Your Stupid Opinions - Cologne Condoms, Boring Ruins, Biker Bar Blues, Courtroom Poop Anger

Episode Date: April 29, 2024

We hear reviews about a wonder of civilization, standing for over 2,500 years, but lacking in strong WiFi. A personal item that may have unwanted smells, and lead to even more unwanted things.... A neighborhood bar, with a decent comedy show, but surly employees & patrons. A county courthouse where arguments about poop can break out at any time & much more!!Join comedians James Pietragallo and Jimmie Whisman as they explore the most opinionated part of the internet: The Reviews Section!Subscribe and we will see you every Monday with Your Stupid Opinions!!!Don't forget to rate & review!!Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie WhismanSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wondery Plus subscribers can listen to your stupid opinions ad-free right now. Join Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. Hello everybody and welcome back to Your Stupid Opinions. Hey! My name is James Petrigallo. I'm here with my co-host. I'm Jimmy Wissman. Thank you, folks, for joining us today on another week of People's Opinions. And again, as we say every week, not our opinions.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Not mine. Sometimes they are, actually. It might be. I don't know. We'll tell you when they are, But otherwise, these are people's opinions. We're reading them. Let's find out together. And we're laughing at them. Because as we said from the start, most of the time, these opinions are way more about
Starting point is 00:00:52 the people leaving the opinions than they are about the thing that they're opinionated about. So here we go. Before we start, definitely listen to our other two shows, Crime and Sports and Small Town Murder, which we think you'll like if you like this show. And also follow on all the social medias. Sure. There's groups as well on Facebook and stuff where they're constantly posting people's
Starting point is 00:01:11 dumb reviews, and it's a good time. So check all that out and hang out with us, and here we go. Let's get into this, because we left off last week at a mid-ruin, man. Yeah. We left off in ancient Greece at the Parthenon. And people were like, I don't know. It's just kind of an old. It's a piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:01:32 It's an old place. They're scaffolding up. You know, I don't know. It's like they're trying to keep it from falling down. This is a 2,500-year-old Greek ruin. That's an architectural masterpiece yeah and to put it into perspective jesus would be born and go fuck that's old already super old think about and also awesome and wow that's pretty fucking dope that'll be here in 2 000 the fucking, fucking tug my fucking meat. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:02:07 I was born in a fucking haystack. This was available? This is incredible. Jesus Christ. You're going to push me out on a marble floor for Christ's sake. Shit's sake. Yeah, but keep the scaffolding up.
Starting point is 00:02:16 It's fine. Wi-Fi kind of sucks here, though. I don't know. So let's get back into this with one-star reviews. That's where we left off. Here we go. Quote.
Starting point is 00:02:26 This is from WQ two is the reviewer. Uh, one star. This place was horrendous. Oh yeah. Horrendous. The state it was in is appalling. Oh,
Starting point is 00:02:38 sorry. Unbelievable. Let's look at your house. That was probably built in 1987. I bet it's in your kitchen you fuck i bet it's less nice than this 2500 years old the point is turn my ridden fucking shack you live in your fucking shit shack with your roaches the point is holy shit that's still standing amazing you win believable i wow can't that. I hated my visit with a burning passion.
Starting point is 00:03:07 What did they do? Stick a column up your ass from out front? What could be so bad about it? I regret all previous decisions to visit. I like when they renounce their previous thoughts. I renounce everything. Waste of money, time, and facilities. Waste of facilities. Knock it it down put up a starbucks
Starting point is 00:03:26 this is it's incredible i personally am going to write a complaint to fucking who the people that made it have been lost they're ash what greek emperor are you gonna write this to what greek ruler what are we talking about here siden for christ's sake i'm gonna write to socrates and see if he gives a shit about it i am personally gonna write a complaint and potentially consider suing the greek government for what as my they do as my stay was borderline traumatizing. It's a fucking stone structure. What could it have done to you? What happened?
Starting point is 00:04:10 What was traumatizing? And that's it. That's the whole review. That's it? You can't say that and walk away. They can't tell you what happened. Yeah. Bad things happened to me here, and then they just walked away.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Well, what? Tell us. Jesus Christ. This person is not good at reporting. This is the type of person that posts on social media like real vague shit to get questions asked of them. Vague booking, you cocksucker. Yeah, it's one of those people. Here is Thomas, T-A-M-A-S.
Starting point is 00:04:38 He has one star here. He says, Parthenon itself is just a ruin. Yeah? Yeah. Yeah. Right. Isn't it wild that it's 2500 years old see now you're getting it did you not pay attention and social studies you idiot i don't think so everything interesting is already stolen destroyed or moved to museums around the world right yes what do you think he's gonna what do you think it's gonna be there leave something valuable out for people to touch out to finger and and diddle no no one's doing that acropolis as a whole is a must though and is five star but the parthenon itself isn't very interesting wow it is pretty interesting that they kept it standing for 2500 years fucking shocked that is where
Starting point is 00:05:24 democracy was born, and they voted on very important shit there. And think about how many empires have battled and taken over and gone back and forth, and there's been world wars and all this shit, and it's never been knocked down. Isn't that amazing? It's incredible.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Wow, incredible. That's the point. Nobody shot a cannonball at that. Years that they fought things. The Nazis didn't drop a bomb. Nothing happened to it. Nothing. It's shocking. It's the point. Nobody shot a cannonball at that. Years that they fought things. The Nazis didn't drop a bomb. Nothing happened to it. Nothing. It's still there.
Starting point is 00:05:49 The Turks didn't destroy it. It just, you know, Genghis Khan wasn't involved. It's incredible. The Xerxes didn't wipe it out. No, man. So, Lauren, one star, very poorly organized. And organized with an S, so i'm assuming she's british here not not american it's not american yeah that's not american english here i said foreign
Starting point is 00:06:10 like like we're the only ones and we're in greece at the moment so unless we're greek it's foreign that's probably it's probably how they spell it there. Yeah. They speak English. Unless it's some guy named Nikos. It's foreign anyway. So don't worry about it. Wear some padding. Some padding? Or expect to leave bruised. Okay. Why are you bouncing off?
Starting point is 00:06:36 Is there like a tackling drill that we don't know about? Maybe that's why this person was so traumatized. They didn't expect to get the shit beaten out of them and need padding on. They had to do some Greco-Roman wrestling there oh maybe maybe you had to prove yourself inside the parthenon you gotta earn it you got to fight a lion i think is how it works i know that's rome but still people were leaving from the entrance quote unquote so we were being pushed down the stairs by them while also being pushed up by others trying to enter. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:06 It's like the subway. One side down, one side up. What the fuck? Yeah. We've all figured this out. Society's figured this out a long time ago. Right side. Whichever side.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Yeah. Whatever side. I don't know if the country's switching around like roads. Sometimes it's left. I don't know. Yeah. I assume whatever side you drive on. Whatever side you drive on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:21 That's where you go. Just to keep it straight. Otherwise, we're a society. You keep it fucked. There's rules. It'd be very confusing otherwise. So I drive on the left, but I go on the right. Walk on the right? I don't understand. One staff member was also shouting us
Starting point is 00:07:36 shouting us to make a path for her. So I asked her where exactly she would like me to go in order to do that. Okay, so smart ass replies. there was absolutely nowhere to move when she had squeezed quite roughly past us she shouted at the people in front and they just laughed so but you saw a 2500 year old incredibly that it's standing ruin right that part shockingly didn't mention that at all just mention this lady he'll bum rush past
Starting point is 00:08:05 you and you need miraculously against all odds and all weather it's it stood it stood it stood against it uh yeah earthquakes you name it um everything adam one star this is interesting and this has four thumbs up by the way on google which is which is fun so people agree quote very few cats too many tourists so yeah one star not enough cats apparently yeah the people to cat ratio is way out of whack for this person which is what you expect at a major tourist attraction uh lisa one star this person is a shitload of reviews on google so this this they have opinions to give yeah um one of these days by the way i want to do a show where we have a click on some of these opinionated people or we see them and they have like 480 reviews find a bunch of their reviews and see what they're putting into the world and just see
Starting point is 00:08:58 explore this person yeah how many one stars is this person putting out there? Yeah, exactly. And I bet we get a pattern about it. Yeah. It's about them. Yeah. So one star. It was disorganized and overcrowded. People were using it as a selfie backdrop. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:16 What did you expect? They went all the way there. That's the point. They got to prove they were there. Yeah. That's just too disrespectful for a grand structure standing since the dawn of time well dawn of time calm down there was plenty of time before that but there's a lot yeah millions billions of years a lot more before than since oh we're a grain of
Starting point is 00:09:38 sand on a beach is what we are now and human beings on earth. But so too disrespectful. By the way, so one star because people take selfies of it. So you give one star. Wow. It's tough out there. This is why you can't pay attention to reviews ever. This is why you don't want to make a goddamn thing. No, no, you don't. Because people hate so much louder than they love.
