Your Stupid Opinions - Sad About Sex Toys, Bad Star Wars CGI, "Mid" World Wonder, Magazine Madness

Episode Date: November 13, 2023

This week, we hear people's reviews all about how The Grand Canyon isn't all that grand. A sex toy that doesn't exactly hit the spot, causing real anger. People that are generally unimpressed... with Star Wars (1977). People that are mad at a magazine for actually arriving in the mail. How one bartender can seem to have a real spilt personality & much more!!Join comedians James Pietragallo and Jimmie Whisman as they explore the most opinionated part of the internet: The Reviews Section!Subscribe and we will see you every Monday with Your Stupid Opinions!!!Don't forget to rate & review!!Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie WhismanSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wondery Plus subscribers can listen to your stupid opinions ad-free right now. Join Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. What do complaints about a hole, getting drunk at an airport, and a personal item that doesn't quite hit the spot have in common? Find out this week on Your Stupid Opinions. hey everybody hello there and hey back yeah to your stupid opinions my name is james petrick atlow i'm here with my co-host i'm jimmy wissman thanks for joining us we have tons and tons of complaints for you about things that some things may deserve it and some things may not as always but either way there
Starting point is 00:00:51 will be complaints and grievances so oh yeah before we get started definitely try to follow us on social media you can get all the newest episodes and pictures of some of this stuff that we it's all out there yeah you can there's last week we had pictures of the funky movie seats and movie carpet from that theater and everything else so you can find everything like that uh do that but never mind anything like that let's get right into let's do it the good stuff here with complaints about something that really can't be fixed um first of all yeah some things if it's a business you can say like oh well they should fix that the management's terrible lower the price make that better clean the poop off the entrance as we always find what can't be fixed where will the poop be this week that's the question because there's always poop on every episode it could be a any kind of review and
Starting point is 00:01:39 somehow poop will come up in it it is shocking how how little control the public has on their own their bowels are just free free and letting flow anywhere all over the place so let's head to a place that can't be fixed but really okay it's as odd to complain about the grand canyon here we go it exists it's one of the wonders of the world it It's a nature made. People come from all over the planet to look at it because it's the biggest hole there is. And I mean, you're going to look at a giant hole. So if you show up and there's a couple mile deep hole there, you've got what you came for at that point. So I don't know what there is advertised. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Let's find out, though, because people will figure out a way to complain about everything. So let's find out. Let's look at a couple five-star reviews first okay and i'll say i'm yeah you've been to the grand canyon right i have yeah it's it's cold it's dirty and there's a hole in the ground yeah and you go home river carved yeah it's kind of that it's kind of neat to stand up there and look at something down below real low or a lot lower than you and go what is that and you go i'm looking down at an eagle as it's flying around that's kind of cool my my favorite part is to stand on one side and you not necessarily look down but look out and then see how
Starting point is 00:02:56 fucking far it is to the other side that's crazy that that happened it's pretty amazing but you're not expecting a light show it's a it's a, so that's what you're going to see. Yeah. I don't expect Superman drawn in laser lights. No. It's not Disneyland. They're not going to put on the Little Mermaid display at the end of the night. So five out of five, here's one.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Five stars. Amazing. Extraordinary. Probably the most amazing natural place I have ever visited in my life. Solid review. I mean, yeah. I'm so grateful to have the opportunity to take my family to visit the Grand Canyon. This is a place I will definitely come back to.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Okay. Okay. I don't know. To me, I saw it once and I'm like, awesome. I don't know that it's worth all that. Yeah, but I mean, it's a whole. Here's another five-star. Just this last five-star here.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Breathtaking. Amazing. Unforgettable. Hard to describe the beauty of Grand Canyon. I was backpacking alone for a couple days. I did rim-to-rim-to-rim hike, which was around. That sounds dirty. Yeah, it sounds filthy.
Starting point is 00:04:03 I did it rim-to-rim-to-rim, baby. Yeah, I lined filthy. I did it rim to rim to rim, baby. Yeah, I lined them up. I rimmed the shit out of it. I rimmed that canyon like you've never seen. I rimmed that hole like you've never seen before. I rimmed the hole. I see a big hole, and I picture, how do I rim it? That's how I...
Starting point is 00:04:22 I'll rim the grandest of them. Oh, baby. I will rim your canyon did did i i did rim to rim to rim hike which is around 70 kilometers i will never forget this okay i believe it i'll bet your legs fucking hurt next up one out of five stars here yeah this person not happy at all and no the reason is there's multiple pictures they've posted of snow everywhere because it's way, way up in the mountains. So you don't go there in the winter generally because it's snow. It's north of Flagstaff. It's fucking high.
Starting point is 00:04:56 It's over 7,000 feet elevation. Yeah, absolutely. Think about that. Denver, which we go a mile high, it's way up there. That's 5,000, 5,200. Yeah, that's not that high. This is so high. There's so many places in Arizona that are higher than that. Tons.
Starting point is 00:05:12 So it's this person, Geraldine, gives it one star. The park should be closed for visitors at this point. The park rangers knew there was a lot of snow and heavy fog in the park today and that the canyon was not visible. You should have known that, too, by looking out of a window. Hey, look outside. It's pretty foggy and snowy. Maybe we don't go to the Grand Canyon today, possibly. I mean, your app on your phone gives you visibility. But also, if there's fogrizona fog isn't like fog from fucking san francisco you can still see they're saying you can't see in the canyon because the canyon's fog probably not yeah because it's too deep they should have post about it in their
Starting point is 00:05:56 website so people would know before they go okay they you know they keep charging visitors $35 to enter the park, even though they know we can't see it. Maybe you just want to be, you know, wonder adjacent. Maybe you don't need to see inside the hole. Just kind of get near it. I want to feel the magic. I want to see the edge. We drove 4.5 hours from Las Vegas to see the canyon because we didn't see any warnings on their website about the heavy fog and the canyon not being visible this morning. The radar was not picking up the fog either, so we didn't know the current conditions at the park until we got there.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Well, it's current, so until you get there, how could you? It's four and a half hours ago. Yeah. They just got the first snow of the season, and the weather forecast is not the best for the coming days. Don't go to the park for the coming days. It's just a waste of time and money. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Two things that can't be controlled. A hole in the ground and how the weather happens. You just complained about both of those things and blamed other people for it and blamed human error for that. For weather and a hole made by a fucking glacier five million years ago this cloudy piece of shit over here also you know i would say the grand canyon is much more beautiful with the snow it's magical when you see snow oh my god it's beautiful It's insane. And then down below, there's no snow. It's weird as shit.
Starting point is 00:07:26 You see the snow line. Right. You can see where it stops frozen. That's amazing. It's pretty damn cool, I would say. So this person not appreciating the majesty of the canyon. Maybe the snow stopped past the fog. You don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:42 They never got to find out, I guess. But hey, you're canyon adjacent. Be yeah okay here we go uh one star this is from chase and chase's picture is just like a big face right in the camera here so all capital letters on the first word here quote worst wonder of the world that's the worst one i don't know who's been setting all these wonders up but they they totally shit the bed on this one brah like what are you talking about it's a hole in the ground i am so unimpressed unimpressedst wonder of the world. This is the greatest line ever. I've been here twice and can confirm this place is mid. It's a fucking...
