Your Stupid Opinions - Starbucks Sadness, The Chubby Hunter, All Aboard The Poop Bus, Walmart Not So Supercenter

Episode Date: March 18, 2024

This week, we hear about a Starbucks that causes rages, and personal beefs with employees. A very personal item that will have all the ladies pumping away, for some reason. A Walmart "Superce...nter" with empty shelves, and employees that actively dislike you. The busiest bus terminal in the world, with more floor poop, than buses & much more!!Join comedians James Pietragallo and Jimmie Whisman as they explore the most opinionated part of the internet: The Reviews Section!Subscribe and we will see you every Monday with Your Stupid Opinions!!!Don't forget to rate & review!!Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie WhismanSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wondery Plus subscribers can listen to your stupid opinions ad-free right now. Join Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. Hello everybody, welcome back to Your Stupid Opinions. Hey! Oh, we are very excited. My name is James Petrigallo. I'm here with my co-host. I'm Jimmy Wissman. Thank you for joining us. We have lots of fun opinions here. Other people's opinions. I don't know what else to call them here. Other people's opinions.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Again, we'll say it as we say at the top of every show. Not mine! These are not our opinions. We don't know these places we've never been there these are just based on what other people say and so it's mostly making fun of the reviewers and also the reviewed it's beautiful so i hope you enjoy this wonderful this beautiful portrait we're going to paint for you of a terrible terrible world here it is make sure to follow us on social media and rate and review and all that kind of good stuff there. Leave your own stupid opinion. So that said, let's get right into this and start off with something seemingly everybody
Starting point is 00:01:15 does and a place everybody goes to except me. That's why we haven't done this yet. I've noticed that. I said, you know what we haven't done? Starbucks. We've done zero Starbucks because I don't drink coffee. Yeah, you know what we haven't done? Starbucks. We've done zero Starbucks because I don't drink coffee. Yeah, that's so weird to me,
Starting point is 00:01:28 but I get it. I don't even think of coffee as a thing, so I'm like, oh yeah, people, everyone else on Earth goes to this one place, so I should probably talk about that because I'm the weirdo, so I get that.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Well, you're the one with the money in your pocket. We're all getting taken advantage of. I think I've had like two cups of coffee in my entire life. Is that right? Yeah, just it didn't do much for me. I've had some espresso because I used to work in an Italian restaurant. Before the shift, we'd smoke a joint and hit an espresso and be like, all right.
Starting point is 00:01:57 But not like a thing that I would drink on my own. That was like all the whole wait staff would be having espresso. Dude, I get right. I pry my fat ass out of bed and go right to the coffee pot. Every day. I've seen you get on an 80-person deep line at a fucking airport. And I'm like, wow, I wouldn't do that for anything. Coffee's so good. If there was just like a money and blowjob tree at the end of that line, I'd go, well, that's not worth it.
Starting point is 00:02:22 And I'd keep walking. That's a lot of people. Yeah. I'm like, those people are addicted to something let's get into this so good with a starbucks in memphis oh in tennessee yes it's located in the the westin memphis beale street this is oh in the hotel across the street from the fedex forum or whatever that is there in memphis where the grizzlies play so that's where we're we're going here um and if you probably were every visiting team that plays the grizzlies stays
Starting point is 00:02:50 probably yeah this is where they are disappointed with their coffee in their room in their room so uh this is if you don't know what starbucks is i don't even know what to what to say how dare you but on google it says seattle-based coffeehouse chain known for its signature roasts, light bites, and Wi-Fi availability. So there you go. That's a very good rundown. It's not bad. 201 South 3rd Street, Memphis. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Has 3.8 stars on Google. Is that right? Yeah, there's a lot of one stars. And a lot of it seems to be the attitude here and the general. There's a whole general thing going on. Okay. Oh, I can't wait to find out what people expect. That's the other thing.
Starting point is 00:03:32 What are you expecting at 8 o'clock in the morning? So first up, Patrice with five stars because some people love it. And we have to be fair here. Love, love, love this location. Double exclamation point. That particular one. Serious. And love, love, love this location double exclamation point so they are particular one serious and love love love all caps too so love love love the ladies here are always attentive and i never have to tell them what i want how the fuck do they know then
Starting point is 00:03:56 how do they know then you just walk in and they go and they just pick what you think they think you want and they're right telekinesis what they think you want. And they're right. Telekinesis is this one. This is amazing. You know what? That is a five-star Starbucks. I'm impressed, yeah. If they know your order before you give it to them, that's incredible. That's just how well they know their customers.
Starting point is 00:04:15 I guess so. They see your body language and they're like, venti, mocha, some shit. I don't know. Any of the other. I don't know what they have there. I don't know what all those things mean. I just go coffee and they give it to me. And they're like, old man special.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Bring it out. One old man. Somebody makes it. They look at me and they know the black, right? You betcha. You know me. You know me. I enjoy stopping here thank you ladies for always
Starting point is 00:04:46 being so awesome and then hashtag tall white mocha toffee nut that's her order jesus that's a lot sounds like a candy bar it does next up dave dave's got a lot of reviews on google and he gives five stars as well and he says always fast friendly and precise oh that's exactly what you want out of a coffee place i would think yeah i have a weird drink that i get and they don't complain or give me hassles about it oh he's one of those one of those people i gotta he's just happy if they don't mock him he's got that's how weird of an order it is and they make the stupid thing he orders this whole thing and he's like, can you spit in it just at the end? Just put a little spit in it.
Starting point is 00:05:27 And they're like, what? They're like, what are you talking about? Gladly. You're an asshole for this. Just give me a mouthful of spit. I need it. It tastes better. It just gives it a nutty taste.
Starting point is 00:05:35 I like it. Okay. My only gripe is the new prices. Sheesh. Other than that, I'm all in. Yeah. Well, somebody else is making you a crazy order. Try making that bullshit at home.
Starting point is 00:05:49 That's a that's a good point. Yeah. Here is another five star from Casey. Great employees. No wait. Avery, I believe, was her name. She was great as well as the lady that made it. Highly recommend.
Starting point is 00:06:00 I will drop back by soon to get both of their names. By the way, no update with the names i check casey you lying motherfucker i don't believe you at all now casey has abandoned them that's fucking great and then finally the last five star is from hobo nation oh that's his name uh five stars best starbucks in downtown memphis tennessee free wi-fi free wi-fi and hobo nation approved it rocks beautiful women in and out behind the counter no exclamation no punctuation whatsoever no anything hobo nation got some in and out behind the counter you got a little in and out behind the counter from beautiful boy that does rock at that point that's a good starbucks i'll five star the shit out of that oh shit uh next up
Starting point is 00:06:45 one star from jay here we go rude exclamation point yeah we found a table just outside the front doors that didn't have any chairs around it so my wife asked one of the employees if we could use the outdoor chairs that were stacked just inside the doors the employee snapped back with a terribly rude tone telling my wife we couldn't use the chairs no no okay what do we what would you do at that point you're standing there like but you have the chairs and a table and i'm not put them together i don't understand what you're saying to me right now i can only use them stacked in the corner can i have some sugar for my coffee no you can't but i but you have sugar and i have coffee like it doesn't make sense uh by far the rudest starbucks experience in 15 years
Starting point is 00:07:33 oh that's starbucks at 15 years ago that was a real yeah and a 15 year streak of of all of all all quality man they've been telling that story about 15 years ago for a while now. Got a new one. Got a new one. Yep. Later, a local told us the employees at this location are the rudest he has ever experienced as well. Oh, he's a local. It must be true. Sounds like management needs to create a new culture here.
