Your Stupid Opinions - Murder Motel, Rude Cowboys, Unintentional Babies

Episode Date: December 4, 2023

This week, we hear complaints about a sleazy motel, with a murderous past. People that aren't very polite, while you try on cowboy hats. A product that seems perfect, if you want to have a Children's haircuts, with a side of attitude & much more!!Join comedians James Pietragallo and Jimmie Whisman as they explore the most opinionated part of the internet: The Reviews Section!Subscribe and we will see you every Monday with Your Stupid Opinions!!!Don't forget to rate & review!!Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie WhismanSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wondery Plus subscribers can listen to your stupid opinions ad-free right now. Join Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. Hello everybody and welcome back to Your Stupid Opinions. Hey! Hey there. My name is James Petrigallo. I'm here with my co-host. I'm Jimmy Wissman.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Thank you for joining us on another wild episode of this crazy show that we figured out here. And we have more complaints and grievances, some legitimate, some crazy, and that's what makes the show go around. So it's a lot of fun. If you like the show, definitely find us on social media. We're on all forms of social media. And, of course, find all the groups on social media, too. They're already doing that, posting their own reviews. Say nice things.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Absolutely. And also listen to our other two shows, Crime and Sports and Small Town Murder, which are self-explanatory as you get with the titles. So let's dive right into this, everybody. you say because you know what let's it's we're full of show here so let's do it let's dive in right here with the personal corner right off the bat our personal item of the week this week here and it is a uh vcs or vcf as in Frank contraceptive film. Ew. It's a female condom. It's the female condom. Film?
Starting point is 00:01:32 Film. It's a film. Let me show you the box. Here you go. I gotta see this. There you go. That's the box. Okay. It says film. It's like the patch? Yeah, you just put it on your arm. If the patch... You put it over. Just put it over it and then you'll never... Yeah, you just put it on your arm. If the – yeah, you put it over. Just put it over it and then you'll never – no, you definitely won't have kids.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Then you won't see it. If you patch over, yeah. Just patch over the entrance. So it says safe, effective birth control. You both can't feel. That's what they're touting here. Effective up to three hours. And it says that it's a feel confident being intimate, hormone free, begins to dissolve instantly.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Oh, my God. Kills sperm on contact. Good. That sounds like it's like a raid. It's like the raid of kill sperm dead. It's like a rat trap. Wow. Easy insertion.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Okay. And it comes nine to a package, and they're about 10 bucks at Target. Here we go. All right. They have 3.9 stars on the internet out of 147 reviews on Google altogether here. And it says, if you use VCF, neither you nor your partner will be able to tell it's there. This is the description from the product. This means you can enjoy sex with the knowledge that you are protected. VCF is the most comfortable spermicide ever developed. There are no bulky inserts that you have to leave in. Bulky inserts? That area is going to be occupied. What else are you going to put in there? How many things are you putting? Put the remote up there for later. I'll put this bulky thing. You can put your dick in. Whatever. Whatever flies a shoe box yeah yeah old baseball cards my husband keeps his old baseball cards up there it's not a storage area bulky inserts you have to leave in i got a ken griffey rookie in there yeah it's nice at 89 upper deck uh no applicators to
Starting point is 00:03:22 insert or clean since vcf doesn't contain a lot of inactive ingredients like foams or gels, it isn't runny or messy. It will simply wash away with your body's natural fluids. Yeah. Your body will just, like a self-cleaning oven, reject it. It says effective, self-cleaning oven, effectiveness, it's a defrosting freezer. Self-cleaning of it. Effectiveness. It's a defrosting freezer. Effectiveness of any contraceptive method is directly related to the accuracy and consistency of which the method is used. Therefore, it's important that you follow the instructions carefully. Otherwise, reliability cannot be assured. I'm frightened by this.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Let's figure it out. Maybe it's great. Okay. Well, let's see. Five stars. Let's find people who love it. It worked for somebody. It worked for somebody here. Okay. Never using anything other than VCF five stars. The best. Been using consistently for eight years with no issues. Just put it in and then put it in. It is capital. So put this in and then put it in.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Yeah. Just put it in and then put it in. And then leave it in as long as you'd like. It's forever. Three hours. Zero worries and 100% pleasure using these. I mean, that sounds terrific, I guess. Here's five stars again.
Starting point is 00:04:36 After about 12 years of using the pill with many side effects, my doctor recommended trying a hormone-free option. My hubby hates the IUD. The hell does he care? You hate it, that's one thing, but it's still, you can, there's ways around that. So my only decent option was spermicide. I've been off the pill for three months now and I'm the happiest I've been
Starting point is 00:04:58 in a long, all caps, time. So that's nice. That's terrific. The happiest she's been in a long time i'm also not pregnant i think that's the goal here that's that's why you're happy this yep this film is easy to use and definitely works my only very minor gripe is that it has it has to dissolve for 15 minutes and sometimes that 15 minutes is tough to wait through yeah yeah you want to you want to get at it and she's like hold on a minute and you got to put a clock on then she's foreplay and he already came by then god damn it i definitely get like a 15
Starting point is 00:05:31 minute sand timer you know what i mean like sand through the hourglass like one of those yeah we turn it over it'd be like a big ceremony and we watch it i think that's what i'd do i have the gel applicator also for those right now moments. Both an A plus for me. Okay, so there's that. And then another five star, I ain't no baby mama. That's, again. Thank God.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Five stars. That kind of sentence, Jesus. That should be the whole entire review. Love these, very effective. Just please make sure to let total dissolve before intercourse. They might be able to feel it. I've used these for a few months now. No side effects or symptoms. No weird random cramps.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Most importantly, no baby. All caps. That it is. Hope this helps. Good luck to you. Okay. Wow. The hatred for babies. Oh, it gets better. The people who have one-star reviews. Oh. They hate those accidental babies
Starting point is 00:06:25 that was the best for the condom one like come on like seriously I think he said here's one very happy I tried five stars easy to insert after I shower with dry hands I do not feel the edges others mention maybe because I insert
Starting point is 00:06:42 fast to avoid it sticking anywhere it may stick very slightly just keep avoid it sticking anywhere it may stick very slightly just keep pushing it up and it will stay this sounds horrible god it's so awful to be a woman that's so hard yeah we don't notice any smell or odor odor at all wow okay so let's get to people who don't like it so much let's do that two stars No room for error when using the film version. I guess not. I have used the gel and film versions of this product. In comparison, the film is definitely more challenging, even if you follow the instructions. When trying to insert the film, it curls up and gets stuck on your fingers.
Starting point is 00:07:18 I bought the film because I figured I'd give it a try after successfully using the gel version. Um, dot, dot, dot, yeah, I just had my second child. Apparently, I didn't insert the film properly. That's, I guess, not is what that means, yeah. Maybe the gel's better. Maybe the gel's better. That's hilarious. Two stars?
Starting point is 00:07:41 Two stars. The kid wasn't bad. Kid's all right. I'm going to keep him. That is amazing that you're like, wow, that's a really risky thing to just hope that worked. Yeah. At least a condom you know if it worked at the end of the day. That's the thing.
Starting point is 00:07:58 There's substance. There's a visual report. It's either intact or it's not. That's what you have here. Whereas this, you're like, I hope that went well. One star. Buy if you want a yeast infection. Oh, I bet everyone wants that.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Are you trying to get the day off of work? Yeah. Buy these. I used it twice now, and I'm fighting a severe, gnarly yeast infection. Gnarly? Wow. A severe, gnarly yeast infection. She didnly? Wow. A severe gnarly yeast infection. She didn't accompany
Starting point is 00:08:28 this with pictures, did she? Gnarly. No, thank God. Thank God. There are no pictures in these reviews. That's taking more than one week so far. I've scratched so much I've made myself bleed. No! Don't tell us anymore!