Starting point is 00:10:02 And it's fucking obnoxious. And you have to just have faith that people aren't completely fucking brain dead also. You have to have faith that they understand the basics of the world. And yeah, it's wild, man. One star because people were taking pictures of it, for Christ's sake. At a major attraction to where what else can you do with it? What are you going to do? One of the oldest structures on the fucking planet jesus uh ricardo one star the buildings are the buildings are is their first
Starting point is 00:10:32 they are they are apparently they exist the buildings are but beware of pickpockets they stole my wallet during daylight right there after buying a lemonade, which, by the way, at five euros is a huge ripoff. Of course. Yes. I mean, hear more. Let's put aside the expensive lemonade for a moment. Concentrate on the fact that now you can't go home because you've lost your passport. Let's concentrate on that.
Starting point is 00:10:57 And you can't get another lemonade. And you're screwed. You better savor that lemonade, chief. I hope it's good. It's the last drink you're going to get. Bring your own water bottles. The place is very crowded, which is expected. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:11:10 And very hot. Yeah, it's Greece. So it's kind of hot there. That's how it works. Yeah, go during a cool month. I'm sure they have seasons. What is it? The Inbetweeners movie when they land in Greece?
Starting point is 00:11:21 He goes, it's hot, right? And he goes, probably too hot. And then they're just looking around like, yeah, I don't know why we he goes, probably too hot. And then they're just like looking around like, yeah, I don't know why we came here. Probably too hot. Probably too hot. I think it was Jay. Probably too hot.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Yeah. So there were no cops around. You can see cops in large groups in the shade hanging out in other parts of the city, just not there. You know, where it's not hot. Yeah, they go, they know where to not stand in the sun, which is not great.
Starting point is 00:11:46 And I'm sure this creates a great environment for thieves to steal from tourists. I love it. I love a thief. A thief. And it's an apostrophe. So it's all fantastic. Yeah, it's all. But this person, to be fair, I doubt English is their first language.
Starting point is 00:12:01 So we'll say that much. So still beware of pickpockets in a major tourist place. Yeah, we've encountered that before. Bob, one star. Wow. All the stuff is old and broken. Yes. Nothing works.
Starting point is 00:12:16 It's a ruin, you fucking idiot. That's the point. Yeah, and don't you know what the definition of ruin is? It means it doesn't work. Bob needs a dictionary here. All this stuff is old and broken. No very nice. No very nice.
Starting point is 00:12:30 No very nice. I'm going to review your English. How's that, sir? One star. You need more letters. No drinks and no Wi-Fi available. Well, that's it. Forget it.
Starting point is 00:12:41 I'm not going. Have you heard of the lemonade? Five euros? I don't think it. Forget it. I'm not going. Have you heard of the lemonade? Five euros? I don't think so. Five euros. Would not recommend to go. So no very nice. No drinks, no Wi-Fi.
Starting point is 00:12:55 It's all old and broken at this ruin. Piece of shit. Trash. Trash. It's just trash. One star from Harris. No access for wheelchair. Okay, that's a problem, but...
Starting point is 00:13:08 They didn't think of that 2,500 years ago because they probably didn't have many wheelchairs then. They threw those people down a well. When you couldn't walk anymore, they pushed you into the river, I think is how that worked. Come on, Grandpa. That's it. If you can't walk, you can't swim. Let's go. So no access for wheelchair
Starting point is 00:13:26 congratulations you exclude anyone with moving disabilities from visiting one of the wonders of civilization true but congratulations i'm not getting pushed down the well that's what i mean you're still yeah i bet i bet they didn't tell you get out of here wheelie and fucking shove you into an alley you know like i yeah you couldn't yeah they're not gonna build a wheelchair ramp onto a ruin for you i'm sorry but there is a ramp that goes up but it's not going to be very easy to roll up it because it's pretty steep it's gonna be steep yeah i mean if you got somebody behind you with a strong will and some you know fucking sturdy thighs then yeah give it a shot but make
Starting point is 00:14:05 sure they're really anchoring i'm not pushing shit yeah because if if i give up you're dead you're going yeah you're going if i give up you're either rolling backward or if i'm kind enough i might turn you around so that you can at least see what's coming you can steer a little bit maybe but at that point legs at that point that's why you need padding also because you never know when a wheelchair is going to come careening at you. Next up is one star. 20 euros per person for an old building? Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:14:33 You think scaffolding is free? That's how much it costs to keep the old building from being not a building anymore. Right. Just being that old place where that old building used to be. Sometimes they got to put a little mortar in there to keep it from falling over. That's how it happens. Next up, one star. Dusty pile of old bricks.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Great. Yes. That's it. Unbelievable. These people don't get shit. Why would you go somewhere? If you Googled it, you would understand a little bit about it and go, oh, Jesus, that's why I'm going here.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Right. Not just to show up and go, oh, they told me to come come here i thought it was a nightclub this is what the fuck have they been to have any of these people been to new york city and seen the empire state building and how it's the art deco design of it doesn't match the brand new buildings and that's what makes it fucking amazing fun that's the good thing of it yeah the charm of it is that it doesn't match yeah charm of this is that it's fucking old and doesn't match. It's so old and it's not. Yeah. It's in the middle of Athens in the middle of a modern Greek city.
Starting point is 00:15:28 So interesting. One star next full of trash smells of urine. Probably. Which sounds like the beginning of a song full of trash smells of urine. I like that. That's good. You're not allowed to bring any food or water, but still trash everywhere. I think you just hit on why you're not allowed to bring food or water, because then there'll be more trash probably is what they're thinking.
Starting point is 00:15:50 I think this is my favorite one. One star. I saw pigeons. Very good experience. I liked the pigeons very much. I saw pigeons. I saw pigeons. Where are you from?
Starting point is 00:16:02 Somewhere with no pigeons, apparently. Shocking. Pigeons. I saw pigeons. Where are you from? Somewhere with no pigeons, apparently. Shocking. Pigeons. Very good experience. And there's 13 thumbs up for that. Gay pigeons. Wow. So apparently there's a pigeon enthusiast.
