You're Wrong About - Gangs

Episode Date: August 22, 2019

“Isn’t it amazing how we can only imagine our monsters capitalistically?” Mike tells Sarah how police, prosecutors and journalists accidentally conspired to invent the perfect suburban menace. D...igressions include IKEA, the "Godfather" trilogy and Fleetwood Mac. Mike takes big gulping breaths when he reads out loud.Continue reading →Support us:Subscribe on PatreonDonate on PaypalBuy cute merchWhere to find us: Sarah's other show, Why Are Dads Mike's other show, Maintenance PhaseSupport the show

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Are there any penguins that aren't gay? Welcome to You're Wrong About, the show where we learn that American history is really a long list of things that white people have been disproportionately afraid of. Ooh! It's true, right? We're getting to the point where like we can't do the premise of the show anymore because like you know too much for you to come in fresh to any of these issues. Well, it's a repeating pattern.
Starting point is 00:00:31 I don't know the details, but I know that it's going to have like an ABAB structure. It'll be about some event spun out of context by some sort of pundit-sophist type and then being politically mobilized by some aspect of American political, etc. And then we get to the bridge and then the chorus. Yes, and then there'll be a chain email. I am Michael Hobbs. I'm a reporter for The Huffington Post. I'm Sarah Marshall.
Starting point is 00:00:59 I'm working on a book about the satanic panic. And we are on Patreon at slash you're wrong about. And today we are talking about street gangs. Why is it street gangs and not gangs? Well, I don't know. Maybe youth gangs. Youth is a fun 90s word to say. We should call it youths.
Starting point is 00:01:19 You're wrong about youths. So do you remember how the last two episodes, I was like, oh, I feel weird about this one. Like this one's really complicated. I fucking don't feel weird about this one. I am livid. I love it when you're a livid. This is like my favorite. Oh, this is like when Julia Sugar Baker gets fired up on designing women
Starting point is 00:01:41 and talks about when Suzanne became Miss Georgia. I'm ready. So I never thought this was going to be an episode, actually. I've always just been kind of curious to do like a where are they now about street gangs because I don't know if you remember this from growing up, but in the 90s, every front line, every inside edition, every local news report had something about gangs in the streets, like another gang related killing. Like gangs were a huge deal.
Starting point is 00:02:10 And also every episode of Mari Povic's day time talk shows were like 12 year old little tea wants to be in a gang when he grows up and says he'd happily kill for his honor. And then they'd send him to boot camp. And this was also part of the crack babies rhetoric. Totally. That there was this generation of damaged, quote, inner city children. You know, they're always described using this like very racially coded language that was coming of age and they were going to take over America.
Starting point is 00:02:40 And it was going to be this like warrior's type situation. Yes. And I've always wondered like, why don't we talk about gangs anymore? That's a good point. Gangs and acid rain. Those are the two things that have cleared. Yeah. So I started looking into this and within 10 minutes,
Starting point is 00:02:57 I basically came to the conclusion that like it never existed. Uh-huh. I mean, I don't want to sort of go overboard with the debunking here that inner city violence was a real problem in the 90s and things like drive by shootings happened and drug distribution happened and there were real problems. But all of the messages that we got about gangs, about the nature of them, the scale of them, where they were, how they functioned, all of that was bullshit. Fascinating.
Starting point is 00:03:22 I mean, not to spoil the ending too much, but just two of the numbers that I pulled out are, first of all, only one in 10 homicides in the 1990s were related to gang activity in any meaningful way. So 90% of the homicides were not gang related in cities. And according to the Los Angeles District Attorney, noted social justice warrior, the Los Angeles District Attorney, only one in seven gang members were selling drugs more than once a month. Wow.
Starting point is 00:03:52 So the entire idea of gangs as these relentless hierarchical organizations is just wrong. Well, we always imagine the enemy is more organized than it is. Yeah. And I mean, I also think I've been resisting the urge to text this to you for like three weeks now, but there were all these telltale signs at the time that gangs were not a real thing and that they were being vastly misrepresented by the cops, basically. And so this quote from Las Vegas, where you used to live, Las Vegas, like most cities, has a gang unit, kind of a team of like a couple cops that are dedicated to gang enforcement.
Starting point is 00:04:31 In 1986, they give a press conference where they say area street gangs, in addition to drug trafficking, are also increasingly involved in burglary, vandalism, animal abuse, and satanism. Ding, ding, ding. Exactly. And as soon as I saw this, I was like, oh, it's happening. Like Sarah and Mike's interest converging. I think this touches on something really interesting, which is that our credibility for people we think of as evil can be like way off.
Starting point is 00:05:01 Because if we assume that someone's operating from like evil motives and we apply the logic of quote unquote evil to them as we understand it, I don't know, narratively, then anything becomes plausible because we don't assume they're playing by human rules. Totally. Yeah. No, they are because they're human beings and everything. Right. You know, that point is rarely made in these conversations.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Right. And also like just on the panic thing, in Las Vegas alone, there's a really great article about the moral panic in Las Vegas specifically. So in 1983, there were four articles in the entire year about gangs in the local newspapers, four articles. By 1991, there were 174. Wow. That's one every two days, basically, just in Las Vegas.
Starting point is 00:05:44 And it's also an increase of like 60-fold. And this is why I'm so mad about this is because I feel like this is really obvious that this was a huge moral panic and complete bullshit. And yet. And we haven't reckoned with it. Yes. There's a couple of really good academic articles that go point by point about how the entire panic over gangs was false, but very few popular accounts of this.
Starting point is 00:06:06 This is why your wonky powers are so useful because you can dive into this material and Prometheus like share it with the plebeians, such as myself who no longer have database access. Okay, how did this get started? Like take this back to the beginning. So I have a four-part structure. This is like Great British Bake Off. I couldn't stop myself because in all the reading about street gangs, it strikes you that it's the perfect moral panic.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Like it's almost textbook. The structure that I'm proposing and what it occurred to me to do with this episode was create a sort of typology of moral panic. Oh, wow. What are the components of moral panics? Oh, yeah. Let's do it. And how do gangs personify that?
Starting point is 00:06:54 Take my hand, Scully. So I have sort of like four components of moral panics and we're going to talk them through with gangs, but then these will all kind of remind you of other things. Of the satanic panic and so on. Exactly. And like rainbow parties and everything else that we've talked about. The two scariest things in the world, Satan and consensual teenage sex. So the first rule of moral panics, and some of them don't actually fit this,
Starting point is 00:07:24 and I want to talk about it a bit, but it feels like most moral panics start with a real phenomenon, right? Like most of them do not come whole cloth out of nothing. Usually like in Stranger Danger, there were a couple Stranger Danger kidnappings and these awful murders of children. Or in the satanic panic, it started with revelations about the prevalence of child abuse in middle class America and people's heightened anxieties about that. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:07:50 And so with gangs, like there was a problem with inner city violence in the late 1980s and the early 1990s. So there's a weekend in LA in 1990 where there's six drive-by shootings. Wow. And what's really interesting is, you know, a lot of other cities, like we think of gangs as something that is concentrated in places like Chicago, New York and LA. But the panic over gangs was completely national. And so Denver had a big gang crackdown after they had 73 homicides.
Starting point is 00:08:18 That is a lot. This was in 1993 and a lot of them were concentrated in the summer months. And so they still call it in Denver, the summer of violence. A lot of cities, you know, Salt Lake City and Milwaukee and all these other cities had real problems with inequality, with violence. But so I want to give you a challenge. Oh boy. Do you want to try to define a gang?
Starting point is 00:08:41 Oh gosh. I mean, if I were to try and give an accurate, useful definition of a gang, I would say that it is a social slash business group of people who are involved in shared criminal slash economic interests, but also have a sense of unity and bonding and shared identity and probably, you know, some kind of relationship with rival gangs. And, you know, my two sources of information for this are West Side Story and The Warriors. You know, and also this idea that White America has that the people or the groups of people it's scared of are concerned with them.
