You Be Trippin' - Egypt (and the Middle East) w/ Rob Lowe | You Be Trippin' with Ari Shaffir

Episode Date: August 5, 2024

Follow Rob on Instagram here: SPONSORS: -Try ZipRecruiter for free at -Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at , all lowercase On this episode of You Be Trippin, Rob Lowe goes on a boys trip to the Middle East with the owner of the Golden State Warriors. On the show, he and Ari talk about the pyramids, King Tut, and George Washington’s teeth. They also discuss the importance of making memories, running with giraffes, and bad tour guides. Other topics include: The Sphinx, rouging it, real maps, toilets, and raw-dogging flights. Egypt, Israel, and Jordan all in one trip. Sounds like a good time. Astmtʿ bạlʿrḍ! You Be Trippin' Ep. 26 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Summer's here and you can now get almost anything you need delivered with Uber Eats. What do we mean by almost? You can't get a well-groomed lawn delivered, but you can get chicken parmesan delivered. Sunshine? No. Some wine? Yes. Get almost, almost anything delivered with Uber Eats. Order now. Alcohol in select markets. See app for details.
Starting point is 00:00:17 Where you been and where you going? This is Ari's Travel Show, yeah. We're gonna talk about travel today. It's UB Trippin'. Yeah. Hello, everybody. Welcome to UB Trippin' It's a Travel Podcast. It's the only travel podcast endorsed by the FDA.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Rob Lowe's my guest today. Fuckin' thanks for coming in, buddy. Hey, this is, are you kidding me? I love travel. You have maps here. Yeah, it's fun to stare at it. I could study a map or a globe all day long. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:53 It's both inspiring and depressing. Inspiring because you go, hey, I've been there, oh, I've been there, and then go, God, am I ever gonna get to go there? I don't know. You know what strikes me on these maps? How big this is, Kazakhstan. Huge. I just thought it would be like, you me on these maps? How big this is. Kazakhstan. Huge.
Starting point is 00:01:05 I just thought it would be like, you know, like the size of like Georgia or something. Well, and then there's the whole thing about that. The, the, the, the, this map isn't truly a representation. The West wing did a, an episode, a B story about the map makers coming in and showing what the world really looks like. Really? And it's shocking.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Like the way the United States looks versus other things. It's a whole...there's a name for that type of map, I forget. But the theory is that is the way the world should look. And people, you know... Well, when you flatten it, what does it change it different like? Yeah, that's because It's all that stuff. That's right. Also, I noticed I tried to switch up with this one where the USA is always fucking right here.
Starting point is 00:01:51 But that's not that's not a real thing. There's also a part of the globe you can look at from space where it looks like the earth is entirely made of water. Oh, really? Yeah, like pretty almost. Yeah, interesting. Iceland, Greenland, I'm obsessed the fact that, turns out Greenland has no green and only ice. And Iceland is mostly green. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:13 They said that was to throw off the invaders. I don't believe that. I don't believe that either. I don't think they had like focus groups to figure that shit out. One would have gone and be like, hey, they're lying. There's actually a bunch of resources.
Starting point is 00:02:24 We should go take them. Well, how about this what you pass Iceland on the way to Greenland so yeah nobody's gonna turn back like oh guys it's that one. Yeah no that doesn't hold water for me. Yeah you ever look back at the shit they taught you in school and be like wait now that I'm adult you were lying George Washington was incapable of lying. Our first leader. Yeah, he never told a lie. Physically couldn't do it, a 12 year old. Yeah, and why did anyone care
Starting point is 00:02:53 that he chopped down the apple tree? Oh, is that where the lie came from? Is somebody said, George, who chopped down this apple tree? And he goes, I did. I did, well yeah, we saw you, obviously you're caught. Yeah, hello. But I never got, my teachers must have been so bad that all I remember is he never told a lie
Starting point is 00:03:08 and he chopped down an apple tree, but not the fact that those stories go together. Yeah, he admitted to what he did, something bad. I just thought that my teachers thought it was fascinating that he chopped a fucking apple tree down once. Who cares? Ever see his teeth? What they thought of his teeth?
Starting point is 00:03:24 They were wooden. He'd lost it all, just really bad eating habits and disease. But didn't everybody have wooden teeth then? I think so, but we just can't do it. So good. What are we looking up here, George Washington's teeth? Oh my God, no way.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Like that's what it would have been? George Washington's teeth, not from wood. But slaves? From slaves, what? He had slaves teeth? Oh boy, yeah, that's his history on a berry. That's definitely a new, they did not teach me that.
Starting point is 00:03:59 No, oh my God. The horrific America. Good Lord. Let's go somewhere besides America. What do you want to tell me about? Is that around here? Um, well, yeah. I mean, so I took the trip of my life was, um, I too about to a little under two years ago, I did Israel, Jordan, and Egypt.
Starting point is 00:04:26 What brought this on? Why did you decide to go? I have a very good friend who named Peter Goober, and Peter owns the Golden State Warriors, among other things. Very successful producer, businessman, and loves travel, and puts together a guys trip about every two years every year
Starting point is 00:04:47 and they're always extraordinary. Like no expenses spared. Everything, I mean like we had the Giza pyramid complex to ourselves. What? Yeah, or like he figures out a way that you can. Like after hours, before hours, something like that? It was, it was, it was a sunset Giza pyramid complex and that's just one of the things we had we
Starting point is 00:05:12 had we biked into wadi room in Jordan and there's a what is wadi room what look up wadi room so wadi room is where they shot the Martian where they shot Lawrence of Arabia It's definitely the most beautiful place. I saw So yeah, yeah, so and that's not even a great photo it's it's the most beautiful iconic sort of desert monolithic mountains structures no one for miles And thick mountain structures, no one for miles. And there you go. That's that's more what it looks like. Literally the Merchant.
Starting point is 00:05:49 God damn. Yeah, it really does. It looks like Mars. Looks like Mars. And we biked into it. Could you bike on the like the desert floor? Mm-hmm. They would special bikes.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Oh, wow. That was damn. That seems so fucking cool. It was really, really how long did it take you to get in there? Let me know when when went on camel Safari. Took us a day to bike in. It was it was really hardcore. It was it was hard. And then I got to spend my birthday on the Nile. I had never been to the Nile. It was everything I hoped.
Starting point is 00:06:31 The Nile is like Africa to me. Well, it is in Africa, technically, I guess, northern Africa. But the vibe, the vibe of the Nile, the energy of it, you just feel something. And Egypt was... Egypt is magic. Magic. It's like, I didn't get it till I went there.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Right? It's like magic's just living there. I suspected it would be magic, and it was above and beyond the Valley of the Kings. Yeah. But the fact that they carved this shit into a mountain, you ever step back for a second and be like, even now it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:07:10 It's, the entire trip there, and then Petra, of course, is really strange, because they don't even know when that was, they still cannot tell you. Yeah. Describe coming down that, that, that. That little tube, the little pathway.
Starting point is 00:07:32 And it opens up into this. Yeah, it's, which by the way, look at how perfectly pristine it is. It doesn't look old because it's protected by wind and erosion because of where they built it. That's why it's so crystal. I mean, look at what it should be all. Look, you see people at the very, very bottom there.
