Your Stupid Opinions - Psychopath Christmas Child, Barely Meat, Something For The Larger

Episode Date: December 25, 2023

This week, we hear opinions about a Christmas classic movie, which we thought was universally loved. A personal item for the large, that may not be large enough. An iconic seasonal tourist sp...ot, with a huge, but apparently not large enough, tree. A meat product that might not be meat & much more!!Join comedians James Pietragallo and Jimmie Whisman as they explore the most opinionated part of the internet: The Reviews Section!Subscribe and we will see you every Monday with Your Stupid Opinions!!!Don't forget to rate & review!!Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie WhismanSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wondery Plus subscribers can listen to your stupid opinions ad-free right now. Join Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. Hello everybody and welcome back to Your Stupid Opinions. Hey! Oh, my name is James Petrigallo. I'm here with my co-host. I'm Jimmy Wissman. We could not be more excited today for our holiday edition of Your Stupid Opinions. This is going to come out on Christmas morning.
Starting point is 00:00:38 This is going to be our own little Christmas present for you. Leaving it under the tree. That's right. If you have kids, they'll be getting you up at 5.30 in the morning. This will be on your phone, so at least you can have this. Yikes.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Yeah, once they go pass back out again or go play with their horse shit, whatever you got them, then you can do this. So we have a very fun themed edition. It's not even themed. We have a couple of Christmas things,
Starting point is 00:01:01 but otherwise it's a normal, weird, strange trip. It's still opinions. It's still lots of opinions. It's going to be a lot of fun if you like this show definitely listen to our other shows small town murder and crime and sports and those are very self-explanatory of what they are uh do that and also follow us on all the social medias your stupid opinions we got a page everywhere on instagram and twitter and everything and of course there's groups too on facebook where they're constantly posting yeah it's a lot of fun so check all that out never mind that let's get right into this let's talk about it let's do it here let's go
Starting point is 00:01:34 right down to the heart of new york city midtown manhattan and let's go see the rockefeller center tree what do you say everybody yeah it's a big deal i put this in here because everybody knows this tree there's not yeah even in other countries you probably watched a movie and it's in it elf home alone 2 this one now every single movie based in new york especially if it's a romance forget about it if it's like a rom-com there is a scene where they're on the ice skating rink below the tree that's a just a fucking it's a gigantic cultural thing that we have here. So that's why we're doing it. Now, Rockefeller Center itself has 4.7 stars out of 170,000 Google reviews. So that's a lot.
Starting point is 00:02:16 That's a great place. Yeah, it's 45 Rockefeller Center in New York here. It took nine years to build it. And we were talking outside here, me and Jimmy, before the show started about how the tree thing got started. What a great story. It was before the building was even up all the way.
Starting point is 00:02:31 They just started it and a bunch of Italian laborers just put a tree up for themselves because they thought it was cool. They found a big tree and put it up and that was that. And they said,
Starting point is 00:02:39 all right, yeah. And they would go there to the tree to get their paycheck. And it was beautiful. Just to give themselves a semblance of normalcy. And they'd hang out and they would go there to the tree to get their paycheck and it was beautiful it was yeah just to give themselves a semblance of normalcy and they'd hang out and they'd eat and fart around and eat beneath the tree all that sort of thing so yeah let's get into this and find out what people think okay gotta start out with the five stars right off the back of some people they can't get enough of the tree and it's a great time and here's a person uh alex five stars this
Starting point is 00:03:04 person has a lot of reviews of everything. So they're going to tell you all about it. And this is from a week ago. So right here. Very, very crowded, but a must see if you're in NYC. Yeah, it's crowded in June, first of all. It doesn't matter when you're going there. It's very crowded around there.
Starting point is 00:03:24 The Nintendo store is right there. The Lego store is a shitload of stuff right there. If they only put the Empire State Building up at Christmas time, it'd be crowded as fuck, too. Yeah, and it's in every movie, like we talked about. So people tend to want to come here. The tree is amazing in person. Even saw a couple get engaged on the ice skating rink. Oh, Jesus. Hecky fuck. They saw a rom get engaged on the ice skating rink. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:03:46 They saw a rom-com happen before their eyes. Holy shit. Wow. Can you imagine how many women went, oh my god, and put their hands over their mouths? Ice cream say no. Yeah. I want to see his heart broken. Don't do it.
Starting point is 00:04:03 It's gonna cost you. Think long and hard. Just. Don't do it. It's going to cost you. Think long and hard. Just yell, sleep on it. Tell him tomorrow. Keep walking as you skate by. Such a fun Christmas moment. All the nearby streets are closed, so be prepared to walk a bit to get here. It's a mess down this time of year.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Here's another five-star. The giant tree was pretty spectacular, filled with bright lights. That's a Christmas tree. You nailed that. That's what they do. Ice skaters added to the holiday feel. The only thing missing is snow. Don't forget to visit the displays at Saks.
Starting point is 00:04:41 They were mind-blowing because Saks Fifth Avenue does all the giant toy stuff like old school. That's global warming. Yeah. Even on a Monday night, the crowd was shoulder to shoulder. Yeah. Yeah. That's why. It doesn't snow in New York City anymore pretty much.
Starting point is 00:04:55 It hasn't snowed in like two years there. Really? Yeah. It just doesn't snow there anymore. Uh-oh. So it snowed a lot two years, three years ago, but then this year not much, the last few years. So here's a one-star review. Now then this year not much, the last few years. So here's a one-star review.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Now we're down to people who don't like it. And they don't like it for specific reasons, and we'll kind of go through those. Here is TW. This person said, I live in NYC. This the worst experience trying to see the tree. The street's crowded. Could not get but two blocks from the tree. And he's got a picture of it.
Starting point is 00:05:29 He's got a great picture of it. I mean, he looks pretty close to it to me. Yeah, was happy to get back to Brooklyn. Only day I could see the go. What the hell does that mean? Only day I could see the go, but never expected to be like this ever. Okay. Only day I could see to get to go, he is? I yes i think so and they said visited on a weekend it says f so you went oh you went you know you went a week before christmas
Starting point is 00:05:52 to one of the biggest tourist things going on that's also by the way free to come look at so it's not even like they charge admission to fucking look at it from the street so that's the other fucking problem is a lot of people that you live in and you're well aware that it's fucking crammed that's your fault time yeah your fault i'll tell you you should have went right when they put it up that's on you here's sal sal gives it one star uh-oh i know this is a tradition and kids love it but i'm wondering why a tree god damn it. After living for years in the earth, it gets pulled up only to be destroyed a month later.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Use a fake tree. Oh! Because this tree, by the way, weighs tons. It weighs like 12 tons. It's 80 feet tall. So what do you think 12 tons of plastic is going to be? What's worse for the earth? Figuring out what to do with 12 tons of plastic or to rip a tree up
Starting point is 00:06:49 that was specifically grown for this purpose? This isn't like going into redwoods. You know what I mean? They have specific farms for this. This thing is from so far away. It's not even from here, for Christ's sake. I mean, like, around here, we've gone to the Christmas tree farms. You came with me.
