You Be Trippin' - Iceland w/ Dan Soder | You Be Trippin' with Ari Shaffir

Episode Date: March 26, 2024

SPONSORS: - Visit and use code: TRIPPIN for 10% off your entire order plus free shipping. Welcome aboard You Be Trippin' hosted by Ari Shaffir! This week Ari is joined by co...median Dan Soder on a trip to Iceland with some pitstops to Stockholm and Amsterdam along the way. They talk about a destination called Blue Lagoon, the city of Reykjavik, hot person genetics, the untouched wilderness, being grateful after traveling, the haunting beauty of Iceland, Dan also tells Ari a story about watching the World Cup with locals and being recognized for his work in the TV series "Billions". Strap in and get ready to trip! You Be Trippin Ep. 03 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The mushrooms there are some of the harshest mushrooms you've ever had. They're the Viking mushrooms. You had the one that made you go berserker. The berserker. The berserker. I don't know if I want to do berserker. Yeah. Make you lose an arm.
Starting point is 00:00:09 You're like, I'm not going to fight. Yeah, dude. I'm fighting. I barely feel this. I'm on the berserker. Berserker. Where you been and where you going? This is Ari's Travel Show, yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:22 We're going to talk about travel today. It's UB Trippin', yeah. Hey, guys. It's your old pal Ari Shafir to tell you that I'm on the road. Dan Sodor has a new special out right now called On the Road. Make sure to check it out. It just went over 1 million views. One of the best comics working today.
Starting point is 00:00:45 If you've never seen Dan, you will really enjoy this special. He's hilarious. It has been for a long time. And I'm glad that everybody's getting a chance to see it. He fucking kills. So you guys will love it. I'm also on the road. First and foremost, my new stand-up comedy special is taping in Washington, D.C.
Starting point is 00:01:03 April 26th and 27th. The 27th is almost sold out. We just added a show on the 26th. Get tickets right now at That's at the Capitol Turnaround. I'm also, oh, Australia just won a full sale. The pre-sale is over. Melbourne, Adelaide, Canberra, Brisbane, Sydney.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Starting May 17th, going all the way to June 1st. And then I've also got these dates. Hoover, Alabama, Nashville, Huntsville, Knoxville, Memphis, Lexington on March 30th, Cleveland, Ohio. Both shows sold out on March 31st, so we added two shows on April 2nd. Cincinnati, Columbus. I think those are sold out. I don't know why I say they're sold out ones.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Grand Rapids, Detroit, and Toronto. Second show added at the sold out ones. Grand Rapids, Detroit, and Toronto. Second show added at the Queen Elizabeth Theater. Get tickets for all shows, as I said, at And Soda's also on the road. You can see him starting this coming weekend. Zany's in Nashville. I'm just going to run him down. Omaha, DC, April 20th. Nice. 420. You got to sit down on 420. Providence. Grand Rapids. Nice. Columbus. Macon, Georgia. Savannah, Georgia. Daytona Beach. Nice. Canton, Ohio. Columbia, Maryland. Maryland boy. Pittsburgh. Camdenton, Brandon, Mississippi. Wow. Oh, these are bird tickets.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Indianapolis. Oh, this is back to his. Buffalo. Get tickets for all shows at Hello, everybody. Welcome to UB Trippin', the world's only podcast. Yeah, the podcast, the travel podcast, we take you all over the world. Today, I got my friend Dan Soder on. He's one of the top comedians in New York, and by that,
Starting point is 00:02:52 also one of the top comedians in the world. Works that way for stand-up comedy and jazz. Yeah. And today, we're going to go, where are we going today? Iceland. Iceland. Reykjavik, Iceland. I've been there. Yeah. Oh, man. It was 2018. I was at Zany's in Nashville. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:12 And I was like, never taking a vacation. I don't travel like you do. We were talking about it before the podcast. I just work too much in dumb ways. So I was like, I'm going to, I was looking up Queens of the Stone Age. Yeah. And I was like, oh, they're not playing
Starting point is 00:03:28 in the United States, but they're playing in Stockholm. You're a huge Queens fan. Huge Queens. They're my favorite band, Queens of the Stone Age. So I was like, I've seen them a bunch,
Starting point is 00:03:36 but I was like, my family's from Sweden, you know? Really? Yeah, like I'm Swedish. Does the O in Soda have two dots over it? No, we took it off it at Ellis Island, but it did.
Starting point is 00:03:47 At Ellis Island, like, hey, we don't do that two dots. Hey, get those dots out of here. No, but I'm a Soda. I'm like, yeah, we don't, those sounds. My name is Soda. And they're like, I don't give a shit. And they're like, but you're on me to get your country. So my grandfather knocked.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Shut up, Simonson. Get in there. You're Soda. You go. So they knocked the umlauts off, and then my grandfather moved to Sweden, or my great-grandfather moved to Sweden, and then my dad's side's all Swedish and my mom's Irish. So I was like, oh, I want to go to Sweden.
Starting point is 00:04:13 So I called my best friend that I grew up with, and I'm like, dude, if I pay for travel, will you come with me to Sweden? And he's like, I'll take take care of hotel if you pay for travel oh sick so oh no no i reversed it i was like i will take care of tickets and hotels if you buy your plane ticket tickets to the tickets i'll buy my ticket show you just buy your plane ticket right and i'll buy i'll get tickets to the queens get there i got a room for you and a whole and a ticket two rooms yeah i got two rooms for us. And he's like, fuck yeah, I'd love to do that.
Starting point is 00:04:47 And so then I check in with the bonfire. And DJ Lewicki's like, I'm actually going that next week. I'll be in Amsterdam to see Pearl Jam. Oh, wow. And I called Mike back. And I'm like, you want to make this like a week trip? Yeah. You want to go to Amsterdam and see Pearl Jam after we see Queens of the Stone Age in Stockholm?
Starting point is 00:05:07 And he was like, fuck yes. And then he's like, hey, I'm going to toss it out there. I think we should do the last four days in Reykjavik on the way back. So we go Sweden, Amsterdam, Iceland. And I was like, yeah. Wait, wait, wait. Why? Was it Queens of the Stone Age tour?
Starting point is 00:05:21 No. Oh, it was just like, let's do something. He's like, dude, if we're over here, let's just go to Icelandeland wow i've always wanted to go to iceland yeah i was like oh absolutely so we did you get that layover ticket thing yeah you did yeah so it was the thing where it was like you were actually flying like the trip really was stockholm to new york yeah but it went stockholm amsterdam reykjavik and we did it like by days wow so it worked out and the tickets weren't that expensive and um sweden was gorgeous i had a really good time in sweden it's over there sweden it's over sweden's over here somewhere sweden's over
Starting point is 00:05:57 there right in the middle or all the way there you go all the way to the left stockholm yeah right there beautiful pretty cool town yeah i loved it and then we went down to amsterdam yeah had a great time and then flew to reykjavik and it was right there yeah it was uh fucking beautiful what time of year was it june june oh wow so it was the summer solstice it was like right around the summer solstice. So you're like, it's daylight most of the time. It's as high up as Anchorage. Yeah, I mean, we did a very long podcast of yours about me living in Alaska.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Same with the daylight. Yeah, because you can look at it on the latitude line or whatever. Yeah, you're up here. Yeah. So you're, I mean, it's the same as- Above that. I was right here in the Cook Inlet. Yeah, well above that. But you're, I mean, it's the same as. Above that. I was right here in the Cook Inlet. Yeah, well above that.
Starting point is 00:06:46 But you're like, so it was like. Damn. 20 hours of daylight. Oh. And so we were like, this is going to be fucking awesome. But we also went hard in Sweden and in Amsterdam. Wait, were you drinking? No, but I was just like doing mushrooms.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Oh, Amsterdam. Just fucking smoking weed. Amsterdam is a sober guy's like, oh, we're going for it. Yeah, I can't cut loose in Vegas or New Orleans, but I can get it. Yeah, you can get it. I can get it. I mean, I would just go to the Bulldog Cafe like in the morning and have a coffee and smoke like three spliffs and then start my day. Just act like Ralphie May.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Yeah, I was fucking going And so we went to Iceland and we were tired, but it was the place we did the most stuff like Amsterdam we went to the Van Gogh Museum. We saw Pearl Jam. We went around the city Sweden We went to the Vasa Museum saw Queens of the Stone Age. We did some shit Iceland we were like we're going to the Blue Lagoon. We're going around. We're walking around all of Reykjavik.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Reykjavik? Reykjavik? I think it's Reykjavik. I call it the Rake. The Rake. Let's call it the Rake so anyone from Iceland's not mad at me. That's my friend Ariel Jarn
Starting point is 00:07:58 who lives at Comic there. I was like, what's going on in the Rake? He was like, dude, no. I see what you're doing. We're not starting that. That's like when people call San Franciscoake? And he was like, dude, no. I see what you're doing. We're not starting that. That's like when people call San Francisco San Fran.