Starting point is 00:08:45 Oh, God. your bloody vagina. Jesus, help me. Oh, no. I'm so miserable at the moment. I don't recommend at all. We got that part by the fact that you scratched till you bled. You turned your vagina into a junkie's arm now. This is, okay.
Starting point is 00:09:04 One star does not go in oh it seems like that's a good barrier you need it to yeah can't get it in there bro i'm watertight sorry just absolutely when you go to insert it it sticks to your fingers so it takes a lot of jamming and finessing to actually get it in to stay jamming and finessing to actually get it in to stay. Jamming and finessing? Neither of those sound like things you do. You can't do both of those together. At the same time, you've got to jam it with finesse. By the time you get it in, it's practically dissolved on your fingers.
Starting point is 00:09:38 But the product does work as a contraceptive. You just end up wasting a lot of inserts because they'll stick to your fingers and you have to use a new one. A lot of them. A lot of them. I honestly recommend you just keep spending the extra money to get the gel inserts apparently they're more expensive that's why okay those ones are an actual gel that you put inside you so it doesn't end up sticking to your fingers and you don't end up wasting a lot of product this product is horrible and just a waste of money it's like a finger cut that you put in there and then yeah and then you're supposed to come off i think it's basically like finger cut that you put in there and then yeah you're supposed to
Starting point is 00:10:05 come off i think it's basically like the like what you peel a fruit roll up off of yeah like a thinner version of that basically like a mix between that and saran wrap and you try to jam that up inside of a the shit that's on the outside of a cigarette pack and you're trying to put that in there and jam that up and you while it's it's got like adhesive, so it's sticking to your fingers. And then it dissolves as well, which is a problem. So you've got goo mess. So, yeah. So it's like one of those like breath strips that you put in there.
Starting point is 00:10:36 That's melting to your finger. That's not a good thing. So it's like a breath strip slash fruit roll-up wrapper slash cigarette cellophane that you jam into your into your business there okay two stars burns burns that ring of fire is the title my review will be accompanied by johnny cash one two go. One, two, three. Let's talk about it. That's the real ring of fire, everybody. The 28% concentration of this product is so strong it burned my partner multiple times even when we followed the directions correctly. Stop using it if it's burning.
Starting point is 00:11:16 Multiple times. Yeah. That's how good vagina is. Yeah, that's what I mean. Well, even hurts. Burning hurts. It hurts. I'll keep trying.
Starting point is 00:11:23 I'll put it in there. I don't care. Yeah, we will, though. That's the thing. Fuck a bear trap. I don't care. Yeah, even hurts. Burning hurts. It hurts. I'll keep trying. I'll put it in there. I don't care. Yeah, we will, though. That's the thing. Fuck a bear trap. I don't care. Yeah, we'll figure it out. What is that old joke that they always say, like, with the, you know, salesman comes to
Starting point is 00:11:35 a farm, and you can stay in my barn, but you can't stick your dick in these holes, and the guy sticks his dick in the holes, and one was real good, and that's my wife one was even better and that's my fucking you know my 25 year old daughter and then the next one is the milker and it doesn't let go till it gets three gallons you know what i mean and it's fucking your dick stuck in there it's like that's a great joke yeah it's an old like from the 1800s that joke that will take some time they did mr Show did a sketch of that joke where Jack Black is singing it. It's hilarious. It's fucking hilarious. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:10 It's very funny. So anyway. I'm not going until it gets three gallons. Three gallons. You're stuck. You're going to be there a long time. I'm saying the night and the night and the night. Even when it feels like a lot, it's not that much.
Starting point is 00:12:23 It really isn't. It's definitely not gallons. You're not getting a liter even. You could apologize. She's going to roll her eyes. Yeah, for sure. It's not that much. Calm down.
Starting point is 00:12:33 It is seven times stronger than the gel. That is one way to prevent pregnancy, but not the intended way. All right. Here's one. Glass, it says. Glass. Ouch. What?
Starting point is 00:12:44 One star. Glass. Like broken's one glass. It says, wow. What? One star glass, broken, broken glass, like very sharp, like inserting shard of plastic into my VJ. I want that. That's not good. Here's another one. One star. All I'm going to say is my child is two.
Starting point is 00:13:02 Now it didn't work and it's very sticky and hard to insert that's that's a that's a review and i remember three years ago oh my god here's another one star tried for three years and have three more kids to show for it oh my god when do you say that something doesn't work at that point strike two and you're after the second kid fucking approach the plate again come on come on man i would say 70 fail rate not worth the money might as well use the pullout method at that point it would probably be better at least you're not busting off in there all right here's one from amanda one star here we go i wanted a baby anyway so thanks she was only using it because he didn't want to have a baby and she was like i mean this is the least effective thing i could do yeah use these as a contraceptive while
Starting point is 00:13:53 waiting the prescribed time before trying to become pregnant after a miscarriage okay so okay usually in that couldn't figure out why my cycle was taking so long to come and was quite anxious for it because hubby and I really wanted to try again. Figured what the hay, I can at least rule out pregnancy, so I got a test. Lo and behold, I was pregnant. So these things are like a fertility strip. Yeah. It's like a fertility film.
Starting point is 00:14:17 I would like to give this product five stars because I like what it did, but I gave it one because it didn't do its job. So, I mean, yeah. It didn't do what it's supposed to do. it one because it didn't do its job. So, I mean, yeah. You do what it's supposed to do. It was a slip and slide for jizz. Yeah, it worked. I am a woman who has hormonal and fertility problems. We haven't been able to get pregnant again.
Starting point is 00:14:38 Maybe I should pick up a box of these and hope they do for me what they did before. Yeah. Yeah, I think that's your lucky charm. So, next up, one star, another Amanda, a different Amanda here. Darn you slash thank you VCF dissolving vaginal contraceptive film. She says it's very easy to use. You just fold it up into a little square and insert it. You can hardly even tell it's there. I used it during a doctor prescribed wait.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Another one. But it's a different one here. a doctor prescribed weight. Another one. Another. But it's a different one here. I either have experienced experienced a miracle or VCF dissolving
Starting point is 00:15:09 vaginal contraceptive film doesn't really work. I couldn't decide whether to rate it very poor or very good as it didn't do what it was intended. But it gave me the results
Starting point is 00:15:18 I actually wanted. A child. She's turning six this year. Seven years ago. Seven years ago. Yeah. She wanted to make sure the kid came out OK. It was a piece piece of shit kid she didn't want to go give it any credit you know what i mean uh so now that we have kids we didn't want now we have all these kids their hair is out of control
Starting point is 00:15:35 we got to take them for a haircut kids you always got to groom them you know take them in so we're gonna go to monkey do's d-o-o- O S monkey do's jungle cuts with a Z children's salon in Riverside, California. Great. Let's head on over there here. Uh, it is, let's see. It is. What is the address?
Starting point is 00:15:56 I don't know the address. It's in Riverside. 4.2 stars on Google here. Uh, children's haircut starting at $30 by the way. What? A little pricey. Yeah. way what a little pricey yeah that's a little pricey uh children's precision cut 35 35 if you want it to look good you got like a rat dues or i don't need to find i need a monkey on this kid if a monkey's that expensive give me the give me a fucking otter give me what's the lower one Is there like a weasel I can give the kid?
