Your Stupid Opinions - Day Raccoons, Strange Beard, Moldy Soul Food, Wrong Kind Of Mud

Episode Date: September 2, 2024

We hear all kinds of reviews, including an apartment complex that may have radioactive raccoons that defy the laws of nature. A well regarded restaurant where you should probably inspect your... cornbread. A personal item that can be utilized in two very different ways, and in very different areas. An urban park where the mud isn't from a rainy night & much more!!Join comedians James Pietragallo and Jimmie Whisman as they explore the most opinionated part of the internet: The Reviews Section!Subscribe and we will see you every Monday with Your Stupid Opinions!!!Don't forget to rate & review!!See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wondery Plus subscribers can listen to your stupid opinions ad free right now. Join Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple podcasts. With Audible, there's more to imagine when you listen. Whether you listen to stories, motivation, expert advice, any genre you love, you can be inspired to imagine new worlds, new possibilities, new ways of thinking. And Audible makes it easy to be inspired and entertained as a part of your everyday routine, without needing to set aside extra time. As an Audible member, you choose one title a month to keep from their ever-growing catalog. Explore themes of friendship, loss, and hope with Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt. Find what piques your
Starting point is 00:00:39 imagination. Sign up for a free 30-day Audible trial and your first audiobook is free. Visit to sign up. Hello everybody and welcome back to Your Stupid Opinions! Yay! Oh yay indeed, that's right. We're excited today because we have more people's, people we've never met's grievances to discuss. So what is more interesting than strangers' grievances, I ask you? Nothing.
Starting point is 00:01:22 We put forth nothing, I would say is more interesting. Before we start, definitely have to say what we always say. These aren't our opinions. They're not. If we have an opinion on one of these things, we'll let you know if we've been there or something. But otherwise, these are other people's opinions, so don't yell at us for them please. How dare you? We didn't write it. I don't know. Yell it, you know, XT4497user at I've never been to a laundromat in Detroit. I don't know. No, thankfully no. Was it Cleveland? Was it Cleveland? I don't know. I was just saying. Some Midwestern Rust Belt city. Let's get to it here. Here we go. We need to lift our spirits everyone.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Yeah. And to do that, we're gonna go to the park. Let's just go to nature. Okay. Let's take in nature. I think it's gonna make us feel. Yeah, it's like height. Gonna make us, yeah, run around with the kids.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Make us feel better. Throw a stick for the dog, who cares? Yeah, toss a frisbee back and forth. Let's do it. Here we go. All right. We're going to Clifton Park. This is in Baltimore.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Oh. It is 2801 Hartford Road in Baltimore, Maryland. And it is a former estate turned city park. It has a- Who's estate was it? Who the fuck knows? Not mine. Okay. It has a golf course, a clay tennis court,
Starting point is 00:02:41 and an 1880s gate house. Somebody was fucking killing it. Somebody's doing awesome. You had dogs allowed here. So that's nice. So let's start out with the good. Here's Chris with five stars. Lot of reviews for Chris too on here.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Very cool urban park that hosts annual Caribbean festivals. That's fun. That sounds fun. Is home to a municipal nine hole golf course and even a public pool. That's fun. Is home to a municipal nine-hole golf course and even a public pool. That's nice. Parking is plentiful and the whole park conveys a sense of history. Sounds great.
Starting point is 00:03:12 That's nice, right? So far so good? Nine course, nine-hole course, that's not so bad. You get through that in a couple hours, I guess. I've never gone golfing, so I don't know. Really? No, I've never been golfing. Oh my God. When am I gonna go golfing? Do I don't know. Really? No, I've never been golfing. Oh my God. When am I going to go golfing?
Starting point is 00:03:26 Do I have to make you go with me sometimes? I love golfing. I've gone to the driving range and shit. I've just never been like- You've never played around a golf? No, I'm not- Holy shit. No.
Starting point is 00:03:36 I'm an Italian guy. My dad's an Italian biker. I can't believe it. How much golf do you think I've played in my life? Italians play golf? No, not really. Maybe they do. I don't know, but not in my family. Italians play golf? No, not really. Maybe they do, I don't know. But not in my family.
Starting point is 00:03:48 None of my family ever played golf. That's like a... They were too busy being mad at rich people who play golf, I think, to take me. That's the fun for people like me and you. We fuck around and those people get mad at us. I'll trash up a golf course. I'm not against it. I just never have. Fuck these people. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we fuck around and those people get mad at us. I'll trash up a golf course. I'm not against it I'm just never have this never did it
Starting point is 00:04:08 Can I smoke weed out there fuck yeah, all right well sold as long as I can smoke weed. I'm fine. Let's go Yeah, I can't wait. We're gonna do I can't be in a large outdoor area and just be not smoking weed. That's ridiculous That's why I do that. This is great. It's offending nobody. No, leave me alone. I'll puke on this course I don't give a shit Let's do it. All right. Here we go. John with four stars. I'm in okay fine Mother's garden the water fountain worked no bathroom very quaint That might be a hike that might be a high school. I'm not sure But that might be a hike that might be a hike to what I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Interesting. But here's nice pictures. Look at that. Oh, shit. It looks pretty. It looks pretty. There's that old gatehouse. Somebody's rich as shit. Yeah. Somebody did awesome with these bridges, like old stone bridges. Somebody really made their quite a property for themselves here. Toya gives four stars. I don't know if this is code for something or maybe I've just
Starting point is 00:05:05 got fallen that far out of like street slang that I have no idea what the fuck she's talking about but this is the whole entire review quote the sprinkles on the baby side was down. I don't know what that means the sprinkles on the baby side. It was down. Is that like, I don't know what that is. The sprinkles on the baby side was down. Anybody? Did you check Urban Dictionary? No, I feel like this is like a message to aliens or something.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Like now's the time to come. The sprinkles on the baby side was down and that means to come and like, you know, land and ask for our leaders and shit. Yeah. I mean, that's good. I guess they're down. So everybody calm down everyone because the sprinkles on the baby side are down. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Or they at least was down at the time. I don't know about now. They could be up by now. I don't know. Next up is a one star. Finally. Here we go. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:06:03 This is a lot of pool complaints in this park here. Pool was so disgusting, there was dirt everywhere and dead bugs and people just swim in there like it's nothing. Say again? Pool was so disgusting, there's no punctuation here whatsoever by the way. Pool was so disgusting, there was dirt everywhere and dead bugs and people just swim in there like it's nothing. I Mean you're swimming a river. That's what do not go in this pool. Please. They don't take care of their pool
Starting point is 00:06:32 Yeah, it's the same thing as I guess a natural body of water I think that's why you go in a pool for that to have the cleanliness that you don't get in a natural body of water Look chlorine, but it's dead bugs, sounds like chlorine's doing its job. It's working, it's working. But they could scoop them, I think is the point they're trying to make. Or a skimmer. Let me ask you this though. Yeah, there was dirt everywhere and dead bugs, but were the sprinkles on the baby side down?
Starting point is 00:06:55 That's the important thing we need to know about. Yeah, that's a great point. That's the point. Turi gives one star. I went to the pool thrice. Three? Thrice? Not once. You said thrice. Not twice, pool thrice three thrice not once not twice but thrice thrice I went to the pool thrice
Starting point is 00:07:12 as her opening fucking gambit here okay unfortunately the pool was not clean at all the water lukewarm okay that's but that depends on the weather that depends on the weather I can't help depends on the weather. I can't help that Not sanitized properly like it's supposed to be dead bugs dirty diapers. Okay now or that's a different thing Probably and children's clothes and toys What is it just somebody in the water? Somebody just dumped the bug their trash can out there?
Starting point is 00:07:41 Do I bring this to Goodwill or just throw it in the pool? Which one should I do with this bag of shit? But that's two times somebody said something about dead bugs. That's not good. I think there's a lot of dead bugs. Fallen leaves, children's clothes and toys, fallen leaves, dirt, food, all laying inside the pool water. Not good. No. There's food, like a half a hot dog floating by. I don't want that. All bag of sun chips. I have a hot dog floating by. I don't want that. Also, no public lockers for guests.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Unless everything changes, I cannot go back there. You've been there thrice. Why'd you go thrice then? What needs to change? Everything. Everything. All of it. Or I won't be back for a fourth time.
