Young and Profiting with Hala Taha - YAPClassic: Chris Voss on Advanced Negotiation, The Secret to Gaining Influence and Winning Negotiations

Episode Date: October 27, 2023

Prior to 2008, Chris Voss was the lead international kidnapping negotiator for the FBI and the FBI’s hostage negotiation representative for the National Security Council’s Hostage Working Group. N...ow, he’s using his wisdom to teach business leaders how to negotiate and land deals. In this episode of YAPClassic, Chris will explain several advanced negotiation techniques, like how to conduct an accusation audit and what words we want to hear when negotiating. He will also break down how we can use tactical empathy to diffuse negativity in tense situations.  Chris Voss is a former FBI Hostage Negotiator. He is the founder and principal of The Black Swan Group, a consulting firm that provides training and advises Fortune 500 companies through complex negotiations. Voss has taught for many business schools and has used his many years of experience in international crises and high-stakes negotiations to help people become better negotiators in their everyday lives.  In this episode, Hala and Chris will discuss: - Why you shouldn’t match other people’s energy - The unknown benefits of positivity in a negotiation - Why you need to do a gratitude exercise in the morning - How to diffuse negativity in a negotiation - The differences between empathy, sympathy, and agreement - “That’s right” vs. “you’re right” - The problem with sympathy - Why you want to hear the word ‘no’ during a negotiation - How to conduct an accusations audit - The 7-38-55 body language rule - And other topics…  Chris Voss is a Former FBI Hostage Negotiator and the CEO of The Black Swan Group Ltd. Before becoming the FBI's lead international kidnapping negotiator, Christopher served as the lead Crisis Negotiator for the New York City division of the FBI. During Chris’s 24-year tenure with the Bureau, he was trained in the art of negotiation by not only the FBI, but also Scotland Yard and Harvard Law School. He is also a recipient of the Attorney General’s Award for Excellence in Law Enforcement and the FBI Agents Association Award for Distinguished and Exemplary Service. LinkedIn Secrets Masterclass, Have Job Security For Life: Use code ‘podcast’ for 30% off at Resources Mentioned: Chris’s Website: Chris’s LinkedIn: Chris’s Instagram: Chris’s Facebook: Sign up for Chris’s newsletter: Text "black swan method" to 33777. Sponsored By:  Shopify - Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at Green Chef - Go to and use code 60yap to get 60% off plus free shipping Indeed - Claim your $75 credit now at More About Young and Profiting Download Transcripts -   Get Sponsorship Deals - Leave a Review - Watch Videos - Follow Hala Taha LinkedIn - Instagram - TikTok - Twitter - Learn more about YAP Media Agency Services - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode of YAP is sponsored by ZBiotics, Relay, Rakuten, Pipedrive, and Indeed. ZBiotics is a probiotic that breaks down the byproduct of alcohol so you can avoid rough mornings after drinking. Go to to get 15% off your first order when you use code profiting at checkout. Take control of your money with Relay, an online banking and money management platform that puts you in complete control of your cash flow. Sign up for free, go to
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Starting point is 00:01:06 The Young and Profiters negotiation is part of everyday life. Whether you're asking your boss for a raise, seeking investors, or just trying to get your spouse to do the dishes, we are all constantly negotiating in life. And today's episode is going to teach you the ins and outs of a successful negotiation. That's right, we're testing off my third interview with Chris Boss, the world's top negotiation expert. Prior to 2008, Chris was the lead international kidnapping negotiator for the FBI, and now he's using his wisdom to teach business leaders how to negotiate effectively and land deals. Chris Boss has been on YAP a whopping five times. He's been on the show more than
Starting point is 00:01:57 any other guest because he always brings the value. In today's episode, Chris will explain several advanced negotiation techniques like how to conduct an accusation audit and we'll learn what words we want to hear when negotiating. He'll also break down how we can use tactical empathy to diffuse negativity in tense situations. Without further delay, here's my interview with the legendary Chris Voss. Hi Chris, welcome to Young and Profiting Podcast. Super excited to have you here today. I'm flattered to be on. It's my pleasure.
Starting point is 00:02:31 So let's start off with energy. It's really important just understanding the energy of the room, understanding the energy of your opponent. What should we look for in terms of the energy of the people that we're trying to negotiate with? And then how do we use that information to be better at negotiation? So, if you stop and think and perceive and sort of add it up, if they've got energy, the energy is really going to be a dead give way as to what they have in mind.
Starting point is 00:02:59 You know, are they distracted? Are they focused on you? Is there a good vibe? If they're distracted, they're not you? Is there a good vibe? If they're distracted, they're not looking to make a deal. Or something's in the way. There are other pressures.
