Your Happy Hour - Living The Flex Life

Episode Date: February 26, 2025

Welcome back to Your Happy Hour with Friday Feels!This week chatted to Gabriella Cassola - the Project, Event & Operations & Community Manager of Sixteen FlexSpaces - one of Malta’s wonderfu...l coworking spots! We traveled through the unique cultural landscape of Malta, the importance of authentic connections in building community spaces, the impact of a nomadic lifestyle on personal growth and how to embrace change by leaning into the flow of life. Have you thought about taking a workcation to Malta?Friday Feels is all about having those honest conversations, the power of community for personal growth and taking those actionable steps towards being our authentic selves.Thanks for tuning in! Keep it raw and real out there xYHH is produced by - captured via & shared via

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's the Friday feels and we're back with your first sip of the weekend. You're now tuned in to this week's episode of your happy hour. I'm your host Nicole Carmine and it's amazing to have you here joining me this week as we uncover the truths about being a human and a working professional. What are you up to this Friday? Well whatever it is, this moment is just for you. And it's our last week of our theme for this month. We've been unpacking the idea of traveling tribe vibes
Starting point is 00:00:50 and we've had some great chats in the last couple of weeks. From travels to experience in the wild of Africa and building nature-connected communities, to lessons about finding one's tribe and sharing cuisine connections on pilgrimages like the Camino to home connected communities like Home Exchange. Now this week we're closing this all out with a very, very special guest that I've been dying to have on this podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:15 It's been quite a week trying to get together to have this conversation. I wonder, have you ever been to or dreamed about visiting Malta? So today we're taking a virtual trip to this beautiful little island and I'm having the privilege to chat to Gabriela Casola who is the project event and operations management professional at one of Malta's wonderful co-working spots called 16 Flex Spaces. Now Gabriela you've been been really much on this Friday Feels journey from the beginning. You guys were the very first co-working space that we spoke to when we just started out
Starting point is 00:01:51 this Friday Feels concept. And it feels like you've really walked each journey of this season for Friday Feels with us. So it's really wonderful for me that you can be on here today to chat about community, about working professionals, digital nomads, entrepreneurs, and of course the locals and the local feel that you're building in Malta.
Starting point is 00:02:15 So we decided to chat today about living the flex life, which obviously is what the space is called, but also we've had quite a few interesting conversations about what is the new space is called. But also we've had quite a few interesting conversations about what is the new flex of life. And yeah, so a very, very big welcome to the Friday Feels podcast. It's just really great to have you here. Oh, thank you. That's so sweet, Nick.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Yes. Thank you for the opportunity. Really looking forward to this chat. So tell us a little bit about you, where you've come from, what's your journey? And what does this topic of like living the flex life mean to you, what comes up for you? Sure. My name is Gabriella and I hail from a little island in the midst of the Mediterranean called Malta. It is one of the smallest countries in Europe actually, not the smallest because we have
Starting point is 00:03:04 some competition, but we are an island state and we used to be, if I mean have to look back historically, we've been colonized by virtually all the powers that were in Europe and I think that represents very much who we are as a country as well. We were mixed with, we were colonized even by the Brits for a very long time, by the French, by the Europeans. So there was quite a number of countries that have left their influences on Malta but also on the Maltese language and I think that represents also a bit what Malta really is. It's a bit of a melting pot for anyone who passes from here. Sounds amazing. I've been dying to visit as you know and I hope 2025 will be the year.
Starting point is 00:03:46 But what does travels mean to you? I know we're talking about living the flex life or the new flex but it's very much in our theme of travel and Malta is such a destination for travel. But I know from our previous chats you've also had some travels in your life and you've lived quite a nomadic life in some sense. So what does travelling tribe vibes mean to you? I think it means one thing, wings really. And as an islander, and probably anyone who's an islander could probably identify with this,
Starting point is 00:04:21 is the fact that at some point, even if your country is extremely dynamic, which is the fact that at some point, you know, even if your country is extremely dynamic, which is the case of Malta, changes very fast, there's a lot of things going on, it's extremely open to whatever goes on around it, but sometimes you really feel like you need to get out of your little comfort zone, of your little island. And I was privileged enough to have been always traveling ever since I was young. I studied abroad, I worked abroad. So I think that kind of is also resonates a lot
Starting point is 00:04:53 with the community we're building here at 16 Flick Spaces. So the fact that we are, and we see a lot of professionals who look like us, who have worked abroad, who want to work also professionally but you know having the privilege of keeping their job but working in a different place and seeing a different place and experiencing a new community. And I think this is what kind of also the FLEX lifestyle and the tribe vibes are all about.