Starting point is 00:08:24 What made you go the third time? You go the first time, maybe I caught him on a bad day. So you go back and go, oh, it's still disgusting. Take two with the baby diaper. Fool me once, shame on, no, you know what, I'm going back again, one more time. If nothing changes, then this pool will be facing even more problems.
Starting point is 00:08:40 I don't know, I think is that a threat that they're making? You don't change and I'll come down there and change some shit myself, God damn it fire. Yeah Sorry, but that's how I believe Okay Wasn't offensive or anything. That's Sorry raised. Yeah, I just don't think minorities are equal to white people. Sorry. That's how I believe that's what it sounded like she said She was like, no, she just said that the pool was dirty
Starting point is 00:09:07 and she's not coming back if it doesn't change, which is perfectly reasonable. No reason to apologize. Please don't isolate that. Anyway. Take this review. I feel like it just hit sound drops from time to time. I just feel minorities are worse than. Like that, like it was like, it just hit sound drops from time to time. I know, right? I was just saying, I just feel minority is the worst.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Like that, like it was like old radio days, somebody would be like, put that on a cart, they'd be saying, for sure, for later. But that's, it's even easier to do now, scarily, and not so much easier. It's so much easier. It's just a literal digital soundboard. You just click buttons.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Imagine if somebody put together a soundboard of all of us quoting other people. Oh my God, it'd be the most horrible, especially like crime and sports. Oh my god. Are you just saying, I love children? Take this review and learn from it. Okay. I'm educated. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Josh gives one star. I advise you to not in all caps go and then again in all caps Anywhere near this area if you have any inclination to stay safe oh? Wow a couple of sad raggedy punks asked me to give them money Yeah, raggedy a couple of sad raggedy punks asked them to give them money Which I don't think that's exclusive to a park. It's people are always asking for money. I said no when they started chasing me and threw rocks and sticks at me. Okay, well, give them the money.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Give them the money. As they say, they sound like a like a troll at a fucking under a bridge or something. You got it. Sounds like they mean it. Yeah. This is like the Black Knight from Monty Python. You better give him what he wants. I think he's not going to take no for an answer. I ran for about a half a mile and called the police.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Oh my god. They kept chasing. They didn't just say get the fuck out of here and throw a rock. They were like get him. It's a long run. Yeah, kept running. Thankfully they were raggedy and couldn't catch him. So that's good. I'm sad. Luckily I'm a distance runner so the losers couldn't keep up Those guys like thank fuck I did cross-country in high school cuz Wow those kids probably don't represent all in the area But I've seen enough to have zero sympathy for them whatsoever, so what if they're completely fucking poor and she's So what if they're completely fucking poor and... Jesus. Right. Street rats, yeah. So what if their mom's a junkie and they never knew their dad and they're fucking...
Starting point is 00:11:29 Don't ask me for money. Let's see. Stay safe and be smart. Don't go there. K, thanks, it says at the end. K? K? Thanks.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Lloyd gives one star. Wow. Okay. Let's... I'm going to read this verbatim. Wow. Okay. Let's I'm gonna read this verbatim. Okay. Okay. Well this don't been there for many years now and They haven't did anything with it, which means you were going to tear down or remove it It's a landmark because they're going to rebuild it or renew it or it's up to the city But other than that I give it a one other than what? What are you talking about no one knows what you're saying it's a landmark they's gonna I don't know well well well well this don't been there for
Starting point is 00:12:15 many years now this don't been there for many years it's been there forever it's been there since the 1800s in there a very long time and they haven't did anything with it which means you weren't gonna tear it which means you were gonna tear it down or remove it cuz it's a let oh wow I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about what that this man has 219 reviews on the on Google And I'm gonna read every single We're gonna have we're gonna start a section of the show called the Lloyd file Where we're gonna go into and just figure out what Lloyd wants about because this is insane I need to know everything that Lloyd says about everything
Starting point is 00:12:48 Next up will William one star poor communication Okay, what does it's a park? What communication do you need who you talking don't talk to the trees Have you ever talked to anyone in charge of a park you just go to a park and do things and leave Manager Joe was arrogant and submissive Arrogant and so how can you be both of those things? Submissive submissive. I don't think he's using that word properly at all Arrogant and submissive because I didn't want my credit card number written down on a piece of paper sitting on a counter in view of Everybody because the computer wasn't working.
Starting point is 00:13:26 What are you paying for? I don't know. What the fuck? Maybe golf? Does golf cost money? Are you paying 75 cents on a car for the pool? It's what I mean. I don't know what you're paying for.
Starting point is 00:13:40 Isn't the entrance to a pool like $1.25? If it's a public park, it shouldn't be anything because you're paying for it with taxes. Well, when I was a point when I was a kid, the public the public park was like, I think it was 50 cents. What? Yeah. What the fuck is Arizona doing? A public park is a public. You've paid for it in taxes already. You don't have to pay anymore. Or you can go to the park all you want.
Starting point is 00:14:01 But the public pool to use the pool was like 50 cents. What the they've completely fucking missed the point of what a public pool is more That's insane it doesn't matter but it's wow, okay Then this guy goes on to say Marshall out on course was holding up play stopping and talking with all his friends They have a golf Marshallhal. Yeah. Apparently. Interesting. Holding up play? What was he bitching about? He's, I don't know. He's bitching about his computer, his credit card number. So apparently it was for golf. Golf cost money. Yeah. That makes three dollars to get into a pool by the way. Three dollars? Three dollars per person. Dude, if you're're like that's for like kids to have something to do in the summer
Starting point is 00:14:48 $3 a day is $15 a week at $60 a month if you're gonna send your kid to the pool every day That's fucking insane per kid. That's nuts. You can get fucking hulu for them and tell them to stay the fucking side I got you the cool with the cable Hulu that you don't have to watch ads. No, no. I'll get you the one with all the TV shit on there. It'll be 50. Save myself 10 bucks and you won't fucking have to swim in dirty diapers. And you get to stay inside with no dead bugs.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Perfect. Bill gives one star, $3. One star, nowhere you want to take your family if you value your life. That's the whole review. Oh my God. You could lose your life. Apparently the the whole review. Apparently the sticks and rocks kids are getting aggressive. Um, Greg gives one star. It's not what it was in the early years of our mothers and fathers. He's got nostalgia of our mothers and mothers and fathers is apostrophe s on both of them also so ah yeah
Starting point is 00:15:47 Gregory sounds like a real good guy to talk to Here's one Charlene one star. I don't go to Clifton Park. That's all good Thanks for letting us know. Thank you Charlene telling at least we know now Here's Alfonso, one star. Too much mud. Now I think I might know why that is. Did it rain? It might have rained, or it might be
Starting point is 00:16:12 because of Mikkel's review here. One star. The sprinklers are on. Woman urinating on the side of building. I think maybe that's what caused it, possibly. It's a lot of mud. It's a lot of mud. And the next one, too much mud.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Don't slide No, that is not slipping slidable. That is urine mud. Oh My god, okay Denise one star. I went there with my family yesterday to see the Baltimore Carnival What a dump no parking a lot of roads, but no parking We had to park in a residential neighborhood walk half hour to get to the park to see the parade. It's a parade so there's probably, yeah that's what happens. You had to park farther away if you don't come early.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Streets blocked off. You cannot even drive through the park. No trash cans or public restroom. Trash everywhere. Afraid to park cars in the neighborhoods. You're gonna fucking get fucked over well at least you didn't see a woman pissing on the side of the building on a bill Pissing on an 1880s gatehouse. That's very nice She's adding to the whole History of the place. I see that I'm giving five. That's five stars
Starting point is 00:17:20 I saw a woman's ass today for free. Five stars. Tell you what. She had a foot up. She was pissing like a male dog. Next up, let's get out of the park here. And we've exercised a lot. Let's go home, man. Let's go. We need to get some relaxation.
