Your Stupid Opinions - Murder Whiskey, Surprise Poop Attack, Infectious Motel Rooms

Episode Date: October 30, 2023

This week, we find out about a YMCA with a special treat, waiting on the bathroom floor for you... A whiskey that may just make you commit a horrible trailer park murder... A cereal that diss...olves instantly in milk... A motel that is either condemned, or might "infect" you & much more!!Join comedians James Pietragallo and Jimmie Whisman as they explore the most opinionated part of the internet: The Reviews Section!Subscribe and we will see you every Monday with Your Stupid Opinions!!!Don't forget to rate & review!!Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie WhismanSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wondery Plus subscribers can listen to your stupid opinions ad-free right now. Join Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. Hello everybody and welcome back to your stupid opinions. Hey! That's right. My name is James Petrigallo. I'm here with my co-host. I'm Jimmy Wissman. Thanks for joining us today on another really crazy episode of People's Opinions. That's what it is, once again.
Starting point is 00:00:38 I guess this is sort of a disclaimer. These are not our opinions. We've never been to most of these places. And if we do have an opinion, we'll let you know. But most of the time, this is just other people our opinions. We've never been to most of these places. And if we do have an opinion, we'll let you know. But most of the time, this is just other people's opinions. And we like to sit back and watch it unfold before us. Just enjoy them. Let's do this.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Let's have a good time. And let's get right into this. But first, quickly, by the way, follow us on Facebook and Instagram and all that. You can find us if you search us out. And there's groups, I know, and all these things. And people are having fun with it. So please all that. You can find us if you search us out. And there's groups I know and all these things, and people are having fun with it. So please do that. Otherwise, let's get right into this because we have a full show of complaints
Starting point is 00:01:11 and grievances. So let's do it. Let's start out with, as promised last week when we ended, we would start out this week. We have a couple promises from last week. Number one, this particular place, and then also the Lord Calvert's whiskey from the Small Town Murder episode. Whiskey's so good, it'll make you almost cut somebody's head off.
Starting point is 00:01:31 That should be their new slogan. We're so bad? Well, I mean, they're trying to sell it, Jimmy. You gotta sell it. Yeah, it's a marketing campaign. So let's start out with, as promised, the YMCA of Hanawa Valley in Charleston, West Virginia. Terrific. So let's do this right away. It doesn't look bad, as you can see here.
Starting point is 00:01:55 I'll show you the picture. Looks like a nice place. I mean, on the inside, the gym looks... It looks like a YMCA. I don't see, like, piles of poop anywhere or anything. Yeah. Like some places we review. That's helpful. Yeah. How many places?
Starting point is 00:02:05 It is disturbing how many places we review where feces are brought up, where someone will say there's shit somewhere. And it's really disturbing. Why is that? I'm not sure. So here it is, the Charleston, West Virginia YMCA. Let's get right into this. Here's a five star.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Like I said, we got to try here. Somebody loves it. Give it a little bit of fairness here. five stars this is from jody she has a lot of reviews on google too here so oh it's not a plant from the ymca more she's busy yeah a quote i was looking for somewhere to play pickleball and in all capital letters for some reason work out while i'm staying in charleston for a couple months and the why fit the bill oh sometimes you just you got a pickle and you got to work out you gotta do both and afterwards i still have energy gotta get it out with some pickleball at the same place this
Starting point is 00:02:57 location has a friendly welcoming community vibe and it's all caps huge yeah they oftentimes are but i would it's got gyms and shit it's gotta be it's just some guy's basement it's kind of weird not a lot of pickleball room but you know the weights are pretty good um outside of yoga i am and again this person a lot of all caps all caps not a class person they're not into taking classes oh outside of yoga yeah i'm not a class i thought there was not a class person i thought they were going to start judging but these people here are dirt bags whatever uh but again all caps but on a whim i decided to try by the way they keep fluctuating and going back and forth between dashes and commas and oh the punctuation and this is crazy it looks like a it looks like a
Starting point is 00:03:46 ransom letter if it's possible to review something on google and have it look like a ransom letter this person figured it out jody really wants you to follow her train of thought she does here uh but on a whim i decided to try melissa's class oh well thank God for Melissa. And holy cow. Cow is all caps for some reason. Holy cow. Holy cow. It's so, capital letters, great. Yeah. Great.
Starting point is 00:04:15 Terrific. It's great. I wish I could take back with me to New York. The whole class. The whole class. Melissa, the room room the other ladies everybody pack up we're staying in the back of the plane we're staying staying in my one bedroom in williamsburg everybody let's go i need you all to do this class with me every sunday wow um you can
Starting point is 00:04:40 take it slow and modify or you can match her movement. Oh. You're paying for it. You'll probably do whatever you want in there. I don't think they punish you for not. Hey, listen. Jody, stop what you're doing. You know what? That's 30 push-ups right now. I don't want to treat you like a drill sergeant.
Starting point is 00:04:57 Drop it. Give me 30. 12 burpees. 12 burpees. Let's see. You can match her movement. And if you do, I i guarantee you you will get an amazing workout and be all caps sore the next day i am exhausted from jody's yeah review five stars
Starting point is 00:05:14 five stars um here's another five star real quickly again here this is from laura a welcoming atmosphere okay nice great place to exercise and make new friends oh and friends friends are great i do mostly swimming activities and can honestly say that the lifeguards do an amazing job how many times did you how many people are nearly drowning in this fucking class lifeguards save an average of uh negative 0.5 people per year like on the average they don't usually and that's not saying they can't i understand the skills but it's not usually called for in a pool situation they're mostly uh just blowing whistles and yelling at children for running stop running that's it stop. Yeah, I don't understand. Wow. They're into it.
Starting point is 00:06:05 Okay. Let's get to the bad here. We've talked about the good. Let's get to the bad and the ugly. Okay. Brianna, one star. She's furious. Not happy.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Okay. If you're not a part of the swim team, don't count on them caring about you. Oh. Whoa. What does that mean? I guess you got to take a class. They don't care about you? They don't care about you oh whoa what does that mean i'm i guess you gotta take a class they don't care about you jimmy don't you understand you non-swim team piece of shit they don't care about you keep an eye on you the lifeguards will not watch maybe brianna dropped a turd in the pool we don't know maybe yeah what happened brianna Been going here for months, and for some reason, today, everything changes.
