Your Stupid Opinions - Baggy Condoms, Zombie Children Employees, Ball Pit Poop, Canadian Insults

Episode Date: November 6, 2023

This week, we find out about condoms that may not do what they should do, and need to have better sizing. A Chuck E Cheese with some wild sanitation issues. A movie theater with diseased carp...ets, and a staff of zombie children & much more!!Join comedians James Pietragallo and Jimmie Whisman as they explore the most opinionated part of the internet: The Reviews Section!Subscribe and we will see you every Monday with Your Stupid Opinions!!!Don't forget to rate & review!!Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie WhismanSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wondery Plus subscribers can listen to your stupid opinions ad-free right now. Join Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. Hello everybody and welcome back to Your Stupid Opinions. Hey! All right. My name is James Petrigallo. I'm here with my co-host. I'm Jimmy Wissman.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Thank you, folks, for joining us so much. We have another crazy show. Why is it crazy? Because... It always is. It always is because people are crazy and their opinions are crazy, and we're going to find out about them. And there's some...
Starting point is 00:00:44 We're really running the gamut today with some uh some wholesome things some not so wholesome things it's going to be a lot of fun let's get into that before we start though definitely follow us on social media search it out find it and uh you know do all that you can join those facebook groups and everything else so get into it hang out and find your own reviews let's do let's do it here let's start out with what we promised last week we would start out with at the end and let's Get into it, hang out, and find your own reviews. Let's do it here. Let's start out with what we promised last week we would start out with at the end, and let's find out what people think about Trojan ribbed condoms. What do they think? What do they think about them?
Starting point is 00:01:16 So, yeah, it's one of those items that's everywhere, and people use them, so we have to find out what they think about them. Is this a good product? Will this fit your lifestyle? Here we go. have to find out what they think about them or is this a good product will this fit your lifestyle here we go let's find out first off let's start out with some good reviews okay some good reviews which if a condom works if it doesn't break it's if it holds it you should really probably give it a good review at that point did its job i'll tell you what they stink well yeah they yeah they smell that holy text and lubricant and all sorts of weird smells mixed in there together. They are gross.
Starting point is 00:01:52 So here's five stars. Quote, back in my prime, I was running through these bad boys. Back in my prime, I was running through these bad boys. This guy said, when I used to go to the bars, I got a lot of tail. That was his, that's the opening sentence. If it weren't for these, I'd have a fucking litter of children. That's right. Well, he says, I am at 28, no kids.
Starting point is 00:02:17 These things did what they were supposed to do. That's what I mean. Back in my prime, you're 28. 28. Back in my prime. I was waiting to get to that. That's what i mean back in my prime you're 28 28 you're in back in my prime that's i was waiting to get to that that's what i mean when you see 28 that's like sounds pretty prime dude yeah well what do you think what prime is he's like now i'm over the hill he'd be like you guys are you guys yeah so yeah no kids these things did what they was supposed to do and i still was able to enjoy the
Starting point is 00:02:47 show the show he calls his sex the show which is not a bad euphemism actually that's not bad went to the show last night yes there is a solid closer in the show. That's pretty good. That's what I mean. Yeah. That's pretty good. It's a show. That third act closes hard. So here's another five-star review. The Trojan Condom Ultra Ribbed are one of the only condoms me and my partner has ever used. It gets the job done.
Starting point is 00:03:20 The only downfall is, and this is from a woman, by the way. Caitlin is the reviewer the only downfall is if you are super wet it tends to slip off yeah there's too too much stuff going on down there yeah um the the inside of it is what holds it on that That's what I mean. I don't know how it would penetrate. How wet is he? Why is he wet, number one? Why is he so soaked? What's coming out of him, A? Did he put it on fresh out of the shower?
Starting point is 00:03:55 Yeah, that's the problem. Did he soak himself in lubricant first? I don't know what's going on, but people in condom reviews get very personal. I don't know why you'd run to the internet and be like, I need to tell people all about my anatomy and how these work with it. It's the weirdest thought someone would have to do. I'm a waterfall. Wow. All right.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Here's another one. Five stars. It says, go for riding. What? Go for riding. Just go. Go for riding. Go for riding. And then riding talks. It's a go. It good just go go for riding go for riding and then riding it's a go it's a go um i felt or i like how it felt i totally recommend it if you like to be dominant in the bed
Starting point is 00:04:37 i don't know why but in the bed creeps me out if he just said in bed it wouldn't be as creepy but in the bed is just creepier like he's got one bed that's specifically for sex it's not it's not napping it ain't for sleeping that's for dominant sex that bed right there that's all it's for that's for dominating that's why it says dominator on the headboard with the number eight all carved in wood beautifully you know burned in and in and everything all nice. Big Dale Earnhardt fan because of the Dominator. The Dominator, just a big three in the headboard. So, okay, next one.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Five stars. Last five-star one here. Quote, my friends got it for me as a joke, LOL. How is that a joke? That's it? No, no, there's more. All right. And I've had them for years.
Starting point is 00:05:29 Well, throw them out then. Those are useless now, bud. There's an expiration date on condoms. I don't know if everyone doesn't know that, but if you don't, public service announcement. There's an expiration date on condoms. Yes. When it's saying, this will no longer hold your jizz so at that point you need to get rid of those no longer is good enough to contain jizz this is not this out
Starting point is 00:05:55 not a viable jizz sack at the moment so you need to get rid of it now i don't know what to do with it so it's just been sitting in my drawer you don't know what to do with it. So it's just been sitting in my drawer. You don't know what to do with it. One or a pack? One condom. No, it. We'll probably throw out or give it to someone who might actually have use for it. Why don't you fuck somebody?
Starting point is 00:06:18 How about that? Did they give it to you as a gift, as a joke, because you lost your penis in a terrible accident? That's what I mean. He was in a combine accident and lost his penis. So let's give him a condom. That'll be funny. At no point is a condom a good joke. It's not a good joke.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Unless their penis has been horribly removed. It's like your grandfather's 85th birthday, and you go, here you go. You get him like a 30-pack, and you go, there you go, Grandpa. I know you're going to need these for plowing away on... Get after it, old man. Get after it. So, okay. Next up, three stars. I don't know how you'd have a mediocre
Starting point is 00:06:58 review of a condom. One or five. It was good until the end, and in that moment, that's a zero-star review. Yeah, I mean, it's just a zero-sum game with a condom. It's either great or horrible. There's no in-between. Here we go, three stars.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Last time I used this was 12 years ago. Okay, well, there may have been improvements in the last half fucking... Why would you review something that you used 12 years? This is from five months ago. This person 12 years later said, at one time I fucked with a Trojan rib condom on. I'm going to tell the world about it. We don't need to know this much about you. Everyone.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Over a decade. From what I remember about it, it did the job. Yeah. Do you have a kid next to you? No. Okay. Well, then did the job. Yeah, do you have a kid next to you? No? Okay, well then did the job. From that moment? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:49 You couldn't feel anything, honestly. I think this is something you have to experience yourself. That's the whole review. This person waited 12 years to drop that wisdom on us. To give us that fucking riddle? 12 years. I got so many questions. To say it worked, but I couldn't feel anything on it. You don't remember what you... Okay, I'm not even going to... To give us that fucking riddle? 12 years. I got so many questions.
