Your Stupid Opinions - Happy Underwear, Unhappy Jail, Kicked "Out Out", Check My Receipt

Episode Date: January 8, 2024

This week, we find out all about some very fancy underwear with a secret, but loud function. A Jail where everyone seems less than thrilled to be there. An iconic wonder of the world that wil...l kick you "out out". A Costco with secret police level of security & much more!!Join comedians James Pietragallo and Jimmie Whisman as they explore the most opinionated part of the internet: The Reviews Section!Subscribe and we will see you every Monday with Your Stupid Opinions!!!Don't forget to rate & review!!Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie WhismanSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wondery Plus subscribers can listen to your stupid opinions ad-free right now. Join Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. Hello everybody and welcome back to your stupid opinions hey that's right my name is james petrogallo i'm here with my co-host i'm jimmy wissman thanks for joining us today just to hear more people's crazy opinions on crazy things and some of the opinions i always notice too sometimes these things seem to deserve it you get a golden corral it probably deserves it and then you have a you know the Grand Canyon being called mid. Hilarious.
Starting point is 00:00:48 We're going to hear a ton of wild stuff today. If you like what you hear, definitely listen to our other two shows, Crime in Sports and Small Town Murder. Check those out and keep coming back every week because we're going to keep doing this Your Stupid Opinions thing. By the way, follow us on all the social media and all that you gotta tell yeah social media also review the show on whatever please you are and uh nothing funny too because don't be a knucklehead it just hurts us there so please give us five stars say something nice and let's go to our first review here let's get right into it we got a deep show i want to get to all of it let's do this let's go someplace nice. Last week we kicked off the show with a golden corral outside Philly, which is not exactly wonderful.
Starting point is 00:01:29 There was vomit on the floor. Lots of vomit, yeah. It was just being swept into another corner. It was disgusting. They tracked all over the restaurant. Yeah. Let's go to someplace that is a well-known place. I mean, Finding Nemo is even involved here.
Starting point is 00:01:43 No. The Sydney Opera House. Oh, yeah, it is. involved here. The Sydney Opera House. Oh, yeah, it is. We all know what that looks like, the big structure with the point thingies coming out. Everybody knows what the Sydney Opera House looks like. It's one of those monuments, I guess, that they've built. How would you describe that? Just a bunch of shells lying side by each?
Starting point is 00:02:00 It looks like aliens built it, would be the best way to put it. If aliens built something, we'd the best way to put it. Like if aliens built something, we'd go, yeah, that looks about what you guys would do for architecture, I think. Yeah, it's interesting. It's futuristic. It stands out. It's fucking cool. I think it's cool. It looks like seafood lives in it.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Yeah. Oh, definitely. There's definitely some sort of shelled creatures in there. So it has on Google 4.7 stars with 75,864 reviews. So most people think it's a nice place here. Here's the description.
Starting point is 00:02:34 The Sydney Opera House is a multi-venue performing arts center in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia located on the foreshore of Sydney Harbour. It is widely regarded as one of the world's most famous and distinctive buildings and a masterpiece of 20th century architecture. Who the fuck built that?
Starting point is 00:02:52 The architects were Jorn, J-O with a line through it, that is, R-N, so different letters, Utzon, U-T-Z-O-N, and Peter Halleter hall those are your architects thanks for giving us an easy one pete all right this is yourn and p i was gonna say that what a weird your no i got it a line through it all that what about you just pete pete'll do just call me pete i'm fine all right anyway so we're gonna do these big pointy things, right? You're going to get most of the credit, Pete, because we can say your fucking name. Jarn? What the fuck is your name? Jorn?
Starting point is 00:03:30 Okay. You got a no smoking sign for your name. What is this? That is crazy. Let's go. Is there a ghost in there? What is that? J no smoking orn?
Starting point is 00:03:40 What is that? There's a ghost inside your O. All right. This is Sriram. This is our first reviewer here. T. All right. This is Sriram. This is our first reviewer here. Tons of reviews on Google for Sriram. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Five stars. Yeah. It's the most beautiful place I've been in recent times, and it's awesome to just look at it from the hotel having some kangaroo meat and a drink. So he likes to just dominate a kangaroo while staring at this thing out the window. He's jerking it with his free hand, right? Kangaroo sandwich in one hand, whacking it with the other. He might be rubbing that meat on his meat.
Starting point is 00:04:16 I don't know. Kangaroo. Ooh, an opera. Take that, you roo. It is a breathtaking architectural masterpiece. Its iconic design and grandeur make it a cultural gem in any city. Inside, the acoustics are impeccable, offering a sublime auditory experience. I mean, that's kind of the point of it, isn't it? That it's designed like that for the for the sound.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Well, yeah, it's supposed to be for the sound. I would hope. I don't think they just said, man, I want it to be pointier. It was just some fucking crazy. Yorn was tripping. He ate a bunch of just said, man, I want it to be pointier. It was just some guy. I want it to look fucking crazy. Yorn was tripping. He ate a bunch of mushrooms, and he's like, it's not pointy enough. Fix it, Pete. Attending a performance here
Starting point is 00:04:55 is a transcendent journey into the world of music and theater. It's a must visit for anyone seeking artistic excellence. You don't get any better of a review than that. That is wonderful. Next up, Jesse with five stars and a bunch of reviews as well. This place is beautiful inside and out.
Starting point is 00:05:15 We had planned to eat after and were hoping there would be snacks inside. There was! Exclamation point. They had snacks. Five stars. Or pretzels. Amazing. I really wanted a hot dog. Try the churros. They had snacks. Five stars. Amazing. I really wanted a hot dog.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Try the churros. Oh, man. I was just going to say it. Then I was like, they probably don't have those in Australia. I'll bet they do. I'll bet they have all the bullshit snacks that you have at any theme park or whatever. They don't even have churros in New York. Churros are a very-
Starting point is 00:05:40 No. They're very specifically a- Is that right? A Southwestern Mexican snack. Is that right? Yes. They have them like, yeah, there's no churros here. You don't walk around and just have a churro guy.
Starting point is 00:05:52 No, that's not. Yeah, I guess I don't pick them up. In the city, there's churros because there's a lot of Mexican people here. Sure, yeah. Now they're more well-known, but there's just not churros in Iowa for the most part. I think they're specific. Australia is really far for churros. I don't know if they could travel across the water like that. If I'm a guy that has a place where people come to and I run across one somewhere, how do we get these where we're at? Because these are awesome.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Yeah, that's true. That's true. Well, then they're going to, the churros, what are they going to do? Swim across the ocean. They get there. What do you think? They're going to be soaked. What do you think the Australians are going to call them? We can't have that.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Yeah. You're all wet, mate. Here it comes. So there was snacks. Just the right size to get us through dinner. Just the right size snack. Just enough snack, yeah. I had wine, and the family had soft drinks.