Starting point is 00:06:47 What does that mean? It's all different now. Yeah. For months, they treat me like a human being. I come in today, and they're like, listen, you non-swim team bitch. You can't come in here. They found out I'm not part of the swim team, and now they have a gripe. If you start to drown, our lifeguards will not save you
Starting point is 00:07:05 paid 15 to swim and didn't even get to get in because the staff doesn't know the rules or hours of operation either they don't know the rules 15 bucks for a free swim i guess to swim okay um people need to get on the same page also something needs to be worked out for the community to have a time for leisure swimming is it a community center or a sports complex oh i the jocks are taking over yeah the pool was dominated probably had the lane lines up and they had a very small area that you're allowed to swim in yeah fifteen dollars for fifteen dollars in this person no leisure swimming this is you gotta you gotta swim laps time your breaststroke or get the fuck out of here that's it not interested take a hike buoys or get the fuck take a hike brianna
Starting point is 00:07:59 where's your fins oh man here's jim one star um here he goes he's got a he's got a lot to say all right ymca of kanawa i think that's how you say it but i don't know it doesn't really matter has great facilities great exercise equipment and great community atmosphere this is one star mind you don't worry stay tuned does he not get it? Stay tuned. He flip-flops hard here. He had a Brianna type of day where he's had it. It's been fine for months, and now he's had it. One place that could definitely use some improvement is the cleanliness.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Well, that's pretty much what I'm mainly concerned about is not getting a staph infection. But it's a gym where people just sweat all the time. And these places, I was a member of one. They aren't very, this isn't your LA fitness. You know what I mean? It's a YMCA. It's a YMCA fitness. Right.
Starting point is 00:08:56 You're not paying the same amount per month. They don't have you locked into a contract where Hitman will come break your legs if you don't fucking pay. And you probably got a discount here because of your job. That's the other thing, maybe. Yeah. The equipment could be wiped down more often, considering there are usually three people standing behind the front counter just watching people. Well, that's your job. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:19 You're supposed to wipe it down after you're done with it. You should come by with a rag and some. Maybe so. Some disinfectant. Yeah. Something that kills things. An hourly spritz down, maybe, just one of those. I think that's not too much to ask for a place where staph infections would run wild. My grocery store has an announcement that goes over the loudspeaker,
Starting point is 00:09:37 attention all stations, it's time for your hourly wipe down. Maybe the gym should probably adopt that. You know when the water comes on the vegetables the mist the thunder and stuff yeah something like that like just for the gym equipment i'm not sure what the technology has a rain a rainforest jungle sound happen and then all of the everything gets missed that means clear the fuck off right now you got five seconds you better move you mid-set? You better fucking move. You're about to get Purelled, motherfucker. Purelled.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Yeah, you're getting Lysol'd hard. So everybody off. Yeah. I like it. I like it. Okay. I love the idea of the place being family-oriented, but when kids are sometimes left unattended, yeah, that's not great.
Starting point is 00:10:22 That's not good at all. Their behavior is not the most appropriate. Well, that makes sense. They're kids that makes sense they're kids yeah which you don't really want to do that you don't want to work out with children which i would also advise against because of the environment in the locker room sometimes exactly that's the other thing you want your dicks are all over the place yeah dicks everywhere you want your kids at head level with fucking everybody's dick in West Virginia? No. Some coal miner's dick, you got to be head level. You're about to ruin a kid's 40s when they're eight. Yeah, it's not good. You're like, oh, man, that's what's going to happen to my dick?
Starting point is 00:10:55 Oh, Jesus. Jesus Christ. Let's see. Not good sometimes, which I think you know what I'm talking about. I love this. Dicks, yep. Environment in the locker room sometimes, dot, dot, dot, which I think you know what I'm talking about that's i love this dicks yep environment in the locker room sometimes dot dot dot which i think you know what i'm talking about penises lots of penises
Starting point is 00:11:11 so many so many overall this place is great and i've been a member here for many years his member's been a member kids though've seen many members over many years. Many members over many years. Though there are a few areas that can be approved upon. Okay, you think that's the end of the review? It's not. No. No, he's got to edit.
Starting point is 00:11:37 All capital letters, edit. This place has gone downhill all at once, apparently. If you come in to renew your membership all they see is dollar signs oh oh the staff needs a lesson in hospitality they try they try to have a towel service but to ask for one is not worth it quote i guess you can use this one that someone left here that's oh what no no you can that. I'm not touching that. You can go ahead and bleach the shit out of that. I don't know what's in that.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Yeah, anything can be there. Put that on the rainforest nozzles and Purell it. Let's go. That tells me when you're not looking, they just take that towel, fold it, and then give it to somebody else. Put it right back. That's just off the top of my head. Lots of athlete's foot being passed around here. If they think that recycling towels is okay, then I have a strong suspicion. It's like leftover bread on the table at a restaurant. Well, I'm not going to throw that out.
Starting point is 00:12:33 They didn't even touch it. Let's get rid of this. Yep. The facilities are nice, but if everything is filthy, then are they worth it? That's a philosophical question at that point. That just depends on what your dollars worth to you he's getting deep ymca i want my money back exclamation point yeah and this has five thumbs up here too so some really there's a lot of people agreeing with that yeah and there's a
Starting point is 00:12:58 response from the owner which who the fuck owns the ymca who's the president of the one is are they all i believe it's the construction worker in the YMCA? Who's the president of the YMCA? Are they all working together? I believe it's the construction worker and the village people. I think he's the guy right now. It's not the Indian? No, no, no. He had his run. I think he was 2008 to 2013. And then ever since then, it's been just the reign of the construction worker.
Starting point is 00:13:20 He holds it. He rules it with an iron fist. Cowboy's next. You can't get in there. Well, he's been campaigning for it, but they're not working together anymore. That's the problem. That's a big problem. Lack of communication.
Starting point is 00:13:31 He could come for it. Yeah. This response is, thank you for posting a review, and we're sorry to hear that your experience was not up to standards. We'll use the feedback to make us better and to ensure this doesn't happen again. What? Be filthy? That tells me all we did was read this this and we don't give a fuck about you.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Don't give a fuck about you. Are you a member of the swim team? Yeah. Do you swim? Hey, Jim, do you swim? His name is Jim.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Well, I think that's a, that's a nevermind. He's got a funny name. Uh, Jim shorts, like Jim. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Yeah. Wow. He's a clever guy. This one. Here's one for, here's one from Travis. Like Jim Shorts. He's a clever guy, this one. Here's one from Travis. One star. Okay. Wish this facility relocated and expanded into our downtown failing Charleston town center mall and joined forces with REI Outfitters to establish an outdoor tourism mecca and aquatic center for the state of West Virginia.
Starting point is 00:14:27 One star. It's the YMCA. It's the fucking YMCA. They just reviewed it because it didn't do this. What? Insane business idea that I'm going to go through all the things they want to get. I am. What the fuck just happened you think of a ymca yeah what is it why it's a place that has like gym equipment maybe a basketball court yeah apparently pickleball racquetball possibly you know what i mean i feel
Starting point is 00:15:00 like there's a giant pool evidently people who are having a hard time might be able to sleep there in the 70s. I'm not sure how it works now. I don't know. I don't know what's going on. I don't know what's happening, but I do. But I know it's not this. Whatever. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Let me go over that again. One star because of these factors. Yeah. I wish this facility relocated. Okay. Well, so now we have relocated. Okay, well. So now we have to move the whole facility. Which I think it's like donated buildings.
