Your Favorite Thing with Wells & Brandi - Sleep, Sex, Sauna: No Particular Order

Episode Date: March 5, 2025

Wells slept so good this week he feels braindead in the best way, which really means we ramp up the wild theories to 11 this episode. Hold on to your butts, YFTers. Meanwhile, Brand-eye is still livin...g her best oh-so-quiet life while the new boobs continue to heal. No more bruising, and they are seriously lookin’ like hot fire! She also got some fresh Botox just because but she’s drawing the line at Bro-tox—men, please, your foreheads should definitely move. Wells filmed The Traitors reunion show, and, shocker, he was banished again. WTF is going on here?? We don’t understand you, Traitors. Your host is also seriously obsessed over the new doc Devil in the Family: The Fall of Ruby Franke. Mormons, man. And speaking of Mormons, there’s one on The Bachelor doing a little too well—and we’re convinced someone is pulling strings to create the next crossover to Secret Lives of Mormon Wives. We warned you about the theories for this episode. Your hosts also dive fully into Labia Puff surgery, give hot takes on your fave TV shows and discuss why Tate McRae is the 90s pop star we actually need right now. Next week we’re hitting the phone lines so hit us up on the voicemails, and let us know all your thoughts on the above but also if Wells should really age gracefully into his silver fox era or sneak into that Bro-tox…ok byyye! Favourite things mentioned: 1923 S2 Devil in the Family: The Fall of Ruby Franke White Lotus S3 Paradise The Pitt  Surface S2 Down to Joy by Van Morrison Everything I Wanted by Evan Honer Thanks to our awesome sponsors for supporting this episode!  Hungryroot: For a limited time get 40% off your first box PLUS get a free item in every box for life. Go to and use code yft. Apostrophe: Get your first visit for only $5 at when you use our code: YFT. Happy Mammoth: For a limited time get 15% off on your entire first order at and use the code YFT. Calm: Go to for 40% off unlimited access to Calm’s entire library. Skims: Shop SKIMS best intimates including the Fits Everybody Collection and more at and SKIMS stores. After you place your order, select "podcast" in the survey and then YFT in the dropdown menu that follows. Ancient Nutrition: Get 25% off your first order when you go to Don’t forget to rate, review, and follow Your Favorite Podcast! Plus, keep up with us between episodes on our Instagram pages, @yftpodcast @wellsadams and @brandicyrus and be sure to leave us a voicemail with your fave things at 858-630-1856!  This podcast is brought to you by Podcast Nation

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I talked a little bit in the past month or so about my little surgery I had at the end of last year and just learning more about how as I'm getting older, my hormones are changing. It's not something I'm stoked about, but it is just a fact of life and it's part of being a woman. So I've been looking for some different supplements I can take to help with some of those changes. So finding a good supplement has been really important to me. And I have discovered Hormone Harmony. It's from the company Happy Mammoth. They have a bunch of different really interesting
Starting point is 00:00:36 supplements for women. Hormone Harmony is perfect for women of all ages who are struggling with life disrupting symptoms, anywhere from poor sleep, being tired all the time. Maybe you get bloated. Maybe you have bad PMS symptoms like me. Hormone harmony can help with all of these things. And for a limited time, you can get 15% off your entire first order at Just use the code YFT at checkout. and use promo code YFT for 15% off today. Bam, bam. Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam. Ding, ding, dong, ding. What's everybody doing out there?
Starting point is 00:01:17 Dude, I got such a good sleep last night. You wouldn't believe. Went and filmed the Traders reunion show. Don't know why they had me go. I really don't. Wasn't really on that. Wasn't really on that show either. I slept so good.
Starting point is 00:01:31 I'm kind of like brain dead. You ever feel that way? Where you're like, post sex brain, but I'm not getting laid. My wife's in New York and I'm in Los Angeles, but you know, I'm talking about, right? Like when you get such good sleep, the next day you're just like, that's how I feel right now. And that's a good feeling. You got to be honest with you about that.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Because I feel so chill. It's like, or it's like a post sauna feeling. You know that feeling? Oh, it's the best. Dude, sleep is the best. One of my favorite things is sleep. We should do more sleep. What a weird thing we have to do. Every night we have to turn our brains off and then hallucinate for eight hours. None of this is real, right? Like none of this, this whole thing can't be real. Gotta be fake. What's even crazier is that the fakeness of what we're living in, you're in this fake world listening to this fake thing podcast where I'm talking about the
Starting point is 00:02:28 fakeness of it all meta. Maybe I'm stoned. Maybe that's what sleep does to me now. Anyways, should we call the brand I? Okay. It's time to call her up. This is not real simulation. Hi. What's that? Oh, nothing. You look tan. Thank you. I don't know if I am or if I've just like
Starting point is 00:02:54 figured out the lighting in here. That's what I was thinking. What's going on? Oh, just, you know, chilling. Yeah? Yeah. All right. See you guys later.
Starting point is 00:03:12 That's all you got is just chilling. What's going on in your life? How are the tits? Literally fucking nothing because I have to do nothing for a month, essentially. It's very boring, I have to say. It is. I will tell you what, I I went got Botox last week
Starting point is 00:03:25 Uh-huh, and she got me good. Look at this bruise. Ooh You got a Botox bruise. I do I never get those should I do Botox? No, no, why do you think no talks? First of all, I don't think it's right But men look better with men look great as they age, you know? Like not all men, but in general, men age well and like look sexy with wrinkles and like gray hair and just like all the things. Women don't and that's fucked up, but it's just the facts right now,
Starting point is 00:03:56 I think in the world we live in. So I say lean into it. And also I just, I see a lot of men get, I mean, here's the thing. If you go to like someone good, it probably would be fine. But all these men are going to these fucking med spas and getting bro talks and they look crazy. What do they look crazy?
