Young and Profiting with Hala Taha - Jason Fladlien: Become a Master of Influence and Persuasion | E229 | Part 2

Episode Date: June 23, 2023

During the dawn of the Internet, Jason Fladlien started experimenting with online business. Since then, he’s built up an impressive resume including selling over $500M worth of products and services... using webinars and releasing the best-selling book One to Many: The Secret to Webinar Success. Jason also co-founded Rapid Crush, where he delivered and executed the most successful affiliate product launch in Internet history. In Part 2 of this episode, Jason will teach us how to leverage human behavior in all of our marketing efforts. He will share some of his best actionable tips on how to transform an audience, not just inform them. This episode is chock full of practical and tactical advice, so get ready to take some notes!   Jason Fladlien is one of the most successful online entrepreneurs in the world. In fact, Joe Polish has called him “one of the top 5 living marketers on the planet.” Jason is often called in by 7, 8, and even 9-figure companies to help them with their marketing. To date, he is the only marketer Zoom specifically brought in to help its own users with webinars!  In this episode, Hala and Jason will discuss:  - How to keep people watching your webinar - The perfect length of a webinar - Reducing the limiting beliefs of your customers - How to transform, not inform, your audience - Performing ecological checks on your audience - How to navigate larger markets - Why success is in “the 10,000 hours” - And other topics… Jason Fladlien is known as the quarter-billion-dollar webinar man. His pitch webinars have set records in the information, coaching, affiliate, and software space. He draws upon his eclectic background for inspiration, from being a Hare Krsna monk and a rapper born and raised in the small town of Muscatine, Iowa. Jason has risen to the top of several industries including information products, software, coaching, consulting, speaking, and eCommerce. Jason is often called in by 7, 8, and even 9-figure companies to help them with their marketing. To date, he is the only marketer Zoom specifically brought in to help its own users with webinars. These days Jason spends much of his focus on Strategic Positioning – whereas other marketers try to figure out the best recipes and how to be the best chef, Jason figures out how to get the best ingredients in place first. Resources Mentioned: Jason’s Website: Jason’s LinkedIn: Jason’s Twitter: Jason’s Instagram: Jason’s Facebook: Jason’s Podcast The Jason Fladlien Show Jason’s book One to Many:  LinkedIn Secrets Masterclass, Have Job Security For Life: Use code ‘podcast’ for 30% off at Sponsored By:  Shopify - Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at One Skin - Go to and use code PROFITING to get 15% off! The Kelly Roach Show - Listen to The Kelly Roach Show on Apple, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts. Millionaire University - So take the next step to earning 7 figures with your business… listen to The Millionaire University Podcast! Nom Nom - Go to for 50% off on your two-week trial More About Young and Profiting Download Transcripts - Get Sponsorship Deals - Leave a Review - Watch Videos - Follow Hala Taha LinkedIn - Instagram - TikTok - Twitter - Learn more about YAP Media Agency Services - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode of YAP is sponsored in part by Shopify. Shopify simplifies selling online and in-person so you can focus on successfully growing your business. Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at slash profiting. Your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is this. Let's go, let's go! Show up on day one, work out with us for 30 minutes. Feel good right away.
Starting point is 00:00:22 Yoh! Repeat five days a week for 3 weeks. 3 weeks? 5 workouts a week. We're a body, and we call that a body block. You pick the block, and you're going to love the experience. On week 4, this part is really important. Take the week off.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Seriously, we meet it. Rest. Go on vacation. Or try something new. Maybe some yoga. Notice you're not holding on to any tension here. Or a dance class. You get to succeed where did daddy.
Starting point is 00:00:48 You do you. And then start again. Be committed to this process. Choose a new body block each month. Get a new challenge each month. Have fun every day. Avoid burnout. You're not going to quit on yourself today.
Starting point is 00:01:00 This is how you reach your goals. You in? There is nothing that we can't do if we work together. Sign up for your first body block today. Visit for a free trial. That's B-O-D-I-D-C-O-M. Are you ready to get started? The first 35 years of my life, I spent trying to prove my worth by being successful. It's a hole in a bucket.
Starting point is 00:01:36 No amount of money that you put into that bucket will fill that hole. The second half of my life is how do I be totally okay with who I am as a spirit, whether I saw a hundred million or a billion dollars or whether I never sell another damn dollar again. That's the goal. There's one thing I know to be true in this business. Most customers are afraid to be vulnerable because if they're vulnerable it puts them in a state where they can be harmed and unfortunately most customers have been harmed before when they put their trust in gurus and they were taken advantage of.
Starting point is 00:02:09 What they care about is they see that you care about them, and you also are showing that you won't give up on them and that you understand them. And there are more fortunes to be made with that than any other technique that I could teach you. What is up, young and profitors? You're listening to YAP, Young and Profiting podcasts where we interview the brightest minds in the world and unpack their wisdom into actionable advice that you can use in your daily life.