Starting point is 00:17:39 We need a place to live. I think I found us one. It is the Inlet Bay at Gateway, which is an apartment complex in St. Petersburg, Florida. Oh, here we go. And it has 2.8 stars on Google. It's not good. In St. Pete, goddamn.
Starting point is 00:17:58 It looks fine from the outside. I mean, the pictures of it look... I mean, it's dated. They're, yeah. Certainly dated. But they're not gonna show you, I'm sure, the worst of the worst in their ads. It's showing us the best ones. It has like the like old tiles on the floor. The cabinets. Those are 2002 cabinets. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. And then they have the non matching appliances which means they replace them as they break not all at once. That's good.
Starting point is 00:18:26 That's good. And we get the cheapest one. Yup. 12,000 North, or 12,000 4th Street North, St. Petersburg, Florida here. And let's find out. The cheapest place they have is $1,437 a month. Yeah. Two bedroom, two bath, 10, 15 square feet. So 1,015 square feet. For $1,400 a month.54 that one is oh my god one bedroom one bath 865 square feet $1,461 to 1833 there's a fucking to live in st. Pete 865 square feet I don't want to fucking hear anything about Florida and oh well you're gonna live that no you that's ridiculous
Starting point is 00:19:04 That's ridiculous in st. Pete it's not even nice that's almost fucking Manhattan prices yeah that's crazy shit that's insane fucking nuts man yeah two bedroom two bath 1010 80 two square feet 1727 to 2167 a month that's the rain get the fuck out of here for this shit okay five, five stars from Sarah, she loves it. Renee the maintenance guy has been phenomenal with the amount of work he's helped us out with within our apartment. Why have you needed help? That means so much shit broke.
Starting point is 00:19:38 You're saying for a year. Why do you need, I mean you've got a week. That just means so much shit was broken in a year. That's sad. That's sad Yeah, that's great from helping out with the AC in the bathroom sink to fixing the light fixtures fixtures and ensuring we get our place Bug free which means that it wasn't to me. I mean right that means there was bugs your lights didn't work in your AC didn't work Fuck, it's not a place to live. No the list goes on and on. Why are you here? Don't give it five start though. Everything, just because one guy will help you fix it doesn't mean that everything should be broken.
Starting point is 00:20:09 That's ridiculous. Very helpful man and super fast with the return time on the requests. Speedy exclamation point. So she's excited about it. Let's go to one star from Julia. Not so excited about it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Can attest to all the issue in prior pics? There's a lot of pictures of how fucked up these apartments are oh my god endless days without running water Water not air conditioning Endless endless days without any running water. That's crazy weeks with 19 major holes and in and around the apartment 19 why 19 holes they counted all over the wall why are there that many holes? did you move in like that? my cat was stuck in the ceiling perfect
Starting point is 00:20:56 oh my god they give no regards to our health and welfare I don't mind most of the office staff but there's nothing they do to help us everything has to be sent through corporate." It really is shameful the way we have been treated to whether or not we pay more than we should, which we absolutely do. I would really consider other options before moving here. We're trying to figure out a way out as soon as possible right now
Starting point is 00:21:33 because we are so distraught over the continuous cycle of poor living conditions, especially at such an expensive price, would give zero stars if possible. If I could. And then edit. After reading some of the other reviews, I wanted a second that parking is awful. Your friends and family are always expected to pay while visiting. You have to pay for parking in an apartment complex? What? For visitor parking? What is happening? What the fuck is going on?
Starting point is 00:21:54 I'm a nurse in the ER and work till 1 a.m. So I had to buy a parking spot in order to find a place when I was home from work. My AC has also been broken on and off for two months in Florida. Oh my God, two months. I am AC 24-7-365 in Tampa, by the way. It's never not air conditioning under there.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Are you kidding? Yeah, I'm never turning that off. It is sticky and disgusting, holy shit. Maintenance is Spanish speaking, and although I try to communicate with Google Translate, I still have no idea what's going on with it He's like, I don't know what got resolved in that conversation. I'm not sure I said what I think I said I think I hope so
Starting point is 00:22:32 mosquitoes raccoons and ants are bad. Oh So that's flying crawling and furry all at once Wow your food's gone your itchy and and your food's gone. Your food's gone, you're itchy, and your food's gone. And your food's gone. They can carry the biggest foods out. Yeah, the raccoons will go and you'll come out, they'll be in your fridge just holding it open with one paw looking in there for shit.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Taking your beer. Leftover chicken looks pretty good, I don't know. Poor pest control, although it's an additional expense we pay for. I'm gonna show you some of the holes in her apartment, by the way. Those are not holes. No, those are massive.
Starting point is 00:23:09 That's a body can go through. A hole is like punch hole. Yeah, no, this is if you can have a sheet of drywall. That's just missing drywall. These are half sheets of drywall missing. Yeah. That's just giant chunks. That's four by three. That's a huge, huge hole. Wow. That is disgusting. You can't have that huge, huge hole. Wow, that is disgusting.
Starting point is 00:23:26 You can't have that. You shouldn't be able to see studs. No, you shouldn't be able to hide in your ceiling if you need to without any real difficulty. I could rewire their house with the amount of holes there. Oh yeah, maybe that's what they're doing. Maybe they're up for a whole new rewiring and they're just making entry. Jamie gives one star. Don't move here in all caps.
Starting point is 00:23:46 No, don't. Don't, unless you wanna smell trash when you open your windows because the dumpster is constantly overflowing. There is glass all over the ground and the dumpster is in the dumpster and in the driveway. Trash everywhere, and why are you opening your windows in Tampa anyway?
Starting point is 00:24:06 Keep them closed and keep the AC on it's nice and it's not bad there are raccoons in broad daylight at the pool eating the trash they're just on yeah it has changed its life cycle because there's food at the pool. I just picture it with sunglasses on sitting there, picking a hot dog out of the pool, going up on a lounge and eating it. Eating a bag of Doritos. Hey, how you doing? Hot one out here today, right?
Starting point is 00:24:34 I know. Get out of my sun. Yeah, you're in my sun. I'm trying to get a fucking bronze here. Let's go. Trying to get a nice Copacabana tone to me, you know what I'm talking about. Oh my God, we have made three to four requests
Starting point is 00:24:50 for the mold coming out of our vents. Yuck. They get completed on the resident app, but absolutely never fixed. Our air conditioner turns on and off by itself, wasting money, but also having our apartment reach 80 degrees in the middle of the night. Oh Jesus.
Starting point is 00:25:07 No one has come to fix it after multiple requests. How come that one girl gets shit done quick? Somebody's in the app though just like clicking finish. Yeah done, did it. Got it. Now the girl- And not showing up, that's funny. The girl who said they were like at her apartment constantly she was like a young cute blonde girl Do you think maybe that has something to do with it possibly?
Starting point is 00:25:29 They're fixing everything it's amazing. It was like an old Spanish lady going. I'm living with holes in my ceiling, please This is fucked up So where am I here? Okay Our ice machine has been broken since we moved in again with multiple requests at the start of our lease a year ago The grounds around the apartment are filthy and never taken care of the first day of my lease a year ago There was a massive leak in the apartment above mine causing my entire closet to be filled with water and sealing materials
Starting point is 00:25:58 Gross that's awful. I would I would consider that an emergency fix the problem was not resolved until almost a week later Wow, I highly regret renewing my lease here. It is foul. Why why would you do that? Yes, you renewed your lease you had the opportunity to leave and didn't and there is a picture of the raccoon at the pool And it's fucking hilarious He's he's right there. No. No, he's like crawling through the gate to go get shit. And here's a mildew around her air vents, the mold. It's like black mold around her air vents. Why is she so mad at herself?