Starting point is 00:04:14 What does that mean? A man's forehead is supposed to move. I just find it strange when men's foreheads are just like shiny and immobile. And it's just odd. Yeah I kind of find it strange when women's are like that too though. Mine's looking real good. Yeah it's crazy though like so I have wrinkles you can see the wrinkles on my forehead right? Oh yeah yeah yeah. So when you get Botox did those go away? Well so
Starting point is 00:04:39 here's the thing no they don't because if you already have lines in your face Botox is not erasing those lines. The reason people do it young is because if you start Botoxing and stop your forehead from moving, those lines never happen, never show up. So it's too late for me because I've already got this these two lines on my forehead. It's not too late because it would it would stop them from getting worse. Yeah. And it would make your forehead not move,
Starting point is 00:05:06 which would make them less noticeable unless someone was like up in your face and could see the lines, right? Cause if it's not moving, then you don't notice them. And it could stop them from getting worse. But I say lean into it. I think you would look nuts with Botox. Yeah, I'm not gonna do it. Like, I almost feel like your forehead wrinkles are like
Starting point is 00:05:24 part of your face, like they're part of you and like your expressions you make and like that would be weird if you didn't have them. Yeah, but I could say the same thing about you and your forehead wrinkles. Well, no, I've been botoxing since I was 29. You haven't ever seen my forehead wrinkles. Well, I know, but what if the world is missing out on great forehead wrinkles? They're not. No? It's, you know, it's what they don't know doesn't hurt them. Yeah, like, that's what that's the tea. Here's the thing I go to someone really fucking
Starting point is 00:05:51 good that really knows her shit. Everyone says they go to the great guy or the great check. Well, I do. Okay. And my forehead is not frozen. I can still move my eyebrows, you know, but she goes, she gets me good where I really need it. Like my worst thing is my like resting bitch face where I get these creases right here Oh, and so she freezes those so that I can't do that because those just get so bad I'm not even a week post Botox So it really hasn't even fully set in yet, but like I really can't frown which is great, but I can move my eyebrows
Starting point is 00:06:20 So it's like you can't just freeze everything at once. You got be specific. You know, and do you not have crow's feet? Oh, I Botox those. I mean, like, this is very interesting that like your problem is your frown lines and not your crow's feet. And you know what that means? That means someone's not laughing enough. Oh, that's probably true.
Starting point is 00:06:36 I hate comedy. I know. But I do, I Botox them every other time because they're not that bad. But those 11s, that resting bitch face really gets me. Yeah. What does that say about you? That your problem is RBF? It says, it says I concentrate really hard on everything that I do. Is your one titty still black and blue? Like an eggplant?
Starting point is 00:07:00 So much better. No more bruising. That's good. Which is great. That one still has like tape on it from like scar tape or whatever. And then obviously like the two scars here, they still have tape. So this that one still looks crazy because of that. But all the bruising is gone. And honestly, they look freaking great. Like, I'm only two weeks post-op and it's been a breeze that for not being able to do anything.
Starting point is 00:07:26 When are you off bed rest? I mean, I'm off bed rest. But the problem is, if I'm not in bed, I'm lifting 50 pounds and hauling horses around and being pulled on by animal like there's really no in between for me. It's like bed or are getting hauled around by 1200 pound farm animal, you know, so my choices are limited with my activities. Well, this is great news for the wife to hear that means that you've been in bed watching a lot of shows, I'm sure and
Starting point is 00:07:50 you're going to have a whole lot of content, which is great. And I'm excited about it. I mean, I've definitely been watching more shows than normal. Yeah, good, good, good, good, good, good, good. But I wouldn't say I'm in bed all day. That's lame. Working hard, hardly working. See, this week was kind of busy. Tuesday, or this last Tuesday, we released the golf podcast I'm doing,
Starting point is 00:08:07 Vanity Index podcast, my buddy Chad Mom, who makes full swing. So if you're into golf, please go listen to that. On Thursday, I went and filmed the Traders reunion show. Fill some tea. I mean, not really, obviously, they want people to watch it. I don't know why they told me to go to this thing.
Starting point is 00:08:25 What do I have to say at this thing? You know? It's fine. A few minutes on screen couldn't hurt you. Oh, I know. I want to get screen time, but I don't think I'm going to. We did that. So I hung out with the cast.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Oh, and then we went to, we went to like this like traders installation. So like in this house. I saw that. Yeah. So it was like, we played traders in like basically like in this house. I saw that. Yeah. So it was like we played traders in like basically an hour. So you have like missions. So mafia, like we used to play back in the day. Exactly. But it was like with actors and stuff. It was so much fun. Was it just the traders cast or more other
Starting point is 00:08:59 people? Just the traders cast. So we all did it again. But we split in two groups. So it was like me and Sam and Robin and Dylan and Iver. Did you lose? Dude, it's so amazing how this happens. So you go in there, they put you put the blindfold on. They go around, they choose who the traders and the faithfuls are. And so that happens. And then you go into a room and you play like a mission. And so the traders are trying to
Starting point is 00:09:28 get you to fail the missions, you know, and the faithfuls are trying to get you to win the missions, right? It's like one is like, you have to figure out like do math and figure out a code to a suitcase and then like dress one of Allen's mannequins or whatever. And then the next one, we go into like the kitchen and we've got to do the seating chart correctly, but then there's also shields hidden. And so you're doing that, you try to win that.
Starting point is 00:09:54 And the third one is like this kind of interesting game where like you pull out swords and whatever color swords you're on, you go sit on a coffin with the pertaining color and then you answer questions. Whoever answers questions gets to go put either like a faithful token in or a trader token in. So you can kind of like start to figure out like,
Starting point is 00:10:14 okay, so so-and-so went and put a token in, and in that round there was a trader token, so it must be one of those three or whatever. You know, you're trying to like, whittle it down or whatnot. So then we get to the round table, and once again, I am the first one banished. So then I have to stand- No!
Starting point is 00:10:33 Dude, so then I have to stand up, and they're like, all right, you know, and now do the thing, so I start slow clapping again, you know, and I'm like, you dipshits, I'm faithful again, What are you doing? And it was really funny afterwards, Danielle was on the team. I was like, why did you guys banish me again?
