You Be Trippin' - USO Shows w/ Dave Attell | You Be Trippin' with Ari Shaffir

Episode Date: April 4, 2024

SPONSORS: GET $5 OFF a Mando Starter Pack with code TRIPPIN at Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at On this episode of You Be Trippin, Dave... Attell stops by to talk about the party capitol of the world, performing comedy for the armed forces, and life on the bases. He also discusses comedy overseas, safaris, camping, and some personal travel tips. Other topics include: Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders, goats, army base food, smaller shows, making people laugh at the hospital, and Dave's brand new Netflix special Hot Cross Buns. You Be Trippin Ep. 06 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We visit a lot of hospitals, it's very sad. You really don't know what to do, but you're like, how's it going? And the guy goes, how's it going? I was shot. And I'm like, whoa, I get it. Dude, I get it. You know, it's like, I'm not going to be able to patch
Starting point is 00:00:11 Adamie out of this one. Where you been and where you going? This is Ari's Travel Show, yeah. We're going to talk about travel today. It's UB Trippin', yeah. talk about travel today it's you'll be tripping yeah welcome to the podcast the name is you'll be tripping you'll be tripping yeah okay it's about trips i like it um as we know that's part of the job yeah travel it's the only podcast made with recycled plastic on every episode i hear you you. Well, let's just jump right into it.
Starting point is 00:00:46 I see you got the map up here. Uh-huh. And I'd say one of my UB trippins that I've tripped would be the Gulf of Aden. That's right. I was on a tanker when the hoodies sent a drone at us. God bless the United States Navy. Dude, I met some seals. Navy seals?
Starting point is 00:01:04 Yeah, in San Diego. And I was like, I met some seals. Navy seals? Yeah, in San Diego. And they were, I was like, what's that Yemen thing all about? They're like, oh, it's this. I'm like, I'm like, did you know? It goes, oh, we've been. And then they all shut up. They're like, hey, quiet. Yeah, they can't tell you.
Starting point is 00:01:15 And I was like, what? They were drunk too. So it was like, they were about to tell me some dark secrets. Well, I'll say one thing. Okay. You know, I've traveled I've traveled probably I like to think I'm pretty well traveled But I would say you take it to the next level
Starting point is 00:01:31 You've traveled way more than me And we have a mutual friend who's a great comic Tom Rhodes, who back in the day Was the ultimate traveler This guy was going to Vietnam He lived in Amsterdam He's been all through Europe I mean, like, this guy loved to travel
Starting point is 00:01:44 He was really like the Marco Polo of comedy Tom, he lived in Amsterdam. He's been all through Europe. I mean, like, this guy loved to travel. He was really like the Marco Polo of comedy. And I felt like he was the original traveling comic. Tom Rhodes is my dream guest for this. Really? Yeah, Tom would have, you'd need, honestly. I mean, he's coming in for sure at some point. But, like, I saw him once at Moon Tower, like Moon Tower 1 or 2 or something like that. And he met some old timer, some other old timer.
Starting point is 00:02:06 And I didn't know his whole deal. And he's like, Tom, where are you living now? And he just goes, in these shoes, man. Wow, that's cool. It was the coolest answer. That is cool. He is cool. He is cool.
Starting point is 00:02:16 He is very cool. And I like to tell, I don't consider myself a good traveler. I mean, I go to an exotic place. Is everything all right? Okay, good. It's a lot of movement here. So I go to an exotic place, and I'm like, okay, where do I get a coffee? Do they sell cigarettes here?
Starting point is 00:02:35 I'm like very, whatchamacallit, the ugly American. That's how Louis always said that Joe List was. He was a Paris. He was working at Chicken Parm. Yeah. He just really needs that. Because when you asked me to go, like, think of, like, some places that you, like, I would say the ultimates, like, the two top were Brazil and Japan. And I did that for the Insomniac show.
Starting point is 00:02:59 We would go over and shoot the late night stuff. And, you know, Brazil, of course, is a party. Like, we were there during Carnival. So that really overtakes the town. Everything else is shut. You know, like, you know, it's all about Carnival. Either the people are in it or they're there to see it. So it was that kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:03:17 And it is beautiful there, you know. And since we did an hour show instead of a half hour, we also did day stuff, which I'm not sure. I think it kind of broke the magic of it. But still it was cool to be like on a beautiful beach you know and like seeing all that kind of stuff happens yeah the cool thing about insomniac was always like doing my spot finish and then let's get going until about the sun comes up yeah we would go all night yeah and it would take us you know a few days to do it because it was segmented but it was all night, all night for a couple
Starting point is 00:03:45 of nights. And, uh, you know, when people like always would go like, did you really stay up at night? It's like, yeah, we did. And we drank for real. And, uh, Brazil is definitely a party town. So like if you and your, and your friends wanted to go a place for a week, that's the place to go there. Uh, at that point we're really, uh, into tourism.
Starting point is 00:04:02 I don't know how they are now. And the, uh, uh, exchange rate was really good. Plus, uh, you know, uh know how they are now and the uh uh exchange rate was really good plus uh you know uh it's it's uh what you call it like um you know it's one of those places where like they don't have as many rules as we do here but that was years ago so i'm sure i'm sure like you know like um portland you know like you could probably do the same kind of party in portland but without the weather. Not like there. Really? You know what I'm saying? It seems like anything went there.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Was it like crimey and shit? What? Was it crimey? Yeah, there was like the areas where they told us to stay away, but we kind of were on the fringes of that. Up in the hills and stuff like that. And you would hear gunfire at night. The favelas. Yeah, the favelas.
Starting point is 00:04:42 You would hear that kind of going on at night. So to me, I was like, whoa, that's kind of, you know, that's kind of cool in a way. But like, you know, there's like this other, this is a whole other experience. But they were really cool and they were open to like, you know, wasn't as like much red tape to shoot and all that kind of stuff. So in terms of doing standup for the locals,
Starting point is 00:05:00 I'm not sure how that would go. Cause we did stand up before we went there. And then that was kind of like a trip in Japan. I did stand up in Japan,. I'm not sure how that would go because we did stand up before we went there and then that was kind of like a trip. In Japan, I did stand up in Japan, you know, so,
Starting point is 00:05:09 or at least I think we did. Yeah. I'm not sure. Well, let's, which one, well, let's,
Starting point is 00:05:13 well, what do you want to talk about? Brazil? Let's do Brazil. Okay. So have you been there for Carnival? I went,
Starting point is 00:05:17 not for Carnival, I went once with Rogan for like two days for on a UFC ticket. We didn't even do a show because like, there's no show here, but they're getting me
Starting point is 00:05:23 a free companion ticket if you want to go. Yeah, well, I'm sure that was... The beach were fucking so cool. The people are beautiful. I mean, everything was cool. People are also laid back. It's like our whole,
Starting point is 00:05:36 you got to get stuff done right away. They don't have any of that. They're on beach time. And the other thing that I loved is I'm not a real foodie or anything, but the food there was real good. It was like like we had steaks we had uh um i'm trying to think i'm not a fish guy but it looked beautiful everything there looked really really good so yeah and uh you know it was those chujascarillas those like non-stop bring you out food until you say
Starting point is 00:06:01 yes couldn't possibly they had that they had that for sure and um uh we were there during the carnival but it was raining the whole time so for shooting we were losing cameras like left and right they were like fogging up and all that kind of stuff and you know remember this is like 15 15 plus years ago that like i assume now that we would have done it all with drones or something you know it would have been a way different experience with the shoot but you know the crew was like we were all drenched and like you eurovision was there and they're looking at us laughing at us so you know but i had a great time at least i could say i've been there you know but going for work is so different than going like i guess for a vacation you know well you're guarded i mean you're you're like not even guarded but
Starting point is 00:06:41 you're like people have like hey we're gonna go this restaurant. I made reservations for us. Yeah. Schedule. You're on a schedule. Yeah. Instead of like having to figure it out yourself. And then Japan, which I think, you know, as a kid, I loved like, you know, the whole idea of like, you know, going to Japan and like, you know, I was so interested in all that kind of stuff. And, you know, a lot of history and all that kind of stuff. And then when I went there, I realized that like, you know, a couple of things.