Starting point is 00:03:09 They're probably not going to make a deal. If they have aggressive energy towards you, which a lot of people might misinterpret as being bad, goodness is, they're looking to make a deal. So aggression is a good thing from a counterpart in that it signals an intent to deal with you. The flip side of that is, I don't believe in matching people's energy because that makes you the second mover. And when I was teaching negotiation to illustrate this point, you know, we used to play Tick-Tack-Toe. And I'd say, what's wrong with Tick-Tack-Toe?
Starting point is 00:03:49 Do you want to be first? Do you want to be second? If you go first, and you know what you're doing, you can't lose. You can only win or tie. If you go second, and that's what's wrong with being a second mover, the best you could do is tie. That's why you want to go first and tick-tick-tock as you want to win. And interestingly enough, chess is the same one. That's why there's an advantage to be white because white moves first. So what does this have to do with energy? Your energy should always probably be positive. You've got a good natural positive energy.
Starting point is 00:04:21 You know, there's some mechanisms. There's a new book out that I'm reading. It's not that new, it's new to me, anti-fragile by, not seem Nicholas Talib, who also wrote the Balax one. Talib talks about being anti-fragile, which means you don't just survive from negative events. You grow, it makes you smarter. And he says, curiosity is an antifragil mindset. It's an energy, it's a demeanor, it's a way of being.
Starting point is 00:04:53 I could feel curious, you're gonna have positive energy. If you're genuinely curious, you're gonna bring out the best in both the other side and yourself. So that's why I say don't max their energy. You know, be positive, be genuinely curious. So like no matter what energy they are, come positive, come curious.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Now what's the best frame of mind that you want your opponent to be? Like do you want, if they come in positive, is that always a good thing? Or could that also be something we should be weary of? You're 31% smarter than a positive frame of mind. It helps you that your counterpart is positive also. So many of the negotiation strategies are designed
Starting point is 00:05:32 to at least get them out of a negative mindset. Because no one collaborates well in a negative mindset. There's this negative mindset that's a downward spiral. So yeah, I'm gonna want my counterpart to be positive in their interactions with me. It's gonna make them wanna have a long-term prosperous relationship. I totally agree.
Starting point is 00:05:54 So you mentioned that you wanna make sure that you're positive, you kind of diffuse the negativity. So let's talk about tactical empathy. And let's talk about the reason why people need you to kind of diffuse the negative energy and what that does to the conversation. And also why people love to be autonomous. Like why is that important having autonomy? Talk to us about that. We're naturally in a negative mindset, survival mode, you know, or default wiring, if you will,
Starting point is 00:06:26 is on the negative side. It's what kept the cavemen alive. The optimistic caveman got eaten by the bear every time. The negative pessimistic caveman was like, I'm getting out of here. So that's a wiring that we're born with. You wake up in the morning. You're in a naturally somewhat negative mode
Starting point is 00:06:43 because it was necessary for survival. That's why it's really smart to have a gratitude exercise when you first get out of bed in the morning. It's like mental hygiene. My counterpart, they're going to be negative. I know that because they're human. I'm going to throw some stuff out right up the bat to defuse it, not to make them positive, but to defuse the negative. There's a real big difference. And then I'm going to sprinkle it in periodically.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Like if I'm getting ready to ask you something, by definition, your caveman brain is going to say, ah, that's greedy. They're asking for too much. I know that. I know that. That's how your wired is a human bent. You can't help it. So the diffusing mechanism is I'm going to say, it's going to seem greedy.
Starting point is 00:07:32 And that not only diffuses, but it notculates it. Somebody asked me what it costs to hire my company, or to hire me as a consultant. I'm going to say more than you've ever spent in your life, more than you have. Because first of all, my prices are high. And secondly, I don't want you to get caught off guard by the number.
Starting point is 00:07:58 So that's because you're natural negative wiring. So I'm gonna let that sink in. And then you're gonna decide whether or not you wanna hear the number. Getting to your second point, which is autonomy. I need to preserve your autonomy. I need you to choose whether or not you wanna hear the number.
Starting point is 00:08:17 I don't need to sell you, I want to need you to choose it that preserves your autonomy. Then when you're ready, I've diffused the negative, I preserve your autonomy. You're going to go, all right, how much is. And then the other thing I know that the number you imagine is going to be higher than the number that I throw out. So my number is actually going to seem like a relief. That's really smart. So let's dig deeper on tactical empathy because people get confused empathy with sympathy and even agreement. So talk to us about the difference between those three.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Yeah, so let's talk about the mercenary's definition of empathy, the hostage negotiators. Who's why I recently started collaborating with Harvard way back when, because as a hostage negotiator, if I use empathy, it can't be sympathy. I mean, how could I use sympathy without Kaira? How they're gonna believe I'm sympathetic to their cause? Isn't that? Or, you know, a Marxist guerrilla faction in Colombia, South America, someplace.