Starting point is 00:16:27 30 and 35. Yeah. So we'll give him a bowl cut for 30. Just a quickie. Give him like a 76 Pete Rose for that. That's crazy, right? You want it to look good, 35. It seems like a lot.
Starting point is 00:16:37 And women's haircut, 35 as well. Women's precision cut, 40. A couple people like it, though. Five stars. Melissa is amazing with my son, Max. He's very difficult when it comes to haircuts due to his sensory needs. And I understand how that is because my son is the same way. However, she makes the process as quickly and smoothly as possible.
Starting point is 00:16:58 I really do appreciate her service. She's amazing. That's helpful. How does she do it? What's the key? Because that is so difficult because the noise and the like and the hitting my son had a woman who was really good with him too i don't know there's just some people who are really good like that and they almost make it like they don't even notice it's happening wow of course most of
Starting point is 00:17:18 these places now have the kids are playing like ps5 games while they're getting their haircuts so they might not notice yeah next i think it's gonna hurt too yeah they do yeah yeah they do they think it's gonna hurt they're afraid of the noise the noise sounds like it's gonna hurt sounds like a fuck yeah i'm 42 i've had a million haircuts and i still think oh my god don't cut something it's gonna come so two stars here yeah i took my baby on tuesday what a horror. Jesus, did they cut its head off? The baby or the place? Unless they cut your baby's head off.
Starting point is 00:17:50 What was the horror? It's a haircut. I hadn't realized it until the next day. I left my son with his hair bitten. Bitten? What? Bitten. I had always taken him there with Christina because I liked the way his hair looked, but this time it was a mistake.
Starting point is 00:18:08 My son didn't even move to justify the action. Oh, I guess a chunk got taken off in the wrong spot. He was always still. His cut is so simple that I can't believe it. I can't say she's rude because she hasn't been rude as such, but her temper is terrifying. Terrifying? Yeah. Why would you let a woman with a terrifying temper have a blade fucking two inches from your kid's neck?
Starting point is 00:18:34 Why would you do that? She can't be that terrifying. Holy shit. I guess she must have, like, sounds like she got mad. Did she bite the kid? What's happening? Did she bite his hair off? She just took a bit of junk off.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Fuck you, lady. Yeah, I'm biting it off. I don't know what the hell happened. So, yeah, took my baby on Tuesday. Okay, next one up. One star. I showed up, but stylist refused to cut my son's hair and preferred to cut a walk-in instead, so I left. Oh. So you didn't even get your hair cut here, andin instead, so I left. Oh.
Starting point is 00:19:05 So you didn't even get your hair cut here, and you went home and reviewed it. You went home and said they picked somebody over me. I hate it. I don't like it. I wasn't first. Worst place ever. Yeah, worst place.
Starting point is 00:19:16 One star. All right, one star here. One star. Do not book with Carmella. Calling people out by name. Very rude. Well, what do you expect? At home, it's a little tense. do not book with Carmella calling people out by name very rude what do you expect at home it's a little tense she's got Tony and his fucking problems
Starting point is 00:19:30 well yeah if the ZD's not done by 8 he's gonna be pissed so you really she's got a lot of pressures on her right now Anthony Jr's up and doing well in school oh Christ she's tried to kill her husband for God's sake it's really been a lot it's tough over there told my son quote do not hit me.
Starting point is 00:19:47 That seems like a reasonable request, right? Well, when he didn't, and if so, didn't do it intentionally. Okay. Okay. He still did. Maybe he hit her. He said, don't hit me. Didn't do what I requested and still kept telling me it's because he keeps lifting his shoulders.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Yeah. Owners, please get rid of this worker. Jesus, you're calling for someone's livelihood to be snatched, taken away. Fire this woman. Then there's another paragraph where they then call her out by first and last name, which I'll leave on her last name because I don't know if this is true or not. I don't know how accurate this is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:23 No, it's not. Carmella, the whole reason of monkey do's the whole reason of monkey do's the philosophy behind monkey do's the mission statement the mission statement yeah that's amazing the whole reason we've created monkey do's whole reason we've created a place with a stupid fucking name. Oh, my God. The whole reason of monkey do's. Our founding philosophy is this.
Starting point is 00:20:52 The whole reason of monkey do's is to have patience and not patience like calm down. Patience like in a hospital. That's how it's spelled. Is to have patience for kids. What, to play with? To operate on or do you want the kids to be the patients because you're going to injure them? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:11 The whole reason of monkey do's is to have patience for kids. Think about that sentence. A crazy person wrote that sentence, right? Your specialty is working with kids, which happen to have different reactions to haircuts. Yeah, true. And then all caps. This is great because they're really all caps to exclamation points driving this home.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Have patience misspelled. So they really think that's yeah, there's no difference in the words to this person. Wow. That is poor Carmela. Wow. I hope I hope she's really terrible otherwise that's mean i hope she's picked up a couple of patients though yeah she needs patients so i guess that's what they call uh they call the people you whose hair you cut my patients i got a patient coming in at
Starting point is 00:21:56 three uh one star here we go again don't book with carmella oh she's a real problem. Carmella's an issue. Go with Sylvia. She's the best ever. Okay. I don't know if this is just she's not Sylvia. Carmella's like, listen, I didn't leave my house this morning and say I'm going to be the best Sylvia I can be. I left and I said I'm going to be the best Carmella I can be. If you've got a fucking problem with that,
Starting point is 00:22:19 then you go find Sylvia and leave me out of this. Okay? Thank you. Carm out. That's it. God damn it, Carm. Carm. She said, I hate the fact that I couldn't wait to book with her
Starting point is 00:22:31 instead of trying a new person. Carmella was so rude. That was another rude. She wouldn't even clean my son up when he had hair in his mouth. Like, really? Make that dum-dumb close his mouth. Hey, shut your mouth while there's hair falling in front of it.
Starting point is 00:22:51 But then again, Carmella's like, I'm going to take it. My son's got hair in his mouth. She's like, I'm almost done. Get away. Hold on. I got scissors moving. Okay. There's hair all over the place.
Starting point is 00:23:00 What do you think he's getting? Wow. So disappointed, to be honest. Then they, I don't know if the other person took it from this person or what, because they're weeks apart. It's not the same reviewer. Carmella and the last name again. I'll leave out. Carmella, the whole point of me bringing my son here, the whole point of monkey do's.
Starting point is 00:23:17 The whole reason of monkey do's. The reason of monkey do's. The whole point of me bringing my son here is because he won't stay still. And she kept telling me to hold him down. That's a fun haircut. Yeah. It's like a circumcision. Yeah, hold him down.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Good God, is he having surgery? She was rude and gave me the worst experience ever. Not kidding you. She has no patience, spelled correctly at least. Okay, they figured it out. Which is what I look for. Okay. She has no patience, spelled correctly at least. Okay. They figured it out. Which is what I look for. Okay. Look for some patience.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Okay. There we go. Now, next up is two stars. And I got to be honest, it's Carmella again. Carmella's an issue. I'm telling you. Listen. I don't know what's happening, but Carmella really.
