star Trek podcast. I'm Brad your host for the day. As always I have my two knuckleheads, Majid and Drew with me. Good morning, gentlemen. How you doing? Buddy, why did you just like you didn't give the people what they wanted? You're Brad for the evening, you're Brad for the morning, you're Brad for the afternoon. You're not Brad the host for the day. Come on, man, get on the board. Hey, listen up there, chump. Chump.
Starting point is 00:00:50 I'm the host for the day, so I can do what I want for the day. You just call me a chump. He did, he did. Do you guys remember the, you remember pizza bagels or pizza bites or whatever the hell they called them? What were those called? Pizza bagels? Pizza bagels. Pizza bagels or Pizza Bites or whatever the hell they called them? What were those called? Pizza Bagels? Pizza Bagels. Pizza Bagels, yeah. They had a theme song. It's like,
Starting point is 00:01:10 Pizza in the morning, Pizza in the evening, Pizza at supper time. When pizza's on a bagel, you can eat pizza anytime. Well, so a few things. So let me, let me, let me, let me, let me wrap up my thought process here because this is not just a song for singing sake
Starting point is 00:01:27 We got to come up with a way to sing Brad for the morning Brad for the evening You know to that tune so if I don't want to I don't want to end it with Brad for the summertime because I don't want to Think about eating Brad. Well, we can he's all bones. We can mix it up. He is he's bones and he's bones in hair. Grisel. Um, yeah, I think there's a lot of tough chewy parts. So I apologize. I don't know how to. I'm gonna. Yeah, we're gonna. I'm gonna just drive by that one. So how how how was your thing skipping? We did that last week. Thanks, giving it like two weeks ago. Oh, we did, my friend. No, no, keep it, keep it, keep it. Well, as the folks can clearly tell,
Starting point is 00:02:11 I have no concept of time. Neither does Star Trek, because. Apparently. Apparently. We've come across many, I guess, paradox from time travel related things. So I guess then, how is your week, gentlemen? Well, I was just telling you guys before I found a way
Starting point is 00:02:31 to grow my delts, which I call them shoulder balls. You guys didn't like that term. Yeah, so. Yeah, what do you wanna say? Not a fan of the term shoulder balls. Yeah. I don't think so. But they look, they'd look like little balls eat the end of your shoulder. But if you grow them, then you're just going to have like these giant like balls protruding out of your shoulders.
Starting point is 00:02:56 And it's just going to, it's going to look weird, man. It's not going to look right. No, they're called delts, like the rock has delts. Yeah, but, but when you say shoulder balls, I picture like literally like something the size of a tennis ball just sitting on top of your muscle. The visual is all wrong. I know your goal, but the term that brings the visual in my brain is not human.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Mm-hmm. So. Well, Majeed, I'm sorry, but you will not be getting any balls All right guys, it's been a great day. See you next week I'm true. I heard I heard buddy that you're a little upset guys. This has been Been a terrible terrible 24 hours for me Something very tragic has happened and I'm in a bad mental state. Are you okay, man? Like, is there something I can do?
Starting point is 00:03:57 Jacob DeGroam signed with the Texas Rangers. The best pitch, who? The best pitcher in baseball was in New York any pen it was a New York met and he's now signed with the Texas Rangers. What's baseball? It's like basketball except he throw the ball to the person they hit it with a bat. You know, I came to you guys looking for moral support and I feel like I'm not
Starting point is 00:04:25 getting it. I don't think you guys understand. Um, I'm sorry. Let's try this again. Um, Drew. Yes. I'm sorry that Jacob, the Groundsby went to a different team. That's not the New York. I think I'm, um, I'm sorry for your loss would be sufficient. And then you don't have to make up words. I drew, I'm sorry that he went to a better team. Oh, that's all right. Well, I didn't think I can get triggered at 7.39 in the morning, but here we are. Here we are.
Starting point is 00:05:01 It's with love though, it's with love. Alright, so let's try this one more time. Drew, I'm sorry for your loss. Would you want me to leave an upper decker in the Meds locker room? You had your chance. I did have my chance, but I don't think that the Spartan race team would have let me leave an upper decker. I'm just here in excuses.
Starting point is 00:05:24 You made a promise to me that you were going to do something, which I asked you not to do. And now you're making excuse for not doing it. So by the way, when I got to the stadium, I legitimately asked you, I said, Hey, Drew, where are the bathrooms? Because I had, you know, it was a long drive from Connecticut down to Queens. And your response, remember what your response to me was? I do not. No.
Starting point is 00:05:44 That was it. This is... You just... No, no, wait, what he meant, Majeed, is that you're in New York. You need to go take a shit on the street. My response was meant to deflect him from leaving it up a decker. I... I had, at the time, I completely forgot that I tried to threaten that.
Starting point is 00:06:03 And I'm legitimately asking because I have to use it fast. I'm asking random people at the stadium. And I'm running, listen, listen. I almost have, I almost started the race on a full, like, bladder. Because if you, did they have like, they used to have portability. There's no signs.