Starting point is 00:08:40 This place is mid. What? He came once and he was like, ah, mid. This is mid. I've is bigger holes in the ground this is mid you're looking at a hole if you go to look at a hole it doesn't get any holier than that hole that's the biggest hole if you were expecting like a food truck festival you're not going to be disappointed it's a hole so my friends told me it was really great so i tried again confirmed it's still mid bro mid worst wonder of the world places mid fuck you dude oh my god dude this is amazing this is i want to know what i gotta travel with him i gotta see how how did he experience i want to know what, I got to travel with him. I got to see how did he experience this.
Starting point is 00:09:25 I want to see his Great Coral Reef review. Yeah. Place isn't even that great, bro. It's all underwater, you guys. This is bullshit. I call it not that Great Coral Reef. It's all like, it's all wet. It's in salt water.
Starting point is 00:09:39 It's a decent barrier reef at best. It's a decent barrier. Not great, though. So, only a big hole in the ground. Yes, it's the Grand Canyon. What do you want, man? What other spectacle did you expect the Earth to produce for you on that site? Not only the biggest hole in the world, but some other shit that maybe would entertain you what
Starting point is 00:10:05 else i don't know yosemite's got shooting water yeah this is bullshit maybe if they put some of those geyser things in here it'd be cooler jesus next year install a hot springs and a geyser you guys this is stupid nature's mid brah nature's so mid a river carved it motherfucker mid it's mid, brah. Nature's so mid. A river carved it, motherfucker. Mid. It's mid. Could have carved it better myself. Jesus Christ. Only a big hole in the ground, so I guess if you like huge holes, this is your place.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Okay. Okay. I would hate that human being. Yeah. How long would it be before me and Chase would be fucking throwing blows at each other? I hate that guy. With Jimmy joining in. What a douche, man.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Yep, James is right. Start punching him in the kidneys from behind. Hit him with a cheeseburger or something. That's how we attack, by the way. I go from the front and Jimmy comes behind and works your kidneys. That's how it works. So don't mess with us. Slap you in the back of the head with a cheeseburger.
Starting point is 00:11:13 That's how we work things here. I don't understand how anybody could not. I don't know, man. Maybe growing up in Arizona makes it matter to me more. And maybe growing up in Arizona makes it matter to me more. But that thing is pretty – flying – every time we fly somewhere and going over it or coming home or whatever, seeing it from the sky, I'm just like, I can't fucking believe that's real. It's wild. It's unbelievable. When you go there, you look at it, you say, holy shit, the abyss part.
Starting point is 00:11:39 And you go there, you go, wow. And I'm afraid of heights. I hate heights. And for some reason, it doesn't bother me at all. I'm looking down miles straight down a wall. That thing's great. I wouldn't walk out on that glass thing for fucking nothing. No.
Starting point is 00:11:52 It doesn't look real. It looks like you're standing above a picture like, oh, this isn't a real hole. It can't be that big. Your brain can't even process the fact that it exists. It's magical. It's strange. And from the air, you see the actual scope of how wide and long and how much there is of it it's crazy fucking staggering so here's one star beautiful
Starting point is 00:12:13 views but disappointment place discipline what disappointment place he named it that's the street it's on she said no next to sorrow street and fucking disappointment place and blew it boulevard um everything is closed nothing really here well it's not a mall it's the grand canyon right it's just a hole that's the thing four hours of travel wasted i understand is a seasonal place i understand is a seasonal place. I understand is a seasonal place. And so he said I didn't mess that one up. But at least have something like a small grocery and vending machine for tourists available. It doesn't know a fucking hole in the ground that a river carved over millions of years. That's what's there.
Starting point is 00:13:03 No park. Bring a sandwich with you. How's that? We got this. Picnic basket, Yogi Bear? Calm down. We got this for you. You bring your own sandwiches.
Starting point is 00:13:14 The rest is on you. How's that? We brought a giant hole. You get everything else is on you. We don't have anything else for you. With a torrent of a river down there. Yeah. It's magical what's happening.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Yeah. It's incredible. Yeah, there's fucking people live down there. It's insane. Right. We were charged for going into the park, but once inside, nothing was open or available. Had to return one hour back to get a water. Seems dumb being a world wonder.
Starting point is 00:13:45 So they don't have Morphosa. They need the world wonder strip mall over there. Why did nature not, while the river was carving this canyon, why didn't it also carve out a Pepsi machine next to it? That's the problem that we don't know. A lot of it, too, might be on reservation land. I know that it's a national park. But there is a lot down there that is reservation that natives run. I'm sorry, dude.
Starting point is 00:14:10 They don't make fucking Pepsi. They don't have a McDonald's. That's what I'm saying, man. I don't understand it at all. What do you want is the question. Right. You just asked the question. What do you need them to bring you?
Starting point is 00:14:23 What do you need from me? Oh, my God. is the question right you just asked the question to bring you what do you need from me oh my god um one out of five for cassidy 35 bucks just to get in there to see broken up roads sidewalks and stuff that's outdated and doesn't work anymore let me ask you this was there the largest hole in the world i think that's what you're paying for um yeah you're paying to see that the views were great itself but the park is not so great i've been to many better cheaper parks well then you should go back to them i'm sure they had the largest hole in the world um and then here is one star obviously obviously, because, you know, can't have that. Enormous hole with a bunch of rocks.
Starting point is 00:15:08 And rocks is all caps, and it's an exclamation point. Enormous hole with a bunch of rocks. I expected more than rocks in the hole. I needed paved walkways. No AC anywhere. Really? In nature? That's weird. Really? In nature? That's weird.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Really hot. Yes, because you went in the summer. The other person went in the winter. They had the opposite problem. It's weird that weather works like that. Super dusty, exclamation point. Yeah, because there's no rain. Needs to be built up before I ever return.
Starting point is 00:15:44 What? Put some condos on there maybe on the ridge on the rim put some condos get a mall up there let's you know hydration station maybe like a multiplex let's let's have a whole thing i'd really like it dome it off and really control the climate in there like a fucking storage unit there's a lot of room in there you could do like a mall of america type of thing where there's like you know parks in there and there's you could have a screen like an imax screen that only shows films of the grand canyon it'll be amazing it'll be just like being there but with air conditioning so it's better dumb at all why believable why haven't they filled it with water question mark they're not there's no way they're being serious now right this person's serious
Starting point is 00:16:34 why haven't they filled it with water would make a great swim hole they're serious this is a serious person it's. It's like fucking a mile deep. It would take all the water to do that. All the water. Like, you'd have to get a hose from the Pacific. Fill it with water. Who's going to start the suction on that hose? I'm not doing it.
Starting point is 00:16:58 What's going to take? Also, you're going to flood out natives that live down there, man. Yes. What are you talking about? That is so... Wow. I don't even know what to there, man. What are you talking about? That is, wow. I don't even know what to say about that. What the fuck? All right.
