You Be Trippin' - Chefchaouen, Morocco w/ Zane Jarecke | You Be Trippin with Ari Shaffir

Episode Date: June 10, 2024

SPONSORS: -Visit and elevate your cigar journey today! On this episode of You Be Trippin’, Zane Jarecke converts to Islam, sacrifices a goat, and gets offered a during his time in Morocco. On the show, he talks about monkey paws, cobras, eating snails, and getting ripped off. The two also discuss burqas, brutalism, and buying hash in tea shops. Also, Ari loves LARPing. As-salaam Alaykum! Zane also has a YouTube channel! Check it out here!! You Be Trippin' Ep. 18 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Where you been and where you going? This is Ari's Travel Show, yeah. We're gonna talk about travel today. It's UB Trippin', yeah. Treats for every celebration, big or small. Make it easy and breezy with our legendary lineup of summer must-tries from the PC Insider's Report Summer Edition. Like our new flakeouts, there are delicious twists on the croissant doughnut with 24 layers of croissant flakiness twisted with fancy doughnut fun. Get ready to UB Trippin. What's the name of the podcast? Pretty good name, right?
Starting point is 00:00:45 Yeah, UB Trippin. UB Trippin. Hey, that's actually pretty clever. Thanks. Yeah, I might do a pocket. It took me a second. I was like, yeah, that makes sense, we're trippin. Yeah, I like, you know.
Starting point is 00:00:53 I'm here with Zane Jureski, somebody I met in my writing class. In Paris, France, we're at a hostel. They don't call them youth hostels anymore, do they? Couldn't tell you, just hostel, I think. And especially this one. Yeah, it's not youth. Not youth hostel. Bring it close to? Couldn't tell you, just hostile I think, and especially this one. Yeah, it's not youth. Not youth hostile.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Bring it closer to your mouth. I mean, there is some youth in here. Yeah, nobody calls them youth hostels anymore, do they? No, I haven't heard that term in a while. I hear guys like you talking about it, I'm like, is that the same as a hostile? I think it's the same as a hostile. I had that same question when I started.
Starting point is 00:01:20 It was like, I don't want a youth hostile, I just want a hostile. Right. Yeah man, I don't want a youth hostel, I just want a hostel. And they're like, yeah man, I don't know. I think it was because anyone over 26 did not go to a hostel. And I'm like, is that like boys? Is that like young, young? That can get interesting.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Yeah, no, just hostel. It is. So where are we going today, Zane? Where are you taking us? We're going to Morocco. Hell yes. North Africa. going to Morocco. Hell yes. North Africa. Going to Morocco.
Starting point is 00:01:47 North Africa. What brought you there? I was there a couple years ago. Oh. I didn't tell you this, I was there with my dad years ago and previously I was just going through all of Europe and then my dad's like, let's bounce down to Morocco.
Starting point is 00:02:04 Chill, cool. And we bounced down and it was a splash, cold splash in the face of like, okay, this is completely different than everything I've just been experiencing in Europe for awhile. And it's right there. I mean, from Spain, you can take a ferry over. It's right across. It's closer than like right there. You can see over the straight edge of Walter. You can see Morocco from Spain. Wow interesting There's a cool cafe on the side of Morocco. So Tangier is the closest town It's like the port town of Morocco and there's a really famous cafe where like, you know, the poets the beat guys burrows
Starting point is 00:02:38 The Rolling Stones were there. It's a cafe built into the side of this cliff Overlooking the Strait of Gibraltar and on a clear day you see Spain. And they bring you mint tea there because they drink mint tea instead of coffee mostly. Does that have caffeine? Yes, they put some black tea in there. They throw a lot of sugar in there,
Starting point is 00:02:56 but they also, in certain towns, not really in the south but in the north because that's where it grows and it's a little more liberal in the north, they will bring you your mint tea and then like some joints and you're like, no fucking way. Yeah, man. Oh yeah. It's awesome because that's great. So, but you gotta be a little fucked up. So you gotta do something. You gotta have a vice. And so it's like, okay,
Starting point is 00:03:19 we're going to the cafe and we're smoking hash as easy as getting wine here. Easier. I mean, it's the same vibe. Like, easier, easier. There was that, the Bourdain episode, he did an episode in Tangier, and he went to another cafe that's also famous. It wasn't like overlooking the straight, but it's same neighborhood called Cafe Baba.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Same deal, like all the artists rolled through decades ago when like Tangier was a big artist hub and he never shows it like shows himself smoking but he shows like he has a scene of like they're making the hash they have masks on he does a whole like and also you know former like real coke there's no you don't smoke a little hash. They're just like, this isn't for CNN. No, no, no, no, he does light stuff for him. So I went to that cafe too, that's in Tangier, and they had those pictures up on the wall.
Starting point is 00:04:14 That was a cool place. But they screwed me on price. That's one of the things with the cafes. It's like you never know what, in Morocco, in all of Morocco, you never have a set price on anything. That's all bargaining? All bargaining. Whoa. Like water in a shop could be could be five bucks could be you know 20 cents like it should be like what everybody else is paying. Did you get used to talking them down? I'm sure at
Starting point is 00:04:39 first you'd be like what the fuck and then just like okay here's five. Yeah like that's kind of expensive. But then eventually, when I've been in places, eventually it's like, no, no, it's this. And they go, okay. Yeah. Because we had to try. Right.
Starting point is 00:04:53 No, you definitely get your face ripped off. And that was the start to this trip was Marrakesh, which is South Morocco, famous for its souk. That's the- You walk through. Okay. That's like the- That's what I picture when I picture Morocco. I told you this before, like, well you want that monkey paw to like,
Starting point is 00:05:09 I wish I could get out of here. And it goes like that. And then you're suddenly in Paris. They have monkey paws? They've got monkey paws all over, man. Wow. Wow. As easy as finding wine here in Paris.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Monkey paws. How much is a monkey paw? Couldn't tell you. You're traveling. I got no room for a monkey paw. Everyone's shopping, yeah. If this is my last stop on the back road, maybe. They let you through customs with a monkey paw? I don't know, good question.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Fairy, you could do the fairy thing, probably take a monkey paw. What's a fairy? The fairy, like back into Spain, then you're like, okay, now I'm in Europe and I got this monkey paw. I have bought a monkey paw. Yeah, that'd be a good, like, hostile trick.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Here's my monkey paw. No, but like in the souq, they have a big square there. So you can't take a souk. Make a wish, bro. Make your wish. Make a wish and let me take it. They have, so they also have live monkeys right next to the snake charmers.
Starting point is 00:05:57 Just like in the movies, they have like guys in like a semi-circle around, call it a half a dozen cobras, playing their flutes. Wow. But the cobras aren't doing, like they're not moving. They're like, these things are coming out of like, yeah, yeah, yeah, wiggling down, mimicking the boys.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Wait, yeah, did they have the flute thing? They had the flute, they had the flute, but the cobras were more like, just kind of like, sitting there, like at first you think you're fake, and then you walk up. You don't wanna walk too close, cause then, you know, some guy will throw a snake around your neck and like okay we want some money now let's take a picture oh
Starting point is 00:06:28 really yeah yeah yeah that happens all the time same with monkeys it's like if you walk close enough to the monkeys you can you're gonna get a monkey on the shoulder like some guys gonna throw a monkey on your shoulder you're like oh no I don't want it and then like you're like I kind of want to quick take a picture and I was like money they're good. Yeah, they're good In Egypt I'll do that with it But like you're in a place and there's no picture signs everywhere and then like one of the guards is like you want a picture I'm like, okay, he's like I'll take a little secret. Give me money. You're like, oh, I actually didn't really want a picture
Starting point is 00:06:59 At some point you're like now I've been a better one to this like yeah Come on, take a picture and then like give me some cash, but it's only 20 cents, right? At the end of the day, yeah, I've been to better ones of this, and like, yeah, come on, take a picture. And then like, give me some cash, but it's only 20 cents. Right, at the end of the day, like, it probably is worth it. Probably is worth it, it looks exotic. I'm with a snake, I'm with a cobra. I'm told everybody goes to Egypt, we'll stay, okay, go ahead. So the souk, yeah, yeah, you have the snakes,
Starting point is 00:07:18 you have, there's hawks, you know, like desert hawks, they'll, you know, like, do this whole picture with it on the arm. And. Do they have food there and shit like that yeah of course they got a lot of like any place they got the places on the tourist square where it's like you're gonna go in and you're gonna pay three dollars for an espresso like anywhere else okay and then they have the alley right off of that then nobody goes down besides people that are working there. And it opens up into like a little courtyard
Starting point is 00:07:48 that's a little more dimly lit with a little more trash. And you're like 20 cents for an espresso. So- Because like tourists don't go there. Yeah, they just never, it's almost subconscious. They're all following each other. You just split off at some point and you're like, okay. Like this is calm. But the rest of the suks
Starting point is 00:08:06 are madhouse. Do you usually do that where you're like, hey, there's too much, there's too much going on. Let me find my own little area. Like here, right? There's this cafes where it's like packed and it's everywhere and I'm like, nah, and then you like the small alleys or small streets. This is my vibe. Totally. It's almost, is it an ego thing? You're just like, I wanna be the only
Starting point is 00:08:27 White. White guy. Yeah, just whites. I wanna be the only white here. I don't know if that's what it is. Also, you gotta admit the financial spark. Like if I would, if I eat in that, like there was this girl in the hostel and she kept talking about how she was so upset
Starting point is 00:08:41 that everything in Morocco wasn't, was more expensive than where she was living in the small town in Spain. And in my head as she's telling the story I'm like, really, like how cheap is this place? Cause I ate a whole omelet spread with tea, a loaf of bread, everything comes with a loaf of bread with your meals, cause they don't eat with.
Starting point is 00:08:58 With that flat bread or? Like this one here, about this size. Risen or that flat? No, it's kind of risen. Okay, so it's not like. That flat one was only in the mountain, the picture I showed you, we'll get to that. The bread's killer there.
Starting point is 00:09:08 There's a whole thing about the bread, let's go into that. Anyways, yeah, the sort of you eat your food and you get the bread, and because you take the bread with your right hand and that's how you eat the food. That's also a differentiator. You get a little scoop, like you know, pull the thumb down, forefinger scoop.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Do you do the thing where you, the thumb pushes it into your mouth? Yeah, Yeah, that was high-level stuff. Okay, you know I don't know if I got there But I did have Yeah, yeah, there's ways like around the bread you got there's different techniques You can pull out the squishy stuff in the middle only use the crust like depending on what you like But this girl she was saying you know she was really upset with the prices in Morocco and I just couldn't wrap my head around it. I ate that whole omelet spread. You're like what? With the tea. Yeah. And I paid 12 derham which is so it's 10 derham to a dollar. So I paid a dollar 20. Yes, you're like
Starting point is 00:09:57 where do you live in Spain that it's less than a dollar 20? I'm going there next. You're like sweet lady, your time sounds awesome. Okay, I'm out of Morocco, like yeah, let me go save some shackles. And then I'm like, well how much did you, what'd you pay for dinner? And she's something like 30 or 40 euros. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:10:17 So that's like 300 or 400 Durhams, and I spent 12 for a meal. For a great meal. For a great meal, totally full. Totally full. And I'm like, where'd you eat? And she ate right in the square, but the funny thing is my breakfast place was maybe 60 to 70 steps away
Starting point is 00:10:36 from the front door of her place. But it just went down one alley. Wow, like if this was the main square, it'd be like where that house is. Yeah, like that black gate down there. Yeah. Like you just kinda walk and take a right where nobody's taking a right.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Wow, yeah. That's the cool thing about souks. Cause you kinda have the beaten, like tourists are all flowing this way. You take a left, take another left. And you're like, okay, this is where the locals eat and this food's great. And you don't really know what you're ordering,
Starting point is 00:11:03 but you just like, I'll have whatever you guys serve. You sit down, it's kind of a surprise. Does any part of you go like, I should be eating this? Or does it take a few minutes, like not a few minutes, a few days to be like, hey, I just trust, because you didn't go straight to Morocco from Montana,
Starting point is 00:11:17 did you? No, I did a couple months with the Shepherds in Sardinia. So you've already gotten to the point of just trusting whatever. Totally. If you have it for food, then it's good. You have to. What are you gonna be like, hey, I'm gluten free,
Starting point is 00:11:31 I'm dairy free, and you're trying to communicate this as they're serving the only thing they serve. But also, if you go to a restaurant at home, then you're like, what do you want? And you're like, what do I feel like today? But on the road, especially in, not like going to New York, you know, I mean the road, I mean like off, whatever. What you really want is some brand new thing.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Right or no? That's a huge appeal for sure. So you're like, yeah, I don't know what to order. Please give me something that you would have. Otherwise you'd be like, I don't want a hamburger. You know what I mean? So it's like, I might feel like that, but I really, is that right or wrong?