Starting point is 00:05:23 I feel that a lot when I've looked at Malta, when I've looked at the island and you know only from a virtual experience on my laptop. It gives that feeling, it gives that feeling of the word that comes up for me is eclectic, this melting pot and so and that's great that you've had that experience of being able to absorb so much more of the world and then bring it back in there. So I get the idea, a lot of people obviously, you touched on having a job and then being able to travel.
Starting point is 00:05:51 We've spoken about work-cations as a concept in the past. That seems to be what Malta is for a lot of people, kind of this work-cation hub. Are you seeing in the FlexSpaces community that that's mostly what people are kind of drawn to and doing? I think definitely so, particularly because I think there are two elements to it. So the first element is in the case of vacations, I think post-COVID, this has become even more of a need. So it's not only a reality, but it's actually a need for a lot of teams which
Starting point is 00:06:26 are scattered all over the globe because they choose to live a nomadic lifestyle and their teams and their employees just actually have the need to bring them together to realign at least once a year for example. And to do that they would approach you know flex spaces for example and in that case they would you know they would for example have a whole week in a country where they can realign professionally, they can perhaps do some fun stuff, can also create value for their employees as well. And I think with how fast the world is evolving and also because we are fortunate enough
Starting point is 00:07:09 to be able to work with technology, then that becomes even more of a reality. Not only a reality, it's actually a need. And I feel that Malta is a good place to do that, but also because there are multiple facets to it. Obviously, the offering the sun, the classic package, so to speak, the history there is, the spaces that there are, the communities, the very huge expat community.
Starting point is 00:07:37 So that is, I think, one line of it in terms of workations, for sure. It sounds incredible. And I can't wait to organise one. I know we've been kind of toying with the idea of a Friday fields location to Malta so that would be amazing. But tell me a little bit about, I know what you do now at Flexspaces, what's your journey been like as a career professional as you've been travelling? Have you always been doing what you're doing now? Or did you kind of see yourself doing what you're doing 10 years ago?
Starting point is 00:08:10 So I think I've always had, I've always, I was always extremely attracted to the idea of innovative communities, of communities that are not stuck in a status quo. So I think the fact that in a status quo. So I think the fact that, yeah, I think corporate life kind of had a left that of me. So the fact that you could travel, you could work, but you could choose where to work from. And I think this was, it was always very present, obviously, then COVID heightened that a bit and made it a bit faster. But this idea, this idea of having a community and a home away from home, I think this was always kind of the thing. You know, there are, I think nomadic lifestyle can take on different meanings for different people. There are people who just,
Starting point is 00:08:57 you know, sell their house, pack a van and just, you know, leave and travel halfway across the world. There are people that travel, they live in home exchanges as you mentioned or something of the sort and work from there. And I think I've always kind of very much seen what we're doing along the second line of things. So having and creating a community and offering that kind of value that I look for myself. So if it is, for example, content that I consume, I would like to make that content available to our community. So kind of bringing that and making sure that, yeah, it's a space where, as we say, where the magic happens and where these connections can happen, where you can learn, where you can grow as a person and where you can connect to other fellow professionals.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Yeah, I love that. I love it. And I think it's we've seen more of that like this. I'm feeling it a lot too you know you engage so much online community and that's beautiful I think social media has opened that up I think co-working and everything has made that possible but we're all yearning for that in-person connection being able to come together bounce ideas off see a person smiling by the water cooler you know that kind of thing so I think it's really awesome that you guys are creating that kind of space for people to come together. And I know from my interactions with you guys, I know how passionate you are about community and about people having that experience.