Starting point is 00:09:21 You know, because we talked in the urban like in spectacular episode about like emails that went around in the 90s about like gang initiation rituals where you like flash high beams at someone or like slash their Achilles tendon from underneath their car or like, you know, abduct white women in parking garages and how like we want the monster to be concerned with us. Right. It's interesting what you're saying and that the gangs moral panic like the 90s period that we're mostly going to talk about, the origin of that is exactly what you just described. So the place that the moral panic started, the huge spike in articles about gangs
Starting point is 00:09:59 was the Central Park Five in 1989. Oh, that's, and of course it inspired that because it concerned a group of wrongly accused children who were not a gang. Exactly. And so eventually these kids were exonerated, but at the time the story was really horrifying. It was a white female jogger. She's jogging through Central Park and five boys gang rape her and attempt to murder her, but she ended up surviving.
Starting point is 00:10:27 It is this sort of perfect suburban terror narrative, right? Where it's like this nice white lady who's doing like a nice suburban thing. Right. As someone who grew up reading Ann Rule and thinking about under which circumstances I would be most mourned because we have to think about white women victim sweeps week, right? It's really best to be abducted or assaulted when you're doing something wholesome or to be last seen like walking your dog and broad daylight, you know, as opposed to going out at night because that means he kind of were asking for it.
Starting point is 00:11:00 Well, this is the thing. I mean, it's this perfect, the narrative that sort of travels around the country in 1989 through the tabloids and the media is basically it's like this pack of like feral children that cannot be reasoned with. And they're so evil because they're so young. Exactly. And so this is a really key component of the gang's myth that these are made up of people that are really young and cannot be reasoned with.
Starting point is 00:11:25 So I cannot get over this quote from a Princeton psychologist who tells the LA Times in 1995, the new breed of predatory street criminal cannot be deterred. They can only be incapacitated. Oh my God. And this was a very common idea at the time was that deterrent strategies don't work on gangs. Like gangs are so predatory, they don't even respond to like Pavlov, dogs, saliva, ringing bells, like basic animal reward and punishment. It's a great way to bring you Genesis rhetoric and through the backdoor.
Starting point is 00:12:06 And what's also really fascinating about this is that the central to me myth of street gangs is that they hold two opposing ideas at once. I read a million like Phoenix New Times articles and like Philadelphia Inquirer articles, like these random articles from the 1990s describing like Philadelphia has a gang problem, like they're all exactly the same. And one thing they always mention is these two opposing ideas. So first of all, we have kids running around in these sort of animalistic packs of just doing crime for pleasure, doing crime spontaneously, they can't be reasoned with, they can't be deterred.
Starting point is 00:12:43 And then you also have the word gang referring to large hierarchical drug distribution. National syndicates. Exactly. And so it's like at the same time, it's small and spontaneous and informal. And it's also large and hierarchical and very formal. Isn't it amazing that we can only imagine our monsters capitalistically? I mean, one of the things that I think is really interesting is, you know, this is sort of the new definition of gangs. But when you look at like, you know, the definition that you gave of gangs,
Starting point is 00:13:17 of like an informal group of people, in reality, gangs have been around forever. Right. I read this really great ethnography of gangs in Chicago. Gangs are almost always defined as ethnic minorities. They're people that are outside of the sort of legal and political structures of power. Right. And so you form parallel power structures in order because you're excluded by mainstream society in ways significant enough that you have to develop your own welfare nets and so on. Exactly. Which is how we get the mafia, right?
Starting point is 00:13:45 The mafia, you could easily call the mafia a gang or you could call, you know, large drug cartels, mafias, right? Like all of these terms are kind of interchangeable. And so what happened in Chicago and a lot of other cities is the beginning of the 1900s, there's Italian gangs, there's Irish gangs, you know, a lot of these immigrant communities who at the time are kept out of the workforce, kept out of politics. And what happens is over the course of the 20th century, the white gangs just become government officials.
Starting point is 00:14:12 They get elected to the city council. Yeah. They become aldermen. Exactly. Everyone becomes an aldermen. And then what happens is, first of all, there's new immigrant communities, right? So in LA, you have a lot of like Armenian gangs and Cambodian gangs, like new arrivals of immigrants who aren't yet plugged into the structures of power. And then you also have these sort of left behind African American gangs
Starting point is 00:14:35 who never got access to the structures of power, right? So one of the reasons why Crips and Bloods and a lot of these LA African American gangs go back so far is because they started out as the Black Panthers. And then once the Black Panthers were completely destroyed by the law enforcement practices, the remnants of the Black Panthers became the Crips. Oh, wow. So it's literally like the Black Panthers were like, what if we had freedom and education and we gave free breakfast to children and then were destroyed by the cops and the FBI and then came back as something angrier?
Starting point is 00:15:09 But also the Crips, if you look at the early foundation of the Crips, first they were called the Cribs. I don't know when the P got added. Wow. They were literally a replacement of the Black Panthers. They had a whole social program. They wanted to help develop the community. Like it had the same social purpose.
Starting point is 00:15:23 But then over time, one guy broke off and started the Bloods. That was like a sort of Adidas and Puma situation where the two founders didn't like each other and created rival organizations. And then individual members of the Crips, once the crack epidemic started, people figured out that there are profit opportunities. Yeah. The economic incentives sort of changed. Well, and also how are you going to finance anything else, right?
Starting point is 00:15:47 Exactly. Like the only way to be a small businessman is to deal crack. It's like, well, crack, I guess. I think this is part of it too, that if you're disenfranchised from an economic system, then often the only alternative means of taking care of yourself or your community are criminal. Yeah. This is like the murkiness that begins the moral panic, right? That you've got all these different concepts and all these different definitions,
Starting point is 00:16:11 and you've got this rising violence in cities. So it's like any conception that you have, any stereotype that you have about predatory teens, hierarchical mafia-style organizations, political programs from the Black Panthers, all of this stuff gets wrapped up in this concept of gangs. Well, it's like how the serial killer is allowed to be both the feral, slavering animal and the brilliant, calculating mastermind.
Starting point is 00:16:37 We just shove all of our fears into one thing. It's like Santa's bag, there's a fear in there for everyone. So that's the first component of a moral panic is starting with a real thing. And the second component of a moral panic is exaggerating the nature and the scale of it, so twisting around what it actually is. So one of my favorite things about this is reading old statistical documents about it, because again, the red flags are just everywhere. Like mushrooms on a tree.
Starting point is 00:17:12 So the FBI starts saying that this is in 1993, that the Crips in the Bloods are present in 43 major American cities. The LAPD says the number of youth gangs has tripled over the course of 10 years. In 1991, the FBI is saying there's 4,800 gangs across the country, which is a tripling from 1989. Oh. So between 1989 and 1991, the number of gangs tripled, which like- Yes, you have to wonder how they're defining gangs and what those criteria have changed.
Starting point is 00:17:49 One of the things that researchers point out later is that almost all of the data about the scale, prevalence, presence of gangs comes directly from law enforcement. Uh-huh. Let's ask the cops. They're disinterested parties. Exactly. So basically there's literally a survey of law enforcement agencies that they do every year, and they just ask them like, how many gangs are there where you patrol?
Starting point is 00:18:12 How big are they? This is like giving a sex experience survey to teenagers, you know? It's like, what kind of crazy sex have you done? How many times per week? Because there's always a kid who's like all of it butt stuff, horses three times a day. I mean, that's basically what the cops are doing. It's like every survey says they're reporting increasing gang prevalence. Like there's never a survey where they're like, no, gangs are actually pretty under control.
Starting point is 00:18:35 We're doing fine. Things are under control, and we are not fighting a rising tide of sheer darkness and evil. Cops are also people, and cops live in the world. And so as there's more and more media coverage and more like movies, like Boys in the Hood comes out in 1991, cops are seeing these movies. Cops are seeing frontline. If you ask anyone in America, are gangs getting worse? There's a survey in 1993 where 89% of Americans report gangs as a national crisis.