Starting point is 00:08:07 To say it worked, but I couldn't feel anything on it. You don't remember what you, okay, I'm not even going to do that. Let's do one stars now. Let's get a one star. Terrible. All right, here we go. One star, too big. There's a, yeah, there's definitely another side to that coin, I think. Pen a definitely another side to that coin. I think penis half empty side.
Starting point is 00:08:29 I, I bought it so I can be prepared for the occasion. This is great. The occasion of, of the, of the, what did the other guy call it? The, uh, the, uh, The show. The occasion and the show. These are two new things now. Okay, for the occasion. When the opportunity presented, now I picture like an animal presenting. I picture a woman actually bent all the way up with her ass up in the air.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Ass in the air looking back like an animal presents like, okay, I'm in heat now. When the opportunity presented trojan ecstasy was way too baggy i've never heard of a condom as baggy like jeans i have never ever in my life presented my penis with like ta-da like a girl you are be, but I will say this. I've never had a car to be baggy. Described as baggy, especially, is the funniest thing. Baggy is like you can grab it, like a handful of it and shake it around like a jean leg.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Like, that's baggy. You know what I mean? And it didn't fit for a regular sized penis. Who told you that? We don't know what size your penis is, sir. Why would you put this on the internet? Again, I double and triple checked the package and it didn't. It gets better.
Starting point is 00:10:00 It gets better. Ouch. Ouch. I double and triple checked. That's Jimmy laughing because I think he just fractured a rib are you all right i see him looking at the penis looking at the box going what does it are these extra large as it slides off as as it slides off of him because it's too baggy oh god okay i double and triple jesus christ this is insane oh this poor fucking asshole this poor guy i double and triple checked the package and it did in all caps not say it was for a larger penis
Starting point is 00:10:38 every word on the box looking for four larger penises and didn't find it. So he's lightheaded from laughing. Are these XXL? What's happening? What are these? Jeez, what are these? Like a 36, 38? What am I wearing here?
Starting point is 00:10:57 What's the inseam on these bad boys? Fucking poor guy. Okay. Jesus Christ. Description needs to be changed. I think maybe you need to change what you think the average life penis is, probably. I think you need to go to your urologist and have a conversation. Wow.
Starting point is 00:11:16 What's he going to say? My penis is too small for these condoms? Is this too small, Doc? Tell me what's happening. I mean, that depends on how you're going to be holding it. Just bring the box, box handed to your doc. Drop your pants ago. Is it wrong or not?
Starting point is 00:11:27 It's wrong. Is there a better product they should be using? It ruined the mood and such a waste of money. God damn it. Yeah. This guy, man. I guess we go with the blowy now. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:11:43 That's from Sea Forest. They put his name on it. Oh, man. I guess we go with the blowy now. I'm sorry. That's from Sea Forest. They put his name on it. Oh, boy. Next up is just from Shopper. They went with the, you know, I'm not going to sign in or anything here. One star here. Hurts the penis.
Starting point is 00:12:01 That's the first line. My friend, you got the small ones. Yeah, that's what I mean. Don't use this crap unless you want to feel pain after for the men. My husband was in a lot of pain after using one. What happened? Did he try to put it on the inside? What is he doing?
Starting point is 00:12:22 Did he put it up his ass? What did he do with it? He put it on his finger and shoved it up his ass what did he do with it yeah put it on his he put it on his finger and shoved it up his ass it was like ow it hurts i've got a fissure now it's real weird up there yeah well i don't understand this review at all but yeah why would it hurt and i like how the husband's like ow it hurts and she's like i'm getting on the internet i'm gonna review this i'll tell everybody for you the penis don't tell them about my penis. No, no, it's okay. Don't give them my name.
Starting point is 00:12:49 I'm not even giving them mine. Don't worry. I signed it under Don't worry. Oh, man. Here's a shopper. So bought it right from the main source. The horse's mouth.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Penis. Okay. One star. Yeah. Tiny trash is the first line. Tiny trash. Okay. The first sentence is in all capital letters followed by a question mark exclamation point,
Starting point is 00:13:16 question mark exclamation point. Okay. And that is as follows. Quote, why do you not put the sizes on the boxes? as follows. Quote, Why do you not put the sizes on the boxes? We normally buy the ecstasy line, but
Starting point is 00:13:30 this is what was available at the grocery store. Would have just tried the gas station instead for condoms if you put the sizes on the boxes. Yeah. Instead could barely get these on past my boyfriend's tip. Why is it women reviewing condoms all of the, why is it?
Starting point is 00:13:48 Because men won't say shit. This is like, yeah, guys like. We'll throw it in the trash and move along. Guys like, baby, what are you doing right now? She's on her phone and she's like, nothing. Don't worry about it. She's like, what are you, are you, is that, what are you talking, I'm telling everyone about your penis, okay?
Starting point is 00:14:01 No, please don't. Please don't do that. I'm telling everybody about your huge tip. And No, please don't. Please don't do that. I'm telling everybody about your huge tip. And it came off nice and deep inside of me. She put it on like a fucking beanie and then threw it in? She put it on like fucking, like Adebisi's hat and eyes. And then stuck it in there. Just a little beanie sticking off the side of his head.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Like a fisherman. And then threw it in her. And then threw it in her. Loved that experience. I don't know if that's sarcastic or true, but so excited to now have to see if I'm pregnant. Thank you, Trojan. And then all capital letters, three exclamation points. Label your boxes. Like, seriously? Exclamation point, Trojan. And then all capital letters, three exclamation points. Label your boxes.
Starting point is 00:14:45 Like, seriously? Exclamation point, question mark, exclamation point, question mark. That sounds like user error, but also, go to the gas. If you can't get it on, okay, well, there's no sex right now. Right. Yeah. You stay waterfall wet. Well, then it gets better, too.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Oh, boy. We live in the mountains without phone service to look up the size chart when purchasing. There's no size chart. It's not a shoe. This isn't a sport coat. There's lots of basic. There's big ones and there's regular ones. That's what there is. You got about an eight long.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Yeah, this is fucking ridiculous only publishing it on your website is effed up okay okay you guys clearly know what you're doing they're like let's hide the like like let's hide trojan wants you to not get the right size picture three guys in a room giggling going, it'll be fucking hilarious if they can't find it and it'll only be on our website. We know what we're doing. It's a surprise when you open the box you find out if you got what size.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Then this one, I don't know, she has like a motive here as well of why. Feeding some dude's ego by keeping the sizes off the boxes isn't helping anyone. Go back and ask that guy with the baggy one that's what i mean he's not his ego is crushed by this experience fucking destroyed this condom will make or break your day let's just say that
Starting point is 00:16:16 it's like opening a pack of baseball cards wow tampons are like a pack of baseball cards. I don't want the gum from in there. Tampons are labeled and no one gets pregnant if the wrong size is used there. Okay. Yes. Beyond ridiculous. Beyond it. Beyond it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Obviously throughout the rest. Clearly. Got to get rid of those. You can't use that fucking tiny little hat. Can't use a tiny hat doesn't work uh next up is amy one star and this is a kind of trying to be funny which normally i weed those right out but yeah it's kind of funny it's pretty funny quote they don't even taste like ribs rip off that's funny i'm sorry i give all the credit to this person for that amy they don't even
Starting point is 00:17:08 taste like ribs amy who reviewed on my hat goes off to you that's hilarious covering them in old sugar rays doesn't still doesn't taste like nothing man pork beef none of them, that's fucking great. That is great. Okay, here we go. Next up, Unfortunate Guy is the poster. Oh, yeah. So, you know, it's something.