Starting point is 00:10:35 So I absolutely love that. I can't wait to come and experience some of that when I visit. And I'm curious, so you've traveled a lot. I know every time I speak to you, I kind of hear this little Irish accent come through as well. Do you have a favorite place in the world that kind of you felt like good vibes and good feels? I think plenty of places. I think that the one thing I've realized is that sometimes, well, not sometimes, most of the time, but I think this is also in general with life. When you travel to a place without expectations, that is where you'll be the most surprised. Even though perhaps you think, oh I know this country, oh I know, I mean this is a classic case for example with France or Italy that I happen to know relatively well. You go to a place, oh you think okay it's going to be France, yeah you know, the usual, no it never ends up to be that way. Because if you haven't set up
Starting point is 00:11:28 yourself for kind of those expectations then you're more surprised, you're more taken aback, you're more open to what goes on around you and how people live in those places. I've traveled quite a bit but I think that was the most important thing that I've learned not to and honestly most of the time I don't even look it up because it's better that way. You have less of a judgment I suppose as well, less of a bias and you're more open to what life throws at you and what that place throws at you. I feel the same. It's been, you know, I think there's such a place, beautiful place for planning.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Maybe just buy the flight ticket, you know. Let the universe do the race for you, I find. We're always so focused on the how, but if we can just talk about the why and the what, the how can kind of be left up to the universe. And what you're touching on now is something, you know, I think we were kind of chatting about offline as we were struggling to get to this conversation this weekend. But this concept of leaning in, I know you said something beautiful, leaning in is the new mantra.
Starting point is 00:12:40 And I think that's, we're all kind of feeling that energy in the air. I can sense everyone is being more vulnerable than you flex and, you know, leaning in and being open to frequency and energy and really tapping into what's good for you in the moment. And maybe the universe will show you otherwise than what you expected. So how do you feel that's kind of played out in your life recently? Well, considering that I'm expecting a baby I would say quite well, because that's pretty much it. You're in a situation where wherever you and whatever you planned kind of gets thrown out of the window and gets superseded by a series of other things that need to take place and leaning in and surrendering to that is not an easy task especially if you are a born planet and you've always kind of worked and
Starting point is 00:13:40 thrived at those kind of environments where you can you where you can have your to-do lists and your whiteboards and your trellis and all of that. But I think it is also what life throws at you, right? I mean, it was the surrendering bit is hard, I find, but it also will enable you to be more in awe of what happens eventually. And yes, so definitely I think that the not kind of having to move from what you've been planning and kind of focus on what is the now, what is going to happen like in the short term, in my case in the very short term, and taking it on from there. And this is also, I think, the huge benefit for our generations that are living through
Starting point is 00:14:35 these incredible times that we can choose. We can choose to decide to work away from home, what is normally considered to be home, and to find a temporary home if need be. Or two, perhaps if we think that it's going to be more beneficial or we want to just take on the full impact of, for example, motherhood, then so be it. And we are lucky enough to have that possibility, I think, at our fingertips, compared to say a couple of generations ago. And I think that is extremely something not to be taken for granted. Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. And you know, reminding me of my mom's journey, actually, she always said when she started kind of her career as an entrepreneur, her biggest mission was,
Starting point is 00:15:25 I want to be at home for my daughter. And so in her time, it was just such a different thing to do because most people went to office and she created this office environment at home for her. And I remember her getting dressed up and, you know, leaving the room looking very different to the way she woke up and making sure she was in that corporate feel. But beautiful that they could create that space and I was able to watch them build businesses from home, which is amazing.
Starting point is 00:15:52 So I guess I was always kind of trained for this lifestyle in some way. But I think it's beautiful that you can embrace that now and that, you know, you're right. I think the moment you have to start thinking of a little being beyond yourself life changes so much and and how do you feel that changes how you look at kind of I want to ask you what we're always asking people a year from now where do you see yourself but at the same
Starting point is 00:16:18 time you like you said you know life changes so quickly so do you have a sense of where you're going with your career and with what's happening for FlexSpaces perhaps? So definitely to keep on working on communities and what brings people together and pushing that also in the direction of having and creating opportunities and spaces where you where members can get together, when they can grow together, for example, I don't know, I always see these kind of places where, and situations where you have like-minded people who perhaps don't know each other, who come together for a week or so, who can learn something together, be out of their comfort zone, as you said, be vulnerable as well. So creating that space to be vulnerable for them to grow
Starting point is 00:17:16 as people first and foremost and as professionals afterwards. And I think that is very, that resonates a lot with where I see also my life going. Also, you know, beyond, also creating those communities beyond kind of the brick and mortar sort of place we've been at so far, which doesn't mean that we will be moving away from that. But I think it's also the new future. So it's also the future of our occasions really and truly if you think about it. So, but this can also take the form of something not happening even in Malta, maybe it can be in the little sister island of Malta or in a close country, you know, nearby. And, you know, having also a bit of, well, quite a bit of background on,
Starting point is 00:18:09 and experience with events and that sort of thing. I've always felt that the energy you get when you have those kind of things going on is just unbelievable. If you can have people who even don't know each other, you know, like Friday Feast community perhaps from all over the world coming together and doing, I don't know, random things like bread wick or cooking class or realigning, you know, and listening to a motivational coach. This kind of stuff,
Starting point is 00:18:42 I find this extremely fascinating, extremely interesting and compelling. And I think there's a good use case for this kind of situation, for these kind of situations to come around. And those are, I think, also the future of kind of where to take our community as well. Yeah, that makes complete sense. And I'm very excited about this concept exactly what you're explaining. What is it what people feel when they come together? What is it?
