Your Stupid Opinions - Iconic Midness, Wipe Like A Dude, Rat Burgers, Fight The Owner

Episode Date: August 5, 2024

Reviews this week include an iconic landmark without an escalator. A personal item that seems to really want men that consider themselves to manly, to have filthy hands. A well known burger j...oint that seems to have some furry little mascots, running around the place. A salon that may leave you bloody, and that's before you have to fight the owner's husband & much more!!Join comedians James Pietragallo and Jimmie Whisman as they explore the most opinionated part of the internet: The Reviews Section!Subscribe and we will see you every Monday with Your Stupid Opinions!!!Don't forget to rate & review!!See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wondery plus subscribers can listen to your stupid opinions ad free right now join Wondery plus in the Wondery app or on Apple podcasts Hello everybody and welcome back to Your Stupid Opinions. Hey! Hello there, thank you for joining us. My name is James Petragallo, I'm here with my co-host. I'm Jimmy Wissman. Thank you so much, we have plenty of opinions for you today. None of them ours by the way.
Starting point is 00:00:39 All of them other people's. We're going to read them and make fun of them rather than give our own. So let's get right into it. Before we do, very quickly, follow us on social media, go ahead and rate and review the show, give us five stars and say something nice, and listen to Crime and Sports and Small Town Murder as well because we do those shows.
Starting point is 00:00:57 And if you like this, you'll like that. So let's get right to it. Let's go somewhere fun. What do you say? Okay. Let's go see something iconic. Let's go see something we've seen on TV a trillion times. We're going to the Hollywood sign. Oh Yeah, we're going to the Hollywood sign, which is really just a sign on a desert hill, which is yeah
Starting point is 00:01:17 It's kind of it was made as a as a literally a real estate marketing thing. Yeah, it was Hollywood land Yeah, this is they were trying to come buy land and own a house here. There's houses out here now, because there wasn't before, literally. We built shit here, so that's all it was for. We need you to know. Please fill this development up, that's it.
Starting point is 00:01:38 And then it became this. It became such a big deal. And they took the land down, it became this iconic thing, so. Didn't land get. Think it got destroyed, burned, I wanna say. I think it caught on fire by a man with a rocket. They took the land down it became this iconic thing so didn't land get think I got Destroyed burned. I was caught on fire by a man with a rocket something of that nature something stupid I mean they could have replaced the little fucking land if it was that important right yeah, but Hollywood is the word It's not that's the word land. That's too many syllables. No, it's cut the fat, babe
Starting point is 00:02:01 But I think that's what they were calling their development was was Hollywoodland, right? That's how it worked. OK, so Hollywood Sign, it's got 4.6 stars out of like 11,000 reviews on Google, so that's pretty good. Erected in 1923, the symbolic landmark on Mount Lee is often viewed from Griffith Park Observatory. That's what it says on their Google description here. It is in Los Angeles, obviously., if if you wanna check out some shit.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Now, everybody's seen The Hollywood Sign. You could be- People have a tattooed on them. You could be from Namibia and you know the fuckin', you've seen a movie that has a Hollywood sign. Like everyone on Earth has seen it. So it's pretty fuckin' iconic and for some reason, how many times have you been to LA?
Starting point is 00:02:44 A hundred? Every time yeah every time I've seen it never gone there though ever I've never no no no absolutely not for some Don't care at all now, but let's see people who have gone to it Francesco here Five stars up to it. Yeah, these are well some of these people did and some of the people said no It's just too hard. We'll find out So this guy has a shitload of reviews. He's got 622 reviews on Google. He is everywhere. He goes. It's up for judgment He doesn't go anywhere for fun. He's just got a notepad out Yeah, five stars I did the hike from Lake Hollywood to behind the sign it took about two hours for the round trip That's a lake. Yeah, Lake Hollywood's over the hill
Starting point is 00:03:28 I think you walk up the hill and then it comes behind the sign It took about two hours for the round trip It was not particularly challenging in terms of length and slope, but the hot weather made it more difficult It was yeah. Yeah, that's that's the other thing does it It's it's hot. Yeah, if you're going in the summer It's really hot. It was anyway very nice and the view from the top is really worth it despite a little bit of mist That's called smog, sir. That's not called mist There's no There's just mist hanging in the Los Angeles fucking air. No
Starting point is 00:04:02 No, you know it was a Tropical climate he thought it was San Francisco and the fog was rolling in it's not sir this is you were looking that marine exhaust you were looking at exhaust that is exhaust miss that is what you said bus exhaust yeah holy Jesus okay next up five stars again prasanna is the reviewer. You can visit Hollywood Lake to get a better view of the Hollywood sign. We tried to find other ways, but most of the roads are private, which leading to sign.
Starting point is 00:04:37 So this park is the only place from where you can get better pictures with sign. I was struggling to get this information from anywhere. Couldn't figure out how to get to the sign to see it. Well, get that a lot of people are like, how the hell do you find this goddamn thing? That's a lot of the reviews are like, I don't know how to get there. I see it.
Starting point is 00:04:58 You got a phone. Isn't there a trail head? There's gotta be. Google trail head? There's gotta be. That's right, there's gotta be something on maps or somewhere. Hollywood sign trailhead. I guarantee that's on Google Maps.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Or someone, if you just look that up, I guarantee you like on Reddit or something. Reddit? Yeah, oh absolutely. Big thing of people arguing, no you don't go that way fucking cuckboy, you go this way. Oh yeah? Shit face, you go fucking here you stupid moron. Listen soy boy.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Yeah. Listen, you go up this way and that way, and they'll go this way, and Trump 2024. And you're like, what is going on? How did this turn into this? It's a sign. I want to walk. Yeah, fuck you, Nazi.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Oh, yeah, well, mother fucker. How do we get to the Hollywood sign? Stop arguing. Shut your mouth. What is happening right now? OK, next up, Toya gives five stars. This is like international spy code maybe. If we could have, is there any code breakers
Starting point is 00:05:53 from World War II still alive? Any of those people? Any of those people because I need them right now. Four stars, quote, the sprinkles on the baby side was down. I don't know, man. The sprinkles on the baby side was down The sprinkles of text that what is that if the eagle flies at midnight? Over the Black Sea, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about the sprinkles on the baby side was down was down No punctuation, no period.
Starting point is 00:06:25 This is all, I think everything's a signal though that we need to really. That's fascinating. It's a really fascinating one. So if anyone out there, if you can break that code, hit us up on social media. Let us know what the hell that means. Next up, Eduardo. One star, and this doesn't really seem like the sign's fault particularly. We did not see the sign.
Starting point is 00:06:45 It was foggy and raining the whole day. Wish Google Map can also tell the weather ahead, but it's okay. That's a separate fucking app! How fucking foggy was it that you couldn't see a 200-foot-wide sign? Roll over. It's really fine. It's like there's low clouds and it's raining. Oh, they didn't even hike up there.
Starting point is 00:07:06 They just walked to the street. Isn't that behind him? What is that behind him? Not the Hollywood sign, yeah. So you can see like that there's, it's foggy, but you went on a rainy day. What the hell do you expect? Yeah, and you're in the street,
Starting point is 00:07:17 you're not gonna see anything from there. They didn't wanna go up to the sign. They wanted to see the sign. Wishing Google Maps could also tell the weather is maybe the dumbest thing we've ever heard anyone say. You got two apps. Yeah, I'm sorry. You only get one app with that phone?
