You're Wrong About - Quarantine Deep Dive: Jessica Simpson’s “Open Book” (Week 2)

Episode Date: May 14, 2020

“Her parents’ financial success is dependent on her abdomen.” This week, Jessica moves to L.A., records a video and meets a boy. The celebrity cameos escalate. Digressions include overalls, were...wolves and Judy Garland. This episode unfortunately contains detailed descriptions of disordered eating.Support us:Subscribe on PatreonDonate on PaypalBuy cute merchWhere else to find us: Sarah's other show, Why Are Dads Mike's other show, Maintenance PhaseContinue reading →Support the show

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Starting point is 00:00:00 That's because my only framework for understanding the 90s is like moulin and moulin adjacency. The Leaf Police dismisseth us. Welcome to your wrong about, where we tell the tragic stories of the pop stars you thought you envied and then thought you hated and then realized you loved. Oh, that's good. That's like a three part tagline with a twist. Oh, thank you. Yeah, it's good for the tagline itself to have a twist in it, right? It's like the little tiny James Bond movie at the start of James Bond movies. I am Michael Hobbs. I'm a reporter for The Having a Post. I'm Sarah Marshall. I'm working on a book about the Satanic Panic. And we're on Patreon and lots of other places where you can find and support us or you can not do that and just stay
Starting point is 00:01:03 chill in quarantine doing dishes. Listen to us tell you about pop stars. That's our that's the public service we want to offer. It's our pitch. Yeah. And today we are talking again about Jessica Simpson. Part two. Yes. I'm very excited. We left last episode on a cliffhanger. It was extremely manipulative, as I recall. Yeah, I'm over it. Don't worry. So yeah, do you want to bring us up to speed on where where Jessica is right now where we left her? Oh boy. Okay, so we have talked so far about the start of Jessica Simpson's memoir and kind of her frame narrative for starting to tell us about her childhood, which is her friends doing an intervention on her. And then she takes us back in time to the early days of Jessica Simpson when she was a struggling preacher's daughter in Texas
Starting point is 00:01:55 and experiencing sexual abuse from the child of friends of her parents and then entering singing contests and eventually getting all the way to the Mickey Mouse Club auditions and then getting freaked out, I guess. And second guessing herself and having a really bad audition and going through the experience of the Mickey Mouse Club being like we were going to take eight out of these 11 kids, but because you did such a bad job, we're taking seven. Yeah. Yeah. You have a very good memory for details. Oh, I guess listen to it again because it's I've enjoyed it. Oh, yeah. I just like hearing you tell me about Jessica Simpson. So get ready for the next four hours. This is it. We have a lot to get through. I need absolute silence, please. Well,
Starting point is 00:02:44 so yeah, I mean, first of all, do you have any other reflections on the story that you want to share before we get going? Well, you know what I think it's like? It's like that thing where you're like, I'm trying to start exercising regularly. I'm trying to train myself to know in a Pavlovian way that like if I exercise, I feel better. And I feel like as a society, my hope is that we are learning that for revisiting the legacies of people who we have previously walked all over and that we get this meaningful and really positive experience and that it feels good for us. If we're able to accept the humility that comes with admitting that like maybe we went along with a hasty societal judgment and we have the process of being like,
Starting point is 00:03:28 I was wrong, I listened to the wrong people and it is meaningful to me and it feels good to witness this person's humanity and to feel a connection between myself and them. And you know, just feeling a deeper connection to humanity, feeling within yourself the realization that all humanity is connected. I realize that's a lot of pressure to put on a biography of Jessica Simpson, but like, it's a really good biography. Moral endorphins, I like that. Yeah, moral endorphins, that's what it is. Thank you. This is some good cleanup hitting, Mike. Like I take like this big digressive who knows where
Starting point is 00:04:03 it's going kind of a thing and you're like, yeah, moral endorphins. And it's like, yeah, there it is. So as we continue morally endorphining, we are going to do a little thing this episode where I'm going to show you a music video from 2001. And then we're going to do a sort of like freeze frame record scratch. I guess you're wondering how I got into this situation thing. So I am sending you a video called Irresistible that came out in 2001. It is one of Jessica's biggest hits. All right, I'm clicking on this. Okay, three, two, one, go. Ooh. I'm getting like Blade Runner vibes from this. Okay, so we're panning through a city and Jessica is on all these big screens and she's like,
Starting point is 00:04:50 oh, I remember this video. Do you? Yeah. It makes me sad. Okay, so Jessica is wearing, I cannot believe what they have put her in. She's wearing extremely low cut like leather or leather looking pants and then like a little leather jacket with like flared sleeves, but it's the hem is like way above her belly button. I know. It's that very 2001 look of like as much uninterrupted torso as you can get. Her torso is like 80% of her body. She's like a porpoise. It's such a weird fashion trend for adolescents because the torso is not a problem free area when you're at that age. Here we have our first costume change. She's, yeah, she's got another midriff outfit. Now she's wearing white to suggest that there's some, some story happening.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Yeah, those pants are so low cut that I'm like, how is she dancing in those? Like what's holding them up? I know. Like our girls supposed to be hobbled by the continual anxiety that they're going to like accidentally flash some pubes at any second and is just like another corset type situation. Yeah. So there's not a lot of story here. She's like dancing around in sort of a mildly futuristic environment. There's some cat burglars or something. It's very confusing. There's explosions going off and there's glass breaking and now she's on a roof and there's all these ninjas, but they took off their hoods and their girl ninjas and their backup dancers. Are they boy, boy and girl? No, there's boy ninjas. Do you find her convincing? I think she is really
Starting point is 00:06:27 committing to what she's doing. Yeah. Like if you told me like this was her idea and she was like, I want to be on the ceiling with, with ninjas and I want to wear those pants. I'd be like, I believe that you choose all these things for yourself. Like she does not look like she's passing any aspect of it. However, I do not think that necessarily means that she's happy about this. And I feel like you've given me some foreshadowing. Yes, I'm giving you context close. Yeah, you are. That was very fun to watch. Let me, uh, before we move on and we rewind, let me just read you some of these lyrics. So in the book, she talks about how the way that they were trying to market her was sexy virgin. Why was this such a thing at the time? Like what
Starting point is 00:07:09 was wrong with the time when we were adolescents? Like when she said that, I thought like they meant it sort of metaphorically or like something that they said behind the scenes. But that's like, that's literally this song. Like this song, let me read you the lyrics. I know that I'm supposed to make him wait. Let him think I like the chase, but I can't stop fanning the fire. I know I meant to say no, but he's irresistible. No, no. It's so gross, dude. It's written by two Swedish dudes. It's something so fascinating to me. Like the extent to which this is very obviously written as just a pure male fantasy. Oh my God, I know. Like I'm innocent and I've never done this before, and yet I can't resist you. And so I'll make an exception for you. It's like there's so much
