You Be Trippin' - The Sicilian Islands w/ Andrew Santino | You Be Trippin' with Ari Shaffir

Episode Date: March 18, 2024

SPONSORS: Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code TRIPPIN at Sign up today at and use code TRIPPIN to choose your free offer and get $20 off....  Welcome aboard to the premiere episode of You Be Trippin' hosted by Ari Shaffir! Ari is joined by comedian Andrew Santino on a trip to Sicily and they talk about everything there is know about those little islands off the tip of the Italian boot. Andrew shares photos from his excursion and he and Ari discuss the subtle art of annoying locals, exploring caves, swimming with jellyfish, hiking, nudity in other countries, the local food scene, and so much more! We also get some useful travel tips and fun facts, like did you know Sicily is populated by hundreds of stray dogs? Strap in and get ready to trip! You Be Trippin Ep. 01 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you can find a buoy in a bay, which by the way, it's funny to hear him say, when he would say it, he'd say, it sounded like boy. He's like, we must find a little boy. And I was like, why do we need a little boy? He's like, no, we have to get a little boy for the boat. And I was like, I don't really want a boy on the boat. Your wife's just like, I think I have different customs. All right, we'll get a little boy on the boat. Where you been and where you going? This is Ari's Travel Show, yeah. We're gonna go on a journey today and see what there's to see in this big world.
Starting point is 00:00:33 We're exploring different places, seeing all different types of faces. We're gonna talk about travel today. It's UB Trippin'. UB Trippin'. UB Trippin'. Yeah. Hello, everybody, and welcome to episode one of a new podcast called UB Trippin'. It's a travel podcast. I'm the host, Ari Shaffir. I'm a stand-up comedian by trade and by love, and I am a traveler by love only. I love to get out there and see the world and get my hands dirty. In short, I like to get diarrhea in many different countries. As of the beginning, as of the recording of this first episode, I've been to 42 different countries, which is not to say that the amount of countries
Starting point is 00:01:25 you've been to is a tell on how good a traveler you are, but it's a guide. Not many people have been to that many countries or never really gotten out there. So the point is this, this podcast, I'm going to do two a week for about a month and then for one month, and then I'll switch to once a week. There will be a YouTube component that is available on slash uptrippinpod. And you want to check that out because in that, we will have pictures from the guests in these places, in these faraway places. Each episode will be a different guest talking for about an hour about some fun place they've been.
Starting point is 00:02:06 This is not a travel guide. I'm not interested in what you're supposed to do, what you're supposed to see, what food you're supposed to eat. I'm more interested in what you did while you were out there. I want to hear, did you fall in love? Did you do any drugs?
Starting point is 00:02:18 Did you get arrested? Did you get food poisoning? What was it like? What'd you get into? Who'd you meet? You know? Did you play a lot of video games? Did you do nothing all day?
Starting point is 00:02:30 I want to hear about it. Did you do something fun? What was the air like? Was there pollution? I don't know, man. I want to hear about it. I want to hear what it was like. A lot of people come back from vacations and no one really wants to hear their mess.
Starting point is 00:02:41 I want to hear their mess. So that's what this podcast is. It's experiential. If you just want to hear their mess. So that's what this podcast is. It's experiential. If you just want to listen, that's fine too. It's on You Be Trippin' on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, everywhere you get your podcasts. But it's You Be Trippin' Pod on YouTube and all socials. I will also be a guest on some of these episodes. And that's it. That's what the show is. If you know anybody that might be an interesting guest, please reach out and let me know. Please leave a comment on the YouTube and let us know.
Starting point is 00:03:11 If you've been to that country we talked about, let us know what you got into there. It'll be interesting. I think that's it, guys. It's going to be a fun time. I'm going to revisit a couple places more than once because one guy's Paris won't be another guy's Paris. One guy's Greece won't be another guy's Greece. You know, where Stavi might be going home to visit his grandmother. Someone else might be on their first vacation ever. You know, it'll be different. My Paris, I went to take a writing class by Rolf Potts,
Starting point is 00:03:44 creative writing class. Someone else might just be going to all the Michelin star restaurants. I want to hear about every situation. And some of these guys will definitely be on more than once because they've been in more than one place. And that's the show. I'm very excited about it, and I hope you guys like it. I know you will. Every one of these I've done so far has filled me with a wanderlust, with a longing to get out and get gone.
Starting point is 00:04:06 One fair bit of warning. After these episodes, if you listen to too many or watch too many, you might want to quit your job and take a sabbatical because it's a wide world out there. And I'm hoping that some of you get gone. I really do. And it might be counterproductive to me because the more of these I do might make me end up going, I got to get the F out of here and go see the world. You know, I've been on trips. You've been on trips. We've all been tripping.
Starting point is 00:04:36 God, Ari had to get corny at the end. So, ladies and gentlemen, let's start. The first guest I have is a great traveler himself. I remember we first connected on this one of the early episodes of his podcast, Whiskey Ginger. He also has his own podcast with his friend of his, Bobby Lee, called Bad Friends. Bobby, I got to get you in here to talk about Korea. His name is Andrew Santino, and he's got a new movie out right now on Amazon Prime called Ricky Stanicki with John Cena, which means it might be one of your favorites
Starting point is 00:05:05 and it'll also be a favorite of anybody with Down syndrome because Down syndrome boys at least love John Cena. I don't know how Down syndrome kids feel about Andrew Santino. So ladies and gentlemen, episode one out of hundreds and hundreds of episodes if not thousands of you be tripping your favorite new travel podcast please help me welcome mr andrew santino you've gone to a lot of cool places i have and you know what's so funny i was supposed to go to iceland again and to swim in the continental what is it called? Divide? No. A race? No, no, no. You can swim in the, god damn, it's so dumb. In the water in Iceland?
Starting point is 00:05:49 Yeah, it's like the Continental Rift or something like that. It's between, you can, where are we, baby? I reversed it on purpose. Oh, yeah, okay. It's over here somewhere. Yeah, it's way over there. Oh, wait. No.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Yeah. Yeah. So in this divide between Iceland and Greenland, there's like, you can look this up online because I'm stupid, but the water, the landmass that's underneath, there are these huge like rips in like almost like canyons, right? Canyons in the- With volcano? No, there's no volcanoes. This is just all like the seafloor is raised, but it's broken open, and you can swim within it. It's supposed to be the purest water in the world because continually it's coming down and drifting.
Starting point is 00:06:30 So there's no like – it doesn't sit. It's never still. And apparently you can swim in it even in the coldest of months, and it's still – with a body suit, it still gets enough movement where it's warm enough you can be in it. Really? Yeah, so we want to do that. We saw it online. I was like, I want to do that shit. Söder and I – have you ever been to Iceland?
Starting point is 00:06:45 I've been to Reykjavik once. Soder and I are going to go in July, I think. Oh, dude, it's- We'll go back. We've been, we've both been. So summer solstice. It'll be daylight all day and all night. Daylight a lot, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:55 I did, so I was there when it was summer too, or when it was, yeah, only daylight. We flew in to interview the Mountain from Game of Thrones, the strongest man in the world. Yeah. And he took me, I don't know if you and I talked about this on a podcast. Maybe probably we did.
Starting point is 00:07:10 I remember it. Yeah. But he took me to his gym. Oh yeah. And it was in the basement of like a 7-Eleven. And I lifted weights with a bunch of ex-cons. Dude, it was the most fun. But it was 48 hours or something or 72 hours in Iceland.
Starting point is 00:07:24 And it really did. It fucked me up so bad. Because even with blackout curtains, you still know it's daylight. And everything is still coming through. It's so weird. 11 o'clock, 12 o'clock, and it's still light out. When me and Taylor went to, I think, the day before the solstice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:40 To Anchorage. Oh, yeah. And it was like, it's like 2 a.m. People are leaving the bar all drunk. But it's bright light. Super bright. And it was like, it's like 2 a.m. People are leaving the bar all drunk, but it's bright light. Super bright. And it's downtown.
Starting point is 00:07:47 So you're like, does that guy have like down syndrome? You know what I mean? It looks like he's leaving an office building and he's just stumbling. It's like it's too early for this.
Starting point is 00:07:55 That's apparently what it's like in South Korea. My buddy said in Seoul, it's like customary for, if your boss takes you out drinking, like you have to stay out drinking as long as he stays out so a lot of times they'll do this like to test you a little bit but you have to work the next like you have to go she's like you'll see guys like i mean still blacked out like on the train
Starting point is 00:08:14 going to their job because they were out yeah i love a wake up drunk and like you don't realize it for a little bit it takes a couple takes a couple hours oh right yeah i stopped drinking two hours of course i'm still drunk that's not enough time just because i slept a little one time i drank my first job in la i'll never forget i drank we went to like a we just like a like i was a house party and it went all night long sunday night it was crazy it was like a rave it turned into this like absurd thing we all took drugs and i was really hung over and i drank so much beer which is why i kind of don't drink beer that much anymore because the way it fucks up my stomach. And I had just like the worst gas and diarrhea all morning.
Starting point is 00:08:48 And I was going to my PA job and I was in like a sealed off, like a room like this big with another with a girl with another PA. And we had to like cut and organize boxes. And I couldn't help it. And I and I like I farted, but she didn't hear it. And as I'm opening up a box, I see her, she goes, oh my God. And I was like, what? And she's like, something was in this box.
Starting point is 00:09:10 It smelled like it died. She's like, it smelled like a rotten, she's like a rotten piece of, like a rotten vegetable. Like it died, something ate it and died in it. And I was like, God, that's terrible. That's all I can think about. My stomach smelled like a rotten vegetable farm. Farted, died, ate it, died again.
Starting point is 00:09:27 But no, so backing up, I went to, yeah, I went to Reykjavik. We're going to go back because I want to try it one more time. And then I'm going to do- That's cool, the continental divide. Yeah. Here's what I love about travel.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Yeah. When you have like, there's this one thing I want to do. Yeah. And it's like, it's maybe not what everybody else wants to do there but it's like that's what i want to do i went to guatemala there's these like weird saunas in just a northern city it's like only there yeah and i'm like i want to go find those and everywhere i went in the hospital like there's no shuttles that go there you're gonna have to take like local buses to get up there and it's fine and you find it and you're like that's your goal to find?