Starting point is 00:07:31 How many things do you want a GPS satellite map app to do for you? Like enough already. It does enough, it tells you where to go. Shut up. Delete Roblox and you'll have enough room for the weather app. Fucking dummy.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Okay, one star for Psy The iconic landmark that gets way way way too much attention Way way way too much attention. Well, it's a real estate sign I like it too, but I gave it once only one star because everyone's gonna give this thing five stars for nothing Oh, he's just a contrarian. I like it also, but I'm not gonna agree with everyone else. This is why the internet is fucking horrible. This is why I walk around with clenched fucking fists in the street all the time.
Starting point is 00:08:15 This is why. It's this, because the joking around that we just got of two people fighting politically on a fucking thing about where's the Hollywood sign. This is the fucking guy. This is the guy. He's causing everything everything what is your name sigh I know his last name I won't say it but you if you see sigh out there you kick him right in the dick and tell him it's from us is it a Nara no not young
Starting point is 00:08:38 either nearby residents like to complain how are they are getting so much unwanted attention because of this landmark Just like a streaker saying everybody keeps looking at me just because I'm naked No, you live there. No, that's there it is. It's you did this you moved to this place Yeah, close to this you expect it. You're gonna have traffic Yeah, it's in every fucking movie about LA. If you move near the beach you're gonna... these goddamn people come in a surf and lay in the sun with the... this is my beach. I don't understand... no.
Starting point is 00:09:13 People are all coming in. All these people come into shop. I just wanted to live on 5th Avenue. It's like I moved to the woods. If anyone's here be like, why are you here? You're in my woods, go away. Leave me alone. I thought I would post a few pictures of the sign from the back and the view, a depiction of the Hollywood sign in a futuristic climatic anti-apocalyptic vision
Starting point is 00:09:38 from the science fiction show Defiance. This motherfucker's crazy. I don't know what he's talking about, but look, that's the view, which is pretty goddamn nice. Yeah, but that's, he's taking a picture that is very common. Shit loads of people are taking a picture from right there. Yeah, well, I mean, how many shots have been done in a movie from behind the Hollywood
Starting point is 00:09:59 sign? From right there. Yeah, people go up there to like hang out. I like when they have like, in a movie, like people go up to like hang out and like just like smoke a joint by The Hollywood sign there's nobody there. It's just like Like it's an empty part all these yourself nobody's there does nobody's hanging Lauren one star we didn't hike we were on a time limit around three ish You can't see that much at the observatory the Sun made a glare off the sign after we spent that much time looking for it.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Fucking sun. You're complaining about the angle of the sun at a certain time of day. What are you talking about? Whose fault is this? You can see the sign from fucking Hollywood. I'm impressed there is a sun. That's amazing. This thing comes up every day and warms the earth. That's incredible. I'm sorry fucking credible
Starting point is 00:10:48 and this this sign cost like like 13 grand or 20 grand or some shit like that in the 20s. Yeah today It's like an insane amount of money But it cost them a lot of money because they had to get those letters marketing all the way the fuck I had to hike them up there and figure out a way to stand them up and all and they had to keep Painting them all the time and plant them in a way that made sense to the ground Yeah, cuz it's on a big hill. Yeah, so uh alright. There was no parking So we literally left well you can't figuratively leave you can only literally leave
Starting point is 00:11:20 Her home Wow earlier See what I mean? It's like between the last the last guy who's just gonna be contrary and this person is too stupid to even know what that means We literally left Earlier while we were driving through we saw it from the ground on a street So we drove down the street for a while and found a great spot for a picture I did see the street name too. It was North Beachwood Drive. So if you can see it good and take pictures down that street. Now that's not behind it. There's pictures. It's like four miles away. Yeah. But you have it. So that's wow. Okay. Basically just go
Starting point is 00:12:01 somewhere where you can look over and see it and take a picture is what they just said Why do you want a picture of it? It's in everything. That's the other thing People will believe you've been to LA. Yeah, I promise. Yeah, it's not hard to get there Preston gives it one star never found it. Well, I know it's bad then one star never found it One star for you Preston. You're dumb as shit. You couldn't find the olive. One star for your GPS. You fucking idiot. Driving a 40-foot motorhome. You're driving a 40-foot motorhome around LA. What? What do you want on the small? Those are small streets up in the hills, you know, because they were carved into a mountain and all. small streets up in the hills, you know, because they were carved into a mountain and all.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Couldn't see it from the 405. Yep. Driving a 40 foot motor home and traffic was terrible. Yeah, it's in LA, it's known to have a little bit of traffic. You better keep your eyes on the fucking road. Yeah, no shit. Just drove away. Good.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Nowhere to park. Roads too small to take the motor home on the tight, twisty roads. Yeah, they're mountain roads. Could not take the Jeep and leave the motor home. Apparently they were towing a Jeep. With the crime down there, who would trust it? Oh, come on. Shut up, you fucking idiot. Listen, take your motor home, turn back around and head back to Arkansas because you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You're a moron. There is not, you know what little
Starting point is 00:13:24 crime there is in the hills up there? That about. You're a moron. There is not you know, I'm a little crime There is in the hills up there. That's just outside of Charles Manson. There's not a lot going on up there in the 60s if Jesus Christ Who would trust it paid $25 to park about two hours away at a truck stop? We'll stay away from now on two hours He's in Gila Bend. I went to Yuma and decided that was a good place to park and then came on back. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Johnny, one star. I liked the view when I was at the top behind the letters. Okay, there you go. Five stars. That's it. That's all they have for you is a sign and a view. That's it. But we had walked a lot to arrive there. I really like to walk so please, I don't really like to walk.
Starting point is 00:14:13 So you can get a tram up there perhaps. So please for the next time, think about building a lift to go to the top. Thanks. For the next time. Sincerely. Have it ready for me when I'm back. I'll be back. Think about building a lift to go to the top Thanks Sincerely have it ready for me when I'm back. I'll be back. I'll let you know when I'm coming I'll let you know build me a fucking just like a ski lift or an escalator maybe or something like that We're such fat pieces. Oh, I don't really like to walk one star had to walk. That's cardio wow
Starting point is 00:14:44 That's crazy Barnum is cardio. Wow. That's crazy. Barnabas gives one star. Mid. There we go! There it is everybody. Barney, god damn it. Don't watch it too. It happens again.
Starting point is 00:14:55 That's not just that one time. It happens so much. All the time. Mid. It's literally just a sign. Oh my god. What did you expect from something called Hollywood sign dot com Hollywood sign. What did you think was up there? It's just a sign. They
Starting point is 00:15:12 claim to be nothing more than a sign. A lot smaller than you think too. No it's not. It's pretty big. It's fucking huge. You can see it from miles away. That's big enough. The Hollywood sign is decently close to the observatory So you might as well go there instead now. That's a view. Yes, because it's an observatory. It's literally made to view everything These people are Wow, it's something else man. There's something different about a tourist area where there when you get people from everywhere It's like we we took a big colander and shook it and just the dumbest people fell out through the holes and went to these places Wow Tony one star it's so bad. I don't like it. I love cooler signs. I Don't know which signs he's just thinking about, but he likes cooler signs.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Yousef gives one star. The traffic staff are stupid. Those are called cops. The traffic staff. I've never heard of cops referred to as traffic staff. That's a really good one. What's up traffic staff. That's a really good one. What's up traffic staff? They don't understand someone's medical condition and keep asking to park under they hill and walk
Starting point is 00:16:31 upward while they allow their friends and relatives to go by car. You gotta walk. Hey, Mark, come on. Go through. Come on. Let's go sis. Let's go. Hey you, cripple boy, get the fuck back in your wheelchair. Park it and wheel yourself up to the top, fuck that. My sister's on the road, she needs all the room. Yeah. She'll hit ya.