Starting point is 00:19:09 How do you cultivate that kind of community? And last month we were talking about authentic community and how is that? What does that really mean? What does authentic community really mean for people out there? So I'm curious when I know a lot of people have said to me networking is not what it used to be anymore. I think that's changing again but what do you find when you watch people when you create these events? What is it that kind of binds people? What is it that people what's that glue that you're talking
Starting point is 00:19:39 about you know people kind of aligning with each other? I think probably the one thing that needs to be in place is authenticity. Whoever that person is, I think being in an authentic space, being their authentic selves and not being what society expects them to be, I think that is probably the most the key ingredient and I had coincidentally we had something going on last week so last week was Valentine's last week yeah last week because I'm losing track of time last week was Valentine's and we decided to run in our community a self-love edition and having quite a young user base and most of our members have to do or work in IT kind of you
Starting point is 00:20:33 know strong IT backgrounds mostly we also have a few non IT but I think most of them have to do with IT in different functions and and they're all very young very prone very very open to technology and all of that, you know. And when we ran this, I was like, well, we'll see how this pans out, you know. And we did something very simple. We just had these hearts made of carton. And we just put up in our community a space. We left a box and we left these hearts and we told everyone the instructions were write an anonymous message for yourself, maybe that you would like to
Starting point is 00:21:12 read in the future. So it was quite that people bring and are their authentic selves, notwithstanding whatever they do. So it doesn't have to be, you know, it doesn't have to be whoever it can be from anything from a C level to, and this is also the other thing we encourage, we encourage absolutely everyone to do that. Notwithstanding their rank, whatever they do, that doesn't matter. It's just bringing yourself to that situation. And I saw some messages which were extremely surprising. So I was like, see, I think that is probably, I don't know whether it was also the fact that it was anonymous,
Starting point is 00:22:06 that perhaps also enabled people to feel maybe a bit more comfortable. But I also, having said that, I do see that, especially with the younger generations, I think there is much more of an openness to be vulnerable. With the Gen Zs, especially, but also with the younger ones, there's a much more propensity to be vulnerable. Unlike what perhaps we may see or get to see on TV, but I think they're more willing to be and they're more in touch with their feelings, with how they feel, they're more self-conscious as well.
Starting point is 00:22:44 Self-aware I would say, not self-conscious, I're more self-conscious as well. Self-aware, I would say. Not self-conscious, I would say self-aware. They're not afraid to shed a tear if need be. So I think that is also good because it promises wealth for future generations, you know? Yeah, yeah. Oh, I love that. I'm sitting thinking about what I would have written on my Valentine's card. What would you have written on my Valentine's card.
Starting point is 00:23:05 What did you have written? It's a great exercise to do and I think you're right. I think being anonymous probably helps a lot, but I also see more and more people being open and even on social media being open about how they feel, about how they're experiencing the world. And it's great, you know, and sometimes it kind of goes to one extreme and sometimes not. But I think it will find its balance as the world shifts into a space of people being more authentic, being more themselves. And I'm curious also, you've obviously walked your own journey in authenticity and living flex in a way. Have you found that you've had someone or something along the way that has encouraged you if it's maybe some advice you received or something that stuck with you that really shaped your life in some way?