Starting point is 00:10:05 Not like the volcanoes or anything? Right, right. Well, like in Iceland, people go to the Blue Lagoon. Do you know what that is? Yeah, don't go there. Don't go there.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Do not go there. Overpriced. Do not go there. Don't. Go on a weird little exploration. You can kind of get lost on your own out there. Just go on your own.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Ari took me, Elgarn, do you know him? No, I don't think so. He's like their comic. Oh, okay. He took me to the north. Yeah, the north. Where it's just like there's a fissure someone put a rope up years ago you climb down it's just a natural hot spring that's awesome yeah there's hot springs if you go on the other side by yourself people just want when they usually go that's usually like it's
Starting point is 00:10:37 disneyland it's like people go to the airport yeah and they just can go right there and they feel safe and blah blah blah yeah we're not talking about that today fuck that what are we talking about where are you taking me you just got back i i was in i went to uh sicily and ireland sicily and ireland they're almost unrelated but that's me i'm sicilian and irish are you really down there yeah sicily down there the red the red hair is from here yeah it's from up here the red hair is actually from, yeah, you're, yeah, right. I'll show you. Yeah, the red hair is from right there in the South Island. They're so close to dark skin to like no skin.
Starting point is 00:11:13 It's so close. Yeah, dude, it is. It's a thumb to a tip away. He's a thumb to a tip away. So I went down to Sicily because a good friend of mine um uh a brit and you know what's so funny about like brits know they know so much more about traveling in europe and the secrets because that's what they do as kids we don't like we don't have that ability to know someone that vacation or that what do they call it holiday holiday year wow yeah so he's like uh
Starting point is 00:11:40 i know this guy that this company has these charters and we can take a charter in the Agadi Island chain. Okay. Do you know what that is? No. Tell me what it is. So he's getting notebook. So in the Turanian sea, which can we see it?
Starting point is 00:11:58 I've never heard of that. What is that in Sicily? The Turanian sea is the divide there between that. And you see like Tunisia or whatever that is down there. Yeah. correct. So this is all, this is an oldie map. I was just going to say, is this map even up to date at all? So it's like part of the Mediterranean?
Starting point is 00:12:12 Yeah, so the northwestern part of Sicily is the Turanian Sea. Okay. I'm going to show you here. See right there? Yeah. And see that? See, this is called the Turanian Sea. And that's Tunisia. That is, of course, Sardinia. You've heard of Sardinia. See right there? Yeah. And see this is called the Turanian Sea. And that's Tunisia.
Starting point is 00:12:25 That is, of course, Sardinia. You've heard of Sardinia before, right? I have. The little island of Sardinia off the coast of Italy. Okay. So in between the tip of the boot right down there, that's Sicily. And in between that and Tunisia is the Turanian Sea. So out there, way out, I can zoom in because you won't see it on your map.
Starting point is 00:12:43 See those islands out there, way out there way out i can zoom in because you won't see it on your map see those islands out there way out there yeah so there's there's a chain of islands and i'm going to pronounce it wrong so i'm gonna tell you it's igadi islands but there's three islands we went to so we take a i've never even heard of those oh dude it's the it's one of the one of the fucking cool so what you do is what is it inhabited like is it like built up oh no no there's yeah there's first world there's communities there oh yeah yeah i mean no i was gonna say first world but second world or third world like one and a half world okay it's like close to one and a half okay but what you do is you you know you fly into the to western italy um and you go to like we stayed in marsala is where we stayed marsala is the most like western tip of sicily okay it's like that little time it's a little okay and marsala by
Starting point is 00:13:22 the way is dope marsala is so fucking cool uh and you take you we went down to this you know you go how touristy is marsala uh i wouldn't say it's a huge touristy spot saracusa and all that stuff on the east side is way more that's where most people want to be yeah the western side is not as much it is but it's not as much everybody hits where everybody has these like lines of how touristy they want it. And some of them are like, I want no one there. But like, oh, then there's nothing available for me. There's nothing set up. Yeah, you need some shit.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Yeah, some love. But you don't want to be in the middle of fucking the Times Square version. Well, let's put it like this. Like Marsala in the hotel that we stayed at, it was our party and one other guest. Nice. So it's pretty. Okay. There wasn't a ton of touristy there.
Starting point is 00:14:05 That's cool. But we go down, we take this boat and we chartered a boat with a captain and a, what do they call her? She's like a, I don't know. She's like a- Women can be captains. No, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:14:17 They still can't. No, they can't. Not in Italy. No, no, no, no. To the back of the boat. She was like the first mate or whatever. I don't even know what it's called. But she's basically like our concierge, right?
Starting point is 00:14:28 So she's there to like help with cooking and cleaning. And, you know, she's basically a concierge on the boat. Because the captain's got all sorts of bullshit to deal with on the boat. Steering. Well, this is what's really funny. Yeah. No, you don't. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:14:42 Dude, they autopilot that shit. They don't steer at all. Really? Most of the time, I would be downstairs. And he's a funny. Yeah. No, you don't. What do you mean? Dude, they autopilot that shit. They don't steer at all. Really? Most of the time, I would be downstairs, and he's a little tiny guy, this little tiny guy, and his name is escaping me because of drugs and alcohol. But he's a tiny man, and he'd be downstairs, and I'd go, do you need to up to the boat? And he's like, no, it's okay. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:15:04 And honestly, he would just put it on a track and go. And when it was like really bad, when the sea got really, really, like really bad, he still wouldn't be up there. Yeah, he let Otto do it. He let Otto do everything. Because it corrects it just the same. Kind of like in an airplane, when someone's like, when you hit these big bumps
Starting point is 00:15:20 and you're like, whoa, by the time you've hit the bump, you're already way past it. So there's nothing're already way past it. So there's nothing you can do about it. Right. Oh, right. So like when someone's like, oh, that, that, that turbulence is bad. You're like, it's over. It's done. You felt it. Cause it happened. It's the same thing with a bad bump of a wave. It's like, it's over. We did it already. You know, like you don't need to worry about it. So he was not steering most of the time. So we went out to these three islands, Favignana, Lavanso, and Maretimo is what it's called.
Starting point is 00:15:51 And it was fucking, you would have loved. Maretimo is, they call it Dog Island. There is hundreds and hundreds of dogs. Today's episode of You Be Trippin' is brought to you by The good people at Manscaped believe you should trim up that muff. Yeah, they think it's disgusting. I have a disgusting muff, and I go, yeah, you get it.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Some of us,, want the look of disgust, want the someone to go, actually, I'm not going to do this, because you have no respect for yourself, and walk out. And that's the kind of stuff,'s just socially we've been into. And doesn't get that. They developed this product called the Lawn Mower 5.0 Ultra to get you trim and clean down there. To have people, I guess, go through with it when they see it. Not be disgusted.
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Starting point is 00:17:22 at Nothing like a little spring cleaning in your pants. Today's episode of You Be Trippin' is brought to you by ButcherBox. Guys, it's actually a product I've wanted to use for a long time, but I've needed a promo code. Yeah, this Jew's not paying full price for anything. And neither should you, my listeners. They send you high-quality cuts of meat right to your door.
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Starting point is 00:18:52 and $20 off. slash trippin. Just because there's nowhere for them to fucking go. The town kind of is like carved into the mountain there. Yeah. And they can't go. They'll never be able to get up to the other side so it's almost like a port town where you can only go so far and there's nowhere fucking else to go unless you jumped in the water and swam around to another side so it's just stray dogs it's it is hundreds of dogs dude i love that
Starting point is 00:19:20 dog island it was so sick so you're just eating dinner and dogs would be just all around just hanging out. And they go where they want to go. Some of them, obviously, are owned by these people, but they don't fucking... I love any place where dogs just kind of free roam. Dude, this was heaven on... Dog Island. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Interesting. If he heard about it, he'd be gone already. He'd be there. Dude, he loves just stray dogs. It's just like friends, and they're like, let's go. It's nothing but stray dogs roaming around. And they'll come up to the restaurants and hang out and sit near the restaurants. And the restaurateurs or whatever, the owners are like, get weeded.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Yeah. And then they leave for like two minutes and then come right back. Go, go, go. And they come right back, feeding them pasta. But Favignana is fucking so cool. Favignana is one of my favorite places I've ever been to in my entire life. Describe, like what would you do there? I mean like-
Starting point is 00:20:09 Like why? Constantly like eating, first of all. You're just eating as much fucking food as you can possibly like gorge in your body. But also just taking scooters around to the parts of the island. God, I love that. And going to like little swim spots, little baby swim spots. God, I love that. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:20:23 I'll show you a ton of photos. Yeah, show me some photos. So there's like, by the way, the best part is about- You rent a scooter? How much are scooters? Oh, dude, honestly,
Starting point is 00:20:31 I think it was like $20 for the whole day or something. It was fucking absurd. It's not real. The mopeds, right? Where you don't have to change gears. Yeah, no, no. That's my favorite.
Starting point is 00:20:38 One gear. And there's people like Dean Del Rey will be like, well, that's not real. I'm like, fuck off, dude. It's so great. You just zoom in. This is Moretti Moimo this is kind of like
Starting point is 00:20:46 you see you know all these boats docked that's one of the dogs from Dog Island yeah just chilling but what they do is
Starting point is 00:20:53 so you can see when you get to Morettimo right like it's there's really not much there like it's a little coastal is it just like fishing village
Starting point is 00:21:00 that got built up it was yeah it was see that's it right there wow oh that's dingy dude yeah that's dingy to the point where it's like it's just a tiny little sign it's a tiny baby sign and there's like maybe 20 buildings right there and that's all there is you can only
Starting point is 00:21:15 go like um you could only go a mile south and a mile north and then you run out of things to walk dude maybe at the most jumping off the cliffs yeah jumping off the fucking cliffs yeah that was so sick so we would just you could go through all those we would just find little little like inlets and little like spots and you'd pull up a fucking a we so we had a boat we were on a boat and we would just pull up to like i'll show you we would just pull up to like that yeah drop a fucking anchor and swim for a couple hours warm water, dude, yes. It was so nice. I mean, I like cold water, so nothing bothers me, but it was beautiful. I went, where's like... But it was this.
Starting point is 00:21:53 It was like cave exploration, too. Wow. So we would have a bullshit little dinghy, a little hand motor, you know, a little tiny bullshit hand motor, and just go all over the place. Our boat boat... Whoa, whoa, whoa. Yeah. How sick is that?
Starting point is 00:22:05 Wow. Look at the water. Look at those caves. It whoa, whoa. Yeah. How sick is that? Wow. Look at the water. Look at those kids. It's so turquoise. It's fucking unreal, dude. And so we would just pull a boat into here. We dropped the anchor. Snorkel and shit?
