You Be Trippin' - The 2024 Paris Olympics w/ Olympic Silver Medalist Tom Schaar | You Be Trippin' with Ari Shaffir

Episode Date: August 19, 2024

Follow Tom Schaar on Instagram here: SPONSORS: -Go to and discover the perfect blend of summer vibes and timeless elegance with T...rue Classic -Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at , all lowercase On this episode of You Be Trippin, Olympic Silver Medalist Tom Schaar stops by to talk about skateboaring at the Paris Olympics. He shares stories about the events, meeting Snoop Dogg, and what it’s like living in the Olympic Village. They also discuss the toilets, fencing, and making friends with the North Korean ping pong team. Also, he reveals who the most high maintenance athletes are. Other topics include: Tony Hawk, dumb questions, and patriotism. Finally, Ari talks about the Kill Tony MSG show. Citius, Altius, Fortius! You Be Trippin' Ep. 28 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Embrace the summer vibes with Summersbee Hard Cider, bursting with lovely aromas of apple. This light-bodied fruity cider offers a crisp, clean finish, perfect for sunny days and warm nights. Enjoy it well chilled or over ice. That's refreshing. That's Summersbee. Must be legal drinking age. Please drink responsibly. Carlsberg Canada Inc. Waterloo, Ontario. Where you been and where you going? This is Ari's Travel Show, yeah. Hi everybody, welcome to You Be Trippin'. It's a travel podcast. Every week we go to a different place with someone who's been there and seen what they're experience and stuff, and today's all about America,
Starting point is 00:00:46 showing these fucking frogs what time it is. My guest today is US Olympic silver medalist, Tom Schar. How does that feel? It's pretty crazy. I'm still trying to, I don't know, it's kind of hard to put into words really. Yeah, yeah, yeah. God damn.
Starting point is 00:01:07 How long has skateboarding been in the Olympics? This was only its second time in the Olympics. So you never really grew up thinking, I mean, started skating thinking that's what I'm going to do? No, not at all. I mean, I just skate because I love it, but I found out I think in like 2018 they announced that it was going to get added and then there was kind of this like big shift that you could feel in skating where people kind of picked the side.
Starting point is 00:01:31 It was either you were for it being in the Olympics or you were against it. Who would be against it? I had the people that are like very core skateboarders that are just, I don't know, they think it shouldn't be in there. Do they do like street or just or just like it's kind of whoever it's a lot of people who just think it maybe Just doesn't fit the whole Olympics vibe really and I guess the Olympics doesn't fit the skating vibe like vice versa And you were not in that camp. No, I was all for it I mean, I think it's cool. It brings skating to a like huge platform the whole globe gets to see it
Starting point is 00:02:04 So they always had snowboarding in the winter. Yeah, true. Remember one time some Canadian guy, I think, it was like 15 years ago or whatever it was, he got popped for weed and he had to give back his medal. And he goes, hey, just you know, all of us smoke weed. I'm not the only one. Out did everybody.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Yeah, he goes, that's crazy. We're snowboarders. What are you talking about? Yeah, it'd probably be the same in skating. Like we do it during competition. You're nuts if you say we shouldn't be smoking. That's funny. Have you ever been to Paris before, France? When I was like a little kid, but no, that was the first time in a long time. Okay, so tell me all about it. What were we going to talk about it? I mean, we didn't get to leave like, okay, so they fly you in there. Yeah, you go straight to like a three hour long outfit fitting where they just make you try on all your
Starting point is 00:02:51 Different team USA gear and whatnot. Yeah, and then they take you straight to the Olympic Village and you're kind of You're not locked in there. You can leave but you're not really supposed to they don't like when you leave really. Yeah What do you mean fucking in Vietnam? They were allowed to like? They're just worried that people Are gonna fuck with the Olympians if they leave the area how big is the village? It's like a college campus. It's big There's some cool ten thousand Olympians. I think so okay. I got a ton of questions Okay, answer what you can answer and unpersonally if you want to but how much fucking is going on the Olympic Village? I don't think it's really like that. Really? Yeah, it's really not I
Starting point is 00:03:33 Remember one year they were like they were like it was like grinder heaven because all these like repressive countries We're like we're not allowed to be gay and And then suddenly, like, there's a bunch of other gays meeting up. I don't know. I mean, I heard the rumors going into it. I was very curious. And no, it's not really like that. Everyone's pretty. I also, OK, so I left early.
Starting point is 00:03:59 So I think towards the end of the whole Olympics, it gets kind of a little crazier. Because most everybody's done their competition. Yeah, but when everyone's like, prior to having competed, they're pretty locked in and like not really messing around. Yeah, what were your expectations going into Paris? I honestly have no idea.
Starting point is 00:04:18 I didn't really know what to, I qualified like very last second for it. Really? Yeah, there was, so there was like six qualifying contests over a span of 18 months. And I was like, they take only three people from the US. So I was like the fourth guy the entire time. And then.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Who was above you? The two people that went and then this other kid, Jagger, who like me and him kind of kept going back and forth between like third and fourth. Oh fuck. And yeah, I like had to get either first or second at the last one and I got second and then I barely made the team.
Starting point is 00:04:48 So I didn't even have time to like really prepare for it. My parents like started panic booking hotels and flights to go to Paris and everything. Oh, right, yeah, all your friends are like, yeah, they try and figure it out. Yeah, and it's not just a trip to Paris, it's the fucking Olympics. Yeah, yeah, it's pretty crazy
Starting point is 00:05:12 So, okay, okay, so you get there they take you right to the village they take you straight to the village give you your Room key for your very small room and your very shitty bed. You got a roommate. Oh, wait, was it the cardboard thing? Yeah, it was it wasn't as bad as like everyone else was making it sound you got a picture of it No, I don't think I do honestly. Okay, okay. But the bed's not cardboard. The bed's like a normal, not so great twin mattress. But the bed frame is made of cardboard. Okay, but hard cardboard, right? I saw some video where they were like jumping on it. Yeah, no, you could probably jump on it, but it would break eventually break eventually oh well yeah like everybody in the horseplay yeah keep it to a minimum so so you get there so what do
Starting point is 00:05:50 you eat like yeah so there's a big giant cafeteria in the like right in the middle of the village and that's where that's where you do most you're hanging out with like other random countries because some like so every country gets their own building in the village and that's where all of it. Okay, so like the US has this big building There's like 600 US athletes or something So all of them are in that one building and then if you want to mingle with other countries you kind of have to do it outside of your building because some countries are
Starting point is 00:06:20 Kind of against letting the other countries into their building and I don't know there's some weird rules Why well, I bet it's their building and I don't know. There's some weird rules about stuff. Well I bet it's like, I bet they don't want like the Chinese ones and the Russians like don't hear about freedom. Yeah. Don't want you knowing about that. They don't let some countries
Starting point is 00:06:34 hang out with other countries. Yeah. But yeah, I mean you go into the cafeteria and you can meet a bunch of random people. I hung out with the North Korean ping-pong team. Oh yeah, I saw that. What do you mean? You just made friends with them? Kinda, I went up to them because there's the whole pin trading thing. You get your own pins, you go to other ask random people if you can trade pins and whatnot.
Starting point is 00:06:55 What do you mean? What's a pin? They give you like the little pins to put on your lanyard, just like a little metal pin, and you just try and trade them to see how many you can collect from different random countries. They give you a lot of them? Yeah, they give you like three Ziploc bags of them. So I saw the North Korean team in the cafeteria, and I was like, I gotta see if they have pins. So I went up to the guy.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Oh yeah, oh North Korea, that didn't register. Oh, I was like, I have to. So I went up to him and I asked him, I was like, they gave us these little skateboarding pins, and I was like, do you want a skateboarding pin? He was like, oh skateboarding, that's cool, yeah, like for sure. And he gave me the North Korean one, and that was it, we parted ways.
Starting point is 00:07:31 But like, I mean, we talked for a second, but I don't think he spoke very much English. Yeah, wow, fucking wild. Yeah. Did you go to the Pink Punks of? I did. Yeah, like, what'd you go see? Like, what was your, what was your, like,
Starting point is 00:07:44 yeah, I don't know, go on, tell me about whatever. What'd you do there? It's, they're pretty strict about giving out tickets to like just anybody. So they'll like give the athletes tickets to like maybe not the most exciting events. Like if you wanted to go see women's gymnastics, they'd be like, no, that's-
Starting point is 00:08:04 It's full, that's where we make our money. Yeah, exactly. But if you want to go watch, I don't know, badminton or something, for sure. Did I mess up with the crowd? I was like, what are you watching? I don't know, not to offend any badminton fans. But, yeah, she was Taiwanese,
Starting point is 00:08:17 she goes, oh, it's big in my country. I'm like, crazy, because in my country, it's for retirees. It's, in my country, it's laughed at. Some of the sports are kind of like that. But we went, they gave us table tennis tickets and we saw China play North Korea. I think China won, I'm pretty sure. And what else did I, I saw 3 v 3 basketball.
Starting point is 00:08:38 The US lost, which was tragic. Yeah, none of our players play on that. No, that's what I thought. I thought I was going to see LeBron and Steph and Katie on a 3v3 team, but no it was Not them. Why? I don't know. Do I have a three on three basketball team in high school in college? This was 90 let's say seven or something Before I tell the story Alex it's a different time It was it was a it was one sub, so we called our,
Starting point is 00:09:07 well, we were just trying to like fuck with the student unions, so we're like, we called our team three N words and a Jew. And they were like, no, we can't use that name. That's not gonna work. Yeah, but I was like, they're the ones who chose it. So, okay, what's the food like? What's the shitters like?
Starting point is 00:09:29 Food was, I saw a lot of complaints online from other people, but it wasn't that bad. It was just chicken and rice and veggies and desserts. It was fine. I mean, there was nothing to complain about. It wasn't anything special. Did the basketball team hang out with you guys? No, so the really high tier celebrity athlete people they stay at like the Four Seasons down the street or something.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Simone Biles too? No actually she was in the Village I saw her like every day. Wow. Very nice. Yeah. But like the really are honestly because they probably wouldn't even fit on the beds. Oh fair. But they all or if they're like you know much more famous person they don't stay in the village because they'll just get bothered all day probably. Dude I took a sleeper bus in Vietnam once, it was like a 10 hour whatever you lean your seat back and sleep but it's all made for Vietnamese so it came up to like middle of my neck, a little just floating. They're like no six feet that's not a person. Don't come that big.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Okay, so was there a comradery between all the Olympians? Did people come to your events? Yeah, people were actually very hyped on the skateboarding, which was surprising, because we were walking around the village, because there's not much to do. There's the cafeteria and a gym, and that's kind of it. So you have to try and find some entertainment. So we were just walking around asking random people
Starting point is 00:10:49 what sport they thought we did, and it was just me and my other skate friends. And a lot of the people would look us up and down and just be like, nothing. They just didn't think we were actually competing. They think you're playing a joke. Yeah, because everyone in the village is either seven feet tall
Starting point is 00:11:04 and the strongest strongest buffist person you've ever seen or like a four foot five gymnast. So it's pretty obvious to tell like who's athletes and then there's just us kind of like scrawny skaters. Yeah, skateboarders are the type, they have the build of someone you would cross the street to get away from because they don't have good parents. Most of the time, yeah. But like a lot of people were asking like what they thought we did, and this one guy named
Starting point is 00:11:26 a bunch. And then we finally told him that we were skaters, and he was like, oh, I was trying to think of real sports. And I was like, oh, cool, thank you. Thank you. OK, OK. So what's competition like? When do they get you in the time to go down?
Starting point is 00:11:42 Yeah. So we had practice for a couple days before the event. And then they just come and grab you. You got to bring your whole outfits and everything. And then you got to lug your own. I mean, what do you have, really? You have a board. Yeah, a skateboard.
Starting point is 00:11:57 And we had to wear a certain USA jersey. But that was about it, really. Everything else is you can choose what to wear. Wow. But yeah, they grab you and they take you down there. What like shuttle over there? Yeah bus over you compete and that was it. It's over very it happens very fast. Like what do you mean what's fast? It just like I don't know well okay maybe because it was like two months of or two years of like build up to like this
Starting point is 00:12:30 Grand moment and then it's just over in like 30 minutes. So it feels it wasn't just one competition Was it was it like qualifiers for finals? There was yeah, there was qualifiers and then finals Okay, maybe not 30 minutes, but like two hours and then it's qualifiers finals right then one one time Qualifier. Yeah, it's back-to-back. Oh, it's not like days later. No, no same day Qualifier, yeah, it's back to back. Oh, it's not like days later? No, no, no, same day. Today's episode of You Be Trippin' is brought to you by the Moorings. Guys, this is a wild one.