Starting point is 00:07:59 It comes from the top. What? He's got middle management knowledge. He from the top listen i am a consultant i know what i'm doing i know all about middle management good god here's the next up brad with one star oh brad here we go somewhat rude service well you could also say rude somewhat courteous service at that point. Somewhat nice. That's a glass half empty kind of a thing. I feel like you're just looking at it pessimistically, pal.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Maybe take a step back, Chad. Take a step back, Brad, Chad, whatever your fucking name is. It doesn't matter. Brad and Chad are interchangeable. Same guy. Same guy. Same guy. I've never met a Brad and been like, not a Chad.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Well, if you meet a Brad, there's a Chad behind him. Like, if you go, can you step to the side? How you doing, Chad? And vice versa, too. They're interconnected. They've known each other since their fraternity days. If you call him Brad, his head just turns around and says, I'm Brad. I'm Brad.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Oh, no, Chad. My bad. Customers really don't want unrequested lectures about coffee terminology. No? You don't want to be educated about coffee? Well, you asked for Frappuccino, and that thing is frozen. Yeah, and this is the other thing, too. You have to understand when you're going into a place.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Because, like, I've worked shit jobs like this menial jobs and gas stations and you know restaurants and things like that a million of them so you know i'm not speaking out of term here at a turn here but there i looked at terminology and said term so these people this is all they know about okay if they know a lot they have one little thing that they can stand on pretty much anything else in the world that you want to talk about you'll probably know more than them you know what i mean as far as your job and our business or this or that these are like a 19 year old kid he knows what's up with this fucking coffee though more than you so at some point he's these people
Starting point is 00:10:00 need to assert some sort of you know intelligence here in their own minds to get it out. I do like the arrogance of a barista, like a bartender arrogance. Yeah, not just a bartender, one of those old-timey bartenders, the ones with, like, a dumb mustache that wear suspenders for some reason. Yeah, those guys. And a leather fucking apron? Why do you have a leather apron? Those guys who look at you like yeah yeah look at you like a turn of the century fucking barkeep and they're like yeah
Starting point is 00:10:30 and they're going to explain what ice cubes are better shut the fuck up shut up make the fucking drink yeah shut up get me drunk and shut up oh my god that drives me crazy. But sometimes that's what a barista at Starbucks tends to remind you of, is some fucking asshole that knows way too much about whiskeys. And it's anyone who knows anything about one little corner of something. You have that to stand on and very little else. Good for you. So why not? To top it off, they gossiped about my request without my hearing. They talked shit to each other about, you believe that this bitch is ordering?
Starting point is 00:11:09 That's amazing. Sounds like cinnamon. Oh, God. Please just try to get with the customer. Please just try and get the customer what they asked for instead. You know, instead of making fun of them, I guess, would be the other one. To their face. To their face. Right to to the just within my hearing.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Here's Mark with one star door was locked when we arrived. OK, well, that's not good. It's closed. That means they're closed at that point. Usually they don't have. And then he has like dashes like he made a checklist. Yogurt stuff. I hate when places don't have yogurt stuff.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Breakfast sandwiches. Working toaster. So our bagels were cold. So one star. Door lock, that's a problem and then they don't have a working toaster. And his bagel was cold. Then he goes on to say it is one of the free
Starting point is 00:12:01 breakfast places in the vicinity. It's free now? Is it free? If it's free, I don't want to hear you complaining because you just got something for free. So shut the fuck up. And when does Starbucks give fucking anything out for free? That's what I mean. The hotel restaurant doesn't look like a bad option for tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Well, then shut the fuck up and eat there. What do you want from us? What an asshole. Okay. I don't like you, Mark. You're a dick. Here's Kerry with one star. Absolute worst Starbucks.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Worst one. Worst one out of all 8,473,912 Starbucks. Go across the street. There's another over there. Yeah. That's just in Tennessee, that many. Right. Zero stars would be awarded if possible.
Starting point is 00:12:44 We understand. Staff did not acknowledge any customer, did not speak at all. I don't think you could get through it without speaking. I really think they'd have to say something. They stand behind a register and stare at you until you tell them what you want. You've got to tell them. And then they tell somebody else. So when they tell somebody else, you know they heard you.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Right. There you go. That's when you make it. Look at that tell somebody else, you know they heard you. Right. There you go. That's when they make it. Look at that. Look how smooth that system works. Team member making drinks simply looked away. That's funny. I'd like this, just looking away.
Starting point is 00:13:15 I'm not hearing you. Finally, another team member approached the cash register and did not speak at all. The only time words were exchanged was when the drink making team member shouted that a child was touching a juice bottle. Okay. Avoid this location. Rude, staff. Starbucks leadership needs to experience this behavior. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Starbucks. Johnny Starbuck needs to come down. Starts at the top. And talk about this. What the fuck was his name? Howard whatever the hell. Starbucks guy. It wasn't Starbucks, right?
Starting point is 00:13:47 No, no. Nothing to do with a Starbucks. No, he just thought people like stars and money, I think. And we'll put that together. Starbucks, yeah. Sounds good. And then we'll do a fucking mermaid. Yeah, oh, well, who doesn't like a mermaid?
Starting point is 00:13:58 It's the Little Mermaid. Come on. It's mermaid times here. Mermaids are great. It's Seattle or by the water, mermaids. Every woman wanted to be one for like four years there fuck yeah jessica gives one star by far the worst starbucks experience to date again the worst cashier had a condescending attitude cutting me off while i was explaining how i want my iced coffee made oh jesus i asked for a different roast, and she goes, so you just want an iced coffee?
Starting point is 00:14:27 No, I want it made how I'm paying for it. Oh, God. These people are angry. When you're dealing with people's addictions, if you could review crack dealers, it would probably be like worst reviews, I think, because when you're dealing with an addiction and someone's standing between you and the thing you need,
Starting point is 00:14:42 I feel like you know sparks could fly that normally wouldn't fly yeah um also i asked for cream and sugar and she just said i would need to add it myself and pointed to where it was by the door that's what it is at starbucks you want cream and sugar there's a fucking station for them and then you can add as much as you want or as little as you want then we don't have to deal with this fucking it's that was too much shit that's better didn't bother to ask if i wanted classic syrup or regular syrup they sound the same classic and regular sound similar that seems like the same thing yeah coffee tasted weak and watered down okay just overall very. Could have made better coffee at home.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Overall, very ghetto. Very, very ghetto. What does that mean? I don't know. It's in the Westin, so it's not really ghetto. It's in a fucking Westin hotel, which is where all the conferences are and there's weddings there and shit. The Westin used to be so much nicer before. Whatever the fuck owns it now owns it. Is it Marriott?
