Your Happy Hour - Reinventing Your Conditioning

Episode Date: December 6, 2024

Welcome back to Your Happy Hour with Friday Feels!We’re back after a break, reflecting on the journey of season one and kick-starting yet another epic episode with the theme of 'Reinventing Your Con...ditioning.' Join your host Nicole Karmine as she shares her personal experiences with reinvention, the importance of understanding conditioning, and the process of self-discovery.Friday Feels is all about having those honest conversations, the power of community for personal growth and taking those actionable steps towards being our authentic selves.Thanks for tuning in! Keep it raw and real out there xYHH is produced by via the awesome tech platform:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's the Friday Feels, and we're back with your first sip of the weekend. You're now tuned in to this week's episode of Your Happy Hour. I'm your host Nicole Carmine and it's amazing to have you here. Joining me this week as we uncover the truths about being a human and a working professional. What are you up to this Friday? Well, whatever it is, this moment is just for you. So what's on the agenda for today? Well, first of all, a very big welcome back to you all.
Starting point is 00:00:51 It's been a minute, as they would say in America, but it's been a really long and well-deserved break since we left you at the end of season one in July this year. So much has happened since then. And yeah, we want to know what's happening on your end of the world. We want to know all the feels and perhaps you got married, perhaps you got divorced, lost a job, changed jobs, had a baby, maybe you fell down the stairs or maybe you dyed your hair pink or got a tattoo. Maybe you just woke up one day feeling really happy and realized that you
Starting point is 00:01:25 better live the best life of your dreams so whatever is going on for you in your journey we want you to know that we got you because we're human we're working and we're figuring out what this thing of life is about so if you're jumping into the you Happy Hour series for the first time and you missed all of season one, well, go back and have a listen. But in time, stay tuned and you'll find out soon enough that this podcast is really all about having some honest conversations. In season one, we had a lot of incredible raw and real conversations. We hit the record button on Riverside FM,
Starting point is 00:02:06 which is our platform we use for all our content creation and recording of this podcast. We hit the record button 30 times. So we had 30 amazing episodes covering themes like money positivity, feels over fears, action your attraction, how to set boundaries, enduring through exhaustion. I think something we're all feeling at this time of the year. And my personal favorite, the power of education, passion and calling. We also had a little bit of a stint on the top 10 of things, being young. Age is but a number, I keep telling myself telling myself being young being entrepreneurs and also traveling solo it was really an incredible seven months of talking honestly about life and also about
Starting point is 00:02:55 figuring out what this podcasting thing is all about so we've learned a hell of a lot and we're still learning and we're just so appreciative of you being on this journey with us and we can't wait to get to know you a little bit better and yeah it was really super special for me to share in that season one journey with my co-host Saj Salikram but sadly for us she has decided to focus her energies on her amazing new venture. Saj is embarking on a company called Sapphire Growth Partners, SGP in short. And that means that we will soon have her back on here. But to talk about her journey as an entrepreneur and the learnings and insights that she's gained from that.
Starting point is 00:03:42 So Saj, we're going to miss you a lot. But we wish you and Ruki all the best with this new venture so please come back soon and tell us all about that so we can learn with you but I'm still here and I'm super excited for another seven months of cool conversations with you around some epic themes and topics we're kick-starting the season with a theme that cuts to the heart of all the stuff we deal with on here as being a human and it's called Reinventing Your Conditioning. Well, I must be honest that when I knew that we were putting this topic and theme as the first one for the season, I procrastinated a little bit on starting the season again.