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Starting point is 00:14:48 The credit card that takes you from bill payer to reward slayer. Get rewarded for paying your credit card bill in full and on time every month. Terms and conditions apply, click the banner or visit slash rise to learn more. That's the worst thing about watching Olympics is like you're watching this someone from like USA, so that's who you're rooting for, let's say Track and Field, and you're like, they take off and it's like, oh my God, they're gonna win, they're gonna win.
Starting point is 00:15:14 And then they win, they're like, all right sweetie, advances to a second out of four rounds. Heat three of the quarterfinals. Like why is this hard? Why are you full of my emotions? Tell me about the competition. Do you have the medal? I do, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Oh wait, hold it though. Don't wait. Let's wait till you fucking win it. Okay. Okay. So fucking nuts you have an Olympic medal. I, it's weird. When you get heavy into drugs, that's the last,
Starting point is 00:15:37 that's your bottom. The last leg that I sell. That's your bottom where you sell it. Yeah. That's like, shit. It's all gone south. Oh God. Contest. So we had like four days of practice.
Starting point is 00:15:49 The people don't know, like you skate competitively for how long? Yes, sorry I should say that. I've been skating for like 20 years, like professionally maybe for. 20 years, since you were four? Yeah. Really?
Starting point is 00:16:03 Yeah, I don't know why my parents let me do it that young, but they did. They should have started you a year earlier when you got gold. True, true. Yeah, two and three year old. A little sharper. Yeah. Come on, Mr. and Mrs. Shar, get with it.
Starting point is 00:16:16 I know. Fucking Tiger Mom. Four years old though, Jesus. Well, my older brother skated. Shout out John Shar. Shout out John. All right, P, we miss you everyday, buddy. He started skating when he was like, I don't know, six.
Starting point is 00:16:30 And I was the younger brother, so I had to just copy everything he was doing. Yeah. And yeah, just kind of kept going with that, and that was about it, really. And then you just started getting hella good? No, I sucked for a long time. I didn't really start getting good until I was like
Starting point is 00:16:46 10, but that was after six years of skating. Right. But now I've been professionally skating for like 10 years and Yeah, made my first Olympics. What's your ranking? What do you do? I do vert and park. Okay. There's vert, park and street. Those are like the main three. There's other options. But those are like the ones you would see in competitions.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Okay. And streets just for video? Street is for video, but there is street. Like street was in the Olympics too. Oh really? There was park and street. Street's the one with like the rails and the stairs and everything. And parks like the, it's hard to describe.
Starting point is 00:17:26 A pool? Yeah, like an empty backyard pool on steroids. And that's all the SoCal like? Yeah, exactly. What was it called? Dogtown? Yeah, Dogtown days. Dude, yeah, when I met you, I met Tony,
Starting point is 00:17:38 and he was like, what are you guys doing now? We're like, nothing, we got a show in San Diego in five hours, he goes, you should stay. I'm like, why? He goes, there's some guys coming. He made you guys doing now? We're like, no, I think we got a show in San Diego like in five hours. He goes, you should stay. I'm like, why? He goes, there's some guys coming. Oh, he made you stay and watch? Yeah, like the best there are. Because if you were all interested,
Starting point is 00:17:53 this is the time to stay. And it was pretty wild when you could be that far, a foot away from this ramp. Yeah, you were sitting on the couch right there. Yeah, just watching. Yeah, that was pretty cool. Yeah, that's the best ramp in the world, though, so it makes it easier. It's nutty that he built a fucking... Actually, this is what Joe Rogan did with his comedy club in Austin. He was like, make them come to me.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Oh, he just built the best thing ever. He built a great comedy club and he goes, I don't want to travel. They'll come here if I build a great one. It's a good strategy. Yeah. What are your rankings and stuff? Do they do it like that? No, not really. Well, they do for the Olympic stuff.
Starting point is 00:18:32 But outside of the Olympic ranking stuff, that's not really a thing. I mean, outside of skating being in the Olympics, there's a whole other world of skateboarding. I mean, there's filming the video parts. Thereing. I mean, there's like filming the video parts. There's Thrasher Magazine, which releases all the videos. There's a whole other like entire separate world outside of competitive skateboarding,
Starting point is 00:18:54 which is still and probably will be for a long time more. It's, I don't know how to explain it really. That's more of what skating is still. What, videos? Yeah, like stuff outside of competition. Yeah, it's so cool when you see it randomly in the neighborhood where someone's trying to just land a skate trip and they do it like 50 times.
Starting point is 00:19:17 You see what they're trying to do. Just eat shit over and over. And then you're just like, I'll post up. And then when it hits, man, after like 45 minutes or an hour, you're so apart of it. You're apart of it, man. Yeah, I'll post up. And then when it hits, man, after like 45 minutes or an hour, you're so a part of it. You're a part of it, then. Yeah, I've had to be warned. I don't know why, but hold the celebration for two seconds.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Oh yeah, you do. You have to wait. Why? Well, I mean, you don't have to. Sometimes it can make a clip better if there's someone yelling in the background. But usually you want to kind of wait a little bit after someone lands a trick
Starting point is 00:19:46 The emotions right there Just so it doesn't ruin like The skate away. Yeah, I guess I don't it really shouldn't matter but some people are kind of picky about that shit Yeah, okay. You got pictures from the Olympics. Yeah, I do. Let me see what you got. I mean, were your parents proud of you? Wow, look at that. Yes, they were. Oh my god. I'm trying to see if I can find any good ones. This was on the podium. I'm on the left. Keegan Palmer's in the middle. Did you know these guys going in? Yeah, we've all, everyone in this contest has known each other since we were Nine ten years old right Keegan suit the one who got gold. He's from Australia and then Augusto Akio is
Starting point is 00:20:36 The Brazilian he got third. Okay, Brazilians are fucking good. They're very good. Yeah Brazilians us and Australia's kind of the the three main really yeah, and that's represented right there trying to see what else I got. My metal has bite marks in it because people were doing shit like this all night. Like going hard? Taking chunks out. Yeah, there's like pieces missing of it. What?
Starting point is 00:20:56 Can I see it? Let me see it now. This is so fucking cool. Everybody just was passing it around and taking bites out of it. Did they give you a satchel? Did you have to get that for yourself? No, this is just a random bag I found at my house. Nice. Yeah, I mean it's kind of oh my god, it's heavy. It's heavy. Yeah
Starting point is 00:21:20 If you turn it around there's you can see like scratched and bite marks everywhere on it. On the other side, there's like the little hexagon. That's a piece of the original Eiffel Tower that's in there. What do you mean, this? Yeah, so in like the 50s, they did repairs on the Eiffel Tower and they just had a bunch of like scrap pieces of it laying around. And they made, that's so fucking artistic. But that's from the original one
Starting point is 00:21:50 from like 1889 or something crazy like that. Wow. Yeah. Do you know what's Eiffel? Huh? It's Eiffel. Eiffel, no it's not. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Is it really? I think so. I went to the, there's a museum there and they had like a first mock up of it that this guy made. His name is like Eiffel. Oh. And we're just like. It changes everything.
Starting point is 00:22:10 And we're just like cowboys. We're like rifle. Nice. Wow. I mean, did you show this to everybody? Yeah, pretty much. It's got Paris. Oh, and then the Athens right there.
Starting point is 00:22:24 Yeah. It's got the, wow. Who's Athens right there. Yeah, it's got the wow. Who's this chick? I forget what it's called Lady Olympia or something like that bro This is what does it say on there? Oh, I tried to translate it, but I think it's oh is it Latin? Yeah, I think so I Mean, did you show this to everybody back home? Where you just like walking around, like trying to get in the coffee shop first? No, I didn't do that. I brought it on the flight though, and they gave me a... What? Just plenty of free snacks and stuff.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Really? Yeah, it was great. Were there other Olympians on your flight? No, I left early because I just really wanted to go back home. Why did you leave early? I just kind of wanted to get out of there. I was only there for two weeks, but it felt like a lifetime Yeah, well tell me about the podium
Starting point is 00:23:09 It's kind of a weird like they do it right then or later. Yeah immediately really so as soon as done you change into your podium podium outfit and then they take you to go to your drug test really quick. And then straight to the podium. That's it. Straight to the podium. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Oh, here's my camera. Fuck. Oh, a drug test, really? Yeah, you have to do that right away. For ROIDS? Yeah, for ROIDS, which. Do they care about? They care about a lot of stuff.
Starting point is 00:23:42 But they're made, like, mostly testing for stuff like that performance enhancing drugs Yeah, did anybody pop No, I don't think it would really help with skating yeah Damn is so fucking cool man. Yeah, it's pretty weird. Yeah, it's pretty weird. Is it like surreal? Yeah pretty weird. Yeah, it's pretty weird. Is it like surreal? Yeah, it is. God damn. So you get, he has bite marks everywhere. It's yeah, it's kind of fucked up. You're eventually like hey guys, come on stop. Yeah, like the photo, it's like the whole thing is in his mouth. It's kind of. Oh yeah, let me see what other photos you got. Did you meet Snoop? I did. Yeah. I actually just found the best video ever. Someone else took it? Yeah. Yeah. That was you meeting him. You had your, I couldn't tell that was it. You had your helmet on. Yeah, that was me. So I
Starting point is 00:24:38 like landed my, uh, my like last run and uh, I got up onto the deck and just like the first person that was right in front of me was Snoop Dogg because he was leaving the venue at the time and he was just walking he was five feet in front of me he was walking past and I like just finished my run and he was like yo come here come here and then he got over there he dabbed me off and that was it and then he just kept going it was pretty crazy. I mean you're both so cowboys, right? Yeah, I guess so. Yeah, where you from San Diego Okay, I mean Long Beach is pretty close. Yeah, damn. It's so fucking heavy. I it's yeah, it's weird I didn't know what I was expecting but it's like curved to It's pretty sweet. Yeah
Starting point is 00:25:19 What else you got? What other pictures you got? I want to hear I mean like um, what were you expecting? What was like a let down and what was not? What was like different than you were expecting? Let down. Oh shoot. I'm trying to think what a let down was. Did your dog smile? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Oh, nice one. Or like what was just different than your expectations? Let's not go negative, I guess. I guess maybe the whole village experience was kind of weird. There's just not much to do. You get there, you sleep, eat, and there's a gym. There's nothing else. I would think you would have the run of Paris.
Starting point is 00:25:59 No, not really. The one thing I was bummed about is the like, not being able to go to any event. I thought like, because we were athletes, that we could just like have some secret athlete pass. Yeah. But no, you couldn't really go watch anything. But besides that, everything else was. How many athletes are there?
Starting point is 00:26:17 Like thousands. 10,000, I think. 10,000, yeah, they couldn't, they'd all, it'd be all athletes. Yeah, exactly. I bet it was that though, in like, the 1930s and stuff, they were just like, yeah, we can't get all yeah at all. It'll be all athletes. Yeah, exactly I bet it was that though in like the 1930s and stuff. Yeah, we're just like yeah, we can't fill this up Yeah, so like let the athletes fill it up. I wish yeah Damn, and did you have a big contingency of Americans like rooting for you and stuff?
Starting point is 00:26:37 Yeah, it was pretty cool when I got back to the village after the whole event was over. There was like a back to the village after the whole event was over there was like a welcome welcoming crew in the USA building of who athletes random people that I had no idea but yeah athletes it was cool wow that's fucking nice it's I don't know it's a weird it's a weird feeling yeah does your like patriotism go up during this yeah it does it has to It has to, right? It definitely, definitely does. Yeah, that's interesting. Because normally, I mean, I never think about what it's like to be an American.
Starting point is 00:27:11 No, not that often. But when I'm there, it's you're US and fucking A the whole time. Wow. Your teen requested a ride, but this time not from you. It's through their Uber Teen account. It's an Uber account that allows your teen to request a ride, but this time, not from you. It's through their Uber Teen account. It's an Uber account that allows your teen to request a ride under your supervision
Starting point is 00:27:29 with live trip tracking and highly rated drivers. Add your teen to your Uber account today. Your mom hates it when you leave six half full glasses on your nightstand. It's a good thing mom lives on the other side of the country. And it's an even better thing that you can get six IKEA 365 plus glasses for just $9.99. So go ahead, you can afford to hoard because IKEA is priced for student life.
Starting point is 00:27:56 Shop everything you need for back to school at IKEA today. Wow, so did you get to try any food or anything? Like what do they serve you? Slop? Go next? I mean it's really like, it's rice and chicken and pizza and vegetables. That's the whole- Just buffet. Yeah, buffet.
