2819 Church - GOD OF MIRACLES | I Wish You Would | Matthew 8:1-4 | Brandon Freeman

Episode Date: January 4, 2025

In the opening message of GOD OF MIRACLES, Pastor Brandon Freeman recounts the powerful encounter between Jesus and the leper. Welcome to the official Youtube channel for 2819 Church. This channel fe...atures powerful and life-impacting messages from Philip Anthony Mitchell and guest communicators. As you listen to these sound biblical messages you can expect to be challenged, stirred, matured and inspired in your faith and walk with God. For more information about us visit 2819Church.org.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up to the online fam? Howdy, boy. Glad y'all are joining us, and I pray that the power of God leaps through this lens and into your living room. Matthew chapter 8. When you got it, say, I got it. If you need a minute, say, hold on. Oh, come on, somebody. say I got it. If you need a minute, say hold on. I'm going to be reading from the NIV specifically for context purposes of this message. What will be on the screen will be the ESV. I encourage you to read it from the ESV. Amen. And the word of the Lord declares it like
Starting point is 00:00:46 this. When Jesus came down from the mountainside, large crowds followed him. A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean. Jesus reached out his hand, touched the man. I am willing, he said. Be clean. And immediately, somebody say immediately. He was cleansed of his leprosy. Then Jesus said to him, see that you don't tell anyone, but go show
Starting point is 00:01:30 yourself to the priest and offer the gift Moses commanded as a testimony to them. Why did Jesus say that? Because God is a God of order. I want to draw your attention to verse number two, which will be our landing point today. A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, Lord, if you are willing. It's my assignment to preach to you for the next few minutes using this topic. Man, I wish you would. Look at your neighbor and say, man, I wish you would. Thank you. I'm elated when I look at Matthew chapter 8,
Starting point is 00:02:22 understanding the history of it and understanding who Matthew is when he's recording his gospel. And so immediately when I started to kind of try to write this sermon, so many things start jumping out at me and I'm going to try my best to be in sequential order and for exegetical purpose to be sound. However, if I get a little excited, don't mind me. I'm just, I just like what I'm reading. You can get excited with me if you want to. Amen? I'd like to start our time together with a statement that I believe will give us a foundation for which we will build this gospel presentation on this morning. Here's the statement. Many of us will never truly experience the hand of God in our lives because our lives are not in the position to really need it.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Did I just say that? Let me read it to you again. Many of us will never truly experience the hand of God in our lives because our lives are not in the position to really need it. What this means is your life is actually in better condition than you think. And I got a few amens. Your life is actually in better condition than you think. Here's the perspective. Be glad that all you're dealing with is finances.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Be glad that all you're dealing with is a little bit of anxiety. Be thankful that you're coming to the altar for a little unforgiveness. Be excited that you're frustrated about life or your marriage or your kids or your job. You should be excited about that. Why? Because your life actually could be way worse than it is right now. Now, I'm not trying to minimize your struggles or dismiss your reality. I'm just simply trying to push you to a different perspective.