Starting point is 00:06:49 It was an amazing ballet and a fabulous experience. Oh, so perfect. They did ballet there. I can't imagine what you could say negative about this place. Well, let's find out. Well, let's find out. One star here. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:01 One star. One star. Piece of shit. Not a single orange fish to be found don't care fuck it i looked for dory couldn't find her disappointed no forgetful fish nope uh one star in real life it's a very underwhelming sight well it's small mid it's mid is what he just said yeah much like the grand canyon much smaller than you would imagine. Rusty and rusty and coloring and unimpressive. I don't know. A realistic symbol of just how little new or interesting this city can offer to anyone from the northwest, northern western hemisphere. This is an it's where you're in it.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Oh, this is a this is an American or a Brit or somebody like that going. This place is a cultural wasteland, which. Yeah. OK, whatever. Sure. The more time I spend here and in New Zealand, the more I realize what a waste of cash this trip was. So, oh, my God, this isn't just about the sydney opera house this person does not like the entire continent they're just upset about it
Starting point is 00:08:10 feels like they didn't they didn't do any research on their on their trip before they left they were like i mean they speak english there that's good i feel like that's as far as they went they seem to like to get drunk okay stre house is streaked with rust. The fucking barrier wreath is all white. This is stupid. This is dumb. He went there to fight a kangaroo and couldn't find one to fight. He was very upset about it. Here's another one.
Starting point is 00:08:33 One star tourist trap. Yeah. Yeah. That's what all those things are. It's an opera house. Go to Big Ben. Go to fucking Times Square. All tourist traps.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Every place. We did the tree. The rocket. Yeah. Tourist trap. Yes. trap yes that's the point of the whole thing where the fuck do you think they're putting a tree up for in the middle of the city how many fucking landmarks are in australia that the world knows the opera house that's it and and vaguely the outback which we just see as most of the country. It's just fucking desert. The tourist trap is so disappointing, I expected more grandeur.
Starting point is 00:09:09 More grandeur? I needed to be welcomed by name. Listen, everybody, never expect grandeur, okay? Especially not from Australia. No matter where you're going, don't expect grandeur. Yeah, Australia is like, oh, and I went to Tampa and I was expecting grandeur. Well, yeah. I wanted more.
Starting point is 00:09:25 You're bad. That's the point. There's roosters running in the street. Instead, I found restaurants, bars, and outdoor mobs of people. Yeah, that's a place like this. There it is. Overpriced food, drink, and performances. The stage performance of Macbeth was in a theater that was less than pleasing acoustically and aesthetically oh my god
Starting point is 00:09:46 and the exterior is not white double exclamation point take it easy was it did it say it was white I don't remember in the dissolve let me scroll back up the description nowhere in it does it say white and white buildings nowhere you thought it was white and now you're mad at them that it's not for some reason. You saw a silhouette, and you saw probably the Sydney Olympics picture. Every picture you ever see of it, you're like, oh, yeah, there's a white thing there. It's probably not. I don't get it. All right, here's another one star.
Starting point is 00:10:21 I don't get it. All right, here's another one star. And this person, based on the review, I think I understand what happened to them. Because I think they're out of their fucking mind. Crazy. Okay. I think it's a yawn on a mushroom trip. He's furious.
Starting point is 00:10:40 They kicked me out. Not only one out, out, out of the building. Two outs. They kicked me out, that's that's for real when you really have to leave they didn't put me in the lobby they put me outside they kicked me out out like didn't just say you have to leave now then turn around they walked me there yeah no out out that's one guy on each side like you, guiding your arm on each side. That's out-out. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Locked like he's a jolly good fellow. He's a jolly good out-fellow. Out there you're going to be a jolly good fellow. They put a butterfly net over me and dragged me out. I thought we were can-canning like the Rockettes. Turns out I'm out-out. I'm out-out, man. They kicked me out-out of the building.
Starting point is 00:11:24 Then they kicked me just one out of the property. Yeah. K'm out out. I'm out out, man. They kicked me out out of the building. Then they kicked me just one out of the property. Kicked me out, just out of the property. Not out out, but out. You know what I'm saying? Out out of the building, out of the property. It's like when you're in the eighth grade and you're like, does she like me or like me like me? You know what I mean? Am I out or am I out out?
Starting point is 00:11:42 Which one? You're out out and then out again yeah out out means you're not allowed back i feel like just probably yeah there was paperwork without out we won't remember you out out means your picture is going to be up in a security booth somewhere so don't let this guy in that's different batch walked me out. Wow. Not one man. Let's see. They kicked me out of the property with five guys from security and two police officers. That's seven people. You made a scene, sir. You made a scene.
Starting point is 00:12:17 You're a fucking problem. That's a problem. If seven people, two of them being armed, need to fucking guide you out of here? That's an issue. Wow. Two police officers, because I didn't know that on the sign with, quote, wild animal, not a pet, they referred to the plastic bottle type. Huh? What the fuck are you talking about? That's why seven people kicked you out out.
Starting point is 00:12:42 That's why you're out out now. Like, for real, for real, real. You're out out right now. On the sign wild animal? On the sign with, quote, wild animal, not a pet, unquote. Uh-huh. They referred to the plastic bottle type. I don't know what that means.
Starting point is 00:13:03 I think it's code. I think he's sending a message out to some other crazy people he's involved with i'm not sure and i'm gonna move on because i can't figure out yeah all we know is that he's not allowed back that's it he says words like that and that's why he's not that's why seven people kicked you out out that's what i mean seven unbelievable he just heard everyone say out at the same out out out out out out out seven outs then it was like finding nemo it was out out out out out out out out um next up isaac one star it is just an architecture the rest is awful okay yeah i don't know what um... I've never been to Australia,
Starting point is 00:13:46 and I do know that the draw of it is that it's fucking amazing to look at. Yeah, you take pictures of it. People take trips on the harbor in a boat so they can take pictures of it at night. That specific angle I've seen a thousand times. Everybody knows that angle. The rest is awful.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Price, Sydney City, Australian people, and then it is dot, dot, dot, better don't talk about. Okay, Isaac. I'll be buried. Listen, Ike, you're fucking making me crazy here. Better don't talk about. I don't think it's worth to visit Sydney to see the opera. Well, you don't like opera that much you shouldn't a lot of people yeah i don't think it's worth it to go to anywhere to see a college football game because i don't give a fuck about college football so does that mean
Starting point is 00:14:34 college football is bad you shouldn't see it if you like it no it sounds like the bama stadium's a piece of shit that's all because well we'll find out someday, I'm sure. Because Sydney is the opera and the bridge. That's it. There isn't essence. Oh, but there's no essence. I'm out. I'm out out.
Starting point is 00:14:56 I'm out out at this point. Fuck that. Wow. No essence. Soul. Good spirit. Such as in other cities. Barcelona.
Starting point is 00:15:04 Amsterdam. Any question. Feel free. Instagram. And then they put their fucking Instagram here. good spirit such as in other cities barcelona amsterdam any question feel free instagram and then they put their fucking instagram here i think there's i think they're spanish based on their instagram handle like from spain and spain yeah and they and it sounds like they're fucking world travelers for yeah or they live in spain and it's close to italy so they're able to get over there. And it was all up in Italy. All right. Next up, one star. It is a very beautiful place for visiting to the visitor. Okay, that's nice.
Starting point is 00:15:35 That's a good start. All right. Hot start right here. I like it. We enjoy with my family on that day. Okay, that's good. We enjoy with my family on that day. Okay, that's good. In that particular visit day, a Hollywood movie shooting was running.