Starting point is 00:07:52 That's like, that's how massive it is. Petra is in. Yeah, right, it should be completely faded down. Yeah, it should be erode like the Sphinx or the pyramids. It's not, but what you don't see when you look at that famous photo is just to the right of it are all of these burial chambers, right?
Starting point is 00:08:12 Like there's weird, and they are eroded and they do look ancient. The holes? The holes, right? Those crazy holes. And like, so you have that, looks like caveman, crazy, old, ancient, and then you have that, which looks like, that looks like it could be a brownstone in New York City.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Yeah, it really does. It does. If it was smaller, if that's one story to the story. But what I never said, you look at that, go, yeah, but that looks like they built that about, yeah, that must have, I bet you Abraham Lincoln spoke there. Yeah, yeah. Dude, we were going down on some tour, me and my brother,
Starting point is 00:08:42 and the guy kept telling us about the irrigation techniques and stuff like that, and I kind of wandered off. And then I came back like an hour later, I was like, Michael, drop this loser, let's go fucking explore. No, dude, what is with the guides, okay? It's so funny you say that, irrigation. So our guide in Israel, God bless him.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Yeah. All he wanted to talk about was the irrigation. I'm not kidding, about the irrigation. And I realized everything he was telling me was 1947 to today. So here we are in one of the oldest areas of the world where civilization has been talked about since the beginning of time.
Starting point is 00:09:19 And he's hitting me with, you know, this piping system was put in in 1950. I'm like, no, no, no, no, no, no. Dude, who gives a fuck? Jesus walked here. No, it was insane. It's like, you know, we have more solar panels in this country, I get it, I get it.
Starting point is 00:09:34 I don't know what the deal is with those guides. Bad guides are the bane of my, I went to Gettysburg once. I love Gettysburg, I love doing historical stuff, military historical stuff. And I knew more about Gettysburg, I love doing historical stuff, military historical stuff. And I knew more about Gettysburg than he did. Or if I did, maybe I didn't, but I was more interested in the nitty gritty.
Starting point is 00:09:56 And it can be super rough, but obviously a great guide also makes all the difference if you can get them. I mean, if you get a good one, it gives you access and stuff. Like when we went there, we went from a lot to there and they got us to the stamp really fast and got us over the border. It's hard for like if you have an Israeli step. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:14 And then that part's nice, but then it's like, I'll see you guys at 5 p.m. We actually went to Northern Israel and we're on the border of, I've been to Lebanon as well. Jesus, dude, you get after it. The Beka Valley in Lebanon. But by the way, Lebanon's one of those beautiful countries
Starting point is 00:10:35 I've ever seen in my life. Lebanon is a more beautiful version of Israel. Interesting. Were they talking about the cedars of Lebanon? You know, it's on the flag and they do have these amazing pines. It just, it looks like southern Greece and they're right next to each other but you think for whatever reason you don't think it's gonna be as pretty as it is and it's just... They used to say that Damascus, Beirut was like, was the... The
Starting point is 00:11:04 garden capital. Yeah, and the intelligentsia of the Middle East. And they're still there. Really? And 100%. The old families are still there and you'll be in the middle of talking and the power will go out for three hours every day. Nobody cares.
Starting point is 00:11:19 There, you know, the, the, that there's that insane explosion. You've seen the footage of that thing blowing up in the harbor. The fireworks factor or some place? It was some sort of ammonium nitrate thing, like that footage, and they just take it in stride. How do you feel about that when you're going to like, to go from like, I mean, they wait on your hand and foot
Starting point is 00:11:44 in Hollywood, and then you go to a from like, I mean, you know, they weight on your hand and foot in Hollywood. Yes. And then you go to a place like that where it's just like, nah, it ain't that experience anymore. Well, I seek it out because of the very thing you're talking about. So like when I go to Africa, it's kind of a fight I have with my wife
Starting point is 00:12:00 and one of my children. I have one son who's a huge outdoorsman and he's with me. But my actor son, go figure, wants to be coddled along with his mommy. And they want the Abercrombie and Kent, I want like fly camps, I want to go and pitch a tent in Africa in areas where no one has ever pitched a tent before like that's what I want when I go there.
Starting point is 00:12:25 And if it rains on us and there's puddles and we have to sleep in the waa... I don't care. That's what I want. What do they say about it? They think you're an idiot? They like it for two days tops. They think you're, like, crazy? And they would not do it if it weren't for me. Wow. It's nice, though. It's a pest.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Yeah. I mean, in the adventures you get, like, one time I was flooded out in a flash flood. Yeah, where? In both, one was in Tanzania and one was, Kenya was a flash flood. Literally the river rose overnight and almost swept us away.
Starting point is 00:12:57 So what'd you do? Just grab your shit and- The tents were destroyed and we had to go sleep in the cars in the Range Rover. What? The whatever, mountain Rover, whatever they are. Yeah. It's fucking wild.
Starting point is 00:13:08 And I also like to do crazy shit that I shouldn't do. Like last time we were there, we were in the, hang on, in the Rift Valley. Now I remember the Rift Valley is where the first humanoids were found. Okay. And I'm a runner. And I was like, could I?
Starting point is 00:13:28 And I'd run every day. Like, I'm here in New York, can't wait to go to Central Park. Like, could I do my run today out there? And they're like, we'd have to have guns. And I mean, people don't do that. Because of the animals? The animals, you can't. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:43 But I got to do it. Really? And one of my favorite photos is my son took a picture of me running in the Rift Valley where the first human probably, not probably, the first humans ran right there. And you're running and you're looking out and you're going, oh my God,
Starting point is 00:13:56 I'm gonna run over to those giraffes. You sort of- No fucking way, like Jurassic Park. You sort of run over in the area of the giraffes, of course they're long gone, and then you're running for a while and then you see these low level bushes. You're like, I'm gonna avoid those bushes. I don't know what's in there.
Starting point is 00:14:12 And it's a thing, like to run in Africa, wondering if there is a lion behind a bush. So people are trailing you with like. Is a visceral, like other level. Yeah dude, if I'm hiking anywhere here and I hear like rustling, it's usually a squirrel, but I'm so fucking on edge because it might be a moose or a bear.
Starting point is 00:14:35 What I told myself, it's clearly not true is that it's so wide open. It's not like walking in the Santa Barbara mountains where literally it's probably more dangerous because fucking mountain lion could be above you and you'd never even know it. You feel like, oh, I'd see a herd of stampeding elephants if they came towards me.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Yeah, but the hunting animals, they smell you from like two miles out. It's, I wouldn't do, I tell you what, I wouldn't do it again. I would not run, I'm gonna go for the torch. You would not do it again. I would not. There's some to though, where no one's walked. Like if you get off a trail for a while and risk poison ivy
Starting point is 00:15:10 and you touch a tree, touch a tree that like no one's touched this one. That's what I want. I want stuff that no one's done before. Damn, bro. Hey everybody. I'm breaking in real quick just to let you know that I got fucking Rob goddamn low in the podcast. What? I'm fucking mainstream. That's right, you can't hold me back anymore. Rob Low first.
Starting point is 00:15:29 Who else is big? I don't know, who's a big actor? Brad Pitt, you're what? Actually, let's fucking play hardball. You're not welcome. I already got a great looking man. I don't need you, Brad Pitt. Move along.