Starting point is 00:15:43 I think so. It's all conventions now. It's all bullshit. Yeah bullshit yeah you're just gonna see drunk people in the elevator packed in there with suits on going what are you doing tonight holding the drink fucking wedding there's always a fucking wedding there's always five weddings that's the problem i don't stay at those anymore uh the audacity for their credit card machine asking for a tip before paying. They deserve nothing. Okay, you're an asshole is what that is. And people with that attitude are why people on the other side have a shit attitude back. It's all circular.
Starting point is 00:16:14 You've got to understand, too, the level of gruff. I've literally never had a Starbucks employee mad at me. It's because I say, black coffee. And they go, oh, God, that's so easy. Yeah. Yeah. If you have an easy order, guess what?
Starting point is 00:16:27 It's going to be the level of gruff is equivalent to your pain in the ass fucking order. If you've got an asshole order, you're going to have assholes in your face. That's what it is. As Michael Jackson said, when he wasn't molesting a child, if you want to make the world a better place,
Starting point is 00:16:44 take a look at yourself and make the change, Jimmy. And then he said, show me your butthole, young man, which is a different message completely. Yeah, hilariously, he said that and then did that. Yeah, and then did that that which is he made a change all right uh bad one didn't want to make a change he liked the way he was speaking of michael jackson michael is the next one star what'd he do i'm sorry but this experience was not good no nope i ordered three different coffees and none of them even remotely resembled what I ordered.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Were they coffee? I don't know. It was brown and sweet. This is why I'm not good here, because I'd be like, I guess it's coffee. That's what coffee tastes like. On top of that, the service was annoyingly slow. Yeah, because you wanted your fix. And you were like, come on, hurry up with my shit.
Starting point is 00:17:42 And you ordered an asshole order. Stop. And you had your arm tied off, and you were waiting for it, and and it wasn't ready yet you were all tied off and waiting to go someone's still fucking melting the shit in the spoon that's the problem you're like come on i'm tied off let's go you're rinsing a syringe in the toilet the young lady who took the honor was nice but she was the only good part of the visit. Okay. That's it. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:18:08 Alicia is pissed. One star. Very angry. The barista working today at 11 a.m. with long braids, and then in parentheses, so the manager can figure out who to speak to. Yeah. Like, they're going to take you seriously. Was so rude to me, it is baffling how this young woman has a job okay she even went as far as to make fun of me slash my drink otter hatefully under her breath what did she say did she call
Starting point is 00:18:34 was she like this bitch-ass coffee twat like what could how hatefully could it have been like both me and her colleague who heard her a kind young man who was the only decent part of my visit looked at each other in complete shock oh so shocking yeah a pissy barista shocking never heard of that before back home i visit our local starbucks daily and if anyone ever in all caps treated me or anyone else like this they would be without a job by day's end i will bury you at the local starbucks alicia queen of the local starbucks here alicia needs to come she needs to understand that anything that's available to everybody is never going to be top quality no and never alicia's picture is of a blonde lady who looks like she'd be
Starting point is 00:19:26 getting people fired from starbucks just the look on her face not the fact that she's blonde she looks like she has an asshole drink order absolutely um wow uh let's see here if this woman doesn't like dealing with customers dot dot dot then she should rethink her profession well that's where you're wrong because this this isn't her profession. She's probably going to school or working another job or something of that matter, in a way. Her attitude is not in alignment with the Starbucks brand.
Starting point is 00:19:54 No. Oh, and now she's a brand manager here. You've seen their mission statement and their policy book? I am. She is the queen of Starbucks, Alicia. Worst Starbucks experience, all caps, ever! Ever! Three exclamation points.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Like they threw boiling hot coffee in her face. That would be the worst one ever. They beat the shit out of me, threw dumped hot coffee on me. That would be the worst person ever. That's not that bad. Okay, let's do one more here. One star for incognito. This is the worst Starbucks I've ever been to.
Starting point is 00:20:27 How do you mess up a white mocha? What is a white mocha? No fucking idea. I don't know how you'd mess it up. I don't even know how you'd make it correctly. I have no idea. Every time I've been here, the service and the service providers get more and more unfriendly and outright rude. Service providers get more and more unfriendly and outright rude.
Starting point is 00:20:46 My white mocha tasted like watered down milk. So I asked the, and in quotes, barista, if she could remake my drink. They don't even like calling them what they are. After she rolled her eyes and gave me terrible attitude, she proceeded to tell me, quote, and I'm reading this exactly as written. Ain't nothing wrong with wit yo drink. N-U-T-T-I-N. Nothing. I hope she tasted it and then went, ain't nothing wrong with that, and handed it back. I hope at that point, this person, I hope she poured it down the front of their shirt because this guy sounds like an asshole.
Starting point is 00:21:19 After waiting 15 minutes, I finally talked to the manager and asked for a refund. The manager was even rude, acting like it was such an inconvenience that she had to leave the back area to give me a refund. And then this is all caps the whole sentence. This Starbucks is a slap in the face to all proper Starbucks baristas and managers. Okay. Holy shit. These people are angry at Starbucks. Slap in the face.
Starting point is 00:21:43 It's a cup of coffee. These people are acting like somebody remodeled their house and then half of it fell in or something. It's a cup of coffee. Calm the fuck down. It's fascinating the attitude and the entitlement people have when they overpay for coffee. And that's what they're doing. So you're overpaying for it. So they're like, this should be the best coffee.
Starting point is 00:22:01 No, motherfucker. Just because you're dumb. They're charging that because people are paying it, you moron we all pay it because that's what's there right um next up we got to get out of here so let's get out of here on the worst form of transportation possible let's take the bus and get the hell out of here jimmy what do you say okay all right we're gonna take the bus oh oh yeah yeah yeah no we're taking a bus here at the public at the port authority bus terminal in new york city yeah oh yeah this is the right the oh yeah this is the bus located in manhattan it's the busiest bus terminal in the world by volume of traffic by the way wow serving about 8 000 buses
Starting point is 00:22:39 and 225 000 people on an average weekday and more than 65 million people a year. Oh, my God. It's a fucking disaster. We'll put it that way. Yeah. 625 8th Avenue, New York City. All right. Let's start with five stars because there's not many of them. Five stars from Jose.
Starting point is 00:22:57 Very clean and spacious since its renovation. Schedule board is very clear and bus schedule is always on time. Many food vendors to choose from on each floor food is great oh at the terminal yeah yeah yeah they're eating food at the bus station you're in new york city stop for something before you get to the bus station there's plenty of food there are bagels on every corner there's pizza places everywhere there's nice food down there tons of there's stands you can get decent stuff hot dogs on the street fuck even that yeah michael gives five stars this place can be a madhouse if you don't know what you're doing
Starting point is 00:23:30 people constantly get lost don't know what gate they need they stick out like a sore thumb and most likely will be asked for change cigarettes etc from people yeah from panhandler people look at the board ask information slash ticketing agent, and walk with confidence. Don't talk to strangers, and don't get outside the terminal slash street and look like a deer in headlights. You can just ignore people. It is NYC. You should have read that review before getting on the subway. You should have definitely read that review.