Starting point is 00:08:08 And you're like, people are like, don't do that. They're like, don't do that. Everybody from there is like, no, it's SF. Or the Bay. SFC, at worst, if you're black. Yeah. So we went to Rakevick. We went to the rake.
Starting point is 00:08:22 The rake, yeah. Now the rest of the podcast, I don't know what to call it. Reykjavik. It's Reykjavik. Reykjavik. I don't know why I tried to put a little extra on it. We went there, and it's light. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:33 But it's like June, but you can wear a sweatshirt. Is it warm? It's cool at night. It's like 60. Yeah. And then at night, it gets cooler. Can you imagine that that's as good as 70? That's about as good as it gets?
Starting point is 00:08:46 Love it. There, where it's like summertime, where it's just sweater weather. It's summertime. I love it. I love it. I had so much fun walking around there. And the places, you know, they have like historical things where you're like, oh, Vikings were here. Like Vikings landed here.
Starting point is 00:09:04 And it's documented. Wow. And so they have like, there's like this ship on the coast that's like an art expo that we went and looked at. And like, we just walked, we really just, it's the most I wandered around anywhere. And it was very, very fun. Okay. So tell me about, I mean, did you go to the Blue Lagoon first?
Starting point is 00:09:22 We went, the first day- Because it's out near the airport, right? Yeah. The first day we walked around and we had this restaurant under the Airbnb we had. Oh, cool. Oh, you got an Airbnb. Yeah, so this restaurant under the Airbnb had this fish stew that I was like, what the fuck? And the waitress we had was like 21 years old.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Naturally one of the most beautiful- They're so hot there. They're so hot. It's the inbreeding. It makes them hotter. Dude. And it's also, that's why their personalities are dull as shit. My God, dude.
Starting point is 00:09:55 The people in Reykjavik made the Swedish look Italian. They were like, but they were gorgeous. They're just clear. Skin. Their eyes are the bluest. White walkers. Dude, it really is. It's like.
Starting point is 00:10:12 It's so blue. Their eyes are so blue. Dude, it was fucking insane. And this woman was beautiful. And we were trying to do that American charm bullshit where we're like, ah, so is it fun? Like that. And she was like, ah, so is it fun? Yeah, like that. And she was like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Yeah, and then we were like, you know, I'm an insecure comedian, so I'm like, ah, they hate us. And my friend Mike was like, no, he's very quiet and smart. Yeah. He's like, no, I think that's just their personality, dude. I don't think they fucking care about, they can't be schmoozed. Oh, right. Yeah. Americans can be schmoozed.
Starting point is 00:10:55 That's what waiters do. I was with a candidate in Sagalow, and I went and got some coffee, and some lady was just standoffish right away. I was like, can I go back there to get the scoop cup? And she was like, nobody goes back there. I was like, okay cup and she was like nobody goes back there i was like okay i was like so what kind of coffee is great can i see she's like yeah here's the last i'm like wow what's what's the sumatran light and eventually just wore down she's like it's pretty good yeah yeah that's an american skill is like you can walk down someone with charm yeah but in iceland it
Starting point is 00:11:21 didn't work iceland they were like yeah i don't know what you are trying to do but we were like that suit that fucking stew what was it every yeah a little bit of everything i think there was like the basic stew was just there i would love to know what it was fish stew it was like fish stew yeah look it up because it was like i want to say carp or like shit that you're like, I don't know if I want to eat this. It was something where there was so much stuff and I had it. Was it plockfisker?
Starting point is 00:11:54 Yeah. Or fiskersupa? It's plockfisker. It's plockfisker. Hi, everybody. Today's episode of You Be Trippin' is brought to you by one of my favorite sponsors, The Freeze Pipe. Guys, it's fucking refreshing.
Starting point is 00:12:07 You ever smoke weed and get a fucking cough? Of course you do, especially if you smoke half-smoked bowls like I do all the time, because why throw it out? Why throw it out? And then, oh, I don't have enough money to fucking get a new bowl?
Starting point is 00:12:17 Yeah, but what does that have to do with throwing it out? And then it fucking burns. And the freeze pipe said you shouldn't have to burn, so they put fucking glycerin tablets. I don't know. It's fucking magic, guys. It doesn't matter. You stick it in your freezer for like an hour, and then it's smooth.
Starting point is 00:12:30 It's smooth like a fucking peppermint schnapps. Yeah, you ever drink peppermint schnapps? My drink in college is peppermint schnapps and Sprite. But I did it with people. So it's not antisocial. I did it with people. I did it with like-minded people. We're all passing around the peppermint schnapps.
Starting point is 00:12:42 And your breath is just, ah. Well, that's what freeze pipe is. Do you want that? You want that feeling for finding someone who's into the same things as you from hitting it off with someone of the same gender, the opposite gender, but someone you might finally spend the rest of your life with someone you find that can hit it off with and you're attracted to, and you're attracted to not just physically but also emotionally that feeling for love that's the freeze pipe feeling every time you hit one of these glycerin enabled fucking pipes that you stick in your freezer for really only an hour it's that feeling not coughing anymore freeze pipe says no have that great feeling of true love freeze pipe let it help you find true love. But for real, go to right now if you want this in your life. Go to and use promo
Starting point is 00:13:33 code TRIPPIN and you get 10% off your order. Yeah, 10% off your order and free shipping at with promo code TRIPPIN. Now let's get back to the episode. That's what, dude, I had it. 20-minute preparation. I had it like three times. Really? It looks hearty as shit, bro. Dude, it was so good.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Like that? Yeah, dude. And I felt like I was in Game of Thrones eating like that kind of food that you eat near a fire. And they give you bread. Yeah, yeah. And you just dip the bread. Oh, yeah, dude. And I felt like I was in Game of Thrones eating like that kind of food that you eat near a fire. Oh, right. And they give you bread. Yeah, yeah. And you just dip the bread. Oh, yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Dip the bread right there. Oh, my God. I was going to say, they put bread with it. It's so good. Fuck, I'm salivating. It was so good. And I thought it was going to be gross, and I ordered it as kind of a gag. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:18 To be like, let me try your fish stew. I'm like, watch this. This shit's going to suck. Isn't it funny where you try something like, I'm supposed to try it. There's no way it's going to be good. But it's like a haggis in Scotland. Yeah. But then like, this is actually one of the best late night foods I've ever had.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Dude, Sean Patton got so into it when we did Fringe. He's like, I'm going to get some haggis. And everyone's like, what are you all haggis for? And then he was like, dude, this is actually really good and I like it. Yeah. I had that with Vernors from Michigan. Yeah. The soda.
Starting point is 00:14:41 I learned about it in a marketing class. Some things are regionally equal to the major brands, but only regionally. So only in the Michigan area, Werner's ginger soda sells as much as Coca-Cola. Crazy. Yeah, I learned that in New York in a marketing class. And then my friend was going to the University of Michigan.
Starting point is 00:14:58 I was like, get me some Werner's. He was like, why? And I had it. I'm like, I love it. I'll have it every day. Because that's what it used to be before the internet. You'd have to go to places and be like, oh, they have this stuff.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Plakfisker. Plakfisker. We're probably butchering it, but it was so good. Warm, it's hot, right? Warm. They do fish there. Yeah, it was warm. It was really fucking good.
Starting point is 00:15:21 I went back three times. Are there any Iceland? Really? To this same restaurant? Right under us. Wow. Like, I'd look at Food Jack, and I'd be like, I'm going to go get fish stew.
Starting point is 00:15:30 And quickly get some plucked fish stew. And you're like, ah, dude. And then that hot waitress was working again, and we did the thing of like, us again. We're back. And she was like, unaffected. Yeah. Can you believe it?
