Your Stupid Opinions - Grumpy Guns, Sensitive Squeezing, Lowest Rated Doctor, Vomit Buffet

Episode Date: January 1, 2024

This week, we find hear reviews about a personal item that squeezes a place that you shouldn't squeeze. A shop that mixes grumpy employees, catering, and gun sales. A buffet that causes vomit... to be picked up in unconventional ways. A doctor who rubs people the wrong way & much more!!Join comedians James Pietragallo and Jimmie Whisman as they explore the most opinionated part of the internet: The Reviews Section!Subscribe and we will see you every Monday with Your Stupid Opinions!!!Don't forget to rate & review!!Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie WhismanSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wondery Plus subscribers can listen to your stupid opinions ad-free right now. Join Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. Hello everybody, welcome back to Your Stupid Opinions. Hey! Oh, my name is James Petrigallo. I'm here with my co-host. I'm Jimmy Wissman. Thank you for joining us on another crazy episode of Your Stupid Opinions.
Starting point is 00:00:35 We're going to travel around a little bit and hear people's obvious opinions on all sorts of different things. And I would like to say at the top of the show, again, these are not our reviews. No. We didn't write these. We're literally reading off the internet. So sometimes we've had a couple people disagree
Starting point is 00:00:50 with the reviews and get mad at us for it. And I'm like, I didn't write this. Don't you dare. So there's that. If you like these shows, definitely follow on social media.
Starting point is 00:01:00 There's pages on all the social media. There's groups, listener groups, where they post their own reviews and do all that kind of thing. And also listen to our other two shows, Crime in Sports and Small Town Murder, which are true crime comedy and exactly what they sound like. So there you go.
Starting point is 00:01:14 That said, Jimmy, I'm getting hungry. You hungry? Let's get into it. We were just talking about neither of us have eaten yet. I haven't eaten all day. Yeah, we're both starving. We're so hungry that a regular meal isn't going to cut it. We're going to order something. We're still going that a regular meal isn't going to cut it.
Starting point is 00:01:26 We're going to order something. We're still going to be hungry. We need a buffet, everybody. It's buffet time. Let's head over. Let's head to the Philadelphia area in Bensalem, Pennsylvania. Bensalem, however you say it. Bensalem? The little town of Bensleham. In Pennsylvania
Starting point is 00:01:45 outside of Philly and let's hit up the Golden Corral, baby. Oh, yeah. I will give my own review of a Golden Corral. The last time I went to a Golden Corral I went with our friend Josh and we went in and we had gone fishing
Starting point is 00:02:01 and we were hungry and we stopped. It was outside of Prescott in Arizona and we stopped at it and everything was so bad we couldn't stop laughing for 20 minutes and then we left and went to a McDonald's because it was inedible. There was not one piece of food that was edible. The tuna, I'll never forget it. It was this big bowl with you could see a little tiny, like a tuna island coming out of the middle. And then it was all white, milky tuna water around it.
Starting point is 00:02:28 I've never seen anything like it before. They didn't drain it? No. They just emptied it? Yep. That's exactly what happened. They had steak, and it was just this gray, I don't even know what to call it. How dare you call that steak?
Starting point is 00:02:42 It's not steak. I mean, maybe it was a cow at one point, but I don't know what part of the cow. Not the ones who usually eat a steak. So the Golden Corral here, it is 1465 Street Road, which makes no sense. Street Road. In Ben Salem, Pennsylvania. And they describe it as a, quote, family-friendly buffet chain featuring all-you-can-eat American fare plus salad and dessert bars.
Starting point is 00:03:05 That's not the good one there. I've been there before. The good one's over on Boulevard Way. Oh, Boulevard Lane? Is that the good one? They didn't mention diarrhea in their description, so right away we know they're lying. This Golden Corral has four stars
Starting point is 00:03:22 out of five, actually. It may be the world's that's the thing we looked for a highly rated golden corral not to just pick on a shit place you know what i mean i can't get anything right this might be the highly highest rate of golden corral in the world probably i would say so let's get into it here's a five star there's some five stars some people like it here somehow. Five stars. Your five-star review should just say they let me eat as much as I wanted. That should be the only, because I can't think of anything positive.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Five stars. I was surprised at how good the food was. I would be surprised, too, if it was good. I was surprised. I ate it, and then it stayed down for a minute. Didn't even hate it. The fried chicken was crispy with tender meat. The steak was cooked right.
Starting point is 00:04:14 I hope, which is fucking well, well at this place. Seasoned nicely and tender. Your ass it was. No. The desserts were great. If you can deal with the crowds, it's worth it. The hordes that are coming to this fucking place because that's one thing it's cheap it's cheap and you can eat as much as you want so i mean i've definitely been on times in my life where buffets were a major thing
Starting point is 00:04:37 it's hilarious that they have the word corral in it too because the people that come there it's a corral yeah it's a big corral them yeah it's sarah and i used to go to the super salad all the time oh that was not so bad over there at i-17 it's very bad it's yeah next to the fucking dildo shop and the gun store in between that's a great one it was the most we'd laugh our asses off in there it was so depressing and hilarious we just thought it was so funny that we ate there all the time because it was cheap we could both eat for 20 we were like this is amazing it was built in the 70s and they didn't change the menu since then it's still the menu there's's no menu. Whatever's out there, you can't order things. They don't fucking. Have some of the yellow.
Starting point is 00:05:28 The tacos were the worst there. I'd be eating them, and grease is dripping out of them, and it was just. Tacos at Superspice. They were hilarious, dude. The grease in the tacos was like the tuna water at Golden Corral. You barely see a little bit of meat popping up because it's just a grease bank. It's fascinating how picky you are about food, but you've been to a buffet and then you went to another. I'll eat shit.
Starting point is 00:05:55 I don't care. I'll eat shit. I will eat shit. I just don't. Certain shit I won't eat, like mayonnaise. That's what it is. I don't need quality food. I just need the shit food that I like, and I'm fine.
Starting point is 00:06:08 So next up is a guy named Steve with five stars, and his picture, he looks insane. He's a heavy guy. It's mainly just his head, and he's just a big, bald-headed guy. He said, probably one of my favorite places to go and get a good, wholesome meal. Wholesome. Wholesome from the Golden Corral.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Who thinks there's vitamins in that? Nothing. They've drained the vitamins. Vitamins will cost extra. They drain those vitamins. They keep them separate and sell them off to other restaurants. They pulled all the protein out of the meat, guys. Wow.
Starting point is 00:06:42 Holy shit, it's got nothing in it. Food is always fresh and flavorful buffet is always clean none of this is true servers and staff keep the restaurant clean and friendly the owner john and his team he just knows the owner i feel like do a phenomenal job in today's climate of satisfying everybody's needs are they jerking people off that's satisfying not everybody's climate of hand job rubbing tubs on the corner they do it here they do it one they do it at the end of the buffet they do it by the by the fucking ice cream machine right by the swirl cones next up is danielle last five star review me and my baby went here for date night. That's a terrible date night. I hope you're 17.
Starting point is 00:07:27 If you're not 17, that's not date night. Sorry. She doesn't mean like she and her two-year-old. No, no. She means like her and her boyfriend went there for their anniversary. On someone's arm for date night. Dressed up. Heels on. Food was good and a large choice.