Starting point is 00:24:00 I'll remember that for next time. Here's a three star. Okay. And this is from, this is a good review here. Three stars. No longer smells strongly of urine. No longer. No longer.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Now it only smells faintly of urine. You know what? But that's positive. You have to acknowledge positive change. Yeah. They're on their way to getting rid of it. Smelling of less urine is positive. She could have said it smells strongly, even more strong like urine now.
Starting point is 00:24:33 That would have been worse. I almost can't smell the piss anymore. It's just a faint. It's almost nostalgic now. We're like, I actually am. Remember when this used to be pungent? If there was any less, I would I wouldn't like it. I would miss it.
Starting point is 00:24:46 You know, I'd be like, where's that smell? Next up, Tony with two stars. Two star Tony over here. Yeah. On a scale of one to ten, I give this place a mess. I don't think that's an option. On a one to ten scale, mess is in there somewhere. I give it a mess.
Starting point is 00:25:04 I give it a mess. I give it a mess. Everything is labeled correctly. It could be a little confusing for people who are not used to going here on a daily. Sometimes I can smell like urine, but what do you expect? Everything underground in New York City smells like urine. It's got nowhere to go. It's just down there. There's plenty of police and security there at least but there
Starting point is 00:25:26 are also plenty of homeless down there as well okay yeah there's also poop down here can't smell that oh well we're getting to that there's what do you think we're not going to talk about poop at all in this episode god damn it there's going to be poop there will be poop your stupid opinions promise there will be poop. That is the fecal promise that we deliver to you every week. Frank here gives three stars. Dirty, ugly, crowded with people who block traffic by looking at their phones serendipitously in front of a narrow hallway or escalator. The homeless screaming profanities outside the entrance. Police slash military with semi-automatic standing guard. The smell of bus fumes and urine.
Starting point is 00:26:10 This is sounding like a slam poem at this point. A microcosm of the so-called concrete jungle that is New York City. At least the terminal works. You have to say that like an early 60s beat poet. You know what I mean? Dirty, ugly, crowded with people who block traffic by looking at their phones serendipitously. I don't think they're using that word correctly.
Starting point is 00:26:35 No. Well, yeah. Accidentally. Just magically. They didn't mean to be standing in front of, but magically they're in the most narrow place possible. That person sounds like an asshole. Yeah. mean to be standing in front of but magically they're in the most narrow place possible that person sounds like an asshole um yeah that's why you're on the bus sir because no one will give you a ride because you're an asshole michael another michael different michael gives two stars while
Starting point is 00:26:55 it doesn't always smell of urine and feces not always it's it is still considered a circle of hell. That's the whole review. I mean, you know. If they're all expecting the piss, why mention it? It's there. It should be in the description. All these buses will smell of urine, faintly or more strongly, depending on the day. Depending on how hot it is out.
Starting point is 00:27:26 Did you hear how many fucking people use this a year? Do you think there's a single chance that all of those people can wait to use the bathroom? All of those people have any form of dignity whatsoever. That's the other thing. Hundreds of thousands of people, all of them full of dignity. Every single one of those people fully capable of getting to the restroom right now? Yeah, totally, and wanting to. Renisa gives it one star.
Starting point is 00:27:55 I took buses from here twice, and they've been delayed three to four hours both times. Oh, my God. I'm going to sit there for four hours smelling urine. A four-hour delay for the bus? For the bus, yeah. I'd rather walk. You could have walked, I think, at that point. How fucking far is your destination?
Starting point is 00:28:11 Four hours, Jesus. Just such bad experiences. There's homeless. It's dirty and freezing cold. If you're buying tickets, make sure it doesn't say Port Authority. I promise you won't get to the places on time and you'll be exhausted and annoyed. Yeah. All right. My God. Okay. Here is Vendor Chick is her name. One star writing this on behalf of my very dear friend. Oh boy. Who had taken the bus from Weehawken to New York Port
Starting point is 00:28:41 Authority. She had met other friends to sightsee, ice skate at Bryant Park, etc., etc. But when it came time to come back, the app said what time the bus was leaving, 3.02 a.m. Okay, all bets are off. What? If you're in the fucking Port Authority bus terminal at 3.02 a.m.,
Starting point is 00:28:58 you deserve anything you get at that point. Someone pees on you, you go, it's 3 a.m. at the bus terminal, this is what I get. And you fucking shrug and you move on with your day they probably should have skipped that ice skating trip yeah maybe maybe go later or go in the three hours later what are you what are you doing wait till the sun to for the sun to crack through the clouds and then come out when she was dropped off she found all the doors were locked. No one in sight either.
Starting point is 00:29:25 So the bus was at 302, but she couldn't get into the terminal. In a split second, this man yelled at her, who you calling, bitch? Here we go. It's on. She didn't say anything, but someone said, who you calling, bitch? Yeah. She had called me petrified and ended up calling a Lyft. If you can afford a Lyft, you shouldn't be riding the bus.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Yeah, what are you doing? That's crazy. Disgraceful, unpleasant, and not safe to do that. Or due to that. The schedule she viewed should be made very clear, the hour in which the doors close, and the steps one must take to get safely on a bus. I've never visited there, and after hearing
Starting point is 00:30:02 this, I'd want to avoid it. She reviewed this based on a story her friend told her. She was on the phone, and her friend said, this guy just said, who are you calling a bitch? And I think he was yelling at me. Oh, man. Dan gives one star. Dirty.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Smells like urine. Seems to be a theme here. Dirty. Smells like urine. Creepy dudes hitting on my girlfriend while we waited in line for four hours for a bus that never showed up. Oh, my God. Just dudes hitting on your girlfriend. Four hours of standing in a terminal waiting for a bus that never shows up while creepy men just compliment my girlfriend's tits.
Starting point is 00:30:42 Just constantly like, hey, honey, how you doing? Nice game, sweetheart. While your arms are around each other. Homeless people panhandling and bothering you while in line. Port Authority Police Department standing around doing nothing. No seats for customers. Nasty bathrooms. Zero stars.
Starting point is 00:31:00 We'll never go there again by choice. Yeah. I feel like forced, maybe maybe here's one star and there's a picture here of an employee i'll show you here there's a port authority employee playing candy crush playing something on her phone and it's a one star from justin that woman at the photo that has the red arrow pointing at her she's the only person in the photo it is nobody else it's a photo of one single woman sitting in a chair and there's a there's a red arrow pointing at her also in case you missed her because she's the only thing in the picture in a yellow vest
Starting point is 00:31:37 like you can't in a yellow safety vest you can't fucking miss her that woman at the photo at the photo not even in the photo that has the red arrow pointing at her, that woman is all caps with a space between each letter. Ugly. What is that? And that woman is, again, all caps and spaced. Loser. She's an ugly loser. See that red arrow pointing at her?