Starting point is 00:28:18 There's like a coffee shop. The chocolate muffins were very talked about. They were pretty good. Nothing crazy. And no baguettes and croissants and shit like that? There was, yeah. There was baguettes. But not like, I don't know, they were Olympic Village baguettes.
Starting point is 00:28:35 They weren't really that great. Fuck, that sucks you couldn't just go out and do Paris. We could have, but it was kind of, I don't know, they were just not, they were kind of just skeptical about us wandering around. Yeah, I mean also like. They told us if we did want to leave to wear normal clothes, like don't wear your Team USA stuff so you wouldn't be like recognized.
Starting point is 00:29:00 They had these, it's like someone was doing an interview about the 92 Dream Team, you know, basketball. And everybody was going out into the main track of Barcelona, and they were all getting recognized. It was Michael Jordan, and they're getting mobbed everywhere. Charles Barkley getting mobbed, and then John Stockton is six foot two white,
Starting point is 00:29:20 normal guy, just no one's even talking to him. They have no idea, he's just like, we'll beat a white guy. We're fucking looking for these basketball players. This must be your agent. It's just making solid bounce passes all the time. Fundamentals bro, gets in the hall of fame. What is it? How does, what does this change for you? I mean, honestly, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:46 I really don't know what's to come. Not much. I'm still just going to keep skating. That's really kind of the only thing I want to do. But I mean, are you like, I mean, your stock goes up. Stock goes up a little bit, yeah. Stock goes up a little bit. But outside of the Olympics, me and Tony
Starting point is 00:30:08 are working on some video projects that are soon to come. What's he going to do, like skate with a cane? Hopefully not. No disrespect. No disrespect for Mr. Hawk. Keep him healthy for as long as we can. By the way, that would be great. When he does hit like 85, he is going to be doing tricks off a cane.
Starting point is 00:30:27 He'll still be skating. How cool is that guy? I know. He's the best. But yeah, we're working on a couple things that are coming out sooner and later. Yeah, that's kind of on my pretty much my whole agenda right now. Just going back and filming. So tell me more about this fucking experience. I, like, like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:30:47 What else did you do there? So you're stuck in this village. You're stuck in the village. Uh, it's an interesting way to see Paris. Yeah. Like no one will get to see it that way. That city's done now. Yeah. That's taken down already. Oh yeah. Everything's already. Um, like what sometimes I think when you like when you see places like there's a time like my friend went to Kabul during the Occupation there and he goes that city's gone now but of these like of these people working out there building stuff up or like if you were like a Nazi in like French occupied like German occupied France where you'd be like, oh you don't get to do it like that
Starting point is 00:31:24 And then we're walking any coffee, gimme. But like Olympic Village, France, Paris is like so specific and unique. When you go back, it'll not resemble that at all. No, not at all. I mean, at least I'll get to go do something. I can go see some stuff. But yeah, it's weird. It's you lose track of time because you're just in this place. You don't pay for anything. You don't. You don't pay for anything.
Starting point is 00:31:52 You don't pay for anything. You don't have to wake up at a certain time, really, for anything. There's kind of just like, I don't know. Is anybody annoying? I'm not going to say names. No, yeah, yeah. Don't say names.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Point fingers or anything, but. Yeah, but Belarus was annoying. Some of the track and field people, kinda high maintenance, not gonna lie. Really? A little bit, yeah. Well, I mean, their bodies are temples, skateboarding bodies are just like.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Not saying who or what country or anything. What do you mean, what do you mean high maintenance? Just, yeah, they might've thought their bodies were too much of a temple. So they're like I can't eat this pizza What is this? No, not even that like I'm worse than that. Honestly, what do you mean? There's a thousand of them so it's true. Yeah on the way back from we did the opening ceremony and then they take us on buses from there back to the village. And our bus got lost, which was a common theme
Starting point is 00:32:52 throughout the whole Olympics. I think because they hired, there's all the Olympic volunteers, but they just had random people as the bus drivers that weren't previously bus drivers. Full bus? Yeah, full, full bus. Just full bus driver was your bus driver now and it wasn't work and they were getting lost like running into things buses were crashing in the
Starting point is 00:33:12 poles all the time so our bus got lost for an hour and a half maybe and like ten people on the bus were like I don't actually know what sport they were I just I'm pretty sure they were track and field. Yeah, but they were The yelling at the bus driver telling him that we were all frantic like calling people trying to get the bus driver in trouble like Just calling higher up saying that we were all panicking and everything but no one really no not. Yeah, we're cool, man We're just looking outside. It's nice. It's windows here and we're like, no we're not. Yeah, we were all fine. We're cool man, we're just looking outside,
Starting point is 00:33:43 it's nice, there's windows here. But yeah, kind of some drama, but that was kind of, yeah. That's how comedy festivals are, they'll hire just like volunteers to be drivers of smaller things, but then like, the theater comics are all like, this is the worst that's ever happened to me, and all the club comics are like, what? Yeah, that's kind of exactly how it was.
Starting point is 00:34:01 We're all just talking man, it's pretty cool. Going on a skate trip, getting lost, or hitting something in the like bus is pretty common. So right Yeah, it's getting especially screech the streets skating. It's like isn't there a lot of like, oh shit pull over. Let's try this Yeah, there's It's funny And at what time was your competition? The qualifier started at noon and then the finals was at 5.
Starting point is 00:34:25 But it kind of sucked for everyone back home, because that was 3.30 in the morning on the West Coast. And the qualifiers? Yeah, qualifiers. Fuck that. That's maybe you can stay up. Yeah, I had some friends that just pushed through the whole night and watched it.
Starting point is 00:34:40 And then I had some friends that went to sleep at like 8 PM and woke up at 3. You can't just go to bed at 8 PM. No, God. I could some friends that went to sleep at like 8 p.m. And woke up at 3 p.m. You can't just go to bed at 8 p.m. It's not like your body would just throw off. I could never do that. Yeah, that's bad planning. Because also the skate world is not like a get up for work world. No, no it's not. I don't really have a schedule.
Starting point is 00:34:59 I make myself have a schedule, but no one's telling me to go skate every day. What about the other US skaters? How are they feeling? The two that didn't win? I mean they know like how good they are. They're two of the best in the world Gavin Bogger and Tate Carew are the other ones and I mean that's kind of the crazy thing with skating it's anybody that makes the finals could win. Cause everyone has such like a diverse approach to how they skate. And it's just kind of whoever's feeling it the best that day.
Starting point is 00:35:35 It's usually- Do you have to tell them ahead of time, like in ice skating, what tricks you're trying? No. Okay. Thank God that would suck. Yeah. It's no surprise.
Starting point is 00:35:45 Yeah. There's, yeah, exactly. You can't be like, fuck, I need to just reach down last second and pull something out. We get to use the element of surprise, which helps. OK. Dude, it's so fucking cool. It's crazy that skating's even in the Olympics.
Starting point is 00:35:59 I don't know. It kind of did last night. Last night? Yeah, a week later. Yeah, kind of. Because I week later. Yeah, kinda. Cause I've just been pretty busy since it happened. But flying here, I just got to the hotel and just kinda sat down and I was like,
Starting point is 00:36:11 holy shit, I'm in New York now. I don't even know how this happened. I mean, it's such an outsider sport. It's like a, it's a punk sport. Yeah. So to be like, it's so legit to be in the Olympics and to win a fucking silver medal let me see some more pictures let me see what else you got there
Starting point is 00:36:27 uh... see uh... that's your from the i felt are listed at yet again uh... like a uh... ceremony all here this so this is the third place yet is uh... what what's it doing is a juggling juggles everywhere he goes and he's really good at it. So they let us do... Does he skate juggle?
Starting point is 00:36:47 Yeah. He does? Yeah. So they let you go on like a catwalk after you get your medal and you do like a little runway show kind of in front of a big crowd. And everybody's screaming for you? Yeah. It's pretty crazy.
Starting point is 00:36:58 It's all like a... It happens so fast though. They just like, as soon as you get your medal, they grab you, they pull you in 20 different directions and... And they go here and take a picture here. It happens so fast though. They just like, as soon as you get your medal, they grab you, they pull you in 20 different directions. And then go here, take a picture here. How long after you win was the medal ceremony? Immediately. So no showering and putting on a suit.
Starting point is 00:37:14 It's like, what you're wearing, go. No, I just poured water on my hair so I didn't look like a psychopath. Let me see that one with you, the medal with the... Which one? The one down, like two up from the bottom in the middle. Above the Eiffel Tower one. This one?
Starting point is 00:37:30 Yeah. You look way older there. That's the water in your hair. That's the, yeah. I had to do something. My hair looked pretty fucked up. Yeah. Regardless. I mean, you just wear an helmet. These are the...
Starting point is 00:37:47 These are the media outfits that they make us wear. What? Yeah. What is that? That's like a whole tracksuit. It looks like you're about to fucking spin in Vegas. That's Tony's steps on Miles. That's in that he wanted to put on the whole outfit. Was he on the team?
Starting point is 00:37:59 No, no, no. But he just went out there to support. That's cool. Oh, well Tony was going to. Let's see what else I can find. Oh, here's's cool. Oh, what's going to see what else I can find? Oh Here's the video. Oh, that's it. Yeah So you just you just got off. I just finished my run And he's like come on oh my god, oh my god
Starting point is 00:38:22 He was so supportive, huh? Yeah, he loved it. He was the mascot of the Olympics. Yeah. Of the US Olympics. The entire, yeah. What if, if like Russia had their own version of Snoop Dogg? We're like, I killed 30 Cossacks, I'm a fucking legend in my world. I'm surprised no one else is doing something like that though.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Yeah, free trip to the Olympics. Trying to think what else I have. And the other Olympians, when you got back, they're like, hell yeah, congratulations. Yeah, free trip to the Olympics And the other Olympians when you got back they're like hell yeah, congratulations Yeah, they've finally accepted that skating was Somewhat of a sport. Yeah, but still not really a lot of people just I don't know There's me and me and the bird man. Damn. He's so cool. I met him, it was so fucking cool. Yeah, he's a good guy. Dude, he gave me one of the sweatshirts, one of the old school sweatshirts.
Starting point is 00:39:09 Oh, that's a good one. And people like, look at Ari Poser, whatever. And I'm like, not Poser, free shirt. I've always been into free stuff. Yeah, free shirts are great. Totally tracks. Yeah, it's an iconic logo too. It's what?
Starting point is 00:39:21 It's an iconic logo too. Oh, it really is. Yeah. It really is. Damn, is he having a good time? Yeah, they were He never got to do it. No, I mean if they had advert he'd still have a chance honestly I'm not even kidding really yeah, he still is that good
Starting point is 00:39:38 Damn, that's all right But right? But, it was great that he was there. Like, every single run someone would land, they'd cut to Tony right away and he'd be cheering and he was having a good time. It was great that he supports skating. He's really supportive. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:39:57 He's skating his biggest fan. Yeah, it's like you can go two ways. Yeah. Which seems like, well, on my day we had, or like, nice! Yeah, he's not at all like my day we had, it's more like, nice. Yeah, it's, he's not at all like that. I know some older dudes that are like that. That are like that? Yeah, for sure. When that chick, the video of that chick hitting the three nine hundreds, the little girl, he just jumps up.
Starting point is 00:40:16 Yeah. He loves, he loves seeing, especially vert skating, he loves every second of it. He's so supportive of everyone. It's it's great. Wow What were the shitters like at the video at the village? Did you have to go to the American ones or could you go anywhere? Is it you could well like in the in the cafeteria area there was bathrooms, but in our like building I Mean fine fine. Okay normal AC. Oh We were so going into it, they didn't put any AC in any of the buildings. It's France.
Starting point is 00:40:49 Yeah, which is pretty gnar. Yeah. Well, whenever everybody's sweating and stinking, they're like, what do you mean, stink? This is how we smell. What do you mean? But the US put AC. They said you can put a fake body odor on it if you want.
Starting point is 00:41:03 I'm joking. go ahead. Yeah. The US put AC in their building, and a couple other countries did, but most of the buildings had no AC. And it was like 95 when we were there. How are you going to compete if you can't sleep? Yeah, I don't know. But yeah, we got AC, luckily. So they wake you up, what time you head over there?
Starting point is 00:41:24 The qualifiers are 12. What time do you head over there? It's the qualifiers are 12. What time do you head over there? 9, 10, 11? I think I got up at like 7 in the morning. No, really? Were you still jet lagged? No, well, so there was like practice that started at like 8 in the morning.
