Your Stupid Opinions - Club Horny & Angry, Flying Poop Tube, Extra Stretchy, Rat Motel

Episode Date: January 29, 2024

This week, we find out about a night club where thieves & pushy bouncers seem to rule the land. A discount airline that may have a goal of making you as angry, and grossed out as possible.... A personal item that seems more like a medieval torture session. A motel with possibly a higher occupancy of rats, than people & much more!!Join comedians James Pietragallo and Jimmie Whisman as they explore the most opinionated part of the internet: The Reviews Section!Subscribe and we will see you every Monday with Your Stupid Opinions!!!Don't forget to rate & review!!Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie WhismanSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wondery Plus subscribers can listen to your stupid opinions ad-free right now. Join Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. Hello everybody, welcome back to Your Stupid Opinions. Hey. Hey, my name is James Petrogallo. I'm here with my co-host. I'm Jimmy Wissman. We are so excited today to hear more people's complaints and grievances.
Starting point is 00:00:37 We love it so much. If you like the show, definitely follow on all the social media. We have pages for everything. And there's facebook fan groups where they're constantly posting stuff so that looks like fun get in there do that and hang out with us and keep coming back for more because uh we have to tell you we'll never run out of reviews but this is easy again must say this these are not our reviews no for the we do not make anything up we don't know if this know what's true, what's not.
Starting point is 00:01:06 That's the whole point of the show. People's reviews are crazy. We don't know if they're true or not, but God damn it, are they funny. So let's get into them. Right now, we're going to continue where we left off last week. Yeah. At the Tangra Nightclub in Ybor City in Tampa, which we've described as just a- Where they're stealing cell phones and shit described as just stealing cell phones. And it's just stealing cell phones.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Apparently, if you go in with a purse, there's about a 50 50 chance that you'll get into the club and still have your cell phone. They're rifling through it. They're rifling through it. That's what we're told. So this is a review from Mike. It's one star. Oh, what happened?
Starting point is 00:01:43 This is fun. I love the first line of this. Thursdays are a scam. Yeah, they's one star. Oh, what happened, Mike? This is fun. I love the first line of this. Thursdays are a scam. Yeah. They don't exist. They don't actually. That's what it says to me. Thursdays don't exist.
Starting point is 00:01:58 They're just a structure of the man. Wednesdays are double days. That's it. In actuality, it goes Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. That's how it works. That's how the calendarity, it goes Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. That's how it works. That's how the calendar works. Wednesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. We've been told by a corporate America, big business, and the government that Thursdays exist. But they're a fucking scam.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Don't get it wrong. Scam. Scam. They say free till 11, then they change it to 10 last minute and move the line slow on purpose so they can charge you $20. So he's saying. Hold on. He thinks that an hour of you standing in line is better for them than an hour of you inside drinking. Well, he's saying that all of these people online.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Yeah, he's saying they'd rather have the cover than what you do inside because the cover's just money booze is like a you know a huge profit margin but not as much as as opening a door for 100 100 profit that's it so that's what they do so don't waste your time and money this person i'd love to hear what other conspiracy theories they have i've got an idea for you james and anybody that is listening that has the same complaint don't fucking go somewhere with the line out front if i see a line i go oh i'm not going in there fuck that i remember in philly when we were looking for a place to go yeah we were like well that has like a line we're not going there there's like there's like 30 people in that place. We're not going in there. No.
Starting point is 00:03:26 That place looks dead. Perfect. That's what I like. Yep. They have cold beers, I'm sure. And they'll be happy that I'm there. Yep. And the beers are like $3.
Starting point is 00:03:36 We're like, perfect. That's what I like. Here's one star. That's our kind of place. We're not club people. We're more- Yeah, I'm not a loud mute. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Is there a corner and cheap beer? Because we're into that. Is there a place that's furious that they're open? That's where I want to go. I want to be there. Everybody's horny and angry. I don't want to be there. That's where I don't want to be is a place like that.
Starting point is 00:03:59 That's the Tangra nightclub. Horny, angry. Mostly men, angry that there's not enough women here and all rock hard i'm gonna open a nightclub called horny angries it's gonna be the biggest success ever that's our new nightclub jimmy we're gonna invest in it together horny angries so next up liana gives it one star here we go the bouncer sucks. That's a good first. You don't want to bury the headline. We have heard that though. Yeah. Took my
Starting point is 00:04:29 money, put it in his bag, and then didn't let me in. We've heard this before. That said, you didn't pay. They took it for the... Yeah, because the one girl said, I wasn't drunk. I was literally just high. That was last week. We don't even know. She just high that was last week smoke uh we don't
Starting point is 00:04:47 even know she just said hi she didn't say what she was high on she could have snorted anything yep then literally gaslighted me uh-huh saying i was too drunk and never gave and never gave him money so it's another exact same thing situation except they're not high. Here is Ness giving one star. Right off the gate. Well, first of all, it's not how you say that. Right out of the gate. You're mixing a lot of metaphors there together. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Right off the gate was approached by a short white man named Sean with a Tangra polo on. He was very touchy and kept telling me and my friends, me and my friends drinks were on him. Okay. Then he laughingly made a joke saying, I'll accept other forms of payment if you're down for it. So a guy that works there named Sean evidently. So is offering free drinks for handies or further.
Starting point is 00:05:45 A scumbag nightclub employee in Ybor City tried to fuck you. Yeah. Okay. Tell me something I wouldn't have predicted. Say it ain't so. It's still gross, though. Yeah. He made us feel so incredibly uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:05:57 Well, that's the thing. If you're just going out, you want to have fun with your friends, and this guy's creeping on you the whole time. Nobody wants that. And as we were leaving the club, he had the audacity to put his hand on my bum. Well, that's assault right there. You grabbed your ass. You can't be touching people's parts at all. What are you doing, Sean?
Starting point is 00:06:15 And was asking for my phone number. Now, that's an approach. Place your hand on a girl's ass and go, how about that number right there? What are you, out of your fucking mind? Who are you? Who does that? Who does that? What 70s fucking porno is this guy's watched?
Starting point is 00:06:33 Here's the other part. If he's doing that now, it's worked before. That's what I mean. That's crazy. That's what I mean in Tampa. But still. Yeah. I ended up asking around while there and found out this creep is the general manager.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Oh, my God. Sean. This guy hires and fires, man. By the looks of it, he seemed intoxicated on some kind of substance. Very odd behavior. Very Florida. Very Florida. Did he seem to be like from Tampa?