Starting point is 00:32:02 That's the loser arrow right there. Oh, my goodness goodness that's it that's it that's the whole thing she's a loser fuck her no name on her or anything like that just eat shit she's a loser no reason why he's calling her this no no no no just just that's loser roast, my God. Okay, here we go. Here's another one here. One star from DJ. Authorities need to address the problem of aggressive panhandlers. In 15 minutes, I was approached six times. Even had one beggar follow me and continuously and specifically ask me for an iced coffee and a donut.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Thank you. Look, that Starbucks is real mean. Listen, I will give people money. Like, you know me. I'm happy to do. I'm not fucking ordering your food for you. That's on you. Never.
Starting point is 00:32:55 I'll give you my. What does that cost? Fine. Here. I'm not getting it for you. An iced coffee and a jelly donut. I'm not a fucking DoorDash driver now. That didn't that
Starting point is 00:33:05 didn't just happen while while we were having this conversation so sir sir i will have an iced coffee and a donut please oh do i look like fucking uh what's her name from starbucks there i don't have a duncan donuts fucking logo on me do i what no what happened here holy shit so uh the cops see this behavior and do nothing. If NYC wants to scourge as their welcome committee, so be it. It's a pretty accurate depiction of what to expect when you leave the terminal. Okay. And then finally, Pilot Steve gives one star.
Starting point is 00:33:39 I cannot be made to believe this disgusting dump hasn't been condemned. I can make you believe i can take you there and you can walk right in and i'll go see not condemned i bet it's still there proved it uh this place is absolutely not fit for human habitation wow habitation at all you shouldn't be habitating there yeah you shouldn't get in and get the fuck out let alone the pigeons flying around inside the building it's not even fit for pigeons this place yeah they were probably more homeless there were probably more homeless dregs lying around than paying travelers they literally took up all the already sparse seating what a terrible
Starting point is 00:34:16 experience a suitable and fitting example of what this city has become okay that i'm tired of that fucking what it's become shit because it's i'll just say i'm not going to defend whatever but it's got literally the lowest crime rate new york city has ever had in the history of its fucking existence it's still going to be crime because there's eight million people crammed on a fucking island and that's what happens if you don't like that you shouldn't fucking go to new york fucking city because guess what's there eight million motherfuckers crowned on a fucking island that's what happens and it's probably cold outside i'm sick and when you have eight million fucking people there's gonna be some that are homeless and where are they gonna go when it's cold they're gonna fucking die on the street that's the thing they're going down
Starting point is 00:35:02 into the bus station that's homeless people go homeless people go to where resources are right which is people that's why they're in cities people in small towns go no homeless people here yeah because there's nobody there's no where the fuck are they going to do sit on the side of the road there's no house to house there's no infrastructure set up for them there that's what i mean so it's just what to what can be expected so i don't know but you know what i need to get let's get the fuck out let's get the fuck i need to get out of the bus terminal the starbucks i'm very stressed out let's decompress with our personal item of the week time to relax a little bit here jimmy with this let's get after it strange pussy pump um i'll show it to you oh it's got a blood pressure it does with a little knob and
Starting point is 00:35:48 everything and a little knob for adjusting and then a pink tube connects to the suction cup like what device is this for it's called a vaginal pump kit medium i don't know if they have difference yeah they have a large the largest six dollars more and the small is four dollars more i don't want to i don't want to see who's using the small if your pussy isn't regular size you are paying for it let me tell you that you got a bigger or smaller one what are they looking for what does this do i'm not sure let's find out um it says it's a size matters is the brand. It's a style vibrator. Says it's $14.90 here on Amazon, which is only two left in stock. So if you want this, you better get out there and get in there.
Starting point is 00:36:33 If you got a medium. Yeah. Check your pussy size first. I'm not sure if it's like a shoe store. Is there a size chart for this? Mechanisms they can put up to your vagina and see how big it is or what. But I think you need to check it. Here's the description.
Starting point is 00:36:50 Ergonomic and comfortable. That's good. Okay. Medium sized and designed to fit snug to provide a strong seal during pumping. I got to seal myself up. So it goes on the outside. If I was a woman, I'd do that at night just to make sure nothing got in there you know what i mean just make sure like you never know they say they say you eat spiders in your sleep james i don't know does your pussy eat spiders too i don't know
Starting point is 00:37:15 locking up for the night everybody i mean that's it the hand pump and no kink hose is easy to use and enjoy. Quick release valve allows you to quickly relieve pressure. Once you hit your vacuum limits so you can enjoy the heightened pleasure ASAP. What the fuck is the pleasure? I don't know. Let's find out because I'm confused as shit. I don't know how this works. Okay. Here is JG with five stars.
Starting point is 00:37:45 Good for newbies who want to experiment without spending $4 signs. He's put here lots of money. Okay, works well for what it is slash what I expected. What the fuck is it? What did you expect? This is not helping. How did you expect anything? Bottom line, this was a cheap pump, and i bought it because i was curious but
Starting point is 00:38:05 didn't want to shell out mega dollars on it to see whether i'd like it is are there mega dollar pumps out there i guess one of those pricey pussy pumps those are bad you gotta watch out for those in the end i've been happy with it it is slightly large well shell out an extra four bucks and get one that fits bitch i don't know what to tell you. Get the small. Mm-hmm. But repositioning and using an oil around the plastic cup edge helps a lot. This sounds complicated. I don't understand what it does.
Starting point is 00:38:33 I still don't get it either. Someone's going to be specific and a little bit graphic, I believe. I hope so, yeah. I highly recommend this for anyone who's curious and wants to experiment. It's not a top-of-the-line pump. Obviously not. Yeah. 13 bucks. But I like this sensation.
Starting point is 00:38:50 It doesn't vibrate at all, but I've had a blast with it. No issues with leaking air, et cetera, so long as it's in place. You may need to press down a bit while doing the first bit of suction. I'd say it's worth the low price. I think it was nine to ten dollars when i bought it i want to see this work i i yeah i don't yeah this i'm just just as like a scientific experiment i don't know yeah is it like do you like do you like checking blood pressure is that yeah and it just suctions your your, and I guess that makes it feel good. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:39:26 I've never had. No, I've never. Wow. Maybe we don't know as much about vaginas as we thought, but I didn't know suctioning the whole area is what you were looking for. Like, just a general pull. I didn't know you wanted me to suck the whole thing. Yeah. I'll get the shop vac if that's what you're looking for.
Starting point is 00:39:40 I'll go get the shop vac. We'll suck out your fucking ovaries if that's what you need we don't care but you basically want a guy with no teeth to just take the whole thing and just but not just and just hold the pressure hold it hold the pressure like yes let's find out man karen gives five stars too maybe she explains it let's find out awesome man. Karen gives five stars, too. Maybe she explains it. Let's find out. Awesome is her title. I had seen pictures and videos of women pumping their vagina.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Where? Where are they? Wow. After doing some research about what this suction can do for someone, okay, I decided to try one. My first priority was safety. The pump has a hand-squeezed pump with a quick-release valve. Getting the blood-slash-oxygen flowing through the veins really awakens the sensitivity around the pleasure points. Okay. Is this like a primer? Is this a primer more than it is a... Is this a fluffing device more than it is a...