Starting point is 00:15:44 Go find another fucking half rate travel podcast to be part of Guys everybody Rob Lowe's got a new show right now on Netflix season 2 of Unstable is out right now. He does with his son who? Went to a school. I don't think it was that son that I hate Rob Lowe and his son John Owen lead him Motley Tech World ensemble Rob Lowe and John Owen John Owen lead a Motley Tech World ensemble. Rob Lowe and John Owen Lowe star in the father-son workplace comedy Unstable. Meet legend Ellis Dragon. I don't I don't think anyone under 30 understands how big Rob fucking Lowe was. He's part of the Brat Pack. He did St. Elmo's
Starting point is 00:16:18 Fire and it was a fucking massive. All these guys that were in these coming of age story movies in the 80s, they called them the Brat Pack, it was meant as an insult, but then it became like a compliment. We just took it, kind of like when they call comics clown, and it was like, oh, I know you call other people clown, we are clown, so it doesn't hurt us. Emilio Estevez, Anthony Michael Hall, Rob Lowe, Demi Moore, Judd Nelson, Molly Ringwald was like the biggest thing on the fucking planet. Ali Sheedy, god damn, I dated a girl that looked like Ali Sheedy for a while. And Andrew
Starting point is 00:16:51 McCarthy, who is now a travel writer, who I do want on the show. But guys, everybody check out Unstable. Let's get back to the episode, but also please hit subscribe. I'm trying to get up to 100,000 subscribers. We're close. We're 60% of the way there. Hopefully this will help. Click subscribe right now on YouTube or on Spotify and if you're watching on YouTube or if you're listening on Spotify go check out the YouTube because some of Rob Lowe's pictures from his trip are gonna be put up there in context in the episode and hope you guys enjoyed it I'm enjoying I didn't know what to expect from this guy I was like oh he's just something like movie star it's even like
Starting point is 00:17:24 travel is he gonna tell me about a resort and man like, oh, he's just some movie star. Is he even like travel? Is he gonna tell me about a resort? And man, he got here and he's like, a resort? I'm getting my hands dirty. Bro, this guy lives. This guy lives. Also, the Jew vinyl is available right now
Starting point is 00:17:38 at 600 are already spoken for. Another 400 are still made. They're shipping out in August. Can't wait for you guys to get your hands on them. If you didn't get one of the signed ones, the limited signed ones, you can just get one and bring it to a show. When I start touring again, December and January, February, March, I'll sign it for you there.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Bring a black sharpie. You can also get Shroomfest shirts at, but that's it you guys. I got nothing major to promote. How about love one another? How about, you know, this political season, don't get too involved. How about that, is my thing I promote. Everybody chill the fuck out.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Let's get back to the episode. Subscribe and I'll see you on the side. Leave a comment if you liked it. And again, keep telling me which other travelers you'd like to get on the side. Leave a comment if you liked it and again keep telling me which other Travelers you'd like to get on the show so I can get them in wanton Don is coming from your from your suggestions Then I don't know who else and if you know somebody and you want to reach out to them on Twitter Instagram Whatever let them know that they should reach out especially the high-level guys like Rob Lowe. I can't guys I'm a fucking dork. I can't reach out to people like that. That was lucky. I was lucky He liked this fucking format of the show and he's a traveler himself
Starting point is 00:18:46 So reach out to them and pressure them to do you be trippin now Let's get back to the episode of this fucking epic trip to Egypt Jordan and Israel fucking God if I had as much money as him, I would do it like him Kudos man. Let's get back to the episode Tell me about Egypt a little more. Um So so all of you guys went there Let's get back to the episode. Tell me about Egypt a little more. So all of you guys went there? It was a really, really good group. We did every greatest hit of Egypt in like two and a half days
Starting point is 00:19:18 because we had planes to buses to trains and it was like a motorcade and everything was like a Swiss watch. We got to spend all of the time in the places you would want to see, but if you weren't going with somebody like Peter, who's so generous, just to go to Valley of the Kings, and then to get to Cairo,
Starting point is 00:19:35 it would take you a day and a half, whatever it is. I'm not really familiar with the logistics, but it would have, there's no, we did a 10- day vacation in three days. Yeah, I had probably two or three days there and didn't touch half of what you touched. It was getting places. We went from the top of the Nile
Starting point is 00:19:55 to the bottom of the Nile. Wow. To Alexandria? Yep, Luxor. Luxor. I mean, you name it, we saw it. But the, I will say, taking a selfie with King Tut was pretty sick.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Dude, you gotta send me these pictures. I wanna put them in the video. Oh, I will. Okay. It's like, you're like, I mean, it's a selfie with King Tut. It's kind of gross in a way, I feel like. Fuck that, fuck that. He didn't have the technology, he would've loved it.
Starting point is 00:20:22 He would've loved it, Tut would've loved it. That's why they entombed, they wanna live on forever. They wanna live on forever, that's right. This is't have that technology. He would have loved it. He would have loved it. That's why they entombed. They want to live on forever. They want to live on forever. That's right. This is why they did it. Like that someone someday would be taking a selfie of him. So fucking cool. It's and it's just in the thing that blows your mind and it makes perfect sense. It's like, duh, but it never occurs to you is. There's if they dug anywhere, they're gonna,
Starting point is 00:20:50 they purposely don't dig because they know they're gonna find stuff, and then when they find stuff, nobody has the money to properly excavate stuff. There's no money to excavate, none. So they don't want to find stuff because they know they're going to find something incredible and it's everywhere, like everywhere.
Starting point is 00:21:11 Yeah, I saw a little bit of excavation near there, near like in that whole big park of the, of the whatever pyramids, but there was like a little on the off to the side and like, you don't know how long it goes on. So when I was in Valley of the Kings, they said they were about, they had just discovered a new tomb and but they did and they've
Starting point is 00:21:29 known about it forever but they never had the money they know where shit is that's insane and they just on the money so they got and that they just announced it a couple of I think a couple of months ago whatever the latest announcement of Valley of the Kings and then I was where was the what was the other announcement about there was some other thing that they were I'll think of it but the point being it's just for lack of funds more than anything else oh I know was the the great Egypt ol Egypt ologist the one that you see on TV. One main guy.
Starting point is 00:22:07 The one main guy, whose name is escaping me. Yeah. He hadn't announced, but he had just discovered the workers complex. He was very, very adamant that the pyramids were not built by slaves. What? And who? That's me, that's the pyramids were not built by slaves. What? And who?
Starting point is 00:22:27 That's me, that's the Jews. They're taking that away from us? Yeah, they're taking it away. What the fuck? Revisionist history. We did one good thing with our hands. One good fucking thing. Yeah, that's him.
Starting point is 00:22:35 Yeah? Zahia Was? Yep. And wanted to be very clear, and that they weren't, and that they were built by people not ancient aliens or anything else because He also found records of what they did on what days like these stones removed on this day. No way really? Yeah. Oh
Starting point is 00:22:59 Interesting because they love that explanation. Oh, I'm a big ancient alien guy, so I... So what, you don't like it? No, I was going to the Sphinx going, looking for the water erosion, because that's the big thing, as you can see around the Sphinx, what looks to any reasonable person like water erosion, and the last time there would have been water, predates anything that anybody is talking about
Starting point is 00:23:22 in terms of when these things were built. Because it's not on the pyramids, right? That's right. So it's in between. You know anything about Baha'i? I probably do. They say, they take the, any similarities in all the religions, they're like that's probably the Word of God and then everything else got like obfuscated over the years. That makes sense. But like don't kill is in every religion, so like that's probably true. Right. And there's a flood story in pretty much every religion. Oh yeah, there's a flood story in everything. So they're like there was a flood story in pretty much every religion. Oh yeah, there's a flood story in everything.