Starting point is 00:41:38 So I had to get there like 7.30. Okay. And they take you straight there. You practice, you relax. The other heats practice. you straight there. You practice, you relax the other heats practice. As soon as the all the practices done. You do the qualifiers, which there was four heats of six people, all judged, all judged. And then the top eight scores from that go to the finals so there's eight people in the finals and then uh...
Starting point is 00:42:09 is a people okay how many americas made that too to three and then uh... eight people in the finals and then yet everyone just tries to do their best run pretty much you forty 45 seconds in the bowl Yeah, which doesn't seem like that long, but it feels like forever when I'm doing it, but then 45 seconds you get three tries
Starting point is 00:42:34 What do you mean three try three 45 second tries? Yeah, three 45 second tries if you fall the times over and you're done It's over. It's over. So if you Lance, so do you save the crazy tricks for the end? you want to Spread them out kind of yeah Like something nuts like when he brought the 900 or something like that or something like the first dark slide I guess I wasn't in competition, but like whatever Do you like you can't land that and then fall and you're like, no, nothing. Or do you still get a good score? I mean, it depends.
Starting point is 00:43:07 If you did something crazy like that, yeah, you would still get a good score. But if you did a 900, your first trick, and then fell, you're not going to get a very good score. Darn. But so usually, so like within 45 seconds, most of the time you'll squeeze in like anywhere from 11 to like 13 different tricks Okay, so if you did a 900 on your 10th trick and then you fell you would still probably get a good score. Okay, do you have video of your run?
Starting point is 00:43:36 Ah, I think I do. I'm honestly not sure Let me ask you a question too about judge sports. Yes. Do you ever go, that's a fucking bullshit score. That was better than that. I mean yeah, it's skating is very subjective. So it's hard. Cause it's like track and field.
Starting point is 00:43:54 It's like I won. Yeah. I was the fastest. Yeah. That's why it's, it's hard to judge skating. Cause I mean, most of the time, actually a lot of the time, they get the scoring right. There's like very few cases where the majority of the people disagree with it.
Starting point is 00:44:12 And people boo? No, I wish people would start booing at skate contests. I would encourage that so much. It happens at UFC. It'd be great. People are like, you can feel the whole crowd. It's like, no, that's way wrong. It'd be great.
Starting point is 00:44:24 That guy won that fight. That's ridiculous. There's too much cheering in skating. If there was more booing it'd be great. But let's see oh yeah here's one of the runs I think. I don't know if it's gonna play or not. Oh somebody told me this when I was like when I was watching you guys skate. It's so fun learning these rules is how do you know who's next? It's like you just hang your board over the edge. Yeah, pretty much. You can do that or you can do... That's you? Yeah. This is just practice, but I think this is the whole run that I did in the contest. Oh, you're like warming up the exact run you're planning? Yeah. I mean, you want to try and figure out what you're gonna do for your 45 seconds the best you can and
Starting point is 00:45:07 Yeah, so you just kind of do it over and over until you feel Comfortable. Yeah, and then you're like, okay, that's that's my run or like I can't make that from here So I'll switch things up because it's got to be per per fucking course, right What you decide to do? Yeah. Yeah, it's different every time because they build a different park for every contest It's got to be per fucking course, right? Like what you decide to do. Yeah, yeah. It's different every time.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Because they build a different park for every contest. So you have to try and figure out something quick and then get comfortable doing it. And then they sound a buzzer and they're just like, all right, it's over. I'll just jump out. Yeah. They just added a weird like, there's
Starting point is 00:45:41 a 10 second buzzer now, which I don't know why. To let you know if you've got some in the bag, do it now. And then there's a 10 second buzzer now which I don't know why let you know like if you got some of the bags left do it now and then there's a 45 second buzzer to let you know when it's done which they should just have the ones but yeah but yeah 45 seconds do your thing and do you ever get where like let's say you're like running and then like as you're about to go up or like in the air it's like 45 seconds doesn't count then you land something fucking sick if what's the rule on it if you're going if the buzzer goes off before you go up the wall then
Starting point is 00:46:15 it doesn't count if you're like already going up the wall and doing the trick then it still is within time it's like basketball if it's in the air yeah exactly damn but if your hands on the ball and it goes off then it doesn't count. Yeah same same with skating So tell me about the fucking podium It's pretty crazy They like pull you over there immediately, let me see that motherfucker again, it's so cool they pull you over Yeah, they pull you over
Starting point is 00:46:42 some I Actually, I forgot who the person was they gave me the medal I feel bad. What do you mean? It'll be like a previous a dig Olympian or something like that from like the past of any sport Yeah, I think and they fucking you bend down you're the video that somewhere damn She gives it to you or puts it over your head. She gives it to you or puts it over your head? She gives it to you.
Starting point is 00:47:08 It's like communion. Yeah. Kinda, right? Do I have a video of it? I can probably, oh, is that the Arc de Triomphe? It is. So you got to go around a little bit? Well, no, that's actually just on our shuttle
Starting point is 00:47:23 to the skate park is. To the window? We saw it through the window. Oh, that sucks actually just on our shuttle to the skate park is. Through the window? We saw it through the window. Oh, that sucks. You would think you'd have to run to the place to be able to go around. Plus, what a baller you are if you're like, oh, you in this?
Starting point is 00:47:33 Oh, I'm in it, actually. Just every person you meet. We were playing a, we became good homies with the, I think he was a Filipino gymnast. Is that you? No, no. Jesus. That was geeky.
Starting point is 00:47:47 Well, we were going down there. There was a basketball court in the village, too. We'd play with him every other day. You'd play with who? The Filipino gymnast? The Filipino gymnast. I'm pretty sure. Or Dominican.
Starting point is 00:47:59 I can't remember where he's from. He's way better than that. Yeah, no. He was very structured. We sucked. But it was funny. It was just random. There's not much to do with the village. So we just were all sucking at basketball, and that was about
Starting point is 00:48:11 it. This is so fucking cool. So what, they just like you bend over. Oh, wow, nice sunset. Yeah, they announce your name. You walk up there, stand on the podium for a second, wave, smile, do your thing. And then, yeah, take some some pictures and then the lady gives
Starting point is 00:48:26 you the medal and then wave and smile more you surprised by how heavy it was yeah I was I did not know you get to see any other medals before you got this one I did my so like we in our room all the skaters were staying together yeah and the other for the street team Jagger Eaton got silver as well, and he brought it back and I saw it So I saw that one before but then I got done Wow So he won something else. Yeah, okay. That's cool. Yeah, wasn't was anybody like fucking pissed they didn't win I'm sure some people were.
Starting point is 00:49:05 It's not really like that in skating though. At least I don't think it is. Maybe people were bummed. But in the other sports, yeah, there was a lot of upset silver medalists. Upset silver medalists. I'm doing a joke about it. In America we have so many medals,
Starting point is 00:49:18 if you get a bronze, people are like, back of the bus, fuck you, how dare you? But then I like those one country ones. We're like, we finally won one! They're all gonna know our name for a week! Damn, that's so interesting. Wild. And when it hit you, how did it hit you?
Starting point is 00:49:38 Because I was telling you, I just did The Garden with Tony Hinchcliffe with this show. And it was a couple days later. It said it was in my kitchen, and it just stopped. And it was like, oh yeah, I was at the garden, and I fucking crushed. It was so cool. Just flying here and then sitting in my hotel last night.
Starting point is 00:49:56 I was just kind of sitting there, and I was like, oh shit, I'm in New York now doing all this. So you're doing a bunch of press on it? Yeah, exactly. Wow. What are the dumbest questions people ask you? In New York now doing all this you see doing a bunch of press on it. Yeah, exactly Wow What are the dumbest questions people ask you what's the dumbest questions generally what are the dumbest questions? like the most annoying ones I Don't know for us. It's how'd you get started? Yeah, you're always funny. It's like a
Starting point is 00:50:27 Probably something like that, but skate related yeah yeah have you always been good at skating yeah what are the wheels called oh yeah I have gotten some of those ones like somebody doesn't understand what is the skateboard made out of I'm like would you're like I'm not the guy for that yeah I don't make them I have no idea did I saw somebody ask who's the guru place with them the Grateful Dead now? I can remember his name Real pretty guy your body is a wonderland Fuck John Mayer, okay, and this guy was like, what do you see when you play it goes That dude, that's a great question He's like nobody asked shit like that.
Starting point is 00:51:05 He goes, I see shapes and I just match shapes in my head. And he just stopped again. He was like, what a high level question that is. John Mayer, trippy dude. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You think all these guys are like straight lace and stuff. And you're like, oh no, you fucked half of LA. And then fucking played everything.
Starting point is 00:51:23 You'd gotta do drugs to play like that. Oh dude, this was fucking great. I'm trying to think, what else did I not know about this experience that I should've? I'm trying to think. Did you get paid? Yeah, the US Olympic Committee gives you a bonus if you get a medal.
Starting point is 00:51:44 What is it? It's not as much as, I forget which, I think Singapore, if you get a gold medal, you get like $800,000 or something insane like that. Wow. Yeah, some of the countries really. And it goes down for bronze and silver? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:59 There's another. Wow, they really value it. There's another country that if you get a gold medal, they give you like a four bedroom house or something crazy like that. In Colombia if you get a medal, they don't kill your father. The US is like, I think gold is like 40,000
Starting point is 00:52:19 and seconds like 25 or something like that. But everybody gets it. Yeah. High level sport or badminton. Yeah, or skating which isn't a real sport. 25 grand? Yeah. That's fucking nice, bro.
Starting point is 00:52:28 That's fucking nice. How much do you get for a competition when you win? Depending, but like what's an average? Like 25-ish grand. Wow. This podcast pays $200. Congratulations. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Yeah. Look at that. Yeah. That's not as 25, too. That's perfect. Yeah. That's not as 25, too. It's perfect. Yeah. That's not as, won't pay for your Uber over here. No, it's almost, almost.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Yeah. Dude, it was such a fucking cool experience. What a fucking cool thing to say you wanna, they'll never take that away from you. No, no, unless somehow I fail my drug test, but I think I'm good. Do they test for weed still or no? Yeah, they test for everything you can think of.
Starting point is 00:53:09 But I mean, that's on your gravestone now. Yeah. US Olympic medalist, Tom Schar. Pretty crazy. Yeah, that's like a, I mean, whatever. I'm sure it's setting in for you, but like, that's a generational fucking credit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:27 You gonna compete next time? I keep getting asked that. I have no idea. Yes, I will. Sorry, it's too early. No, no. It's too early, because you're still riding this. I will definitely try to, but I just haven't really thought about it.
Starting point is 00:53:36 Where's the next one? Oh, it's at home. Yeah, it's pretty good. Wow. I grew up in LA too, so it's perfect. Where? I like Santa Monica. Okay, I lived in West Hollywood for a fucking, pretty good. Wow. I grew up in LA too, so it's perfect. Where? I like Santa Monica. OK, I lived in West Hollywood for a fucking pretty much
Starting point is 00:53:49 a decade. Santa Monica rules. It was a fucking great falafel place right across from Santa Monica College. Like right across. I don't know if I know my falafel spots too well. Fair. Fair.
Starting point is 00:54:01 Fair. Yeah, you got to compete in LA. Yeah, I'm going to try. But everybody's gonna wanna. The celebrities that are gonna be there for that one. And I'm already becoming the old guy in skating now. So there's gonna be another generation that'll just probably smoke me, but we'll see.
Starting point is 00:54:17 Dude, I saw that. Who's that Brazilian kid that was there? That was at that ramp that day? Oh, who was there? It was like 13 maybe. Oh yeah, Guy. Guy, yeah. And they were talking about that little girl.
Starting point is 00:54:29 Yeah. And he was like, how old is she? Cause they were talking about some trick she just landed and they were like 10. He was like, fuck. He was like, I could see him feeling old. No, they had like, the kids actually make fun of me cause I'm like old now compared to them.
Starting point is 00:54:43 Really? Yeah, I'm born in 1999. They're born in like 2014 Who was that? There was some fifth. It was a Bucky Lassack was there Older guy was there Bucky was probably there was like on the skating though Yeah, Bucky's still and it was like all these like 19 year olds and then this fucking grandfather That's the weird thing with skating They'll be the whole session will be anywhere from like a 12 year old to a 50 year old and
Starting point is 00:55:08 everywhere in between. And everybody's chill. Yeah, everyone's just skating. Do you snowboard or ski? I snowboard, but I'm on a hiatus right now because I broke my collarbone twice like two years ago. Nice. In the same season.