Starting point is 00:19:04 It's like, cops go home and they turn on the TV. And there were no podcasts in the early 90s. I cannot stress this enough. I mean, one of the things that I can't get over is, you know, you read these old reports and there's so many red flags that this information is bullshit. So one of the statistics that goes around is that LA has 49 times more gang crime than New York City. Are they feeling competitive? It's used as look how bad the gangs are in LA.
Starting point is 00:19:32 But it's like, wait, wait, let's think about that for a second. It would make sense if there were like 49 times more surfers in LA or New York, because there's like an obvious explanation for that. And, you know, if you had something like, there's twice the gang crime in Los Angeles than New York, you could say like, well, the unique history of the place. But 49 times, like, awoo, something doesn't smell right about that. But white people love feeling like they live in Gotham because that allows you to respond to things with disproportionate force and fear and calling the police all the time.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Another one that I can't get over is the police in Phoenix report that there's 4,000 gang members in Phoenix, like teenage gang members. And so this researcher, this is all like a decade later, this researcher goes through the census data and he's like, there were only 12,000 minority youth. Oh my God, that's brilliant. So what you're saying is one quarter of the ethnic minorities, one in four, are members of gangs?
Starting point is 00:20:27 Like, that doesn't track. Well, isn't also indiscriminately suggesting that there's just a mathematically impossible number of gang members out there the same way that, you know, there are a mathematically impossible number of children allegedly vanishing in the 80s during the stranger, danger years. Aren't both of these things a way of just justifying the worldview that you want to have, which is that, you know, white children are constantly under assault from the big scary world and you have to respond with disproportionate force about that.
Starting point is 00:20:56 And also that if like, there's so many gang members, then like any minority child you see could be a gang member and then he can do whatever you want. Well, exactly. I mean, one of the main messages of this that I came across in all of these reports from the 1990s is the overwhelming message about gangs was that they're about to come to the suburbs. Yes, they're like Ikea. They're always almost here. And one of the ones, so there's a 1987 Newsweek article, it's like gangs are coming to suburbia.
Starting point is 00:21:27 In like the third paragraph of the story, it says 15 minutes from the manicured lawns of Beverly Hills in the gangland slums of South Central LA. Kids as young as 15 years old roam the streets and customize BMWs and Mercedes. Some tote Uzi submachine guns and Soviet made AK-47 assault rifles. You know who lived in Beverly Hills? The Menendez brothers. I mean, to say that something crazy is going on, 15 minutes from Beverly Hills, like there's a lot of things that are 15 minutes from Beverly Hills.
Starting point is 00:22:00 I mean, another myth of this is the growth to new areas. So it's not just LA. This is from US News and World Report. Street gangs once confined to the slums of the country's biggest cities are found increasingly in smaller cities and suburbs as well. Federal researchers discovered that two-thirds of the city's reporting street gang problems had populations under 500,000. Among them, Davenport, Iowa, New Haven, Connecticut, and Peoria, Illinois.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Oh, not Peoria. And it's like the tentacles of gangs stretching across the country is central to the myth of gangs, right? That they're expanding like, you know, Walmart. It's just another version of the black people are coming, the black people are coming, one if by land and two if by sea. I mean, this is like how you dog whistle people's racist sentiments into fighting moods without letting them think that they're being racist.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Like it's really playing the hits. Oh, totally. I mean, it's also kind of a red flag. I mean, what's interesting about this is, if you believe the statistics that the FBI is spitting out about expansion, right, that the number of gangs is basically quadrupling over the course of the first couple years of the 1990s, that would make street gangs some of the best business leaders in America. Like Starbucks doesn't go from two cities to 45 cities in three years.
Starting point is 00:23:24 And is this based on the premise that all the people joining are part of some kind of organized syndicate? Well, exactly. And there's all these studies later on that find that the Crips and the Bloods and the Latin Kings and the gangster disciples and all of these quote unquote national syndicates were not expanding across the country like Halliburton looking for new markets. What actually happened was the kids across the country simply started saying, yeah, I'm with the Crips. That was about it.
Starting point is 00:23:52 There's no evidence in any of these cases later on that get filed of any communication between, you know, the Wichita, Kansas Crips and the LA headquarters. Like that's not ever how it worked. Basically, what happened was, first of all, kids started seeing on TV that there's Crips and there's Bloods and they're badasses and they're cool on front line the same as the rest of us did. And also, if you're living in a community where you're at risk of violence, a good defensive strategy is to say I'm a Crip or I'm a Blood because that makes other people think, hey, I better not beat this kid up because I'm going to get retaliation against me by this
Starting point is 00:24:32 large international organization. And so this is essentially what kids across the country started doing. They just started saying that they're with these groups. I mean, there's even reports that like the Crips have expanded into Amsterdam. This is a story that went around in the late 90s. And it's like, do you really think people from LA went out there to like scout territory and like find drug middlemen? Like drug distribution is a pretty complicated activity.
Starting point is 00:25:00 And so it's a little weird to think that they just went out and started doing location scouting. Like it's really obvious when you think about it that this was not what was actually occurring. Yeah. The way that we should have been describing all of these Crips and Bloods in Utah and New Hampshire is just like Yankees fans. Like anyone can just say that they're a Yankees fan. That doesn't mean that they're in meaningful communication with the Yankees or that they're
Starting point is 00:25:25 part of the organization. Anyone can just say it. Right, right. You don't have to be initiated. You don't have to have any number of hours that you're working for the Crips per week. You don't have to be trained. Right. And so another thing that I feel like we should mention now is that at the time when gangs were
Starting point is 00:25:43 tripling, quadrupling everywhere, violent crime was falling. I mean, as we've discussed a million times on this show, like crime was falling throughout the 1990s. In Denver, the year of the summer of violence, 74 homicides, they had more homicides the year before and the next year had even fewer homicides. So at the same time you have falling crime, falling violence, you have this ramp up in responding to this completely made up specter of street gang. So the third component of moral panics, and this is where it gets really ugly,
Starting point is 00:26:17 is a disproportionate response. Once you've framed the problem as outsized and large and the mind flayer, then you have to respond to the threat that you've created. And then all you can do is interrogate a lesbian nursery school teacher for 11 hours without counsel. And so the first thing that happens is that police departments around the country start setting up dedicated gang units. So like, okay, we're going to tackle this problem.
Starting point is 00:26:47 We're going to take 10 guys and we're going to separate them out. Oftentimes they would put them in a different building. They would have completely different sets of protocols and procedures. And like their job was to eradicate gangs. So half the law enforcement agencies in the country, half the cities, set up dedicated gang units in the 1990s. I don't think eradication is really an ideal goal. It's not great, the language.
Starting point is 00:27:10 It's impossible. And so you're setting yourself up to either fail or lie about having failed. Yeah. What's really interesting is to use international development language, there was never a theory of change, right? There was never like, okay, first we're going to do this and then the gangs will be eradicated. All these gang units did was patrols and raids and then mass arrest operations. So in 1988, there's something called Operation Hammer in LA.
Starting point is 00:27:37 That sounds bad. It's bad. In the first two days, they arrest 1,453 people. Well, why does our legal system have to be run by a bunch of maladjusted 12-year-old boys? Well, I mean, it is very like teenager logic. It's basically just like, we're going to be mean to these people and then they'll stop being in gangs as opposed to we're going to be mean to these people and then they're going to form gangs in solidarity against us, which is basically what happens in LA.