Starting point is 00:26:31 Why did she renew? This is all I deserve. This is all I deserve. She gives herself 2 a.m. bangs also. Okay, here we go. One star from Vomr. This place is awful and you should go spend your rent money anywhere else. Not somewhere else, anywhere else. The parking situation is awful. There used to be plenty of guest parking but the complex changed them all into
Starting point is 00:26:59 paid timed spots. They put fucking meters on it meters with a meter meter on there. Wow. Oh my God, the state of the units are terrible broken and damaged walls doors appliances plumbing. That seems like it the complex grounds are terribly kept. There is constant trash dog poop and glass shards everywhere. The seams common shit to dog shit in the well you mix that with the glass at least it's sparkly dog shit
Starting point is 00:27:25 Then you roll it in it Mmm a dumpster is terribly positioned where you have to walk in the middle of the road to access it Then you have to go into a walled off a walled off area where access is Where the access way isn't overflowing with trash where it stinks and there's constantly raccoons to throw anything away You have to fight the raccoons in this place. The amount of raccoons here is crazy. It's almost like if you're going somewhere in the complex, you got to bring like a couple of pieces of bread to like distract the raccoons.
Starting point is 00:27:54 I'll bring it in case there's any raccoons, I can appease them and throw it over there. Yeah, appease them is the perfect way to put it. The people in the office do not care about the resident complaints and will go to any length to avoid helping the residents. Apparently unless you're a blonde girl. The complex is currently doing construction in the units that you cannot opt out of and they are not offering any compensation for kicking you out of your unit for over a week. How do you justify that? What the fuck are you talking about? You need to be out. We're going to redry your joint. We're not helping.
Starting point is 00:28:29 We're not going to move you to another unit or a hotel room. Nothing. Just needs you to be out. Wow. The AC units are terrible and costly. And then the next might be my favorite review of anything ever. Okay. Gavin gives it one star.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Here we go. First line is abandon all hope ye who enter here. See, you know that we're in for a good one. You know we're in for a good one. Ye who enter here. I never thought I'd have to write this review, but this place sucks. It's the Guantanamo Bay of apartment complexes. They stack us all naked, you guys. They stack us naked, they torture us, and we're kept up for days at a time. Yeah, they beat us.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Actually, it's more akin to the fourth circle of Dante's Inferno, but you get the idea. So hell, it may even be a newer circle just called Inlet Bay. My AC doesn't work half the time and isn't as I write this so I get to sit in my own sweat and think about my life choices while waiting for maintenance to come out and fix quote fix the issue only for it to not work again two weeks later. Hilarious. Wow oh and you don't
Starting point is 00:29:40 actually get a time frame of when they're coming they'll just show up whenever. Oh that's nice. Just pop in? Just pop in. Hey, I'm here. Here he is. Hey, sorry your balls are out. Hey, sorry, but they look sweaty though, so this will help.
Starting point is 00:29:53 It would be great if I could have a time frame so I could be home to ensure that the issue actually gets fixed instead of gambling on what time I think they'll show up. The lock on my door doesn't actually lock all the way. Huh? Pardon? Then it's not a residence at that point. That's the point of a residence. You can go in and lock the door.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Especially in an apartment complex in Tampa. Wow. And gets jammed constantly. So occasionally I get to break into my own apartment that I pay $1,800 a month for. Wow. That's a fun one. Occasionally I get to break into my own apartment that I pay eighteen hundred dollars a month for Wow That's a fun one. I love having people come over. I love having people over only to be locked out of my apartment Oh wait, I can't have people over because of the parking situation
Starting point is 00:30:36 Right. It just gets worse every time I hear about it with you now having to pay for visitors to stay for a few hours which is a really stupid system like how much more greedy can you get and people having their cars towed for seemingly no reason. Jesus Christ. Beyond that, there's the glaring issue of trash mountain. That's with capital letters like it's a proper place. Trash mountain, which is a phenomenon that occurs every few weeks where there is, you guessed it, a mountain of trash outside the compactor.
Starting point is 00:31:08 Why? Couldn't tell you. And evidently, neither can anyone else. It smells horrid with the rancid stench of rotting food and decaying wood sitting out in the Florida heat permeating the area around it causing anyone near it, anyone getting near it without a strong enough stomach to gag or vomit. Yeah, and that's why you have raccoons.
Starting point is 00:31:29 And that's the next sentence. The raccoons here, see, the raccoons here dine like kings as a result and just keep multiplying. Yeah, it's a great, they found a great habitat and they're gonna. This is better than the zoo. zoo yeah lovely critters those guys little trash pandas that get bold and walk up to the apartments to eat the garbage outside waiting to be picked up they just walk up to your joey they live there I feel like they have an apartment there and they're just not telling you yeah they
Starting point is 00:31:59 go to the pool they're like I have a right to be at this pool like everybody else I pay $1,200 a month for this Let's see. Oh and whoever wanted to repaint the buildings terrible color should have just stuck with what it was Now for all the shortcomings of this place. It does have a decent gym and pool facility It's close to a lot of useful stuff like other complexes you should consider instead of useful stuff like other complexes you should consider instead. And the ladies in the front office are usually pretty nice in my experience, although I've heard mixed things. And while the maintenance guys are slow, it's only because there's like two of them.
Starting point is 00:32:37 Hire more, pay them well and you'd avoid a lot of issues, now wouldn't you? They quit a lot I imagine, which is fantastic for the residents. Oh wait, it isn't. Look, if you say you say yeah this isn't too bad, I applaud you. It takes a strong will to deny what's right in front of you. And if you take it a step further and decide to live here, welcome to the shitstorm. Simply welcome to the shitstorm. And the shitstorm is a proper word too. It's a place and a thing that's happening. Welcome to the shit storm. Welcome to the shit storm.
Starting point is 00:33:11 That's fucking amazing. He's got like tire tread shoulder pads. Yeah he does. And an open roofed pickup truck. That's what he's driving. And an earring from his nose to his ear. For sure. Welcome to the shit store.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Welcome to the shit store, mister. How do you like your raccoon? I like mine medium rare. I decided to fight back. He's wearing a raccoon hat. It's still got the head on it and everything. Ah, Gavin's so fun. Looking at you.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Tina one star. I'm going to skip around this one a little bit here. If I could give this place negative stars, I would. I would. Shit, man. To start, my AC unit does not work properly, obviously, and management claims it's in perfect working order, yet it doesn't stay at a set temp and increases to over 80 throughout the day." She then goes on to complain about the maintenance and all of that shit, the poor construction
Starting point is 00:34:15 of it. She says, moving in the paint was bubbled so it naturally quickly peeled away on the patio, yet they won't address it to repair. That's a water leak. That's what that is. He said they mock you after complaints. Oh, my paint's troubling. Yeah, this, oh, I need my paint to look perfect. Yeah, there was water in Florida.
Starting point is 00:34:37 Here, this next line, though, this is new. Oh, and don't forget the bats. What? There's bats. No, I will, I will not forget the bats. I certainly won't forget the bats. What? No, I will not forget the bats. I certainly won't forget those bats. Maybe they're just hanging out with the raccoons. They get lonely.
Starting point is 00:34:51 God, wait. The bats that I have observed live in my roof and the buildings by me, which probably means we are breathing in bat guano, so bat shit. Yeah, there's bat shit. Yeah, oh yeah. I have complained about the mold, and the head maintenance said it was due to poor housekeeping. Your house is moldy because you don't clean properly.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Why don't you clean your place you pig. Oh wow. So mold and vents is due to my supposed poor housekeeping. Again, if you have other options, don't sign a lease here. If you have $1,800 a month to spend, this isn't the place to fucking spend it. This is crazy. Oh my god. She said she's also attempted to have corporate and corporate doesn't help at all. This next one I just want to show you the pictures mainly. James one star. The apartment had mold and mildew so bad I had to move. What? Yeah I bought a humidifier that I think he means a dehumidifier, but that did not work after they finally sent someone they build me
Starting point is 00:35:47 $400 oh After the $400 bill the mold was still there the last picture was taken after the $400 bill so Yeah, yeah, we saw the mold. We're charging you $400 look at this. Oh my god. It's not a little spot of mold That's a hairy wall. It's the whole it's not a little spot of mold. That's a hairy wall It's the whole it's half a fucking wall and it's around the feet up It's around all hairy a power outlet too, which means there's probably water leaking near the electricity The wall wall looks warped and fucked up. Oh, yeah Square in the middle is wow. It's all fucked. That's a outlet his shoes
Starting point is 00:36:21 How does his hair four feet above the ground? It's yeah, it goes all the way up his shoes have mold and mildew all over Jesus covered in mildew like this is fucking just gross Disgusting you can't have that you're sleeping in that here's a close-up of the wall, too Dude that is that's not okay. That's horrifying man Damage on the floor around in the wood. The wood looks like... There's a water leak somewhere. Obviously, has to be a fucking water leak. It's goddamn disgusting.