Starting point is 00:55:24 Really? Yeah. My friends point this out for like, loopers, whatever, amateurs. What's the fucking derogatory term for fucking shitty skaters? I don't know. A kook. A kook, I guess.
Starting point is 00:55:36 Yeah, donks are for poker and like whatever. But he was like, we couldn't do the park, you know? Between 14 and 40. You're just too embarrassed for being bad. At 10, you're like, that's cool, let me try. And at 43, you're like, everybody knows, I'm not trying to protect. And they're like, way to go, man, you landed that one.
Starting point is 00:55:57 So now I'm really enjoying it. That's funny, actually. Yeah. Skating's kind of the opposite of that. No one really cares at all. No one does. No. Everybody, I don't know, Yeah, skating is kind of the opposite of that. No one really cares at all. No one does no Everybody I don't know everyone sucks at some aspect of skating. So everyone's still yeah to figure it out
Starting point is 00:56:19 It was cool to and I saw it down there at Tony was the fucking the slap of approval. Yeah, it's like It's like nice Yeah, it's pretty it's pretty sweet the bird man. Yeah, he's also like There's like 40 of you guys and that's it. Yeah. Like real vert skaters. Yeah. There's really not that many. That's wild. It's kind of tiny world.
Starting point is 00:56:35 It's making a comeback though. Yeah. It is, for sure. You can't find it to practice. That's the hard thing. There's probably not a single vert ramp in New York. Wow. But on the west coast there's plenty. It's just. So you can skate the whole year. Not everywhere. You have to go indoors here. True. But there's fewer and fewer. Like when I was a kid growing up there was a vert ramp. Why? Why is it dying? Every 10 miles
Starting point is 00:56:59 from where I lived. But it's, I don't know know there's just less of them getting built and fewer kids have access to skating it so it's just kind of that's it's a fucking cheap sport so basketball so good it's like to set up anywhere and then you just do one ball yeah I might be more liabilities now with vert skating people probably getting sued over stuff they may not ski with a helmet in the Olympics? No, well for park skating, they make you because someone had a very bad accident like five,
Starting point is 00:57:33 four years ago and now they make us wear a helmet. What do you mean, crush their skull? Yeah, hit their head really bad and bleeding out of their ears. Did you not until then? No. And what, and just fucking really? Yeah, out of their ears. Did you not until then? No. And what? And just fucking really? Yeah, it was pretty bad.
Starting point is 00:57:47 But you're getting so high off the fucking thing. If you come off at all, it's going to be fucked. Yeah, it could be pretty bad. But now we have to. But outside of the Olympics, no, most of the time we don't really wear helmets. You don't? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:00 Because you're not a fucking, I won't even make you guys bleep whatever they're going to say. Hey. Dude, congratulations. Thank you. Yeah, cuz you're not a fucking I won't even Dude congratulations, thank you. It's so badass What are you doing here? You want to go to a comedy show? Yeah, I'd love to actually okay. That'd be sick Yeah, I'm performing tonight tomorrow, but then um I'm off on the weekend, but if you still want to go yeah buddies. I can get you in Did you go in San Diego when I was there? Yeah. You did? Yeah, I came down. Nice.
Starting point is 00:58:26 That was a good show. That was a good show. Yeah. Cusco went up. Yep. Yeah, that was cool. Tommy, buddy, congratulations. Thank you, man.
Starting point is 00:58:35 Yeah. It's fucking cool. It's just hitting me now, sort of. Yeah. It's an Olympic. It still has a name. It goes back to Athens. Yeah. I was going to Athens. Yeah, it's a
Starting point is 00:58:49 I was gonna make a random guess but I have no idea when it started Yeah, I really don't know it was like in like one was like the BC days and then it took a long break It's back in there were wrestling naked and trying to use dick for position And then straight to like all right no dick holes anymore. That's a couple updates. What was the most random sport you saw there? I've never seen fencing before. I saw that, it's not that random, but it's just crazy, you're kind of watching that.
Starting point is 00:59:18 I think fencing, to really get more support, needs like an Alec Baldwin fucking mistake where someone doesn't put a tipper on and then just really stabs somebody. And then just the realization like, what, there's supposed to be tips on there. Who took that tip off? And the other guy's like, shh.
Starting point is 00:59:32 I mean, if they use swords, I'd watch that for sure. Do that then turn away with those and like, shh, on the walk away. That would make it baller, dude. I would watch that. All day fencing would be to the death. Yeah, I saw Ecuador. I lived in Ecuador for a while.
Starting point is 00:59:51 I was like, they won one medal in speed walking, and it's like, better not to win. Damn. That's like. Speed walking's a crazy one. Yeah, there's just a judge looking at you for bend your knee. Yeah, I met a girl that did speed walking
Starting point is 01:00:07 and she was teaching me the whole technique of it. It's honestly, it's kind of hard as fuck, but yeah, she was saying that they're very, very strict about their whole knee situation. My dad did a speed walking marathon at 65. A marathon? Speed walking. Yeah, people are like, you can't run a marathon?
Starting point is 01:00:25 I goes, I'm not gonna run. I'm gonna speed walk it. Wait, so hold on, before we go. So you qualify, that's a huge relief. Yeah. Did you know after your run, you're like, okay, that's good enough to get me in? Yeah, kinda.
Starting point is 01:00:41 I did my first run in the qualifiers and I got like a 92. And you know that's like, that's gonna play. 92 is pretty good. Especially top 8, is that what you said? Yeah. That's gonna be top 8. 92 is pretty solid most of the time.
Starting point is 01:00:55 And then I got in there. I got to go second to last because I qualified second. That's huge. So on my last run, I was already in the finals. So on my last run in the finals, I was already in second. It's not cumulative, right? No, no, just best run. And what was your scores in before that? I had a 92 and 1 half in second.
Starting point is 01:01:20 And the person in first who was going last, who was after me, had a ninety so i had to just try and improve by like one point and uh... i went through my whole run i got to the very ends and i just fell in the last trick but if i would have landed i don't know maybe it would have been different but i guess will never know
Starting point is 01:01:40 disappointed silver no no no no i'm not the sad silver. Okay, good, good, good. I'm very happy with that. And when you landed in the first two runs, when you land, as soon as you're done, do you know like that's, that's, that's gotta be 91, 92? Yeah, you can kind of. I mean sometimes they're judging is all over the place but like going off of what they gave me earlier you're like and I did pretty much the same thing I was like okay well it should be like a 90 something so yeah yeah and then you see that 92 what is it 92 392 1 92 yeah something like that
Starting point is 01:02:16 when you see that you're just like fuck yeah yeah I'm getting a medal it kinda I didn't really know cuz it's the Olympics like everyone was going for broke they were all trying their hardest shit and but yeah I don't really know because it's the Olympics. Everyone was going for broke. They were all trying their hardest shit. But yeah, I don't know. People just kind of kept falling or just didn't really get the scores they wanted. And then all of a sudden, I was the second to last person to go, and I was in second.
Starting point is 01:02:38 And so you already clinched second? Yeah. Oh my god. That's so fucking free. This is what we do in comedy specials, like tape a bunch of sets, and you already got it in now. You could just be free for the last one Yeah, that's exactly what it was. It was great Wow Damn Tom man, thanks for coming. Yeah, thanks for having me. Yeah, what you got anything to promote?
Starting point is 01:02:58 specifically besides your fucking self What do you skate for monster? Yeah, it's ice monster energy. Uh, I just got on new balance shoes, which has been awesome. Uh, birdhouse skateboards as well. Shout out Tony. Shout out Tony Hawk. Yeah. He's the man. I guess I technically, uh, no, I don't. I'm like, it's one, one free shirts and stuff. Whatever. So, yeah, you're on the team. Oh yeah. Yeah. I mean birdhouse comedy. yeah, I would actually be good that would be good going to where we do a skate comedy tour Oh, yeah, hell yeah, I can work just set up something in the back like alright guys enough with this
Starting point is 01:03:35 Come on. Here's some jokes Damn yeah, thanks man. I appreciate it. Yeah, that was awesome. Well, oh, here's what I was gonna say last thing I forgot because it was so specific. Do you have any travel tips in general when you go traveling? Like pack light fuck Make sure to see stuff make sure whatever. I don't know like anything that you try to do I feel like I always see people just like Panicking while they're traveling like just, just, you know, just chill. You're gonna make your flight on time.
Starting point is 01:04:07 You don't need to be there four hours early. You really don't. That's such an old person thing. And, you know, just enjoy the trip. I was going to Copenhagen for a comedy festival. My buddy, Bobby Kelly, called me. He's like, where are you? I'm like, what do you mean?
Starting point is 01:04:21 He's like, am I there yet? Are you here yet? I'm like, I'm at home. I'm not even getting ready to leave yet. You're so old. What are you talking about? Yeah, I get to the airport an hour before my flight every time, and I make it.
Starting point is 01:04:33 You make it. You make the flight. Here's what I want to see. I want to see, say I have a bag and I check the bag. I want to see the lady behind it and I go, all right. That's perfect. No wasted time. That's perfect. I think that's the perfect, no wasted time. That's perfect.
Starting point is 01:04:46 Yeah, that's living the fucking, move, can I go in front of you please? Yeah, yeah, cutting people in the security line. Is there anywhere you wanna go that you've never been, that you're like, is calling you? I haven't really been that many places in Asia. It's wild. Yeah, I'm trying to go or India never
Starting point is 01:05:06 been there either there's a skate scene in Myanmar yeah that'd be sick there's it's it's wild because it's such a just new developing country and there's in Yangon and Rangoon whatever the cap there's like a skate scene that that's some things I definitely got to check out yeah more Asia you could also they can't tell us apart so you could I had to get a visa for China once and I went in and said like what are you doing there I was like I'm working I got and they're like well then you need a letter from the government you need all this stuff I was like fuck I fucked it up I supposed to just go like without saying and I called the promoter I'm
Starting point is 01:05:37 like what's supposed to do and he goes so you know how you like you have trouble telling them apart it goes both ways so just go back to that window they won't know you. And then just say, I'm just there for tourism. And that's exactly what happened. Oh my gosh. But you could go to some random skate park and just fucking, I'll try skating.
Starting point is 01:05:56 Yeah. And just blow the roof off the place. Oh yeah, cool, skateboard. Oh you guys do four wheels? All right, let me try it. Yeah. All right buddy, thank you very much. Yeah, thanks man. Have try it. All right, buddy. Thank you very much. Have fun with the rest of your interviews.
Starting point is 01:06:06 Congratulations again. Fuck it. US Olympic medalist, Tom Sharpe. Well, guys, that was the episode. Pretty fucking cool, I would say. Pretty fucking cool. A US Olympian, a medal winner. I mean, when I started doing this podcast, this actually would be a classic skeptic tank episode.
Starting point is 01:06:28 Tell me about the Olympics. But it also works really well for you, B. Trippin, because it's something about going to Paris and that specific time. Fucking cool, that guy fucking rules. You know what else rules? Kill Tony. I gotta tell you about this fucking show, you guys, I gotta tell you about this weekend.
Starting point is 01:06:46 New York city comedy scene is buzzing. It's buzzing with what happened the weekend before last. I mean the whole city came alive. If you don't know kill Tony, I mean you do, you know, kill Tony. It's a great fucking, it's the number one live podcast in the world. It's available on YouTube all the time and I've done it since its inception really. I've been doing this show for 11 years.
Starting point is 01:07:13 So I've seen a few shows at Madison Square Garden and I've seen some friends. Louie was there with Adrienne Apoluchi, one of my best friends, she fucking killed and that was really cool. Saw Chappelle, premieres movie there. He went up, Jon Stewart went up, and I'm friends with Ronnie Chang and Jeff Ross.
Starting point is 01:07:34 They were on there. This was different. This was our show. Killtoni's our show. It's his show, but it's all of ours. So we all felt an ownership of it. And they were like 50 comics backstage every day, Friday and Saturday, just hanging out,
Starting point is 01:07:48 running around Madison Square Garden, just the back of Madison Square Garden, just having a fucking blast. It was so fucking cool, man. I got this hat and the gift bag meant for Harlan Williams. I stole a gift bag from Harlan Williams and Joey Diaz on the way out of the after party. It was wild. I mean, I got so much to tell you.
Starting point is 01:08:06 First of all, I mean, I don't know where to even start. The production value is so fucking epic at these big shows. It's big, way bigger than the Louis one, way bigger than the Chappelle one. There's fire. So I went day one, I went Friday just to hang. And I mean it was comic after comic. He brings it out. They have these crazy like almost like the sphere level fucking videos to start the show with all the Kill Tony regulars.