Starting point is 00:15:30 I don't think the YMCA is a. Yeah, I don't know how that works. Some of them are built, purpose built. Is it a for-profit thing? I don't know. I don't know if it is or not. I don't know. Because it was the Young Men's Club.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Christian Association is what it used to be. Oh. Yes. So it had church back in the short term. Yeah, that feels like a charity. Yeah. I mean, I think it was, I think it's, is it government funded possibly? Or like- I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:51 One of those programs? It's a private institution because businesses in the local areas where they exist donate to them because they have like a wall of all their donators. Donors? Donors. Yeah. But there's museums that have donors that are that are great point that are public funded yeah i don't know so i don't
Starting point is 00:16:09 fucking know i don't know how that that's that's like the greatest mystery in america probably how does it keep going inside but we do know that they do not join forces with REI and the Aquatic Center? No. They relocated, expanded into our debt. Now, he even has a spot. That's the problem. It's not even just, I wish they relocated to bigger quarters.
Starting point is 00:16:37 He is kicking fucking JCPenney out of the anchor store and replacing it. He did the market research. Yes. Into our downtown failing Charleston Town Center Mall. And on top of that, merged with another business that has absolutely nothing to do with them. REI. He's just picking a big, it's another place with letters, James. Yeah, and then you could be the YMCA REI.
Starting point is 00:17:03 It'll be fucking amazing. If you mix them together, maybe you could spell a word. I don't know, man. It'll be cool. Joined forces with REI Outfitters to establish an outdoor tourism mecca? Don't they sell, like, fucking vests and shit at the REI? Yeah, they sell hiking shoes and bicycles. Outdoor tourism me tourism and aquatic center
Starting point is 00:17:25 we'll get a bass pro what the fuck is happening that's the craziest review and two people did thumbs up yeah that'd be great if that what is happening in west virginia what's wrong with you people over here? What's happening right now? Travis, are you okay? I need every business that just goes by letters to merge, please. You know, I see Travis has 12 other reviews on Google, and I kind of want to just do a segment of a show that's just Travis's reviews. Just Travis's reviews. Because if this is the first one I found, the rest have to be a ball, right?
Starting point is 00:18:05 Oh, they've got to be great. They can't just be like, you know, this place was good, fine, you know, four stars or something. So, all right. I need an REI and a YMCA to merge, and there's a food court, and they only serve RC Cola. Yeah, I want that. If they could put a Nathan's in there, I'd like their hot dogs. Like, what are you talking about? What is he doing?
Starting point is 00:18:25 Open a business then that you want that has part YMCA, part REI Outfitters, and has like, you know, I don't know, dolphins that do tricks and shit. I don't know what you want. That's a fascinating human, Nathan. Oh, my God. What is his name? Is it Kevin? Travis. Travis.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Nathan Kevin Travis something. Whatever. You're a lunatic. You're crazy, Travis. Travis okay here's a KM with 24 reviews here total so some reviews uh three stars okay okay all right this seems like to keep in mind this is three stars when I read it you go no this is a one star review this person has way too low of standards this person hates hates this place. Yeah. Three stars is average. This is not average. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Quote, I do really like this gym, and there is a lot to offer, exclamation point. I do wish they had a separate adult pool. That's fair. I don't want to swim with kids. Yeah. Pee everywhere. Right. That's the, as you're swimming, that's all you think about.
Starting point is 00:19:22 This whole thing's just piss. So, so far, okay. As you're swimming, that's all you think about. This whole thing's just piss. So far, okay. But then this is where it goes beneath three stars for basically anybody, I think, that lives in a house. Or just anything with a roof, a lean-to, I think you'd go, I expect better than this. Quote, the showers are nice, although there's always a couple with flies or algae.
Starting point is 00:19:46 The shower has flies? And algae. That's not nice. That's not clean. That's not nice. That's not good. No. The end of the day slash week mildew that builds up in the locker rooms is noticeable. This is a zero star review.
Starting point is 00:19:58 That's a zero. This is vile. Negative stars. The locker room breeds bacteria and disease. What are we talking about? Are we at zero stars now? For sure. Okay, we're about to limbo to about fucking negative seven.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Negative? Because the next sentence takes it to the next level. Quote, there's been stool on the floors. Oh, my God. Stool. Not stools to sit on. No. There is shit on the floors.
Starting point is 00:20:26 How much feces are on this show? Your stupid opinions. We have the feces. Arby's has the meat. We have the feces. I'll tell you that right fucking now. Holy Christ. Okay, there's been stool on the floors or bathroom stalls that can go a day or two without being cleaned
Starting point is 00:20:46 you've been here two days in a row and there was the same same poop and you kept your membership what the hell was happening it gets even better jimmy okay and they don't regulate smoking on the premises even when brought forth so if people are just shitting on the floor and smoking inside and doing whatever they want. And here's the last sentence. It's amazing. Overall, the equipment and facilities are pretty good considering it's a small town. 3.5 out of 4 for me. How much shit do you tolerate?
Starting point is 00:21:23 That's what I mean. What could knock down stars for you i got mugged in the when i was on the elliptical like what could possibly take it down a notch for you does the person have to throw the shit directly at you have to poop on you unless it's like found in your gym bag when you're done working out. Flies and algae in the shower, shit on the floor and on the stall. Flies, algae, mildew, and stool. These are the four buzzwords that they mentioned. That to get to, you have to walk through a cloud of smoke.
Starting point is 00:22:00 And smoke, yeah. I don't understand how that's a three-star review but they really i first i was like oh they must have hit three by accident then the last sentence 3.5 out of four for me huh what the fuck are you talking about four he even slid that scale down i mean it's right there it's close it's almost perfect it's an a at least i least. I mean, wow. Holy shit. A little bit of Tilex will fix this place right up. I don't even know what to say about that. We're going to leave the YMCA there because. I never want to come back.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Some people are fine with shit on the floor. Some people want it to be a completely different business that merges with other completely different businesses. I can't set my head. I'm going to have a stroke if we do this anymore. Okay. All right. Let's move on to something else here. This is Great Value Fruit Spins Sweetened Multigrain Cereal.
Starting point is 00:22:55 This is Knock Off Fruit Loops. Oh, okay. Great Value is a store brand. Walmart. It's a Walmart thing, I think, there. Walmart brand Fruit Loops. So let's find out these. Now, I think, there. Walmart brand Froot Loops. So let's find out these. Now, I'm very picky about my cereal.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Yeah, you are. Well, I'm a cereal connoisseur. You love them. I'm like a guy with people with wine, and they're like, oh, this is a bad year. I'm like, yeah, no, this is. So there are brands of less expensive cereal that are actually very good. That you'll deal with? Oh, they're
Starting point is 00:23:25 fucking delicious like in arizona do they come in a bag yeah yeah one of them the somebody's cocoa puffs are amazing i can't remember what the store brand that is now because it's been a couple years since i've been back there is it a box or is it no it's a bag it's a bag it's a fucking really good cocoa puff so it's it is possible to make a decent cereal that isn't six dollars a box um when led you to try that? When I was young and we didn't have any money, that's what we got. And then they were good. And I was like, oh, shit, I'd actually buy these by choice as well as by necessity.
Starting point is 00:23:55 So, yeah. All right. All right. Here's one. Five stars. Yeah. Five stars. Better than Kellogg's is the title here. Oh, is that right?