Starting point is 00:07:06 It's all they do. They grow Christmas trees, plant new ones. They cut that, those down, plant new ones. Those are getting bigger. They put that cyclical thing. That's what they're made for. So we know it's for money, but come on now. Okay? We love to destroy
Starting point is 00:07:22 things. Why don't you plant the tree there? It could live all year round. Sal, you're a fascinating man, Sal. Then this comes up. This is a fun one. I have no respect for the Rockefellers. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Terrific. What do you think? They own that building still? They have no respect for the earth. Okay. First of all, it's a bunch of my fucking ancestral Guinea fucking relatives who put it up. That's what it was, first of all. It wasn't the Rockefellers, number one.
Starting point is 00:07:53 And number two, I don't know. I love trees. It's not a beacon of their capitalistic success. No, no. It's just a fucking tradition that started a long time ago. I'm all for, I don't like seeing trees get cut down i love trees i'm not a person's like yeah knock those fucking ugly trees down and put a building on it's not me at all i love trees but when they're grown for a specific purpose then it's fine to cut them down because they they planted another one to replace that one
Starting point is 00:08:19 it's just what they do it's why they're there. One star from Shamim. One star, crowded and insane. Yes. The tree is actually the smallest I've seen it in years. Now it's not big enough? It's not big enough. It's fucking 80 feet tall. It's a shit tree. I could fucking put that in my living room.
Starting point is 00:08:44 You guys suck. What are you talking about? It's huge. I think we win. Oh, my God. This next one is the strangest one of all here. Okay. One star.
Starting point is 00:08:57 For next year, install a tree made of recycled plastic. Use advanced technology such as fiber optic lighting, virtual displays, and interactive features. Why don't we just make a fucking hologram of the tree then? Well, save the environment while making it look cool. Do they think that that is zero carbon footprint? That's what I'm saying. He just said recycled plastic. Do you know how much energy it takes to recycle 12 tons of plastic?
Starting point is 00:09:27 Right. Way more than it does to cut down and then get rid of a tree that was grown for this specific purpose. Not only that, the picture he has is that there's a picture of what he wants. Yeah. And it's basically the tree version of the dome thing in Las Vegas. That's what he wants. That thing. Look at this.
Starting point is 00:09:55 That's what he wants that thing look at this it's a triangular yeah fucking video screen that's all it is and that is so much the carbon footprint to create that thing is crazy oh then you have to you have to power it too right so that's worse than a fucking tree with some lights on it. Plus, not for nothing, but it's a Christmas tree. You know what a Christmas tree is, and you want to take the kids and go, look at the big Christmas tree that you saw in that fucking movie that you like. That's why you're there. You're not there for this shit. You came through the gumdrop forest and through the Washington Tunnel
Starting point is 00:10:18 and wound up there. That's why I'm here and fought the traffic. Okay. Robinson gives it one star. Christmas tree is overrated. Just in general or this tree? What do you expect? What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:10:32 What do you want? What is the line? The tree to come to life and tell you a story? Like what the, and read Twas the Night Before Christmas to you and your children while handing out hot cocoa with some of its wings? What do you want for a treat? I need hot cocoa with marshmallows. Holy shit. Had a horrible experience.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Too crowded. People bumping into each other, smoking pot and doing all kinds of stuff. Yeah, it's a city street. That's where you are. People are going to do all kinds of stuff on the city streets. There's probably people blowing each other. Yes, I mean. When a homeless man offers to fuck your wife's face for you, you're going to really go, they're doing all kinds of stuff.
Starting point is 00:11:13 They will. They will, because they offered Jimmy to have his face fucked, which was nice. Nice of the guy to offer that. Frightening 10 minutes of my life and i've and i've had some pretty frightening experiences i love that i had the same exact face the conductor did for you why'd you do that what the hell did you do that you go that's what the guy on the train said i go yeah exactly he was right the conductor told me to leave that man alone yeah you were shocked that i that i said that and you were like oh God, that's the second person that said it.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Yes. It's still the craziest response to me. Fucking ignore that. What are you doing? Five years later, I'm like, what? So next up, one star from Lonzo. Literally any other tree in the city looks better. Better?
Starting point is 00:12:04 Better than the mess of lights they just put on this tree. He needs it in a specific pattern and way? The main attraction is honestly its brightness and bigness. Yes! That's exactly what it is. It's a giant, bright Christmas tree that you can take pictures of and post on fucking Instagram. That's what it's for. In the middle of a fucking concrete jungle, this tree exists.
Starting point is 00:12:31 It's amazing. That's why it's cool. Honestly, it's not the, I would have decorated it differently, honestly. I would have put less popcorn on it. This is crazy. Next up, one star, Yauna, says, stay away from it, exclamation point. Oh, what happened? Electrified now.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Does he carry rabies? There is a pocket pocket ring going around. I think they tried to say pickpocket. Pickpocket. Yeah. My wallet got stolen while visiting. Those are separate sentences. My wallet got stolen while visiting.
Starting point is 00:13:03 While visiting. While visiting. Hold on a sec. You were in a giant crowd of people in New York City and someone swiped your wallet? That's the crazy... I've never heard a story like that before. Weird. That's never happened before.
Starting point is 00:13:16 You should definitely contact some media outlets because they'll want to do a full story on that one. Did you see a guy peeing also? Because that's going to be big news too. If you look down an alley and saw a man peeing, that's huge news. Did you still smell smoke from either drugs or a cigarette? Yeah. Oh, no. It's totally overcrowded at the moment.
Starting point is 00:13:39 Yes, it's Christmas. That's the point. You're welcome. Yeah. A nice cop assisted me with the process while making a report. Two more calls came in. Threw promptly's the point. Yeah. A nice cop assisted me with the process while making a report. Two more calls came in. Threw promptly in the trash. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Two more calls came in for stolen wallets. Stay away! Three exclamation points. No, put your wallet in a better fucking location. You should know. In your inside pocket. Yeah. Keep your wallet in your front pocket.
Starting point is 00:14:03 It's a fucking Wu-Tang lyric. Right. Keep your eyes open and your wallet in your front pocket. You don't put it in your back pocket. Yeah. Keep your wallet in your front pocket. It's a fucking Wu-Tang lyric. Right. Keep your eyes open and your wallet in your front pocket. You don't put it in your back pocket. Yeah. It's Ray Kwan. You don't put your phone in your back pocket. No.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Everything comes up front. Well, you keep your hands on them. One star. Don't ever go to Rockefeller Center very first day. All the street are blocked. All the street are blocked. Way too many people. Way too many police. To get closer to Tree, it will take one All the street are blocked. All the street are blocked. Way too many people. Way too many police.
Starting point is 00:14:28 To get closer to tree, it will take one hour because all street blocked. Well, obviously. All street blocked. And to get closer to tree, it's almost impossible. I spent two hours and I saw far and left. Waste of time. Better it's go to next days.
Starting point is 00:14:45 Okay. Okay. Sure. Then I love this one. There's a picture of the employee standing in Rockefeller Center, and I love this. One star. Rudest, most unprofessional employee. Folks passing by asking questions, and he is yelling at them. That's New York.
Starting point is 00:15:04 I heard him use foul and F-O-'s New York. I heard him use foul and F-O-W-L. I heard him use foul language. He was like clucking at people. He called somebody a rooster chicken. He gobble gobbled at somebody and he fucking I heard him quack at a guy with several patrons.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Just look at the anger in his face. When all the people are trying to enjoy a happy Christmas season. It's bah humbug here at 30 Rock. Okay. Oh, my Christ. I'll do one more here. Michael, I don't understand the point of this particular tradition.