Starting point is 00:07:54 weird shit going on in this. It's like what your middle-aged producer and that kind of you like singing to him. It's like, yeah, it feels like such a, ooh. And we'll get into this more, but like that video, everything about that video is a creation of the men in her life. I'm so shocked. So that is 2001. That is sort of where she ends up at the end of the episode. And now we're going to rewind to 1993. Is this the structure of her memoir or is this the structure that you're doing? This is me. I really like this. This is I'm very intrigued. I'm like, oh no, what happened? That's because I'm manipulating your emotions. So we're going back to fall of 1993. She is 13 years old. One thing I really appreciate about Jessica Simpson is that she was born in 1980. So it's
Starting point is 00:08:44 always very clear what age she is by the year. So she has recently been turned down by the Mickey Mouse Club. And this sort of next little montage is very interesting because it's the last glimpse of her as a normal kid, where like, she's going to school, she's eating in the cafeteria, she's trying to become a cheerleader. It's like normal stuff. And then the rest of the book very shortly is just like her in the music industry. So the first thing that happens, she opens chapter four talking about her boobs. She's apparently walking to school, to middle school, and a boy comes up to her and is like, you know, you'll make a lot of friends if you jump up and down. Like people really like it when you jump up and down. And because she's like super, super Christian
Starting point is 00:09:33 and like kind of insecure about her body, she just is like, okay, I'll jump like it's like these boys seem nice. Some of them are kind of cute. She's like, yeah, I'll jump up and down. And then they're kind of giggling and another girl sees this walking by and is like, hey, they're only doing that because they want to see your boobs bounce up and down. And Jessica, who's like not aware of like basically how big her boobs are and like how much boys like her big boobs, she's really insecure about them. Yeah. And she I mean, she is a D cut by the end of eighth grade. Oh my gosh, because she's developed so much earlier than all the other kids, she's doing that thing of like, you know, holding her books in front of her chest as she walks, she's wearing super baggy
Starting point is 00:10:13 clothes. She's like always pulling at her shirt, she says, because she doesn't want people noticing because she thinks they're a sign that she's getting fat. Like she's already insecure about her weight. And so all she sees them as is extra fat on her body. So she's not like, well, of course, I'm hot and these boys want me to jump up and down. She's like, I'm, I have a really embarrassing body. And like, why would anybody look at me like lustfully? But so she's bouncing up and down, this girl sees her, and then the boys are kind of giggling and the boys kind of go away. And Jessica's like, Oh, I sorry, I didn't know that's why they were telling me to jump up and down. And the other girl is like, you knew, like you fucking knew, come on. Oh, come on.
Starting point is 00:10:55 It's such a perfect example of like, how the patriarchy like turns women against each other, right? Where it's like, these boys are rodents, like these two women should be teaming up against these boys. But instead, it's like, Oh, no, you have big boobs, you know it, you love getting this kind of attention from boys. And so I think this is also like just such a rich text. One of the things she says at the end of this anecdote is she says, honestly, I'd come to trust the intentions of boys over girls after the way some girls had treated me. I had a core group of girl friends who I loved, but they were all from youth group at church. If boys were nicer to me because of my breasts, well, at least they were nice to me. And it's just like, Oh, don't be mean to each
Starting point is 00:11:35 other, like fight the real enemy, the rodent boys. Yeah, it's terrible. It's like the just the horror of adolescence. And you know, in one of its many nutshells, there's also a lot of these like vignettes at this time where, you know, she's singing in more churches. She's getting to bigger audiences. She's singing to audiences of like 20,000 people now with these massive mega churches. Wow. But another thing that starts happening at this time is when she's singing at churches, the pastors at the churches will start yelling at her for dressing too sexy. Oh my God. Not because like she's actually dressing too sexy. But what keeps happening is her boobs are really big, her clothes don't fit super well, and they can see her nipples through her shirt, which happens.
Starting point is 00:12:14 And just like you can't you women can't control what their nipples are doing. Yes. If I teach you nothing else, let it be this, not you, Mike, but like other people. And it's like, people keep yelling at her for that sort of like this, like how dare you turn off the air conditioner. I feel like being an adolescent is like you just wake up one day and you're a werewolf, you know, and you need someone to take you to the werewolf supply store and talk to the clerks for you and get like your brushes for your new fur and like right some cream for like your weird werewolf saliva. Right. You need to know any of that. And if you don't have people to help you through it, then people just are like, look at that werewolf. And so in that same vein, we get once she enters high school,
Starting point is 00:12:57 we get another story sort of along the same lines where she's making friends, she joins the cheerleader squad. It seems like she's relatively popular, but she's also kind of like a weird Christian girl or like that's how they see her. Is she like Sandy and Greece? Yeah, I think so. They're like, how are things down under Jessica? And she's like, Oh, great, thanks. And so she makes this friend, they start getting closer, they're at a sleepover. And this friend tells her about like a moral dilemma where she's like, Well, I think one of my friends is being molested. And I know about it. And I don't know, like, should I tell adults? And so Jessica says, Well, I was abused by another girl. And I think you should come forward about it. Like it can be really damaging. I think you
Starting point is 00:13:43 should do everything you can to prevent this. And so she goes to school two days later. And that girl has told everybody that she's a lesbian. Right? Oh my God. And so apparently she she goes back on the field to do like cheerleading stuff. And the the crowd starts chanting lesbian, lesbian, oh my God, people write die bitch on her house and shoe polish. I think to me the most tragic thing about calling someone a lesbian as an insult is like that it reflects that the world view of the name caller is so horrifically stunted that they don't realize that's like insulting someone by calling them a socialist. Right. Where's the insult? It's like calling someone left handed or something. It's like, Okay, well, yeah, I guess. Okay, but that's so horrible though,
Starting point is 00:14:33 because it I mean, it sucks, because it feels like what we're seeing now is this pattern of her attempting to reach out and do the brave thing. And also this form of abuse that like, isn't as culturally recognized as other kinds of something that's traumatizing and that like she's trying to reach out and now like two times it has gone like neutral to bad, basically. This is my whole beef with the whole like the stranger danger obsession that we have as far as child abuse goes is because when you come forward with forms of abuse that aren't in that perfect little stereotypical narrative, people don't know how to fucking process it. We can't process the fact that you were abused by first of all, another girl. And second of all, a girl who was only one year
Starting point is 00:15:17 older than you. That's a thing. That's a story that we haven't heard in American life. And so not to defend this girl for fucking ratting her out. But it's like, we just don't know these stories. Like we don't understand the way that this really is abused, right? Like they can't process it in any way other than, Oh, she's a lesbian. Right. Like they are viewing a story of abuse as a story of like sexual preference. Yeah. I mean, she talks about how, you know, they have to bring in school counselors, there's like assemblies that are done. Apparently it's a huge deal in her school and they don't, her parents don't pull her out of school, but it does seem like she just sort of checks out like school is a place of hostility for her.