Starting point is 00:04:27 And I've learned now that procrastination is really just a sign from inside telling you that you need to deal with something. And this is a big topic. It's a biggie, I know. And for me, it has really been the last two years has been about reinvention. really been the last two years has been about reinvention the last few months have been about a lot more deeper reinventing and letting go of certain conditioning so I have procrastinated a little bit but the universe has got it all well timed because in fact exactly a year ago on 8th of December 2023 we launched your happy hour season one so it's
Starting point is 00:05:07 beautiful timing I just cannot believe that this year has flown by actually and now 2025 eagerly awaits us with its arrival and I know it's going to welcome us into what I think is going to be an incredible year for all of us so from next onwards, for every single week of the season, we will be having some guests join us to unpack this theme, but also the themes to follow. But for today, it's just you and me. And so coming live from wintry and now very pretty Paris with all the fairy lights ready for a very festive
Starting point is 00:05:47 season. Let's get stuck into our first theme together and I really am very curious to know what is reinventing your conditioning mean to you? You know we've all been conditioned in some way shape or form in our lives and we don't really realize that's happened until we suddenly hit these crossroads in our lives and and whether that crossroad is internal or external where force just comes from nowhere and changes your life right and it doesn't matter how it presents itself but these moments take us into a space where we have to take a nice long hard look at ourselves, at our patterns, our behaviors, and especially our comfort zones, I think. So I've really found that it's in these times and I feel like reinventing has been a season for me, has been more than just a moment.
Starting point is 00:06:47 It's been kind of a few years of figuring that out. And I think that's kind of how it shows up for most of us. It's really been my soul knocking at the door and saying, hey, it's time you and I explore some new territories, Nicole, you know, within yourself, within the world and maybe that means moving from a habit that you have fostered and hung onto maybe that means moving physically country I seem to have done that twice now in the last three years. And yeah, so whatever reinventing has looked like for you, we know that it's not easy.
Starting point is 00:07:36 And for me, it's really been a journey of understanding that you can't really reinvent until you understand the conditioning, until you admit the conditioning, which I think is the harder part of it. You know, for me, it's been really tough to allow myself to open up to the idea that I might have missed the mark at times, I might have interpreted things and integrated certain things and internalized certain things in a way that has set me up for a way of thinking in life and it's only until you see that it's only until something different gets revealed to you that you are like, oh, hey, well, actually, the way I perceive things, the way I go about in the world might not be the best way for my soul. Might not be actually who I am inside.
Starting point is 00:08:38 And perhaps I'm living a false truth. Perhaps I'm living a truth that has been put in a box and I stayed in that box because it felt safe and I want to encourage you today to to let that box go open that box let yourself climb out slowly into a new reality because for me it's really been about that it's been about unloosening the lid and once I was able to have enough strength to to lift the lid I'm now peeking out into this new world and it's scary because it's unknown and I always think it's quite funny because in this life that we live change is the only constant we have and yet we are so scared of it
Starting point is 00:09:33 but it's all we really know it's it's really the safety in change um because if you allow yourself to open up to it and i i know it's easier said than done magical things come to be and I've also really realized that you know a lot of the things about conditioning yes it's a bit of nature it's a bit of who we are born into this life as a person you know you I think every every soul every human comes into this world with a certain purpose you have certain talents certain skills uh there's that creative spirit in you that's in every single one of us you know i think there's a big difference between creative and artistic we are all creative and i think that inner child that inner creative spirit uh wants to keep pushing forward
Starting point is 00:10:27 you know and then society will box us and we allow ourselves to be conditioned because we want to be loved we want to we want to feel safe in in this world in the way that it's packaged at the moment but that inner child that creative spirit will keep pushing and you'll keep hearing the knock, you know, until you lift that lid. And so for me, it's really been quite tough to see that as a child, for someone who is so much about freedom, you know, I'm a querious heart. As a child, I really allowed situations to take away my freedom and I think the hard part of that has been admitting like I said that's that's that's the
Starting point is 00:11:13 tough one has been admitting that I took that decision I took that decision to give my power away I took a decision to to not be myself fully. And I almost want to challenge ourselves to think about the word reinvention, not so much in terms of needing to be something else. Invention is coming up with something new. And I think we all know that most things that are invented kind of already exist in some shape or sphere in the world it's it's really just that we're discovering it for me invention is the discovery process reinvention is has been rediscovering that which is already there and you know when we think of all the great inventors of our time and we think, how hard people work to find these things,
Starting point is 00:12:29 the things that connect us, the things that light up life, the things that we are meant to do here as ourselves. And so besides figuring out what has the conditioning been that has created blockages in myself, because they go and sit in your body. I think often when we have these conditionings, they will surface in a way, whether it's through illness, perhaps you have really neglected yourself for a long time,
Starting point is 00:13:03 and you might develop cancer or you know some kind of disease and I think that these physical ailments and these diseases really show up as a result of this emotional blockage and if we all have the capacity to open ourselves we will be really healthy, healthy wonderful strong and courageous human beings that are living the best life because we are so divinely powerful and I think often when I think about how much power we hold as humans it scares me that we that we don't see it and it's so easy to wake up every morning and just live the reality that we had. I know Joe Dispenza speaks about this a lot where he challenges us to wake up in the morning and to forget the past.