Starting point is 00:09:19 They're not gonna think I'm sympathetic, but how do I use empathy? Just demonstrating that I understand where they're coming from. Empathy is not agreement, empathy is not even like in the other side. It's just stating what their opinion is. If I could just explain this to my listeners, make sure they fully understand it. You're using tactical empathy to basically dismantle the elephant in the room, diffuse the negativity, and make it so that everything's just out on the table,
Starting point is 00:09:49 and they feel, it makes them feel more comfortable, like what does it actually do to them? Yeah, and I love your phrase dismantle the elephant in the room versus denying that it's there, or pretending that you love the elephant. I love elephants. No, you don't like elephants. It's right there, though.
Starting point is 00:10:08 So it makes people feel validated. To feel understood is sort of this almost magical transformation that happens in people. And here's what it seems magical. When we were first working on the book, Tal-Raz, a co-author, said, I think when you demonstrate empathy, it creates an epiphany in the other person. A realization, like, it's what people say, they say, that's right, when you demonstrate empathy. That's right, that's how I feel. So, you know, I'm into neuroscience these days. I looked up a piphany on the web and it said when you experience an epiphany among the neurochemicals that are triggered internally or oxytocin. And oxytocin is a bonding drug. So when someone feels understood by me, I know they bond with me.
Starting point is 00:11:05 And if I'm looking to make a deal and have a long term relationship, I'm wanting to bond with me. Because you're going to, then now you're going to collaborate. So that's, it's a really indirect route to save a lot of time. And I could imagine it makes them feel safe and feel like it's okay to tell you information, which in a negotiation, it's all about getting as much information as possible. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:11:28 That's right. What would you do? Yeah. And since you brought up that's right, we're going to have to break that down to our listeners. So tell us about these magical words. That's right. And why your right is actually not what you want to hear. And that's right is once you hear those words,
Starting point is 00:11:45 you know, that you're on the right track. Yeah, that's right. So what people say when they feel completely understood or completely represented by the other side. And, you know, this, this empathy moment, the oxytocin moment is insane. As an example, it's why common ground is for grade C level negotiators, tactical empathy, that's right moments, that's for A plus people. And I'll give you an example, regardless of what you think of Donald Trump, whether you're a supportive of them or against them. You're either perplexed or proud of the fact that his followers follow and come what may. Like he said early on in his presidency,
Starting point is 00:12:31 I could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue, and my supporters would still be behind me. Now, what happened? They created this bond with them. Was it common ground? Well, when Trump first ran for president, you know, all the pundits said he'll never get elected because he's a New Yorker, he's a billionaire, but the New Yorker and billionaire stuff means he has no common ground with the Republican
Starting point is 00:12:56 base, and they will never embrace him. Well, clearly they embraced him, despite sharing no common ground, as people would normally define it. So, what is it? When he stood up and started talking about the stuff that he believed in, at some point in time, people listening to him said, that's right. That's what I believe in. Trump would be up there and say, I hate the media and all the Republicans that hate the media
Starting point is 00:13:24 would go like, that's right, the media is an evil thing. You know, he says, lame streamed media and vast majority of the Republican base believe that the media is biased. So he was saying things and people were saying, that's right, creating a bond to be envy. If you love Donald Trump, you wanna emulate what he did. If you hate Donald Trump, you want to emulate what he did. If you hate Donald Trump, you're mad at what he did, because it's such a huge bond. And me and my team, you know, we think,
Starting point is 00:13:53 you know, if Donald Trump doesn't tell you what oxytocin will do for you in terms of building relationships, then you and not bad attention. It's so interesting. It's so true. It's like whether you love Maria Haydom, he's got some amazing persuasive skills. So let's talk about, since we're on this topic, your right versus that's right. Yeah, thanks for bringing that back up again, because a lot of people want to think that your right is the same as that's right. And it's not. I mean, everybody's guilty of this. Everybody listening to your podcast. I know all of you listeners out there,
Starting point is 00:14:28 sometime in the last week, somebody that you love or somebody that you have to keep the relationship with. There's been hammering you about something you don't want to do and you can't get them to stop and you look them in the eye and you go, you're right.
Starting point is 00:14:43 And they shut up and they stop bothering you. Your right is a really polite way to get somebody that either you have love or you have to keep a relationship with, to leave you alone, to get them to stop talking. There's no shortage of wives who have realized that if they look at their husband, when he's given her a hard time about something, and if she looks at him and says, you're right, he will stop bothering you. That's not what's effective it is.
Starting point is 00:15:19 So people use it, but the flip side of it is everybody does it and nobody thinks that it's being done to them. Like, I got news for you. It's being done to you. And that's why you got to know the difference. And it's huge. The implication, if I can share a short story, but in my Tim Larkin runs a self-defense company out of Vegas.
Starting point is 00:15:44 Good guy, name of his book is when violence is the answer. Like he doesn't advocate, but he's like, there are moments in your life that the only thing that's gonna save you is violence. And so if that's true, you gotta know how to do it. He's in a black belt hall of fame. He's a sweetheart of a guy, very low-key dude. I mean to me, he says, you saved me so much money.