Starting point is 00:15:55 And like the church is a place of acceptance generally. And so she basically decides like, I'm never going to trust anybody with the secret again, obviously. And I'm just going to kind of like mentally check out of high school and like all of my life is going to be in the church and like this kind of budding singing career of mine. Oh my God. And then she just feels like so vulnerable going into this next phase of her life. I picture this like big eyed creature of the forest, you know, who just like needs someone to help her learn how to manage her boobs. And instead she's going to be making this video in a few years. So I don't feel like that's going to happen. The last thing we get, the last glimpse in this montage that we get is her high school boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:16:35 His name is Jason. The only sort of noteworthy thing about their courtship is the fucking weird way that her parents micromanage her sex life. So he like, she meets him through the church. So it's like a very churchy relationship. They meet when she's 14, maybe it's 13, but like very young. He's also very young. And so her parents are like intimately involved in this relationship. So for Valentine's Day, he goes over to her house for Valentine's Day. So already it's like he has a family dinner with her family for Valentine's Day. And then her parents at like, you know, 7 30 p.m. or something, her parents are like, well, we better go to bed and leave these kids to it, you know, like very sort of theatrical.
Starting point is 00:17:16 And so they, you know, retire upstairs or whatever. And then he, of course, like perfect little gentleman, he's like, I'd like to kiss you. And she's like, that's fine. And then they kiss. She's ecstatic. Days later, she finds out that he asked her father for permission to kiss her. And her father gave permission to kiss her once. So it's like, yes, you can kiss her on Valentine's Day, but like any further kissing, you're going to have to like make an application again. And like, we're going to have to talk about it again, which is just like, I don't know, man. Okay, so it's I'm imagining like her boyfriend going into like her dad's chambers, you know, and her dad like pouring them some scotch and her boyfriend's like, I know, I can offer you two
Starting point is 00:17:59 kisses on Valentine's night. And that's as low as I'm prepared to go. Yeah, it's a it's a weird way to know that you're being talked about by the men in your life. I mean, it's the same thing that's going on in that song, right? It's this weird virginity thing. It's like it's this weird obsession with women's purity. Yes, boys are not required to remain morally pure in any sort of measurable sense. Again, it's like you can see how like in a very rigid worldview, it can be the only possible expression of paternal love that seems available. Yeah, it's just based on the idea that like the girl has no agency at all in the situation. Yeah, exactly. And as a girl, you can be like, well, that's a way of being valued. So it's not nothing. But am I crazy for wanting
Starting point is 00:18:42 something else? Yeah, I mean, these kids are 13, 14 years old. So like, of course, their parents are going to have some role in their social life at that age, right? Yeah. But it reminds me of like the kids I knew when like I was a preacher's kid and like growing up in the church, that like some kids were like very sheltered. It was very difficult to separate what the parent wanted for the kid from what the kid themselves wanted. Yeah. And then the jokes on their parents, because if you miss it, and I know this from personal experience, if you don't rebel enough and teen age you're done, you just get real weird like sometime later in life, like there will come a time when you go through like an uncomfortable rupture and growth period, and you cannot skip it.
Starting point is 00:19:20 It's happening. So sorry. Jason actually seems like an okay guy. They end up dating until she's 17 or maybe 18. And like it sounds like they just kind of drift away from each other. And the only sort of reason she gives for why they're drifting apart is that like he comes and visits her at some family lake house, something, something, and he like would rather go jet skiing than hang out with her. It could be a lot worse and it will be. So it's like, Jason, Jason go with God. Apparently he's a preacher now. I also bet I'm sure that like Jason is like one of those many people who had like a weird celebrity relationship that like when they have like a new couple over for dinner, his wife is like serving the potato salad. And he's like, has Jason told you about
Starting point is 00:20:01 when he dated Jeff Simpson? And they're like, what? And he's like, I'm embarrassed, but I'll tell it. And so that's kind of the last glimpse of sort of like what any of us would consider like a quote unquote normal childhood. Like the rest of the book is all about her becoming a massive pop star and her parents becoming like super duper showbiz parents. By the way, I keep watching rewatching this video on silent as we were talking. Oh my God. And it gets worse every time. Like I keep seeing more bad choices. Anyway. And so after the Mickey Mouse Club audition goes badly, her parents kind of like go in like they hire a voice coach. They hire her dad starts talking to like millionaires. He gets like investors. One guy invests $275,000 in her career on like points on
Starting point is 00:20:51 the back end. Like if she becomes a pop star, he gets like whatever percentage of her first record deal or something. He's selling stock in Jessica. It's weird, man. And like it's it's yeah, it's I don't know what else to say about it other than it's weird. It's fucking weird though. And then they start flying her to like auditioning things like all over the country. Her dad pays for her to have a gospel album produced like there's like a 20 piece gospel choir that's singing with her and this random guy named Buster who like produces her first album. But like I think he like goes bankrupt later or something. It's just like there's a weird network of people who are like preying on showbiz parents. Oh gosh, yeah. Because it's a very lucrative industry. Yeah. Like showbiz
Starting point is 00:21:36 parents and cancer sufferers and anyone who is willing to believe that like they are the one in a million person are I think pretty easy prey. So this all sort of culminates in you know, she's done these like little demos. She's kind of getting onto people's radar. She has a couple scouts from various record companies come and see her at these singing competitions. She's getting a couple little bites. So her mom and her dad organized for her to do like a tour in New York to like go to all of the record companies and like meet all of the top level executives. And first she goes to Jive Records and she sings I will always love you and they say like wow you knock out of the park you're amazing. But unfortunately we just signed somebody like last week
Starting point is 00:22:17 who's like she's also blonde. She's also from the south. Her name is Britney Spear do you know and Jessica's like foiled again. Like the end of a Scooby-Doo episode. And then they go to Columbia Records where they meet with Tommy Matola. Are you familiar with him? I know that name. He did bad things to Mariah Carey. That's what I know. Yes. So Tommy Matola is one of these guys who's just a monster of the music industry. He discovered Shakira and the Dixie Chicks and he's just sort of everywhere in the history of music. He's also the guy who married Mariah Carey when she was 23 and he was 44. Wow. And according to her was just an absolutely terrifying presence in her life and sort of kind of locked her into their home. She used to refer to their home as Sing Sing because
Starting point is 00:23:07 of all of the control that he kept over her. And isn't the Mariah Carey story that he like gave some of her samples like to Jennifer Lopez. Yes. Who then like used them and something she was cutting. And then that's where the like I don't know her. The famous I don't know her comes from. Yeah. That was passed off as like Mariah Carey being like mean and petty. And predictably the real story behind it is about the fact that like she had been screwed over behind the scenes by a man who like gave her work to Jennifer Lopez. And so the story is not like Mariah Carey attacking Jennifer Lopez but this man like pitting them against each other. It's like a little it's like a little you're wrong about within a you're wrong about. It's like a little you're wrong about Turducan.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Yeah. It's like a little like a mini peanut butter cup inside a scoop of Ben and Jerry. But it's but it's made out of sadness and. But so Jessica meets with this Tommy Metola guy who's like super high up. And he's like hi I'm very powerful. I suck. And so the way that she describes it is he asks her what do you want to do in life. And she says I knew the answer because I had written it in my journal the night before. Pay attention because this is like Anton Chekhov like super duper foreshadowing. She says I want to be an example to girls all over the world that you don't have to compromise your values to be successful. It's very clear why like Jessica Simpson
Starting point is 00:24:37 put that in this book like this phrase is what encapsulates the rest of her music career is just the slow erosion of her values. She's not an idiot. She was just marketed as one. And so after this foreshadowing she decides to sign with Columbia Records. And so this is how she describes it. My whole family flew back to New York to sign the Columbia contract in Tommy Metola's office at Sony. Right after we took a picture Tommy looked me up and down. Okay you got to lose 15 pounds. Tommy told me. Oh my god. What? I said not really understanding. I was five foot three and weighed 118 pounds and I was 17. Maybe 10 he said because that's the image you want to have. That's what it'll take to be Jessica Simpson. Tommy. I looked at my parents.