Starting point is 00:02:40 I'm your host, Hallitaha. Thanks for tuning in and get ready to listen, learn, and profit. I knew that you mentioned this whole goal is to keep people to the end of the webinar. Why is that so important? Why do you have to keep people to the end of the webinar? Yeah, if they don't see the offer, they can't buy it. That's why, oh, so you're not soliciting the offer till the end, the absolute end. Usually, right?
Starting point is 00:03:14 There are rare exceptions to that. And it's important really quickly to understand why. Like, if you look at, like, the best comedians, they have a setup and then they have a punch line. And the setup is a lot longer than the punch line. And they can't just come out with the punch line. And so for you to have your punch line, your biggest most powerful insight, there needs to be a lot of setup involved, usually.
Starting point is 00:03:36 And so we need to spend the time in order for people to properly evaluate the offer before we show them what the offer is. And that's why we need them to stay till the end to see the offer. Now, a webinar is just the midpoint of a campaign. There's what happens before the webinar, what happens after the webinar. So there are ways on the follow-up, we can get them to see the offer too and so on and so forth. But the other thing too, and this is just sunk costs, fallacy, is people will value that in which they spend their time with. So the more time you spend with something, the more you tend to value it, regardless
Starting point is 00:04:11 of whether that's true or not. And so if I can get you to spend more time with me, you're more likely to buy from me. Now I don't like to do that manipulatively. I think it's a, you don't want to trick your people into buying from you. It's just a poor customer you get at the end of the day, but if you have something of value in one of the ways people can evaluate that value is they say, I don't know. I choose to spend my time with you as opposed to somewhere else. It totally helps to frame in the light what your value really is. It's just another way of doing that. So we got to hook them in. The other thing too is there's active listening and
Starting point is 00:04:42 then there's passive listening. And so in school, we mostly passive listen. We were in the room, we were present, we got our attendance taking, but everything went in one ear and out the other. But if we give people targets to look for and try to find, then their mind starts to be active and they start to interact with what you're teaching not just passively have it wash over them,
Starting point is 00:05:05 which is really important for comprehension, and then therefore through persuasion. How long should our webinars be? Great question. My average webinar is about four hours. Now, out of context, I sound insane. So, let me contextualize it, right? The slides that I have for my webinar prepared for it
Starting point is 00:05:23 will take me usually between 75 to 90 minutes. Depending on the price point, depending on how sophisticated the offer is to impact, depending on the audience, et cetera, et cetera. But a good rule of thumb is that the formal portion of the presentation should end between 60 and 90 minutes. So then, where is the rest of the time coming from? The rest of the time is coming from, because most of my webinars are live. I wish I could automate them,
Starting point is 00:05:47 but makes too much money doing it live to automate it. Yeah, you got to do it live, I agree. Nobody wants to watch something like pre-recorded right now. People want the interaction. It's soulless when it's pre-recorded. And I get it, and there are times when it makes sense to do a pre-recorded, but every time I broke out the calculator and did the math, I'm like, I save more time overall and make
Starting point is 00:06:08 more money when I do it live. And it's more fulfilling too. So we do most of our life and we have an audience. And so to me, the real webinar starts after all, everything's on the cards are on the table, everything's laid out. And now it's just me and an audience. And I'm trying to figure out, is there anything I could say to get them to buy? And if so, what needs to be said in order for this person to buy, which may be different from that person, which may be different from that person,
Starting point is 00:06:33 which may be different from that person. And what's beautiful about this is why you're still into this person over here, everybody else is getting another reason to say yes. And so the cumulative effect is that is really effective too. But even more important than all of that is you really truly understand and learn what makes your audience tick below the surface, below the surface, below the surface. Because there's one thing I know to be true in this business. Most customers are afraid to be vulnerable. Because if they're vulnerable, it puts them in a state where they can be harmed. And unfortunately, most customers have been harmed before when they've put their trust in gurus or into solution providers and they were taken advantage of.
Starting point is 00:07:11 And so they're not going to really tell you what you need to hear in order to decide whether it makes sense for them to be your customer or not until you've really earned their trust. And that usually is about three hours in. That's when you really find out what's at stake and why people are or aren't buying. And not only is that beautiful from a point of sell, and you get some of the greatest customers you could ever get on a micro level, but then on a macro level, you start to infuse in the DNA of all your marketing, what you're channeling, and what you've been empathic towards from these interaction with these beautiful customers, these wonderful souls that are on your webinars that haven't bought yet, but are still hanging in there.
Starting point is 00:07:55 So there's something they need to hear they haven't heard before in order for them to say yes to the offer you're making. And that's why most of our webinars end up landing four hours. Now, I'll shut it down quicker if there's no energy or electricity going on. So it's basically like 90 minutes of content and then what you're going through Q&A or just handling objections. Yeah, and I don't ever call it Q&A because then then that presupposes that they're asking questions and I'm giving answers. We literally like it's time to figure out if it makes sense for you to invest in this thing or not. We literally like, it's time to figure out if it makes sense for you to invest in this thing or not.
Starting point is 00:08:24 So you're right, it's completely in dealing with objections. And really all those are limiting beliefs. Are there limiting beliefs that are not needed anymore that don't serve you and hold you back? And can we unlimited those beliefs? And that's where we really have a deep exploration. And are you calling out if people are buying on the spot?