Starting point is 00:16:04 I'm like, cool. How did that happen? He had this whole team together in his company. He's laying out strategy. He thinks he's putting everybody on the right track. He's got it going on. He's explaining. And one of his senior executives looks at him
Starting point is 00:16:19 and says, Tim, you're right. And he just stops them dead in his tracks and he says, holy cow. I am so far off base with my guys that they're politely asking me to shut up. So he didn't get a fan that he's a smart dude. He took it for what it was worth. He stopped the meeting. He went and talked to each one of his guys
Starting point is 00:16:41 and figured out what all the problems were and aligned everybody on the mission. And he said, if I had never read, never split the difference, I'd have thought it was a great meeting. I didn't ever realize that one of my guys was suddenly telling me, like Tim, we can't take it anymore, you're on the wrong track.
Starting point is 00:16:59 I'd have thought your right was a great response. He says, you saved me so much money and I got my team back together understanding that that was a sign that I was off track with them. The sucky part is that you, I've learned this before and then you forget about it because it's so natural and I feel like I've already learned this before but I hope that it sticks to everybody tuning in this time that when somebody says you're right, it means that a, they don't want to hear what you're saying anymore. They want you to shut up. They're not taking
Starting point is 00:17:28 your advice. They don't agree with you. But for that's right, I guess the one question that I have is, is that really the only phrase that we need to look for or are there variations of that's right? You know, you can get variations of it in a team of Black Swan team. We've been trying it aside. Is it like one star that's right? Is it five star? You know, you can hear that's it exactly. You're going to hear you got it.
Starting point is 00:17:53 You're going to hear various versions of it. You know, you might hear that's right. Really, if you, when they say it, what you're really going for is, if you can tell when they say that they felt a sense of relief or they felt a new idea come to them. Now any versions of it are good. Those are all good, but you may need an accumulation, you may be leaving something out, you may not quite have hit it exactly with them.
Starting point is 00:18:25 Any version of it is a good version, as long as it's not your right. You're on the right track, you're communicating. It's going back to that energy thing that we were just talking about. It's the energy that we're looking for. So if they're like, oh yeah, you're right, you're right, and they're kind of just moving the conversation along rather than like, you feel like they're resonating with what you're saying. Yes. Yeah, good point. And I like the way you put that. I like your focus on energy that makes a big difference. Let's hold that thought and take a quick break with our sponsors.
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Starting point is 00:22:40 That's R-A-K-U-T-E-N. Your cash back will really add up. That's R-A-K-U-T-E-N. Your cashback will really add up. That's Okay, so I want to get some real examples of this tactical empathy and I'm going to say a phrase about the way somebody's feeling in a situation. And then I'd love for you to say the sympathetic way that somebody could respond to that and then the tactical empathy way that someone can respond to that. Okay. This is like a game show.
Starting point is 00:23:11 It's like a game. Yes. This is like a negotiation game show with Chris Valls and Hollis Ha Ha. Okay. So let's say your opponent thinks you're an arrogant jerk based on your past hot-headed interactions. How do you diffuse that elephant in the room in a sympathetic way, which is the wrong way, and then in an empathetic way, which is the right way? A sympathetic way would probably be like, you know, I understand. My dad was an
Starting point is 00:23:38 arrogant, hot-headed jerk, and it was, it was really hard for me to deal with him too. You know, that would be like trying to share the experience. I understand is what people often say when they're trying to be sympathetic, but they want to give you an example of their own experience and how they dealt with it, the unspoken part of it is, I'm saying like, look, I got over it, so it's time for you to get over it too.
Starting point is 00:24:04 Which is, you're trying for you to get over it to which is you're trying to help people get over stuff. So, you know, you think on the suicide hotline way back when they said if somebody's in quicksand, you don't help them by getting into the quicksand with them. And that's kind of what sympathy is. So, team me up again and I'll give you the tactical empathy. Your opponent thinks you're an arrogant jerk based on past, hot-headed interactions. You know, you probably feel like I'm an arrogant jerk. You probably feel like I don't listen to you that I fly off the handle. You probably scare the saying, anything to me at all, because you never know when I'm gonna blow up
Starting point is 00:24:48 and it's painful for you. So then they feel like, oh, he understands me. It just makes them, I guess, feel more calm that that's acknowledged. Yeah, it starts to diffuse it. It makes me look honest, genuine, unafraid of my shortcomings. You're not gonna solve a problem
Starting point is 00:25:08 unless you're aware of the problem. If I at least articulate it, at least I'm aware. You know, I'm not giving you a sympathetic response which is like kind of like, you know, everybody deals with hot-headed people, it's just part of life. That doesn't show any awareness that maybe my approach might be counterproductive.