Starting point is 00:16:13 I hope you didn't touch them, man. Those things are gross. They are full of disease, but you can watch them. That's nice. Next up, one star. Prostitutes and homeless people around. All right. Lots of garbage. Okay. Pickpockets, prostitutes, garbage prostitutes and homeless people around. All right. Lots of garbage.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Okay. Pickpockets, prostitutes, garbage, urine, and homeless people. Now we're talking. Are they talking about the homeless and the hookers as being garbage? I think in addition to and up to and including, I think, is what they're getting at here. All encompassing. That is fucking amazing. And then finally, one star, too hot. Maybe fucking amazing and then finally one star too hot
Starting point is 00:16:45 maybe too hot too hot maybe too hot which is hilarious there it is speaking of too hot let's go somewhere very hot let's head to phoenix oh what's there we're gonna go someplace we've been before yeah and uh i've been to many times. Bridget's Last Laugh. A bar in North Phoenix. It is a bar that's next to... I can't imagine the reviews of anybody that's walked in here for the first time. Oh, it's fucking amazing.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Now, full disclosure, I've been to Bridget's probably a hundred times because it was like a mile from my house. And Tuesday nights they do stand-up comedy. And that has nothing to do with the people who, like, have work at the bar. There's comics that run this that's a totally separate thing. And actually, they run a nice little professional show, actually.
Starting point is 00:17:39 So if you're in North Phoenix, it's not so bad. No, they run a John, and I'll say it, John Henry. He runs a very nice show. Well, no, he did for a long time. Yeah, yeah, yeah. For years and years. And now it's not so bad no they run a john and i'll say it john henry he runs a very nice show well no he did for a long time yeah yeah for years and years and now it's sean also and sean's great too nice people and uh yeah so anyway went there all the time it's a good place to work out a new five minutes basically like you got some new jokes i'm gonna go check it out at bridget's now it started out the comedy was in the main bar area yeah which basically beneath a 50 inch flat screen tv playing a basketball game right that will in an hour have karaoke lyrics
Starting point is 00:18:13 on it that's the other thing yeah john putting up the disco ball in the middle i called it the saddest ritual in comedy history i go john every week i guess the saddest thing i've ever seen john quietly stepping up on a chair and putting this thing on. It was amazing. While he clips reptile lights to the rafters for Spotlight. Doing his best.
Starting point is 00:18:32 He's getting it done. And the show would run professionally, which was nice, but it was a great room to start out in because you had to, if you got the attention of the people who weren't there
Starting point is 00:18:43 for the comedy that were playing pool and watching basketball, you were fucking doing something. Yeah. You go, oh, wow, that's a great joke. People stop playing pool to listen to that. And there's a horseshoe bar in the middle of the room separating the comedy side from the pool table side. And that pool table side, if they are not paying attention, nobody can hear a fucking thing you're saying. No, no.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Because they're shouting. They're shouting, clacking balls. Snapping balls. Yeah. They moved it into a back room a few years ago. Right. And that's where it is now. Six, seven years ago, they moved it to a separate back room, the comedy.
Starting point is 00:19:16 So this isn't about the comedy part, though. So Bridget's Last Laugh sounds like a comedy club, but it's not. Yeah. It's not. What is it, James? It is a- It's a trash biker bar. It's a is it james it is it is a trash biker bar it's a trash yes it's a north phoenix trash biker bar yes and it's uh the bathroom is hideous and holy shit i've only eaten french fries from there and would not eat anything else i wouldn't eat
Starting point is 00:19:38 meat from there probably so this is it is at let's see 17 22222 Cave Creek Road in Phoenix, Arizona. And it's described as a weekly stand-up comedy. Trivia and karaoke are highlights at this bar and grill serving American fare. Wow. Okay. They up front talk about the food. The food. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:02 How dare you? I mean, it's sketchy. I mean, I'll tell you food. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Bar and grill. I mean, it's sketchy. I mean, I'll tell you something. Wow. It's definitely a sketchy place. It's not a place where you really want to piss a bunch of people off either. No. No.
Starting point is 00:20:15 You don't want to discuss anything that's dead serious in there. No, no, no. You want to keep it light. There's probably 70% of people are carrying a blade or more dangerous. Oh, that's an armed and dangerous type of joint, I think. Yeah, yeah. 100%. Because it's North Phoenix.
Starting point is 00:20:30 I mean, everybody's armed anyway. Yeah. The motorcycles out front are frightening. Oh, yeah. It's not like, they're not show bikes. No, no, no. These people ride them in the heat. Every day.
Starting point is 00:20:40 This is their main transportation. When it's 112 outside. Yeah, right. They're riding that. Yeah. Holy fuck. So it's 112 outside. Yeah, right. They're riding that. Holy fuck. So here's Valerie. Five stars. Me and a friend of mine went there to have lunch yesterday.
Starting point is 00:20:52 It was very nice. We'd been there before, but we hadn't been there like. What? But haven't been there like. Oh, like since the. Oh, because there's a period after like for some reason. Yeah. Haven't been there since like since the, oh, because there's a period after like for some reason. Yeah. Haven't been there since like, since the Pamadamic.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Haven't been there since the Pamadamic. Which that Pamadamic messed up a lot of places. You know, it messed up for all of us, really. It fucked her brain up, for Christ's sake. P-A-M-A-D-A-M-I-C. The Pamadamic. Pamadamic. I ain't been here since the Pamadamic let up. TheI-C. The Pamadamic. Ah, Pamadamic. I haven't been here since the Pamadamic let up.
Starting point is 00:21:27 The Pamadamic? The Pamadamic. They have cheap prices. The food is cheap. That's a good way to put it. The food is cheap. That's the exact way I would put it. And that tells you everything.
Starting point is 00:21:40 Yep. I really recommend this place. They have karaoke every night at 9 and happy hours every day from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Okay. Now, five stars here. Again, here is from AJ. Five stars. This is a great bar.
Starting point is 00:21:56 I decided to go out. The people that are. This is a great bar. Where have you been? Yeah. You got to you seen, man? Where have you been? Yeah. You got to get out, man. Granted, compared to Stingers, this place is Buckingham Palace, but we've done comedy in worse places. Don't look at the floor, for fuck's sake.
Starting point is 00:22:16 God, no. No, it's not that kind of place. It's not the kind of place you go like that. This is the type of place you go to give the money to the guy who's going to kill your husband yeah that's yeah this is this is where you meet him for it's either that or you wallow in self-pity there that's that's the other place yeah you like just put the envelope on the pool table as he's shooting and he just gives you like a little nod and then you leave that's how you get the fuck out of there you get the fuck out of there before somebody stabs you and every week i was there because the comedy they didn't bother the comedy people nobody bothered us we just were our own little our own little group autonomous
Starting point is 00:22:55 it hurts so much and i feel like i feel bad because no not for the bar fuck the bar but i mean the people the comics like i really i liked going there because they were nice people and i enjoyed my time there and they have to put up with so much yes to just try to work on a fucking joke it hurt made you funnier it really did that place made you funnier it really was good it makes you really appreciate the safety of a comedy club that's oh my god it really does i mean you say i fuck i've been i've been to bridget's don't tell me it's almost it's almost saying i've been to prison yeah like they're real close sounding i did bridget's every week and people go oh shit and you go yeah that's what
Starting point is 00:23:34 i'm saying fuck out of here mister i did three months at bridget's yeah what's up with that i did a nickel over at bridget's. What do you think now? Wow. I decided to go out karaoke and found this place popped up as one of the best in the Phoenix area. Really? What? That's surprising. Popped up where?
Starting point is 00:23:58 Biker Weekly? Why would it do that? Why would it pop up that? I've been to so many karaoke bars in Phoenix, and this bottom rung, man. It is frightening. Yeah, at least the bathrooms are clean in some places. They were not wrong. Three exclamation points. Wow.