Starting point is 00:15:55 We are all very enjoy that day and also seen the nearest place. Very beautiful was at the end of the sea. Thanks. One star. What? That's a one star review. That's a five star review. You watch a movie being shot at the Sydney Opera House and you's a one star review it's a five star review a movie being shot at the sydney hopper house and you give it one star they just said this was a magical day with my family it's
Starting point is 00:16:10 beautiful everything's great we even got to see a hollywood movie shot yeah one star i think they mean usa number one yeah one star that's what they're trying to do even said thanks at the end that means you really really liked it here yeah um that's fucking funny here we go all right uh very one star very expansive 44 each i think that's expensive let's probably think very large very huge uh 44 each adult to get domain where most vivid light this is unjust okay i it was too well lit the spot you were at maybe your domain the best seat was too expensive man family can't hardly bay food bay food buy food eat food i don't know the advertising deceiving advertise for concert you pay but all the activities for vivid in the domain deceiving
Starting point is 00:17:08 and unjust and and despante in it in the deceiving despante i don't know what that means is that a word do they mean disappointed yeah i think so yeah fuck that sounds like uh whatever experience they were looking for it costs a lot of money and the ticket didn't include everything else that you want no not like every other fucking food and parking like everything yeah went to a ball game they want money for a hot dog i said that's bullshit bullshit i'm here and uh finally ross with one. Thundercat show was utter rubbish. Utter fucking Thundercat. Utter rubbish.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Fucking Lion-O. He's a rip-off. The drummer completely ruined the show. Oh, Thundercats is a band. I think it's a band or it's a show or whatever the fuck it was. What did the drummer do? Thundercats bass was reduced to an inaudible whimper. The worst concert I've seen in over 40 years.
Starting point is 00:18:09 One star to the Sydney Opera House because the drummer sucks. Or they weren't mic'd right. Evidently the sound sucks for this particular event. Oh my God, that's crazy. Well, okay, so we've been to the opera now. That's a fancy event yeah now let's find something we should have did this beforehand because we're gonna we need this to wear to the opera let's find something nice and formal to wear to the opera with the oh my bod
Starting point is 00:18:37 club vibe 2.0 ho let's see you want to see what it is jimmy oh my god oh it is there you go it is great panties it is panties that you stick a vibrator oh shit it's got a little remote in the pocket yeah it's uh this you didn't say personal item this is oh personal item corner of the week i was being trying to be funny about being formal here you know what i mean it's very formal you wear this to the opera yeah this is our personal item of the week here and it definitely yeah it's certainly personal sucks at least the personal item will make this show fun who cares yeah well when you wait till you hear it the thundercats there might be a whole different idea that's drummer by the time you have these on when you hear about the review here, it has 441 reviews and it has about four and a half stars. It looks like our three and a half stars.
Starting point is 00:19:29 I'm sorry. Oh, it's not that great. It's eighty nine. Ninety nine. Oh, ninety dollars. Ninety dollars. Lap pocket. It's about Adam and Eve.
Starting point is 00:19:38 So it better be really fucking good. So, yeah, let's hear the description of it, shall we? Because I love their descriptions okay vibrates to your hottest beats is the headline of the whole thing okay rock out like never before with a vibe that syncs to music what this is what you wear to the opera holy shit thundercat is a much better show now yeah way better hit that fucking foot pedal again wow made for clubbing this toy vibrates with sound from thumping dance tracks to clapping hands holy and if things get quiet you can select from five pre-programmed vibration modes from the handy remote control. So you don't need music to get off here.
Starting point is 00:20:31 The vibe is specially shaped for your body, pressing against your clit while fitting snugly between your lips. How's that sound, Jimmy? You on board so far? far so good the discreetly quiet vibrations will leave you singing as they work their magic on your bits on your bits you're gonna sing you're gonna sing wow and then it'll vibe more because you're singing so the vibe comes with a thong so you can wear it almost anywhere for naughty thrills on the go. Free storage bag included. Measures four inches long by two inches wide.
Starting point is 00:21:12 Made from ABS plastic. Rechargeable. That's good. You don't want the battery to die on that thing. So let's see. Some people like it. Five stars for this person. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:21 The title of the review is all caps with an exclamation point. Yes. About time. Fuck yeah. Okay. This was absolutely worth how much money it is. It's incredible. Even my fiance loves it.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Maybe even more than I do. He wears it too? I think he wears it too. It diddles his taint up a bit. Yeah. It's easy to use, comfortable, and even the underwear fit me. A little snug, but I expected that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:50 I'm like a size 10 to 13 dress, and I usually wear a size 7 underwear, so there's a comparison. Even if the underwear don't fit, you can just slip it in any other underwear too. Okay. Yeah, the underwear aren't the draw here. I think it's the vibrating fucking thing the club mode is really cool i didn't expect it to work but it really does really cool really cool i was like no play a faster song faster song really cool how else do you describe that i guess really fucking cool cool. Really cool. That's funny.
Starting point is 00:22:25 Imagine if guys had something that would get them off in their pants discreetly without getting arrested in public. They'd be like, it's fucking cool, man. It's really cool. That's exactly what they would say. I really didn't expect to work, but it really does. We haven't really used it other than just seeing if it worked, but it would be fun, be fun especially in a movie theater it is loud but not any more than a vibrating phone okay it's like a phone level vibration yeah but when it's quiet quiet quiet quiet yeah if you have your phone on vibrate in your house you can call it and tell everybody shut up and you can hear the vibration
Starting point is 00:23:03 exactly so i think it's too quiet. Well, people will just think someone's phone won't stop ringing, but they put it on vibrate, so they're not a bad person. Don't do it in church. It's loud, but not anymore. In most places, you don't have to worry. Nobody would know what it was anyway. They wouldn't imagine. I bet this woman's underwear are vibrating probably.
Starting point is 00:23:24 Who's fucking themselves right now now someone about to come in here if they are you better tell me um all right here's five stars again just enough to get started is what it says oh that's the title i was nervous ordering this with other reviews stating that it is loud i found that it was no louder than a cell phone on the highest vibrating function. So that seems to be the general consensus. It works great to get things started, but found myself pushing it up against me for most of the night. Jesus. The panties are a little big, but was able to do a little repair to help them fit better.
Starting point is 00:24:04 On the night of clubbing or whatever is on the list, and you will be washing them for sure. Oh, boy. Oh, God. Jesus Christ. Oh, my. Kept me wet all night. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:24:15 One of the biggest sellers for me was that it's rechargeable. On the highest setting, it will last approximately two to three hours. Wow. Jesus Christ. Guys guys just give up already it's over that's who can two to three that they can masturbate for three hours in public without anybody even knowing that's it's over with that they don't need us anymore um here's five she doesn't finish in that time uh what what's the? Yeah, that's what I mean. I got no chance. It's over.
Starting point is 00:24:46 It's all over. Five stars, best remote vibrator ever, all caps, three exclamation points. Finally, a remote vibrator that doesn't look like a giant bulge in my panties. That was another question. If you dress clubby. You can't wear yoga pants, I don't think. No. You're going to have to wear a short skirt.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Something like that, yeah. And that falls out. What's that? What's that? Oh, it slipped out of my hand. What's going on? Don't worry about that. It's super slim, and the vibrating part has this little nub that nestles against my body so that the vibration actually hits the clit.