Starting point is 00:07:02 A short white man named Sean who happens to be the general manager. That's very specific of who this guy is. I love that she hit him with the short part. Short, yeah. Short white man. Because she knows when he reads it he is going to fucking flip.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Shitty hairline, paunchy gut. Looked like his dick doesn't stay hard for long. She might as well have... And she hit him with this shitty hairline, paunchy gut, look like his dick doesn't stay hard for long. Like that, she might as well have. And she hit him with this shitty fashion sense
Starting point is 00:07:29 about his fucking polo. His tangra polo. I think she was trying to say that he works there for sure. He works there, yeah. But still,
Starting point is 00:07:36 yeah. The polo, that is, that's a swing. Polo, pants, and then his fucking tucked in polo with his cell phone clipped to his belt.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Clip on his belt. What is going on here? Such a beautiful club and vibe, but this guy is a predator. Do better, Tangra. Okay, come on. Do better, Tampa. Just replace it with Tampa. Olivia gives it one star.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Owner of this place told me to fuck off last night this is getting better and better wow this is great the week before i was accused of sneaking in in quotes when in reality i paid to get in and had already been in there for three hours with a wristband on uh wristband on they refuse to listen to you when you talk or try to explain anything to them. It's a complete love of power. My family has owned many nightclubs. I've worked in the entertainment industry. My family owned many nightclubs and never have I seen such awful behavior,
Starting point is 00:08:42 especially from a grown man. Sad. Sad. Sad. Told me to fuck off. Told me to fuck off. I'm sad. He's sad. Here's Brianna, one star.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Overcrowded. Music is mid. What? Why do people keep using this as like a review insult? It's very mid. It's very mid. It's very mid. Ratchet environment. That's just where you are.
Starting point is 00:09:13 That's hilarious. Overcrowded. Music is mid. Ratchet environment. Bouncers are rude. Creepy old men preying on girls. You have to pay to get in. Bouncers can be paid off overpriced drinks.
Starting point is 00:09:27 You just described every nightclub in America. Every single fucking one of them. Boy, does Ratchet describe so much. It does. It does. It really lets you know what's happening. Ratchet environment really says a lot right there. But yeah, rude bouncers, creepy old men hoping a 25-year-old girl won't notice their giant bald spot.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Fucking pay to get in, overpriced drinks. That's a fucking nightclub. You just described a nightclub. A nightclub is a very sad environment. It is sad. It's old men trying to fuck young women while the young women are looking for young men that aren't there yes the only people that are having fun are groups of girls that go to dance in a circle and not let anybody into it the only people that have fun everybody else fucking horny angry horny angry horny angries come on down jimmy and james is horny angry
Starting point is 00:10:21 old men try to fuck young women. Young women look for young men that aren't there. That don't exist. Young successful men that don't exist. Young successful men, that's what it is, that don't exist. That aren't there because they're trying to fuck 40-year-old divorcees in a steakhouse. Who have even more money. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:41 They're trying to get more successful. Half of somebody else's money. Yeah. Exactly. Next up, Ginaina one star yeah two of my family members went to this club and left with no cell phones again this is like oh god uh both phones were stolen one out of a pocket and the other stolen out of a purse while she was carrying it that's pretty smooth oh man management not concerned. That doesn't surprise me. There were other people in the restrooms talking about their phones being stolen. We are filing a police report. Yeah, because it sounds to me like somebody's trying to create an environment where you can't call for help.
Starting point is 00:11:17 That's frightening. That's frightening. It seems like someone's just got a thing where they go there and steal shitloads of phones. Next up, gets gives one star beware dot dot dot that's not a good that's ominous thursdays are a scam thursdays are a scam security harasses people and gets physical yeah that's your job shoving us down the stairs oh all because my shirt wasn't long enough. It's a gal?
Starting point is 00:11:47 It must be. Or it's a guy with a half shirt on. I don't know what's going on. Guy in a fucking Auburn hat. An 80s Dan Marino practice jersey. What's going on here? You know exactly what I'm talking about. Auburn red shirt jersey. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:01 You know exactly what I'm talking about. This place should be sued who thought in the year 2023 this kind of behavior from the security guards would be allowed who thought it they're paid fucking they're bouncers is what they're called and they fucking bounce people that's it and they're they enjoy it um. Emma gives one star. I saw a lot of this, by the way. Bartenders tip themselves on your card.
Starting point is 00:12:31 I saw a lot of people saying they got charges the next day where the bartenders filled in their own tip. Got removed. This person got tossed. Got removed because a bottle girl said I punched her in the face. That's a pretty either with yeah you probably punched her in the face is what that says to me i got removed because i
Starting point is 00:12:54 punched a bottle girl is what you said because they had my credit card on file so they just went ahead and added 20 that's what happened that's what i'm saying got removed because a bottle girl said i punched her in the face which is the most tampa sentence ever the motto of tampa should be get removed because a bottle girl said you punched her in the face but we know better yeah told them to check the cameras to see that never happened and got my $20 drink dumped out after paying a $20 cover. Everyone who works here is unprofessional and will try to start drama. Save your money and go anywhere else. Employees are thieves and completely unprofessional. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:39 Okay. Can't take a punch either. Or kind of weak jaws, weak chins in this place glass jaw on that bottle girl let me just say next up finally olivia is one star yeah got kicked out because i got punched for it being too crowded and i punched him back too crowded, and I punched him back. Okay. I got to start that back at the beginning.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Got kicked out. So they did get kicked out. Because I got punched for it being too crowded. That's what happens. That's what happens. And I punched him back. Yeah. Okay. I see what happened.
Starting point is 00:14:21 It's crowd. Somebody shoved her. She turned around, went after him back. It's called self-defense. Is that what it is? In a bar, it's called everyone get the fuck out, though, is what happens. In Florida, it's called standing your ground. In Florida, it's called meeting your girlfriend's parents.
Starting point is 00:14:37 I believe, right? It's called the reception dinner. It's called a bar mitzvah in Floridaida i believe called a christening um okay they didn't end up getting kicked out just us oh they probably saw your punch and not the first punch which is what happens wouldn't recommend i guess not horrible also didn't get a hat back or sunglasses back that the people that hit us stole okay they stole their hat and sunglasses did get the shoe back though oh this is the one that i threw the one that i threw or kicked off or tried to swing at somebody one of the three it's got a broken heel now oh my god honestly horrible this is the second time she's she had a sentence and then said horrible
Starting point is 00:15:25 this time honestly horrible also they ripped an earring out of my friend's ear didn't get that back either it sounds like this was a fucking melee yeah no wonder why you got kicked out people are bleeding your shoes are off the fuck do you expect yeah and they still didn't get get kicked out they didn't get kicked out. They didn't get back the earring with the chunk of ear meat still attached to it. That's a problem. So, holy shit. Thank God we don't have to go to that nightclub.
Starting point is 00:15:54 I can't imagine why anybody would. Let's get out of Tampa completely. And the way to get out of there the quickest is to get on a plane. So let's do it. Let's get on a plane. Oh's do it let's get on a plane oh no it's frontier airlines uh-oh that is a problem now these planes james have you flown frontier ever fuck no no no they have to end up crashing in the frontier somewhere that's what they have uh uh tvs in the headrest and the control for it is in the armrest.