Starting point is 00:16:55 This is why you become traffic staff, so you have some kind of power. Kaisla gives one star. The scenery is quite disappointing. Only tumbleweeds and mid-looking L.A. I was hoping I'd get up here and then look down and see Hawaii. Yeah, I just wanted to see dolphins jumping from the land. What do you expect?
Starting point is 00:17:21 Where are the clamshells and the little mermaid? This is bullshit. It's pretty impressive to look out on a city that big too. You're like, Jesus, it goes forever. It's crazy how far inland that sign really is until you get up there and see how fucking far the beach is. It's so far away. It feels very far.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Too much work to climb to. I got many back cramps. This isn't the science wall Almost got eaten by a wild animal again wish you had if only if only Again nature. Yeah, what wild animal come on so far people have blamed a sign for the Sun Smog and a wild animal Which the sign yeah, it's probably just some kale eater. Yeah, well it's almost like some extensential experiment.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Like if you put something, what's the most innocuous thing you could put? Just letters that don't do anything. They don't light up, they do nothing. And let's just see how people will complain about them. And it's fucking insane, dude. I'm shocked that there isn't any lighting on it at night. Like, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:18:30 Like, yeah, some sort of like, even if it's just like a billboard, you know the bottom lighting of a billboard or whatever? Everything like that, right? Yeah, I guess there isn't. Nothing. I guess there isn't, yeah. I don't know, I never thought of that.
Starting point is 00:18:39 It's not lit, right? I don't remember it ever. I've seen it at night and it's not, I mean, I've seen it like at dusk. But the city's so seen it like it does but the city so like it's so bright You know what I mean? You can see shit up there. The sign doesn't fucking matter. No, no Well here is the next person agrees with you one star the sign should be lighted up at night. There you go Yeah, so all can see from far not visible after dark Okay, and then we'll do two more here.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Okay, Mark one star, what is the point in this being here if it's closed off to Taurus? What do you wanna do, climb on top of the fucking O and stand there? I wanna fuck it. Oh, why they don't let me fuck the O, I don't understand it. Couldn't even rub my chest on it.
Starting point is 00:19:21 I don't care if locals complain, you buy a house near a landmark, what do you expect? Have to watch me fuck the O. Yeah, I don't care if locals complain. You buy a house near a landmark. What do you expect? You have to watch me fuck the house. Yeah, I don't give a shit. This sign was made for me, obviously, not you people. You knew that your street would be full of tourists when you bought the house in the same way that people living near airports know that their house will hear noise from aircraft.
Starting point is 00:19:41 If you're living in a $5 million home, the least you can do is put up with tourists standing near your house. That's the opposite. If you live in a $5 million house, you deserve tourists on your front lawn is the opposite. You should have privacy. $5 million should be enough money to get the fuck away from everybody. Especially these dummies who have grown up with Hollywood side. Yeah, they need to go touch the Hollywood side
Starting point is 00:20:05 Oh, wait, you hear the next one if that's too much trouble then move to the desert where you won't be disturbed They tried You you followed them as the problem they moved to the desert with five million dollars in their pocket and you follow It is dumb though. If you're gonna buy that's one point if you have a yeah the Hollywood Hills is a very popular place yeah and it's very expensive five million dollars gives you nothing yeah you're getting bullshit for that so Gregory one star they don't even let you touch it see I'm telling you, whatever! Think about the dumbest thing from the back corner of your mind that someone can say and
Starting point is 00:20:49 it'll go fucking say it in the next review. Like, can't even taste it. I tried to lick it, they wouldn't let me. Why should I even bother with this sign? Let me touch it. Why do you want to touch the sign so bad? What is your obsession? The next the next says that this is the next sentence is wild. This is my demand
Starting point is 00:21:15 To touch the side. He's a sign rapist this guy Imagine what he's like with checks Jesus. I want to pull its hair. It calls to me Did he say that it calls to me is the next line. Oh next line. How could you make such a landmark private? It's not private. It represents capitalism just as much as Lady Liberty represents freedom. Don't step on my America. What are you talking about? It's a private sign.
Starting point is 00:21:38 A man owned it. It's a real estate sign that for some reason you're obsessed with and want to touch. That's what it is. You're a moron. Unfortunately, it became a big fucking deal because of where Hollywood is and everybody wants once you see it, you know you're there. So it can't be taken down now. It has nothing to do with.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Wow. People are so dumb. And then the last one here, Richard one star. This area is a dump. Homeless drug users all over the place. I was shocked to see Hollywood in such disrepair. Those are called actors. I was just going to say, that's just the comedians coming from the comedy store at
Starting point is 00:22:15 night. They're on their way back to work. That's them crawling out at fucking sunrise after they've all jerked each other off. Yeah, they're on their way back to their day job. I can't imagine having to live here. Well, you can't imagine it because you couldn't afford it on your fucking best day, Chief. That's why you can't imagine it.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Again, motor home, I-40, Arkansas's that way, asshole. Head on out. Yep. I feel sorry for the residents. And they see you and go, oh oh look at these oaky fucking dust ball escapee losers coming out here okay and then fine one more one star Weston terrible double exclamation point so so disappointed in this the other day my kids saw the sign say Holly weed and now I have to tell them what weed is three exclamation points
Starting point is 00:23:06 I'm outraged and up and exhausted well luckily, you didn't see a beer billboard anywhere and have to explain to them what that is cuz Yeah, sorry you have to explain now I have to explain something that I had should be explaining to them Anyway, yeah next thing you know they're gonna ask about vaginas, and I have to explain about that where should be explaining to them anyway. Yeah. Next thing you know they're going to ask about vaginas and I'm going to have to explain about that. Where babies come from and shit. Oh my God. So yeah, a lot of people saying it sucked.
Starting point is 00:23:33 One guy said the sign looks like my left nut. I don't know what that would mean. Okay, well there's that. Alright so we come down, we've just hiked up to the sign. Now I'm a little, I'm peckish, I'm hungry. I'm thirsty, yeah. Thirsty, there's a lot of walking. There's a lot of walking.
Starting point is 00:23:49 I wish there was a lift. Yeah, so let's head down the hill and let's head over to Long Beach. We'll stay in the Los Angeles area here. And we're gonna head over to Long Beach on 4315 East Anaheim Street in Long Beach and go to Original Tommy's World Famous Hamburgers. This is a place that apparently people in Long Beach know of this place very well.
Starting point is 00:24:09 Is this the one that the sign was in the Snoop Dogg video? I don't know if the sign was. I remember the VIP record sign being there. That's in Long Beach. What was the one that he was on top of the... That's the VIP records. Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah. No, no. But this, my cousin Ian,
Starting point is 00:24:25 who does research for this and helps find all this stuff here, he said that he used to go here with his mom all the time when he lived in Long Beach in the 80s. So, you know, 35, 40 years ago it was pretty good. So we'll find out what people think about it now. It has- It's a very popular joint. Yeah, it has 4.3 stars out of over 1,500 reviews too on Google, so it has a lot. and it's a little walk-up joint.
Starting point is 00:24:47 You know what I mean? You walk up, you get, you sit at a table and you eat it. It's one of those places. Old timey joint. Here we go. Here's Andrea, five stars. I started coming to this joint in the 80s, went to Wilson High School. I frequented this joint for lunch.