Starting point is 00:25:22 It comes with a bunch of speeds and patterns of vibration, but the vibration also reacts to music or voices, so get that dirty talk going. Hell yeah. Oh, boy. Okay. Fire some Darude. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Let's get it on. Two stars. Great concept, they say. First, the panties did not fit. That's a problem. Okay. No problem. Sounds like that's a big problem.
Starting point is 00:25:44 Well, no problem,. Okay. No problem. Sounds like that's a big problem. Well, no problem, she says. No problem. She created my own with the pocket for the vibe. Okay. You got to be a fucking seamstress. She sewed a pocket in her underwear. That's really wanting it right there. I'll say something.
Starting point is 00:25:57 She needs it, yeah. Vibe is not strong enough for me. Tried it a few times, even with jeans on, just not strong. Love the concept, just not executed well. Tried it a few times, even with jeans on. Just not strong. Love the concept. Just not executed well. So she needs a harder vibration, I guess. Two stars. Not worth the effort.
Starting point is 00:26:15 If you plan to use this with the Wi-Fi app, don't bother. Imagine women 150 years ago. They didn't even know sex was supposed to be good for them and all this. This woman's like, if you need the Wi-Fi app, don't even bother. Forget it. My Wi-Fi music voice activated public masturbation system doesn't work. I'm very disappointed. See how spoiled we all are nowadays?
Starting point is 00:26:44 Honestly, this is the pinnacle of spoiled right here. You're going to masturbate in public and get away with it. You got a tug machine that works on Wi-Fi. That's crazy. On Wi-Fi. No, it doesn't work. Don't even bother. That's the point.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Don't bother. There are absolutely no instructions available on how to connect to the Wi-Fi. I imagine it's through your app on your phone. There's got to be an app or something. We are dildo app, fucking vibrating panty app, searching. That's where we are. Apple Store. We are both smart people and electronically capable, but tried for over an hour.
Starting point is 00:27:18 The connection failed every time. Not worth the money. Never even tried to use it with the Bluetooth. Returned immediately. I wonder, whoa, what? Bluetooth, Wi-Fi. not worth the money never even tried to use it with the bluetooth returned immediately i wonder whoa what bluetooth wi-fi return no return sorry but it might be one of those ones that you can do like from a remote area so like if he's fucking in california and you're in nebraska he's trying to vibre up while listen do we i mean come on honestly can we not live without being able to have to remotely control somebody's clitoral stimulation from fucking across the fucking continent do we need that really there in a minute it sounds kind of cool yeah but is that necessary for to for our happiness i guess
Starting point is 00:28:07 it's fun for a little surprise i don't know i suppose but enough to type something out to say don't bother don't bother he couldn't he couldn't fuck me from yeah 800 miles away do you expect it to work i don't know that sounds like a wild concept i hope it works for people uh here's one star way too loud to be cool it ain't cool man well maybe don't sit on a plastic chair at the same time sitting on a lawn chair he's on a she's on a metal bench of a fucking bleacher at her kids fucking little league game supposed to be quiet off the bleacher sounds like a wood chip around you want to go out or discreetly use it but this is not possible based on the
Starting point is 00:28:54 loudness of this vibrate vibrator it is very loud all caps got it yeah we thought it would be used quietly use quietly we thought it would be used quietly. Used quietly. We thought it would be used quietly. Okay. When we go out, no way. One star. Maybe she's too loud. Maybe she screams. You know what I mean? She might be a big moaner.
Starting point is 00:29:15 That might be it. Maybe it's you. Yeah. Okay. One star. Not worth the money. Here we go. After so many good reviews, Hubby and I decided we wanted to spice things up on date night.
Starting point is 00:29:31 Oh. Well, I put them on and handed him the remote. We were so excited to try these, and I was so disappointed. Probably in him, probably not the underwear. First off, women have different shape down there okay yeah some have their clit a bit open like a clam shell and others like mine are hidden between the lips like a clan clam needing to be open up that has six question marks after it for some reason all this did was vibrate my vagina lips to death she's not done question marks do you get it sick get it vagina lips have been killed here killed off her vagina
Starting point is 00:30:15 lips uh it does have good vibrations but it is very loud it did not touch the g spot at all well it's not supposed to it's supposed to be worn externally that's much deeper it's supposed to be an external device so if it did that would be amazing uh wow it doesn't even fit between the lips to get close to the g-spot while wearing the vibe it's not supposed to be in you she tried to egg it she tried to like and then hook it around front so they would still get on that's a lot you're You're going to lose that. Wow. We played with it on the couch, and I did get off by adding lots of pressure and opening my lips to hit the G spot. There you go.
Starting point is 00:30:54 But that's a lot of work. Oh, my God. We're so lazy now. We're too lazy to come now? What the fuck is wrong with people? It took two hands. What are we doing? Yeah. So what? It's supposed to be hands free. Jesus. now what the fuck is wrong with people it took two hands what are we doing yeah so what it's
Starting point is 00:31:06 supposed to be hands-free jesus i just wanted to hit a button and i figured it would all work uh that's a lot definitely not worth the money if this had a slit in it where it goes between the lips i believe it would have worked i can't even try to figure out the anatomy of what she's talking about right now i'm trying to picture her naked it's not working i don't understand it um underwear are weird too it wasn't a thong they just basically covered your butt crack yeah they're lace boy shorts called a thong they covered your butt crack yeah that's a thong what the fuck and the part where you put the vibe in is so thick all you can feel is fabric let's so it doesn't fall out probably right um uh here is one star and it says it does do what it's advertised to do well then five stars what the fuck are you talking about yeah um wow that's that's wild shit
Starting point is 00:32:00 okay all right let's well i'm sure that could cause internal injuries if you try to jam this thing in you when it's not supposed to so let's all get that checked out what do you say let's get that checked out we're going back to new york i wanted to do this last week but we had a doctor last week yeah we're gonna finish oh yeah with a different doctor here this is dr dolly d-A-L-I, Mardock, M.D. Two stars on the worst doctors in New York site or whatever it was there, reviewed doctors. Internal medicine, so it's just a regular basic doctor. And shit's a woman here. So let's find out what they say about her. Because there's some crazy, weird shit going on with these reviews.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Okay. Here's Rebecca from Queens. Okay. Five stars. Great doctor. Perfect. I've known Dr. Dolly Mardock for over 20 years and have nothing but praise for her and her
Starting point is 00:32:54 practice. I, I praise there. I do not understand the negativity stated here because not one issue has been my experience. I've trusted Dr. Dolly with family members too she is top notch okay here we go cynthia five stars i love dr dolly she takes the time to
Starting point is 00:33:13 listen to concerns is very thorough and follows up with exams and concerns wait time to see her or get an appointment is very short that's because she's got two stars overall probably nobody nobody's coming here's callie with one star okay literally the worst experience i have ever had at a doctor's office period just punched me in the face and told me to get out out and then i had to leave every week there's somebody that says literally the worst ever. Literally the worst ever. We should have called the show literally the worst ever. How could we have known? When I first walked in the door, she said, you're our last appointment.