Starting point is 01:08:40 Like an AI version of all these guys doing like fucking smashing up New York City. He really leaned into the New York vibe. And then he comes out, you know, first the band plays then. Oh, I mean, there's so many details. I'm going to forget a lot of this. So then Jelly Roll goes up to sing New York, New York Sinatra's version. I saw him backstage getting hair and makeup. Yeah, Jelly Roll puts gets hair and makeup done done those I don't know what I'm allowed
Starting point is 01:09:07 to say what about those are not his tattoos he gets those put on before shows he's actually a very nice Christian guy he doesn't have face tattoos that's retarded why would a Christian nice guy have face tattoos he's a normal dude he puts those on before shows so he's in hair and makeup getting his tattoos put on and he goes are you inspired me to dress up you know I don't do that I don't do that naked stuff anymore at Killtony. I'm a grown man and I went on Killtony in Austin and I wore fedora and like a professor's shirt with like patches on the on the elbows and I said I'm a grown man now I don't do that childish stuff. Jelly Roll
Starting point is 01:09:43 said he saw that and he goes, I was inspired by that. I wanna dress up and pay homage to this great man, Sinatra, in this great city, New York. And he sang New York, New York, with a fuckin' sick smokin' jacket and press on tattoos. So then he went on, so then Kill Tony comes out, Marcus King's playing in the fuckin' band, one of the best blues musicians of all time,
Starting point is 01:10:04 let alone our era. He's just playing in the fucking band one of the best blues musicians of all time Let alone our era He's just playing in the band nondescript Red band comes up introduce Tony place fucking erupts There's a soft glow in the room a soft red kill Tony red glow across the whole fucking audience What a production value my buddy James did all the production stuff for it. Who did it for my special. Yeah, the Kill Tony production designer is a production designer on my next special. Which you will see at some point.
Starting point is 01:10:34 And you'll see how fucking crazy this guy is. So then Tony goes, I mean he says, why well, the place fucking erupts, goes nuts. And he goes, well, I gotta have some guests for you. He goes, guys, I'm in New York city, but it's an Austin podcast. It's an awesome podcast. So I can have some Austin nights for you. Please welcome Shane Gillis and the place. There were so many eruptions, one bigger than the next.
Starting point is 01:11:07 And if you're a Kill Tony fan, you're hoping, you know it's gonna be a good show because it's always a good show. But then you're also hoping to get one of the regulars. Listen, it's like when you see a band, I went to see, in Austin, I went to see the Pixies, and then I don't know when they added to the show Arctic Monk, Franz Ferdinand.
Starting point is 01:11:26 It was this other opener named Bully, this fucking female singer was really quite good. But sometimes you get a singer like Bully and you're like, wow, that was, she's really good. Or they were really good or whatever, you know? I'm not saying she's a they, but why not spread that? But you're like, oh, that band was really good. Maybe I'll get a t-shirt. But then sometimes you're like, I know the opening band, Franz Ferdinand was on a high level of that. And we sat on, it was so fucking hot. It was so fucking hot.
Starting point is 01:11:50 This one chick, I know Marlene was just so out of it. She was like, she was like mushrooms. We looked down and she was like this, cross-legged like, it was outside of the H&B arena. Not arena, amphitheater. And it was so fucking hot. It got under 100 degrees at 9.30 p.m. It was, I'm not arena, amphitheater, and it was so fucking hot. It got under 100 degrees at 9.30 p.m. It was, I'm not joking, on Earth,
Starting point is 01:12:10 the hottest city in the world that day. Moved to Austin, they say, it's beautiful. She had heat exhaustion for sure, but she survived it. She is infertile now, which sucks, but she survived it is the point. So, what was I saying? So you see a real life friend, oh, even better, even better.
Starting point is 01:12:31 So he brings out the first Austinite, Shane fucking Gillis, who is, I mean, legitimately, possibly the biggest comic in the world right now. And he's my vice president on Legion of Skanks. It was four years ago, and he drove my vice president on Legion of Skanks. It was four years ago and he drove off in Philadelphia. It was four years ago. Now in August, he drove off in Philadelphia
Starting point is 01:12:53 to double cross the roster during the Skanks election for to hang out with everybody because it was just COVID, but also just really for free drinks. That was where Shane Gould was then. And now he's one of the biggest comics in the world. That legitimately may be the biggest. So the place fucking erupts and he's like, wow. So they got what they wanted. Who's next? I don't know who's going to be, you know, they're hoping it's something like me, my level, mid level, you know, maybe, maybe DeRosa, someone like that. No, Joe fucking Rogan erupt again.
Starting point is 01:13:32 Joe Rogan and Shane Gillis on the dais for kill Tony. Joe Rogan comes out with this fucking giant green, uh, mink coat, nylon fake mink coat with it was fucking baller sunglasses just leaned into it. It was wrestling guys. It was wrestling and that soft red amber glow just permeated the whole audience. 20,000 people in there going fucking crazy. So then they start the show and they bring out either like the regulars and then also just comedians. Just regular comedians. There was a couple people who had their first set ever at Madison Square fucking garden. And everybody was stoked. I took Tony around New York for the week leading up to it to try to infuse in him a love of this city. And it worked. He did love it. He finally understands it
Starting point is 01:14:27 This city rules and he honored it He honored in a way that only Tony could you know, he didn't shit on the on the on the sidewalks You know, he could have done that that would have honored the city. He did it differently He put on one of the greatest shows of all time Ron white went up Harlan Williams went up, a minute, a minute. Louis Gomez, he wasn't, also, you gotta understand, Tony's not just a comedian on the show.
Starting point is 01:14:54 He's running it, he's a producer on the show too. And so he's got a hard out at 10 o'clock. If he goes over, I think it's either $100,000 or $300,000 to go over by a minute. And then he can go all the way till 10.59. Show starts at seven o'clock. He was like, hey, doors open at six, can we open at 5.30? We just wanna open at 5.30 so we can get,
Starting point is 01:15:14 well this is actually not my story, so I won't tell you this part. Doors open at six, he got in there, the fucking pre-show was fucking sick. And then, I mean, he brought up Big Jay. Big Jay crushed so hard. Tony was setting everybody up to win, man. He wasn't just running the show. He was, he was cutting promos for people. So Big Jay goes up after this fucking pretty guy goes up, this open mic'er, who just, he bombed. Tony, also to start with,
Starting point is 01:15:41 so the show in, at the forum in LA, where I took my dick out of a hole in a Kobe Bryant jersey, was a shitty crowd. They weren't a good crowd. They were booing comics, they were chanting, they were trying to be involved. You know how LA people are, they think that it's the center of attention.
Starting point is 01:15:59 So they suck. LA people in general suck. That's why they support the Lakers all the time and never support the Clippers. They're both hometown teens, but of course they all go to the popular team. And by the way they support the Lakers all the time and never support the Clippers. They're both hometown teens, but of course they all go to the popular team. And by the way, when the Lakers aren't good, they take down their flags.
Starting point is 01:16:10 They don't support their team. They're fair-weather fans. They're a terrible fan base. They're not as stabby as a Raider fan base, but they're a terrible fan base full of bad people. And they were a bad crowd, so Tony didn't want that. So he goes up right away and he goes, guys, don't boo. you gotta let these people have their
Starting point is 01:16:27 minute he tells the comics that all the time too because you gotta let him have their minute don't interrupt it's just one minute and then we'll all make fun afterwards but don't interrupt and he goes guys don't interrupt he goes because they did it in LA at the forum and he goes so first he gives him the directive don't interrupt so great but he does it in a way he goes but you guys are in LA like right you're not like LA people are you you're better than LA this is New York fucking city and you're better than Los Angeles and they all fucking went crazy cheering they got the directive they didn't interrupt anybody but this kid this
Starting point is 01:17:00 pretty boy they booed him pretty hard. They started booing him. He was just all about his pretty good looks. And I stole this. I actually didn't. He gave it to me. What was I gonna say? Oh, so then they start booing. At the end they talk to him. He goes, tell me one redeeming quality about you your sir. And he goes, well, I played hockey when I was younger. I mean, a rain of booze on this guy. Oh, you played the rich kid sport. Oh, that's your redeeming quality. You played a sport for fucking rich people with money, rain of booze and Tony allowed it. This was one time he allowed it.
Starting point is 01:17:44 And then, uh, Big Jay went up next. And man, I mean, I don't use the word inspiring much, but the way he brought this crowd into his vibe. You know Big Jay, he's one of the best comics in the country. Underrated, I would say. Top 20 underrated comics. And he brings a stool out and he sits on a stool at Madison Square Garden.
Starting point is 01:18:15 20,000 people. Sits on a stool. And he brings everybody into his vibe. Into that club vibe. And he crushed. It was such a good set. And then got, I mean, wow. I wouldn't know how to do regular standup in an environment like that. I always say, I told Rogan, he was like,
Starting point is 01:18:37 you should do one of these arenas. And I'm like, I know, but I would need like five times because I would need to get used to the pacing. And he goes, nope, you'll get one time. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Whatever you say about Joe Rogan, people forget, he's a comic. That's all he is, he's a comic.
Starting point is 01:18:57 Nope, I'm like, but it'll be hard. Well, I'm gonna fail. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. So, Jay fucking crushed. He brought comic after comic up there. Harlan Williams did a minute. Ron White did a minute. I mean, it's guest after and they don't know anybody who's coming. And every time somebody comes up, fucking flame shoot up from the sides, flames
Starting point is 01:19:22 and sparks and fucking the production value was Kronzer man what a fucking job he did. And so Lewis is on the show. Lewis Gomez, he's running out of time. He told Lewis I don't know if I have time. Then he's 10 minutes ahead of schedule. He's like get Lewis, get him down here. I'll set you up. I'm gonna put you on after somebody wasn't good.
Starting point is 01:19:44 We had to find Lewis. I called him 10 times. I kept calling him,. I'm gonna put you on after somebody who wasn't good. We had to find Lewis. I called him 10 times. I kept calling him, calling him, where are you that you're on next? They couldn't find him. He's up in the fucking VIP box drinking free drinks. All right, no matter how rich you get,
Starting point is 01:19:54 you want those free drinks. He comes down. They introduce him. He gets a 10% standing ovation before he starts. This is Lewis Gomez. You know, I'm not trying to shit on him, he gets a 10% standing ovation before he starts, this is Luis Gomez. You know, I'm not trying to shit on him, but he's not an internationally like famous guy. He's doing quite well, but he's not that.
Starting point is 01:20:12 But this crowd knows him, they know everybody in the standup. And he fucking did great, he did great. I mean everybody had to start off with like, how do I get to my first punch line? So Luis had probably 20 seconds and you get nervous people like fuck, 20 seconds, where's the, that's not a lot of time at a club and in an arena, in a theater it's a lot,
Starting point is 01:20:34 in an arena, Jesus. And then you start like, oh no, and then he hits him with a punch and everybody's like boom, laugh. And then even bigger punch and it's like boom, laugh. Then he sets it all full circle and it's like boom, laugh, then he sets it all full circle, and it's like, wow, wow. God, Lewis did well. And I'm watching the whole thing from the side.
Starting point is 01:20:56 I'm watching the whole thing from the side. Who am I with? DeRosa was there for, was he? Yeah, DeRosa was there for a while, Lewis was there, Big Jay was there, Kevin Ryan and Foley came, people just came to hang out. God, it was a fucking great show. There's so much to it.
Starting point is 01:21:15 Dr. Phil goes up, Adam Ray is Dr. Phil. Hey, that, I mean, that's one of the all time greatest guests on Kill Tony. He's been doing it for years. I was so proud of my boy, Tony. Adam Riehl, I'll get back to him in a second. I mean, I'm so, you don't understand my relationship with him.
Starting point is 01:21:36 Here's my lasting memory of Tony Hinchcliffe. Here's my first memory, I know I met him before, but he got there in during the, we call him the dark years, but actually I used to hate that. I think I like it now because the dark years, when they, when they said it, they meant it wasn't very popular, but here's the redefinition of dark years and Tony, you'll fucking agree with this.
Starting point is 01:22:05 The darkness came. But we got to experiment with our own darkness. We got to be dark comics. You call us edgelords, we lean into it. Yeah, give me that. Yeah, sure, I'm an edgelord. We're all edgelords, because we're on the fucking edge. We're doing dark shit that's gonna make people walk.