Starting point is 00:25:30 So if I say, look, I probably seem like a hot-headed jerk. If I begin to demonstrate at least some awareness of it, you have an encouragement. I am never going to fix a problem that I won't even admit is a problem. First step, right? You know, the 12-step programs globally, whatever 12-step thing you're dealing with. The first step is recognition of the problem, at least recognition of the dynamic. Maybe I don't even want to say it's a problem. At least I recognize the dynamic. That's tremendously reassuring to the other side. And it doesn't imply that they're wrong in not reacting
Starting point is 00:26:09 or they're off base or they're, you know, any of the negative things that simple recognition has a tendency to keep from ever getting on the table. Okay, one more. Let's say you're doing a group project and two colleagues don't get along with each other and they're refusing to work together.
Starting point is 00:26:29 How would you defuse that with tactical empathy? So your answer might be like, look, you guys clearly see things differently. You guys are clearly rubbing each other the wrong way. What do we try to accomplish here? I did two things with that, you know, I threw out some understanding that wasn't pointing a finger at either person or not, I don't need them to feel the group is pointing a finger at them and I don't need a group to think that I'm pointing a finger. I'm just calling out the dynamic, you know, I'm looking
Starting point is 00:27:05 to dismantle the elephant in the room. So in a file one, what question, which is a calibrated question, your questions, if you ask them at all, probably I'd start with what or how, because you're asking the question to create an effect. And then to get people to think. And he also got a thrown, correct ton of voice, because I could say, what are we trying to accomplish here? Which is accusatory. You know, my voice is saying, like, why don't you two idiots see the damage you're creating?
Starting point is 00:27:39 But instead, I go, what are we trying to accomplish here? You know, it's curious. It's trying to get people without feeling accused to take a look at their original reason for being in the original reason for being part of the group and give them the opportunity to decide whether or not they want to stick to that original reason, which is again, that autonomy thing that you were talking about earlier, which people will die to preserve their autonomy. People will walk away, people will tank deals, there's all sorts of things that,
Starting point is 00:28:17 to other people that they do, that it's clearly damaging to them, short-term and long-term, just to preserve their autonomy. And that's specifically to preserve the ability to say no, right? So why is that so powerful? Why do people like to have the choice to say no?
Starting point is 00:28:35 What's the psychology behind that? Again, I believe it's an autonomy issue. You know, one of the books that inspired me early on when I first started realizing a hostage negotiation applied to business was a book called Start With No Written Back in 2002 by a guy named Jim Camp. And he was a salesman. He had backgrounds in both the military and in sports coaching.
Starting point is 00:29:02 These work in a salesman. And he called it the right to veto. And his approach on start with no was in a sales process. He would say, look, I want you to know you could say no to me at any time, any moment in time. It's okay to say no, I will go away. I'm not trying to get you to say yes without you understanding that you could say no at any moment. Cultivate the right to veto. And just preserving that right suddenly he made more sales, suddenly he made more deals. He made more agreements. He made more than anybody else did.
Starting point is 00:29:37 And that's where Jim said people will die to preserve their autonomy. So this autonomy thing and a right to say no, the feeling that it's okay to say no, goes an awful long way in making people feel that you're not trying to bamboozle. Yeah, so for me, one of the least intuitive things about everything that you teach is the fact that we're not trying to get people to say yes,
Starting point is 00:30:01 we're trying to get people to say no, because of this thing we just talked about, that people love to have the choice to say yes. We're trying to get people to say no because of this thing we just talked about that people love to have the choice to say no and it makes them feel in control, right? So talk to us about how we can ask questions in a way where people would start with no and then agree with us and get to the yes but they always start with saying no
Starting point is 00:30:22 and then get to the yes. So how do we ask questions like that? Yeah, well, most of them, it's simple, but it's hard because it's so against our wiring. Like, I never say, have you got a few minutes to talk. I say, it's now bad time to talk. I never say, do you agree? I say, do you disagree?
Starting point is 00:30:39 I never say, is this something that would work for you? I say, is this a that would work for you? I'd say, is this a ridiculous idea? Are you against? I mean, the transformation from yesterday was actually really simple once it doesn't scare the hell out of you, but so many people, the first time out, are so afraid, because you're taught that, yes, is success. Which if you believe that, it makes no by definition failure.
Starting point is 00:31:09 People are horrified of the word. Once you can cross that bridge, the rest of it is so easy. Why do you think people will tend to agree with you more and you'll get what you want when they actually say no first. Well people are conditioned from the age of two that when they say no, it makes them feel safe and protected. And it's when an adult says to a child, when a child does something wrong, no. So what does a child learn from that?