Starting point is 00:24:04 That's right. Yeah. Five stars. Better than Kellogg's is the title here. Oh, is that right? That's right. I've been disappointed with Kellogg's cereals ever since they reduced the sugar by 30%. No, that's a guy that really needs a pep in the morning. I'm less diabetic than I used to be, and I don't appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:24:20 I've been pouring Coca-Cola on mine because they lowered the sugar. You put Dr. Pepper on it, it's much better. Now, at the same time, I will agree with them that there are some of the cereals that they have made that taste differently because of that, and it kind of ruins the cereal. Especially since it's Halloween time. Let's talk about this. The Monster cereals are a disgrace. They're a disgrace i'm frankenberry the old recipe frankenberry is my favorite cereal on the face of the earth i would
Starting point is 00:24:52 eat it until the end of time that and the count chocula then they made it weird and puffy and they changed it and they changed the flavor and it's it's just a disaster now when the filler thing item because every cereal's got a filler thing yeah whatever it is they changed what that was right when what like lucky charms you go through those fucking gross things to get to the marshmallows and and every cereal has something like that yeah just bizarre like asterisks and and triangles yeah yeah it's like all the shapes in small world in the ride why are we doing this what? What's happening here? What are these cave drawings?
Starting point is 00:25:32 But those things, if they don't taste good, why the fuck eat the cereal at all? Yeah, I guess so. You have to balance out the sweetness, I suppose. But some people don't want that. They want more sweetness rather than less. Some just want all sugar, evidently. Yeah. sweetness yeah you know rather than less and some just want all sugar evidently yeah so this person says i was hesitant to buy this as generics don't usually taste as good but after tasting i was blown away exclamation point the taste is in quote unquote capital letters here exactly like the
Starting point is 00:26:02 original fruit loop cereal all caps before the quote healthier version was introduced no it's not healthier all you health nuts ruining my candy yeah it's like my fruit loops are all fucking yeah there's like there's like oats in there and shit now yeah full of quinoa and oats and my fucking my. Yeah. What is this kale spinach? The green's supposed to be lime, I think, not kale. Unbelievable. You got fucking rhubarb for the red now. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Unbelievable. Jesus. It's like the yellow is butternut squash. It's very nice. It's nice the Yellows. Butternut squash. It's very nice. It's nice and smooth. Looking forward to seeing how other GV cereals stand up to the name brands. He's going to have a fucking blind taste test. I see him with cards in front. Wish they also had a version of Apple Jacks, but oh well.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Apple Jacks. Those are going real fucking healthy, too. Yeah, they're way too healthy now. Apple Jacks. It's just apples when you open the box. You pour out the box of apples. Apple corn. The good part of the apple's not even there.
Starting point is 00:27:18 You've got to pick around the seeds and get little pieces of apple meat. All right. Here is three stars. Here's the title. Get soggy quick. Less sweet than Froot Loops. So this person said more sweet than Froot Loops. This person, less sweet than Froot Loops.
Starting point is 00:27:32 This is why reviews... Maybe that guy's still got the old... Yeah. That guy's still getting the old formula. This is why you shouldn't buy anything based on reviews. Because of that. Nobody knows anything. I think this show, is we've demonstrated that
Starting point is 00:27:45 two people knows a goddamn thing two people could look at the same poop on a bathroom floor for two days and see it completely different ways you know what i mean some people could see it as at least the rest of the floor is clean yeah i mean it's that's why the the gym wasn't that sweaty it's only about two percent of this bathroom floor has shit on it. If you're really looking at it that way, with a bathroom floor mostly empty of feces way rather than a bathroom floor mostly full of feces. Fucking incredible. Oh, man. Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:21 So cheapest. Okay, yes. There we go. The old formula, that guy's still got it, evidently. I can't stop laughing here at this. So, yeah, this one has it, the old formula. He loves it. And, yeah, the price is awesome, they say here.
Starting point is 00:28:41 The cheapest cereal that is close to Froot Loops. The price is awesome. I find it less is close to Fruit Loops. The price is awesome. I find it less sweet than Fruit Loops. Again, they reiterate that. But the Kroger brand tastes better than Great Value with the same price. This is like your Consumer Reports here. They have a whole chart on Fruit Loops
Starting point is 00:28:58 of various brands. Not only are we reviewing this in comparison to real Fruit Loops, also, I'll give you another alternative. Yeah, let's throw one of these in. How about that? But Kroger doesn't make them anymore. Okay, well, then why mention them?
Starting point is 00:29:11 Because they're not the same price. What the fuck? They don't exist. They're not. Wow. This led me down a path I can't even take, you son of a bitch. I was ready to go to Kroger. I was on my way, getting their Fruit Loops for the same price, even better, and now they're gone.
Starting point is 00:29:24 You fucked me up. Thank fuck we read the whole thing., otherwise we would have really been screwed. This one gets soggy super quick, no matter how fast you're eating. Shoveling. Milk flying everywhere, Froot Loops. The dogs are around him eating Froot Loops off the floor. Just splashing milk. That's all I pictured is.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Motor. No matter how fast. Skip the spoon, just mash it in your face with your hand. Wow, that's amazing. He's eating like the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest people. Handfuls. But the taste is good. Should try them.
Starting point is 00:30:11 I like it. And my kids love mixing it with their stars and marshmallows, which I think is knockoff Lucky Charms. Yeah. I believe. Okay. Stars and marshmallows. There's so many sellables. Stars and bars and marshmallows down here. Yeah, that feels bad.
Starting point is 00:30:28 Here's two stars. Not bad. Okay. Just don't taste like Kellogg at all. All right. Well, because it's not. It tastes like lemon cereal. I like lemon, but this is too much.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Okay. Supposed to have other fruit flavors, it doesn't and then the funny thing is fruit loops all taste the same they don't have that yeah they're the same flavor with different dyes in it and uh but they you eat something yellow and you eat something red you they do taste different to you because that's how your brain works but yeah in reality we're just dumb idiots we're we're just monkeys i was just gonna say we're just dumb monkeys and we don't understand how taste it's just our brain tricks things and we go yeah that's what it is our brain our brain must be having a ball all day fucking with us doing shit like that
Starting point is 00:31:13 how you burned your hand because you grabbed something hot you're an idiot talking to another brain on the phone go watch this hold on hold on watch this look at this asshole look at him he thinks again look at him dipshit okay here we go not worth the money saved one star what do you save that a dollar twelve it's more than that actually they're like half the price i think it's really yeah yeah because cereal's like five six bucks a box cereal's always been super expensive though even yeah like i've i don't think I've ever bought a box of cereal at full price. I will not. It has to be on sale. I'm like, that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Five, that's insane. I will not. I've never done it. I will. A dollar off fine, but I will not buy it at full price. I want to see you in a grocery store cereal aisle going, do you see this? Forever. I've been doing it since I was 10.
Starting point is 00:32:09 I will not pay $4.69 for a box of Trix. How dare you? They're certainly not for kids at that price. You got to have a fucking job. This is crazy, man. I can't do it. All right. One star.