Starting point is 00:24:18 They're into this place. Food prices are adequate. Happy hour is great, and the karaoke was spectacular. Shout out to Jessess the bartender she was phenomenal she immediately greeted me with a smile and a firm handshake that's what i like from a gal behind the bar a firm handshake did she spit in it first good to have you in here honey she took the blade and drug it across the palm and then spit on it. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:24:48 I was having a drink of water and I pictured her doing it. Oh, God. She gripped the shit out of my hand. Oh, Jesus Christ. There you go. Nice to know you. And then she does a shot and then asks you what you want. Yeah, takes a shot and goes, you'll have whiskey.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Yeah. Whiskey? Yeah. two whiskeys or one whiskey i almost threw up i had water just shoot out of my nose so between the two of us always kept serving me well yeah that's a bar that's and that's bridget oh yeah you pass out and they're like, they'll have three more whiskeys. Jack's up my tip. They go, listen, this is your last whiskey.
Starting point is 00:25:31 And then they pour it for you. She is a real MVP. Go ask for her. One, two, three, four, five exclamation points. I mean, she's got to have a day off. She has a schedule, all right? Don't ask for it. Where is she?
Starting point is 00:25:46 What's her address? I'll just go to her house. I'll go to her house. She won't know, but I'll be there. I'll show up with my karaoke in the driveway. Just knock on the door. We'll have three whiskeys, Jess. Three whiskeys.
Starting point is 00:25:58 She gave me a firm handshake at the door. James with one star. Music has always turned up too loud loud and the food is absolute trash. Yes. Also, they measure the alcohol of the alcohol poured here. So drinks are weak and priced too high. No, they don't. I've seen it.
Starting point is 00:26:16 You're out of your. Maybe they just measured yours because you're an asshole. That's what I was going to say. Maybe they didn't like you. That depends on who it is. Maybe they were hoping you don't come back i haven't seen real tight practices here i mean i haven't been there in years but i've never had a mixed drink there that i could taste the mixer ever it's booze yeah it's all booze yeah you're getting fucked up here that's what you're getting that's it's a fuck get fucked
Starting point is 00:26:40 up bar that's what it is because it's close to where people live so they get on their motorcycles shit-faced or in their cars and go right to their neighborhood, which is a half a mile away. And try not to get pulled over in between those two. Maybe stop at that Jack in the Box when it was still going. There's a McDonald's up there just a mile up. Yeah, north now. So it's always, okay. Staff, this is great.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Staff isn't anything worth looking at either. Oh, how dare you? I hate when they expect to be like, give me drinks, have good service. I'd like the drink to be good and I'd like your tits to be firm. Fuck you. Tits out and I want to see at least a lip. Yeah, go to the strip club and pay for $18 for a drinking jacket. Half mile north, bud.
Starting point is 00:27:19 You're almost there. Almost right there. Candy store's right there. Yep, just as trashy. Enjoy. Sheddy, yeah. Almost right there. Right there. Yep. Just as trashy. Enjoy. Yeah. There you go. I hear the owner tries to sleep with all the girls, too, and recently got served divorce
Starting point is 00:27:33 papers at another bar he owned. Well, that's his business, I think. Yeah. What do you do? Maybe because he's trying to fuck all the girls, maybe. So definitely not a place of business I want to support. OK. He doesn't support someone in the middle of a divorce, apparently. to fuck all the girls maybe uh so definitely not a place of business i want to support okay it doesn't support someone in the middle of a divorce apparently um hailey one star if you
Starting point is 00:27:51 hate yourself this is the right bar for you there you go that's the attitude everyone just has the most piss poor attitude yeah that's about right this is awesome joey one star came in on veterans day and got thrown out for asking for a high five why why did you do that i think you were very drunk and people were like dude i already high-fived you this is the he keeps you won't leave me alone with the shit with the high fives he saw my veteran hat and he's just trying to high-five me all night yeah jesus yeah it was on a ship leave me the fuck alone there's a saw my veteran hat and he's just trying to high five me all night. Yeah, Jesus. Yeah, it was on a ship. Leave me the fuck alone. There's a bartender here
Starting point is 00:28:28 named Red that's a smoke show. Here? Yeah. I don't know. I know who Jess is and I know Red too. And there's one,
Starting point is 00:28:37 I forget the other one's name. Yeah, I don't remember the name anymore. It's been a year or more since I've been there. So Jess and Red may, neither of them
Starting point is 00:28:44 may work there now. Who knows? This is the type of place you go till you die kind of. I don't think Red's a real name. No, I highly doubt it. Got thrown out for asking for a high five. You can punch someone in the face and come back, but God forbid you sit at the bar with a hand up looking for a high five.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Quit leaving me hanging, bro! This is my fucking Super Bowl tunnel, man. Have a drink and shut the fuck up. Calm down, Corporal. Relax. Yeah, we're all trying to forget things. Holy shit. Kat, as she's called, is better than you,
Starting point is 00:29:19 and she'll tell you. Yep, that's the other one. Kat, Jess, and Rhett, those are the three. Ask, and maybe she'll prove me wrong. Zero stars. Then again, maybe she served our country or maybe she thinks she can treat people like garbage. Either way, she made her tips. Good luck. Definitely won't affect anything, but holy heck is this place trash.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Yeah. He should have sobered up before he wrote that. Yeah. I know who this is. but holy heck is this place trash yeah he should have sobered up before he wrote yeah that's i i know who this yeah get the fuck out of here high five i am on cat's side hey high five guy take a fucking walk quit bothering people for high fives no one's here to high five you guess what there's an uber out front that we paid for get in it fuck out bye uh chris uh one star local crack bar that's nice yeah that's i've seen that out for sure yeah by the dumpster it's yeah um open way but that's just the comedians i mean that's not yeah hey we gotta if we can't god damn it no if we can't crack on ourselves who can
Starting point is 00:30:22 we fuck with you know what i mean come on we're all scumbags how many scumbag comics do you know there's like four of them that are regulars there that oh that shit yeah no comment i won't go behind the curtain that's not i'm not i'm not gonna do that open way after two but gotta be a local low life to be accepted yes that's yes they they gotta trust you. It's a regular bar. The only ones they trust are lowlifes. There's drug deals going on. You got to know you're cool.
Starting point is 00:30:52 Shepherds at 32nd and Cactus used to do that, too. If they knew you when the bar closed, they'd lock the door and let everybody keep drinking. Well, that's what they're going to talk about, too. Other people will say that. Carolyn, one star. Change of ownership brought this formal this is when it happened years and years ago brought this formerly five star dive bar because that's what it says on the sign five this on the sign it says the five star dive bar that's their that's
Starting point is 00:31:17 their motto by the way i forgot to mention that motto long before years yelp reviews this shit. The five star dive bar. Formerly to a negative rating. The place caters to thugs and drunks who they over serve. You're getting it. If you ask the bar Now you're on board. Yeah, okay. And the Parthenon is a pile of
Starting point is 00:31:40 fucking ruins, yeah. And if you ask the bartender to take control of her patrons you get called a term which can't be typed on yelp oh what did she say because the drunk patron is also an employee hey shut the fuck up bitch he works yeah she works here she'll fucking have you thrown out stay away from this place if you want to have a good, safe experience. I mean, yeah. You wouldn't pull up and go, this place looks clean and safe.
Starting point is 00:32:12 Nobody's pulled into that parking lot and thought, oh, I'm in a great neighborhood. This is great. Yeah, this is going to be classy. I wonder if they have, you know, I'd like some, wouldn't you like some raw oysters, honey, and champagne? Yeah. That's not what you're coming here for. It's also crazy because it's a standalone building on Cave Creek, which is rare anyway. Next to an off-road center.
Starting point is 00:32:32 With like 4,000 fucking off-road vehicles, like 4,000 side-by-sides and dirt bikes sitting right next to it. Trash out front. So weird. Such a weird place. That area of Cave Creek. And then there's like a pottery shop above the island. That area of Cave Creek. And then there's like a pottery shop above the island. That area of Cave Creek is like part industrial. It's so weird.