Starting point is 00:07:04 One is that like, you know, a couple of things. One is that like, you know, uh, you're a giant. Yeah. Well, it wasn't even that it was just like the English, like they're very polite and very nice, but none of them really spoke any English. So it was really difficult to communicate. And, uh, this is before a babble or any of those kind of like, just speaking through your phone and like, go back, go back at them. And the other thing was just like, you know, if you go to Japan, you got to love fish. You just got to love it because you're going to be eating it like three times a day.
Starting point is 00:07:31 And like, you know, I'll nibble, whatever. But it really was like one of those like, whoa, what is this now? This thing's got a tentacle and this thing, you know, whatever. If you cut it the wrong way, you're like, you'll die. But if you cut it the right way, it's still pretty shitty. But I really, you know, wherever you go, and i'm sure you know this now as a world traveler that the expats follow so you know you could do a show in japan and it's a lot of guys who are there either for finance or just to drop out you know like traveling around the world and then their local uh girlfriends
Starting point is 00:07:59 you know so they bring them to see this thing the girls have no idea what they're seeing they're like what is this you think this is fun because this is like a guy talking so now comedy is more universal but back then i think it was really kind of a culture shock to seeing like this is a big night this is like fun you know like he's not buying me dinner yeah no i have no idea like you know living in a like what's the longest you've ever lived in another country? Ecuador, six months. Wow. Pandemic. And what, uh. But also really wasn't living, it was like staying there. No, Israel, I guess, when I was in seminary, when I
Starting point is 00:08:32 was in Shiva. Okay, but like how long did it take you before you kind of like stopped thinking about here? You know, like, hey, if I was in New York, I'd be doing this. It takes me about two weeks. Oh, that's cool. Two weeks. And then I'm like, I'm no, especially if I go from one York, I'd be doing this. It takes me about two weeks. Oh, that's cool. Two weeks. And then I'm like, I'm no, especially if I go from one country to another country,
Starting point is 00:08:48 then my last country was in America. My last country was some other place. I see. So now I'm like, in relation to Myanmar, I'm in Thailand. Wow. That's really great. I'm thinking about New York the entire time. Wow.
Starting point is 00:09:00 I got to get back. I got to go to the dentist. You know, like I wonder if that appointment worked. My phone work here, you know. When you travel, are you like worried all the time? Well, I got like family back. I got to go to the dentist. You know, like I wonder if that appointment worked. Is my phone work here? You know, when you travel, are you like worried all the time? Well, I got like family, you know, my mom is old, so I can't really leave the country now because of that. Like, but even then, but back then I'm just not a vacation guy.
Starting point is 00:09:17 Like, I'm not like a, like, let's have a fun, like when I went to Hawaii, which was another insomnia, it's like, I, I was sick, like from just being on the road, like, you know, like just like road sick. And then I was like, you know, drinking because I had to drink on the show and everything. And I was so like, I think I had like a pneumonia, you know, so I was like, but I have to go in the ocean because I have to tell people I went in the water here. And I was like, man, this would be so great if I wasn't like just feeling like I'm going to die. Like, but if I went there like on a honeymoon or something like that, I'm sure it would have been a better experience. I cannot imagine you go in the ocean.
Starting point is 00:09:49 What did you have? Like a trench coat bathing suit? I roll up my pants and put, you know, put my toes in. No, I went in, but you know, I know people that love to travel and that they're always going to Mexico, how cool it is down there and everything like that. And like, for me, I guess, I guess all the travel is blurred together because of the whole, like the flying and then if you have to go through customs and all that kind of
Starting point is 00:10:12 stuff. To me, that's so much work that like, it would have to be like, I'm headed to like, you know, Legoland or something, you know, like something bigger than just the place. Yeah. But I love, you know, cultural country, you know, history, all that kind of stuff. You've been throughout the Middle East, right? I went to, no, one trip to Israel, Jordan, Egypt, and Turkey. Today's episode of UB Trippin' Podcast is brought to you by Mando.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Guys, Mando is a full-body deodorant that helps you stay fresh, smelling fresh, all day long. Sir, can I ask you a question? Let's take it to the streets to find out what people think. Hey, in a clinical study, people who shower alone and then use Mando have a body odor of what after 12 hours? Are we using the metric system or the... Answer the question! Sorry, uh, two? No! Oh. Zero!
Starting point is 00:11:07 But... Is zero good? Yes! You don't wanna smell! So you have no body odor? Yeah, if you use Mando. Alright. Well, I'm gonna buy some Mando. No, wait, I done it! Okay, sorry. I'm on the way to an important business meeting, by the way.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Yes, it's... Okay, okay, okay! And then... Thanks. And then people who shower alone and don't use Mando have a smell in their score of what after 12 hours? One? Bro. Hey, look, man. I don't know about Mando, but I'd love to learn.
Starting point is 00:11:46 It's eight, dude. It's eight. It's a lot smellier. Oh, so those people smell like crap. Yeah, they smell like fucking shit. Oh, but if you use Mando, you don't smell at all. That's what I'm trying to say! Holy shit!
Starting point is 00:11:58 Yeah! Whoa! I know! Whoa! Yeah, now you get what I'm doing here. So eight without it, zero with it. Yeah. Okay, I you get what I'm doing here. So eight without it, zero with it. Yeah. Okay, I'm going to go home right now.
Starting point is 00:12:10 That's all I'm trying to say. God. Well, guys, Mando's starter pack is perfect for new customers. It comes with a solid stick deodorant, cream tube deodorant, two free products of your choice like mini body wash and deodorant wipes, and free shipping. As a special offer for listeners, new customers get $5 off a Mando startup pack with code Trippin at
Starting point is 00:12:32 That equates to over 40% off your startup pack when you visit and use code Trippin. Today's episode of You Be Trippin is brought to you by Shopify. Guys, let me tell you how this podcast started. In 2017, I had a mental breakdown, and I left to find myself. I went off the grid, and I went to Southeast Asia, to where I could find out who I was.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Comedy Central was coming down on me, telling me I had to work more. Everybody's coming after me. And I was like, no, it's time for me to be me. And I went on a spiritual quest. And while I was in a field, I came across a mountain, a mountaintop where I saw a yogi at the top. And I said, I could ask him a question.