Starting point is 01:22:21 But if you're cool, you'll fucking like it. Remember Batman's parents got stabbed on the way home from fucking going to a show in Harlem? It was fucking, we shouldn't be here, we're rich whites. Yeah, if you're cool, you can go to those shows. And that's what the Comedy Store was. People experimenting. Benji doing a joke right after fucking Parkland
Starting point is 01:22:39 that fucking leveled the room. Taking chances where no one wanted to laugh. Night after night after night, people are taking these dark chances. Yeah, the dark years. Yeah, because no one's coming to see us so we could do shit. And it was during these dark years, I left for a while after Mencia and Rogan were beefing, and I just didn't... just really grossed out by the way the comedy store handled it. It wasn't the comedy store, it was the people who were running it. And I left for about a year. I just didn't feel't feel like I was living two blocks away I didn't feel
Starting point is 01:23:07 like going there what's up guys fucking skeptic tank rants and I was I was driving home one day I don't know if this was when I wasn't there or not but anyway Tony Hinchcliffe got there during those during that time I was gone so I didn't see him he heard about me I. I am, I am the door guy. I am the comedy store door guy. I still feel like a door guy. And so of course he heard about the door guy. I was the last one to drive Mitsy around. I was the last, you know, I
Starting point is 01:23:47 worked every job there. I worked the phones, the cover booth, the door. I fucking waitressed one night. I worked the fucking logging and videos. I did everything there. I was the employee. And then I turned into a headlining comic. And anyway, then I got to know these guys and I was driving home to my place on Sunset, which has now been rebuilt. 8433 Sunset Boulevard. No, that's the Comedy Store, it's down the street.
Starting point is 01:24:14 Right in the corner of Lesley and Igun Sunset. I drive straight up Lesley and Igun right into my carport. And I would sit there sometimes listening to the radio, just kinda thinking before I went into my home. My rear view mirror, I saw Tony Hinchcliffe and Matt Edgar walking from the Comedy Store. I saw them, am I right?
Starting point is 01:24:33 I saw them walking and I looked at them from my rear view mirror and they were talking. They were wearing their Comedy Store shirts. It made me so fucking happy because that was me. I was wearing my Comedy Store shirt a few years before, walking down to Mel's, one of the fucking worst diners in the world. But that lumberjack is good though, bro.
Starting point is 01:24:54 That lumberjack is a bargain. And they were walking down there to get something to eat late night after the Comedy Store, it was 2.30, you know, three o'clock. And I'm like, man man that's the next generation. That's the next generation of comics and that was Tony and Edgar. That's my lasting memory of Tony Hinchcliffe. That's my first memory of him. He's a door guy. He's a store guy to the core. And then one day he started this show called Kill Tony in the belly room of the comedy store and just like I started my show,
Starting point is 01:25:26 this is not happening in front of 12 people in the side room of the Improv, he started it. They have, all these clubs have these closets, I call them. So the Improv had their closet. They've been rebuilt it now, it's a little nicer. When I did it, there wasn't anything to lick or lick. Couldn't even drink in there, it's just a black box. The belly room is that closet.
Starting point is 01:25:43 He started it there. And I would go to the shows there, there was 15, 20 people there there and I would go to the shows there. There was 15, 20 people there. And I would go to those shows, we'd have a fucking blast. And eventually it started getting big enough. And then he moved into the main room, which didn't fill up first. He imagined a world where he could fill it up
Starting point is 01:25:55 and then he did. Celebrities came. I remember one time they were all doing the show, just happened to be there. And I don't think I'd moved to New York yet. No, maybe I had. No, 11 years ago I had. But I go back to LA all the time.
Starting point is 01:26:07 And they were all, Jeremiah was part of the band. They had sketches every time as the band. And now it's like a legit band. Then it was like a funny band. He's morphed it, he's allowed it to morph through the years. I remember trying to sell it as a TV show when I was like, Tony, find it first. I did this not happening for years
Starting point is 01:26:30 before we sold it as a show. Find it first. Thank God he couldn't find a buyer, because he did find it. And I remember what, but he was always open to the comedy store vibe, the dark years, bro, the dark years. And I remember I found a Jeremiah,
Starting point is 01:26:45 he was selling a magazine, not a magazine, a calendar. And I found one of them and I went out backstage, took all my clothes off and I just put my belt back on and my shoes and socks and I was like, hey guys, I just came out through the back. Because I know Tony's down for comedy. I was like, I'm just here to sell the Jeremiah calendar. Of course, you know, how people see visceral
Starting point is 01:27:10 fucking flaccid dicks, it's crazy. Tony's always down for that shit, always down for a fucking goof. And he brought that vibe to Madison Square Garden. So Adam Ray comes up as Dr. Phil and Tony, then he said, thank you, I'm done. He gets off and Tony's like, uh, I can't do the Dr. Phil impression. Tony's like, well, hold on one more thing, Dr. Phil and talk for the well, the tone of things. Wait, I can't do it. Well, thanks for ruining my
Starting point is 01:27:37 exit buddy. Um, and he goes, well, I got something to tell you. And then he shows, he goes, I know you're fucking, you're never in the same room as Adam Ray, but Adam Ray's parents are here and I think they'd like to tell you." And then he shows, he goes, I know you're fucking, you're never in the same room as Adam Ray, but Adam Ray's parents are here and I think they'd like to see this. And he played this video about all the fucking, all the fucking appearances Adam Ray's made over the years as himself, as Dr. Phil, as Biden, as that chick character that I never saw before until this video making out with William Montgomery all the while he's a favorite there.
Starting point is 01:28:04 And for a reason and then he inducted Adam Ray into the Kill Tony Hall of Fame it was I got choked up I got choked up many times Shane's intro big J set die I can't believe I skipped over dice. That was the highlight for me of day one. But then he inducted Adam Ray into the kill Tony hall of fame and had this pew and I mean it was fucking, it was amazing. Everybody went nuts. That was the reason to interrupt him. Tony wouldn't do a fucking interruption and ruin an exit. He's a fucking interruption to ruin an exit. He's a fucking circus leader. Him
Starting point is 01:28:48 telling Lewis like hey we're ahead of time go get him down here right now. Any other person that run it would have a very regimented fucking plan. Not Tony. He's fucking let's move, let's morph, let's do fuck shit, let's fucking if you think of something I'll trust you do something. I had on this podcast I had Harlan Williams come in. He's gonna be on soon. And he was like, I don't wanna cover one country. I had this other thing planned.
Starting point is 01:29:10 I was like, no, we really just do one country. And I was like, you know what, Harlan, actually, I respect the shit out of you. If you think you know better than me, let's go with it. And man, it's gonna be one of the greatest episodes that's ever been on this podcast. I'm still flying high from it. He was there, he did a minute.
Starting point is 01:29:24 The place went nuts. He's a favorite of Kill Tony. You don't understand Andrew Dice Clay's place in the world of me. If you're under 35, you don't know. They were only two comics. There were a lot of comics, but there were only two comics. Sure, there was like Robin Williams and fucking, you know, all those guys, I don't know. But Andrew Dice Clay was bigger than life. And when he played Madison Square Garden, no one had done anything like that. When he came out with the new album, everybody got it.
Starting point is 01:29:53 We taped a tape of a tape of a tape. It was like, it was before they even had two tape decks where you could record one. It was, hey, be quiet, I'm recording the Dice tape. And you'd have a recorder right next to a speaker. So the quality got lower and lower and lower. We listened to it in the student union at school. And a teacher came in, you had to stop it real fast.
Starting point is 01:30:14 It was dice at the garden was the preeminent moment. Hickory dickory dock. He used words that had never been used before. Cunt, it had never been used before. Rusty Dooley said it the best to Mitzi Shore. She goes, do you think there'll be another Dice? And Rusty goes, no, because he used all the words. And he comes out at Massacre, I'm sitting next to Jim Norton.
Starting point is 01:30:39 Jim Norton went up, a fucking crazy favorite in New York. He comes out, and Norton's the biggest Dice fan, so am I, and he comes out wearing the full leather and he turns around and he fucking doesn't have the ball patch like me, pops his collar up and I mean that chills went down my spine. It threw me back to seventh grade. In one second, when he popped that collar, I was back at sleepaway camp in seventh grade, you know, jerking off under my covers,
Starting point is 01:31:14 when no one could see me, ever so quick, don't move, don't move, don't move, no one's gonna find out. They did find out, and then I had to convince them, I was like, oh yeah, it feels really good, you guys should all do it. And there was a bunch of fucking Jewish kids, all these yiddle diddles, just fucking jerking off.
Starting point is 01:31:28 Pre-com, pre-com time, just jerking off. Like it does feel good. We had eight guys around the bunk fucking jerking off altogether. I'm an innovator. Everything was fucking crazy. That was day one. He spared no expense. it was so fucking epic.
Starting point is 01:31:49 And I just watched, I love it. Day two, Renazzi showed up, Steve Simone showed up. These are my buddies, this is my class at the Comedy Store. And we're just watching from the side. I couldn't, Simone brought, he's such a fucking nice Christian, he brought fucking Philadelphia, He drove up from Philadelphia, Philadelphia, those soft pretzels for everybody. Day two, Biden and Trump. The place goes nuts. Fake Biden,
Starting point is 01:32:18 fake Trump. Shane is Trump. Adam Ray is Biden newly elected Hall of Famer Adam Ray is Biden. Adam Ray is Biden, newly elected hall of famer Adam Ray is Biden. Harlan goes up again, sits on the fucking dais this time. Attell is on the dais. Dave fucking Attell. I think it's wrong to compare. But if you force me to, that's, he's the best comic in the world. Day to day, he's the best comic in the world, day to day. He's the best comic in the world. If you ever get a chance to see David Tell at the Cellar
Starting point is 01:32:47 late night, that's what real comedy is nightly. And he's doing it on a level that nobody's doing it. Constantly writing jokes, constantly fucking quick, so fucking quick, he's in the dais. The place is crazy. Dice in the dais. Um, the place is crazy. Dice goes up again for a second. Uh, there's so many fucked that soft red amber glow in the audience the whole time. The black keys did two songs to start the show.
Starting point is 01:33:20 Aaron Rogers is the back. I see him in the back and I'm like, what? I even walk in and wear an accounting crow shirt. And I, when you see a celebrity like that, for a second you're like, what? I handle it pretty good. And I was like, oh, hey. And he goes, hey, Ari Shafir, big fan.
Starting point is 01:33:37 Like, what? I go, yeah, same. Two or three time MVP. Yeah, two or three time MVP. Aaron, any chance you could fucking go to the Cowboys? Is there any chance you'd go to the Cowboys? Just for fucking one year, we got a good, we got a good everything, man. The defense is solid.
Starting point is 01:33:58 Finish off this Jets contract and then fucking go to the Cowboys, man. Yeah, it's not tampering when a Jew does it. It's only a tampering when certain Jews do it. Big fan, like yeah, same. Then we're all talking in the back, and he's just a cool guy. Jeff Ross is there.
Starting point is 01:34:15 Jeff Ross came out day one. And all the regulars, David Lucas, Ari Matty, bro, killed day one on a level. His pacing was so good. The joke was good, the bit was good about homeless people. I'm gonna ruin it but like The pacing to do that big an arena. That's that's what how I'd fail. I would just do my club pacing The pausing perfectly to soak in the setup. It was another Inspirational just fucking you I learned from him. That's what you get in New York.
Starting point is 01:34:45 I know he's an awesome guy, but that's what you get in New York, new killers all the time teaching you things. Damn, this is going on too long. And I mean, we're getting drunk in the back on day one. I was gonna do something day two. And I told Tony, I was like, oh, by the way, buddy, if this is getting too much, like, you know, you don't have to, and Tony's like, bro,
Starting point is 01:35:08 just the attitude was like, no, I need you to do something. You're part of this show. Are you nuts? You're part of the show. I did clear my schedule. As soon as he found out he booked it, before he even announced it, I cleared my schedule. There's a couple things I did before it was announced.
Starting point is 01:35:23 Cleared my schedule for Kill Tony before they even announced the sale. And I invested heavily in Spotify when Rogan told me he was gonna take that deal. Made a lot of money. I made a lot of money investing in Spotify. God damn, that turned out good. He told me, and I was like, whoa.
Starting point is 01:35:43 He's gonna do something to the stocks. He's like, yeah, probably. And I was like, oh. it's gonna do something to the stocks. He's yeah, probably. And I was like, oh, called a couple of my Jews, fucking bank. Where was I? Yeah, he's like, yeah, I gotta have you do it. I'm so glad I cleared my schedule. Rogan did too.