Starting point is 00:04:20 If we could all just pause. And regardless of what you're going through, stop and think and ponder, we would all arrive to this same conclusion. God has been good. Period, Pooh. God has been good. Even if you don't feel good, he's been good. If it don't feel good, he's been good If it don't look good, he's been good Your condition may not be good, but he's good
Starting point is 00:04:51 God has been good Now listen, the goodness of God does not rely on your opinion It is not predicated on the happenings of your life God is not good because you call him good God is not good because he does good things. God's goodness is simply who he is He's good. The definition of good is God. The definition of God is good. It's in his DNA. It's his makeup It's his personality. It's his disposition He's the embodiment of good and without him good does not exist God is good all the
Starting point is 00:05:26 time and all he's good all the time not some of the the time. Not a little bit of the time. He's good all the time. And I cannot hold God responsible for what's not good in my life. Because what's not good in my life does not mean he hasn't been good. Your car might be tripping. Be glad you got one. Your finances might be tripping.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Be glad you got some. You may be living paycheck to paycheck. At glad you got one. Your finances might be tripping, be glad you got some. You may be living paycheck to paycheck, at least you got one. God has been good. And I don't, I don't know who told us that everything is supposed to be peaches and
Starting point is 00:06:19 cream, smiles and hallmark cards for God to be good. Boo-boo, just because you in here, he good. You went through something that should have took you out, and it did not. He's good. He's good. You didn't get the promotion, but he good. He wasn't the one, but you good's good y'all she ain't it but he's still good
Starting point is 00:06:50 i'm trying to shift your perspective that no matter where you are the understanding is you know what he good though whether the cancer dry up or not He good He's good And God is so good that Right here in Matthew 8 We get an opportunity to eavesdrop On a small demonstration of his goodness
Starting point is 00:07:20 And this particular account In Matthew's gospel takes place Following the sermon on the mount where Jesus took the time to teach those who were following after him witnessing and hearing about everything that's been happening all throughout Galilee Matthew records this crusade like tour with Jesus teaching in synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom not the gospel of church he was proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, not the gospel of church. He was proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, not the gospel of church. So you only will believe God is good if you get away from your church vernacular
Starting point is 00:07:51 and understand that in the kingdom what goodness really is. Goodness in church means he gave me something. Goodness in the kingdom means it is what it is because he good. He's proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom. He's teaching. He's healing. He's speaking. And because of this, he's gaining many followers.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Now watch this. He ain't got no Instagram, no Facebook, no TikTok, no Snapchat, no social media. He's just walking in his purpose, doing what God sent him to do. And because he's doing that people from everywhere are following him y'all missed what i just said instead of buying followers why don't you walk in your purpose instead of posting pictures and then checking back every two minutes to see how many likes you got, why don't you just walk in your purpose?
Starting point is 00:08:48 All Jesus did was do what God sent him to do. And people from everywhere were following him. We got it twisted. What do you do to really gain followers? Let your life be about something. As for all my social media people in here, amen. If it's you, just say ouch, it's all good. Now, why is this important to understand?
Starting point is 00:09:26 Because Matthew writes that large crowds followed him. And in the context of Matthew 8, we see the Greek word poloi, which means many. But it's a different context from the large crowd that followed Jesus when he gave the Sermon on the Mount. All this to tell the reader that crowds were so numerous and bigger than what was following him when he was preaching the sermon on the mount watch this everything we see about matthew 8 was multiplied way more than matthew 5 why is this important because this gives more clearer context to the account of the leper when you realize the risk associated with his request. If you are just left to think that it's a few people following
Starting point is 00:10:14 Jesus and then the leper pops up, it'll be easy for you to graze over the fact of what he had to actually go through and what he had to do in the position he put himself in just to make a request. We're talking about tens of thousands of people who would never be around the leper and steal. The risk associated with the request. There is some risk. I don't know who I'm talking to. I feel you in here. There is some risk actually associated with your request. You're going to have to take a risk to ask God about this. You're going to take a risk to have to take that step, but you got to be encouraged and know that sometimes the risk
Starting point is 00:11:04 is the only way to the reward. You heard the saying, no risk, no reward. Sometimes the obstacle is the way. It's not in your way. Sometimes the obstacle is the way. God expects you to go over something. He expects you to go over something he expects you to go through something just to see if you believe in the request and i don't i don't want you to be one of these christians who let your pastor believe in you more than you believe in yourself like when when when this is not, listen, it's not prosperity gospel for a pastor to say, I see millionaires in here. That's not prosperity gospel. It's reserved for those who believe it. If you believe that's you, then you can actually reach up into the atmosphere and grab it.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Ha ha. This does not mean you're're gonna be a millionaire next year but it does mean because you grab the word the word now covers your life and everything you do can equate to millionaire status okay now watch this understanding that many are following him would also suggest that there were many coming to him. Perhaps the thought was, if Jesus is anywhere close to me, I'm going to at least ask him for what I need. And those are the type of people I want to be in church with. The type of people that say, if Jesus, if I accidentally to be in church with the type of people that say if Jesus if I accidentally
Starting point is 00:12:45 feel something in here if if they accidentally sang a song that that make me quick and if something if I accidentally feel him in the room I'm gonna ask him for what I need not some of y'all who just be like and I will not be sad. What are we eating after this? I will not be sad. No, I'm talking about those people who you like. It's like double dutch. You like, you ready for something to pop off.