Starting point is 00:13:14 And as I got up that mountain, it began raining. And all these newts, all these beautiful, brightly colored orange newts came coming to the surface. They wriggled around. And birds would come down and peck at them and eat them. And I thought, there's something happening here. There's something happening here for money. Yeah, I thought, how can I turn this into e-commerce? And that's where Shopify stepped in.
Starting point is 00:13:34 They said, Ari, we can't exactly overcome the FDA regulations. They're pretty clear. You can't just import live newts from Southeast Asia and sell them to America. But we can help you set up your online store. newts from Southeast Asia and sell them to America, but we can help you set up your online store. Shopify is the global commerce platform that helps you sell at every stage of your business. And I was beating these birds. These birds were eating these newts and I was beating them down. And I said, there's money in this. And I made a mental note, call Shopify, get on there,
Starting point is 00:14:03 get to Shopify and help them help you set up. They're at every stage from your launch your online shop stage to the first real life store stage, all the way to the, do we just hit a million dollar stage that I'm coming with those nudes? Yeah, and eventually I did the wrong thing and I started selling dead nudes because they were cheaper.
Starting point is 00:14:16 They were cheaper than buying live nudes. And I would blame the customer. I'd say, hey, listen, the nude was dead when you got it. It was alive when I sent it. How am I supposed to know? And then I wouldn't punch holes in the things. And they'd say, hey, listen, the newt was dead when you got it. It was alive when I sent it. How am I supposed to know? And then I wouldn't punch holes in the things. And they'd say, well, you didn't punch holes in the jar.
Starting point is 00:14:30 The newt's not going to survive with no air. And I'd say, you didn't say to punch holes. That's on you. Anyway, none of this has to do anything with Shopify. What Shopify did was help me set up the online platform. And they did it quite well. And I've made, well, I've been sued quite a lot. I've been sued cut a lot. I declared bankruptcy, but I made millions of dollars before that happened It's all gone to the victims now
Starting point is 00:14:54 Not the newts the newts actually are the victims, but they didn't get any money in this Anyway, the point is check out Southeast Asia There these beautiful orange newts people asked me. All right. Did you ever get up to the yogi and ask him a question? I said, yeah, but I was so overcome then with making money that I just said, hey, what's the best online platform for selling on your website? And he said, Shopify. And guys, right now, Shopify has a little trial period for you to save. a little trial period for you to save.
Starting point is 00:15:27 If you sign up for a $1 per month trial period at slash trippin, that's all lowercase, go to slash trippin right now to grow your business no matter what stage. $1 per month, that's wild. Go to slash trippin. And I'll see you where the newts grow. Hi guys, just breaking in to let you know that I'm a stand-up comic and I have
Starting point is 00:15:48 live stand-up comedy tour dates coming up first and foremost I'm taping my new special April 26th and 27th in Washington D.C. at the Capitol Turnaround, you can get tickets at, April 27th, first show is sold out, second show is almost sold out and we added a show April 26th
Starting point is 00:16:04 so hurry up and get tickets added a show April 26th. So hurry up and get tickets at I'm also going to be, oh, we added a show in Halifax. Let me just run through everything I got. Starting today, I guess. Grand Rapids, Michigan. Detroit, Michigan. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Added a second show on April 6th. Halifax, added a second show. First show sold out April 11th. Ottawa, I think it might be sold out. Rutland, Vermont, so many tickets available. Huntington, New York at the Paramount April 14th. Austin, Texas, 420. Come on down for that.
Starting point is 00:16:35 And Washington, D.C., the Capitol Turnaround. Also, I'm doing my storytelling shows in Los Angeles, May 9th and 10th at the Comedy Store. And I got a whole freaking Australia run starting May 17th and 10th at the Comedy Store. And I got a whole freaking Australia run starting May 17th in Melbourne and finishing June 1st in Sydney. Go to for tickets. And don't forget to watch David Tell,
Starting point is 00:16:54 Hot Cross Buns on Netflix right now. It went up to number two on all the fucking people are watching all over. It's hilarious. We watch it on the tour bus and it's absolutely hilarious and you guys love it. Hot Cross Buns with David Tell. Let them know how you feel.
Starting point is 00:17:08 I'm Ari Shaffir. Let's get back to the episode. Go see my special in Washington. Yeah, see, I did the USO stuff. So I did like Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Abu Dhabi. Okay, okay, okay, okay. That's what we'll talk about. The Middle East?
Starting point is 00:17:21 USO stuff. Okay, cool. Middle East, because your experience there was more like bases. Yeah that's cool so that's not a lot of so when like yoshi said he went to kabul yeah hang out but he went when america the the people working for the government not not the not in the government but he went to downtown kabul yeah he said they said bring booze that's all you can bring us is bring two bottles of Jack, and we have a bar for a week. That's amazing. Yeah, and he goes, it's gone now because they pulled back.
Starting point is 00:17:49 So a couple is now no longer that city. That's a cool experience. And Yoshi is another world traveler guy, another comic that we both know, a very funny guy. But when I was doing the USO, because they had the base there, and it was a NATO mission, so there was people from Australia and Italy, all these different armies from around the world.
Starting point is 00:18:07 It was like the Hobbit. It was like all these different armies going on there. So they would have on the base, they would have like a pizza place and a coffee place. And that was for the troops. And then off base, which you only saw through convoy or from helicopter, there was like a scene.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Could you go into it? This one guy came up to us on the base. I don't even know how he got on the base, but he was an American expat who was living in Afghanistan with his girlfriend. And I was like, what? You're living like on the other side of the wire? And he's like, it's not what you think. You know how to kind of think of like, it's not dangerous.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Like he was like real East New York. Yeah. He's like, it's not that. Like he was like real New York. Yeah. He's like, it's not that bad. And he's like, you know, we're starting our own improv company. That's like when I got nervous, I was like,
Starting point is 00:18:51 don't do that to these people. Yes. I go, don't do that to these people. Please don't. They have so much to live for. I ruined their, I ruined their chances.
Starting point is 00:18:59 I was like, you know what? You, you hit the nail on the head. What, what will bring this together? Improv. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Third world city. Third world city. But yeah, that was definitely a trick. What were the troops like as audiences? You know, like, to be honest, I think a lot of it is like, I'm not famous enough and I totally get it. And some of them were super fans. A lot of them were like guys who wanted to be comics, you know? No, really?
Starting point is 00:19:20 But the hundreds that would be at the shows, they really want to see like a fighter or like a NASCAR guy or a rapper or something like that. They want to see somebody who's really famous. And I don't blame them. But they were good enough to me. And I think anything that broke up the monotony of just being there. And remember, the majority of the people at the base are the support troops. They're the ones who run the stuff. They're the mechanics.