Starting point is 00:23:45 So they're like, there was a flood somewhere. For sure. Yeah. Yeah. The Sphinx is a different time period, right? It's a completely different architecture. Well, you look at the head and you go that clearly, that was there when the first Egyptians showed up.
Starting point is 00:24:03 What? And they knocked what we think was probably a lion's head off of it and made it into a sphinx head. I mean, it doesn't match at all. It's, the proportions are all fucked up. And so the question is who built the sphinx and when? And even this guy who is Zarei Hawass, who is the, even he did not, nobody knows.
Starting point is 00:24:24 Yeah. Literally not, nobody knows. Yeah. Literally not, nobody is. So you're saying they built another, they changed that head afterwards. Yeah, look at it, of course, look at it. Look at the scope of it. Yeah, it is way off. Yeah, and look at that.
Starting point is 00:24:37 God damn. Look at the feet versus the head. And trust me, so you've been telling me the people that built the perfectly geometric pyramids were gonna fuck up something like that? No way. No. Did you meet people when you were there in Egypt?
Starting point is 00:24:51 Did I meet, yeah. Yeah, what did you think of them? They were great. They were, it was so interesting that they were like, please tell people that Egypt is safe. I heard that multiple, multiple times. Interesting. That people really wanted people to come back to Egypt.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Because they had some terrorism there. When I went, it was like the tourism had bottomed out and they were like desperate for like, come take a trip in the Nile, come do like everything because no one was going. Well, and the week today couldn't do our trip to Israel. That we stayed at some fancy Amon-Giri up in northern Israel. That's been closed since the war broke out. And the day we arrived in Israel, and this is so typical of the region,
Starting point is 00:25:38 we get off the plane, we're going right to dinner, we're starving. And we get on the plane and they go, change of plans, we're going back to the hotel tonight. We have dinner in the hotel. Great. And we're like, what happened to the restaurant? Well, there was an incident there last night
Starting point is 00:25:54 and we just think for security reasons we shouldn't go. And you turn and the two people are gunned down. And it's just a fact of life. It's just the way they roll. And it's not like here when you're like, oh, there was a shooting, or like, oh, there was a fight. It's just, it's a different kind of violence. It is, it's weirdly accepted and yet taken way more seriously
Starting point is 00:26:19 all at the same time, if that makes any sense. And I'll tell you the other thing is the people, and this is the cliche, but it's true. Same in Lebanon. And obviously, there's no love lost between Israel and Lebanon, but the people are almost exactly, in terms of how they present
Starting point is 00:26:38 and what it's like to spend time with them, exactly the same. Is it crazy? The food is almost identical. The food's identical, they look identical, they act identical, they want to live life, they want to have fun, they don't give one fuck. They're ready to, like today is the last day,
Starting point is 00:26:58 like there's no pretense, everybody's, it's a memory. Israeli chicks will party. Do Israeli chicks, Israeli chicks are the most forward on planet Earth. And I get it because they don't have it tomorrow. Yeah, we got no time, let's go. No, they don't have it tomorrow. And just think about it in terms of like, do you want to date?
Starting point is 00:27:21 Do you want to visit? Do you want to have kids? You got to start cracking. So they'll come right up to you and go, what Do you want to visit? Do you want to have kids? You got to start cracking. So those will come right up to you and go, what are you doing tonight? Whoa. That's him. It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:27:30 I told my sons, we're single. Yeah, get out there. I'm like, there are two places I would go if I were single American and I had the wherewithal. Number one with a bullet would be Israel. There's not a question. Most beautiful women and the most downed clown. Maybe Australia is right there.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Australian chicks are wild. And the other one is the Lexington Queen nightclub in Roppongi in Tokyo. What is that? Because it's a model's paradise and they've all been there forever. Yeah. And they're just desperate to see Americans. Oh, wow. And I'm like, you'll find like, like 22 year old Cameron Diaz at the Roppongi. Yeah, just like a nobody.
Starting point is 00:28:15 So happy to see like a corn fed boy with not a pot to piss in. Like you can live like a king. Wow. It's still there, by the way. Did people, when you were out in, when you were out in the Middle East here, did people know who you were? Or was it kinda, yeah, tell me about it. Well, there's something disconcerting
Starting point is 00:28:36 about walking into Wadi room and the guide going, you just missed Oprah. You know what I mean? You want to be like, I've met her, whatever. You're like, she's my neighbor in Montecito. And then I was, it's running into people in obscure places is very disconcerting. It jars your reality. But yeah, but also as an actor, you know, it's great to, it makes you feel good when you're recognized in obscure places like in the middle of the,
Starting point is 00:29:13 Yeah. I mean, it's cool that your reach went that far. Yeah, right. Yeah. But also I bet you miss, I heard some interview with, could have been the guy from the graduate. I'm sorry, I got a block right now. Oh, Dustin Hoffman. Yeah. And he goes, I try to observe people so I can mimic them when I'm acting and then you can't do it when you're being observed yourself. They're they're acting around you. So you can't get a real, there's only time and get a real look at people is when I'm shitting and I'm seeing through the crack of the door, people are talking to that. That's amazing. That's blacked out windows in a car.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Yeah, yeah. talking about that. That's amazing. That's blacked out windows in a car. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You can stare. I love that. I love to go and, and like, you like smoke a cigar and just w and watch people like, and you can do it if you're in a, if you're in a car with a window, the tinting on the window or, you know, to, you're not observed. If you keep moving, you can do it. That's it. You keep moving. You can go through anywhere, but you gotta keep moving. And that's what gets hard when you're in a museum or you're at a monument or you're a place like the Giza complex where you really want to spend the time and you want to take it in. And I'll show you some photos I took. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:18 There. Sean, you can pull those photos up. You have any on my phone of Egypt. They're spectacular. Yeah, dude, I was in Guatemala and this guy I was with, hostels, we're talking to Caroline about hostels and how fun they are. Oh gosh, I've never done a hostel thing. Here's what I'd rather sleep on this,
Starting point is 00:30:38 I feel like I'd almost rather sleep on this, like I want really down and dirty. It's fun. They are fun. We eat really good people. That's true. It's one step up from sleeping on the street though. But we saw at some local festival, we saw some guy from the show Suits. I didn't recognize him. My buddy was like, that's that guy from Suits. I'm like, I don't watch Suits. I don't know. And he goes, I should go talk to him. And I'm like, a hundred percent you should leave him alone. He is in the middle of fucking nowhere, Guatemala. He doesn't want to be
Starting point is 00:31:04 recognized. And he goes, are you sure? I'm like, I'm positive. I can't express to you how sure I am that you should leave him alone. The I was in some corner of Kowloon Bay. You can come over. Yeah. In Hong Kong once and some guy came up to me and said, I had the best time at your birthday party last week. This is when I was in the eighties and I had a big party. I'm like, this is too insane. You got some fire.
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Starting point is 00:33:22 Go to slash Trippin right now to grow your business no matter what stage you're in. That's slash Trippin. Now let's get back to the episode. Just first, listen later. I'm Ari Shaffir. Let's enjoy more podcasts. Hi guys.