Starting point is 00:23:56 Well It's difficult to narrow it down to one situation or one. I can't think of anything right now but I think I was very fortunate in the part I've had and the people I've worked with, the people I've, I think maybe I've always been very open to learning about people around me. Maybe that was the one thing that I kind of, I never, yeah, I think probably that's probably the most,
Starting point is 00:24:24 the most important thing I, maybe value I grew up with really, that you know, nobody's too little to teach you anything. You can learn from anyone, even from a pet sometimes, you know? So I think that kind of being open, being open to the world around you. And obviously having the possibility to travel and do that stuff and that will even put you in that kind of space, which is why I always meet any 18 year old I meet, just travel. Because that opens up your, your, who you are as a person, who you listen to, the kind of cultures you're exposed to, and you don't stay stuck in your little comfort zone,
Starting point is 00:25:09 whatever that comfort zone may look like, mind you, because it probably looks very different in Malta as opposed to the US or South Africa. But having that and doing as many experiences as possible and that sort of thing probably. Yeah, and I think back to my 18 year old who wanted to take a gap year and didn't and I regret not doing that. But I'm catching up now so that's fine. Well I would say. But you know I think it's great advice because when you are younger you are extremely scared sometimes to take on the world and you don't always know if you'll find community out there,
Starting point is 00:25:45 you might fear that the journey is lonely. And so the fact that there are these beautiful co-working communities now, the fact that there are interesting or thing to communities that you can tap into, and this is where groups on Facebook and sometimes are very helpful to find people. With social media plays a role where you can really get in touch with people or even apps sometimes. Or just like you say, opening yourself up to the person who you're having a drink next to at a bar or you walk past in the metro, whatever it might be. You never, never know who might be the most wonderful influence in your life. I had a beautiful experience recently of a beautiful gentleman who rode his bike a few
Starting point is 00:26:30 times past me on this trail, it's like a circle, and we ended up chatting and he's just become such a beautiful friend and generous spirit in my life. So you never know, you never know who you meet and who can teach you things like you say. So I think it's great that you've kept yourself open in that way. It's encouraging for others. So on that note, in terms of being open, I want to ask people out there, I kind of wonder for everyone who's listening, what does living and flex mean to you? How are you finding your traveling tribe vibes or just your local vibes as a working professional looking for cool spaces people in places to hang out with and
Starting point is 00:27:13 Yeah, we wanted to know all your feels. So let us know in in the DMs and social media we love reading your messages and On that I also want to say that a quick reminder, we are a traveling podcast. Thank you so much to our co-pilots, Riversidefm and for being our adventurous hearts along our journey and for making this content creation possible, having these conversations. We truly would not be able to record and produce and share all of it without you guys there. So for anyone who is a content creator, a podcaster, maybe just wanting to take cool notes while you're doing meetings, Riverside FM is a great platform for
Starting point is 00:27:54 that. Both of these have generously given us some discount for our community so dms at on Instagram or on Facebook and you can get hold of those discounts. So a big shout out to them and then Gabriella we're doing this thing called a bit of a shout out to other people, places and spaces that have kind of touched our lives in the last week and that we come across and that have the feels. And so my shout out this week goes to a very cool community in Paris. It's centered around film. I had a pleasure of attending a film screening organised by a friend of mine, Orheal. She's a great
Starting point is 00:28:30 director and she started this initiative called Deuxième Vocale. It's like an association which promotes inclusion in the audiovisual sector and it's giving film professionals a platform to share their stories. It's always tough as an artist to tell your story out there and talking about authenticity and all of that. So these films were amazing. It was hosted at Club de L'Etoile, which was also another wonderful discovery for me. But I just want to say thank you to them for really providing a platform
Starting point is 00:29:01 for authentic storytelling and for real and real conversations. Really, it was it was a great great evening I was very moved by it so thank you to them a big shout out and then a very special section that we do is called our gems. So this is very much something in this last week that has come up for you that you've learned that you've maybe experienced or gone through and I'll start and you can share if you want. This week's been really interesting. I can definitely feel the shifts in the air of energy and they seem to have been nudging me closer and closer to trusting the universe.