Starting point is 00:25:19 They said nothing. I immediately went on an extremely strict diet and started taking diet pills which I would do for the next 20 years. This is the Judy Garland story. This is just like I feel like Judy Garland's ghost is just sitting here watching all this like smoking and crying. And so she basically like immediately her parents pull her out of high school. She eventually gets her GED but they all move together to LA to work on her album and like join her music career. So essentially the whole family is putting all of their chips into Jessica becoming a pop star. Yeah so I'm sure that she needed even more stress so that's nice. They're not making that much money and her mom is doing this thing where she's redecorating houses so what they'll do is they'll
Starting point is 00:26:03 move into a house while her mom stages it for buyers and then they'll move into a different house. So it's like a rested development. Yeah it's basically they're like living in these model homes. That's very cute and bleak as an image. And so things are actually going really well at first that she's building Buzz. She gets one of her songs called Did You Ever Love Somebody on to Dawson's Creek. Oh yeah Dawson's Creek was huge for a while there. I looked up the song on YouTube and the number one comment just said Andy and Pacey because apparently apparently this was important to that courtship. But so what's interesting is even as she's starting to build Buzz basically they start already trying to repackage her either as an imitation of Britney Spears
Starting point is 00:26:50 or as counter-programming to Britney Spears. So when Britney Spears' album comes out they decide to basically scrap all of the work they've already done and be like no no no like sort of young sexpot virgins are hot right now so like we need to repackage you as a sexpot virgin. And so she talks about how she got signed as sort of like a voice person. Kind of sort of like a delish. Like I'm gonna do like classically good songs just like as a really skilled singer. Yeah I mean if you're auditioning with Whitney Houston songs then like yeah. But then once Britney Spears' songs come out and videos come out importantly they start saying like well how are your dance moves. So they start sort of pushing her into well you're really good at
Starting point is 00:27:35 dancing and you're really good at doing choreography and stuff right. And she's like I guess this is how it works okay. Because this is literally her first time at the rodeo. Yes and so she's like the none of these things are giving her red flags. It's just like I guess I have to lose weight and like learn to dance. And so in the midst of this buzz her dad is still like auditioning like random characters to be her manager. They go to some like I guess a parade in LA and she's looking for this manager guy and apparently it's the concert of some boy band that he's managing. She says just behind him was the most adorable guy I'd ever laid eyes on. It was the smallest moment. Two people locking eyes. At 18 my usual move was to be coy and look away but I didn't.
Starting point is 00:28:20 He came over walking in a more casual version of the onstage boy band saunter. I'd seen him do time and again but still purposeful. Hi I'm Nick. He said hello my life I thought. So this is Nick Lachey who is a member of the band 98 degrees. This is how she describes him. She immediately after meeting and they like whatever make small talk for five minutes they meet this manager and then immediately she goes home and starts like googling him. Asking Jeeves about him. Yes and she finds she says I learned Nick was a Scorpio loved the Bengals home team of his adopted hometown of Cincinnati and he liked dogs. Aw he was 25 seven years older than me and had the look of a bad boy. So we will get into like in detail the like ways in which Nick
Starting point is 00:29:09 Lachey is problematic. I do want to say right off the bat that one thing that actually stuck out to me was you know how boy bands in the 90s were all like they were completely formulaic right like they'd have these five positions and like there's like the bad boy and like the boy next door and they would cast boys. And the guy who's a little too old to be here. Yeah and so I always assumed that 98 degrees was like one of those whatever central casting like they put together this boy band but apparently Nick Lachey and his brother like started a boy band and like came up as like an organic thing which like I mean by the standards of boy bands like kind of actually makes me like and respect him somewhat like okay he's like someone who actually like sort of became famous in
Starting point is 00:29:53 like a normal way. Yeah I feel like in the late 90s most highly successful pop groups had been created in a lab. Yeah you know but I think I appreciated it then the way I appreciate like queer I know where it's like I know that these guys don't all normally live in a big house together but I appreciate them pretending for me that they do. Right and also you can see how this endears him to her as well that like he's not like a showbiz kid he's like a normal person from Ohio and like he's very driven and very ambitious and it's like he wanted to become a pop star and like he did apparently he made like a five-year plan for success like he's just very deliberate and knows exactly what he wants and like she's someone who's just kind of being thrown around on these
Starting point is 00:30:37 tides of the music industry and her parents wishes and so it's kind of appealing that he's like this rock and that he's an adult. Yeah exactly yeah like I think part of the appeal of like dating an adult if you're a teenager is if you like need adults in your life and that's a way to get one which like sometimes that's the only way. Yeah and so the next time she sees him this indicates like what her life is at this point she says the next time we saw each other it was at a teen people party for a cosmetics conference in Boca Raton. That's a very late 90s sentence. This is like what she does now and she says when she meets him there this is speaking of late 90sness she says he was wearing red overalls with the left strap off and a cream turtleneck.
Starting point is 00:31:25 Oh wow that sounds like he's on a Norwegian children's show. So like it's clear that he's attracted to her it's clear that she's attracted to him they end up sort of calling each other he invites her over to his hotel room she's like I don't know if I want to like hang out in your hotel room for hours but like they go up on the roof and they essentially just like talk for hours on the rooftop. So how famous is she at this point does she have an album out or is it just he's already established. So for the early stages of their career he is wildly more financially successful than her and wildly more famous than her like her career at this point like she's literally had one single on the Dawson's Creek
Starting point is 00:32:05 soundtrack at this point. She's still at like boat show level. Yeah yeah so this is one this is a very interesting passage to me see if you can spot the sentence that I'm gonna fixate on. We talked about our families and how his parents divorced when he was young but his dad never lived more than two miles away from wherever he lived. It made him grow up fast becoming the kind of kid who did his own laundry at eight years old. I may have been the breadwinner of our family but I couldn't work a washing machine to save my life. What do you think. Yeah well I can hear you saying the phrase I may have been the breadwinner of my family. I may have previewed that too much. That was not difficult I'm sorry. Okay this is why you would be a good leaker.