Starting point is 00:12:06 Well, it's also kind of a fun aspect is like it's like a gambling. Even like, slot machines suck, but there's something that makes you want to pull it next, and it's like, I got this combo, and this one sucks. But then like maybe the next one, so it's to go to the next vendor. Especially for that much money,
Starting point is 00:12:24 if you were like, I hate it, you dump it yeah get another one yeah yeah I did that it's like okay this like the lentils like they were good they didn't fill me up one stand over it's like okay really good chicken yeah what the fuck I'm gonna be here tomorrow Wow okay yeah that's fun that's marrakesh that's marrakesh so you got the souk there and it drives people mad. So I was there for 10 days. Hi everybody. I shouldn't be doing this right now.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Let me break into this episode and tell you a little bit about my guest. Zane Jarecki is a fuckin' traveler everybody and he has a fuckin' YouTube page right now that's got 572 subscribers. You can quadruple his fuckin' listenership right now, watchership. ship subscribe to him at Zane Zane Jarecki J a r e c k e on slash at Zane Jarecki I've got nothing promote my tour is over so I will say I've got vinyls of my special Jew out right now. I'm in front of the Sydney Opera House and it's fucking pouring rain.
Starting point is 00:13:51 I shouldn't be doing this. Subscribe, leave a comment. Let's get back to the episode. Zane Jurecki on YouTube, he's got a new podcast, it's coming out. But anyway, subscribe to him on YouTube. Z-A-N-E-J-A-R-E-C-K-E on And subscribe to this podcast.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Guys, enjoy your fucking lives. Leave work, do something with everything. Let's get back to the episode. And typically people stay like two nights and they're like, this is crazy, I gotta get out of here. Yeah, it seems like a long time. I'm not saying that's a contrast myself, but I was just there for 10 days
Starting point is 00:14:30 because I found a good hostel, it was cheap, and I was trying to cool down my pace and just hang out for a bit. And so I got to the point where I had my breakfast spots, I was able to kind of watch. It's fun when you're in a place long enough and you're seeing people make the same mistakes you did. It was only like a week ago,
Starting point is 00:14:48 but you're like, no, I'm the veteran now. Like. It's so quick to become a veteran. Yeah, it's so quick. I think they're baking on the fact like, you'll be in and out. You don't know what to ask. You are, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:58 And then when you do. This guy won't be here tomorrow. That's what Rolf said about Namibia, when he's like, they polish rocks and like sell them. And then he's like, they're like tourists, and then after you're there, if you're there and don't buy anything for like two hours, you're already there twice as long as anyone's ever been there. So then you go like, what's your name, man? Like, who are you?
Starting point is 00:15:15 Then you're not fish to them anymore. You're now like, oh, you're a human. Right. Because I can get away with that. It's like, I can rip this guy's face off because I'm not gonna see him tomorrow. Sure, I get it. They're gonna be upset and then it's like. You're gonna know.
Starting point is 00:15:28 They're like a country away. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What's going on on the street out there? What is going on on the street? I don't know. Little street sweepers?
Starting point is 00:15:37 I feel like street sweeper. Yep, street sweeper. Hosing it down. Two drivers in there. You wouldn't think two drivers. It doesn't seem like you need two people for that. I think it's a company thing. It's like, hey, like, this is a slow and boring job.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Driving on the right and the other guy's just a passenger. He's on his phone. He's on his phone. You think they switch off or it's like, now you're driving today. I mean, they're going less than a mile an hour. They're going low lower than the speed of walking. Definitely. You think they're playing music in there? Probably not. It's too loud. Yeah yeah. They got to make a thing out of it though if it's gonna take that long. Yeah. You got to have card games or something. That was something in Morocco. The infrastructure. Okay. I guess the
Starting point is 00:16:21 king. Love it. Said yeah let's go Let's get some some semi history in here. The king wanted to he wants to improve tourism right now. Yeah, listen. Yeah, what you want this man. So like this is a natural tendency. Okay, we're talking right talking and then if someone's over there and you start to go like this. But now you're off mic so it's hard almost feel like it's a swivel. So that's like it's constantly in front of you. It's connected. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. like it's a swivel so that's like it's constantly in front of you. It's connected. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Got it. Yeah. No harm no foul. They'll still pick up. Right, right, right. So the king wanted the streets to be cleaned up for tourism. Okay. And so last it was, it's the first day I was in Marrakesh, the roads were still dirt roads. But the
Starting point is 00:17:01 last day I was in Marrakesh, full like cobblestone. Which, 10 days. So you'd go out late at night and you'd see these guys, like dozens of them, just laying pavement. But within a short trip, it was like there was new lights up, new doors, new pavement. Wow. Yeah, just, they get stuff done over there. Like, that can't happen in New York. So anybody, no. So anybody who came the day after you left was like, Oh, I guess it's something from cobblestone here. Yeah. But a week ago, it was like dirt paths.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Wow. Yeah. And I kind of like the dirt paths by the way. Yeah, that seems more real. But it's like the people there are probably like, I actually like this new pavement and like shoes aren't getting as dusty. Yeah. There is that vibe of like, I want you guys to still be from the 1500s. I prefer you never get right sort of like Well, there's those guys in the squares too that make money off that they're wearing like
Starting point is 00:17:51 So there's the Berbers which are the original people of Morocco. Mm-hmm, and they have that there you see in pictures They they have the blue. It's like the blue turbines is what they wear But but nobody like in the mountains the Berbers don't really wear that anymore. But in the square, like there's guys. Do you have pictures of any of that? I can probably find some. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Oh yeah, for sure you gotta send me some pictures. Yeah, I'll send you some pictures. And just like, they're just dressed up in costumes, sweating their ass off for someone who's like, For the Nichols. Yeah. It's like Instagram pictures, like with the natives. With the natives.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Dude, me and Garrett, where I went, we're looking for, I just, what gets me moving is I like fridge magnets. It's dumb. It gets me out of the apartment. It gets me out of the, whatever I'm going to like get into the streets and get whatever, you know, um, fridge magnet. So one souvenir plus one backpack. I can hold it in a small amount of space. Um, so we're going to the Seine and we're like, get looking at, maybe I don't want that one,
Starting point is 00:18:48 but what's my experience, I don't want a knife, I haven't been there yet. I ended up getting like the wines of France. I've been drinking a lot of wine. Yeah, that's validated. Yeah, but anyway, then I bought a record, like a French import of Dexys Midnight Runners. You know that song, Come On Eileen?
Starting point is 00:19:04 I'm gonna be honest, like I could act like, yeah, yeah, yeah, but no, I have no idea. Come on Eileen. You know it, you know it. Kind of, yes, heard it. Don't know it. Okay, you've heard it. Yeah. Yes.
Starting point is 00:19:18 References. Generational difference. And the guy who we bought it, and he was like, you know I saw them here in 1982 I'm like no way Interesting fucking cool extra detail on this purchase. I was like, what were they like that? No, not so good I'm like really goes French audiences aren't awesome. They don't really give much to the fucking performer So we have kind of stand there
Starting point is 00:19:37 So they're just kind of stand there and I was like, you know a lot of people up there, but you know, whatever It's wearing a fucking beret like with a scarf. He's so fucking French. He was like, yeah I've been to New York, I've been to fucking Ontario. We just talked for a while and I wanted to take a picture with him. I'm like, I know you're not doing this for the picture but I really want to get a picture printed up and put it in the record. I didn't do it. Didn't do it. What stops you? You were just making it an offhand. Self-consciousness. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Yeah, I was going to hold up the record and be like, hey can I certainly want to? Yeah. What stops you you were just make it self-consciousness, okay? Yeah, I was gonna hold up the record like hey, can I serve you my yeah, but I got his name So I have a little story Luke. Yeah, I go right on the back of the magnet. I guess yeah something no No, yeah, I didn't buy the magnet from I just bought a record Anyway, so glad so they're wearing this berber thing. Sorry. Yeah, I know the berber things Same deal though. You know you run into that where it's like, okay you get away from the square Mm-hmm, and there's the cool-looking guy and they're not doing that. Yeah, I know the Berber things. Same deal though, you know, you run into that where it's like, okay, you get away from the square and there's the cool looking guy. And they're not doing that. Yeah, they're not doing that.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Are they wearing modern clothes? Yeah, it's pretty modern. It's like flip flops, jeans, shirt. Once you get out to the desert, yes, they do wear the turbans because they have functionality. It's like they're sand blowing, they're sun. Those guys cover up, yeah, it keeps them cool.
Starting point is 00:20:44 And they cover up like every inch of their body. Cause of sunburn. Yeah. It's like it's necessary. Yeah. Oh, that must be so hard with long sleeves out in the fucking desert. I don't know how they do it.
Starting point is 00:20:53 Cause then you have the Muslim woman who, you know, they only have a little slit at the rise. They do the burka there? Yeah, they do the burka. How was that to see? I'm not gonna lie. You love that. You're like a woman who knows her place
Starting point is 00:21:03 is a rare thing in the Western culture There's two things well we have a story about that too later, but two things about that I got there And I've been in Morocco before and I spent some time in the Middle East But you get off the plane after being in the West or Europe for a while I guess yeah What but and you see that slit and you meet I me, I mean, and they're kinda little shorter, and it was night, and I thought it was kinda the scene from Star Wars, the Tatooiney.
Starting point is 00:21:32 The bar? The little, like, well the bar, but like, you know those little guys that were like sand, they'd go like. Oh yeah. And they were in, you know, they only had the little slit with the goggles, what were those guys called? They're, they're. Sand somethings? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:46 God, what were those called? And someone could just speak their language too, like Han Solo, where somebody could just sling their language for no reason. Yeah. I work with them a lot. Yeah, character is wrong, but the point is, that's how I felt, even though I've been there,
Starting point is 00:21:59 but it's just such a shock. Because some of the slits are paper thin. I'm like, can you see me like hello? Like that cool 80s sunglasses. Yeah yeah yeah. That's like both. You can't see out of that. But they do it yeah I mean they must just. Doesn't that.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Feeling wise on the inside when you step off or whatever you start seeing that which is like a vastly different outfit than you'll ever see. Not like different kind of t-shirts or different. Vastly Feeling-wise, are you just like, oh I'm gone. I'm like, I'm in a different, like I feel, you gotta feel exotic right? You do feel exotic but in places like Marrakesh is like okay then like a group of like a tour a tour group's coming by. Yeah. And you're like okay I'm like not off the path yet. Yeah. And then you then eventually you do get off the path long enough But another thing on the note of that. Yeah, I have a theory
Starting point is 00:22:49 because so the woman of in Morocco Moroccan women I Don't think they're like outlandishly attractive, but their eyes they can they can like You know shape you like play to with just their. And I think it's because for so long, they've only you know, they've only been able to express themselves with eyes.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Completely. They can't like, well, they just learn how to use their eyes. Remember during COVID during the mask and everyone's like, I don't know how to express myself because I'm used to using because you don't think twice about it. Yeah, like, is he pissed? Like, yeah, right. Yeah. And you got to like learn to emote with just your eyes. Yeah, you're like doing the eyebrows. It's like, okay. But that was a thing because there was a couple places
Starting point is 00:23:30 and I'm like, whoa, I just felt something and she just walked by. And you make eye contact with people as they walk by. You think there's sluts in that, with the, do you think there's burka sluts? You gotta, you can't put it past them. You can't put it past them. You would think, on one hand, no way
Starting point is 00:23:44 because their relationship with burka. But on the other on one hand, no way, because their religion is worth burka. But on the other hand, like, I've suppressed for so long, maybe. There's some women who are sluts and some who are not, so why would that community be immune to the fucking. Yeah, you can't put a pass on them. Good chicks. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:58 I don't know. But the point is, like, they can, I mean, their eyes can melt you. Wow. Just shaped, yeah, it's incredible. Spicy food or no? No. Strange.