Starting point is 00:15:35 Will I go again? No. But will I discourage anybody from going? Absolutely not. That's why you left a one-star review on fucking Google. He won't discourage other people? No, no. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Take pictures and have a ball. Hell, I will even take a picture with you. I don't know you. What are you talking about? Please don't. Perhaps if there were public literature displayed for the public about tradition, my experience may have been changed to a more understanding and pleasant outcome. The tree did make a cameo in Home Alone 2,
Starting point is 00:16:05 but I don't think that's a reason to visit here. What do you think? They don't understand. I think they're from another country and don't understand. I think they're literally asking, like, why is this doing this? Why is this here? And then my favorite one, last one, very quick, James with one star. James says, what's James Jiang, J-A-I, I won't give the spelling.
Starting point is 00:16:30 The security attitude is so bad and humiliating. They shout at men just for the sake of it or making other surrounding ladies happy. What were you doing to the ladies, James? That's the problem. Just to make them happy, they tell me to stop grabbing their asses it's fucking weird they're just showing off just to make these women feel safer they told me stop stop that right now holy shit okay so we have another christmas thing later on but okay that you all this walking standing around waiting for the picture you get hungry
Starting point is 00:17:05 somebody pissed on my shoes that's i got pee on my shoes i got somebody i got proposition to do a lot of different things they took my wallet but gave me somebody's car keys i'm hungry all the restaurants are packed you can't even get near a hot dog cart let's get the fuck out of here let's get out of here let's just stop and we'll pick up some lunch meat and go back to the hotel and eat it it's very new york's very expensive so we had to we spent's just stop and we'll pick up some lunch meat and go back to the hotel and eat it. Okay. It's very, New York's very expensive, so we had to, we spent all our money and we could only afford Carl Buddig, B-U-D-D-I-G, Carl Buddig meat. And we've talked about this. That's the stuff.
Starting point is 00:17:38 It's terrible, terrible meat that is just awful. This is my childhood. It's so bad. Right on the top, right on the front fucking cover of the package, it says awful this is my childhood it's so bad right on the top right on the front fucking cover of the of the package it says this is for uh it says uh smoked chopped pressed beef contains up to 15 of a flavoring solution oh my god is that what it is it's not yeah it's just the shit i've never read the package because i you You don't want to. No. I was a little scared in the first place. But when it's called pastrami and it looks the same as the roast beef, there's a problem.
Starting point is 00:18:12 There's a problem. Yeah. That's frightening. For these little two-ounce pouches they have here, it's 80 cents. Yep. And it's so thin. It's so thin. It's so gross. It's salty. It doesn't have the consistency of meat. No. It's just weird. Yep. It's so thin. It's so thin. It's so gross. It's salty.
Starting point is 00:18:26 It doesn't have the consistency of meat. It's just weird. I don't know what they slice it with, but it's almost like that. Oh, it's microscopically thin. Like the Italians from the cell block did it with a razor blade like the garlic. It's so thin. It's thin like prosciutto they slice it. That's the thing.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Except it's not prosciutto. Yet it stays together. It shouldn't at this thinness. That's the thing except it's not prosciutto it's yet it stays together it shouldn't at this thinness that's the 15 flavoring solution that it bonds it together so you can get this anywhere in the country at any shitty grocery store this is a five-star review what there's people who like this, Jimmy. Wow. Budding beef. They misspell it, budding. Budding beef is a wonderful experience. Oh, it's wonderful, inexpensive, and you can find it almost everywhere at any grocery store. We don't eat this.
Starting point is 00:19:18 We don't eat this. What do we use it for? But I feed it to my nine, almost ten-year-old dog 10 year old dog precious and she loves it i wouldn't eat this because it's obviously not food but the dog scene this shit is amazing my dog wolfs it down i mean he eats cat shit too don't get me wrong but he loves it when she was little we couldn't get her to eat any dog food, and believe me, we tried all of them, it seemed like. We let her go for a few days, and nothing the dog wouldn't eat. Got these buddig meat packs, and she ate that up.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Unbelievable. Don't worry, the vet says she's completely healthy, and since she will eat dog treats, her teeth are great. So thanks, buddig, for keeping my precious alive. Don't worry we don't eat it don't get me wrong i wouldn't touch this shit with a 10-foot pole i put gloves on when i handle it i don't even want to touch it with my skin he said don't worry don't worry even though it's terrible for you the dog seems to be okay with it. If you've ever had it, you'll understand it's disgusting. It's the worst. Don't worry, my dog's okay. Loves them.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Stop worrying about Precious. Don't worry about Precious. Next up, five stars. Excellent for roll-up sandwiches. Oh, what? Oh, my God. I don't know. I lay out three pieces.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Lightly spread miracle whip. All right. All right. I'm getting a miracle whip. Skip this guy. I'm already out. His palate is fucked. We got to power through it because it could get even crazier.
Starting point is 00:21:00 We don't know. What is he putting on it? Overlap two. Add one-third slice cheese and lettuce. Is he giving instructions on how to make a sandwich? Is that what he's doing? Get two pieces of bread. No, he's doing his special salad.
Starting point is 00:21:14 He said lay out three pieces of meat, right? Of meat, yes. And then you put the miracle whip on that. On that. Then overlap two and add a third of a slice of cheese and lettuce. Okay. on that on that then overlap two and add a third of a slice of cheese and lettuce okay roll the two with the cheese and lettuce inside finish off with a third slice to hold it all together well make three oh make a lick the end like there's no bread there's no bread involved here yeah just budding make three roll-ups from a package. Eliminates bread from the lunch food. You know.
Starting point is 00:21:45 The only wholesome substance that's in the meal. Fucking lettuce. Next up, one star, chem beef is the title. I'm a total carnivore and thus love all things beefy, but this was disgusting. Yep. Whether it was disgusting. Yep. Whether it was supposed to be roast beef or corned beef, it's neither. Imagine you can't tell whether it's roast beef or corned beef. That is bad meat.
Starting point is 00:22:14 They threw the package out and didn't even read it. Just beef. Brown beef. It seriously tasted like someone took a sorry excuse for beef, then washed it with dish soap before proceeding to bag it. Gross. They do, too. A lot of these shit meats, they get scraps from places, and they're basically blasted with industrial ammonia to kill anything. Really?
Starting point is 00:22:43 They put through this horrible chemical bath and then washed washed and it's a horrible disgusting process and and yes 15 percent liquid shit together i'm i'm not saying i'm not libeling buddick here saying they do that but there are places that do that and this is the this seems like it's even beneath that it's this you know this is like gross carl buddick is is discount uh it's it's what it's what you eat when you need food yeah you have to have something in your stomach something with protein you're like well i haven't had protein in four days i've been eating rice yeah i'll get it from this please understand that i'm not a person that even really goes out of their way to avoid processed foods he's like i don't give a fuck. I eat garbage.
Starting point is 00:23:25 It doesn't matter. The chemical taste was so overpowering that I actually got nauseated and tossed the whole package. Ew. That's the experience that anybody would have doing this. Poor Precious was robbed of a meal then. Robbed of a meal.
Starting point is 00:23:39 He could have just, Precious would have eaten it up. One star opened package and realized it was brown. Inspected the package and bottom along barcode had a hole. Oh, Jesus Christ. Oh, man. It's just breathing.