Starting point is 00:13:55 To know that yesterday doesn't really exist. And every morning we are reinventing ourselves. Every morning we are challenging the norm from yesterday. I don't often, or I have not often spoken about what I think really kick-started a whole big process of reinvention for me was going through a divorce. And I remember being in the relationship and relationships that are toxic or that don't end up very well is such a combination of two people that might feel insecure, that are triggering each other.
Starting point is 00:14:37 And so you create this environment, you know, and then to take yourself out of that is not easy. this environment you know and then to take yourself out of that is not easy and one thing that I realized really helped me a lot was when I would wake up in the morning I would look myself in the mirror and I would say you are brave you are bold you are beautiful and you are bright and it didn't matter if I didn't believe it in that moment, I believed it a little more the next day, and a little more the next day, and I've started calling these things, these mirror moments, where I really believe it's important to look ourselves in the eye, we cannot reinvent if we are not honest with ourselves, and one of my big honest moments to share with you today has been that I realized as a child with a massive imagination of inventing things in my mind and living in a
Starting point is 00:15:38 reality of my own I never really created a safe space for myself. I always looked for safe spaces out in the world. And this is where the conditioning became so prevalent in my life. I looked for a safe space with my parents. What is it that will make them happy for me to feel loved? How is it that they see me or want to see me and how I should portray myself in the world so that I am safe. And the more and more I did that in the world, the more I lost that part of myself that was really unique and wanted to express. And I'm still finding that part I'm still finding that that little Nicole that you know believes in fairies and and I'm still not necessarily finding her but allowing her the space
Starting point is 00:16:34 to play in the world so today as you think about conditioning and the things that you've maybe taken on to yourself that's sitting in your body making you sick i want to invite you to to let that go take off that jacket open that lid and think about what rediscovering yourself could look like. And yeah, really share with us on the socials out there. We'll share all the links. What does this topic mean to you? Do you feel that you have reinvented yourself along the way? Maybe you've allowed yourself to be stuck in conditioning that you didn't know you had.
Starting point is 00:17:21 And we eagerly await your stories. We want to hear and we follow your comments and your messages. Thank you for them. We really appreciate that you can share along the journey. We know it's not easy, but know that this is a safe space. So we appreciate you guys as community. And we know that you're also tuning in from all over the world so have a look at the website we have a little bit of statistical analysis we do every week
Starting point is 00:17:53 on which is the platform we use to distribute this podcast into the world and we can see where you are listening from And we love seeing these little red dots popping up all over the map. And it's been such an amazing journey from day one, having the little dots only pop up in America and in Paris, and now seeing them spread across the world. So keep lighting up the map. Keep listening. We love it.
