2819 Church - ENTRY & END TIMES | Which One Are You? | Matthew 21:28-32 | Philip Anthony Mitchell

Episode Date: February 24, 2025

In Week 5 of “ENTRY & END TIMES,” Philip Anthony Mitchell calls us to a life free of hypocrisy and self-deception, drawing on the lessons found in Matthew 21:28-32. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 could be seated I just feel faith rising up in the room right now We just believe Man I gotta move quick before I jump into the proclamation of the gospel Just got a shout out your two of my friends are in here My brother will and my brother stand they listen they got a dope Barber shop on the south side of Atlanta called faded luxury So if you need your edge up to stay holy you live in the south side of Atlanta faded luxury, okay, just Go see the shop
Starting point is 00:01:22 It's godly in there. They'll be having podcasts on and messages on. We talk about Jesus in there. As I'm saying that, that's just a reminder to me, you don't need a platform for ministry. Your ministry is wherever Jesus has planted you. In your home, if you're a single mother, in a barbershop or hair salon, on your campus or on your job in the cubicle with the atheist sitting right next to you. We're going to be fruitful wherever God planted us. If you're a mechanic or you're doing somebody's weave, you're putting in a bundle while you're
Starting point is 00:02:01 praying over her. We're putting in a bundle while you praying over her. We putting in a bundle while we praying over her. Where all my ladies at? You be doing that sowing, praying over her marriage and praying over her mind and praying over her heart Now it's gospel expansion Sunday And I'm gonna come back to that at the end of the message And I want everybody to sit still when I'm done preaching And I'm not gonna preach a message to you about giving to try to manipulate you for 55 minutes to give. No. It's week five of our brand new series, entry and end
Starting point is 00:02:53 times. And we are marveling in this series over the final actions of Christ in the final weeks of his life and the final words of Christ about the end times, about everything he said is coming for America and coming for the nations of the world, whether people believe that or not, they will not escape what he said is coming. I'm telling you right now, there is nothing we're going to hear more important in this hour of our life than the words of Christ. His words are heat, and we need to be informed. His words are heat, and we need to be informed. Okay? His words are heat, and we need to be informed. So if you are guests to 2819, we welcome you. For everybody sitting in the overflow rooms who are guests to 2819,
Starting point is 00:03:35 we welcome you to all of our digital disciples watching live right now across the nation and around the world. We welcome you to 2819.19. Our text today is coming from Matthew 21, verses 28-32. And it's already done. And that ain't the title of the message, but that's in my spirit for the day. And that ain't the title of the message, but that's in my spirit for the day. It's already done. So eternal God and ever-wised Father, Lord, we thank you for everything that is already done. We thank you for how you've gone ahead of us and have put together things in our future
Starting point is 00:04:19 that's already done. We thank you, God, for the power of your holy Scriptures and for your Word that's already done. We thank you God for the power of your holy scriptures and for your word. That's already done. We thank you Lord for this text. We thank you for this moment. We thank you God for how we're about to build you a house like Solomon. For the glory of your name.