Starting point is 00:32:51 And then on the east side of the road is like a makeshift jet ski shop or some shit. I don't even know what the fuck that is. There's just boat shit out front. A trailer park and a neighborhood. Isn't that weird? Weird apartment complex right there. Oh, yeah. I lived right there there so i know all about that chris with one star okay wasn't the cook that's been there for years some high school kid and his dad served me up a sandwich a reuben that was absolutely horrible
Starting point is 00:33:22 i paid for it out of courtesy or that's how food service works. No, you paid for it because you ordered it and ate it. Or they'd probably beat the shit out of you if you didn't in there too. But we'll never ever eat there again. If you're listening, Ray, Ray, day cook on
Starting point is 00:33:39 9-25-2022 should not be cooking anywhere or anything ever in the public sector. Sector. Sector. Send him into like a talc mine. That's the only place he can work. Ray, if you're listening.
Starting point is 00:33:53 If you're listening. Holy shit. Storm one star. A friend of mine went in to celebrate New Year's last night. Wow. That didn't make it out. Don't. don't. Wait till you hear this.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Tell me more. Okay. She had an epileptic seizure and was kicked out by security as a result of said seizure. They just threw a shaking woman. You twitchy bitch. Get the fuck off our floor.
Starting point is 00:34:24 You're taking up more room than you knocked over somebody's drink Get the fuck out Ray, she's not listening I don't care if you do swallow your tongue, fuck off Wow They didn't even ask her if she was okay Or if an ambulance needed to be called They just told her she was kicked out of the bar when she came to
Starting point is 00:34:43 You okay? You okay? Yeah, everything okay? Get the fuck out It's time to go Get the fuck out, yeah be called they just told her she was kicked out of the bar when she came to you okay you okay yeah everything okay get the fuck time to go get the fuck out yeah no we can't have your fucking your your liability is what we call you kind of around here it's new year's eve shaky wow this is illegal you're ruining everybody's good time you're kind of killing the vibe sweetheart let's go come on yep get the fuck out your whole party yep all you it's 11 43 people are about to start kissing get the fuck out you're i don't know who's i don't know which one of you guys is going to fall into a diabetic coma next fuck off get out this is illegal based upon the americans with disabilities act of 1990 if you have a disability of any kind i'd steer clear of this place unless you wanted to be treated unfairly.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Okay. One star. If you like fat girls and black guys, go there. What? I think that's just comedy night. That's just comedy night. It might be, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:40 If not, don't waste your money. Place used to be great. Bar with the other owners. Now the place just sucks. The blonde bartender has no idea how to multitask. This person used zero punctuation. Not one. You don't know how to write a sentence, so fuck off.
Starting point is 00:35:55 I don't believe anything you say. Stacy, all I can say is don't go here if you want to speak. What? If you want to speak, go talking. The bartender rudely told my friend she was being too loud. In a bar. Won't be going back. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Yeah, they just didn't like you. That's what it was. Didn't like you. Had nothing to do with that. I'm tired of your fucking pain in the ass drink order. And then the last two of these are awesome. One star from Bryn. Bartenders serve minors as long as they're here,
Starting point is 00:36:28 as long as they are in her boyfriend's group of motorcyclists. Oh. I was allowed access to amenities at 18. Motorcycle helmet and jacket assure you access to anything and everything. I don't think that's true. Well, next one. Andrea, one star. I've been going there since I was 16.
Starting point is 00:36:47 There's a reason I line them up a certain way. And it's for this purpose. Leather jacket with Yamaha on the back. I've been drinking Bud's since 16. Been fucking drinking Long Island iced teas that make my fucking eyes cross since then. It has been good until recently. I asked for hot wings, came with no sauce. When I asked for hot sauce, the waitress gave me pure grease to put on my wings. Oh, God, Jesus.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Well, they served you since you were 16. I think you owe them. You owe them patronage at this point, right? You've got all this overpay. So we've been to Greece. We've been to a dive bar in North Phoenix. Now, let's say we went to that dive bar in north phoenix and we we got lucky and picked somebody up jimmy oh yeah we would certainly need these skin elite non-latex condoms we'd
Starting point is 00:37:31 certainly want to be wearing these skin elite yo for sure we definitely would want i need some material between me and whoever we drag out of there anything thicker no thicker does does good year make anything for my dick like an all season because i'm really this is she is a get any nitto terra grapplers i don't know she had a seizure and then got kicked out and i picked her up off the ground i don't know what's going on some mud terrain so these condoms here's the description the next generation of condoms yeah ultra thin and soft for ultra sensitive feeling skin elite condoms take the experience of the closest thing to wearing nothing to the next level made of polyisoprene a scientifically formulated non-latex material which provides a softer more natural feel and has been proven to enhance stimulation combines the strength of premium latex with the sensitivity of an ultra thin
Starting point is 00:38:30 condom for that skin to skin sensation love that all right yeah i mean they say they really described it was great pretty great yeah uh perfect this is like the the best you're gonna hope for is a bar skank best case scenario here. First one's five stars. Feels like nothing at all is the title. About as comfortable as condoms get. The sizing is just right lengthwise, and the girth is the right fit without a risk of slipping or noticing that it feels like there's something around it. So it's like a comfortable shoe.
Starting point is 00:39:04 It's like wearing nothing at all. That's great. This guy, without the risk of slipping, meaning I have fucked my way out of so many of these. I wish I had a little bit more dick to put in these condoms most of the time. Yeah. This one's different.
Starting point is 00:39:20 Don't have a weird skin feel like a lot of condoms have to the touch before and after you. Skin feel? What does that mean? I've never a weird skin feel like a lot of condoms have to the touch before and after you skin to feel what does that mean i've never had a skin i guess maybe if you've used if you're allergic to latex and you've used like uh lamb skin and shit like that that might feel different i've never i'm fine with latex i've never fucked with that great to just get right into bed with okay i've tried smaller skin condoms smaller smaller skin smaller skin condoms and they're a little too tight and just barely too short so these really deliver once you find the right size that works for you yeah what i wouldn't give to have an issue trying to find something
Starting point is 00:40:00 that fits these people are really goldilocks with these condoms it's true there's a real length on these well i've never had a problem looking for that if you could take it in a little on the sides you know what i mean that'd be nice i'm pretty sure i've never rolled it all the way down this isn't this isn't a fucking you know you're not going to a tailor that's the problem it's like yeah there nobody going, ah, 33 on this guy. There's no little Italian guy named Giuseppe. And, you know, he's like, I'm going to make you a condom that fits like, it's going to fit like a glove. You and your lady going to have the best night.
Starting point is 00:40:37 A little measuring tape around his neck. How's this feel? He's like, you know, fluffing it up around the base. Does it feel good like that or like this? And he pinches it off a little. Never using another brand of condoms again. Five stars. These are a top tier product.
Starting point is 00:40:51 The quality is amazing. My girlfriend and I just had the hottest sex with these condoms. Okay. Maybe it was you, man. Yeah, maybe it was you guys, not the condoms. I typically didn't like using condoms in the past, but these are so enjoyable to use. I like how they don't smell either. The fit is great.
Starting point is 00:41:09 The sensation, too. Ten out of ten. Would recommend. Yeah. All right. One star. Do not buy these. My partner and I have been trying different condom brands for a while now and landed on these to try next.
Starting point is 00:41:25 Worst idea. Uh-oh. They have a weird cologne scent. Oh, that's terrible. Cologne scent. What the hell is that? What is this? Polo sport? I don't like this. Yeah, what kind? Is this a CK1? They stretch out during use, and in our experience, they break very easily. I'm not sure if we just got a bad box or something, but we've only had these a few weeks, and it's scary how many issues there's been. Just wanted to get this review out and hopefully save some people the misfortune. Jesus, misfortune. Having a baby. Sarah with one star does not like the smell.