Starting point is 00:17:32 One star, horrible experience, two exclamation points. Okay. Okay. Be very careful when it comes to using this brand. Okay, this brand. Very careful. I bought these believing that they would be an amazing experience for both my girlfriend and I, but all caps, no. They tasted like ribs.
Starting point is 00:17:53 They tasted like... She said, man, these are a little ribby. Oh, what are they called? This is the second condom that has broken on us unfortunately neither my girlfriend or i realized that the condom was broken and now we are having a baby this is great this is fantastic this is thanks a lot trojan they waited as soon as that pregnancy test came back positive this dude grabbed his phone and was like fucking trojan be horrible experience horrible i have to act happy now no i have to act happy shit
Starting point is 00:18:32 um okay uh word of advice for all guys looking to buy this specific brand of condom if you're going to use them then expect to be having soft dick because these things can't handle well. Soft and then four asterisks. I assume soft dick. Good luck. I'd be the pregnancy is the worst part there. Yeah. I've used fire and ice ones.
Starting point is 00:18:58 No go. No go. Yeah. You can't fuck around with. Oh, God. Jesus. Yeah. You got to find one that's good and then stick with it forever.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Yeah. That's what I did. That's what you have to do uh here's one star from lana terrible terrible to start i would like to say don't buy these okay not not burying the lead that's good these did not taste good at all. And these are just serious. They're not supposed to. They're condoms. It's rubber with lubricant on it. It's going to be gross. Smell it.
Starting point is 00:19:33 It's late. Yuck. It's so bad. If you went out to dinner and someone served you a meal that smelled like that, would you eat it? Exactly. No. Is the answer to that. Not at all the flavored ones you dummy if you want to yes if you want good flavor then get flavored condoms my boyfriend is beefy that's a way to describe him
Starting point is 00:19:56 well then he should have tasted great then i like you gotta you gotta fucking hog down there that's yeah and these did not fit worst part of all they broke yeah and and now i have a mixed son i don't know what that difference that makes what is happening this show is the best reflection of the world because you just, it's just people. They just say things. And now I have a mixed sun. That's a sentence. And now I have a mixed sun, dot, dot, dot, like, come on.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Like, come on. And now I have a mixed sun. Like, come on. I have to answer so many questions throughout my day. This is crazy. I never wanted this. What a weird thing to fucking say. This was...
Starting point is 00:20:54 Jesus, bitch. And again, they waited until months later to review the thing, which is, again, funny. This was not what I was expecting. Well, I guess not. No, that's unexpected, I guess, especially because my husband's white and so am I. That's the other weird part, so I don't know how it happened. Maybe you should have stuck with taste in it. We're both Scandinavian, so it's very odd.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Now we have a mixed sun. I'm blaming the condom. I think it came from the rubber. It had to be. It had to be. Not to mention this whole ribbed idea was not stimulating. Okay. She's dead serious.
Starting point is 00:21:32 She's not joking. That's a dead serious. Yes, dead serious. Unbelievable. Okay. Next up, we have Okay. Broke is the first Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Broke is the first one-star. Oh. Broke. Yeah. Bought these because I thought they would enhance the experience. So I was clapping cheeks when the condom burst. Damn it. This is amazing. You forced enter after that?
Starting point is 00:22:03 They say, yeah. Perfect. Clapping cheeks is the term we want to use? Yes,? They say, yeah. Perfect. Clapping cheeks is the term we want to use? Yes, that's a clapping cheeks. Okay. This must have been written by two people. No one writer could put this together. This comes from a group of intelligent people.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Luckily, I realized it before it was too late. That's the whole point here. No mixed sun for him. Not at all. This is amazing. And then last, finally, Tony with one star. Awful. We've spent 20 minutes on condoms.
Starting point is 00:22:38 This is crazy. But they're so ridiculous. Break often. Not a very effective condom. Well, that should be the whole review then. He goes back for more? Often. Damn it, I'm going to get a good box one of these times.
Starting point is 00:22:53 I have a far above size average. I have a far above average size. And even I recognize that these condoms seem like they'd be pretty big for the average person. Oh, he got the right size. It seems good there. There doesn't seem to be a receptacle tip. So if the condom does break, and in parentheses, it will, you might have to start saving up for your new kid's college tuition. It doesn't have a even that honestly let's be
Starting point is 00:23:25 you overflow that tip everything within the first fucking you know what I mean the thing is so full let's give one more let's do alright here is phoenix 2x one star broke
Starting point is 00:23:43 again I bought a 12 pack of these and they were great until she riding me, and she got tired. So she got off, and I went on top, and that's when I saw my thing went through the condom. My thing. My thing. My hang down. Went right through. Got some stank on my hang down.
Starting point is 00:24:04 Now I'm scared that pre-stuff got into her. That pre-stuff. That pre-stuff with my thing. My thing and my stuff. I got all my thing and my stuff. My thing went through the condom and my stuff's all in her. Take my big black stuff and stick it down in your mouth with my big thing and my big stuff. Eddie Murphy imitating Bill Cosby telling him not to curse.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Stuff in my thing. Stuff in my thing. F Trojan, bro. Yeah. If my girl is Prego. Trojan's paying it. My life could be over like what the freak bro 99 really okay i think oh boy we have delved deep into the that's the most one i've ever had talking about rubbers that's uh we've we went deep into the reservoir tip on that one everybody so since we did that let's move on to something wholesome right okay because i mean good god i
Starting point is 00:25:11 hope you didn't have your kids around for that one but let's move on to something wholesome here if you did it's probably because the rubber broke it's that's why you're like yeah hear that kid that's why you exist that's why you smell like that always yeah let's get into some family fun why don't we okay and let's go over to chucky cheese oh we're at hudson county new jersey okay chucky cheese fun center oh yeah this is um yes uh 8101 tunnel avenue Avenue, North Bergen, New Jersey. Tunnell or Tunnel? Tunnell. T-O-N-N-E-L-L-E.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Okay. Yeah. So here we go. Let's do this. Let's find out what Chuck E. Cheese is all about. What's going down? You've always, anyone, whether you have kids or don't, you've been forced to go to a birthday party for your nephew or something. And you've been to Chuck E. Cheese and you went, holy shit, who the fuck? This is hell.