Starting point is 00:32:50 But yeah she just throws it in there and I imagine that maybe she hasn't been explicit about this before. Yeah yeah yeah. She's like anyway I was supporting my family but the point is that I didn't know how to do laundry. Yeah and it's also the juxtaposition is also fascinating to me where it's like she has all the responsibility for the family's finances but she's also profoundly like unworldly in a lot of ways like she is this pretty sheltered Christian kid who like is not allowed to watch MTV at home and she can't work a washing machine. Oh and by the way I'm also like completely responsible for my family's financial well-being. Right yeah like that combination of being so childlike in some key ways and then having section adult responsibility. Yeah and so
Starting point is 00:33:30 I mean what she says later this is like two chapters later but it's the same dynamic she says I was still very much a child. I didn't know how to write a check but somehow I was paying for everything. I knew that I was making money but I didn't think of myself as the family breadwinner. I just thought my money was their money. Oh sweetie. I know and then it gets even worse honestly what I knew for sure was that it stopped my family from having as many fights so I felt lucky I could be the one to help keep the peace. This is very Paula Barbieri I'm hearing a lot of Paula Barbieri in this you like grow up as fast as you can in the ways that allow you to like improve things for your parents. And the the main thing they've fought about for her whole life is money and now they don't have
Starting point is 00:34:13 to fight about money anymore because they have money. So she has to just keep doing incredibly stupid music videos. She's saving her family by acting out these terrible middle-aged man ideas. And so yeah she and Nick are on the roof apparently at the end of the night he sort of like makes a move like he puts his hand on hers and she immediately kind of recoils and she's like look I need to let you know something right away. I'm a virgin and I don't want to have sex until I'm married. Did she talk about when she decided this or was it just always just from the beginning? It's something it's again it's one of those things where like did she ever decide it? Right or did she just not imagine that there was an alternative? I mean I think about this
Starting point is 00:34:56 constantly about like when did I decide to go to college right like it was always just like well after you go to high school you go to college yeah and I kind of feel or at least the way that she described it in this book is just like that's what like people are virgins until they're married like that's what people do right and again all of her close friends are also Christian all of the family she hangs out with are also Christian and if everyone you know like owns a Nintendo you think it's normal to own a Nintendo and so to his credit he's like super chill about it he's like you know what thank you for telling me I respect it it's fine it's not clear like when they're sort of officially dating but like she basically notes the beginning of their relationship at this
Starting point is 00:35:33 conversation yeah which makes sense because she's like I have terms yes and he's like okay yeah so I put on a 98 degrees video on silent to get a sense of like what we're working with here and yeah I see it Nick Lachey looks like the best-looking guy who works at a particular mall on Long Island right exactly it's a big mall like it's a deep field he's very good looking but he also looks like he works in a mall yes yeah I get it I get it I extremely get it yeah and also she really likes the fact that he's kind of domineering like they end up doing a song together because the the record company's like oh this is actually really good marketing that like two of our stars are dating each other right so she talks about how like in the studio he's like uh no those
Starting point is 00:36:19 drums should be louder and like bring down the vocal on this and like let's up the tempo and she's like oh you can do that I didn't know I could like take control like that and you can totally see how being a woman in entertainment you would great because like she probably is looking at that and not being like oh I can also do that when I cut a single or whatever like I can be like no no less trouble yeah but if you can like attach yourself to a man who is allowed to tell other men how to do things he can be your proxy yes and so she actually goes on tour she opens for 98 degrees and she talks about one of the weirdest things is that his female fans will boo her because they know that she's his girlfriend yeah there's also just in the category of like cringy
Starting point is 00:37:05 shit that her parents do first of all it's like this massive culture clash backstage of all of these concerts because yeah he's like a 27 year old man who's like not a christian so there's this controversy backstage where he gets caught quote unquote drinking a beer and he's 27 I know but they're baptists baptists don't like drinking right no they're extremely anti-drinking and so her like dance teacher or like one of these kind of people who works for her slash friend is like I can't believe you're drinking beer back here this is really disrespectful to her family and so at this stage of the story he's much more likable than he becomes later and so he goes to her parents hotel room and apologizes oh and he's like I just want to let you guys know I drink
Starting point is 00:37:49 beer backstage it's disrespectful to your faith I'm really sorry I love that he was able to take it on the chin and not make it into a power struggle and not as I probably would be like that's ridiculous right and just like eat crow and be like I'm so sorry I drank that beer especially because it's not his value like that does show yeah he respects her it's like the opposite of like the abusive men that we've talked about so many times on this podcast it's one of the things it's like it's not that much to ask yes and it's like I'm just gonna do this thing for you because I love you and I respect you yes and also how the small things like show us the substance of a relationship like how you don't mind it when we call each other to start recording I have to cry
Starting point is 00:38:26 for 20 minutes oh my god I'm not saying that's been going on yeah so she's saying about how like the relationship is advancing she's of course telling her mom everything like their you know her parents are so very much involved in her love life and so she says he stayed patient and how the relationship progressed physically was always up to me he was the first guy who ever touched my breasts and it was such a big deal that I made my mom take me bra shopping for the occasion I spent an hour in a victorious secret before I settled on a purple one this is great first boob touch I said handing the bra to the girl at the checkout tonight's the night oh I love that that means okay that makes me really happy it's so cute I love this she's like I've thought about it
Starting point is 00:39:14 and I've made peace with myself and my god and I'm gonna let Nick Lachey touch my boobs yeah and I'm excited and this is good news and I'm gonna tell people about it like that's beautiful like that feels like she's really feeling in charge of her sexuality totally and it makes her feel good like she's she's happy to be taking this next step and he hasn't pressured her she's like this is something I am comfortable doing affirmative consent is a very sexy thing and if we don't realize that culturally it's only because we don't see it very often from women and so one of the things I love about this book is the surreal time capsule of the late 1990s music industry like the radio used to be like the main thing there were not other ways for people
Starting point is 00:39:57 to be introduced to new music if you wanted to break through like you had to be on the radio and the radio was controlled by a very small number of people and so what like this is Jessica's job is basically she goes around the country to these like radio showcases where it's basically like one by one you have to convince these program managers that like you are worth adding to the rotation and so it basically starts working she releases a song called I Want to Love You Forever which is still her most successful song it's a ballad they specifically choose a ballad because Christina and Brittany are both putting out like up tempo pop songs and so they're like well you have to be counter programming so we're going to put out like a
Starting point is 00:40:43 soft yearning ballady thing and so at the same time the label is telling her that she needs to show more skin so when she shows the video to Tommy Matola he says it's great but you can do better immediately I went over a mental checklist of possible flaws did I look awkward singing had I just not sold it I want a six pack for the next video he said Janet Jackson abs what yeah it's just amazing to me you know and it shows to me how sort of like penny wise and pound foolish the whole thing is and also penny wise ish really where it's like we're going to force you to go through severe physical changes really quickly in a way that will negatively affect you physically and psychologically maybe to a devastating degree if we do it over and over again for a couple years