Starting point is 00:41:59 No? She's going to smell it coming from her. Axe-like fragrance, human interior is awful. Human interior? I guess she didn't want Axe coming out of her pussy is what it is. Axe body spray style? Axe body spray, yeah. Oh my God, terrible.
Starting point is 00:42:14 Missed the part where it said it was scented. Went too fast the first time and it made my poor lady insides feel awful afterwards. The poor lady insides. Went too fast. Pumped away a little bit too vigorously. Yeah, that's... Didn't know why until we opened a second one and smelled something
Starting point is 00:42:31 gross like Axe Spray out of nowhere. Golly. Is there a douchebag in here? Why does it smell like black ice in here? Somebody just come in from the gym or something? What's happening? Needs better labeling for fragrance. I haven't had any other issues with other latex or non-latex condoms.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Okay. Horrible one star. I bought a 12 pack of these plastic wraps. I think maybe you brought the wrong thing. Plastic wraps. Plastic wraps. Jesus. Made love with my girlfriend three times in two nights.
Starting point is 00:43:06 And these horrible condoms broke all three times. Wow. Wow. Led to a truly awful experience and ruined losing my virginity. God damn it. Three times in two days. Three times in two days. And it sounds like you got the best of it because you were like, oh, it's all broken now. And you can actually feel something.
Starting point is 00:43:22 We dealt with a pregnancy scare on the second night. This guy is never going to fuck again. It's ruining sex forever. Traumatized, this poor kid. No, I tried fucking one weekend and then never again. It was a lot. I almost got her pregnant three times. Yeah, I'm a voluntary incel now.
Starting point is 00:43:38 I don't want anything to do with this shit. I just want to kill myself. Wow. Truly an awful way to waste your money on an awful brand of condoms i i'm never making love again with these condoms okay virgin boy stop talking about making love first of all well if your first time fucking you did not make love no you don't know what you did you tried not to come immediately for a while and then that was what you did you didn't make love off with her pussy that's what you did you didn't care if it was good you didn't you just wanted to don't be
Starting point is 00:44:08 embarrass yourself that badly yeah just don't please take my advice if you're looking for safe protected you know what do not use these condoms safe protected what say love making if that's what you're into you fucking idiot say sex say love making say something you weirdo uh one star unscented nope now with fragrance all caps three exclamation points these were great before but now have a fragrance i didn't see anywhere in the package that these are now scented and why fragrances are the scourge of the earth and should not be included in these things. Well, fragrances on things on your dick.
Starting point is 00:44:47 Yeah, maybe. Other things. A candle. That's where it should be. It's nice. And deodorant. You know, that's good. It's entirely self.
Starting point is 00:45:00 It is an entirely self-regulated industry and they don't disclose what's in it. Is that true? I have no idea. Did it keep your cum in? I think that's the right yeah did it catch it all it did it work as a as a fucking a garbage bag for your fucking jizz sack is that did that work and did it keep your penis from turning green yeah okay well there you go were you itchy later yeah jesus christres on it? Yeah. Jesus Christ. Got anything weeping on your balls now? Since when did people need fragrance on something very sensitive like their genitalia?
Starting point is 00:45:39 Yes, many, including myself, are highly sensitive to them, and we don't appreciate being exposed to them on new products like this. If nobody says anything, nothing will change. What will they stink up next? Maybe, I don't know, douches? There you go. You probably want it there. I don't know. says anything, nothing will change. What will they stink up next? Maybe douches? There you go. You probably want it there. I don't know. Okay. One star. Absolutely do not buy these unless you have a latex allergy.
Starting point is 00:45:55 My girl ran dry. Ran dry like a creek bed in the summer. You know what I'm saying? Don't blame the rubber, dude. Ran dry like the creek down at the old fishing hole in the summer. You know what I'm saying? Don't blame the rubber, dude. Ran dry like the crick down at the old fishing hole in the summertime. Oh, Jesus. He's blaming the rubber on him. Blaming the rubber on him.
Starting point is 00:46:14 Trout flopping around in the heat. Ran dry. Blame the rubber on her being dry. And it kept getting scrunched up on us. Oh, God. Wow. Quickly had to switch to their thin brand, which is much better. Okay.
Starting point is 00:46:29 One star. Ripped while I was doing it with my girl, and now she's pregnant, and I'm too young to have a child. That's it. Left that on I love the last bit. I'm too young for this. I'm too young for this shit oh yeah might think we want this uh next up one star misleading too small then you get this is i've never heard of condom science like this before nominal diameter is way too small what are you a
Starting point is 00:47:00 fucking mathematician nominal diameter just say girth man i feel so sorry i'm so sick and tired of having to browse through magnum xl and durex xxl and skin elite large oh fuck you just to always have them break away anyway because nominal width caps out at 56 to 58 millimeters manufacturer dependent what specs are you looking at? Where did you find the specs for condoms? Stick to one woman so you don't get diseases and then go ahead and see your urologist and get that thing snipped up so you don't get people pregnant. I think if your dick's that big, you probably want to spread it around.
Starting point is 00:47:42 You want to show it off, I think. I want everybody to see this thing. Stick to one. I love how you just got on a fucking soapbox. You want to show it off, I think. I want everybody to see this thing. Stick to one. I love how you just got on a fucking soapbox like you care what this guy does with his dick. I'm just a poor bastard. Hey, can't get a condom that fits. I don't know what to tell you, motherfucker. Buy Gladbags.
Starting point is 00:47:57 He's trying all sorts of different shit here. Yeah, let's try lawn products. Maybe that'll work. Upset customer gives one star. Terrible. Avoid. I purchased these today for my wife and I to try out. About 15 minutes after using them, my wife started not feeling well, then felt itchy pain.
Starting point is 00:48:17 Oh, not itchy pain. Not feeling well. I felt itchy pain. Yeah. Oh, God, that's the worst kind. These condoms cause some sort of allergic reaction, probably due to the fragrance on them. Avoid these at all costs. If you don't want some unknown fragrance messing up you or your partner.
Starting point is 00:48:36 Okay. That's a good point. Why would you want that? I don't know why you'd want a fragrant condom. I don't get that. Right. That tells me that that fragrance is covering up the fucking bad smell on it. It probably smells. I was going to say either that or how bad do your balls smell where you're like,
Starting point is 00:48:50 you know what? I should get a fragrant condom. I don't want her to smell my balls creeping up. One star. Absolutely terrible. I know condoms lose some sensation, but these made us lose all sensation. Oh, no. It was like I was wearing some rubber type product on my dick.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Weird. Like there was a wall between me and her pussy. I couldn't feel her pussy. It's strange. I don't know if it's because they're latex-free or it's the brand, but we had a big night planned, and because you can't feel anything in these things, it really ruined the night. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:21 Well, go down on her. I bet that'll help. Class action lawsuit. Oh, my God. One star. Yeah. Well, go down on her. I bet. That'll help. Class action lawsuit. Oh, my God. One star surprise slips off. Okay. Surprise. You have a small back.
Starting point is 00:49:33 Surprise. My dick is too small for these condoms. Yay. Two of the five times we used this product, it slipped off mid-coitus. Mid-coitus, he says. That's a funny way of saying it. When we were done and the product had disappeared, we had to dig around to extricate it.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Oh, God. Honey, get the salad tongs. I can't. It won't. My arm won't go that far. Get that Belladonna fist hand. Yeah, we're going to shove it up to the forearm, the one from last week, and we'll see.