Starting point is 00:24:09 You know, we were talking about this. They have, you know, the pyramids, like in the movies, I don't know, James Bond and Anna Jones, when they're running through the, throwing spice around the bad guy behind them, like here's some paprika. But they have those towers there,
Starting point is 00:24:21 like the pyramids of spice. Yeah. Yeah, you see it, just like the olives. And then you go and order your food and you think like it's gonna be a bunch of flavors. And you get like typical dishes, Tangine, which cooks over a fire in a little clay pot for a couple hours. Typically vegetables like a stew, not a stew. It's like, there's a little piece of chicken in the middle because
Starting point is 00:24:41 meat's expensive. So it's like mostly potatoes, tomatoes, some other vegetable, and then like a little piece of chicken in the middle because meat's expensive so it's like mostly potatoes tomatoes some other vegetable and then like a little piece of chicken in the middle kind of fun to work to it's like an Easter egg and then the inside is cream but it's like the inside chicken you kind of work to it yeah you're like kind of getting to it and there's a little sauce in the bottom but a lot of the times I was like hey can like do you have any other spicing and throw on this thing really blame? Morocco's bland. Bland. I'm gonna say... Not even we're not talking about hot spice, we're just talking about like, zesty spice.
Starting point is 00:25:08 Just in general. In general. Wow. It seems like spices come from there. They do, because people... The spice trade, is that not there? Well there's the saffron trade, that people go down from Spain, there was this guy, he takes his van, buys a bunch of saffron, goes up somewhere in Spain somewhere in Spain sells it off I heard about this guy he's like a saffron
Starting point is 00:25:27 smuggler because it's so cheap down there oh but they're not using it they're not throwing it in there you know it's like on the table there'd be cumin there's all this cumin and there's a little paprika but that can only get you so far like where's the where's, let me get a pepper in there. Yeah. Let me kick this up a few notches like I want to sweat. Like that Korean dinner the other night. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:52 Kick this up a notch. Yeah. Yeah. Korean dinner was nice. That was good. Oh no, but that spice wasn't that good. Wasn't that spicy? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:26:00 I had that little red dish. Yeah, the red. I was sweating my ass off. Okay. Yeah. Different tolerances. Oh no, no, no, no. I'm sorry. I'm thinking of that Lebanese place where we met that director guy. Oh, no, he underhanded it. He underhanded it.
Starting point is 00:26:09 Yeah, you're right. No, no, no. The Korean place was fucking, was spicy. Yes. Yeah. Michelin reviewed. Not starred. Not starred.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Still good. Korean. Damn good. Food place in Paris, France. Cool district. Okay. Were you telling me, was that you? Tell me about the fucking, once you got like, you knew the vibe of everything, you just sit back and kind of watch the chicks
Starting point is 00:26:31 get kind of rubbed? Yeah, well there's that thing too. So the ladies in the burka, there's the henna. Henna is like a big thing in their culture. And I'm sure it has some special spiritual meaning, which I never really checked into. It's kind of a yeah I just didn't get over to it. Okay who cares? Nobody cares. There's this called brutalist art, brutalist architecture and these people the Berlin's no the Bertlin something like that, husband and wife they take pictures of like warehouses in like, I think either rural Germany or whatever, and they started going all over the world and they were like, these
Starting point is 00:27:09 warehouses are art, they're sculptures, they're beautiful sculptures. And they take a black and white you ever see those like pictures of farmers? It's not George O'Keeffe. It's like farmers but black and white, you know, like they're like this without smiling, you see the wrinkles in their faces, you know, they're beautiful. Totally. You know, so like, same we apply that same shit to these warehouses and some are
Starting point is 00:27:27 in use some are not great storage shit's coming out of them like a pipe you know whatever they're massive so they need only ones that can go far enough away where they can get the whole thing something they do at every angle and it's called brutalist and it was like and this whole level of architecture came out of that I like just brutal, like just not pretty at all. I mean, Paris is very pretty. It's the opposite of brutalist. So it's coming back into style now.
Starting point is 00:27:51 People like, it was cool. But they were like, what are these grain storage facilities or what do they do? What's the history of that? They go, oh, we don't give a shit. We're only looking at it as a sculpture. We don't care about the history. We don't care about the uses. We don't care about the uses.
Starting point is 00:28:05 Refreshing, isn't it? Yeah, it is. Hey, I just like this. Yeah, exactly. You don't have to learn the history of a fucking place. I just, this is appealing. I had fun hanging out in Berlin doing drugs. Well, when did I virtually, I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Give me some fucking more ketamine. Like, shut up. Pass it back over. Like, pass it over. Yeah. Hi guys, today's episode of You Be Trippin' Pass it back over like, pass that bullshit. Yeah, pass it over. Yeah. Yeah. Hi guys, today's episode of You Be Trippin' is brought to you by Foundation Cigars. Guys, wherever I go, Foundation Cigars goes with me.
Starting point is 00:28:33 You ever see us smoking Stogeys on Joe Rogan's episodes of Protect Our Parks or Sober October? I think I created and destroyed. Yeah, those are Foundation Cigars. Those are the Joe Rogan's. You know where you can buy those? Fucking nowhere. They don't sell them. They just make it for Joe Rogan. You can get it from my house.
Starting point is 00:28:51 I have a box. Yeah, I stole right out of Joe Rogan's humidor. That's not true, he gave it to me. I literally asked him, this is how generous this is. I go, hey, can I just get one cigar? I'm not leaving until like 6 PM, I wanna smoke a cigar. And he goes, here, take a box. I'm like, dude, I just wanna smoke one. He goes, take a fucking box. I just get one cigar? I'm not leaving until like 6 PM, I wanna smoke a cigar. And he goes, here, take a box.
Starting point is 00:29:05 I'm like, dude, I just wanna smoke one. He goes, take a fucking box. I can get them, you can't get them. The closest you can get is the Tabernacle by Foundation. It is a great full bodied cigar that you guys will fucking love. They have tons more. They had this one in a fucking limited edition
Starting point is 00:29:21 Egyptian carrying case that I brought on my tour with Renazzi and O''Neil that was fucking great. God damn they're gonna be everywhere I got a story to tell you on the next one about Guatemala bringing some of those founded those one one was the foundation I was the tabernacle and two they also have the David that's a good short smoke anyway they got a lot me and two, they also have the David, that's a good short smoke. Anyway, they got a lot. Me and Bobby Kelly actually went to the, chill, chill. Me and Bobby Kelly actually went to the fucking,
Starting point is 00:29:54 just be gone already, I'm trying to make money, bro. We went to the plantation, we saw them fucking planting all the fucking tobacco, it was great. Anyway, if you wanna get one, go to right now and go buy yourself some, I would say get the David. Those are really good.
Starting point is 00:30:14 But also, if you wanna smoke pretty much what we're smoking on Rogan, it's like 1% off. Then get the Tabernacle by Foundation. Yeah, chase that one, bro. There's like three. That means they're flanking me. Guys, let's get back to the episode.
Starting point is 00:30:33 All right, if I die, you're gonna fucking pay me. Today's episode of UB Trippin' is brought to you by Takovus Boots. Guys, you know who I am, right? I'm a female heartthrob. I went viral to women everywhere who didn't know what I was capable of generally.
Starting point is 00:30:51 We thought, man, that's a romantic man for my story about taking a woman on a surprise trip to see Dolly Parton. And man, I was dressed to the nines that day. I had my denim three-piece zoot suit on. A polo tie I got from a general store in Philadelphia, Mississippi. Had a chain watch that went from my pocket all the way to the outside of my vest. But I was missing one thing. A pair of boots! Damn it, I almost had it. I was
Starting point is 00:31:18 dressed to the nines and then I had a pair of black Chuck Taylors on. It was the best I could attempt because I didn't have a pair of quality Western boots. That's where Tacovus comes in. Get one from them. Oh, their stuff's great. And the best way to shop for boots is at your local Tacovus store. Where you'll be greeted by the smell of fresh leather
Starting point is 00:31:36 and a friendly smile every time. Come on in, grab a Cova, get fitted by a pro and shop the latest styles. And also, Tacovus offers custom branding and leather stamping if you want to personalize your boots or find other goods. And you know me, and you know I'm gonna get a pair customized.
Starting point is 00:31:52 Yeah, I don't want, I want one of a kinds. So guys, before you make the mistake I did and almost achieve perfection, get your set of boots. Visit That's And don't go gently, y'all. Yeah, yeah, so I don't know the backstory, but they had these, so the woman in the burkas.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Yeah. And they would, you'd see them. So eventually, like after a few days, I'd sit back and I would just watch people. It was kind of like my form of entertainment. Just watch people get their faces ripped off. Could be by an outrageous price on something or them losing a bargaining battle.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Especially it's fun when they walk away and they're high-fiving their friend. They're like, yeah, got him good. And the guy's just like, yeah, yeah. And I know the real, you know, or it's just like you then look at the guy and he's like, these suckers. I know the real, you know, or it's just like, you then look at the guy, and he's like, these suckers, like I just smoked them. Like my family, we're eating big tonight.
Starting point is 00:32:49 And you know probably, or maybe I'm wrong, but they're probably like, you really got me, man. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, like, oh, okay. Like, get you this free thing too, yeah, they're good. And they can do it in like four or five languages. Those guys are top notch salesmen. Anyways, the woman there, they'll- My dad's in the Middle East, or was raised there, and he was buying a forerunner. He decided the forerunner is what I want. And he went, I mean, they're just
Starting point is 00:33:12 good at bargaining there. They're just good at bargaining that whole region. I was raised in America. I'm not that good at it. And he went from dealer to dealer to dealer. Dealer A, hey, what's the price? $30,000. Okay, thank you. Let me think about it. Whoa, you're gonna leave? $29000. Okay, thank you. Let me think about it. Whoa, you're gonna leave? 29.5. Okay, cool, let me think about it. Go to dealer B, 30,000.
Starting point is 00:33:29 That gave me 29.5. I was like, fuck, how about 29? They're like, okay, let me think about it. I was like, how about 28.5 then if you're gonna leave? Sure, go to DOC. I got 28.5 as an offer. Fine, 27. He just kept doing circles, going back to A.
Starting point is 00:33:43 Dude, I got an offer at 27. What, you gonna beat that? He's like, yeah, how about 26? Cause you know, they're the margins. He kept going back until he finally got it. Guys like, dude, all right, it's 19.5, I literally can't do anything different. If you leave, don't come back.
Starting point is 00:33:55 This is as good as I can do. And he like, gotta know, gotta know. And he's like, fine, 19, 19.5. And he's like, fine! And he's like pissed, like, oh, I'm making 50 bucks off this fucking deal Yeah, he's like sign the fucking paperwork. My dad's about to sign goes. I wanted to go to head They're good they're good man, my mom Syrian she's just she gets what she wants
Starting point is 00:34:22 So what are you watching? You're watching these chicks. Yeah, I was watching these chicks and it was fun to watch them. So the woman and the burkas are walking around and they're scouting. They're like, okay, no, like not this one. This one doesn't have enough money. This one's too like raggedy backpacker. Yes, like this German has never been here before.
Starting point is 00:34:40 They're probably good enough to know if you have all your goods on you, on your backpacker, they have two extra dollars. They don't good enough to know if you have all your goods on you on your backpacker that's like they don't they have two extra dollars they don't have right right and they would walk up to them and it was with pants that you can unzip in the middle to make sure it's you're like that's our guy that's that's that's dead fish or bite dead giveaway yeah and so the lady in the burqa would walk up and she would just grab the arm of the girl. It would kind of be like one of these. And then the other arm, like this, tighten, tight here, and then she does a whole henna,
Starting point is 00:35:17 just like this, within like 30 seconds. And the girl's like, no, I don't want it. But then it's like, it's already half done. She's like, no, don't worry, don't worry, don't worry, for free free for free she pulling out some of them pull yeah I'm number just like just do it right you know and then it's like sometimes even throw sparkles on there and by the end 30 seconds 30 sec max max I mean maybe like 15 and then the girl be like oh like okay like
Starting point is 00:35:42 I'll give you some and the woman will be like, oh, like, okay, like I'll give you some, and the woman will be like, their price, you'd always hear, or I always heard, 40 euros. You're sitting back there sipping on tea, and just like watching, and it was 40 euros. 40 euros is the price I kept hearing, was like their first starter point. Because you get those big fish that are like, okay, like here's 40 euros, I guess. Right, right, why not?