Starting point is 00:10:53 And she goes, oh my God, get over it. That's what she said to me. I was like, oh, I'm sorry, Danielle. You got to play the entire game like an absolute idiot. I didn't get to play the thing, okay? And I wanna know what it is about me. What is it about me that makes you guys think that- You're a threat.
Starting point is 00:11:11 By the way, did I take a schedule 35 microdose and go do it? A hundred percent, it was so much fun. You did? Dude, I'm telling you, this is the new way of having fun. I just go take a microdose and I'm just having the best time in the world. I gotta give this a go You do it's the best there's actors in every room and they're all doing Scottish accents kind of badly
Starting point is 00:11:30 they're all from like Cahunga or like Agorah Hills, but they're all doing Scottish accents. So I'm like, oh do we get to play along? So I start acting with them and you know, like there's the one where they're like doing like, oh my god We have to dress Alan's manikin. He's gonna be late we have to dress Alan's mannequin he's gonna be late to the party and I'm like we're late to the party not today we must fix it so I start playing along and I think everyone's like what the fuck are you doing little do they know that I'm on a microdose of mushrooms and having the best time of my life so afterwards they were like dude you were like a little too like like
Starting point is 00:12:01 performative and like that's why we thought you were a traitor. And I was like, oh, sorry. A tiger can't change his stripes guys, all right? I am who I am. And that's why I'm terrible at this game. So that happened. Honestly, it's shocking how bad you are. It's kind of comical. Then we went to the Clippers Lakers game afterwards
Starting point is 00:12:19 with everybody and I'm sitting there with, yeah. And I'm sitting there with Wes and Wes is like, what do you think you're gonna do it again? Like if they ask you and I was like, I think I'm sitting there with Wes and Wes is like, what do you think you're gonna do it again? Like if they ask you and I was like, I think I'm done. And he's like, why? Do they ask people to go back twice? Yeah, I think they will. I think they will.
Starting point is 00:12:33 I think they'll do like an all stars and like whatever. You think you'd go back? And I was like, I don't think so. I don't think I'm very good at this game. He's like, yeah. Like just didn't disagree with that. Yeah, you suck. Yeah, you're not good at this. And he said something that's kind of interesting. He's like, yeah, like didn't disagree with that. Yeah, you suck. Yeah, you're not good at this.
Starting point is 00:12:46 And he said something that's kind of interesting. He's like, yeah, you know, on the challenge, I have to do a thing where I have to pull back 20% of both like being on TV, being entertaining and like being like overly smart. He's like, you have to pull back both of those dials. They'll go after you cause you're like too big of a personality or whatever. You're giving too much your hand. I was like, I have to pull back both of those dials. They'll go after you because you're like too big personality
Starting point is 00:13:05 or whatever. You're giving too much your hand. I was like, I never thought to do that. I just was like, I'm just going to go be me. And if that's not great, then whatever. So anyways, I realized that I'm just never going to be very good. And then I was like, well, if I go back,
Starting point is 00:13:17 they're definitely going to make me a traitor, right? Because I was a faithful the first time around. And then people are going to be like, you're definitely a traitor this time around because you were a faithful the first time around. You people are gonna be like you're definitely a traitor this time around because you Were a faithful the first time around you were slow clapping and angry that you got kicked off So then they're gonna banish me first again, and if that happens, I'm not sure if my ego can handle it Brandi All right, so best to just not do it skip it best to just say hey listen guys. I did it. I'm done I'm terrible, and it's just not a game for me, you know? I guess not.
Starting point is 00:13:45 The worst part is though, it's so, I love that. I love playing pretend. I know. So, anyways. I really, I thought it was for you, you know? I was excited about it, excited for you. Thought you'd do well. Did same.
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Starting point is 00:15:36 their actual size so that I can get on my Skims app and shop for some new bras. I've already been doing a little window shopping just because I'm so excited but I'm trying to wait until they go down to the, you know, I'm buying the right thing. But I've raved about their underwear for so long. If you guys haven't tried Skim's bra collection, I would highly, highly recommend it. I really love their Fits Everybody bralettes. I have just the classic scoop bralette that I was literally wearing with everything. It's so good under t-shirts. It's so comfortable. They have it in a couple different fabrics. And sometimes seasonally, they'll have really cute lace versions, which I love. And they recently came out with the
Starting point is 00:16:15 Fits Everybody Racerback Bralette, which has been a game changer for me because I wear so many tank tops in the summer. This Racerback Bralette has been my go-to bra. Shop SKIMS Best Intimates, including the Fits Everybody collection and more at and skim stores. After you place your order, be sure to let them know that we sent you select podcast in a survey
Starting point is 00:16:35 and be sure to select our show in the dropdown that follows. Check out SKIMS Best Intimates, including the Fits Everybody collection and more at slash yft. Should we start the show and then talk about traders? Yes. Go for it.
Starting point is 00:16:50 Bros and hoes. You're listening to your favorite thing podcast with Wells and Brandy. So I watched the last two episodes of screeners because we had to have everything. We had to watch everything before the finale, right? Uh huh. So the way it happened on the screeners, which I assume is the same way it happened for you is it ends on a cliffhanger. Yep. And you're trying to figure out if Brittany will vote for either Danielle or Iver, I guess. I'm not, you know, so it opens with Brittany coming into the turret, right? As a,
Starting point is 00:17:23 yep, as a trader. Think it was smart for them to kill Tom and not someone else. I think they should have killed Dylan. Me too. So Dylan is being shielded by Danielle, right? He knows this. He already kind of suspects her.
Starting point is 00:17:39 As she knows, he kind of suspects her. I know, which is why she's so dumb for keeping it. But like her game just never made sense to me. Yeah. And killing Tom, if I'm a trader, I love Tom there because he is so fucking chaotic. Yeah, all over the place. And he's just gonna keep thinking that Dolores is a traitor.