Starting point is 00:50:03 Get that grabber you bought at As Seen on TV. Yeah, grab that. I'll reach in there and grab it right out. See if you can get that. That can't be giving much protection. Well, no, if it's inside of you. That's zero protection, actually. I don't know if it's an issue of fit or friction.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Fit, I'm going to say. Yeah. But we never had this problem with lifestyles. Not for XXS is this one extra extra extra extra small one star i do not like these at all there isn't any good options for two inches and i don't like the feeling horrible brand i want to get this guy together with old 58 millimeter over there and see what kind of just see what side by side it's the kind of difference we're talking about i want to see if you know what it looks like um mad
Starting point is 00:50:50 customer gives one star worst condom ever okay only had sex for about 10 minutes before the condom broke oh my partner and i both don't have extra money for a plan b he finished in me that's good to know we know we get it really based on your prior statement i assumed yeah and if the two of you together can't scrape up enough for a plan b i don't know maybe you need to figure it out a different activity than fucking probably maybe just 69 69. Yeah. Just figure it out. Yeah. Mutually figure yourselves out. We don't have money for plan B, period. Wow.
Starting point is 00:51:30 He finished inside me. He finished inside me. That's a separate sentence. He finished inside me. In case you wanted to understand the scenario. Something egg swim toward my sperm, swim toward my egg. And then I'm worried about ovulation impossible you get what i'm saying right possible fertilization of the egg wow
Starting point is 00:51:50 you know there's a zygote it's gonna split one star from wesley the condom broke on me and now i'm gonna be a dad at 18 because of your trash. Ah! No! Dude, it's because of you. Because of your trash. I love these last two with all of my heart. One star, bad. Uh-huh. I don't bought this product. Oh. Okay. You must be more
Starting point is 00:52:18 careful when you send an email to customer, now I have problems with my husband in my home. I'm really upset. I didn't even buy these why'd you email these to me her husband saw an email to her about condoms and was like you what are you who are you fucking with these fucking skin condoms now and now she's in trouble and there's an emoji of being very upset on there as well and then i love this one it broke dot dot dot one star see attached picture of what happens when you try a new type of condom.
Starting point is 00:52:47 It broke and I ended up pregnant with twins. Now I know the condom didn't lead me to having twins, but it did lead me to being pregnant. Take my word and stay with Trojan. Don't roll the dice on something new because the end result might be a baby. It's a picture of two fucking one-year-olds standing in the crib smiling she got two out of it got two out of it so holy shit damn it we've had a crazy night we're fighting at bridget's and we're getting kicked out for having seizures there's condoms we got two so yeah who knows what's going on we've gotten too drunk and maybe
Starting point is 00:53:23 we got maybe we got picked up and maybe we're get thrown in jail here, and we have to go to court. Uh-oh. Maybe we're in Milwaukee, Wisconsin when that happens. And we go to the Milwaukee County Clerk of Circuit Courts here. Okay. 2.8 stars. 2.8? 2.8.
Starting point is 00:53:42 It's a county courthouse. It's a high-rise municipal building located in downtown Milwaukee, completed in 1931, blah, blah, blah. 2.8. 2.8. It's a county courthouse. It's a high-rise municipal building located in downtown Milwaukee, completed in 1931, blah, blah, blah. Okay. It's at 901 North 9th Street, Milwaukee. So, five stars for this guy, Ernesto. In his picture, he's got a big smile and a bow
Starting point is 00:53:57 tie on. He looks thrilled. You won. A++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ as many as you can think service. I've been honored to practice law 33 plus years and have been in countless courthouses. Milwaukee has a clean and gorgeous courthouse. Friendly and attentive staff. New management is creme de la creme. Fine judiciary. Justice has a home here. And more importantly, justice never rests here.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Keep it up. Attorney Ernesto romero all right okay ernesto calm the fuck down with your lawyer commercial on the goddamn courthouse review valerie five stars beautiful historic building and the judge gave me a break on my speeding ticket five stars had a good day all around yeah uh jackie one star had a i had a civil case recently in front of tom mcadams in my experience he is a racist who objectively refused to follow the law in the case of jackie mason versus joan mason and should be removed from the bench as he is a danger to the integrity of law if i could rate lower than this i would i would yeah you lost your divorce case and you're pissed off yeah that's that's
Starting point is 00:55:11 that happens you know what but yeah i don't know maybe blame the judge but don't post about it publicly right keep that inside of you and uh you know go to we don't know i guess i guess they they gave us enough information to look it up on whatever website might have those. You can, even if it's public. Yeah, if you want. I'd love to look at that case. Let's find out what happened between you.
Starting point is 00:55:33 Jackie Mason. Jackie Mason. Yeah, he said, I lost my divorce case. It was terrible. It was the worst. I lost my divorce case. I'm here. I'm at the place.
Starting point is 00:55:42 And they said, oh, you're going to pay her. And I was like, I'm not paying her nothing. And they said, no, you're paying her. You're paying her. I said, oh, Jesus. I'm going to buy'm at the place. And they said, oh, you're going to pay her. And I was like, I'm not paying her nothing. And they said, no, you're paying her. It's not to Jesus. I'm going to buy a golf course. Oh, my God. No shit. So next up, Yana one star. Other than not
Starting point is 00:55:56 liking to go ever go down there, this building looks terrible. They need to remodel this and upgrade their food to prisoners. Oh, this is update your food and upgrade their food to prisoners. Update your food to prisoners. Upgrade it. They need something better than what you're giving them.
Starting point is 00:56:12 And get better security down there. I got in with pepper spray. I didn't even know. Okay? I didn't even know. I just came in with pepper spray. Pepper spray is plastic, so you can probably get that through. Probably. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:26 Maybe. I don't know. Anyone who repaint inside and out. God damn. Any who also repaint inside and out the building judges aren't that bad. But them police people have attitudes. They, they're, they're there, by the way. They have attitudes there.
Starting point is 00:56:44 Their humble level needs to go from a four to at least an eight out of ten. They act like animals and lie. So, not a fan of the Milwaukee Police Department, but the judges are fine. They're level four humble, yeah. Level four humble right now. We need to get them to an eight. An eight on the humble meter here. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Patrick One Star. I lost my wife of 16 years. Oh, damn it. Can't find her anywhere. Here. Okay. Patrick One Star. I lost my wife of 16 years. Oh, damn it. Can't find her anywhere. It's crazy. Don't know where the fuck she is. No, Jackie Mason knows where she is. Her daughters decided to take measures into their own hands.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Oh. Hauled my wife out of the house. Just her corpse? I don't think you can do that. You can't just take people's dead bodies out of the house, right? That's not a legal thing to do. Or the kids have had enough of your shit and they took mom away we're taking mom my wife was admitted into the hospital within 12 hours 24 hours later they decided to stop life-saving measures 24 hours later i didn't receive a phone call at all
Starting point is 00:57:41 to decide on the decision well i don't know if they have what's her what's her power attorney that's what's her paperwork like that's that's a big thing the call i received was that my wife passed away i didn't even know my wife went to a hospital maybe you didn't take your wife to a hospital and these people the kids came and took her and took her to a hospital and she fucking died there so apparently it wasn't good she was in super bad shape i think yeah i didn't even know my wife went to the hospital they would not inform me it's been one year now and it was a year ago a year ago so he just went to court i went before commissioner barbara barilis m rosa and she decided for the daughters i could not believe her decision and
Starting point is 00:58:22 how she talked to me she said you should have taken your wife to the fucking hospital probably. Why weren't you caring for your wife who was sick? Why do you say that? I don't know because she died a day later probably. She was dead within 24 hours of being out of your care. You're not doing good. Yeah. This is depressing. They told many lies
Starting point is 00:58:39 about my character to defend the cruel decision they made. They didn't kill her. They took her to the hospital. They didn't put her down. Yeah put her down yeah she said well it's time mom's had a long life and you know it's just it's time to use the knife it's time to put her down i've been looking for it's really the only the only humane thing to do i have been looking for help into this matter and this has 12 thumbs up too wow so apparently i don't know that happens more more i don't know um david one star um dishonorable judge hannah downgan is rude and doesn't give a fair outlook on the situation from both parties points of view and is racist
Starting point is 00:59:20 toward hispanic people okay and rushes the process because she quote has more cases to move on to it's dishonorable it's dishonorable i like that because they say the honorable she says you're dishonorable either that or this person's japanese i haven't figured it out yet one or the other yeah i disagree your honor yep you are not honorable you're dishonor in the future of milwaukee uh counts on if the future of milwaukee counts on judges like hannah for fair justice we are doomed doomed yeah doomed it's all gonna be an end it's all the society will come to an end yeah uh joshua matthew okay joshua dash matthew hi i'm joshua matthew i'm j I'm Joshua-Matthew. I'm Josh-Matt. You could just be Josh or Matt.