Starting point is 00:13:13 You ready for something to happen. You came expecting a miracle. You came expecting breakthrough. You came expecting revolutionary, a word that will change your tomorrow. Those are the three or four people who I'm talking to. expecting revolutionary, a word that will change your tomorrow. Those are the three or four people who I'm talking to. Watch. Amongst all those who came to him, there was a leper.
Starting point is 00:13:50 And we never know his name, his status, where he comes from, his family lineage, or anything else about him. All we know is he was a leper. Now, let's talk about leprosy. Because I don't want of y'all are those people but if you read the bible it is too easy to just read leper or leprosy and then just skip over what that really means. So because I'm me, I'm going to hook you up with what leprosy really is. Physically, leprosy was a skin condition that would get so bad that it would decay the body while you're still alive. Y'all got it? Literally it would eat your flesh alive Lepers often didn't know that they had leprosy
Starting point is 00:14:49 Until they accidentally cut or injured themselves Without feeling any pain Y'all just missed it That you can have something so strong on your life That even though it's hurting you You don't feel it. Even though it's actually ruining your life, you don't feel it. You're in love and the love feels so good that you don't feel that it's actually really bad. It's one of those things that
Starting point is 00:15:20 you don't know it happened until it happens that's leprosy this happens because leprosy would severely damage and deaden any nerve endings which meant the injury had no way of sending the proper signal to the brain as leprosy progressed pus-filled sores would emerge all over the body as the flesh became more infected this brought about uncontrollable itching and burning. At the height of the disease, parts of the fingers, toes, ears, nose would break off. Leprosy continued to take over the body
Starting point is 00:15:53 until they finally died. That's leprosy, physically. Socially, lepers were ostracized. They were forbidden to have any personal contact with anyone including family and friends the moment they were known to have contracted leprosy they were declared unclean and cut off from society they lost everything including their reputation and their name their identity became their disease you You only know me
Starting point is 00:16:26 because what you see. You only know me because what you heard I was going through. You only know me because somebody ran their mouth and told you about my struggle.
Starting point is 00:16:36 And you think you know me but you really know my disease. You don't really know me. And it's a shame that we're in a season of church where people are still being looked at and called out by their disease. By the thing that's not right.
Starting point is 00:16:49 By the thing that's actually wrong instead of your name. Instead of who God called you to be. This is why you got to lock into who God is. Because if you lock into who people are, they will give you an identity that is so disconnected from what God really has for you. You will start believing it yourself. That was free. Their identity became their disease. The only community they were allowed to have were in the leprous colonies,
Starting point is 00:17:17 where they were surrounded only by others that were also unclean. I don't have time. Leprous colonies were clusters of caves where they would literally live as they just awaited their death. Whenever a leper would even venture away from the cave, they were required to ring a bell while shouting, unclean, unclean,
Starting point is 00:17:38 as the people would know not to get close. We're talking about leprosy. But obviously, this leper heard that Jesus was going to be nearby. And at the moment he heard that Jesus was going to be nearby, he had to make a decision.
Starting point is 00:18:02 And at that time, he decided that I don't care what's wrong. I don't care what they call me. I don't care how it looks. I'm going to take the risk. He went against all social norms. He defied all the rules and dismissed all protocols. The fact was that he still was a leper but beyond that
Starting point is 00:18:26 his situation meant to him that he had to get close to jesus and the bible says that when he came close to jesus he knew the right posture to assume this was a leper but a leper with some sense he he the bible says that when the leper approached him he didn't just bust out and ask God to heal him he he knelt before him first and I want to take creative license over this text and show you what that looks like today. He came to Jesus with an issue. But before he made a request, he worshiped. He didn't allow the worship team to exhaust their energy for nothing. He joined in.