Starting point is 00:32:24 My son loves Froot Loops, and so do I on occasion, too. There's a lot of different words there. I bought Froot Spins trying to save a little money. My son noticed right away, even with me putting it in our Tupperware container before he saw the box. Blind taste tested, and the child knows. Kid goes, ah-uh, nope. Why are these waxy? What's going on? Not a sweet dad.
Starting point is 00:32:51 He said they tasted gross, but I figured he was just being picky. A few days later, I decided to have a bowl of Fruit Spins. All caps, nasty. I'm usually not a picky eater and I couldn't finish the bowl i kept trying to take
Starting point is 00:33:07 another bite but they are just gross stop eating them why are you he's like oh god one more bite maybe it's better now it's not you don't like them that's the guy whose brain's really really having a ball it's having a ball with him he's eating it it again. This moron. You paid $2.69 for this box. You need to... He's going to take another bite. What a dipshit. He's going to do it. Here, I'll take one more. Look, look, look. He did it again. Look at him. He hates it. He doesn't want to waste the money. Look at this dipshit. Cheap bastard.
Starting point is 00:33:39 I will be buying Froot Loops once again and spend a little extra to have an awesome bowl of cereal. If you want your cereal to be awesome you got a pony up okay here we go one star we used to love them but not now oh what happened my family has purchased this brand in the past and we were pleased with the taste that's good there's been a change to this product and it's for the worse uh-oh and we know it we know it yeah we we do a blind taste test every month on the cereals just to make sure we don't want to get fucked over i sampled the cereal before serving to my daughter and thought
Starting point is 00:34:16 yuck but i didn't say anything to her hoping she would just eat it and we could just move on with our already rushed morning i love how parents are like, this is gross. Maybe my kid, hopefully they'll just eat it and shut the fuck up. That's amazing. She won't notice. Two different occasions. We're like, we don't care if it's gross. Just eat it.
Starting point is 00:34:38 That's parenting, though, in reality. Hopefully they'll just eat it and it'll be fine. Let's just hope it's fine. How rushed can you be that if this tastes gross, scrambled eggs are three minutes away? How fast do you need this breakfast to be? Wow. Apparently very fast because this person is in a rush. She commented after the first bite.
Starting point is 00:35:05 The cereal was, all caps, immediately soggy after adding milk. Just disintegrated. It's like rice paper. It's just like bedding slips in a bookie's office when the cops break down the door. So much, the entire contents of the bowl went into the garbage. Walmart did provide a refund with a receipt. They took a half-eaten box of fruit spins back into the garbage walmart didn't did provide a refund with a receipt they took a half-eaten box of fruit spins back to the walmart how cheap are you these are terrible and walmart went we understand we know yeah here's your money they know they saw him coming through the door and said get to get 249. Trust me. The shit cereal's coming back, guys.
Starting point is 00:35:45 You see it? There it is. It's bouncing. That is fucking awesome. Okay, here we go. One star. Don't want the product from the return bin. What?
Starting point is 00:35:58 It's a picture of the product with a smashed box. Uh-huh. And it says, don't want the product from the return bin. Dislike the fact that the box looked like it had been dropped, kicked, or thrown around. And why the fuck
Starting point is 00:36:11 did you pick it up? Yeah, you took it off the shelf, idiots. You look at cereal boxes, the ones that are all bashed in, you don't buy those. You pick them up behind it. What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:36:21 You leave that one. What are they, run out of great value fruit fucking spins at Walmart. Probably not. There's probably another box. It's the grocery store. That's why there's several ones.
Starting point is 00:36:30 You get the one you like. And this person is put a review on here, put a picture up like you bought a shitty box of fruit. Yeah, it's on you. Their opinion matters the least to me. The least. Well, this person here, I tend to believe them because they're going right for the jugular here oh uh one star yuck with three exclamation points okay i can honestly say that this is the absolute worst cereal i've ever eaten downright disgusting i found the perfect
Starting point is 00:37:01 place for it dot dot dot garbage. Four exclamation points. They think we knew you were going to say that. I say if I give you, I don't know, one guess of what they're going to say. I bet you get it. As soon as the either there or or up a Walton's ass. That's either one up Sam Walton's corpse's ass. I'm going to dig it up and pour mushy Fruit Loops on him. You cheap fucking jerk.
Starting point is 00:37:30 You cheap bastard. As soon as the milk skims the surface, it turns to mush. Oh, my God. Apparently, this really does get soggy fast because that's every review. I will never buy Great Value cereal again because i refuse to gamble on the quality there we go okay so all right we've gotten a workout we were hungry so we had to get ourselves some fruit spins yeah now it's time to wind down after a day of fruit spins and working out with time to relax everybody pull up everybody grab a glass and let's all pour ourselves some Lord Calvert's Canadian whiskey.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Yeah. Now, the reason specifically why we're reviewing this is an episode of Small Town Murder, our other podcast. Lord Calvert whiskey and doing an absolutely horrifically brutal murder and just leaving someone under a pile of clothes. And to me, I said, what is up with this Lord Calvert's to make it possible that this is happening? So on Google, it has 2.3 stars, which isn't great. That's terrible. Out of five? Yeah, out of five. That's not good.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Not a lot of reviews. Yeah, out of five. That's not good. Not a lot of reviews on there. The reviews are from different sites, alcohol sites and stuff like that. We'll give you a couple of people who like it first, and you can imagine. What's your day like? Who likes the type of whiskey that a man who drinks two liters of it before noon in a trailer and then cuts a woman's head off might fucking. This is what they like. Okay. This is 80 out of 100 on this one website.
Starting point is 00:39:10 Okay. Okay. $9 for 750 milliliters, by the way. So cheap. Very cheap. Okay. $9. $9.
Starting point is 00:39:18 This is a $9 cheap whiskey. Oh, boy. Sweet, creamy toffee with hot and spicy undertones i don't believe you builds gradually to a peak then fades into classic bitter pith pith pith this is this is drink behind a dumpster whiskey this is pith is not involved here. This is drink when you're sad and just lost your job whiskey because you can't afford other whiskey. Drink when you're when you're ready to take it out on yourself. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:54 Yeah. Your girlfriend fucked your brother on the table at Thanksgiving that you drink this whiskey and your dad. No. Yeah. You go outside, sit in the snow by the garage and drink this whiskey and your dad's here no yeah you go outside sit in the snow by the garage and drink this whiskey uh caramels mute the hardness of rye grain as it to as it too fades and advancing waves of gingery pepper i don't believe a word of this this is crazy
Starting point is 00:40:22 definitely a mixing whiskey now lord calvert tells one and all that their cocktail was made with good with wood aged whiskey hints of grassiness and dry white wine add breath breath with a d by the way to a pith and breath to a whiskey that in days long past was intended to be sipped neat what nine dollars nine dollars no none of that shit it got me so drunk i thought my cousin was pretty and he's a man that's the fucking review i want and cheat five stars yeah i poured it into a two liter bottle of rc to kill the flavor it's bad there's no way this is good when mixed with hawaiian punch it ain't bad definitely a mixing whiskey oh i believe that yeah four parts whatever and fucking half part whiskey um okay here's five stars again tasty smooth whiskey it's awesome with canada dry ginger ale in a full cup of ice so
Starting point is 00:41:27 a bunch of loads of water and soda and ginger ale which is a good strong i love ginger ale good strong flavor so crazy the icing on the cake is the great price it's very similar to crown royal which is also garbage it's also bad also bad here's just because it comes in a velvet bag doesn't mean it's a good whiskey it comes with a weed holder is what it comes with yeah this is a place to keep amazing a couple of bowls five stars it's pretty good whiskey i don't believe you it's smooth with a lot of vanilla overtones plus it's not bitter at all with more sweetness and flavor than black velvet you're you're recalling awful whiskeys in comparison yeah that's none of these are that's what i'm like what the fuck here's one that I like here. This is good.