Starting point is 00:16:28 They only play Love After Lockup. It's in the armrest that used to be the ashtray. That's how old the planes are. Oh, my God. You know it used to be the ashtray because ashtrays are a certain shape. And they say push on them. Yeah. Also the airplane ones.
Starting point is 00:16:43 But the square for the remote doesn't fit perfectly in it because it's obvious. This used to be a fucking ashtray. Oh, my God. This plane has been in the sky since 1978. Frontier Airlines planes are giant ashtrays. Holy fuck, yeah. It's an old ashtray. So on here, out of 22,297 reviews, they have two stars out of five.
Starting point is 00:17:09 They're doing great. How are they still playing? Not fucking good here. They're Denver-based, and they call themselves an ultra-low-cost carrier. You are not kidding. It is one step above Spirit. It's one step above the bus, is what it is. One step above Greyhound, never above the bus that's what it is one step above
Starting point is 00:17:25 greyhound never mind spirit you got a tv some people love it though here is five stars great customer service well i mean this could be our last flight let's just be yeah that's what i mean they know everyone that go comes before them may be doomed, so they're going to be nice to you. They know. We all might die together today. Yeah, we feel bad. Counter agent at counter agent Manajila, Manajila I guess is her name, at Philadelphia Airport provided exceptional customer service. Her kindness and politeness made the entire experience pleasant. She went above and beyond, truly a lifesaver in a stressful travel situation.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Kudos to Frontier Airlines for having such an amazing representative. Yeah, well, Manageela may be the person who gives your eulogy on the news tonight. Yeah, no shit. Well, he was a great customer. He was kind. He had his boarding pass out and his ID ready. I mean, was a great customer. He was kind. He had his boarding pass out and his ID ready. I mean, I can't ask for more than that. I'm the last person on the ground that saw him alive.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Yeah. Five stars. Everything is not what it seems. No. That sounds like a one star, but it's five. Five stars? I really enjoyed my flight to and from my destination. I was very reluctant to fly based on all the negative reviews.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Yeah. Yeah. Sometimes it's best to experience things for yourself, and I can truly say my sister and I enjoyed the flight. The captains were sensational because they both got me and my sister there safely. That's sensation. That's the fucking job. They act like they took them and drove them to their house afterwards once they landed all right we'll have the car out in front when you get your bags
Starting point is 00:19:09 that's that's the mark of a shit airline and a shit plane we landed five stars i can't fucking believe it five stars amazing he got us there jesus check-in was smooth at both destinations the flights were very relaxing and the views were spectacular there's nothing to do with the airline that has to do with the technology of flying at 36 000 feet makes you be able to see everything thank you frontier i will use you again they moved mountains so we could see i mean we were flying in the northern plains but somehow there was the Grand Canyon. These people go out of their way for you. They want you to have the best view.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Wow. They don't want you to look at Nebraska. They bring Arizona along. Here is Valerie, one star, flew from Cincinnati to Denver. Okay. The worst airline. Yes.
Starting point is 00:20:03 Okay. The only good thing about Frontier is the price. That's it. That's all caps, three exclamation points. What did you pay? That's the thing. You paid $65. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:20:14 I think she gets into this. Oh, there's a couple other things. Okay. Okay. If you want customer service, good luck with the message feature because there is no 800 number to call. What do you have to call for? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:20:25 I've been kicked out of the message queue twice after being the 24th person in queue. This is very frustrating. Four exclamation points. Even if you're low budget, PA-LEES, meaning P-A-LEES with two E's and four exclamation points. The Better Business Bureau gives it an F. That's not a good sign. If you want water, you get a small cup and ice. Otherwise, you have to purchase a bottle of water for almost $4.
Starting point is 00:20:54 You want water? Wait a while. You want water? The toilet's in there. Let the ice melt. Put your head under the sink in the bathroom. Hey, the bathroom's got water. Put your head under the fucking sink and let that's what hey the bathroom's got water put your head under the fucking sink and let it flow you know what i mean no charging let the ice melt
Starting point is 00:21:11 what does that equal more water yeah of course that ice will make you shit yourself but that's fine um no charging ports on the plane no no that's because there's ashtrays so there's definitely not charging ports it's because there's no power we need every bit of power that this plane can muster we're trying to muster power from 50 years ago with this plane you understand we need it all you want electricity get the fuck out of here if you want assistance at the counter yeah twenty dollars it's twenty dollars for assistance hey i'm wondering what gate um i'm flying you know cincinnati to denver that flight the two twenty dollars twenty bucks pardon that'll be twenty dollars um i guess i'll find one of those big boards um never mind that's that's a good idea good fuck off you know i got this guy sean from florida who's gonna try and finger you
Starting point is 00:22:12 here is one star and their name is lucky which is pretty funny yeah they flew from cleveland to atlanta not safe is their title. Right. Right. Rude passengers harassing us at the seats. Well, yeah, you're in the dollar store of planes. What do you expect? You're worried about, you're judging the airline based on its clientele. Yeah. Who would ever shop at Walmart ever again?
Starting point is 00:22:44 You wouldn't based on the clientele. It's based on the prices, which is why you're there. Exactly. It's all plain and why these people are there. And what the fuck do you expect? Right. I mean, sorry, but rude. It's not a rude passenger's harassing us at the seats. Woman from the row ahead turned off my reading light because she wanted to sleep.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Excuse me, click. You'd be getting your seat kicked the entire time. I'd give her like three minutes to doze off and then give her a good shot every time too. I would open mouth cough forward a lot. A lot. She wanted to sleep and gave us a lecture on how unconsidered we were. Unconsidered? Well, she's unlettered, it sounds like.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Yeah, I'm unlettered. Then instead of sleeping, she ordered alcohol and kept chatting with her friend. She just wants it dark to get drunk. She just wants it fucking nice and dim. The old lady next to my right kept elbowing me, even though I had a sling on my right arm. Had rotator cuff surgery. By the way, she had both elbow holders to herself. If she's in the middle, that's what she gets.
Starting point is 00:23:51 That's how it works. Those are hers. Yeah, because she has nothing else. She doesn't have a wall to lean on or a row to breathe into. Lean out into, right. I had, oh, that's right. Anyway, she needed more space apparently. I had to move on to my wife's seat to create some distance from her.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Bottom line is it felt unsafe. Sounds like he was in the middle. Yeah. Oh. If he had to move to his wife's seat, sounds like she was on an edge. Yeah, he was in the middle. Those are his. Those are his seats, yeah, especially with slings.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Problems with delayed flights being rescheduled every few hours to eventually fly the next day officially that's the worst fucking cancel it or don't tell me what i need to do you don't keep me here yep officially flight is not canceled that way so they don't have to give you your money back i guess right yes they're they're twats is with that that's why they get an f from the better business bureau that is uh that is bad here. So that's awful. Here is one star. Don't talk back to the ticket clerks in Miami or they'll intentionally leave your bag off the belt.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Yeah. I'm so kind to the people handling my bags. How are you today? Your hair looks very nice today. I'm so glad to see you. Those nails are really nice, beautiful. Anything. I can so glad to see you. Those nails are really nice. Beautiful. Anything.