Starting point is 01:36:01 What a fucking baller to take a private jet down there to work for free. Rogan did too, what a fucking baller to take a private jet down there to work for free. Trump was shitting on Rogan, because Trump in real life has been shitting on Rogan, so Shane is Trump is shitting on Rogan. At some point, Rogan comes up from the back behind him, he goes, Donald Trump, oh, sorry, he's like,
Starting point is 01:36:18 Joe Rogan, what a coward, terrible guy, what a coward, coward he is. I can't really do impressions. And then Joe Rogan just comes out of the back, they don't know he's there, he hasn't been there the whole show, this is like 30 minutes left. Terrible guy, real coward, and Shane hears the applause, he comes up from the back right behind him,
Starting point is 01:36:36 Shane hears the applause and just keeps going. Terrible guy, I tell him to his face, what a terrible dude. I don't know what he said exactly. Coward, real coward, and then Joe just stands over him and then he looks and he goes, Joe Rogan, what a guy, what a terrible dude I don't know what he said exactly coward real coward and then Joe just stands over him and they look he goes Joe Rogan what a guy what a guy great guy Joe Rogan and then Joe holds it he holds it dude the timing on that was so fucking good Joe's timing that was so he just kept staring at him this is what you got a wrestling is all about cutting promos and stuff so when they run out and they're gonna say fuck you, you know, whatever undertaker
Starting point is 01:37:06 I'll kill you they have to run out and and like Pretend to heavily breathe while they wait for the applause to go down and they go fuck you in real life without cutting a promo You just come out and go fuck you Joe just holds it and holds it and holds it Finally dies down and he goes and Then he does that Joe Rogan. What a guy. What a guy I mean, and then he goes buddy. I'm not mad at you. I'm not coming at you I just said I like what how the RFK doesn't attack people. I never endorsed anyone for president I don't do that. He goes, but you know what? I would like to endorse someone today. I
Starting point is 01:37:39 Would like to endorse him and I'm getting a fucking lump in my throat. I Like to endorse the greatest guy it's ever been on this planet and he's here today endorse them and I'm getting a fucking lump in my throat. I'd like to endorse the greatest guy that's ever been on this planet. And he's here today. I'd like to bring them out. My nominee, my endorsement for 2024 president, Joey Diaz. And this place, this place erupted. I mean, you couldn't hear the person next to you. You couldn't hear the person next to you talking how loud it was.
Starting point is 01:38:11 And then Joey comes out and he's like, wow. And then he did time. He's talking about Massicle Garden coming. When he was a kid on Quaaludes and fucking all that shit and fucking watching the fucking, uh, uh, uh, fucking trapeze artists get dragged out by fucking, uh, clowns because they were, it was too janky back then. It was so great. And he was, uh, so then he sits in there, Brian Holtsman comes out, which is all our favorite comic at the comedy store late night, fucking angry vibes.
Starting point is 01:38:40 He comes out and just does comedy store and I'm sitting next to Steve Simone He comes out and just does Comedy Store and I'm sitting next to Steve Simone and Steve Rennazisi and we were right back to being door guys at the Comedy Store watching Brian Holtzman saying fuck you Billy Joel you should kill yourself Billy Joel you suck. All these people here have quit because you fucking work every night angry in a fucking great way. And we're just it's like we're in the O.R. just watching Holtzman crush out a late night set in front of 15 employees and eight customers. And then we turn to our left. And there's twenty thousand people laughing. I mean, what a bonding moment for me and Renazzi and Simone.
Starting point is 01:39:32 There was no chance guys. You don't understand what comedy was like. It was, it wasn't going anywhere. It was a couple of a level club headliners, you know, Rogan didn't even sell out every show in Austin. This is during the fair factor years, I think when I was open for him, I remember Sunday he didn't sell out or maybe Thursday he didn't sell sell out every show in Austin. This is during the Fear Factor years, I think, when I was open for him. I remember Sunday he didn't sell out. Or maybe Thursday he didn't sell out. And then, I think it was 300, one of those days, he got to 80% full and was like, wow, four sell outs
Starting point is 01:39:56 and an 80%, that's great. That's where comedy was. That was Joe Rogan on Fear Factor. Nashville Zanies he didn't sell out every show. And now it's in this place that it's in. And I was like, we were all talking, me and Steve Simone and Steve Bernadiz, and we're like, nothing could have gotten us here. We couldn't even imagine it. And one guy got us there. One guy got us there.
Starting point is 01:40:18 The King of Evil. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. The King of Evil. The King of Evil. The King of Evil. The King of Evil. The King of Evil. The King of Evil. The King of Evil. The king of evil. It was so fucking epic. It was so fucking epic. I'm getting teared up even thinking about it.
Starting point is 01:40:38 It was so fucking epic. So chill. I mean, Tony and I talked about what we were going to do we kept getting like, can't do it, can't do it, kept getting nos until 10 minutes before showtime. And he had so much shit on his plate, but he was still taking time to fucking come to me and like, how are we gonna do this? What's the bit?
Starting point is 01:40:57 How are we gonna do it? And it's not about me. I was very happy with how it went. I got to go big in a room, in 20,000 people. It didn't hit me till the next day. Didn't hit me till the next night. I had finished the Comedy Cellar, I was playing up at the Village Underground.
Starting point is 01:41:17 I got an applause when I went on. I'm doing All New August, so I don't have any materials, I'm not putting my name on lineups. So it wasn't on the schedule. it fucking sucks the all-new August challenge myself though and I got an applause like I've never gotten before in New York no one other time one other time I've gotten this kind of applause it was my first set back after that Kobe Bryant stuff The New York Comedy Club had a show with zero people, zero on a Tuesday, zero reservations and a fucking bomb scare and they're like, let's just
Starting point is 01:41:55 cancel the show. What's the point? All Things Comedy took me off a show at the stand. They said you can't go up. The stand doesn't want you there. Then the stand called me. It was like, 100% we want, you can't go up. The Stand doesn't want you there. Then The Stand called me. They were like, 100% we want you here. Come on down. The Stand's always been on the side of standing up for comics. Come on down, but then All Things Comedy
Starting point is 01:42:10 would not let me go up. They said it's dangerous. I was like, I was outside on the phone, literally by myself talking to Steve Simone. This is not a thing. They're like, The Stand doesn't want you here. I'm like, you're lying. The Stand actually called, you know,
Starting point is 01:42:23 the Italians called me. They said, please come, we want you to come down and perform. Anyway, so, you know, the Italians called me, said please come, we want you to come down and perform. Anyway, so then two nights later, I think it was Thursday, after the Sunday of everything that happened, my first set, it was in the upstairs room, I wasn't even on, they're like, do you wanna go on?
Starting point is 01:42:33 I was like, yes, I need to go on. I need to do this. I need to like get through this on stage. And they went on and it was like a minute long ovation because comedy fans know they don't allow people to take one away from us for what for what they know is a joke like it or not they know what it is and most did like it a minute long ovation it was second to that at the Village Underground. It was like, wow. I was like, Jesus Christ. There were 35,000 people who went to those shows for
Starting point is 01:43:09 those two days and they went to other shows all around the city. It was a buzz. The stand at the after party was fucking great. Everybody was there. It was one of the best after parties ever. No one was, I was on the upper level, but not the upper upper level, Not that many agents and managers around. No one was trying to climb or anything. It was just a fucking fun party. They brought all this buffet food with toothpicks in it, and I sat by there, and every time somebody
Starting point is 01:43:37 picked something with a toothpick, I'd just grab it out of the toothpick and eat it. People were so mad, but Mike does a ton. Go get another one. God, what a time. What a time to be alive in comedy. Joe Rogan said it, we're all talking about it later, with our fat friend Brad and him,
Starting point is 01:43:55 and our used to be fat friend Tim. And Bert was like, I feel like I missed out. And Joe was like, I'm so glad I went. And he goes, he said, it wasn't just a comedy show. It was a celebration of comedy, of this whole fucking thing. We needed someone to get us to the garden. And Tony Hinchcliffe, the door guy who used to walk to Mel's,
Starting point is 01:44:23 he's the one who got us there. We rode his fucking coattails. I am never gonna forget that. So this is what hit me the day after. So after the Village Underground, came home, got high on the walk home, like I often do, walk my 30 minutes home, especially in the summer, it's the best time to be in New York.
Starting point is 01:44:45 Streets are your own, piss on the sidewalk. And yeah, somebody got me some flowers, like congratulations in the garden. I'd seen them a few times. But then I saw them again, kind of fresh for the first time because I had done it and I noticed it. Congratulations in the garden and it hit me, I was walking back to get something to put some leftover food and some Szechuan.
Starting point is 01:45:11 And it hit me like, I played Madison Square Garden and it was great. It was great. I fucking crushed it. I'm on the front monitors to this rain of fucking applause and I've never felt this before. This many people screaming their support for me. And I'm on the front of the monitor
Starting point is 01:45:37 and I'm just standing up there in a fucking handmade suit by David August that Rogan got me because he's a fucking baller. He's a fucking baller. He's a fucking G. This three piece, beautiful suit. And I'm just sitting up there soaking it in, gave the double fingers to this whole MSG audience before I even started my fucking thing. It hit me and I was like, damn bro. I don't do this much. I don't like soak it in much.
Starting point is 01:46:06 But I soaked that one in right then in my kitchen alone with Bandit fucking on the couch. And it was like, I played MSG and I fucking blew the roof off it. And it was, what a feeling. Whew. I'm getting a bunch of stuff. That second day was a blur because I was so focused on getting ready.
Starting point is 01:46:31 Um, so that's the episode everybody. That's the episode. I had to tell you about it. I'm sure you've seen it by now. I had to tell you about it. I'm sure you've seen it by now. I had to tell you about it. I'm sure you've seen it by now. I had to tell you about it. I'm sure you've seen it by now. I had to tell you about it. New York city was buzzing with comedy way more than the comedy festival in New York when it happens in November. Way more. It's our show. We all have a tiny bit of ownership in that show. It's the Green Bay Packers of stand up comedy shows.
Starting point is 01:47:09 Except instead of monetarily owning it, we fucking, you know, mentally own it. Thank you, Harlan Williams for leaving your gift bag. I got some New York Jets afterwards. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom.
Starting point is 01:47:29 I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom.
Starting point is 01:47:35 I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom.
Starting point is 01:47:42 I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. though that I can maybe now go just DM people and go, do you want to be on, uh, you'll be tripping and see what they say. Could work. Maybe if they know me, maybe they would. So that's the episode. Thank you very much. Uh, your mom's house for, um, producing this as always. Alan, uh, no, this one's by, um, Chris Larson edited this one. Uh, no, this one's by, um, Chris Larson edited this one.
Starting point is 01:48:05 Whew. Thank you once again to, uh, to Tom Shar for coming in. Congratulations on a silver fucking medal. Forget about being one of the best Bert skateboarders of all time. Um, what a fucking fun, fun, fun time in, in Paris. You really fucking milked it right, bro. You really milked it right bro you really milked it right sign up for the for the patreon you be trippin slash you be trippin help me support me doing this we're gonna send someone around the globe for
Starting point is 01:48:36 a year with the money we get from patreon once we get to 2,000 subscribers we're also gonna do fun stuff I want it I want to do is take a fucking dart, throw it to the globe, throw it on a map, and then get on a plane for let's say five days, something like that, three to five days, three to seven days and just do that live on the Patreon and then go and then check in a couple times and tell you how it's going, only on the page. And that's it. We're going to do a live one maybe in October we'll see details will come but that's it I don't know my vinyl is should ship in a week
Starting point is 01:49:16 for all that grinders and everything and guys that's it I got nothing else to tell you you'll be tripping pod on patreon subscribe wherever you're listening this is a fucking epic podcast next week One of the best comics in the country Greg Fitzsimmons is coming on to talk about Ireland He's got a special coming out at the same time And that was a fucking great great chip. It's him as a kid 19 year old Driving around Ireland fucking great one. Like these are some of my favorite ones too
Starting point is 01:49:45 is the old old times. It's fun when they're fresh off a thing like Tom just did. And it's fun when they're like talking about an old old version of themselves like Greg Fitzsimmons is gonna do. I'll tell you next week is Greg Fitzsimmons, Sean Patton after that on a great one about Cuba. A great episode.
Starting point is 01:50:04 And then September is, yeah, it's just gonna be great. Shane Gillis will come on September. Hopefully, hopefully, Andrew Schultz. Pressure him. Hopefully Tim Dillon. Pressure him to come on. Joey Diaz is coming on September. Got a lot of shit planned for you guys. Subscribe wherever you're listening or watching. That's it. I'm Ari Shaffir. It's been a great time. Thank you for tuning in. Until next week, bonjour!

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