Starting point is 00:04:41 We thank you for the spread of the gospel through 28-19, the harvesting of souls and the multiplying of disciples. We thank you for revival being poured out on the nation. We thank you for this moment when we gather together without fear of our heads being chopped off in the parking lot. And Father, now I pray you would draw the sons and daughters to yourself. You would even draw the unbeliever and the atheist to yourself. Pray God we will be stirred as the Word is proclaimed. Our hearts will burn as the Word is proclaimed and that you will be glorified in this moment.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Help your servant in his weakness to proclaim these truths. We ask in the mighty, look up that word, and the majestic, look up that word, and the matchless, look up that word. Name of our Lord and Savior and soon coming King. God's people said amen and amen and amen. Now family, hear me. One of the most dangerous things that will ever affect the life of a human being in this life is the dark power of this strong word called deception. It is when the human mind is misled to believe
Starting point is 00:06:11 something that is not true or something that is not accurate. Deception can enter our life through false teachings or false words. Deception can enter our lives through wrong people and wrong associations. Deception can enter our lives through rebellion and sin. Deception can enter our lives through wrong exposures. Deception can enter our lives through things we're listening to or exposed to that is not true. And hear me, of all of the different forms of Deception that exists perhaps the most destructive form of deception is self-deception
Starting point is 00:06:52 When a person holds on with the tight grip to their own ambitions their own ideals their own biases that are false Only to man put them in a position, to suffer in the end because of that deception. And it's for the power of deception, many people are going to live a life now in darkness, they're going to be separated from God for all eternity because of the power of deception. Enter every false religion in the world outside of Christianity. Enter psychics, mystics, Ouija boards, zodiac signs, horoscopes, and fortune telling. Enter sage, crystals, and rocks hanging around your neck for good
Starting point is 00:07:36 luck. Enter new age philosophies and all of our spiritual ascent outside of God, outside of Christ, outside of the Holy Spirit. Enter the men at the center of this text. Now you remember from our study in Matthew that Christ is coming down to the end of his life and he enters the city of Jerusalem during Passover in a grand and non-verbal display, declaring himself to be the Son of God. You remember that Christ went to the temple and he saw one night the corruption that was in the temple. You remember Christ going home to Bethany and then coming back and cursing a fig tree
Starting point is 00:08:21 that represented the barren nation of Israel and the barren spiritual leaders. You remember Christ going into the temple and cleansing the temple from the corruption that was in the temple. And you remember Christ now from last week being in that temple and teaching. And I want to read to you the text that we had from last week because the text from last week is important for us as we jump into the, we're about to study right now. In Matthew chapter 28, you read this text last week in verse 23, the Lord is teaching now in the temple in the final week of his life before he is executed.
Starting point is 00:08:56 The city is packed with some two million people. The temple is crowded with thousands of people. And in Matthew chapter 21, Matthew the tax collector wrote, and when he entered the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came to him as he was teaching and said, "'By what authority are you doing these things?' What things?
Starting point is 00:09:19 Preaching, healing in the temple, cleansing the temple, breaking norms and customs, and by what authority are you doing these things, and who gave you this authority? And Jesus answered them, "'I will always ask you a question,' he said to them. "'And if you tell me the answer, "'then I will also tell you by what authority
Starting point is 00:09:38 "'I do these things.'" The baptism of John, from where did it come? From heaven or from man? And they discussed among themselves saying, well, shoot, if we say from heaven, he will say to us, then why didn't you believe him? So we can't give him that answer. And they said, but if we say from man, shoot, we will be afraid because of the crowd, for they held John was a prophet. We can't give him that answer So they answered Jesus We don't know
Starting point is 00:10:11 And he said to them well shoot neither do I Tell you about what authority I am doing these things So there is Jesus in the temple. He's confronted by the elders, the spiritual leaders, the pastors of Israel. They ask him a question, but then he responds to them with a question. Now they're talking about John, John the Baptist, who God sent to be a forerunner of the ministry of the life of Jesus. It was John who was a preacher of righteousness and holiness. It was John who affirmed the identity of Christ when he was alive.
Starting point is 00:10:49 It was John who said, behold, look, the Lamb of God talking about Christ who takes away the sin of the world. It was John whose preaching was so powerful it gave birth to a national and spiritual revival. It was John who was an outcast preaching in the wilderness, eating locusts and wild honey and dressing in a garment that people thought was hideous. It was John's preaching that was saving people by the thousands and transforming the nation of Israel. It was John they were talking about in this moment and now Jesus asked them a question about John but here because John testified
Starting point is 00:11:29 about the identity of Christ To say his baptism came from heaven would be for these spiritual leaders to affirm Christ They don't want to do that because they're jealous of his ministry To say John's ministry came from man will be watched to diminish his ministry They don't want to do that because John was respected hear me for being a preacher of righteousness He was respected for being a preacher of holiness not a preacher of compromise Not a preacher that keeps you comfortable in sin Not a preacher that never confronts you not a preacher that gives you comfortable in sin. Not a preacher that never confronts you.