Starting point is 00:24:01 And these are all from like a three-week period as well. So like Carm was having a bad few weeks I feel like feels like she and monkey do should probably part ways maybe yeah maybe it's it's just not a good matchup but I'm not gonna I'm not gonna head on over to sport clips and and cut a man's hair while he watches the patriots that's better he won't care what you do you can you can if you you're rude to him he'll be like hey I like you got spunk you know he'll be on his phone with with some fucking draft kings or something anyway he doesn't give a shit what you're doing is that he doesn't care yeah whatever that's fine yeah good so uh put some gel in it make it messy and be like yeah women don't want to fuck you now and he'll be like oh
Starting point is 00:24:36 okay covers any mistake you just made just use gel plenty of gel two stars car Carmela was my daughter's stylist and usually I wouldn't take reviews this far. Oh boy. Carmela hit her kid I think here maybe. Gave my kid the back of her hand. It was inappropriate I thought. But I'm going to figure out how to contact the owners now. Oh Jesus. I wrote a review on Yelp similar to the one I already written on here about the stylist. Inattentive, rude, and constantly asking me
Starting point is 00:25:11 to keep my child still instead of putting in effort. How is she going to keep your child still? There's scissors, too. She's trying not to take your kid's eye out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:20 As someone who comes from a family of hair people, my grandfather had a barbershop for 50 years. His brother did hair. Their fucking uncle. It's a long thing of ants that did it. Keep your fucking kids still. That's the problem.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Yeah. Otherwise, your kid's hair is going to be a little crooked and you go, I don't know. That's the way he bounced. What do you want from me? If you did that at my grandfather's, what my grandfather used to do because he did this to me when I was fucking four is they'd he had the big leather strap where he sharpened the fucking straight razor. Yeah. Shaves like those crazy shaves. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:51 He told me that was for for fucking kids who misbehaved. It's a big thick leather fucking sharpening strap. And I was like, oh, God, I sat so still. Holy shit. I wouldn't move for anything. So I did give her some slack and mentioned that she did do a cut I asked for, and it turned out fine. She then condescendingly marked my review as funny. What?
Starting point is 00:26:21 Now it's personal between these two ladies. This condescending bitch she clicked the laugh icon told my that it was carmella right there with her face oh my god i want a haircut from her now i was gonna say i'm starting to be on karm's side now i think maybe these people are assholes and gets on and karm is actually just trying to make it through the day with these idiots totally unprofessional and my friend oh my god you're the friend totally unprofessional and my friend if you read this now china really gets he's a politician and my friends if you read this please try harder at your job. That's for Carmella. This was an extreme disappointment, and instead of laughing at the customer, maybe evaluate yourself and the effort you put into your work and your pride.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Now you don't even have pride. Take some pride in monkey do's. Wow, this is monkey do's. The whole reason of monkey do's is to swell with pride. Monkey do's is to swell with pride. Monkey do's. It's not a fucking salon. It's monkey do's. I hope you find motivation in yourself because this was childish.
Starting point is 00:27:36 You just put a big review in response to what you think is a condescending laugh emoji. That's what you just did. and you're talking about childish. How old are you to these people? Also, Carm is fucking hilarious. Carm's funny, and this person has kids. Yeah. She's tapping this out while the kids are going, Mom, can I get Mom?
Starting point is 00:27:57 She's like, hold on a minute, I'm doing something important. This is what it is. Carm's got me good and pissed. Oh, Carm has got me pissed. She laughed at me! I will not be karm has got me pissed she laughed at me lab i will not be laughed at i won't be laughed at the whole reason of monkey do's okay unbelievable wow two stars next up this is for uh would not recommend at all three exclamation points at all uh christina is their stylist i think worst experience ever
Starting point is 00:28:27 ever honestly ever ever this person has clearly never been to like county jail or anything like that like or anything really i worst experience ever through a divorce yeah never never had a breakup ever injured never been in a car accident never had anything bad happen to them never had to go to work a day in their life would you like to hear the worst experience ever walked in man walked up to me immediately kicked me in the pussy that's what i would expect let my kids throw up with a straight razor then threaten my other child get the fuck out of here and tell the others what you saw. We didn't even ask for haircuts yet. Oh, God, I've got to wipe the tears from my eyes
Starting point is 00:29:16 to read the rest of it. Tell the others about your sore pussy and your dead kid. That's the worst experience. That kid goes off and becomes're dead kid. That's the worst experience. That kid goes off and becomes Kaiser Soze. Okay. This is the worst experience
Starting point is 00:29:34 ever. Was not even greeted when walking in. Oh no. What is this Walmart? Oh my God. No. Not not greeted. How did you know what to do? All stylists hate their job based off how they hold themselves. Probably. Body language.
Starting point is 00:29:54 They're cutting children's hair all day. Who the fuck would smile? No. Oh, my God. Teachers just have to keep them in their fucking chair. They don't have to make sure their hair looks good. That's not their responsibility. You have to complain.
Starting point is 00:30:07 My kid's not handsome now. Sorry. It's monkey dudes, for Christ's sake. Jesus Christ. Christina, speed through. I mean, I guess sped is what they were going through. Speed through my son's haircut and made it seem like my child was too much. Quote, you got a lot of energy, don't you?
Starting point is 00:30:26 What? What do you got? That's not rude. That's a way to get the kid to recognize that he's got too much energy and he needs to sit the fuck still. That's a polite way of saying, please sit still so I can cut your hair and not stab you. You got a lot of energy, don't you?
Starting point is 00:30:40 That's nice. These are sharp. I'm going to hit you in the fucking jugular if you don't sit still she could have said hey stop or you know what the strap is for like my grad that would have been different left hair all over face and did not even style hair after cut oh what was the kid got a big event tonight now he should install it definitely will not be coming back that's the worst experience ever wow she said you got a lot of energy in you don't you and no one greeted her worst definitely will not be coming back. That's the worst experience ever. Wow. She said, you got a lot of energy in you, don't you?
Starting point is 00:31:09 And no one greeted her. Worst experience ever. Unreal. Wow, that is fucking disturbing. I was not offered wine upon entering. I was looking for a mimosa when I showed up, and I did not get one. That is very interesting. Next up, well, you know what? We've had all these kids. I'm tired of these kids you know what a lot yeah you know what we need to do we need to go out on the town like
Starting point is 00:31:31 adults oh yeah but we need to get the proper attire first oh let's get fitted yeah yeah we're both tired of dressing like we dress let's get some western wear what do you say suited and booted hell yeah let's start getting dressing like cowboys we're going to drysdale's western wear what do you say suited and booted hell yeah start getting dressing like cowboys we're going to drysdale's western wear in tulsa oklahoma what do you say the fucking pinnacle of cowboy gear hell yeah yeah real actual people that deal with cows yes okay drysdale's western wear uh tulsa oklahoma 4.2 stars out of google and a shitload of reviews, too. 3220 South Memorial Drive, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Okay, now let's talk about it. People love it, obviously. Some people are going to dig it.
Starting point is 00:32:12 Here's a lady with pictures of her hats. Kimberly's got a couple of hat pics here. Four stars, though. She doesn't just give out fives just for willy-nilly. They have an extensive range of everything for your cowboy slash cowgirl needs. There's also stuff for the little ones, too. Boots, hats, shirts, jeans, etc. Yeah, clothes.
Starting point is 00:32:34 It's a Western wear shop. That's what they have. What did you expect they had there? They got a kids department. We just have chaps for large men. That's it. Only lassos. The pictures are of the designs of the hat bands.
Starting point is 00:32:46 I also do beadwork like this, and they were taken from inspiration. Okay. It's just a beaded hat band. Yeah. It's just a hat band so she can make more? I guess so. All right. Five stars from Arnold now.
Starting point is 00:32:59 So that was a cowgirl. Now let's talk about a cowboy. Yeah. Five stars. Love the store. Great selection if boots. What? I guess of is what he's going for there.
Starting point is 00:33:09 If boots? If boots. I think. Only thing is no size five or five and a half. No, because that's a tiny child foot. That's why. That's not a grown man. That's a kid's shoe.