Starting point is 00:19:17 He stood to his feet. He lifted his hands. And when the Holy Spirit creeped into the womb, he fell to his knees. He knew who Jesus was. And because he knew who he was, he knew what that meant that he had to do in order to get what he wanted. And not only did he know who Jesus was, he knew what Jesus could do. How can I prove that? Because he asked him him if you are
Starting point is 00:19:47 willing this does not mean you cannot because he didn't say if you could he said if you're willing now watch this what do you do with a God who was willing but you don't feel worthy right this statement if you are willing does not just tell me something about God, it tells me something about the leper, it tells me that the leper did not believe he was worthy of being cleansed, he was worthy of being healed, he was worthy of this text, the tens and thousands of people who were probably looking at dude like, and can I, I'm a little hood.
Starting point is 00:20:41 So immediately when I dove into this text, I said to myself actually are y'all ready for this somebody gonna get up and run watch this actually it was good that he was a leper and nobody wanted to get close to him cuz that meant there was nobody in his. See, you can't be tripping because you got a little something on you. Because now that people don't want to get close to you, that means, okay, good. There's nobody in my way.
Starting point is 00:21:23 You walk in church and people don't want to pray for you. Cool. That means you're not in my way. you walk in church and people don't want to pray for you, cool, that means you're not in my way, you walk in the church and don't nobody want to sit next to you, cool, that means you won't be a distraction, you got to start looking at yourself and saying, yeah, I ain't trying to stay this way, but I'm glad I got this, because don't nobody want to help me me because now I know the only person who can. That is. Watch this. So this next statement actually is what this whole sermon is about.
Starting point is 00:22:01 The leper says to Jesus, Lord, if you are willing. And this statement tells me much about the leper. Watch this. What do you do when the Lord is willing, but you don't feel worthy? What happens when your condition has defined you so much that you become convinced that that's all you are? And I've been there because of my past and people knew my past. It didn't matter that God called me. It didn't matter that I grabbed a mic. It didn't matter that people would get saved. What mattered to them was that they knew who I was. And there's somebody in this room. There's a few in this room, I feel you, that that's what you're struggling with. It's like no matter how much you run, you can't outrun
Starting point is 00:22:53 their opinion of you. It's like, and then you're still around them. And so all you hear is what they think about you. All you hear is how they see you. I've been there. When the condition hits your life so hard that you start to believe, maybe this is me. Maybe this is all God has for me. Let me jump on your role. Have you ever really wanted to pray a prayer? But because of where you are, you said to yourself, he ain't going to hear mine anyway. Right?
Starting point is 00:23:46 Because church will have you thinking there's a lot of perfect people in here. And you start to think like, yeah, he's probably listening to them. He's probably coming to see about them. I don't know if he's going to actually come and see about me. What do you do?
Starting point is 00:24:04 I mean, how do you deal with wanting something so bad that you don't feel worthy of? See, some of us need to be detoxed from religion because religion will make you believe that you're not worthy. Religion will say, get away
Starting point is 00:24:22 when Jesus is saying, I'm making a way. But if all you do is lock yourself into this box of church, then you will not understand that the only reason Jesus came was for you. Right, right, listen. I speak in tongues. I run, I shout, I shout I dance I jump that doesn't impress him he's impressed by the purity of your heart he's impressed by your mental capacity to be able to comprehend that you are the
Starting point is 00:25:08 whole reason why he shows up. He doesn't show up for jumping, shouting, and dancing. He shows up for the life that needs him. Why is this important? It's important because you can be coming to water and then die of dehydration. Because your condition tells you you're not worthy to take a drink. I don't know who you are, but can I tell you who I know you are? Every gifted person in here has felt like that. Every gifted person in here feels like that right now. It's like, yo, what's wrong with me? I'm not like my family.