Starting point is 00:23:57 It was turkey at one point. God damn it. That is so bad. That's kind of on you, too, to not inspect your... Yeah, you should have looked. That's not really their fault. That could have been somebody opening a box with a razor and got it. I can't blame Buttig for that.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Carl, you're off the hook on that one. One star. I love this. I do not like these individual packets of lunch meat! When I bought them, they only lasted for a few days before they became hard and literally every type of meat tasted like bologna would not recommend hard that's the perfect way to put it they all taste like bologna no matter what you get yeah it smells and turkey but it tastes like bologna yeah it's roast beef it tastes like bologna. Corned beef, that's good bologna. Next up, this is wild here.
Starting point is 00:24:46 One star. Don't buy this product or, for that matter, buy any product offered by this company. They had pieces of plastic in them, and there's a picture of, look at this. It's a piece of mystery gray meat with a piece of blue plastic in the meat. Not like just in the package. It is like pressed into the meat not like just in the package it is like pressed into the meat yeah it's embedded that's somebody dropped a toothpick uh toothpick into the fucking batter that is um sliced pieces of plastic into it oh my god that is fucking disturbing i do uh
Starting point is 00:25:19 yeah jesus christ why is there plastic near the food what are we doing i don't know if it was held in a in a crate that got i don't know if it was held in a crate that got i don't know what it is hurt in the machine that broke may that's possible absolutely disgusting and the customer service of this company oh could you it's 80 cent meat it's 80 cent yeah what are they financing with 80 cents i'm sorry there's no way that there's customer service is absolutely's absolutely horrible. Asked for a refund and never heard anything back. Dude, it was 80 cents.
Starting point is 00:25:49 It's 80 cents. Just move on. Chaka, you just did this. That's enough. You got your retribution. I mean, we got to take some chances in life. You know what I mean? Truly, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Some things are buyer beware. And then finally, one star, not sure it's real meat is the title here i about positive it's not i know it's not this was terrible it was so processed and full of chemicals i was afraid to eat it i took one bite and threw it away again poor precious poor precious so we've heard about bad meat speaking of meat let's talk about large meat and let's talk about trojan magnum latex condoms the big one more meat yeah uh these are the larger size we did the ribbed like weeks ago a couple months ago we did the ribbed review and p.s i think this show has already gotten big enough that people are making memes do you think so because somebody directly after our show maybe two weeks after the show
Starting point is 00:26:46 somebody there was a meme of a woman's face that said uh rib condoms don't taste like ribs oh maybe or that was it could just be a somebody already up somebody had the same hacky joke that that person had that review yeah i don't know or or somebody created the meme after that you never fucking know you You never know. But let's find out about Trojan Magnum latex condoms. On Google, they have 1.1 thousand reviews, and they're good. Four and a half stars. And some people love them.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Some people don't like them so much. Yeah. So here's five stars. Let's start out with this. Title of this review, amazing for large penis. Had to brag couldn't you say amazing if you if you got a condom and it fit fine and you you used it and it worked you wouldn't need to review it unless you're like let me tell you about my large penis that i like to tell everyone about amazing for large penis yeah this is a guy stops
Starting point is 00:27:47 at like a gas station gets out he's like i had to stretch my legs my large penis gets all cramped in the car tell you what just tells everybody about it amazing for large penis i have an extremely large penis extremely large penis and these worked great for me finally a pleasurable experience no more red tip for this fellow okay if the other ones were choking they were choking your penis out to the ground uh five stars feels great yeah feels great a large penis? Well, this guy gets real fucking specific here. Yeah. My 8.5 incher that's quite girthy always gets smothered by regular condoms, not with the Magnum. How dare you?
Starting point is 00:28:36 It feels great and holds big loads. That's the other thing. And he delivers. And he's just got buckets full of jizz also in reserve that's just a fire it just sprays it everywhere like it's like it's an extinguisher dumping them heavy oh my god so that's the the good now let's get to the not so all right one star these are my people some of them are, man, my huge penis just burst through the thing. One star.
Starting point is 00:29:10 I had no idea they were for big guys. Jesus Christ. Well, you'll see that. One star. Terrible. Okay. Terrible. Terrible.
Starting point is 00:29:18 I bought a 12-pack a few weeks back and used them twice. The old 12-er he got there. Both times it broke and caused a whole world of stress for my girlfriend not for me just for her that's why i use this review because that's a there's plenty of reviews like that but the fact that he said whole world of stress for my girlfriend i went and played playstation i didn't give a fuck but she was she was tripping i was like i don't know you better take care of that shit i'm fucking playing gta she wanted 50 dollars to go to the pharmacy i was like get it yourself come on i don't know man i'm doing
Starting point is 00:29:56 something i got a new campaign i'm playing with trevor right now i've got a lot of stuff going on oh man so here's that's amazing one star and his title is zero stars so he wants to make sure that they don't even get that one star if i could give zero stars i would i had not only one condom break but three and it resulted in a pregnancy zero stars a time that'll that'll do it you can't do that that'll make it break not all of them man um i love this guy one star his title is it broke which is really all you need to put that's it that didn't do its job that has one job and didn't do it hold hold in the jizz that's your job it let it all out don't let the penis come out uh one star it broke that's
Starting point is 00:30:46 frowned upon yeah it is i mean i agree with you but what a weird way to put it yeah i would frown on that for sure like it made a social faux pas or something like that's so weird it's frowned upon a nazi joke at our party. In these parts. Super strange. Not, no, yeah, my in-laws are Jewish, obviously frowned upon. Nobody liked it. My boss was here. Yeah, it's crazy. I would prefer my condoms not give me
Starting point is 00:31:16 a heart attack. What about your girlfriend? Fuck her. I'm worried. It's the opposite of the other guy. That's the funniest thing I've ever heard. It's really stressful for her. I'm worried. It's the opposite of the other guy. That's the funniest thing I've ever heard. It's really stressful for her. That's awesome. I saw the review.
Starting point is 00:31:35 I'm like, well, we're doing Magnum condoms just for that review. I hope she broke up with him just for that. Dude, 4 o'clock in the morning, I was cackling over that review. Gave her a heart attack. No idea. Cackling over that review. Gave her a heart attack. No idea. Cackling. One star, bad quality. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:50 Okay. I bought this not even a month ago, and me and my drunk girlfriend had intercourse, and the condom broke. Yeah. Why is it important that it's your drunk girlfriend? She's extra amorous when she's drunk, and maybe that did it. I don't know. Maybe she's drier then. I don't know. I got her tanked and plowed her and it didn't work right and the condom broke didn't even last more than 10 minutes in the condom broke
Starting point is 00:32:14 i hope for you yeah i mean it's thinking you're giving her quite a you're giving her a run that's fine yeah i hope she's not pregnant. Thanks, Magnum. He apparently kept going. This one, oh, God. One star. The title of it, quote, y'all be bullshitting. Hell yeah. Y'all be bullshitting.