Starting point is 00:28:05 I mean, the main driver of this in LA in the early 1990s is this number that goes on all the time that the LAPD keeps saying that gang members outnumber the LAPD. It's like the saying that a woman is more likely to be struck by a lightning thing. She is to be married after she turns 40. It's something you say because it feels true. Which is fine if the context is sleepless in Seattle, but not if it's policing Los Angeles. One of the things I can't get over is just how comprehensive all of this was. So cops started sending police officers into schools.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Oh, right. And like NARC on 15-year-olds, the Lord's work. A thing they did in Las Vegas was they would raid crack houses, but they started bringing the media along. Oh my god. They would get intelligence that some random suburban house was a crack house and then they'd call Channel 7 or whatever and they'd have them in the backseat to watch the raid go down. So they are deliberately producing images and they're reproducing this narrative
Starting point is 00:29:08 that gangs are out of control. They're doing PR. Yes. You know, and the 80s are also really like a Halcyon time and the unholy union between American media and law. Oh yeah. I mean, I think this is one of the best examples of this, this 15-year collaboration where the cops are providing all the statistics.
Starting point is 00:29:27 They're providing all the evidence that gangs exist, right? They're providing the homicides. Like they're telling the media that these are gang-related homicides. They're giving them the quotes. Totally. And you know, one of the things that comes up later is that it turns out one of the reasons why LA has so many gang-related homicides is because they define any murder of a gang member as a gang-related homicide.
Starting point is 00:29:50 Interesting. So they would classify like a dude whose girlfriend shoots him because he cheated on her. If they suspect that guy of being a gang member, they'll call it a gang-related homicide. Or if two dudes get in a fight at a bar and one ends up stabbing the other, they'll call that a gang-related stabbing. That's like calling my death a podcasting-related homicide because I make podcasts. But again, like the media isn't questioning this at all, right? The media is just like another gang-related homicide in LA tonight.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Right. Because the media knows that the public wants to buy a hot piping slice of gang-related homicide. Yes. That's the thing. It's just an unconscious collusion. You know, no one sets out to lie, but the media is like, hey, it would be great if I don't know. I mean, hey, does it seem like there's like more and more gangs and
Starting point is 00:30:37 you're more and more under assault and things are getting scarier and scarier and the cops are like, yeah, it is like that. And especially since gangs are on the news so much. And another thing that's really striking is that the media never looked into all of the bananas corruption within these gang units. This is like such an obviously bad idea, but they set the gang units apart, right? They would put them in a different building. They would have different staff.
Starting point is 00:31:00 They would have different procedures. Oh, they're like the varsity jocks. Yes. And there's a quote from I believe it's in Salt Lake City where the chief of police tells the media, oh, I have no idea what the gang unit's doing. They do their thing. First of all, it's just bad policing in that gangs are affecting drugs and violence and all these other things that police do.
Starting point is 00:31:23 So why would the gang unit be separate from all these other things when like the reason gangs are bad is because they're doing drug stuff and murder stuff. So why would you separate the gang people from the homicide and the vice people? Like it doesn't make any sense. And then because they have literally no accountability in a lot of cases, all these gang units are super corrupt. So the famous one is the Rampart scandal in LA. Talk about that.
Starting point is 00:31:48 I have no idea what this one is. This is unbelievable. So in 1998, a gang unit police officer named Rafael Perez was found to be stealing eight pounds of cocaine from a police locker. That's a lot of cocaine. Then because they offer them a plea deal, etc., etc., he agrees to talk. What he reveals is that for years, it's called a crash unit, which stands for something which I forget about.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Creating and rationalizing allegedly safe help. This is from a Department of Justice study that a couple of years later, after all this is over, Perez talked about framing cases against some 100 people and implicated scores of other officers. Perez admitted that he and his partner had shot one Pico Union gang member in the head and then planted drugs and guns near his fallen body. The brain damaged victim, released from prison after Perez's testimony, had been sentenced to 23 years in prison for his quote unquote crime.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Perez testified, this is so fucked up, Perez testified that potential witnesses to police misconduct were handed over to the INS for deportation. Oh, okay. Oh my God. Officers in the unit were awarded plaques that celebrated incidents in which they had wounded or killed people. No. They had to go to a trophy store and order plaques and fill out.
Starting point is 00:33:09 00:33:09,680 --> 00:33:14,560 They had to go to Petty Cat to commemorate their violence. I mean, can you, wow. Unbelievable. That's really bad. That seems like a lot of people have been doing this for a long time. If they're getting plaques. Oh, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:33:24 And this is one that makes the news because there's this prosecution. But then there's been now all these investigations going back through the records, going back through the archives of all of these other gang units. And there's one in Las Vegas that the gang unit members participated in a drive-by shooting of other gang members. There's one in Chicago where gang unit officers helped local gangs import cocaine from Miami. So it's basically, it's like, structurally, there's just no one minding the store. Can I throw you some galaxy brain?
Starting point is 00:33:57 Do it. Can I, okay. What is a gang unit but a group of probably young men who have an intense bond with each other based on a shared identity and sense of purpose? Where am I going? This actually comes up in a lot of the literature, right? That it's like, again, because the definition of gang is so tricky, what is the difference between a gang unit and a gang, right?
Starting point is 00:34:22 Outfits. The answer is always outfits. I mean, one has legitimate power and one has illegitimate power. Right. It's legitimate versus illegitimate power, the great dyad of the Godfather movies. And they're the same because power is power. It always operates the same way. It has the same structures.
Starting point is 00:34:40 It destroys people in the same way. It creates opportunities for abuse in the same way. Power is power. And I mean, to me, it's like one of the main flaws in this entire gang unit system is, I mean, not just that they ended up corrupt, but in their non-corrupt actions, what a lot of these reports afterwards point out is that they were not doing any intelligence gathering. Right.
Starting point is 00:35:04 They weren't even like trafficking cocaine and writing down stuff that their co-traffickers were talking about. They're just like do-da-do-da-do, trafficking and trafficking. There doesn't appear to be any attempt to understand how gangs work. One of the things that gets debunked later is that the myth that gangs have these baroque initiation rights and once you're in, you can't leave, that's not true. The majority of gang members are members of gangs for less than a year. And most people who leave gangs, it's like leaving a band.
Starting point is 00:35:34 You're like, I had a kid and I got busy. You're like, oh, my job switched my hours and so I couldn't rehearse anymore. That's how most people leave gangs. Or if you're Lindsay Buckingham, they're like, honestly, we just can't stand you anymore. Please go. But there's nothing all that exotic about it, right? Most people that are joining and leaving gangs, these are porous distinctions and people often identify as members of five different gangs.
Starting point is 00:35:59 The whole idea of a gang is much less formal than the legal system makes it out to be. This is why we're so obsessed with these imaginary hierarchies and this idea that they're so organized and so complicated because we don't want to acknowledge that it's like any other social grouping. It's like a sorority. It's like a soccer team. It's like so many things that you join and derive a sense of identity from and drift in and out of as your perception of yourself changes. Yeah. And this is something where now people have gone back and done all these correlations of where were their gang units, how big were their gang units, etc. And what they find is that
Starting point is 00:36:33 the gang units, of course, don't track quote unquote gang activity or crime rates. What they track is the availability of federal funding. So when there's grants going into cities, you see more gang units and larger gang units. Denver had a 43-person gang unit and Denver has problems just like every other city, but 43 people dedicated to gangs alone is wildly excessive. One of the consequences of the fact that they're not doing any basic intelligence gathering is there's all these former gang members. A lot of them are actually anti-gang. A lot of them left gangs because they were afraid of violence. They thought it's not worth it. They thought this is young and stupid. A lot of those
Starting point is 00:37:12 people were willing to help the cops understand what gangs actually are, but no one ever contacted them. Nobody cared. Right. Like they never approached fact-finding in the way that someone writing a term paper would. Or someone researching a podcast. Or someone researching a podcast. I mean, one of the other reasons why these were so ineffective is that they started doing something called civil injunctions where this is nuts. They basically file a restraining order against a gang on behalf of a city.