Starting point is 00:06:24 There's no signs. Well, well, the race starts in the parking lot, right? No, the race started, I don't know how this stadium works, but it's like levels. Yeah. So it starts in like one of the hallways. Okay. And, um,
Starting point is 00:06:43 okay, so that's one of the hallways, and up the stairs and you've got to run the stadium steps and then you go through more hallways down more steps. Yeah, and you have to not push the little children while you're there. Um, I don't know, man. I, listen, I hate that stadium because of Spartan race. Well, that's Spartan race is fault, not the Metz fault. And literally there are bathrooms everywhere. Like Mr. Metz was there.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Oh yeah, Mr. Metz, awesome man. I mean, Green Man is better. Green Man is like a drunk uncle on Thanksgiving. But he's like a drunk young uncle who like might have gotten arrested for disorderly contact conduct a few times. Leave Brad alone, man. God, she's only had five hours of sleep. But you're a jerk. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the new season without our Jacobi Grim. Yeah, you guys fall into bacon to the world series again. I mean, maybe you guys can still turn it around.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Um, money ball? Money ball. That's a thing. Do money ball. Yeah, we're just gonna buy everybody. I, I feel like we should probably move on from this topic before Drew kills Mijee. What's gonna happen? this topic before I drew kills, Magi. What's gonna happen? I have, I also have pretty bad news. What's going on, man? So the, a lot of the by bodybuilding icons, I just learned that they are on steroids. That they take performance enhancing.
Starting point is 00:08:19 What the hell's wrong with you? Like, you never thought the rock took steroids? I'm not talking about the rock. He's all natural. The rock is all natty, but I'm talking about like, um, no, no. What is his name on the AEW Claudio? Claudio Castignoly? Yeah, apparently he's on steroids.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Larry Wheels was on steroids. I don't know if you're about Claudio in steroids. Larry Wheels was on steroids. I don't know if you're about to hear about Claudio, you know, on steroids. Apparently there was like a document put out and you know, his name was on it as one of the people using steroids. Okay. I mean, it's, it wouldn't surprise me, but you know, they, in WWE at least they were testing for that stuff pretty regularly. So yeah, and I just want to put it out there. I don't like the fact that both of you guys left when I told you my Cripes Just gonna put it out there
Starting point is 00:09:17 Not cool not cool. Well, I treat you like I treat trues. Don't worry. You see here's the thing my problem was breaking news treat you like I treat truths don't you see here's the thing my Problem was breaking news Your problem is like common knowledge so if you haven't like Opened up your eyes for the past 36 years Did I get that right? Hey, so here's the here that we can do, we can do this one of two ways. I can either a give you a dimer or give you a slap in the face. I mean,
Starting point is 00:09:51 it's basically the same thing either way. All right, let's go outside your. I'm gonna give you both. All right, it's called out though. You should just do a Russian though. I'll go first. I've been training for this day. With your shoulder balls. Relocated, though. Let's talk about Star Trek, guys. Yeah, let's talk about Star Trek, guys. Yeah, let's talk about Star Trek. Tell the folks why Mjid and Drew are not hosting a brat is, because he's the one that actually finished the episode and watched it in full,
Starting point is 00:10:34 whereas the other two schmucks kind of fell asleep or wasn't paying attention. So therefore, Brad gets stuck with the actual hosting part of the show. Wait, did I just complain? I apologize, folks. It not only did you complain, you did it in the third person like some kind of schmuck. Dinner for schmucks. That's the deal. I am, I'm not going to dispute your claims. However, I do take offense to the fact that you said that I didn't finish the episode because technically no, I said, I said pay attention. Well, you, you, that was in the end. I said finish or pay attention.
Starting point is 00:11:07 I finished episode. I just did it while unconscious. See, that's, that's what I'm talking about there, folks. But I love you too. That's why I'm doing this. I tried really hard. I did too. This episode, I, I normally don't like to, uh,
Starting point is 00:11:23 to give away my thoughts early, but I did not like this episode and my brain shut off like that. Did you just try to snap and then not snap because you can't snap? No, okay, good. Sorry, continue. This isn't the Admin's family. Oh my God, I want to watch Wednesday. My daughter already finished the season. That's very season. It's been good. So I'm going to do something a little different, folks.
Starting point is 00:11:50 I'm going to start the episode with the sum up this episode because I feel this is a very just way of doing. So this episode to sum it up, Star Trek does the purge. The way team is visited by the Ghost of Christmas past, and it takes apparently a hundred years for Starfleet to send in a rescue team. Because Starfleet really gets on top of things. That's the gist of the episode, and you know what, I'm gonna change it, that's my summary.
Starting point is 00:12:19 There you go, done. We can now talk about it. By the way, can we just talk about the fact that the monsters from the village were in this episode? You guys never saw that movie did you? No, you're talking about a night shaman. Yeah, I'm not shaman on had a movie through his second or third movie And it was called the, and there were these monsters wearing like brown cloaks, and you couldn't, it was obscuring their faces, and it just reminded me of Horky Pines.