Starting point is 00:15:41 Another hamburger? That's the equivalent. Yeah, she goes, OK. Yeah. Can you believe it? Another hamburger? That's the equivalent. Yeah, she goes, okay. Yeah, if a European tourist kept coming in and being like,
Starting point is 00:15:50 another chicken tender for me, we'd be like, if you had a diner, can you imagine a diner in Queens? And they're like, yeah, okay, guy. That was the exact energy she was getting me. I was like, whoa. Yeah, I work at a restaurant. It's not where people eat food. I'm going to be made of this stuff by the end of this.
Starting point is 00:16:06 She was like, get out of here, you corny fuck. I had the same thing in Paris. I went to the same place like three times. And I was eventually like, so are you just going to be here now? We should hang out. Where's your place? Are we on the street? Let's hang out over there.
Starting point is 00:16:17 But they were like, get the fuck out of here. Yeah, dude. And then, so then we went to the Blue Lagoon. So what did you take? You got an Uber out there and stuff?, dude. And then, so then we went to the Blue Lagoon. So what did you take? You got an Uber out there and stuff? A bus. A bus. You can go downtown and there's like a bus that'll take you.
Starting point is 00:16:30 It's far out of town, right? Yeah. It's a drive. But it's fucking awesome. It's awesome. Because the drive there, and I have pictures that I'll send you that you put up. It's volcanic rock. That's right.
Starting point is 00:16:41 So the whole drive there, it looks like you're driving on the surface of Mars But like With like moss over it Yes The grass is just like a coating of green over volcanic It's grassy Did you get out at all? Yeah for sure show me
Starting point is 00:16:53 So when we got there I like I had a joint and I like walked around You had a joint You brought it with you? Yeah Smart From Amsterdam I like hid it in me
Starting point is 00:17:01 And so I like had it And I like smoked and walked around And I was like damn dude this is I was like touching the rocks because when you go in the Blue Lagoon It's like you go into a place and then you're just in it Did you where you at all like the Blue Lagoon where you would all like well, we'll talk about it I guess but like we're you're all disappointed that it's not just a naturally formed Like Lagoon, I mean, I thought that's what it was. I thought it was supposed to be
Starting point is 00:17:25 a lake in the middle of nowhere that's hot, but it seems like it's built up. They definitely do construction to keep it, you know what I mean? Yeah. I just had these pictures. Where the fuck are they? It's definitely like they keep it, they maintain it,
Starting point is 00:17:41 they make it look nice, you know what I mean? Yeah. But it was fucking awesome. Yeah. Could you feel where it's like hotter or less hot in certain areas? Yeah. Oh, in the lagoon? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:51 While you're swimming around? Yeah, it's like, ooh, here's a fissure or something. Yeah, you're like, oh, this is fucking crazy. So here's the Blue Lagoon. Yeah. And that's like the Moss Rock. Damn. Outside.
Starting point is 00:18:03 She'll lay this over. Yeah. Show the audience. So that was the Viking, the art exhibit where you're'll lay this over. Yeah. Show the audience. So that was the Viking, the art exhibit where you're like, do the landing. Right on the sound? Yeah, it's right there. Damn. And so we go to the Blue Lagoon.
Starting point is 00:18:13 The Blue Lagoon, I first saw a picture of the Blue Lagoon in like, you know the gate? Like when you go from, you show them your ticket at the airplane until you get on the plane. There's that tunnel. Yeah. And then you see pictures sometimes. And it's like, where's this place? Yeah. Dude.
Starting point is 00:18:28 All the volcanic rock coming out of the water. That's not Blue Lagoon, is it? This is the Blue Lagoon. This is like the actual water. Like, that was outside. Did you get one of those cases for your phone? No. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:39 Yeah. They give you cases. Because everyone's so phoned up now that it's like, you want to take a picture of this. And you can see the steam coming off it. Yeah. Wow. So we look like just a healthy gay couple. Having the time of our lives.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Which, by the way, the best spot to be a gay couple. They don't give a shit there. So, dude, this was pretty fucking awesome. So that's on the bus. So that's what the bus ride looks like. So that's the moss covering all the, damn. I took a picture because my friend was like, where are you i'm like i'm in iceland and he was like no you're not no no no way and i was like i'm in iceland right now and i took that picture
Starting point is 00:19:11 i was like there you go i'm on a fucking bus but it was um oh that's who it was i think i was texting mcdaniel because he was coaching the niners and he was like he was jealous of you and i was like dude i got my niners hat on in iceland and he was like oh was jealous of you and I was like dude I got my Niners hat on in Iceland and he was like oh shit so this picture which we'll overlay is me and Foojack in front of an Icelandic flag right damn
Starting point is 00:19:32 so the World Cup is no you weren't doing that dude you were doing the fucking even better we were there
Starting point is 00:19:40 when they played Argentina which was their big match because they tied. And that's all. I was like, okay, so people don't understand. Iceland, and normally I'm not going to do the details of a country or anything, but it needs to be said for this. Iceland is a country of 250,000 people.
Starting point is 00:19:57 Yeah, it's smaller than most. Is it 400 and 250? I don't know. It's smaller than most American cities. Far under one million people. Far under. It's smaller than most American cities. Far under one million people. Far under.
Starting point is 00:20:04 So to be able to beat or tie a team like Argentina, one of the world's... A legendary team. Yeah. Dude, so we go and we're like, literally the conversation is, all right, well, Iceland's playing Argentina. Should we watch it at the Blue Lagoon? Because downtown in Reykjavik, they had like bleachers set up in like town square. Every bar must have been packed.
Starting point is 00:20:31 And we're like, you know, I don't drink. So I'm like, that might be hard for me. But maybe there's probably TVs at the Blue Lagoon. At the Blue Lagoon. And then we can watch it at this place. With Icelanders. And it was really our only day we could go to the Blue Lagoon. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:46 So we're like, let's go to the Blue Lagoon. And we go and we like, we go to the Blue Lagoon, we shower off, and then we ask one of the staff members, this African dude, we're like, hey, are there TVs here? And he's like, there's no TVs here. And we're like, ah, shit, we're trying to watch the World Cup game. And he was like, oh, you're trying to watch football?
Starting point is 00:21:08 And we're like, yeah. And he's like, do you want to watch it with the staff? Oh my God. Yes. Yes! So he's like,
Starting point is 00:21:16 that's better. Yeah, he's like, come with us. No. And I had half an edible and I ate the edible immediately. So you gotta let it kick in. I was like,
Starting point is 00:21:22 let's go. I need this now. So dude, we go. Wait, after you soaked or before? We already swam. Oh my God. Because we went in the morning. You gotta shower off
Starting point is 00:21:31 because it smells like eggs, right? Yeah. You gotta shower off. You smell like sulfur and shit. Yeah. So it was like, or whatever that smell is. But we shower off,
Starting point is 00:21:39 we get dressed and I see that African dude and I'm like, yo, seriously, we do want to watch it. And he's like, oh, come with me. So he walks us.
Starting point is 00:21:46 He, like, checks us out because you get these, like, bracelets so you can put your shit in lockers or whatever. Oh, yeah. So we, like, turn in our bracelets or whatever. He's like, come with me. And we, like, go through this hallway up these stairs, and it's a conference room with they're projecting it onto the big screen. No way. And there's, like, it's like a U-table. So we're watching this game with the employees of the Blue Lagoon.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Icelanders. Icelanders. Yeah. No one understands how big soccer is in the rest of the world. It's massive. It's the NFL everywhere else. And the World Cup is the thing. You can save your career if you just advance.
Starting point is 00:22:24 A tie. a tie. A tie. And so Iceland scored. Wow. And that room went fucking ballistic. First? I believe it was. I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:22:35 If you're wrong, you're wrong. It doesn't matter. Yeah, I don't remember. I think it might have been first, but I also think that they might have tied, and that's why everyone was like, we fucking tied. Like they tied it up. Everyone. And we were like,
Starting point is 00:22:46 go Iceland. I don't give a fuck about Argentina. Sure. Harbored a bunch of Nazis. Absolutely. Fuck the Nazis. Dude,
Starting point is 00:22:53 that's our hard stance. But I'm going to say, you beat Tripp and stands against the Nazis. Yeah, dude. God, you're a hero. And I was like, dude, fuck you.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Let's go Iceland. And me and Foojack were like, selling it. Like we're like, Iceland. Yeah. Iceland. Dude, it's so fun to get into sports that Jack were like, selling it. Like, we're like, Iceland! Yeah. Iceland!