Starting point is 00:12:05 Not a preacher that gives you three points in a poem. Not a preacher that lies to you about his opinion. Not a preacher that reads a verse and spends 45 minutes telling you lies. Not an American preacher. No. John was a preacher of what the people did not want to hear, a preacher of righteousness and holiness that transformed the nation. And so Jesus, watch, he not only asked him a question to stop them in their antagonism against them, but he does not remain silent about, watch, he does not remain silent about
Starting point is 00:12:58 their self-deception. So immediately after he stumps them in this conversation, he says to them the very first verse in our text, in Matthew chapter 28, Matthew chapter 21 and verse 28, he says, well, he's talking to the spiritual leaders of Israel and he says to them, what do you think? Stop. This is a very powerful question. He uses this question to ask them about John, about the ministry of John, about the witness
Starting point is 00:13:33 of John. Hear me. But he also uses this question as a transition to introduce to them three powerful parables that are a direct response to their question about authority. Hear me. He uses this question, what do you think, listen, as a transition statement to introduce to them three parabolic teachings about what? About their question to him about authority. Let me say this one more time. He uses this question as a transition to introduce to them three powerful parables as a response to their
Starting point is 00:14:15 question about authority. Jesus used parables, a form of encrypted teachings when he was alive in the first century. Teachings that conceal truth and reveal truth about the kingdom of God, about heaven, about life, about the future. It's these parables that we still have remaining for us in the New Testament. It's these parables that helps those of us who are followers of Christ, who are living in a dark and ignorant society, is because of those parables we have knowledge about things that's happening right now that the world does not know.
Starting point is 00:14:51 We have knowledge about things that's coming in the future that the world does not know. For example, the parable of the sower. We know because of that encrypted teaching that when the Word of God is preached, everybody doesn't respond to it the same way. We know because of the parable of the Sower, when the Word of God is preached, there was a category of people that receives that Word and their lives are transformed, and there's a category of people who the Word bounces off of them.
Starting point is 00:15:18 It's because of the parable of the Sower we see people on social media who say things like, I tried Jesus and he didn't work for me. No, it wasn't that you tried Jesus, it was that you wasn't saved to begin with. We know because of the parable of the Sowa why some people would hear a message and even walk an aisle to an altar and five weirs from now, man, we know why they abandon the faith altogether. an altar and five we are some now man we know why they abandon the faith altogether we not confused about that because we have the encrypted teachings called the parables does that make
Starting point is 00:15:51 sense to you so what the Lord is about to give us next hear me are three powerful parables, encrypted teachings that are a direct response to their antagonism about his authority and about the ministry of John the Baptist. The other two we'll pack next week and the week after that. Listen to me. Those parables are heat. No, no, no, no. You love the words of men. You need to love the words of Christ. I don't want you to be impressed with my words. I want you to be impressed with his words. Too much in this nation. Man, we love the words of men, and we swing on the words of men, but I want you to be impressed with the words of Christ. There is nothing you're going to hear more important than the words of Christ. There is nothing you're going to hear more important than the words of Christ. These parables he's about to teach…
Starting point is 00:16:49 Hear me. Listen to me. Heat. Heat. Heat. Today we unpack the first of his three responses. The first parable. He responds by this, verse 28.
Starting point is 00:17:03 What do you think? Now he gives them the first parable, very short, very easy to understand. And man had two sons, and he went to his first son and said, son, go, powerful word, and work, powerful word, in the vineyard, when? Today. And he, the son, answered, I will not. But afterward he changed his mind, and he went, stop. So the Lord introduces the parable with a son. He says a man had a son, and he went to his son with authority and with affection. He says to him, Son, daughter, go move now. Work. Be fruitful. End the vineyard. When? Today. Right now. Not next season. Not when you're 25, not when you're 55. No. I want you to go in
Starting point is 00:18:09 the field and work when? Today, now. How does the son respond? I will not. I will not respond. I will not go. Now, hear me. This sounds for us because in 2025, we're used to kids being rebellious. It's normal for you to see little Jaquan cursing out his mother at the restaurant. It's normal for you to see little Connor arguing with his parents in Walmart. It's normal for us to see little Jesus fighting with his father at Home Depot.