Starting point is 00:37:45 And so this is one of those things that was not widely covered at the time. And when it was covered, it was described as like a good thing. Like, wow, it's great that they're cracking down on gang members. It's so weird. This is the LA district attorney requested a restraining order spanning 26 square blocks south of Beverly Hills with 24 specific prohibitions, including congregating in groups of two or more and remaining in public streets for more than five minutes at any time of day or night. They're also banning quote unquote gang colors, which is like a lot of the colors. Like this is
Starting point is 00:38:19 not this is not an easy injunction to comply with. They're also imposing curfews. So there's these entire six square mile areas in a lot of large cities where kids can't be out on the street after 10 p.m. unless they have a letter from an employer. So basically like let me see your papers. That's weird. That's weird and bad. Yeah. I read this really fascinating report from the California Sheriff's Association. It was just like their annual report. Like this is what we did. This is a gang that I'm going to mispronounce. So I'm not going to try, but it's a street gang. And this is them bragging about it.
Starting point is 00:38:55 The injunction prohibits members of the gang from committing acts such as associating with other members wearing Dallas Cowboys attire and staying out past 10 p.m. I mean, especially if you have a crackdown on freedom of assembly, that's bad. It's bad. And then also a huge component of this is that they're basically saying, if you're a member of this gang, then you shouldn't be out past 10 p.m. blah, blah, blah. But it's like, well, what's a member mean? Who's defining who is a member? And if the police are defining it based on their expertise of almost zero, it's not as if you can prove the police wrong very easily once they've made a decision about you.
Starting point is 00:39:33 There's a story of a kid in Phoenix who in an 18 month period is accused of being in three different gangs, none of which get along with each other. Well, it's like being accused of being a Satanist because again, it's like the feared thing is kind of imaginary. So you can project it onto almost anyone. This is unbelievable. In LA County, these gang injunctions eventually cover 47% of black men between 21 and 24. That's terrible. That's terrible. And this comes up in traffic stops, right? This comes up at any point in your life when you're dealing with a criminal justice system. It's like, oh, you're on the gang injunction
Starting point is 00:40:11 database, but it's not clear why you're on there and there's no process to appeal it. A lot of it is just you were at a place where a bunch of people got arrested or you're a quote, unquote, known associate of a gang member. There's someone in your family and your friend group who's actually part of a gang and you're just guilty by association as so many people are when the police decide on these criteria. Completely. And one of the things that's so fascinating about all of these articles that are published in random newspapers around the country throughout the early 90s is they all follow the same format. They'll talk about like gangs are bad and they're super predators, blah, blah, blah. And then in like the third or
Starting point is 00:40:46 fourth paragraph, they'll always have this important caveat and it's always the same caveat. They'll say like, well, you know, media depictions of gangs are oftentimes African American or Latino gangs, but white people are in gangs too. They're in motorcycle gangs and they're in skinhead gangs. And then they'll go on and they'll just describe the black and Latino gang members for the rest of the article. Gun toting nine year olds, et cetera, et cetera. And what's really interesting about this is like this caveat is sort of like your get out of jail free card. You're like, I'm going to talk for an hour about black gangs,
Starting point is 00:41:20 but like I'm going to have two sentences being like white people are also in gangs, blah, blah, blah. And white people aren't spotless either, but only the Hell's Angels and the Neo-Nazis. So like any white person reading this on their breakfast snack will feel fine about themselves. Anyway, let's get back to stoking your racial fear. Exactly. And there's never civil injunctions against skinheads. There's never civil injunctions against motorcycle gangs. Like this is not something that gets applied to white people ever.
Starting point is 00:41:45 And it's not something that random white people are accused of. No. Also, and also white people have like a very specific idea of what motorcycle gangs and skinheads look like. Yeah. Because we're talking about easily definable groups because we're not interested in allowing fears to mushroom past definable categories in this case for obvious reasons. And one of the things that totally got overlooked at the time, but I think because I covered
Starting point is 00:42:07 the housing crisis so much, this is an aspect that totally infuriates me about all this, is that in all of these neighborhoods where cops are doing raids, they're doing mass arrests, they're doing civil injunctions, of course the logic is always like we're doing it to save these communities, right? This weed and seed logic, right? We get out the bad ones and we help the good ones. Once again, it is for the children. Yes. And what's fascinating to me about it is that there's never any community process. If you want to build a homeless shelter or just like an apartment building in LA, there's
Starting point is 00:42:41 like a not exaggerating like three year long process with more than a dozen like public hearings, town hall meetings. It is like climbing Mount Everest. And yet we have cops sending out gang units, imposing fucking curfews in these neighborhoods and there's never a town hall meeting. Well, neighborhood character is more important than constitutional and civil rights, Michael. We all know that. This to me is like really the original sin of all of this moral panic, is that like we know better than the people living in these communities. Yeah. Like obviously like older people or like middle class people living in low income neighborhoods, like they don't care about gangs. They're not worried about guns. They're not worried about their kids being struck
Starting point is 00:43:26 down by violence. No, no, they don't care. Anyway, we care. So we're going to devise all of these methods for stopping gangs over the heads of the people who are actually being affected by this. There's a survey of cops in South Central where two thirds of them say, I don't see any point in going to the community about this. Like I don't know why we would have to ask. Fuck. It's because they're like, why bother? Why ask? Why? Wow. And I think this is something that like there are vast ecosystems of civil society organizations in low income communities, many of whom are already dedicated to preventing people from joining gangs and preventing violence. Like this is something that these communities are intensely
Starting point is 00:44:11 concerned about. Like there's so much happening in these communities that they could have just fucking asked. Yeah. And it's like they're acting as if they're researching some alien enemy that they can't contact or communicate with. So that's like the first layer of response is like on the ground law enforcement. The second layer of response is laws. States around the country start passing insane laws to try to crack down on gangs. Everybody has forgotten this now, but the 1993 crime bill includes $100 million for metal detectors in schools. Awesome. It also includes $3 billion for juvenile boot camps, which is like... Oh my God. $3 billion. That's incredible. That's so much money. Is that part of juvenile justice? Is that like where you sent
Starting point is 00:45:04 if you're convicted of something or what? Yeah. It's like it's scared straight stuff. It's like the least effective form of rehabilitation. Like it's like... Children don't flourish if they're traumatized by adults. That doesn't work. That's so weird. They also start criminalizing stuff that's already illegal. So one thing that's really interesting is stealing someone's car is illegal, right? And pointing a gun in someone's face is illegal, but more than 20 states and the federal government passed laws against carjacking. Like this is a made up term, carjacking. And another one is drive by shootings, which again, shooting people is illegal. We're pretty against it as a society. And yet drive by shootings as a specific thing are written into the criminal code. And of
Starting point is 00:45:48 course, what all of these new laws include is A, longer minimum sentences, and B, charging juveniles as adults. This is a huge component of this, that because these kids are predatory young monsters and they're like village of the damned style kids and they can't be reasoned with, all we can do is put them in jail for life. And so some of these laws make it mandatory to charge juveniles as adults. So even if you get like a cool prosecutor who's like, you know what, you're 12, I'm not going to throw the book at you, they don't have that power anymore. And I've never understood this because the argument is always because of the seriousness of the crime with which you are charged, we must charge you as an adult. And it's like, okay, to be fair, this is not my area, but
Starting point is 00:46:36 I always felt that a cornerstone of criminal law was that you're innocent until proven guilty, and you can only be proven guilty by having a trial. So if you're charged with a crime as if you're adult because of the seriousness of the crime, it doesn't work. Like literally, it doesn't connect logically. These things are so anathema to each other that it makes you realize that innocent until proven guilty is like more of a thing that people say than anything else at this point. And so much of this is about sort of making gangs exotic, right? Like Oklahoma makes it illegal to recruit someone to a gang, and the governor of Nevada tries to pass a law, making it illegal to brag about being in a gang. None of them have great definitions of what a
Starting point is 00:47:23 gang actually is. And so, I mean, one of the things these laws keep coming up against is that no state is able to define the term gang without using the term gang in the definition. Which is like that video where like that guy had people try to describe the characters and the first Star Wars prequel without describing their clothing, and it was impossible. Yeah. So in Florida, Florida's definition of a criminal street gang member is a person who engages in a pattern of criminal street gang activity. Okay. Well, I like how in Al Frank Belms, the Wizard of Oz, they say Dorothy is the size of a munchkin and a munchkin is the size of Dorothy. Right. Hey, Dorothy was in a gang. Well, that's the thing. We're all in gangs. Like tell me what a