Starting point is 00:22:13 Yeah, fuck yeah. Yeah. But this is our, I'll show you our boats in the background there. Or I'll show you what our boat looked like. You never got fat, huh? No, I never got that fat, man. It kind of worked out for me.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Wait, this was, so that was our boat. There was of worked out for me. Wait, this was, uh, so that was our boat. There was 10, how many people on the boat? Eight or nine people on the boat. Do you know them all? You met them?
Starting point is 00:22:33 No, no, it was, it was family. It was family. Look at this guy. Look at that dirty, dirty boy. It was at your special.
Starting point is 00:22:38 I went from your special taping to Italy. Oh really? Yeah. Literally. We were leaving like the next morning. Um, but what I, what, what I was going to say was, you go into these little, like you have
Starting point is 00:22:48 a dinghy off the back of this boat, and you go into these little nooks and crannies, and you find Oh, that was the inflatable sides? Yeah, a little dinghy, yeah. The dinghy off the side. And you go in there. So that's our boat, like that. And you've got a little boat on the back, and we would literally just,
Starting point is 00:23:04 that's it right there. That's it. And you drop trow, jump on the back and we would literally just, that's it right there. That's it. And you drop trow, jump in and just explore for, you know, for hours. But this is Favignano is an old fishing village. That's an old,
Starting point is 00:23:13 this is an old, a fish market. It was an old fish market. So they take the fish right in and sell it right there. And that's where it used. So the new one is around the other side. It's way more modern and sexy. And,
Starting point is 00:23:23 but this, they would literally, the boats could physically pull up on that. They would, they don't unload their shit. It's way more modern and sexy. And, but this, they would literally, the boats could physically pull up on that. They would, they don't unload their shit. They'd literally pull into the market, throw them out and then push them back into the sea because it, it,
Starting point is 00:23:33 the, you know, the sand goes right up inside the market. So they didn't like have to anchor out, put it on a dock. They fucking drove into the bitch and then someone kicked them the fuck back out. But it was,
Starting point is 00:23:44 but Favignano, it's the most populous, right? It's the most, it's the most busy. And I would say, I would argue. It's not that mob though. No, no, no. Well, I would argue out of all these humans you see. Yeah. 70% are Sicilians.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Yeah. Yeah. A small contingency of tourism because honestly it's a tough. Does that make you feel more danger or or more fun super stoked stoked yeah harder to get around and no one's bugging you no one's like one necklace one of this no that doesn't exist right this is this is like the only fear that you that i have when i go to that kind of stuff is um fuck you why do you not speak italian like why do you not speak our your english is annoying them yeah my fear is like trying my
Starting point is 00:24:25 best to get away with what i can without pissing someone off without them going like this oh i feel that i hear that that eye roll of like fucking annoying yeah because you inherently when you when you travel you know you're like i can't not be a tool i can't not be an american i'm going to try my best to like go by what I think their rules are. Or at least don't be a stereotype of American. Just don't be annoying. You can't not be American. No, it's inherent.
Starting point is 00:24:51 But I mean, here was a funny example. The best rule about Sicily is that there are fucking no rules. There's no rules. But you have to just know that like... You know how in america if you park in new york especially if you park on one side of the street you're getting fucking booted and they're gonna waste seven seconds booting you you know that's like you're fucked there it's like parts of the islands there's no parking signs there's no you can't park there you can't
Starting point is 00:25:17 so where our mopeds and all that shit would go you just had to monkey see monkey do what other people were doing that's fun to learn where you could and couldn't go. And then also it's like, you park here, like, because it's a motorcycle, not a moped. You're like, I don't know. Yeah, yeah. And then when they go, you think you can just do this? I'm like, yeah, I kind of thought that. I don't know. It's so funny because you learn that you're like, there kind of is no rules.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Oh. Like, but you have to obey local. Custom. Local custom. Like, it's like, they all know. Which is, by the way, I thought about that. I was like, we do that at home too. We just don't think about it.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Where when we go to a certain area, we know where you would go. You don't fucking go there. And someone's like, well, there's nothing to indicate. It's like everybody knows you don't fucking go there. How about no overnight parking in Pasadena? There's one sign where you leave the highway and then everyone in Pasadena just knows.
Starting point is 00:26:03 And then you just get a ticket when you're fucking some girl in Pasadena. Because why would you look when highway and then everyone in Pasadena just knows and then you just get a ticket when you're fucking some girl in Pasadena because why would you look when you get off the highway where you can park but it was like that that was of all the places I should take it step by step but um but the best part about going around the island
Starting point is 00:26:18 to these little like nooks is you know look dude it's you're on your own so like if you fell and got hurt or someone slipped like going down these, it's, you're on your own. So like if you fell and got hurt or someone slipped, like going down these, cause it's a lot of rocks. Yeah. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:28 When you're standing on the rock over water, right. It's rock. And you smash your leg or knee. It's like, yeah, how are you going to get back to the boat? It's extremely unbeachy.
Starting point is 00:26:36 It's stone and water. So I highly suggest. That's how Croatia was. Yeah. It's stone and water. It's like, you can jump right off the rocks, but it's also like,
Starting point is 00:26:44 is this deep enough to dive? And you're like, well, we're going to find out. But again, I monkey see monkey do a lot. So I'll just watch what someone local is doing. And you're like, you know, like there are these old caves, these huge caves in Favanjan. And I'll show you photos. And like this is where people, you know, it was mining.
Starting point is 00:27:03 So they were mining a lot. And then it turned into where people could live at night as well. So as time goes on, these caves are now occupied for teenagers to get high in. Oh, no. Of course, where you would go. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So we went down to this one cave and it was like, immediately I was like, oh, I can smell weed. And everybody was like, where is everybody?
Starting point is 00:27:23 And you could go for, and I'm not exaggerating, you could walk inside of the center of these caves for 10 minutes with your iPhone light and it went forever and ever and ever. So it got kind of creepy
Starting point is 00:27:32 of how deep could we go. But like, that's Favignana. Those are caves. They were old mining caves. Oh my God. They look like, like even enough
Starting point is 00:27:40 where they've been dug out. But they're huge. By the way, those are like 30 foot ceilings. Like as you go in. They're almost as like a beach beach uh umbrella they do it's just for shade exactly but if you can go do those caves go deep into the island so you could go like you know i don't know you could walk like 10 minutes in there and kids would get high and get drunk so when you go into this teenager is just fucking around in there yeah my favorite angles when you
Starting point is 00:28:01 on the beach is just right up somebody's crotch that is like you don't see vagina but you really get as close as you see the the goof it's called the booth that's the booth yeah that's the booth down there but it was like these caves were old mining caves and so you would um wow so they of course they go in there so that's another that's a view of what it looked like wow look, look at those cliffs. It's insane. And you can go down into these things, also extremely dangerous. But again, in America. I was just doing it. In America, there would be fences, laws.
Starting point is 00:28:33 Dude, I was in Norway, in Oslo, and there's this like castle. At the end of the castle, it just kind of like goes up, and then it just drops down to where the sea is. And there's just a little chain link, like just a chain. Physical chains. Yeah, and some of it's about a foot off the, like just a chain. Physical chains. Yeah, and some of it's about a foot off the ground at the base of it. And it's just like, it just says, be careful. And I'm like, oh, in America,
Starting point is 00:28:52 they wouldn't let us get here and then step over it and hang your legs down and just like smoke it. There would be guards. Yeah, you just would have a whole full fence. It would say like $850 fine for trespassing. No, they just let you kind of figure it the fuck out like you really have to figure but all these caves on favignana on that
Starting point is 00:29:10 other side uh are like it's like it's a it's like a hang spot so like people don't just go there to go in the water people will go there to like sit and have lunch can you buy food there you can but it's you have to bring out you bring it. The only thing that's close to there sometimes, like we have street carts, you know, it's like they'll have a couple of street vendors out there selling like drinks sometimes, but not really. That's pretty rare. Bring your own shit. You should bring your own fucking shit.
Starting point is 00:29:36 So when you rent those scooters, they have those big locked cases on the back for helmets, which is nice because you can throw a bag of food in there. Here's some advice I have for real when getting a scooter. Look in there because some of them are about the size of like a file of like a,
Starting point is 00:29:50 you know, you can put two files of paper in there and some of them are big enough for the helmet. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Look in the trunk
Starting point is 00:29:54 and be like, oh I want this big one. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because you can put your shit there. Because you can put sandwiches in there. We would put like,
Starting point is 00:29:58 we'd put sandwiches, a couple bottles of water and then, you know. Sunblocks. You're not finding sunblock out there. Are you kidding me? Never used it in my life. What through like a zinc spray in the fucking morning before i leave i put on so
Starting point is 00:30:12 much sunscreen the whole time uh people were like shocked that i was with and then by halfway through the trip everybody was everyone's burnt to shit i love it i love when people make fun of you and then they feel the pain oh there was so It's such justice because you start going, yeah, maybe I do put on too much sunblock. And then like, ow, ow, ow. You're like, oh, right. I feel good. Yeah, I made this decision a while ago.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Hey guys, it's Ari. Let me just tell you this. Not only do I love travel, but I also like doing standup comedy. And here are the places I'll be. First and foremost, I'm recording my new standup comedy special in Washington, D.C.
Starting point is 00:30:44 April 26th and 27th. 26 just went on sale in case you missed tickets for the 27th. Get tickets right now at slash tour. It's in Washington, D.C. You'll see when you're there why I decided to do it there. There's a message I want to give to the good people who are too political of Washington. Also, got my Wrong Side of History tour wrapping up, leading up to it, and
Starting point is 00:31:07 here are those dates. Raleigh, March 21st it starts. I'm not going to say dates, just the places. Raleigh, Asheville sold out. Charlotte, second show added. First show is still available. Raleigh first show sold out. Hoover,
Starting point is 00:31:24 Alabama, I think that means Birmingham, Charleston, Nashville. Both of those sold out. Don't want to say it. Huntsville, Alabama, Knoxville, Tennessee, Memphis, Tennessee, Lexington, Kentucky, Cleveland sold out on March 31st. I think we're going to add a show on April 2nd. I think that's available now. Cincinnati for sure. So, second show added. Columbus, first show sold out, second show added. Grand Rapids, April 4th.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Detroit, April 5th at the Fillmore. Toronto, April 6th at the Queen Elizabeth Theater. First show is sold out, second show added, April 6th. April 20th, I'm at the Paramount Theater in Huntington, Long Island. I'm also doing like 13th, 14th, around there. I got this just as announced is Halifax. First time ever in Halifax. where we got Halifax
Starting point is 00:32:23 first time ever in Halifax then Ottawa Rutland and then down to the Paramount oh
Starting point is 00:32:32 the Paramount in Huntington and then 420 I'm doing the Paramount in Austin, Texas April 26th 27th the Capitol turnaround
Starting point is 00:32:40 in Washington, D.C. May 9th and 10th Ari Shaffir's renamed storytelling show at the Netflix It's a Joke Festival in Los Angeles. And that's it. And then Australia will be announced real soon. When is Australia coming out? The tickets are available. I have the date.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Get ready, Australia. March 22nd will be the presale. Let's use promo code, probably Ari. Let's just call it Ari. Get ready, Australia. March 22nd will be the pre-sale. Let's use promo code, probably Ari. Let's just call it Ari. Melbourne first. Adelaide. I'm going to Canberra for the first time.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Brisbane. Sydney. State of origin. Then coming home and taking the summer off. Houston Improv, March 29th through 30th. These are Andrew Santino's dates. Tampa, Florida, April 26th, 27th. Stand-up live. What again?