Starting point is 00:08:44 Are you saying like, Sherry just bought a course? Are you calling out if people are buying on the spot? Are you saying like, Sherry just bought a course? Are you calling out if people are buying or not really? I used to do that kind of stuff. I don't know. Maybe it's worth doing now. I'm all about now the pain because I know if we can eliminate the pain, everybody will buy. And if we can eliminate the risk that goes along with that pain, then every single person
Starting point is 00:09:03 on the webinar is going to buy. Some of these other things are useful and effective, and occasionally my business partner will, because he's like doing traffic control. I'm not directly reading the chat anymore. He's picking and he's feeding it to me, and he's clumping it, and he's lumping it together, and we're communicating to whole swaths
Starting point is 00:09:21 of different people on the webinar, but occasionally also individually. Here's a great insight for everybody listening. The more ways in which we can look at a problem, the better we can solve that problem. So sometimes we are doing micro, specifically, hey, John had this exact question. Sometimes we're doing macro where a lot of you are questioning how long it will take for you to get started and we're framing it from that perspective. Where I'm closing you because I'm telling her a story, but it's really pointed towards you, but it's an indirect way for you to take an information as opposed to me telling you directly,
Starting point is 00:09:53 right? There's over communication and there's covert communication. There's the times where you push on people and you challenge them. And then there's the times where you you are just loving on them. You run through all of them, ideally, throughout this whole process. And so we're doing all of that. We don't really do the social proof so much anymore because you can fake it. So customers tend to not believe it, even if you say it. I like things that are easy to demonstrate. So what occasionally do that, but mostly what it's all about is, is the
Starting point is 00:10:21 objection. And here's how it always plays out. At first, it's money, which it never really is, but that's the first smoke screen that they throw up. I'd really like this, but it's too expensive. It's too much money. It's, I don't have the money for this right now. 99 times, that's a lie. So you learn that that's not truly the objection,
Starting point is 00:10:40 but until you uproot that issue, you can't get past it. So we'll handle the price objection five or six or seven or eight or nine times in six or seven or eight or nine different ways. Now, we don't do it all at once because if you drill down on something, it gets too boring. So we'll first address price and then the second issue is always time, almost always time. I don't have the time to do this or how long will it take. And so we'll handle that when 678, 9 different ways. And then the real one, almost always, the real objection is neither time nor price.
Starting point is 00:11:10 It's always belief. I don't think I can do this. I'm deficient in this way. I'm limited in that way. I'm going to fail. And that's where we really spend most of our time. But we recycle. We like to do a price objection.
Starting point is 00:11:24 Then we do a time of objection. And then we do we recycle. We like to do a price objection, then we do a time of objection, and then we do two beliefs. And then we do another price objection, then we do another time one, and then we do two more beliefs. And then we can do that forever. I could go on forever doing that. I'll give you a great example of one.
Starting point is 00:11:37 I just made up this new clothes two weeks ago. I think it was. Here's an issue that some consumers and some markets have. They will look at your offer, and then they will say, Oh my God, look at everything that's here. There's a ton of stuff here. And they're initially excited and they're like, But wait, I got to consume it all. Oh my God, that's going to take a lot of effort. And they will feel very uncomfortable if they don't consume all of your information, even though they can't, it's gonna be too much
Starting point is 00:12:05 and it's not a good way of doing it. And so it frustrates me because it's a limiting belief. The limiting belief is I have to consume all the information in order to be successful with this thing, which is not how real success works. Real success works is we consume only partial amounts of information and then we kind of go out there and figure it out. But they think and I got to consume it all. And if I don't, then I suck. I'm not good. I failed. I didn't follow through.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Or they do consume it all. God forbid. And now they're more confused than they were when they started. I love these customers. They're walking meat shield full of contradictions, right? I love these customers. They're walking meat shield full of contradictions, right? I have to help them navigate through that minefield in order for them not to cheat themselves out of something that they should buy. And so I will say to them, this is what I said the other day, just and we freestyle these now on these closes sometimes. I say, tell me when you got a library card, you didn't feel guilty that you didn't read every book in the library. And that's one of the ways in which we deal with that objection specifically, if that's one that's coming up.
Starting point is 00:13:06 I used to deal with it this way, and I still do sometimes, it's like if you went to a buffet, do you feel obligated to eat every type of food that's offered to you in the buffet and drink every drink that's offered to you? And people were like, no, course not, right? Well, that's what this course is like.
Starting point is 00:13:19 It's done buffet style. And even if you only consume 10% of it at random, we put a blindfold on you, spun you around and you played pen the tail on the donkey when it came to this content. I am confident you will be able to succeed and move forward with this. And then later on, if you want to go back
Starting point is 00:13:35 and do it logically, you certainly can. So these are beliefs. And then I have two or three, I gave you three ways just to deal with that one stupid little tiny belief. But we cycle through all of these. And then there's product specific objections to, right? Where it's, can I use it this way? Well, I have access to it over here.