Starting point is 00:18:44 I mean, we all in here, black, white, Hispanic, we all in here with rebellious kids in 2025. Y'all be on the Shade Room app looking at all these rebellious kids, three-year-old, cussing out their parents like you control them. They three. I'm trying to, sister. But this is the first century. And in the first century, children was not normally rebellious to their parents That's why Paul wrote a day is coming in the last days
Starting point is 00:19:28 Where children will be? rebellious towards parents That's why Paul wrote in the first century a day is coming in the future Watch in the future. Watch. In the last days, we will see a rise of rebellious children towards parents. But this is a patriarchal society. Watch. So it's not normal for a child, a son, to disrespect a father. The father gives him, watch this, not a suggestion, not an option. The father gives him… Watch this. Not a suggestion, not an option. The father gave him a straight command. Go and work in the vineyard today, to which the
Starting point is 00:20:13 son gives him back a response, I will not. But watch. But then the Lord says, but then after a while, man, that word was sitting on that son. And that word was heavy on his mind. And that son was probably being harassed by that word. and that word was heavy on his mind, and that son was probably being harassed by that word. That word was tugging on his soul. Man, that word was working in his heart. Man, he couldn't get away from that word. This is me. He couldn't escape that word. He couldn't escape the nudging of that word in his heart, and the Scripture says at some point in time in the future. That word got a hold of his heart, and he could no longer rebel against God. The Scripture says he changed his mind, i.e. he repented, went into that field, and was
Starting point is 00:21:04 fruitful. Man, this reminds me of my life and some of your lives. This ain't Mary J. Blige, but your life. This reminds me, y'all too young for that. My life, my life, my life. Y'all too young for that. If you look in my life and see what I… Lot of… They're too young for that.
Starting point is 00:21:30 This reminds me of my life. It reminds me, man, when the Word of God came to me and I rejected that word and I wanted nothing to do with that word. Man, some of you was just like that. We don't want nothing to do with God. Man, I don't want to respond to that word. You've been to church and you run out in rebellion. Man, you see people running to the altar and you run out in rebellion. A message
Starting point is 00:21:48 comes to you across the TV. You run to rebellion. You're afraid of God. You don't want to surrender. He might make me a missionary, send me to a country in Africa. He might make me give up everything. So we'd be running from God. But man, is anybody thankful that that word was… Is anybody thankful that that word didn't let you go? At some point in time, that word wrestled you down to the floor. The Lord was tapping your heart. I know I'm not the only person thankful. Man, that word wrestled me down to the floor. I finally surrendered to God.
Starting point is 00:22:37 Sometimes I just get a flashback of where I should be, eternally damned, where I should be, eternally lost, where I should be eternally lost, where I should be separated from God, but his grace kept me alive while that worked. Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, his grace kept me alive. Do I have any formerly rebellious saved children in the house today? Somebody give him praise for his word. See, y'all so prideful and arrogant. Let me repeat myself. Do I got any formerly rebellious sons and daughters who are thankful that that word got a hold of you and you repented
Starting point is 00:23:28 and changed your mind. Somebody give him praise in the house. Thank you, Jesus. Man, I feel that in my spirit for me, Elder, because I get a flashback when I read this. Man, this brother gave me hope. This brother gave me hope because he reminds me of what God did in my life when I was far away and he wrestled me down to the floor in that bathroom over a toilet when I had heard the word before. Heard the word when I was a teenager.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Man, I'm so thankful that word did it. Man, this gives me hope for those of you who are parents and have children who are far away from God. Man, this gives me hope that we should never give up on our children who are far away from God, that if we keep praying for them, a day might come when that word might wrestle them down to the floor in a hotel room in the the middle of a car, leaving from the club, smoking weed. God gets ahold of them. But God get ahold of they mind.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Man, for that child that's far away, they gonna be sitting in an abortion clinic and God get a hold of their mind. They're going to be driving home high from the club and God get a hold of their mind. They're going to be sitting alone in a room and God get a hold of their mind. This encourages me for everybody who got family members, friends, parents, loved ones who have been saying no to God for years, but this gives me hope that a day can come when that word whistles them down. Not just because they said no. Gosh, man.