Starting point is 00:33:34 Oh, no. May 3rd and 4th. Nashville, Tennessee, May 10th, 12th. Dallas, Texas, May 31st through 1st. San Francisco, California, Cubs, June 28th, 29th. Check out Andrew Santino, is that correct,.com for more info. And guys, let's get back to Andrew talking about the Sicilian Islands, a place I never even thought of going.
Starting point is 00:33:55 It sounds so fucking cool. Let's get back to the episode. The only bummer that was kind of like during certain parts of the season, the jellyfish swarms are crazy they're just crazy and i mean we got in the water at this one point where we dropped anchor and it was probably like you know 30 feet 40 feet to the bottom and you think if you're that far away you're gonna it's gonna the jellyfish will be more dispersed closer to the shore sometimes especially docks they'll be like a fucking thousand of them so if you go further out you have a better chance of
Starting point is 00:34:28 getting away from them a little bit yeah we dropped we all jumped in we're like swimming and then max one of the my buddy's son who we were with he was like fucking jellyfish there's fucking jellyfish all over here and i was like what and dude i go throw me goggles one i grabbed goggles and i looked underneath and i was like oh my fucking god it was like all around me whoa i had jumped in not even think i didn't even think about it because when you look down the water's so clear you're i can't see you couldn't see also they're almost see-through they're pretty see-through yeah they're tough to see unless you're like in in wow so of course we we were slowly swimming back and we were like guiding him away from him
Starting point is 00:35:05 because look, it's not deadly, but it sucks when you get stung. Schultz got stung, was, was there with his wife and got clipped. Really? Yeah, it sucks. Everyone says it sucks. I've never gotten stung, but it's like,
Starting point is 00:35:16 it's just inconvenient. It hurts. It's fucking annoying. It leaves a scar on you. And so we were swimming around them and we had to keep finding new places. But our captain was like, the jellyfish are just going to because the warmer drift they're going to be going with the warmer drift of the water yeah as soon as it gets warmer they kind of rise like it's going
Starting point is 00:35:33 to be coming down all these places so we there was like parts of the island too that were the thing i learned was wild is um they're like what we call like you know like forest preserves or like national uh like you know like you can't let their you're not permitted to go to protected areas. Not only are you not allowed on that piece of the island, your fucking boat can't go over there. And they have their their Coast Guard. I don't know what they're called, but those guys will fucking chill out there waiting for some make sure that your boat doesn't go. They don't give a fuck if you're on black tar heroin naked on your boat jerking all they care about is the fucking don't put the boat over here the bird that lives only there but it's so funny because they're again there's like no rules
Starting point is 00:36:13 they just are like don't go there you can do you do whatever you want but like your boat just shouldn't go near here anything else is is fine because i was showering naked off the back of the boat and one of the cops came um and one of the police came because we had to pay to park in the bay for that evening because most nights we spent in the bays the way so you lived on the boat slept on the boat for a week wow because most nights beds and stuff was there was there cabins underneath yeah there's cabins underneath yeah different cabins yeah there's so there was two two like larger cabins yeah and then there's um two other smaller ones and then a captain's quarters in the very front of the boat he's got
Starting point is 00:36:51 his own little like a week yeah that's great it was so dope and the bay area if you can if you can find a buoy in a bay which by the way is funny to hear him say when he would say it he'd say it sounded like boy he's like we must find a little boy and i was like why do we need a little boy he's like no we have to get a little boy for the boat and i was like what the fuck i'm dead serious he kept saying it like a little boy a little tiny boy for the boat and i was like i don't really want a boy on the boat your wife's just like they have different costumes all right we'll get a little boy on the boat and then so he would point out the little these little tiny orange buoys and there you could you can tie up so that's like a dock almost no that's like a um a parking space right you're you're only allowed so many buoys in each bay and i was like
Starting point is 00:37:37 what do the boats do that don't get buoys yeah and he's like you either have to pay for the to dock at the physical dock, which is three times as expensive, which is fine. We did it twice. Cause you had to, he's like, or you go away. And I was like, what do you mean? He's like, you will go away. So I was like, if we don't find a spot, we fuck off.
Starting point is 00:37:56 He's like, yes, yes, we will go. And I was like, to where? He's like to another Island and find a spot. And I was like, holy shit wow so if we didn't get one it was like you're fucked wow so those bays at night i think were 32 a night american and then the the physical dock 32 oh that's okay no it's nothing for especially for all of you yeah for all yeah no if you're with a group of friends three bucks a person nothing right but if you go to the main dock where you actually get to anchor into a physical dock to walk
Starting point is 00:38:27 into town, I think it was like $120 a night, which is much more pricey, obviously. And also you're paying for the boat. How much is the boat? So this is kind of wild. It ranges between how big your boat is, like how many 46 feet or whatever we had, or 48 feet, to like, you know, whatever. But the charter itself for all in, like for an entire week- Pay for the guy to drive it, whatever but the charter itself for all in like for an entire week for the guy to drive it pay for the people yeah for an entire week with like both of the families on
Starting point is 00:38:52 there are they feeding they brought the food yeah so we so what we do is we give the i can't remember her name i'm so being so dumb but we gave them money and she went grocery shopping the day that we were going to board the boat. So we pay them to go. And then they tell us, here's what we want. And then we say, here's what we want. And then she goes, here's what I think you should also get from the grocery store. So the grocery store is nearby. You can bring your own shit, but they'll also shop.
Starting point is 00:39:14 And then you eat on the boat. Every day we ate breakfast and coffee. Oh, it's so nice. Melons and prosciutto on the boat. With the sun coming in. Dude, every day it was like melons, prosciutto. Melons and prosciutto with coffee boat. With the sun coming in. Dude, every day it was like melons, prosciutto. Melons and prosciutto with coffee. With coffee, almost every day.
Starting point is 00:39:28 And then sometimes biscuits or like maybe granola. But it also, dude, that's the other thing is like, you're not eating fatty bullshit food. You're not eating like- How much better is food everywhere else but America? It's shocking. It's like shocking. It's like you can eat trash.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Like in Edinburgh, you eat like late night fried food and you're like, I'm still losing weight. How am I losing weight eating fried food every night? And then she would get all this stuff and then we would occasionally eat lunch on the boat or a snack if we felt like it. And then most nights we did dinner in town. We want to do like a dinner somewhere to eat like local fare.
Starting point is 00:39:58 So you dock and like get some fish. Or yeah. Or dude, if a lot of times, like I said, we stayed in the bay. So we would drop anchor and get in the dinghy and then dinghy up to shore oh yeah and then you have to pull again another thing i learned we got yelled at once we pulled the dinghy up and one of the restaurant tours was like no no no no no no no no no no no and i was like why he's like no no no no he's like uh i don't so i had to i get in pull the dinghy like you weren't allowed to have boats on the shore of one side i don't know why but he was like no no no so i had to, I get in, pull the dinghy. Like you weren't allowed to have boats on the shore of one side.
Starting point is 00:40:26 I don't know why, but he was like, no, no, no. So I had to go all the way the fuck around and pulled it in. We had dinner at this place, like right on the beach. It was super hidden and dark.
Starting point is 00:40:32 And it was like a very, like it felt Caribbean, like in style. It was very like a hut and they were just cooking whatever they caught. So you got what they caught. Yeah. That was it. It wasn't like,
Starting point is 00:40:44 I love that. It wasn't like i love that it wasn't like do you guys have that it was like they handed you a piece of paper and then we had help translating and it was like yeah if you have a menu it's like that's with factory farm where it's like we'll have this this is what we have oh the salmons aren't they're not here this week right so they got they got they would get you could tell they would go there's a there's a market up the road where they would have someone go on a little moped and get vegetables or whatever yeah but then it was whatever they had fish and seafood wise and that's just kind of what you fucking awesome and it's also so fresh yeah and if you didn't want it it was also like fuck off that was kind of funny if
Starting point is 00:41:18 people were like oh i don't want anything on here it's like okay well then you don't eat what we have i look back at pursuit on melon on the boat like it was like it was pretty limited as far as you go to a bookstore i'm like well i'm looking for like a dvd like well we then go to a dvd store yeah but their attitude about it is great if you're like do you have this and they're like no no no like do we know do you know where to get this they're like no no this is what we do if you don't like it go away i was in this island croatia it's pretty similar because it's like almost I think
Starting point is 00:41:46 the same it might be it might be the Adriatic or whatever but it's so close same rocks you jump in and it was like
Starting point is 00:41:52 fish restaurants like we have lionfish today somebody caught one like oh is it good it's like alright I'll have it
Starting point is 00:41:59 it's alright pretty good it was one of those the only the only issue that people had that I kind of don't mind is anytime you're South Italy, Sicily especially, and out in the water, obviously you're out in the fucking sea, you're eating seafood.
Starting point is 00:42:14 You're eating a fuck load of seafood. So if you're not a huge seafood person. But get into it though. That's what I'm saying. It's like, get over it because you're going to eat the fuck out of it. I don't know how it was in Chicago but it was in Maryland where it was like,
Starting point is 00:42:26 seafood, do you really want that? But it's like you learn to, when you start getting fresh stuff, you learn to appreciate it more. It's so good, yeah. It's like, it can be so good and like a branzino,
Starting point is 00:42:34 like a whole fucking fish is so flaky. Oh, eat the whole fucking thing, yeah. It's just so good. So the problem is when people go down there, I think too, some of the people they were with,
Starting point is 00:42:44 everybody was cool but it was like, sometimes they wanted like, you know, like a red bolognese sauce. Well, that's more like Roman and Northern. You know, that's Roman and up type of shit. Most of the, I mean, a little bit south of that, but what I'm saying is South, South Italy, Sicily, especially, it's almost exclusively going to be a seafood pasta. And it's not a lot of bolognese meat sauces and red sauces. No, it's usually clear white wine sauces or clear sauces, and it's fish and pasta or crab and pasta.