Starting point is 00:25:06 I can't wait to get to my destination. God. Anything I can do to make your job easier, I will do. I show up. Boarding pass, ID in hand, anything I can do. I have both of those. Here's my bag. Don't have to ask me to put it on the scale.
Starting point is 00:25:19 It's up there. After showing the ticket rep proof I paid for my bag she still charged me again when i said that they had already taken my money she rudely snapped back at me who took your money then she purposely left my bag off the belt even though i checked in with my family with the same lady all together okay their bag kiosks don work, and their system is so outdated it crashes and created an hour backup, causing multiple people to miss check-in even though they were there on time. But this is only the Miami ticket clerks. The Atlanta bag reps were sweethearts, even though I was very upset.
Starting point is 00:25:58 They showed excellent customer service and had been very helpful. Atlanta has standards, and Miami could care less. and have been very helpful. Atlanta has standards, and Miami could care less. They couldn't care less. If they could care less, then they would be giving you mid-service. It's an hour-twenty flight. Nobody gives a shit.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Calm the fuck down. Miami is very unprofessional and unorganized. Atlanta staff actually noticed I was upset and approached me to help me out. You were standing in the baggage claim screaming. Yes, they helped you. They were like, before he stabs stabbed somebody please go talk to him yeah and you probably also in miami you said they already took my money they said who took your money sugar who took your money give me that money i'll take another you are not giving anything to anybody in atlanta you walked up to me and that's twenty dollars so yeah you should know that any any employee you
Starting point is 00:26:45 talk to you have to give them $20 $20. Next up one star the flight from hell. Oh first line is OMG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 exclamation
Starting point is 00:27:02 points. Oh, oh my OMG. Yeah. From hell. Yeah. I will never, ever fly Frontier Airlines as long as I shall live. That's her vow. You're very lucky to be alive. I guess so.
Starting point is 00:27:19 We started out with a delay. No problem. I kind of expected that from America's lowest budget airline. As you should. You're starting out smart. After our lengthy delay, we taxied to the runway. As we began our rollout and the throttles began pushing forward, one of the flight attendants made a call and said, if this was a real emergency, push your call button twice. And they did.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Yeah. It was not a real emergency though one of the passengers threw up and defecated from themselves in the middle of the aisle as they're taking off from themselves as opposed from the guy sitting next to them or a bag in their pocket. I don't know. So let's set the scene as they're taking off. You know, you're sitting there and then all of a sudden comes on. You start going. This person decided to get up and go to the bathroom at that exact moment because they had to both throw up and shit at that exact moment in time.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Did they do it in the in the seat in the middle of the aisle they said is this an emergency well it is now and they said it was not a real emergency that's a real emergency i'm going to throw up and shit at the same time in a huge group of people's a giant emergency. You are clearly not in the seat that's on the aisle where that person just did both of those things. No shit, because I've been in a blown up bathroom and it's ugly. That's an emergency. So they say, great, four exclamation points. Abort, take off and taxi back to the gate.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Remove said passenger and send a cleaning crew on board to remove vomit and defecation. Yes. Another poor job and lengthy delay. How the fuck is that the airline's fault? That's not their fault at all. That some guy shit and puked himself upon takeoff. Any airline would have done the same thing. Seal up aluminum tube riddled with vomit and feces and enjoy a stench ridden four hour flight to cleveland ohio i will never fly that airline again and hope you take my advice to steer clear
Starting point is 00:29:30 of them as well so regards wayne seat 7d that's what it says seat number so this person i'm sorry but yeah maybe they could have had better smelling cleaner that's about all i can say but when someone shits themselves in a tube it it is what it is, man. That's the smell you're getting. And also, you landed in Cleveland. Yeah. How do you determine the smell change when you get off that plane? That's what I mean.
Starting point is 00:29:57 You just go, oh, good. You know what they're doing? They're tempering you for Cleveland. They're getting you ready for what that fucking lake smells like. Next up, one star. Absolutely disgraceful. Absolutely disgraceful. Worst flight ever.
Starting point is 00:30:12 There was throw up on my seat from previous flight. Oh my God. At least it wasn't poop like the last people had. So they moved our seats and separated me and my children. Wait, hold on. Why?
Starting point is 00:30:25 They left somebody else in. One of your children sat there next to the seat with the puke on it? They just put some toilet paper over it. We're like, we'll fix that later. They put the liner that the mechanic puts on your seat when he changes the oil. That's exactly what I was thinking of, was that, but in a seat version. The greasy floor mat. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Nothing to compensate us for this horrible experience. Then the people they put me next to were super intoxicated and smelled horrible and made racial slurs. We will never fly them again. Oh, my God. So that sounds like a fun flight for your kids to learn some new words. That's terrific. Drunk hillbillies slurring. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Dropping Rachel slurs. There are so many. Here's the last one I'll do. One star. This really encapsulates a lot of them. Filthy health hazard environment. Absolutely filthy. Caked on food.
Starting point is 00:31:21 They have food on Frontier? Wow, I didn't know that. Biological matter in seats. Trays, bio, they have food on Frontier? Wow, I didn't know that. Biological matter in seats, trays, walls, et cetera. Attendants pleasant, but responded that they have nothing to clean the areas.
Starting point is 00:31:33 I had wipes and exhausted them. They used all their, wow. Holy fucking shit. And when I wiped the seat, and the wipe was nearly black one attendant interjected i haven't even i hadn't even engaged anyone yet quote butts are dirty ew what no they're not actually not with pants on them yeah they don't they don't put black
Starting point is 00:31:59 shit all over your seat oh i didn't think to photograph until the end but this is just a hint of what we were left to address star. Only thanks to pleasant, albeit unhelpful attendant. And look at what they're showing here. It's just fucking gross. Look at this. That is so gross.
Starting point is 00:32:15 It's nasty with shit all over the wipes. It's fucking what's on this. Is that the tray? The side of the tray has like fucking on it. Yeah. What the fuck? Dried puke on it. It's disgusting the fuck? Dried puke on it. It's disgusting.
Starting point is 00:32:25 So there's Frontier, everybody. That sounds lovely. If you don't get sick, you may crash. Yeah. So, man, now we've landed. We're tired. Yeah, we made it. We're a long flight from Tampa.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Spectacular flight attendants. I need to crash out. So let's find a place to stay. I found a place for us here. It's the, no, no, you wish. It's the, you wish this was a hobo. The Long Beach Motel in Long Beach, California. 1063 East 7th Street.