Starting point is 00:33:55 To which I said, oh, great. And her answer was, is it? I mean, we're closing forever. I mean, you're our last appointment the sheriffs are going to come put the locks on the door because i owe a lot of money tomorrow we're not opening there's there's been a lot of subpoenas lately let's just say that and leave it at that okay have a seat take your clothes off let's go no just here in the waiting room it's fine no she's seen tits before the secretary don't worry about the receptionist nobody's coming
Starting point is 00:34:24 in after you i I've told you. I've told you. Doors are locked. Sheriffs are locked in, as a matter of fact. They chained up the doors. So that was concerning from the start. Before arriving at the office, I called my insurance to make sure I was fully covered and did not need to pay any money up front. The assistant and Dr. Mardock insisted that i pay them immediately or she would not
Starting point is 00:34:45 accept me it's called a copay you gotta pay the cope yeah she told me i could find another doctor if i had a problem with that it's like she wants money for her work it's weird she doesn't want to work for free dolly's hard as fuck dolly don't give a fuck here uh because she claimed that she would not get paid unless i did so well yeah maybe yeah after i left i taught i called my insurance company again and they called to talk to her the very nice customer service representative told me the doctor told her the same thing and yelled at her and proceeded to actually hang up on her she was just incredibly rude and unprofessional from start to finish okay now some people that have reviewed
Starting point is 00:35:25 and you'll understand this uh wish that she would be a little less friendly as we'll say here we'll talk really okay here's laura from brooklyn okay one star do not go to this woman she is a fraud all caps she's a fraud she's not a fraud that's right to me fraud. She's not a doctor. That's right. To me, that says she's not a doctor. She stole somebody's identity and is pretending to be a doctor. Actually TV repair woman. She's doing like a catch me if you can type scenario right now. And she's just not a doctor. Just buttering up a nurse with her nice nude,
Starting point is 00:35:58 nice new teeth after braces are off. That's it. She's like, do you concur? Yeah. She's like some guy with a gynecology van in the parking lot no come on free exams come here come here i'm gonna check for polyps honey get over here take your bra off uh she says uh i booked her on zoc doc and got her office only to
Starting point is 00:36:17 be told they were only accepting cash for the appointments jesus not even cash money. Wow. Cash only doctor. Goddamn, no checks, no credit card, cash. That doesn't feel scary in the first place. No paper trail. Especially when you take it out and they go, keep it down, keep it down. Don't let anybody sit down. You're like, this isn't a legitimate transaction, is it? She's counting it in her lap.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Yeah, looking down, counting, and then she just gives you a little nod yeah right points you to the waiting room heard the secretary tell another patient his total would be 130 in cash in all caps it's amazing it's wild and he had to pay before he could see the doctor it's like going to a dispensary like no cash i'll go to the atm okay. Okay. Who just has that on them? All caps. He left to go to the ATM, and I asked the secretary if I needed cash as well, and she said yes. Wow. Cash.
Starting point is 00:37:15 Damn. I then told her that they should warn people about that on their ZocDoc profile. That would really drive me away. Cash only. I'd be like, you're a doctor. Cash only. You can use your card you're a doctor. Cash only. You could use your card at a hot dog stand. Like, this is crazy.
Starting point is 00:37:28 What the fuck is going on here? There's a water company down the street from me that does, like, water bottle fills, and they're cash only. They've lost so many customers over literally $8. Yeah, they walk in and go, you have $8 on me? I'm not paying in that form. Are you out of your mind why should i do that this is for wow first they tell me their credit card machine was down and then they told me they didn't have one at all and we don't plan on getting one because this is our last day so
Starting point is 00:37:58 you're our last appointment then this other woman chimes in and says they are dropping off of ZocDoc anyway, so it doesn't matter. I ask her if she is my doctor. She smirks and says yes. That's not how you said that. Okay. We're dropping off this anyway, so it doesn't matter. Are you the doctor? Sure am.
Starting point is 00:38:17 I am. Here's where it gets fun here. Now it turns into a conspiracy theory. This is awesome. She looks, in all caps, nothing like her picture. Oh. I went to her because I expected her to be hot, and she's not as hot as I'd like her to be. I don't know if that's what she's saying.
Starting point is 00:38:33 I'm not talking different hairstyle or weight loss slash gain. I'm talking different human, all caps. She has a picture. Oh, my God. It is a different person. She said, this is who she actually is on the left. This is,
Starting point is 00:38:49 but this is like from six years ago with makeup on and her hair dyed. And this is some gray with her glasses on and a not big ear. I mean, it doesn't look like her though. It really doesn't. No, but how many women dressed up to go out look like they do if they're just at their office with their hair up in a bun? That's the other thing.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Her hair's like down and done with earrings in the one. I got news for you, James. Because of our review of Golden Bachelor, I've decided to watch it. And they will show a clip of like the six women talking. Then they show the talking head of one of them. And I'm like, that's not any of them. No. Who is that? It's the same thing they do with with tits for love after lockup you're like where did that come from on the talking head wow jesus so um different human she used someone else's picture now it's a conspiracy theory i said you don't look like the Zoc Doc picture at all.
Starting point is 00:39:45 How am I supposed to know you're actually my doctor? Again, this is a Scooby-Doo scenario. We're going to pull a mask off somebody. Just take your pants off and shut up. She told me if I didn't like it, I could go somewhere else. I love it when a doctor has the attitude of someone running a deli. I love it. Cash only.
Starting point is 00:40:07 Don't like it? Go to another one. That's what we put on the Italian combo. You don't like it? Go to the other fucking deli. I don't need it. Get out of my shop. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Then they say, yeah, sketchy as hell. So they have a conspiracy that this is just a different person not a doctor not a doctor or she's using a hotter picture of a different person on her profile to try to as like some sort of money some yeah to draw in these bees i don't know what's going on of male fucking physicals i guess so. These are all mostly women reviews here. Here is Faith from Manhattan. One star. Oh, you made an appointment?
Starting point is 00:40:52 Question mark. Wait over an hour for the 10 walk-ins to be seen before you. Okay. Then be seen for two to five minutes where your problems will be blown off. Can't come in right away and need a prescription refill. Sorry. Your money is more important than your health. Not going to give you refills.
Starting point is 00:41:11 Seriously, people just ride the train into Manhattan for actual quality health care. The convenience is not worth it. Okay. No good. She's just a money grubbing fake. It's not even her. It's not even her.
Starting point is 00:41:23 Not even her. Okay. Now it gets really weird with the last two now. Okay, here's Chris from the Bronx. One star, super unprofessional. I wish I had read the reviews below me before. While very charming at times, the system in place at that office is ancient for 2015, which is when this was written. I've been overcharged by this doctor with my insurance that has, for some reason, worked
Starting point is 00:41:48 everywhere else. And at one point, I heard her screaming with expletives. Oh, she's swearing. That's odd in a doctor's office when you hear a doctor cursing and screaming. I don't like that at all. To her secretary about how she refused to see me unless I paid the full amount for my visit. Hours are also peculiar. Yeah, it's three nights a week from 2 to 5 in the morning.