Starting point is 00:12:57 It didn't look like anything in this episode. Well, I mean, the cloaks and obscure in the face to merit Brad. So, uh, memory alpha describes the, this episode as the Enterprise discovers a planet where the population acts like zombies and obey the will of an unseen ruler, uh, called Landrue. Not to be confused with Lando who is in Star Wars, so just clarification there folks, because I totally thought it was Lando, Carosium, and I was like, whoa, Lando's in this ship, man, this is gonna be awesome, but then it's Landrue, and I was really disappointed.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Or it's Landrue, not Airdrew, not Waterdrew, but I'm Boats. Worthy of note, I think this is the shortest memory alpha article I've ever seen for an episode. Oh, that's a fair point. Yeah, this is a... Like, pretty... The entire thing is basically summed up in... I mean, they have broken down by acts plus the teaser, and there's 10 paragraphs maybe for everything. And I think that's a good indication of what we're dealing with here. So we start with the episode. We see Sulu and O'Neal on the planet.
Starting point is 00:14:17 They're kind of like in 1920s get up, I guess you could say, and they're kind of like scared. They're like, oh my god something's coming after us and O'Neal kind of freaks out and just runs away leaving Sulu to wait to be beamed up and one of these Village like creatures that Maggi described gives Sulu the bad touch and then he gets leaned up and Sulu was acted all wonky just from the touch so so apparently that's all it takes is just a touch from one of these guys and then you change
Starting point is 00:14:58 entirely so that's that's important to know at this moment that is important at this moment so then you know the this moment. So then, you know, another away team goes down, Kirk, McCoy, Spock, some other people, I don't know their names because they're not really important, apparently, in the story to really
Starting point is 00:15:18 have established names, but I'm pretty sure they do. I'll just call them the red shirts. That makes sense, right? They're for a way. They're definitely wearing red shirts. That makes sense, right? They're throw away. They're definitely wearing red shirts underneath these gangster suits. Yeah, so red tiny whiteies.
Starting point is 00:15:31 So they go down and they go back down all disguised in 1920, get up and, you know, immediately they find these zoned out people who are just wandering around the streets. And they're like, the hour upon those, are you here for the festival type crap? and it's the purge. It's literally the purge. It was the purge. And so, apparently it starts at 6 p.m. and it lasts until 6 a.m. Well, the... The car is like... Yeah, I know. Well, wouldn't it be BIO W bring your own weapons? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:21 These hands are weapons, boy. Well, the people go back, shit, crazy, are weapons boy. Well, well, the people go back shit crazy and they start throwing shit, killing people. I don't know. I assume they're killing people, but like there's no real maming apparently, but the the crew's like, you know what, we're out. We're piece. We're going to be good. We're going to go to this hotel and chill. And in there, there's three guys who are and in there there's three guys who are unaffected by the purge. Which, did they really explain why is it because they're like, oh we're older so we're exempt from the purge? They have plot armor?
Starting point is 00:16:54 That is a very kovina thing. Yeah, so the crew just sticks it out in in this hotel room, which I mean, it's just me is it kind of like why wouldn't they just beam back up and then wait until it ended and then beam down I mean that would have made sense right guys No, it's it's it's it's so the episode could happen Brad but But it didn't have to No, it's it's it's it's it's so the episode could happen Brad, but but it didn't have to. Right. Right. But then the episode would have been
Starting point is 00:17:35 I didn't forget I did forget to mention that they are searching for the archons, I guess. It's like a ship. I guess ship disappeared 100 years earlier, which I mentioned is like they waited a hundred years to send somebody to To find the icons because Clearly, that's a priority But they wait wait we're we're seeing that starfleet kind of tends to do this quite a bit like uh stuff goes missing and they're just like You see like to me they could have gone away be, oh, I went missing like a few months ago. And then they would have sent it. That would have made more sense of 100 years
Starting point is 00:18:10 that Jesus Christ. Anyways, the purge stops in the middle of the day because everybody goes back to the zombie-like, zoned out, TV watching phase. And the crew kind of goes to try to find some stuff. The daughter of one of the guys that they're staying with And the crew kind of goes to try to find some stuff the The daughter of one of the guys that they're staying with is kind of going little nuts. She's she's upset and McCoy you know gives her a sleeping pill, you know he roofies her a little bit
Starting point is 00:18:37 The the the guy is kind of trying to like oh, thank you, but apparently they're talking about blasphemy and stuff and these porcupine related dudes show up. Oh, wait, no, no, that's, that's the village. It's the other guys that actually showed up in this one, the guys with hoods and robes that didn't look like a porcupine guys from the village. Um, just, just, just, just make sure we had the distinction that their brown robes, not white robes. Just we need to make that clear distinction. That is important in 2022. Yeah, so the brown robe guys come and they got apparently these low guns and they blow smoke out them, but apparently they're not.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Fireworks, like, little sparklers occasionally. Yeah, but they're actually what it really is is, you know, when you're a kid and, you know, during Christmas time, when your parents like finish wrapping the presents, like you have those long rolls of paper, that's left over from the Christmas paper. And so you just kind of use it as like a lightsaber or like a bat or something, you just play around with it. That's really what it was.