Starting point is 00:17:10 What a dope. Last one here. I had to stick with this because these complaints, this is the craziest thing. It's terrific. Okay. One out of five stars. All right. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:17:19 It was always my dream to see the Grand Canyon growing up, after finally seeing it in person I have to say I'm deeply disappointed don't meet your heroes don't meet your heroes that's the thing oh my god um did it call you a racial slur like what are you talking about echoing out of it what are you what is happening echoing from the deep from inside the earth back to you it was always your dream you never did any research on it in the voice of an elderly native american man which is even stranger that you didn't expect the n-word to come from it called me pale face i don't know what happened this was the biggest piece of malarkey I've ever had the displeasure of experiencing. The staff was cold and unfeeling.
Starting point is 00:18:13 What? The staff? It's a park ranger, man. Yeah, they're park rangers. They don't give a fuck about you. Yeah, this isn't a business. Like, they're not. It's a fucking.
Starting point is 00:18:22 It is a. Okay. Like you said, I'm not going gonna say it again i'm just gonna scream again okay this is ridiculous fascinating it's fascinating uh there was garbage everywhere and then this is all caps with three exclamation points and the canyon wasn't even grand. How much bigger do you expect it? What did you see in your head? It should be called the mid canyon. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Again. If there was a larger hole in the earth, I would say yes. Maybe it's a no, though. That's the biggest. It's the grand. It's the biggest one we have anyway. Make a bigger one if you don't like it. Fill that with water.
Starting point is 00:19:08 I don't fucking know. They said mid. They started this review with malarkey and ended it with mid. This person is both 112 and 23 years old at the same time. We can't figure out this person's age at all. Spent their whole life imagining what it was gonna be like and then got there and was like no this ain't it oh my god um let's see here this display uh okay i was so disappointed that i needed to drink 12 beers to calm my dreams calm my dreams, this led to my wife becoming belligerent and saying that I was
Starting point is 00:19:46 quote, verbally abusing my children and that we are getting a divorce. I spent $1,100 on this trip and it's safe to say it was the biggest waste of money I've ever spent. I would give it a zero star rating if I could. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:20:04 I drank 11 beers and my wife was bullied? I think you were the bullied one. That's possible. Okay, so speaking of holes, since we talked about the biggest hole, let's talk about another hole. Let's talk about a product that goes in a hole. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:20:17 Speaking of holes, let's talk about the Asgasm penis ring plug. Wow, that is several toys. That's a lot in one it's looks like a four and one ring and a plug at the same time gas and penis ring plug i'll read the description of course here it is 24.99 oh i believe on adam and eve this is it is over 100,000 sold of these. So holy people like this in their hole. OK, it's this is what it promises. Explosive erection enhancement plus incredible prostate thrills. Wow. Thrills for your prostate.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Wow. It's like it's a thrill ride. It's like a roller coaster for your prostate. This is a magic mountain of cock rings. Is it a cock ring? It's well, we'll find out the combined effect of this penis ring and anal plug on the wearer is nothing short of total overwhelming joy it's a ring and a plug that's good that it's on the wearer and not on people around you like if you're around your grandma she's not going to start feeling warm inside. Her ass is going to explode.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Honey, my ass is feeling crazy. The snug-fitting ring grips your shaft to keep you harder for longer. The attached prostate plug shifts and wiggles with every thrust to thrill your back door. So be prepared for fireworks. Ring is 1.5 inches wide. Plug is 4 by 1.25 silicone. Okay. Is this thing like a scorpion? Well, here, look at it.
Starting point is 00:21:52 I'll show it to you. Let's have a look. Yep, that's what it is. It looks like it would hold like fake flowers or something. Like you'd put it around in the ring and it would. But that's got to get around your bag it's got to go yeah underneath your yeah i don't know if you split your sack with this or do you do you pull both of them to what you pull your boys to one side and let them around it jesus well let's
Starting point is 00:22:17 find out what people say some people like it five stars um here we go. Okay. Amazing when used correctly. Yeah. Obviously. Wasn't so great when I fucked it up. Like most things. That's how it works. Yeah. When I put the other end up my ass, it didn't feel as good.
Starting point is 00:22:38 When I put the ring up my ass, it wasn't great. Yeah. Contrary to the photo showing this toy in use. I don't want to see that photo. Thankfully, we don't have that one. Yeah. The real way to use it. Oh, this person's got the inside dirt on it.
Starting point is 00:22:55 He means the real inside dirt. The real way to use it. Here we go. This is a big conspiracy theor gasm conspiracy theorist yeah is with the ring at the base of your shaft in other words your nuts then your shaft need to go through the ring how do you put your nuts in before your shaft how the fuck does that work how you gotta get it around your shaft and then and then pop the balls through is the only way two hands open that ring right wow um only when used this way will it not crush your balls
Starting point is 00:23:33 well that makes sense that's what that was our immediate question is how's that get around your balls i like that they're they're going back and forth between nuts and balls nuts and balls and things it'll be your your twigs and berries next. Your boys, your pebbles. Nut crusher balls and there's enough scope for the plug to reach its destination. That's a nice euphemism. I like that.
Starting point is 00:23:56 And the ring needs to be tight around your shaft. Well, obviously, Jesus, we're not idiots. Used properly, you'll have amazing results. That's good to know. Okay, here's one. Five stars.
Starting point is 00:24:12 My new favorite plug. Oh, that's good. Glad they found something for themselves. Warrant while getting a blowjob. What? Started squeezing it with my ass, and when I i came my ass just kept pulsating the entire time good god that is horrific and i don't want to hear any more about it um okay uh let's move on to bad ones though uh. Here's a three-star, so not that bad, but good craftsmanship, poor design is what they say.
Starting point is 00:24:48 All right. When I put on the connecting piece, it's too short, so it squishes my balls and tugs oddly on my cock. Don't tug oddly. The tension also tips the plug back instead of in in so it takes pressure off my prostate. How dare this thing. The box mentions putting your balls through too, which may have make it more comfortable. But the ring is too thick and I stop my attempts at that for fear of injury. Well, that's always for the best.
Starting point is 00:25:23 Good for you with your giant cock. Don't squeeze your balls that hard is probably a good advice for everyone. In the end, I just wear the plug and let the ring dangle. That's a spectacle, I'm sure. That's a real... That's really something that you want to
Starting point is 00:25:38 take a family photo of. Just jab a finger in there, Mason. That's what he puts on his Christmas card, I feel like, is that. Dangle it. Plug with the... There's a lot of anger in there, man. That's what he puts on his Christmas card, I feel like, is that. Dangling. Plug with the good. It's okay for that put there, but are probably better options for the money. Wow.
Starting point is 00:25:57 It's $24.95. I don't know how many more. Yeah, it's a $25 sex toy. Try to find one cheaper. Yeah, here's one find one cheaper. Yeah. Here's one. Jesus Christ. One star.
Starting point is 00:26:11 Doesn't hit any prostate. Way too big for experimentation is what they say. Oh, it's too deep? Yeah. Too deep for experimentation. Way too big for experimentation. I'm a straight man, and this did nothing for, quote, milking the prostate. I was looking for prostate stimulation and this thing does nothing but
Starting point is 00:26:30 hurt. Don't buy. Feels like I shoved something up my ass. It's weird. It's wild. Every time I move, it comes off of the prostate. It's not even doing what I need it to do. Jesus Christ. Here is one star.