Starting point is 00:18:00 I know, which is so funny. Why would you get rid of the one guy who has been consistently not voting for you? I don't know. And I wonder why Brittany didn't, cause I think, I do feel like Brittany seems smarter in terms of like strategy and shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Why did Brittany not go to bat for that, I wonder. I don't know. I've heard those turret sessions go like into like the morning light. Oh shit. So I'm sure a lot is talked about and they're just cutting it down to like whatever. If you kill Dylan, I guess it might put pressure on Danielle, but it also puts pressure on Gabby because it's been well known that Gabby's been
Starting point is 00:18:36 going after Dylan and Dylan's been going after Gabby, right? Yep. Yeah. I think you kill it. Also, you got to not that Tom is stupid. I do think that Gabby and Dylan are smarter just in terms of gameplay than Tom. Yeah, yeah. And Dolores too. Oh, for sure. Dolores is just like skipping through the flowers in this game. I know and Iver is not on this television show. Oh, he doesn't give a fuck. I think I had more lines in this show than Ivar did. Yep. Isn't it crazy he made it this far? But that's the thing, like we talked about this last week, like that a really good strategy is to not say a fucking word. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:21 People just forgot about him. I know. Literally, there was one episode where Gabby was like, oh, bummer, Avar, you know, isn't with us and he was sitting right there. Yeah. Crazy. Who do you think they should have killed instead of Tom? Oh, I think Dylan for sure.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Yeah. I think Dylan's the biggest threat because he's the one actually playing the fucking game. Well, aside from Gabby, but I think if you kill Gabby, then you take away the only other person that could be really considered a traitor, right? Yeah. playing the fucking game. Well, aside from Gabby, but I think if you kill Gabby, then you take away the only other person that could be really considered a traitor, right? Yeah. Okay, so they have to sift through like bags of shit, essentially is what it seems,
Starting point is 00:19:52 which I'm dying to know what was really in those bags. I would love to know like what they put in there that everyone like legitimately thought they were sifting through shit. To find these coins, here's the thing is like, that challenge was just kind of vague. Like leading up to that final round, it's very clear that like Dylan has no coins
Starting point is 00:20:11 and you know, Brittany and maybe one other person had a bunch. But then he's like, he's like, well, but technically, you know, because of this last round, anyone could become the seer. But that's not, how is that possible if everyone's putting the same amount of coins? I don't know. I just didn't love it. It was very just weird. And then he and then at the end, they're like, Well, you're not going to get to know who it is or be even be able to use it
Starting point is 00:20:33 until after the roundtable. So it's like, well, what's the point? I agree. I almost think that that was on the producers to make it really, really vague. So they could choose who they wanted to be the seer. Because also, like, it didn't make any sense. Because you were like, wait, so they could choose who they wanted to be the seer. Because also, it didn't make any sense because you were like, wait, so Dylan's out in the first round, but in the second round, he still gets to do it and he could still win? I'm really confused. No, it was silly and stupid. And so yeah, so they end that episode without telling you who gets that because
Starting point is 00:20:59 they were like, we're not even gonna address this until after the roundtable. So it's like, well, what if the seer, but the person that won that gets voted off the round table, then what, you know? That's what happened to me. Cause I was gonna get the shield from freaking Wes. Yeah. It's down to so few people
Starting point is 00:21:17 that like everyone's just sitting in silence, awkward as fuck. Yeah. Cause everyone's like, I don't know what to say to anybody because anyone could just be fucking lying to me. You know what I mean? It's like, no, it's like everyone just feels awkward. So especially, obviously, Gabby and Danielle, because they're each accusing each other like Gabby's fully, fully 100000 percent commenced. Daniel's a traitor. And Danielle is like going to the grave on accusing Gabby because that's her only her only scapegoat.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Right. It's all she's got. So it's just like a bunch of scenes of them sitting in rooms just silent and awkward. That scene of them both in like the billiards room where Gabby's like, I'm not gonna leave. I'm gonna let it sit in the awkwardness. It's fine. It's just so funny.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Insane, because both of them are so awkward. And you know, and like that honestly, as awkward and silent as it is, it's kind of fascinating to watch how two people how Danielle can actually like sit through all that knowing she's fucking guilty, you know? Yeah, the numbers are tight, right? Everyone's trying to go around and convince people of who to
Starting point is 00:22:16 vote for because the numbers are so tight. It's like if everyone's voting for different people, nothing's gonna happen, right? So it's like, Brittany's trying to say to Dolores, like, who are you voting for? Like, we need to like know going into this because, like, and she's like, well, I need to hear everyone's, I need to hear everyone's case. And it's like, no, you can't fucking do that.
Starting point is 00:22:37 You have to have a strategy. And she refuses, you know? She's like, oh, I want to hear everybody out. And then her fucking, you know, accusing Ivar is just so fucking pointless to me. I'm like, this is I want to hear everybody out. And then her fucking, you know, accusing Ivar is just so fucking pointless to me. I'm like, this is such a waste. But then obviously, because she does that, Danielle like jumps on board and uses that which I think makes Danielle looks so fucking
Starting point is 00:22:55 guilty. She should have just focused on Gabby. Like you were going in on Gabby. Yeah. So hard. And then you write down Ivar's name. Yeah, that didn't make any sense to me. Oh, I thought it made her look guilty as hell. Yeah. The more I watch Gabby, the more I realize like just how fantastic of a television personality she is. She's so good. She's amazing. I would say she's the star of the show at this
Starting point is 00:23:16 point. I would agree too. Great television. It all comes down to Danielle's best friend because they have stymied first votes at the vote again. And it all comes down to Danielle's best friend because they have stymied first votes at the vote again and it all comes down to Danielle's best friend Brittany is Brittany going to Screw over again because it happened in Big Brother or something Which I found out by the way this whole thing is predicated around a game that they played in the peppermint forest It was like a Christmas themed Big Brother
Starting point is 00:23:45 I've never seen Big Brother. I haven't either. So what do you think is gonna happen? I think the editing is making it look like she's gonna write down Danielle's name. Yeah. But I don't think she's going to. No.