Starting point is 00:43:15 You know what I mean? You're not getting these rich meat sauce dishes. So you just have to accept that they don't do that here. Get over it. Yeah, it's like that in Spain. People are like, I want a paella. That's Madrid. That's not Barcelona. That's not here, yeah. So get over it. Yeah, it's like that in Spain. People are like, I want a paella. That's Madrid. That's not Barcelona.
Starting point is 00:43:25 That's not here, yeah. So get over it. Yeah, unless you find a Madridian restaurant. Which you'll probably find. If you really want something, you will get it because they do cater to enough people from not there where they're like, but most of the places we ate dinner at,
Starting point is 00:43:39 get into it, dog. You're eating fucking fish and fish pasta. Was there any cool booze that was there that you found? You know what's so funny is we went to one on Marettimo on Dog Island. This was a wild story. We go into this little bar to go have wine. And by the way, shout out, Italy, I love you, but some of the worst wine. No way.
Starting point is 00:44:02 I hate Italian wine. What? French wine all day. French wine all day. French hate Italian wine what French wine all day French wine all day French wine all day French wine all day what do I mean bad or just not your favorite
Starting point is 00:44:10 I don't like it I don't fuck with it whoa it's just it's not that's not it but for the most part Lambrusco
Starting point is 00:44:17 is that the bubbly wine what is it Lambrusco what's the bubbly red wine no I know it's I don't know but like the Chianti stuff
Starting point is 00:44:24 like that shit is just you don't like it no way that's always the stuff that's in No, I know. It's, I don't know. But like the Chianti stuff, like that shit is just. You don't like it? No way. That's always the stuff that's in that basket pourer. Yeah, it's dog shit. It's dog shit. It's piss wine. It's bad wine.
Starting point is 00:44:32 It's house wine. Yeah, it's house wine. But there would always be a few bars and they would have like Italian beers. It's just Southern Italy beers. And then you'd get like. Beer and Moretti? Yeah, they usually had like maybe rum, vodka. They definitely don't fuck with whiskey.
Starting point is 00:44:48 So as a whiskey guy, it was a nightmare. It was funny. They don't fuck with whiskey. Oh, they don't fuck with whiskey. They have it. They'll have Jack Daniels. Do you know what I mean? Like Jack is the only,
Starting point is 00:44:57 that's the only one that they really have. I love how the world thinks Jack Daniels is not trash. No, no, around the globe, that is what's whiskey whiskey to them that's like that's whiskey oh my god so for the most part i was drinking like rum or vodka or you know whatever wine was there so it was a little tough because i'm not a huge i like fucking whiskey and i like limited beer anyway yeah we went to this bar you just like i like whiskey i just like whiskey so much you and you when you're in a bar you go straight like what do you have you go straight to the whiskey and scotch section you're just like i like whiskey i just like whiskey so much you
Starting point is 00:45:25 and you when you're in a bar you go straight like what do you have you go straight to the whiskey and scotch section you're just like yeah that's what i like it's just what i want to know the brand you're like i don't love i don't love vodka i don't like i but i drank whatever i would have a couple of drinks what but anyway we go into this bar and there's this like this chick and these three dudes and uh i could tell right away that they're american okay like i know immediately they're american okay and i can see them staring at me and then the one girl comes over and says hello and she's a fan and no way really yeah she's being very cool and they're very nice and i said how did you go and she's i'm sorry she said why are
Starting point is 00:46:00 you guys on maritimo what are you doing here and i was? What are you doing here? And I was like, what do you mean? We're fucking hanging out. And she's like, this is not, nobody goes here. How do you know about this spot? And I was like, well, we took a boat. We chartered a boat and da, da, da, da. And she goes, that's so wild. I'm like, how are you here?
Starting point is 00:46:17 She's like, my grandmother, she's gone now, but her house is next door to this bar. My cousins own this bar that you're in right now. So then we meet these two Italian dudes that are fucking hilarious because they've adopted some of their family's American phrases and customs. So they would talk to you kind of how you would think a frat guy who's learning English would speak. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:46:41 He'd say, blah, blah, my dog. And you're like, because they're learning American. They're super cool about it my dog you know and you're like it's because they're learning like america they're super cool about it but you could tell they're having fun with it and she was like yeah these are my cousins they own this bar so we went back to that bar to hang with them to eat and drink like two nights in a row and they were the nicest coolest people and she just got engaged and so the family was coming to like celebrate and her grandma's old house was like this beautiful old like two doors down from the bar and now her cousins still live there and they
Starting point is 00:47:10 own the that that it's honestly like maybe one of three places to get a drink at night on the island right as you get off the fucking uh so great to get the fucking red carpet rolled out for you to go back again like oh hey oh we were we were we were doing shots of like fucking grappa and all this shit yeah yeah we were just they were it was
Starting point is 00:47:29 it was like what is grappa grape liquor it's like a yeah I think it's like a liqueur I have no idea and limoncello and that's not my favorite
Starting point is 00:47:37 I'll drink all that shit I guess but Renesas made some of limoncello yeah it's sweet but I'll have it once in a while
Starting point is 00:47:44 but we would just spend you know the night with these people and they were so cool and nice and it was nice because they spoke italian yeah and then and you know and they were all there the three were americans and they would just kind of fill us in on shit it was kind of nice to like what do you mean no just like you know the best parts of the island to go to or like you know the thing the things that they do you get a local fucking wreck. Yeah. It was like,
Starting point is 00:48:06 it was, it was like a, it was like a history channel person. Like you speak the language, you know, this place cause your grandmother, but also you're fucking, you live in America.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Yeah. It was, it was, I tried to like, like if it's like a local, like what's the version of that? If somebody came to America, like somebody came to New York and they were a straight tourist and they look at books,
Starting point is 00:48:23 like, I guess you should go to Pete's tavern. It's the oldest tavern and whatever right but if they ask me like oh i'll show you some cool bars that's exactly what it was if you spoke their language and they were able to kind of give us a few of the hints because they all lived in america but they go enough that she knew but she was like shocked we were there yeah which kind of felt cool because she was like why are you here dude that's such a fun like none of you come you're like no no yeah yeah it was it that was like one of my favorite little nights and and it's a cool little fucking it's a beautiful little island maritimo maritimo yeah
Starting point is 00:48:55 that's dog island yeah that's that's forever dog island i'm trying to see if i have a picture of her uh of her bar of the bar yeah i probably have one but yeah so it's the and the and the and the furthest island is that's where we were that's meredimo that's the furthest one away okay um the restaurant is la scaletta i think hold on let me look right so you pull it la scaletta yeah that's i think that's the name of the bar no one's gonna find that i know but you don't get there it's so funny you know what's even cooler about this bar? What? So because he was like, yeah, this is it, La Escaleta.
Starting point is 00:49:29 Look at the website, by the way, how fucking great. That was built in like geo, whatever. But here, what's wild is, oh, so here, it's not working right now, but you can see up top, it's a webcam live. You see it says webcam live? Yeah. So he built a live stream. So like people around the world can see what's going on in the bar.
Starting point is 00:49:49 I think particularly because American family members can see what's going on in the bar. What's going on? Just drinking, just drinking and hanging the fuck out. But it was still like how sick it would be like a live stream of just like a bar. Wow.
Starting point is 00:50:01 And he, but they said people would watch it. Like people would check into it and check it out. La Scaletta. That's what it's called. But anyway, that was dog Island. That was our,
Starting point is 00:50:09 like, that was probably one of my, it's the furthest away. So it's the furthest Northwest you can go. It took a while to get out there. Do you ever feel like when you get that, when you get, so it's the furthest one.
Starting point is 00:50:17 Can you see any other land when you're out there? No, you're in the middle of fuck off. Doesn't it feel like you've gotten to the end of the world? Oh yeah, dude. It, there,
Starting point is 00:50:24 there was a few moments where you're, especially if you're in the middle of fuck off. Doesn't it feel like you've gotten to the end of the world? Oh, yeah, dude. There was a few moments where you're, especially if you're on any substances, and you're sitting thinking, if the world exploded, if the rocket, if the thing cracked, I'm here. I'm staying. I'm here. This is it.
Starting point is 00:50:40 I'm like in the middle of, I couldn't go back. If nuclear war broke out. I'm here. You'd be like, oh oh yeah, this is it. I guess I live here now. Yeah. Which would, it's kind of daunting and beautiful and weird
Starting point is 00:50:48 that you're like, there was a few moments we'd be out at sea and I would turn, you know, and say, and be like, we are in literally the middle of fuck off nowhere. Wow.
Starting point is 00:50:59 Like we're, it's, it's, it's out there, out there. Like you're at sea, at sea. And a few points,
Starting point is 00:51:04 you can see the other island you're going to, but you're fucking far. Right, right, right. You're far. Did you get to that at all? It's like, if this boat goes down, can I swim? Nope, can't. I'm dead. No, fuck no.
Starting point is 00:51:13 You couldn't swim for shit. I mean, there was only one time that we had really, really bad, like a storm was coming in and we had really bad waves going from one island to the next. And a few points of like fuck i'm a little nervous but the captain didn't you could you always gauge him yeah he he would be like this and i'd be like this is these are pretty big waves and he'd go yeah yeah yeah you know like fucking i've lived we've all lived through these yeah i you're just so unfamiliar with the capacity of those things that like you don't know.
Starting point is 00:51:45 I heard something that said no plane has ever crashed because of turbulence. I think I talked to you about this. Oh, maybe. So then you're like, oh, so when you feel turbulence, you're like, this is actually something to not worry about. Not even a little bit. Right. The only two times you should be worried on a plane. When it goes up, when it comes down.