Starting point is 00:13:53 I'm from, you know, I'm international. Will it work for international folks, et cetera, et cetera? So we just hang in there and we just go through all of them. I love that. And a key thing, young and profitors, is you have to know what people are gonna object. You've got to actually think through that and prepare your answers in advance. So go through all the possible things
Starting point is 00:14:11 that people could have objected from your offer and make sure that you know the answers and then creatively integrate it. So I love that. So a very important piece when it comes to webinars is to transform, not inform. I definitely made that mistake. I remember my first webinar was just like,
Starting point is 00:14:26 a fire hose of information. It did well, but I think I could have done better how to just sort of pull it back and not scared people in terms of the information. So I'd love to hear your perspective. Yeah, you and me both, right? So it took me about two years to figure out that insight because we want to be of service.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Like, we want to give people a lot of information and we have a lot of information to give. But usually, more information creates more conflict. It creates more overwhelm. So you're actually harming people, not helping them. And I learned this the heart rate. This is why the more you tell somebody, the less they are likely to buy from you when it comes to education alone.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Education is not enough. And then you're quoting me here, which I really appreciate. What a student you are. So kudos to you. You are, I'm very impressed, right? Oh, thank you. So transform, not inform.
Starting point is 00:15:14 So seek to transform, not to merely inform. And so we are affected by two things. What we know and how we feel about what we know, to quote Jim Rohn. And 20% of it is what we know. And 80% of it is how we feel about what we know to quote Jim Rohn. And 20% of it is what we know. And 80% of it is how we feel about what we know. So I have to have this space in my webinars to set it up. So when I give you the insight, you're in the best emotional state you can be to take it and feel the most confident to use it or at least feel the least unconfident. Right?
Starting point is 00:15:42 Like, I want you to feel like even if you do everything wrong, you'll be okay if you follow this advice. And so the setup and the payoff takes more time than the actual information that you're giving and you've got to have space for that. The other problem with doing this on a webinar is people need to know what the outcome is. They need to know the time of day, not how to build the watch. And so we need to step back and say, I really only need to teach one key insight. I got to have one thing that at the end of the day, when they hear it, they can't go back to the old way of being. No matter even if they want to, they will reach for that lesser state of who they used to be, and it will no longer be there for them.
Starting point is 00:16:25 They have to be better after hearing what I say. And we've all had an experience of this, right? Like where there was something that happened or broke within us and we said never again. Usually through pain or through through challenge, we said, I will never operate that way again and then you never did because whatever the pain is of doing something new is less than the pain of doing the same thing over and over again. So all of my webinars try to lead up to that key insight to where no matter what limiting belief or self-doubt
Starting point is 00:16:55 that they have, they can no longer reach for it by the time our webinar is over with. And so that's the one main point. Now usually need about three or four things to supplement. That's four key elements. So I really have one insight I'm going to give, four elements that build it up to support it, and that's it. So if you look at my webinars, there's really only about 10 or five to 10, maybe 15 minutes
Starting point is 00:17:19 at most these days of actual instruction. How to? That's it. At first, I used to feel very uncomfortable about that because this is other people do it similarly. They teach you everything other than how to do it, right? They get you all dressed up and then they leave you with no place to go and then you have to buy the product in order to know where to go. Or they'll even be more conniving and they'll teach you steps one, three, and five and then you got to buy steps two and four. So useful but incomplete is the phrase that a seminar
Starting point is 00:17:47 pitch person once told me. And it made me like get sick to my stomach. I'm like, there's got to be a better way where we can empower customers and then still sell them, not disempower them and then sell them or empower them and then not sell them, right? So I used to feel bad about that because I thought I was taking something away
Starting point is 00:18:03 from my customers. But then what I realized was if I remove all the noise and the distraction, then and only then can my point land with the maximum amount of impact. And so when I teach how to one webinars and it's only five to ten, it lands so much better and has so much more insight because there's an endless supply of free YouTube videos out there and people are watching more of them than ever before yet people are still struggling as much as they ever had to be successful and that's because more information is in the answer. The right information prescribed in the right way is the answer. A doctor doesn't say, hey, if one
Starting point is 00:18:42 pill is good, take two. If two pills are really good, take three, help, just take the whole bottle, right? The effective amount of dosage required to help the patient, and it's less as opposed to more, it's just the right amount, and then more important than the information, it's setting it up. So they're in the most conducive state of receptivity to hear the message. Like real quickly, you know, the whole thing, you tell somebody who's overweight to lose weight, you say it's really simple. It's just calories and calories out, right? And you will not help anybody with that approach and that attitude. You will fail.
Starting point is 00:19:17 The information is not the reason that they're struggling with their way. It's not their misunderstanding of what a calorie is that prevents them, right? It's psychological. It's not their misunderstanding of what a calorie is that prevents them, right? It's psychological. It's emotional. There's a whole complex set of issues involved that need to be unpacked and then need to be put together again in new ways that will make a transformational difference in that person's life. And so we need to spend more time on the psychology and on the emotion and less time on
Starting point is 00:19:42 the how to and the information. Let's hold that thought and take a quick break with our sponsors. Young and profitors, do you have a brilliant business idea but you don't know how to move forward with it? Going into debt for a four-year degree isn't the only path to success. Instead, learn everything you need to know about running a business for free by listening to the Millionaire University podcast. The Millionaire University podcast is a show
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Starting point is 00:24:20 and I was able to focus on my marketing. So Shopify really, really helped me make sure that my masterclass was gonna be a success right off the bat, it enabled focus. And focus is everything when it comes to entrepreneurship. With Shopify single dashboard, I can manage my orders and my payments from anywhere in the world.