Starting point is 00:23:06 Dude, it's so fun to get into sports that you don't really care about. At all. In a country that you really, it's a one night stand. I like it because I'm here. I don't give a fuck when I leave. I'll die for this team. Dude, and there's this giant Viking looking motherfucker. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Which there's a lot of there. They really do look like that. Yeah. With the beards. Huge. And they're just like they're big they're big and like this guy is just like keeps looking at fujak and i and that edible's hitting and i'm like oh he knows we're american and he hates we're here he hates that we're like ruining it like i'm doing this to myself and then i'm saying it out loud to fujak fujak's like you think and like, yeah, I think they're like mad we're here. And he's like, I don't, I love Foojack.
Starting point is 00:23:48 He's one of my best friends and he's very positive when I need that. And he's like, I think they're probably enjoying that we're here. Do you ever call him Foojack City? No, we call him Foo-tang. Foo-tang's not bad. Foo-tang was high school.
Starting point is 00:23:58 I would, it's up to you, but give a Foojack City a go. You guys heard it here first. Foojack, I'm bringing it to you you're fujak city now i love that i don't remember thinking that um so we're like he's like being positive and he's like no i think i think these people are excited that weren't excited for iceland and i'm like i don't know this fucking one guy and i pointed him out and then fujak's army's like he's definitely staring us down. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:24:25 shit. You're my rock. And then, dude, it goes to overtime, goes the extra minutes and it ends in a tie, which is a win for Iceland. Because Argentina is one of the greatest. Also, if you get three ties in the open, you're advancing. So sometimes
Starting point is 00:24:41 by the end, you're like, we got a win, a loss and if we get a tie, we advance. So all you need is a tie and so they were like we died we tied the best team like argentina if you're a sub off the bench in argentina you can murder your wife and they'll just take care of it yeah they're like you're good at soccer yeah you're fine so we're like fuck that was crazy and they're celebrating we're high-fiving everybody except the big viking motherfucker we're like high-fiving everybody. And we're like, this is crazy. And then the Viking guy walks up to me
Starting point is 00:25:11 and he goes, he leans in and he goes, Bobby Axelrod sent me to destroy you. And it was right after season three of Billions where I betrayed the main character. And I went, dude, what? And he went, I'm a real big fan of the show. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:25:31 You shouldn't have turned your back on Bobby Axelrod. And I was like, dude, I thought you hated me. And he's like, I was fucking with you. And he goes, I do. But I can't tell the difference between you and me. I am very non-expressive. I do hate you. I have can't tell the difference between. I am very non-expressive. I do hate you. I have the expressive face of the audience.
Starting point is 00:25:48 Dude, he was like, I was like, oh, my God. You didn't see my eyebrows go up slightly? And then he was like, can I have a picture? And like took pictures with him and shit. And he's like, no, I'm a fan of the show. I kept looking because I didn't think it was you. He was like. Because why would you be in the staff session in Iceland?
Starting point is 00:26:04 It's not the right place to be. That's exactly what he said. He was like, I was like, why would Buffy be in the staff session in Iceland? It's not the right place to be. That's exactly what he said. He was like, I was like, why would Buffy be in this? And I was like, oh, shit, I never thought about that. Henry Rollins has a thing where people are like, what are you? Because he's a traveler. He goes, what are you doing here? He goes, I'm here to meet you.
Starting point is 00:26:16 That's great. Yeah, because he is. He's like, I don't know, I was just like, travel here? What's your story? Bill Murray always had that great line when someone would meet Bill Murray. He goes, no one's going to. He would just lean in and go, no one's going to believe you. Then he'd walk away and they'd be like, oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:26:28 I met Bill Murray at a golf course and he took one of my beers. But yeah, that was a moment where I was like, that was fucking cool. I immediately texted Brian and David, the creators of Billions, to be like, yo, I'm in Iceland and this guy, I got heat. I got heat from the end of season three i got oh wow i got enough or four yeah i've told you this i was in a hostel yeah in myanmar and i met two american guys and they're like oh what do you do like we live in la it's like i used to live in la what do you do they're like writers and like oh cool what do you write for
Starting point is 00:26:58 like the show billions i was like my buddy's on that and they're like what yeah i'm like yeah my buddy dan's like yeah we know dan black guy and white guy yeah they were writers and i was like, my buddy's on that. And they're like, what? Yeah. I'm like, yeah, my buddy Dan. They're like, yeah, we know Dan. Black guy and white guy. Yeah. They were writers. And I was like, ah, I got to tell them. I won't be in touch for three and a half more months. I know you said black guy, white guy. But there was two guys that, when you're saying this,
Starting point is 00:27:16 they reached out. And they're like, we met Ari Shaffir. Oh, OK. And I was like, oh, my god. He's been gone. So when you were saying that, that's when you just went to Indochina, where I was like, oh, fuck. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:27:26 Billions has a bigger reach. It reaches billions. Dude, it's crazy. It does. Because in Sweden, I was like on the street and people were like, billions. And you'd be like, damn, dude. All right. Yeah, what's up?
Starting point is 00:27:37 So what else? Okay, so that's, first of all, that's a fucking tremendous. It was so fun. Real sports event. Oh, my God. Such a fucking tremendous it was so tremendous real sports event oh my god fucking key pull for travel and so then it really was just like we went in and explored like all the old historic places that really all of it just kind of lumped together in that whole trip of like stuff we saw but the one thing i remember about iceland specifically was how fucking beautiful it was all the time the air is clean
Starting point is 00:28:07 in a way that it's like the the the water is just clean it's like you're disrupting a a quaint fishing village yeah and you're in their capital like sweden stockholm felt like a big city with old ties which i loved because my grandfather was from Uppsala. And so I was like, I wanted to go to Uppsala. But being able to stick around in Stockholm, I was like, this is fucking beautiful. But Iceland, specifically Reykjavik, was like, oh, this feels like we're the first explorers to come here. It doesn't have that American stomped on, which a lot of places, you've been to a ton of places. Well, I always say there's the big city.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Yeah. And some big cities have their own very, very specific feel, but every country has their big city. Yeah. So New York has a specific feel, and so does Chicago. We have a few. Paris has a specific feel. Tokyo has a specific feel. London.
Starting point is 00:29:02 London, yeah. Kind of. London and New York are very similar. It's just like the big city of Australia. Rangoon is just like the big city of there. So everything else is Denver? Exactly. They're just like, eh, it's just a big city.
Starting point is 00:29:16 But Reykjavik is their big city. 122,000 people. That's crazy. So that's like a town. That's fucking Allentown. Yeah. Probably less. Dude, check Allentown, Pennsylvania.
Starting point is 00:29:26 I want to see Allentown versus Reykjavik. But man, it was like- 121, even. Damn. It's about even. Damn. Wow. Dude, and you go and it feels,
Starting point is 00:29:41 sometimes when you see those smaller towns, they feel like impeded on, and it might have changed since I've been there,, they feel impeded on. And it might have changed since I've been there. But it feels impeded on by bigger countries where McDonald's are everywhere. Burger Kings are everywhere. And there's a Foot Locker everywhere. But Reykjavik was like... Even Shanghai was like that.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Yeah. Oh, this is Zara Gifts in Shanghai. So this isn't really even China. This is just a city. But Reykjavik was like... we went looking for sweatshirts and shit. And it was like, you were going into like an Icelandic store where they're like, this is, this isn't like a chain. Right.
Starting point is 00:30:14 And I'm sure there's change there. But I'm saying like where we stayed in Reykjavik was like, oh, this all feels mom and pop-ish. Yeah. It was very cool. I made a mistake because I was like, I'm going to get a t-shirt. I got this t-shirt. That's a glitch. Yeah. It was very cool. I made a mistake because I was like, I'm going to get a t-shirt. I got this t-shirt. That's a glitch. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:30:27 But like, then I was just walking around and I passed by a record store and I'm like, I should have gotten Reykjavik record store. Yeah. That would have been a better shirt.
Starting point is 00:30:35 I don't know why I didn't just buy two t-shirts. Yeah, you should buy two. But like, a local store place is like a way cooler vibe. Yeah. It's fucking awesome.