Starting point is 00:42:26 There's no star amount, but it says, quote, I love this stuff. It's the best. Those are separate sentences. I love this stuff. It's the best. People that say that shit drink 10 high. Wow. He was drunk.
Starting point is 00:42:41 I love this stuff. It's the best. It's the best. It's so good. I can't feel my tongue yeah it's so good hey hey brian you're pretty cute i know her cousins i've been telling you you're just looking good lately don't touch my face i can't feel it can you feel it try try sweet and flavorful with just you feel my do i have a face feel it sweet and flavorful with just the right bite i'm not a whiskey expert we got that. We know. You don't got to tell us. And only an occasional whiskey drinker.
Starting point is 00:43:31 But when I do, I prefer CLC. Who are you? Canadian Lord Calverts. Nothing tastes the same. That I believe. That I believe. Besides some Ronson fluid that he got out of his fucking Zippo. Maybe. Transmission fluid in his car yeah this whiskey i knew why the five star reviews would be funnier than the one star review so this is this is fucking here's the last five star review but
Starting point is 00:43:58 it's it's gold okay yeah joanne gave five stars quote I'm not much of a drinker. No? No. At all is the next sentence. It has been about three years since I've had a drink. And last time I had one, last time I had one glass of wine while I wrapped gifts. But I love this it very good. Then it just says there's like three spaces and then a period with a lowercase k. It's starting to take a hold.
Starting point is 00:44:29 This person is hammered. This is pretty good. They're reviewing it after they drank it. I'm not even sure if this is still good. I have had it for seven years, lol. I don't know if this. Oh, it's working. It's working.
Starting point is 00:44:43 Listen, Joanne, I think it's working. I think you got this. Yeah. I think it's okay. It still works. She's typing it while she's sipping it. Shit face. This is pretty good.
Starting point is 00:45:01 Okay. Let's get into the star ones we'd expect here one star okay horrible yeah terrible next taste of cheap grain there you go yeah worse than a bad blended scotch whiskey glad they offered a mini oh he glad didn't spend much money on this. Glad that mini. What's the mini? 40 cents for a fucking shot of this shit? It's got to be, right? At best, a dollar.
Starting point is 00:45:31 Most. 99 cent special. Yeah. One star. Quote, gets the job done. I bet it does. One star. One star.
Starting point is 00:45:42 Gets the job. I mean, it does get you drunk. There is alcohol in it, so as advertised. I'm fucked up. It is 90 proof as advertised, but other than that. Not a fan of how I feel. Yeah, it's not good. Tastes of grain, thin consistency mouthfeel.
Starting point is 00:45:57 Yeah. Burns like the Dickens. So much for smooth. Anyone who says like the Dickens shouldn't be drinking this have you ever said like the dickens in a non-sarcastic way no if you are like the dickens burns like this shit's spicy wow price is cheap and it gets the job done. Just spend a little more and do your gut a favor. Evan Williams. Just get Evan Williams.
Starting point is 00:46:29 Yeah, that's as far down as you want to go. And that's not good booze. No, that's second to bottom shelf. But, you know. That's a shelf under Jack Daniels. And Jack Daniels is bad shit. That's rot. That'll rot you too.
Starting point is 00:46:42 Yes. Here is one and a half stars. One and a half on this one website too yes here is one and a half stars uh-huh one and a half on this one website you can do one and a half uh uh quote it could be worse no it could not get you drunk and taste this bad i guess yeah that would be worse probably you could hurt like this and be sober oh man that would be awful no one would. Clean, crisp taste of acetone and expired cookie dough. Expired cookie. That's very specific. That's dangerous.
Starting point is 00:47:11 This person's looked in his fridge and went, well, it's old, but I don't know. It's two in the morning. Fuck it. I'm eating it. This tastes like rubbing alcohol and salmonella. And salmonella, yeah. And chocolate chips for some reason. There's raw eggs in cookie dough.
Starting point is 00:47:31 So if it's bad, you'll shit. You're going down. You're going to shit either way, Mr. Allergic to Eggs. Not good for you. The next sentence is my favorite. Kicks like an angry mule going down. Oh, God. That's very descriptive.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Fuck. And burns like the dickens. So front end is a little rough on this bitch, let's just say. Absolutely terrible, but far from the worst. Yeah, he said it could be worse. He's drank worse. He's drank worse. I always keep a bottle around for medicinal purposes and cheap blackouts.
Starting point is 00:48:06 This is an alcoholic. Yeah. Cheap blackouts. Cheap blackouts. You get blackout drunk for like $4. That's not bad. I've had a terrible day. Where's that fucking Lord Calvert?
Starting point is 00:48:18 Where are you, Lord Calvert? Lord Calvert, take me away. Oh, my God. Here we go. The price is right. One star. This was just, this was the on-the-go to buy for many a year. $10 handle down at the local wine co.
Starting point is 00:48:37 Mixed $10 handle. Oh, my God. Mixed it, shot it, and straight out of the bottle. Just the thought of the smell makes my stomach lurch these days yeah it's a good whiskey to black out sections of your youth with i've i've moved on to glass bottles yeah oh they're plastic oh yeah they're plastic you think for nine dollars you're getting glass? Fuck you. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:49:08 This is fucking interesting. Guys that are buying handles of whiskey. Handles. Oh, Jesus. That's a very specific man. Grab yourself a handle and come on in. That's a mad man. Okay, let's move on from Lord Calvert here because I think we got the idea here that it's terrible.
Starting point is 00:49:25 It's the mistake everybody's made that now the smell of it ruins their day it destroys it let's move on to i'm gonna tell this like a story let's move on to the days in by windham uh here which is west of ann arbor in michigan it's the west the days in by windham albion, and it's west of Ann Arbor in Michigan here. Okay. Does Wyndham own Days Inn now? I believe Days Inn by Wyndham. They must here. Wow.
Starting point is 00:49:50 So let's check this out. It's 2.5 stars on Google, and it lists it as a two-star hotel, which is not great. That's terrible. The rooms look like they're from 1989. The weird green carpet with flowers on it, the bedspreads that look, you know, they're gross. Two stars means you get towels, right? It means there's towels, but don't expect there to be coffee in the lobby there. So let's start our journey on the days in and find out about it here.