Starting point is 00:42:12 Very peculiar, those hours. That would be weird. Just for, like, mafia gunshot wounds and things like that. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. She doesn't work Monday or Wednesday? What? Super strange. It is really a shame that the people of this neighborhood have her as their primary care physician.
Starting point is 00:42:28 Okay. And then finally, and this is a, oh boy. Okay. Sid. Here's Sid. One star from Sid. And Sid's a woman too, by the way. I wish I could sue this woman.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Oh. That's her opening salvo here. I wish I could sue her. I've known her for about 10 years now. She simply does not care about your health. Have you been going to her for 10 years? 10 years? Yeah, 10 years.
Starting point is 00:42:54 Why'd you go to a... I wish I could sue her. Okay. A decade. A decade. I had blood tests with her before and low counts of white blood cells slash bacteria findings and other complications. And I had asked her about it and she said, quote, you really think I would risk my practice over you and didn't go over the blood work with me?
Starting point is 00:43:13 What? Okay. It's a bit gets weirder. Okay. It's a bit creepy when I enter her room. She tells me how cute I am and asked me what's and asked me what's wrong. Then invalidates what's wrong with me, i.e. if I had bronchitis. She has misdiagnosed simple colds and has given many prescriptions of antibiotics for no reason. She also comments on why I haven't seen her at all.
Starting point is 00:43:41 Well, guess. I don't know. You feel flirted with and then not treated what is that it gets weirder with that by the way um any medical issue i'm going through she does not help me whatsoever why have you been going here for 10 years 10 years 10 years the last eight years or so i felt i've had poor medical go somewhere else i keep coming in with a cough, and she tells me, you're fine. You're hot as shit. Yeah, you're hot as shit. If only there wasn't fucking eight million doctors in New York City,
Starting point is 00:44:11 that would be really, wow, no medical advice, and sees me for five minutes, and most of it is about personal conversations that are inappropriate. Oh. She tells her, I got this thing in my panties. You should really try out. She asks if I want the remote. It's really weird.
Starting point is 00:44:28 Every time she hands me the remote, find the highest section. I like that. Oh, man. And she's like, clap your hands. When I have to, when I have to, please for me, when I have to lift up my shirt, she tells me how beautiful I am and sometimes touches my back. No, this is not okay. What? Why are you going to this fucking doctor repeatedly?
Starting point is 00:44:55 A decade of this. I know that it's harmless, but I'm uncomfortable when she does this. Yeah, I can understand. She doesn't even know the symptoms of hypoglycemia and even battles with me about it. She jokingly, hopefully, said how she hates me. Why are you going to this doctor? I don't get it. I hate you except for them tits.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Now, let me tell you something, sweetheart. If my doctor had my cock in his hand and ran his fingers down the small of my back, while he's saying, oh, it's so big, what? If my doctor had my cock in his hand and ran his fingers down the small of my back, we'd have a problem. While he's saying, oh, it's so big. What? And then she goes, I really hate you. You're cute, though. You want this remote?
Starting point is 00:45:39 That's weird. I bet I'd choke on that. Oh, my God. This is our last day in office. After that, we are out are out out you know what i'm saying you know what i'm saying i'm only gonna come here for nine more years oh my god i wanted an hiv test done with full std blood work she replies oh what's wrong doll did a guy do something wrong to you and rape you do you really think you have hiv oh my god why are you going to this doctor over and over
Starting point is 00:46:08 this isn't one visit this is 10 years she ran her hands down her fucking spine and what's the matter why don't you take your shirt off and tell me about your rape what the hell's going on here and i replied, this is standard. She also gives prescriptions to my mom for Xanax just for sleep problems. Oh, so she's cool. That's what you're saying. She's a great doctor. Sounds like she's like a 70s doctor.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Like you go in there and she's like, how you doing? Hey, look at you looking all fine with that. Hey, here's some pills for your mama. Make sure she gets them. Here's some ludes for your mama. Make sure she gets them, all right? Seriously. Okay, then.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Tell her to take these with alcohol. Hop up on there and take your pants off. Okay. She is no psychiatrist. I guess not. This is nothing. This is nothing what i'm describing to you i don't get that sentence i simply forget not all the things i think i simply forget all the stuff that went on with this doctor i just don't know how she went to med school and works at saint nicholas and has her own practice yeah i don't either after that review and eight people found
Starting point is 00:47:26 that useful i would think so i'm not getting molested wow that is some well you need cash to get felt up over here what is that what is she selling exactly what have you been raped no only by your fucking receptionist to take cash off of me god yeah she really got me good now you never know i don't know if any of that's true or not. These are reviews. I don't know. Like I said, and like we said a million times, these are not our reviews. I did not write this.
Starting point is 00:47:50 We did not write any of these. So if any of that was true, that'd be bad for that doctor. She could end up in a place like this. What is this? The Wayne County Jail Division 1 Sheriff's Department in Detroitroit michigan detroit wayne michigan detroit wayne county is where detroit wayne county michigan yeah that's where detroit is so detroit county jail here basically boy you know and i watched uh lock up on uh grand rapids one michigan county is bad oh it's real bad. Yeah, shit gets wild up there.
Starting point is 00:48:26 Shit's wild. Everyone's freezing. It's a really, those roads are terrible. Everyone's got, they're very angry. No one's got good shocks or tires. It's a mess up there. Bent rims everywhere. So this is at the Frank Murphy Hall of Justice at 570 Clinton Street in Detroit, Michigan.
Starting point is 00:48:46 Open 24 hours, it says. So that's good. i'll bet it is yeah anytime nope sorry can't commit can't get arrested now we hope nobody commits crime we're not open at night we're closed we're closed okay first up and there is one one decent non-joke review all the five-star reviews are like i don't know turndown service wasn't that great but the meals were one it was all that horse shit people's bad jokes on your pillow yep five times that exact thing of course hacks everybody's a fucking hack so fucking jerks here's i'll give you the this is like the you could say the kind of avatar for all the other reviews here from Jody. Five stars. Cells were well lit with pillow top mattresses.
Starting point is 00:49:29 Food was five star. Handcuffs were fuzzy and kind of fun. I will definitely be back. Kinky cups. All right. Hardy har fucking har you loser. Jesus Christ. I hope you are thrown in here forever for bad jokes.
Starting point is 00:49:44 So here is the best non-bad joke review. This is the best serious review I could find. Three stars. That's the best one. Okay. This is from Christina. Nobody answers their phones. There's about 10 different numbers to call.
Starting point is 00:49:59 Nobody answers any of them. And they were very rude to me yesterday, but very nice to me today. So I don't know what the hell's going on, but and they were very rude to me yesterday but very nice to me today so i don't know what the hell's going on but today they were okay i don't get you want to talk to him get arrested it's my fiancee says it's the worst place to be three stars right so his fiancee says it's the worst place to be they didn't answer the phone all day one day but then today they were kind of nice so three stars this is a very forgiving person spotty uh one star here okay um don't waste your time well i was i'm hoping not to don't waste your time no one answers the phone this is a common theme here you can't get anyone to answer the phone and if by chance you do get a hold of someone they treat you like you're the criminal oh the criminal is the person i'm calling about
Starting point is 00:50:50 obviously you're guilty by association every person that wears a badge in that city is a slacker and a disgrace every one of them every the slacker slacking. Slacking all over the place. Slack, slackity, slack, slack. Thrown back to the future references. Very nice. Yeah. Here's one star. This person I don't believe. I don't think this person would make a good producer for a production company that greenlights projects.