Starting point is 00:26:05 What psychopath invented this? I mean, who said that people would be able to tolerate this? And so let's find out. Maybe people liked it more than we have. Here's from Jennifer. She has a shitload of reviews on Google, by the way. Just a ton of them on Yelp, I believe this is. Looks like 392
Starting point is 00:26:26 jesus christ she is a consumer shit loads so four stars off the bat here i grew up going to this location and i know it's had its ups and downs yeah it's a chucky cheese it's not a marriage and down it's not a marriage it's a. Cheese. They have a baseline and never move. Yeah, there's games and pizza. Don't fuck that up. How ups and downs can it be? They've never changed a thing about Chuck E. Cheese. The baseline, it should just be normal.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Well, in the late 80s, the gangs took over the skeeball area. That was a problem. That was a down period. And then the mafia had the shoot-em basketball hoops. That was a problem. That was a down period. And then, you know, the mafia had the shoot-em basketball hoops. That was a problem there. You know how that goes. Chucky's going through a whole identity crisis now. We don't know what to call it.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Chucky had a nasty coke habit from 92 to 96 also, which was not good for the kids. He's not going everywhere. I visited a few times recently and had no issues, so I decided to have my son's birthday party here. She scouted it out. Let's go see if it's up to snuff here. I haven't felt like this.
Starting point is 00:27:36 It's been overcrowded, which is my favorite part. I haven't felt like it's been overcrowded, which is my favorite part. The only real issue I've had here is the bathroom. It's obvious they don't get attended to on regular basis on how dirty they are. It's also children using it all day, so they're shitting everywhere. I got news for you, love. They clean it in the morning and they clean it at night, like afternoon morning, like 11 after the rush, and then they clean it when they close. That's it they close that's it two times in a place like that they should probably put a hose to it
Starting point is 00:28:08 every two hours i would say with that many kids just piss everywhere everywhere yeah napkins on the floor bananas it's a nightmare in there my party hostess was shawnee she was extremely helpful i had to make a few changes to my reservation several times adding cups pizza etc she said this is fun she was friendly and patient the entire time emphasis on the patience because i know i was being a pain sorry lol yeah i visited again after the party on a sunday afternoon and it was fairly quiet i will definitely keep coming back to this location as long as they clean that goddamn bathroom. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Keep up on that a little bit. So next up is Serena with three stars. Not quite as enamored with this location. We took our two grandkids, age six and five, during spring break on a weekday. Ooh. Let's do something nice for the kids. Jesus Christ. What's the matter?
Starting point is 00:29:01 Couldn't take them to fucking Disney? I mean, you're going somewhere on spring break. Every kid's out of school. Yeah. I feel like they just got stuck with the kids to be watched on spring break. And they're like, I don't know, take them to, I guess, Chuck E. Cheese. Chuck E. Cheese? It's going to be madness.
Starting point is 00:29:16 They both enjoyed every minute there. The only complaint I have is on their website showed a Wednesday special $17 1799 for 60 minutes, but not available at this location. Okay. Pizza is good. We will definitely go back. Okay. Not bad. What did she just say about Chuck E. Cheese?
Starting point is 00:29:36 Pizza is good. And this is in New Jersey. There is better pizza is good, but not there. Yeah. Pizza is good. This pizza is fucking awful. It's Chucky. And her picture is of a half pepperoni, half cheese as well, which is what they got, which means that either the pepperoni is raw or you got another problem.
Starting point is 00:29:57 So that's not good. Anyway, here we go. This is Emily. Emily says two stars. She says, yeah, this location is a no-go for me. Yeah, no. It's a big no-go. I haven't been back since the reno of the place.
Starting point is 00:30:17 They did a renovation, I guess. However, machines were always broken. Bathrooms were a mess. This location is so close to home, but much rather drive to the one in Paramus. Things that prob can't be fixed, but not the facility's fault. The parents that go here do not pay attention to their kids. This is trash people come here, is what she's saying. This has been taken over.
Starting point is 00:30:40 That's Chuck E. Cheese. Legit sit at the table socializing while their kids are being reckless yeah chucky you go okay they got a thing on so they can't get out and you go go in there and don't kill yourself and then you fuck you can't keep track of that madness no you don't even know you even if you look for them you can't see them they're in a fucking tube in a tunnel there's a you don't know what's happening with them who knows what they're doing the bummer there though is that there's no booze let peter piper the pizza joint i work that was the benefit of bringing the same thing we had kegs of beer but you could drink that's yeah um so here's that's that's a fact we have people complaining about that too
Starting point is 00:31:18 here's two stars from lisa this location seemed smaller than most locations i've been to i've never been to. I've never been to a big one. She's in a Chuck E. Cheese connoisseur. How many locations? How many? What's the average amount of Chuck E. Cheese locations the average person has been to, you think? What, 2.1?
Starting point is 00:31:39 What's the average square footage that Chuck E. Cheese fucking occupies? I'm making a chart. Fuck this. We had to wait almost 40 minutes to even step foot inside. My daughter had her heart set on going in and playing, so we waited. Once we got inside and got a table, the food came out about 15 minutes later, which wasn't bad considering how busy they were that day. It's because it's trash. They just pump out and throw it.
Starting point is 00:32:00 They don't make it for you. It was already in the oven when you ordered it. It was already going. I personally like chucky cheese food lol you better lol that that's where an lol belongs that's i'm embarrassed for who i am right now for liking this garbage i can't believe i just told you all this jesus christ him and the baggy condom her and the baggy condom guy should get together because they don't give a fuck they'll just say anything on the internet they're just disclosing personal info you'll you know you'll always get exactly what's on their mind they're never going to be hiding anything she's
Starting point is 00:32:33 accidentally given her social security number seven eight times all over the internet if you track her down on her old reviews so it was consistent to what it normally is and she goes here for pizza this broad she She's been here a lot. She loves it. This lady's been here. All the games seem to work, but it was hard to find an empty game or not to be asked for tokens from other kids. Not establishment's fault, but their parents. I don't know you.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Who brings their kid to Chuck E. Cheese and goes, now get out there and hustle, kid. At least they run out. Their parents don't give them any more money, so they start asking other adults. Does any adult seem to be a source of money? No. You got an extra token? You got an extra token? Like they're bumming cigarettes?
Starting point is 00:33:15 What are we doing? I'll look a four-year-old in the eye and say, I don't know you. You're not mine. That's the fuck. I'm the idiot who's like okay i'll give i feel terrible for kids some four-year-old with their handout i guess i don't know but then i don't want to be a stranger giving a four-year-old money so kids money you're really putting people in a bad
Starting point is 00:33:34 position at that point it's really weird um okay the bathrooms were gross double exclamation point when we were leaving my daughter didn't have many tickets for what she wanted. The employee working in the section was so sweet and gave it to my daughter anyway. Because it's just garbage. Yeah, that's what you do. Yeah, it's garbage. Who cares? The company made the money. It's not your shit. You know what shit I gave away? Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:33:58 See a kid like crying about something? I mean, if you're crying about the washer and dryer, you're not getting it. Yeah, you're not getting the fucking MacBookbook what you're getting but if you want a fucking paddle ball fuck yes get out of my life and it's like the jerk when it's like oh it's a profit deal i get it yeah spend a buck and win some crap at that point like they don't care about giving away the ashtray he's like i lost three erasers an asray, and it's a profit deal. I get it. Next up from Carmen here, one star.