Starting point is 00:25:02 She loves calling it a joint. She is all 80 Place is bitchin its place is fucking rad and tubular and shit. I Went there with my husband yesterday to get a chili dog and chili cheese fries and it took me back The food was still just as good service was good clean good clean good clean. It's good clean Thank you for still being there. All right. Pictures of chili cheese dog and it looks pretty good. I love a chili cheese dog. She's in her 40s. She's 40s. She was in the 80s. She was in high school. She's in her 50s at least at this point. Mid 50s. Yeah. Mid 50s. Yeah. Yeah. She can't be eating
Starting point is 00:25:41 chili dogs at this time of day. I say this is that that was her cheat day for the year. I think at that point otherwise, she's gonna have fucking blood clots. Yeah Jules gives five stars. It's been a very long time since I've eaten a chili cheeseburger from here This is like a lot of people go for nostalgia. Yeah purposes. They this Jules Jules J. U. L. S Yeah, we think Jules was there a sign in my front lawn Jules Quarter pounder with cheese in France They did not disappoint. It was so good. I had to stop at the next Tommy's and buy two more burgers Jesus Three chili cheeseburgers into an afternoon clear the deck
Starting point is 00:26:31 Here she comes everybody Just driving down the street. Wow Tommy stop. It's not good. I want I want two more burgers, too You just ate about I want three burgers. I don't care Wow So good. Yeah. The drive-thru was fast, friendly, and the female chef was amazing. She had skills.
Starting point is 00:26:50 She's making chili cheese dogs. I mean, honestly. Debbie, four stars. Decent place to get a quick burger. The wait may be a little longer than a typical fast food place, but the food comes out fresh. They have outdoor seating or a drive-thru at this location. Right. All right. Two stars. Pam. The worst hamburgers ever. Ever. Ever. Ever. That have ever been made ever in the 200 years of hamburger making. They literally climbed out of their buns and
Starting point is 00:27:21 stabbed us too. It wasn't even food poisoning. They were alive. Sentient, mean, nasty cheeseburgers. Chili is slimy and greasy. Hamburger meat is questionable. That's chili in hamburgers. That's what you want. At a fast food joint, that's what you're getting. And you go, mmm. It's slimy grease and questionable meat.
Starting point is 00:27:42 That's what you get. You get this and it feels good after you're drunk. That's the point. Right, it soaks up the booze. Buns are stale or semi-burnt, skip the place. Okay, here's Max, one star, great food, but every time I go there, I'm afraid I'm going to be robbed by the employees.
Starting point is 00:27:59 The employees. And he explains, wow, talk about, and then in all caps with three exclamation points, prison. In other words, the employees are all fresh out of the joint, I think is what he's trying to say here. It's Long Beach, man. Chris gives one star.
Starting point is 00:28:16 I purchased two cheeseburgers, chili only and chili cheese fries to go. Two cheeseburgers, chili only. Well, there's cheese too then, isn't there? Yeah. That's a chili cheeseburger. I was confused. Both burgers were cold. One of them had a hair in it. Eww. Not good. Very little chili. Chili fries were touched with bare hands because worker couldn't close the box. Okay. No, that's not good. No. Day gives one star. The customer service
Starting point is 00:28:42 here sucks. It sucked for the last few years and these are all exclamation star. The customer service here sucks. It sucked for the last few years and these are all exclamation points. The Mexican ladies at the counter refuse to communicate respectful or even at all. Just jabber in Spanish at me. Mexican ladies. Mexican ladies. Every time I ask for onions and pickles as I take my order to leave they always give me a problem about it No matter what I'm getting an attitude from them, and it's very uncomfortable
Starting point is 00:29:10 I've been coming to this Tommy's for 30 years and until the old man that's been working there for more than 20 years He retired and the place went into the ground three exclamation points Literally for 20 fucking years what poor bastard. He probably died. He didn't retire or leave. He's been eating Tommy's for 20 years. He just died on the line. They buried him out back, man. Well where do you think the chili comes from?
Starting point is 00:29:35 It's all the fallen Tommy's cooks. Literally the last year has been the worst there I have seen. If it's been bad for a year, stop going there. Yeah, what a masochist. You ever hear, fool me once, you fucking idiot? Fool me for 11 months. Fool me for an entire year. You're a moron, period.
Starting point is 00:29:53 You're an idiot and I hope they poison you. Your employees at this location are racist and rude. It's very bad for business. You're the one that brought up Mexicans. Well, apparently they call me N-word in Spanish, I think, and he doesn't like it. So I don't know if that's what happens, but that's all I can imagine.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Jessie gives one star. I buy six double chili cheeseburger, I ask for. They gave me two pack, which one pack has three pieces in it. She gave me two, I asked for more she said I have to buy meal to get a chili pepper that's the whole review okay you need to know context no that it's a confusing order yeah I don't know what he's doing this person's got more problems than that one star food poisoning three times once not twice but thrice thrice you, food poisoning three times. Thrice. Once, not twice.
Starting point is 00:30:45 But thrice. Thrice! You got food poisoning twice from a place and went back. This guy, these people are gluttons for punishment. The one guy, the last year I'm coming every week and it sucks every time I'm fighting with the people. Stop going. This guy, food poisoning three times.
Starting point is 00:31:01 It was, it was the only thing I ate those days too your diet needs to be worked on you ate exclusively Tommy's that day my god man the belly full of Tommy's and then shut your brains out probably threw up and we're like I'm gonna do this day twice more but I think he's prepping for to see I'm not gonna eat all day and I'm going to make sure that that's what makes me sick. And he did it again and he's like, ah, I did have that sprite. Yeah, you know what though? Maybe it was that sprite.
Starting point is 00:31:34 It was one more time. Yeah, it was around that one guy who was coughing. Maybe I caught something from him. Let's give it another shot. Every time I get a regular burger because I don't trust their chili, gross. But I got sick three times, very disappointed. It's either their lettuce or their burger meat, gross. Is it only lettuce and burger meat on this burger that you're eating?
Starting point is 00:31:57 Apparently because he said he doesn't trust their chili. So I guess so. Ernest gives one star. Let's see if he's earnest about this. Went there last night before closing when we pulled up. Go to the window and they said they were closed. Steven was the cashier who told me so I asked because I thought they closed at one like it says everywhere else.
Starting point is 00:32:16 What time do you close? And he responds one. And then I said why are you closed now if it's not one yet? He just smirked and smiled and said something between his teeth then spoke louder they were closed now. Guess they don't want our money. You know when they're closed they don't want your money that's how businesses work. What time do you show up? If you showed up within a half an hour of closing time just assume they're closed. It's just I don't go to a place if it's within a half hour closing. Or don't half hour Dick and show up a half hour before closing time. It's ten to one. What's up guys fucking unbelievable?
Starting point is 00:32:50 That's fucking clothes. No, I look at a half hour and I'm not going anywhere. That's no god. No, that's just I figure I'm always looking for the best possible quality of my food. Yeah, if I'm going at 30 minutes before it's the worst food They have on the line, A, and B, the worst attitude putting, assembling that shitty food. Yeah, they wanna get out of here. They were in the middle of cleaning, and then they had to stop to make your shit
Starting point is 00:33:13 and then clean up after it. They're pissed off. They drop a tomato, guess what's going on your burger? A tomato that was just on the floor. Tomato with hair in it and a used band-aid. An entire day's worth of floor on that tomato. Long days, bad days, whatever, you vent and take that out after work, not during. It was minor and nothing really, but
Starting point is 00:33:33 it still felt like I had to share. It was extremely minor. He told you they were closed. That's not a personal affront. Dude, we have got to stop with this shit. I need... The entitlement is crazy. That's what I'm saying. I want to touch the sign I want why aren't they kissing my father? What are you talking about? They don't want my five dollars. No, they don't need your fucking five Yes, and that's not an aggro an act of aggression to say no clothes now. He's the guy who works the drive Do you think it's his decision when the ultimately the lights shut off for the day? Probably not Do you think it's his decision when the ultimately the lights shut off for the day? Probably not And if he did close up a little early leave the guy the fuck alone at 1 in the morning
Starting point is 00:34:15 Yeah, Christ man. Oh what I am. Oh Thomas Thomas one star my wife really needed to use the ladies room She was refused to use it. Manger said, not manager, Manger, Manger said because they closing question mark. Okay, A, we're closing and B, they're not a fucking customer. You just want to piss in our room. There's no inside there also. So it's like you go up to a window and get your shit and then go sit down.