Starting point is 00:23:57 So if she doesn't, then we'll be stymied again and then we have to do a coin flip or something. What do you think? So what do you think? And my question is, how fucking fair is this coin flip? Do you think like producers are just picking what they want to happen? Yeah, I don't know. Possible. Good question. As a person who loves reality TV, I hope to God, Brittany writes down Danielle's name. Like that would be the best thing in
Starting point is 00:24:20 the world. The way they edited it, it makes it look like Brittany thinks that Dolores and her are having an agreeance on who they're voting for non-verbally. It almost looks like Brittany thinks, oh shit, I'm going to be the only one not writing down Danielle's name, essentially, which is going to hang her out to dry. If she's the only one not voting Danielle and Danielle is a traitor, I think that makes Britney look guilty as fuck. Yeah. You know what I mean? Totally.
Starting point is 00:24:47 So you can tell you can see that she's having that conversation in her head. Yeah, we'll see. It's almost to the end. I will say this, though, it doesn't look good for the traders. No, it doesn't. I don't understand why they played such a smart game. You got some things bro. I do bro.
Starting point is 00:25:06 I literally just this morning watched the new episode of 1923. Okay. Tell me all about it. So good. My only complaints. I need more Spencer in every episode. Please. Thank you. They just do such a freaking good job. Like this episode ended on,
Starting point is 00:25:20 on not just one cliffhanger, but like four. They leave you hanging on like every single fucking storyline They've got going at the end of every episode and it's fucking genius. Yeah, it's not kind of annoying though It is but it's just it's also so good It makes me literally want to watch it like the second it fucking drops, you know on Sunday So I'd say they're doing their job, right? But if you're not watching it, it's so so good highly recommend I also caught up on white lotus. I'm not loving this season as much as I normally do. I haven't seen the most recent episode okay but I stick by my theory that I think the monkeys are the killers. Interesting yeah I
Starting point is 00:25:55 don't know like it's funny I liked season one of White Lotus yeah I loved season two as did everybody and this one I'm just like I don't know. I mean, so you have the robbery, right? Yeah. During that robbery, you have the the handsome yoga instructor come to the gate man and start invites him to a football match or no a fight, I guess. And then that happens. So obviously, that guy's bad. Obviously, the bad yoga teacher is a bad guy, right? I don't know. I feel like they always they do this to where they like, kind of lead you down hating somebody and then it turns out that person was harmless. Yeah, I don't know. I feel like they always they do this to where they like, kind of lead you down hating somebody and
Starting point is 00:26:25 then it turns out that person was harmless. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, I think it's a red herring. The snake bracelet that she's looking at in the jewelry room is what's stolen. So that's definitely going to be seen somewhere some characters to be wearing that later on someone for sure. Yeah. And then she's gonna be like, you know, I just like Michelle Monaghan's character. I think you're supposed to not like her. Yeah, she's not likable at all.
Starting point is 00:26:48 But again, I think that could be another distraction. But yeah, I mean, I'm watching it. I'm just like, I'm waiting for it to be great, you know? Well, there is something out that is great and that needs to be watched immediately by everybody. Devil in the family, The Fall of Ruby Frankie. You would. Oh my god. Brandy. You have got to watch this documentary. Really? It is amazing. If you don't remember, Ruby
Starting point is 00:27:20 Frankie was a YouTuber, I think like right before the pandemic, her YouTube channel was called 8 Passenger Van. She's a crazy person that's got six kids who lives in Utah and it was like all about their family beloved for being like this amazing mother, amazing. I don't remember this. Amazing wife. Well, if you watch the documentary, you'll see this. And then the kind of the star of the show is the eldest son who's like really handsome and very
Starting point is 00:27:45 Athletic and so like he's like a little bit of a heartthrob and then he started to see like some cracks You know like he starts having some issues and he has to go see a therapist and he goes to see a therapist by the name of Jodie Hildebrand She seems like a crazy bitch and all of a sudden the internet turns on the family where they're like, I think that this lady, this Ruby Frankie is abusing these children because there's like a video where the boys like, I've been sleeping on a beanbag for seven months because I've been grounded or whatever. And everyone's like, what? Okay, it can be grounded, but at least get the kid a bed. They get totally canceled. Oh, yeah, and come to find out. Guess what they are, Brandi. Guess what they are. Mormon.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. Do you want me to just tell you everything that happens or do you want me to- Sure. Okay. But like let's shout out a spoiler alert here for the YFT years before you do that. Okay. Yeah. If you fast forward five minutes or so if you want, if you need to go watch it, but I'm just gonna tell you what happens. So-
Starting point is 00:28:47 He's gonna ruin it for you guys. So yeah, here we go. I didn't know to the extent of the whole thing. Like I know that like they get arrested and she goes to jail for child abuse. Like I saw that in the headline or I saw that in the news when this was all going down, but then you really like dive into this whole thing.
Starting point is 00:29:03 What ends up happening is that that the family kind of gets canceled because everyone starts to realize that this Ruby Frankie is a bitch, and like probably not a great mom. So then she kind of shifts gears over. And she starts hanging out with this Jodie Hildebrand lady who is a therapist, I say that in air quotes, because she keeps on saying that she's a psychologist, she is not okay. She has just made this up and she starts doing these kind of like these conferences called connections.
Starting point is 00:29:29 It's effectively like a women's group to hate men. It's just them talking shit about men and how men are only driven by lust and they're liars and da da da da da. And so, well, I mean, yeah. I would have maybe joined the group back then, you know? Yeah, you would have been, yeah, a charter member for sure. Ruby kind of like all of a sudden gets assimilated
Starting point is 00:29:52 into this group. All the women that go to this thing make their men go to this other all men self-help thing. And it's just like a bunch of Mormon dudes who are like, I watch porn and they're like, you're a fucking, you know, whatever, everyone watches porn. So it starts to go down this different road
Starting point is 00:30:10 where like the YouTube channel no longer is about the family but it's about raising children the right way and making sure your husbands are staying in line and da da da da da. All of a sudden, Jodie Hildebrand kind of moves in with the Frankie family, which is okay. Oh, and the other thing that's happening, at the exact same time, pandemic's happening in the world,
Starting point is 00:30:32 there's like a huge earthquake in Utah, all the fucking Mormons think this is the end of times. This is like when Jesus is coming back, this is it. Everyone starts like doomsday prepping, they start doomsday prepping, They start doomsday prepping. They're getting ready for the end of days and all this stuff. At this point, Jodie Hildebrand moves in
Starting point is 00:30:50 with Ruby Franke and she is being possessed by a demon. They have footage of her talking in tongues and stuff. And you're like, whatever, bitch. All of a sudden, Ruby Franke's like, I need to sleep in the bed with her. These things happen at night, and I need to be up there with her. She needs a friend, and I need to pull this demon out, right?