Starting point is 00:32:44 XL my ass. Oh, my God. This is great. Y'all be bullshit. XL my ass. Oh, my God. This is great. Y'all weak is the first line. Yeah. Y'all weak. Old product. Ripped. Messed things up.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Yeah, I would say. I'll do it. My sheets are soaked. Now I got to buy, and it's just BY. Now I got to buy a freaking pill because y'all products want to break y'all should buy it for me to be honest because this is y'all fault for real last sentence is for real if that pill don't work i want child support i ain't fucking around yeah this is you should be buying my pill now there should be a
Starting point is 00:33:22 hotline where they give you send you like a qr q QR code you can scan to get a free Plan B if your condom broke. You take a picture of your penis with the condom broken around it. Send it to them. And we will send you a QR code. And a picture of your scared girlfriend with the covers up around her chin. And we'll send you that. Stressed out. Because this is y'all fault for real for that is awesome um next up one star um the posters it says horrible is the title the poster is chocolate thunder on this one okay and i believe
Starting point is 00:34:02 it's she uh she says I believe possibly not it broke while I was getting my guts drilled with six exclamation points so they were really giving it to her good chocolate thunder put that on the internet I mean six exclamation points mean it was balls
Starting point is 00:34:21 deep I was getting my guts drilled oh my god okay uh next up one star that's all they wrote that's it i was getting my guts drilled see the last time we said it broke that's all you need what more needs to be said? Oh, my God. I can't believe they put that on the internet and just walked away. My gut's drilled. Exclamation point, time six, and post.
Starting point is 00:34:52 There we go. Good night. Enter. Have a good one. I got to go out and rinse this out. All right. This is, all right. I got to go to the Walgreens now.
Starting point is 00:35:04 One star. It's so funny that you said that. Next up. Next up. That's it. I love it so much. Next up is one star, and the poster is anonymous, which I don't know why you'd be anonymous if you're talking about your gigantic penis all the time.
Starting point is 00:35:21 You'd think you'd want it. Tell us everything about it. This is my social security number if you want to come by my house and see it this is probably better than tinder for you hit it bud two bits of gander if you want to come by and take a look that's right all right i hate that it was too small for my jack in the beanstalk oh my god you are the giant. My Jack and the Beanstalk. I need a bigger size. Please, Trojan, make bigger ones. My girl got pregnant because it broke and I came inside her. That's how pregnancy works.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Thank you for the biological fucking update there and the lesson. Really? So that's inside of her. And then they swam toward the egg. Okay, I get it now. Because I can't, Jesus Christ. Somebody wrote those words and pressed enter. Hey, it's too small for my Jack and the Beanstalk.
Starting point is 00:36:18 One star. Yeah. Okay. This is wonderful. It just says none is the title of it. I guess no stars is what they'd like to get. Oh, okay. I carry a monster in my pants.
Starting point is 00:36:33 I always say, by the way, constantly, I'm like, please don't isolate that. Please don't isolate that. You're welcome to isolate any of these quotes. Isolate the fuck out of that. I carry a monster in my pants, but things sucks i had to buy a plan b i do not recommend this product i guess not that's trojans are the the the hacky joke that that they're for the big dick but they're cheap they really are cheap condoms they're bad condoms they're meant to be jizzed in and thrown in the garbage.
Starting point is 00:37:06 So what do you guys want? Like, this is my condom my father passed down to me. It's a throwaway, man. They're not good things. No. One star, terrible. Yeah. What is with the tapering at the base?
Starting point is 00:37:22 Is the base ring not what secures a condom? Why do they taper down? It's like having a rubber band around the base and a little bit more room to breathe up top. Yeah, because there's going to be jizz up there. And fluids can get in and out down there. Yeah. Waste of money. Couldn't you at least make the XL a legitimately large condom?
Starting point is 00:37:46 It is, actually. It's okay one star title possibly a father this is a little story he tells it's short and succinct but it's a story that's a narrative nonetheless i bought these condoms two days ago and tonight i had intercourse with this girl i met on tinder so far so good yeah i wish you would have rhymed it i bought these condoms two days ago i had sex with this girl i used to know i used to know i say that because i'll never talk to her again i met on tinder we got to we got to business and around five minutes later i felt something odd and didn't think anything of it that's called pussy wall yeah why would you not think anything
Starting point is 00:38:32 of it well that feels different that's because it's different you either feel the rubber you don't motherfucker that's called broad dog yeah that feels a hundred times better What's up with that? Interesting. It's like the difference between shooting a bullet and throwing one. But yeah, I think it's... That feels so much better. It's so much better. Oh, the condom just started working really well.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Oh, wow. Now we've got to warm it up first. You've got to get the tack down. That's the problem. Oh, it. It's just now it takes it. We've got to warm it up first. You got to get the tack down. That's the problem. Oh, it's primed now. Oh, boy. It's all primed up. Something odd.
Starting point is 00:39:11 Didn't think anything of it. After I was done, I took my Peter out to find out that the condom broke and I cam inside of her. I can't. I can't. We talked, and this is all caps, she wants to keep the child if she's positive.
Starting point is 00:39:32 We already had a conversation. Do you have like a hotline I can call with people that'll talk Tinder dates out of wanting to keep ill-gotten children? Holy shit. Then the last sentence,
Starting point is 00:39:43 so all in all, horrible condom. I would review Tinder app worse. That's what I mean. Review her on Tinder. Wants to keep baby. One star. And there's two very quick ones now. We had a talk.
Starting point is 00:39:59 We had a talk. We had a talk and now she wants to keep this fucking thing. One star. It's okay for a big one okay okay i used this a couple days ago but i was disappointed i don't know why it was so baggy and falling off i do because your dick isn't big enough for it that's why there's regular condoms for you i don't know why i'll tell you exactly why listen little mikey you went to the wrong aisle if you weigh 140 pounds and you buy a size 58 fucking waist and put them on you go why are my pants falling off because you're too skinny to wear them stupid yeah
Starting point is 00:40:36 little theodore don't shop for condoms next to the do-rags yeah yeah exactly no back in the golfing section is where you want to find your condoms get back in the callaway section yeah they have those in there those will fit you get out of your top flight they make the top flight makes a great condom i don't know why it was so baggy and kept falling off i love that i can't figure out why something bigger than what i'm putting it on is falling off weird what a strange strange thing to say put an outside lineman's jersey on surprisingly enough
Starting point is 00:41:21 the floor i put a cocktail wiener and a hot dog bun and it's just a lot of bread i don't know why it kept falling off but i just put it back on he persevered let me dig that out of you and re-put this fucking thing on i got news for you if you can put a condom on when it's fully rolled out yeah yeah it's not your right side you might as well just put masking tape on the bottom to hold it on apologize and jerk off and go home jesus christ go home and then jerk off but either way pick your poison i don't give a shit go home to your buttock meat. Holy Christ. This is something. Otherwise, great material. Yeah, not bad. And then one star.
Starting point is 00:42:09 This is great. The title is Fuck My Life, Never Buy. What happened? Well, this is really quick and to the point. It has 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, I think 17 exclamation points after it. Oh, Jesus Christ. Fuck my life. Fuck, no, after the whole review here. Oh, okay. I never use condoms, and the first time I do, it breaks.
Starting point is 00:42:40 17 exclamation points. What? What's the difference then? You never use them anymore. Who cares? What's the difference then? You never use a minute. Who cares? What's your fucking problem? Oh, oh, oh. He thinks his pullout game is strong, so he left it in with the condom on and it went
Starting point is 00:42:54 off. And he's like, God damn it. I should have just pulled out. It went off. Shit. It went off. Blew her whole back out. Boy, I'll tell you what.