Starting point is 00:25:47 That doesn't mean God won't get them in another season. And when the Lord tells this part of the parable, I'm almost done. This part of the parable is for all the people who was alive in the nation of Israel. Look at me. Eye contact. Watch. Who heard the nation of Israel. Look at me, eye contact. Who, watch, who heard the preaching of John and they didn't want nothing to do with the preaching of John.
Starting point is 00:26:10 And then they heard the preaching of Jesus and they didn't want nothing to do with the preaching of Jesus. And at some point in time in the ministry of Jesus, or at some point in time during the ministry of John, they heard the preaching of righteousness, they heard the preaching of holiness, they heard the preaching of love and repentance, and they changed
Starting point is 00:26:27 their mind. And the nation of Israel saw a revival because of John's ministry and because of Jesus's ministry. There was a revival of people who formally said no and who was saved and transformed. It's like the woman at the well who tried to hide her issues from the Lord. Go call your husband. I don't have one still running from the word. Yeah, you know, you had five and the one you got now is not your husband. But here is the seventh man. One husband, two, three, four, five… Here's the seventh
Starting point is 00:27:13 man. She couldn't run from that Word any longer, man. But then the Lord doesn't stop there with the parable. Then he continues the parable with these words in Matthew 21. Then he says this in the second part of the parable. Listen to what he says. He says, And he went to the other son, and he said the same thing. Go and work in the vineyard. saying, Go and work in the vineyard. That second son said, I go, sir. I go, sir, but he did not go. This second son has heard the same command. Go, work in the vineyard.
Starting point is 00:28:05 And he responds with respect. I go. I will do it. Watch the respect. Sir! So he has a mouth of honor but feet of rebellion. He has commitment but no follow-through. He has words with no actions.
Starting point is 00:28:30 He's near to the Father with his mouth, but far from the Father in his heart. He's been in church his whole life. He's been to VBS his whole life. He can quote Psalm 23. He knows the Lord's Prayer. He walked the aisle when he was five. He's been around the things of God his whole life. He's respectful on the outside.
Starting point is 00:28:53 He's pious on the outside. He's religious on the outside. He got posts with no life to match. She's a Proverbs 31 woman with no life to match. We got everybody fooled with words and posts, but heart is far away from God. Got lip service with a rebellious heart. Lip service with rebellious hands. Lip service with rebellious feet. Respectful on the outside.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Singing and rebellious. Preaching and rebellious. Leading and rebellious feet, respectful on the outside, singing and rebellious, preaching and rebellious, leading and rebellious, on platforms and rebellious. Got everybody fooled in culture, but heart is far away from God. I will go. That's all of that stuff, all of that religion, all of that piety, all of that outward show of godliness but never went, and denying the power thereof. This second son, the Lord told in the parable, represented the pastors, the spiritual leaders, the chief priests and scribes and Pharisees of the nation of Israel. You've got to follow the text.
Starting point is 00:30:24 It represents the spiritual leaders that he was talking to. Watch. It represented men who had the Old Testament, men who had been studying the Torah, men who understand the Word. Watch this. Men who were looking for the Messiah. And when he came, they rejected the Messiah. Watch. Because the Messiah's ministry was blowing up and they were jealous of the Messiah's ministry. So they made videos about his ministry and posts about his ministry and they tried to tear down his ministry and they did everything to discredit his ministry. Not because he was not the Messiah, not because he was not called, but because their envy
Starting point is 00:31:06 cannot understand God's favor on the life of the Son. No, it's in the Scriptures. You don't believe me. Another Gospel writer says about those Pharisees, they said to themselves, listen, this man of God, if he keep preaching… Talking about Jesus. If he keeps preaching the way he's preaching, the whole nation is going to believe him. If he keeps preaching about the kingdom, the whole nation is going to believe him.