Starting point is 00:31:12 While this is happening, the eldest daughter's like going to college, and she's like, this is kind of weird. I'm a little confused. The husband's like, yeah, so she stopped sleeping in the bed. And then all of a sudden, this Jodie Hildebrand starts this campaign against how the husband's evil and the son is evil, kicks them out of the house,
Starting point is 00:31:33 won't let them see or talk to anyone in the family. They are ostracized, because they're demons or whatever, even though the Jodie Hildebrand's the bitch that's got a demon in there, supposedly, right? So they're all just like prepping for the end of days. They think the end of days is coming and like they need to like purge themselves of all these demons before Jesus comes back.
Starting point is 00:31:54 All this crazy shit. Gotta find out, Jodie Hildebrandt and Ruby Faker are definitely having a lesbian relationship. They're definitely just scissoring up a storm, all right? Scissor me timbers up in fucking Utah, right? Elvis daughter's like, I went up there's like a bunch of lotions and shit, fucking like a bunch of like, massage oils. She's like, they definitely were having sex. Cut to this little
Starting point is 00:32:15 boy. You see this ring camera footage, this little boy walking up to this elderly couple's house and it's like, Hello, sir, I have a favor to ask. Can you, can you call the police? The the old man's like let's sit down. Let's talk about this and then you hear the 911 call from this Old man, he starts crying. It's really sad. He's like obviously like this boy has been tortured He's got he the kid had duct tape around his ankles around his wrists. He had all these open wounds He was extremely malnourished. He's like, something, this is not okay. So then the cops fucking go and they go arrest everyone. They have to go find that there's another daughter. Come to
Starting point is 00:32:53 find out this dumb bitch, Ruby Franke, has been keeping like a whole journal. Jodie Hiller Brown had convinced Ruby Franke that her kids were possessed by demons and they were trying to purge the demons out of these kids by torturing them They had this bucket of honey and cayenne mixed together they would tie these kids up and They're on their wounds from the tying up. They would put this mixture on cause pain They would make the kid go stand out in the Sun This is in the high desert in Utah for hours on end with like sitting down. They
Starting point is 00:33:27 torture these fucking kids. It's so messed up. And it's all because of crazy Mormons. Alright guys, the human body is well an amazing thing. It can repair and grow in ways that are still pushing the limits of what science can frequently explain even in 2025 but as you age your body's natural healing and building processes just slow down it's totally normal but that doesn't mean there's nothing you can do about it. A collagen supplement from ancient nutrition can help you feel and look your best. I take collagen every single day because you know your boy needs to keep the moneymaker
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Starting point is 00:37:29 a free item of your choice for life. Dude, I gotta say this. No one's coming for you. All right. It's not happening. The end of days aren't happening ever. Not in your lifetime. Why do you think that you're special enough that the end of the world happens during your lifetime? All right. The earth is like 4 billion years old. You think that you get to be at the end my guy? No, you don't. Okay. All right. It's not happening. Okay. You're crazy. Stop fucking torturing your
Starting point is 00:37:59 kids. Yeah, see, I didn't need to watch the doc. You gotta watch it. I'm telling you, you gotta watch it. That's too sad for me. It's so messed up. It's so sad. I don't need to watch it. You know, I lived it.
Starting point is 00:38:13 I watched it just now. I just... Dude, everyone please go. Story. Yeah. Anyways, they're in jail. I watch TV before bed. I can't be watching depressing shit like that.
Starting point is 00:38:25 Makes you so angry. I'll tell you what though. Remember I was complaining about cops being kind of like mean to black people and being nice to white people last episode, which was not like a new take. I do like the cops in Utah. They give zero fucks. They're knocking down doors.
Starting point is 00:38:39 They're like, and I think that's how it should be. If kids are in trouble, I'm coming in and getting you dumb ass bitch. Also the father is such a cuck dude. He is he believes the entire thing He believes that Jodie Ildebrand is being possessed. She believes the dude be an adult Okay, Jesus isn't coming for your bald ass and your crazy fucking family. All right, your YouTube family You think that Jesus wants to save a YouTube family? Of vloggers?
Starting point is 00:39:09 I think not, okay? If anyone, Jesus, is coming for fucking good people, vloggers, you're the worst people in the world. Oh my God, you're so passionate about this. Oh, that's too good. Oh, the father, I hate the father. He thinks you'd be in jail too,. Oh, the father. I hate the father. I think he should be in jail too, just for being a bitch.
Starting point is 00:39:28 You got to watch it just to be like, this guy is such a bitch. We'll see. Please watch it. It's on Hulu. Speaking of Mormons. Yeah. Though you know, we got a Mormon on the bachelor that's doing pretty well. Oh dude.
Starting point is 00:39:41 I have a theory about this. Let's hear it. I think this was a casting decision made by higher ups at Disney, ABC, Hulu. This is going to be such an easy pivot into getting this person into the secret lives of Mormon wives. Oh. New star. She's not much of a star though. She's not like a big personality.
Starting point is 00:39:59 I know, but like, so I hear that like the reason, so she doesn't tell him that she's Mormon until like the second date or whatever. Oh, she doesn't tell him until like pretty far. And here's the other thing, though. You know, last week I mentioned, it seems like an awfully short season. We're only like five episodes in and they're at hometown. Yeah, it's expedited this one. Yeah, the last couple have been that they've cut the budget, I think on this show. And I think they're going shorter and shorter. I mean, literally it's hometowns this week, which will have happened by the time this podcast comes out.