Starting point is 00:07:44 I just ate too much. Oh, God. Okay. Jesus. This place is great if you do it right and avoid the stomach ache. They also need to put more of these in more locations. We have plenty of Golden Corrals. There's so many Golden Corrals.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Plenty. I just saw one closed down in Phoenix in Sun City where it's all old people. Yeah, yeah. One closed down. Jesus. No in in sun city where it's all old people yeah yeah it one closed down jesus no more we need no more she's like i just wish there were more ass we've had an ass full of these this one's not close enough to my house i'd be here more okay one star from chris here i visited this restaurant at least once a week and have enjoyed every visit. I visit this restaurant. So he's a regular once a week at the Golden Corral. I'd love to see his cholesterol. They know Chris.
Starting point is 00:08:31 He's enjoyed every visit. This is one star, by the way. Enjoyed every visit. If I could give zero stars, I would. Why? His first sentence was he's enjoyed every visit once a week. The new chef. Are we using that term loosely, sir?
Starting point is 00:08:45 Are we? Yeah. Chef. Honestly, let's be realistic here. There's nobody back there putting a menu together, unfurling his knife roll. Give me a fucking break. He's got a whole set that he's now precariously collected over the years. The new chef has no idea about steak and how to cook.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Because it's a golden corral. Go pay for a steak if you want a fucking steak. If you want all the steak you can eat for $9, don't expect the guy to know how to cook it or know anything about it. The guy back there is cooking it enough so that you don't die from it. That's it. There you go. That's it.
Starting point is 00:09:25 And it's a lot of old people going, can you cook it more, please? Yeah, please. I had the roast and potatoes and the meat tasted days old and the potatoes were not cooked at all. They're just raw potatoes, apparently. I bit into a raw potato. There you go. I finally
Starting point is 00:09:42 gave up on food and tried dessert. Well, the bread pudding was awful and looked days old. Why would you eat that? My server was also not knowledgeable about how to please the customer. Because they're a server at a fucking buffet at the Golden Fucking Corral. Their job is to clean your plate, just pick your plate up and tell you to get a new one. That's their job. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:10:04 A server takes your order and delivers food. Make sure you don't need anything. The server at the Golden Corral hands you an empty plate. Yeah. As I say, they even have cups. You get your own sodas there, I think, too. They don't even bring you drinks. That's not a server.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Wow. At one point, I had seven dirty plates on my table waiting for the waitress to clear them. The owner owner and in parentheses patio man for some reason i don't know what old patio man old patio man john apparently john is the owner of the gas guy said so patio man john was not present today and it obviously showed i'm not sure if i'll ever visit again very disappointed he went once a week and loved it and after all the time once a week for months and months and months one bad visit and he goes i'm done i hope you left a five-star review every time it was good too by the way i really do uh next up one star my husband and i
Starting point is 00:11:01 went to a golden corral down south a few years ago, so he wanted to try one in our area. It's that Golden Corral we've heard so much about. Let's go see what they do different here. Oh, man. I was disappointed. That should be the slogan here. You'll be disappointed. Golden Corral.
Starting point is 00:11:16 The meatloaf and chicken weren't fully cooked. With chicken, that's an issue. You really need that to be cooked all the way. The pasta was overcooked. I didn't have any. any okay then what are you talking about would you know the noodles just sat in the water the entire time i believe that based on the tuna um i tried the mac and cheese dot dot dot vomit no flavor overcooked noodles also vomit she says um bottom line i didn't eat that's what the experience i had there that's fun i pushed my plate aside and didn't go back up they also give you the option of having an adult
Starting point is 00:11:52 beverage my husband and i figured we would have one with our dinner waste of money oh he paid for me to have a slushy it was watered he paid for me to have a slushie. Do you not have access to the money? It just sounds weird. I asked him for one and he paid for it. He allowed me to have a slushie. It was a watered down drink for a ridiculous price. How much was it, honestly? Five dollars. If they charge you normal prices, it'd be more than the dinner. So maybe it was an off day for them. However, I will personally not go back to that one again. It literally made me so sick that I vomited prior to leaving the facility.
Starting point is 00:12:33 You puked on site. You didn't even get out of the door and have to roll down the window on the way out. Wow. That's fast. Wow. The staff was nice. That's the only positive feedback I can provide. They cleaned it up.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Yeah, that's what it is. They cleaned it up and didn't make her feel bad about it. They were like, no, this happens all the time. Trust me. Trust me. What did you have? And they looked down. Oh, the mac and cheese? Yeah, this is normal. Don't worry about it. We should have warned you on the way in. We're sorry. that's really our fault um next up is one star the
Starting point is 00:13:09 employees made me feel stupid whenever i asked where the utensils were well how many times you said whenever so was that multiple times all the times that i kept asking if you had to ask more than once they're i'm on their side. You're pretty fucking stupid. And so is your opinion here. You forgot where they were in a place that you're only going to be there for an hour. You should know. Why are there waiters at a buffet, LOL? To clear your dirty plates is the main reason.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Please tip those people, too, if you could, because they probably get nothing. And they work at Golden Corral. Rightral right shoveling food into your hog body acting like this person's beneath you yeah when you're in here eating golden corral and paying for it they get free golden corral and probably reject it who's the dummy now that's why they made you feel stupid. They're like, we won't eat this shit for free. Then it says the utensil should be immediately available right next to the plates, guys. Come on now. You probably get them at the end so that you have your hands free so that you can shovel whatever shit you want onto this fucking plate. That's probably right. You get the plate, you get your shit, you grab your utensils. Plus, you know if you
Starting point is 00:14:26 need a knife, you know if you need a spoon at that point. You know which one you need for what bullshit you just bought. There you go. Here's one star from Lisa. Another guest threw up all over the floor. See, this is common. That's why they treated you nice about throwing up, because they're like, we're used to this. She kept
Starting point is 00:14:41 commenting about how undercooked or overcooked the mac and cheese was. Wait, that was two months ago and the other one was a month ago. Okay, so they're not the same person. I was like, maybe it's the other guest. Okay. Thankfully, yeah. It took four servers to, quote, come see and two to, quote, clean.
Starting point is 00:14:58 So four looked at the puke to discern what was not good tonight on the buffet. To find out what tray to pull. Yeah. And then two to clean it up. They sweep the throw up, and then they use the same broom to sweep the rest of the room. Oh, my God. They just push broom to the tube, man.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Oh, God. Chunks caught in the bristles. God damn it. Soggy macaroni noodles caught in the fucking bristles. Why is it so much worse that she called it throw up? I don't know, but it is. And I pictured them just smearing it across the floor at the push broom. To sweep the rest of the room, spreading the smell all over the place.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Oh, Christ, it stunk, too. Let's give it oh yeah it's golden corral coming up what do you think it smells like oh they used no cleaner and didn't block off the area they just swept the chunks off and then just kept sweet while you're sweeping keep sweeping they said they just wouldn't push for him to the fucking smoking section oh man felt sick and couldn't eat my food. I don't blame you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:06 My money was wasted, two exclamation points. You knew that the moment you parked. It was already wasted. You parked in front of a sign that was lit up and said Golden Corral. Your money was wasted right away. Oh, man. Food was so bland that even salt and pepper couldn't help yeah we're beyond salt and pepper with this place i think you're gonna salt and pepper and think
Starting point is 00:16:32 that's gonna solve the problem wow um that is fucking wild um oh my god this person that's too long all right here we go one star i went yesterday on my birthday and had the worst birthday ever. Yes. That's your big, I want to go to Golden Corral. They didn't honor my birthday voucher. What? Apparently it's a freebie. You had a birthday voucher?