Starting point is 00:34:43 Like a rally. Like a rally, exactly. It's just a little, like a filibirdos. It's a little hut. They make shit and throw it out the window until you get lost. There you go, dummy. Yeah, they go, don't blame us when you're sick.
Starting point is 00:34:55 Really, but he was able to take our order. My wife's emergency became a joke between manger and employee. Oh. That's kind of fits. If it's bringing employees and mangers closer together though, I feel like it's good for everybody. You've done us a favor. Yeah. One star minus nothing about the food. This nothing about the food. Again, entitlement. Uh, Dominic one star said I had to pay to use the
Starting point is 00:35:18 restroom. Tell them they aren't allowed to do that. They insisted. I tried to buy a small coffee. Service refused. Yeah, we don't need your shit in here. That's why. We're not buying. Thirty-six cents ain't the cost of our bathroom. No. Get out of here. No.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Trel gives one star. The Hispanic ladies that works in this place should not be working in this type of business. Okay. The very nasty ladies. Bad for business. And then all caps, I watched this lady dig in her nose and handle the food. Yeah, good luck if you choose to eat her.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Not here, her. If she does that, imagine how filthy her pussy is, is what he's trying to say. If she treats your chili cheeseburger like this, imagine how she treats hers. You know what I mean? She wiles back to I guarantee it. Oh fuck. Yeah, she's like get in there poop particles for you She's bringing the dirt from the back door right in the kitchen. Oh God Johnny one star don't eat here. It's infested with rats. Oh is it? Just like Google just Google it and you will see it it was on the news tonight Do not eat there or else you'll probably get very sick so gross so they saw a news report on the local news
Starting point is 00:36:37 And said I'm gonna write a review of that place based on Based on the fucking review King gives one star Jeffrey and Steven are rude horrible customer service Okay, yeah called this place a rat hole because there's rats That's what Jeffrey said to beware of this place. What the hell are you talking about? Those are the guys on the news those are the guys on the news Jeffrey oh my god, and then, Jeffrey said it's bad. So I'm not going. That's what he said. Beware of this place. Called it a rat hole.
Starting point is 00:37:11 One star. Do not get the chili dog. The chili is filled with, what do you think it's going to be? No, I'll give you. No. Salt. No shit. It's fast food chili Don't eat the chili. It's full of beef full of fucking beef, and there's tomato in there and stuff You don't want that. It's god damn it. Oh, it's nasty okay, so I feel like after we go there We might need this product here. I need a break from people Let's will we will because these people have been driving me crazy
Starting point is 00:37:42 I need a break from people. We will, because these people have been driving me crazy. Yes. If you wonder why everyone in LA is an asshole, it's because everyone that goes there are bigger assholes and they have to deal with them. That's why. I'd be a dick too if everybody was just a tourist dick around. Imagine, Jesus. Let's do our personal item of the week.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Here we go. And we might need this after all those chili dogs we just ingested that are a Questionable chili. Is it a cleanser? It is a dude wipes. Oh Flushable wipes It's so amazing that they just made a wipe to try to make a to try to make wiping your ass cleanly Dude bro wipes for a tough guy Tough enough for your hairy asshole, bro. Not like nothing for your girls all smoothed up, waxed up butthole, none of that shit.
Starting point is 00:38:31 This is like, eh, rip the dingleberries from your asshole hair. How insecure are you that your wet asshole makes you feel like a softer man? And the funny thing is the reviews are all dudes that are like, these are my bro wipes dude bro. It's so fucking funny.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Dude wipes. Yeah. Shit, yes right. Flushable wipes, 48 to a pack. Unscented extra large adult wet wipes, vitamin E and aloe. Vitamin E and aloe because you're such a tough son of a bitch. You need aloe on your asshole. What, he got a sunburn?
Starting point is 00:39:06 I'm a tough dude tell your grandfather. I like to tell my grandfather's who are in World War 2 Yeah, if he comes over sits down on your toilet sees those shits Grandpa, you probably need a little aloe and vitamins E on your asshole. I know I do or my asshole's just not I lived in a foxhole for three fucking years no no grandpa it's lanolin I start in the beach at Normandy what's off like sheepskin then it says septic and sewer safe which nothing no it's not none None of them. Nothing is. Stop saying that. These are not flushable.
Starting point is 00:39:46 Nope. Nope. And they all that's. Fuck your sources. Half the reviews are, holy shit, here's my plumbing cost, this fucked my thing up. Oh god. 4.7 stars out of 54,000 reviews. Wow.
Starting point is 00:39:59 So there is a shitload. That's on Amazon. A whole bunch of guys flushing this. Yeah. $4.10 for 48 of these wipes. Not bad. It doesn't seem too bad. There's a fragrance free and a mint version.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Oh my God. Mint, I don't want a tingly minty asshole. I really don't. We've got them uncentered or noxzema. Mint. Mint sounds like it would sting, doesn't it? Like, ow. It feels like it would at least feel like... Put Listerine on your butthole.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Does that sound good to you? Mentholiptus on my butthole? No. No, thank you. This is for sensitive skin, you know, because you're such a dude, but your butthole is too sensitive. You're sensitive, son of a bitch. It's an extra nine cents for the mint, by the way.
Starting point is 00:40:42 It's 4.10 for regular, 4.19 for mint. About this item, billions of butts wiped. We make flushable wipes. Billions of them. Assembled right here in the USA. And I'm proud to be an American where at least my butt is clean. And it smells so minty. Where my butt hole smells so minty Where my butthole smells like mint
Starting point is 00:41:06 And I'll proudly stand up And touch the Hollywood sign Cause it's my God given fucking right What the fuck? Tongue bathe the Hollywood sign Get me my burger Mexican lady She's fucking Christ these people are out of their minds Extra large flushable wipes when it comes to flushable flushable wipes size matters
Starting point is 00:41:48 What if you don't buy these your dick is tiny, it's a micro penis if you don't buy these your dick is tiny it's a micro penis if you don't buy these Extra large wipes to extra clog your shit And it says and we're big because nobody wants a little wipe after a big burrito. Oh, that's what it says Any fucking idea okay five stars here we go Love this person says love yeah, okay? I get these from my boyfriend every now and again as a little I love you gift Wow yeah, I think his ass just thinks they are easy to open and use good quality and grateful Great for travel as he puts them in his toiletry bag.
Starting point is 00:42:27 I bought a single pack of unscented and a singular pack of the mint ones as little fillers for gift baskets for him. Here you go! Merry Christmas! Wow! Merry fuck! Oh, the Easter Bunny came, good! Excellent!
Starting point is 00:42:42 Jelly bellies and dude wipes. Perfect. And he loved them so much that I eventually decided to get the bigger bulk pack. As a side note, I also love the packaging. What the fuck difference does that make? It's the same as any other fucking wipe packaging. What is, yeah, it's the wipe, that's, okay, wow. It's a thick plastic with a little fucking thing to open up and pull the wipe out.
Starting point is 00:43:05 It's the same thing on everything. Like a tiny baby that you have wipes for. It's like bigger baby wipes. That's all it is. I love how they've tried to separate it from, this isn't a baby wipe. No, it's a bro wipe. It's a bro wipe. It's got like a picture of tits on it and stuff.