Starting point is 00:36:02 And they're like, yeah, like just leave me alone. I was shocked. Some people pay the 40 euros, which would make like, make a month. I mean, you may as, you gotta take a chance. You gotta take a chance. You have to. If you're them, I'm saying if you're the dealers.
Starting point is 00:36:16 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was in Dominican Republic, I had my friend who was like Dominican, and he was like, acted as my at home like guide, about what should I do, what should I go, what about this? And when he was like, I was like on the beach, I had this fresh fruit salad, I was like, it was like, acted as my at home guide, about what should I do, what should I go, what about this, and when he was like, I was like, on the beach, I had this fresh fruit salad,
Starting point is 00:36:27 I was like, it was like 10 bucks, so he goes, you paid asking price? You fucking rookie tourist. I'm like, damn it, he already made it. He already made it. It feels terrible. Yeah. It feels fun to watch, terrible in the moment.
Starting point is 00:36:39 Like how much should it be? It goes like three to five. It's the worst when you go back to the hostel and one guy's like, oh, I got it for three, how much do you get it for? And you're like, yeah, let's not three to five. It's the worst when you go back to the hostel and one guy's like, oh, I got it for three. How much do you get it for? And you're like, um, yeah, let's not talk about it. I think also three. I think 295.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Yeah, I think even a little lower. But so I was there for 10 days. And eventually I felt like I had my routine and then I went to a new chicken place and I thought I had the look in my eye where I'm not getting ripped off. I sat down, I ordered the chicken, it was really good. Lentils, a whole nine, the loaf of bread.
Starting point is 00:37:08 And I went to pay and it was like 60 Durham. And I took it personally, because it was like, I couldn't walk, how do you walk out of there? It's hard to bargain for something already after you ate. You know, I just felt like so shitty after that meal that I bought a bus ticket that day and just got out of there.
Starting point is 00:37:23 I headed for the mountains. These street sweepers, they're doing a good job. I mean that's like one down up. Nice. They're hitting water pressure from both ways. Okay, he's actually doing something. Oh, he's walking with the rope. That actually be kind of a fun job. You know, like when your dad's like, hey, power wash the, you know, power wash something, whatever, like the car, the front porch, whatever, the lawn. You're like, no, I don't really want to.
Starting point is 00:37:49 And then you start doing it. You're like, okay, this is actually fun. Like you're getting in like, okay, getting that crack a little bit. Interesting. Well, let's see. We're back on. Yeah, we're back on. And then I went to the other mountain town, Chef Chowen.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Yeah. Had you known anyone who's been there before? Yeah, that's a popular, that's on the track. Okay. So back on the backpacker loop. What's the track? Tell them what the track is. So backpacker, you either start in Tangier
Starting point is 00:38:17 or you start in Marrakesh. But like what a backpacker track means in general. Oh, okay. It's just, you go to a new place and you think you're gonna be in one city and then it's just you go to a new place and you think you're gonna be in one city and then it's like you hear about the backpacker loop and it's like there's five or six places nearby that everybody goes to. And they all kind of have their own spunk. So Marrakesh like you go there
Starting point is 00:38:35 for the souq you stay for two days because otherwise it'll beat you down. And then you go to the Atlas Mountains for a half day or a day. I had time so I was there for a week. I supposed to be there for two but like I said kind of got weird Then there's a souerda which they filmed like some Game of Thrones in so it's kind of a destination. It's on the coast Oh interesting. Yeah, so it's great oysters You can just walk to the dock in the morning and they have like fresh seafood and you just it's like an oysters Maybe like I don't know 30 or 50 cents
Starting point is 00:39:03 Maybe prices fluctuate every morning, but the longer you go there cheaper it gets he's like, oyster is maybe like, I don't know, 30 or 50 cents maybe. Prices fluctuate every morning, but the longer you go there, cheaper it gets. He's like, okay, lower price, lower price. But they're so fresh, you know, he's like squeezing the lemon on there and you're like, okay, another one, man, this is too good. And the backpacker truck is like, this is just like after you're in this town,
Starting point is 00:39:18 a lot of people, there's another town that's kind of got some hostels, you know, like some shit to do. There's some towns where there's really nothing to do. I've done this too, where you're like, let me check out this, I see a map, I see another town, I'm just gonna go. And you go there, you might even find a hostel,
Starting point is 00:39:32 not a shitty one or whatever, and then it hits you pretty fast, like there's a reason there's no hostel here. There's nothing to do. There's not a souq, there's not a good market, there's like a grocery store, and it's like, this is far lamer. There's not any hikes. There's not any like hot springs. There's nothing. It's a it's just a it's just a
Starting point is 00:39:51 fucking port town. But have you ever had a great experience in one of those places? You're like, I'm gonna stick this out. Yeah, for sure. Like, wow, for sure. For sure. Something to be said about that. Yeah, true. Absolutely. Because the thing with a backpacker out is it's always what's next. So you get to Esowarit and then it's like, okay, we're going to Casablanca. Right. Or Fez. Fez is on the
Starting point is 00:40:12 route. That's like another marketplace. Chef Chawan's on the route because like two crowds go there. Instagram, addicted people because painted blue. So it's like they need that picture. Wow. The whole city is not a whole city I'd say like 60% is all blue. She'll show up chef Shaolin Shaolin for short if you want to be like, yeah, I want to Shaolin Shaolin I'll never say that in my life. I definitely will and have so they're Shaolin and then the other market that goes there is Your mic by the way, are we good? Yeah, we're good.
Starting point is 00:40:45 Cool. Is just Stoners because they have some of the best quality hash in the world. It's all the stuff that gets shipped up to Amsterdam. And they have fields of it, like you're driving into town from the mountains and you're just like, oh that's fields of marijuana, cool. And you get to town and like that's the first.
Starting point is 00:41:02 Totally illegal. Totally, or blurred lines, like illegal, but everybody does it. Yeah, you know, so it's like one of those deals. Um, so that's the crowd you get chef Shao and but you have the back record loop is all like what's next. Okay. That's why it's hard to go to a hostel when you're on like a long-term like let's call it the vagabonding thing. You're like I'm on the road for two three years. Then you get that group that's in to go to a hostel when you're on like a longterm, like let's call it the vagabonding thing, and you're like I'm on the road for two, three years,
Starting point is 00:41:28 then you get that group that's in there who's trying to fit all of Morocco in in one week or two weeks. And you're like, yeah, you're fucking this up. You're kind of like, man, yeah, it's like there's a little disconnect. But yeah, so Chef Chowen's on the route, and then people go from Chef Chowen to Tangier.
Starting point is 00:41:44 I got some mash by the way. Did you buy it here? Got it here. Didn't buy it. So that guy had the picnic last night. He was Moroccan. He was slinging hash. I thought I sent him your way. He didn't you never came over. I just wasn't buying but I also had a little bit where I got some at a bar. Someone's like, smoke weed. Yeah, I mean, if you're looking for it right now, but yeah, I'll'll smoke with you and he went and got some hash from the
Starting point is 00:42:07 bouncer and he was like broke some up and put it in a fucking with the spliff you know and then he's like here take this I was like okay yep save that for later yeah we're gonna do the washbacks in it but I'll find it later we'll figure it out yeah that probably a good chance. Maybe like in from Morocco, chef's shout that the, that's the riff mountains. Okay. Um, as a small town, again, like a, maybe a two day town, people are like, okay, I smoked hash and chef's shout and I'm done. Right. I checked something off a list, right? Whatever. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:42:42 If they want to be like that, that's fine. Right. It's like, whatever. That was there. That was, that was the place that maybe stayed the list. Right, whatever. It's fine. If they want to be like that, it's fine. Right. It's like whatever. That was there. That was that was the place I maybe stayed the longest. I was there for a little over two weeks. And yeah, that was where they also had that holiday. I was there for the holiday of Eid, the Muslim holiday. EID? EID. We all have the power to shape the world. We're connected to the world we share, to each other. I am future. I wait in world of Echo. Discover the extraordinary with Echo, the spectacular new show by Cirque du Soleil.
Starting point is 00:43:15 Now playing under the big top at Toronto Lakeshore Boulevard West. The world is yours to create. Tickets at Cirque du Echo thanks its presenting presenting partners Sun Life and its official partners Air Canada and MasterCard. What happens when 20 extremely athletic Canadians who thrive on competition
Starting point is 00:43:34 and won't settle for less than number one find themselves on a team? Taking on jaw-dropping obstacles all across Canada is one thing. Working together on a team with some pretty big personalities is another. It's a new season of Canada's Ultimate Challenge, and sparks are gonna fly. New episode, Sundays.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Watch free on CBC GM. I see it longer. It's like eat out. Oh really? Yeah. I'll see it in my iPhone sometimes. Yeah. It'll be like, yeah, yeah, yeah, come up. It's a big holiday. It's like eat out. Oh really? Yeah. I'll see it in my iPhone sometimes. Yeah. It's a big holiday. It's like commemorating.
Starting point is 00:44:09 I see that in Battle of Boin. Battle of Boin. That's a UK holiday. We should check into that. Yeah. That could be interesting. Yeah. For some reason I'm getting like images of like LARPing,
Starting point is 00:44:18 like everybody goes and like puts on their armor and. That's right. That'd be fun. Yeah. Some guys got a bow and arrow. It's like totally ineffective, like Nerf gun. Yeah. You're just like, oh, you're pointing at me. Yeah, some guys got a bow and arrow. It's like totally ineffective like nerf gun. Yeah Oh, you boy, you gotta be armed down It's like no that would have killed you Day though, right you ever LARP'd fuck you know
Starting point is 00:44:37 even ask your fucking You did I Considered it that you know, you'd be at school and you'd walk by the park and it's like, there's like some guy having a lightsaber fight and then there'd be like the LARPers. Do you call them LARPers? LARPers, yeah. And I'm LARPing. I was gonna say if a hot chick asked me, but honestly now that I'm thinking about it, if
Starting point is 00:44:56 a cute, if a six asked me, like we should do it, it's fun. I'd be like, yep, I want to. Really? Yeah. Six. A six. That's all it would take. I don to really yeah six a six that's all I would turn on man six point two for me it's like maybe two or three I'd go a two if a two just for yeah a disgusting fat chick no no not not six out of ten I would go I'm saying if a six no no I got it yeah yeah two or three oh you're saying if a
Starting point is 00:45:18 fucking I have a I kind of want to do it all right you're ready to go you know I kind of I'd be like the the net and trident guy. Like gladiator. So you throw a net, tangle him up, you got trident. OK. Anyways, LARPing in Morocco. But no, I was there for the holiday. OK, Eid.
Starting point is 00:45:38 Eid. And what are they celebrating there? It's the commemorance of Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son. Cool story. Yeah. And so... His willingness to sacrifice his son. So you're there, and it's kind of like a week leading up to Christmas in a big city.
Starting point is 00:45:56 Like everybody, there's a little energy in the air. 12 days of Christmas, right? But instead of chestnuts roasting some vendor, it's like all these vendors popped up and all their whole job is just sharpening knives. So it's like, okay, like that's a new sound and smell and there's a lot of them. Like, so you, you know, there's like one in every little neighborhood and they're just sharpening knives all day. So that's like the kind of the first thing you see.
Starting point is 00:46:19 And then you start paying attention. It's like, okay, there's a goat, like some guys walking a goat, there's a sheep, two sheep going up into that apartment building. So you start looking at that, you're like, okay, like, I can connect these dots pretty easily. And then you to the holiday. And it's like every family has a goat or sheep, if they can afford it, go sheeps in some bigger towns cows. And the butcher comes by with the
Starting point is 00:46:43 sharpened knives and sacrifices the sheep, goat, cow, whatever, in commemorance to Abraham's willingness. I love how you like, but it doesn't seem that natural to me. It's as natural as like whatever, Christmas, Thanksgiving, whatever holiday you celebrate. Hetafalio, yeah, it's normal. Like the kids are, the night before the kids kids are singing in the street. Oh, interesting. Like looking forward to it. But the day of, it is not an exaggeration to say
Starting point is 00:47:09 that the alleyways were actually running with blood. Swear. Really? Yeah. Like there's, they're stepping over puddles of blood. Wow. And then, and then like the, then there'll be piles of the skin.