Starting point is 00:48:12 gang is. One of the worst ones is California, which really pioneers trying to charge gangs with criminal conspiracies. And so, in their abysmal law that passes in 1988, they define a gang as, I'm going to read this really slowly so we can really dwell on each one of these components. Oh, Lord. They define gang as any ongoing organization or group of three or more persons, whether formal or informal, that has one of its primary activities, the commission of criminal acts, and whose members individually or collectively engage in criminal gang activity. Uh-huh. Gang activity. So it's like it can be big or small. It can be formal or informal. And all it has to do is one of its primary activities has to be crime. Yeah. I see what you're getting
Starting point is 00:49:01 or something you might be getting at here, which is that now, if three people conspire to commit some kind of crime together, you can call them a gang and then potentially apply a bunch of harsher charges to them if you weren't charging them for gang-related criminal activity. Exactly. This gives you a way of charging people with felonies that used to be misdemeanors, right? So all kinds of things like graffiti, stealing cars, shoplifting, being loud in public, all kinds of stuff that used to be just like kids will be kids becomes evil. So as a prosecutor, you throw the gang's barrel and it just explodes in a shower of coins. Yes. And also, you know, it's so obvious from this definition, but what lawyers point out, because of course, these get constitutional
Starting point is 00:49:48 challenges as they should, according to this definition, first of all, every fraternity in America is a gang, right? Because as one of its primary activities, well, like underage drinking is a crime. And also sexual assault, which happens rather frequently in that setting. Exactly. And so then the debate becomes, well, what's the primary activity of a fraternity? Well, that's a word that you can't really define legally. Like this is one of the things I love about American law. We're like, why don't we define a citizen's rights using a word that has kind of a confusing and various contradictory meanings embedded within it that are also going to change a lot over time? Like that will be fun, right? This should all be like a literature class. I mean, another one that
Starting point is 00:50:32 the lawyers point out is Greenpeace. Huh. Yeah, that's true, because they're going around sabotaging tankers. Yes, exactly. Like one of their primary activities is crime. Right. And then three sex workers who live together as roommates are a gang. Exactly. And also, I mean, if you can't define the thing that you're trying to eradicate, that's not a great sign. Also, if your law applies to juggalos, that's not a great sign. So what starts to happen as soon as these laws get passed is that you have 30, 50, 80 people getting charged with a small cluster of crimes, right? So California passes a law in 2001 that allows gang members to be prosecuted for crimes that they benefit from. Wow. So they don't even necessarily have to have known about the crime
Starting point is 00:51:24 in advance or afterwards. Any crime that benefits the organization, anybody can be charged with it basically. Well, that's just silly. So one of the most fascinating articles I came across was an analysis of every single charge under the RICO statute. And RICO is organized crime. Yeah, RICO is the law that they wrote basically to take down the mafia. But so these are the conspiracy charges. So they find 115 street gangs and 3,000 people were charged between 2001 and 2011. And so in a shock to no one whatsoever, it's 75% African American and Latinos who were charged with RICO. And the authors go into this in great detail of even under the RICO Act, there's no clear understanding of what exactly is a gang. So they use the example of on March 9, 2011,
Starting point is 00:52:20 police officers arrested five white adults at a North Carolina residence for running a meth lab. The five offenders were charged with various felonies, but not labeled a gang or charged under RICO. In March 2010, officers arrested 12 white men who were involved in an interstate theft and drug ring. For months, the men stole vehicles and prescription drugs from Florida and later sold them in Alabama. The men were charged with multiple felonies for fraud and narcotics offenses, but they were not labeled as a gang or charge under RICO. Right? So it's like people commit crimes in groups. That's not all that exotic of a concept. But it's only when we add this extra fear, this extra super predator tone on top of it that we start calling it a gang.
Starting point is 00:53:02 So he then tells these two really, really, really heartbreaking stories of people who are basically being charged with felonies for the equivalent of low level drug dealing, low level graffiti. One of them is a quote unquote gang known as the Pitch Dark Family, where the prosecutors are saying it's a gang and you can tell because there's all these like documents showing that they're together and they've given themselves this name and they have initiation procedures. It turns out it's the name of a rap group that these three dudes are in. And so the reason that there's like names of them all over the place is that like that's how you advertise your band. Yeah. And because people who commit crimes together don't necessarily spend a huge amount of time inventing secret
Starting point is 00:53:47 handshakes, but teenagers and bands do do that kind of thing. And so one of the things they mentioned in this article is the defense called attention to the fact that the government's own witnesses admitted that each defendant who sold drugs kept his own profits and did not contribute any of those profits to the PDF as an organization. There was no evidence of existing organizational rules or a defined structure. Moreover, the gang was not listed in the California Gang Database and police officers did not refer to the criminal gang as Pitch Dark Family within any recorded documentation after arresting the defendants. So it's basically something that the prosecutors came up with to get longer sentences. Prosecutors gotta prosecute. Yes. And there's also the really
Starting point is 00:54:31 heartbreaking one is these girls who about a quarter of the gang members in the country estimated are female gangs. Really? Yeah. I would never ever ever have guessed that. But then of course, like what does gang mean? Where is this information coming from? Like, yes. Is it because girls like to give cute names to their friend groups more often? Is that the reason? Well, listen to this. This one sucks. Oh, God. Basically, it's a girl gang who is known as the wolf pack. Like, everybody knows them as a wolf pack. Everybody calls them the wolf pack. They get busted with, again, selling small amounts of cocaine, some criminal mischief-y type of stuff. And of course, the prosecutors painting them as these remorseless, terrible, criminal organization, whatever.
Starting point is 00:55:11 Their mom comes and testifies and says, I'm the one that gave them that name because they all grew up together and they would play out on the street and I would make them food after school. And I would say, wow, you're hungry as a wolf pack. I'd better make more food. And so this became a joke that she would have with the other neighborhood moms. Like, oh, the wolf pack's going to be home soon. I better make some sandwiches. And the other moms started calling them this. Oh, my God. And so this perfectly normal, perfectly nice name for a group of girls then becomes a reason to prosecute them even harder. And the defense doesn't work. They get prosecuted under RICO. It's amazing. And so, again, we're making this completely normal behavior
Starting point is 00:55:57 exotic. Like, how many teenage groups call themselves by some cheesy ass name? Like, this is... Okay, my best friends and I in high school had a group name. There were three of us. You know, what we were called? The plant posse. Because we like to sit quietly in nature and play a mandolin and listen to the Vander Van Harden and so on. Gangs. We were a gang. We did some criminal mischief. Oh, my God, I was in a gang. You're always the last to find out. I mean, one of the things that's really striking about the definitions of gangs that are in all the legal documents that all these laws that passed in the 1990s is that hierarchies are nowhere in there, right? The things that are supposed to make gangs
Starting point is 00:56:40 uniquely dangerous, right? That everyone is kind of contributing money back up the chain. Everyone is contributing to this like corporate structure and like spreading into the suburbs. That's not in any of the legal definitions. The legal definitions are all to catch the wolfpacks of the world, right? It's all low level stuff. It's like you have signs and symbols that indicate your membership. None of it is about your trafficking drugs across state lines. So it's like the myth that we are sold about gangs is that we have to eradicate them because they're so hierarchical and they're so sophisticated. But behind the scenes, all this is used for is just to go after low level, you know, 15 year old kids that are like spray painting graffiti and
Starting point is 00:57:20 like stealing cars and doing other like, not great, but also like not particularly nefarious teenage shit. But also if a white kid did it, they'd still go to college. Completely. I mean, that's like, that's, yes. Yeah. So why, why, why were we so compelled to incarcerate 15 year olds in the 90s? Like, why did that make us feel better? I don't know. What do you, I mean, you probably know more about this than I do from your satanic panic stuff. I mean, oh gosh, the thing with, with demonizing children, I just think is so weird. Like the FBI's definition specifically excludes gangs that include adults. So like, they really laser focused on kids 12 to 18, which to me is totally baffling because again,
Starting point is 00:58:04 if we're supposed to be worried about these like big corporatized gangs, like those are not being run by 18 year olds, right? Like drug lords are not 18. Yeah, good point. First of all, there's the level of implausibility of having, you know, all of these hierarchical national, international, highly organized, highly controlled gangs across the nation, you know, because there are, there's like, there's criminal syndicates that work that way, you know, so that's not crazily far-fetched. But then they're like, oh no, but they're all children. It's like, really, you're telling me that a bunch of 18 year olds are, are running some kind of like kids from ET, Colombian cartel type of a job, like what's happening?