Starting point is 00:36:53 So okay, that... We've gone home. I need out. I need out now. That's the thing. I need a shower. I need a bit of a shower. You know what I do need?
Starting point is 00:37:02 I need to feel like a different person. Like that's what it is. I feel gross inside and I need to spread my wings as somebody different. I need to spread my wings with the personal item of the week. Oh, let's do this. I need to spread my wings and have the hairy pussy that I deserve. Damn it. And I'm going to do that with this. Oh, it's a market. It's a market fake. Fake, this is on Amazon, fake private hair, handmade, private hair. Handmade.
Starting point is 00:37:30 Handmade, imagine someone hand making this. I picture like a little old lady with like a jewelry, a jeweler's loupon fucking pulling the hairs. Just stitching it, yeah. Fake hair, handmade bikini, hair temperature fiber, body hair, adding hair volume. You're looking at light brown by the way. There's also a gray, a black, looks like a red, and like a blonde. So there's all sorts of different ones here.
Starting point is 00:37:57 It's light brown. It says material is high quality, synthetic, heat resisting fiber. Looks very natural and it is 3.1 inches by 3.4 inches to give you an idea. Full hand tied fake hair at the private part. Fake mustaches, that's a mustache, that's not a mustache, it's a pussy, it's not a mustache. It's nine square inches, who needs that much mustache? That's so much mustache. Ideal for women and men without hair,
Starting point is 00:38:27 adding volume for the private part, or to make the doll more realistic. Oh God, people are putting this on their fuck doll, that's what this is for. Oh no. It looks weird too, it's got a half moon at the top, like it's rounded. At the bottom. And then it's squared off at the side. It's flat on the top. Oh, it's got a half moon at the top, like it's rounded. At the bottom.
Starting point is 00:38:46 And then it's squared off at the sides. It's flat on the top. Oh, that's flat up top. Yeah, it's flat up top rounded on the bottom here. It also says, how to use, first, trim the sides as needed. Second, apply some two-sided sticky tape or false eyelash glue to the product. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Third, stick it to the part you want to apply. Pretty easy. Minimal shedding it says, so that's nice. Return policy, due to this product belongs health and personal care products, it can't be returned. That's your merkin, everybody. That's your pussy wig. That's your pussy wig. Okay, this is $20.89 and it has 3.7 stars on Amazon. So not terrific, but some people love it.
Starting point is 00:39:33 Let's see who they are. Okay, Steven gives it 5 stars. Steven's pussy's a little lacking. Why are you so bald, Steven? Nice replacement for the real thing. Oh boy. Yeah, he's got a doll. That's what I mean.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Because I don't think your pubic hair, it doesn't recede. No, no. I've never had this shit. It's only gotten much thicker. It's just gas, so I don't understand who out there doesn't have, I don't get it. I don't think there's, yeah. Do you get a widowows peak down there alopecia, so I don't know. I don't know Okay, nice replacement for the real thing product came discreet and sealed. Thank God. That's nice
Starting point is 00:40:15 It didn't come in a big package. It says pussy hair Good directions for care and use met my expectations and completely Fooled my spouse when it was used. Oh you have a big dick bush now. Thank fuck. Okay I didn't realize that. How long has it been since you fucked your spouse that you were convinced that that's for real?
Starting point is 00:40:38 You went from shave to a dick bush months? Wow. He really used it. Also pretty durable and can last for a while if it's taken care of just give him confidence Now I have her cubes. She want it He's wearing it all the Yeah, here you go. Take your fucking crotch noogie Harlan gives five stars. These are some fine fake pubes
Starting point is 00:41:11 Is now on the list of things I've said out loud and never thought I'd say out loud. I don't think anyone's ever said that out loud. These are some fine fake pubes we got here, right? I got this to use for a photo project and it worked and it will work perfectly. It's a good size, the quality of the hair is great, and the tying is done really well. Tying. After a bit of arranging, the hairline at the top of the piece is blended out. The hair isn't quite as dense as it appears in the photos, but there are times when a little goes a long way. Yes, like with pubes.
Starting point is 00:41:44 One word of advice if you're not familiar with applying such things, there are no instructions about the double-sided tape and there is a huge difference in the strength of adhesive between the two sides. Yeah. Yeah, that's why one has a sticker on it. Careful.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Yeah, that's why, fuck. The white backing side of the tape goes against your skin and the red printed side attaches to the hair piece. Great. Next up, five stars, great Christmas gift. From and to who? What the fuck are we talking about? Imagine if I sent you that for Christmas, Jimmy. I feel like you need more pubes. Here you go. Why? This show's over. I know. I would deserve every bit of scorn for that. Why'd I do that? Great Great Christmas gift can't wait until Christmas when my bestie opens the gift she will be thrilled. No she won't. I got you your pussy back look at that don't you feel better now? Okay this is is that on their skin? Holy shit
Starting point is 00:42:40 okay five stars very feminine and customizable. Okay. Okay, when I first saw that I could get fake pubes, I said I had to have them. Really? Why? Who says that? I've just been looking for more pubes.
Starting point is 00:42:55 I mean, cancer patients, I guess? I don't know. Maybe. That's the last hair I would worry about, though. Head, eyebrows. Yeah, I want my eyebrows back before I want that. Yeah, I don't give a fuck about my pubes. That doesn't. I got some about though. Head, eyebrows. Yeah, I want my eyebrows back before I want that. Yeah, I don't give a fuck about my pubes. That doesn't- I got some fucking eyelashes.
Starting point is 00:43:09 I'm hoping whoever's seeing my genitalia is understanding of my condition, you know what I mean? I hope they would be someone I trust. Okay, I had to get them. However, when they came, I saw the effort and detail the company put into their product. There's a nice amount of hair Nice amount at the bottom of the piece It is a little long in my opinion, but you can trim it to your liking It is washable and mine came with 18 adhesive strips great for someone who has alopecia
Starting point is 00:43:38 There you go, and she has put it on I think this is on her actual vagina and she has put it on, I think this is on her actual vagina. She put it on. She's showing, she covered it with her finger like her actual goody goodies. Her actual baby, yeah. It looks like a feather. Like she trimmed it out. Yeah, she did a nice job.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Gotta customize that bitch, that's what it is, man. She took it to like a fuckin' salon and she was like, can you make this fabulous fabulous she should die a little white circle and it'll make it look like a Okay next up five stars great for a good laugh, okay, that's fine. Okay, so hear me out I Know this will be good for those needing to feel a little oomph down there. Huh? What? Especially if you're naturally barren.
Starting point is 00:44:29 No, no. What? Okay, what? But are there people who just have no pubes at all? That's amazing. Good for you. I was going to say, that makes like a turtle shell like Dennis Reynolds is what we're talking about here.
Starting point is 00:44:42 Wow. But this down there hair piece is excellent for those looking to put together a naughty looking costume. Yeah, you can shut my pussies out. The mesh that the hair is sewn in is a fine soft mesh and comes with a ton of double sided tape as adhesive. The hair itself looks and feels well made and sewn. Everything is sealed up well so you know it arrives clean
Starting point is 00:45:05 and hygienic, a crotch wig, who would have thought? Who? Who, not me. David's selling them for 200 years I think actually. Yeah. Next up, Brian, five stars, so soft and versatile. Versatile? You'll see how it's- Where's the hair come from?