Starting point is 00:34:32 This location is okay. They seem a bit understaffed. You will have to wait for everything because only one or two people work the whole front ordering food, getting a prize, coming in or leaving. That's not enough people. It's everything. There's a lot of people there. The food is hot and fresh. That's not enough people. It's everything. There's a lot of people there. The food is hot and fresh when it comes out, though. No complaints there.
Starting point is 00:34:50 She should put in other than it's Chuck E. Cheese pizza. Other than the taste. Oh, man. All of the adults and children I've encountered here seem friendly and respectful. My big issue with this place is cleanliness. Oh, boy. My daughter was crawling around in the toddler area. I noticed the yellow
Starting point is 00:35:07 area around the slide was black with dirt and grime. A closer look at the whole area, and it was quite evident it doesn't get cleaned often and may never get a thorough cleaning. Will it stop me from coming? I'm not sure. I might let my daughter
Starting point is 00:35:24 crawl in filth. I not positive depends on if i need to temper her fucking wow system depends on how much she cries honestly um i'll have to see how other locations compare i just want my daughter to be able to have some fun in a clean and safe environment okay um update they're back they have a reno acted so they did a renovation and took out half the games this this place is as dirty as ever seriously dust collecting on the backs of toilets who knows when they were last clean save yourself the disgust and go to the paramus location which is 10 times nicer and cleaner that seems seems to be what to do here. Is the manager of the Paramus location writing these?
Starting point is 00:36:09 It should be, yeah. Tell him about it. Tell him about it. Here's one star. Holy Jesus, this person really got into some. Oh, they got some words to say, huh? Daniel's got some words to say here. I've been going to this Chuck E. Cheese since I was in diapers.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Okay. The place has managed to remain open all these years, perhaps because it's a household name. However, they seem to be taking this for granted. Just tell us about your experience. Don't get philosophical with their business model. First of all, this is a kid's place, and kids don't want to see grumpy workers that look like they're there just to collect a check kids don't even know they get a check okay they don't give a fuck they don't know what a check is they don't they know that adults don't want to see them so they assume anybody taller than them doesn't want them around probably that's how i always thought of it
Starting point is 00:36:59 anyway when i was a kid oh hi you're bigger than me you You hate me. You must hate me. That's how I always felt. I get it. Not everyone can smile, but kids, you are the business of keeping kids happy and selling pizza. Okay? The next thing I found is pretty damn disgusting was the mold slash rotting cheese in the grated Parmesan cheese. It seems like they just keep refilling those things and not give a damn about the freshness. I get it. Cheap prices. But come on.
Starting point is 00:37:26 I don't want my godchildren getting sick. Okay. Well, I mean, mold on cheese. Cheese is, the more mold, the better the cheese. Yeah. Not Parmesan. But if there's mold in it? No.
Starting point is 00:37:37 If there's mold, all they do is sprinkle that shit out and refill it. That's what I mean. That's it. That's not what they should be doing here. Here we go. The whole environment. Lastly, the games are falling apart. Graphics are way past due for a change. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:37:52 The whole environment is conducive to complacency and not caring about the experience they are selling. If this is the trademark service that Apollo Management, CEC Entertainment, paid $1.4 billion for. They should have asked for a bigger discount. Apollo bought it? That's their parent company, evidently? Apparently, Apollo Entertainment. All right, finally, last one. One star, worst Chuck E. Cheese ever, all caps in the ever. Ever.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Ever. Waste of money. Their games pay out eight nine tickets when i asked why the jackpot was just nine tickets on all the games manager said jesus christ something about okay they start uh abbreviating here some bs about new jersey gambling law some bs it's a kid's place What does that have to do with a gambling place? Sucks. Never coming here again.
Starting point is 00:38:49 Sucks. Sucks. Not worth the money. We'll be calling corporate and complaining about this place. Don't bother going here. Not worth it. Sucks. Sucks.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Piece of shit. Not worth it. Sucks. Sucks. Piece of shit. I feel like now looking back, Peter Piper Pizza was just, everything that was in there was just a vehicle to sell you ranch dressing because they charged like $1.07 for a packet of ranch dressing. Yeah, because the pizza's terrible and you know you're going to need something to make
Starting point is 00:39:24 it palatable. The pizza was $2.25. A ranch packet was $1.07. of ranch dressing. Yeah, because the pizza's terrible and you know you're going to need something to make it palatable. Yeah, the pizza was $2.25. Flatter it and dress it. A ranch packet was $1.07. You're going to need it. And let's, one more I have to do. All right. One star.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Oh, God, this is great. Absolutely the worst Chuck E. Cheese's. Chuck E. Cheese's, by the way. Chuck E. Cheese's. Parents, please, you're better off taking your kids to the local park if you're looking for an indoor activity the movie theater might be a better place than this dump for a place okay first let me start out with the grossest thing ever please do my four and a half
Starting point is 00:39:57 year old niece was about to go up in the play place when she saw poop in the entrance yep why is there poop on our show every week? This show should be called Unwanted Poop. If we didn't name it, if we made 10 episodes before we named it, it would be called Unwanted Poop at this point. Places where poop shouldn't be, but is. But are, yeah. I mean, seriously. This is a valid complaint. A parent didn't notice their child was shitting there?
Starting point is 00:40:26 Nope. Or they didn't care. They said, come on, hurry up, get over here. Never let your kids play in the ball pit. That is vomit, piss, and shit every time. Full of shit, yeah. Full of it. My niece wanted to leave immediately.
Starting point is 00:40:39 More than half of their machines are broken or doesn't give tickets. Food is usually horrible. Well, that's tickets uh food is usually horrible well that's chuck e cheese okay that's good so we're done with chuck e cheese is the only other one there's another one here that's hilarious where they're complaining about children running around which it's a chuck e cheese and they also complain that they do not serve beer that is a bummer so we went to chuck e cheese it didn't work out. We're not happy. We had bad pizza. We overpaid for ranch, and we saw poop where there shouldn't be.
Starting point is 00:41:09 And the only reason we're here is because the condom broke. That's it. But we had these kids. The condom broke. We had to go to Chuck E. Cheese. So now we need to take the kids somewhere without, hopefully, poop. So let's take them up to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Oh, what's up there?
Starting point is 00:41:23 And go to a water park that's inside of a mall. Oh, well, in Canada, it better be indoors. Otherwise, it'll be open for four weeks a year. And there's still icicles. Yeah, it's still tough. It's a World Water Park. It's a water park located within the West Edmonton Mall in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Open since 1986.
Starting point is 00:41:44 Oh. I think that's the mall. Oh, no, it's the second indoor water park. Yeah, that's it. Okay. After America's Dream Water Park, which opened then. All right. So this is, it's got 17 water slides.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Opened in 1986. So some people must love it. In the mall. Yeah. Let's see what they got here. Five stars. They must love it to go here. For 35 years? Let's see what they got here. Five stars. They must love it to go here for 35 years.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Let's face it. This huge place and good for the business to upsell. Let's face it. You don't speak English, number one. Let's face it. I'm French-Canadian. What the fuck? This is Edmonton.