Starting point is 00:47:25 Wow. It's like, OK, we use everything but the skin. And so there's a pile of skin for this neighborhood. Goats. Like goat skin, whatever, sheep skin. Wow. And then there's also something really interesting, which is, so they chop the head off.
Starting point is 00:47:40 And in each neighborhood, everything's kind of split by neighborhoods. There's one neighborhood butcher that goes to every house, and he does the but by neighborhoods. Like there's one neighborhood butcher that goes to every house and he does the butchering. And there's one neighborhood group typically that does the roasting of the heads. So you chop the heads. I have a picture of this I can send you. Like I pose with like a big head.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Yeah. Sheep heads roasting on an open farm. On an open farm. Yeah, I wanna see that picture. Yeah. But so you drop them off. It's just the whole sheep head. Just the head, you know? And you give it to the neighborhood I want to,
Starting point is 00:48:14 and like sat there with the guys doing it. There were like teenagers who were just trying to make an extra buck, and they had a bed mattress, kinda like these ones, but not wooden, like steel, and they they put coals under it and they would just drop the heads on there and roast them and the hooves too, hooves too and then they'd kind of like skin it after it's totally blackened and then they deliver it back to the family because then the family can eat the brain and that's like a big delicacy. It cooks in the head? Yeah, it's like a huge delicacy. So then you're just like
Starting point is 00:48:43 walking around town. So your brain is going and make it for you. Yes. And then deliver any and you're watching you're walking around town. You're like, okay, stepping over this like puddle of blood puddle. But what are they roasting? Is that something I can eat? Is that street food? And I was like, Oh, that's a head. Whoa, wow. And, you know, because they're chopped. I mean, they've got machetes and you know, so that was an interesting day. Where are you staying? I was in a hospital at that point.
Starting point is 00:49:02 So that was an interesting day. Where are you staying? I was in a hostel at that point. And it was it, but also no shop, everybody's closed. And it's not like, it's like you're closed on Eid and the day after. So no taxis are going. So if you're in the city when it happens. Eid and the day after.
Starting point is 00:49:20 I think it's even a few more days, but those are two days it's like non-negotiable closed. So it becomes a thing of wherever you are on Eid, you're there. And so the hostel's pretty empty. And so when nobody came, I was like- Is there anybody in the streets? Is there cars driving?
Starting point is 00:49:32 No, I mean, it's like everybody's with their family. Right. I mean, there's the guy that's like dropping off the head. Yeah. But that's it. Nobody's working, they're with their families. So the hostel's pretty empty because nobody was getting to it, nobody was leaving.
Starting point is 00:49:44 So it was like a core group of like six of us. Yeah. There's like the vegan girl that's like, I can't stand this, like, get me out of here. Yeah, you always got that character. I think she actually did find a taxi paid him an obscene amount of money just to drive for like around the mountains. Because you also she's like, I don't want to hear it. I don't hear what like the goats back because it's like a small town. Yeah. dying the sound of multiple animals die. Well, it's a lot. Yeah. multiple is a small word for
Starting point is 00:50:11 because like every family and then like the apartment is stacked. So you kind of get her point of view. But it's also like, they don't see it that way. Like this is a huge holiday for us like we are eating meat and we don't like eat a lot of meat and this is a big deal. Wow. So in that town there was like a street food that I'd always go to. It was snails and then there's another pot boiled snails. Snails like like here? Yeah. Like you just take a toothpick and you're going at them. You take a toothpick and you gotta go in the shell. I had escargot here like I don't know what that is.
Starting point is 00:50:41 That just boiled snails? Yeah but what it is is it's like one of those things you know the Fibonacci sequence okay yeah and so they just come with like a bunch of green the book on these ones I was getting on it yeah and I ordered it once wrong I was like poignan like and he said something back like way different than I said and I was like yeah yeah yeah they give you a clamp oh okay saying man. Come on man. Yeah. Be cool about it. They give you a clamp. Oh, okay. Tongs to clamp onto the shell shell and these two, like a fork with just two long things
Starting point is 00:51:11 and you get into the shell, you clamp, hold, it's hot, get the fork in there, pull out the meat. You can't see any of the meat. No, there's a technique to it. And you pull it out and then go for it. And the juice after, are you like? Today I got it and there was no bread. The rest, the first time I got it, dumped that, the bread.
Starting point is 00:51:32 Yeah, that sounds great. Cause it's probably buttery sauce. With these like that, where you can't even see the fucking thing? Yeah. Okay. Oh, well yeah, yeah, sometimes. But I didn't have like a special,
Starting point is 00:51:41 so first I was using my hands, so my hands are burning. Yeah, it's hot. Really hot, man. Yeah, I didn't know they'd already put it on I was using my hands, so my hands are burning. Yeah, it's hot. Really hot, man. I didn't know they'd already put it on the table the first time, the fork and the thing, and I was like, how do you do that? I had to go online and look up how you do it. As you're sitting at the table.
Starting point is 00:51:53 I need the fork and the clamp, and he goes, yeah, yeah, they're right there. That's funny when you're in a country, and you're like, how do I eat this? Yeah. Like I ate artichoke. How do I eat this? Not is it good?
Starting point is 00:52:02 How do I even accomplish a task of eating? It's artich you know what? Yeah, yeah, it was embarrassing. I never ate artichoke before. And it's just like, it hits the table and it's like, is this a Pokemon? Like what am I supposed to do with this thing? Yeah, you don't know you're supposed to
Starting point is 00:52:16 peel it off. And so I'm like, okay, and it didn't come with any sauces, so I just tear them off. I'm like, okay, I guess you just pop this in. So I started just popping them in. Like I took a two to be like good measure. And I'm just chewing, man. All right, I'm like, okay, I guess you just pop this in. So I started just popping them in. Like I took a two to be like good measure. And I'm just chewing man. All right, I'm just.
Starting point is 00:52:28 Okay, like it's just like, it's kind of a weird appetite. It's like I'm losing my appetite. This is like 10 minutes later. And then they had the little black spikes on the top of the leaf. So at one point, like it gets in my gum and I like pull, you know, it's like bleeding a little bit. I'm like, this is just like, no, why you guys do this?
Starting point is 00:52:43 The guy came over and he like showed me anyways, but so yeah, snails. Yeah, this is like you grab it with your hands. Their hands are I guess they're just immune to the heat and they have a toothpick and they're just going they're professionals. So I was eating one of these things. It's like 20 cents for a good bowl. And I was asking just the guys at the other at the stand like, Hey, like what are you guys doing for Eid? And there was one who spoke English, and he's like, oh, I'm doing this.
Starting point is 00:53:08 And then he kinda got that I wanted an invite, but he's like, let me talk to a friend to see if he can get you there. That friend couldn't take me, but he had a friend. And he goes, hey, this family, they don't speak any English, they're my friends, they're good people, they said you're welcome at their house, do you wanna go?
Starting point is 00:53:24 Do you think there's any sort of like In Judaism, there's a commandment from Abraham. Is that out? No fuck of a bridge to take in travelers Abraham predates it's the Abraham's kids were the ones that split up Islam and Judaism. Okay, so Abraham is but is both our religions father. Yes, right? So we both have the sacrifice of Isaac Isaac Ishmael. I think after Isaac was where it split off. Maybe I gotta think about it. We don't even go. It doesn't really matter. Yeah. Um, but Abraham would take in travelers. He was a better way. Right. And if you're walking by the desert,
Starting point is 00:54:01 it was like, Hey man, come on in for a meal. And like that's Abrahamic. You should be taking people in. Is that you? Do you get the sense? There was that it was like, hey man, come on in for a meal. And like that's Abrahamic. You should be taking people in. Is that do you get the sense? There was that thing of like, hey man, there's a fucking out of towner here. Someone should take him in. Definitely there was because there's also on eat. It's like one third of the meat is supposed to go to the people who can't afford meat.
Starting point is 00:54:20 So it's like worst case scenario, like the homeless people essentially, worst case scenario, I kind of qualify. I'm like, I can get somebody who can't get food anywhere. Yeah. At least get the third that's like promised to these people. Yeah. But yeah, that's the thing. And they, they look at the, um, in Islam, I think it's like a guest is like sent from Allah, from God. So it's like, you want to take them in. It's like a good thing. Good omen.
Starting point is 00:54:43 Chef Shawin. Chef Shawin. Okay. Yeah. It's sent from God take them in. It's like a good thing. Good omen. Chef Shaoan. Chef Shaoan. Okay. Yeah. It's sent from God to give you a chance to do a good deed. So this family, I guess was like, yeah, I'm cool with that. Like that's like, Oh sick. Yes. Traveler. Yeah. I've been waiting to do this. Yeah. So there's, actually in Judaism, there's a, there's a, I think on Passover, I forget now it's past, there's a custom to like take people in, but who's out? Everyone's got their family thing.
Starting point is 00:55:08 So some of the local, like older high school kids, 17, 18, they'll just walk down the streets so that people get the chance to do like, hey, come on in, they'll come in, they'll have a couple bites. Like you did it, okay, next. Where you want, did you do that? No. No? No. It's like Halloween, it's like knock knock.
Starting point is 00:55:25 But imagine you have a good deed, get closer to God if somebody, if you can give out candy, but no one's out there getting candy. So you're helping me get closer to God by going door to door. It's a win-win. It's a win-win.
Starting point is 00:55:36 That's a good win-win too. Yeah, oh yeah. Interesting. Okay, so they're taking you in. This one family's like, I gotcha, I got them. Sweet. Yeah, so score, I'm happy, I one family is like, I gotcha, I got them. Sweet. Yeah, so score, I'm happy, I'm like, okay, I'm gonna go experience this thing.
Starting point is 00:55:49 I didn't know anything about the family. How long have you been here in this town at this point? I was here for, at this point, maybe like 10, 11, 12 days. Wow. Yeah, it took me a while. I took a lot of no's. I got shut down a couple times, because it was just like logistics too.
Starting point is 00:56:04 It's like, hey, I'm gonna be out My family's place in like the mountains and nobody's driving back and forth. So there's a lot of little side quests like this Okay, but a family lived in town. They're like, yes, we can take you and we arranged it through the friend of a friend at the snail stand Like okay, they'll come to your posthostle. He'll pick you up and he'll walk you just be outside at 10 a.m. 9 a.m. Whatever it was So I got up put on put on my polo and I was like, okay, let's do this thing and he was waiting outside That was your nicest shirt. Yeah. Yeah, I'm not wearing it now, but yeah, I carry one polo with me If it just in case never clean you're like I'll be not upscale enough, but it's better than I got Yeah, you know, it's like fair, I'm giving you the best I got.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Yeah. And, you know, not much, but it's honest. Yeah. I think I said that once after I had sex with a girl. It's not much. It's not much, but at least it's honest. Your cock, your dick. Just like the performance overall.
Starting point is 00:57:03 It's like, all right. It just came to mind. Yeah Just like cuz I want I love that phrase like it's not much But it's honest. I will give you three and a half minutes. You can count on that. You can take it or leave it. Yeah anyways That wasn't happening here. I Was outside at 10 a.m. And he came and he came and he came with his little sister. 10 a.m. 10 a.m. okay yeah that's when the day's getting started. They're like in
Starting point is 00:57:30 Paris it's like similar it's like nobody's really up at 7, 8, 9. Yeah but I figured I figured they would take they would get you for the feast that would be a nighttime feast. Well they kind of start at lunch it's like a Thanksgiving thing you kind of like a pre meal yeah. Yeah. Dude Thanksgiving is over by like 4 p.m. Thanksgiving dinner is over by 4 p.m. Well he has some weird families to do it. My It's like a Thanksgiving thing. You kind of have like a pre-meal. Yeah. Dude, Thanksgiving is over by like 4 PM. Thanksgiving dinner is over by 4 PM. Well, he has some weird families to do it. My family's not like that, man. We go into the night.