Starting point is 00:51:18 Let's just say. I don't think they realize what makes an interesting, compelling documentary. Carly wouldn't be my first choice. star from carly netflix needs to come do a documentary on this jail starting off with the receptionist who purposely lets the phones ring okay now that's compelling cinema right there we'll just have this camera there'll be a secretary receptionist and the phone's ringing and she's not answering it we'll just show that for an hour and a half man it'll just be like the struggle of man versus machine society coffee wow the lines ringing that's it that's not a documentary there uh staff feels so empowered ruining someone else's life when
Starting point is 00:51:58 they're the most vulnerable it's so much regulations not being met here okay not happy with the conditions of the jail which is understandable here's suzanne one star haven't heard a word from my son because of the phone never got a phone call at all his crime isn't even that big oh tell me what it is he stabbed one old lady what's the fucking problem no i don't know what it is his crime wasn't even you can't leave it at that and not say what it is because at that point i don't know what it is his crime wasn't even you can't leave it at that and not say what it is because at that point we don't know what your definition of not that big is yeah you know what i mean certainly up to the reader only robbed two 7-elevens i don't know what the big deal is nobody was hurt uh he can quarantine at freaking home oh she can't get a
Starting point is 00:52:43 call from him because they're quarantining because this was a couple years ago. Wayne County, this is my favorite. Wayne County Jail has really gone downhill since the 90s. I used to love getting picked up on a weekend. You'd be in here until Monday and you could see a judge. It was just fantastic. Back when my son's dad would visit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:08 Wow. Just to think, i wanted to be an officer oh my god i wanted to wow who wants to spend a third of their day in prison that's insane uh here's courtney one star they are so rude no matter what the situation it's almost like they have to deal with criminals all day and there feels like it might be a jail yeah and also they pay shit and don't get great people to be guards a lot of times you know some of them they have the guys who like i know arizona has like you have to be a prison guard before you're a cop type of shit or sheriff i think it is is it a sheriff that sounds right sure i think it's yeah you have to be a guard before you can be a fucking that's how they do it so county works. That makes sense.
Starting point is 00:53:45 Some of them aren't like that either. They don't really care. They're just there because they make $14 an hour, and they're like, well, I don't know. That's where I could get a job. It's either this or Jiffy Lube. Yeah. A couple books I read, the one guy that worked in a place in Alabama, it was a reporter that went undercover as a guard.
Starting point is 00:54:02 Everybody that worked there was like, I don't know. I'm thinking of just going and working at Walmart instead. They're hiring right now. They're paying a dollar more an hour. It's a little more dangerous, but I like it. Yeah, I mean, you know, worse things could happen there, obviously. The people are much worse. That's the same people here as there.
Starting point is 00:54:19 Oh, so rude. Won't answer simple questions. They won't help the people being held there. All we want is for you all is to do your job. Okay. You asked for the job. Do what's asked of you. That's all capital letters. You wanted this.
Starting point is 00:54:37 Answer the phones. Give the people what they need to survive in that hell of a place! Exclamation point. That's all fair. Yeah. Here's Julie, one star star the officers in the lobby are rude yeah surprise they see you waiting and continue to play on their phones the entire lobby is filthy i would expect prisons to be a shining very clean jail uh ceilings are dirty dirty dirty dirty dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty,
Starting point is 00:55:06 and out, out. Watch out. They were dirty. Now they're dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty. You see mold growing in the corners everywhere. Oh, no. The reception desk
Starting point is 00:55:14 is encrusted with grime. Last time I was there to pay a bond, I seen an officer that disgraced the uniform. Oversized shirt, saggy pants. Oh, what? Who cares? That's a disgrace? That's a disgrace to the uniform. Oversized shirt, saggy pants. Oh, what?
Starting point is 00:55:25 Who cares? That's a disgrace? That's a disgrace to the uniform. Very displeased with the people representing our police force of Wayne County Jail. Sad. Sad. And that's true. They keep jails in horrible conditions.
Starting point is 00:55:40 Literally, there are people who plea. They just do a plea bargain just so they can go to prison, so they can get the fuck out of county, so they can go actually be in like a half-clean environment with better food. Literally, they'll be like, fuck it, I'll plea. I can't sit here another fucking three months and wait for my trial. Yeah, but the other part is that most county jails are in areas of town that are really bad because they're original areas and yeah and they're gross like the one in jesus christ man that one that everybody goes to for duis uh in in phoenix it is so gross and it's in like industrial there's trains that go by it's it's so bad such a nasty area it's horrible it is um okay here's david this is on a serious note this is actually pretty fucked up
Starting point is 00:56:26 okay this is wild one star fittingly um they told my girlfriend she had hiv she told me and her entire family she went into a huge depression and decided since she was dying Oh, my God. She said I was in denial and eventually I started to believe her because she did start getting HIV symptoms. She thought it was normal for having HIV. She wasn't like getting treatments or anything here. Eventually, I forced her to go to the hospital. She had a massive heart infection and it got into her lungs and it's traveling through her entire body. She fought me about the hospital because she thought it was normal and she had plenty of time to make it to the hospital based on the progression of the disease. After getting her
Starting point is 00:57:29 blood tested, we learned from the hospital she doesn't have HIV, but she is on the verge of death. She is now in the process of getting open heart surgery for a valve replacement. I guess moral of the story is do not take medical advice from the medical staff at this jail. It can ruin your life. Okay, an update. The heart infection wound up killing her. January 25th, 2019.
Starting point is 00:57:57 If Wayne County weren't such a terrible place, she might still be alive. I guess they were also not skipping people's, also skipping people's doses of their prescribed medication more often than not. That's pretty shitty. She made a terrible decision based on horrible medical advice. I mean, horrible, not even medical advice. It's just like a bad diagnosis.
Starting point is 00:58:22 And that's just a, yeah, that's bad. That's just, there's a lot of just, there's a lot to be said about a bad diagnosis. That's just a, yeah, that's bad. That's just, nothing there is good. There's a lot to be said about a lot there. We'll just say that. No kidding. That's a review that if we're going to read reviews, going to have to read that one, even though it's a little more depressing.
Starting point is 00:58:36 Here's something a little more crazy. One star, I was assaulted there. Well, it's jail. That happens. I believe it. Put me on mattress with bad bugs. I hope he means bad bugs. Bad bugs are worse.
Starting point is 00:58:50 They come up and go, hey, give me your shit. That's what they say. You got any ramen noodles? Hand it over. Give me your cigarettes. Bad bugs don't bite. They stab. Yeah, they're really bad.
Starting point is 00:59:01 Bad bugs, bad people. Put me in prison with a Z. Prison for nothing. This is a white guy named Roman, by the way. Roman. Freedom of expression is his last fucking, I don't know what he's saying. This is freedom of expression or he was put in with bad bugs for expressing himself there. Next up, I don't know what it is.
