You Be Trippin' - Welcome to You Be Trippin'!

Episode Date: August 24, 2022

Welcome to my new travel podcast! Each week a guest and I will talk in detail about some faraway place. Ari Shaffir loves to travel! And You Be Trippin’ will be a celebration of people who get out i...nto the world and the experiences they have out there. This is not a guide, and we're not here to walk in someone else's path, but to blaze our own trails! Be careful, it's gonna make you want to book a flight and pack your bags! New episodes begin September 26 (Rosh Hashanah)! Please subscribe now. Tell a friend or three about it, get inspired and get out in the world. You Be Trippin' -- the new travel podcast from stand-up comedian Ari Shaffir.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody, and welcome to You Be Trippin'. Oh man, I'm excited about this. I really am. I've been planning this for a while. It's a travel podcast, and this is the introductory episode. So, let me tell you what it's going to be. My name's Ari Shaffir. If there's one thing you know about me, and a lot of people know about this, about me,
Starting point is 00:00:20 it's that I love to travel. You know, I love to get out there and see the world and get my feet wet and my hands dirty. Maybe you're like me. Maybe you're a lot like me. Maybe you caught a serious case of wanderlust. Well, then this podcast is for you. You be tripping. That's right, you guys.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Everybody has their adventures. Now, that's what I want to hear about. I want to hear about people's adventures in faraway places. I'm not as interested in which restaurants to eat at or what sites to see. This is not a guidebook. If you're looking for a guidebook, go find that. This is about experiences, about what there is. I want to hear what the smells were like. I want to hear about what the bathrooms were like. I want to hear about what types of food to eat. What were the people like? What did you get into when you were in a place? I don't want to walk in someone else's path. I want to blaze my own trails, you know? And I want you to blaze your own trails too. And this podcast is meant to inspire me and you to do exactly that. Hearing about these adventures
Starting point is 00:01:21 is going to motivate you, you know? To finally get out there and take that trip you've been wanting to take for so long. You've been putting off. God, it's an exciting world out there. It really is. And these stories aren't meant for you to copy. They're meant to amaze you. They're meant to inspire you to do your own thing, to have your own unique experiences.
Starting point is 00:01:44 You know, not everybody's a traveler. That's just the fact. And I don't think I was for a while. I remember when I really got started is I got sent for stand-up comedy to China. Shanghai, Beijing, and Hong Kong. To do stand-up. And I was hooked after that. I was hooked and I wanted to see everywhere.
Starting point is 00:02:02 I wanted to go all over the world. I've been to 33 countries over six continents. And that's not nearly enough. I want to see more. And these conversations that I've had with people have made me, I don't know, they made me want to pack my bags and get out there again. Like as soon as I'm done with every guest, we both just sit there quietly and we just like, we just sigh because it's like hearing about these
Starting point is 00:02:32 stories, it just unlocks something in you. And that's what it's going to be. It's going to be funny. Obviously I'm a standup comedian, so we're going to make jokes about it, but every episode is going to be about one place in the world by someone who has been there you know i'm going to repeat places for sure um i'm going to repeat guests because they've been to more than one place but one person's you know uh madrid is going to be way different than someone else's madrid depends what into. You know, maybe you're into food. So sure, your Paris is going to be way different than someone else's Paris who's into
Starting point is 00:03:09 literature. You get what I'm saying, don't you? It's a travel podcast, you guys. We all go on trips. We all go on trips. We all want to get in a plane and go out there and see a new place. So, let's do it.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Sign up. Tell a friend. Subscribe right now. Tell a friend. Maybe this will be the thing that makes you get out and go see the world. Guys, it's a wide world out there and life is short. You be tripping. Let's go places.

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