Starting point is 00:29:40 And as I've noticed these changes, I've noticed as well where I've been holding on to certain things that weren't meant for me, or maybe there was a past version of myself that needed to let go or give in or kind of make space for new. It wasn't just internal. My laptop battery died after five years. It gave up and it decided it was time for a recharge, a rejuvenation. And I was on this hunt for it, for a new laptop or a new device, but then eventually realized that I just really needed a new battery. And it really got me
Starting point is 00:30:11 thinking that sometimes, I feel like this sometimes, maybe other people do too, that you kind of wish you had like a different version of yourself, you know, like a Nicole 2.0 that could just step into the world and start afresh. But I think life teaches you that it's not about a new version, it's kind of just about a reinvented, rejuvenated version. Maybe you just need a refresh sometimes. So as people are connecting out there and finding the vibe and you know seeing where sometimes as you change your vibe, as you change your place where you're
Starting point is 00:30:46 living, old ideas, patterns and things that don't suit you anymore, allow them to to just release and lean in as we were saying. So that was really my gym for the week. I don't know if you've got one that you'd love to share? I think over the past week I was abroad and in Italy in a region that I had previously even visited to be honest but I hadn't been to this particular town which is Bari which is in Puglia in the Puglia region and the hill of Italy and it was just meant to be a four-day trip with my family. Very easy, nothing planned. And I was so taken aback by how different it looked to what I somehow had expected it to be. And so when I told
Starting point is 00:31:36 you in fact about not having expectations, that's where it was coming from, because it was such a surprising discovery for me. It is extremely different to what southern Italy looks like. What I felt was a very vibrant energy in the place. Usually when I feel that, that means that I will revisit that place again. So I'm looking forward to that again. And the idea is that when you don't have these, even as I said, I had been to that region, I just hadn't been to that part particularly,
Starting point is 00:32:18 it looked completely different and it looked and it felt completely different as well. And there was this vibrant energy about the place that just felt very very cool. So and to be honest then on doing some digging I also could realize why a lot of people travel there especially out of expats live there. So I'm always very attracted to these kind of places where you have these kind of communities. Similarly to Malta where you can get anything between... Literally, you can have the United Nations membership here. Literally, there are so many because it's kind of a very open place.
Starting point is 00:32:57 And this I find is extremely interesting about communities. It's really great when you can find these little gems for you, you know, and like you say, be surprised and be open to experiencing something different and something new. I'm quite curious to hear what your opinion would be of Cape Town as a destination because I have that feeling from home from there. But all over the world these little spots are popping up everywhere and I think more and more is a lot of interesting social things are changing as well, political perhaps too. People are moving away from certain places and trying to find their tribe out in the world, find where they might want to be. So I won't be surprised if at some point we probably see like a global citizen passport,
Starting point is 00:33:50 you know, that we can travel everywhere coming up. So that would be really cool. As an artist, I could appreciate that being able to just perform anywhere without a visa. It makes life so much easier and connection so much. And in a way, you know, in a way, I mean, being in Europe and being in the European Union, particularly, I hold a European Union passport and that gives you the ability to work from anywhere in the EU. And that is such a privilege. And it's a privilege that, for example, my generation have as opposed to our parents,
Starting point is 00:34:25 because at the time, Malta wasn't yet in that sort of membership. So it makes a huge difference and it brings people closer. Hopefully it brings people closer and not makes them more, become more siloed, which is the big danger as well, I think. Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. And it's true, like you say, you know, it's interesting and the time that you're born, what kind of life gives you, you know, and embracing that and seeing the opportunities with that.
Starting point is 00:34:57 So I really love that. That's a really great dream for you this week, amongst everything else that's going on. And I also am curious, so maybe you haven't had the time, for you this week amongst everything else that's going on. I also am curious, maybe you haven't had the time, but maybe there's something that pops up for you. One of those sections we like to talk about is called the stack. It's really just our recommended reads.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Maybe it's a quote, maybe it's a book, maybe it's a magazine, doesn't matter. What is in your stack or maybe what's been in your stack before that you'd like to recommend? So if we're talking books, there are so many. I find myself recently listening to a lot of content and also reading the books by Stephen Bartlett. I find they are extremely eye-opening because they spin right across everything. And I think any listen to one of the very good episodes can really help anyone grow as a person. So it doesn't need, you know, it's not necessarily because everyone aspires to become a
Starting point is 00:36:07 Millionaire perhaps, you know because but it's more the journey the understanding the knowing more about how your body works for example how your brain works That is so important because that will help you kind of hack with inadvertent commas. That sort of, that, that, um, that, uh, that part of yourself and growing as a person. So for example, I've got right on my bedside at the moment, I've got the, um, the 33 Laws book that he wrote, which is really good. And I find it also very different from the first one.