Starting point is 00:19:43 It's all I still do that as an adult Yeah, I I can't I can't argue with that I do that But that's really what it was they they just kind of messing around with their their sticks and the blow-in shit about Anyways, yeah, they just kind of blow in. They blow in. They blow in. They blow in. They blow in.
Starting point is 00:20:09 They blow in. They blow in. They blow in. They blow in. They blow in. They blow in. They blow in. They blow in.
Starting point is 00:20:17 They blow in. They blow in. They blow in. They blow in. They blow in. They blow in. They blow in. They blow in. They blow in. They blow in. They blow in. They blow in. They blow in. And so I blew this guy to death and so then Well, the two two guys that one of the guys that kind of helped them was kind of like
Starting point is 00:20:27 Hey guys, I can show you where where things are and so then they came and they they started going out into the street But apparently the zombie like people are only zombie like people for so long until they're like, you know The pod people and they just kind of you know point their fingers out and be like You're not one of us. You're not one of us type thing. And so they're starting to go after them again. But then they eventually changes their phaser beams into a widespread mode and stun like a bunch of people all at once.
Starting point is 00:20:58 Drew, did you even know those possible? They've done stuff like that before. I mean, I think this may have been the first time in Star Trek that they did anything like that. I mean, that's seem more believable than using a microphone to drown out people's heartbeat. I would agree with that 100%. Fair, fair, 100% fair. Anyways, so they go with a final safe location, but apparently it was only a safe location until this ghost of Christmas past shows up and was like, you guys are not with Landrue. We need to get you guys with the body and the soul of Landrue. And they're trying to talk to it, but he's like, you know, I'm just recording guys. You can't, you
Starting point is 00:21:36 know, say anything that I'm going to pay attention to. Um, Jorrel. He's basically Jorrel. And so then they all fall asleep. Right. They all randomly fall asleep for what seems to be no, no absolute reason at all. And they wake up in the sex dungeon. Yeah. And so then, so then in the sex dungeon, McCoy's missing and then he comes back like he's a happy little camper. He's had sex in the sex dungeon. He just had like his little, uh, destroyer. Take, uh, take control there and then he's like, I'm with Landr now.
Starting point is 00:22:20 So apparently Landr is really good in the sack. Who knew? Uh, anyways, they take school. Wow. So apparently Langer is really good in the sack. Who knew? Anyways, they take school. Wow, that that just you meant so into that and I'm so proud of you for committing yourself to that bit Bravo buddy. I mean, it's not a bit though. That's that's the truth a sex dungeon. Yeah, that was that was totally Some manacles on the walls there and everything just because it was chains in the wall in a basement does make it a sex dungeon Brad What would you call it a Like what do you do in that type of dungeon?
Starting point is 00:23:00 Torture people Me for an example stuff Dungeons torture people Before an example stuff You mean it's like I I need I want to know I want to know What do I do in dungeon I would get tortured because I'd be the guy to get arrested Well, yeah, I think it'll be like Kirk is taken away because it's his turn, but it turns out it's not actually to Landrue, it's to be with Landrue's body or something like that where they kind of metaphorically
Starting point is 00:23:37 is zapped your mind and then they take Spock, but it turns out good news folks There's this random dude who is immune to Landrugh and he saves Kirk and he saves Spock and and they act like they are you can't see I'm doing air quotes They act like they are with Landrugh, but they're not really with Landrugh and so then they're kind of going back to try a scheme But McCoy being actually with Landrugh is, yo, you guys weren't really with Landry. That's not Landry type talk. You got to, you know, we got to, you know, do something about this. And so then he, you know, breaks the, he kind of, you know, breaks the whole act and, and of course, only spock and, and, uh, Kirk can really save things.
Starting point is 00:24:21 So that, that guy that, that was immune, takes them to the Ghost of Christmas past. And it was immune take some to the ghost of Christmas past and It was like here's the ghost of Christmas past. I mean Landry that's that's who I mean I probably and and so then they're like wait wait we know what to do here We'll shoot the wall where's a giant hole and there's a computer behind it hang up hang on just really quick you said Landry At least 50 times. So, so that's one of the things I actually wanted to bring up about this episode. I found a copy of the script.
Starting point is 00:24:55 And if I remove the parts where, like it's, cause in the script, they'll say Kirk speaks, you know, Spock speaks so forth, right? If I remove the instances we where saying Landrue speaks, we're somewhere around 80 times where the name Landrue is uttered on screen in an hour episode. In 60 minutes, they say the word Landrue approximately 80 times. So that's about what less than a minute each time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:23 I don't know how I don't know how math works. Yeah, they're guys I would have to math out the What what that what we should do is we should create our own let a lander religion Pass land drew I trust no Pass I trust in regular I'm down, but only if there's a sex dungeon pass. I trust in regular. I'm down, but only if there's a sex dungeon. Okay, okay, we've got this. I was gonna say I trust in regular drew, but I don't want to be a part of regular Drew's sex dungeon.