Starting point is 00:30:44 It's a homer town. Yeah. And what did you do in Reykjavik proper? We literally just walked around. We would walk around until we were tired. We would stop and get food. We would eat and then just bullshit. Because it's like one of my lifelong best friends.
Starting point is 00:30:59 So it was like fun to be with him in a way where we're like. You didn't drink, huh? He drank. I didn't. It's a good drinking town. I know. It's a surprisingly good drinking town. The locals get after it. Dude, where we stayed, we stayed across from this busy
Starting point is 00:31:11 bar, and there was no air conditioning, so we had to leave the windows open. And the light... Dude, at one point, Sam gave me those Tootsie Roll edibles, so I had a whole bag of them. I just saw he has a new, sorry to interrupt,
Starting point is 00:31:28 but he has a new weed called L'Chaim. It's a Jewish weed, and it's just L'Chaim, whatever. I think I got an eighth of it. I'm pretty sure I got an eighth of it. It's pretty good. I smoked it yesterday. I was like, this does it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Yeah. L'Chaim is fucking awesome. But I, those were the- Tootsie Roll edibles, yeah. I had like a bag of them. Nice. So that's what, Tootsie Rolls edibles, yeah. I had like, a bag of them. Nice. So that's what I was eating
Starting point is 00:31:48 when I just wanted to get high because I had the joint and I smoked it and then I fucking was like, I'll just eat these edibles. So I would eat a bunch of edibles and then I'd get fucked up and be like,
Starting point is 00:31:57 I'm going to bed. And I went to bed and I woke up and I was like, damn, it's morning already but it was 2.30. It was light.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Wow. And people were partying outside. And Food Jack likes the booze. So he was like, I'm going out. And he's like, I'm hoping the waitress is out because that hot waitress is downstairs. So he would go out every night. Dude, the funniest was in Stockholm where one night he was like, I'm going to go to the bars. And I was like, nah, man, we're already fucked up.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Like I was high. He was drunk. I was like, let's just fucking, we'll go explore tomorrow. And he's like i'm gonna go to the bars and i was like nah man we're already fucked up like i was high he was drunk i was like let's just fucking we'll go explore tomorrow and he's like cool and i woke up early and had breakfast and he wasn't out and then like i went and got my notebook and got a coffee and was writing jokes and like smoked a little bit of weed and i was like what the fuck's food 1 p.m i went up to his hotel room and i knocked and he was like yeah dude i went out till like five in the morning. And I was like, oh, man. You got to let it. Unless you're doing really daytime stuff.
Starting point is 00:32:49 It's like you're still having fun. But then he had fun. And I was like, you missed breakfast. Because this Sweden, this Stockholm hotel had like the best breakfast I've ever had. Yeah. But it was. How expensive was Iceland? Was Reykjavik?
Starting point is 00:33:00 Very. Yeah, right. It was very expensive. It was the most expensive place we went. It was the Airbnb. Oh, no. Yeah, right? It was very expensive. It was the most expensive place we went. It was the Airbnb. Oh, no. Yeah. Amsterdam, we got a mid-hotel that wasn't that bad.
Starting point is 00:33:10 Stockholm, we got a nice hotel. Because Stockholm originally was like, I'm going to do this up. But that's you choosing to spend. I chose to spend in Stockholm. And then when we added on the two cities, I was like, all right, well, let's not get crazy. Yeah. And I already had the hotel in Stockholm. So I was like, we'll get a mid-one in Amsterdam that wasn't even, like, we's not get crazy. Yeah. And I already had the hotel in Stockholm, so I was like, we'll get a mid one in Amsterdam
Starting point is 00:33:26 that wasn't even, like, we had to take a long bus. And then Reykjavik, we were like, we're downtown, it's an Airbnb, but it was like, we split a bed. Oh, really? Yeah. Split a bed? Yeah, it was just a studio. Oh, that's a tough one.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Yeah, ass to ass, dude. That's a tough one. Ass to ass the whole night. That's a tough one. I take that fucking edible. We were watching Fast and the Furious in Icelandic or whatever it was. I was fucked. Dude, I was fucked up.
Starting point is 00:33:52 I was sitting there watching like this. I can understand. My eyes were like, you know when you eat edibles and your eyes go super red? So small, yeah. Like, Food Jack looked over at me. I was like, I'm not liking this. But I woke up and I was like, I want that fish stew. There is something to be like when you discover something in a new country, a food or whatever,
Starting point is 00:34:11 and you're like, I want to go back. I'm not going to find this where I'm from. Yeah, I wanted it. So that same trip was when the, I know this sounds crazy, was the first time I had a Stroop waffle. Like a real Stroop waffle. That doesn't sound crazy. Most people don't even know what that is.
Starting point is 00:34:24 It's like little mini waffles with- Amsterdam, it's big. Yeah. And I was like going to find the best Stroopwafel. You put them over your coffee. Yes. Or cocoa, and it heats it up and makes it all melty. This flight attendant-
Starting point is 00:34:37 Yeah. That we met on the flight over to Sweden taught us how to do that. She's like, when you go to Amsterdam you have to do this yeah it's like all right whatever and then we got Stroopwafels and did it we were like oh fuck it was incredible yeah that's my favorite trip because it was like a real vacation you know what's interesting about Iceland too um that guy Ari he was like talking to Marin he was like he'd like hang out with American comics um and uh and Marin's like oh yeah I guess he referenced like indigenous people like what happened to them. And Ari was like,
Starting point is 00:35:06 oh, we actually didn't have any. We didn't do anything bad to anybody. It was uncharted. We just went and settled it. It's basically the surface of the moon. It's the surface of the moon. You didn't go north or anything? I wish I would have. We were only there for three days, four days.
Starting point is 00:35:22 I even think, I want to say it was like three and a half, and it was like travel on back ends. So we got in, did something, then we had like a day and a half to do stuff. Did you go to any of the local saunas or anything? No. But I want to go back.
Starting point is 00:35:39 I want to go back too. It's a place where I'm like, I want to save up and do it right. Yeah. And I want to go for like a week. I don't want to go there. We should do a show there. Here's why.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Do a show. The whole thing's tax deductible. So you're paying two thirds of whatever you spend. Let's do a show next summer. I might do it. What's it called? We can go on the way. What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:36:00 You're doing Edinburgh? Yeah. If you do Edinburgh, I'll go with you in July. Yeah. When everyone goes to Montreal? Yeah. Let's go to Iceland. Let's go to Iceland.
Starting point is 00:36:10 Let's go to Reykjavik and bring like Colm or somebody. Yeah, and they're always like, it's not the best time to tour. I'm like, yeah, but it's the best time to be there. I don't want to go to Reykjavik in the fucking winter. And dude, we can get a show, even if it's fucking 50 people. No, no, dude. There's 100,000 people there, so we can't have fucking. Dude, I played to one-tenth of 1% of the country.
Starting point is 00:36:27 That's great. I did like 400 people. That's great. Yeah. Let's do it. And then the next day, my promoter promoted Justin Bieber the next day. They want to go and get free tickets. I'm like, oh, free tickets, I'll go.
Starting point is 00:36:36 And he played to 10% of the country. Damn. 1,000 people. Yeah. And he's fucking 10% of the country. Dude, let's do it. He played to the Comedy Cellar, and it was like, oh my God. I'll% of the country dude let's do it he played at the comedy cellar and it was like
Starting point is 00:36:46 oh my god I'll do that yeah let's do it like I'll do a full fucking week there and let's do a show in the middle of the week I'm trying to plan
Starting point is 00:36:54 a European tour right now I was there when I was there Bill Murray was there really? Bill Murray was like doing a thing with a cellist we can hang out with Ari
Starting point is 00:37:00 he took me north and there's so much cool shit to do up there oh man we'll do mushrooms. So the mushrooms there, I shouldn't be interviewing you, but like whatever. The mushrooms there are some of the harshest mushrooms you've ever had. They're the Viking mushrooms.
Starting point is 00:37:14 You had the one that made you go berserker. The berserker. The berserker. I don't know if I want to do berserker ones. But they're the purple death or whatever. They make you lose an arm. You're like, I'm not going to fight. I'm fighting.
Starting point is 00:37:24 I barely feel this. I'm on the berserker. Berserker. I don't want to go berserker. He said him and his nice wife. They're good people. They're good people. They're very nice. He sees hippies in the cul-de-sacs. They have a lot of cul-de-sacs there.