Starting point is 00:36:44 And it also shows kind of the evolution of him as a person. I found that extremely interesting and I also bought another book I'm trying to recall the name I bought it last week so but I was traveling with with Stephen Bartlett's book and then I bought another one of course because I am just collecting books. I love that. I love that. Built a little library. It's great. Yeah. No, I really love Stephen Bartlett stuff too. And I remember when I first stumbled upon the diary of a CEO on YouTube and I was just blown away.
Starting point is 00:37:19 And, you know, I mean, the interviews are long, but you just can't stop watching and listening and so engaging. He's a fantastic speaker and a fantastic human that's revealing, like you say, more humanist to us and having those honest conversations which are sometimes hard to have. So I really appreciate him holding space for people out in the world to talk about those things. And making this content available as well because that's also the other thing. That's also the fantastic thing about Origin, you know, living in these times that we can consume this content without having to really spend a ton of money.
Starting point is 00:37:58 100% yeah, yeah it's just all available to us. We just have to say yes and put it into action, which is always the hard part. But I love that recommendation. Thank you for reminding us of that. We'll add it to the stack. So, for everyone who is wondering what to read next, head over to the website. You'll find it there and the link will be available to Amazon to buy it as well. And yeah, just a big, big, big thank you to you, Gabriella, for everything that's going on, coming on and having a great conversation today. And where can people find you and 16 Flix Spaces?
Starting point is 00:38:38 What's the best way to connect with you? So we are we are available on social media, I needless to say, on our our website and to drop us a message. We are very happy to also offer a discount for all the Friday Fields community. So we have a discount code which is SFSdaypass. So we're very happy to show and speak to any members who may be listening to this and offering them space. One thing perhaps that we didn't get to speak about, but I find quite unusual about what we managed to put together is that we also, besides the usual offering of so-called working communities, offices, meeting groups and all of that. We have event spaces which is
Starting point is 00:39:28 a flexible take on spaces and being able to transform those spaces into anything between a podcast for example, we've had that in the past, a podcast or for example a brainstorming session or an HR training session or an offsite for corporate companies. So that is one side to it. And the other side to it is also that unusually enough, we have a meditation space and a library in our community. And that's something that I'm very proud of because I think it represents who we are as an independent leg spaces operator in Malta.
Starting point is 00:40:06 And it's something that I think shows a bit that, you know, kind of the space we navigate around, you know. And we like to make that obviously also available to our members, which is why it's in our community. So perhaps when we next meet, we can have, you know, we can have a session over there or we can have you performing. That would be so fantastic, Nicole. Oh, that would be amazing. I love that. Thank you for sharing that. I think it's important that people know about these spaces that you've created that are so special. And I would absolutely love to do that. And I'm thinking maybe a book reading in the library. I'm publishing a book
Starting point is 00:40:45 soon so that would be amazing. That would be really amazing. And whoever's listening, thank you so much for offering a discount to our community. That's so kind. We'll put it on the socials and go check out Malta, go meditate in Malta, the reflex spaces. Thank you so much just for sharing all of that with us today and your beautiful energy that you always bring and your kindness. We really appreciate it and cannot wait to meet you in person and give you a big hug. Likewise, likewise Nicole. We need to make it happen.
Starting point is 00:41:18 We've been in touch for quite a while now and I'm really looking forward to when you come over perhaps we'll be very happy to show you around as well of course and to be your sister Rose your local sister Rose. I would love that thank you I'm taking you up on that offer. If you haven't just yet follow Friday Fields on Instagram Facebook TikTok and LinkedIn you can share with us all your feels this week by tagging us at And you can also find the website at that handle. And now, as you ease into this weekend, take a moment.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Celebrate who you've become, what you've overcome and what is yet to come as you do the crazy and cool things that you do as the authentic you. You know the truth about life and work is that it's hard but the beauty is this global working experience that you're in while we are in it together. So keep connecting, empowering and inspiring this week. And of course, keep it raw and real. Until next time.

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