Starting point is 00:43:03 I was drilling her guts. I was drilling her guts. I was drilling her guts. Maybe those two are together. We don't know. Anonymous, do you know Chocolate Thunder? So those are Trojan condoms. Thank fuck, by the way, there's about 600 condom brands and different types. Oh, we could do this all the time.
Starting point is 00:43:23 Every couple months, we are definitely reviewing condoms because they're fantastic those are my favorite reviews people are so personal and honest about them next up let's review something that's kind of a christmas thing christmas tradition yeah everybody's seen it everybody knows it home alone the movie yeah yeah 1990 home alone everybody know you can make the home alone reference wet bandits reference Home Alone, the movie. Yeah, yeah. 1990, Home Alone. Everybody knows. You can make the Home Alone reference, Wet Bandits reference, Kevin McAllister, whatever the fuck it is. You can make the reference. Hit the face with a paint can. So many.
Starting point is 00:43:53 It's all there. Home Alone from 1990, by the way. Hold on, James. I got a coupon for that. Oh, yes. I got a coupon for that. I love that. He's fucking great in that movie for a kid actor.
Starting point is 00:44:04 He really is. He was really good in Uncle Buck, too, a coupon for that. I love that. He's fucking great in that movie for a kid actor. He really is. He was really good in Uncle Buck, too, a couple years before. When he's sitting there having that back and forth with John Candy, that's good for a kid actor. It's pretty impressive. He's got comic timing. Seven? Seven, maybe? Six?
Starting point is 00:44:15 At the time, I think he was six or some shit. He's got great comic timing for a kid. Kids don't get comedy, and he got it like an adult. It's a 7.7 on IMDb. Really? And 66% on Rot 66 on rotten tomatoes what the fuck what don't i don't get it yeah it's a it's like a it's a family movie so if you're like i don't know there's no tits in it well yeah there's no tits in it of course i like movies with tits in them too but not i'm hoping i'm watching home alone with my fucking seven-year-old. The kid made a Christmas party happen with strings and mannequins. Come on.
Starting point is 00:44:47 What more do you want? So here is Lila giving it five stars. Okay. This movie was a perfect people pleaser. I loved it so much. I just love the idea that an eight-year-old forgotten and left home alone as this is something that happened quite often to my family back in the 2000s what what that's the only thing about this movie that people you're not gonna forget your nine-year-old at home obviously there she's like i can really relate to the part about
Starting point is 00:45:17 being left behind as my family went on vacation they just forgot me here. On accident all the time. Holy shit. Lila, why are you so forgettable? What is going on, Lila? Jesus Christ, that's insane. Holy fuck. That's the first time I've ever heard that as a complainer. I've never heard that in my life. As like, I feel close to this movie. It feels like this movie was made yesterday.
Starting point is 00:45:38 I've watched it that many times. On top of that, he was also hiding from two evil men, but thanks to his quick thinking, he knew exactly what to do. I like that because little me and my siblings learned a lot of this movie. What did you learn? You broke up Christmas ornaments by the window? That's what I mean. What did you do?
Starting point is 00:45:58 To make the handle hot so they'll burn there? What the fuck did you learn? You drove nails through the steps and poured fucking tar on it. Tar all over it? Jesus. My God. Froze the steps? You're an asshole, Lila.
Starting point is 00:46:10 And somehow four people found this helpful. How? What is helpful about that? She's a filthy animal. She is. Why? You're filthy. Keep the change, you filthy animal.
Starting point is 00:46:21 Five stars. Very nice movie for the family. It is. I was so glued to the TV and enjoyed laughing over the pranks. The kid actor is now God knows where. Well, we do know where. He just did a Hollywood Walk of Fame thing like literally a week and a half ago. He's doing fine.
Starting point is 00:46:37 He was just in American Horror Story last season. He's killing it. He was great. He was also in Saved 15 years ago. He was good and he's he's done guest spots on stuff yeah that was longer ago he's he's married he has like a kid he has he always says he has plenty of money from home alone stuff he made lots of money and saved it and did great and gets residuals and everything else but the incredible kulk on fucking twitter
Starting point is 00:47:00 yeah he's doing fantastic um but i don't know where he's, God knows where, but he had done a very good job as child actor. Kevin himself. Kevin himself gets lost, stuck in a difficult situation where he has nowhere to go or seek help. This is really serious now. When you have a big family and get off track or forgotten funny and crazy things happen, there's no punctuation in there whatsoever. So I don't know. Beautiful movie, I must say. The creator of the movie did amazing.
Starting point is 00:47:34 So did the cast. Most importantly, is funny and very entertaining till the end. So lots of five stars there. Now there's people. Let's talk about people. Catherine O'Hara and John Candy are in it. Yeah, it's what I fucking mean. It's not a bad movie.
Starting point is 00:47:47 It's a great movie. Anything with Catherine O'Hara is going to be okay. It's going to be a good movie. I'll give it a shot. You'll enjoy it. So one star here from Myron. One star. Macaulay Culkin is the best actor to be in Home Alone.
Starting point is 00:48:01 Well, good thing he was in it then, right? Thank God. That sounds like a complaint. Like Macaulay Culkin was the real choice here and they picked somebody else. Weird. Home Alone. Well, good thing he was in it then, right? Thank God. That sounds like a complaint. Like, Macaulay Culkin was the real choice here, and they picked somebody up. Weird. Macaulay Culkin's Home Alone movies are better than the other Home Alone movies that came out as time went by. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Yeah, but he was like 18 by then, so what's he going to do? That's a problem. He can't have Home Alone 72. They forgot me at home. He'd be like, fuck yeah. He'd start rolling a joint, calling his girlfriend. Come on over. Yeah, we can fuck right in the kitchen. Let's fuck where my parents play bridge with their friends.
Starting point is 00:48:31 Yeah, we'll just do it right on the table. Fuck yeah. No, I'm rolling up a fatty right now. Make sure to bring booze from your dad's liquor cabinet. This is awesome. Hey, Tommy, call John and tell him to come over. My parents forgot me this year again. Really?
Starting point is 00:48:44 At their house? No. Awesome. At my apartment because this year again. Really? At their house? No. Awesome. At my apartment because I'm 35. It's crazy. They didn't tell me they were leaving. They told me I could come and then didn't tell me what day they were leaving and stuff. So it's pretty fucked up.
Starting point is 00:48:55 So I'm just here at my own house. I don't know. I'm going to order a pizza. Cool? I mean, yeah, order a pizza if you want. It's your house, bro. As long as you don't hit me with the paint can when I come in again. He's got it all set. I was going to say when I come in again. He's got it all set.
Starting point is 00:49:05 I was going to say, his friend comes over, he's got it all set up for him. He reaches for the doorknob, burns himself. That's a movie I'll watch. Slips, falls. God damn it. Yeah, come on, Macaulay. Do that movie. I honestly feel Macaulay Culkin should have done Home Alone 3.