Starting point is 00:33:21 I'm sorry, Arnold. I'm going to say this to everybody. If you're a man and your shoe size is a five, you can't be a cowboy. I'm sorry. Try jockey if you want to play with horses. Yeah. Jockey might be more appropriate if you want to dick with animals. But cowboy, they're not going to respect you with your tiny feet.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Five? Five or five and a half. How do you not fall over? I just can't wear a six. I'm just swimming in a six wow i've never heard of that before is that normal no i don't know wow i i was probably i think maybe six years old at that time when i was at that size ship how do you tell people that that's your i with an eight i walk in and go where are the eights like wisdom
Starting point is 00:34:03 i go you don't have 13s do I'm like, where's the 8s? I go, you don't have 13s, do you? No? Okay, I didn't think so. Okay, thanks anyway. Bye. That's what I say. Hold on. We have one pair maybe under something.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Hey, your shoes and my shoes are in the same spot, in the back. Yeah, they're under some shit in the fucking freak section. They always go, check the clearance rack. Yeah, check that. It might be there. Yeah. Just can be there. Yeah. Just can't wear a six. I did buy a few blouses and a jacket.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Store was nice and clean and employees were fantastic and really enjoyed salespeople. All were fantastic. So just don't look for something small. Next up, not so good. Okay, Jennifer, one star. I really don't even want to give them one star. No, not even one. Two exclamation points.
Starting point is 00:34:48 You don't want to give one star, but you'll give two exclamations. That's something. Give more exclamations than stars. That's right. We took our son to get a pair of boots. Well, that seems like the appropriate action here. Apparently, we look like we steal. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:05 Even though I've never stolen a thing in my life. How do you steal cowboy boots? They're huge. It's very hard to do. You walk in barefoot? What do you do? Plus, everything in there is so identifiable. Were you wearing leather pants when you came in today?
Starting point is 00:35:19 I didn't think you were, so now you are. It's not like you can exchange it for something that's sort of like what you're wearing. Those snake skins look brand new. Yeah, I hear him. I hear that noise they're making. They're still snapping in. Oh, my God. They watched us everywhere we went in the store.
Starting point is 00:35:37 I finally asked one of the staff to help me with a size of boot we were looking for. She said she would be right back. And the next thing I know, she was helping somebody else she just ditched him she never came back uh that's what the review says my husband was so upset how we were treated so we just left we will never be back in that store again triple exclamation point okay they're out next up one star from Paintball Demon. That is the screen name here. If you weren't treated like a soon-to-be thief every time you walked in, it wouldn't be too bad. They must have a lot of theft there. Seems like this is a problem in this place, even though these are done two years apart, these reviews.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Me and a friend went in to look at Boots, and literally every employee we encountered was watching us. Seemed like far too many employees as well. Now he's talking about the staffing. I feel like you could cut back a little bit on the staffing. I couldn't even steal if I tried. Now he's a consultant now. I think maybe you're overstaffed. At least two for every customer.
Starting point is 00:36:42 You have to pull those boots on. They're hard. You can pull them off again. two for every customer. You have to pull those boots on. They're hard. Then pull them off again. Decided I needed to buy boots there instead of driving clear across town or else I would have spent my $500 elsewhere.
Starting point is 00:36:52 Well, you got some nice ones. Boots aren't... Are they expensive? I don't obviously have any cowboy boots. They range anywhere from two to... I mean, on up. You could get $1,000 boots, James. You could get $2,000 boots if you want. So people wearing $2,000 boots talk shit about people buying 150 150 sneakers absolutely okay i'm just getting that straight thank you just getting that straight you know
Starting point is 00:37:14 what you know it's because your jordans are not made out of endangered animals that's true but i also don't plan to get poop on them either that's the other thing i don't plan to step in any poop with them so i feel like thousands of dollars to step in to step in horse shit is crazy that's insane i think right maybe it's i don't know the lifestyle i'm not judging i don't know i don't know many snakes that will slither through cow shit so if you're wearing those things on the range it's not natural you're doing some wild shit yeah even cows they stay upright because they're shit on the ground there's a fish that they make uh boots out of too that has like a triangle skin i forget the
Starting point is 00:37:51 name of the suicide kings they make for the guy goes you got fish boots that's the whole thing they're fucking amazing they look rad but i would never buy them just who the fuck who's when has a fish ever been on the range what are are you doing? That's a weird thing. It's a strange. It's not a cowboy. That's like a Miami boot. You know what I mean? Like a Miami drug dealer boot. Yeah, very tip of Panama City cowboy boot.
Starting point is 00:38:14 There you go. That's what that is. One star next from Aaron. Spent $300 on boots. Wore them two and a half months, and the soles are completely coming off. on boots, wore them two and a half months, and the soles are completely coming off. After being told they would exchange, drove over an hour one way, and they did absolutely nothing. I regret ever shopping here.
Starting point is 00:38:32 I love when someone has regrets like this. They sit in bed and long. Save your money and go somewhere else, especially if you want reasonable customer service. Then he says, the, the is in quotes, okay? The manager, I don't know why manager's not in quotes, but the is in quotes. The quote unquote manager here was a complete POS, piece of shit manager.
Starting point is 00:38:59 He looked, not even asking any details, and just said no. Had no conversation with him, nor did he even introduce himself. Okay. That's not very cowboy-like, now is it? That's not very howdy. No, that's not very doody. We had no clue who he even was until someone said he was the manager.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Wow. Rough going here. Okay, Paloma here. One star. A cashier thought I had someone else's credit card. Suspicion seems to be a pall over the
Starting point is 00:39:31 proceedings here. She asked me for my ID, and when I asked why, she replied, store policy. Then I continued to search in my wallet for my ID, and she made an ugly face as if she knew I was going to ask for it. as if she knew I was going to ask for as if she knew as if I knew she was going to ask for it.
Starting point is 00:39:48 I was going to ask for a manager, but not the type of person to make a scene in public. I'll do it behind someone's back. Thank you. Next up, Colton. Colton needs some boots. He goes by Colt for short, so he needs some boots. One star. I bought a pair of boots from Drysdale's, and not a cheap pair either.
Starting point is 00:40:08 A good, solid pair. You can hear him talking. Tell us. That when I talked to the associate about them and described what I would be doing in the boots, cleaning stalls at a farm and working at a car dealership detailing cars, he said they'd be fine for that. That's right. Fast forward less than a month later
Starting point is 00:40:25 and the boots are falling apart with the bottom coming apart from the top of the boot i called customer service and they said they'd evaluate them when i received the call from their boot return person i'm the boot return person hey colton the boot return guy i got some boots i need to return here ain It ain't working out. Obviously, you can tell by my voice and my name that they've been put to some work. Show me the boots, Colton. I'll show you the boots here. She informed me that the boots could not be returned because they had been around animal acids,
Starting point is 00:40:56 and the animal acids deteriorated the boots. Yeah, you got piss on them. Yeah, so I bought Western boots at a western store that cannot be used on a farm just fantastic yes these are fucking boots that are they're called shit kickers they're made to be worn around shit if they can't take animal acids yeah they're not good boots i would say i've worn james i i love boots and i have probably five and i wear them a lot. And you know what I've done in them is fucking everything except for muck a fucking barn.
Starting point is 00:41:29 And they hold together fantastic. So I don't know what you're feeding your animals, but it is acidic as shit if it's destroying a pair. Even Durango's, $150 boot. Get a pair of those, man. They're fine. They're fine. You'll be fine. Josie, one star.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Here we go. No sympathy from these people. Sympathy? Why do you want sympathy? Did you tell them about your dead dad? What do you want? Wow. I parked to eat my lunch for 10 minutes and was asked to leave the parking space because they're tired of people taking them.