Starting point is 00:26:02 I'm not like my friends. Can we just be honest real quick Just for two minutes Just some honesty Some of us be around people And it's just kind of like this ain't even me And you know You laughing at stuff that ain't even really funny
Starting point is 00:26:20 You like You listening to gossip That just really be like See if you talk about them, I wonder what you're saying about me. I mean, it's like you, you, you, you, you really be like, but because you don't have community anywhere else, you stay locked in the people that you really don't rock with. Why? Because you've become one with your condition and that worth
Starting point is 00:26:49 that worth thing don't be dealing with this and deal with rejection don't be dealing with this and insecurities because then it's like anybody who want to be my friend I latch on to them because they're not going to reject me but can I tell you most of your friendships are not friendships they're trauma bonds people have only gotten close to you Trauma bonds.
Starting point is 00:27:28 People have only gotten close to you because of your dysfunction. Your dysfunction high fives their dysfunction. And that's what's brought y'all together. But I'm looking for some people who are ready to be delivered and set free. And really set apart. And actually, if I gotta stand alone, I'm not gonna be that. Let me be honest with y'all. I pray that this stream is all over the world. Here's why.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Because there's somebody out there watching me preaching and they're saying to themselves, he ain't no man to God. He ain't even saved. I remember when he was this. I remember he did that. I don't listen. Y'all better stop caring what people think about you and start looking to the hills. Because if not,
Starting point is 00:28:20 you will hold the key to your own prison and won't ever let yourself out. He is the God of miracles. And in Matthew chapter 8, he does something after this request that really shook me to my core he does the one thing you're not supposed to do i wish y'all had your bibles open you would be shouting like kenny listen god he
Starting point is 00:28:59 does the one thing you're not supposed to do. He could have just spoke to him. He could have just waved his hand. But instead, he touched him to send a message to the thousands of people who was like, He was like, you can't-uh, uh-uh. He was like, you can't do this anyway. Only I can. So he touched him. Are y'all ready for this? And the Bible says immediately he was clean.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Are y'all ready? Can I tell y'all this? I'm almost done. This is where I get happy. He touched him and the Bible says immediately he was clean. I want to take it a step further. The fact that he knew to bow, the fact that he called him Lord, y'all are not ready for this. And the fact that he said, if you're willing, tells me he was not separate from the crowd that knew who Jesus was. He just had a condition. So when the Bible says
Starting point is 00:30:29 that immediately he was clean, he was clean from what was touching him. Jesus did not touch the leper. He touched what was touching the leper. See, see, see, and see your leprosy will have you think that you are leprosy your condition will have you think that you are a liar no you told a lie that doesn't make you a liar you your your your condition will make you think you are a cheater no you cheated you're not a cheater listen your condition cannot define you find you. And he touches him and the Bible says immediately he was clean. Then Jesus does one of the most trippiest things, says one of the most trippiest things. And he says this all throughout the Bible. And I'm still trying to dig into this exegetically to find out why. He says, now listen, I know you're excited. I would be too, but do me a favor. Nobody.
Starting point is 00:31:53 You mean to tell me, after all that I've been through, I wish I had a church. You mean to tell me, after all of these people who've been looking at me funny, and the fact that they ostracized me and tucked me away in the cave and left me to die. You mean to tell me that I thought that I had a death sentence and then you come in here, touch me and I'm clean, that I'm going to be silent? I will not be silent. Oh, I'm going to always worship you. See, I set y'all up in the beginning. Y'all didn't even know it.
Starting point is 00:32:37 He was like, you want me to be silent? No, cuz. I can't do that, Jesus. I love you. I appreciate you. But I I gotta go tell everybody and he tells him but go show yourself to the priest I wish I had time because the priest was the one who declared you unclean in the first place. Can I, let me show you this thread in the New Testament. When Lazarus gets healed,
Starting point is 00:33:24 Jesus doesn't unwrap Lazarus. He tells them to do it because y'all the one wrapped him up. And since you declared him unclean, you're going to also be the one to declare him clean. And since you wrapped him up, you're going to also be the one to unwrap him. See? See? This is why I don't do hater doctrine. See See This is why I don't do hater doctrine Jesus will get rid of all my haters
Starting point is 00:33:55 I don't need him To get rid of my haters I need them to stay as close As possible Because when I come out of this y'all don't even know what I'm about to say when I when I come out of this I'm taking you to, I'm taking you to lunch. I'm taking you to dinner.