Starting point is 00:52:00 Drunk pilot, if you see that. Yeah, well, get the fuck out. Start to cast around. But take off and landing that's when it is most vulnerable times right when you're in the fucking sky going 570 miles an hour you're it's you're you're moving it's happening it's not like a bump in the sky is gonna just fucking smack you out of it it's impossible yeah but yeah if a pilot fucks up you know i did it a couple times probably three or four times i think we did it on your podcast we talked about it i left a note saying uh if you
Starting point is 00:52:29 see this note they have not cleaned this tray oh yeah yeah and i and i'm like please tag me or something or like let me know at rh people tag you on that no it's not happening but i want to keep doing it please keep they might have cleaned it they might be like no way no way yeah but it's like so many times i'm like this is full of crumbs's like, so many times I'm like, this is full of crumbs. It's gross. So many times. And by the way, the,
Starting point is 00:52:47 the, the, at the flight here from Boston was a jet blue, you know, and it's like a 32 minute flight. It's like super fast. So,
Starting point is 00:52:55 you know, they don't fucking, that's, of course they don't fucking clean those planes. When you get on, you can see all the shit from the,
Starting point is 00:53:02 cause that New York to Boston flight, I'm sure they do that five times a day right so like we'll clean it at the end of the day that's exactly what I thought I go this is
Starting point is 00:53:09 and this is like the baseball game they're not going to pick up the individual pinochels they're like when the game is over we'll just and fucking vacuum
Starting point is 00:53:16 all this shit off hey I thought of a thing to help the environment you know that trash island yeah yeah yeah where it's like all this stuff is like
Starting point is 00:53:23 accumulating all this plastic whatever here's how you fix it you take five fucking chinese immigrant ladies i'm gonna fucking put fucking uh life preservers on them and just throw them in the water there and they'll just fucking they clean it up baby they got it yeah obviously after yankee games i'm like they would love it here. Oh, my God. Did you ever do this where you're in the morning, you're eating cantaloupe and fucking whatever? Yeah. Prosciutto.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Yeah. Drinking coffee. And then when you're done, do you ever just go and then just jump overboard? God, that would be sick. Most mornings, I would go for a swim. What a great way to start a day. Yeah, dude. The thing that kind of fucked me up the most was-
Starting point is 00:54:02 God, that'd be sick. Because of where we grow up. First of all, Chicago, we had a lake lakes. You literally it's so gross and dirty. Yeah, you get your hand underwater is gone. You can't even see your hand under the water. That's how dirty Lake Michigan. Yeah, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:54:15 It's gotten better over the years, but it's not a clean lake and it's a lake. But you go out to the sea and as a fucking as much as I've said, this is annoying, but when you look down and you can literally see 40 or 50 feet clear to the bottom, it, it, it makes you feel vulnerable in a way I can't explain where you're like, this is, it's shockingly clear. You'd think your eyes shouldn't be able to see to the bottom of something so far away. Yeah. You're like, how it doesn't kind of, it doesn't really register.
Starting point is 00:54:46 Yeah, you see like a big rock down there or something and you're like, is that, it's got to be like three feet. And they're like, no, no, it's deep. No, it's 35, 40 feet. Wow. It just doesn't make sense. So we'd swim down as far as we could go and come back up in these little bays. And the beauty is the dark spots that you'd see out of that turquoise water, it's not the ground or rocks. That's just seaweed.
Starting point is 00:55:05 That's just sea life. So it looks dark, but that's only because it's shadowing because of sea life. It's still clear all the way to the bottom. It's shocking. Like it's creepy. The only one thing I suggest always,
Starting point is 00:55:19 and I was smart again to do it on this fucking trip, was water shoes. If it's rocky as fuck, do not go barefoot it is going to fucking kill your feet good tips because also then you start walking and you're like it fucking hurts dude you go so slowly i don't care how tough of a guy you are it hurts so much on rocks especially because it's like rocks and sometimes shells and shit and everybody goes you swim to a fucking the shore yeah which is just not a not saying and then you just climb
Starting point is 00:55:44 up and then just start walking yeah you just climb on you got to a fucking, the shore. Yeah. Which is just not a, not a sand. And then you just climb up and then just start walking. Yeah, you just climb up. You got to climb in. But it's, but everyone, look, locals, a lot of them obviously are barefoot. That's, they grew up there. You're not a local. Right. You're not used to it.
Starting point is 00:55:55 Your feet are hardened. Yeah, dude. Yeah. You didn't grow up since you were five running on a rock beach. Yeah. So when I, the rock, as much as I always think like, oh, these are such dorky, dumb things. Lifesavers. Remember Lone Survivor?
Starting point is 00:56:07 Yeah. The movie? Yeah. I love how they release that guy and then he starts just running to tell them and they're like, damn, that guy can move. Even the Marines are like, fuck, they move well on rocks. Yeah, when you're used to that, when that's your whole life. But because there's a lot of like huts or hangouts or spots to eat and stuff that are like right ashore, it's nice to be able to get
Starting point is 00:56:25 out dry off a little bit and then just walk with what you've already got on instead of like you don't want to get fucking shoes or even sandals fucking suck sometimes so you're like just leave those on water shoes water shoes if you're going to a rocky area without lots of you know lots of how great is sun drying oh bro it's the only way to dry fuck a towel most of the time fuck a towel you might as well just dry off
Starting point is 00:56:47 I would have smoked cigarettes out there I would have been like I'm rolling and smoking yeah we did oh really yeah I also quit smoking
Starting point is 00:56:53 and now I've been smoking sometimes again which I want to stop I leave it when I travel I'm like it's only there I can't do it at home
Starting point is 00:57:01 I love having a couple cigarettes roll your own but cigarettes on cigarettes on a boat it's boat, it's king shit. It's king shit. Cigarettes on a boat is king shit. You feel like if you got cancer from that, you wouldn't care. You'd be like, just tell me it's from this.
Starting point is 00:57:14 Just tell me it's on a boat. But honestly, it was island jumping. At first, I thought it was going to be way too expensive. Oh, I didn't even say. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. So you could get a smaller boat chartered for anywhere from like $5,000 a week up to all the way like $20,000 for the week. $5,000 a week divided by 10. Well, we had one, two, three, four, five, six.
Starting point is 00:57:40 It was only six of us. So we had six on our boat. Yeah. Two families, so to speak. Right. So six and five. Right. uh there's only six of us so we don't we had six on our little on our boat yeah uh two families so to speak right so six and five right so it's about it's about a thousand a week per person which is not much no not for wow not for living on a fucking boat for the dollars a day and the boats can go up to like you know some of those some of the boats are probably you could charter for obviously name the end but the kind of boats that we were taking that weren't like you know these aren't like you don't need every luxury well this isn't this isn't like a yacht like chartering a yacht to hold them these are just chartering you know regular boats are
Starting point is 00:58:14 like you know yeah anywhere from five to like 15 000 depending on how big it is and how many amenities you want and all that fucking bullshit and we sailed a few times too which was really nice because they have the ability to sail oh that's which is fucking dope dude we would turn off the engines and just fucking let it ride if he was like you know it takes obviously much longer but he was like would you like it to sail and i was like fuck yeah so i helped him i helped him sail i helped him fucking raise it and he was like he's like we will just uh drift for an hour or two and i was like okay okay so we would just get out there, sail,
Starting point is 00:58:45 drift, listen to music, sit. Most people would sleep. Do you ever sleep on the deck, like outside? Fuck yeah, multiple times.
Starting point is 00:58:51 Yeah, multiple times. They had a hammock, but I got to say, hammocks on boats aren't, unless it's docked. Yeah, it sucks.
Starting point is 00:58:57 It's too much. You're trying to like, it's comfortable. Yeah. But the whole upstairs was, the whole upstairs is like, it's like padding for outdoor furniture. It's quite thin, but you would just lay it down.
Starting point is 00:59:06 Here's what I'd be jealous of from what you've said. Sleeping on the deck with the stars above you and the fresh air and just like gentle rocking. And then showering naked, like exposed showering. Yeah, it's so dope. It's so cool showering on the back of a boat. It feels like you're, you know, it feels like you're you know it feels you're like in a movie you're like i'm i'm in the middle of nowhere no one can see me and i've got my little penis out on the back of the boat and i'm just showering off on the very butt of the boat it
Starting point is 00:59:35 just feels so like i don't know it feels very free it's raw to get out of the water take off your shit and then just shower naked as you're staring out and just like watching yourself like yes and no one's there it's so nice even if you're staring out and just like watching yourself. Yeah. And no one's there. It's so nice. Even if you're by a... But that's the other thing. Nudity is kind of normal there, right? Yeah, nobody fucking does this shit.
Starting point is 00:59:51 That's how it was in Croatia on the island where it's like, you'll sunbathe, you'll like dry off naked, jump in naked, dry off naked and somebody will pass by
Starting point is 00:59:57 and they're just like, hello. It's not naughty. Yeah. For some reason here, it's like, whoa, you're bad. Pure tanical.
Starting point is 01:00:03 We're a pure tanical society. It's so weird. Yeah, it's weird. It's like a bush, like a puss bush, it's like, whoa, you're bad. Puritanical. We're a puritanical society. It's so weird. Yeah, it's weird. It's like a bush, like a puss bush. And people are like, oh. And you're like, what? It's her puss bush. That's why you caught it.
Starting point is 01:00:13 They're like, oh. Yeah. It's like it's so double. Well, it's like you can't believe it. It's like, yeah, you have one too. Yeah. You have a dick. That's a guy's dick.
Starting point is 01:00:20 It's not a big deal. Like, relax, bro. Nobody cares. I think people just don't care. Or maybe it's just guy's dick. It's not a big deal. Like relax, bro. Nobody cares. I think people just don't care as much. Or maybe it's just socially, culturally. But like you go to a locker room somewhere and you're like, I don't care anymore. So it's like, it's because it's here.
Starting point is 01:00:32 It's okay. Right, right, right. When it's inside a room. Well, also, I think if you grow up, like, right. Look, people at the beach, people at the beach, they're changing their kids and they'll wash them off. Sometimes at the beach, get the sand off naked and then young
Starting point is 01:00:47 I think there's an age where you get embarrassed to do it in public right teenagers probably don't want anybody yeah you get weird and embarrassed
Starting point is 01:00:52 yeah then you get like in your 20s or 30s and you're like oh I don't fucking give a shit when you see my body that you don't want anyway
Starting point is 01:01:00 I saw in Austin I was going over the bridge and I saw a guy like on the Austin lake you know by the side some old man and he just hiked up his shorts and was just pissing out the side yeah yeah and i'm like damn that guy does not he was like 70 he's like the side gate is very cool to use the little side gate yeah also who's gonna what are you gonna say to that what
Starting point is 01:01:18 are you gonna say stop pissing he's like i have to piss i'm gonna piss my pants or i'm gonna yeah i'm gonna piss right here yeah i can't, peeing in public, the only reason it got ruined from, because you have to imagine, a hundred years ago, everybody pissed in public. Nobody didn't pee in public. It was probably a normal thing
Starting point is 01:01:34 to go behind a building and piss. There wasn't always fucking enough bathrooms. So the only thing that got ruined by was pervs. Pervs at a park, playing with their cock. Right. And people don't, can't tell if you're playing with it
Starting point is 01:01:44 or you're just pissing with it. Because it looked- Nobody pisses with fucking hard work. I do. That's how I piss. Oh, really? I piss like this. I smack it around.