Starting point is 00:49:20 Well, I'm glad you're retroactively. He was too old. Glad you're making career choices for him 20 years ago that's helpful 30 years ago home alone three would have been better if macaulay culkin was in it yeah probably i guarantee you the studio really wished he did it i guarantee you macaulay wishes they would have paid him more fucking sequel money to do it i find it to be very sad that macaulay culkin wasn't able to do home alone three you're just a big macaulay fan that's a one-star review of the first home alone
Starting point is 00:49:51 what the fuck are you doing this is what i mean don't look at reviews if you want to like try to figure out if something's good or not use your own judgment because this is crazy. This is the person that should have left this on Home Alone 3's. Yeah, that's what I mean. Holy shit. One star. Okay. This is this person I believe is I want to say mentally ill or something. There's some issues.
Starting point is 00:50:17 There's something going on. One star. This movie is copyright. Probably copyrighted. Yeah, this movie is copyright because one of the robbers looks like my dad so it's copyright infringement because they stole his dad's daniel stern stole his dad's likeness and also in movie they say exactly what i said to my mom, brother, and son's cousin yesterday. They said, ah, just like I did. Yesterday.
Starting point is 00:50:51 And also, this person once screamed, ah, so they stole that from him. 30 years ago. This movie should be banned and I refuse to watch it. Okay. It's copyright infringement. Wow. They have, Truman showed My Life and made it Home Alone. And made it a holiday classic traditional.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Okay. Next up, one star. Some people, by the way, in a lot of reviews are like, I don't know, it's too kiddy for me. Blah, blah, blah. It's like, well, it's a kid's movie. It's a PG movie. If you want a better movie, watch something else with Joe P pesci in it you'll be fine that's what i mean goodfellas came out in the same fucking year literally you can watch them murder several
Starting point is 00:51:32 people if you want um here's one star has a lot of language which which makes the movie terrible for children in our society now to watch is there there bad language in it? It's too dirty now, Home Alone. Home Alone's too dirty for you. What? It says ass, and it's A, asterisk, asterisk, son of a bitch, and what the hell? So, I mean, you know. Yeah, what did he call Buzz?
Starting point is 00:52:00 Ass face? I think it was butt face. Wasn't it butt face? I think butt was in it um i really don't get why everyone loved it it was terrible and overall a one star movie yeah well holy don't look up what buzz is up to today yeah some bad things all right next up one star and this is the longest one and they are really into this uh One star, I feel strongly about this movie, so this might be long. Uh-oh. That's how bad they hate this movie.
Starting point is 00:52:30 They need to really vent about it. This movie is terrible. It's been a household classic for 30 years, and I don't know how it got to that point. People kept watching it because they enjoyed it, and then it became a tradition of, well, let's do the thing we did last year. Also, I had a nice Christmas when I was 10, and this movie came out, and it reminds me of that time when I enjoyed it. And then it became a tradition of, well, let's do the thing we did last year. Also, I had a nice Christmas when I was 10 and this movie came out and it reminds me of that time when I was 10.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Hey, there you go. And then you show your kids and they like it too. There you go. And then I give them a nice Christmas and they remember this nice Christmas I gave them. And then they go, hey, I'm going to show that to my kids. And it's cyclical. It's called tradition, you fucking moron.
Starting point is 00:53:00 It's weird. Super strange. I don't know how that happened. I don't know how it got to that point. Ghibli families are so nice to each other and they're happy and shit. you fucking moron. It's weird. Super strange. I don't know how that happened. I don't know how it got to that point. Ghibli families are so nice to each other and they're happy and shit. It's so weird. They want to like remember the good times.
Starting point is 00:53:12 I don't know. Remember when grandpa was alive? Because I don't. Yeah, we watched that Macaulay Culkin movie. All right, let's watch it. This movie's premise is that a psychopathic kid from an evil family maliciously attempts to murder two robbers who break into his house when he's been left home alone over christmas and honestly if i was the
Starting point is 00:53:35 father of this evil child i would leave him home alone the first chance i got did you take shrooms and watch this the fuck are you talking about and i've seen many actual like articles written where they're like you know it's actual real i think one of siskel or ebert i think it was siskel didn't like the movie because he said there's real violence in this like these are like visceral violence it might not have been siskel might have been rex reed or somebody but one of them said like this is like real violence this isn't like cartoon violence you're smashing people with paint cans and shit. This is a child who's afraid
Starting point is 00:54:08 for his life. There are two cat burglars that are robbing an entire neighborhood. Of course he's doing bad things. Not to mention when the paint can hits his head, it goes dong, which doesn't really happen. It's more like a thud of a watermelon being fucking dropped on concrete. But, you know. Joe Pesci
Starting point is 00:54:24 buries his face in snow to put a fire out and his face when he does he goes oh like yeah he makes a ridiculous noise it's not it's not real this movie's slapstick falls flat because of its weak idea of what funny injuries are okay funny stuff on a nail, James. I guess not. I guess slip on cars and fall and go boop, boop, boop. All the injuries consist of the two robbers getting gravely injured in horrible ways like getting their scalps burned off, getting shot in the crotch with a BB gun, and getting a nail through the foot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:59 Yeah. The only slapstick bit that got me to chuckle was when one of them was shocked by an electrical box because it made it comical by showing his skeleton appearing like an old Looney Tunes joke. That's the only thing that was funny. The most dangerous part. An actual death that took place. The way they murder. Where 220 went through. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:55:24 The amount of voltage that it takes to turn on a fucking stove ran through this man's body. And you think that's funny. All right. Holy shit. The majority of the pain in this movie is just too realistic. And it's all done maliciously by Kevin. He didn't go out and find those two and tell them to come over for tea. And then they were knocking
Starting point is 00:55:45 on the door with like cupcakes in their hand to bring like hey where is he he said eight o'clock and then he's bashing them with paint cans they had a plan to rob all the houses in the neighborhood they're serial robbers he didn't drug them lock him in their basement and then and then oh with one of those those speak and says no he's not a to play a game. No, he's not Ariel Castro. He's a fucking. He's in a fucking Saw movie. That's what I mean. We're going to play a game. No, that's not what happened.
Starting point is 00:56:12 There's a key behind your friend's eyeball. He just wanted to eat his pizza and fucking relax. His extra cheese pizza all for him. That's it. All to himself. That's all he wanted. Extra cheese. Leave me the fuck alone.
Starting point is 00:56:24 And to jump on the bed and throw M&Ms around. Yeah, you know, kid stuff. He did all the kid stuff that you'd want to do. He also did loads of laundry. Was that okay with you? Yeah, what about that? Was shopping all right? He should have went with paper over plastic.
Starting point is 00:56:39 What's happening? Unbelievable. He didn't even recycle. He didn't even recycle. A better live action slapstick comedy from around this time was baby's day out which is a piece of shit what that's what they like better baby's day out if you like baby's day out more than home alone i don't know what to say to you we you don't you're not invited for christmas eve we'll put it that way you're not
Starting point is 00:57:01 allowed at my house ever that's insane which I believe is funny because it's not malicious and is done by a baby who has no idea he's doing it. You know, the Mr. Magoo aspect of it is better. It's the most dangerous thing on the planet. A completely helpless baby is on a crane. Come on. Stop it. That's fine, though. You're being ridiculous. But this poor guy, he got his foot, a nail ran through it. Come on. I'd be more afraid and a bigger heart attack than if the condom broke. Yeah. Worse.