Starting point is 00:57:50 Yeah, right. Yeah. And even if you start at four, it's like going till nine. It's just so weird to start at four. Like we're eating at four. We never eat at four. Have a lunch, start at seven. Like we're just getting done with our football game.
Starting point is 00:58:02 Like give me some time to like like, shower, clean myself up. Yeah. OK. But yeah, 10 AM. 10 AM, I was outside the hostel. He came with his little sister, and they walked me. And you know, it's just like the classic exchange, like, hey, hi, good, good, good, good.
Starting point is 00:58:18 Yeah. You know, this little, you know, dance. And we walked to his place. Everything was normal. Everything was like okay cool like I'm excited. The door opened. Little apartment. They kind of parted ways. Who? The little girl, his sister. So there's the guy about my age who's like my kind of invite like he's the one that said like yes you can come to with my family. Yeah, so there's him. He's like 21 Have you heard the new rock button? That's a journey album
Starting point is 00:58:55 There's this little sister they walk in and they kind of just split they go to different sides of the room Okay, the mom comes and greets me. Okay, I don't see a dad room. Okay, the mom comes and greets me. Okay, I don't see a dad. Mom greets me. She moves out of the way to the side. And out of the there's like a doorway inside that I'm like walking in this home. Out of a doorway comes a girl who's in a white silk. I mean, it is a silk dress like this thing shining. How old are we talking? At first, I thought at first I thought high teens. Turns out she's like low 20s.
Starting point is 00:59:28 Okay. And the dress is like embroidered, embroidered, yeah and gold. I noticed immediately she had like... White silk dress. Embroidered in gold. She had flowers. Very clean. She had fresh flowers in her hair. Like with somar? Not like, you know when you see those fake flowers, like those are kind of cheesy. No, these were like, someone plucked these things. Like, these are fresh flowers, yellow. Remember, because she had black hair. No, no, no, like a crown, a crown.
Starting point is 00:59:58 A crown. And I remember, because there was a contrast, she had long black hair, kind of went down like her hips type thing. And immediately you just can you can tell when someone spent time on their appearance and a lot of time, like not just like I'm throwing on my wrinkly polo, like no, like our hour, two hours, something. I'm looking good. Looking good.
Starting point is 01:00:20 I was like, you know who she is? Well, she's like, presumably part of this family. Okay. And then it kind of clicked. They're like, wait a second. Like? Well, she's like, presumably part of this family. Okay. And then it kind of clicked. They're like, wait a second. Like, there's this. There's some symbolic presentation going on here, like the family separate. Wait, the little sisters not dressed like that? No, is the mom? No, the mom's like in cooking gear.
Starting point is 01:00:37 She's got like an apron on. She's like working. They're in their Jalaba, which is like the, like the men wear the Jalaba. It's like a the Muslim dress. The guy was in it. The little girl was in one, but it was just like a little cotton one with like, you know, might have had some stains on it. This one was like distinctly like you could walk down the aisle in this thing. And that's kind of what it was.
Starting point is 01:00:59 That's how I know, I was like, you don't wear a flower crown for sport. Like I get it's a holiday. And I really knew once like she greeted me and I'm like, Oh, this is this is a warm greeting. What do you mean? What do you mean? What do you mean? Like, typically, what's going on? I walk in and I will she like hugs me and kisses me. Or? Yeah, like we hope we embrace. And then I they she leads me into a room. I take off my shoes everybody takes off her shoes they go into the side room and
Starting point is 01:01:29 there's just like a full spread of cakes and dips and little nuts and this and tea and she sits me down and she just starts serving me The girl the white dress girl. Yeah, what's her name? Do you know? She don't know. Okay. And yeah, just you know, it didn't take too long to be like, wait a second. Like this is, this is not just... What's going on? Well, they're essentially offering... That's, this is crazy. Yeah. They're offering her to you? They're offering their daughter. Yeah. They're offering her to you. They're offering their daughter.
Starting point is 01:02:09 And I came over for the feast. So I'm just here for dinner. Yeah. Like I would have found a better polo. I might have bought something. I might have bought something. I would have brushed my teeth at least. So I sit down and I'm like eating this cake and I'm like trying to navigate. I'm like, okay, wait a second. How do we do this? Like she's sitting beside me. Like I drink a little bit of my tea and it just like fills up really quick. Like the thing just keeps filling. I'm like,
Starting point is 01:02:32 Alcoholic? Non-alcoholic? No, no, no, non-alcoholic. Never alcohol. But like just like I'm getting great service. Like, you know, when you see a cake and you're like, I want that slice, I'd get that slice every time. She would put it right in front of me as soon as I finished. Like if my plate was bare, there'd be something there seconds later. And she was bringing stuff from the kitchen as we finished things.
Starting point is 01:02:50 It was like a hot cake out of the oven. So she was prepping for this. Not only was she getting dressed, she was cooking things this morning. How long in advance of this meal had you got the invite? I got it Friday night and this was Sunday morning. So they had a day, a full day. They kind of had a day, like, okay.
Starting point is 01:03:09 A night to sleep on it and a full day to prepare. I mean, what was she gonna do if you hadn't been there? Probably just normal stuff. Wait, you think they were just like, oh shit, our good luck. Fucking, you know, Norma Jean is like, it's her time. We've been waiting for it, but now it's her time. Take it.
Starting point is 01:03:33 I don't know what they're thinking. Yeah, Zane from Montana. Zane from a place called Mountains. A place called Mountains. Just like us. Yeah, this is perfect. He's 23, She was around that age He seems normal enough. Oh What great prospects? Yeah seems normal enough. I don't know enough
Starting point is 01:03:53 He's got a blue passport It's one of the good. Well, that's what it came. That's that's what so where that's where the story goes So I'm trying to navigate It's hard to get comfortable in that scenario when you're being served and you're like, I'm just a normal dude, like, you know, I'm a backpacker, like I'm used to scrounging by and like next thing you know, you're like, you're a little, you're a little chic, like you're getting served
Starting point is 01:04:16 like a king. It's a little uncomfortable. Yeah, it's like I can like cut my own size. Like I don't need to like, peel, you know, I can peel my own orange. Yeah, you know, like, hand that thing over and give me a knife like I can like cut my own slice. I don't need to like peel, you know, I can peel my own orange. You know, like hand that thing over and give me a knife. Like I can get my hands dirty. And by the way, this is all happening in the butcher, the neighborhood butcher came in with his sharp knives. And by the way, it's scary, cause he's doing like.
Starting point is 01:04:38 Wait, wait, they hadn't already. It happened mid-show, it was like halftime show. During dinner, they're gonna kill the thing? This is like lunchtime. So like, it's like halftime show. During dinner, they're gonna kill the thing? This is like lunchtime, so like, it's like we're snacking, we're doing, they haven't, so that's why we're not eating any meat yet. It's like the equivalent of like, hey we're snacking, let's put the lobsters in the fucking,
Starting point is 01:04:55 cause we're gonna eat in about four hours. Yes, like let's start this. But instead of like just putting lobsters in like boiling water or something, it's like a butcher walks in. For somebody who's wearing white clothes, I didn't get it. Maybe it's symbolic, but like, hey man, your clothes are stained now. You can't wear those again. Stained with what?
Starting point is 01:05:11 Blood. With blood, oh yeah. His shoes, everything, man. And then he just drags the goat out, and you can just tell it's not his first rodeo. He's dragging that thing. He doesn't really care. He's got the next one to do. And I want to say they're supposed to do a prayer. It was all kinda rushed, I was like, what's going on? And then there goes the head. And then quick skinning. First slit the throat, you know, they kinda give it a second to like
Starting point is 01:05:37 yeah, it does like this little thing. You're like, you kinda like wince, but everybody else is like, sweet meat for the week. That's how you gotta reframe this thing. It's like, yeah, they're killing a cute animal, but also like- No one else is weirded out by it. Nobody else. I mean, like I said, there's that little girl
Starting point is 01:05:56 and she was like right up there, frontline ticket. Like she was like not flinching at all. And it's making sounds and stuff. So I did this in Sardinia too, but it's making sounds and stuff. So I did this in Sardinia too. But it's just like totally like, hey, like this is how else do you get meat? Like, and thinking of it like that, like, that's probably better than going to Costco or Walmart and buying something that's been in a plant, like, at least
Starting point is 01:06:19 they're connected to know, like, this is how you get meat. So but I didn't really understand why they did in the kitchen. That was kind of funny. It's like, hey, this is how you get meat. So but I didn't really understand why they did in the kitchen. That was kind of funny. It's like, Hey, there's a little better. Yeah, it's like, now we have to clean it. Because also like shits while you're like cutting it. It's like shits. Yeah, it's shit all over like all over. So I wouldn't have expected it. It makes sense on the sandals. I'm like, he didn't even like flinch. He's
Starting point is 01:06:38 just like, there's just a little more on the sandals now. But it made a mess. And it's like, shouldn't we be taking this maybe like outside, but then you want to close like the kitchen and I guess I don't know. They chop the hooves the head, I guess that got delivered at some point to the barbecue guys. Go grill that shit up, grill that up so we can have it. Because the meat and so they hang the meat and they're like, okay, now it needs some time to
Starting point is 01:07:03 detensify like you can't eat the meat right away because it's too the hormones, there's too much hormones in the meat and they're like, okay, now it needs some time to detensify. Like you can't eat the meat right away because it's too, the hormones, there's too much hormones in the meat. So it doesn't taste good, it's too tense. So you let it sit for a while. Yeah. So that's going on. Like, that was like a halftime show.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Like we all left the couch, watched it in the kitchen and then came back. And then it became a thing of well they said they want to go to the mosque i'm like okay that's like what we do midday like just like a prayer is part of yeah that's what i thought because i heard like you go at certain points of the day on eid it's important to go to the mosque so i was down christmas prayer yeah yeah and i was in by this way by the point by the way i'm in like a jelaba at this point Yeah, like they gave me, you know some garments to wear so I'm fully in I'm like, yeah
Starting point is 01:07:50 I'll go to the mosque, especially when I'm looking like this. Like I got my little you know, I got a dress on yeah, I'm looking pretty fly like it's better than my polo and Something something felled off though and I don't know what gave it away, but I'd be like, let me just call my friend real quick. So you think they're giving her to you. It's it's, but do they say like, do they say, it's like they did everything, but say that.
Starting point is 01:08:18 So it's like, she's sitting by me. She's serving me. They're sitting on the other side. They're all giggling, you know, they're They're speaking in the, I forget the name, but it sounds like there's a Moroccan dialect of Arabic. Okay. And you don't understand what they're saying. But in those scenarios, I understand what you're saying.
Starting point is 01:08:33 Like you guys aren't just giggling, looking at us like that for, just giggling to look at us like that. Look at these lovebirds. You know how they are. Young love, man. Just like young love. Love at first sight.
Starting point is 01:08:48 Jesus. And so I called my buddy just to kind of clarify the situation. Who speaks the language. And I handed the phone to the guy in the room. They talked. Took my phone back and the guy's like, hey, you're going to mosque right now to convert to Islam and I go No I'm gonna go say a few prayers. He goes no The guy is saying that you're going to convert to Islam So so that I mean because you need to convert to Islam before you marry his sister is what he's saying He's like, oh, yeah, and you're like what's going on there? I'm like, wait a second. Like A, I'm not converting to Islam right now. Like let me do some research.
Starting point is 01:09:29 B, I'm definitely not marrying his sister. She's cute and the cakes were incredible. But like, it's like, you know. No, this has nothing to do with love of cakes, honestly. The cakes would have got me there. It's not, it's nothing to do with that. I'm not gonna lie. They got me close, man.
Starting point is 01:09:45 Like just, you know. Like wait, so she would make these like forever? Are these like a weekly thing? How much did the mom help? Bi-weekly? I wanna know how much the mom helped. Is this her or what? That's a good, that's a good note.
Starting point is 01:09:56 Like was the mom just like. Did I see you cook this? I did, you know. Or were they just give it to you to give to me? Good note, you'd have to check into that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Also, you know, before you do research, before you gotta see who's making the cake, do research.
Starting point is 01:10:08 Yeah, I'm gonna turn the light off. Yeah, yeah, and so I go, that's not the situation. You know, I'm telling my friend, he's like, no, he's like, you're in trouble, that is the situation. And I go, okay, explain to them as nicely as you can, as respectful as possible, that I appreciate being here, meeting everybody, but I just came to experience this feast. I'm not looking to convert.