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Starting point is 00:35:06 Damn, you're in the middle of nowhere. You took a fucking helicopter there? I'm telling you, it was plane, trains, and automobiles. Wow. Dude, I mean, this is the middle of fucking nowhere. Look at that, I mean, you were there. That's Northern Israel, that one. That's day one.
Starting point is 00:35:26 Sometimes, I was driving from a lot to Tel Aviv, and I'm like, why are they fighting over this? There's nothing here. Nothing. There's just fucking real shit. Did you do any diving in a lot? That's the other thing, is the Red Sea there, I didn't get to dive on the Sinai Peninsula.
Starting point is 00:35:42 That would be insane. But I did in a lot. In the Herg peninsula, that would be insane. But I did it in a lot. In that, in the Hergada or that lake or whatever? No, no, in the Red Sea. Where is it? This is Jordan? That's, that is Wadi Rum. Damn.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Yep. I think I went there as a kid, but I didn't appreciate it. God damn, it really is foreign. It kind of reminds me of Zion a little bit. It's very Zion, very much so. Here's what's disappointing, good thing. You go to the Galapagos Island, and you go, oh, I'm on Catalina.
Starting point is 00:36:17 Looks exactly like it. I'm not even being facetious, exactly like it. And you've traveled your mind away to get there. God, yeah, yeah, it takes forever to get there. You can only go from Quito or whatever, from a wayakil. These are your meals? Yeah, just the meals, the food is next level. What would you like the best between those three countries?
Starting point is 00:36:40 Or just tell me about Egyptian and Jordanian food. I really don't know much about them at all. I mean, honestly, the food is similar enough that it was, I probably couldn't tell you the difference, but I could eat Middle Eastern food all day. I could eat it three times a week. I could eat every meal, really. Yeah, yeah, in Yaffo and get those.
Starting point is 00:36:59 What about the coffee in Egypt? Super strong, super good. I'm a big coffee guy. Yeah. Yeah, so yeah, that was, I have more. How about that? Going for a ride on a camel. That's me on a camel. That's on a camel. It's on a camel. This is me on a camel with that. Which the Bedouins gave me. What do you mean? Who gets a camel? Who gets gifted a camel? You better marry one of their daughters. There's my guys. There's the Bedouins. They're doing a little ceremony for us.
Starting point is 00:37:31 The greatest. Oh, here we go. Here's the selfie. Mr. Tut. Oh yeah, let me see that one. Did they ever tell you no pictures in the tombs? No, we had it sing so wired. You kidding me?
Starting point is 00:37:43 They told me no pictures and I was like, okay, they'll like, give me like a 10 and you can take as many pictures as you want. I have the selfie somewhere else, but that's King Tut. Wow. How old is that? That photo? No, no, no, I mean like, how old is the Tomb of Tut? Tomb of Tut, here's a good one.
Starting point is 00:38:04 This is my, excuse me. This is one of my favorite photos. This is a good one. That's it, bro. That's so fucking cool. I mean, that's, we just got. Because also, when you were born in Dayton, Ohio, and even moved to Malibu,
Starting point is 00:38:23 the odds of you ever getting there are extremely slim Yes, and I For whatever reason love I have the travel bug. Yeah, and I've never regretted traveling anywhere and the older I get I Realize the most important things that you can have are memories They're just the most important thing that you can have are memories. They're just the most important thing. And you have to work at it. You have to commit to it.
Starting point is 00:38:50 They don't just happen to you. You have to make sacrifices. Sometimes you've got to pay for it. But you have to be willing to show up. Like, I know guys for this trip I'm talking about. I know guys that turned it down. Oh, so when is it again? So wait, so this is, wait, it's 10 days?
Starting point is 00:39:09 Wait, but wait, but I can be back by the, fuck that. Yeah. You crazy? Are you nuts? Are you nuts? It's a trip of a fucking lifetime. No, no, I went to the producers of my TV show, I'm like, I'm going on this trip, so figure it out.
Starting point is 00:39:25 Been on this show for five years. There's 17 other cast members. Yeah, so hard, everyone's like, I wanna do mine here and there. I'm like, I need 10 days off, I need to, I'm throwing down for this. Like, as if I would as if I would. Were they cool? Or were they like, giving you pushback?
Starting point is 00:39:40 They were great, they understand. And look, granted, not everybody has the, I'm fully aware as I'm talking that I'm in rarefied air that can pull this off. But still take it, I heard fuckin' Nicholson is like, I don't shoot before 10. And they're like, all right, we'll work around it. Well, and there are also people who have
Starting point is 00:39:57 every bit of entree that I have that don't do it. Right. I don't know, where are we staying? I don't know, but I don't wanna do. It's like, well, who's taking care of it? The guy who owns a fucking NBA team is taking care of it. It'll be good. It'll be good.
Starting point is 00:40:12 It's gonna be good. Well, I don't know, I hear it's hot there. Or I don't know, what time of year is it again? Now, how do those people feel? Do I need shots? Did I hear like the, I'm not afraid to go without it. Look, there are places I don't wanna go that I don't have any particular Johnson to go,
Starting point is 00:40:28 but again, if it's all tricked out, I'm going even to those places. Yeah. How do those people feel when you got back and you were telling them about it? They can't believe it. Yeah, they don't wanna hear it, probably. They don't wanna hear it, and you can't,
Starting point is 00:40:42 it's very hard, I find, you must see this doing your show, that it's impossible to describe to somebody. For example, one of my favorite places in the world is the Brando, which is a resort on a Tahitian island, whose Tahitian name I would butcher. Okay, name that to him. To go bone fishing with Marlon Brando's son in Tahiti. Though you can't describe that to anybody.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Right. It's a feeling more than a picture, like that won't do it. It's walking all day and coming over a hill and then seeing the ruins you were trying to get to. It's like, there's a feeling. When you, I hiked into Machu Picchu. Hiking into Machu Picchu is probably, if I had to pick one number one thing,
Starting point is 00:41:40 that Egypt, Middle East trip, in its totality, nothing will ever come close. But in terms of one event, hiking into Machu Picchu for sure would be it. And it's the very thing I thought would be underwhelming. I would have bet you anything. I would walk in and go, you know Chevy Chase in National Lampoon's vacation
Starting point is 00:42:01 when he sees the Grand Canyon? He goes, okay, and he's gone. Like that's what I thought Machu Picchu would be and it wasn't. It was profoundly moving and worth every second of schlepping and hiking and it was unreal. Wow, I gotta get there. Do you ever have places you go where you're underwhelmed?
Starting point is 00:42:24 Let me think. Probably, but also just like the smells of those places is enough to make it worth it. It's awesome. You know, it's like, yeah, not there's minor pyramids, you know, in the Southeast Asia, you got to do them in the right order. See Southeast Asia, I've got to get to I'm very under I'm very under traveled there in Southeast Asia. I've got to do India at some point. Yeah, me too. And I wanna go to Antarctica,
Starting point is 00:42:54 but I feel like they're gonna open it up more. Well, I know they are. They're doing tourism's a huge thing now. Yeah. And I wanna wait till you can get into places in Antarctica that people haven't gone before It's hard to get to really hard to get to my brother my half brothers in the army And so he goes everywhere and tries food everywhere and he that was his last stop and they had to turn back because some lady Got fucking thrown up in a in the boat. It was like pretty wave
Starting point is 00:43:19 There's a three points of contact all time move one leg then move an leg, and she didn't listen, and they had to turn it around. See, that's brutal. Yeah. And you gotta be able to get to all the continents. I think that's the only one I haven't been to. Where else is really calling you? I mean, it's hard to not get... Sometimes you wanna go back to places you've been.