Starting point is 00:41:30 but like that doesn't matter there's always someone younger and hungrier than you coming up the stairs behind you as they said and show girls uh I'm sending you the video now we're gonna watch it I'm excited it is maybe her worst video it's oh god it's not her fault but like it's not good I played it for my boyfriend last night and he was like is this 13 minutes long it just feels 13 minutes long okay uh three two one go okay old school plane aviation theme this is promising they've got her in white pants yet again it's like she's in a tampax commercial and like they're doing the thing that they did a lot in the late 90s where they'll show like quote unquote backstage footage it's to create the illusion of authenticity exactly it's like look
Starting point is 00:42:16 how real she is like all of this is fake but she's so real right or like look how real we are and we're offering you like a glimpse behind the scenes yeah although it's they never show the wind machine which is interesting because it's on for the entire video it's weird that she's standing in front of a plane and I guess they're just like in this reality Jessica is having a plane and now sunflower themed photo shoot but they don't say why it's because the theme is that she's being photographed uh is the plot going to thicken or is it just more of this I could see it going either way this is literally it we can stop at any time oh no I want to see the whole thing she also does that thing where she looks at the camera like it always makes me feel so uncomfortable
Starting point is 00:42:59 when pop stars look at the camera especially like wow lip syncing well it must be so hard for you to watch anything from the late 90s then because all anyone did was stare at the camera okay now she's in front of a desert themed yeah but yeah it's just her singing and and having her picture taking and then little backstage shots of her and she's got overalls on she's having fun letting loose although while she's singing watch what she does with her hands okay she is really working that denim jacket I have to say she's selling it I'm considering a denim jacket she's got her hand see what she's doing with her hand there yeah she's touching her stomach and kind of yeah putting her hand over her abdomen yeah she she's trying to cover it up she talks
Starting point is 00:43:51 about how she becomes so uncomfortable with her stomach at this time that when she sings she'll put her hand over her mid-drip and sort of shake her hand like when she has to hit a big note so that she covers it up oh that's terrible because we saw in that other video like by that point her entire job was like showing as much blank torso as possible why can't why can't people wear clothes while singing a song like not all the time I know just some of the time but this is what bums dance so much is like imagine being really self-conscious about a particular part of your body and then like your boss's boss's boss being like I need to see that more yes lift up your shirt a little more see she's doing it again yeah she is I see it now it's really dark there she is
Starting point is 00:44:36 again yep oh Jessica oh Jessica and obviously she looks great but it's like why can't she just be in clothes that she's comfortable wearing yeah there's so much like smoldering staring at the camera happening here and it's just yeah it's weird let's over thank god I feel so long yeah it just I mean like I've been thinking about this a lot for the last couple weeks and I think it's like the initial thing when you watch this video is you're like it's insane to tell fucking 19 year old Jessica Simpson to lose weight yes you know I consider that wildly immoral yes but I also just want to be like very clear that like it's wildly immoral to tell anyone to lose weight at any weight yes the reason why it's shitty to tell Jessica Simpson at 19 to lose weight is not because
Starting point is 00:45:27 she's skinny it's because you should not tell 19 year old girls to lose weight like they are like however they look is fine like this is what like I I don't know what do you think keep going you're getting there that was it that's all I had it's just bad okay right but yes exactly and I think also maybe having industries where women have to be at a very specific size in order to be considered saleable and not just in media but like I mean they used to when they had gymnasts go out and compete at the Olympics they would put their weight on the screen so yeah and so it's just it's everywhere and we have a cultural obsession with women staying as small as possible and I truly personally think that has to do with women being just less threatening if they're small and
Starting point is 00:46:16 also that like literally if you're hungry all the time then like you're less dangerous yeah you have less energy for planning and plotting yeah and so having a culture that is like Jessica Simpson needs to be as tiny as possible is like one very visible way of reinforcing that and also that like certain eras will like pick a certain body type that they like and they're like great everyone do that now yeah yeah I mean she talks about how like this is when she goes on like super crash diets I bet this is what she says off the diet I obsessed over how I look 24-7 on the diet I was also hyper focused on food it may be nervous yeah because her parents financial success is dependent on her abdomen now my anxiety had something to hold on to and instead
Starting point is 00:47:00 of examining my emotions I could just block them out by focusing on carb counts and waist sizes if I focused on controlling my outward appearance I could avoid thinking about my emotions and fears like that's an eating disorder that's like all the diagnostic criteria uh-huh and it's also a very relatable experience oh because like some degree of disordered eating is like yeah a very common hallmark of sort of the American experience of girlhood yeah and this is also I mean the sort of sub narrative of this entire story to me is the gradual corruption of her parents by the late 90s music industry I mean these are her parents are conservative Christians right these are people that are not comfortable with her showing off her body like these are people that were putting
Starting point is 00:47:44 her in like sweaters to go sing in church choirs and now both of her parents start participating in this like we're gonna hike up your shirt in the next video so you know you got to drop a couple more pounds and so this is what she says my mother sometimes with the best of intentions fed into it her aerobics teacher pass would kick in seeing a problem to fix and giving a solution she thought would help when she urged me to exercise or told me she was going for a long walk and maybe I should come along I knew what that meant oh please cultivate an eating disorder for us yes we uh we also get a guest appearance by satan would you like to hear it oh thank heavens yeah it's been too long without we've gotten like so many episodes by which I mean one without a
Starting point is 00:48:27 single appearance by satan let's do this she says I started to hear voices when I was alone at night waiting for the sleeping pill to kick in half asleep I would examine myself for flaws in the mirror and a mental chorus would weigh in they were intrusive and so mean that I was convinced satan was behind them oh yeah oh I get that I know my inner voice of anxiety if I believed in satan I would compare it to that it is like you know the devil on your shoulder kind of thing like it is this sort of evil voice in your head all the time like you're not good enough you're not skinny enough and it's the voice that tries to tempt you yeah into bad decisions yeah based on your own fear of your lack of your personal lack of worth so one thing one of her little acts of rebellion at this
Starting point is 00:49:10 time which I really like is she starts faking her abs so at concerts because of course they're making her wear midriff bearing shirts all the time she'll use like an eyebrow pencil or like contouring to make it look like she has abs I love that I feel like that she just in that one anecdote unseated Kim Kardashian is like the mother of contouring makeup right yeah it's a pretty good like it's a pretty good tactic what happened Mike in the late 90s and early aughts where the American music industry and fashion and pop media and whatever were like women's torsos I know the torsos of girls that's what we need as many inches as possible like what now it's fine if you're comfortable with that look but it's like it really plays up on
Starting point is 00:49:59 like a lot of areas that tend to produce insecurities and adolescent girls and I feel personally robbed by the fact that I went through high school at a time when low-cut jeans right were like the gene well I mean it's also to me the sort of the central sadness of this is that she's someone who's like grown up in a really modest family like she's someone who's like her faith is really important to her and all of a sudden all these people around her are telling her like you have to show more of your body and like she's never been comfortable with her body yeah and as I'm watching these you know these videos on silent as we're talking I'm like yeah she's really pretty she's like really throwing herself into doing all these stupid things they're telling her to do and she's clearly