Starting point is 01:01:51 No. My problem is when there's like six-year-olds, when they like shower off their six-year-old son, I'm like, I get so hard. So like, you're putting me in a weird position. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:01:59 what do you want me to do? What do you want me to do? That's why we changed the piss rules because of those. yeah, yeah. But it was, it was, and then we went to fucking ireland which is a whole
Starting point is 01:02:07 nother thing but but different different trip different trip but the italian but the igadi igadi isola igadi was like uh the turanian sea was wild what made you just go to this place well my buddy gareth who's a brit who's the who one of the families that we went the family that we went with he had heard well he had said he wanted to go to sicily and he had asked me he said you've been to syracuse the syracuse of the eastern side oh and he was like have you ever been to marsala or on the west and i said actually i've never been over there he's like i know a guy who who recommended this boat company that a bunch of people have used which is always clutch by the way if you're gonna go use one of those charter
Starting point is 01:02:43 boats yeah know someone that used one right it's because some of them are lost country really well in the sake of like the wild shit is like when you pay you know like there is a moment where you're like this is charging my foreign card before all this it's it's a little there is a moment of hesitation where you're like this looks a little janky and discombobulated but that's also how things are over there but it's like is this a professional one or yeah you kind of you it does feel a little like there's no office you know here in america like where's the office and who's the manager and over there it's like i'm the manager scuba diving three different places in the galapagos and um and one of them was like so
Starting point is 01:03:21 this is patty certified because i don't deal with those people. They're like, oh, this is so unsafe. Yeah, very unsafe. He's like, we'll get you up on his time. I don't know. But you're fine. Yeah, we're not being fined. At the end of the day, it's fine. It's just like, they just do it differently.
Starting point is 01:03:33 But he knew the guy that was like, you should take this boat company. It was really good. He recommended it. And then we got to choose from three different boats. And initially I told him, I was like, I don't think I'm in for this kind of expenditure. But for the two of us, for the whole week was significantly cheaper than i could ever
Starting point is 01:03:49 i was like this is way cheaper than i thought but again but it's like it's like oh it's expensive but it's like it's cheaper than the hotels would have been 100 so it's like oh it's cheap no it worked out to be way cheaper than i thought when i heard like charter a boat i was like bro that's not i'm not that guy yeah that sounds like that sounds like y'all people it's more cuban but it's not there there that exists right but regular you know not right but i'm saying but also if you took bro, I'm not that guy. Yeah, that sounds like yacht people. It's Mark Cuban. But it's not. That exists, but regular, you know, not right, but I'm saying- But also, if you took a giant Mark Cuban boat, sorry, I shouldn't have Mark Cuban,
Starting point is 01:04:12 but like, if you took one of those out there, you'd be looked at differently. You probably couldn't get access to all these weird little places. You do see those. You see those yachts out there. There was a family that was on a yacht. There's always a couple of rich families
Starting point is 01:04:22 that are like on a yacht. Okay, all right. You wanted to move closer. There there's always a couple of rich families that are like on a yacht yeah okay all right you wanted to move there's always like a couple of rich families on a big fuck off yacht yeah you're gonna see a couple of those and yeah everyone knows when you come into the bay right when you're the biggest fuck off boat it's like you know everyone's looking at you who's getting off the boat it's very it's like celebrityism almost where when they came up and docked yeah you're you're like where do they go yeah it's also like it's cool i'm sure there's some nice luxuries in there that you don't have but also like do you need those luxuries are you missing out on anything i mean here's my thing if i lived in europe and i imagine they're european in some fashion yeah then you're like i guess it's just what rich europeans do yeah
Starting point is 01:05:03 but like as an american i was like i don't really want that because well you're not missing it yeah nothing was different that i not there was nothing on the boat where i was like man i wish i had blank yeah like i don't want a tv we didn't need fucking any of that cards will be nice all you really need on there is a place to sleep uh a little baby kitchen to store food yeah and a thing to play music out of right kind of not outside of that you're like you can kind of figure everything else out you don't need like it doesn't sound like the experience is some luxurious like do we need dvd player the point is to be up on the deck just sitting yeah you want it though the i guess some of those yachts is mostly probably families with kids and they need like
Starting point is 01:05:44 they need something to distract little fuckheads. Yeah. They're like, we need a TV in the room so they can at least watch their, you know, whatever it is. Is there anything you would have avoided? You'd be like, I wish I'd done this differently or done that you didn't do. You'd be like, if I had time for was, um, like, I guess it would have been nice to do, like they had a couple of, you could, you could hike on some of that. Like you go for like a long, beautiful hike. And I only climbed one Hill to get to the top of an old church, an abandoned
Starting point is 01:06:15 church on Levanzo. Yeah. And that was the only one we got to do. And I kind of wish I had the, like, I didn't bring, like, nice hiking shoes to do that, but I really wish I could have brought hiking gear and have hiked on some of the islands. If there was one thing I would have... Yeah. Because... That's not bad.
Starting point is 01:06:31 Take two hours, go hike, and then come back. Like, it's a cool breakup. Yeah, it'd be nice to go get some, a little bit of exercise, and then go swimming again. Like, I kind of wish, because we would go to places, I was like, fuck,
Starting point is 01:06:40 we don't have the equipment to hike, and we also, like, all we have is the minutiae stuff that you bring. It's also cool to earn a swim. Like after a long hike and then like jump, jump, jump. That's kind of what I missed. I missed a little bit of, like you miss a little bit of exercise. At some point you're like, it'd be nice to like, yeah, to earn it.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Yeah, to earn it. Because you wake up, you get a little lazy. And then you're like, it'd be nice to like fire fire my my heart and get it moving again but outside of that dude no i mean when we went when we went back to sicily i was like ready to leave because i didn't want to like tour around the town anymore because the mainland is nice but it's also like it's you know it's it's touristy yeah also sometimes cities are just cities and you're like you walk around you're like you're kind of looking for something but you don't know what you're looking for. And like, there's nothing there.
Starting point is 01:07:25 You have it in New York or LA. You have everything you're going to find here. Yeah. That's really not. Yeah. So then like, I've got to get out of the city. I would say if you're going to, if you do go to the islands, bring something to like walk, walk around the islands, bring shoes that you could like, it'd be nice to be able
Starting point is 01:07:38 to like take a really beautiful hike because no one will tell you no. You could go fucking any, you can go all over the island. The only place you can't go are restricted areas, but you can't get there by foot. You'd have to get there by boat, and that's why they don't want you over there. Let's just walk around a small town. Yeah, we walked around the small towns a lot. I just wanted to be able to
Starting point is 01:07:58 go off into the distance and disappear a little bit. That's cool. That I would suggest doing that. and like disappear a little bit. That's cool. That I would suggest doing that. And then definitely make sure when people say they've ridden a scooter before,
Starting point is 01:08:12 they've ridden a scooter before. Because someone in our group- I got it. Someone in our group was like, yeah, I've done it before. And I was like, yeah, because they tell you when you rent, they're like, do you want to learn how?
Starting point is 01:08:23 Because- You should just take the lesson. Well, it takes five seconds. Also, I would do this thing where when it got tight and I'm like, oh, shit, like mud or whatever, I would just do brake and accelerator together. 100%. Because I would just like freak into both. Yeah, yeah. And it's like the bike was like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 01:08:41 You can't do that. But it's like gas and brake at the same time is bad, bad news. It's all fucked up. You can't do that. But it's like gas and brake at the same time is bad, bad news. But one of the people in our group, the poor gentleman, he came around the corner and ate shit on the scooter. And we all had to stop. And I was like, I felt bad. It's the Chad tattoo in Thailand.
Starting point is 01:08:56 They have the Chad tattoo. I think that's what they call it. The Chad tattoo? It's just completely scraped up. And you have to have the bandage over it. It's just going to leave you. Because you're like, oh, I'm good. I can go 90K. But it's like, dude, don't say you're to like have like, you know, the bandage over it. It's just going to leave you because you're like, oh,
Starting point is 01:09:05 I'm good. I can go 90K. But it's like, dude, don't, don't say you're doing it if you don't know it. And be,
Starting point is 01:09:10 just be careful because it's so funny. It's like, you can go so fast and these are like, you get a wobble and you're fucked. Oh bro.
Starting point is 01:09:16 And they're not, these aren't like well paved American roads. This is, you're on dirts and rocks. You don't need to rip down those roads. You're going to fall off. They're not stable.
Starting point is 01:09:25 And because of the weather, because of the wear and tear, the weathering on the road, it'll be like big waves in the road. You know what I mean? Like bumpy waves. So you're like, dude, you catch a wheel on one of those waves wrong, you're absolutely eating shit. That's so great. What are you doing?
Starting point is 01:09:41 You want to get down? All right. To finish this up, you would go back there, right? Oh my God, I'd go back. That sounds great. I would go doing? You want to get down? All right. To finish this up, you would go back there, right? Oh, my God. I'd go back. That sounds great. I'd go back a hundred times. I would go there.
Starting point is 01:09:48 I highly recommend it. That sounds exactly my vibe because you're away from this touristy thing. Sicily is already like a poor man's, or not a poor man's, a more exotic Italy. It is. It's a different country, right? Or is it part of Italy? Well, it's part of Italy, but they consider themselves different. They're their own people.
Starting point is 01:10:03 Sicilians and Italians, different. And then it's like no one goes there no one goes there nobody no one goes up here no no yeah the gadi islands was pretty remote i will say it was pretty shocking how like people just didn't were you closer to africa than sicilian parts when we went all the way out to morettimo i think yeah morett's the furthest one. When you go all the way out there, you're you're, I wouldn't say closer, but you're, you can see here on the map, you're you're, so we're all the way on that
Starting point is 01:10:34 island. You're still closer to Sicily, but Tunisia's right there. Wow. Yeah. The coast of Tunisia, that was the only other thing that they tell you to kind of worry about, because look at this. What? Pirates? Al-Hawai'a is not far away. Yeah. The coast of Tunisia. That was the only other thing that they tell you to kind of worry about. Because look at this. What? Pirates? Al-Hawaii is not far away.