Starting point is 00:42:04 You're not a customer. Right. What do you want? They probably have four spaces. I parked in their parking lot with my motor home. Those boots are uncomfortable. You don't want to walk all the way up from a long space limping and shit. They have a full front open space side, a full front open space side and back, I'm guessing, for their employees.
Starting point is 00:42:24 Explained I was just eating my lunch to get back to work. Guess what? Didn't care. Guess what? Just told me to park on side or elsewhere. What has happened to this world? Are you going to reveal the business about that? The whole reason of monkey do's is to have a play play you didn't even have an interaction with the
Starting point is 00:42:48 business wow that's what i mean i guess that's what your front lot is almost why your front lot is almost always empty thanks a lot yeah because people aren't allowed to eat lunch there preferably they probably like fucking customers okay a couple more quick ones here ashley one star great store but my brother had to return a pair of boots my mom bought him because his leg brace he has to wear for for drop foot would not fit in them oh my god the poor bastard yeah well i wouldn't cowboy boots are like a snug thing i wouldn't imagine a brace would go well in there probably it wouldn't be if you got if you had a drop foot you don't
Starting point is 00:43:25 want to wear boots with that's they're they're uncomfortable when you're able-bodied but you're in oklahoma people will be like what's on your feet pussy like it's you have to wear them drop foot and they were rude uh to him about returning them and they said what's wrong with your funny foot they also are real mean what's up lefty what's up there limpy how you doing um here's from sherry one star store owner would not even donate a silent auction item for a cancer benefit wow we don't give a shit about cancer drop foot fucking lunch eating pussies out in my parking lot, none of that bullshit. Get the fuck out. Piss-soaked boots, get the fuck off my property.
Starting point is 00:44:09 Bring your hot tea if you want to buy something with your piss-soaked boots. I personally spent over $500 there the previous Christmas, but will never go there again. Oh my God. Here's a good one, one star, very quick. They told me Ariate, Ariate? Ariate discontinued the square toe lace-up boot.
Starting point is 00:44:30 Ariat confirmed that was a lie. Not a mistake. Not called Ariat. A lie. That's what I love. Not a mistake. We could be mistaken. A fucking lie.
Starting point is 00:44:42 They lied to me. Maybe Ariat's not supplying us with those. We just have the pointy ones here. That's it. Even told me where to go buy some. Yeah, because they're the supplier. They would know where to go buy some. You want to lace up square toe?
Starting point is 00:44:54 Oh, the most uncomfortable. No, thank you. And then the next up, the most incomprehensible review of all time on anything. One star, quote, they don't sell flamingo yard ornaments what i also did not see a blue candle and then the last sentence is the most it's a damn country western store exclamation point what the fuck does that mean what are you talking about i was on a i was on a scavenger hunt and i fucking lost because of this what is happening you know where they i want a pink i want a flamingo yard ornament and a blue candle i'll go to the boot store for that that should be where
Starting point is 00:45:40 that all is right i can get that there i. You go to fucking HomeGoods for that shit. TJ Maxx HomeGoods has both of those, I guarantee it. I don't know all that crap. Yeah, Target will probably have some of that shit. Ross might have them, shit. There you go. That's the Drysdale's Western wear. I love it.
Starting point is 00:45:57 That is fucking hilarious. That's a great one. Next up, this is a place where we both know exactly where it is. We've driven by it a hundred times. It is also a place where if you listen to crime and sports, a murder happened. This is a terrible motel where two drug dealers had an argument and one shot the other one to death. And one of them happened to be, allegedly, one of them happened to be a member of the 1985 Super Bowl champion Chicago Bears. That's why we were talking about it.
Starting point is 00:46:24 And this is the hotel. We talked a lot on the show about exactly how sleazy this area is. Oh, God, it's so bad. This is what you would call, this is like, if there's not hourly rates, I'm shocked. This is where, like, you know, a lady gets a room for a night and then has several guests in type of place. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:46:44 She'll tell the concierge if there is one this way she'll tell a guy at the front desk i have a few friends coming tonight yeah you see anybody with their dick out probably for me that's what she said room 112 i was gonna say 214 over here yeah so this is the Howard Johnson Murder Motel, I'm going to call it here. It is the Howard Johnson by Wyndham at 4120 East Van Buren Street in Phoenix, Arizona. Now, if anybody who has ever lived in Phoenix hears that, they go, oh, Jesus, that's a terrible, good God, that's a disgusting area. It's not good. This is an area where you don't want to really drive with your kids because they go, well, what's going on? You know what I mean? You're like, don't worry about it, okay?
Starting point is 00:47:26 Just don't worry about it. The airport's right there. It's right there. That's why they do all this shit there because people can't fucking hear what you're doing. Jets are flying in and out all day. They can't hear you scream for your life in there, which is helpful.
Starting point is 00:47:40 So it's a Howard Johnson by Wyndham. So that's what I think is funny, too. They bought them. It has has a thousand and two reviews on Google. Wow. Two point six. It has here. Two point six.
Starting point is 00:47:54 I'm going to show you more than twice as many one stars. Oh, my. It's bad. It's this is not good. OK. People have been misled. Yes. They think it's good for some reason. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:48:08 So it says right now it's $66 a night at the moment. What? So that's cheap. I didn't even know those still existed. Yep, here it is. Driving through the country, I've seen motels that were $59, $79. None of them were Howard Johnson's. They were all fucking horrible little places.
Starting point is 00:48:27 Side of the road, yeah, with like two cars in it. This is a corporate motel, $63. $66. It's a two-star hotel, it says on here. So that tells you right away. They're not even trying very hard. Here, let's give a couple of good reviews. Here's one.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Perfect score, okay? Super close to the airport. The room was super clean. trying very hard here let's give a couple of good reviews here's one perfect score okay super close to the airport the room was super clean really i don't believe you i think maybe you have maybe vision problems do you have like a glaucoma or something you do are thick glasses cataracts possibly what's happening do you have no no sense of smell maybe that's it the nice gentleman at the counter gave me extra towels told told you told me there's jizz on them but don't worry about that sorry they're rough extra towels uh some recommendations in the surrounding area what for what prostitutes what the fuck for crack dealers there's a circle right there where you can get stabbed.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Yeah, or there's also a gas station you can get stabbed at over here. Here's the list of area prostitutes, and here's the finest crack dealers we have on fucking Are you kidding me? There's nothing in this local area that you want to go anywhere near. There's a canal in less than a quarter mile. You can take the fishing poles in the lobby and make it a day. You can do that. Also, a nice place to dump a body whether it be a murder victim or just a friend that od'd you never know in case you don't like the one that's probably under the bed in your room you will find one holy shit um he was nice as well as the other employees i met my other employees i
Starting point is 00:50:03 met there's no punctuation in this at all like a fucking lunatic crazy person like a hojo resident yes my stay was super quiet no disturbances okay lucky someone who went there to do meth okay here's another perfect five stars the room was comfortable we were placed in a double bedroom and the rate for it did not change gave me a double for the price of a single. It should be cheaper. Wow, yeah. Jesus. Front desk along with the manager or owner at this location worked with us on giving us a chance on paying a little than the usual time for another night.
Starting point is 00:50:37 They didn't have the money to stay another night, and they were like, well, what do you got? And then they're like, you can owe it to... That's the kind of joint we're working with here flicking some some gum wrappers out of his hand and having him a handful of change try that at a marriott like i don't really have it all right now but credit card i don't know what you're talking about i don't have all travelers what do you take ebt i don't know Okay, so that's fucking amazing. We're a couple who regularly rents a room here. Why? Why would you regularly rent a room there?