Starting point is 00:59:24 Watch out for bad bugs. I feel romans back yeah i really want a tv show that we do where we actually like go find the people who left these reviews and then sit them down with people who can do something about it and we just laugh while they don't understand what each other are saying that's what i want what about the bad bugs now tell them about the bad bugs now tell them what you told me there's a lot of bad bugs uh next up is one star it's the last one um and this is very short quote they are the definition of herp derp so there's that what is herp derp oh dummies i guess dummies, I guess. Dummies, yeah. They're stupid. They're very stupid. That's what they're saying. Which I find fucking hilarious.
Starting point is 01:00:12 Herp derp. Definition. Yeah. Okay. That is fucking wonderful. Next up here, we have a few minutes left, so let's finish it up. We'll do some of these of this store, and then we will finish them off at the beginning of next show. We'll cross it over here.
Starting point is 01:00:25 Let's talk about a Costco in South Dakota. Fantastic. Yeah. As you know, I fucking hate Costco. I refuse to be a part of it. Nope. If you listen to your small town murder or crime and sports, I've ranted and raved about Costco, where if you're going to check my fucking receipt every time I go out, I am going to start stealing shit now. Fuck you.
Starting point is 01:00:46 So, I hate these fucking people. Costco, 4.5 stars it has. Sioux Falls, South Dakota. 4.5. 4.5. 3,700 South Grange Avenue, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. People love this fucking place. And you go in and it's nice.
Starting point is 01:01:01 They get the big fat steaks and you can buy like five pies at a time yeah but none of the batteries none of the big things of batteries if you need like you know if you have 12 kids and you need fucking two gallons of milk in one fucking package at the same time i get it but also they fucking check your goddamn receipt they won't give you i've gone up to the thing where they didn't have anything they were just like yeah we don't have any boxes or anything so it's like oh i'll just carry three hundred dollars worth of shit out in my in my hands you know what i'll make a papoose out of my shirt and i'll carry all these giant products that i bought no problem you fucking assholes so buy some fucking boxes with the money i'm giving you i don't i mean all this shit came in boxes where
Starting point is 01:01:45 are those boxes where they go gave them out already well then close your fucking doors because i can't walk out with this shit i'm going out selling bags yeah uh first up jordan five stars we ordered our wedding cakes through costco and they did a phenomenal job we received so many compliments and you can't beat the price oh my god that's the big thing your big day was capped with a fucking costco cake the costco cake jesus christ and there are countless reviews of i love it because i can get all these stuff for fucking you know i i have i have a lot of kids i i want i need like you know eight boxes of cheerios at once because they eat them go throw them in a week and shit like that so that's understandable then there's some ones
Starting point is 01:02:28 that aren't so good here let's uh one star from leah one star love costco have great deals and prices but if you want to feel like you're at a security checkpoint where they ask to see your membership card and take it from you and look it over more than they do at TSA with your driver's license. That's fucking true, too, by the way. It is true, yeah. Absolutely true. I would recommend Costco. It's demeaning having someone patrolling the area like a prison.
Starting point is 01:02:55 And it's got the lighting of a fucking prison, too. It feels like a prison camp in there. It feels like... Concrete floor. I'm having like deja vu flash flashbacks i'm like what is this oh it's my relatives at like ellis island or something i feel like fucking veto and godfather two being quarantined staring at the statue of liberty it's impersonal it's i hate every i don't shop there i refuse like we threw a bunch of sweatpants on a table in the middle of the store
Starting point is 01:03:21 you should look at those at ten dollars like fuck you they're next to the cheesecake shop through the shit that ross wouldn't put on their show we take it so it's fine um okay uh it's demeaning having however if you do not feel like feel uh if you not do not like feeling stressed due to the environment that the employees are forcing on you i would recommend sam's club they do check your receipts when you leave, but you leave with dignity because you weren't poked and prodded to prove your membership card in such a rude, shrill way.
Starting point is 01:03:52 So very disappointed with Costco. Go shop at the Walmart equivalent? What are you talking about? They don't care if you steal shit. They are billionaires. They don't give a fuck anymoreaires they don't give a fuck about any of this next up allison one star i found multiple live worms in my salmon oh jesus christ for the love of god when i brought it back to customer service it's just like it's just holding a piece of salmon in one hand i was completely dismissed by a supervisor telling me there's nothing they can do they have no plans to go do any quality
Starting point is 01:04:31 control on their seafood the public needs to know so no one gets seriously ill i mean a lot of people know that costco seafood is not quality i i don't know i've never i don't know their seafood i mean i've seen i've seen reports from news channels of all the worms you know there's a lot of worms in those shits there's a lot of worms and fish in period too yeah you gotta you gotta be too you gotta be fish is particularly dangerous yeah worms and you gotta be careful with seafood why would you walk out yeah not looking at it you just go that one's big enough that's all you wanted oh my god uh jesus the public needs to know so so no one will get seriously ill the public i was going to share this with my family including my 10 month old daughter oh god jesus i didn't he's just eating
Starting point is 01:05:17 a worm because we could have gotten so sick i'm disgusted by the worms and blatant lack of quality control and customer service i'm shocked that you were going to give a 10-month-old pieces of fish. You can't do that, right? You can give it. Yeah, salmon, it's good for them. 10-month-old? If they're eating solid foods. But solid foods are like fucking mush, right?
Starting point is 01:05:38 No, are you kidding me? How old do they have to be to put salmon in them? My grandmother was shoving fucking cavatelli in my face when I was. Really? I had no teeth. Yeah, they don't care. Just get it in there. You'll be fine.
Starting point is 01:05:49 Feels like a bit early. Nah, let's get in there. No problem. That seems early. They might just be descended from foreigners recently. Maybe so. Yeah. My kids, too.
Starting point is 01:06:00 I was like, there you go. Have some rigatoni. You'll be all right. Don't worry about it. James is finally here. One star. Horrible people work here. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:11 Yes. Yes, yeah. Had a gift card from my folks. I was treated as if I were horribly diseased. Yes. Oh, my God. What'd you eat? The salmon?
Starting point is 01:06:22 Oh, man. Yeah. They were like, they had walkie talkies he had he ate the salmon everybody keep an eye on him i think he's got parasites he's contagious people walking after me asking for my membership to be present in the store they are unfriendly to say the least yeah that is uh i don't like that at all we will start off next week with lisa's unhinged ranting and raving about being checked for her receipt it's fucking amazing and i love it so much i can't wait for it
Starting point is 01:06:50 that's where we'll start next week so check that out also if you like what you hear listen to our other shows crime and sports and small town murder definitely rate and review on whatever app you're listening to follow on social media pages everywhere. Also, there's fan groups on Facebook and shit where they talk all about reviews and do their own reviews and show each other reviews. So do all that. Hang out with us each and every week. We'll be back next Monday, everybody.
Starting point is 01:07:16 We cannot wait. Thank you so much for joining us and we'll see you next week. Bye. Follow Your Stupid Opinions on the Wondery app, Amazon Music, or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to every episode of Your Stupid Opinions ad-free by joining Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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