Starting point is 00:58:45 I mean, why do you think the kids thing was so scary? Well, I mean, if I think about this, and that about the rhetoric about super predators and crack babies, you know, these are all ways to essentially arrest and incarcerate non-white children as soon as we possibly can. Right. White panic and white anxiety are forces that are easy to kind of whip into volatility. Right. Now that we're talking about like an organized effort to do something, I think that, you know, another easy sell is convincing scared white Americans that their anxieties about people of color are true. And so these are all easy political gambits and the belief that crime is rising and there's all these horrible murders
Starting point is 00:59:33 all over the place. It's also something that sells newspapers and commercials and makes everyone involved a lot of money. So, you know, I don't think that there had to be an architect here, but I think that a generation of essentially non-white children became the fodder for various systems that profited powerful people in various ways. And also like not to play too many of our greatest hits. Why not? Let's just lean into it. This is a medley. But it's like, it's sort of the thing that we've come back to a couple of times and like, what do you not need evidence to believe? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:06 If somebody said like there's teenage kids in Peoria, Illinois, who are both super predators and sophisticated business leaders expanding across the country, we would have been like, I need to see some documentation on that. But if it's like kids in low income communities, black kids, kids that are different from me, kids that live in a different place, it's just easy to believe because it's like they're already exotic. And you don't really think it through. You don't like do the step by step analysis that you would do if it was somebody who looked like you. And so this is why the fourth reason why this is a moral panic is that we never corrected the
Starting point is 01:00:46 record. Like there's never a YouTube apology video where it's like, hey guys, it's frontline. Just want to say everything we said about gangs being predatory and sophisticated was not true. And we just want to correct everything. Like you're not doing a fake crying. It's like, I really let you guys down. I mean, what's amazing is what turns out to have ended the moral panic over gangs was 9-11. 9-11 ended a lot of moral panics, I'm beginning to suspect, because suddenly we had a real problem or a more real one, I guess, at least. This is it's like we only have room for like one threat to the suburbs. Yeah, that's true. And after 9-11, the threat to the suburbs became terrorism, right? It became
Starting point is 01:01:31 John Walker Lind. Yeah, became a nerd who went to Pakistan. Exactly. It's like behind the scenes, you know, all these laws are still on the books, prosecutions of gang members continue a pace. Like nothing actually changed. It just fell out of the media completely because we whipped up fears over something new. And so, you know, in this ensuing decade and a half since 9-11, all of these fascinating studies have come out about the actual nature of gangs. And so, you know, one of the main things that I cannot get over is that when you look at the correlations of what are gangs, when do gangs arise, et cetera, gangs are a response to crime, not a cause of crime. So again, going back to the old ethnic communities in the 1900s, when the police refused
Starting point is 01:02:20 to enforce the law in Italian-American neighborhoods or in Chinatowns, what do you get? You get Italian-American mafia and you get Chinese mafia. Like these groups exist to provide security for people in enclaves where the police are not helping them. That was what the FBI could never understand. Yes. They were just the police for wise guys. Yeah. And so, one of the studies of this that finds this correlation, it says gangs form in areas where there's a high rate of pre-existing violence as a form of protection substituting for the lack of government enforcement of rights. They also say that one of the reasons all these gang units were so ineffective is that by taking out the gangs, by taking out the form of protection for people, they're then creating a vacuum and a
Starting point is 01:03:08 market opportunity for someone else and for rivalries to form. So one of the things that the study says is just as overthrowing a government might result in more violence due to the lack of rights enforcement in their resulting anarchy, government policy aimed at dissolving youth gangs will not be successful in reducing violent crime and may in fact increase it. Yeah. We're about to realizing that too in terms of national governments. Yes. And there's this ethnographer in Chicago who spent four years studying a public housing project where there was a gang rivalry going on for the last two years of his tenure there. And I mean, first of all, the term gang in this case is really silly because it's a drug cartel, right? Like there's a drug distribution
Starting point is 01:03:51 organization. Yeah. And that's important too, because I think gang is like a blanket that you can pull over a very broad group of people and then define them all according to the most extreme possible version of that definition. Exactly. And so what he finds is this is obvious, but it's like so much of this stuff is driven by the retreat of economic institutions from the inner city in the 80s and 90s. And so he says, you know, the context for why gangs exist is this is long, but bear with me. He says, the key components were the out migration of industries and the ensuing loss of employment for blacks in blue collar jobs, the subsequent segmentation of the labor market into high wage sector out of reach for most displaced blacks and a low wage service sector
Starting point is 01:04:39 where blacks competed with women and minorities for menial and part time work, the flight of economically and politically powerful constituencies to suburban and non ghetto central city areas, and the evisceration of public institutions due to cutbacks in federal and state funding. What he finds is that in this public housing complex, only 4% of the people are engaged in formal work. Almost everybody else is getting by with whatever economic opportunities they can find. And so for some people, that includes selling small amounts of drugs. But that also includes all kinds of other stuff. It includes like they're doing car repair, they're doing domestic work, they're building crafts, they're kind of starting their own businesses, like
Starting point is 01:05:22 these are the things that people do when there aren't formal economic opportunities. And the pull of a drug cartel, the pull of employment is pretty great in context like that. And so another thing that he finds that is super important for understanding this is that as he mentioned, there is a sort of one drug cartel running this public housing block. There's another one that is running a public housing block a couple blocks away. And eventually there forms a gang rivalry. But what's important about the gang rivalry is gang leaders much more often talk their members out of killing people than talk them into killing people. Which is also represented in the Warriors. What you have is the way that this gang war
Starting point is 01:06:05 starts between these two cartels is two low level members of one of the cartels get super drunk. And they decide like, oh, yeah, fuck these other cartel, like they're bad, but this has kind of been like these tensions have kind of been simmering in this like Montague, Capulet kind of way. And so in their drunken state, they decide to go do a drive by shooting of some of the rival gang members, they're not really thinking it through and they accidentally hit two little girls that are playing on a playground out front. And so it's awful. And what it also causes is then a cycle of revenge. So then the rival cartel then kills them because you killed two little girls in our housing project. And then somebody from the first cartel has to go kill somebody from the
Starting point is 01:06:49 second cart, like it then becomes this much more escalatory thing. But it's not again, it's not this like sophisticated, you know, gangs going out and committing gangland assassinations, good fellow style. It's just like a dumb thing that somebody did entrepreneurially, not hierarchically. Yeah. And this is also, you know, I mentioned at the beginning that the vast majority of quote, unquote, gang related homicides are not gang related. That there's all these other studies of this, that there's a really good study of Chinese gangs in Vancouver, where they look at all the murders and 43% of the murders were started when a guy from a rival gang looked at me the wrong way. Because it's basically, it's like, it's not organized. It's totally spontaneous. It's like,
Starting point is 01:07:37 I'm affiliated with this group and you're affiliated with this other group. It's like high school kids being like, Oh, I go to this high school and you go to this other high school and you suck. And then it just escalates into violence. Yes, I still feel enmity toward Shashua, who had a way better soccer team than us. But it's like, it's basically the same structure as that. I mean, there's all kinds of psychological and anthropological literature on this, where you find this across cultures and in all kinds of different countries where under a context of constant threat, when groups form, those groups become very important and the group identity becomes very important. And oftentimes,
Starting point is 01:08:14 in a way that I think is difficult for people who can sort of rely on law enforcement to understand any threat to the status of that group is experienced as an individual threat. Yeah. How do you feel if people are hostile toward the gays? I mean, that's how we feel about our identities generally, I think. Especially if we have any sense of a marginalized identity, you have to respond. You have to protect yourself if you're used to needing to do that. Right. And it's not, it's not defensible. It's not good. Human behavior isn't good or bad. It's just, you know, it is. Yeah. But it's like, if your entire strategy for dealing with that is like, we need to eradicate
Starting point is 01:08:53 gangs, it's like, what you're really talking about is you're eradicating a form of interacting with other people, right? Like this stuff goes really deep and you can't get rid of a feeling of commonality between three or four people that are under the same circumstances. Like, you can't stop teenagers from calling themselves something. Or you need to get rid of the sense of danger that they respond to by forming these bonds that lead to group violence. Yes. Make the world a safer place. I'm sorry that the answer is always that. It's very annoying. Yeah. But you know, what are you going to do?