Starting point is 00:19:43 They're the guys working the guard towers. The forward ops, the fobs like those are harder to get to but we did one or two of those but i would say that like you know when um uh i'm trying to think like there was a lot of legendary uso performers from bob hope through today's times where like they could do whatever they want they had a blank check like, I want to go here and there and whatever. But it's really a tour where they bring on multiple acts or whatever. And then the guy who took us out, he also was doing his own business. So for a day, he
Starting point is 00:20:13 would disappear to Pakistan to work a deal with them. And then he'd join us at another gig. Did they give you rules of what you can talk about? There was some of that, but I think at the end of the day, they would definitely judge. They're like, please don't do that. rules of what you can talk about? There was some of that, but I think at the end of the day, you know, you know, like, there were definitely jokes that were like,
Starting point is 00:20:29 please don't do that, or like, you know, it doesn't, it's not appropriate, but, you know, What do you mean, really, for these fucking 19-year-old pieces of shit? Well, but... In a good way, pieces of shit, I mean. Yeah, yeah, yeah, but no, I'm saying, like, it was not coming from the troops, it was coming from the, you know, they're afraid of, like, insulting people or customs, but I, you know, they're afraid of like insulting people or customs.
Starting point is 00:20:45 But I, you know, I don't do that. And I'm not political. There was like, I remember a couple of comics would go over there and go like, try and talk politics with them. I'm like, dude, you can't do that. You know, they're on a mission. You know, like, it's like, they're not political. You shouldn't American politics like I'm here. But in terms of like the local food, I can't tell you like how the falafel was or like, you know, we weren't allowed to do that, you know.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Wow. But I did get to see something which, you know, and, and, and to this day always makes me a little emotional. It's like, I saw them back in the day where like the girls were allowed to go to school and that no longer is the case. So that's very sad. Nobody really talks about that. Yeah. When they were, the girls were allowed to go to school and they would show the troops, you know, like kind of escorting them to school every day. Because we were there? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:29 They weren't allowed to go. Oh, wow. Interesting. And then, you know, now it's back to kind of Taliban style. So, you know, it's very sad. It's really sad. Did you talk to them? You like to talk to people off the shows.
Starting point is 00:21:40 You talk to the troops and stuff? Yeah. Most of the USO is where you kind of like, you go to the chow hall and you sit down with them and you talk to them. And anybody who wants pictures and you do all that kind of stuff. So it's kind of like they get to talk to somebody from home. But, you know, these are today's troops. It's not like Band of Brothers where like they're writing letters. It's like they go online and they're like dealing, you know.
Starting point is 00:22:02 Exactly. You're not like gone anymore. You have your fucking internet time. They game a lot. They game. They're doing the games and they're dealing. Exactly. You're not gone anymore. You have your fucking internet time. They game a lot. They game. They're doing the games. But it's still like a drag. I mean, it really is the monotony and then the terror of that kind of gig.
Starting point is 00:22:16 So I didn't ever serve, so I felt like this was a chance to give back. But there's other bases, like all through Africa. There's bases that I would do if I would. They have some in Germany too, right? Don't they have some in Germany where people are like, we're not at war, but you can still entertain the troops? Oh, yeah. No, Germany is always the midpoint when you do USO because that's where all their flights go in and out of usually. So you fly from the States to Germany.
Starting point is 00:22:39 And then from there, you will connect to the Middle East or if you're going to go. Now that there's all these nato countries like in norway and finland and stuff like that i wonder if they'll do uso tours through there because the troops will be going all over that i guess it's just to entertain wherever they are yeah exactly and then there's also like in germany and europe there's also the uh the families of the troops you know because they have like housing for them so they kind of you know like when you ever meet somebody it's like i grew up up in Germany, you know, my dad was in the army or something like that. That's those people. So they will come to the show just cause they're like,
Starting point is 00:23:09 this is American stuff. And we're kind of disconnected, you know, but that was, you know, Germany's beautiful. And like, you know, pretty much, you know, it's, uh, it's totally get off the base. Yeah. Yeah. Well that, not only that, but it's just like, um, it's kind of better than here, you know? So you're like walking around, keep your car unlocked. My brother lost his job. He got downsized, I think, in Germany. Oh, really? And they give you 80% of your salary for two years.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Wow. And I was like, are you going to find another job? He goes, maybe you didn't hear what I said. That's great. Yeah, that is awesome. Yeah. But there's so many places I wish, like, you know, Turkey is another big road to Spain. They have a big naval base.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Do you ever say no to any of these places? I couldn't do them. I couldn't do them like the last couple of years only because of family issues. But yeah, I still like would like to be a part of it, you know. But I think it's really about the next generation of comics. There's so many big names now that they really would get off on. Yeah, there were.
Starting point is 00:24:04 I've always wanted to go and I couldn't get my fucking Jews to let me off for a week to go do it. There were a lot of no-names guys, though, too. Like, Simone always went. Oh, yeah, for sure. Like, the majority of the people doing these USOs around the world are bands. You know, like, they're kind of garage bands or
Starting point is 00:24:19 cover bands and, like, comics, magicians, like, all that kind of entertainment. Because they do pay you, but I never took the money. Like, you all that, all that kind of entertainment. Cause they do pay you, but I never took the money. Like you can donate it back into the USO. Yeah. So, well, it's, it's service. I thought it was just government money.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Yeah, it is. But it's still, no, no, it's not from the government. It's actually a, it's a charity like funded kind of thing. So, but you get the government transport and everything. Anyway, they do very well. They treat everybody really well. And the troops are there, like they're there to like you know they honestly it's like every experience was unique but i i love that you like go on the road like you're able to like you know for me especially in the beginning of comedy i couldn't take a day off and now 37 years in i can take a day off now
Starting point is 00:25:01 but it's still like after two or three days if i'm not on stage stage after two days, I'm like, I better get back out there. Would you find if you went to one of those places and you didn't have a show that night, would you go like, are there any shows around here I can get on? Cause I have nothing else to do. Right. You know, I really like, that's what I do. Yeah. And it was, it was really like, I used to tell, as I would Tom a lot too, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:25:20 so where do you work out? What are you doing? He's like, there's like a, they do this weird show every other Thursdayursday and i'm like oh man like i don't know like i would need like more stage time but i think by now especially in amsterdam you've been there it's got a good scene yeah i was just there they've got a good scene well then you should thank tom for that because he was probably one of the founders of that scene you know i might have the best comedy scene in in europe yeah take me through it because i've only done england uh ireland and i guess germany with the usa and then it's a great scene like the local shows like the non-headliner shows are packed really yeah and they all speak english there
Starting point is 00:25:55 um but when i was there they would just applaud they didn't laugh they're learning okay i had to scold my audience in sweden right. After every joke, they'd applause. And like 20 minutes in, I was like, guys, what are you doing? Wow. And I was like, don't applaud. Like, laugh or don't laugh. And then the next joke, literally the next joke, they started and they all stopped. And I was like, guys, you're overthinking it. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:18 If it moves you to laugh, laugh. I just think it's not there. They see you as a performer. Copenhagen's really good. And that's what they do with a performer what about you know Louis Katz another really funny guy special on YouTube we work a lot of shows he's been to Eastern Europe
Starting point is 00:26:32 more than I can you know like he's been to Turkey a bunch too he's been to Brazil a lot too I think he speaks a little Portuguese but like I know he's done like a lot of these East European countries so wait hold on I think I'm one of the best can I. I think I'm one of the best. Can I say,
Starting point is 00:26:45 I think I'm one of the best guests you've ever had on the show. Let's talk about the special real quick. Not talk about it, but what is it's on Netflix right now. What's it called? Hot cross buns, hot cross buns. And for those of who my,
Starting point is 00:26:59 my fan base, which I don't know, you've never really worked with me on the road, but I have a really good crowd. And like I say it on every show, because they deserve the props. They're good. They get the jokes.