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Starting point is 00:25:35 She's the owner of Not One, but six thriving companies, and now she's ready to share her knowledge and experience with you on the Kelly Roach show. Kelly is an inspirational entrepreneur, and I highly respect her. She's been a guest on YAP. She was a former social client. She's a podcast client. And I remember when she came on Young and Profiting and she talked about her conviction marketing framework. It was like mind blowing to me. I remember immediately implementing what she taught me in the interview in my company and the marketing efforts that we were doing. And as a marketer, I really, really respect all Kelly has done.
Starting point is 00:26:09 All Kelly has built in the corporate world. Kelly secured seven promotions in just eight years, but she didn't just stop there. She was working in I to five. And at the same time, she built her eight figure company as a side hustle and eventually took it and made it her full time hustle. And her strategic business goals led her to win the prestigious Inc. 500 award for the fastest growing business in the United States. She's built an empire, she's earned a life-changing wealth, and on top of all that, she maintains a happy marriage and a healthy home life.
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Starting point is 00:27:15 have settled a bit, and I'm really focused on revamping and improving our company culture. I have 16 employees, so it's a lot of people to try to rally and motivate. And I recently had bestselling author Kim Scott on the show. And after previewing her content in our conversation, I just knew I had to take her class on master class, tackle the hard conversations with radical candor to really absorb all she has to offer. And now I'm using her radical candor method every day with my team to give in solicit feedback, to cultivate a more inclusive culture, and to empower them with my honesty. And I can see my team feeling more motivated and energized already. They are really receptive to this framework, and I'm so happy because I really needed this class.
Starting point is 00:27:59 With masterclass, you can learn from the best to become your best anytime, anywhere, and at your own pace. And we all know that profiting in life doesn't just mean thriving in business. With Masterclass, you can brush up on your art skills or your cooking skills or even your modeling skills. With over 180 classes from a range of world-class instructors, that thing you've always wanted to do better is just a few clicks away. On Masterclass, you'll find courses from many Apple Alstere guests like Chris Voss and Daniel Pink. I've been taking their sales and negotiation classes and I've been feeling like a real
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Starting point is 00:29:30 This is amazing, like such a great explanation. So basically what you're saying, have one key insight, then have a step-by-step process to underpin that insight, and that's it. Like, don't overwhelm them with too much information, spend the rest of the time talking about their objections. So speaking of psychology and emotions, you talk about something called ecological checks. Yeah. How do we do them? What are they?
Starting point is 00:29:56 So I'll give you the simplest ecological check. I was working with a client once and she had a fear of speaking in front of an audience. I didn't know what caused it later on. I figured out, but I didn't need to know. I was asking her. I said, okay, I'm going to be you. How do I know when to be afraid? And she says, what do you mean? I said, well, if I'm going to speak on stage publicly, when do I know to be scared? This is an ecological check. I'm checking in with the ecology of the situation to know how to operate just like she's operating. It's hard. You've got
Starting point is 00:30:26 to tease this out of clients if you're doing it one on one. I say, well, let me ask you this. Say we're having a dinner and there's six or seven people there. If an eighth person shows up, does that turn a private dinner into a public speaking opportunity, or is it nine or is it ten or is it 11 or is it 12? Again, how do I know when it's public speaking? And then therefore, how do I know when it's public speaking and then therefore how do I know that it's appropriate to be fearful here? And she told me an answer and I'll never forget this. And she says, when I can no longer see everybody's face and I thought, huh, yeah, I would be scared out of my mind too. If I was speaking in front of a thousand or 2000 people
Starting point is 00:30:58 and needed to check in with every single, that would overwhelm me. I couldn't do that. No wonder she's afraid. And she was using people's face as a way to determine whether what she was saying had value, et cetera, et cetera. So very quickly, we were able to associate other ways in which she could decide whether what she was saying was a value and whether she was safe or not, other than having to look
Starting point is 00:31:17 everybody in their eyes. And then right after that, a month or two later, she sends me this picture. She's on stage, massive audience, right? And these are like all women in the audience. She's a woman speaking to other women and women are the hardest people to speak to, especially if you're a woman, right? They are even more vicious to a public speaker in that circumstance than she was just killing it
Starting point is 00:31:36 and owning it. Now, later on, I discovered why she was afraid of a public speaking. She came over to the United States, didn't know how to speak the language when she was like nine years old. Her parents just threw her in a public school and the kids would chase her and beat her and throw rocks at her when she spoke because she didn't know the language, right?