Starting point is 01:10:32 I'm like, I'm not gonna convert, I'm not gonna marry a girl today. No offense to Islam, no offense to the marriage of the girl. No, no offense to the general. I don't know if you know, I'm a marriage type. I'm kind of like, you know, my persona of being a guy that bounces town to town is like probably the opposite of what-
Starting point is 01:10:46 This is what you want, bro. Yeah. I'm here to knock people up and not, you know, and not get found. Yeah, so it became that scenario and then my excuse was, yeah, your father was an Irish or Canadian or something. Yeah, just like- That's the story of you, you know. It's like, yeah, I don't really know. Bill, Jim, I don't know, something like that. He was supposed to or Canadian or something. That's what that's the story of you know, it's like, I don't really know. Bill
Starting point is 01:11:06 Jim, I don't know. Yeah, it's traveling, man. And I just told them, I said, Hey, like, I can't know where you're but they didn't buy that. That's the thing. Just like I said, I told them I cannot convert to Islam today. I need to do some research. Their response was by the way, at this point my friend, he's like, you gotta deal with this, I gotta go to my party, hung up. And so we're pulling this in translated,
Starting point is 01:11:29 we're going back and forth. I said, I need to do research before I convert to Islam. Like Google Translate? Google Translate, pass it back. Couple minutes, pass it back. I can't do this, I need to. I need to do research. I need to do research.
Starting point is 01:11:41 I think, yeah. Yeah, you've just spun this on me. I thought that was a good excuse, like let me do some research. That is a good excuse. That is a good excuse. I thought so too. That should work to do research. I think it, yeah. Yeah, you've just sprung this on me. I thought that was a good excuse. Like, let me do some research. That is a good excuse. That is a good excuse. I thought so too. That should work. And then the fog gets passed back,
Starting point is 01:11:49 and I look, and it's, do research after, it's better that way. And I'm like. That's also a good response. It's good. That's a good response. That's a good counter. You'll learn as you go.
Starting point is 01:12:01 Yeah, like, figure it out. It all flows, man. Like, what are you doing in that situation? I saw a Quora, you know Quora? Like the animated? No, like on the internet, you ask a question, and people answer. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, sure.
Starting point is 01:12:14 And it was like about here, because I was coming here. And they go like, how do I find a cafe in Paris? You Googled that? No, no, no, no. I was looking for things to do in Paris. That was one of the things I saw. And the answer was like, oh dude, it's not like that. Just go outside.
Starting point is 01:12:29 He goes, no, no, but I wanna see where. Dude, it's really not like that. Literally go outside. And just walk 40 seconds and you'll see a cafe. And so it was like, wait, why am I saying that about you? Marriage, goats getting slaughtered. Oh no, they're like, oh no dude, that's not the way to, don't worry about getting a cafe ahead of time. Yeah, yeah, yeah, right.
Starting point is 01:12:52 Just like, don't worry about the answer. Don't worry. No, no, yeah, yeah, you should learn to do this. It's a lifelong learning. There's no way. It's a good counter. Don't let that slow you down. Yeah, it's like, okay.
Starting point is 01:13:01 But also I don't want to convert to Islam, because it was also in 30 minutes. Like that's the service, like we gonna go at the service and like you're already dressed for it like good And it's like no like now. I'm a little uncomfortable. I don't yeah, I'm just like no I can't So then I plug in my phone like hey Your sister's really nice Cakes are great. Yeah, cakes are okay. Cakes are great. I wanna be on the record here.
Starting point is 01:13:26 Those cakes are fucking bomb. I actually did put that in the translator at one point. I made a note like her cakes, because they were good, man. I don't know if it was because they were warm, the texture, it was just great. I remember putting that, I remember distinctly putting that in the translator.
Starting point is 01:13:38 Fresh out of the oven oven of a marriage cake. I'm like, is this weird to say? But no, her cakes were awesome. Yeah. And I just told them, because my mom is, my mom is from Syria. I said, hey listen, my mom has a woman I'm promised to in Syria.
Starting point is 01:13:50 Which is, you know, bullshit. But they were like, oh, okay, like, yeah, I guess that makes sense. They took that. Yeah, like, is she Muslim? Smart bro. Is she Muslim? I'm like, yeah, of course. Like, yeah, duh. This girl doesn't exist, right? So, and they yeah, of course. Like, yeah, duh. This girl doesn't exist, right?
Starting point is 01:14:05 So, and they were like, okay. And the girl, I looked at the girl at that point, obviously. And she looked disappointed, but not like crushed. She was like, I disappointed like, wait, how many times has she done this? So then it was like kind of a little bit heavy. Because like her family was, I mean, her mom was excited. How many times has she done this? So then it was like kind of a little bit heavy. Like fuck. Because like her family was, I mean her mom was excited.
Starting point is 01:14:29 Cause it wasn't, I mean this family was like not, not a wealthy family. Like to put on this thing, it was a big deal. And if they get one person in the family to just get a visa and get out of there, changes the game. They could call for the rest. They could call, you know you could you know, you can wire money
Starting point is 01:14:45 you can wire dollars over. It's like you can leave this mountain town. Yeah. And that's where it took like a weird turn. Not a weird turn. It's like a real turn. It's like, okay, like, this is the situation. Like, we have to do this because we like the guy was then plugging things in the translator like, okay, is there any other way you can help us? Like, do you have a business? Can you hire me in the US? Do you have any sisters? Do you have any girls? You're married? Who's saying this? The guy he's like, can I marry? He's like,
Starting point is 01:15:17 Do you have anybody in the states that I can marry? And he's like, he's like, he's like, there's like a hundred million women. And I was all, it was kind of weird. I was like, even if there was one, I don't know, legit, like she would have to come over here, like meet you. Yeah. It's just a meeting in my country. We got to meet ahead.
Starting point is 01:15:37 It's like, yeah, like you got to kind of, they're not all just like looking for husbands. Yeah. They are some of them, but like, it ain't just like anyone willing. Yeah. They're like more discerning than that in my country. And I guess I have to explain to you this whole, this whole mentality of discernment.
Starting point is 01:15:56 Wow, dude. But it just doesn't, it's just not how it's processed. God damn, Zayn. Yeah. So you're sitting there and you're enjoying this cake, and then it's like convert to Islam. No get married No, and it's like, okay now you're in this weird position. Like, okay, there's a goat hanging over there sheep I don't even remember goat sheep. It was a sheep. It's like hanging in the corner
Starting point is 01:16:14 It's dripping blood and you're sitting there in a Jlaba and you're like How like what is the next step here? Yeah Like do you stay for dinner? Like all right, are you staying like you're at this point like do you stay for dinner? Like, are you staying? Like, you're at this point, are you going to prolong it? Okay, I'll kick it here for the day. You ever get into it? You ever go when you were like, 1012 13 years old, and you go over to a friend's house, and he gets to
Starting point is 01:16:36 do a vicious argument with his brother, and then run leaves a table. And you're just stuck there going like, am I still eating? Dad says some weird comment like, yeah stuck there going like, uh, shh. Am I still eating? Dad says some weird comment like, yeah, he's like, I hate this family. And you walk out and you're like, hey dude, that puts me in a real weird spot. Thanks a lot, man.
Starting point is 01:16:53 Yeah, I'm a guest. Can you hold this? Yeah. Yeah. It's like that. Yeah, it's exactly like that. Jesus Christ. It's just an awkward situation. Yeah. With the higher stakes than like, you know, the teenage boy
Starting point is 01:17:07 running to the other room to play some music, get over his emotions. It's like, it's like they want to marry. Blasting POD. Same concept. Yeah. But she just looked at me and she just like, you know, I could tell that maybe this doesn't happen 20 times, but from what I saw, I was like, okay, she's this isn't our first rodeo. Okay, she's maybe taken two or three knows before. But the family was like on like the mom, especially I remember, because mom had cancer too. And it was like a whole deal of like, there's no hospital here, and we don't have money.
Starting point is 01:17:43 The younger sister I'm talking about, so there was another sister in between the girl I was going quote unquote, well the girl I was going to marry, okay, the younger sister, there was another one in between. She came in the room later and the brother was plugging in text about like explaining like who this third sister was. And at one point she hated the situation in this home so much, the poverty and just being, and this isn't like proper chef chow, this isn't like inside the Medina walls,
Starting point is 01:18:10 this is like, because if a backpacker listens to this and like, I was in chef chow, like it's not like you're picturing it like disparity, like well just get outside the city walls, okay, that's where I was. And this middle, she was 14 or 15, at 13 she got, she smuggled herself onto a truck and held onto the bottom of a truck that drove onto a ferry and went to like some island in Spain just because she hated her life.
Starting point is 01:18:34 Eventually they got her, shipped her back. But it was like at 13 she did that with a neighbor in the apartment, like another young kid, and they're like, let's just get out of here. So they're, you know, it's like they're telling me these stories and they're like, let's just get out of here. So they're, you know, it's like they're telling me these stories. And they're also asking for help. And you're also like, what? Like, to backpack, like, I could give you some money, I guess. I you know, it's a weird situation. Yeah, it's a weird
Starting point is 01:18:58 situation. Yeah, it's not an it's not you've never been in that situation. Not weird. Yeah, just like this is unique unique This is new waters to navigate. Yeah I gave some money. I did how much you kill I don't know if you dare hands and no like 15 15 dollars and they're really happy Yeah He's like I pulled it out and he's like give it to my mom and she was like Thank you so much. So the brother asked He didn't ask for money. No, but i'm like, I pulled it out. I'm like, here, man, like, I think you just have
Starting point is 01:19:30 like for the meal and everything. Like, I know, like some work went into this. And I'm not kind of my end of the bargain. Right. He's like, give it to my mom. And she was like, thank you. So was it was the right move here for free because you were gonna do this thing. You're not doing this thing. So hold up your end of the deal. Can you at least? Yeah. Yeah. So that was that day. I didn't stay for dinner.
Starting point is 01:19:55 No, you left. Yeah, I left. Too uncomfortable. What did the brother want? The brother wanted brother wanted a wife. He wanted he just wanted to get out of there at one point when I'm leaving I get out of here that makes sense he goes he plugs this is all translator so it's not like we're just having a conversation like things are just spewing there's just no
Starting point is 01:20:15 it's like he's like thinking he's like what do I type in here this is like a chance for me like yeah this is like my one shot not one shot but like one of my few shots past the phone over this is what that mm song was all about this is now I get it I was in Morocco and that's now I understand I just show one and one of his messages was I hate it here my life you know I like my life is miserable please can you help me and I'm just looking at my phone. Yeah, I was just kind of heavy. Dude. So like, yeah, I want to get you out of here. For sure. Because then it's like a
Starting point is 01:20:55 thing of like they haven't. I was backpacking through their country for five, six weeks. And I've been to more cities than they have. And that was really uncomfortable when we figured that out. Like, where have you been? I'm like, oh, I like I've been to more cities than they have. And that was really uncomfortable when we figured that out. It's like, where have you been? I'm like, oh, I've been here and here. And they're like, oh, I've only been to here. God damn, their world is small.
Starting point is 01:21:14 Yeah, and we don't even think about it. Well, most people don't think about it. Because we can bounce in. God, they haven't even been to their country. We can go for a weekend, we can bounce out. We're in a new world. And they're like, wait, like our bit they were talking about their big trip coming up it was 100 kilometers
Starting point is 01:21:28 away. Like an hour away I don't know what that is an hour away on the coast and they're like we're so excited like we do this each year. Like this is the city we go to like that's their vacation spot. And they're like but I've never been to Esso where it I like that's way down there and there's trains and buses you have to take. And that's expensive. And with his family. And where do we stay?
Starting point is 01:21:49 And that was really uncomfortable. Then they asked for my Instagram at one point. And so now they're seeing pictures of me in different countries. Being rich. Yeah. To them, you know? Yeah, just like, oh wait, he's been to X, Y, and Z?
Starting point is 01:22:04 Are you holding a bottle of Coca-Cola?, what? Yeah, just like, oh wait, he's been to X, Y, and Z? Are you holding a bottle of Coca-Cola? Like, what? Yeah, like I have some pictures, my family does big feasts. Right. I have a big family, my mom has like seven siblings, Middle Eastern, so like when we eat, we eat.