Starting point is 00:25:55 We have so cats. Anyway, we have we have snacks. They have the blue wall and it turns out there's a computer. And yeah, so they use logic to destroy Landroup. Say that phrase again. They use logic to destroy Landroup. That's how we destroy Udifurcant. Wait, what? What?
Starting point is 00:26:24 Exactly. Yeah, so yeah, they confused the machine by giving them a logic thing, but if I remember correctly, this dude, Landrou, Landrou was a guy who programmed the machine and it was like 6,000 years later. Was that was out yeah yeah it was 6,000 years after he died so so these people have been doing this ship for about 6,000 years and the whole thing is that the Landrue was then therefore everybody's free. You know at first I'll be honest. At first I was, I was like okay yet another example of starfully going in, messing shit up and then peace. We're out.
Starting point is 00:27:41 But no they actually left a guy behind. One guy to help out an entire civilization. Yeah, he's dead. That's... Yeah, I mean, what do you expect was what Kirk was gonna do after he got, you know, his not guilty plea. Like, you know, he's not guilty for killing people, so he's gonna... You're gonna get over that, are you?
Starting point is 00:27:59 No. No, he murders and he keeps getting away with it. To technically he didn't murder anybody in this episode. He left one guy on the planet. Of course the guy's gonna die. So yeah, that was the episode. They leave everybody's off the planet and happily ever after.
Starting point is 00:28:21 And you know, so I wanna, in the beginning, I made an emphasis that as soon as the guys touched Sulu, he changed. Yeah. After that point, that was no longer possible apparently, and they had to be taken to the sex dungeon so they could be converted in order for that to happen. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:48 So, so, am I, am I missing something here? Like, did they lose a power? And how has it been going on for 6,000 years? Well. And nobody commented that this has been, has humans for longer than the earth like had been like technologically advanced. So when it comes to machines, right, they can go a really long time. Like, you know, just their lifeline, their lifetime is long.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Now, with a giant maintenance window of 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. they're able to perform all their updates. So that's how they are able to survive for so long because of that very generous maintenance window. So there you go, you learn something. You know what, that's a fair point maintenance windows are important. Yeah. Also, the reveal at the end, that was done in future rompets, right? Like Drew, buddy. Which one? Where they go to the Death By Snooze New Island? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:55 It was very new. And at the end, they were just a computer. Okay. Yeah, I mean, my memory of that episode is a little fuzzy outside the memorable quotes, but I'm death by Snooze. And yeah, no, it was death by snooze, though. Yeah. And, uh, yeah, no, it was just Brad, you watched episode ever. Um, vaguely remember, but the Amazonians were not like brainwashed,
Starting point is 00:30:13 though, they were just horny. Right. They, at the end of the episode, Brad, with the very horny Amazonians, um, there was a computer, uh, that was, that was behind the entire thing and behind the computer, which is one FEM bot controlling like Wizard of Oz. So you know, it's funny. It's funny like when you say that when they were talking about, oh, we're going to take you to Landrue and they get to the room and I was like, Oh, Wizard of Oz, man behind the current, that's what it's gonna be. Nope, robot.
Starting point is 00:30:45 It's, um, it was a, a FEM pewter was the name of it. I had to Google it up. FEM pewter. That was a good episode. Anyway. So gentlemen, thoughts on this episode, how were you liking it? Hating it. So I got really strong Twilight Zone vibes from this, but unlike twilight zone episodes, this episode wouldn't know where. It really just seemed like it was endless, just kind of spinning its wheels trying to get to the point. And it turned me off very quickly. Seeing like I think I think I had checked out by by halfway
Starting point is 00:31:50 through Act 1 when they landed on the planet and everybody was just like acting like all goofy and stuff like oh Landrugh and to say the name over and over and over and over and over again. In my mind is the laziest form of script writing possible. The best part about this episode, for me, is knowing that after this we get to watch Space Seed. Is that why you really zoned out so therefore you could host Space Seed? like you really zoned out so therefore you could host Spaceeed. I had a very good opening for this for us hosting today. Hang on, I wrote it down. I share it with you guys. Give me a second. Duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Ah, fresh off his not guilty corp martial verdict, curked the size of celebrate by sending two of his crewmen on a dangerous mission with no support. That was how I was gonna open it up. I was really excited for this. Um, and then I fell asleep. Uh, fair, fair, that's fair. I mean, I appreciate like what they were trying to do, right? It's, they're trying to basically illustrate that without art and creativity,
Starting point is 00:33:08 that humanity just kind of becomes lifeless and dead. And, you know, by, by Lanzar trying to create this utopia, he basically enslaved humanity and, and sucked out all the life and joy from everything. And, you know, like, I haven't seen Handmaid's Tale, and sucked out all the life and joy from everything. And, you know, like, I haven't seen Handmaid's Tale, but I've seen like, you know, parts of it in passing when my wife is watching it. So there's a little, a little bit of Handmaid's Tale
Starting point is 00:33:36 in this, a little bit of Twilight Zone. And I don't know, like, it just, maybe it worked in 1966, but for me, it just, it really just fell flat. So, so is thinking about that, Drew, and it, I feel like with sci-fi of like, yesterday years, like they could get away with some really bad writing. Agreed. And because there was, there wasn't much sci-fi out there. Right.