Starting point is 00:50:19 Let's start out. This is some people like it. Okay. This is from nine years ago. This is someone's very hopeful here. They give it four out of five stars, and they say, okay, there's a lot of updating that's needed, but this hotel is also under new management. Oh, it could get better. I was able to witness them in the middle of the remodeling and fixing what is needed.
Starting point is 00:50:42 They have a big task ahead of them, but I know that they will achieve this. I know they can do it. I know it. Their hospitality is wonderful! Three exclamation points. So, they are hopeful. This is a person looking for positives and finding them. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:59 Now let's move on to four stars again. Quote, it's better than America's best. America's best. Which is not good. It's better than sleeping in a dumpster. That's what they just said. Yeah. America's best is titled like VIP nails.
Starting point is 00:51:19 Like you'll never see a VIP in there. At least the vagabond Inn fucking named itself accordingly. At least they were honest with us when we knew what we were getting into when we stayed there. They're Vagabonds here. Yeah. We knew we were splitting a $100 room is what we knew what we were doing. That's all. So it's better than
Starting point is 00:51:40 America's Best. They are trying to and they use the number two. So right away I don't know if I trust this person. Trying to live they use the number two so right away i don't know if i trust this person trying to live crew clean the place up but it's hard to pick and choose the guest well you if your prices are low then your guests are going to you know you can choose your guests in a hotel you just go i want people who are willing to pay this much money and then you just immediately choose your guess. Seems some people may live there. That's not great. That's too cheap. A lot of construction
Starting point is 00:52:14 stayers. So people doing like local work, transient construction workers. Okay. Here's three stars. Angel's not thrilled. Okay. No. The service was good, but the room not so much if the room was any worse i would have asked for a different room it was right at her threshold for for filth just at the line just at the one more thing this is the only level of grime that i'll stay in one more
Starting point is 00:52:41 pube in the shower and i'm leaving. That's all there is to it. There were some obvious renovations and it wasn't very clean. We stayed because the beds were clean and comfortable. You get what you pay for. At least they understand. I paid nothing so I'm getting nothing. Here's another person here. This is from Brandon.
Starting point is 00:53:02 This is five stars. This is the most amazing review i've ever read of anything ever five stars one sentence here we go i get kicked out every time but still get to go back there you go five stars five stars you just explained the hotel is what you just did they kick people out then let them come and stay there again and then people go you can't choose the people well the ones you kick out you cannot let back in that's one way to choose people i've never been kicked out of a hotel before no no no this is well i mean i got kicked out before i got to check in but that's it that's
Starting point is 00:53:40 yeah that's a different story if you fall asleep in the lobby, they don't like that. They hate that shit. As you were found out in Detroit. So here's five stars. Last five star one. Again, this is a journey, everybody. Yeah. This is from Zachary.
Starting point is 00:53:57 Quote, let me use their phone when my truck broke down. Five stars. I didn't stay there. I didn't stay there. I got the fuck out. They let me use their phone. This is from two years ago and he didn't have a phone so this tells you again what we're dealing with getting kicked out of a shitty two-star hotel and also letting me use my phone when the truck breaks down okay yeah one star people who might be half sane now Now these people, uh, this is Cassandra one star quote.
Starting point is 00:54:26 Let me first start off and say beds weren't made and there was trash everywhere in the room. That's bad. Wasn't made. And there was trash in the room that says, uh, you put, you gave me the wrong room. This is one that's not somebody still in there.
Starting point is 00:54:39 Yeah, this is, they didn't make it yet. This is not a room. And it's somebody else's fucking, this is not a room. This is not a room. It's somebody else's fucking. This is not a room. This is not a room that you can give to people.
Starting point is 00:54:51 This has not been made a room yet. No, it's not a room yet. If there's someone else's fucking funk on the pillowcase and they're trash everywhere, this isn't a room. Sorry. You sent me into somebody else's house briefly. Please give me. Temporary domicile.ile and it gets worse it gets worse from here oh god uh liquor in the fridge that stunk i think there was liquor in the fridge and the fridge stunk is what i'm going to gather from that okay there's some lord calvert's in there little lord calvert's in there it takes the edge off a little bit uh no wi-fi or cable i will never stay at this hotel again bedding had blood stains on it that's your lead right there that's what you say
Starting point is 00:55:32 first blood blood don't don't care that there's booze in the fridge there's blood don't care everything else is a moot point once there's blood and chair has stains on it and so do the bed we know what stains those are yeah yeah you found that's blood too jizz everywhere yeah this room is full of dna let's just say that worst hotel ever ever ever okay here comes brad yeah here comes look at the big brain on brad here one star on brad brad said quote well this i love when they start out with well they got a lot to say well i had my laptop stolen from my room as well as my prescription meds someone stole all of his things of value from his room everything was street value street but yeah anything that could be resold
Starting point is 00:56:25 in front of the hotel uh hotel told me it would be all right what the fuck does that mean this guy he comes in all the time and does that he'll bring it back don't worry about it said it would be we haven't trespassed him he'll be back tomorrow yeah we we might let him back in we're thinking about it uh did nothing uh they told it guy to array they told their guy to erase security footage oh my god uh i called police it guy hooked me up with footage front desk lady caught bringing a bunch of people in my room the front desk lady what caught bringing a bunch of people in my room then stealing computer wow hotel did nothing then tried to double charge me for the week i stayed
Starting point is 00:57:13 we'll charge double for this we'll take everything of value but don't worry we'll only charge you twice after we have some sort of fucking orgy in your room we had an orgy and stole We'll take everything of value, but don't worry, we'll only charge you twice. After we have some sort of fucking orgy in your room. What the fuck? We had an orgy and then stole your stuff. Why don't you lead people? We let people bleed on your bed and leave their McDonald's wrappers behind. There are so many reasons not to stay here that I can't even scratch the surface. And then all caps, nasty rooms.
Starting point is 00:57:43 Yeah. Oof, Brad, wow. Here comes Judd with one star. Mm-hmm. This is fun. The wall has two big holes in it. And he doesn't mean the windows either. He means the arms are supposed to be there.
Starting point is 00:57:57 They aren't covered with glass? No glass in them. The curtains are ripped down, A, put on the floor. I guess and put on the floor. Curtains are ripped uh a put on the floor i guess and put on the floor curtains are ripped down and put on the floor talk to the that's not great either no talk to the front desk and they said it's been like that for a while oh well no never mind we made a phone call or two sorry i didn't realize you wanted it like that you You were keeping it like that. That's how we like it. There was mold in the bathroom ceiling. Oh, God. And they haven't come to clean the room or make the beds in three days.
Starting point is 00:58:37 It's a non-smoking room, and it reeks of cigarettes and stuff. Oh, I'm sorry. Reeks of cigarettes. there's no punctuation in the sentence i'm trying to figure it out and stuff is always missing out of the fridge and there is no breakfast like they say you want to eat at this place we've been here three days we keep putting food in the fridge and it just disappears all my computer is gone but there's no breakfast i want the pastries. Wow.
Starting point is 00:59:06 Here is a person who I don't know what the fuck they were thinking because they book this like this is our getaway thing. What? Okay. One star. Here we go. So three O's. So dot, dot, dot. I booked this for a quote spa night.