Starting point is 00:26:46 Pros. Built well. People seem to agree on the construction of the silicone. Sturdy. Cons. Every time I put it on my penis, it would come out of my butt. Well, I hate when that happens. Why is that the funniest sentence that's ever been written i can see i can see the frustration the poor bastard who come out of my butt just didn't work for me yeah it needs to be longer
Starting point is 00:27:15 to wrap all the way around i'm about two and a half inches wide seven long so that might help some of you guys so there's your penis stats for that guy that is a monster uh okay one star ouch yeah okay that's the headline here ouch this is a painful apparatus with seven exclamation points so they really mean it you're telling me a a rubber band wrapped around your cock and balls and then something attached to that rubber band just rammed up your ass. And ouch, really. Could be painful. Interesting. Seven exclamation points really gets the point across.
Starting point is 00:27:51 That's the proper reaction when something that doesn't feel good has been jammed up your ass, though, I feel like. The connector area forces your balls off to the side, see? Like we said, and causes them to be crushed as they try to climb up inside of you ouch um and the thing is too big to comfortably insert or remove okay yeah see that's that's the difference is we're all so different you can't just have a one size fits all right there like no there's no there's no one size for asshole and cock. No, that's not a thing. It's not a one size.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Everybody's butthole is different. I think that's a lesson we can take from this, is that everybody's butthole is different, people. Okay, let's see here. This person, the last person here, quote, one star, here's the title, doesn't hit the G spot. Well, there's a reason for that, sir. Yeah. There's a real big reason for that. How's it on your clit?
Starting point is 00:28:51 There? Is it okay there? What are we talking about? Sorry to be filthy on this, but this is fucking, I mean, come on. Okay. Does it vibrate your flaps? Yeah. What are we talking about?
Starting point is 00:29:04 does it vibrate your flaps yeah what are we talking about first off it doesn't curve up and to the front enough to hit my prostate okay well that's okay that might be an anatomical issue i'm not sure yours may be in a different location yeah second the ring is way too tight around my shaft oh that's good for you good for you you. You have a good size. Congrats, my friend. A healthy penis, sir. I guess I am just lucky, judging by the other responses of, you know, it hurt my ass. There's no way I could get all three of my buddies to go through the third, go through the ring, meaning balls.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Oh, God. I was like, oh. No, three guys at the same time. Come on, Billy. Jam it in here. No, I'll hold it open. You He's trying to get his three friends to do it. Come on, Billy. Jam it in here. No, I'll hold it open. You stick your cock in there, and then we'll hold it open for Tommy. See if yours works.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Come on. Third, even after cleaning it with soap and water, it still smelled like crap. Weird. Like it's been up your ass or something. Oh, my God. It's like it's been up an ass. Dude, get to a doctor, too. The material absorbs the smell.
Starting point is 00:30:06 Oh, it's porous. That's perfect. Jesus. Fourth, it needs to be more firm and less flexible. It was very difficult to get it to rest against my prostate at all. The only real plus of this item is that it was a major turn on walking around in public with it in place. What? You could have seen the look on jimmy's face
Starting point is 00:30:27 just now this contraption oh my there's not something you'd be like all right put that on then put your jeans on and then go to the grocery store it's just not that i need to go get pens you know what i need right now cheerios that's no this thing's in my leather one i'm gonna go get cheerios yeah that's what i need right now this is uh quite disturbing let's say okay okay i need donuts after all that we're gonna need to relax cleanse it james we gotta cleanse it let's cleanse the floodgates and fill this with water fuck you like the grand canyon let's let it go so let's let's look let's do something let's review a movie and we're gonna do a movie and we're gonna do a classic movie here oh great
Starting point is 00:31:19 that is you know has become a there's certain movie movies. You get The Godfather, this one, that one. There's certain of these classic movies. Star Wars, the original Star Wars. Episode 4, A New Hope, 1977. This should be fun. Right? I mean, that's going to be something people can agree on at least, or either they like it or they don't. Are these new reviews of it? Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:31:41 They're new. Some are a little bit older. Okay, here's one. Five stars. The newness of it is what, boy. They're new. Some are a little bit older. Okay, here's one. Five stars. The newness of it is what makes it hilarious. Five stars. The movie that started it all, Star Wars, Episode IV, A New Hope, or simply Star Wars, was introduced to the world,
Starting point is 00:31:56 introduced to the world something new, unusual, yet spectacular. When I first saw Star Wars at a young age, I was stunned. The opening scene with the Star Destroyer attacking the small rebel vessel blew me away. From the bright green laser bolts to the color and texture of the planet Tatooine, every bit of detail was perfect. The groundbreaking visual effects displayed in the film are flawless. Given Star Wars a more dynamic and immersive feel, not only that, but Star Wars also introduced some of cinema's most iconic characters, including Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo.
Starting point is 00:32:31 They go through the whole fucking... What about Darth Vader? Darth, it's on there. Vader, everybody. The unforgettable soundtrack played through the film is extraordinary and gives me goosebumps unlike any other. The classic film connects to the lives of many millions of people in ways other movies cannot. There's nothing
Starting point is 00:32:47 more I can say except as a masterpiece of film, I truly thank you, Mr. Lucas, for changing my life. Life. Life. Changing my life. Holy shit. Okay, there's a lot of people that feel that way about that. So many.
Starting point is 00:33:04 I'm not one of them. I'm not a hater of Star Wars. I'm just a, eh, I don't know my thing. I just don't care. I'm just bored by things in space, that's all. If it's like floating through, I don't know what it is to me. I don't know. I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Maybe that's what it is. I don't get it. I fell asleep every single time I've tried to watch any of them. Every single one of them. I did think it looked cool, and I thought the toys were cool when I was little and stuff like that. But it's also – Millennium Falcon's pretty dope. The first Star Wars came out before we were born, too.
Starting point is 00:33:34 So when we were kids, it was already a few years old. It was already too late. I don't know. So one star here now. Okay. Yeah. If you are a Star Wars original film and all its subsequent iterations, you might not like my humble opinions here. I think he means fan, but never says the word fan. He never said it.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Yeah. If you're a Star Wars. If you are a Star Wars, you should probably stop reading this now because you are. You're about to get so mad at me. You're an event and not a person. So that'd be weird for you to be reading star wars broke into movie fame with dazzling special effects spectacular combat scenes and weapon weaponry capable of obliterating entire planets with the flick of a switch i must admit i was seduced by the state-of-the-art special effects and saw this film 12 times in all
Starting point is 00:34:21 caps this is a one-star review by the way really this is still one star the critique comes decades after that era if you look beyond the artistry in the mayhem pervading these films you do not find a new hope if you look past the fact that it's a film which is all you should be looking at and if you look at it as some sort of allegory for reality then it's not good well yeah because it's a whole the whole reason you went and saw it 12 fucking times man you find a universe of militarism and warfare everywhere savagery is cloaked by medieval social mentality mankind has been reduced to the slavery of magic jedis in parentheses, or machines, the empire, or both.