Starting point is 00:34:27 We're going to have coffee. And I'm going to show you my skin and say, look. You thought that I would be bound to this but I serve the God of miracles I serve the God who will never leave me I serve the guy who don't want me to stay in this I serve a God who wants best for me what's this and he didn't leave him to just be healed. He touched him and made him whole. He touched him and he made him whole. Because church, religion will have you addicted to healing.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Y'all don't want that. Oh, what's the such thing as healing addiction? Which means you're not in touch with what actually healing does to you. You're in touch with how it feels to say you're healed. But the reality of it is if you came to the altar right now
Starting point is 00:35:44 and I spoke healing over your life, you would still have to leave out of here and believe you're healed. I don't care how you feel. You have to believe in the results. And the results take time. And it takes principle. And it takes obedience. Let me. two minutes. Ooh, Brandon, you did phenomenal in two minutes.
Starting point is 00:36:10 Here it is. Jesus lets him know just how worthy he actually is by touching him. I'm going to do the one thing nobody else wants to do. I'm going to touch you. I'm going to touch you. I'm going to touch you. And this morning, he wants to touch somebody. He don't want to give you a word not this time.
Starting point is 00:36:38 He wants to touch you. He wants to touch your infirmity. He wants to touch what scares people away. He wants to touch the thing that makes people back up from you. He wants to touch the thingirmity. He wants to touch what scares people away. He wants to touch the thing that makes people back up from you. He wants to touch the thing that people are afraid of. He wants to touch the thing that makes you ostracized. He wants to touch the thing that you believe is you. He wants to touch you this morning.
Starting point is 00:37:01 So that you know you're worthy. Here it is, just because I'm a preacher, I needed some points. But my first point is my favorite. Point number one, I want you to leave out of here and know this, miracles are for misfits too. Yeah. You don't have to be special and run and jump and shout and spit. No.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Miracles are for you too. He wants you whole. Nothing missing, nothing broken. Humility beckons a miracle. Did y'all hear what I just said? You want a miracle? Humble yourself. Humility beckons a miracle.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Watch this. And then faith manifests miracles. So beckons a miracle watch this and then faith manifest miracles so this is important here's why it's important because if you believe belief can be temporal faith is what actually stretches over time so it's like faith is increased the more it doesn't happen i ain't got time i don't i don't got i don't got time to what is the opposite of faith I don't got time to What is The opposite of faith
Starting point is 00:38:48 It's not doubt y'all The opposite Of faith Is certainty That means If it's certain you don't need faith. Your faith is only increased when it's something that's uncertain. God is not trying to see what my people believe.
Starting point is 00:39:18 He's trying to see what they keep believing. And when it don't happen, will you believe? And when it don't look. Will you believe. And when it don't look like it. Will you believe. This series is simply. To increase your faith. And my last. My last point.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Is this. You are worthy. And God is willing and I heard you in my spirit so let me answer you yes even you you're worthy and God is willing you don't serve
Starting point is 00:40:04 the God of checks and the. You don't serve the God of checks in the mail. You don't serve the God of fairy dust and sprinkles. You don't serve a virtual Santa Claus who just rolls through the hood dropping blessings on people. You serve a God of miracles. You serve a God who can do anything but fail. You serve a God who is excited by what you think is impossible. You serve a God who specializes in turning heads and specializes in changing lives and specializes me I'm not telling you what I heard I'm telling you what I know
Starting point is 00:40:52 looking at a man whose mom walked out on him when he was 12 years old and I didn't see her again until I was 26 and it's easy for you to hear me say that and think oh he must have aunts and uncles. No. I was by myself, just me and my sister, fending for our lives for nine months. Woke up one morning and said, I'll be back, and she never came back. And it wasn't until later in my life I read a verse in Psalms that says, When your mother and father forsake you, then I lift you up. I'm not telling you what I heard.