Starting point is 00:31:52 So, but I didn't need to know what caused it. All I needed to know is ecologically check in to determine what's stopping her, what the limit is. And so the number one way to do that is how do you know when to blank, right? So a friend of mine had his son likes to chew on his fingers. And I asked him, I go, how do you know which finger to chew on first? Nobody'd ever asked him that question before, right? Instantaneous rapport. Everybody else is telling this kid why he shouldn't chew on his fingers or they're trying to give him advice on how he could not chew on his fingers anymore. And I'm asking, I'm showing true interest in his model of reality of how he sees the
Starting point is 00:32:30 world. Nobody has ever done that instantaneous report. But even better still, that's when we can learn things. Well, how do you know which one to chew on first? There's a whole process that you don't even realize you're running. That's an unconscious process. We bring consciousness to it. We can affect it. We can potentially change it.
Starting point is 00:32:46 You know, in fact, the logic that we worked out there was, well, if you let your fingernails grow out longer, you got more to chew on. We stop the impulse that I got to chew on on my way, right? We allow him to grow them out. And then he can decide now whether he wants to chew on them or not, or if it makes sense. But that's how you get into an ecological check. Customers all the time, somebody who says to me, this is a great close, and they'll say, I need to think this over before I make a decision. And I asked them, well, how much
Starting point is 00:33:16 do you need to think over? And they'll be like, what do you mean? I'll be like, is it 52%, 41%, like, how will you know when you've thought it over enough to make a decision? And you will discover almost always that they have never thought it over. I need to think it over really is code for saying, I don't know what to do. And I'm scared because I don't know what to do. So I'm going to completely remove myself from the situation, shut down. And then I'm not going to unfortunately grow. So I got to help them stop themselves
Starting point is 00:33:46 from doing a fight or flight response in that instance. So it's an ecology check of like, how do you know when you've thought it over? How do you know it's too expensive? I can't tell you how many times I told clients that. They say it's too much. How do you know it's too much? Like compared to what?
Starting point is 00:33:59 Like what makes you so confident that you know that it's too much money? Is it the most expensive thing you've ever bought in your life? No, it's not, right? How do you know when you make a good purchasing decision? What is in common with the purchases that you've made, where you've always looked back on them and said, damn, that was a good purchase to decision?
Starting point is 00:34:17 And then they'll tell you. And I was like, great, let's line it up. The sum or all of that also makes sense for this purchase here today. So yeah, this is good stuff. I'm glad you're bringing this out. This is so genius. So how do you do this from like a one to many perspectives? So a lot of the way you're talking about is one on one. How can you do this in a webinar when you're speaking to hundreds of people? Yes, great question. So we try
Starting point is 00:34:38 to build out models, right? So if I know that to that market, there's going to be a huge pushback on money. Let's just say I'm targeting markets where we know economically looking at the demographics, they have less disposable income than other markets. So I'll give you a great example of that. It's specific. We were selling in Brazil. So translating, localizing them product into Portuguese. And I know economically, they don't have the same type of situation that we would do if
Starting point is 00:35:04 we were selling in the US or other countries. So up front, I know that that's an issue. And so I will bring things up throughout the webinar and even in the introduction and such, talking about how evaluating decisions based upon superficialities may be significantly limiting towards you. If all you do is judge books by their covers, how many books are you going to miss out on? If you only judge things based upon the price tags associated with them, then you're gonna be very limited. Do you buy only the cheapest shirts and only the cheapest shoes? Is that the only consideration that you make? And so we would spend time breaking down some of these things from a story basis or from an education basis. I might tell a story in that situation of the first time I ever made a major
Starting point is 00:35:49 investment in my life. And this is a true story, right? I didn't have a credit card that I could charge the product that I purchased on. It was a $2,000 product in the bank only trusted me with a $500 credit limit. That's how poor I was, right? So what did I do? I asked my mentor at the time, the guy that I painted houses for, right? If he would use his credit card and then I would write him a check and I would pay him back that way. I didn't let my lack of financial resources limit my ability to invest in something that I knew was going to help me. And so that might be a story that I tell throughout the webinar. So the masses can hear that and understand that, regulate that, get it excited.
Starting point is 00:36:33 But I've always found it's better to be very blunt and direct with the limitations that I know my audience has and just flat out bring them up. I might even say in an introduction, say, if I'm, if I think it makes sense to let them know that there's going to be an offer at the end, I might say something along the lines of, at the end of this, we're going to make an offer. And for some of you, the price shock is going to be too much for you. And then you're going to shut down and you're not going to hear anything else that I say beyond that. It makes me sad because you will not be able to see the value to determine if it makes sense or not. But for the rest of you, hopefully, the price tag shock will wear off enough.
Starting point is 00:37:08 And then we can determine if it makes sense for you regardless of what the price is. Because if you're the right person for this, it's going to be more expensive for you not to buy this. But before we get into all of that first, let's yadda yadda yadda. There's so many psychological things going on with that. There's price anchoring, there's making people have what they can have. It also feeling left out right? People wanna be like everybody else.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Yeah, we gotta bring a gun to this knife fight here. I mean, and here's why, and this is really important to understand, it took me a while to feel really comfortable with this. Like the easiest thing anybody can do is nothing. That's only useful to you in the very short term. Doing nothing repeatedly will turn you into nothing. It's disaster.