Starting point is 00:40:41 It's like cupping. Yeah. It's not going across the finish line but it's going to start the race like one of the relay yeah so it's a warm-up it's like stretching okay when i received my package uh which was in a brown box so no one knew what i had ordered yeah that's good i was super excited i couldn't wait to use it we started out with the pump. I told my honey to do one squeeze at a time with a couple of minutes in between squeezes. How long are you laying there with this thing on your pussy? Just suction it to yourself.
Starting point is 00:41:12 It takes a couple of seconds for the pump to release the air out of the cup. I could feel the suction as my body was beginning to swell. The cup fit perfectly. A medium. She's a medium vag there. Therefore, very happy it Okay. The cup fit perfectly. A medium. She's a medium.
Starting point is 00:41:26 A medium gal. Medium vag there. Therefore, very happy it comes in three sizes. After the second pump, we tried the release button. Worked great. Okay. It's a huge turn on to see the vagina lip swell. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:43 So we want those lips big too. Is this like, yeah, is this like those penis suction? I guess so. Oh, yeah, there are penis pumps, yeah. Yeah, I guess that's kind of what it is. We did start out slowly because I don't want to do any damage. That's probably good. Cleaning up was, yeah, cleaning was super easy.
Starting point is 00:42:01 Mild soap and water. It's just a cup, a plastic cup. It also works well on the breast. Another added value. I have achieved the fat lips, the two X's that I have used, the two times I have used. Achieved the fat lips. Okay. Kardashian lips.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Wow, yeah, just down there. The tube is a quick release to come off the suction cup. This is my first vagina pump and I'm super happy with it. I would highly recommend this product. All right. That's not bad. Here's three stars.
Starting point is 00:42:30 This thing hurts. Oh, no. That doesn't sound like three stars. That sounds like one. Yeah, that's not good at all. I bought to increase blood flow and hopefully increase my sex drive. The plastic suction cup has no rubber lip to it and it hurts. Suction is really strong.
Starting point is 00:42:47 I don't know if I'll use it again. It really hurt. That seems one star. Yeah, you may have used it wrong. Here's two stars. Okay. Plumpness required is the title here. Where?
Starting point is 00:43:02 We'll find out. I have a feeling. I have a feeling they're gonna tell us i bought with all sorts i bought this with all sorts of wild thoughts running through my mind yeah like what i someone tell me why it's just that's all i want i unpacked it slapped it on my chest over my man nipples and went pump okay a dude did it a dude did it and wow good suction all right it pulls really it really pulls hard excellent so found the girl he just went on the street you know and he's like with a pussy pump in his hand he's like sweetheart and he shook it at her
Starting point is 00:43:39 i saw this online and i need a woman now. Found the girl. Usually that comes first, but okay. He got the toy. Yeah, very hopeful for the cart. Jesus. Yeah. Got her all excited and placed it over her breast. Pump. Yep.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Pulls hard. Nice effect. In fact, two pumps would be painful. So taking it easy, keeping her happy happy elsewhere gradually pumped up and filled it with breast good for her nice for me what just like on the street this person sounds like a serial killer i feel like very weird wild thoughts running through my mind with a pump in a hand i gotta find a girl and put it on her. Like, this is weird as fuck. Then moved it off the breast and down to where it is advertised to work.
Starting point is 00:44:30 Yeah. Okay. My girl is slim. Couldn't find any angle which it could get suction. If you have a bony vag region, it's going to be difficult. So I untied her and let her leave. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:44 So then I untied her and then buried her. She was certainly dead. I had to strangle this one. Untied her, cleaned up all the blood, and buried her. The cup is hard plastic. It does not mold to fit. So it needs to plump. It needs plump and meat to sink into into before you can get the suction to work.
Starting point is 00:45:05 I don't like how he talks. He referred to a woman's vaginal area as meat. I don't care for that. Plump and meat. Someone dig up this guy's yard. I swear to God, you're going to find things. At least some ground penetrating x-ray back there. Wow.
Starting point is 00:45:21 So it definitely completely failed on the three I tried it on. The three I tried it on the three i tried it on oh my god he's killed three all too slim he's dismissing girls because the pussy pump doesn't work on them do you understand what's happening here he's going i don't want to see you anymore is it something i said no your pussy's too thick i need a meatier pussy. And he goes out, gets a girl. Do this one too. He got the pump first and trying to get the girl to fit the pump. This is crazy. And he even, he further cements this in the next line when he says,
Starting point is 00:46:00 does it mean I have to go out and hunt a chubby? Oh my God. Jesus Christ. This guy has murdered so many women. Hunt a chubby. I'm tired. Hunt a chubby. Then he says, well, I guess duty calls.
Starting point is 00:46:15 Oh, Jesus. Summary, if your girl is chubby, you might get suction. If she is not, you won't. Too bad I'm attracted to very thin women wow do i have to hunt a chubby i i don't know what the hell to even say about that hey he hunts all the time it sounds like and i hope they've caught him by now i hope so too jesus christ here is jessica with one star yeah would. Would lose suction. Okay.
Starting point is 00:46:47 One thing I didn't like was after only a few pumps, I filled the cup and it didn't feel like it was helping me swell. Oh. Oh. That's a shame. Another problem, it was losing suction. Well, maybe your pussy's too thin. That's good. We've heard that.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Take it as a compliment. You've lost a lot of weight in your pussy sweetheart and it's going well good for you yeah i don't know what to say um once it was maxed the air would just come right come right in and ruin it i'm sure everything was tight and put together properly i made sure of that if you don't got a lot of lips and more hot dog style. What? Wait a second. Are they talking like a hot dog neck?
Starting point is 00:47:33 Like rolls? The bun, I mean. Not the bun. Well, they should have said the bun then. They just said hot dog. That makes you think of a dick. What are we talking about? If you got a dick, this thing ain't going to work for you.
Starting point is 00:47:45 If your pussy's actually a dick, it's going to be not great for you. Okay, I'm going to read that again. If you don't got a lot of lips and more hot dogs style, this would pump. But if you have an Audi with juicy lips. Yeah. I can't get air. She wrote this on the internet. Much like the suction on a thin girl's vagina.
Starting point is 00:48:24 I can't get any air. I just can't. If you have an Audi with juicy lips, this pump won't pump far to get that desired proper suck and swell. Every girl's looking for a suck and swell. We all know it. We know all about her pussy right now all about it i could picture it i guess except for the hot dog thing i don't understand that but um made me sad not angry not upset all i was thinking is i wished this was a penis pump it would give really good suction honest review no sugar coating
Starting point is 00:49:05 no shit we got that you definitely weren't sugarcoating anything you went into salted your own vagina so hard oh my god jesus christ this is oh okay last one one star trash nothing more to say besides it's trash. It sucks like quite literally. It sucks like quite. Yes, that's what then doesn't release the air pressure for the bulb to fill back up. It's such trash that I'm calling Amazon tomorrow to speak about a refund because they don't do refunds. That's your pussy pump now.