Starting point is 00:42:20 This is not even the western part. No, it's not like this is Quebec City over here. Of course, food and service are pricey. Also, I am not expecting quality of food. Well, you've come with the right attitude then, sir. That's good. That's why it's a four-star review. I'll take terrible chicken tenders and
Starting point is 00:42:37 an indoor water park. Great, and cold rock-hard french fries. Perfect. They're cold, but somehow not soggy. I don't know how you made it like that, but whatever. Let's see. However, this is the place where kids and adults are enjoying together. That sounds gross. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:42:54 Place are well-organized and staff are well-trained. I will revisit for sure after I learn more English. All right. There we go. This person, three stars from Jorge. The attractions and infrastructure is amazing. I presume it's because it's a weekday and many of the rides were closed after opening but closing others. Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:17 It's understandable. The place was busy but not crazy crowded. The reason for the three stars, I purchased tickets online in January 2020. Then COVID happened. Everything closed. I canceled my trip but kept the tickets to use them in the future. Wow, okay. In 2023, we decided it was time to do that pending trip. Use those 2020 tickets to enter in 2023 was a nightmare. We lost time. They finally accepted them, but let me pay the difference in price, which was substantial.
Starting point is 00:43:44 Oh, because it went up since then. Because it went up since then. Okay. Here's Ken. One star. Ten years ago, it was great. Not anymore. Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Their pricing is too much. He did this, too, not in paragraph form, but like song lyrics, one sentence at a time. Yeah. Like he's a rapper. Yeah. It's, yeah. Their pricing is too much. You have to pay for
Starting point is 00:44:10 everything. Locker, swimsuit, dryer, tubes, etc. Maybe next time. Yeah, that's what happens at a water place. Have you never been to a water park, Ken? I don't think so. Then he gets funny, too. He's got a laughy emoji after this one. Maybe next time they'll
Starting point is 00:44:25 charge you with the with the water you will accidentally drink while you're swimming in the pool hardy har fucking har ken you asshole well now you have grd i can't not worth the money with your diarrhea oh man um one star i have say, this place is all capital letters. Cash Cow. Yeah. Cash Cow. We rented a cabana. What a complete waste of $300.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Wow. As for the tubes, good luck getting one. Okay. Wow. The rules around them are lame, and the kiosk kids are a joke fucking kiosk punks name calling everything joke after the amount spent to be here we will never be back way better prices to way better places to spend your hard-worked money it's a new way of putting it hard works hard-worked money i really worked it out i put a 50 and a
Starting point is 00:45:26 20 together and fucked it hard what do you need a cabana for and an indoor water park it's indoors yeah well i don't like those fluorescents i got a very sensitive skin they burn we are this canada jimmy there's it's a whiter shade of white it's's a different type of people. Yeah, it's different up there. They're as translucent as the bulbs. Yeah, I don't know. We are from out of town. They're from even farther north. That's why.
Starting point is 00:45:51 And we'll never be back. I would not recommend this place. Okay. I guess not. Jesus Christ, dear. A lot of people just complaining about the pricing in it. That's a lot of that. Who's ever heard of a cheap or affordable water park?
Starting point is 00:46:08 That's what I mean. It's always crazy. Imagine what it takes to run that place. Oh my God, the water pumps alone. And the insurance. The electricity. Imagine what the insurance bills are. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:46:17 Just think about the water, electricity, and insurance off the top before you even think of anything else. And then try to recoup that and make a profit. Every day. It's a profit deal, guys. In the mall. In the mall. Yeah, in the top. Before you even think of anything else. And then try to recoup that and make a profit. Every day. It's a profit deal, guys. In the mall. In the mall.
Starting point is 00:46:28 Yeah, in the mall. It's closing down all around it. Perfect. Here's one from Diane. One star. We had an event, which was wonderful. But then they go into a numbered. Yeah, one star.
Starting point is 00:46:40 One, two, three, and four of the problem. Change rooms and family a joke. Change rooms. They like saying a joke in Canada a lot, I've noticed from these reviews. This is a joke. That's a joke. The kids in the kiosk are a joke. Everything's a joke.
Starting point is 00:46:57 What's up with that? That's funny. Just a regional thing. Nowhere to sit and change for handicapped people. Well, it is a problem. It's a problem. That's a problem. Small floors were filthy. I dropped, now see this is,
Starting point is 00:47:10 you gotta let me read the whole sentence. I dropped baby's shirt. The first is I just read I dropped babies and I was like, oh no. I dropped baby's shirt and it was black. For the price, I don't know if they mean the shirt or the floor or the baby or what. For the price charged to swim there.
Starting point is 00:47:26 It was horrible. The kiddie pool was full of dirt. You're lucky. Yeah. That might not be dirt. Yeah. It could be just ground up poop. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:36 The sliding kiddie pool. The paint was peeing, not pee. I hate it when the paint peas, the paints peeing all over the place. This is no good. The paint is just the average patron of this place. That's it.
Starting point is 00:47:52 And peace is getting on kids. Maybe lower prices or do an upkeep. I would say so. And here's somebody. This is a great one. I love this. One star. Way overpriced.
Starting point is 00:48:04 Yeah. Nothing included with the entry. Expect star, way overpriced. Yeah. Nothing included with the entry. Expect to pay for a towel to use. Couldn't see this information anywhere on the website. Pay for tubes. Lockers are $15 to $18 just to hold your stuff so no one steals it.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Yeah. A cheeseburger, and then in parentheses, burger, cheese, bun, in case you were unaware what a cheeseburger consisted of. Yeah. I guess she means no lettuce or tomato. No lettuce, tomato, no onion, in parentheses burger cheese bun in case you're unaware what a cheeseburger consisted of yeah i guess she means no lettuce or tomato tomato no onion no nothing god damn it plain apparently they don't serve french fries during the week either okay so don't fall for this tourist trap no weekday french fries you pieces of shit wow uh no weekday french fries, you pieces of shit. Wow. No weekday french fries. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:47 That's something. Is that what you really want to complain about in a water park? Is that the problem? Did you get diseases? Right. So, no? Okay. Three days after, were you shitting your pants?
Starting point is 00:48:58 No. Hey, great. Pretty good day. Good experience. Wow, you did awesome. All right, let's go from there. We really have not had good experiences. No.
Starting point is 00:49:06 That's the problem. Ever since this condom broke, it's just been bad day after bad day. We're trying to show our kids a nice day. We can't do it. So we tried activities. They're all tired out. You know what? I'm exhausted.
Starting point is 00:49:18 Something they'll like and I can sit down. Let's go to the movies. Let's just take them to the movies. Okay. It'd be so much easier, right? Let's do that. Okay. Let's just take them to the movies. It'd be so much easier. Right? Let's do that. Where are we going to go? We're going to go to the AMC Bay Street 16 in Emeryville,
Starting point is 00:49:32 California. I guess this is outside of Oakland. 5614 Bay Street Suite 220, Emeryville, California. Here it is here. Okay. Five stars. Alright. This is good. That's theater ever.
Starting point is 00:49:46 229 reviews from this person as well. Lots of reviews. Five stars. There are lots of choices in terms of movies. Yeah. So you have a lot of screens. It's a multiplex. Okay.