Starting point is 00:37:51 But you're always fighting against the alternative that every consumer has, which is to do nothing, be nothing, say nothing. So, never spending money, zero energy involved and not purchasing your product, zero accountability, zero responsibility, right? Only temporarily safe. But continuing to do nothing is the most unsafe behavior that they can do. So we're at war with the limiting factor that all of us are hard wired as human beings to have, which is to retreat and to do nothing and to shy away and only survive at the expense
Starting point is 00:38:26 of our true happiness. And so we have to bring a gun to that knife fight, as I said earlier, right? We have to bring every single ethical tool that we can possibly muster to help the person that we know should buy the product. And they know they should buy the product to actually end up buying the product. And if you do all this right, you get like one out of 10. So the other nine out of 10 who should buy your product still won't. And it still breaks my heart to this very day. But the one out of 10 who you otherwise might miss can make all the difference in the world. And I'll tell you a one quick story here as we wrap.
Starting point is 00:38:58 So I was at that mastermind, the driven mastermind and a guy named Matt's and came up to me. in mastermind and a guy named Mattson came up to me. I had seen Mattson in many years, but Mattson sat on a webinar I did in 2013 and he was in a position and I think Mattson was already a grandfather at the time and his dad, he had to go to his dad, he had to find answers in place to invest in the offer that I was making. So he went to his dad and his brother and they all went in business together. And they spent as much money as they could and he had in it, that's a humbling experience to be, you know, a grandfather and still going to your own father saying, Dad, I need some money. Very humbling experience, but he did it anyway because it made sense to them. He saw it. He saw the opportunity and he wanted to make it go at it. And I didn't disqualify him.
Starting point is 00:39:45 And so what had happened was, Matt's and ended up with his brother launching a line of products that are now distributed in Walmart, they're distributed in CVS, they're distributed in PetSmart, and a whole variety of other places. And I just saw him in years. I never knew what happened to the guy, but I just saw him a couple of weeks back. And he's head sold his business. And I got to imagine it was like a ninth figure exit probably completely changed this dude's whole life and true directory because he said on a webinar that I had and I refused to
Starting point is 00:40:15 let him settle for what I knew was less than what he was capable of. And it just completely changed his life. And now he's in that audience and now I can use him as an example. What I'm teaching to everybody, I mean, it just nothing succeeds like success. And so that's what I look at. That's at stake. And I know for every match and then I get, I miss others that could have been matched and because no matter what I can do, I'm swimming upstream against the general tendency is to retreat and to be lesser than you can be
Starting point is 00:40:44 because it's safer in the short term. So hopefully these are motivational words to those of you listening right now. And by the way, your customers then don't care. If you have this, they don't care if you're young or they're old, if you're old, if you're black or if you're white or any other color, whether you're educated or uneducated, right? Who you were yesterday, right? What they care about is they see that you care about them, and you also are showing that you won't give up on them and that you understand them. And there are more fortunes to be made with that than any other technique that I could teach you. And I love what you're saying because it's so true. A lot of people think that sales is
Starting point is 00:41:20 manipulation, but when you have a really good offer and you know that it works and you're getting feedback that it works, you don't feel bad to use these sales techniques because you know it's ultimately in the best interest of the customer. So Jason, I want to be respectful of your time. You did such a great job. I learned so much. I can't wait to dive into all your material. We end the show with two last questions for all of our guests.
Starting point is 00:41:41 The first one is what is one actionable thing our young and profitors can do today to become more profitable tomorrow. Oh, that's a good one, right? So fail fast in ways that can't bring you harm. So success isn't 10,000 hours. Success is 10,000 failures. So our goal is to fail 10,000 ways. Reach time we fail. We move a step forward. So find somebody you can be of service of as quickly as possible and then start serving them and then learn from that and trade up. I love that. And what is your secret to profiting in life? And this can be beyond just financial. Yeah, that's a good one, right? So most of my life, for my first 35 years, I'm 40 years, I'll just turn 40 a couple of weeks ago. The first 35 years of my life, I spent trying to prove my worth
Starting point is 00:42:26 by being successful. The problem with that is it's a whole in a bucket. No amount of money that you put into that bucket will fill that hole. So the second half of my life here, as I churned 40 in the last five years is the start of that. So I got to jump start. So I'm a little ahead is how do I feel worthwhile regardless of any external successes that come my way. So as a human being, as a person, just being me, the best, most authentic me that I can be, that's the goal. I mean, whether I saw 100 million or a billion dollars or whether I never sell another damn dollar again, how can I be totally okay with who I am as a spirit, not just as a materialist or not just as
Starting point is 00:43:06 somebody who's worth is tied up on some externalities that you can't ultimately control. And so I suggest the rest of you as well consider some of that. No amount of this what we talked about today will heal that. So I would rather you be happy and whole and authentic and do okay in business than to be the best in business would still feel hollow and empty inside. Now it's a balancing act, right? It's not one or the other. It's usually a combination of the two, but all of one in none of the other is a very dangerous
Starting point is 00:43:36 path. And I know because I walk down that path and I'm so fortunate that I know better these days because I can take the tools that I learn from that path and invest them on this new journey that I'm on. I love that. That's beautiful. Jason, thank you so much. Where can our listeners learn more about you and everything that you do? The happiest that you could make me is to go to Amazon and buy my book. It's called One Too Many. One Too Many. It's my book on webinars specifically, step by step, all the
Starting point is 00:44:03 framework broken down on how you could create a webinar. Guys, I read it, it's incredible. I'm gonna put it in the show notes so you guys have the link. Jason, thank you so much for all of your time. Oh, you're most welcome. This is a great podcast. Young and profitors, this concludes part two of our interview with Jason Fladline.