Starting point is 00:45:23 You'll see where it's versatile. It's fake hair, it's just synthetic hair. Synthetic, really? Yeah, it's versatile. It's fake hair. It's just synthetic hair. Synthetic? Really? Yeah, it's not animal hair either. They said it's just synthetic. Really?
Starting point is 00:45:31 Just plastic? It's very, very soft. Feels nice on my face. What? You'll see. Feels good between my fingers too. I don't want to stop touching it. Neither do other people.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Oh my word. No unpleasant odor. I know it's intended for the pubic area, but it looks great as a goatee. I'm going to order the red one for when I feel extra brazen. So soft, so soft. And then Jimmy, there is a picture of this man with a pussy wig on his chin. With a fake pussy on his chin. What does he do for work? You know what I mean? And people are like, hey, you got that? And they start feeling it.
Starting point is 00:46:13 And they're like, oh, that's pretty good fake pussy hair you got on your face, dude. Oh my god. He shows up and he's smiling until he looks so happy. It's like a toothless smile, though Oh, yeah, he's got his lips together He doesn't want anybody know there's gums between behind there. He's like, there we go Holy shit Madison who was a little blonde chick very bushy five stars. Yeah, I've seen that man's face It is Bush. It's Bush. I felt it might be dude's daughters. Um It is Bush's Bush. I felt it might be dudes daughters. Um, uh,
Starting point is 00:46:48 the image Amazon displays is very inaccurate. This is, that is exactly how it looks. Oh, it's very accurate. Sorry. That is exactly how it looks and what I received. The hair is super soft and thick like my package arrived with adhesive tape too can be used on dolls or humans. Very interesting. Pleased with this. Pleased with this. How much is it? What? $20.
Starting point is 00:47:10 $20. $20, change your life. Roxanne, five stars. It amazingly looks real! Exclamation points there. I got pubic laser hair removal 15 years ago and now regret it. What, Why?
Starting point is 00:47:25 What are you talking about? Who is like, I just want to have pubes there to make me hot. I need, I need the mound. Like more crotch sweat please, that would be helpful. I need the scent and all of it. This is the greatest invention. I love it. I could show a picture but I don't think Amazon would want me to.
Starting point is 00:47:44 I don't think they would care. I've seen pussies on it. They don't think they give a shit. We just saw people's assholes on the other thing. Yeah. On the bleach. Just straight up, here's my asshole. Tony with an I, five stars, great product.
Starting point is 00:47:58 Great product, looks good, feels good and pleasant. Smells good, highly recommended, fast delivery. Wow. All right. Highly recommended. Fast delivery. All right, here we go. Jane, four stars. Wow. This Merkin is really full. That's good. I'm talking 70s porn, full bush.
Starting point is 00:48:22 This is their light brown version. Has a slight orange tone to it it so I don't think the carpet is going to match the drapes. But for someone who suffers from alopecia, recovering from chemo, or just has sparse pubic hair, this is a fantastic alternative. I don't think she's any of those people. She's just recommending it to them. She's just like, I think I can put my pussy out here.
Starting point is 00:48:43 It does state on the package Insert that the synthetic fiber is not suitable to dye or bleach when fluffed you can hardly see the lace backing Fluff fluffed up fluffed up my pubes plenty of it's plenty of adhesive strips included and they stick well Three stars odd item well made but color isn't as expected I admit that I ordered this product more out of curiosity than need I had laser hair removal done over 20 years ago When I saw this item I figured I could see how I looked all these years ago I could see what my glories of pussy passed here man Every time about our economy is fucked if people are just like you know I'd like to see what my pussy looks like with hair.
Starting point is 00:49:27 We're doing fine. Everybody's fine. I think everybody's fine right now. You're all doing fine, at least the pussy people are. The hair is fluffy and lightweight. The color was not as advertised. I ordered the light brown. What I got was reddish blonde,
Starting point is 00:49:38 which is what we showed you, yeah. The item comes with a very nice supply of double-sided tape. You can also use spirit gum to attach. It's easy to cut and customizable. My only disappointment was the color. Still a fun blast from the past. Head on over to a fucking spirit Halloween store and get your pussy hair at ease. Yeah, get your pussy hair at ease of ear.
Starting point is 00:50:02 This is a spirit gum. Two stars. Not happy with the size No, this hairpiece is nicely made but not as described as far as the size This is something that one can use for a fake beard not as a toupee Absolutely, not is there anywhere in the description Anywhere in the description does this say this is a head fucking these are head pubes Who's whose pussy goes ear to ear? What are you talking?
Starting point is 00:50:31 It's a fake pubic hair. It's not for your head you fucking idiot. No Okay, a couple more here crap product and deceiving one star This is what you really get when you order this pubic the order this pubic trimmings for $20 I could have shaved my nuts and have had more to work with well then you don't need this motherfucker what are you talking about oh my god definitely not as full as the product picture shows deceive people for some pubic hairs an all-new low three exclamation all-time low deceiving people about pubic hair that's where I draw the line all-time low I don't even know what the fuck to say here and then finally a
Starting point is 00:51:18 net one star fake hair okay a little. Where do you put this thing on your head or muffin top? Shaking my head. It's pussy hair. It goes on your pussy. Above your clits. Right there. Yeah. Where hair would normally be. Have you ever seen a vagina with hair on it? That's where it goes. Why have you not seen your own? Jesus Christ, man. Okay. I'm done with that now. I can't have, I can't do it between the mold and the pubic hair and
Starting point is 00:51:50 The pool bugs and coons the dead bugs and the raccoons. I'm making sure to say raccoons too because you're talking about Especially where that is it know where that neighborhood is. Oh, yeah, you know, it's not do that. No, no good Okay bad bad move Don't isolate that either. Let's Matter of fact just don't listen to the show ever again just leave Okay, I'm hungry what about you I'm starving after all that let's head to New Jersey No, let's get some soul food in us. Yeah, I fucking love Jersey. I's get some soul food in us. I love me some soul food so let's do it.
Starting point is 00:52:29 We are going to Delta's here, a soul food restaurant. 4.2 stars on Google out of 2448 reviews. So it's popular. Brick walled southern eatery offering-home dishes plus live music on weekends. 19 Dennis Street in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Fantastic. Okay, let's start out. Sandra Five Stars.
Starting point is 00:52:52 We had not been to Delta's in over 10 years and we decided to stop by on our way home from Northern New Jersey. We excited to see that the flavor of the food has not been lost. The chicken and pork chops were absolutely delicious. The creamy cheesy mac and cheese was so good. The servers were attentive and were ready to assist with anything. They seemed to anticipate our needs.
Starting point is 00:53:15 We will definitely be back and not be waiting another 10 years." And it does look fucking good, I gotta say. Look at this shit. Look at this mac and cheese. Yeah, they got greens, but this mac and cheese has like a, it's like crisp on the top. Crisp on top, and then when you crack through it,
Starting point is 00:53:31 it's gonna be creamy, that shit's gonna be good. What is that? What's next to it? Ribs? I don't know what, yeah, I think it's ribs, a portion of ribs. There's the chicken here, and that looks pretty fucking good too, so.
Starting point is 00:53:40 Not bad. Please don't look too shabby here. It'll fuck you up. It'll fuck you. You'll need a doctor's appointment after. For sure. Yeah, you're going to need some, definitely get your arteries and valves checked after that shit.
Starting point is 00:53:51 You know what, if you feel as the blood has just been flying through your arteries lately. Super easy. I mean just flowing like a madman. You feel your fingertips like crazy? You got to slow it down a little. Next up, 5 stars from Squinnizzle. Came here on a Sunday at noon with my partner. No reservation but was seated immediately.
Starting point is 00:54:17 The vibes were great both downstairs and upstairs. Downstairs had more of a lounge atmosphere while upstairs was more quiet but you could still enjoy the music The food was very tasty and came within a reasonable amount of time. We got the salmon cakes ribs app Salmon cake slash ribs app fish slash grits and the fried chicken with Mac and cheese Okay, I have to say the Mac was my favorite, but everything was good. All right Oh even the grits, huh? That's one thing I don't like is grits.