Starting point is 00:51:16 And we definitely recommend this place because the price is right here and beats other hotels on rates. Are these homeless people? I'm not even joking. They've got to be. Or somebody that's in Job Corps or something like that. Something like that, yeah, yeah, yeah. They're certainly down on their luck. These are not people that have it together. There's no way. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:28 They haven't had a good life, I don't think. Here's five stars. And we're trash, too, by the way. We're not looking down on shit. No, no. I grew up with shit. I can't spend under $100 and stay somewhere. I can't do it anymore.
Starting point is 00:51:40 For safety alone. We've shared rooms that were cheaper than that in terrible areas. We shared an $87 a night Motel 8. In Los Angeles. No, no, no. In fucking Austin. Yeah. The one was $90 in fucking LA, so you know how bad that is if it's in LA and it's that
Starting point is 00:51:59 fucking expensive. In Austin, yeah, that place was disgusting, so we stayed there anyway. Couldn't help it. On top of the blanket. South by disgusting, and we stayed there anyway. Couldn't help it. That was South by Southwest 2017. Thank you so much for including us. Yes, we appreciate it. Too bad lodging wasn't included.
Starting point is 00:52:15 That would have helped. So here we go. Five out of five. Perfect. I needed a quick place to stay because my flight was canceled, so I found them on one of these places. The desk attendant carried my bags upstairs for me. Wow. Pardon me?
Starting point is 00:52:31 And down when I was leaving at 5 a.m. Then when I was checking my bank statements, they charged me less than the price that I was quoted. And while I was asleep, he gave me a foot massage. That was amazing. I woke up and all my homework was done it was crazy so i will stay here when i need a place to stay okay that's the those are the people that are good and you can judge them how you want okay one star here how it should be here we go the tv worked fine that's that's the i think that's the positive front desk staff was missing a check-in, ignored after hours doorbell.
Starting point is 00:53:09 Okay, they got a doorbell for that. I had to call multiple times to get through. Room was filthy, pubic hairs on the sink. Nope. And blood spots on the sheets. Oh, God damn it. Was there a body, though? Because if not, I feel like you got away lucky in this hotel, honestly. One was dismembered in there last night. Oh, I damn it. Was there a body, though? Because if not, I feel like you got away lucky in this hotel, honestly.
Starting point is 00:53:26 One was dismembered in there last night. Oh, I'm sure. This is not even a one-star motel. Oh, man. Another one. Nothing is the first line. Nothing. Do not stay here.
Starting point is 00:53:40 It's like code language for things that are going on. And then it says everything. What? I don't know what that means going on. And then it says everything. What? I don't know what that means. The room was so messy and hazardous. Our first room had black mold in the restroom. That's nice. In the desert?
Starting point is 00:53:55 And the second room they moved us to, the door did not lock in that neighborhood. And this is not an indoor hotel, too. This door opens outside. Exterior door? Oh, my God. Exterior door. So this is any crackhead can walk up and come in and stab you in the night. That's perfect.
Starting point is 00:54:12 The floorboards were coming up. Very nice. Outlets were sticking out of the walls. Jesus. The rooms were filthy. Not even screwed in. Hanging on. One star.
Starting point is 00:54:24 It was horrible. Every room smells like smoke. It's not very clean. The only good thing about this place is the location. Otherwise, it's dirty, smelly, and has poor customer service. I tried to drink the OJ they offered. Why would you? There's so many reviews of people, and I didn't put it in because fuck you for even saying.
Starting point is 00:54:44 I didn't get the breakfast I was promised. After they talked about having roaches in the room and having all this disgusting shit, they were like, then they didn't even give me the food they promised me. What are you doing? How dare you want to put anything there in your mouth? Jesus Christ. Yeah, that cost $25 or $50, depending on. Oof, disgusting.
Starting point is 00:55:04 Okay. The only good thing is the location. Dirty, smelly drink the oj offered and it was rotten obviously i would assume coffee was terrible yeah because it's filtered through dead roaches probably way overpriced for how bad it is yeah it should be free yeah um okay this one here. The only reason, one star, the only reason we stayed there was because it was late and our plane got canceled. And it's close. And that's where American put us up. Here's where it gets really scary. And my kids were tired.
Starting point is 00:55:38 You're going to take your children to this place. Oh, my God. You would pull in and go, nope, never mind, kids. Kids, close your eyes. Kids, yeah, I don't know why. Why is that lady's head bobbing up and down on that man's crotch? I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:55:53 He's sick, and she's trying to suck the poison out. Why are those two large men fighting in the parking lot? There's guns out? I don't know. Why did that man in a Bears jersey just shoot that other man after he yelled at him about stealing crack from him? Because that's when it was over holy shit pictures on website are not hotel lie is old and nothing works well lies lies he says they misrepresent dirty sheets, broken TV would not turn on bathroom, would not turn on bathroom. I don't know what that means.
Starting point is 00:56:29 What I guess was nasty. We could not get in. Hotel door was jammed. Noise underneath bed. We thought might have been mice. Oh, God. Jesus Christ. If you're lucky, they're mice.
Starting point is 00:56:42 Those are crackheads under there. Probably might be a man named Mike. Yeah. Shh. Two Mikes make mice. That's what he says. We're both named Mike. We're plural Mikes.
Starting point is 00:56:52 We're mice. Yeah, that's how it works. Pictures on website are lies. Very old hotel. We checked in at midnight and out by 6.30 a.m. You stayed for six and a half hours. With children. In the most frightening time of of day ever
Starting point is 00:57:07 kids run to the car i'll cover you go go go like you gotta really they're all the worst things in the world happen between midnight and 6 30 a.m fucking especially there jesus uh one star room was an absolute disaster old dirty couch smelled like cigarette smoke. Because he used to be able to smoke there. Yeah. And I'm sure they probably still just smoke there. Yeah. Bed was poor as I've ever slept on.
Starting point is 00:57:34 This sounds like a Civil War letter. Bed was as poor as I've ever slept on. My dearest Margaret had to sleep with one eye open as the location is seedy at best. There you go. The pictures online are stock photos and do not represent the room. Of another hotel. That's amazing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:53 They're just of a Howard Johnson's. With like green rolling hills or some shit. Yeah, in the background. Some Howard Johnson in Raleigh. It's by a lake. Durham, North Carolina. Here it is, folks. People fishing at it and shit out the back 4102 East Van Buren Road perfect come on in this one I don't uh understand the first line at
Starting point is 00:58:16 all but I'll read it anyway one star hard south come up with a liked best one for this room oh boy what that means but the next sentence i understand there were drug dealers prolifically working in the parking lot via the hotel prolifically they had their stash in the room and they were selling in the thing that's what they're saying so it's like just a drug hotel he said room itself had standing water underneath the refrigerator and all the wiring for the tv had been taken out that's meth people yeah that's crack crackheads did that i'm gonna fix this tv yeah wow the lock on the door didn't work and the bathroom was disgusting that's not a hotel room you don't stay for that no no lock no lock, no TV, and no bathroom. And you took my money? How dare you?
Starting point is 00:59:06 Yeah, what am I doing here? How dare you? Okay, this guy, it's a long one, but I'll go down his list because he's got a list of 13 major points that he's got to go over. One out of five stars. Do not go here. All caps with stars around it. Do not go here. Worst hotel I've been to, bar none.