Starting point is 00:40:29 But yeah, your girl doesn't tell him until now. Yeah. And you can tell that he's playing it cool, but he's like, fuck, you're okay. Get this crazy person out of here. Another one bites the dust. But that's why- Which is a bummer, cause I really like her.
Starting point is 00:40:45 That's why I think that this is like a network plant because you should tell that to someone immediately, but if you tell that to someone immediately, they might kick them out and then you don't get any juice from the squeeze of having them on the show. So it's like, don't say anything until we at least
Starting point is 00:41:05 get you to fucking hometowns or whatever. Damn. You know? I can't wait to watch this hometown. Yeah. They're going to, are they gonna go to the Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? They're gonna go to the Tabernacle choir?
Starting point is 00:41:17 I don't know, but she was very clear that like, my religion is a huge part of my life. And she literally says to him, I've never dated somebody not in my same religion. Like she has never dated someone outside of the Mormon church. Yeah. That's nuts.
Starting point is 00:41:36 And like to think like Grant's gonna walk into her family home and like fit in, probably not. Yeah. But it might make for a great episode. We'll see. That's the tea on that. I got some interesting stuff I found on the line I thought I wanted to talk about.
Starting point is 00:41:51 Oh, okay. You know, you've been doing some cosmetic surgery as of late and so. I did do one. I wanted two, I guess. Technically. I mean, you have two boobs. One surgery.
Starting point is 00:42:03 Yeah. I wanted to get your take on this new procedure. You know that women are getting their labia puffed. So they're getting like filler in there or? Can you imagine? The labia puff. The labia puff. Have you heard about the labia puff, Brandy?
Starting point is 00:42:18 No, I know about vaginal rejuvenation and all that, but I haven't heard of the puff yet. All right. Well, let's get into the puff. Which should more accurately be called the labia majora. Thank you. I needed, it's not the labia minora. Is there a labia minora? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Minora? Traddle, traddle, traddle. All right, here we go. Is a cosmetic procedure to plump and or smooth the outer labia, typically using cosmetic filler. Yes, the same stuff that goes on your lips. We age and our hormone levels change or after you give birth your labia change how they look they change colors they deflate if you will. Deflate? Is that happening? It's not to me I'll tell you that. One more reason not to have children. I didn't know people perceive their labia to be like a thing they want to look or feel
Starting point is 00:43:11 a certain way. I don't have thoughts about my labia. I've certainly never had any. Do you have thoughts about your labia? Here's I don't and that's because I have a good one and something tells me she also has a good one, which is why she has no thoughts about it. Got it. So this is for people with bad labias. Correct. Got it. Complaints about it. Listen every vagina
Starting point is 00:43:29 is different. I always assumed... They're like fingerprints or snowflakes you know they're all different but they're all special. I actually don't know but carry on. Vagina looks like everybody's vagina. It's funny when I realize it didn't. I'm literally looking at drawings. Oh my god. So we're looking for a camel toe here. So we're gonna have puffy pussies. I'm all for anything, any kind of modification, as long as it's coming from a place of for me. I second the motion. Women do whatever the fuck you want. Always. But is it for you? Because here's the thing. Let me tell you why women don't realize that their labia and vagina,
Starting point is 00:44:05 whatever you want to call it, that whole region, let me tell you why they don't realize theirs doesn't, like that everyone's looks different. It's because we don't see a lot of them, you know? We're not, unless you're a lesbian, which I'm sure you, I would hope that you see a lot of them. I don't, I can't say I've inspected any labia really, as you know, aside from my own, which I wouldn't even, I wouldn't say I've inspected any labia really,
Starting point is 00:44:25 aside from my own, which I wouldn't even, I wouldn't say I inspect it, but whereas men show each other their dicks all the time, I feel like. No, we don't. No, that's not a real thing. Not that you're showing them, but I don't know, I feel like men see each other's dicks all the time.
Starting point is 00:44:37 Locker rooms, bathrooms, I don't know. You know what I mean? You know if your friends have like small dicks or not, I feel like, right? Not really. No? You know who's got big ones because they're the ones who will just take it out.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Now see? Yeah. Now see, okay. So, but women aren't out here like showing each other their labia, it's not, we don't do that. Boobs, sure, but not that. So here's the thing is like, you don't really know what you don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:04 So if you don't know what anybody else's looks like, you don't really know what you don't know. So if you don't know what anybody else's looks like, you don't have anything to compare yours to, which is actually a great thing. Yeah. But here's a thing too, is like, I get rave reviews on mine. And like, I'm told mine is tier. So I don't have anything. I don't have any worries about mine. But I'm wondering if some women are getting like, subpar reviews from their men. Or from their women.
Starting point is 00:45:27 There's not a single man in the history of men who have ever told a woman that, you gotta do something about that. No one's ever said that. All men are like, I don't care. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what it looks like to us. That's why this is a crazy thing because guys don't care.
Starting point is 00:45:45 There's a thing though, they do care how tight you are. That's not what we're talking about here though. And the vaginal rejuvenation surgery, I believe, it fixes that after having children. So that one I understand more. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You know? I mean.
Starting point is 00:46:03 But I won't be having children so I won't have to worry about that. I just can't believe a doctor was like, I think there's something here. I think I could get- I do. Doctors will do anything for a money grab. Jeez Louise, man. Anyways, pretty interesting.
Starting point is 00:46:16 You know, I went on this whole kind of like- Well, you know what's interesting is that that's on your TikTok algorithm. Actually, that was on my Instagram reels. Even worse. I don't know why people listen to this show, but. Yeah. That's all I got.
Starting point is 00:46:30 You got anything else? I'm caught up on paradise. Oh, so am I. I liked the last episode. Yeah, it's getting good. Do you think his wife is still really alive? Yes. I do too.
Starting point is 00:46:42 I keep on being annoyed at Sterling K Brown. I'm like, just beat Sinatra's at, shoot her in the foot so she knows that she doesn't have the upper hand. Yeah, I know. All of a sudden, them calling her Sinatra drives me crazy. I know. I don't love it, but I do love the show.