Starting point is 01:00:08 That's how quick you could get this over with, and you're like, Joshua-Matthew, nice to meet you. Two syllables, both of them. Wow. Four stars. Three. Or two, three and two. Four stars. Better than usual this time.
Starting point is 01:00:22 Yes! I'm a regular down here, honestly. Surprise, surprise, Josh Matt is a problem. My first seven DUIs, it didn't go this smooth at all. This is much better. Better than usual this time. I had an attorney that actually defended in trial, wants to actually fight this through, wants to win and seems willing to do what it takes to walk away with the win.
Starting point is 01:00:49 Walk away with the win. Like it's a fucking boxing match. Let's get the job around here. This is much different than the second attorney I had here. Thank you. Keep it on full blast all day long. Josh Matt is certainly a problem. An issue in Milwaukee
Starting point is 01:01:05 yeah for sure he is 86 from so many bars everywhere yeah Josh Matt's not allowed to go most places fucking Josh Matt they see Josh Matt rolling down the street
Starting point is 01:01:15 on his bicycle cause that's what he fucking rides they know yeah they know to pull over Josh Matt and see what he's up to he's got baseball cards
Starting point is 01:01:22 in the fucking oh he's got something going on here Kyle three stars went to get my Josh Matt and see what he's up to. He's got baseball cards in the pocket. He's got something going on here. Kyle, three stars. Went to get my marriage license here. They were slow. Directions to the office could be much better.
Starting point is 01:01:35 Whole place smelled like marijuana. It was probably Josh Matt. That's where the three stars come from. It was going to be one, and then it smelled like weed, and he was like, all right, it's not so bad. It's not so bad. My God. Heidi, one star. Sitting around waiting at the courthouse and I hear a father cussing out his less than three
Starting point is 01:01:53 year old son. Well, that's just entertainment. Yeah, you gotta watch that. Telling him that, quote, his dumb ass needs to stop fucking shitting on himself. This is not Milwaukee behavior. Your dumb ass needs to stop shitting on yourself. What's wrong with you?
Starting point is 01:02:13 What is this, Appleton? Get out of here. You shit on the floor, not on yourself. Haven't you read any of these other reviews? We need poop. Oh, my God. So when is there poop? There will be poop.
Starting point is 01:02:23 There will always be poop. It's on a three-year-old yeah then he dragged him into the bathroom and i could still hear him yelling at him like he was a grown man a lawyer walking through showed concern and brought it up to some of the authorities they told the man not to talk to his child that way and his response was to fuck off it's my kid. You clean the shit off his thighs then. How's that? I just clean shit out of the small of his back.
Starting point is 01:02:53 You can go fuck yourself. Don't care. Wow. The lawyer was upset and she said she was going to figure out what family case they were a part of and report it. At that point,
Starting point is 01:03:04 the authorities said that a witness report costs money, and this is just life. Ah, it costs money. What? Hey, listen. That's always going to be a bad father. There's nothing we can do about it. Let's just hope it works itself out.
Starting point is 01:03:18 Maybe he'll go to jail. Welcome to Wisconsin. Maybe the kid will fall in a pool. You never know. Who knows? We'll find out. It'll'll be okay that is fucking funny um it's it's just life it would only be a waste of time they said that they see this every day and on a regular basis every day every day stop shitting all over yourself and they said they are desensitized and nothing will change anyway. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:45 Way to go, Milwaukee courthouse judges. Great job allowing bad parents to continue to have the privilege of being parents. Bad parents are... I wonder why crime is so bad in Milwaukee County. There's a lot of bad parents. I mean... There's a lot of bad parents. You can't force somebody to be a good parent.
Starting point is 01:04:02 That's the problem. If you regulate... And it's... I don't know if it's illegal to tell your kid to stop fucking shitting on himself. It's not good parenting. Yeah. But at the same time, I think physical abuse is when the state can step in. You know what I mean? And we don't know how often this kid shits on himself.
Starting point is 01:04:20 It's true. This kid, it might be just constant shit, and he might have just had enough. He might have shit right before he left the house and they got there and he was like, you're shitting on yourself again? Oh my God. Why are you always doing this? I'm pretty sure. I put your nice clothes on for this and there's shit all over you. Now what do I do? I'm pretty sure
Starting point is 01:04:37 I've said that to my kid, but like in a very broken, fucking destroyed manner. Like, God, please just stop shitting on yourself stop shitting please I can't do this anymore yes we've all had that moment but generally in public we can't do it ourselves
Starting point is 01:04:54 I don't think I'm set in front of other people it was just me and him at a changing station yeah you're just where you just quietly sob you go down to one knee you take a knee and you just quietly sob. You go down to one knee. You take a knee and you just quietly. You take just a big.
Starting point is 01:05:11 You take a big deep breath. Let a manly tear out, you know, down your cheek. And the kid's just happy shit all over. Kicking shit around. Oh, God, Jesus. Make it stop. Why did I buy those skin condoms? And then he pisses all over you.
Starting point is 01:05:29 Yeah. So many times. Why did I go to Bridget's and not use a skin condom while I fucked that fucking surly bartender? Now I have a kid that shits all over itself. Now I got these problems. I have piss all over my chest.
Starting point is 01:05:42 It's too dumb to appreciate the Parthenon. This sucks. problem piss all over my chest it's too dumb to appreciate the parthenon this sucks this one is fucking not where you think it's going and it's funny okay one star it's the last one alan a great place to catch a virus this is by the way uh 2020 this was the courthouse the courthouse thank you to the lady who had her mask off and started coughing loudly for several seconds not even attempting to cover her mouth okay that doesn't even matter leave that aside yeah i wouldn't have even looked your way had you not have farted so loudly while coughing that's amazing oh that, that's beautiful.
Starting point is 01:06:26 Those people cough, farting. And then the guy came up and said, stop shitting all over yourself. You dumb ass. What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you shitting everywhere? Ah,
Starting point is 01:06:39 there will be poop. Everybody. Unbelievable. This has been your stupid opinions. And this has been our feces of the week here. Somehow it wasn't at Bridget's last laugh, which is shocking, honestly. I can't believe it. I really can't believe it. I'm surprised that that isn't where it came from.
Starting point is 01:06:53 But there you go, everybody. Thank you so much for listening to People's Crazy Insanity this week. Holy shit, that was fun. We have more fun insanity for you next week. We have some more nice places that people hate and some more shit places that people rightfully don't want to go to.
Starting point is 01:07:08 So, and there will be poop. That said, check out our other two shows, Crime in Sports and Small Town Murder. Also, for sure,
Starting point is 01:07:16 follow on social media. Do all of that shit and keep coming back and hanging out with us. Most of all, tell your friends. Tell your friends. Tell everybody you know
Starting point is 01:07:23 and we'll see you next week everybody bye you Follow Your Stupid Opinions on the Wondery app, Amazon Music, or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to every episode of Your Stupid Opinions ad-free by joining Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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