Starting point is 00:41:39 I'm not even telling you what I read. I'm telling you what I know. You're looking at a young man who got shot twice. I ain't telling you what I heard. I'm telling you what I know. You're looking at a man who almost died. In the hospital. Fighting for my life because I contracted meningitis and my body temperature was so hot that in the hospital they were pouring ice on me
Starting point is 00:42:12 just to try to get my temperature down I'm not telling you what I read I'm not telling you what I heard I'm telling you what I know He is the God of miracles and I don't know who you are I'm telling you what I know. He is the God of miracles. And I don't know who you are. And I don't know where you came from.
Starting point is 00:42:34 And I don't know what your leprosy look like. And I don't know how long you been in it. And I don't know who done cast you out. And I don't know who's talking about you. And I don't know who's pushed you away. I don't know who's cast you aside. I don't know if your mama them like you. I don't know if your daddy them like you. I don't know who's pushed you away I don't know who's cast you aside I don't know if your mom and them like you I don't know if your daddy them like you I don't know if you got friends I don't know if you struggling but I do know if if you're in here the God of miracles has a desire to touch you right where
Starting point is 00:42:58 you are I'm four minutes over my time but man I can't leave y'all like this if you're in here this morning and you needed to know and hear about the God of miracles because you're in need of one
Starting point is 00:43:21 I want you to meet me at this altar I'm not going to push, pry and make. I don't do that. If you want it, come get it. If you don't, it's cool. This doesn't mean anything. You can get your miracle at home. He is the God of miracles. He is the God of miracles. He is the God of miracles. Now the God of miracles Now come on when you get here assume the position Assume the position Don't wait for me assume the position Lift your hands hit your knees
Starting point is 00:43:59 Do whatever it takes to get his attention Because the God of miracles is here And I don't want you to leave the same way that you can. He is the God of miracles. Now all over this altar I want you to do
Starting point is 00:44:24 me a favor and do yourself a favor. Here's what a lot of people don't preach about the altar. The altar was not just a place where people came and remembered and came and prayed and cried like we do today. The altar in that time, in that context, was the place of slaughter. It was the place where things die. And I don't want you to, sometimes we make altars too cute. No, the altar is a bloody place. It's an ugly place.
Starting point is 00:44:56 It's where you actually, you leave it here and you don't carry it back. So listen, I need my own miracle. So I can't go it back. So listen. I need my own miracle. So I can't go for you. But when I'm telling you. The God of miracles desires to touch you. That don't mean me. It means he wants to touch you.
Starting point is 00:45:19 So I want all over this altar. And all over the room. For those of you who said it's too crowded. I can't come. I want you to open up your mouth and go after God and your miracle like never before. Come on. Go after it. Go after it.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Give up. Give out. Slaughter it. Let it go. go come on come on Come on. Come on. power you're the God Oh size and oneness we believe in your power we believe in your power you're the god of miracles size and oneness we believe in the power of God. Say you're the God of men. Size him.
Starting point is 00:47:08 Size him. Come on, a few more seconds. We believe in the power of God. We believe. We believe in the power of God. Say you're the God of men. Say size him. Size him.
Starting point is 00:47:24 Say we believe., we believe. Say, we believe. Say, you're the God of miracles. Say, size him. We believe. Yes, we believe. You're the God Jesus Jesus
Starting point is 00:47:50 There are four people in this room I want to prophesy to you I don't claim to be a prophet So I can't call your name That's not how God gives it to me He showed me the number four He gave me this word You will know who you are
Starting point is 00:48:18 When I start to speak The problem with your life is You keep trying to attach yourself to every person but the right person you run from the right people you know who you are i don't know where you are but i want you you got to be honest with yourself you run from the right people intentionally you self-sabotage that's your MO. That's how you live your life. You don't want to get too close to nobody
Starting point is 00:48:49 because you don't want to be disappointed. God is healing your heart right now. If that's you, lift your hand. I want to know where you are. Come on, I know what I heard. God is healing your heart right now. Here's the problem with self-sabotage. You will push away the person who God is sending to your life to make you whole.