Starting point is 00:43:23 You wipe a baby's ass with this, it'll make him hairy. Yeah, there's just pictures of naked chicks in case you want to, you know, squeeze one out quick while you're wiping your ass. You never know. I don't know. When you open the lid, there's a removable flap there for each month because there's a naked lady calendar. Yeah, it's hotter every day, man.
Starting point is 00:43:42 It's like a far side calendar, but with tits Five stars here if you don't have a bidet or use wipes, this is a must don't walk around dirty Okay, I'm a very clean and hygienic person, especially when it comes to my body. What else? Okay, and I'm sensitive to bad smells I like to be clean and not smell. Okay, you're a real fucking visionary. I don't like things that stink. Really? You're so fucking unique. Imagine my surprise after number two when I wiped using these after toilet paper. Ew, yuck and gross. TP doesn't 100% work even if you wipe until TP clean. I've tried a variety of wipes and by far these are my favorite scent and brand. The sheets are not as big as some baby wipes but you can make one sheet work if you're strategic. Jesus. You really folded a bunch.
Starting point is 00:44:38 Okay there's that shit. Oh get it away from my finger. You all can see the origami going on with this guy in his bathroom, right? This guy's playing shit origami with his fucking... It's happening. Unbelievable. Oh my god. It has enough product, is gentle, large enough for most. One size fits all?
Starting point is 00:44:59 Question mark. This... What? I don't know sometimes I sometimes I use these midday even without number two Because who knew a rear build sweat moisture and then funk But the most wouldn't notice because it's deep within the crack no How deep is your crack that's did you not know? That's a good love song. That's a Bee Gees song, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:45:27 How deep does your crack go, I believe, I think? This is Saturday Night Fever soundtrack, maybe? How the fuck did you not feel that there was moisture in your fucking crack? In your ass crack. Have you heard of a shower also? Take a shower. I can't believe somebody wiped with one of these
Starting point is 00:45:44 after wiping toilet paper and was surprised that there's still shit in his ass. Yeah, weird right? That's a strange. Charlie gives one star, dude these wipes are small. That's their title. Absolutely horrible. When you purchase an item that clearly labels itself as extra large under the brand, Dude, as though
Starting point is 00:46:06 they're designed with male thought of mind and as though they would be tougher, stronger than normal wipes. Why? Why would a man, I like to jam it in there and make sure it doesn't rip like... I need to be the size of a fucking brawny paper towel. How big is your asshole, man? I work hard, I play hard, and I wipe my ass hard. You did.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Yeah, that's the commercial. A guy, a guy with like a big fucking sledgehammer, like, just forging metal, yeah, hot metal with sparks are flying, and then showing him like playing like tackle football in the mud with his friends, like fighting for a first down and then he's just The look of fucking strain on his face as he wipes his ass. That's the commercial right there. We just wrote it Truck making a friend working on just banging a sledgehammer against the fender of an F-150. Pow, pow.
Starting point is 00:47:06 I need big wipes for my asshole, because it gets dirty. What are you doing, man? Oh my god. When they are just about the standard size of wipes that you would purchase from any other brand and no features that would give you an impression of them, what features do you want?
Starting point is 00:47:24 I need ripples. I want them to be sandpapered so I know it's there. Features that would give you an impression of them. What features do you want? 100 minutes to be sandpapered so I know it's there Yeah, I want a rib for my pleasure You would feel like myself scammed into buying them Well, if you buy dude things because you think they're tougher you're a moron. I an idiot I give this product one star based on the branding and misrepresentation of what should be expected from the product. As far as for the product based on if they are wipes, yes, that is all they are.
Starting point is 00:47:54 Nothing special about them. Here's the thing, motherfucker. They didn't bring you flowers or something? Like, tell you you were pretty? What do you want from these wipes? They aren't to be fucking held over a woman's face to rape her either. No, that's the other thing, you jackass.
Starting point is 00:48:09 Let me ask you this. Was there shit on your ass when you started? Was there shit on your ass when you finished? When? Hey, ta-da, look at that. It did its job. Done and done. They call them dude wipes to try to get us as men
Starting point is 00:48:22 to try to fucking clean up a little better because we're gross. Because if we like these are wipes like those are for pussies. No, they're not. They're dude wipes. They're tough for your butthole. I've been using cotton hell since I was fucking 17 and it's the greatest thing I ever did. It's fine. It's good to have this guy. Dude wipes. Cat gives one star. These are not XL wipes. They're the same size as any old baby wipes They are not sturdy. They rip up easily when taking when taking a quote field shower What what you're just wiping himself down with these but so I've heard many people say they get caught in your beard I've heard many people say they get caught in your beard. I've heard people say,
Starting point is 00:49:03 what? I saw so many of these things. Leave chucks on your face when you'd wipe your beard with them. I'm like, why would you wipe your face with an ass wipe? What's wrong with you? User error, bro. What the fuck? Go to the bathroom, use soap.
Starting point is 00:49:23 They're literally Shower What are we talking unless you're in the military or something then I get it if you're in Afghanistan or somewhere then yeah fine I get it, but but don't wipe hair with it. Wipe your forehead wipe some some skin. Don't fucking rub it into your beard. That's the strangest thing I ever heard. Oh my god. These were extremely disappointing to have, oh to have during training in the desert. So field showers, there are in the military. I had to use these more, I had to use more wipes to get the job done than if I used Huggies wipes. Do not recommend. Okay, so he's using baby and they're a little better. I don't want to be out there with like my my giant gun and like my boots and
Starting point is 00:50:10 like all this tough stuff and then take out my Huggies wipes and give myself a little wipe down. I feel like a pussy out there, you know. And here is one review that is representative of a mountain of reviews here. Okay, One star, they are not flushable. No. Despite being called flushable, they are not flushable. These wipes caused a mainline clog in my older house that costs $560 to remove. There was people putting like $3,000. They broke my septic tank. One person said they all like clumped up on one side of a septic tank and destroyed it. Oh my god. Plumber said he pulled a clump of wipes out and said never ever flush wipes even if they are marked as flushable. All it takes is one to get snagged
Starting point is 00:50:57 or caught up and then they start to accumulate. He even made the joke that flushable wipes keep him in business. They do. I bet they do There's got to be a guy just going around pulling people's shit tickets out You know, they're flushable in that you flush and it goes down That's where it goes from there. I could take my shirt off and flush it down the toilet Also, it doesn't mean it's good for my sewer system. My socks flushable crazy Jesus Christ one star. They are about they are small about the size of small baby wipes I bought these because they advertise as extra large and it's far from the truth
Starting point is 00:51:34 Very small don't waste your money because it's false advertising. Oh boy. No guy like it wants to buy anything that's size small That's why it's gotta be extra large. Extra, extra, you can't take it. Fucking huge, large. I dare ya. I dare ya. It's a dare to wipe your ass with these. Your asshole might fall out. It's any bigger.
Starting point is 00:51:56 It isn't going down, man. No, it's the problem. Heavy gives one star. Thin and like using wet toilet paper. Oh, that's not good no no they don't see this guy is shit don't shake hands with heavy over never let's put it that way never shake this guy's head they don't seem larger than others my fingers went right through these oh god oh yeah I could have saved the price and
Starting point is 00:52:20 used my bare hands or toilet paper I'm just gonna say don't shake this man's hand. I don't recommend this product at all. Next up, one star, great features intolerable name. We're on board. Yeah. I like dude wipes but I hate the name. I can't abide having that name in my house. He doesn't want anyone to see it and he's going to be embarrassed by it. So I buy another brand even though Dude Wipes are a better product. Okay, now you're an idiot at this point. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:53:00 Yes. And jams the package full of Dude Wipes? No, he just uses other wipes even though they're inferior. Since they're wishing they weren't called dude wipes. He then said, I wish they'd offer the same thing packaged under a different name, like discrete packaging. Can you just call it like wipes? You call it like oatmeal and then I'll just get it and the wipes will come out.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Okay, Scott gives one star. Seriously Dude is the title of his. Dude, these suck. I guess it is a manly thing to wrestle with a box of wipes just to get one out of the container, but I'm not into male bonding with my wipes. That's fucking gay is what he's saying. I'm not going to be some fucking wipe homo just sticking my dick in the hole and jamming it in there till wipes come out.