Starting point is 01:09:29 I mean, one of the things, there's a Surgeon General's report about this in the late 90s, and it's extremely telling to me that it only lists three effective gang strategies. And one of them is expanding the foster care system. There's all these other institutions that are contributing to this problem and to this escalating cycle of violence. And if your response to the cycle of violence is to deal with the gangs rather than the violence, you're not going to get anywhere. Well, you're going to get up your numbers for arrest and incarceration, but you're not going to solve the problem you're claiming to attempt to solve. No.
Starting point is 01:10:07 Exactly. And so it reminds me a little bit of when we talked about the obesity epidemic, where it's like, people shouldn't be fat because they'll all get strokes. And then you're like, well, a lot of fat people really aren't at risk for strokes, and a lot of skinny people are at risk for strokes. So why don't we deal with the strokes? We know how to prevent strokes, and why don't we just get rid of this middle man concept of obesity and just deal with the thing we want to deal with and know how to do it? Yeah, but no one likes that argument because what we really want to do is confirm our anxieties as dominant culture. Nobody likes the person who points out that the fake reason doesn't work, right? Yes. When your mom is like, we can't have
Starting point is 01:10:48 Antricia stay with us because we don't have a full doubt couch in the basement. You're like, but we do have a full doubt couch in the basement. It's like, no, the reason we can't invite her is because she's had an affair with the Volvo dealer, and we're uncomfortable about it. I mean, and you can see the same logic in the way that we construct the drug problem of gangs, like the ways in which gangs contribute to drug trafficking, where again, all of this research starts coming out in the 2000s about how gangs are actually dealing drugs. And so the vast majority of quote unquote drug gangs, these cartels really, it's like one or two, maybe five people at the top and hundreds of super low level people that are not dealing drugs particularly
Starting point is 01:11:38 often. Like an MLM. It's exactly like an MLM. It's totally multi-level marketing. The literature compares it to franchises. Like if you run a McDonald's franchise, you're not chatting all that much with other McDonald's franchisees, right? Like you're doing some vertical communication, like up the chain to whoever's giving you the hamburgers or whatever. But they're not really giving you orders day to day about like, oh, you were late yesterday, Bob. You got here at 9, 20 AM. Like they don't really do that. It's much more just like buy $100 worth of drugs from somebody and sell it for 150, like one piece at a time. So in this later study, they find that 50% of quote unquote gang members also have formal work. So a lot of them have jobs, but they're
Starting point is 01:12:22 just like selling drugs is something they do on the side for a little bit of extra cash. It's not their primary occupation. One thing that's really interesting, a study, this is the same study, says the consensus appears to be that drug trafficking is usually a secondary interest compared to identity construction, protecting neighborhood territory and recreation. This study in St. Louis says the drug sales are quote, poorly organized, episodic, non-monopolistic, and not a rationale for the gang's existence. So when we talk about, you know, the primary purpose of Greenpeace isn't the crime, it's political advocacy. Well, you could make an argument that the primary purpose of a lot of these lower level, you know, five kids together,
Starting point is 01:13:03 wolf pack type gangs, the primary purpose is not drug trafficking. The primary purpose is feeling like you're part of something. And so by the court's own definition, they shouldn't be charging all of these gangs as criminal organizations when it's incidental to the gang. It's not central to the gang. Let's say if you have a group of friends and you get together and do crafts on Friday nights, you know, you're not friends so you can do crafts. It's a function of the friendship. Even like with the multi-level marketing metaphor, there's also very little evidence that people are sending profits up the chain. I mean, that would make much more sense. So you
Starting point is 01:13:38 like lay out a certain amount of money upfront and then you have your own little chunk to go off and parcel out however you want to. Like that's how, that's how business tends to work. Right. I think probably the thing I should probably end with is, I mean, you knew this was coming, but when you compare rates of juvenile delinquency across races, you see that like white kids are just as juvenile delinquent as black kids. Like there's no, you know, when it comes to graffiti, stealing cars, being out just doing dumb teenager stuff, there isn't a lot of racial difference. You know, of course, this entire problem has been constructed in contravention of all available evidence.
Starting point is 01:14:17 Great. So is anything true? Like is there anything that we were told that people were saying in the 90s that was not a complete exaggeration or made up or? Say by the bell. Yeah, they probably did have a very special episode about gangs. I mean, so much of this to me goes back to the way that common behavior gets turned into something dark and devious when somebody else does it, right? That like what we were really talking about with these gangs was like, you know, representing your high school or having a group of people that you hang out with and you're proud of and connected to, which is just a feature of humanity. Like that's something that people do everywhere. And so we found a way to
Starting point is 01:14:58 tell that story as something deviant and wrong and gross, but it was much more important at the time to try to sort of do the opposite thing. Like we have a problem with making exotic behavior normal. That's the direction that I think we struggle with, especially as media of being like, here's a thing that maybe you're not super familiar with, but it's actually more or less the same as what you do. And it's not that hard to see it. Like you have to, if you're like not trying to spend it as this far off scary thing, then it's pretty easy to see that. Can you say again, what are the four stages of moral panic so that we can recognize when we're experiencing one? They were start with a real thing, mischaracterize the nature and scope of the problem,
Starting point is 01:15:41 respond disproportionately and never return to debunk it later. What do you think? What did I find this? Well, I guess the one thing I would add, and I don't think this is part of all moral panics, but I do think it was part of the satanic panic. It's something where you identify the problems with indominate culture and then project them onto an outsider group that you can then vow to eradicate. We suddenly, as a culture, kind of figured out about child sexual abuse, and then we didn't want to look in the place where it made the most sense to look for it. And so we were like, it's daycare workers and lesbians and occultists and people who are poor, people who can't afford lawyers, people who can be kind of quickly routed by the system. These became the people who were,
Starting point is 01:16:25 who we took this disproportionate response to, who this panic was aimed at. So I think in gangs, it would be interesting to wonder if there was something about the way that dominant culture was run, the way that white America was run, maybe even the way that the police were operating that we projected. Yes. As always, I end this episode more afraid of the police and the media than I was when I began it. Mission accomplished. And therefore afraid of myself, because I am the media. So as always, I fear our gang. Good.

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