Starting point is 00:54:48 I think that's something you have to grow up with. It's just... It's gotta be. Otherwise, why am I eating nothing? Yeah, I'm looking at it and I don't like it. No, exactly. Deborah gives one star. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:00 This was my first time dining in. The service was fine but the food was not a great experience at all. I ordered three sides. Yams, mac and cheese, and cabbage. That's what that was. Cabbage, not greens. The mac and cheese came in a bowl, but the yams and cabbage didn't. Therefore the yam and cabbage juice were running into each other.
Starting point is 00:55:20 I hate my sides touching each other. Oh, you're one of those people. Okay, that's fine. I don't like them really on top of them each other either I'll mix shit together myself But yeah, I like them to be separated so I can get a view of everything and then I can make a plan basically Yeah, but if you're serving something that has like a runny texture to it Yeah, don't ever serve that next to anything else. No always have a divider and in a restaurant I don't expect to get my plate the way I want to make it. I expect to get it how it comes and I'm
Starting point is 00:55:48 fine with it because I'm in a restaurant so it's fine. I hate my side-stucking touching each other. I asked the server if they could take the plate back and he put each side in a bowl. Okay. That's a bit much. You're going a little far now. And she responded quote there's nothing I can do about that. No My friend ordered the fried whiting that's fish for people who don't know with cabbage and sweet potato fries The fries were in a bowl, but the cabbage wasn't so the cabbage juice ran into the fried whiting making it soggy at the bottom That's not good Plating is horrible shake in my head. We ordered banana pudding for dessert and for nine bucks each, they gave us a small ice cream scoop portion
Starting point is 00:56:28 and a cut up fresh banana slices on top of it. We didn't like it. The bill was 186. This is not cheap. This is not cheap, man. Yeah, this place is pricey. However, the drinks were good, so we don't know how much alcohol they drank either.
Starting point is 00:56:45 So maybe next time we'll stick to the bar. Yeah, they drank like crazy. They had to. They had to. That meal isn't but $28 a piece. That's what I'm saying. You put that in and then there's a lot of booze in there and then you're going to start complaining about, I don't like my size touching those juices.
Starting point is 00:57:01 I don't like when cabbage juice is on my fish. It's all over it and it's gross. So, Paco One Star. The restaurant is taking the parking spot over the whole street. Okay. When no one is even parking, which prevents the resident to have a parking spot. Definitely not something a good restaurant service should do. Service the less common SUR spelling of it by the way. And it's a picture of the road. That's all it is with no cars parked there. I don't know what the fuck this person is talking about. And he's mad that he's not allowed to park there evidently. Yeah, but maybe that's what it is. I'm not sure. So, holy shit. All right, let's see here. Let's go on. We'll move on to Iain, one star. Totally disappointing, double exclamation point.
Starting point is 00:57:48 Triple, sorry. First of all, I ordered the jumbo shrimp entree, but was given shrimp cocktail instead. Those are not the same thing. Those are entirely different, yeah. I'm happy with either or, if you bring them to me. Yeah, I love them both. Which was $17 for five uncooked shrimp.
Starting point is 00:58:05 Okay. $17. If they're big shrimp, it's fine. That's about what it costs. Yeah, like the size of a prawn. They're also not uncooked. They're fucking, that's not how shrimp are cooked. Those are steamed and chilled.
Starting point is 00:58:14 Yeah, those are steamed and chilled. They're not uncooked at all. They act like they took them out of a. They're boiled, whatever, but they're cooked. They're boiled and cooked, yeah. They didn't even have the decency to put utensils in the bag. Apparently this is a to-go situation. Guess they expected me even have the decency to put utensils in the bag. Apparently this is a
Starting point is 00:58:30 To-go situation guess they expected me to eat the mac and cheese with my hands SMH No, they expected you to have a fucking fork in your expect you to have access to a fork probably That is frustrating when you're in a hotel That's the worst that is the worst because I so many times I've gotten shit in a hotel brought it up there open it up and went Fuck and then I have to go to I have to go downstairs Well, my food's getting cold go up to the lobby wait for the person go Do you have like a any so like a plastic any silverware I can have and they go? I don't know. Well, I'll call this the kitchen's closed
Starting point is 00:58:59 But I'll look around and then you stand in the lobby for 15 minutes And then they give it to you and you get back up and throw your food away and put the fucking silverware on your dresser and walk away. With your paper bag with that fucking paper hoop. Yeah, it's fucking pathetic. It's wrapped up so nicely and I can't eat any of this. You can have none of this. It's all useless. That one time in Cleveland when I had to, I got an Applebee's down the street and I
Starting point is 00:59:27 got that steak. Remember? I was just depressed and I went and got a steak because my grandmother was sick and all that shit. I'd have picked that shit up with my hand and just stood in the shower. I did. I picked it up with my hands and just ripped it apart with my teeth because they didn't give me any utensils.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Nothing. Stand in the shower and let that meat juice just drain. I also took the cardboard cover of my notebook, ripped it off and made a spoon out of it to fucking eat the mashed potatoes because I didn't want to use my fingers for them. I just poured that shit in my face. It was in a clam shell so I couldn't get it out of there. I called the front desk and said, come watch this. You did this to me. You did this.
Starting point is 01:00:09 Well Applebee's did it. Cleveland. You don't have anything to help so you have to watch. No. Nothing. You people suck. So, I didn't even go ask. They might have had something to help.
Starting point is 01:00:20 I was just so upset and it was like one in the morning. Like I was the last person to get served at Applebee's and everything. You just stand there and look at your shoes Yeah, appointment. God damn it. We're in that terrible hotel in that terrible industrial road in Cleveland with all shut down businesses It was horrible. Everything shuttered. That's the craziest town on this planet. It's so terrible there. Okay, Jermaine one star well Disappointed doesn't even cover this experience. Really? No, my brother's 53rd birthday. We drove about two hours to find out half our party reservation was canceled.
Starting point is 01:00:53 No notice. Half? Half. 90 you can sit. But not all yet. The rest of you can go to B-dubs. We don't give a shit. The hostess was rude and clearly unbothered
Starting point is 01:01:07 We were told when we arrived that we had an hour and a half at our table and that they were busy and The food didn't come until almost two hours of us sitting there and the table wasn't cleared of glasses The appetizers didn't come all together and when the manager came to see us she did apologize However, we received a bill for almost $350. When she offered us 20% off it was put back on as a gratuity. Yeah, you got a free tip is what you got. SMH, every single fucking review has SMH in it for this product. It's so weird.
Starting point is 01:01:43 The brightness in this experience was our waiter Omar He was delightful and apologetic and was so so very kind and so of course we tipped him But this was a big fat zero for me and my family This is fucking great Salima one star Went yesterday to the biggie brunch. I I guess. It's the illest. It is the illest as we know. And I must say I was very disappointed with the sassy staff. Sassy.
Starting point is 01:02:14 This next line. The guy hostess. You mean host? Motherfucker, the guy hostess? What the fuck does that mean? The guy hostess. The guy waitress we had, it was weird. The zesty host. The guy hostess, the zesty, who wouldn't give me his name, was screaming at me.
Starting point is 01:02:35 I had to tell him to calm down. Then Stephanie, the other hostess, was rude also. Shit. The staff knew it was going to be crowded. If they ain't wanna work, they should've stayed home. If you ain't wanna work, you stay home, motherfucker. I'm telling you that right now. I love an East Coast black lady, that's fantastic.