Starting point is 00:35:05 Religions are nowhere to be found. Mankind has become disposable slaves or soldiers in medieval royalty. And this film is titled A New Hope. Now, I am a little late declaring war on these films. I would say about 45 years too late. Yes, wait a minute. Been a few. But I think we should be a little critical of what we choose to embrace as a panacea.
Starting point is 00:35:29 To be honest, I don't like the biblical epic Ben-Hur either. It had so much violence, great music, and excellent chariot races. What is this? How does this person 100? Dude, it's entertainment. It's not a prophecy. Calm the fuck down but it may also be the most violent film ever made which includes the crucifixion of christ well yeah that's the story so in star wars the religion is called the force how aptly put we must choose wisely what
Starting point is 00:36:00 films we allow ourselves to be seduced by because they make a statement about our values as a society dude watch don't watch fly around don't watch saw no please don't you're gonna get so upset just watch the spaceships and think lightsabers are pretty cool and that's really all you need to do here it's it's it's a wild story i'm'm told. Just get after it. Jesus Christ. Here we go. One star. Good film for small kids. Any adult seriously reviewing it should be embarrassed. Rotten Tomatoes. I do agree with that.
Starting point is 00:36:36 That's not far off. Rotten Tomatoes somehow gave it a very high score. Perhaps they reviewed it as a kids' film. If they don't have a kids' film category, I suggest they start one, considering all the other kids' films coming out of Hollywood. Dude, it's owned by Disney.
Starting point is 00:36:53 What do you want? Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, it's for kids. It was at the time. Yeah. Wow. Okay. That is insane.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Here is one star. I did not watch this yet. One star. Okay. That is insane. Here is one star. I did not watch this yet. One star. Okay. I did not watch this yet, but it sounds kind of weird. I might start because my friend said to watch it, so I might edit this when I finish watching, which might take a while. You nerdy MFs, don't come for me, please. Okay. I'm going to review this ahead of time. I'm'm just gonna say it's bad and then watch it and find out and i don't want you guys when everybody
Starting point is 00:37:31 that loves this please don't get mad at me don't get mad at this dumb thing that i just said here's another one star yeah to be honest this was the worst star wars movie i've seen. Zero out of ten because my favorite character, Obi-Wan Kenobi, dies and it's not fair. I don't like the script. It's not fair is my favorite. That's the best. Not fair. He's an old man. Jesus. One star.
Starting point is 00:37:59 I don't know why people like the old Star Wars movie. That's what it says. Plot and characters are bad. Bad CGI. Yeah. 77. It was.
Starting point is 00:38:11 That's the reason. Because it wasn't done on fucking computers in 1977. They had to actually do those things. You fucking jackass. It's almost 50 years ago, man. They had effects and stuff, but the CGI is bad. It's crazy. In half a fucking century, they've gotten a little bit better CGI.
Starting point is 00:38:30 You know what I hate? What I really, really hate? Yeah. Yeah, you watch that old stuff. It's all in black and white. I'm like, lame. Bad color on this shit. It's bad color if you watch I Love Lucy.
Starting point is 00:38:40 I'm over here trying to adjust the contrast on my TV. Nothing's happening. I'm pissed I can't adjust the contrast on my TV. Nothing's happening. I'm pissed I can't watch footage of the Civil War in real time. That's really unfortunate. Nobody had a phone they could have fucking filmed it on real quick. Bad CGI. I've been trying to get the Gettysburg Address on YouTube. I can't find it.
Starting point is 00:39:01 Nothing there, man. Talk about a bad self-promoter. Lincoln sucks, man. It's whack. You know, talk about a bad self-promoter. Lincoln's suck, man. What a piece of shit. People say he was the greatest great president, but he's not any good at self-promoting, dude. Like, I don't know. My Instagram's way better than his. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:39:15 Like, I could get followers. He has like four pictures that exist. Lame. One of them's got a big crack in it. Lame, dude. So lame. Bad CGI and horrible characters. Boring fight scenes.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Boo with about 20 O's. Okay. Okay. This one I assume is a joke. One star. I hope it's a joke. Ruined my life. Worst movie ever.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Worst series ever. Killed my wife because of this movie. I hate Luke Skywalker. So I hope that's a joke. Yeah. Here is one star. Terrible. They copied off Fortnite exclamation.
Starting point is 00:40:02 George Lucas, not only a decent filmmaker, prescient dude can see into the future. The man traveled to 2015. That's what he ripped off a video game that's what he stole just fortnight nothing else not not cell phones nope not not a fucking iphone fortnight make a movie out of it they stole dark vader from the fortnight battle pass They stole Dark Vader from the Fortnite Battle Pass. Wow. Dark Vader. Dark Vader. They stole them.
Starting point is 00:40:33 So I hate it when you stole what I wanted you to have here. Okay. That's insane. All right. Next up. Okay. Let's get to something that is kind of a staple. Every doctor's office on Earth has it. It's one of those things.
Starting point is 00:40:43 No one that I have ever heard of actually orders it to come to their home national geographic people magazine close close enough people magazine all right and people by the way has a lot of bad reviews and most of them really yeah most of them are either about their magazine doesn't come or their magazine won't stop coming there's people who like ordered like canceled their order and now they get two subscriptions and they're like i don't even want one and then there's other people who don't get any and they want one so it's really getting yours too we're getting everybody's okay so people magazine it's an old magazine it's you know whatever celebrities are on the cover whatever trying to get get a 40-year-old mom to buy it as they go through the grocery store checkout. Right.
Starting point is 00:41:30 It's the checkout line. But they do have – people does have something that's very respectable, right? Isn't there like people – there's like an award that they give out that people give a shit about, right? I have no idea. I've never heard of that before. There's time with person of the Year and people does something. I don't know. I'm sure they do.
Starting point is 00:41:47 I don't know what the hell they do, but it's got to be something. That is fascinating because it's got to be one of the most successful magazines in history because it's still going. Yeah, it's been around forever. I mean, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:57 Life and all those old ones went on. I've never read an entire issue. No, you pick it up at the doctor's office for four minutes and then you flip through it. Thumb through it and giggle. And yeah, you're like, I'm i'm not gonna read any of this i don't care trisha yearwood yeah i don't care what trisha yearwood did six years ago because that's in this magazine's from all right here we go uh yeah what here is five stars and it says uh the magazine is very
Starting point is 00:42:20 affordable thanks for the offer and i'm looking forward to my issues, along with the crosswords. Oh, we got it cheap. Yeah, people who order this are 80, I feel like. Yeah. People, like, for the most part. Five stars. The title is Details to a Story. You shared an article about the women boiling puppies in New Mexico.