Starting point is 00:37:39 These are little details, by the way, that you only remember if you're journaling or writing homes. More cul-de-sacs in it, we think. It's not in the travel blog. But you would homes, like, more cul-de-sacs than it would think, you know? It's like, it's not in the travel blog. But you would see, like, backpackers, like, in the cul-de-sac, just staring at the ground walking around. I was like, what's wrong with them? I was like, they're looking for shrooms, bro.
Starting point is 00:37:54 Yeah, they're trying to get fucked up. Oh my god, we got it. Let's do that. Next July. I would love to do that. I would love to go over there. We'll plan a show. I'm gonna do a european tour in probably april but i'll just go back for edinburgh or if i'm not going to edinburgh then we'll just go yeah we'll do a show just take a week yeah in july yeah where it's like
Starting point is 00:38:16 hoodie weather yeah hoodie weather there unbearable here yeah that's the way to do it the way to do it. The way to do it is you got to get away from like... And we'll do like a big show. We'll try to get as many people as we can. So they do it at the opera house. There's small rooms at the opera house. That's where the thing that I showed you,
Starting point is 00:38:35 the Viking ship? Yeah. It's outside the opera house. Which is right on the water. Dude, the opera house is this amazing thing with all these glass windows. We walked around that.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Yeah, we walked around that a lot. It's intentionally showing you the sunset. It lets you see this amazing sunset. And they have art. They have local art in there. It's fucking. We walked around that. Yeah, we walked around that a lot. It's intentionally showing you the sunset. It lets you see this amazing sunset. And they have art. They have local art in there. It's fucking cool as shit. Iceland really supports their local artists. Yeah, Iceland rocks, dude.
Starting point is 00:38:53 It rocks. Yeah, let's go do a show in Iceland. Okay, okay. For sure. We're going to have new hours. We're going to fucking come and bring, we'll each do 40. So let me tell you, did When the The Not Afghanistan When they beat Argentina
Starting point is 00:39:06 Yeah Did they do the fucking Well Yeah They were doing something They did a bunch of shit That we didn't know what it was They were celebrating
Starting point is 00:39:13 Yeah No I mean So at the stadiums They started doing this thing Oh I don't know We were I mean we were in a Conference room
Starting point is 00:39:19 And they were just like Hugging and kissing And fucking going nuts Well I don't know if you saw They didn't do like a haka But afterwards What's the haka You know like the pacific islanders so they do that so that was all the fucking replays when when iceland advanced after every like a lot of iceland
Starting point is 00:39:34 shut down because they want to support yeah so if 10 000 people went out to support they're like hey we get we can't open really yeah we lost all of our critical staff and the captain of the football team did this thing where he like saluted the fans in the audience. Because that's all our... I know everybody here. Yeah, this is our guys. And they started doing this thing where they go... Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:39:54 You don't remember this? No. And they started doing it more and more. And then the crowd was doing it with them. It's like... That's pretty awesome. And they all were doing that. I'm going to watch this.
Starting point is 00:40:07 Oh, you got to watch it. Yeah, I don't remember that. Oh, it's wild. Yeah. And it was like, what the fuck? I love that shit. Thousands of people, tens of thousands of people visiting to watch their team play.
Starting point is 00:40:17 And it was like, wow. So when I did my show, we do intermissions. Yeah. Because it's a big theater show. It's European style. They do intermissions. And so I came back. I did like 25 or something like that after the opener then we came back and i was like started up the show again and i before i just went up to the mic and i just waited yeah
Starting point is 00:40:35 and they were all okay and they got quiet and i just like put my hands out to my side yeah and i was and they all know it they knew it they knew exactly where to go And they all know it. They knew it. They knew exactly where to go. And they all knew it was me. It was more, faster, faster. And I was so stoked.
Starting point is 00:40:51 And when I got off, I was like, what do you think of that? To Ari? To Elgern? And he was like, no, it's cool. I mean, it's hacky now. What? Because you have bankers do that. You just did the Icelandic getter done.
Starting point is 00:41:00 So good job. Because you had this guy open a car dealership. They did it. Oh, that's got to suck. It does suck. I was so stoked. You see a piece of their culture, and guy opened a car dealership. They did it. Oh, that's got to suck. That sucked. I was so stoked. You see a piece of their culture, and you're like, I'm going to do it. And they're like, everybody does that. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:41:11 Yeah. What else did you get into? What did you see there? I mean, the land is gorgeous. The land is gorgeous. It's just, it really does look, it looks very untouched by humanity. Yeah. In a way of like, you would drive on that bus and just look at all that volcanic. Because we had everything built up on the side. Yeah. In a way of like, you would drive on that bus and just look at all that
Starting point is 00:41:25 volcanic. Because we had everything built up on the side. Yeah. Volcanic rock, you're just like looking and you're like, there is nothing.
Starting point is 00:41:32 And then we would turn around and you'd be by the shore and you would see like the villages and shit in the Reykjavik and you're like, this is gorgeous. What do you mean
Starting point is 00:41:39 the villages and shit? Like small little, like the houses and stuff outside of the city and like where there's like little farmsteads and shit and you're like, this is fucking beautiful. I was little, like the houses and stuff outside of the city and like where there's like little farmsteads and shit and you're like,
Starting point is 00:41:46 this is fucking beautiful. I was, to this day, I'm still like blown away with how beautiful Iceland was. Yeah. And like I grew up in Colorado so I've seen like a lot
Starting point is 00:41:56 of beautiful scenery and I was like, this shit is. But like in Colorado, Utah, even LA, the mountains are off in the distance.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Yeah. So like, oh, look at the mountains right behind the city but you are in the city. Yeah like yeah denver's flat as and then you drive two hours and you like hit georgetown you're like okay i'm in the mountains you go farther into vale and you're like i'm in the mountains yeah you just keep going but there's
Starting point is 00:42:17 not that that road to the blue lagoon there's like nothingness there it's just that road yeah you're just on a bus looking out and you're like, it's just fucking rocks. Yeah, it's awesome. I'm very excited to go back. I'm getting pumped. Yeah, right? Yeah. We got to go back.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Let's do it. Let's call our guys later. Yeah. Email them later. And be like, next July. Next July. I think they're just getting done with Edinburgh now. What month are we?
Starting point is 00:42:41 August? Yeah. As soon as we're back from Edinburgh, everybody's like, okay, let's start booking stuff again. Yeah. I think Edinburgh's done probably the next week yeah so all this week yeah we can just make a trip dude i'm down dude i'm down i'm so excited for that you know i'm starting to realize because we did like the ski trip yeah and we've been doing the ski trip for a while yeah like trying to make ends meet and getting favors for like lift tickets and stuff and then we're getting bigger you know and so now it's oh, we don't have to do a whole weekend.
Starting point is 00:43:06 We can just do one night. And oh, we can charge more money because it's like an all-star show. Norman's Bachelor Party was like, hey, this is an all-star show. This is like a few comics. This is an all-star show. And I'm like, oh, we can actually just have these fun times. Yeah. And not just barely pay.
Starting point is 00:43:20 It's like we're bringing a real fucking show to these places. Yeah, so if we go to Iceland. Yeah. We can charge 50 kroners. Dude, I never understood the money there. It's a dangerous one. Because it's like a lot. It's a lot.
Starting point is 00:43:35 It looks like play money. But then it's like Australia. We're like, whatever. You're like, this isn't Thailand, bro. It's 1.1 to 1. Well, it was like even when I was there, I didn't understand the ratio. And I was like, oh, I don't know how much. There would be like 20,000 crowners.
Starting point is 00:43:50 And you're like, fuck, I don't know. And yeah, I know the accent's not accurate. But it's my white people with blue eyes accent. Was popcorn a big thing there? Or am I remembering something wrong? I don't know. I don't know. Again, I really wish I would have spent more than four days there.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Yeah. Because it really felt like, especially on the back end of Stockholm and Amsterdam, it felt like... It was like we were tired. We were like, didn't... Right. Like the same push we had in Stockholm to be like, let's go check this museum out. Here's my... I'm going back to Mexico City um um mexico city for for
Starting point is 00:44:26 thanksgiving i'm going with a few people and so i've been there once yeah a bunch of other people in the world some people have been there more than once and i was like to the group i was like let's do this we'll do stuff whatever everybody pick one thing that you love from before and that's your one thing that we all have to do right uh so mine is lucha libre oh my god yeah and it's like i want out you guys will love it. It's mostly we've even been there, but I'm like, that's my call. I don't do a restaurant. Fucking so fun.