Starting point is 00:32:59 And wow, is this place a shithole. It looks. The Long Beach. The Long Beach Motel. Motel. Yeah. Long Beach. That is, wow wow how long has this place been here it's probably it was a surf motel 60s in the 60s probably yeah okay here's five stars five there are some people this place is better than most and no it's better than most not better than they put better put better than, not than.
Starting point is 00:33:25 Then there's the most. Then the most. All this bed bug shit and negative comments about this hotel is false. This place is 100%. Somebody that works there had to put something up. That's what I mean. They got a bonus. If you guys put an ad up, we'll put $20 on your paycheck. Somebody that works there had to put something up. That's what I mean. They got a bonus. This is one of the-
Starting point is 00:33:45 If you guys put an ad up, we'll put $20 on your paycheck. This is if we get any positive reviews about the cleanliness, all the housekeepers get $20. Yeah. Clean towels, clean floor, clean sink. Okay. Bathroom stays with the smell of Clorox. That's not good, actually. That's not good at all.
Starting point is 00:34:02 No. You stay in a nice hotel. It doesn't smell like anything. That's what you're looking for. Nothing. No smell. I've never smelled. If there were chemical smells in my fucking hotel room, I'm walking out.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Yeah. I'm walking out. And rooms beautiful tainted. Or tainted. Painted. Tainted is more like it, honestly. But painted texture. Recommend.
Starting point is 00:34:22 I don't go anywhere else other than there. How often do you stay at the Long Beach Motel, you scumbag? My guess is 40 hours a week. Oh, my God. Yes, exactly. That's how they make their living. Okay. Now let's just go to the one stars because this place is not great.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Malcolm gives it one star. This hotel is highly unprofessional. Okay. They're racist. The ceiling had leaks and falls in rats and roaches that's not rats i get roaches i've heard rats though and caving in ceiling holy shit one of the employees had made a mistake and opened the door totally invaded my privacy tried to charge for tissue what tissue is there toilet paper in there yeah use that not to mention i spent a lot of money no you didn't you didn't if you stayed here you didn't what's a lot what's a lot need to be penalized it says okay poof one out of five stars from Renee. Rooms look horrible.
Starting point is 00:35:26 Walls punched in. What? Holes punched in the walls. Writing on walls. That's what I like is punched in graffiti walls. That's excellent. Mattresses were old. Bathroom door didn't close all the way.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Well, that's not okay. Bathroom faucet broken. Oh, this is great. It gets worse. Table in room on three legs, not four. They just said, fuck it. It used to have four legs. Now it has three.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Or it has like a third one in the center in the back. You know what I mean? No, no. They're missing a leg. And they were like, as long as nobody puts anything on it, it it it should be fine it against the wall and leverage will stop it that side put in the corner that's all that's fine the drywall hold it wow uh next up one star this motel is not that clean exclamation point there's brown quote restroom stains on the wall just say poop there's poop on the wall brown restroom stain is the most euphemistic word for shit i've ever heard in my entire life
Starting point is 00:36:35 sure does get the point across i get it sounds the most disgusting too yeah i kept seeing ants everywhere yeah probably on the poop on the walls they're feeding on it wow the carpeting curtains look dirty and there was a funny smell it looks like a lot of trans i think they mean transients but they say transits looks like a lot of transits live there yeah with with their bicycles and recyclables parked outside. I wouldn't recommend it. Oh, no. A bicycle with one of those trailers for a baby full of recycled cans and metals.
Starting point is 00:37:13 And fire hydrants and other shit they shouldn't have. Copper pipes. Yeah, copper piping and shit. A couple of catalytic converters. Metal real estate signs, anything they could get their hands on. Next up, Carol gives one star. Yeah. This was truly a Mexican prison.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Oh, my God. What was it? Mexican prison. I guess because you say you don't want to be in a Mexican jail. Mexico's famous for having bad jails, I guess. It was scary. Not enough parking. Well, that is scary.
Starting point is 00:37:44 Not enough parking. I hate that is scary. Not enough parking. I hate that. No Wi-Fi. None? None. Half the TV channels had sound. Well, some of them can't get the signal all the way to Long Beach. It's tough.
Starting point is 00:37:59 It's right by the ocean. You know, it'll get the interference. I plugged my phone in at night to charge by morning. It was half charged because the power was iffy. It's a building. What are you talking about? Iffy power. It's not a fucking 50-year-old fucking 20-foot boat.
Starting point is 00:38:16 It's a Frontier Airlines plane. Sometimes the building, instead of feeding electricity, it draws from something with battery. Because you've got to keep the TVs on for the other room. Really, the motel is a generator in itself, really. It runs off of cell phone batteries. Yeah, sorry. Thanks for plugging it in. You helped out a lot.
Starting point is 00:38:37 Please plug the building in. Holy shit. No warm shower. Cold, in fact. Holy shit. No warm shower. Cold, in fact. I'm filing a complaint because before I checked out, I found a lighter and crack pipe behind door.
Starting point is 00:38:52 Excellent. This is not fit for kids, even. No, it's not fit for kids, especially. Never mind, even. Even. Kids are, that's where you keep them in filth and crack pipes you know you put kids this place isn't good enough for me it's not even good enough for my kids what the fuck are you talking about oh i never say here i'll make my kids i'll make my kids though because fuck them wow that says it all right there this that really says everything about this
Starting point is 00:39:28 yeah uh pictures do not do justice to the filth and here are pictures look it's broken shit oh wow that's under the sink why did you open under the sink yeah stay away from that this is just some rotted wood of some kind i want to see the crack pipe i do too even kids shouldn't stay here even kids shouldn't stay here wow next up is paul with one star yeah paul looks like they exhumed him by the way he's got like he looks like a zombie with very long hair uh one star room was huge but dirty with a bad smell the space really doesn't matter if it's smelly maybe they don't have enough time to clean all the rooms because they're so big they're so big there were roaches everywhere on the bed counters and floor oh no oh god not in the
Starting point is 00:40:20 bed i was in room 106 about midnight i was getting ready for bed in the bed. I was in room 106 about midnight. I was getting ready for bed in the dressing area when a large black rat ran across my foot and under the counter area. Nope. I don't even check out. I light a fire on the way out. I light a fire, and on the way out, I just knock on each door as I'm going down the hall. Fire! I get in my car, and I leave. We're ending this place together, guys let's go we're walking out hand in hand i'd leave all my shit in there
Starting point is 00:40:52 because it's it's it's all fucking tainted anyway all contaminated yeah i checked out in the morning as soon as possible he's no midnight you did not as soon as possible. Because as soon as possible is as soon as that fucking rat leverages all of its body weight off of your foot. That's now possible. I am jumping into the air and running down the hallway as quickly as possible. As soon as that rat takes its foot off of my foot, that's as soon as possible. Now check out. Not to mention all your shit's going to have roaches in it and roach eggs.