Starting point is 00:43:43 I really wanna, I can tell you, I want to do- It's hard, it's hard. I've had so much fun, I want to get back there versus I already saw it. Well also, there's so much to be seen in Africa. Like I haven't seen the gorillas. I want to do some, like in the Zambezi River, do whitewater rafting.
Starting point is 00:44:02 I really want to do that. I think Africa is always, you can't go wrong there. I'm so scared of Africa. It's the best. What? Tell me why I'm wrong about being scared. What are you scared of? I don't know. I think it might honestly be some sort of like, like xenophobia, or just possibly racism, where it just
Starting point is 00:44:23 feels like it's just more dangerous there than these other places. It's It is absolutely I saw poachers all the time. Yeah, but you don't have ivory on you They will kill you they don't want to be found out I mean I didn't see him all the time, but I definitely saw poachers What do they do when you see them if you're in the wrong place the wrong time? They'll kill you. Well, they will But when I see them? If you're in the wrong place at the wrong time, they'll kill you. They will. But when I saw them, luckily, luckily they had they didn't they hadn't seen us. Oh my god. And that was 30 years ago when it was really super gnarly.
Starting point is 00:44:58 And then I went on an anti poaching expedition when I was in South Africa, by the way, South Africa is one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen in my life. Yeah. By the way, the hardest to get to. I mean, I've never suffered more to get than getting to South Africa. And Cape Town, South Africa might be the most beautiful city. But also, you get off the plane there and you feel in the air thick, the potential that this place could blow up any day, any day over anything and it would just be over.
Starting point is 00:45:35 You wanna talk about danger? Go to South Africa. Damn. And you will feel it. Like uprising type stuff? Yeah. Yeah. It is a dangerous, dangerous, so beautiful. Remember that scene in Godfather when they're like, Cuba's like, the guy's like,
Starting point is 00:45:51 Hey, I'm retiring. Good luck, everybody. Remember that? And then he's like, Oh, everyone's like, Oh, we gotta get here right now. That that's that can happen anytime. Damn. For those who embrace the impossible, the Defender 110 is up for the adventure. This iconic award winning vehicle has been redefined with a distinctive modern design. A reimagined exterior features compelling proportions and precise detailing. Built with integrity and purpose, the interior boasts robust, durable materials. Whether
Starting point is 00:46:15 it's the all-terrain capability, ample cargo capacity, or innovative camera technology, the Defender 110 lets you go further and do more. And with seating for up to seven, everyone can enjoy the journey. Learn more at Are you Dave, a claims-free, hybrid driving university grad who signed up online? Well, Dave, this jingles for you. Who says with TD Insurance?
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Starting point is 00:46:56 TD, ready for you. Never been to Cuba. I'm going. No way. I'm going for the election. I'm gonna skip out in the election. So I can like not be here for it. I love that. Just smoke a Cuban cigar and be like, whatever. And ignore all of it. What abs. It'll get settled. Yeah. It'll get settled without me.
Starting point is 00:47:15 Yeah. I always feel like I'm getting old enough now that I see why old people get jaded. And the reason they get jaded is they've heard it all. And I cannot tell, I have yet to live through an election that wasn't the most important election of my lifetime. God damn, it's every one. And you're like, more than the Lincoln one? Yeah, more than the one that was about whether we're gonna have slavery or not.
Starting point is 00:47:39 Yeah, it's like, I don't believe in this. The one right before World War II, really? It's always the most important. It's like, it's the boy who cried wolf. Yeah, everybody's Hitler, all right, we've got 20 Hitlers and not one. I remember Ronald Reagan, yeah, we hated him, he was gonna start World War III,
Starting point is 00:47:54 no, he actually ended the Cold War. Yeah, but he was a bad guy, you're right. So it's like, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't. The president of the United States can't even fire his personal chef. He can't, I can't, I can't. The president of the United States can't even fire his personal chef. He can't, it's all bullshit. It's so funny when you tell people you don't care and they're like, what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:48:11 You're like, I'm not against you, I just don't care. Because at the end of the day, on the edges, it makes a difference. It does, on the edges. Doesn't make one bit of difference in the middle. Right, yeah, and like our lives are gonna be about the same regardless. on the edges. Doesn't make one bit of difference in the middle. Right. Yeah. And like our lives are gonna be about the same regardless.
Starting point is 00:48:28 100%. Yeah. So like, it's funny in Ecuador, they have 25 parties or something like that and they all know they're all crooked. So like, oh, my guy's less crooked. They're pretty open about it. My guy, I think is the least crooked one.
Starting point is 00:48:40 He may be crooked, but he's my guy. Yeah. Yeah. Or he's crooked for us. You ever been in Argentina? I've never been there. No, I'm gonna, but he's my guy. Yeah, yeah. Or he's crooked for us. You're in Argentina? I've never been there. No, I'm gonna, I wanna go. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:49 Or go Bekli Tepe. Oh, that's where I wanna go, Gobekli Tepe. Where the fuck is that? So Gobekli Tepe. Honestly, I was like, has he traveled? When they suggested it, this is fucking tense, bro. I love this. So Gobekli Tepe, I've not been,
Starting point is 00:49:03 is currently the oldest known pre megalithic site in the world and they do not know how old it is. They do not know. No. And it predates any civilization on record and it's newly discovered. And again they don't have these guys too. Is that go back Lee Tepe says Eastern Turkey that's Eastern Turkey but that's not Gobekli Tepe. That is Gobekli Tepe. Wow. An immense mystery older than Stonehenge.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Way older than Stonehenge. Stonehenge isn't that old. Yeah, this is. Wow. That would be very cool. Right? Yeah. There's also something to like, an animism. Great Wall of China, never been,
Starting point is 00:49:46 here's the thing, I don't have any real, my son has been to China. And I don't have any real overarching thing other than the fact that it's such a thing. So foreign. Unbelievable. Besides those, like, I never saw them, but those, the statues of the warriors,
Starting point is 00:50:05 and the Great Wall, it's like, what are we really seeing here? And the Emperor's Palace. Other than that, it's just like living in China is interesting and different. Yeah, my son came back from there and he studied Mandarin in high school, both my boys did. What? Smart.
Starting point is 00:50:20 And he came back, and this is my son who went on to be a military history major in Duke. So this is him. Fucked him, fucked Duke. You know the Tar Heel over there? Well I went to Maryland. Oh yeah, sure. And yeah, I would grow up in North Carolina too.