Starting point is 00:16:58 From Golden Corral? This is a fascinating person I want to know more about. After I decided to go there for my birthday with my family of 10 because of my birthday voucher. Let's go there and buy nine dinners because I can get one. I've got a voucher, so you guys pay. I'm going to get this for free today. Plus, the environment is very disgusting and it's sickening to eat there. All the food there is made very cheap and disgusting.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Yeah, that's why people don't go there on their birthdays. Why did you choose this for your birthday? She had a voucher that they wouldn't honor. What the hell difference is it to give one birthday voucher for a family of 10, especially if I could have picked so many other places to go on my birthday but wanted to go use up my voucher. Well, those vouchers are powerful. They'll get somebody in there that doesn't even want to be there. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Oh, this is a good one, too. One star. I found rice in the fork. Apparently not. Unclean. And hair in my food. No good. And there's a picture of the rice stuck to the fork, by the way.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Is it in between? No, no, no, no, no. It's stuck on the top of it. Oh, my God. That's way worse. It's way worse. It's not even in between the tines where it got wedged in there. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:18:17 This is sitting on top. This is dried and stuck to it. It's sitting like if you took a rice to eat one kernel on a fork or one rice. Right there in the center. That's it. That is so disgusting with a green throw up face. They need to wear hair nets and keep everything clean. I think that goes without saying. Sure. Probably.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Yeah. This is terrifying. There's so many fucking bad reviews that you could pick it for forever. Here's one. If you want diabetes, this is your spot. Yeah. The selection was kind of bland.
Starting point is 00:18:53 This is just terrible here. I decided to have a second helping of grade D choice American steak. Grade D. Grade D. He said the grill guy questioned him when he decided to have more. Yeah. He is terribly sure about that this is great d man yeah i don't know you want this i have determined that this is not the place for me that's that's smart um that's fucking smart next is joy uh give you the last one here uh joy one star food guy with the light brown eyes was very rude i asked him nicely to refill the shrimp because it was empty they're like there was never
Starting point is 00:19:34 shrimp here it's golden crap i don't know what you got that That says shrimp. It's not shrimp. It's like crab with a K. It's not the same thing. Hey, shut up and eat your shrimp. He was rude and said it's coming and said the fried chicken is good. Like every black person eats fried chicken. He needs a reality check. He looked so miserable. I will never go back again
Starting point is 00:20:05 parking was great though do you think he did he did that on do you think he was just being a cunt i don't know or maybe the chicken was good yeah maybe maybe the chicken was legit a lot of these reviews even the bad ones said the fried chicken wasn't terrible so maybe the fried chicken is just decent i'm not sure or the guy was like why don't you try the fried chicken is just decent i'm not sure or the guy was like why don't you try the fried chicken watermelons i'm not sure yeah we ain't got none of that right now shucks see if i can rustle you up some pig's feet in the back what do you say but you know if you're gonna eat at a buffet the fried chicken is generally the most uh uh edible because it takes so long to cook. They just fry it until it's less deadly.
Starting point is 00:20:51 So we've eaten at Golden Corral. Sorry, we spent a little extra time on Golden Corral than we normally spend on reviews. And I cut a lot of the reviews out, too. Now we're obviously feeling sick. We're going to need some medical attention let's go to the doctor jimmy where are we going we are going to new york city to go to the doctor so it's a couple hours away but it's we need some good physicians here and we hear they're good there i found the worst the list of worst doctors in the state of new york oh and um this guy tops the charts here. Dr. Raymond L. Young, Y-U-N-G-M-D.
Starting point is 00:21:27 He has 1.4 stars. He is doing great. Out of 25 reviews, too, so not bad. Yeah. He's an oncologist and a neurologist. Oh, my God. He's a cancer doctor? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:41 I'd like to show you his reviews here. Holy shit. One star outpacing that not a single five not one five star review okay just wanted to see that all right here we go here's four stars as good as it gets and it's from like four years ago okay dr young quickly diagnosed and treated my severe sinus infection his staff was very pleasant and I didn't have to wait long. The only issue was that the staff member who said he called my RX and his prescription in had not. And I only found that out when I was very ill and waited in a long, long line at CVS.
Starting point is 00:22:16 This was February 2020. So long lines at CVS. Holy. I was very frustrated to have to call the office again and wait another 45 minutes for much needed meds. But this is not the fault of Dr. Young. I'd go back if I needed another ENT appointment. Okay. So just the staff was busy, overlooked it.
Starting point is 00:22:34 That happens. Here we go. This is from Rich in New York. Three stars. Only make your appointment with Dr. Young. There's a kid there. Don't use him. make your appointment with Dr. Young.
Starting point is 00:22:43 There's a kid there. Don't use him. Twelve-year-old with a stethoscope I just pictured immediately. Don't use the child. No, he hasn't gone to medical school. There's a kid working. There's a kid there. He is like a clown and very unprofessional.
Starting point is 00:23:00 This is a doctor he's talking about. Oh, there's a real doctor there. Flintstone vitamins. That's all you get from him. That's all he's allowed about. Oh, there's a real doctor there. A doctor, yeah. He's getting out Flintstone vitamins. That's all you get from him. So that's all he's allowed to prescribe until he turns 18. Flintstone's an emergency. That's it. My second visit I got Dr. Young was like night and day.
Starting point is 00:23:17 I can just picture this guy talking. I got Dr. Young was like night and day. You have no fucking idea. His picture is a picture of his bright red Chrysler 300M. That's his profile picture. I know, Rich. I know, Rich. Glad the exam was just a few minutes.
Starting point is 00:23:35 The waiting wasn't bad. Maybe it was off hours. I don't know. Avoid the weekends being that this office is in Chinatown, this particular location. It's got a couple locations here. Now here's from new york new york one star this is good a doctor to avoid is his title of the whole thing here um worst doctor ever that's nice ever worst ever yeah people have killed lots of people worst ever i came because i had flu. He gave me a vasectomy. It was crazy. I didn't understand it. I said, he took my appendix out.
Starting point is 00:24:08 I go, no. Walks into the examination room with an angry face. No eye contact. Doesn't even have the decency to introduce himself. You know who I am, he said. Wouldn't look me in the eye. Started the examination by sticking a cold
Starting point is 00:24:23 instrument into my ear without warning. Well, you know what's coming when he picks up that ear thing. You know what that is with the eye. Wouldn't look me in the eye. Started the examination by sticking a cold instrument into my ear without warning. Well, you know what's coming when he picks up that ear thing. You know what that is with the light. They don't go deep. It's right there. Then shoved a metal object deep up inside my nostril without telling me what to expect. Okay. He's acting like
Starting point is 00:24:39 the guy got him in a headlock and started fucking jamming things in every orifice he had. I feel like he was sitting on an exam table guy picked out things started working them over finish the exam by walking out without a word examine me for less than a minute okay almost psycho or at least misanthropic almost psycho he says almost almost did he jam it into your brain, the thing up your nostril? If not, should be reported to authorities. Oh, for not telling me what he's going in my nose. Wow. Not fit to be a doctor or practice medicine as a vet.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Not even the dogs are good. He's not even good enough for an animal. I don't even want him expressing anal glands. No, don't even treat my opossum. I don't want any part of it. Something's really wrong with him. It's evident in bad reviews from even 10 years ago. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Okay. Here's Connie from Woodside Queens and she gives one star. This doctor does lack patience and she means not patience like she means he's, you know, he's a little quick. He's very fast. He's a little quick.