Starting point is 01:10:47 Yeah. No. Yeah. Tunisian pirates. Yeah. That's very real. That's very. That part was the only part.
Starting point is 01:10:52 Whatever you should worry about. Like, what the fuck am I going to do? Well, no. They just tell you, like, stay within the lines of, like, where you're supposed to, where you are supposed to go. Yeah. Don't start going out, way out, because you think it's dope and it's secluded yeah fuck that right don't be cool because if you're on their territory open game well see i'm always
Starting point is 01:11:12 like fuck you then you're in their backyard if if they tell you don't go over there it's like that guy remember that kid that went to like north korea you know he like crossed lines everybody felt everyone like felt bad i'm like why why did you Why'd you go to North Korea? They told you not to go. Take a poster. Yeah. They said, don't go. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:27 Don't do that. And you're like, I gotta dude. The best one was that missionary. He went to like the un, un, uh, uncontacted tribes.
Starting point is 01:11:34 Killed him immediately. No guys, let me tell you about Jesus. Oh fuck no, but Jesus. Oh right. These guys don't even speak English. Why do they think this can get me by?
Starting point is 01:11:42 Why would you assume they want your shit? So yeah, we, the Tunisian pirate thing was a warning that we had from the captain and was like this is something we will not experience
Starting point is 01:11:51 because we won't be going there but he's like I'm letting you know that is a thing that rarely will happen if boats go where they don't belong interesting
Starting point is 01:11:59 don't get fucked by the Tunisians dog they'll fuck you up last question yeah baby first of all check out his podcast Whiskey Ginger and Bad friends with my little noodle bobby lee bobby re and um okay any like overall just general travel tips that you have i would try to live for yourself
Starting point is 01:12:16 or whatever i would say um in this day and age the modern modern travel has changed so much to where it's like you know you used to bring lots of cash. You always used to bring cash. I always say hide a little bit of cash somewhere on your person. And by the way, don't tell anybody you're with. I don't even care if it's your wife or your girlfriend. Tell nobody that you have a little bit of cash on you. Nobody. Put it in the bottom of your shoe, lift up the sole of your shoe and put it between your- Well, like four $100 bills. Yeah. Yes, exactly. Keep a couple hundred dollars somewhere on your person for trouble to get out of trouble exactly to get
Starting point is 01:12:48 out of or also to get out of local shit where it's like that's just what it takes to get to the next thing is a little bit of cash or if you're in a place where you're like oh no we don't have atms here like fuck i'm running out and we don't take credit card like i'm running out of cash you have to have a little reserve you have have to have, I always say, have a little reserve. If you're going to a rocky place, as nerdy as fucking water shoes are, dude, they're so,
Starting point is 01:13:10 honestly, they help more than I could ever imagine. Because the first time I ever went to like rock beaches in Italy, it hurt so fucking bad and my feet got all slashed up. And then if you were flip flops, you end up bashing the front of your skull.
Starting point is 01:13:24 Oh, you smash your toes. Yeah, you're fucked. And they scrape. But hide a little bit of cash that's my one okay that's a good one between your between the sole of your shoe underneath in your shoe lift up the fucking insert yeah put cash under there tell nobody in your fucking i'll do it in a book yeah you know books are good but they can look for that i was coming back from ecuador and they they decided like 10 15 people like to search them like you gotta go downstairs your bags are downstairs you checked in um and bring your carry-on bag and they go through everything and they started like leafing through i mean everything they start
Starting point is 01:13:53 leafing through like what's this i'm like it's a machete like where'd you get it i'm like whatever it's right here somewhere here and i was like it's allowed it's my check bag like okay i mean they went through everything and uh and my chick was like nothing to worry about i guess and in my head i'm like i mean i have acid yeah some of those something to worry about yeah i do i can't tell her because she won't fucking play it right right but that's what i said but like it's done if it's done whether it's whether it's money or acid just don't tell people you're with until you're giving them the thing until you're like here's the money or here's the acid like where, I have $100. Like, where'd you get it? None of your fucking business.
Starting point is 01:14:26 Because they only brought one $100 bill. Right, right, right. Okay. Don't tell, yeah, don't tell them. That is my travel tip. Don't tell people.
Starting point is 01:14:35 All right, Santino, this is great, dude. Amazing. I really want to go to this place. Go to the Agati Island chains. If you get a chance, go down to Marsala and go down to the dock and take a fucking boat out and go party.
Starting point is 01:14:47 God, that sounds great. Yeah. Lefonso is the smaller one. And I will say it's the most desolate, but also the most naturally pretty. Like there you can find yourself in some wild hikes. Oh, really? Yeah. If you were ballsy enough to grab
Starting point is 01:15:05 your shit and go hike with somebody it's cool it's fuck it's it is a beautiful little island with the trees hold on before i go i'm gonna show you i want to show you the trees yeah um i love when you're hiking and just like there's no one here and you see a tree like probably no one's ever touched it that that shit is weird and again also daunting when you're like nobody's here yeah okay so here this is what i mean that's the town wow that's it dude that's literally it that's nothing that's like a few stores and then all that but if you go around right you can hike up those and around the mountain to the backside where there's nothing and there's nobody there so we're on a dinghy and i was like this is it's us it's fucking us and maybe i would say the town probably
Starting point is 01:15:44 has the danger is cool because like probably nothing will happen but it adds a level of like if it does though if it doesn't how why not yeah yeah okay here like this that's what i mean so that's our boat and if you get a cave up there yeah you park you can go cave climbing and all that shit right we just didn't have any equipment or shoes to go hike rocky it's rocky it's super fucking rock damn that's cool yeah man it's i'm jealous i would highly say grab your fucking hike shit and go hike. It's rocky. It's super fucking rock. Damn, that's cool. Yeah, man. Fuck, I'm jealous. I would highly say grab your fucking hike shit and
Starting point is 01:16:07 go hike some of the mountains out there. Yeah, baby. All right, bud. All right, brother. Thank you. Bye. Well, that's the episode,
Starting point is 01:16:15 everybody. Thank you very much, Andrew Santino, for coming in. That was great. I'm wearing a Diablo Uma mask. It is part of a ritual
Starting point is 01:16:23 that is different all over the country of Ecuador. But what unites them all is they all kind of wear the Diablo Uma mask. These make great gifts for people. You can get a guy who worked on this for about a week to make handmade and it only costs you about $20. And it makes a great stocking stuffer.
Starting point is 01:16:46 And also it makes a great enhancer of yogas that you do on mountaintops out there in Ecuador. Or even exits of a brand new podcast called You Be Trippin'. I want everyone right now, if you can, to subscribe on YouTube. You don't have to tell a friend yet. But I will tell you if you liked it. There'll be another episode in just three days. Today's Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
Starting point is 01:17:09 In three days. Subscribe on YouTube right now. You be tripping pod. Or if you're listening right now, subscribe where you're listening. So you're notified of these new ones as they come out. I want to grow this and grow this and grow this and get a community of travelers all coming together to leave comments and tell each other about fun places to go to.
Starting point is 01:17:28 I assume that these will be used as a travel guide of sorts. As people want to go to the Sicilian Islands, they'll come find randomly this episode. I like to imagine that. And they'll be like, oh, wow, what is there to do? It's so cool. Maybe I'll get a boat. Maybe I'll do this. And then in the comments, once you guys have been to Sicily, they'll be like, oh, well, look at that.
Starting point is 01:17:47 This guy's been to there. Maybe I'll check that place out. Maybe I'll rent a boat. Maybe I'll rent a scooter. This guy seemed to rent a scooter. That kind of thing. In three days' time, Mr. Mark Norman will be my second guest. He's not as good a traveler, but he's new to it.
Starting point is 01:18:01 He's really enjoying it. He's going to tell me all about Australia and his trip there. He really loved it. So come back here on Thursday. You'll be tripping pod on YouTube. He has pictures of the trip.
Starting point is 01:18:12 He has so many cool pictures of him being there meeting the Quokkas. It's going to be a really good episode. Don't forget to get tickets to my special if you live near
Starting point is 01:18:19 or in Washington, D.C. It's April 26th and 27th. My 420 show at the Paramount that's the capital tournament of Washington, D.C. It's April 26th and 27th. My 420 show at the Paramount, that's the capital tournament of Washington, D.C. Tickets are available for all my shows
Starting point is 01:18:29 at slash tour. 420 at the Paramount, Queen Elizabeth Theater in April. Pre-sale for Australia starts March 22nd. Starts Friday
Starting point is 01:18:41 for Melbourne, Brisbane, no, Melbourne, Adelaide, Canberra, Brisbane, Sydney. And then who knows what I'll do. Maybe I'll go back to East Timor. One of the most magical places on the planet. Uncharted.
Starting point is 01:18:57 God, I love that place. I will eventually do an episode of this podcast about my time in East Timor. I think that's it, you guys. So, how'd you like it? I don't know. Leave me in the comments. It's my only way to connect with you guys right now. I'll eventually start a Patreon or something.
Starting point is 01:19:13 We'll figure out. I have a really cool idea for one, but we're going to talk about that later. I'm not starting it yet. I have a really cool idea for that. I'll tell you later. Not yet, but it's going to be, it's going to be awesome. And that's it, right? What'd you think? Episode one down. So anyway, my point is, it's my only way to connect with you guys right now is the comments of the YouTube section of
Starting point is 01:19:36 this. It's also, you'll be tripping pod on Instagram. If you're on Twitter, I guess it'll be on that. God, Twitter just sucks. And by the way, I was saying it sucks before anybody took it on. I don't mind Musk at all. I'm nothing to do with that. It's just a ball of negativity. If you're thinking of leaving Twitter, don't let this be the thing that keeps you on there. But anyway, on Instagram, on TikTok and all that stuff, socials, it's UBtrippingPod.
Starting point is 01:20:02 So click on all those. Let's get ready for this great adventure. So click on all those and let's get ready for this great adventure. Let's go, let's go places, you guys. I'm so excited to bring this to you
Starting point is 01:20:11 and I'm glad you were there for the first episode. Until, not even next week, until Thursday with Mark Norman, I'm saying, I gotta have a sign-off.
Starting point is 01:20:20 It can't be like so long like it was on Skeptic Tank, my old podcast. It's gotta be like, let's, let's get out there. I'm open to suggestions. Give me a good sign-off. But for now, hasta la vista.
Starting point is 01:20:37 Sayonara. Lihitrodes. I don't know. Bye.

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