Starting point is 00:44:50 We can do that with Iceland where I'm like, I know a natural hot spring in the north. Oh my God. Or a spa in the city that I'm like, we're going to do that. I'll go get that fish stew. Get that fish stew. That frisky booze. Bitch. Block and beacon.
Starting point is 00:45:02 I'll fucking find it, dude. I'll find that place. And I'll see if that Dead eyed hottie Is still working there Lamb was big there If I remember right Dude the food there
Starting point is 00:45:10 Was really good Yeah I really remember being like This food's gonna be I don't know Cause Amsterdam I was like You didn't like it
Starting point is 00:45:16 We tried some Oh no Amsterdam was fucking rad We went to a restaurant 180 yeah Yeah cause I remember This restaurant where they were like I made friends with this Dutch guy, and he was like,
Starting point is 00:45:27 you want some real Amsterdam food? Go to this place by the Van Gogh Museum. It's a hole in the wall, but they do traditional food, like Netherlands food. Amsterdam fish food, yeah. And I was like, it was sausages and potatoes with this gravy. Dude, it was fucking so good. I wish I would have journaled because like we went and
Starting point is 00:45:46 food jack was like hung over and he was like instantly cured he was like this meal is unbelievable a journal isn't important like just at breakfast you take 10 minutes here what i wish i would have done i did that in scotland i did that for frint when i was in edinburgh it helps you get your general and i but now i can go back and be like, and I was like, oh yeah, I got a full English breakfast with Russell Howard at this place, and then Sean Patton and I
Starting point is 00:46:11 went and got fucking cakes. By the way, you just went to Edinburgh 2019. Yeah. I did that with my journal from Southeast Asia, and as you read it, I forgot about that guy completely.
Starting point is 00:46:21 I forgot about this place completely. I forgot, oh yeah, and it just floods back because you wrote it. It never would have come back. Yeah forgot about this place completely. Oh yeah. And it just floods back because you wrote it. It never would have come back. Yeah. Journal when you travel.
Starting point is 00:46:28 Definitely journal when you travel. Even if you just sit down. Just sit down. Morning breakfast. Morning breakfast. A cup of coffee. Five minutes would be like
Starting point is 00:46:35 we did this yesterday. We did this. We did this. I felt like this. Even if it's what do they call it? Breakfast to bed journaling where it's not your feelings
Starting point is 00:46:41 or anything. It's just like here's what I did. You're going to remember the feelings. Yeah. Damn. Hell hell yeah i'm very excited about this yeah okay let's go to iceland what else did you do that that you remember or am i just fucking pulling now now you're just pulling now i don't really that was it that was great that was like you know a very fun fucking trip that i'm excited to go back to yeah Yeah, I wish I, like, I wish I would have done more. One cool thing about Iceland, too,
Starting point is 00:47:07 is that the Icelandic Air and maybe WOW, is that their other airline? They let you do long layovers. Yeah. So it's like, instead of two hours, you could do four days.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Well, that's why we went, because Frujack found that out. Right. And he was like, by the way, when you buy your ticket, buy it like this, and we can fly,
Starting point is 00:47:26 and it's like, we're just on a layover. And then you just go in and count as layover. And then we went, by the way, when you buy your ticket, buy it like this. And we can fly. And it's like we're just on a layover. And then you just go in town. And then we went back to the airport and just got back on and flew back to New York. Yeah. And then he flew back to Denver and I was home. Damn, that's good. Because it is Reykjavik direct to JFK. It's not very far. No.
Starting point is 00:47:39 It's there to there. And also, I think the world moves under you or something. Like you just head south and then it gets you there. You're on the jet, no, the jet stream is this way. Because when I flew from Scotland there,
Starting point is 00:47:52 we flew, I remember reading Gods of America. Yeah. And the last one is like, is like the Norse gods. Yeah. I remember reading it
Starting point is 00:47:59 as I was looking down over the Icelandic. That's awesome. So you go like up and then over. Yeah, that's awesome. For some reason.
Starting point is 00:48:05 Damn, dude, Reykjavik. Well, hell yeah. Let's do it, dude. Yeah. I'm very excited about that. Oh, my God. That and Japan. Oh, me and, okay.
Starting point is 00:48:16 Me and DeRosa were already talking to the Live Nation guy from Asia. Japan. And he was like, ah, it's effective. But it was like, we don't want to break even. Tokyo. Oh, well, then, yeah, we can do that. Tokyo, Okinawa. Yeah. Go all over that place, ah, it's effective, but we don't want to break even. Tokyo. Oh, well then, yeah,
Starting point is 00:48:26 we can do that. Tokyo, Okinawa. Yeah. Go all over that place. let's go. I would fucking love this. Where else?
Starting point is 00:48:32 Maybe I should do this as a segment too, because we have every time. Yeah. What's on your list? Japan. What's in your head? Japan is number one. Japan,
Starting point is 00:48:38 okay. I want to go to Tokyo. I want to go to some of the islands around it, just to see. Japanese islands. Yeah, just to see. Japanese islands. Yeah, just to see the Japanese islands. I'm not really, you've gone to China. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:50 I think China's fun. Dude, there's some places that just aren't in your mind. And you're like, do you have anything against that spot? You're like, no, it doesn't interest me. And other places, like, it gets me somehow. Yeah, I would say I want to go to Australia. Never done Australia. Oh, really? Oh, that's a tour. Never been there. That's a tour for sure. New Yeah, I would say I want to go to Australia. Never done Australia. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:49:05 Oh, that's a tour. Never been there. That's a tour for sure. New Zealand. You would kill there. And then I would like to go to Fiji while I'm over there. Oh, interesting. I want to do the jump of boom to boom.
Starting point is 00:49:16 You know what I mean? Where is French Polynesia? It's right around here. French Polynesia, yeah. It would just be cool to do. Yeah. Yeah. I went there last. Oh, Tahiti there. Yeah tahiti there yeah i went there for uh new year's last year that's insane yeah isn't that crazy or just in the middle of the ocean no like how do they even find anything there i don't know but then
Starting point is 00:49:35 new zealand's let's that's we got to go in like in like february or march that's where all the billionaires live now oh really yeah because they built all their houses there that's another one it's so nice it's sweater weather yeah i love it anything that's got bay area weather i'm all on board where it's like in the middle of the afternoon you can have a t-shirt on and you're fine yeah but every other time you need a sweatshirt or a jacket outside lands like this is great sure it's like you didn't plan right yeah you're gonna get fucked yeah when people go to san francisco in the winter or in the summer and they're like oh yeah i brought my shorts you're gonna get fucked. Yeah, when people go to San Francisco in the winter, or in the summer, and they're like, oh, yeah, I brought my shorts. You're like, well, pack those.
Starting point is 00:50:09 I wanted to, my plan was for New Year's, I was like, I want to go to where either the last place that the New Year's in, or the first place it rings in the New Year. That's fun. Right on the date, on the, it's this, though. Solomon Islands, and it's about a 48-hour trip to get there. And Tahiti was like 13.
Starting point is 00:50:25 So I was like, eh, I'll do my best. But that's fucking cool. Yeah, let's go to, I mean, this is not on the way to Iceland at all. But that's a separate trip. Dude, Japan. Dude, here's the thing. I wrote a letter to the fucking, I was just feeling good in Iceland. And I wrote a postcard to the phone staff at the comedy store from Iceland.
Starting point is 00:50:44 Yeah. And I was like, because I still relate to like, I was talking to Renan and Maddie and Jordan Jensen yesterday and how Jordan was like, I still feel like a fat chick, although I'm not, but I'm still like, that could be me again. Yeah. And I'm like, that's the way I am with open micers, where I'm like, I'm still an open micer in my heart. So I feel like waiters.
Starting point is 00:51:04 Yeah, you're just like, yeah, yeah. I'm like, I could come back here. I could come back here at any moment. I could have waited in 10 years. I'm like, yeah, still an open mic or my hard-earned door guy. Yeah, just like, yeah, yeah. I'm like, I could come back here. I could come back here at any moment. I could have waited in 10 years. Yeah, I still feel like it, though. So I was like, guys, this fucking industry, it's going to take us to great places. Just stick with it.