Starting point is 01:02:56 I do too, because I can see her saying, if they ain't wanna work, they should stay home. Always head-shaking the whole time, saying, if they ain't wanna work, they can stay home. I love that lady, I'll have a fucking five-hour long conversation with her. I didn't want to work. They can stay home. I love that lady I'll have a fucking five hour long conversation with her. We'll complain about everything together Swear to God Okay, I'll stay home. I came at 330. I was told one hour to eat finally at 630 who waits three
Starting point is 01:03:18 I'm not waiting three. What are you talking about? I was told to wait 20 minutes the time went by then I was told my table was given away they waited three and a half hours to get sad yeah if I wait three and a half hours someone's hearing that shit I'm waiting for anything I'll burn this motherfucker down there's nothing I would wait three and a house for no you could have my dead grandmother's homemade macaroni and I'm not fucking waiting three half hours for it I'm not I'm not and I've craved that for years not doing it James the wait for've craved that for years. Not doing it.
Starting point is 01:03:45 James the wait for a ride that's a brand new ride that has like hype to it is never three and a half hours. Three and a half, no Jesus. And like oh my god. No and that's a brand new one. They keep it to two hours or some shit. Yeah like a big deal like they fucking did like a whole whole fucking campaign of advertisement for it. Yeah come down.
Starting point is 01:04:04 I'm not waiting three and a half hours for a goddamn thing. Two full minutes underwater. I'm not waiting for that. Three and a half hours. You should have eaten another meal by now. You could have eaten somewhere else and come back. Wow. Fucking Jesus. The service was very unprofessional. The staff was ghetto and rude. And I will never come back and I won't recommend the place. I don't blame you. All right. Najee, one star.
Starting point is 01:04:28 This place is horrible. I ordered through Uber Eats twice. Missing cornbread that I ordered twice and they never gave it to me. Do you guys even have cornbread? This mythical cornbread that you speak of? I've heard tell. I've never seen that. Why are you charging something that I didn't receive? Oh Jesus okay. Gloria one star walked in from
Starting point is 01:04:53 valet parking. That's nice they have valet parking. That's good. Was arguing with someone and went in bar to get assistance. Was told I was able to park where my car and get a ticket, asked to speak to a manager and manager was ghetto. And by the way, and is it just an end they put instead of and. So I got a manager was ghetto and spoke to me as if I was trying to cause cause pry. He has problems. I pry, P-R-Y, and sent me to a business next door
Starting point is 01:05:29 that had nothing to do with their business. What's a go-to store? Go tell them about it. I don't know, it's just ax throwing over here. We don't, this is a, man, this is a shoe store. We have no idea what you're talking about. We don't serve ribs, I don't know. Oh my God, walked back, oh Jesus Christ, walked back and waiting, the manager and host was outside
Starting point is 01:05:53 and host was trying to justice their error. Justify, I think is what they're going for. I will never revisit this place and it was my B day with a cake emoji. Our birthday and they ruined it. Was it a cupcake store next door? Maybe they were being polite. I wanted to support our black owned businesses
Starting point is 01:06:12 coming by Pennsylvania. I love my people but not here. We need to do better. I cook soul food all day every day, was just trying to support my bad. Like I don't need, yeah. Food three stars, service four stars, atmosphere one star for the, you know, not being able to get in and all.
Starting point is 01:06:31 Okay, let's do I think one more here, two more maybe. Brittany, one star. I was so disappointed after ordering takeout today. I ordered the oxtails with mac and cheese and candied yams. Man, the oxtail, that's good shit. Oxtails with mac and cheese and candied yams. Yikes. Man, the oxtail, that's good shit. Oxtails and mac and cheese is good. Yeah, that's good shit. Yeah, that's good. Really? Oh, fuck yeah, that's good. Yeah, people,
Starting point is 01:06:55 you have to grow up with like immigrants that know how to use- Yeah, I'm not sitting down for a tail. It's delicious though. Immigrants know how to make weird shit. My grandmother made chicken feet. I mean, it's gross and that's what, they ate every goddamn part of the animal because, you know, Mussolini was coming. So, and yams, candied yams, and a baby back rib dinner with mac and cheese and asparagus, that sounds fucking good.
Starting point is 01:07:18 The oxtails weren't fall off the bone and lacked flavor. The mac and cheese- You got a chew on a tail? It's another little, it's a little bone. It's like a little piece of bone with meat around it. Like one of those. It's not a. It's a tail though, right?
Starting point is 01:07:31 Yeah, oxtail. Yeah. Yeah. So she's telling me that she had to chew on a tail. Yeah, it was not soft enough. Not good. No, well I guess it's, I don't see why the tail makes it any worse than any other part of them, I guess.
Starting point is 01:07:46 But like, you gotta, the tail does certainly make it worse. Well the outside, you're not eating the fur that's left up against the asshole. The asshole is right below it, that's why it's worse. But you eat meat that is taken right from next to the asshole. I get it, but this thing rested upon the asshole. Yeah, you gotta expand your food. You don't eat fish, you don't want oxtails.
Starting point is 01:08:09 You grew up in a very specific area, a very, yeah. So we need to expand. Yeah, but we didn't chew on something that rested upon an asshole. I'm telling you, you haven't had good food, man. You gotta- Sure, it's good. It's fucking, oxtail's delicious, man. If it falls off the bone, I'm sure it's delicious but tender you're sitting there gnawing on it I wouldn't I wouldn't like
Starting point is 01:08:34 The mac and cheese was bland the yams were overcooked the asparagus and cornbread was okay The ribs tasted old like they were yesterday's menu and were overcooked. That's not good The ribs were $35 and the oxtails were 33. That's too high for oxtails. That's too high for oxtails. You can't charge that kind of money unless it's like a fucking classy ass restaurant. Well I feel like they're, I think it is pretty nice,
Starting point is 01:08:59 but I feel like they're thinking like entrees in the 30s whereas like the cost of ribs and oxtails are not It's not that near each other baby back ribs are fucking way more expensive than oxtail So I'm still the reason why people ate it is because it was cheap because nobody fucking wanted it You know what I mean? So weird. I completely wasted my money and will not be returning after this awful experience I felt embarrassed after I took my friend here and this is the food we received. Wow. Deltas, please do better.
Starting point is 01:09:31 Much better, yeah. Much, much better. Okay, we'll do one more and then we will continue Deltas to next week because there's some fun shit here. One star from Aninye, one star. I am a frequent diner at this establishment and I've tried to get through to a manager to inform them of the issue for my recent takeout delivery order. I ordered a dinner meal from Delta's
Starting point is 01:09:52 and to my unpleasant surprise, my cornbread, which I took a bite out of prior to me noticing. I'm gonna show it to you. What's in it? What's in it? Oh, what is that? Had black mold on it. Oh my god. That is so you ate mold. Oh, that means that that cornbread sitting around for so long. So long. Cornbread
Starting point is 01:10:14 will get rock hard before mold will form. Yeah. I mean, that's like, then it'll get like moist again with mold. You're in like, you're in like, you got to keep it. It went into rigor, came out of rigor. Now it's going back into rigor again that's where you are you got to keep it so wet to have that oh oh so great yeah when I called the restaurant the gentleman I spoke with didn't seem too concerned I threw the remainder of the cornbread out I was hesitant to finish my meal after that I bet they store the cornbread in a moist container, probably with water to keep it from drying out so they don't have to make it every day, and then mold forms on it and
Starting point is 01:10:49 that's what you get. Gross. So there you go, that is Deltas and we are going to definitely revisit, there's more Deltas next week we will start out with Deltas, we'll start out with some soul food and then we will continue from there with more shit. So let's do that. Thank you. That is so much fucking fun.
Starting point is 01:11:08 Jesus Christ. So, you know, avoid all public pools. I think is the watch out for raccoons and bats and because bats will get in your fake pubic hair and you don't want that. You don't want it. That's in your belfry. That's in your belfry and That's in your belfry. And watch out for aggressive guy hostesses. So that said, follow us on social media, listen to our other two shows, Crime in Sports and
Starting point is 01:11:31 Small Town Murder as well. And keep coming back and seeing us every single week because we'll be back, god damn it, next week starting off with Deltas. Thank you so much everybody. Have a good one. See you next week. Bye. everybody have a good one see you next week follow your stupid opinions on the wonderondery app, Amazon Music, or wherever you get your
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