Starting point is 00:25:48 He's not thorough. Fly off the handle. He has people waiting there. When he sees his patient, he does not introduce himself. Okay, this seems to be his MO. Yeah, maybe he's just not good with words. Yeah. He read your chart.
Starting point is 00:26:01 He knows what you're here for. Yeah. Also, I don't know if he's from this country or not as the other thing. And a lot of times immigrants can be brusque sometimes. And it's just, you know, I have family like that. It's just the way they are. It's not a. The lady that took my appendix out was from India.
Starting point is 00:26:20 And she, dude, the least words. And this woman cut me open. Was it, did it work and everything was fine? I'm here. Five stars. Five stars. I don't need my doctor to be my best friend. I had it and it was bad.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Yeah. Don't need a doctor to be my best friend. Don't kill me. No. Diagnose me properly. Five fucking stars. Done and done. Find the problem, fix the problem.
Starting point is 00:26:42 That's what I want. You want a therapist, see a therapist. You want a fucking, you got therapist. You want a fucking... You got sinus problems, guys jamming shit up your nose and in your ears. I don't know what to tell you. You need a friend, get a dog. Exactly. Don't let him treat it, though, because he'd be bad at it.
Starting point is 00:26:57 Does not explain his course of action. He belittled my grandma's complaint about her ear discomfort, saying she's just old now maybe you're old your ears hurt when you get old next wow i never heard that before he doesn't give proper instructions on the med none of them do you got to look on the bottle you ask a pharmacist for that right you talk to a pharmacist he just prescribes it he makes the patient feel stupid that's the second time someone said that
Starting point is 00:27:29 too as a doctor he does not act professional at all i wouldn't go to this doctor unless there's no ent doctors left in nyc unless he's omega doctor that's the only time we'll go last and only uh nance from plainview has one star this review is from my mom's experience with dr young and it was back in 2012 she wrote this in 2020 mind you she waited eight years to leave years june of 2020 she was home and bored that's what it was literally she was home and bored and was like i'm gonna start reviewing doctors i went to eight years ago type type. Her mom just died and she was thinking of all the memories she had with her. That time we saw Dr. Young. He's a cunt.
Starting point is 00:28:11 I'm right. That guy was an asshole. Yeah. He pushed my mom to get surgery when she really didn't need to for her sinus. She ended up getting an outpatient procedure done on her right sinus by Dr. Young and that procedure ended up affecting her eye. Oh, boy. Oh, he went too deep.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Went too deep, yeah. It became a mess, and my mom has to see an eye doctor to fix her eye. The doctor is arrogant and has a horrible bedside manner. He doesn't listen to his patients and assumes a lot of what they are going through, rather going through an oftentimes misdiagnosis. It seems as the case with my mom. Do not go to him. Rather, take your business elsewhere
Starting point is 00:28:47 and avoid the headaches of being scolded by him. Yup, he does that to patients too. I wish I can give him zero stars. His one four would be a lot lower if you were allowed to give zero stars. This is a crazy one. This is one star. I try not to judge people based on how they act
Starting point is 00:29:05 what the fuck else i try to judge them just based on like like you know like uh race religion creed that sort of thing is what i usually judge i'd rather i'd rather judge somebody based on skin tone rather than i go by height usually yeah it's weird i go by by hair color is what I go by. The better people tend to be taller. It's how it is. It's how I judge them. Dr. Young. How dare he make me call him doctor. Doctor.
Starting point is 00:29:32 But it's hard with this one. He seemed to lack patience and compassion. Not the best bedside manner. Got angry easily because of my gag reflex. What was happening with this doctor exactly? Well, he seems like he's an ENT. So the T is your throat. You're going to look deep in there. They got to look. You got to open up. Say, oh, lady, let me see. Oh, my God. Jesus. Regardless, if his diagnosis is correct and the medication fixes it, I won't be coming back to this doctor. He doesn't care. His sister tried to suggest
Starting point is 00:30:05 his sister. What's the sister doing there? She worked there. His sister tried to suggest I do an extra procedure without my say because my family member tried bringing something else up. I agree with the other reviews. It seems like this family business tries to push other things on you that may not be necessary
Starting point is 00:30:21 for extra costs. This person, one star, I got water stuck in my right ear and couldn't hear out of it. I went to an appointment to see Dr. Young, and my mother and I were greeted by two ladies at the reception. One of them was extremely condescending, maybe the sister. When Young looked at my ear, he said the reason why my right ear couldn't hear much is that I had hearing loss from listening to music too loud. What? Guess what? I heard just fine two days ago because my ear unblocked itself. Young tried to tell me
Starting point is 00:30:52 that if my ear continued like this for half a year, then I would be given a referral to a neurologist and that there was nothing he could do about it. When I asked him how it was possible my ear suddenly couldn't hear after getting water stuck in it, how did that relate to listening to music too loudly? He didn't even look at me. He had his back turned as he was typing. He waved a hand at me rudely and just said just listen to music less loud
Starting point is 00:31:15 and then ushered me out of his office. He listened to music less loud and now he can hear again. Maybe the doctor was right. Holy fucking shit. So I found that one and that one's hilarious. And let's do two more because, you know what, I'm going to save this other doctor for next week. I'm going to save it.
Starting point is 00:31:38 I have another doctor quickly in the same area, but I'm going to save it for next week and we'll finish this one here. This is from Paul in Brooklyn. Dr. Young wanted me to take a CT scan. When I brought him the result, he kept on complaining that my CT scan sucks and I should have taken it at his place. This one sucks. He's trying to sell you a CT scan. The doctor says sucks? Yeah, the CT scan sucks. You should have let me do it.
Starting point is 00:31:58 When I told him I had it done at NYU, he shut up. Like, oh, yeah, okay, you didn't go to some law. NYU, he shut up. Like, oh, yeah, okay, he didn't go to some law. He then tried to, this is from the picture, this person is very Asian, and they might not speak. This might be, English is a second language is what I'm getting at here. So I'm trying to put it into, otherwise, he said, this is the actual typing. He then tried, tried to view the image on his computer, but could not figure out how.
Starting point is 00:32:27 I'm trying to work it. He then informed me that I have a slight deviated septum and need surgery to correct it. I asked him, how is that going to help me with my allergy problem? He could not come up with an answer. He then decided I would not need the surgery and attempted to sell me some allergy
Starting point is 00:32:44 drop treatment. Yeah. Let me drill your nose. A treatment that is not FDA approved, that has no scientific proof it would work. Oh, my God. I need a doctor, but Dr. Young was more of a used car salesman than a doctor. He's trying everything, though. I got an 87 Pontiac that I think you'd be absolutely perfect in.