Starting point is 00:31:36 If he keeps preaching about righteousness, the whole nation is going to believe him. If he keeps preaching about holiness, the whole nation is going to believe him. If he keeps preaching the way he's preaching, they might have a revival. So we need to do something to stop him, the Pharisees said. Not that they don't know he's the Son of God. Their envy won't accept the fact that he's the son of God. Jealousy is an evil thing. I'm trying to, daughter. Jealousy is a dangerous thing.
Starting point is 00:32:16 If you can't celebrate, just pray. But why are you trying to tear down that man's ministry? Because you don't understand. Why are you trying to tear down that woman's ministry? Because you don't understand. You not driven by the Spirit, you lie. You put the Word of God on your post, you lie. We're driven by the flesh.
Starting point is 00:32:34 These Pharisees, driven by the flesh. Watch. And so the Lord now, watch now will now identify for them the two sons. I'm almost done. He says to them, watch, he asked them a question, second question of the text. Which of the two did the will of the Father? He asked those religious leaders. They said the verse.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Jesus said to them, truly, that is now, pay attention to what I say based on your answer since you understand the text. I say to you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes… Jesus said that in church? He said prostitutes in church? How could a man of God talk like that? How could he talk about hoes in church? You're self-righteous and religious, and we don't read. How could a man of God use that kind of language in the gathering? The Lord said to these religious leaders who
Starting point is 00:33:46 are self-righteous and self-deceived, he said to them, truly I say to you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes go into the kingdom of God before you. So now what the Lord does now, everybody pay attention, now for the leaders who are watching, battling with self-deception they can't see, now he identifies for them the two sons. The first son are the tax collectors and the prostitutes, i.e. the first son, he said, are the people who the Pharisees and the spiritual leaders, watch, saw in their own eyes as the lowest humans in society.
Starting point is 00:34:29 Tax collectors who were Jews who extorted their own people for the Roman government and prostitutes who were seen as the lowest form of sinners in society. The Lord takes the two lowest people in their eyes, watch, And he says to them, they're entering into the kingdom of heaven in front of y'all. Watch. They're sinners. They wasn't raised in church. They don't know the Old Testament. They can't quote a scripture. She got her thong out in the gathering, but she heard the message, and she… And they're coming into the kingdom. Them hood dudes from the street, they're coming into the kingdom.
Starting point is 00:35:18 That hoe from the club, they're coming into the kingdom. That drug dealer, they're coming into the kingdom. That drug dealer, they're coming into the kingdom. All those people you keep judging and tearing down, they're coming into the kingdom. They know they messed up. They know they're broken. They know they got passed. They know they're broken. They know they got past. They know they got baggage. They're hearing the message, and they're entering the kingdom.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Before you, you preachers, you self-righteous hypocrites, you self-deceived spiritual leaders of Israel who think you are holy because of your long robes and your phylacteries and because you can quote the Scriptures and because you know the Old Testament and because you know the Torah by heart, because you've got religion without relationship. You think your garments make you holy? So by default they realize now, watch, that they are the other son. They are the son who says to the Lord, I will go. Watch. They are the sons who are respectful in the eyes of the people. Walking the streets of Jerusalem looking holy, quoting scriptures on the street corners, but far away from God.
Starting point is 00:37:16 This is why, hear me, y'all need to stop being impressed with big shows of godliness. Stop that. Y'all need to wake up, especially in America, where it's easy for a fool to create an audience. Any fool with a microphone, any fool that know how to write can lead people astray. Do y'all know everybody who got a title ain't from God? Every person with the name prophet ain't from God? Every person with the name Prophet ain't from God. Every person with the name Apostle ain't from God.
Starting point is 00:37:51 Come on, man. We'd be so impressed with all of these big shows of godliness. And you walk past a person, man the back who got enough anointing to break down principalities and powers. And you think I'm not holy because I don't have a suit? Because I've got chains around my neck? We fix our eyes on external, man-made, religious godliness lowercase G And we don't have enough discernment to hear truth and to discern character and to discern true anointing Because we love fanfare, but we don't have discernment.
Starting point is 00:39:05 The Lord said to these Pharisees, these chief priests, these pastors of Israel, y'all think you're right with God. No. Y'all ain't saved. You are deceived. You ain't saved. You're deceived. You ain't saved. You're separated. You ain't close to God.