Starting point is 00:49:57 Comfortable seats. There are things to do outside the theater while you wait. That's because it's in a strip mall or a mall. That's there you go. a strip mall or a mall. There you go. So that's her whole review. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:50:11 Here is five stars from Jessica. She has a lot of reviews as well. Haven't been to the movies in five years. Wow. Okay. Then why are you? Okay. I had such a good experience, not only because I'm a first-time mom and got to take my daughter, see these condoms again, to see The Little Mermaid, but it was her first time at the big screen.
Starting point is 00:50:32 So happy we got to make the memory here at AMC, which, by the way, is so close to my home. Oh. Okay. Great. Now we know where you live and you're a single mom. Terrific. Yeah, we're going to talk to you and your name and everything else. Here's Justin, one star. Yeah. star yeah yeah okay this is a fun review a random movie theater in a third world country would be better than this one fantastic pick a country pick a
Starting point is 00:50:58 theater bro random this place is what a joke it's a fucking joke as my canadian friends might say it's a joke i've seen movies in haiti better than this fucking dude totally brah sri lanka had like 10 theaters that kicked this place's ass bangladesh don't even get me started on bangladesh brah this place is a joke they don't even have to ask if I want butter. They just do it. It's just buttered, man. Let's see here. The carpet looks like nobody has vaccines it for a decade.
Starting point is 00:51:38 The carpet, I'm going to read that again. The carpet looks like not nobody, one word, nobody has vaccines it for a decade. Vaccines, like a shot, it for a decade. Nobody has inoculated the carpeting. Unvaxed carpets. Unbelievable. I will not go to a place with unvaxed carpets. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:52:01 At least measles, mumps, rubella. Give me like the kindergarten mix at least. The kindergarten cocktail as you call it. I need a chance. My God. The seats are dirty and uncomfortable. Staff are rude and unhelpful. Not to mention the paid parking.
Starting point is 00:52:19 Have you ever had to ask a single person at a movie theater for anything? Nope. Other than popcorn. I know where to read numbers, and it usually tells me on my ticket which one to go to. That's it. I go sit my fat ass down and watch a fucking movie. At that point, they have nothing to do with the experience after that. It's either between me and another patron if they're loud or if the movie sucks.
Starting point is 00:52:49 That's not their fault. Nobody's even in here to rub my fucking feet while i watch this this is bullshit this is horseshit feed me grapes i bought the popcorn and i had to put it in my own fucking mouth bullshit okay next up stacy one star we didn't see the part of the sign that is partially covered that says pay in advance for parking. And who knows how long one is going to shop. Just let people pay at the end like every other parking garage in the U.S. of A. Paid on the way out. Saw the ticket on the car after we paid for $30. Will not be returning to Emeryville ever again. Had good popcorn at 9.30
Starting point is 00:53:28 a.m. Clean theater. Okay, well you hate the parking. But we got a $30 ticket for parking. And then there's a ticket or a picture of the sign that says, oh, about the parking. Pay before you go in? Yes, and it does say that. It's at the top
Starting point is 00:53:44 there. Here'sise denise said one star quote you could have a horror movie set in this theater it's it's gross unsanitary that's a fun horror movie just germs coming after you unvaxxed i'm the gum from under the seat on top of the unvaccinated carpet. I have hepatitis just coming after you. Don't try to use the carpet to shield you. It's only worse than me. It's only worse than me. Unsanitary.
Starting point is 00:54:15 The staff are rude zombies. Wow, that's a very aggressive accusation. I've also never been to a movie theater where anybody's over the age of 17. They're 17 or 91. Those are the only people that work there. So what are you going to do? Don't wonder why your theaters are empty.
Starting point is 00:54:34 Change the carpets. Clean the seats. Clean the bathrooms. If you want a cinema experience with your family, this isn't it. Wait a little while, and this is going to be a dollar movie theater and those are the fucking best and then you're gonna go in and go at least it's air conditioned i don't care look how gross the carpets are guys you'll sneak candy in from the outside because you're not paying more for candy than the movie you've had it
Starting point is 00:55:10 it yes then she says i won't be going to the movies for a long time oh okay uh next up one star this experience ruined cinema for her never mind just this theater for a long time done one star for marisol here quote don't go here i love when they start out with a warning. Stay away. Stay away. On fire currently. Don't go here. I don't care where else you go, but please just don't go here. That's great. I don't care where else. That's amazing. I don't care where else.
Starting point is 00:55:36 This should be your last choice. Remember the third world country guy? He's right. The carpet is extremely dirty, as are the seats, counters, bathrooms, et cetera. That's not great. How gross is this carpet? I got to see a picture. That's what I mean.
Starting point is 00:55:50 No one has a picture. They have a picture of under the seat coming up, which is pretty gross. Every single person has mentioned the carpet. And it's pitch black. You're going into a dark room, and you're like, this carpet's nasty. That's bad carpet. That's disgusting. You know it's gross in the dark. Yeah, that's what I's nasty. That's bad carpet. That's disgusting. You know it grows in the dark.
Starting point is 00:56:06 Yeah, that's what I'm saying. That's a lot. The video and audio quality for the movies are extremely subpar and small in all caps. Don't pay attention to seat reservation because someone will always be in your seat. People generally only go here because it's close by, but it's better to trust your gut and stay inside. I guess inside your house, not in the movie theater, because this is also indoors. Honestly, I asked for the manager, and the employees just laughed at me. I'm not joking.
Starting point is 00:56:39 He wants the manager. He wants the... We don't have one of those. A manager. A manager't have one of those. A manager. A manager. It's just us. No one even hired us. We just show up.
Starting point is 00:56:54 We just show up. We just have these uniforms behind the counter. It's like Lord of the Flies. If you can beat the other person out of the uniform, you work here now. We've been just taking money from people and putting it in our pockets. It's weird. And time stands still in here i look 17 right i'm 57 years old i've been here for 30 years and 40 years it doesn't matter it's strange right they just ship it us they ship us new movies every week we just pop them on don't know. Welcome to the theater of the damned. How may we help you?
Starting point is 00:57:25 You're not allowed to leave. You're not allowed to leave. I don't know what's going on here. Okay, here's some pictures if you'd like to see this. I do. I need to. Here's the seat, which is funky. It's funky.
Starting point is 00:57:37 It looks like somebody's shit. It looks like, yeah, at some point there was shit on that seat. They just knocked off the turds. Yeah, there's some Snickers bar and shit mixed together on there. And then here's under the seat, which looks pretty disgusting. What the fuck is going on there? We don't get to see the carpet, unfortunately. What is happening under that seat?
Starting point is 00:58:00 Filth. Filth. That's crazy. That's just like fucking salt salt ripples i don't know what that is it's so dusty and there's shit hanging and it's just not great so one star um very dirty yeah you might get some kind of virus here probably i have seen or i have never seen dirty cinema theaters like this i I've never seen that either. No, no, usually the theater's clean.
Starting point is 00:58:27 Where is health and safety teams? I wish can give less than one star. I hope I will see improvement very soon. Yeah. I don't know, man. They're going to laugh at you if you ask for it. They laughed at me. Laughed at me.
Starting point is 00:58:45 That's hilarious. Here is one from Tara One Star. It's just us. It's just us, man. It's just us. There's never been a manager. That's so funny. How did this place open?