Starting point is 00:33:03 What do you say? Yeah, but I got allergies. Yeah, but Pontiacs tend to do pretty well with those. Yeah, I think you're going to be all right there. Yeah, we'll do this other doctor because this other doctor is fucking, it's insane. Some of the craziest reviews ever. Now, since we've been to the doctor, we've eaten, we've gotten checked out, we've been abused by the doctor. We need to go home and take care of ourselves right now, I think.
Starting point is 00:33:21 We've been abused by the doctor. We need to go home and take care of ourselves right now. I think. A little self-care with our personal item of the week. What is it? Which is the, okay, it says, I'll give you the whole pitch here. Sex will never be the same again. Introducing the Baldo. The what?
Starting point is 00:33:40 The Baldo, the world's first ball dildo. Okay. This is a dildo. Okay. This is a dildo for your balls. Oh! It's not Benoit balls. No, you put this dildo on your balls. Uh-huh. And then you, okay. A new era in sex has arrived.
Starting point is 00:33:59 We've created the world's first sex toy that will allow you to penetrate your partner with your balls. What? We've all wanted to put our balls in somebody right who hasn't dreamt of that since they were a young man you get balls deep and you go i just want to get the balls into you have run out of ideas is when you're coming up with this it's all it's all been done get out of the sex toy business penetrating people with your balls? I don't know. Unleash pleasure that you've never experienced before. Let the ball sex revolution begin.
Starting point is 00:34:33 I can't make this up. You've got to show me a picture. I'm going to show you. There's also a chart on how it works. Oh, my God. Yeah. One of them looks like a Super Mario Brothers bullet. Yes, it does. It looks like the bullet.
Starting point is 00:34:44 With a rectangle cut out of the bottom, like a square cut out of the side of it. Yeah, right out of the middle. And the other is like a big ring. It's a big ring, yeah. With sitting on top of like a ring stand is what it looks like. Oh, okay. That's not like two rings? No.
Starting point is 00:34:58 With three years of development and testing, you know, three years you didn't realize this was a bad idea. Three years. And a hundred prototypes being made the ball dough is now read refined to deliver maximum pleasure combined with ease of use step one the most comfortable fit for your ball though trim your bag trim your ball hair and lube prior to putting it on a That's a good idea. A quarter inch will do. Step two, balls are sensitive. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:29 You're about to straddle this thing with your balls. Oh, yeah. Super stretchy ring opens out to put on your balls like underwear, stretch it out and over your balls. See that? Then you have this, and that's hanging down and then you put that on top of it step three spacer rings are pulled over the ball dough turn your balls into a second cock that never goes soft you're ready to insert into your partner what are you how do you you got a fucking pile drive from how do you? Yeah, I guess this is if you want to really get in both places at once there.
Starting point is 00:36:07 This is seventy four dollars and sixty one cents, by the way. Seventy five dollars to choke your balls into a point. Ridiculous. This is ridiculous. First up, five stars. OK, this is from Lauren. It's not her balls in the fucking mix that's why right let's hear about his experience lauren i don't want to hear yours she's from the united kingdom as well well i guess if you're trying to this is how fucking crazy guys are if it satisfies her
Starting point is 00:36:40 we will ruin our balls over it this is painful and horrible but if she's into it we're like i'm fucking her good we don't care that's how pathetic we are icicle out of my dick yeah balls i don't care she's from the uk the title is ball do or ball do not that's her title okay okay unfortunately unfortunately i won't be uploading any pictures or videos for this bad boy product, my dear Amazon. This is on Amazon, by the way. And I am really not interested if other shoppers find videos of pictures more helpful than just text alone. So if text doesn't help you, I can't help you. I'm not showing you.
Starting point is 00:37:19 I'm not showing you this fucking penetrating me. I have done well enough when I already had my husband involved in testing of this product, and his opinion is as follows, quote, expensive piece of soft silicone rubber, nicely made, but well overpriced, unfortunately. Anyway, you can expect to receive
Starting point is 00:37:38 upon delivery is just some pieces of silicone, and truly a silicone rubber will be everything what you will be finding in the packaging you just said that uh baldo is a fine piece of soft silicone rubber literally a three-piece thingy with no vibration mechanism not mechanical or electrical vibration support for the price you could expect just pure rubber to play with your imagination accordingly. Anyway, my hubby said he can describe this great product with just one word only when he tried to use this product.
Starting point is 00:38:15 And the word is balls. Yeah, this is the craziest shit ever. And that would be it. Unfortunately, he said there's no chance to fit this thing around his bad boys as simply too small for his needs. And this is a five star review, by the way. Five stars. It's too small. And recommend that fitting procedure wasn't great help and fitting failure in his case.
Starting point is 00:38:49 He said he will be no taking any further chances of using this product, even using different approach without taking chances of harming himself. End of quote. That what he said. And I believe him anyway. Baldo or ball don't. Anyone could have more luck with trying this solution yourself. Maybe it even work with three years development background promise to work on rubber piece of device. So maybe put it on a dildo.
Starting point is 00:39:08 I don't know what she's talking about. Yeah. I personally understand this device being non-traditional solution for adult intimacy place somewhere between male pleasure rings, zip ties, or workshop vice grips, vice grips, zip ties.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Don't put vice grips or zip ties anywhere near my balls please thank you very much oh my god five stars five stars best thing ever except it's the worst i don't think she knows what the the review thing is i don't think you get it one right i think possibly yeah maybe she's like this is this goes up backwards, right? Yeah. Next up, five stars, new experience. I would say so. Yeah. The ball dough is something new and fresh, but it's worth a try. You will never feel the difference until you try it.
Starting point is 00:39:59 Until you have this thing fucking crushing your nuts, you'll never know what it feels like. It's too small for men's balls yeah it's not that difficult to wear it once put on the feeling is okay not really weird but only a bit i would say it's well made with high quality of material it won't harm either of you nice new stuff highly recommend to try. Okay. Here's two stars from the UK, and it's Okay. Took a bit of fiddling about to use.
Starting point is 00:40:33 That's hilarious. I want to hear sex toy reviews only from English people, because they use words like fiddling, which is perfect. To fiddle a boat with it. Well, not an unpleasant occupation in itself it nevertheless can be a dampener if you're both going to or if you're both going with the urge in the moment if you know what i mean yeah hold on a minute you get one end of this and put your foot on it really stretch this ring out so i can get my balls in there it also wasn't particularly comfortable for the wearer if a little titillating for the other person it's basically a silicone truss while i understand the principle and it wasn't a complete dead loss
Starting point is 00:41:11 at this price we won't be recommending it okay uh one star yikes that's an appropriate review there we go because i saw it and went yikes that goes on your balls. Wow. No way. What a concept. What a story, Mark. What a concept. What a country. This is Yakov Smirnoff leaving this review. One that nobody asked for and not one that's been well thought through. I won't go into the idea behind it. You can get that from the product description. I'll stick to the practicalities of it. First off, you need to have a trim before using this. Well, they said that. It said that in the instructions, man.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Yeah, this is great, too. This person's never shaved their balls before, and you can tell. If you have, before using it, if you haven't got a trimmer specifically designed for removing hair down there get one as it's a sensitive area with lots of loose skin i nicked the shit out of my nuts you don't want to take a straight razor down there um this is also from the uk by the way all these are from the uk once you've gone through that rigmarole you have to decide you'd know it was english if you heard that blood yeah it's horrible you've got one nut sack one nut left
Starting point is 00:42:26 to your attached to your body he's got a ball hanging out oh fucking band-aids all over it once you've gone through that rigmarole rigmarole means there's little bits of toilet paper on his balls right now. Oh, yeah, neosporin and shit. You have to decide at which point during the proceedings you're going to break off and put this thing on in the sexual proceedings. It's not a romantic thing, and frankly, it looks ridiculous. You look like an asshole with this hanging off your balls. That's from me, but I feel like that's what he's trying to say he stopped midcoins hold on wait that's that's a man that caught a glimpse in
Starting point is 00:43:13 the mirror of himself putting this fucking contraption on his on his chewed up ball while his disappointed woman lays there and waits for him i've opened me hold on i'm gonna get something in your ass too wait a second um jesus christ this is insane poor fucking guy you've got to have a partner 100 behind trying this behind trying this. Behind trying this? That's also... Yeah. Because if they see you doing it, they're going to be horrified. He says, otherwise, you'll just get laughed out of the bedroom, which is not what you want. The fuck are you doing? We're comedians.