Starting point is 00:39:28 You are his enemy. While you're trying to be outwardly holy, you are inwardly dark and evil. That's what he said. He is illuminating for them. Watch. Their hypocrisy. Hear me. Their self-righteousness. Hear me.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Their self-deception. This is why right here in this moment, I want to lean on as many of you as possible, man. Man, to run from hypocrisy. Run from self-righteousness. If you're going to post, be about that. If you're going to sing, be about that. If you're going to preach, be about that. Let your words and your life match. Listen, everybody.
Starting point is 00:40:27 Look at these last verses. Verse 32. The last verse. For John came to you in the way of righteousness. That word you in the Greek is plural. He's talking to all the spiritual leaders of righteousness. That word you in the Greek is plural. He's talking to all the spiritual leaders of Israel. John came to you, or y'all since we're in the south. He came to y'all in the way of righteousness. John's ministry was righteous, and you did not believe him But the tax collectors and the prostitutes they believed him and even when you saw it
Starting point is 00:41:11 You did not afterward change your minds and believe him man. You saw it and you still didn't repent So what that's how you study. What did they see he ain't talking about miracles That's how you study. What did they see? He ain't talking about miracles. He ain't talking about healings. You know what he's talking about? The greatest miracle we will ever see. He's talking about people who were once far away from God, heard the gospel, Turn towards God because of preaching. Put their faith in Christ. They saw, we see, a revival exploded in Israel. They saw salvations one after the other. And the Lord said to them, after y'all saw all of that outpouring, all of that favor, all of that fruit, all of those souls, you saw it with your own eyes and you still didn't believe. You know what that makes me feel like?
Starting point is 00:42:11 It makes me feel like America, man. You crucify false prophets. You crucify real prophets. What do you want? Nothing is good enough for you. You attack people who are phony. You attack people who are phony. You attack people who are real. Then what do you want?
Starting point is 00:42:29 You just want lukewarm in the middle. He's saying to these leaders, that's what y'all want. Man, you attacked a real man of God, John. You didn't believe his witness about me. You saw all of those people being saved, and you still didn't believe. Man, this is me right now at the end of this message pleading with you. This is the Holy Spirit through a man pleading with you. People hear me, please, man.
Starting point is 00:42:59 Run from hypocrisy, man. How long will we continue to post and not be about that, man? Come on. Man, how long can we keep coming to church and not be about this, man? How long will it just be a check off of the box for you? Come on, man. At what point in time do we do this thing for real? At what point in time do we read the Scriptures and find Christ and just not yourself?
Starting point is 00:43:30 At what point in time, man, do you stop listening to preachers and podcasts of people who are… Listen, Mr. Man, at what point in time does Christianity become relationship? Man, Christ ain't die for us to live a phony, whack, hypocritical, self-deceived life. Man, come on, family. Man, I would even say to you right now, which son are you? Are we the son? Watch. Who finally went into that vineyard, finally, and our lives bore fruit. Man, you know what happens after repentance? Fruit. Look at my life. This is called fruit. This is what happens after repentance Man, which son are you? Are you the first son that heard the father change your mind? I'm gonna go obey my father. You know what? I'm gonna spend the rest of my life watch in his vineyard
Starting point is 00:44:36 Are we that second son like these? Hypocrites who are deceived by our external piety all the while our hearts are really far away from God. Which son are you? Or watch this which son do you want to be? Let me pray for you right now Heads bowed eyes closed if you're in the overflow do not move if you're watching me live do not log off nobody move in the overflow, do not move. If you're watching me live, do not log off. Nobody move. Hear me. There are people under the sound of my voice right now who you are that second son. Hear me. You have heard the message before. You have been in church your whole life. You
Starting point is 00:45:20 know Scriptures. You know Bible, and you're still far away from God. Tomorrow ain't promised for you. Today is the day of salvation. Man, hear the gospel. You are a sinner, separated from God. And if you die in your sins, man, you're going to be eternally damned. You're not prepared to face what's going to happen if you die. Separated from God. But the Lord, in his love for you, sent Jesus Christ into the…die the sacrificial
Starting point is 00:45:46 death for you. He already knew you belonged to him before the foundation of the world, and right now in this moment you ain't even got a walker aisle. The Spirit is strong enough to meet you in your chair. Right where you are in your heart, you can even talk to God in your heart. He can see your thoughts. Just say, God, you know what? Today I'm sorry. Today I see your thoughts. Just say, God, you know what? Today, I'm sorry
Starting point is 00:46:06 Today I see a hand lifted. Oh my god. I repent of my sin today. I see another hand lifted. I surrender What's happening? I see another hand lifted tell the Lord today. I surrender. Oh my gosh. I see hands tell the Lord I surrender right now. I surrender I'm gonna work. I'm going into that field. I'm gonna give you all of my life and see what you do with it. Do it right now. Just surrender.