Starting point is 00:51:15 And I'm in Iceland now on the company dime in this faraway place. It takes us to these fucking sick trips. You know, we were having a conversation before the podcast about how like you read like how you take shit talking online like how do you how do you take it in does it upset you do you use it as motivation do you listen to the criticisms but one thing that always strikes my mind is whenever i'm upset recently especially during covet or whatever i like look around and i'm like dude i get to do comedy yeah and i don't have to have another job yeah that fucking rules i was like torturing
Starting point is 00:51:51 myself over this because because covet put me behind my two years yeah you know and touring so now i'm like fuck there's so many american markets i haven't hit but also i want to go back to europe also in fact australia these are like trips i do you know and it's like fuck um and then i'm like and there's less money in in stand-up in uh europe with flights and it just doesn't pay as much and i'm like fuck and then it just hit me i just had a moment of clarity in paris like two days in we just you think clear when you're traveling and you're like oh i'm gonna go to europe and still make more money than i should yeah if i was i'd make like lawyer money for two weeks yeah you're
Starting point is 00:52:23 like cool yeah it's awesome it's just less than i'll make in phoenix but you just and it's like no i'm doing that that's awesome there's something fucked up about current culture that really focuses on the shit that you don't have instead of the shit that you do have and you're like dude we're pretty good you know what i mean deep thoughts whenever yeah like you're just like we're fine i have a playstation 5 i'm okay yeah I have the new Madden. I don't need to complain about anything. I just need to write better jokes. It's just like, I need to write better jokes.
Starting point is 00:52:51 I need to get better at stand-up, and I need to stop. It's all doing it. I picture, like, what if they're like LeBron James? Like, LeBron, you just won the title, your third title. What's next? And he's like, I'm going to try to win more titles. What do you mean? I'm doing it.
Starting point is 00:53:02 I am doing the next. Yeah, this is it. Yeah, we always have, like, Str'm going to try to win more titles. What do you mean? I'm doing it. I am doing the next. Yeah. This is it. Yeah, we always have like the, you know, like Stranger Things, season four came out. And originally it was supposed to be the last season. So when they like filmed it, a majority of it, they were like, this is it. And then at the end, Netflix was like, we want a fifth season. So they were like, okay, we got to change it. So season four comes out in these like massive chunks.
Starting point is 00:53:24 I watched it. Everyone watched it. Each one was a movie, yeah like massive chunks i watched it everyone watched the movie yeah everyone watched it and immediately everyone's like here's what we think is going to happen in season five and you're like david even wrote it just sit back yeah you can't enjoy it you can't just and i think traveling for people even if you can do a little amount of traveling it makes you realize it takes you out of your home and so you realize what you have back at your home like i like when i went to scotland interesting i was like damn dude i miss american air conditioning which you've been which you've been hearing the whole podcast you're hearing btus baby those are btus keeping me and ari cold in this
Starting point is 00:54:02 hot day you missed american air right it makes you miss what you have back at home or appreciate the things you have for granted. Yeah, and then I watched Colin Quinn's... Red State, Blue State? I think it was Red State, Blue State or Unconstitutional where he makes a joke about there's no ice in England. Oh, yeah. You can't get a proper amount of ice.
Starting point is 00:54:18 And then, like, while I was in England, I was like, damn, that Colin joke is so true because you just don't realize... It's the little things you notice. Yeah. Everything's fresh when you travel. Yeah's the little things you notice. Yeah. Towels. Everything's fresh when you travel. Yeah, you're taking it in.
Starting point is 00:54:28 Right. You're not. It's like the sulfur smell in the showers. Yeah. You're getting clean, but you're also a little dirtifying. And I still had a little bit of a sense of smell back then. So I was like, oh, OK. I can.
Starting point is 00:54:38 If this is this strong for me, it must be terrible for everyone else. You don't have a sense of smell? Oh, I'm Dewey Cox, baby. From what? I can't smell. Smoking cigarettes, I think, all those years wow and then covid but covid kovid is when i noticed i never had smell because i could everyone was like can you not smell like i don't think i'm gonna smell i was like i could taste yeah travel makes you realize what you've got in your own place
Starting point is 00:55:01 yeah because you're like oh man your bed is always the first thing for us on the road we like i never thought i'd be a guy who's like this is a good bed this is a good segment idea for this podcast yeah what did it make you realize what is travel what do you get out of travel in general yeah take me to a place but like what do you what's your travel tips or because then when i came home i was like my, all my stuff in my bed, and I can fucking, the pressure of my shower. You know what I got from, when I got back from Asia, Southeast Asia? And I didn't realize, like, whatever, it's, I went straight to surprise my parents. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:35 At home, and so, you know, I'm over, oh, it's America again. I'm like, I don't. You come back and it's loud. The toilet paper is the softest. Dude. It's like a cloud. Our ass care here is oh i was like what the fuck no one takes care of their asshole like americans now granted far east they have squatting
Starting point is 00:55:53 shit probably better for your colon yeah but you're dipping your hand and fucking and just rubbing your ass we take care of our bone holes better than anybody soda thanks buddy i love you buddy that was great i said dude i'll always podcast with you yeah you're the easiest dude to come and talk about random with i remember talking to you from ecuador going like oh thanks i didn't want to go this long about talking about weed you're like oh i'll talk about weed all day yeah i'm talking about a car outside a supermarket yeah i was like i'll yeah i'll get nuts, dude. But yeah, let's do that show in Iceland.
Starting point is 00:56:26 Yeah, check out Dan's special still streaming on HBO Max. HBO Max, Son of a Gary. Son of a Gary. I was there at the taping. Wonderful. Thanks. It was forgotten mostly
Starting point is 00:56:35 because of COVID. Billboards lived on. I think they're probably still up. But it didn't even help. It didn't even help. Also, there's going to be new clips coming out soon. I'll be wearing this
Starting point is 00:56:44 because I'm taping shit. On your YouTube? Yeah, yeah i'm gonna try to build up my youtube slash dan soda um peace well that's the episode everybody please go reach out to dan soda on social media tell him you liked it leave a comment on youtube the youtube account is at you be tripping pod you can also find us on socials. slash youbetrippinpod Sorry. Yeah, leave a comment on there. Post some stuff.
Starting point is 00:57:14 If you've been to Iceland, maybe you'll also enjoy leaving some comments about what you did while you were there. Dan's trip ruled. My trip there ruled. Every trip to Iceland rules. Leave a comment in the YouTube.
Starting point is 00:57:28 Help the algorithm. And also, just like I'm in there reading stuff, if you did something fun, I'll be back there. And I'd love to. I know Dan would too. Love to see what there is to do. So leave a comment. Subscribe right now at UB Trippin Pod.
Starting point is 00:57:40 And subscribe everywhere you listen to podcasts at UB Trippin. Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, is Stitcher still around? Spotify and everything. I think that's it. Don't forget my new special, April 26th and 27th,
Starting point is 00:57:54 taping in Washington, D.C. at the Capitol Turnaround and also all of Australia for May and June on sale right now at Today's episode was produced by Your Mom's house studios, raid by a former fat friend of mine who's no longer with us.
Starting point is 00:58:10 Someone who took over was a thin man who I don't believe is the real man who's in charge. The old man's name was Careful, and this guy's not at all. Today's episode was edited primarily by Garrett Nickel, and Eduardo Gamba also did some editing. That's it, you guys. Next week, I've got two to choose from. I've got two to choose from. It's going to be, I think it'll be Kevin Ryan or it'll be David Tell. Kevin Ryan talking about Germany, David Tell talking about USO shows,
Starting point is 00:58:46 performing it on army bases, military bases. And then the week after that, Joe List has already decided he's going to agree to come in and tell me about his epic trip to Machu Picchu. Subscribe so you're aware of all those things coming up. And guys, that's it. Go enjoy your life. It's springtime, everybody.
Starting point is 00:59:04 If you're single, if you're dating somebody, maybe become single now because there's too many options available. It's breakup season. Enjoy it. How do you say goodbye in Iceland? I don't know. See you on the road. Where you been and where you going?
Starting point is 00:59:22 This is our race travel show, yeah. We're gonna go on a journey today. See what there's to see in this big world. We're exploring different places. Seeing all different types of faces. We're gonna talk about travel today. It's UB Trippin'.
Starting point is 00:59:43 UB Trippin'. UB Trippin', UB Trippin', yeah.

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