Starting point is 00:49:47 That's why you're going wait on the phone the lady on the phone's just gonna ask you about how meaty and juicy your pussy yes you're gonna call a person sitting in a cubicle with a 10 line phone and say i put this on my pussy and i'm not satisfied i want my 14 dollars back really you don't understand it doesn't suck the way I hoped. Jesus Christ. It's usable. Yeah, I'm looking at the item you bought. Oh, Jesus. Oh, my God. Oh, the pussy. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:11 We'll just give it back. I don't care. It's unusable, so find another because this thing is nothing besides disappointment. Okay. My goodness. And then there's two more. Sorry. They're very fast.
Starting point is 00:50:23 Amy gives one star. You suck is the title. This was the worst phone I've ever had. It's not. What? What? I would have never. I would never recommend nobody buy it and would never again.
Starting point is 00:50:40 I've lost my trust in these people that made this. Well, yeah. If you thought it was a phone and they sent you a pussy pump you should definitely not trust those people anymore i would certainly hate boost mobile as well no shit and then the next one this would you'd really be confused if you didn't understand how this worked one star the suction cup was missing oh no so you're just gonna pump air into your pussy until your head explodes. Just put a hose in there.
Starting point is 00:51:08 I guess this is what you do. What the hell am I supposed to do with half the product? Okay, that is a goddamn disaster. Wow. And a mess. So that said, I don't even know what to do with myself here. I can't believe a man bought that and then went looking for women. Dan was like, where are all the women at? i need a chubby a oh so i don't know what to do
Starting point is 00:51:30 let's go let's just go walk around a walmart what do you say okay yeah yeah let's go to dayton ohio and go to a walmart super center what do you say jimmy everyone out there super center with all the groceries you know the winner uh 3.6 stars on google which is oh not great this is 3465 york commons boulevard dayton ohio let's find out about it five stars from your dad is the name here probably so if anybody anybody's looking for him there he is i am writing this review to hopefully guide this store in the right direction. It hasn't been the same since Joey left. Oh, and where is Joey? What is this, a fucking general store in the center of town?
Starting point is 00:52:18 This is a Walmart super center. Joey bettered his life. Leave him alone. Yeah, be happy for Joey. And they should really bring him back. What if he doesn't want to be here? Yeah, what if he's off at college getting a degree in something? He was very helpful and worked extremely hard and helped me multiple times when needing to find things.
Starting point is 00:52:37 The store has the potential to improve and become better if they are given the chance, but they need to take it. and become better if they are given the chance, but they need to take it. And then all caps, bring him back and let him in so he can guide the team and light their path to success and greatness. Who the fuck is Joey? What is happening?
Starting point is 00:52:58 He's his son, evidently. Wow. Joey is a beacon of light that can turn the Walmart. It won't be a piece of shit anymore if Joey's allowed in to show everyone the way. When was the last time you walked in a Walmart and didn't know where something was? You know where everything is. There's giant signs hanging over that say where the fuck it is. And if Joey needs to help you, Joey shouldn't be there.
Starting point is 00:53:20 I don't understand. Okay. This is unbelievable. Bruce gives it five stars. This five-star rating goes to the two associates charles and buffy oh and buffy buffy buffy worked at walmart then he says i hope i spelled their names right are there alternate spellings of charles and buffy what the fuck are the ultimate alternate spellings of charles and buffy yeah i'd love to know that uh that is there the oh do you mean buffy b-u-f-f-y or b-u-f-f-i-e because we have both
Starting point is 00:53:51 so which buffy are you talking about b-u-p-h-y here is that because we uh we have them actually yes but she works back in like the auto department so we don't also b-o-u-g-h-y yeah again she's in returns. We don't really count her. We're talking about floor associates here. So we have two there. So which one are we discussing? That helped me today.
Starting point is 00:54:13 By the way, this was less than a month ago. They were right there. And went out of their way to make sure that I received the items that I was looking for. Okay. Most associates just don't care. But these two were very professional and make shopping at Walmart a joy. Thank you, Charles and Buffy.
Starting point is 00:54:29 Yeah. Now, if you're the manager, you're going, two employees walked one person around and found shit. Who? Why? Get the oldest employee we have
Starting point is 00:54:39 and send them on the mission. That's it. There's a greeter. Have that guy help him. Yeah. He's not lifting boxes anyway. So that guy, you walk around, he'll help you. That's literally his job. Hi that guy help him. He's not lifting boxes anyway. So that guy, you walk around and he'll help you.
Starting point is 00:54:46 That's literally his job. Hi, welcome to Walmart. Do you need any help? That's his job. Joey, come over here for a minute. Desiree gives one star. This, again, from a very recent visit here four weeks ago. I was trying to use the restroom before I started shopping, and I had someone knock on my stall three times and then ask how much longer I would be.
Starting point is 00:55:10 Is it an employee? You're right. Or just a Walmart. Or just another woman who had to shit. Which one are we talking about here? Yeah, how many stalls are there? It was the larger stall, but I just went in to use the restroom, and in a matter of five minutes, had two women screaming at me, and then an employee come look under the stall at me using the bathroom, then attempted to open the door while I'm in there. Yeah, she's in there.
Starting point is 00:55:39 I see her. She's shitting. I see her. Open the door. Pull on it. Come on. Let's go. Hey, come on.
Starting point is 00:55:45 You guys grab my, you grab me and pull it. Well, all three of us will do this. We'll get this bitch out of here. On three. I felt so uncomfortable and honestly violated. Yeah. Imagine if you're as vulnerable as you can be. And now a crowd has gathered outside that not only is angry.
Starting point is 00:56:07 Your ankles are tied up and your genitals are out. Like that is the most vulnerable you can be. And you have poop on you, which is also you're not ready for public consumption. Nor fighting. What were they going to do if they opened the door? Pull her off the toilet? You going to do if they opened the door? Pull her off the toilet. What are we going to pull this out? Yank her off the toilet,
Starting point is 00:56:30 pummel her, leave her there with her underwear around her ankles, bleeding out on a floor alone in there with now three women that are trying to break into the stall and staring at me under the door for exclamation points. What a scene. What the fuck is that? This next line, after all of that, this next line is hilarious. Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:53 It was unprofessional at best. Really? Were they all wearing blue vests? Unprofessional at best? unprofessional at best and i never expected to be harassed over using the restroom in a public place especially by an employee and to the extent that it was one thing i will say she said it was the larger stall she's using the handicap handicap stall stall and people are saying maybe there's someone out there in a wheelchair that really has to go right as we know like we have a comic friend who was in that situation and
Starting point is 00:57:25 i've like guided him in and stuff and if that stall ain't open it's a problem so oh boy yeah he's he's he's just gonna piss and wherever it lands it lands from the front of the stall from the open doorway otherwise and somehow he has a p-stream that's like a nickel it's it was it was like it was it was deep and it flew far. I was like, that's impressive, man. Yeah. Holy shit. That is amazing. MJ here gives it one star.
Starting point is 00:57:49 Michael Jordan, I'm sure. Yeah. Avoid this Walmart at all costs. Yeah. Management is a joke. Okay. Must be down from Canada, these people. That's what it is.
Starting point is 00:57:59 Winnipeg. Yep. And the employees just stand around doing absolutely nothing. The shelves aren't stocked. No, it's not a Walmart. There's pictures, by the way, and it looks, it's barren. Is it barren? Look at it.