Starting point is 00:34:08 And you think about today, there's still sci-fi with really bad writing. It's inevitable. But you can clearly see the difference between shows with good writing versus bad. The ones with really good have a much larger fan base and the ones that are bad it still has a pretty decent fan base but it's just more of the satire of the thing. And I think back then there really wasn't much options. So people, if you want in sci-fi,
Starting point is 00:34:42 this is what you got. Yeah, I mean, they're paving the way, right? So there's going to be stumbles and there's going to be successes, and I get that. Not every episode of the Twilight Zone was great. Not every episode of the Outer Limits was great. And not every sci-fi movie that came before Star Trek was great either, right?
Starting point is 00:35:03 But there are great ones and I don't know like my I have high expectations, I think for a lot of the stuff that we see with this show and Sometimes I'm really let down and I didn't really have too many expectations for this episode because this is an episode that I've heard talked about often but yeah, but this like to me really dropped the ball. So I don't know. I hope that 20 something episodes in, right? So this was the 21st episode to air, but we're like 23 episodes into production at this point this the The scripts where like it's just one main focus that they try to drag out over an hour are
Starting point is 00:35:55 Really troublesome and difficult for me to get through That's why a smaller seasons Well, it's not even it's not even the smaller seasons is just having two story beats going, I think, because there are there's, you know, 26 episodes of TNG 26 episodes of DS9 and Voyager and so forth. And again, not every episode of those shows are great. Like we're going to hit our stinkers on there too. to hit our stinkers on there too, but at least you're not subjected most of the time to the same story drawn out over the course of an hour when there's clearly 20 minutes of script. Yeah, I don't disagree with that true. I think that's one of the things that the original series really struggles with is because they have this
Starting point is 00:36:47 need to feel to have multiple different story arcs in the same episode and like multiple different subplots whereas like if you if you think modern day stuff like they just typically have well if you think my mother, they still have those, but they carry them over for like an entire season. That's not really what I'm trying to say. Okay, I'm talking about just having like within this context of the same episode,
Starting point is 00:37:18 you can have a story that starts and finishes within the same episode, but like, so they, in script writing, they'll usually refer to it as like an A story and a B story and sometimes they'll be a C story. So your A story is your main plot, right? So in this context of this episode, the main story could be, if I were the script writer, the whole thing with Landrew on the planet. But what happened with Zulu? That's a whole thing that was unexplored, right? That could be your B story.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Mokoy is on the ship trying to get Zulu better. We don't know, like we might go into space seed and Zulu's still loopy. We don't know. I'm fair, you know. I hope so. So, I mean, like that's the kind of, I think, maturity that I'm looking for
Starting point is 00:38:02 from the writers at this point. And I have to, I think, come to terms with the fact that that's a product of the era. And it's, it's a struggle for me. I'm not going to lie. But, but that's what I'm, I think, kind of looking for. When you have a plot line that's thin like this, that's when you need to be story or a C story. The story of Space Seed that we're gonna see next week, like that story is strong enough and it is held together by actors that are strong enough to carry that from start to finish. But something like this, man, it just... Oh boy. Grant your gears. Yeah, yeah. Brad, what did you think, man? Like, I've bitched about it. It just oh boy, grants your gears. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Brad, what did you think, man? Like I've bitched about it. Magiz kind of fell asleep about it. What did you think, man? I fell asleep about it. I mean, I did have an advantage where the, I was a bit trapped and had to park my butt while holding a baby.
Starting point is 00:39:03 So I couldn't get away from the episode. And I only had, it was like, hey, you know what? I need to watch it. So, Miles will just take over now. And truth, if it wasn't for that, I probably wouldn't be, you know, I probably would have skipped this episode entirely. Like, because the whole episode felt like it was all over the place. To your point,
Starting point is 00:39:29 like with Sulu, you're randomly getting his, his well-adjusted attitude changed and then they did the purge in the beginning of the episode, and then they don't even touch the purge again really. They go to, they're like, oh, we need to find Landroup. And like, see, like the episode really showed how segmented it is, because if you think about it, like the purge part was all of Act One. And then Act Two was them trying to find like what caused the purge.
Starting point is 00:40:04 And Act Three was them trying to find like what caused the purge. Act 3 was them like, you know, getting captured and then Act 4 was them, you know, resolving the episode and it was, it really felt like they were trying to do way too much in a single period of time. Rather than expanding on one area, they're just trying to do all these other things that kind of didn't really, it felt very disconnected. Yeah. It was an okay episode. Yeah, I think you make some very good points there.