Starting point is 00:50:41 like a very gifted and hard-working performer and like wouldn't it be nice if she was given work to do that like was pleasant for her right and so the final sort of insult of all of this is that as she's being told constantly to like a lose weight b show your stomach more she starts getting these weird stomach cramps and like sort of a lump in her stomach like her stomach is like sticking out and so she also starts getting these stomach aches like stabbing pains in her stomach that are so bad she starts vomiting like it gets really bad and so she finally goes into the doctor and they are like we need to take you into surgery immediately that she has some like cyst I like on one of her fallopian tubes and so they rush her into surgery they pull out
Starting point is 00:51:25 this cyst and they drain two liters of liquid out of it what yes she's had like a giant fucking lump in her stomach for like months at this point that's so huge and she's like dancing and singing around that yeah because like I know exactly how big that is because it's like whenever you order from dominoes they're like two liter of Pepsi yeah yeah no that's way too much Pepsi and so she says as they're like rushing her into the surgery the last thing she says before she goes under is like make sure you don't give me a scar no because she's afraid of her tummy like it just goes like so deep it sucks yeah it does it really sucks yeah so we do get a little glimpse of brightness at the end of this that she's recovering in her hospital room a few days into
Starting point is 00:52:14 my stay I was alone watching family feud the phone rings and I picked it up assuming it was Nick or my mother who had gone to run errands hi Jessica said her chipper voice there's someone who would like to speak to you I thought it was Tommy Metola firing me okay I said turning off the TV as I tried to sit up then this bright beautiful voice came on one I recognized immediately do you want to guess who it is oh a bright musical voice you recognize Amy Grant ooh um no it is Celine Dion and so I love this that she hears this voice in like this a lilting French accent which I imagine it's the same as like the Virgin Mary that we like talk about in the show oh yes now I'll picture yes that's perfect I'm gonna picture Celine Dion as my mare and Michelle remembers
Starting point is 00:53:00 and apparently she just hears this voice this is like Jessica it's Celine Dion and then she immediately is just like I love you oh that's wonderful that's wonderful and then Celine Dion says I hear you're not feeling well she said in her French-Canadian accent I just wanted you to know how much I love I want to love you forever and then Jessica's like that means some and then Celine cuts her off and starts singing the song I want like a fun she's Celine Dion seems like a zany broad yeah that's fun she's fun it's dope that's beautiful and Celine Dion says um you have so much ahead of you and I want you to remember one thing I've learned the best competition is always our own selves ooh she's wise do you think Celine Dion is like observing from her
Starting point is 00:53:45 thrown like makeup chair and she's like I sense yeah I sense these two girls are being pitted against each other I must send words of wisdom to this gentle warrior and then uh she hangs up and apparently the nurse comes in and is like is everything okay and Jessica's like Celine Dion she just called me and the nurse is like right okay anyway we gotta look at your meds and so now the book cuts forward two years it's 1999 okay and so her album has not come out yet but she's opening for Ricky Martin ooh apparently as she's doing her performance she's doing some choreography dancing something something and her pants split open and like basically like fall off of her as she's dancing at some point that would happen the pants are terribly constructed
Starting point is 00:54:38 at this time and so this is really cute she like she starts crying she runs backstage they're in the middle of the performance so they can't just stop so her mom is like take my pair of jeans and so she just puts on literal mom jeans uh and so she goes back onto the stage she says into the mic I don't know who saw my booty but I'm still gonna sing it off so here's my next song oh oh that's wonderful that's great and she says I got one of the biggest cheers of the tour when people saw the real me they wanted me to succeed it was a fleeting thought and I wish I had caught it and internalized it I still thought people expected perfection oh Jessica and it's like no Jessica like people like it when you're a person yeah this is what cooking shows have taught us and so her album
Starting point is 00:55:27 comes out it's called sweet kisses oh actually do you want to look up a picture of it do you want just google i do Jessica Simpson sweet kisses yes oh yeah oh I do know this cover it's the one where she's looking directly at the camera yeah this is like a very tight close-up on her face and her clavicles this reminds me of the aesthetics of the movie Gadica yeah like a slightly soulless looking blonde girl staring directly at you like there's something robotic about it isn't there yeah she's doing what Chuck Norris said yeah those brows are not moving she also just looks so young and so skinny yeah she's like a happy sort of sunny person like this just doesn't look like her at it's weird how like the music industry will like find someone who like clearly is very talented
Starting point is 00:56:15 at doing you know kind of the thing that they're doing or could be developed in some interesting ways but instead of respecting that being like no we have this very specific thing we need to do you're gonna do it right now and you're gonna do it over and over and over again right it's like wouldn't we still make a lot of money if we just let people do what they were good at and felt moved I know yeah so her album comes out it sells half as much as Brittany it only sells 65,000 copies the first week because the only person she's ever compared to is Brittany it's considered like a massive flop and the record companies mad at her that's so terrible I know it also gets bad reviews do you want me to read you the review from entertainment weekly yeah Jessica Simpson a
Starting point is 00:56:56 melodramatic 19 chirps cheeky Mariah Carey isms on sweet kisses a subpar portfolio missing the soulful target almost every time do you want to see the woman in me let me show you she lasciviously hisses in one laughable instance thanks but no thanks kid we've been there done that mom's waiting for you outside in the station wagon c-minus yeah and once again it's like the fact that the album is like badly produced maybe or that the lyrics are bad or that the decisions that went into it are bad all of that is taken out on her and it's like yeah she's not engineering any of this or manufacturing her own image like blame the people that are like molding her into this well what's really interesting about it is just how obvious it was to everyone that like this isn't you yeah
Starting point is 00:57:44 you're trying to do this soulful r&b stuff which like that's not a style of music that really moves Jessica Simpson and this is how i view this irresistible video that we watched at the beginning now that it's like they're very much pushing the sort of britney sexpot torso porpoise thing onto her she was never like all that excited about doing that kind of music or like all that excited about like making a video like that you know what it's like it's like if i were trying to like like say i was trying to write something about michelle remembers and my agent or whoever was like okay well a lot of people are buying american dirt so like just make what you're doing as much like that is possible and that's the only way we'll publish you ever right and i if i were a teenager and
Starting point is 00:58:30 felt this was my only choice and so on i'd be like okay i'm just gonna do like a terrible limitation of something that i don't want to be doing yeah and maybe i disagree with morally and my heart will like very visibly not be in it and then everyone will be surprised and blame me when it isn't successful right and so what happens after her album comes out even though it's not reviewed all that well and doesn't sell all that well is that she gets like massively more famous her videos are on mtv now she's in the tabloids now with nick lache and so this is the time when her virginity becomes like a big national deal oh boy so this is what she says around the release of the single i did an interview with teen people where they asked
Starting point is 00:59:11 me about being a virgin i said i wanted to wait until i got married i don't judge people who do have sex before marriage i said and i'm not trying to make anyone think that i'm such a good girl or such a holy person i'm a regular girl oh that's nice it's in the midst of like a long interview there's all this other context but of course like that's the headline like that's like the story right it's like i'm a virgin i'm saving it later she says i didn't realize the statement was going to get so much attention but the magazine got the most letters it had ever received about a story what i also didn't realize i'd handed every daytime show a news hook for having us on they asked nick and me about my virginity at every appearance oh my god no i know i was 19