Starting point is 00:46:58 I'm caught up on that. It's very good. Caught up on The Pit. It's just so good. The Pit's so good. You guys, if you aren't watching The Pit, I'm telling you, it's one of my favorite shows on TV right now. It's so good. My last thing, there was an Apple TV show that came out years ago called Surface. Did you ever watch this?
Starting point is 00:47:15 No. It was really good. It's about this woman who, God, it's been so long since I've watched it. She has memory loss, a memory lapse where she can't remember what happened to her during a certain period of time. It's one of those, I don't know who to trust. I don't know what happened to me. People are telling her what happened to her, but she's like, is that the truth or is that a story you're telling me?
Starting point is 00:47:38 Whatever. The whole season one was her. It's really, it's been out for a while. I didn't think they would do a season two because it ended to where you could have had another season but also you could have not like they tied it tied the ends enough that it could have just ended there and I'm so curious to see what they're gonna do with season two. I watched the first episode and it's good but I just I don't know that it's gonna be as good as the first season but I hope it is because I loved season one. A woman's quest to rebuild her life after a suicide attempt and her struggle to understand
Starting point is 00:48:07 all the things that led up to that moment surface on Apple TV plus. That's right. I think she like, I hope I'm not ruining anything, but I think she jumps off like a boat or something and tries to kill herself and obviously doesn't succeed at that, but can't remember how, why she did it or how she did it. Like the whole season one is her trying to figure out why she would try to kill herself, you know? So I'm curious to see what season two is about,
Starting point is 00:48:31 but it was a great show. Okay, oh, from the producers of Big Little Lies. I got some musax, got some musax? Okay, well, you figure out whatever the hell you're figuring out. I'm going to... Van Morrison's got some new tune-age out. Really? You a big Van Morrison guy? I wouldn't say I'm a big Van Morrison guy, but I think that this is new. It came up on my release radar. Anyways, this is
Starting point is 00:48:56 called Down to Joy. Coming down to joy What did I say, what did I hear When I was coming down Had a brand new story But I was coming down to joy Felt so good Gratitude I'm down to joy, dude. Great voice for sure. He's got one of the best. Has Miley ever done a thing with Van Morrison, Van the man? I don't think so. Oh man, she should before he's gone. Yeah, for sure. She's ever done anything with Bob Dylan?
Starting point is 00:49:28 I don't think so. Maybe covered a song of his, but she's never done anything with him. It'll be kind of interesting because they both have kind of gravitated. I think they both have. I think they both have. I think they both have. I think they both have. I think they both have.
Starting point is 00:49:36 I think they both have. I think they both have. I think they both have. I think they both have. I think they both have. I think they both have. I think they both have. I think they both have.
Starting point is 00:49:44 I think they both have. I think they both have. I think they both have. I think with Bob Dylan? I don't think so. Maybe covered a song of his, but she's never done anything with him. I think it'd be kind of interesting, because they both have kind of gravelly voices. I wonder if that would work well. You know what I do want to say? She was a guest on SNL this week. Tate McCray, she is like the pop star we all needed.
Starting point is 00:49:59 You know what I mean? Yeah. Like I feel like she's bringing back the 90s pop star, and I'm fucking here for it. I think she's amazing. Did you watch it at SNL with Shane Gillis? I watched clips. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:10 Here there were many mixed reviews. All right, I got one more thing. Evan Horner, I played him before. I found this guy on TikTok. He went on American Idol and didn't get sent to Hollywood and I feel like that was stupid. But anyways, this is a song called Everything I Wanted. You wanna go out on it?
Starting point is 00:50:25 Sure. Let's do it. What's going on? One more week of chilling. One more week and then you're released into the wild? And well, whether I'm released or not, I'm gonna start getting back the fuck to it, you know? Yeah, I have my first show back after all this
Starting point is 00:50:44 will be in Vegas on March 14th. They just opened up Encore Beach Club this weekend for pool season. So I'll be one of the first shows at Encore Beach Club. So come on out if you're in Vegas. And then I'm coming to LA for a little while. Hopefully I'll see you. Yeah, we'll do it. Podcast in person.
Starting point is 00:51:01 We'll do it in person. And then I have my, and then that next weekend, I'm actually, oh, this is the trip I invited you on. I'm going to Sun Valley and I'm playing a music festival out there. I think it's called 5250 Festival and it's going on during the women's Olymp, like US Olympic women's ski team finals or something crazy.
Starting point is 00:51:22 What's the date of that? And I'm playing every, every day. The start's March 21st and I have a set, I play a set every day of the festival. It's the date of that? And I'm playing every day. The start's March 21st. And I have a set, I play a set every day of the festival. It's three days long. Fun. Yeah, so if you're around Sun Valley or you wanna come to Sun Valley, come hang.
Starting point is 00:51:35 Okay, I'm there dude. Yeah. You know, we haven't done in a while, we've done some voicemails and we haven't done some fuck you very much. So next week I wanna make sure we focus on some of those. So if you haven't had an opportunity to send in a voicemails and we haven't done some fuck you very much. So next week I wanna make sure we focus on some of those. So if you haven't had an opportunity to send in a voicemail, yeah, do that because-
Starting point is 00:51:52 Yeah, do that. You should do that. Yeah, I've had a handful of YFTAers message me asking questions about my boob job. Yeah. And I'm trying to respond, but like my message folder job. Yeah. And I'm trying to respond. And, but like my message folders fucking crazy. And if it's a lot of messages end up in that request folder
Starting point is 00:52:10 with all the spam and it's hard for me to see. So if any of you guys do have questions about it, I'm happy to answer them. And if I haven't responded to you on Instagram or something, just leave us a voicemail, ask away. 858-630-1856 is the number. All right. see you later? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:30 Okay, bye bye. Bye. I do like that. I do like that. I do like that. I do like that. I do like that. I do like that.
Starting point is 00:52:38 I do like that. I do like that. I do like that. I do like that. I do like that. I do like that. I do like that. I do like that. I do like that. I do like that. I do like that. Okay, he's good.
Starting point is 00:52:50 This podcast has been brought to you by podcast nation.

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