Starting point is 00:40:40 If you're disconnected, it's a good way to put it. Yeah. Yeah. Do we want to move on to creating this episode? Please. Yeah, I mean, I know this is a shorter episodes for the listeners, but... It's probably better off, though. Yeah, I can gaslight both of you, and we can fill the, maybe 10 minutes of me gaslighting you.
Starting point is 00:41:15 So Drew, what did you think for your score? I mean, I don't think it's worthy of a one necessarily, but we're not far off. Just really lazy script writing a concept that did not click with me. Plots that are just left unanswered and unresolved. And the I wasn't even crazy about the acting. Like I don't think the acting or the dialogue was effective. It wasn't.
Starting point is 00:41:50 I also, I keep mind that we didn't have Kirk's shirt gear ripped too. So there was no shirt ripping thing. Well, that's a deduction right there. One might call that a Demarit So so if I factor that in plus the the Demarit for the short rip Yeah, man Dare I give this a two Okay, what do you guys think like is that it means? Hey, if that's the right you want to take you want to give it a two you can yeah, yeah, I'm going with it
Starting point is 00:42:29 Awesome GD you how about you buddy to There's nothing redeemable about the sepus of for me Stuff should we should we put this is like a did not watch like a dnw for him No, it counts because I I got more than halfway through and I saw the big reveal with the Fembot. You said that your wife watched it. Can she give it a score? She liked it. What was her number? I didn't ask for her number because I went back to sleep. So give it, after we're done recording, I need you to go ask her for a rating and then we can circle back to that and we can share that on Twitter. Cool.
Starting point is 00:43:05 Okay. In a meantime, I'll give it a two. All right, Brad. We're you at seven. I'm at a nine. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, man, like the episode was an episode of Star Trek. Well, that is a thing.
Starting point is 00:43:27 You know, like I didn't... Like, yeah, I remember episode one, the cage. Where I remember, like initially I was like really low and drew your like, Brad, you know, there's always plenty of worse episodes. And I always think about that. So I kind of try to like grade it comparison. It's like, did I absolutely not like it as much as the cage? And unfortunately, I'm not allowed to change
Starting point is 00:43:57 my entry for the cage anymore, because it's, you know, almost the year past. Yes, we also don't talk about the cage. But I'll I'm I'm going to follow suit with you gentlemen. Wow. I'm going with the two. Yeah, I would watch the cage on repeat before I ever put this episode on intentionally. I would I would call my I said, there was a lot of disappointment with this one. Well, the thing is, is like, I don't think I had any expectations whatsoever because I had never heard of this episode
Starting point is 00:44:31 before we started like planning out the recording schedule. Like, return to the archives and like, okay, this sounds like some sort of, that sounds like some sort of recording. Who are the archives? Who are the archives and they didn't return? Yeah. So one of the things I'm noticing is that
Starting point is 00:44:44 the name of the episode often misdescribes what the episode's actually about. Yeah. Yep. And or it's a vague reference to one thing in the episode that is not important at all. Right. If anything, the name of this episode should be something like Andrew Landrue we trust. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:07 Now, I got to go back and rewatch this, but apparently this planet was revisited in Lower Decks. Oh, God, so... Yeah, they went back to this place to try to clean up the mess. And this was actually the season one finale. I need to rewatch lower notes. Yeah, me too. Because Drew, we get the references from TNG onwards.
Starting point is 00:45:33 But for TUS stuff, we miss a lot of that. And now there's another way. Yeah, I want to wait though until after we watch like the entire entirety of this because like I feel like there's going to be so many more references that are going to keep coming up. Yeah, that once we finish the TUS series will be like, oh my god, that's we got that. There's been quite a few references to the animated series as well too, which I've only gotten in passing, but I'm looking forward to having a better appreciation for those. Yeah, I want to watch that too. That's the TOS and the animated are probably the two I've never really sat down and watched
Starting point is 00:46:11 religiously. Yeah, I mean either and like I'm kind of hoping that when we do inevitably finish the original series, we could do the animated one because I have no experience with that at all. At least I have a little bit of experience with this. Agreed. Agreed. Apparently I just get outvoted. Yes. Apparently this is one of Gene Roddenberry's favorite episodes.
Starting point is 00:46:37 Take that for what you will. It's in his top 10. So I have mixed feelings about him. Yeah. Like, like, he, he's done so much for us, but the more you, the more I learn of him, like my, my opinion of him, kind of waivers, more and more. And so, like, I'm thankful for him helping bring to life like our favorite. You know what we should be doing Drew? We shouldn't be thanking him. We should be thanking Lucille Ball.