Starting point is 00:59:24 I would give this place negative stars if it were possible please read at least some of the comments below before considering this horrendous hotel or at least look at the photos to see for yourself room okay one bathroom doorknob the door itself and the ac are literally about to fall off a lamp in the bathroom a lamp and the bathroom light switches are broken the bed sheet covers are dirty with weird colored stains i'll tell you what those are one of two things it came out of someone's body i can guarantee you that much there are also bed bugs yeah okay i didn't even think about that of course there is of course there is those are probably better than the fucking
Starting point is 01:00:05 than the pubic lice that you'll get there. The crabs that you're going to pick up. It takes several pulls to flush the toilet. You really got to get it started. One and a two and a three and then it flushes. A couple of bumps. There are spiders on
Starting point is 01:00:22 the walls. Oh God Jesus. Spiders. Plural. Fuck. Spiders. The bathroom tiles are so loose you can pull them on the walls. Oh, God, Jesus. Spiders. Plural. Fuck. Spiders. The bathroom tiles are so loose you can pull them off the ground. Jesus Christ. Floor tiles. Wow. You can pull them like loose teeth.
Starting point is 01:00:35 Look at that. Wow. It's practically impossible to open the room doors with the broken key card readers. Luckily, the locks don't work, so don't worry. Jesus Christ. Takes probably five to ten tries every single time. One of the two cards flat out don't work. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:54 Okay? Half the parking lot is slanted away from the entrance, so you have to make an annoying eight-point turn every single time you want to leave. Oh, shit. They're like at a 45 and then the turn because the other you got to make this ridiculous turn to get so when you come in it's easy but then when you leave it's you can't get out it's crazy yeah you have to austin powers your way out of this fucking thing there aren't cups you can use to brush your teeth yeah you know what you don't
Starting point is 01:01:19 shouldn't take anything you don't want you don't want to put that in your mouth no the walls are so dirty it looks like they haven't cleaned them in several years the small window ac looks like one from a creepy abandoned mansion there are these horrible plaster jobs on the bathroom wall a toddler could do better goes to show how much they care about maintaining their room the tv remote doesn't work and there is no sound wait he got the tv on he just can't get sound yeah yeah service is average at best one of the guys sort of ignores you the other dude we encountered at the front desk was good overall this is the worst hotel i've been to in worse than a motel hope that helps okay this next one is very bad okay one star first and foremost i cannot recommend enough
Starting point is 01:02:08 that if you are a solo young female to not stay here yeah don't you know no people will just assume you have a price if you're staying there because that's not and that's just because that's the place or that you are the one that we are uh selling to a girl to a man in fucking bangladesh yeah exactly i stacked my chairs against the door every night for fear someone would come in oh yikes as a lot of homeless people and otherwise shady people hang around the parking lot and hallways the music shouting and bumping from next door rooms and outside continue all through the night one of the staff was incredibly nosy um going as far as to
Starting point is 01:02:46 tell me to leave my fiancee after attempting to flirt with me for over 10 minutes while i waited for an uber wow holy shit next cleanliness cleanliness not only did my feet turn black if i walked around the room barefoot yeah but there was literal huge living cockroach in my bathroom after the first night maybe it was there the night before but i got in late and didn't notice oh it was there it literally looked like blood was spotted across the door that's because it is blood it was that's why fingers crossed it was something else but i honestly wouldn't be surprised either way no um these rooms smelled terrible a mix between mildew marijuana, even though I had a non-smoking room.
Starting point is 01:03:26 I had to flush the toilet two to three times for solid waste. Again, it's a primer. Wow. When I first arrived for my four nights, I was put in a room with no working AC, and the staff simply asked if I tried to turn it on. Of course I had. After asking several times, they gave me a new room. I knew I wasn't checking into a fancy hotel, but based off the website photos, I thought I'd at least be generally clean and safe.
Starting point is 01:03:52 Next time, I'll read the reviews. I love that she was forced to disclose to us that she had to take a shit here. That's amazing. I did have to take a dump. I moved that roach aside to really drop a deuce on this bad boy. Next up up one star they advertise airport parking behind this hotel i paid at the front desk of the hotel it is cheap and has a fence around some of the lot but it is not safe i had my catalytic converter stolen from
Starting point is 01:04:16 the car while it was parked there yes you did and you're you were eight feet away from it your bed in the car you're parked right outside your room probably so that's the funny part it is fascinating that that that people think their cars are safe in an airport parking lot like that oh god a catalytic converter thieves wet dream just all yeah all these cars i can just sawzall all these out awesome i'm doing it the front desk offered no help or refund i also saw broken glass in the parking lot. Assuming someone's window was also recently broken. Definitely a sketchy area. Wish I had more time to find something safer.
Starting point is 01:04:53 Yeah. Okay. There's a couple more and they're fucking hilarious. Here we go. This was the sketchiest hotel I've ever stayed at. It was dirty and gross. I put a chair under my door handle for extra security based on who was hanging around outside. Another. A TV only had one channel.
Starting point is 01:05:09 My God. And there was a lot of moaning coming out of it. Good God. The bathroom door had been left closed and it was 30 degrees hotter than the rest of the room. No vents in there. The towels in the bathroom were stained as well as the covers on some of the pillows. Unless you're okay with all of the above, do not stay here. Gross.
Starting point is 01:05:28 Holy shit. Okay, next up, quite possibly the worst hotel I've ever stayed at. A hair was half painted over in the bathroom sink. Oh my God. Yes, the entire surface of the sink had been painted in parentheses. Just paint over it, I guess. And there's a hair in there. Huge gaps around the
Starting point is 01:05:50 bathroom electrical outlets. Shower head had dirty handprints. Couldn't tell if it was dirt or mold in the floor grout. Very uneven tiles trapping all sorts of stuff. Gross. TV did not work. Front door hard to close and whistled in the wind all night.
Starting point is 01:06:07 To register, you had to stand outside and hand your card through a slot while a woman sat crying on a suitcase right next to the slot. That makes sense. That all checks out if you've been to this area. This is a Steve Martin movie. Just sobbing. My life is over because I'm staying here. Jesus Christ. Tons of, so many catalytic converter fucking comments.
Starting point is 01:06:35 Yeah, I believe it. So many. It's amazing. And they kept saying that, they said, well, this is dangerous. And they would just say, we have cameras. And they'd go, well, can you get the footage? Someone stole my catalytic converter. And they'd go, we don't have it.
Starting point is 01:06:47 It doesn't work. We watched it. They said, it doesn't work. You just said we had cameras. And then I said, where's the footage? You go, they don't work. So what the fuck is the point? That's where we're at right now at this place.
Starting point is 01:06:57 Go there if you're looking to be murdered or do murdering or looking to be involved in some sort of sexual trafficking. If you've had enough of your catalytic converter and can't wait for it to be gone. Yeah, that's it. Catalytic converter, you know, your immune system that's not ravaged with disease, all that sort of
Starting point is 01:07:16 thing. Come here. That's your stupid opinions for this week, everybody. Next week, we got some crazy stuff, a very very crazy personal item here that will give you a tail. Let's just put it that way. Also,
Starting point is 01:07:30 a terrible airline and much, much more. We can't wait. If you like this, like we said, subscribe to our, you know,
Starting point is 01:07:36 whatever, like the Facebook page and the Instagram and all that kind of shit. Follow us everywhere. Get in the groups. Do that. Listen to Crime and Sports
Starting point is 01:07:43 and Small Town Murder as well while you're at it. Thank you so much for hanging out with us, and we'll definitely be back next week. Yeah, can't wait. Bye. We'll see you next time.

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