Starting point is 00:41:28 You don't have to have a conversation with anybody to check out. Just fucking go. Get in your car and leave. Just go. You only paid for one night. I'm sure it was in cash in this place. Wow. I told the staff how bad it was and they didn't care.
Starting point is 00:41:41 No. One guy said the old guy manager is new. I said, so am I i that rat is fat and happy it's been here a while i'm new and you're new but he's a he's a veteran he's been here a while i would not recommend this dump to anyone okay one star from sophia late night check-in Okay, one star from Sophia. Late night check-in. Bed sheet has blood and glue stains on it.
Starting point is 00:42:10 You wish that was glue. It's certainly sticky. You wish that was glue on the sheets. If only it was glue. You could use it to stick some things together. Why, it'll work. Magazine pages. Jesus together. Yeah. Why? It'll work. Magazine pages. Jesus Christ. Holy.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Rug is dirty and stink. That's a good way to put it. Not even, and it does stink. Just, and stink. Rug is dirty and stink. Yeah. I love it. Bath sink is clog. Is this a haiku maybe is that what we're doing because it's written in like lines like a rap song like like lyrics um shower is short and the stalls
Starting point is 00:42:54 are patched up with drywall tapes no reservation was for four nights she was gonna stay four nights she would have been taken by the rats and roaches by then after all this canceled the remaining three nights that's probably fucking smart uh god damn it uh one more here aldo maybe two more we'll see aldo gives one star yeah i woke up around one in the morning feeling itchy that's a bad Uh-oh. I got up and made a quick inspection of room and found syringe caps, food, chips, dirt, and condom wrappers. That's nice. All those things.
Starting point is 00:43:35 All those things are things that should have been clean. I quickly went to the front desk and told them of the situation, and he said, there's no other rooms. What about the itchy part that's what i'm saying none of that makes you itchy it gets worse yeah this was wrong i have my newborn baby girl with me oh my god get the fuck out of here with this you're spidey's those that was fatherhood tingling telling you get out get. Get the fuck out, Aldo. Don't come to this dirty establishment.
Starting point is 00:44:08 Staff is rude and they only care about the money, not the customer or your children that may come. They assume that you know not to bring children there, I feel like. You bring hookers here, not children. What the fuck is wrong with you? Not even children should stay here. God damn, not even children should stay here. Man, should we do one more it's kind of hard not to yeah i mean let's see here all right fuck it one more here okay uh one
Starting point is 00:44:32 more one star from sweetie yeah we were put in a room that had mold and looked like a storage room for broken furniture that's nice old broken dress tables, etc. All piled up in a corner of your hotel room. What? Storage? Room smelled like urine. Gun shots all night. Well, yeah, you're in a terrible neighborhood. It's a bad neighborhood there.
Starting point is 00:44:56 The manager, my cousin who found this, he's from Long Beach. That's why he looked this up. It's not a good area. This is a bad area. The manager will take your money and will not give it back no matter how much he overcharges you and threatens you to leave if you tell him you've been overcharged. Here it comes now. Ordered pizza.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Dozed off and woke up to over 70 roaches invading my pizza box. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Missing items after unannounced and unwanted housekeeping. So they robbed them, too. Or the roaches took them. The roaches could have carried it away. We don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:36 Save your money and sleep in your car. That is a great one. One more. I'm sorry. One more. It's short. It'm sorry. One more. It's short. It's short.
Starting point is 00:45:48 Ruby gives one star. After traveling 10 hours with kids, came upon this roach motel at 1 a.m. The room was being, quote, cleaned. Found, this is what they say, found pubi. B-U-B-I. Found pubi. Found pubi. Hair in theb-i so you found a pubi found pubi uh found pubi hair in the bed those are separate sentences found pubi hair in the bed and a condom on the floor not a rapper the condom a condom called the better calling the better better business bureau door broken tv doesn't work what else wow talk to the manager and he told me to leave get off get out of here get out of here no stars
Starting point is 00:46:31 wow it was being cleaned and when i showed up there was an actual condom actual condom and and puby there and the proof that said holy shit i feel like between the hotel between all this way we've the nightclub the airline we've been treated like we're not even people this is a shit vacation so we need to be treated like people let's get very personal with the personal item of the week everybody what is it is the ox balls squeeze ball stretcher what why you would want your balls to be stretched i don't know but that's what it looks like what the fuck it looks like i don't even know how to explain that i don't know how to do that what is it looks like it looks like it looks like a stretched uh a stretched skateboard wheel where and the inside got thinned out.
Starting point is 00:47:27 I was going to say, it looks like you screw one half of a pole into one side and one half into the other to make it long so it holds as it looks like. It's $15. Wow. It comes in multiple colors, pink, red, silver, if you want to really feel like you've got robot balls. You know, robot balls are good to have. A clear one if you want to see your balls in pain in there. And then, of course, a black one. $15.
Starting point is 00:47:52 So your balls go inside that? Well, here we go. Product description. Yeah. Made from signature flex TPR so it's lightweight and compact. The curved design of the inner chamber grips without strangling. Each end is topped with squishy padding to push your nuts
Starting point is 00:48:10 down. Measures two inches high with an inside circumference of three and a half inches. You're supposed to put your balls through it and it goes like between your dick and your balls on your nut sack. Why you'd want that to be longer i don't know
Starting point is 00:48:25 just wait a few years it'll be plenty long so the point is to get that piece all the way up to the bottom of your shaft and then have your balls hang out the bottom i think you put you pop your balls through it and pull it up yeah that's what i'm saying around your dick but your dick like up to your dick but your dick has nothing to do with the the that's what I'm saying. Around your dick. But your dick, like up to your dick. But your dick has nothing to do with the... That's what I'm saying. The bottom of the... The top of the piece is supposed to go up against your shaft. Yes, yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:48:53 I thought you meant coming from the north. I'm talking coming from... You come from the south. Yes, come from the south. We're going to attack from the south. And then you... We're going to attack from the south. You got to get one through at a time, right?
Starting point is 00:49:04 There's a flanking maneuver that you have to make around the side. Well, let's find out. Maybe we'll find out because I don't think we're ever going to know otherwise. Nick says, feels amazing. Five stars. Really? I love that this makes your balls hang so low. Dude.
Starting point is 00:49:20 What's the advantage? I've never been like this. It feels so much better if my balls were lower. Never once has that come up in my entire sexual life ever. I had no idea that my balls were so much better. You're a model. I'm telling you, man, you could be on Balls Monthly. Who wants 42-year-old saggy balls?
Starting point is 00:49:43 This guy. The cover is from under the water. You can see him dipping into the toilet water. That's Ball Magazine, issue one. Long Balls, issue one. You just see all the jets around the rim of the toilet and my balls. The Long Ball Magazine, available exclusively at Horny Angry's nightclub. Long Ball Magazine, available exclusively at Horny Angry's nightclub.