Starting point is 00:43:56 We enjoy being funny. Not then. That's not the time to be funny at that point. That ain't it. No. For me, I didn't find that it fitted as it was supposed to. You find out new things about your anatomy using this. For me, it was my clacker sack doesn't hang as low as average. His clacker sack.
Starting point is 00:44:15 He's got this thing sucked tight against his tank. It's like, ow. Oh, my God. Once it's on, then you've got to actually use the thing. And this takes concentration from both parties as it requires guiding in by those receiving it. Well, yeah, because it's going in their ass. Yeah, because you can't feel it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:35 And you can't feel shit. This is where the fun is supposed to begin. But we were both massively underwhelmed. Okay. For one thing, you can't move much as it is so short and wide, it just wants to pop out, and it becomes a chore continually popping it back in. So you just lie there with one of you in an uncomfortable position,
Starting point is 00:44:57 not really feeling anything. Pointless. Whoever invented this needs better mates to tell him his ideas are ridiculous. Your ideas are shite, mate. Some drunk guy was like, what if you, all right, hold on. 12 pints into the night, he's like, look at me clacker sack. And he was like, what if I made a bullet out of it? What if I made a Mario bullet out of it?
Starting point is 00:45:26 It's a Marioio bullet isn't it shit-faced unbelievable um next up one star waste of time yeah not sure if someone just thinks this is a novelty idea but it just doesn't work I won't go into the detail of it. That's what everybody says. I'm not going to go into the detail of it. But the circumference is pretty huge. Unless the receiver is, quote, queen-sized, you're going to struggle to get it in. Unless that butthole is loose and flapping. I don't know what queen-sized means.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Wow. Due to the positioning, there's no thrust control you can do as a man you can say you can say dip the tea bag but that isn't going to do anything but scratch and itch wow it's crazy expensive this can't cost more than five dollars or five pounds to make one thing i learned a long time ago is that if you have a good product, there will be copies of it available for much cheaper on Amazon or Chinese websites. But for this product, there is nothing. Why would you want something Chinese? Some knockoff Chinese rubber up my ass.
Starting point is 00:46:36 But he just said no one's even knocking it off. That tells you how bad it is. That's how bad it is. Yeah, that's bad. The only reason for buying this is a bit of humor trying to get it on this is for like like rugby rugby guys at like a drunken rugby party to be like put it on your balls mate that's the only reason why you do this the only reason for buying is that uh that made a giggle that made a right giggle but for any type of action don't bother yeah no a right giggle, but for any type of action, don't bother. Yeah, no.
Starting point is 00:47:06 A right giggle. It's a gag gift, man. It's ridiculous. Strap this on your bollocks. No, I'm not putting that on my balls. Here's two stars. I just don't get it. I don't think you're supposed to.
Starting point is 00:47:20 Got this for a bit of a laugh, but also curiosity. Yeah, you were curious don't laugh my ass don't say you bought it don't say it's a laugh yeah come on on arrival i was quite surprised at how basic it is three chunks of rubber with no real instructions it's all there it's we showed you the picture that's all it's there what more is there what did you think you were buying strangle your sack man that's what's for. Do you think there was like straps and like fucking those ratchet up fucking lock things? Ratchet straps? Yeah, the clasp things.
Starting point is 00:47:51 Yeah. Let's see. Looks uncomfortable as hell and doesn't feel much better. So it was a short experiment. Now I hold my hands up and completely admit I may have been doing it wrong. I don't think it's possible. Is it on your balls? have been doing it wrong. I don't think it's possible. Is it on your balls? You're doing it right.
Starting point is 00:48:07 But when it's not completely obvious and there's a requirement to manipulate and concentrate on arranging things, the prospect of cutting off circulation and doing yourself damage just to get the thing on is too much of a hassle. Yeah. I fucking agree, as a matter of fact.
Starting point is 00:48:22 There, yes. One star, not a fun birthday gift. Thanks a lot, Mom. Oh, my God. I thought this person, by the way, their name is the Old Gray Witch, is their person. So she says, I thought the resident warlock, I guess her husband, might appreciate this as a fun birthday gift. He didn't. First, he blanched at having to shave his balls.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Oh. Is there that many dudes out there with fucking giant hairy balls? Wild hairy ball sacks. Then he found getting the thing on difficult. I think he used too much lube. That's got to be fun trying to push him in this is getting great here the next problem was mine i am elderly oh boy oh my so it's some old british man going i'm not shaving me bullocks he's just that's what it was an old english man well of course not
Starting point is 00:49:21 fine i've trimmed him now i think i've got too much lube i'm elderly and have arthritis uh-huh so found him assuming the basic position advised in the instructions quite painful he said he couldn't feel a thing no how could you i ended up in agony yeah because you had a giant bullet up your ass and you're an old lady i don't know elderly and you decide to try something new now oh my god i can't believe the company is charging so much for this lump of silicon which incidentally comes wrapped in an appalling amount of non-recyclable plastic an appalling amount um holy shit uh and
Starting point is 00:50:09 then finally no no i tried to put this uh to put this one no luck it's scary to push balls it is you don't want to push your balls into things you let your balls flow like water. They're more of slaps than fucking insertion. Jesus. Can't imagine it's even harder than taking them out. As was not able to test, it can't say how much pleasure it adds if there's any difference. Big no from me. But if you're brave enough to try, maybe it's something for you. And then I got to give you this last one quick.
Starting point is 00:50:44 One star. I couldn't even get this thing on. many times one time ow that hurts my balls and you throw it in the garbage if he couldn't get it on at all then maybe he didn't even get it get it to hurt so he probably kept trying and just trying to mash his balls into a fucking thing that's too small. It's silicone, so it probably stretches. Yeah, you stretch it out. It shows in the instructions. You're pulling it with your two fingers.