Starting point is 00:49:18 Listen, most of us don't understand this concept that when you want God to your situation often times, most of the times he comes into your life with two feet and two arms. He sends somebody. And if all you do is push people away, push people away, you will be praying for a
Starting point is 00:49:39 breakthrough that was already there. Okay? There are a couple of you under the sound of my voice there is a ripple in your family and the ripple has affected you so much that it's crippling it's paralyzing because you don't understand while they just won't come back together. Say that they're sorry. And keep it moving. I hear the Holy Spirit saying today. That he's healing the ripple in your family. And here's.
Starting point is 00:50:16 Watch this. Here's why he's healing the ripple. Because he cares that much about you. Your family is going to be a recipient. Of what he cares about you your family is going to be a recipient of what he cares about you listen last thing the Holy Spirit told me as I take my seat there's somebody in here who's been carrying resentment. Watch this. You're carrying resentment because somebody confronted you. And what they said wasn't all the way true,
Starting point is 00:51:01 but it had truth to it. And it is your inability to be self-aware to be able to see what was right about what they said and now you're harboring resentment God is healing your heart today but that family ripple is messing you up they don't even know how much you're affected but God is going to heal that family because if he doesn't you won't make it. Hearts.
Starting point is 00:51:55 Hearts are being healed all over this altar. Receive it. Receive it. Receive it. Receive it. Receive it. Receive it Receive it Receive it Receive it Receive it Receive it
Starting point is 00:52:10 Receive it Receive it Receive it Receive it Receive it The God of miracles is here Receive it Receive it
Starting point is 00:52:22 Receive it Receive it Receive it Receive it Receive it Receive it. Receive it. Receive it. Receive it. Receive it. Receive it. Receive it now. Receive it now. Receive it now. Come on. Healing all over this altar. Healing all over this altar. Healing all over this altar. You are not what they said you are. You are not who they say you are. You are not what you've done.
Starting point is 00:52:54 And when you walk out of here, it will not be so that people can see you right. It will be so you can see yourself right. It'll be so you can see yourself right. I want to pray a prayer corporately and go back to your seats if you can. We're going to participate in another moment of worship together in the form of offering. But before you go, I want you to do me a favor. I love to do this. I want you to touch
Starting point is 00:53:32 the person next to you. A lot of people don't like to do this, but I've already covered the altar, so there won't be no transfer in the spirits. We good.
Starting point is 00:53:42 But this is what I want you to do. Because a lot of the times in order to get your breakthrough, you need to get your mind off of it. People, I'm a man of prayer, which let me tell y'all something. Whoever follows Pastor Phillip and he posts those little posts in the morning and he says, I am praying for 2819 Church in Tears. I stayed with him a few days, y'all. When I say he mean that, this man wakes up in the morning and cries out to God on your behalf. I was irritated. I was like, bro, we still sleep. But he does that for you. Here's what I want you to do for each and every person at this altar
Starting point is 00:54:29 I want you to forget about your issue and I want you to pray about theirs right we gonna forget about our issues because we trust God he's got us taken care of now I want to pray for my neighbor. And I want you to pray for them like your life depended on it. Okay?
Starting point is 00:54:52 Now, this is going to take a little bit of vulnerability, but here it is. Really quickly, 10 seconds, I want you to tell them what you believe in God for. Don't be scared. Tell them what you believe in God for because I want them to be specific when they pray And for those of you who are intimidated by this moment You don't got to have all the words Just say Lord do it Amen Now that you know what they're dealing with
Starting point is 00:55:19 And what they're believing God for I want you to go to work Come on Let's pray for our neighbor Come on you got 30's pray for our neighbor. Come on. You got 30 seconds. Pray for your neighbor. Father we thank you right now for every request we thank you for every
Starting point is 00:55:59 need and we believe and we know that you are meeting needs at this altar. You are the God of miracles and miracles are for us. Father, I pray that we will walk out of here feeling worthy. I pray that we will walk out of here believing and I pray that we will walk out of here and our faith would have been increased as we believe you for the impossible, as we believe you for the impossible as we believe you for what you're gonna do knock our socks off this next week do something amazing for us in this next season and we believe it to be so so we worship you now and we praise you now and we give your name all glory all honor
Starting point is 00:56:42 and all extoll and do your name and Jesus name we pray now come on and clap your hands if you believe God

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