Starting point is 00:50:10 Unlike some other reviews, I had no rips or tears in mine. I hope you mean in the apparatus, not in your butt sack. Love walking around with them just bouncing around. You put this in and then leave the house? What the fuck are you talking about? Okay, another five stars. Fun for play, at least. Okay. I've been using this for personal enjoyment, not to permanently alter myself.
Starting point is 00:50:35 Please keep that in mind and please consult medical experts before trying to structurally change any part of your anatomy. Good advice. That's good advice for everyone out there he's some people are using this as a to stretch their balls so they're always longer like like rings on the neck yes exactly like what the fucking shit like foot binding but the opposite oh my god like dislocating knees yeah I don't think there's much I need to say, but this does what I wanted it to do, squeeze and stretch. It's probably going to fit well for you. It's beginner-friendly.
Starting point is 00:51:14 What? Beginner ball tormentor friendly? It's comfortable to wear for extended periods of time. Again, why? And it feels good to use if you're into that type of experience that it offers. If you like this sort of thing, then I recommend buying. What, nut pain? What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:51:31 Here's the thing, though. Balls can only go as long as your cords will let them go, right? I guess. I don't fucking know. Can you put tension on your nut cords to make them go further? I guess it's to stretch the skin, maybe? I don't know. I can't believe this is a thing.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Wow. That is, here we go. Three or four stars. Tight fit from Craig. No shit. Good for you, Craig. The stretcher is more rigid than others I've tried. You've tried more than this?
Starting point is 00:51:59 This wasn't a first idea? Lube around both rims definitely needs to apply. It stretches my balls about one and three quarters inches. One and three. Almost two inches. Wife sees it as a handle to grab. Ouch. Oh, Jesus.
Starting point is 00:52:16 Good God. What is wrong with you fucking people? Why does she need a handle? Oh, my God. She's got a handle right above him. I am horrified. Okay. Three stars from Jeff.
Starting point is 00:52:31 Yeah. Great at first, but losing its pull. Okay. Okay. You need a bigger one now. You got to up yourself. Yeah. You stretched them, man.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Yeah. That's it. They're all stretched. You won. The initial feel and comfort of this was great. After using it for a few weeks, it's losing some of its firmness. I try to wear it all day still. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:53:00 But I found now that if I move a lot, one of my testicles will slip through it, making it useless. Yeah. Obviously. It's like Invisalign. It's moved where it needs to move. That's it. It's becoming too stretchy to be effective. Next up, and this sounds right, one star dangerous.
Starting point is 00:53:21 What happened? This is one of those items where the five stars are just as good as the one stars because it's this is insane uh dangerous this sounds normal cut off the circulation to my balls and then what they literally were cold to the touch because there was no blood going to them at all very scary did you lose your balls? I wanted something to stretch my balls, not to castrate myself. I got no update on how it goes. I wanted to stretch him, Doc, and now I got this. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:53:57 Okay, one star again. Mark, one star. Ball can slip through and could possibly hurt you pretty good. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. It doesn't keep both balls down. After a little bit of time, one ball will come up and could potentially hurt you. Luckily, I felt it a few times and caught it in time, but it could have been pretty painful.
Starting point is 00:54:18 A ball being pulled away from the other ball while wearing it, that is. That would be painful. As if he had to clarify what that was you got to get them both through and then the tension from each of them pushing against each other holds them in the sleeve i apparently i don't know i think it go i think they pop but if one pops up but if one pops through then the other one's certainly going to come it's going to follow eventually i think right where one ball goes the shall follow, I think is how it goes. It's a proverb at least, right?
Starting point is 00:54:48 Didn't Moses say that, I think? The Old Testament, I think, I'm pretty sure. A ball being put away from the other ball while wearing. If it wasn't as much as a flange on the one side against the balls, it probably would hold a little better. Yeah, but if it doesn't flange then you're not going to get both out of there i this is what do you want a fucking funnel jesus christ uh one star mine are too big to fit ah that a boy yeah i was losing blood flow turning purple not oh my god not returnable nope nope it's been around balls, and you want to bring it back. That's your dildo.
Starting point is 00:55:27 That is your dildo, and that is your ball stretcher, sir. Wow. You may not touch your sack to anything and return it. That goes for underwear. That goes for anything. If it touches your balls, it's yours forever. That's it. If it touches anywhere inside your underwear, that's it. It's over. It's yours. You've purchased's yours forever. That's it. If it touches anywhere inside your underwear, that's it.
Starting point is 00:55:46 It's over. It's yours. You've purchased it. Yeah. That's it. Start willing it to somebody. Pass it down to future generations. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:55:55 Bequeather. Bequeather. One star, not for big balls. No. No. I have above average testicle size is how they start the review. It's a good feeling, isn't it? Jesus.
Starting point is 00:56:07 And not only was it very hard to get on, but it also strangled them and caused a lot of pain. If you have a smaller size, it might be worth it. If you have a huge balls, too, they're going to do. They will be pretty droopy pretty soon. Don't worry. Just don't wear boxers, man. It's they're going to sag gonna sag yeah let them flow um that is amazing uh one star way too aggressive oh the thing was incredibly hard to get over my nuts
Starting point is 00:56:34 way too aggressive one star that's it too tight that's amazing here Here's another one. One star. My balls slides inside the sleeve and hurts really bad. I have Everidge size ball. Everidge with an E. I have Everidge size ball. My balls slides in. My balls be sliding around everywhere. Holy fucking shit. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:57:05 Okay. I feel dirty now. Don't you feel dirty? Disgusting. I feel filthy. So feeling this filthy, I think we need a good shower now. Okay. So I found us.
Starting point is 00:57:18 We're on the road outside of Oklahoma City at the Love's Travel Stop. I found this truck stop showers, Jimmy. Oh, my God. And there's a subway in there and stuff, which they also reviewed. So you get a snack. You get a snack and can take it in the shower. This is 800 South Morgan Road, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, the Love's Travel Stop. 3.7 out of 5 stars.
Starting point is 00:57:40 Not bad. Not bad, not great. A lot of them were higher rated than that. Here's the other thing uh a trucker will lower their standards because they understand that they're yeah they will lower they sleep in a fart box they understand they make they make what they think are you know i mean they do their best to make dinner inside that truck. They make do is what they do.
Starting point is 00:58:08 So they'll lower their status. So 3.7 in actuality is probably 2.7. For real. Yeah, they're an easier sell than crowd. Five stars from Brian. This is from three weeks ago too. Friendly staff and very clean store. There's not much parking here for trucks, but there's enough. I found a spot at three thirty a.m., which is usually when there's not a spot in sight. The showers are incredibly nice, clean and seem brand new. Pulling in was also pretty easy. Yeah. OK. Another one. Dustin. Here we go. Five stars. I love I give this loves five stars. Yes yes it has a small parking lot but it's clean
Starting point is 00:58:46 employees that were working there were awesome the grapes were fresh the bananas were fresh as well that's where i go to a truck stop for my fresh fruit the shower was kind of small but was amazing with great water pressure and hot water thought satan himself was heating that water. What? It was that hot. The fuck are you talking about? Straight from hell. Next up, Cody gives it one star. Yeah. They will have you waiting for 30 minutes to pull forward for fuel.