Starting point is 00:51:15 But if it doesn't stretch enough to get around them, then you're too big, bud. You can't squeeze balls into things. But just left me in pain from trying and without success. Yeah, such a shame. It seems like something I would have loved to try out if i could oh really okay so wow we've just we've figured out today people are not all right at all no this is this is wild there's trouble let's protect ourselves let's go buy some guns what do you say all right all right guns guns guns we're going to hoover tactical firearms in hoover alabama oh hoover that's hoover it's outside of birmingham i believe uh this is 3.7 stars it's the lowest rated gun shop
Starting point is 00:51:54 in the area and there is a lot of gun shops in this general vicinity i mean a lot everybody else is doing better huh there yeah one star this is it says it's in Birmingham, but it also says in Hoover, so I don't know if it's a part of there. It's called Hoover, for Christ's sake. Whatever. 1561 Montgomery Highway is where it is. Here we go. Five stars. This is from Ron Howard.
Starting point is 00:52:15 I assume not the director. Maybe it is. I don't know. Five stars here. This is my favorite firearm store in central alabama favorite one favorite where they've been all of them it sounds like they're really frequent gun shops here friendly and knowledgeable staff that can answer any questions you may have about firearms and a great selection too very nice indoor range also it's got a range indoors sounds like a full a lot
Starting point is 00:52:43 of yeah a lot of the complaints are they say the range is open till seven, but I went there at six 30 and they were closed. That's a lot of the one stars. Next up from Joe, five stars. The first, my first time here and my first time shooting at a range and my first purchase of a firearm. Wow. Popping all kinds of cherries here.
Starting point is 00:53:01 Lots of firsts here and all of them. Good. We'll be going back staff were helpful and earnest with what they knew and they didn't mind my inexperience offering me a tutorial on how to use a gun and advice on what would be reliable for someone like me that's helpful that's exactly i would think what you'd want from that experience um next up here um by the way we're not saying anything jimmy's a gun guy i don't give a shit. We're just, yeah, I'm not a big, I don't care. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:53:27 Who gives a shit? This isn't political. Go fuck yourself. They're fucking opinions. I don't want anybody saying that. Shut up, all of you. Just listen. Listen.
Starting point is 00:53:38 You're stupid. Think about that. Don't be stupid. Don't be one of those people. Next up. Next up, don't be Xavier. Or be Xavier. I don't know. of those people. Next up. Next up. Don't be Xavier or Xavier. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:53:47 Whatever you want. Xavier is five stars here. Not your typical gun store. No. Has a catering company in the back near the range. There's a snack bar. A catering company. So someone's like back there putting fucking food together while they're hearing shotgun blasts.
Starting point is 00:54:03 They cater out. They're making food. It's a gun shop slash catering company. Awesome. That is insane. What the fuck? Employees are amazingly friendly for the most part. They go the extra mile when you need them to.
Starting point is 00:54:19 Great range on the weekends. Families there with their kids. No macho posturing. Just warm, friendly folks. That's my wife with her 45. And there's a picture of his wife shooting at the range with her 45. Warm, friendly food and folks. Warm, friendly food and folk.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Next up, one star. Okay. Yeah. This is a man. James, you're going to be so shocked when you see my dildo slash dry cleaner. I thought you were going to say your ball-containing dildo slash gun. It's also a gun. You've made it both.
Starting point is 00:54:56 It's also if you're in mid-coitus and someone breaks in, you can just turn your penis and shoot them. I got 25 caliber balls. That's it. You pull out and you blast them. Pow. Saturday Night Specialist. Fuck. You go, money shot, bitch.
Starting point is 00:55:10 Boom. And then you. Okay. One star. Man with four N's. Man, Hoover Tack used to be the best. No. And use, he says use is all capital letters.
Starting point is 00:55:24 Not used to be they literally sucked all the fun out of the place firing the wrong people you can't they literally sucked you idiot you motherfucker i fucking hate that yeah that's annoying i don't mean to be the english police but i'll they literally sucked all the fun out of a gun range. How the fuck? Explain to me in physics and science how that's possible, sir. You fucking moron. I'm going to fix it. They figuratively sucked all the fun out of the place. Firing the wrong people.
Starting point is 00:55:58 I fixed it. There. Their name is Hoover. They suck. They suck the fun. Suck the fun. Yeah. A couple moved on.
Starting point is 00:56:08 All that's there are a-hole robots with all caps, no personality. Robots. A-hole robots. I don't need robots working in a gun shop. No cracked smiles. Just a boring place to go to now. Maybe it should be a little bit boring. There's a lot of
Starting point is 00:56:25 dangerous there's projectiles what the fuck do you want how much ass grabbing and fucking farting around you want i need him to take this dead ass serious and the second somebody smiles i need a staff member to say no smiling no smiling in here it's a serious shit when i first started going guys seem to enjoy themselves at work now it's just a straight business it's a serious shit. When I first started going, guys seemed to enjoy themselves at work. Now it's just a straight business. It's a business, yes. It's a gun shop, man. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:56:53 Live rounds are being fired. That's what I'm saying. There's also a range. And also, they're cooking back there. They're also putting together trays of chicken parm. What do you expect? They got a smoker going. There's pulled pork back here. Yeah, it's Alabama, not chicken parm what do you expect they got a smoker going there's pulled pork back here she had alabama not chicken parm um that's the first thing that comes into my mind uh let's see i no longer go here because the guys who pretty much showed me how to shoot hands on are gone
Starting point is 00:57:17 uh carrie i believe his name is the owner great guy r.i.p mr jack and jb scotty also great guys we're giving shout outs i want to give a shout out what the fuck is jb scotty y'all my motherfuckers let you know that shit rest in peace big carrie rest in peace big jack rest in peace big Big Mr. Jack. Great guy. Fuck, Harry. Okay. Next up, One Star. And his picture is like a dude in a camo hat here. Yeah. They are just over the hill from me.
Starting point is 00:57:53 I drive 45 minutes to shoot as to avoid this place. So he doesn't go here. Just over the hill. Imagine that. Your measurement of distance. Over that hill or before that hill. It's either past or for that hill. One of the two.
Starting point is 00:58:10 Just over that hill means it's, I guess that means they're close by. They're close by. I guess so. I don't know where that hill is. That's a good point. I have no idea where that hill is in relation to you, sir. Hysterical measurement of distance. That hill. Closer than 45 minutes, I assume. Hysterical measurement of distance. That hill.
Starting point is 00:58:26 Closer than 45 minutes, I assume. That's all I can assume. Evidently. The handgun sales are pretty much a, quote, one-trick pony. Not much in different types of brands. Okay. Price, well, not this old boy. You ain't getting him with this price. Not this old boy you ain't getting him with this price not this old boy i was born at
Starting point is 00:58:48 night yeah not last night i was talked down to because i wanted something different the guy wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer okay he speaks in hillbilly cliches. That's all he speaks in. Backwoods cliches. My daughter is a certified custom gunsmith. We aren't stupid. I live about a mile and a half from them. Okay, that's where the hill is. About a mile from them. About another half miles over the hill.
Starting point is 00:59:18 A mile yonder. Yeah. I drive from Hoover to Bessemer Simmons. Great selection. Better staff of people and prices aren't as high. The ranges priced high are too high to use for me. I hand load and I want my brass.
Starting point is 00:59:39 Not an option. Oh, he wants to keep it. Oh, he wants to take it. He reloads. Yeah. yeah okay he keeps those when they first open i asked about a possible part-time maintenance job with the range equipment once again smart ass attitude no use for them he tried they wouldn't hire him yeah he wanted the job just for the perk of picking up the brass that's it i want to get my own brass. Next up is Taylor with One Star. Sales team for gun sales are super unhelpful.