Starting point is 00:53:51 My fingers are all wet. Yeah, I'm all wet. I don't like that. Now I do like adventure, but I am not going to chance it with a wipe that has already shredded from its journey out of the container. This is a great piece of marketing, but you will do better with the cheapest baby wipes you can find or maybe even a corn cob. That's probably not.
Starting point is 00:54:14 How about seashells like Demolition Man or Judge Dredd or whatever, whatever Stallone movie that was. Three seashells, it was Demolition Man for sure. Rubbing a corn cob on your asshole is better? Yeah, that's gonna be better That's much less gay you fucking yeah, just jam it up your ass while you're out back there Why don't you and then tell me how not how gay that is you moron? One star here harsh chemicals for your butt is the title of this which sounds like a punk band name
Starting point is 00:54:42 Or a punk band album cover. They definitely got the minty one right? Well let's see yeah great if you don't mind a mild chemical burn in your butt crack. Oh I mean who doesn't? I mean that's...Mild chemical burn. Wow I honestly don't understand how bleach on your butt is supposed to be masculine but if that's what you're into you do you. There's no. What? I don't think there's bleach anywhere in here. Is this the booty stuff from last week? That's what I mean. I think they got mixed up with no.
Starting point is 00:55:11 Did you do the wrong thing? No, I guess, yeah. We'll get you booty bleach and you can really bleach your butt and see if it's masculine. One star. I got a rash after the second package and had to stop. I hate to say this because I really like this product, but I got a rash and had to stop the product. It cleared up soon after and to ensure it was sensitivity, I had to this product, I started up again and it came back. Just wanted to make sure that it was hurting my ass. It may be related to something in this version. I will try the plain version instead of this cool mint.
Starting point is 00:55:48 Yes! You didn't think mint sounds like it would hurt my butthole to begin with? Jesus Christ. That's whoever likes that like when cool air hits, you know what I mean, mint stuff. There's like that crisp fresh feeling. I don't know. Why would you want that on your butthole? No! I don't know. That's not where I look for that crisp fresh feeling I don't know why would you want that on your butthole no no that's not where I look for that's like when you brush your teeth you want that yeah my mouth to be
Starting point is 00:56:11 minty fresh not this no this is fucking wild okay Sandra one star wipes can't wipe is her title we purchased these quote wipes but found them to be quite inferior to other wipes we have used in the past. The material falls apart with the slightest amount of pressure used to clean this affected area. The size was good, just not suitable for the purpose intended. What other purpose?
Starting point is 00:56:37 Affected area. Affected area. Jesus Christ. Another one star. All wipes have ingredients that will negatively impact your bum's healthy bacteria balance. Even these have glycerin and more. Used for two years, stopped using, bought a bidet and it all is so with 5-0s good now. Even when on the go I just keep some toilet paper and or curel healing lotion to have
Starting point is 00:57:04 a quick pat if needed by a bidet. You put lotion on your asshole. That is wild. That is wild. Who is, natural bacteria in your butthole you want, nope, I want that, I want anti-bacteria, I want that cleaned up. Yeah, I don't want just moisture and weird sliding around.
Starting point is 00:57:28 Bacteria breeds in there, and then now you've got smells and stuff. I don't want that. Plus, if you sit down, you'd feel like you're in a sliding, like it would feel like you're going to slide around. So gross. All right, now that our buttholes are all cleaned up, now let's go get them all waxed.
Starting point is 00:57:44 What do you say? Let's head to the salon and get ourselves waxed up. Are they reviewing the waxing? There's some waxing, some threading, some eyebrow shit, some eyelash shit. Here we go. We're going to Arkansas. Like we said, back to Arkansas. Bryant, Arkansas, which we're very familiar with. That is where the Don't Anger the Princess episode of Small Town Murder where this asshole killed her father then pretended like she didn't and then took like the weirdest attitude about it, then got mad at us for doing an episode.
Starting point is 00:58:14 As she got out! As she got out of prison, which she should never get out of prison, she still got out of prison, and then told us we're assholes. For telling everybody that she's an asshole. For telling everyone that she killed her father in cold blood and then tried us we're assholes. For telling everybody that she's an asshole. For telling everyone that she killed her father in cold blood and then tried to pretend like she didn't. For no reason, by the way. Didn't molest her, didn't beat her, was a nice guy.
Starting point is 00:58:32 She's just an asshole. Anyway, so check that episode out. This is, yeah. This is Anna's Threading and Waxing Studio. And it is at 5311 Arkansas route 5 suite 204 and Come get your eyebrows waxed on route 4 Arkansas route 5 Sounds glamorous doesn't it? Body waxing, eyebrow threading, eyelash extensions, laser hair removal, massages, 3D lashes, bikini
Starting point is 00:59:04 wax, body polish, they do all that shit. Laser hair on route five. On route five. Alright. Lane gives five stars. Laney. Great waxing and thorough.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Got all the hairs out of my butt crack. Deep. Yeah. No deep in here butt crack. No bleeding or bumps afterwards. Anne is so nice and professional. Her place is extremely clean. Bleeding. Bleeding. Other people will hear. Five stars. The salon is amazing. Anne has been a very
Starting point is 00:59:33 polite person to greet and treat the customer. She was very gentle with the service and knew what needs to be done. A very perfect hand while getting the waxing and threading. Place is very neat and clean, easy to get appointments. Would definitely recommend this place if you're looking for a service to be done and this place is pocket friendly. Okay, cheap on route 5. Yeah, cheap on route 5. And finally with the good reviews, 5 stars, Ares. Today was my first visit. I got eyebrows, treaded, they mean threaded.
Starting point is 01:00:03 Treaded. And clus- All over my face. first visit I got eyebrows treaded they mean threaded and cluck all over she just stopped my shit and cluster lashes okay Yennefer that's the name Yennefer was a was great and very nice I will definitely make this one of my go-to places I love my lashes okay okay Ebony gives one star got Got individual, individual custard lashes. Like general custard? Do they mean cluster? Like the other person said? Is it cluster or custard? It's gotta be cluster. Maybe it's custard. Maybe it's custard. Custard lashes. She's got individual custard lashes,
Starting point is 01:00:41 which one side was leaning down before I left the shop. That's hilarious I look real sad when I like I can't see And she attempted to fix it by the time I went home same stop side started leaning again Unfortunately me leaving for a cruise. I had no time to go back to the shop to get clearly To clearly get that and redone went on my cruise and the lashes didn't even last the full six days total waste of money will not be returning okay they go on to say in the owner response that cluster lash glue is not strong in pool water yeah why are you going on a
Starting point is 01:01:21 fucking with glue on your face? Here we go. Uh, Meshia gives one star. It's a long one. I thought long and hard before leaving this review. Uh, I wish everyone did. Yeah. But as I sit at home with an ice pack, I will tell you this. Uh, and I will tell you this brows and tint.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Yes. Brazilian waxing absolutely never again ice pack ice pack on a crotch I was in tears on that table after three failed attempts with the wax already on and the strip fucking thick is your bush Wow this it is like a fucking carpet down there. It's like Berber After the strength the strip repeatedly being pulled in the same place Oh Jesus, I had to request that the young lady exchange herself for the owner Which still hurt just as bad because the wax had come off and the skin was already extremely irritated and tender Not to mention it's still not completely smooth and hair- free. Yeah, you got a fucking carpet down there.