Starting point is 00:27:09 They don't really have any kind of like. When he says they deserve the props, don't misunderstand what he's saying. No, no. The proppers is what he means. Yeah. Like they deserve all the attention they can get because they're really good,
Starting point is 00:27:19 not just for me, but for all the guys that bring out. Yeah. All the, they have multiple people that they follow. It's not like just one, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:27:25 I just like this person. They know a lot about comedy and they still pick to come see me. So I appreciate it. I would say you might want to cover your ears for this. Um, cause I know how you get, but like Dave is one of, is probably the best comic in New York,
Starting point is 00:27:38 which means the world. So like, if you guys ever want to go see a special, this is the one to see hot cross buns on Netflix right now. Um, I like how you made me regional. I like that. I'm a New York guy. I say it, but then it's like saying you're a good jazz musician in New York.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Yeah, but how am I compared to the best guy in Kyrgyzstan? Do you ever meet comics from these nothing town places? That was another. In comedy, you do it a long time, and you realize things are like, even though it's not a real job, but you realize just like the impact, like, that it has around the world and just how there were guys starting to come in. It used to be England, right? You remember, oh, there's like Jimmy Carr. I know him really well. Like, you know, these English people.
Starting point is 00:28:20 And then it was like, you know, the Irish guys, of course, you know, now it's everywhere. It's people from everywhere. It's everywhere. It's people from everywhere. It's everywhere. Yeah. They all, and they all do, cause the internet, they all see American comics, especially with translate on the fucking YouTube. Yeah. They're just in.
Starting point is 00:28:33 And that's another thing as a guy who's a very, uh, you know, I'm not really a digital guy, like the, the impact that has on them. And then when they come, come here, you know, it's pretty amazing. I mean, talk about like, there's guys who have like legitimate careers in other countries. There's at least two or three of them that like I'm really big in Brazil or I'm really big in France. And they kind of give it up to come to New York to be like a regular like us,
Starting point is 00:28:55 like showcase comic. You know, I'm making 50 bucks, which I guess in their country they could buy a house or something. Like Rafi Bastos where I'm like, dude, you just came here for 40 bucks. Yeah, right. Why don't you just star there? Yeah, so it's like,
Starting point is 00:29:06 you know, they kind of like are really sacrificing a lot to come to the New York comedy scene. But this is the proving grounds. I guess so.
Starting point is 00:29:12 This is like, if you want to be that, be that. And the crowds also are more international too. You know, a lot of people get off a plane,
Starting point is 00:29:18 they go to the comedy cellar, you know, they sit in there with their rolling bag. I mean, I personally haven't done enough overseas comedy to kind of judge it,
Starting point is 00:29:27 but I would say that guys tour internationally. I don't think it'll ever be as big as music. I think music is international, but comedy seems to be kind of edging its way up. You can get out there. It's a lot less money. I do it because it's fun, but it's a lot less money. You're better off going to Kansas City. Do you think that you had wished like, um, well, when, when do you think like you you've always been a traveler though, right? Nah, probably 10, 12 years ago. I really
Starting point is 00:29:53 got going. Yeah. And I remember when you told me you go into Ecuador and I called you a coward running from the pandemic, but I was like, that is really cool. I know. But I was like, that's really cool. Cause I wouldn't, I wouldn't do that. You know, like I just wouldn't do it. Like it would be like, yeah, it could have been any country
Starting point is 00:30:09 and I would be like, I just can't be away that long. I was looking down the barrel of what I saw Soto do once at the airport to go to Phoenix, like turn around, the shows are all canceled because of the COVID.
Starting point is 00:30:17 I'm like, I don't want to do that for fucking who knows how long. Right. Let me wait this out somewhere. Well, you know, Sarajevo I heard
Starting point is 00:30:23 was like the place. For what? In Serbia. Like during the pandemic, it's like, there's like these world party cities, me wait this out somewhere well you know Sarajevo I heard was like the place for Serbia like during during the pandemic it's it's like there's like these world party cities you know about them like in Lebanon like Beirut used to be like the city yeah France and all that kind of stuff and also Serbia uh uh Sarajevo there's a couple of these like world party you know cities that like I was like yeah you should just go to Serbia or something like that. Yeah, have fun. It was a blast. Were there ever fights and shit on these army bases?
Starting point is 00:30:48 No. You know what? A lot of them, they're not allowed to do any kind of drinking or anything like that. But in the ones where there was drinking, you know, it was just a lot of talking mostly. Just like, you know, their disconnect, because a lot of them deployed, you know, for so long. Like, you know, it's almost like, do you watch this show Seinfeld? You know, it's like, yeah, 20 years ago. It's like, sorry, buddy, you know, but now I think with satellites and all that kind of stuff, they're kind of up on it on, on everything. But it's also, you get to meet like those kids that like, you know, when they bring their whole
Starting point is 00:31:17 family and you're like, why are these, why, why is their whole family here? It's like, they just have nothing American to see, you know, like they want to see somebody from the America, you know, you mean here to see somebody from the America, you know. Oh, you mean here, you mean at the shows? At the shows, yeah. They would bring like a family. You're like, I'm not a family act. I don't know what these people are doing here.
Starting point is 00:31:30 It must be so fucking boring to be in like on an army base for two years. No, I think it depends where you are. But it's also like if you're in Germany, dude, that's pretty fun, man, you know. And then if you're like, you have a week off, you're like, I'm going to Frankfurt. Yeah, well, that's how they used to sell the military, which is like, you know, can you imagine? And then you can see all of Europe. But you've also toured some of the, as a member of the tribe, you've been through Poland and Russia. Have you been in any of those places?
Starting point is 00:31:55 Okay. Avi never let me do any of the fucking Israel gigs. Really? Because he was like, you're too dirty. But you did them. No, I never did. I've never been there. And I also like a as a heavy
Starting point is 00:32:05 smoker well you got a lot of this travel is crazy hard on us you know because it's like 22 hours in a tube dude i was in ljubljana slovenia yeah they have uh in their bars they have smoking rooms how cool is that it was very cool but you know that was the thing about brazil like we did it as a joke but it's true like you could still smoke everywhere i doubt you could now like ireland when ireland went down like we were there i think just as they were trying to get smoking out of the bars and like smelling it was like in new york where you smell a bar without the smoke in it you're like you really want this oh it's just piss and fill and throw up and like i was like i can't believe these bars are hundreds of years old yeah and i was like why would you guys ever quit that? But they were trying to be all healthy.
Starting point is 00:32:45 You know, I was talking to someone at the cellar and they were like, she was like, Oh, I've been there. I'm like, it seems like I should be smoking there. And she was like,
Starting point is 00:32:51 yeah, it really does. It used to be. Yeah. It seems like you would put up with it for one night. That's your clothes smelling like shit. Oh, one night.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Cause it would go in here. Well, I think that, that, that the, when New York went non-smoking, cause I remember I was like, this is never going to work. But everyone adjusts to it immediately.