Starting point is 00:50:36 I just wanna make sure that's clear, fucked Duke. Yeah, exactly. You'll appreciate the 30 for 30 that I made called I Hate Christian Leitner. Oh, were you in that one? I produced it. Okay. You have to check that out. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Dude, I was ready when I was a Hornets fan back in there in Charlotte and I was ready to like I got it if they draft him instead of morning. I was like, I got to do something about it. I got to go down there and take him out. That's amazing. Like I can't have late on a team. Those were great times. But he, so when he went to China, he came away saying, they're not, the notion that they're ready to step in
Starting point is 00:51:13 to compete with us is BS. When you go there and like, none of the heating works, none of the. It's poor. Yeah. So you have no idea. We see, you know, the amazing buildings in Shanghai, but you get off that beaten path even for a second
Starting point is 00:51:31 and you just can't believe it. Bro, three blocks over in Shanghai, away from like, it's like, oh, it's back to like rural. You know? Yeah. People are sweeping with like palm leafs, brooms. They're just like, you have a job job everyone's do a job. It's the world is I mean and that's the other thing I think about and I have this one things I love about your podcast is
Starting point is 00:51:53 And look, I love America and I love Americans and I'm not ever the guy ever Who like shits on that? I'm super patriotic Yeah, even when you know people think whatever they think God bless them, but I love my country and I love Americans, and I believe in American exceptionalism, that said, the lack of travel in our country is appalling and inexcusable, but I get it though. It's like, it's easy to say Europeans are more well-traveled, they could get in a car and drive to three different
Starting point is 00:52:24 countries in one day if they want to. We do have what should be four different countries here. Yes, we do. If you go from LA to fucking, even Joshua Tree, like that's another country should be. How about this, I had never gotten to Yosemite. I just went for the first time.
Starting point is 00:52:40 God damn. If I flew across the globe and got off a plane and saw Yosemite, I'd be like, I'm so glad I flew across the globe. I drove for three hours. Yeah. It's world-class, yes, Adi, world-class jaw-dropping. And it's just like one of a hundred things we have in this country. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:01 So I get why we don't travel. I get it, but also get out of here. Get out of here. So do you ever get this when you come back home after 10 days or longer gone and like start making new realizations about your own country? Yeah. All the time. And it's mostly around how we have, just don't have any awareness of what is going on writ large in the world. We just do not. And you see it even in places like I was shooting a movie in Australia and the
Starting point is 00:53:31 weather report. Like we don't get the weather in the United States of what's going on in Bangkok or anywhere else. It's not, I mean you might see it on a scroll if you're watching CNN International, but you go anywhere else in the world and they're showing you stuff that's going on all over the world Right, right, right. Yeah, they know more about us. We know nothing about them. Nothing. It's not comparable I was when I got back from South Asia. My first my first realization was like our toilet paper is the best There's a lot of that right? Particularly coming from South East Asia. How are the shitters in Egypt and Jordan and places like that?
Starting point is 00:54:06 They're not as shocking as China. Okay, yeah, no. Nothing prepared me. But Egypt was pretty, Egypt was, I think I took a picture of one of them. Yeah. That's something they don't tell you in the travel books. Yeah, they don't tell you any of that stuff.
Starting point is 00:54:21 Yeah. All right, we're gonna start wrapping this up. I could fucking talk about this for five hours with you. Me too. A couple of things I ask people, I already asked you where else you wanna go, but do you have any like general travel tips? Like I've had packing light,
Starting point is 00:54:34 I had a big or good toiletries bag, anything, like just a general tip that you would tell people. That's a really good one. Boy, that's such a good travel tip. Well, while you're thinking about that, yes, is there anything you noticed about these places in the Middle East that is not like in the books, but you made a like an Ecuador, for one, the ice cream was way softer than any other
Starting point is 00:54:59 place I've been love that. I love that kind of that kind of tip. Any of those? I've been love that. I love that kind of that kind of tip any of those I think The Middle East for me was just that you the quality of the food consistently across the the whole region mm-hmm was amazing and the intensity with which people come at you
Starting point is 00:55:25 and the intensity with which people come at you, whether it's the girls who are like super down, or the men who are just full of life. The zest for life intensity is off the charts. But in terms of packing. Or not even necessarily packing, but just like a travel tip. I prepare for all weather contingencies. That's not bad.
Starting point is 00:55:53 So today they have those puffies, they're light and you can ball them up into the size of your fist. So lightweight puffy almost no matter. I had an early summer in France that caught me by surprise. Freezing. Yeah. So since then.
Starting point is 00:56:08 Puffies and their pillows. Yes. Mostly my stuff is travel plane related, which is noise canceling your phones and sleep mask. I don't go anywhere. I don't, I literally don't go anywhere without those. Really? No. My buddy was on a show called the league he said this is a really Steve Renner's AC was Kevin and um and he goes this is how he travels on a plane he's like puts on his
Starting point is 00:56:33 everything and people like are you from what yeah I know we gotta go but I want to think it yeah this thing of raw dogging a flight explain what do you mean by that raw dog in a flight do Explain what do you mean by that? raw dogging a flight? Oh, do you not you're not down with this new thing? No, what is raw dogging? I know what raw dogging is. It's right. What is raw? No, there's a whole thing now about I'm gonna raw dog this flight. Like it's a thing guys do. It's a thing on the
Starting point is 00:56:56 internet. It's a new trend. And so raw dogging a flight is is bring nothing, do nothing. So there can't read, you can't listen to music. I, it's debatable whether you can, I don't think you can sleep. What? And it's like a badge of honors. Like I'm a man. To what end? Are you supposed to talk to your neighbor? Oh, you, I'm sure you'd have to. I think you can talk to your neighbor, but the notion is you don't need no screens, no emails, no nothing. You look at the, the real thing is you look only at the flight tracker.
Starting point is 00:57:34 And it's a thing, Google it. I do do my best writing on like unedible. If it's daytime and I can look out the window and see cities pass by and then I just like zone out and then like think of ideas quickly right. But then that's your writing. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:57:48 Draw dog. Fuck that. Check it out. First notion is fuck off. Yeah, right, right. I got you. Buddy, it was great meeting you. You gotta come back and tell them about the place.
Starting point is 00:58:00 Yeah, yeah. These are evergreen too, so like. They're all evergreen. Yeah, it's like a trip from 20 years ago. I'm gonna be doing more traveling and we gotta do more talking. You gotta convince more of your friends to do it too. Oh, I will for sure.
Starting point is 00:58:11 Yeah. My travel friends, but again. I meant to travel. There are people, oh, I'm doing the Orient Express this fall, I've never done it. Wow, wow, that's gonna be fucking sick. I know, it's gonna be sick. You get your own cabin and stuff and just like.
Starting point is 00:58:28 Again, when people with means, invite me. Sure. The answer is yes. This is a world renowned rock star who's renting out the Orient Express for their birthday. If it's time, I got some bad news for you. Yeah. It's not trips not happening.
Starting point is 00:58:43 No. Okay. But if it's anybody else, that's fucking awesome. I'm gonna do drops for your plugs earlier, but everybody watch Unstable, it's new. It's a fucking rare feat, the LeBron slash Brawny of acting. That's right. Yeah. Johnny Lo.
Starting point is 00:58:58 Yeah, congratulations. He's given nepotism a good name. Do you ever go over to him and be like, hey, you're doing this wrong? Yes. Let me tell you how to, like as a fucking veteran, let me tell you how to do this. Yeah, I'm usually like engage your core.