Starting point is 00:42:40 What? The fuck? What is in people? We hear some weird shit shit and we didn't hear about that at all i thought it was all about trisha yearwood and vanna white there's some women boiling puppies and they say women not women so i feel like maybe is this like a coven that boils puppies like who is this like a group of women that that's how they're that's how they the glue of their group is puppy boiling like what's happening what is trisha yearwood doing jesus trisha her and reed drummond are really gonna dial it back a little bit because that's what i see on the cover all the time boiling
Starting point is 00:43:13 puppies i firsthand took care of her kids in a shelter i can tell some in-depth stories pertaining to this case so i figured an online review would be the best place to submit that. Contact me and we'll do part two. Oh my God. A story on my funny cat. Five stars. By the way, I am not angry. Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Contact my address or phone number. My cat rusty is an awesome cat. Okay. I think you could put together a great story on him. Thank you. Gene. And then it says they have preferred solution and users recommendation on this site. It's like
Starting point is 00:43:53 or something. And this person says preferred solution a story written about my cat Rusty. That's their solution. Here's five stars. Finding out why I received a People magazine. The customer... Why did I get this?
Starting point is 00:44:12 I never asked for this. Why are you making me have this? The customer representative said the magazine was complimentary for the month of September, and I would not have to pay for the magazine. Great. Okay. Here's another person. Receiving duplicates. person receiving duplicates receiving
Starting point is 00:44:26 duplicates buy people mag i've been getting them since they started in the 70s okay so they get they've got two for the last 40 years for 40 years they get two one to read one to you know frame keep nice put in a safe deposit box for later put in your fucking attics yeah you gotta have that you have a collection. Yeah. Yeah. Nice picture. Like Chachi on the front from 1981.
Starting point is 00:44:49 You got to have that. Here is one star. No one will answer my call. Oh. Terrible service. I'm not sure what to say except terrible service. Okay. Very, very, very, very, very, very terrible service.
Starting point is 00:45:05 What do you need to talk about? Tell us. I want to know. Next up, one star. Tried calling. No answer. Cannot speak with a representative. Cannot reach a tone.
Starting point is 00:45:15 Cannot reach anyone. Cannot reach anyone. Cannot reach anyone. Cannot reach anyone. This person has lost their mind. They've been trying to reach people on the phone for so long on their V tech cordless phone that they have lost their fucking mind and just started going. Can't reach anyone.
Starting point is 00:45:32 Can't reach anyone. He's screaming out the window. One star, not receiving my magazine. See, some people get to, some people get none. I'm sick of not receiving my people mag.
Starting point is 00:45:43 I need it. I need it. I didn't get it. I didn sick of not receiving my people mag. I need it. I need it. I didn't get it. I didn't get it this week's again. I've missed three this year. I've purchased them for years, 15 at least. My name is there for sure. So is my husband's name.
Starting point is 00:45:57 I haven't moved. People steal them? Question mark. Should I cancel? Even my mailman is upset. what are you gonna do about it the mailman needs to deliver this you pissed off our mailman now you know you're in trouble and there's several uh then the next one is i've called texted and emailed to cancel the magazine but it keeps coming they talk about frustration he can't get it to stop. This one can't get it in his house.
Starting point is 00:46:27 It's this one. My People Magazine subscription was originally paid through 2025. At the beginning of September 2022, my magazine stopped coming. I have called People Magazine several times and have been told it would be sent out. It's been going on seven months. No, People Magazine. I am going to contact seven on your side. I do not know what else to do
Starting point is 00:46:46 i'm calling the news i'm missing four peoples everybody here's i need to know what tricia yearwood's what is she doing and here's another one i got scammed when i tried to order oprah's diet gummies okay oh does she own this i don't know never received the gummies. Okay. Oh, does she own this? I don't know. Never received the gummies. Never received diet gummies by Oprah. I saw your enforcement people. I think they mean advertisement people magazine on Facebook. I ordered, gave my credit card,
Starting point is 00:47:14 but never received the product. Yeah. You bought it off a Facebook ad. That was a scam. You're not smart. Okay. Okay. You gave your credit card information to not people,
Starting point is 00:47:24 not people. Here's's one won't cancel subscription one star magazine started coming for someone who lived at this address over 12 years ago they're not even alive anymore sick and tired of getting this trash it won't stop coming my grandfather had a barber shop right he retired He retired, then he moved into his basement, so he always had magazines for people that would come in. So he had Golf Digest. It came for 10 years after he was dead, Golf Digest. No one paid for it. It just kept coming.
Starting point is 00:47:55 Just kept coming. That's amazing. No one golfs in the house. My grandfather never picked up a golf club in his life. He was a guinea that was cutting hair since he was fucking 12. He wasn't golfing. People at Golf Digest probably were like, hey, have you billed this account? No, I haven't
Starting point is 00:48:10 billed it in like 10 fucking years. Yeah, I see that. Keep sending it. Account's receivable. Keep sending it. Oh, man. Okay, here we go. One star. This is more about content related. Cease and desist is the title. One star.
Starting point is 00:48:25 I will press charges for harassment if you do not cease and desist within one month from today's date. Okay. Okay. Please stop sending me magazines. I have never nor will I ever subscribe. Cease and desist.
Starting point is 00:48:42 There's like, wow. Sending a C and D it's a throw in the garbage yeah where is that i am over the junk mail you send yes the magazines like i call it junk mail i don't give a shit what dumb what some dumb quote unquote celebrity is doing nor trisha yearwood's ruining my life trisha yearwood will not stop coming to my house the problem is if you stop the magazine she'll just show up in person that's the thing trisha yearwood just shows up you don't want that she's gonna show you how to boil puppies in person yeah she's gonna show up boiling puppies and singing songs on your front lawn she brought puppies stew re-drumming cooks them up and that's the magazine uh nor do i care it's
Starting point is 00:49:32 a fire starter to me i will not send another email if it does not stop one month from today i will pursue my legal options for harassment because sending unsolicited junk mail is harassment. I will be looking into my legal options. Please, by all means, call me one single time at 937-418. I'll leave the rest blank. Don't do it. Yeah, I'll leave the rest blank. I want to call him and pretend to be people. When we're done with this, we're calling him, by the way, and pretending to.
Starting point is 00:50:04 Because this is from March of this year. Hello, this is People Magazine. Hello, yes. Oh, God. We have Trisha Yearwood standing right here. We saw your review, and Trisha Yearwood, you hurt her feelings. You don't understand. She cried. She cried. You hurt her feelings. So how do you feel about
Starting point is 00:50:19 that now? You interrupted her boiling puppy. That's what i hate when that happens and i will discuss this with a supervisor but as i see it and as the court system will see it is you have been harassing me with mail i have never one time subscribed to get from you so you poached my address and name from somewhere so i'll let an attorney figure out where you got my information from one month from today 3 1 31 23 i will pursue legal action if you do not cease sending me shit i never asked for preferred solution apology apology he just wants an apology he's been he's
Starting point is 00:51:02 hurt like trisha yearwood he he's hurt. We can apologize. Sir, we apologize, but we're going to keep sending it. We're going to keep sending it. We need you to have this magazine. We want you to have it. Okay. Here's another one. One star.
Starting point is 00:51:17 Kelsey Gibson's article on season three Umbrella Academy. I don't know what that is. Season three of Umbrella Academy had been out for 12 and a half hours when you guys put out an article by Kelsey Gibson giving away the ending to the entire season. God damn it, you ruined this. Spoilers. I do not know if you guys know this. Kelsey apparently doesn't. Fucking dumb Kelsey bitch.