Starting point is 00:31:41 Saying no is what adults do. Adults jobs to say no. I once, and even I think I was a guy who was a lieutenant on NYPD. He once told me a lieutenant's job was to say no. He didn't even care what the question was. He felt like he was doing his job when he said no. So it makes no sense, but people condition themselves over and over and over, like Pavlov's dog for a famous psychological experiment. When I say no, I feel safe and in control. So get somebody to say no, because what the real issue is, you need to know what comes after the word, either yes or no. If I get you to say yes, you're going to be reluctant to say anything else because you're
Starting point is 00:32:30 going to feel like you're digging yourself into a hole. If I say, which is, do you agree, you might want to say yes, but here are the problems. If I say, do you disagree, you're going to be like, no, but I can't agree unless you fix these following problems. And now I've got to path forward. The really what I need to know is, I need you thinking, laying out problems for me and when you're feeling safe and secure, you can do that. Yeah, it's really interesting. I feel like an easy way to test this out is even in your email because it might be hard to do it in person because it's hard to think of those things on the spot.
Starting point is 00:33:07 But next time you're writing an email, instead of asking a question to get them to say yes, try to ask them a question that will get them to say no and just use that as practice. Is there any other ways that we can practice this? Because I feel like this one gem is so powerful if people just learned how to use it. Well, you know, and to get used to it and just change from, have you got a few minutes to talk to is now a bad time to talk,
Starting point is 00:33:29 like in all your conversations. It's small stakes practice for high stakes results. So in a little bit of, little bit of conversations, we're trying to get us on a regular basis, just practice, get no instead, and gain a feel and watch to see over and over again the different kind of reaction. It's so interesting.
Starting point is 00:33:50 I love this topic. So let's talk about the illusion of control. How else can we give our opponent the illusion of control? What are some other tactics? Well, the one-and-how questions. In a black swan method, we call calibrated questions. People love to be asked what to do. People love to be asked how to do something. You give them the illusion of control when you ask those questions and negotiations not about control
Starting point is 00:34:19 to guide someone what in crisis intervention is called guided discovery. That's not control. Let's give the other side a lot of latitude. But you kind of frame things with a what or how question. And the other side doesn't feel framed. They feel they would just ask what to do or how to do it. I mean they feel in control. So it's given the other side the illusion of control. It's usually through a what or a howl question. Could you give us an example? Well, you know, the famous, how am I supposed to do that? As a way to say no. The other side doesn't feel attacked.
Starting point is 00:34:59 What it really is is if you can't do something because the implementation is really difficult, you say, how am I supposed to do that? Or you might say three times, how am I supposed to do that? Or you might say the third time, how am I supposed to do that? Each one of those questions makes the other side think about the complexity of the problems, but they don't know that you made them think about it, they feel in control. They feel like you're asking for help. And, you know, that's kind of the, that's the way you get it started. We'll be right back after a quick break from our sponsors. Young M-Profiters, when it comes to online banking, we have options. But is
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Starting point is 00:40:57 One more question on this general topic, accusations audits. Talk to us about that. How do we use them? What's your methodology there? As whole, accusations audit is doing an audit, if you will. Of all the negative things the other side might think about you. Not what you think about them, but what they might think about you. And it's really starts with, you know, what's all this stuff that you're worried that you need to deny. Like, I don't want you to think I'm greedy. I don't want you to think I'm not less than. I don't want you to think I'm disrespectful. If you're in sales.
Starting point is 00:41:33 Every salesperson knows that there are enough, not your fault, but there are enough slimy salespeople out there that sales has got a negative connotation to the word. You know, the car salesman, use car salesman. Everybody in sales understands it. So you might want to say, I don't want you to think I'm just another salesman, slick salesman. Whatever you might want to deny, you simply take the denial out and list that stuff out and put it at it. You may think, you probably think is even stronger. I'm sure you probably think that since I'm in sales, I'm another fast talk in Huston Salesperson doesn't care about you. It just wants to push you into a deal.
Starting point is 00:42:18 I'm sure you, I'm sure this is going to sound disrespectful. I'm sure this is going to sound like I don't understand. You're probably going to think this makes me look greedy. Empathy again, how do you decide might see things, but just list and stuff out in advance. And using it to the dismantle the elephant or room, or to keep the elephant from getting built in the first place.
Starting point is 00:42:44 That's the thing that most people are most afraid of, is they think you're going to speak a negativity into existence by calling it out. What's that stupid movie candy man? You say candy made five times boom, the boogie man is there. What really happens is it creates this inoculating effect. So much so that if you don't have a negative thought in your head, but I know you're gonna react negatively to what I'm gonna say, I will say this gonna sound harsh.
Starting point is 00:43:19 And then I'll let you, I'll watch you to watch you brace yourself and you're gonna give me some sort of a physical signal if not verbal to go ahead. This is actually now we realize is grounded in neuroscience because an emotional pain and a physical pain is almost exactly the same thing. And neuroscience is found that if I warn you pain is coming, it's going to be a window that you need to brace yourself. Like if I have to find a doctor and I'm going to put a needle, I'm going to say this is going to hurt. Somewhere between three and twenty seconds is probably the window.