Starting point is 00:59:04 We don't know. It's like The Shining. It's the Overlook Hotel. I open we don't know it's like the shining it's the overlook hotel i've always been here it's just us i've always been here so i wish that happened i wish you said that that's so funny holy shit one star here employee tried to harass me when I went to use the bathroom. What kind? That's not good. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:59:30 I just glared back at her, but you legally can't do that to customers. What, like in the bathroom? What are we talking about? What did they say? In the bathroom? Yeah, you can't fuck with people. I've dealt with worse, but that way. What are you, blowing up that bowl in there?
Starting point is 00:59:44 What are you going to take a shit? One turd per sitting. Let's go. No. You just empty it out. Hold it in. Those go in the little trash can by the can. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:59:56 Yeah. Yeah. He's looking over the stall. Looking over the top of the stall. Hey, what do you got there? What are you doing? Put it in the can. What are you taking out of yourself?
Starting point is 01:00:01 Well, hey, what do you got there? Put it in the can. What are you taking out of yourself? I've dealt with worse, but that doesn't make the behavior any less disgusting. Be better. Treat people better. Incredibly low behavior to have to put up with when I am paying for their services, which is not to be harassed in the bathroom. That's good.
Starting point is 01:00:24 Kathleen gives one star. Horrible with four exclamation points. Teenage mobs fighting closed the mall down. You didn't even get to see a fucking movie. Management didn't call the police until after the fact. Security guards were kids themselves. No one did anything. This is the mall of the damned.
Starting point is 01:00:45 You just get hired when you're 17. you don't age and you stay there forever oh my god we have found the mall of the damned this is amazing mall of the damned okay that is fucking hilarious one star uh-huh um uh you feel you're going to cross U.S. border when getting into AMC Bay Street. Oh, because of the parking situation. It's like there's gates. I was like, what is this? They checked my ticket three times separately. They don't trust you at all. What do you got there?
Starting point is 01:01:22 You got any drugs? Got any drugs or fruit? What do you got?? You got any drugs? Got any drugs or fruit? What do you got? Show me your ticket. Show me your damn tickets. Okay, here we go. Here is Gerardo. Oh, that's good.
Starting point is 01:01:35 Gerardo Rico Suave himself giving us a review. One star. Again, came to watch a movie only to have it shut down due to a security issue okay that sounds like there's a problem yeah this is from a separate time so oh uh walked to my car and all of a sudden a gunshot about 50 yards away near the garage entrance cops running after someone and stuck now trying to exit this garage he did this from traffic inside the garage still in the garage he said stuck now trying to exit the garage fucking son of a bitch he's god damn it screaming angry and he's like i'm getting on fucking yelp right now i swear to god
Starting point is 01:02:19 somebody shot my corolla google take me away Oh, my God. This is fucking great. Okay. This is a fun one. One star. This used to be my favorite theater with East Parking, I guess. It's W East. So I'm like West or with. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:02:37 I guess with East Parking. Now it's a nightmare. I spent 40 minutes just trying to pay for parking and eventually left without seeing my movie because the new system would never take my payment. The manager informed me that Apple Pay can take up to 10 minutes to process, but I gave up after 30 minutes of processing with no results. I tried to pay by text and have a user account already that I did not set up and that I could not access. That method of payment also didn't go through. What? Jesus.
Starting point is 01:03:02 The final option was to final option. Yeah. Was to pay $30 for the day. Usually parking is validated and nearly free, which I'm sure would have gone through just fine. The new system is greedy. It's a greedy scam where you will get fined while waiting the hour for your payment
Starting point is 01:03:19 to process. Super greedy. And it's already disgusting how the place is built on an Indian burial ground. What? What the fuck? Where the fuck did that come from? But now it explains everything. That explains zombie, ageless teenagers. Now I get it. It is the mall of the damned. It's understood. It's the poltergeist mall. What do you want? It sounds like the parking garage payment method was set up the way it's set up on purpose to make you have to pay $30 for the whole day. So it's getting $30 a car. That's more than the fucking movie.
Starting point is 01:03:54 That's more than the movie. Yeah, that's insane. Just for, wow. One star, very short. Weird managers make me feel very uncomfortable. Well, at least you found them. At least it's going to say there's managers. And finally, here's one.
Starting point is 01:04:08 One star here. This is the last one. Not too fond of the first person, and in parentheses, Rico, I walked into, as he made me feel uncomfortable with the way he handled my mother and family because of not paying attention to what was being said about our tickets. He handled my mama, and I don't like it. Grabbed her ass. It was no good. More so, I didn't like how he wouldn't let me mom speak. Okay, I guess they're Scottish now.
Starting point is 01:04:38 My mom's got speaking. Let me mom speak. Wouldn't let me mom speak as she was explaining and trying to give him just our tickets so he can rip them, but insisted on taking them out of her hand. She wanted to hold them out while he ripped the tickets off the end of it in her hand. What a weird. Just give the man the tickets, lady. I've gone to the movies a shitload of times. I've never once held the ticket
Starting point is 01:05:05 while the person ripped it while it was in my fingers especially if it's an older woman you expect when you go to rip and tear quick you're gonna pull it out of her hand yeah an old lady or old man this is fucking ridiculous yeah hand the tip ma give him the ticket that's what i would have said ma he needs what are you doing ma Ma? Give him the fucking tickets. Jesus. Give him the ticket. You know what's wrong with you. What country are you from? Let's go. Come on.
Starting point is 01:05:29 Even my grandmother knew. Give him the ticket. You know. You know to give him the ticket, right? He'll give you a stub back. He doesn't want your stubs. He just wants to rip them, stupid. She called your mom stupid.
Starting point is 01:05:42 What do you think of that? Come on, Ma, you dummy. Now the most annoying part is as a family we came out here from sacramento to see the debut of the new wakanda forever movie so sorry to say we will never do this again a good thousand plus dollars wasted to be uncomfortable they got a hotel rooms they took the whole family on a road trip. From Sacramento? Doesn't Sacramento have the movie? Have a movie theater?
Starting point is 01:06:09 Well, it might have been premiering. It's the capital of your state. It might have been premiering first weekend. All right, yeah. Exclusive. I'm not sure, but I assume eventually you could probably see Wakanda in Sacramento. In the comfort of your own fucking home eventually. Comfort of what you do.
Starting point is 01:06:23 Okay, so that is what we have for this week. Next week, we'll be visiting Logan Airport for some food there, number one. Oh, Boston Logan? Yeah, Boston Logan. We might check out some little bit of talk about the Grand Canyon. And, of course, our personal item corner will feature the, quote, assgasm penis ring plug. So get ready for that.
Starting point is 01:06:46 It promises explosive erection enhancement plus incredible prostate thrills. Thrills, Jimmy. Who doesn't want to thrill their prostate? Thank you so much for joining us. Follow us on social media. Assgasm. Listen to Small Town Murder and Crime and Sports,
Starting point is 01:07:02 our other two podcasts, and thank you so much for hanging out with us. Tell your friends. Pass it around on social media. Thanks for spreading the word. And have a good one, everybody. Thank you. Bye. We'll see you next time. of your stupid opinions ad-free by joining Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple
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