Starting point is 00:57:34 Yeah. In conclusion, this movie sucks. It's unfunny. The characters are evil and malicious. And something that would have made this whole movie better was if the wet bandits had just brought a handgun with them oh my god they want to shoot the child it's too violent but they want a 10 year old to be murdered in this fucking movie i need two middle-aged criminals to to murder a blonde child in his home mind you right in his home right in his own home and then flood the place and make off with all the
Starting point is 00:58:05 christmas that'll be perfect holy shit um finally there's a couple more here one star how could the mother not notice her son was not there until it was too late because it was in the script you fucking jerk the bad guys were a joke yeah yeah they are that's the point they're a joke many many many jokes is they are. That's the point. They're a joke. Many, many, many jokes. How did the mother not know? I don't understand. This is crazy stuff. She's Catherine O'Hara and she has to sell the line on the fucking plane.
Starting point is 00:58:35 It's amazing. But how did Vito Corleone know that? It's a fucking movie. That's why. That's why it happened. Because the guy wrote it and then we performed the whole thing. It's a fucking movie. That's why. That's why it happened. Because the guy wrote it, and then we performed the whole thing. It's a fucking movie. But it's ridiculous that she rode with some polka band back home.
Starting point is 00:58:51 Oh, please. Like a polka band really gives rides. A polka band exists. Yeah, give me a break. What a bunch of bullshit. Polka, polka, polka. Next up, one star. This movie is absolute garbage.
Starting point is 00:59:09 I mean, most family movies are they're stupid it's kevin kevin looks too young bad casting he's a fucking child what do you want him to be i was expecting more of a rambo character in this movie i need around 14 15 then he says when harry and marv are breaking in, Kevin should have called police right away instead of waiting forever. Yeah, but then the movie's over. What do you want? That's the fucking movie. That's like every movie now. They should have just used their cell phone for help.
Starting point is 00:59:41 Yeah, that's why it's a movie. Because you can't do. Yeah. Jesus Christ. Rose and Jack should have taken their own lifeboat, James. Yeah, that's why it's a movie. Because you can't do. Yeah. Jesus Christ. Rose and Jack should have taken their own lifeboat, James. Yeah. Why didn't they just get a lifeboat?
Starting point is 00:59:50 What the hell? All right. This is fucking ridiculous. Three more short ones. But. Yeah. Crazy. This is a guy named Tim. Gives it one star and says, very bad film.
Starting point is 01:00:03 That's number one. Made me cry, which wasn't very nice. Oh, yeah. It is touching. It's one star and says very bad film that's number one made me cry which wasn't very nice it's one star though not like you know made me cry five stars how did one star i didn't want to cry he's mad because he was touched by the movie i hate that the old man next door really made up with his son i hate that he makes up with his son and goes on. What the fuck are you talking about? This movie was too touching. One star.
Starting point is 01:00:32 I wanted to laugh about grown men getting shot in the sack. I was all emotional and shit. What the fuck are you talking about? I felt feelings. I hate this. I don't like it. Oh, God. What is this salty discharge, as Seinfeld said on the show?
Starting point is 01:00:49 It tastes bad. One star from Christian. One star. This is just one line. Not a Christmas movie. I am sorry. No, you're not, Christian. Oh, his name's Christian.
Starting point is 01:01:03 He gets to tell us. Yeah, yeah. It's all, this is, you don't get, shut up. Just shut the fuck up. I'm tired of people with, this is a Christmas movie. If it has one scene in it that's in fucking Christmas, to me, Trading Places is a Christmas movie. It is, yeah. It's set around the setting.
Starting point is 01:01:20 It's the time. We watch Goodfellas every Christmas because in those two, he comes in. I got the most expensive one we had. Then they're in the bar with fucking the 60s Christmas music playing. That's a Christmas movie. It's Christmas time. You die hard people. I swear to fucking God. I swear to God. Stop posting it to try to get it to know
Starting point is 01:01:37 it is a Christmas movie. And it obviously is. He's going there for fucking Christmas. In the building. You know what's taking place? A Christmas. In the building. You know what's taking place? A Christmas party, you fucking assholes. It's clearly a Christmas movie. Was it because there was no tree in the air vents?
Starting point is 01:01:54 Is that your problem? It's because he lit a lighter and not some fucking holly. You son of a bitch. Okay, last one. Two stars. Uh- bitch. Okay. Last one. Two stars. Okay. This is Rahima. I don't understand.
Starting point is 01:02:11 This is the weirdest thing I've ever seen. Bruh. This movie, I never watched it, but I still love it. What? He then gives an explanation of why he can, how he can love a movie he's never watched bruh never watched this movie i never watched it but i still love it god says share love i share love i told god that i love rose and the baby and god said they love me too with like 50 fucking O's. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:02:47 How to share love. End of story. Find that person. What the fuck are you? And commit them. Don't share love with babies, friend. What the fuck? Speaking of end of story, that's all we have for your stupid opinions.
Starting point is 01:03:01 That's great. Next week, we'll do this one because it'll be perfect. I was going to say, with Christmas, you're going to have all, and holidays, you're going to have all these packages
Starting point is 01:03:08 and you're going to need to bring some of them to the UPS store, which is a nightmare. So there is a UPS customer service center that we'll deal with next week because a lot of our audience
Starting point is 01:03:19 will be dealing with UPS customer service centers next week. The amount of people that will be furious at them. I can't wait. It's going to be really fun, so we'll do that next week. The amount of people that will be furious at them. I can't wait. It's going to be really fun, so we'll do that next week. This one only has three stars, too.
Starting point is 01:03:29 People fucking hate it. It's in the Bronx. It's awesome. They hate it so much. Surly employees and shit. It's the best. Angry New Yorkers. Oh, it's so fantastic.
Starting point is 01:03:41 So definitely come back for that. If you like the show, follow us on social media. We have pages on every social media forum there is. Also on Facebook, too, there's like fan groups you can get into. It's crazy. It's a bunch of people. They have tons of posts in there. It's a good time.
Starting point is 01:03:54 So definitely do that. You should also listen to our other two podcasts, which are Crime and Sports and Your Stupid Opinions. Those are both a lot of fun. They're small-town murder and crime and sports. What did I say? This is Your Stupid Opinions, Dave. Oh, this is Your Stupid Opinions. Those are both a lot of fun. They're small town murder and crime and sports. What did I say? This is your stupid opinions, Dave. Oh, this is your stupid opinions. What am I talking about?
Starting point is 01:04:10 Damn it. See, I'm chucked out for the holiday already here. Listen to Crime and Sports and Small Town Murder. Those are true crime and comedy. We do this except with murder stories. So it's pretty fucking crazy. Check all that out. Hang out with us all the time.
Starting point is 01:04:23 We can keep you busy all week pretty much with all of our shows. Do that. Keep hanging out with us. Make sure to come back next week. And, of course, definitely tell your friends about this show. Help spread the word. It's a new show still. So help spread the word.
Starting point is 01:04:37 That is the way people are most likely to listen to a new show is if they're friends who they trust, tell them. So go ahead and do that. And also, whatever platform you're listening on, make sure to rate and review. Five stars. Don't be one of these crazy people. This is ridiculous. Five stars and help us out and do all of that. And keep coming back every week, because we'll be back next week. Thank you so much,
Starting point is 01:04:56 everybody. Have a good one. Bye! Follow Your Stupid Opinions on the Wondery app, Amazon Music, or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to every episode of Your Stupid Opinions ad-free by joining Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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