Starting point is 00:58:12 What the fuck? Where is this? It looks like a Walmart that's going out of business. Yeah. Walmart's in trouble. Holy shit. The shelves that are stocked are stocked with items that don't belong. So just people throw shit on them. It's like a label. Yeah. Like a fucking Dinty Moore label and there's like a Squishmallow sitting there.
Starting point is 00:58:30 It says eight pack GE light bulbs, $14.99. It's not what I wanted. Or a Squishmallow. The lines are ridiculous. There are 28 lanes in this Walmart, but apparently there's only one cashier in the entire store. I've never been to a Walmart where all those cashiers are lit up. Not even Black Friday or whatever it is. Never.
Starting point is 00:58:53 Never near any holidays. I've never seen all of them manned. Every time there's 30 lit up. They set those up and went, that ought to trick them. They'll never see them lit up go on gladys get on your register and fucking get the line going uh that ought to make them feel comfortable they'll get it yeah self-checkout is probably the only employee in the building who does their job which is just standing there yeah because that person is trying to keep you all from stealing that's it the worst the worst part self-checkout doesn't get paid what do they work for free are they they get paid i sure are being paid what is happening and by the way the crazy part of
Starting point is 00:59:39 that one is uh doesn't get paid seven people found that helpful somehow. What? Okay. One star from Josh. My experience was in the oil change department. Uh-oh. You got your car? Okay. Walmart service your vehicle. Why not? Yeah. Go ahead, guys. Tear it apart. I arrived
Starting point is 01:00:00 15 minutes after the place had opened. I stood up front for 10 minutes without anyone acknowledging me. I proceeded to start calling to maybe catch someone's attention. Calling who? A specific person or you just. Hello? Yep.
Starting point is 01:00:13 Whoop. Who do who? Who? What's up? Caw, caw, caw. What's that? Caw, caw, caw. Just Aquaman-ing it out of here.
Starting point is 01:00:34 Calling all my sea creatures. Yeah, that's his calling. Calling sea creatures to serve as my vehicle, please. Somebody go fuck it. At this point, I'll take it. What the fuck? somebody got fucking at this point i'll take it what the fuck uh 10 minutes later a gentleman walks out carrying some oil and started to walk away and i said sir aren't you going to answer the phone he said nope too busy there's answering machines that's it and i said well that's me trying to get my car in and i figured if I came he's standing there and calling
Starting point is 01:01:06 he called Walmart while standing there and a guy walks by the phone and he goes aren't you going to answer the phone and he's like well it's me calling I'm too busy for you in any form live communicate it doesn't matter I don't want to hear it that's the biggest fuck you
Starting point is 01:01:26 if you could send me a telegram maybe we can get it done with this how many different forms of communication i'm calling you right now we'll fuck you that way also someone shows up candy nope that's not gonna work either too busy too. Full of oil. Sorry. It's so funny. I figured if I came in in the morning, it would be slow, and he proceeded to tell me, nope, I'm too busy, and walked away. Nope. I brought the idea up to the manager.
Starting point is 01:02:01 The idea? What idea? Of what? Answering your customers? And hopefully he handled it. No. No no that's the way they operate probably oh my god here's one jay gives it one star not the best place to shop most employees look like they do not want to be there well if they do want to be there worry because they're stealing because there's no other reason to want to work there they have a racket going yeah it's disappearing out of the dock everybody has a bunch of kids in their family ask every child what they want to be when they grow up none of them will say
Starting point is 01:02:34 walmart employee the further back in the store you go the less likely you are to find help and they're they're the masters of quote i can do it for you but it's gonna take forever it's gonna take a aka i don't want to do it so i'm gonna make you think it'll take longer than uh than one than a line with 15 people in it okay i seriously try to avoid walmart seriously this place is out of hand no one cares cares. Tear it down for the sake of the community. Three stars. It's a scourge on the community. Scourge.
Starting point is 01:03:13 It's a scourge. Cheyenne with one star. I just purchased pants from the store. I never received them. They should have come today. The pants are a day late in shipping and she's leaving a fucking review already that that why they have less customers there if walmart didn't have any customers they will shut down this is all like sentences if
Starting point is 01:03:38 walmart didn't have any customers period they will shut down period period. What? Yeah. And if their customers order clothes, food, then it's a start of another paragraph. And they bring your stuff if you order. Just shame. Just shame. Walmart needs to do better for real. I mean, do better, man. better for real i mean do better man y'all will have more customers if y'all being our stuff out that we purchase or order like for real guys i am 100 back in what that person says because i don't understand what it was so that's fucking great um one star from nicole I find your bathrooms very gross and disgusting. Well, at least you have to use it.
Starting point is 01:04:26 Yeah, no shit. Three people were, that is fucking amazing. I find your bathrooms. To be gross. Very gross and disgusting. Your workers seem less than enthused to be there, and y'all need to be more organized. It's just a sad mess, to be honest. Yeah, that's Walmart.
Starting point is 01:04:49 And then here's Joshua. One star, some of the most disrespectful customer service associates I've ever encountered. If this is what Walmart is coming to, I'll starve! Triple exclamation point. I won't buy food from anywhere else. I'll just starve. Fuck it. I won't eat at all. This. I'll just starve. Fuck it.
Starting point is 01:05:06 I won't eat at all. This is on you, Mr. Walt. Wow. Here's, we'll do two more quick here. One star. This store never has anything in stock, even though online says that it is. Yeah. Whoever does the inventory in this store is on crack.
Starting point is 01:05:24 It's a crack crack. Thank you, 1982 or 1992 for your reference there. Yep, I said it. Yep. I threw down the gauntlet there like you just slap somebody with a glove across the face. So addicted people. So fix it, Walmart. Hire somebody that's more capable instead of hiring people that don't know what they're doing.
Starting point is 01:05:49 If your hiring procedure is giving you bad results, then you may need to change what it is you're looking for in the interviews and figure out efficient ways to find to find it. It all starts there. Yeah. So let's leave that Walmart right there there and we'll finish up walmart super center and date next week fantastic it's uh a party there and then we're gonna find a place to retire to after which is fun we got so much fun stuff and a real weird personal life next week's gonna be crazy as this week was hope you enjoyed it yeah i can't believe the the high bar people place on walmart and starbucks i find your bathrooms to be disgusting so certainly rate
Starting point is 01:06:33 and review this show do it nicely though nothing don't try to be funny please that just hurts us so do that give a nice review and uh also follow us on social media there's groups you can join yeah it's all that kind of shit hang out with us you can follow jimmy and us on social media there's groups you can join yeah it's all that kind of shit hang out with us you can follow Jimmy and I on social just follow us hang out with us keep coming back listen to our other two shows crime in sports and small town murder as well if you like true crime comedy stuff
Starting point is 01:06:56 check that out all sorts of fun shit coming up thank you so much for joining us and Jesus Christ be careful out there everybody I'm going to go hunt a chubby. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:07:07 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:07:08 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:07:08 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:07:09 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Follow Your Stupid Opinions on the Wondery app, Amazon Music, or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to every episode of Your Stupid Opinions ad-free by joining Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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