Starting point is 00:44:07 And I need to watch you and you're going to go like, all right, give it to me. And then bang, whatever that is. So if I say effectively, it's going to sound harsh, which is what I have to say is going to hurt, I'll let you brace yourself and you will appreciate the warning. And it will hurt less every time, every time. And it's very similar to what you just said about the pricing when you say, hey, like, it's, you're going to think it's high. Okay, tell me what the price is. And then like you said, they think they're expecting something way worse because you warned
Starting point is 00:44:42 them. And so like you said, it probably relaxes them. And then they accept it more because they were expecting something way worse because you warned them. And so like you said, it probably relaxes them and then they accept it more because they were expecting something way worse. Their imagination probably took them elsewhere. Exactly. So, let's talk about body language. You have a course on masterclass, which is super popular and congratulations on that. And in that course, you touch on the 738-55 role
Starting point is 00:45:07 when it comes to body language. Could you talk to us about this? Because we haven't talked about it yet on any of our podcasts together. All right. Well, basically, if you add those numbers up, you get 100. And a 38 stands for ton of voice, and a 55 stands
Starting point is 00:45:22 for body language, which is kind of 93% of your communication is not the words. And as a lot of people that, you know, they want to argue whether those numbers are accurate, they get crazy over it, and that they're really the most important issues to regardless of how strong I think those numbers are. Ton of voice and body language is a lot more important than the words. I can say to you, wow, that was a smart remark. That's an insult. But if I were to say to you, wow, how is this smart remark?
Starting point is 00:46:06 That's a compliment. I didn't change a word. If that doesn't illustrate to you the difference in tone of voice, I don't change a single word and the meaning changes 180 degrees. So what about body language? Our director of business development is a young lady named David Johnson and she's just naturally an encouraging person. And she's told me we were talking about this the other day. She knows if she's talking to somebody, she tilts her head to the
Starting point is 00:46:41 side and puts her eyebrows up. Like she's really interested. Like she's shocked at what people will share with her. And she'll just go really. And they will start laying out stuff to her of the struggles that they're dealing with. And how much our help as a business could be for them. And she's almost the same. She didn't even have to ask a question. She just goes, really, body language can be so encouraging if you let it be, or conversely, it'll shut people down if you don't watch it.
Starting point is 00:47:18 So it can be an enormously encouraging, enormously powerful thing to use in conjunction with your intent. I said there were two things about the 738, 55. The real issue is when body language and tone of voice do not match up with the words. That's when you know, you got a problem. It doesn't matter what the ratio is. It's when those things are not lining up, then you realize
Starting point is 00:47:45 that what they're saying and what they're feeling at two different things. And then you dig into it. Could you give us an example of when people's what they say doesn't match their body language? I'm trying to get an agreement from you. And you go, okay, a lot of people would say, oh, they said, okay, we're good. But the way I said it, there's a lot of stuff crossed my mind. There's a lot of things that I'm worried about. If I go, okay, you think that deal is going through without a hitch, you are in for a rude
Starting point is 00:48:24 surprise. How do you deal with that? You just say, some are simple as what we call a labor. You go like, I would just say okay, but it seemed like a lot of things crossed your mind when you did. That's what gets them, It makes them feel safe, sharing the things. They went through their mind.
Starting point is 00:48:49 So that would be an example of how their words would not match up with their tongue. And labeling basically just acknowledges what they're feeling and you try to get the information out of them. So you're basically just telling them what you perceive to be their feelings, how they're feeling? Yeah, exactly. And really since the first time that we talked,
Starting point is 00:49:15 we use labels a lot more than questions to get information out of people. Now, instead of saying, what's on your mind today? I may say, seems like there's stuff on your mind today. Now, the second way is most likely to get a lot more really good information out of you than the first way. Or what's stopping for you guys from going through with this deal would switch to, seems like there's something stopping you guys from going through with this deal would switch to, seems like there's something stopping you guys from going through with this deal. And second one, that label is going to get a lot more information.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Do you understand why just that small shift would change the way somebody reacts to it? Like, what's the reasoning behind that? I think principally, Danny Connellman,man who wrote the book Thinking Fast and Slow talked about slow in-depth thinking and fast reactionary thinking and a what question will trigger you into slow in-depth thinking which means you're going to think a lot about the question, which means the answer is going to be guarded and filtered. And depending upon how much mental energy you have, you may just stop thinking about it because there's too much work.
Starting point is 00:50:38 So questions cause those sorts of reactions. We're seeing on a regular basis basis if I just go seems like, for whatever reason I know it will trigger your unvarnished thoughts to come out much more readily, so much so that we had a client say labels unlock the floodgates of truth talk, because people got so much more candid and just, I don't think about what they're saying.