Starting point is 00:59:53 and still sheltered so it was kind of bizarre to me that people felt free to ask how have you not had sex yet imagine your virginity becoming news i know oh my god the interviewer would always start with me and then turn to nick who was 26 and a man this situation did not compute for them are you okay with this nick they'd ask oh my god and to his credit he's like actually pretty nice about it she talks about when he's on the view this is what they asked him on the view like are you cool with not having sex with your girlfriend and apparently he says i really respect everything she cares about and everything that's important to her and she talked about this from the very beginning and so i knew going in that it was an issue for her and it was cool with me so it's
Starting point is 01:00:36 he's being chill about it but it's also imagine being in a cocktail party and being like uh-huh so yeah i heard your girlfriend isn't having sex with you so like how's that what's that like like what the fuck i don't know there's this weird thing where like we at some point started to conflate the goals of journalism which allegedly are you know to trouble the comfortable and comfort the troubles or whatever and have adapted that into like it is the right of the people to know everything they might potentially vaguely want to know about someone who made a cd once well i mean i think it also sets up this really bad dynamic where it's like she needs to be on tv because she needs to promote her album yeah and they're like okay jessica the virginity thing seems to be
Starting point is 01:01:24 popular so get out there and talk about your sex life champ and so this becomes like the reason why she can get on tv but it also contributes to the sense of like why is jessica simpson always bringing up the fact that she's a virgin right every interview she's bringing up like why is she ramming it down our throats well that was what i felt about it as a tween was like this seems to be her entire personality and of course i wasn't sophisticated enough to think through the fact that if this is what she's asked about in every interview and every tv appearance and then if whatever she says becomes the focal point and if she doesn't want to talk about it then probably that becomes a focal point like of course that's how you're going to hear about her as the public
Starting point is 01:02:05 yeah it's imagine every interview you did i would ask you about something you're not doing right if you're like sarah like how do you feel about not going to target right now and then you would like publish all these pieces about me and they would be like sarah marshall urines for target and it's like i do like i do want to go to target but i do have other things going on isn't it fascinating just to think about the amount of like the money that has gone into these stories and that these stories have generated and the time and the cultural space they take up that are about the sexual history of a teen girl it's like it's society hasn't progressed i mean remember when we did the marianne twinette episode yeah like and dana told us about like
Starting point is 01:02:47 they didn't do this for marianne twinette but you know check the sheets the next morning after they put the two teens in bed together who had just gotten married they would check the sheets to see if sex had happened and it's the same thing we haven't moved forward yeah journalists have been on the hymen beat for like 400 years it's also all about like this is so obvious but it's it's all about like the male gaze right it's always about this obsession with like i want to have sex with someone who's like never had sex before well and then i mean the whole rhetoric of abstinence right my favorite abstinence only metaphor that i've i've encountered that really is very distressing to me is that if you have sex before marriage then that's like opening up a christmas present that's
Starting point is 01:03:32 intended for someone else and like getting it all gross and ripping off the paper and then you tape it back on but like you can tell you can tell it's been opened yeah yeah i don't know i don't know how to articulate exactly why that bothers me but i guess it's it's the idea that that your sexuality is a present for someone else well it's like the wrong metaphor yes i mean i feel like a more apt metaphor would be like well do you want to play tennis with someone who's never played tennis before or do you want to play tennis is on who knows how to play tennis that's an equally convincing metaphor to me and he doesn't know how scoring works and doesn't know when to switch sides and and they don't know how to serve it would also be really fucking weird if you were like hey let's
Starting point is 01:04:15 play tennis together and the person was like you've played tennis before what no i want to teach you how to play tennis i'm only interested in this if you don't know how to play or if you know as oj simpson was you're like as far as i'm concerned you've never played tennis with anyone but me i mean that's kind of this is all bringing us back to the video that we started with because that's basically the message that that video is trying to convey in it's like boneheaded clunky swedish male songwriter way is like i'm a virgin and i'm not supposed to do this but i can't help myself like that's that's the central message of that video and the video i mean just to return to it first of all jessica simpson is 103 pounds by this point and she's so skinny and like miserable
Starting point is 01:05:07 and hungry when she's filming that video i bet on like a rooftop when it's cold out and so she's just like wrapped in a bathrobe yeah and like she'll get up and do like three dance moves and then like sit back down and wrap herself in the bathrobe again she is miserable filming this video for like 10 different reasons she's still under pressure to lose weight her career is not going that well because her first album is out and kind of flopped her second album is not out yet and so she says midway through the rooftop shoot i almost walked off the set because i messed up a dance move my mind was destroyed from exhaustion and those voices started in my head again telling me i was wasting everyone's time the video's choreographer my backup dancer dan karate called
Starting point is 01:05:53 for a break and took me aside stop he said look at me you are incredibly sexy you have to see that yourself to make other people see it just feel the way you look and it'll come through he had been on tour with britney spears and was a master at giving artists confidence i wish i could see what you see i said it's crazy you can't he said for the briefest moment i felt something a small flicker of what i felt with nick but it was there it was the first time i ever thought there could be a man in my life besides nick ah interesting and that's where we're gonna leave it oh my gosh i'm really excited for the next one another manipulative cliffhanger no it's great i'm enjoying this oh gosh so yeah that's that's where we are she's cold
Starting point is 01:06:38 she's hungry she's filming this video that is not going to turn out to be all that convincing but having watched it i she's selling it like she is giving it a 110 percent and like there is very little going on in this stupid video but like she is working hard and she is staring at that camera just like they told her to and i guess you know what's interesting too is that like you at least haven't mentioned her talking about how happy or unhappy she is like is she happy to be famous does it feel good like it's actually it's an interesting question i mean she doesn't address the question all that directly because it's like on some level she's gotten what she's wanted right like she wanted to hear her songs played on the radio she has now
Starting point is 01:07:19 done that and it's really meaningful but it's also like these are not necessarily like the songs that she would have chosen for herself which i feel like is a great example of why it's important to listen to what you feel you know because often like even if you can't articulate why something feels not quite right to you yeah if as a teenager you have really no way of saying that to yourself or anyone else you can still notice like this doesn't feel right like something feels wrong like i don't feel good when this happens right and that's one of the things that i find so frustrating about rhetoric that's sort of like ignore your feelings sort of reason it out and think about what you consciously think is going on and it's like no like our conscious minds are
Starting point is 01:08:03 often catching up to our emotions and piecing together like why we are feeling bad or good about something yeah yeah i mean if anybody asks you to dance on a roof with your shirt hiked up it's okay to say i don't want to do that i want to sing any grant songs yeah i guess you know if you find yourself drawing you know new muscle groups onto your body with make up ask yourself like am i doing this for me maybe you are

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