Starting point is 00:33:09 They still go to these bars. And now the sheds that they have and everything, the sound is so filthy. It's almost like going into a bar now is like going to a hospital. That's like the streets are just filth, and going inside is a little better, whatever. But now let's do what my friends always talk about like you know we all have rich friends right yeah so they're always going on safaris have you been on a safari no no i think that's super
Starting point is 00:33:36 privileged for comedy he did yeah he was once i think nairobi for comedy or kenya and uh and the guys running the gigs like do you want to do a safari with your wife? And they were like, sure, okay. And it was all these like 65-year-old well-to-dos. And then they kept looking at Monroe like a young black. And it was like, what do you do for a living? He's like, I'm just a comic. Is there anything I know? And he was like, no.
Starting point is 00:33:56 And they were like, waited for like another day. Like, how are you affording this? This cost us a whole year's retirement. He goes, it's a free trip for me well yeah that's another thing I've never felt that need to go on a safari but I've had friends that have done it and you know what they do
Starting point is 00:34:12 they show you the pictures look at that I'm like yeah that's an elephant right oh look a tiger but then they have to explain how close they were to it I mean like this thing was like right there and I'm like okay so yeah you were really close I mean that would suck was right there. And I'm like, OK, so yeah, you were really close. And then what else?
Starting point is 00:34:26 I mean, that would suck if you had to go all the way to Africa. And now you're looking at them through glasses. I mean, I could turn on my TV. But I guess that's another part of me. It's like, yeah, I'm not that into that. Yeah, you're just really not into it at all. I think I'm dead inside. And I think it's sad.
Starting point is 00:34:40 I think you might be. I mean, I used to camp all the time. I was in the scouts. And I know you guys do all this kind of like outdoor, like you do skiing and camping. Yeah. Isn't that what you do? What happened? I just got over it.
Starting point is 00:34:51 I just like, it was, I always love packing. I love packing for camping. Like when I was in the scouts, it was like, okay, I'm going to need this. And you know, but then when you get out there, it was, I was like, okay, it's raining. You know, we're cooking bacon again. You know, we're high. Like we'd get high and everything, you know, it's like, okay, this is cool. And now we have to get back raining you know we're cooking bacon again you know we're high like we get high and everything you know okay this is cool and now we have to get back you know and then we you know my
Starting point is 00:35:09 mom would take care of all that clothes off don't bring it in the house you know whatever so yeah i'm not a fun i'm not a fun date you got any tips for travel i do yeah pack light boom that's a good one pack light um that's a lot of people have that one here's here's build up not down here's another thing when i um you know uh you know whenever i go to a road gig i always like have to buy like my you know even if i'm there for only three days or a week whatever you know foot spray you can also use it on your mattress to look for bed bugs so you could spray everything you know foot spray you know like bed bugs well it what's everything, you know, foot spray, you know, like bed bugs. Well, it, what's my call it. It'll like, it should, I mean like it, it, it basically, you know, kind of forced them to serve it. I think, you know, they say that you should make
Starting point is 00:35:56 that up or just want to tell you that. Well, I think I've done that. So that's what I do. It makes me feel better. So I'm not going to say that. We'll see if it works. So that's a gray area one. And then what's the other thing? Okay. Put everything in the, if it's got a safe, it's not safe, but use the safe. You know, like a room where like the safe doesn't work. Yeah. Have you ever had one of those?
Starting point is 00:36:20 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you're like, wait, is this a problem? And you're like, nah. Oh, before you unpack, make sure the air conditioning and the shower works because you might have to change rooms oh yeah that's a good that's a good tip because you're like have you used the room you want to be like no it's in the same condition no but you've already laid out all your things and whatnot so i would say that those are those are pretty good ones and there's no late night food anywhere so that's not your problem put it in your little refrigerator do you go oh that's a good one so when you go to these places the uso shit or, you're on an army base, you are a late night guy.
Starting point is 00:36:49 What the fuck do you do after 11? Well, I know a lot of guys who like the USO was awesome because they were like basically guys living in their car. So we go on these extended tours with the USO because they fed them, they paid them, and they gave them a place to stay. So they basically were like kind of like couch surfing with the military. So I was going to say after the show, cause I don't usually eat like one meal a day and I can't eat before I go on. But like when I work with Louie, this guy's a foodie,
Starting point is 00:37:15 he loves food. But I have to tell you, like, you know, I've never seen it so bad in terms of late night food. Like there's a couple of towns that do it great. Like it was in Vegas where you can still get some decent, really good late night food.
Starting point is 00:37:27 But, um, and by the way, if you go to Vegas, there is a, uh, awesome late night Chinese place. Ping pong,
Starting point is 00:37:34 Pang. I wish I was making it. It sounds like you're making it up. Funny guy. Sounds like you're making it up. There's a great late night Chinese. And it was awesome, man.
Starting point is 00:37:42 It was like two in the morning. It sounds like a joke. I know. Right. No, no way. That's not, I was like two in the morning we were eating there sounds like a joke I know right there's no way that's not I was like did Don Rickles name this place
Starting point is 00:37:48 ping pong pong but it was great so anyway I would say that the late night food thing is really kind of the saddest of like so what do you do
Starting point is 00:37:55 what do you do when you're in Uzbekistan or wherever the fuck you went those kind of places you're on military time so do they they have like meals during the day
Starting point is 00:38:01 because they have multiple shifts of guys so they'll like walk you through a cafeteria and they have like sandwiches. You can just grab one of those. Do you pay for shit or do you just get it? No, no. It's, you're, you're, you know, like it's under the, you know, it's the base, the base,
Starting point is 00:38:17 it's the military. It's part of the experience, you know? So you don't have to like, you don't have to. Yeah, the troops aren't going out of pocket. That's part of them being in the military. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I figured it's like dining hall where you get a certain amount of food
Starting point is 00:38:26 to use a month. No, no, no. It's nothing like that. It's, it's, it's,
Starting point is 00:38:29 you can go in there and like, but it's not open all the time. It's not like, like on an aircraft carrier, they have like shifts of guys that go into eat. There's only a guy getting off work at midnight. No, they have like multiple shifts,
Starting point is 00:38:40 like three shifts a night, three shifts a day, you know, whatever that is on 16 off. So, you know, it's cool. Cause it's military food. So it's like big, it's like, you know, whatever that is. Eight on, 16 off. So, you know, it's cool because it's military food. So it's like big. It's like, you know, you want eggs and waffles and all that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:38:54 I heard there was like, they used to have in D.C. I worked at Arlington National Cemetery. And there was guys who worked too many on the soldier. Marines. But it was like the cushiest job. No, they're the army. They're the old guard. The guys who guard the. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Yeah. All they do is do push-ups and play poker all day. And then it was like, my shift. See you guys. I thought they have to be a certain height to be... Maybe. But they're just bored waiting for their shift. So they're just like, let's fuck off.