Starting point is 00:47:11 True. We should just be thanking her. 100%. And instead of like, you know, hey, Ron Married did it, we'll see you ball. We'll just put it to her. Yeah, I mean, so I told him to get that reference. So but at the end of each episode you'll see a logo for Desi Lou studios. Desi Lou was Lucille Ball and her husband Desi Arnez,
Starting point is 00:47:35 who were also the stars of I love Lucy. They're responsible for Star Trek existing because they took a chance and produced it. Without those two in their studio, Star Trek would not exist. Cause you and Roddenberry couldn't get anybody else to buy it. Do you know who I love Lucy is? Do you know that show? Yeah, I do. Cause you're just staring at them lightly and I'm confused. I thought you I first of all, one, you're wearing a hoodie. Yes, and I keep thinking that you're gonna rob me. I
Starting point is 00:48:10 The second thing is that you're the Unibobber. I'm gonna purge I'm gonna purge you and Yeah, no, I had sets you know, I knew that already. You know, I I know that stuff. I just think it's better for you to explain it to us. Okay. All right. Let's play it to the listeners. Okay. Is that it? I mean, no, that means it's good to explain that because not everybody will know that. Then when I answer your question and there's silence, I've like, did I miss something? Remember that time that I asked, like last week, I asked you for like, you know, so kind of like appreciation and love and you just gave me silence
Starting point is 00:48:50 Like that Goodness Jalman anything else before we talk about next week's episode excitement about next week's episode. Excitement. All right, next week we are watching Space Seed. The Enterprise discovers an ancient spaceship carrying genetically enhanced supermen from late 20th century Earth and they're in... Enigmatic.
Starting point is 00:49:24 Enigmatic? Yeah. I struggle with English. and they're in and in and in and in and and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and and in and in and in and in and in and and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and in and Man. Oh, man. Magiz hosting. Maybe unless Brad, I was Brad. No, I'm done. I'm done. Yeah, I did. I did it. Kirk's wearing his, uh, his official green outfit and the picture on memory awful.
Starting point is 00:49:59 Yeah. This is shirt ripped. Not yet. This time. No, however, um, Khan has like a nice v-neck going down the chest there we called a multi-bond yeah what a sexy looking man is that it's easy like Drew Drew I kind of feel like we should just watch that episode and then we should watch uh start track two it see it. It is tempting.
Starting point is 00:50:26 That is tempting. We can talk about that offline. Oh, yeah, we totally should. Is that movie is so good? That is. That is how man. There's so many layers to that onion on how good that film is. I know with me it's between it's between undiscovered and in that one. Yeah, I go back and forth like you can ask me
Starting point is 00:50:47 Seven days out of the week and it would just be between those two films, but I couldn't decide between the two of them Well, I think I think undiscovered only you the lean's heavier only because I have more A childhood memory with it. Okay. I can I can see that yeah Cuz I actually saw it in theaters which was I did too. Oh Yeah, I mean jeans like I don't really care. I don't know. I You will love Star Trek to the wrath of Con. Yeah, that is a guarantee Oh, okay, isn't it isn't it two four and six are the good ones and then one one three and five or the other Yeah, I mean, I've come to appreciate three and I enjoy it for what it's worth
Starting point is 00:51:33 And I think there's some notable things that happen in that one Christopher Lloyd playing the First Klingon of any substance Yeah, yeah. And basically rewriting the script for what a Klingon should be, I think is massively important to the history of Star Trek. But yeah, two, four, and six are like, the good ones, quote, unquote.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Yep. Well, Majeed, we have a lot to look forward to for getting a reaction. Well, I mean, true, just lot to look forward to for getting a reaction Well, I mean true just basically guaranteed it so yeah, wait, which is the um Wasn't it Picard where they they recumb they come up against the the punk rocker. Yeah Okay, okay, yeah from four is the same act you two. Yeah, I saw it. I remember that was like that was pretty funny. Yeah, I enjoyed that Anyways, folks us babbling is This is probably not what you're here for but you know what what what you are here for is Ross to say goodbye and
Starting point is 00:52:42 Well, everybody in Landrew we. You have a good one. Landr... Airtro. Say good night, guys. Bye. Good night. Thanks for listening to yet another Star Trek podcast. Where are part of the retro sessions? This episode was recorded on December 3, 2022, hosted by Brad.
Starting point is 00:53:15 Drew Majeed was kinda lazy and didn't watch the episode entirely, so I don't really know if you can count them, but they're part of the crew. This episode was edited by Drew, Brad, again, he didn't write the synapses, but he did host, so kudos for it Brad. Majid takes care of the artwork and is the twitter master, so good job Majid. Special thanks to William Roblox music, for our music warp speed and to the stars. You can find him on SoundCloud, we'll have links in the show notes. Also special thanks to George Rathav, where the additional artwork he made us look like
Starting point is 00:53:54 lower deck characters, him up on Fiverr and you can too. We'll drop links in the show notes as well. We'd love to hear from you, hit us up on TikTok, Instagram, or Twitter at yet another ST pod or shoot us an email yet another ST pod at We've also got a Discord room, so come chat with us and say hello. Next week we will be watching Space C. Watch along with us on Paramount Plus and let us know what you think of the episode. Let us know how we're doing with a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever
Starting point is 00:54:28 else you get your podcasts from. It helps out the show and it's free. Thanks for listening, we'll see you next week and in Landrewe Trust. you

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