Starting point is 01:00:08 Okay. They make you feel like they're doing you a favor by allowing you to shop at Hoover Tech. You're a gun store clerk, not the god of guns. The god of guns. By the way, in all Roman and Greek mythology, there is no god of guns that I can remember. That one, there's a god of war. There's a god of this. I don't know about the god of guns.
Starting point is 01:00:29 No, no about that. Not sure. She doesn't know it either. I have talked to lots of gun guys, and everyone says the same thing. Hoover Tactical is a toxic store. Oh, toxic. Toxic now. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:00:44 Get some customer service or find other jobs. Here's one. One star. Crooks slipped additional items into my bag. You got a free gun? What? Yeah, what additional items? It's a gun store.
Starting point is 01:01:00 Crooks? Are you the crook? You stole? Did someone steal it? Did he get arrested and he's trying to blame someone else that's the whole review we'll never know that's it that's why i put it in there because you can all think about that while you go to sleep tonight because it's gonna be some guy just has extra guns laying around yeah the last couple we're gonna do are personal this is getting personal with people who work there. Okay. This is Rochelle One Star.
Starting point is 01:01:26 My boyfriend and I bought a gun, and the person who was asking us to fill out paperwork was very rude, didn't make eye contact with my boyfriend. I wonder if it's Dr. Young. Maybe he's moved on to gun sales. Why do you need this to be romantic? Wow. Yeah, it's supposed to. He didn't even like no champagne, nothing. Fill this out.
Starting point is 01:01:44 Fill this out. You didn't even kiss, no champagne, nothing. Fill this out. Fill this out. You didn't even kiss me. Good God, what the fuck? At least, just grab my balls, feel them. Let me know if you'd fit in, if they'd fit in that ring or not, by your opinion. I need you to see this, I put them in the ring. Jesus, didn't make eye contact with my boyfriend, tossed his ID at him, laughed when he was denied.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Yes, because you failed your background check. That's why, I'd laugh at you, too. Hey, stupid. You tried to come in here knowing you have a fucking record. You knew you couldn't buy a gun. You don't know what a felony is. I bet you do. Bet you do.
Starting point is 01:02:16 When the judge told you what it was. Yeah. The guy's name was Trevor. OK. What's the name of your boyfriend? I want to clear him up was Trevor. Okay. What's the name of your boyfriend? I want to steer clear of him. What's up with him? Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:02:28 Absolutely horrible at treating people with respect. There was another man behind the counter with Trevor who made a comment on what race he was, and Trevor laughed like how unprofessional can you be? going to hoover tactical shooting his ars and pistols but will 100 never be returning and will tell friends and family not to even bother going if they want to be treated properly now the store has given a response to this there's a response from the owner and it is quote we don't have anyone here named trevor that's all you're lying your ass off lying bitch is what he said lying bitch with a felonious boyfriend fuck off sorry about your felony you're dating oh my god uh next up one star a couple more here one star i went inside the store today looking for some 40 caliber ammunition i asked the older gentleman
Starting point is 01:03:18 behind the counter if they had any i guess that was the wrong question he said it's in the back in a nasty tone well i left my debit card in the gym bag and he only had cash so i asked how much it was he replied as if he was talking to a child i don't know why i don't know i'm not back there is what he said like he doesn't know how much they thought i'm not back there with him there's also several different kinds that they range they range they're cheap and expensive i feel like he's sitting back there with them. There's also several different kinds. They range. They're cheap and expensive. I feel like he's sitting back there being a dick, though. It sounds like, I don't know, I'm not back there.
Starting point is 01:03:54 Why don't you get up off your fucking ass and come back and help me with this shit, then, you fucking asshole? You're supposed to work here. Why don't you come and have a look-see so that you know for the next time somebody asks? The correct answer is, hey, let's go take a look back there. And then maybe you can upsell them to the more expensive ammo, which is called the fucking business that you're running. Not just, I don't know. Treat it like Disneyland and say, let's find out together. That's it. There you go.
Starting point is 01:04:13 That's what they, that's what they're supposed to say rather than I don't know. But understand this. I thank God I'm not the person I was a few years ago because I give respect to anyone. But this old guy is just a rude little stump of a man. I won't be going back there at all. Hopefully I'll see him somewhere on the street and see if he has that smart mouth again. He's going to kick this guy's ass.
Starting point is 01:04:35 He's lucky I'm not the guy I was five years ago? I would have fucking killed his ass five years ago. You have no fucking idea. Wow. Oh, my God. Here we go. here is one star bow shop is an absolute joke oh they're bows not a lot highly inexperienced staff with zero knowledge they're gun people not bow people yeah uh customer but if you sell them you should know about them they don't even know about 40 caliber ammo why do you think they need customer service is non-existent ben also has the personality of a toaster
Starting point is 01:05:10 oh a toaster there's a response from the owner we don't have anybody named ben no could you please expand on the characteristics of a toaster's personality i like that that's fun is it a what is it a name brand is it a kitchen aid is something like an oster come on help out the fucking wild man holy shit jesus christ fucking hamilton beach two more quick ones here dennis one star i love all cap shooting here but the guys handling the gun counter in lanes could use a bit of fucking personality collection. Fucking personality. And be friendly, kind, and courteous to everyone, three exclamation points.
Starting point is 01:05:58 Who cares what your status is? Status of what? Marital? Military? Citizen? What are we talking about what status flyer yeah are you a platinum member of delta what are we getting into here what's happening uh then finally one star this is my favorite review of all at a gun shop one star from bama king 205. Okay, he's a quality person. Staff was drunk.
Starting point is 01:06:28 That's not good. There's guns everywhere. I could smell the alcohol on his breath. Oh, no. It made me want to puke, and that's sad. You don't come to work drunk. He should be terminated. It was the gunsmith. Yeah, the gunsmith should be sober, probably.
Starting point is 01:06:45 Worse, it's just the fucking gun store. Never be drunk in the gun store. Never be drunk around. No, that's bad. Let's take this shit serious. Did they reply? The owner replied. Could you describe this gentleman?
Starting point is 01:06:58 We don't allow that here. We generally don't like people to be drunk here. Maybe you rat them out with their name and stuff. Yeah, that would help. Something that helps us identify who's drunk in here. There we go. That's your stupid opinions.
Starting point is 01:07:13 Drunk at the gun shop with our balls hurting, fucking complaining to a bad doctor while we eat food that makes us puke and have employees sweep it over to the other side of the restaurant. That's that. Next week, we're going to talk about a landmark and a very, very posh place next week. And also, we'll get into that other bad doctor because it's a quick one
Starting point is 01:07:31 and I want to get into that because it's hilarious. All that and more. Listen to our other two shows, Crime and Sports and Small Town Murder, as well as follow on all the social media and all that sort of thing. And tell your friends, damn it. Post it on social media. Help spread the show. it's still a new show and still need to spread it so do that
Starting point is 01:07:47 have fun thank you so much and damn it we will see you next week bye We'll see you next time. Stupid opinions add free by joining Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple podcasts. Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at Wondery dot com slash survey.

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