Starting point is 00:51:40 That's my ad lib there. People don't want to be told the endings to shows that recently come out I mean that's what I'm saying oh here's an article about the show I'm gonna read oh and then they were talking about then when this person fucking fingered that person you should have said oh I don't want to know about that
Starting point is 00:51:58 I haven't started yet I didn't know they're fingering them nobody tied you down and whispered it into your ear you fucking read it that's what I mean Trisha Yearwood didn't come to your house Nobody tied you down and whispered it into your ear. You fucking read it. That's what I mean. Trisha Yearwood didn't come to your house and read it to you through a microphone in your brain. That didn't happen. While she stirred a pot of boiling puppies. Boiling golden retriever puppies.
Starting point is 00:52:18 That didn't happen. Oh, God. Jesus Christ, I'm going to have a stroke here. oh god um jesus christ i'm gonna have a stroke here i mean it's been far less than a single goddamn day a single goddamn day seriously who thought that this was a good idea did anybody read the article after kelsey wrote it whoa no kelton kelsey and nobody else thought anybody watched this fucking show or read people magazine what's the then diagram there of people that are going to read an article that's the thing. They talk about it.
Starting point is 00:53:09 You're the only person on earth that watches this and reads it. She had a Google alert set up for this show's info. It pinged. She immediately clicked on people, and now she's pissed at us. What the fuck? Un-fucking-believable. How many people do both of those things? What are the odds?
Starting point is 00:53:29 None. They figure they would read it in their doctor's office three years from now. They wouldn't figure anyone would read it. Oh, my God. Then they get, this is amazing here, they switch gears pretty hard. Yeah. There is so much shit going on in the world and you just ruined a small slice of enjoyment for a lot of people kelsey oh poor no there's a peter wrote peter wrote this peter
Starting point is 00:53:54 peter you're you watch that and read this peter god damn it peter of course however this comment is going to change anything however this comment i guess isn't is what he's supposed to comment is going to change anything. However, this comment, I guess, isn't is what he's supposed to say, is going to change anything. And all of you will continue to be the shit people that you are. That's what this magazine should be called. Shit people. Shit people. Shit people. Here's another one here from Dorotha in Washington from this year.
Starting point is 00:54:22 You disgust me. This is the title. One star. Jane Fonda, four exclamation points. Really? A bunch of exclamation points. What about her? I'm not really, I'm not really,
Starting point is 00:54:34 I'm really not even sure what I'm doing here. That's the thing that we all should wonder. There you go. Before you write a review, go, what am I doing here? And if your answer is what she just said, fucking back up just say never mind and go play with reverse that's it go talk to a friend go pet a previous internet window yeah go read about trisha yearwood do something i'm not sure what i'm doing here but this is to
Starting point is 00:54:57 tell everybody that jane fonda is a traitor then i'm in the right spot. People magazine has glamorized her. She's talking about Vietnam. She's literally talking about Hanoi Jane 55 years ago. I don't like what they said about Nixon. Like, what are we talking about? She turned our Vietnam veterans into the Vietnamese government, our prisoners of war. I want to be swearing like a trucker right now, but I don't know if that'll make some people cry like a little baby and
Starting point is 00:55:29 not put the review of Jane Fonda People Magazine as a traitor to the American people, and you put her on your magazine, you useless POS tyrant pigs. Tyrant pigs. User recommendation, boycott People Magazine. Oh, okay. In 1971, you should boycott people magazine oh okay in 1971 you should boycott people magazine
Starting point is 00:55:48 yes wow um here's another one real pissed off uh one star their title is articles on the princess of wales not happy about that at all oh to whom it may concern there we go your articles on catherine the princess of wales always refer to her as Kate Middleton. She got married in 2011 and by her choice ceased to be Kate Middleton. Please, please, please, People Magazine, get it right. Unfortunately, you aren't the only publication to refer to her so insultingly incorrectly, but set an example as a reputable publication wow um by her choice i mean do do we call uh diana by her last name i don't fucking know who fucking knows who gives a shit what it's an american magazine we don't treat your royalty like fucking royalty
Starting point is 00:56:44 people then do that yeah they can get it right we don't give a shit we don't treat your royalty like fucking royalty people then do that yeah they can get it right we don't give a shit we don't give a fuck fancy twat caller i don't care it doesn't matter she's the chick with the hot sister pippa's hotter anyway shut up there you go so okay uh one star i'm totally disgusted by your classless behavior toward the Princess of Wales and the future Queen Consort of the UK. Oh. Stop calling Catherine the Princess of Wales Kate Middleton, American fools. Oh, that's what it is, yeah. You lack class and decorum.
Starting point is 00:57:18 Your ignorance of protocol is nauseating. Welcome to America. Yes, you just described America. Yeah, that's America. is nauseating. Yes, you just described America. Yeah, that's America. I would suggest not buying our magazines unless you want to know about Trisha Yearwood.
Starting point is 00:57:30 Have we showed you our giant hole? Thank you for calling America. How can I help you? How can I help you? By the way, here's an assgasm penis ring for you. We give this to you when you immigrate. Yeah, when you come here, as soon as you swear in as a citizen that's what you get one of those
Starting point is 00:57:47 holy shit finally one star garbage toxic poison it's people magazine it's the most innocuous let's see what recipes fucking Dolly Parton recommends for the holidays that's what's on people
Starting point is 00:58:04 magazine what is the new trendy way to decorate my Christmas tree Fucking Dolly Parton recommends for the holidays. That's what's on People magazine. What is the new trendy way to decorate my Christmas tree? That's it. That's it. Yeah, centerpieces for a better Thanksgiving. That's what's on there. Garbage, toxic, poison. Real people are working hard and still struggling to pay their bills. Okay.
Starting point is 00:58:20 Yeah. Yeah. What are any of these celebrities doing to help anyone but themselves? Who really cares about them? They sicken most of us. Yeah. I don't care how beautiful they are. They are just shit selfish people.
Starting point is 00:58:38 There it is. It's a new magazine. Shit selfish people. That's a better one. That's way better than the old title there. That's our new magazine. Shit people that's a better one they say that's way better than the old title i like shit selfish people shit selfish people yay that's a great one someone work that up please someone make a photo right there on the cover yeah with her on the cover just smiling with with redrumming next
Starting point is 00:59:03 to her and they're like holding a turkey between them like each old half of the pan. With skin dogs hanging in the background. Yeah, yeah. That's the only way to do it. Ready for boiling. Just the witches of New Mexico with a lady with a big cauldron with a big like, you know, oar thing stirring it with a puppy trying to get out of the side of it. That's what we want to say.