Starting point is 00:59:24 That was your first mistake. Why? I called every 10 to 15 minutes when left work. It was an hour and a half drive from Clarkson. No one answered. All caps. Arrived and no one at the desk. All caps was getting really nervous thinking I just booked a room and wouldn't get one due to no one available.
Starting point is 00:59:45 I even called Wyndham Corporation and they said they couldn't get no one to answer. They said, we can't get no one to answer. There's nobody there. Finally, all caps, about 20 minutes later, the, quote, night hostess came back to the counter. Oh, boy. Is that a quote or is that her job title which one is it she said like quote like night like i know she was blowing someone for ten dollars like that's what she made it sound like when asked where she was and what took her so long what where were you
Starting point is 01:00:18 what took you so long jesus none of your business she lamely stated that she was quote fixing a tv oh well received my room key and so ready to get into the jacuzzi to relax only to get in a room quote had to wiggle and jiggle the card the key card to open the door all right well that happens sometimes to see a really super small jacuzzi tub it's a days in by windham what did you expect you super small jacuzzi tub. It's a days in by Wyndham. What did you expect? You booked a jacuzzi day at the days in. At the days in by Wyndham.
Starting point is 01:00:53 It's a two star place. That's what I'm saying. Sometimes it's your fault. You know what I mean? This is on you. Yeah, just put a tarp in your pickup bed and drain your hot water heater into it. That's a better spot. Much better.
Starting point is 01:01:13 So if any of you plan on a, quote, romantic night here. What? You've got to hang the curtains up first unless you want everyone to be outside watching. Forget it, exclamation point. The room color coordination really clashed is that a complaint the colors clashed the carpets were clearly newer than the trapes wow oh man uh seems like they were in the middle of updating and just said quote forget it good enough the bed was clean trust me i tore it apart and looked at every nook and cranny. Actually, they say book and cranny, but I assume they mean nook and cranny.
Starting point is 01:01:51 I like book better. I like book better. Carpets were okay. Could use a good cleaning, but are kept up. All right, well, good. Coffee pot and bathroom did not use due to where it was. Toilet and shower were clean. So to come and sleep here would be okay for the night, but don't try to do a getaway here.
Starting point is 01:02:09 Who the fuck would? I can't believe you did. It's not a vacation spot. It's the club med west of Ann Arbor. You fucking idiot. What are you talking about? I found a day's end that has jacuzzi tubs. Why would you sit in that?
Starting point is 01:02:25 Oh, God. Imagine what's been in there. Gross. Not worth the money. Okay. Here we go. It gets better. One star.
Starting point is 01:02:33 Forgot to read the reviews before reserving an express deal. The reviews were horrible. And I love this. This is going to tell us about their life. A little quote. I took a loss and reserved another room elsewhere and ended up having a bad experience there as well oh my god
Starting point is 01:02:49 it's just a bad night overall here is uh Christina one star the city shut off their water mid shower need I say more what shut off the water to the whole place shut off the hotel's water for lack of fucking whatever
Starting point is 01:03:08 need i say more then that was about a year ago then also a year ago it might be condemned now they might be shutting it down one star interesting interesting that windham let me reserve a room with points only to drive 75 miles to find the place closed. I see now from another commenter that the building has been condemned. Condemned. Condemned, which sounds appropriate. Yeah. They were letting people stay there.
Starting point is 01:03:37 Yeah. Then the next review is one star from four months ago. They're back. Yeah. I guess. Oh, they're open again. They're back from condemnation. Quote, stayed two days and had
Starting point is 01:03:46 to beg for clean towels oh my god no pool had strange people walking the halls at night if you have little ones don't take them there oh bad things are sure they were real people yeah right yeah we're is that are you positive you positive? Did you talk to these people? Did they talk back? Let's talk about it, Nicole. Holy. One star. Desk clerk did nothing.
Starting point is 01:04:15 Oh? Room's in awful condition. We'd been driving back home over 10 hours and just wanted a clean place to rest. Motel smells like smoke. Rooms have ripped comforters, holes barely patched in room and bathrooms, showers dirty and heads rusty. Breakfast is last night's coffee.
Starting point is 01:04:33 That's why. And bread. I don't know, does Spunkmeyer? Yeah. And bread that I watched the guy take out of a package with his fingers and put in a container. Ew. No compensation offered. Here as a bread and coffee listen take it out here you go bread and coffee holy shit uh let's
Starting point is 01:04:55 see we're gonna do one more of these here no you know what let's leave off here because there's hope actually because oh people talk during this and it comes up where it might be turning around so let's see if maybe maybe this can turn it around no we'll finish it right now here we go okay the carpet and furniture were worn dirty looking wi-fi didn't work there were construction workers hanging out in the parking lot and drinking and playing music and running their truck well past 1 a.m. Yeah, those are guys that just got off work. Yeah, they just got off work, and they got Ranchero music bumping,
Starting point is 01:05:31 and that's what goes on. The side door next to our room, which we were told would be locked at 10 p.m., was constantly banging as the men went in and out all night. The manager could do nothing to resolve this. Got zero sleep. This is good, too. Dusty coffee pot pot in the bathroom water was leaking in the tub in the tub no hand soap holes all over the walls and the ac was blowing debris out and i'm pretty sure there were blood stains on my sheets pretty sure the pool and vending machine were broken. Oh, they got a pool now. Yeah, there were only two lamps in the room and no other lights.
Starting point is 01:06:08 When I plugged my phone charger in, sparks flew. Jesus Christ. Sounds like it should still be condemned. No, shit, you would have better luck sleeping in a crack shack, whatever that might be. Now, a month ago and four weeks ago though two good reviews one person says basically great area for for uh door dashers as well rooms are clean a little run down but decent attendees are pretty good about getting you what you need if you run out of something i i i have not had but their complimentary breakfast looks good okay good shit then there's
Starting point is 01:06:43 another five star four weeks ago quote i don't know why they're getting bad reviews everything was great so maybe it's turning around nope three weeks ago one star quote this is from christy quote nope just nope even if you are desperate, you will leave with some sort of disease or infection like we did. What did they get? They've been diseased and infected. They don't specify? They don't say. We could try to find and hunt it down.
Starting point is 01:07:17 I want you to know I'm embarrassed. She's got infections. Let's leave days in there. We'll start off next week with how people think of Trojan ribbed condoms because there's some funny shit there. That's going to be what we'll start out with next week. But for now, that is your stupid opinions. Remember to rate and review on whatever app you're listening on.
Starting point is 01:07:33 Give us five stars. Say something nice. It really does help drive us up the charts. Don't be crazy like these reviews. Stop it. Let's keep it sane and be cool. Stop the madness. Stop the madness out there, everybody. Listen, follow on Instagram and do all that. Listen to our other two shows, Small Town Murder and Crime and Sports. And keep coming back and seeing us.
Starting point is 01:07:51 Thank you so much, everybody. We'll see you next week. Stay away from the window. Bye. Follow Your Stupid Opinions on the Wondery app, Amazon Music, or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to every episode of Your Stupid Opinions ad-free by joining Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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