Starting point is 00:18:22 And we want to see the whole world connected empowered and inspired together so um we are also uh giving a little bit of a shout out to those people places and spaces that have inspired us in this week and i want to give a shout out to a little coffee gem in Arizona Phoenix and our beautiful social media manager Ashley found this spot called Drink Harlem and just told me about it and said it was such a Friday Feedy spot so we want to invite you to go and check it out it's called drink harlem it's in arizona in phoenix arizona um both of those always sound like a city to me and we just want to say guys thank you so much for giving the world great coffee thank you for giving your vibes we love
Starting point is 00:19:15 your feels um and i also want to give a special shout out to a lady who served me coffee this morning in Paris in a little tabac and she really brightened my day. She really gave me inspiration for the day as such a courageous woman and thank you that I could practice my French on you and that you sent me into the world in a lighter energy. I think it's really important that we do that for each other because life is tough and what we can do is be kind. We all are going through our own journeys that are difficult. So we can be kind
Starting point is 00:19:54 and we can know ourselves. And there are really amazing coffee spots here in Paris and also wonderful libraries to hang out in. And speaking about libraries, Ashley and I decided that we'd really like to showcase a lot of the the books that get recommended on this podcast and so we're starting the stack now the stack is our reading list and every week we often mention a book that people have read or our guests might mention a quote from a book and so we will be showcasing the stack on our website so stay tuned
Starting point is 00:20:33 for that and you can then go find the title there and maybe get yourselves a copy so on the reading reading list this week our pick of the week is a book that Ashley and I have been working through together and I don't want to let the title fool you to think that it's really only a book for people who dare to call themselves creatives it's truly for every single soul out there wanting to reconnect with themselves in a very profound way. So I can really say that one morning into reading this book I was already uncovering a lot of bits of myself and that I have been hiding the conditioning. So on the topic of reinventing your conditioning we feel like this is a great book to read. It's called The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron cameron thank you julia for for writing this book
Starting point is 00:21:27 for giving us your your talent and your time in and being able to share your life with the world i know that this book has touched a lot of people and um yeah it's just a reading is such a beautiful incredibly inspiring way to recharge the soul. So we want to wish you all happy reading out there this week. Maybe you want to go old school and go get yourself a book from a library and really smell the words as they come to life for you. But however you are indulging in words and in reading, please do enjoy and share with us how that was for you. And talking about sharing, well, in season one, we discovered that really by chance, that sharing our gems of the week was really an incredibly humbling and uplifting experience. You know, there is something about
Starting point is 00:22:18 taking a beat to have some gratitude for what we've learned for the things that were tough you know and just sharing that with each other because that is what connecting is and so this week I wanted to share two gems with you the one is a quote that really hit home for me and I think it really speaks so nicely to this topic that we're talking about today. It's a quote by Claude M. Bristol, and it was featured in The Artist's Way that I'm busy reading. And it says, undoubtedly, we become what we envisage. I think it is true that undeniably, reinvention is something that we are creating in every single moment and every single day. And, you know, envisage is such a beautiful, strong word because I really believe that our external reality is a direct reflection of our internal reality. And so every thought we have,
Starting point is 00:23:32 every imaginative idea that comes to mind for us, that manifests and fosters into the world. And so instead of us waiting for every New Year's to come around to set our resolutions to reinvent for the whole year oh so much pressure maybe we just start today maybe we just envisage a great life every moment every detail and joe dispenser again he also speaks about this know, if you can feel it, if you can see it, it can become a reality. So let's not wait for the Monday start. I know that's never really worked out well for me. I'll do it on Monday. Monday comes and then you just don't. So start today. Today's Friday. Take a moment today and think about the life, visualize the life, imagine the life you want,
Starting point is 00:24:25 and then start living it. Start acting, speaking, and tracing like it, and you'll probably find that it's just you rediscovering the true you, the authentic you. And that's really what Friday Feels is all about. Friday Feels is about having this authentic global working experience around the world and we want to support and empower you in your authentic self. We are here to share our authentic selves, raw and real and so yeah, tell us what are your gems out there, what does your week look like
Starting point is 00:25:02 and who have you met, are the places spaces and people that are touching you if you haven't just yet follow friday feels on instagram facebook tiktok and linkedin you can share with us all your feels this week by tagging us at and you can also find the website at that handle and now as you ease into this weekend take a moment celebrate who you've become what you've overcome and what is yet to come as you do the crazy and cool things that you do as the authentic you you know the truth about life and work is that it's hard but the beauty is this global working experience that you're in while we are not together so keep connecting empowering and inspiring this week and of course keep it raw and real until next time

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