Starting point is 00:59:24 Shit selfish people. shit selfish people hope this garbage magazine disappears sooner rather than later people magazine is mostly a rag that i would gladly wipe my ass on hope all of your favorite celebrities rot in hell where they all belong. Well, I'm sorry that you helped make celebrities, man. Wow. Even the ones that act as if they care about their fellow man, they don't and never will. Just dung all of you. Just dung all of you. Okay, the last few minutes we have left
Starting point is 01:00:06 here, I feel like we need to get away from everywhere. So let's get on a plane, everybody. Let's go to Logan Airport in Boston to take off. I don't know where we're going. We are going to sidle up to the bar here and grab ourselves a drink
Starting point is 01:00:21 at Beer Works in the Logan Airport here. Okay okay where's that terminal c yeah it's a different one terminal c here floor two so here we go um some people love it here's a go i'll give you a one five star here from shauna donald was a fantastic bartender he helped generate smiles and laughs and laughs amongst the customers and encourage travelers to take their time to get to know one another at the airport. What? Turkey burger and fries were cooked to perfection. 70s music created a chill and yet relaxed, upbeat vibe.
Starting point is 01:00:56 I will definitely be back. Wow. That's the best. Several reviews about Don. Really? Oh, my God. Making it like a nightclub? As where everybody's going and cheers over here. Yeah, I don't want that.
Starting point is 01:01:09 This person stressed the fuck out. Five stars. Don's probably the only one of only one of the only bartenders that I have that I have met that knows your name. The minute you walk in. Oh, wow. Christ. There's a picture of Don on here waving and everything. Hi, I'm Don.
Starting point is 01:01:20 Wow. Jesus Christ. There's a picture of Don on here waving and everything. Hi, I'm Don. So there's tons of five-star reviews and then some non-five-star reviews, obviously, here. Let's see. Here's one star. They changed my tip amount from $9 to $36.
Starting point is 01:01:39 Don. What? Don. How do you even do that, Don? Don. Come on now. Make that nine a zero? That is four times. That's not working.
Starting point is 01:01:47 Yeah, that's a lot. I was alerted by the credit card company. I am unable to speak to someone, I guess, at the bar. I think you handle that through your credit card company at that point. Here's one star from Scott. Expensive food, poorly cooked. When a restaurant is charging $18 for a chicken sandwich and fries, it should be pretty close to delicious. It should also be pretty close to an airport gate because that's where that shit costs that.
Starting point is 01:02:13 They're just giving, this is what we have here because you're in a building that you have to walk through security to get back into if you left. You want anything else? Anything else? Go out there and get it. You want some cold fries with that? Here you go, shithead. $9? No, no, get it. You want some cold fries with that? Here you go, shithead. $9? No, no, $36.
Starting point is 01:02:28 Have a good flight. Enjoy your middle seat. Man. However, this was dried, flat, and tough. The brioche roll did nothing to help the matter. Brioche is historically dry. Like eating a mouthful of sand. Okay.
Starting point is 01:02:46 There are far better options for food at this airport. Then why didn't you eat there? Right. Why'd you go there? Jesus Christ. Here's one star from Thomas here. One star. After telling the bartender I'm from the Netherlands, he told me he couldn't serve me because I seemed drunk.
Starting point is 01:03:06 No, no, I'm just from the Netherlands. He said, I did not have any alcohol or other substances. I know Dutch people are not the most gracious tippers, but this was incredibly rude. I'm not serving you. Get the fuck out of here, Netherlands. What are you, one of those shitty tippers? God, no. Take a hike, wooden shoes.
Starting point is 01:03:24 Get off my fucking barstool, asshole. What's that sound you of those shitty tippers? God, no. Take a hike, wooden shoes. Get off my fucking bar stool, asshole. What's that sound you're making with your mouth? You sound drunk. You sound drunk. Here's one from one star. One star from Nick. Tall, bald guy. That's our beloved Don, by the way, judging by the picture, unless there's other tall, bald guys there.
Starting point is 01:03:42 Wouldn't serve me a drink because I didn't get food and had a cold okay well yeah get the fuck out of here get out of here with your fucking diseases that's boston i don't need you coughing on people fuck out of here you're making sick man you're making me sick here's kristin with one star they have chicken fingers on the menu for kids but would not not let me, an adult, clearly, swap wings for fingers. Because they're not the same fucking thing. Wings don't come with anything. So you ordered wings. Get the fucking wings.
Starting point is 01:04:16 She wanted the kids menu meal, but with an adult food in it. Okay. You can't have that. Sorry, but this is an absolutely ridiculous policy get it together guys okay um or make a restaurant and do it your way i i what the yeah maybe go to burger king they'll do it your way otherwise i don't know what to tell you um um okay i ordered wings and couldn't substitute they don't do boneless here. That's what it is. I ordered a burger and they wouldn't let me substitute a steak.
Starting point is 01:04:48 It was really weird. Like, it's not the same. It's just not the same. All right. Finally, one star. Last one. Sat down for less than five minutes at a table, not at the bar. Asked the waiter to come back in two minutes while I set up my laptop.
Starting point is 01:05:02 Oh, great. Oh, Jesus. He comes back within seconds. Had no opportunity to set up my laptop oh great oh jesus he comes back within seconds had no opportunity to set up my workstation or even look at the menu worry about the food first then fucking set up your workstation people are at work here it's the fucking airport why are you setting up a workstation yeah waiter tells me to leave because uh it's one of his tables and they're like yeah you're not're not going to spend money. Get out of here.
Starting point is 01:05:27 Fuck off. What are you doing? Go sit in the fucking bed bug chairs. Get out of my restaurant. Jesus Christ. Find it. People Magazine. Trisha Yearwood's on the cover.
Starting point is 01:05:38 You'll love it. You shit selfish people, yo. Wow, you shit selfish people. Never in my life have I seen anything like this. You shit selfish people, you. Wow, you shit selfish people. Never in my life have I seen anything like this. A shame that they have waiters relying on turning and burning tables because when you have a hustler like this a-hole, he'll ask you to leave. It's a shame that the restaurant business model is somebody thrives on tips. Yeah, get the fuck out.
Starting point is 01:06:09 If you're not buying anything leave rational manager of course sided with me and i politely moved to the bar which is where you should have sat to fucking begin with yeah but i will never again waste my time or money in this establishment well i'm sure you're constantly flying in and out of fucking logan airport jesus christ so there you go that's that one Yeah, we'll do that. They just a couple others say it's terrible. You could train a monkey or a child to spill less beer. Or a child. Or a child. A monkey or a child. Something dumb, you know.
Starting point is 01:06:34 You could force a child or an animal to work here. We could force, you know, things that shouldn't have jobs into labor and it'd probably be better. I think that'd be good. We could commit a crime. Oh, my my god so there you go everybody that is this week's your stupid opinions hope you enjoyed it we have some wild ones for you next week of course fight catch up with us on all of the social media apps do all that tell your friends share the show it really really helps we're a new show so definitely spread it if you like and spread the word do everything like that if you like what we're doing listen to our other
Starting point is 01:07:08 shows crime in sports and small town murder as well which are just as described true crime comedy so check those out and if you hate this it's because you're shit selfish people you're shit selfish people and there's a very good very very good article on what Trisha
Starting point is 01:07:23 Yearwood's serving for Easter dinner this year I think you should check it out so thank you so much for listening and we will see you next week everybody We'll see you next time. Stupid opinions add free by joining Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple podcasts. Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at Wondery dot com slash survey.

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