Starting point is 00:39:14 Well, yeah. I mean, it's their downtime. But still, like, talk about, like, a hard gig. First of all, people are terrible. They don't give their respect when they go see the tomb of the unknown soldier. And then these guys have to stand like that in the sun or in the in the cold or the rain you know like they have to be there and like it's like those palace guards where people try and screw with them yeah you know it's really i think it's really inappropriate to do that but uh when i would do the um the uh in dc where like that you know, like a lot of military stuff going on there. We went to the Pentagon one time.
Starting point is 00:39:46 We also went to, you know, the medical stuff there because that's like, you know, John Hopkins. No, no, no. It's it's the Walter Reed to read. Yeah. And like that is like, you know, from Civil War times, you know, to him. And, you know, guys coming out of the rehab. We visit a lot of hospitals. It's very sad. And like, you know, that just seeing the guys coming out of the rehab, we, we visit a lot of hospitals.
Starting point is 00:40:05 It's very sad. And like, uh, you know, that's part of it as well, where you're supposed to go in and like, you know, some of the troops, I remember going in one time and the guy had no idea who I was and he was, uh, in rehabilitation and you know, like, you're just trying to be like, you know, you really don't know what to do, but you're like, how's it going? And the guy goes, how's it going? I was shot. And I'm like, whoa, I get it. Dude, I get it. It's just something to say, bro. It's just something to say.
Starting point is 00:40:27 I get it. You know, it's like, I'm not going to be able to patch Adam out of this one. Then I immediately go and like, yeah, but it's a cool score, I bet. And you know, blah, blah, blah. They're like, you know, can you leave? Remember that episode of Seinfeld
Starting point is 00:40:39 where he's like bombing in front of the cancer kids? And he's like, I'm coming back tomorrow hard. He's like, that's some prepared material. He goes, I'm not going to bomb again. There is some of that. It's like, is this back tomorrow hard he's like that's some prepared material he goes I'm not gonna bomb again there is some of that it's like is this appropriate like you're sure
Starting point is 00:40:47 we should be doing this did you ever do those shows for like two people well I remember doing a show for like 20 people and it was like these guys did not want us in there they were ordered to watch us
Starting point is 00:40:57 and they were all big Navy guys that were like they worked the base in Qatar and these guys I felt so bad for them because they're like
Starting point is 00:41:03 the CO guy was like you will go in and you will listen to these people they came here to do some kind of show and i was like dude we don't have to do the show and they look so angry like we took up their free time could have been doing sit-ups it's like and then afterwards you will shake hands with these people. Were they all proper? Or were they like laid back dudes? No, they were. Everyone was super cool. And you get to see like, you know, like I, you know, got tons of jokes out of it. Like I remember one time there was a good, there was a, you know, one of the dogs, you know, like the security dog person.
Starting point is 00:41:41 And, you know, like he was in, okay in okay and they're like he's not allowed to leave the base right now he's um he did something wrong i go what did he do he goes he mounted a goat and i go oh that's like an incident like an international incident and he's like he's like he's the badass of the of the dogs like so he can't come out of the wire right now we're kind of like keeping them in here and you know it's just like you know you know how they always say like war brides it would be cool like he brings her home and at the airport you know i love you so that was fun and simone said he had he did one where it was um where he was entertaining them all but then there was like a couple had to be on duty like watching the border so he goes since they couldn't be there they're
Starting point is 00:42:23 like the next day they're like can you entertain those two people oh yeah we we had we had we had the thing where it's like there's some guys who weren't at the show they were on the guard they were on the wire so would you mind go going out there and looking and then you realize how terrifying their job is because you're in the middle of the night you know trying to make as much noise as possible they don't shoot you so you're like uh you know the the CEO guy, he brings you up to them and it's like, yeah, yeah. How's it going?
Starting point is 00:42:48 What's going on? And you're looking at total darkness and you're like, holy shit, this is terrifying, you know? And it smells in there. They pissing in there. Cause they can't leave in the,
Starting point is 00:42:59 in the guard tower. And like, I'm talking like, like a, like a bucket, like a slit trench, you know, with like sandbags around it. And like, you're like realizing, like a, like a slit, like a slit trench, you know, with like sandbags around it.
Starting point is 00:43:05 And like, you're like realizing how you are a target right now, because if somebody was going to blow something up, it would be that. Yeah. Like weigh in. Yeah. So, but that was, yeah. I mean, I, I can't say enough good about what they, you know, the experience. It was really, uh, I was very lucky to be a part of it. So who got you into it?
Starting point is 00:43:21 How'd you do it? I just always wanted to do it. Like, I really, you know told your agent like ask or yeah i i for like a couple of christmases in a row like uh i went to them and then you know there's a couple of charities like that i also were part of but you know this isn't about me i'm not running for congress or anything like that i was just one guy of multiple people that do it you know actually you know like all these like cheerleaders like the dallas cowboy cheerleaders and stuff like like that, they deserve medals because they are out there all the time. Basically, when they're not doing the games,
Starting point is 00:43:50 these people are not getting paid for the games, and they're also not getting paid for this, but they do it as patriots that they go out. They send out the squad to different places. I'm not even sure if they do that anymore. It's probably inappropriate to have cheerleaders on a baseball. I was always like wow this is like uh you know pretty amazing how they have to fly they have to do their makeup they're
Starting point is 00:44:09 getting the dumb costume i mean like you know it's a lot more now where all the cheerleaders are like are like are like doing like the flashy dance and then the they just get into fucking in vietnam they're like rush them like they wanted it so bad i think you have a lot of misinformation could they get hookers could they fuck i don't know i i do know that i do know that like you know in different in different places like they of course go out to strip clubs and stuff like that like i've never been to the philippines but like subic bay during vietnam was like legendary as like strip clubs and whorehouses and all that kind of stuff but i would say that the majority of these bases like in in especially europe the guys probably don't have
Starting point is 00:44:45 enough money to really enjoy it. But when we were in Germany, we saw the guys, all the, all the guys who of course are guys from the United States. A lot of these guys are coming out of like Chicago, you know, Detroit, all these different places. And now they got like a hot German girlfriend and they, and they like, you know, they like the American troops. They like them there. You know, they probably love that they're there now because of the way things are going in the world. But it's just like, these guys, it must blow their mind. These guys. It's like back in the hood.
Starting point is 00:45:15 Plus, not even the hood. What if you're in some small nothing town? Same thing with Korea. I never did those bases. I wanted to do that. South Korea. And I was kind of hoping after I did Hawaii that we would be able be able to go there we couldn't figure it out but you dude i mean like how many weeks a year are you on the road 24 weeks of stand-up and then more for other shit
Starting point is 00:45:35 wow amazing see i i try to limit it because i'll go nuts gonna have some home time. I honestly, at this age, I'm like, you know, I can usually do about three on, three weekends. It's not like three full tilt weeks, but three on and then a week back. But now, like, I don't feel like I'm really missing anything here. There's a lot of, you know, stuff you got to do here. But then the road itself was like, it's so difficult to get anywhere. Like, you know, you're talking about international travel. Like, that would be my biggest fear is that i'm over like even canada like i haven't been there in a while just like do the show and then i'm stuck there and i have to get
Starting point is 00:46:11 home for like family or something like that you know going to halifax for the first time really yeah in april stop bragging well i hope you love scrimshaw because you're gonna get plenty of it i hope you love caricatures. It's vicious. What else did you notice about these basses? Tell me another observation about these basses. I think I've told you more than you need to know. Some people would be like,
Starting point is 00:46:33 oh, I never would have expected that. Well, you go to the PX. That's the fun. Okay, what is that? The PX is where they buy their stuff. Like toothpaste? Everything. Some of them are super elaborate.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Some of them are just like, they got a couple of things. Like, you know, like when you go into a hotel, they have like that stuff. It's like super expensive. Well, now this is way cheaper, you know? But I remember when I was there, like, you know, you talked about like Vietnam, like Playboys and stuff like that. They had nothing like that. They had Maxim magazines.