Starting point is 01:22:16 And they, you know, they all worked, you know, they worked hard and they were in the States and they had the opportunities. Sure, yeah. I mean, obviously, yeah. And they're showing like, so like, they were clicking, they had my phone, I wanted to like pull it away. Because they were clicking through stuff. And they're looking at these feasts. At the
Starting point is 01:22:32 same time, I'm saying like, I can't help you, like, I don't have a job for you. But like, wait a second. Like, you can obviously do it. Right. Your lives. Yeah. That's crazy. That's the feeling. That's the feeling. It's like you could change their lives. Just marry it dude. But even with like a certain amount of money already, you should be like, here's something like just like $500. Wait, can you just cut your backpacker trip short
Starting point is 01:22:56 and change our fucking lives forever? That is, and that's like, that's the reality. Like, okay. It's not that much for you. Just go back, you're going back to America anyway. Like skip a month somewhere. Yeah. And like help my family.
Starting point is 01:23:09 Don't take a writing class in Paris. Right, right. Like the amount we paid for this class would have been like. That's it, retirement. Oh, this week in Paris, could have done six, I could have done six months in Morocco. And one week in Paris, I could have done six months in Morocco. Wow.
Starting point is 01:23:26 In one week in Paris. So you know, it's just like, and there's a lot of parts of the world that are like that. But you go to those parts and you're like, oh wow, and we have these conversations and you kind of leave and you kind of forget about it. That's the weirdest thing about it. It's like you kind of have to be reminded. So how did you get out of there? What did you do? Yeah, you're right. You had to be's like you kind of have to be reminded. So how'd you get out of there? What'd you do?
Starting point is 01:23:46 Yeah, right, right, you have to be reminded. You kind of have to be reminded. Like I've been to some places like that before. And I was like, oh, I'm gonna remember this. And then it's like, I was in that situation again and I'm like, well, I forgot how lucky I am to have like a blue passport. I did not remember.
Starting point is 01:24:01 I did not remember, yeah, exactly. That's that privilege thing. I know we're going long, but fuck. It's good to go remember. Yeah, exactly. That's that privilege thing. I know we're going long, but fuck. It's good to go long. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Damn. Yeah. So I mean, I got how so how'd you get out of there? Um, I think I said that. Well, I did tell him about the writing class. Okay, I like I have some writing to do.
Starting point is 01:24:24 I guess what it was, did you some writing to do. I think that's what it was. Did you walk back to your hostel? Yeah, I just walked back. And they were just kind of all in it. They were like, okay. After that point where I'm not converting to Islam, I'm not marrying your daughter, it was like, okay, this guy's like, great, let's feed him.
Starting point is 01:24:40 Let's take care of him, but he's not. The mood changed. Yes. He's not our savior. The mood changed. The girl didn't take as good as care of me like she was like you know didn't refill my tea or something wow like hey like magic two-thirds of a glass and yeah like I'm almost down to my last sip it's kind of weird yeah so that was like the story of Eid. In Chef Shaolin.
Starting point is 01:25:08 In Chef Shaolin. Can I ask you a question? Yeah. So that night? That night, yeah. Did you jerk off? No. You went to bed without jerking off.
Starting point is 01:25:19 Yeah. That's probably smarter. Yeah. Also like sharing a bunk. Oh yeah. A lot of people in the room. You can't jerk off in hostels. It's shower only. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:27 Although I've been in hostel rooms where guys are definitely yanking one out and just like dude like. Go to the shower. Not the place, not the time. Fuck in the shower. Nothing about this is. It's sexual. Like how are you even activated right now?
Starting point is 01:25:42 Like there's 12 other guys in this room. I mean just like. It's just like it's not even subtle. It's like I can see your one sheet moving. Like I'm two bunks above you. You're just randomly sleeping with your feet up in a V so you can create a space. It's like I can hear through your headphones, man.
Starting point is 01:25:58 Turn that shit down. You're listening to pornography. It's like turn it down. Please, I'm like trying to pornography. It's like turn it down. Play it on a one. Please, I'm like trying to sleep. It's like I get it but. I was trying to not jerk off while I was traveling. I was like let me just nod so I'll be more social
Starting point is 01:26:16 and try to get out there. And after like a month or two of that and not getting laid, it was like pent up. And then some German dudes fucking on a bunk, not above me but next to me and up and they're just fucking but lightly like. Yeah, like snuggling, heavy breathing. And they keep saying that and I'm just like,
Starting point is 01:26:34 God damn it you guys. I know you do it. I can't sleep already. I was telling you, similar like, there was a place in Mexico City, it was like three bunks high And the people on the bottom I was on the top people on the bottom were going at it I'm like whoa like I'm gonna have to grab on something like this. There's like some
Starting point is 01:26:54 It's not a lot of movement, but each feels like a fucking boat anarchy. It's like it's like it's like swang more Let me climb down Damn, well that was fucking great. Makes me want, I really wanna go to Morocco with all of you having been there. I wish I didn't have a dog to take care of, but I really wanna go. And that's maybe my next trip.
Starting point is 01:27:15 Have a good excuse ready, just in case you get invited to a party and this girl has flowers in her hair. Cause you're gonna need a good excuse. I'm a homosexual, and they're like, oh, we'll kill you. They're like, fuck, shit. See, you gotta think it through. Yeah, okay, think this through. Don't get caught in her hair. Because you don't need a good excuse. I'm a homosexual. Oh, we'll kill you. Fuck! See, you got to think it through.
Starting point is 01:27:27 Yeah, OK, think this through. Don't get caught in the spot. You're like, oh, sweet! That gives us a chance to fulfill another good deed. It's like, score! Two birds, one stone. Actual stone. All right, Zane.
Starting point is 01:27:39 Zane, where can people find you on, like, if they want to tell you, like, good job, that was fucking great? Instagram. Just like first name last. Zane Jureski people find y'all and like if they want to tell you like good job that was fucking great. Instagram just like first name last Zane Jureski. Jureski don't I say just first name last when your last name is Jureski. Zane I think almost everyone on my list can spell. Yeah well let me just spell it. J-U-R-E-S-K-Y. Ouch what am I first name? Zane.
Starting point is 01:28:01 Yeah but how do you spell that? Z-A-N-E. Okay well some people throw an I in there some people throw a Y it's Z-A-N-E. Okay. Just keep it like straight up. Zane yeah but how do you spell that Z-A-N-E okay well some people throw an I in there some people throw a Y it's Z-A-N-E okay keep it like straight up Zane Jurecki J-A-R J-A-R-E-C-K-E Jurecki that's Polish stuff man Jurecki it could have been a DJ to be honest dress it could be a DJ a there could have been a really funky yeah J-A-R-E-S-K-E. E-C-K-Y?
Starting point is 01:28:28 Wait, wait, what is it? Wait, what? Zane is Z-A-N-E. What is it? Jurecki? J-A-R-E-S-K-Y. I'm still thinking the E-S-K-Y. What is that? E-A-Sports.
Starting point is 01:28:39 It's in the game. J-A-R-E-S-K-Y. What? E? OK. Jurecki. That's the name. Z-A-N-E. J-A-R-E-S-K-Y. E? Okay. Jurecki. That's the name. Z-A-N-E.
Starting point is 01:28:48 J-A-R-E-C-K-E. Jurecki? Jurecki, man. You left out the S. There's no S. It's a C-K, Polish style. Jurecki. Yeah, that's the dad side. Jurecki.
Starting point is 01:28:58 Zane Jurecki. Zane Jurecki. Butcher it all you want. But yeah, my Instagram. All right. It's kind of a weird name. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. Iarecki. Yeah, Zane Jarecki. Zane Jarecki. Zane Jarecki. Butcher it all you want. But yeah, my Instagram.
Starting point is 01:29:09 All right. It's kind of like I'll be traveling hopefully. I plan on it, man. Making a lap around the world. What do you think time wise? What do you think you got? I think like two years, three years is good. Oh, you're gone. Yeah, man. Wow. Yeah, full dollars. Oh, I thought you'd like to three, four months. No, I'm gone. This is month four right now. Hell yeah. That's because too long. You're like, okay, that guy's like off the deep end. Kind of like what's the longest you've gone?
Starting point is 01:29:35 Six months, maybe. Oh, six months in Ecuador, one country. Wow. Okay. That's interesting. Yeah. Yeah. Staying in one place for half a year. Country though, not staying in one town, getting a job Country though not staying in one town. Okay a job, you know, okay, but that would be cool, too All right. Well, anyways, yeah, we could keep going. We won't change your record. Well, good luck in your travels Thanks same to you. This has been you be trippin you be trippin or trippin. All right guys. Well, that's the episode I hope you enjoyed it man. What a fucking interesting trip So as you know, I'm gonna do more of these remotes from wild places in the world.
Starting point is 01:30:10 This is from a youth hostel in Paris, France. I got some coming from a town square in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, in front of a mural in Sydney, Australia. I'm trying to think where else I'd do it. But I wanna do these from all over. I don't want to just do them from a studio, either in Austin or in New York. I want to do them from wild places. I hope you guys are getting for it.
Starting point is 01:30:34 Subscribe right now wherever you're watching. You can see me on the road at nowhere because I'm done until 2025. Please follow Zane Jurecki. Subscribe to him right now on YouTube. Z-A-N-E-J-A-R-E-S-A-K-E. He's a fucking interesting man that I met in... What? That I met in... Zane Jurecki, yeah. That I met in Paris, France, in a writing seminar by Rolf Potts. We did a writing class there together.
Starting point is 01:31:11 It was fucking fun as shit. We hit it off. This is one time we spent fucking, I don't know, 30 minutes watching these crazy dancers in front of a fucking, the opera house. Different than this opera house in Sydney, Australia. We're watching the Opera House in Paris, France. We just watched all these dancers
Starting point is 01:31:28 and we were with somebody else and she was like, I gotta go. We were like, good luck to you. We just sat there watching for a while. It's fun. It's fun to fucking friends you meet when you're traveling, huh? It really is.
Starting point is 01:31:39 This was wild. That Eid ceremony and fucking having to come with an excuse and not get married off into a local family is fucking wild That's what this podcast is all about. Please subscribe. I should be at a hundred thousand subscribers now. I'm at 50 Make it 60 right now wherever you're listening or watching Just right now hit subscribe. Hit the subscribe button. It'll make me happy. I Don't want much from you, but I want that. It'll make me happy. Go to my merch page
Starting point is 01:32:05 get some grinders, the vinyls of a special AriShafeer Jew. Only 1,000 made. Go ahead and get those and I think that's it. Oh Shroomfest shirts are available. They'll be shipping out in July. Shroomfest this year is July 20th, 21st and 22nd. Lee and Gwynn, at Apricot Diver on Instagram, has made some amazing new shirts that you can celebrate and commemorate the issue. Shroomfest, if you don't know what it is, you don't know what it is. Excuse to do mushrooms. He made some fucking cool shirts. I'm not taking any of the profits.
Starting point is 01:32:42 He is, and he's given, I think, 10 or 20 or 30 or 40 percent of it 10 percent Maybe 20. I don't know to maps multi disciplinary association of psychedelic studies Yeah, it's just a fun time Arish fair calm right now slash merch for everything and that's it guys. Hope you enjoyed yourself Hope you enjoyed listening to this fucking wild story of fucking Morocco god, I want wanna go to Morocco. When I was in Paris, there were so many flights there.
Starting point is 01:33:10 You could see like flights to three different cities in Morocco and I'm like, God, I wanna go so fucking bad. But I had a dog to get back to so I couldn't go. Not proud of it. Should've gone. Should've gone. I gotta do some long-term travel right now. Guys like Zane, and some other people I met
Starting point is 01:33:27 in that class by Ralph Voughts, they were doing it, man. They were really doing it, it was jealous. Sydney Opera House, why is this a fuckin', why is this a fuckin' iconic spot when literally no one I know who goes to opera? So why is this a spot? Right over there, you can't see it, is a bridge. And right there, right up there, I shit myself. I had diarrhea and I shit myself. Anyway, that's the kind of shit I get into. Guys, until next week...
Starting point is 01:34:08 Assalamu alaikum. I'm guessing on that one. Bye everybody! Fuck!

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