Starting point is 00:59:16 Now they got this little fat man walking around trying to tell people they're getting towed for parking in a place that's been parked in for years. A little fat man. Now they got this little fat man walking around you can totally hear cody talking yeah he said that as someone typed it yeah cheapest fuel worst customer policy even worse policy on parking and just an all-around bad store. They don't want you just sitting in the parking lot. Just farting around in the parking lot. There may be some spots for them to just rest overnight, right, at a Love's? I imagine. Yeah, yeah, that's why I said 3.30 a.m. There's not a lot of spots because people are parked.
Starting point is 00:59:56 Because people are parked, yeah, sleeping. Apparently, Fat Man will push you along. He'll make you leave. Tim gives it one star as well. This is fun. My wife and I always showers together is how he starts it. What? Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:14 You and your wife are showering together at a Love's gas station. Always showers together. This is Stevie. Yeah, we're saving water. Got that hot stuff on there that's why we do it she asked for extra towels and a washcloth yeah the guy with eyeglasses and full beard asked us if we were gonna have a party in the bathroom y'all accepting invitations got going y'all ready for a third or what is your marriage that falling apart yet i'll wash your back who needs their back done my wife finds it rude and disgusting yeah of course also if you're at a truck stop in oklahoma city taking a shower
Starting point is 01:01:03 maybe have some sense of humor about life in general because you're going to need it, I have a feeling. Never make jokes to people you don't know. Really? That's our whole career, pretty much. That would destroy us. I'm in the street, if that's a fact. I'm in the street. Me and Jimmy are huddled under a box, if that's the truth.
Starting point is 01:01:23 Well, I used to have a mortgage. Well, you used to have a mortgage together because our women ran away from us. Even the shower is broken. That's not great. Here's Keisha with one star. This is good. Caitlin was very unhappy with her job today. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:41 She was helping out at the subway and seems to have never been trained attitude no smile and jacked up my sandwich jacked it up the great thing you were standing over her while she's jacking it the great thing about a sandwich is unless the bread is torn, you can always reconstruct it to your specifications, which is what I love to do. And the good thing about a Subway job is that if it's fucked up, it's as much on you as it is on Caitlin. Yeah, you watched me do this. You said at the end, you go, is this good before they cut it? You said yes.
Starting point is 01:02:19 Yeah, you allowed this. Wow. This is as much on Keisha as it is on Caitlin. I'm sorry. This is a team effort. Team effort to fuck your sandwich up. To jack your sandwich up. Keisha, we jacked up my sandwich.
Starting point is 01:02:35 Yeah, we jacked my whole sandwich up. I didn't like it. I'm just, fuck this. I'm going to Angry Hornies. This is crazy. I don't want to be here. I get not liking your job, but come on. Making a sub is not rocket science.
Starting point is 01:02:53 This might have been my only meal today, and I paid good money for it, even though it was jacked. Frustrating when people allow their bad attitudes to leech into their job and mess it up for everyone the cashier was also needing some retraining as she kept charging people for things they didn't get yeah that's a problem yeah that's a huge that's day you're not retraining that's day one only charge before you even say this is how the or the register drawer opens. You go only charge them for items they purchase. Number one. And you'll have the sunglasses and this little race car.
Starting point is 01:03:35 Then accept legal tender for said items. That's day one. With somebody else's name on it. Yeah. There you go. There's your PD license plate. Enjoy. Okay. You will have these bumper stickers that say I love loves. somebody else's name on it yeah there you go there's your pd license plate enjoy okay you will have these bumper stickers that say i love loves jesus christ including charging my boyfriend
Starting point is 01:03:52 for double meat on my sandwich which caitlin did not put on oh she jacked it she jacked it that's why everyone has the ability to impact someone's life, even in small ways. So consider that when you're feeding hungry travelers. Okay. Okay, this I don't even know what they're talking about or where, what part of the store. Eric says, one star smelled like fish. Way too expensive. Worst experience, all caps, ever. We don't even know what you then sad face colon backwards parenthesis sad
Starting point is 01:04:28 face the shower smelled like fish and they gutted my child and yeah and they they stole my child experience ever they held him for ransom i said i didn't have anything they said they sold him to a pakistani sex trafficker i'm sorry i don't know what i can do. So I took to Yelp. He's being passed around by Al Qaeda soldiers currently. I know. I thought they were gone, too, but they're back, apparently. I should have known better. Damn it. Bubba gives it one star.
Starting point is 01:04:56 Okay. Okay, Bubba. One star. This place is disgusting. Had to clean the shower myself because the employees don't do their job they expect you to use a disgusting shower with poop still on slash in the toilet from the previous person on slash in oh no in they need to clean the house or just close the store down okay these people obviously don't appreciate they still have a job. Why? Oh, Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:05:26 And we'll leave it at this because this is good advice for all these people. Mandisa gives it one star. If you got time to lean, you got time to clean. You bet. Which is what every old man will yell at you on your first job when you're 15. Yeah. Shower four was hideous. Just 4. Yeah. No hooks,
Starting point is 01:05:48 dirty walls, and dusty fan. Give me doors on hardware. Give me doors or give me death. Give me doors or give me death and go to Angry Hornies. And that, everyone, is our Opinions of the Week. Wow. Next week, we got an
Starting point is 01:06:03 Angry Deli in Brooklyn. Yeah. We got the Hall of Fame for baseball where people clearly don't understand where they're going and some other crazy stuff,
Starting point is 01:06:12 crazy personal items, so much more. Oh. If you enjoy this, like we said, follow on all our social medias. Also, there's fan groups,
Starting point is 01:06:21 listener groups where they post stuff and have a lot of fun in there. So do that. Listen to our other two shows as well, Crime in Sports and Small Town Murder. Also, very quickly, make sure that you have the automatic download thing on if you listen on Apple Podcasts. There was an update. They screwed it all up.
Starting point is 01:06:38 And now stuff. So if you go, why isn't this automatically download anymore? That's why. Go in and manually make sure it's on. Also, a man in a polo shirt named Sean will grab your ass if you don't do it. He will. That's the thing. He'll grab your ass and put poop on you from the shower stall.
Starting point is 01:06:54 Thank you so much for all that you do for us, everybody. Keep joining us. We'll see you next week. Bye, Sean. Bye, Sean. follow your stupid opinions on the wondery Amazon Music, or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to every episode of Your Stupid Opinions ad-free by joining Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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