Starting point is 00:46:33 He already knew. I see hands. Oh my gosh. I see hands. Yeah, all right, lift your hands. He can see you. You repent in your own heart right now. I see tears. He already knew. Ain't no magic pixie dust. Your repentance. He already knows
Starting point is 00:46:52 those who are his. I'm only setting up what he prepared. Oh, thank you, Holy Spirit. I'm setting up what was already done before the foundation of the world. Repent. I see hands. He can see those hands. That's okay. He's catching those tears. My sister, he's catching those tears. My brother, I see tears in hands.
Starting point is 00:47:14 He's catching those tears. Repent. He knows. Man, this might be the most important moment of your life. He's catching those tears. My sister with both hands raising the glasses. He sees those tears. He's catching my… He sees those tears. My sister with both hands raising the glasses, he sees those tears. He sees those tears.
Starting point is 00:47:27 My sister in the blue shirt with the dope haircut, he's catching those tears. It's time now. It's time. I don't even know who that's for. It's time. No more, yes, sir, with disobedient feet. It's time now. It's time now.
Starting point is 00:47:46 It's time. Jesus, it's time. I don't even know who that's for. It's time. No more running. It's time. Change your mind. Repent.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Throw yourself on the altar of God's mercy. Tell them you're sorry. Surrender. Surrender. Surrender. Oh yes. And now Father, I pray for every person under the sound of my voice. I thank you by faith for those you have saved by your sovereign will and by the power of my voice. I thank you by faith for those you have saved by your sovereign will and by the power of your Holy Spirit apart from me. I thank you for the tears that are falling right now, the lives that are coming into the kingdom, the tax collectors, the prostitutes. I thank you that they're coming into the kingdom right now, that the kingdom is being enlarged with souls that belong to you from the beginning of the foundation of the world. It was
Starting point is 00:48:49 already done. I pray they would love you with their whole heart. I pray they would love righteousness and holiness. I pray you would reveal Christ to them in the Scriptures. I pray they would hate sin. I pray you would order their steps. I pray you would rearrange their life. I pray you would open their eyes. I pray they would hate sin. I pray you would order their steps. I pray you would rearrange their life. I pray you would open their eyes. I pray you would deliver them from self-deception. I pray their hearts would burn. I pray you would help them to see it's the last days and time is running out.
Starting point is 00:49:17 And now Father, I pray for the sons and daughters. I pray you would deliver us from hypocrisy. I pray you would deliver us from hypocrisy. I pray you would deliver us from being liars. I pray you would deliver us from being duplicitous. I pray a spirit of conviction, a spirit of desire to live a life that's consistent with our confession would fall on us right now. I pray for increased faith, increased anointing, increased power, increased love for the Spirit, increased intimacy, increased burden. I pray we will shed your tears,
Starting point is 00:49:52 feel your pain, feel your grief. I pray we will love what you love and hate what you hate. I pray we will be real and authentic. Do it now for the unbeliever who has become friends and for the believer who needs to be awakened right now. I ask all of this in the mighty. Look up that word. And the majestic. Look up that word. And the matchless.
Starting point is 00:50:23 Look up that word. Name of our Lord and Savior. Now can I trust you to clap without moving?

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