Starting point is 00:44:27 Man, this guy is incredible. I just loved this interview. I love learning about sales, about marketing, about webinars, psychology, all the stuff that Jason is so good at. I am obsessed with and that's why I tried to keep him on as long as possible and get all this wisdom from him And so funny enough I had a webinar this morning and I actually Implemented a lot of the stuff that I learned in this interview in this webinar I listened back to this interview twice and I took copious notes and so basically
Starting point is 00:44:57 I want to just read you guys my copious notes Jason said you don't start building trust with people until hours Three of your webinar and that most webinars are four hours long. Now, this baffled me because all my webinars were like an hour and an hour and a half max and so my webinars apparently were way too short. You also want to wait to the very end of your webinar to solicit your offer. This also was news to me. I was soliciting in the middle. I didn't realize how long it would take to earn their trust and that you really should
Starting point is 00:45:24 wait to the end of the middle. I didn't realize how long it would take to earn their trust and that you really should wait to the end of the webinar. And I guess it makes sense because you're building up the value, you're building up the currency with them to then make a bigger ask. So it makes sense that at the end you make your ask and you just keep giving value, value, value, value, and then make your ask. Plus if you wait to the end of your webinar to give your offer, that gives you more time to transform your audience. You want them to feel like they learned something really valuable. But just make sure you don't overload them with information. Too much information just overwhelms people.
Starting point is 00:45:54 And it keeps them from taking action. You want to transform, not inform. Like Jason said, more information isn't the answer. The right information prescribed in the right way is the answer. Keep your presentation to 90 minutes of learning content and the rest of the time should be spent handling objections. And especially the objection of price, which Jason says to call out several times. Jason says the most common objections are money and time, but really, those objections are an excuse. It's usually a belief that is preventing somebody
Starting point is 00:46:24 from buying your product. We also talked about ecological checks. If somebody says they need to think it over, you can say how much do you need to think it over? Or if they say it's too expensive, ask, how do you know it's too much? And you can do this in mass by addressing objections proactively, indirectly, and creatively during a webinar. Some of you guys may be thinking it's too expensive, but how may be thinking it's too expensive, but how do you know it's too expensive? Right, so get them to kind of think through their decision-making and if they're really thinking at all, or using it as an excuse.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Jason says we got to bring a gun to the knife fight. He gave us all the ammo we need, and we shouldn't feel guilty about using this stuff. If you know your product helps people do the thing you say it will do, it's in your customer's best interest for you to convince them to just not do nothing. The easiest thing that anybody can do is nothing and make no change and never spend any money, never have any accountability or responsibility. So bring a gun to the knife fight, have all your ammo ready by listening to Young & Profiting podcast and experts like the OG webinar guru Jason Flaadline. Thanks for listening to this episode of Young and Profiting Podcast.
Starting point is 00:47:30 I love my listeners. I appreciate you guys so much for tuning in to Young and Profiting Podcast day in and day out. If you listen, learn from profited, share this episode with your friends or family and drop a five star review on Apple Podcasts or your favorite podcast platform. If you like watching your podcast videos, you can find us on YouTube, and you can also find me on Instagram at Yappathala or LinkedIn, restort your name, it's Hala Taha.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Shout out to my Yapp team, you guys, are working so hard behind the scenes, appreciate all you do. This is your host, healthier, more productive, and more creative? I'm Gretchen Ruben, the number one best-selling author of the Happiness Project. And every week, we share ideas and practical solutions on the Happier with Gretchen Ruben, the number one best-selling author of the Happiness Project. And every week we share ideas and practical solutions on the Happier with Gretchen Ruben podcast. My co-host and happiness guinea pig is my sister Elizabeth Kraft. That's me, Elizabeth Kraft, a TV writer and producer in Hollywood. Join us as we explore fresh insights from cutting-edge science, ancient wisdom, pop culture, and our own experiences about cultivating happiness and good habits.
Starting point is 00:48:46 Every week we offer a try this at home tip you can use to boost your happiness without spending a lot of time energy or money. Suggestions such as follow the one minute rule. Choose a one word theme for the year or design your summer. We also feature segments like know yourself better where we discuss questions like are you an over buyer or an under buyer? Morning person or night person, abundance lever or simplicity lever? And every episode includes a happiness hack, a quick easy shortcut to more happy. Listen and follow the podcast. Happier with Gretchen
Starting point is 00:49:17 Ruben.

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