Starting point is 00:59:08 Oh. Engage the core. What do you want? You don't have a FUPA on national television. Let's go. And I will say this again, you wearing that Houston Asterix hat on Rogan was so, as every Yankee fan, that might be,
Starting point is 00:59:23 I might be judging by Yankee fans, fuck the Astros forever more than Duke. That was fucking great what you did. We literally went out of my own pocket had those things made up. I never seen them before. The Houston asterisks. It was so great I had never seen them before and then I was like well he's wearing a fucking asterisk. Oh wait a minute. I love that you knew that that's what that because the it's so subtly different it almost looks exactly like the Astro Astros star but it's an asterisk. Yeah Let me see if I have a there is right there. Yes
Starting point is 00:59:54 Look at it. Yeah Good for you, bro. Good for fucking you Fuck them. Fuck these fucking cheaters and he still doesn't admit he did anything wrong. He's like, they found nothing. They found so much! Well, here's the thing is, they were all doing it. They were, oh yeah. You know what? And I hate to say it.
Starting point is 01:00:11 Yeah. I don't wanna say it, cause it'll make news, but some of the very big teams were doing as much or more, but I think the Astros were doing the most, and they certainly got caught. And I'm sorry, L Tuvi was wearing a wire. Nobody can tell me otherwise. A fucking wire.
Starting point is 01:00:27 Don't touch my jersey, don't touch my jersey. Dude, he's wearing a wire. There's no way he wasn't wearing a buzzer. That's not baseball. I don't even like them fucking. When it's a breaking ball, buzz me. That's all. Just buzz me if it's a breaking ball.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Seeing that it's not. By the way, I could hit 300. With no fucking knowing what the picture is. Just buzz me when it's a breaking ball. I could hit 300. Yeah. fucking knowing what the breaking ball, I could hit 300. Yeah. I love this. I love this.
Starting point is 01:00:50 All right, Rob, thanks a lot. That was so fun. I really appreciate it. So fun. Well, you guys, that's it. That is the episode. I hope you enjoyed it. Please subscribe right now if you enjoyed it
Starting point is 01:00:58 and check out Unstable on Netflix, Rob Lowe's show. I can't, it's, I was, I was happy that I was not weird around him. Out of Hollywood for long enough now that I'm just like, oh hey, what's up man? I know too many D-Bag actors and high level actors to fucking get weird about around one. Like, oh, you know, but he wasn't one. He was fucking down to earth and very cool.
Starting point is 01:01:24 They told me I was trying to reassure his handler. I was like, hey, if there's anything he wasn't one. He was fucking down to earth and very cool. They told me I was like trying to reassure his handler. I was like, hey, if there's anything he doesn't like in the podcast, like don't I'm not trying to play catcher. I'm not that kind of guy. I'll just take it out like, you know, just to make him feel like shouldn't have to worry about what he has to say. And they go, well, he just did Tiger Belly and he didn't have any problems with that one. Then you're gonna have no problem, no problem on you be trippin'. I wonder if he did tiger belly the way I do tiger belly which is taking a frozen chocolate bar and shoving up Bobby Lee's butt.
Starting point is 01:01:54 Shoving is the wrong word. Shoving is the wrong, inserting is the right word. Shoving makes it seem like he was violent. This wasn't violent, this was loving. Bobby Lee, the slept king. I gave him a choice, you want Twix or you want Almond Joy? Obviously Twix. It's more fucking... Booth football. It did remind me though of my trip to Egypt for sure, which I'll do a full episode on
Starting point is 01:02:26 myself when I get someone to interview me. I like some of these. I like the idea of me doing mine. I got one more coming. Toby interviewed me about Thailand. And then I got one coming about Guatemala with a friend that I met at a hostel in Guatemala About a trip that we took together so that that would be cool But I'm gonna have more people interview me and Egypt is definitely on there and it really is magic and I did so much acid Not so much acid. I did one hit acid and walked around all those pyramids and it was the right move
Starting point is 01:02:59 It was the right move. I love that acid around fucking eight or nine different countries. And I got to, and then I got to Egypt. I'm like, Oh yeah, this is the spot. This is it. And just wander. I got to tell you all about, but it's another episode. And then Petra was, you don't understand. You come down this long tunnels. It's like, it's like a valley of a mountain, you know, like cliffs on both
Starting point is 01:03:18 sides against the night, narrow, narrow, narrow. And then it just opens up and it's this giant I mean like three-story building carved into a mountain It looks Photoshop it was it was fucking nuts My patreon slash you be tripping is kicking off very nicely I've been reading these postcards that I'm getting from you guys You're sending them out and I'm reading them on the air and I'm filling up This is the patreon wall the back wall covered with fucking Postcards from around the globe. I will not put up American ones. This one's American
Starting point is 01:03:50 So I'm gonna read it on here, but it will not go up on the wall because it's not from anywhere special It's a Republic of Texas, but that's it. See it What are the odds? What are the odds I hit record? Pretty high. Nice, Ari. User error. Does not apply this time.
Starting point is 01:04:09 Send your postcards to ubtrippin151 firstav box 49 New York, New York 1003. Cannot accept packages. It is a postcard only mailbox. So you can send a letter if you want with bills that I'm gonna put up over there on the podcast I want to put up a different bill from every country we've visited I guess you can't see it right now so we'll shift yeah that all places we've been I want to fill up all this area with
Starting point is 01:04:58 With with different bills if you want to send me a bill from somewhere money, I'll tell you where I need Cuba episode coming Egypt definitely now Jordan. I don't have any Israeli checks shekels but if you have any of those anywhere we've been really India any money from India send it over send it over it's crooked now okay well still probably bad yeah I can accept those little note saying where you were when you got that money shit like that anywhere event So where else we were Brazil? The UK I got up there already
Starting point is 01:05:29 Don't have to be a big bill I'll cash it if it's a big bill Are you amazing video slash Tucker? I can't believe I was at the comedy mecca I went to the comedy mothership and the Sunset Strip I hope I can come back one day to see Kill Tony. I come to DFW every six months in training for training. Sadly, my schedule's too short.
Starting point is 01:05:56 I'm about to check out Ubi Trippin' with Louis Katz. It's a good episode. Not much to tell you about Austin since you're there all the time. Go check out The Bats. The Bats are fucking cool to see since you're there all the time. Go check out the bats. The bats are very cool to see them all come out under the bridge. You like football, go see a game. Love Javier.
Starting point is 01:06:13 Well Javier, this was in the podcast studio and it was in America. I put it up there, but since it's not in the podcast studio, which is over there and it's not from America. Fuck off. But yeah, the Patreon I'm gonna read up these postcards and just riff and stuff like that and do whatever. So that's it. Today's episode is produced by Your Mom's House Network. It's edited by Alan Caffey who always does a great job and that's it. You guys leave comments in the
Starting point is 01:06:41 YouTube for other people possible that you think I should be booking in just a different day. Also, if you went to any of these countries, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, and you had your own experiences, leave those in the comments. Ends up being fucking on the YouTube anyway. A whole fucking discussion section about stuff to do or stuff people want to do and they go like, well, what is it? And people connect, it's pretty fucking cool. Nice little community we've got going on here. Yeah, that's it. I hope you guys are enjoying it.
Starting point is 01:07:07 Get that Jew vinyl before they're gone. 600 are gone already, so 400 left. I think that's it. Until next week. Oh, what's next week? I think David Cross about Turkey. Think I'm gonna show the David Cross one about Turkey. And then the week after that...
Starting point is 01:07:32 maybe Shanguilas. I'll figure out the order. But don't forget to subscribe and click in. Next week, every Monday morning, is a new episode of Yippee Trippin. Until next week everybody. Shalom lehitra hot. I knew that one easy. Bye.

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