Starting point is 01:02:26 She's got patchy pussy. Man, Jesus Christ, looks like a sad guy's beard now. I can definitely handle pain, but putting more wax on top of already irritated, torn skin was enough for me to say that I won't be back. And before the owners come with a rebuttal and blaming me, let me state that all you need to do is take accountability because I've given this establishment more than enough chances to wax me each time, given the benefit of the doubt. But after this time, lesson learned,
Starting point is 01:02:55 that's too much money to be thrown out for you to blame the horrible experience on the customer. That was all one sentence, by the way. Change the wax, in all caps. Use a better brand for different skin textures and hair types. Slow down and pay attention to the client and the experience. Okay.
Starting point is 01:03:12 All right. Did the owner say anything? Owner said shit back. No. Next up, Kayla. So we're going from Ebony or Amisha to Kayla, who is a very, very white girl. So we're going from a couple of black ladies
Starting point is 01:03:24 to a very white lady. One star star the lady who did my sugar wax what the fuck is that oh that's not good James what's a sugar wax oh boy it's it looks crazy oh sounds crazy you've seen those like candy I mean delicious don't get me wrong you've seen those candies that get made that they like lay out the all the sugar that's melted and they roll it and so it's Like that shit that they like rub on to you and so it's like a thick it's crud and then they yank and it pulls hair And so they like roll it on pull roll it on pull. It's fucking I would never know it would attract bees You leave it
Starting point is 01:04:05 Infection or something you yellow jackets hovering around your crotch through your jeans as you left. It looks crazy. Like you got a sprite in your fucking crotch. It sounds crazy. Thank you for explaining because I didn't know what the hell that was. They do sugar waxing here? It says the lady who did sugar waxing was very, on Arkansas Route 5, was very sweet
Starting point is 01:04:23 but I'm not happy with the outcome. I've been getting Brazilians regularly for over six years and it's never taken anyone 30 minutes to do a wax. I asked for a triangle, but I got a, she wants shapes in her pussy now. A triangle. But I got an uneven rectangle that isn't even lined up she's just got a random off-center chunk of pussy hair that's amazing she needs our stencils from a couple weeks ago she can make something out of this get a light make a lightning bolt out of it or something you can make
Starting point is 01:04:59 lemons out of lemonade out of lemons here so that's not lined up it's not really even really a rectangle. She kept trying to fix it, but I was just ready for the experience to be over. Oh, Jesus. I had high hopes for this place, but I don't think I'll be back. Yeah, if they don't know a rectangle from a triangle,
Starting point is 01:05:17 I would say no. It's on route five. It's on route five. What do you want? You should have known. One star here, I had a Brazilian wax done yesterday. It hurt. Surely it shouldn't hurt like this. I feel like it should hurt. It shouldn't feel good, man.
Starting point is 01:05:32 You're putting wax basically from the bottom of your stomach to the top of your ass track and then putting a piece of paper on it and ripping the hair from the roots. Clean out. Clean out. Clean out. I feel like that's going to be, if you explain the process you go, ow, that sounds like it hurts. And then you're leaving those pores open and then you're going to go just do your day and get sweat and stuff in there.
Starting point is 01:05:57 You're about to have so many, so many problems. Temples and ingrown hairs and shit coming back. Did not know I was injured and bleeding until I got home the person who facilitated this process rushed I felt no care was taken. I will not revisit. So the last person they took too long this person pussy too clean too fast To clean too much too soon pussy too clean too soon, man. I can't deal with it. Maybe that's the guy's problem with the butt wipes too.
Starting point is 01:06:29 Just too much too soon. Steph gives two stars. Went in early today. The sign was on open, but when I walked in, I was told I couldn't be serviced for another hour because she left to run errands. You can't be serviced. She can't be serviced, which sounds like sexual. This next one, this is fucking great.
Starting point is 01:06:52 We can end it here. This is a longer one. Emma, one star. This is great. If I could give zero stars. I would. I would. I would.
Starting point is 01:07:02 I would. Let me start off by saying Anna is a super unprofessional and her and her husband had cornered me and telling me I need to delete my last review. I had come back because I wanted my lashes removed and she was the only place that was open on a Sunday and honestly she couldn't have messed my lashes removed and she was the only place that was open on a Sunday and honestly she couldn't have messed my lashes up any more than what she already had done. So she gave him a bad review and then came back? And then came back.
Starting point is 01:07:35 After all, she was just removing them off my face. Anyways, as I go to leave after getting my lashes off, she asked if I'd like a refund. I said, yeah, if I can do that. I wasn't going to ask just because it was a lesson learned and wasn't worth it. Her husband then gets off the couch and they both tell me, quote, they will give me my money back if I delete my review off their page right now. Oh my God. I tell them that I shared my experience and concern for this place.
Starting point is 01:08:03 Her husband then tries to take my phone. Give me that phone bitch. I'll change your view right now. What's your password? Well, hold it up to her face. Pal, let's go. Hold her face still. Hold it still. Oh my God. Okay. I take it back and said, hold on. Let me go get my husband from the car because the husband was acting really sketchy. Now somehow at a Brazilian waxing place, two men are gonna be fighting on the floor. I don't know how this is gonna work. We got a tag team match on Route 5.
Starting point is 01:08:33 An intergender tag team match, I like it. Here we go. This is like fucking attitude era WWE right here. This is very Arkansas. This, now this everyone is Arkansas. Her husband, okay, because the husband was acting really sketchy and standing close to me and was just making me feel weird vibes. I walked toward the door to just leave, not even wanting a refund back.
Starting point is 01:08:58 She ends up giving me my money anyways. Absolutely horrible. I felt so uncomfortable and cornered. Save yourself the trip and don't go there super unprofessional I want to contact someone for the way they treated me and how they acted they should be ashamed It's Arkansas probably not Route five is just you know, that's That's no man's land out there. You take it on yourself when you go out there.
Starting point is 01:09:26 You call the Texas Rangers, maybe somebody like that. But other than that, I don't think there's anyone really, really monitoring that land. And then finally, Jasmine one star. If I could give this place zero stars, I truly would. I truly, I'm not I truly not playing around to make a customer feel uncomfortable and threatened is not okay no they don't explain that are all but they say this business needs to be shut down ASAP for exclamation points uh-huh and speaking of that we need to be shut down ASAP right now
Starting point is 01:10:06 because this show is over. That's all they can do. That's it. Thank you so much for listening. If you, yeah, they needed to explain that a little bit more. One hair at a time? How do they do it? What's the problem?
Starting point is 01:10:18 They felt threatened. Maybe the husband cornered her again, tried to steal her phone. Either way, if you like the show, give us a nice review on wherever the hell you listen on and don't give like a funny one like a one star, but I like it because that just fucks up our whole thing. You're an asshole.
Starting point is 01:10:31 It doesn't help. Take it serious. Yeah. Take it serious. Not unlike these people. Don't be like these people. That's the thing. So keep coming back and seeing us again every week, every Monday.
Starting point is 01:10:40 Listen to Crime and Sports, also Small Town Murder on Wednesdays and Fridays. Check all those shows out. Keep coming back and seeing us. Tell all your friends about this. The show will never spread unless you help spread it. That's the way this works. We can only spread it so far. So tell your friends, keep coming back and let's hear more opinions next week. wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to every episode of Your Stupid Opinions ad free by joining Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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