Starting point is 00:51:08 They just start sharing it. And then wouldn't you say that, so I guess I'm putting two strategies together, if you say seems like, and then you tell a lie so that they correct you, isn't that something powerful? People love to correct other people. So if you say, it seems like you came here
Starting point is 00:51:28 not wanting to make a deal. When you know they came here wanting to make a deal or something like that, and then they'll be like, oh no, no. Is that a good strategy to use? Yeah, well, clearly you've been doing your homework. You know, people love to correct. So sporadically, you know, we teach people to say
Starting point is 00:51:49 stuff wrong on purpose, to get correct because their correction is feels so good. It's almost addicting. It's ridiculous how good people feel when they correct. And then a secondary consequence of that, that plays in your benefit also. Make the quotas attributed to my Angelo. People don't remember what you said. They remember how you made a feel. Well, if you get really closely guarded information from them, you don't want them to regret telling you. So if they corrected you when they gave you that closely guarded information,
Starting point is 00:52:23 they remember how they feel when they said it, they felt great in the moment. And they're not going to regret sharing really intimate details with you because it felt so good while they were doing. Do you have an example of when you got somebody to correct themselves and how it helped you in a negotiation or just any sort of example to really drill this home with everybody tuning in. You know, one of those students when we were teaching at Georgetown was in a myth of a real estate deal
Starting point is 00:52:51 and a building was too good to be true. Like a cash cow historic district, which man it was a cash machine and it couldn't be knocked down and a historic district meant competing buildings couldn't be built. So it was a cash machine and it couldn't be knocked down and historic district meant competing buildings couldn't be built. So it was a really unique building. And he couldn't understand why the building was up for sale.
Starting point is 00:53:13 And he said, seems like the owner just doesn't believe in a fundamental future of the market. And the agent immediately shot back, now he's underwater in several other buildings. Now that was closely held information that no agent should ever share, but it was a correction. And this guy didn't even know he was saying it wrong on purpose. He was just trying to figure it out.
Starting point is 00:53:39 And so what the, why would a guy sell a cash cow? Like is it haunted? You know, what is going on here? And so he just said, it seems like it isn't believing a future fundamentals of the market and the agent shot back immediately information that he should not have shared, because it was a correction. It's just, you know, another company,
Starting point is 00:54:03 there are two companies that are at impasse, and the one company that we're coaching, they think they have a rough idea who the problem is on the other side of the table, but they could only narrow it down to one or two possible people. So let's call them Tom and Bob. So at the table, they go, seems like Tom and Bob are against the steel. The counterpart said, no, it isn't Tom and Bob immediately threw his colleague under the bus. But since it was a correction, he did it without thinking about it and didn't regret
Starting point is 00:54:36 sharing the information because he was correcting the other side. Okay, Chris, this was an amazing conversation. I do want to be respectful of your time. The last question I ask all my guests on Younger Profiting Podcast is, what is your secret to profiting in life? Probably two things. It's a journey, look, it's just a journey.
Starting point is 00:54:56 Take your eyes off the destination and focus on a journey. And then whatever you're into is gotta be something that's larger than you. I watched in a documentary yesterday on David Geffin. And David Geffin's a billionaire. But what I really, and I didn't know anything about the guy that he's a rich Hollywood guy.
Starting point is 00:55:18 And my take was that he was really dedicated to the musicians and the artists that he served. And what he was dedicated to was the creation of their art. And it was bigger than him. And it's sustainable. And I saw another documentary on Clive Davis, conversely, Clive Davis, dedicated to the music. I think he wanted to create his bigger thing was he wanted phenomenal music. And so if there's something you dedicated to that you're pursuing that's bigger than you, life is going to be enormously rich. And there are other riches besides money. Now money is a means, money's jet fuel.
Starting point is 00:56:07 And the other thing about Geffen, Geffen documentary was, he said, Dave, you got a billion dollars, are you happy? And he was like, wow. Now doing my thing is what makes me happy. So, you know, that's how you become profitable. And as a last note, I'd like to give people an opportunity to follow up with me if possible. But I'm really glad you asked that question
Starting point is 00:56:30 because there are larger things. Once you're into something larger than you, then life is gonna be enormously profitable. Of course. And where can our listeners go to learn more about you and everything that you do? Yeah, you know, the easiest thing to do, the smartest thing, is to subscribe to our newsletter. It's called The Edge, comes out on Tuesday mornings, simplest way to subscribe, sign up,
Starting point is 00:56:55 text, to sign up function. The number you text to is 33, triple seven. That's 33, seven, seven, seven. The message you send is black swan method, three words, that case sensitive spaces between the words. The newsletters, a gateway to everything we do. It's free, but better than that, it's actionable and it's concise.
Starting point is 00:57:21 And then it's the gateway, it really is. We get so many things that we can do to help you raise the level of your game and also look at life differently. Life's a lot more enjoyable when negotiations no longer combat it, but it's collaborative. Awesome. So I'll put that number to text in the show notes guys so that you don't need to write it down. Just head over to the show notes so you guys can grab that number to text and what to text.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Chris, thank you so much. It was such a pleasure to have you on. Thank you. Thank you. I love talking with you. You're upbeat. You're fun to talk to. you

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