Starting point is 00:46:59 You know, that was like their kind of beat off thing. They probably don't have any of that. But these guys can web it up anyhow. They can get on the web. But I was like, you know, they have really cool stuff. Like, like, you know, K-bar knives and like all these kind of, like if you're into that kind of stuff, like gear. Like brass knuckles?
Starting point is 00:47:14 Yeah, it's like I need new knee pads because I'm going in on a, I'm busting down doors and stuff. So they have like all that kind of stuff that I, you know, like it's always cool to look at. But yeah, you could buy, you know, like anything there, like a vacuum, like for something like they, like it's their store, you know? Yeah. And at the Pentagon, it was always like way cheaper.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Like toothpaste would cost like 40 cents. Oh, wait, I have the ultimate trip for you. I watched this on, um, I watched a lot of documentaries, but you know, um, actually there is a comic, um, Dr. Ken, uh, no doctor out of denver javago no out of do you know a guy the the veterinarian out of oh wait he's a great guy he's a great guy the one does wipe out no he he uh actually does documentaries about like you know like he went to um antarctica or arctic where is the one with penguins that's north right no south maybe south okay anyway they have a base down there where the people are there for
Starting point is 00:48:12 like eight months yeah okay so that would be a cool like hit they also have like you know you're there like for the for the uh whatever the winter season like this really hard to get people out if there's a problem they're gonna have to deal with there. So that would be a place for you to go, man, eight months in the door doing your act to the same five geologists. Heard it. More geology jokes. The ultimate special.
Starting point is 00:48:36 Have you ever burrow for your poop? But that'd be great for like, where do you, where do you sell that special? Like, you know, Netflix. Definitely biggest special in our.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Geo, Nat Geo. All right, Dave. Well, like you know Netflix definitely biggest special in America Gio Nat Gio alright Dave well I was hoping to leave on a laugh I laughed it wasn't bad
Starting point is 00:48:53 do you ever just throw a dart at the at the at the map and go hey and then just
Starting point is 00:48:59 masturbate what do you do I want to do when I do Patreon I want to do one of them where I go like, I'm going to throw a dart at the board and then just go. Really? Well, go to Iceland.
Starting point is 00:49:11 I've heard that's great too. The rules. It is? Yeah. It's awesome. Rules. And that's not a bad flight, right? No, it's cheaper.
Starting point is 00:49:17 And also you can get free layover. If you're going to like Denmark, you have to go kind of open and down. So if you have a layover in Iceland, wow, airlines and Iceland air goes, you can make your layover go five days for free. Really? My brother's a pilot. So he's, he's hit all these kinds of cool places,
Starting point is 00:49:31 you know, where does he fly to Epstein Island? What? No, he's a real pilot. He's a, what's your call? You imagine going to the military training as a pilot to fly for fucking
Starting point is 00:49:41 Jeffrey Epstein. Well, I guess he's trained. I guess, you know, the whole idea is like if the flight is, because that can't, I'm looking at it now, that can't be more than four hours, right? Five hours. You go up like this and the world comes under you
Starting point is 00:49:54 and then you go back down. So it like. Wow. I don't know why you don't just go straight across, but that's how you're supposed to do it. Yeah. Yeah, I think it's under five. This isn't a love letter to flat earthing is it
Starting point is 00:50:05 there's my laugh alright this special is called Hot Gross Buns on Netflix Dave thank you you don't have some kind of like safe travels and blah blah blah I want to have a good sign off I'm looking for like sign offs
Starting point is 00:50:21 you got anything? you don't want to sign R or we didn't go to fucking Japan. Yeah. No, you can't. That'll start something. But I can't think of anything. Buckle up.
Starting point is 00:50:33 Maybe no. What did the USO say? Didn't they used to go blow chalks when you were out of there? They go, Sierra Bravo. Thank you for your service. So anyway, thanks for having me, buddy. You're welcome.
Starting point is 00:50:44 And I'm on the road all the time. So go check thanks for having me, buddy. You're welcome. And I'm on the road all the time, so go check me out, I hope to see you guys live at a show. And this guy, super funny. And, you know... Your problem is you defer to everybody. No, no. You always try to promote everybody else. I really think that you're... I always love when you're on the same show with me
Starting point is 00:50:59 down in the New York clubs, because I'm like, okay, this guy, he's definitely going to be trying something. You know, it's worth watching and I want to see what he's up to. It is fun when you go, how were they? And I'll be like, good or bad.
Starting point is 00:51:09 Or sometimes I'm like, oh, they're good. I was bad. And you're like, okay, good to know. Yeah, sometimes it is the comic and that's me. I went in hard.
Starting point is 00:51:16 I went in with like straight gang jokes to start. Probably not the best idea. You really, yeah. You hit him with full guns as they say. All right, buddy. All right, Dave. Thank you. Thank you, buddy. Well, that's the episode, everybody. Don hit him with full guns, as they say. All right, buddy. All right, Dave.
Starting point is 00:51:25 Thank you. Thank you, buddy. Well, that's the episode, everybody. Don't forget to go watch Hot Cross Buns on Netflix right now. It's David Tell's hilarious new special, 40 minutes only. And stay for the end because it gets ridiculous. And also, don't forget to go see me at the Capitol Turnaround in Washington, D.C. on April 26th or 27th. There's still tickets available.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Halifax added a show, and all of Australia is on sale now, and Ontario, Toronto for April 6th. The second show is still on sale. And that's the episode, you guys. If you liked it, as always, leave a comment on YouTube, send it around. Let people know what you feel about this podcast. You can subscribe to at UBTrippinPod on YouTube, UBTrippinPod on socials. So subscribe to the Instagram page and listen everywhere at UBTrippin. Guys, that's it.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Hope you had a good time. Where will life take you next? Oh, I know. Let's do a fun outro. Guys, no matter who you are or what you love in the world, don't ever stop trippin', everybody. You be trippin', I be trippin', we all be trippin'. Until next week, oh, next week we have Monroe Martin talking about Nairobi, it's gonna be a great episode.
Starting point is 00:52:45 He slept in the Sahara, woke up with the most beautiful sunsets in the world, you guys look at the YouTube for that one, for sure, subscribe and look at the YouTube for that one. Monroe Martin, next week, that was a great one. I mean I wanna go there so bad, I gotta explore Africa. Anyway, where you guys trippin' to next? On You Be Trippin'.
Starting point is 00:53:05 See you next week.

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