2819 Church - GOD OF MIRACLES | Prepare to Be Sick of Me | Matthew 8:14-17| Brandon Freeman

Episode Date: January 4, 2025

Pastor Brandon Freeman recounts Matthew 8:14-17 in the powerful week THREE of GOD OF MIRACLES. Welcome to the official Youtube channel for 2819 Church. This channel features powerful and life-impacti...ng messages from Philip Anthony Mitchell and guest communicators. As you listen to these sound biblical messages you can expect to be challenged, stirred, matured and inspired in your faith and walk with God. For more information about us visit 2819Church.org.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Matthew chapter 8 beginning at verse 14 The word of the Lord reads like this When Jesus came into Peter's house He saw Peter's mother-in-law lying in bed with a fever He touched her hand and the fever left her and she got up and began to wait on him i'ma read 15 again he touched her hand and the fever left her when the fever left her she got up and began to wait on him because that's how you respond to a miracle she immediately started to serve 16 when evening came many who were demon possessed
Starting point is 00:00:57 were brought to him and he drove out the spirits with a word and he healed all the sick this was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah saying he took up our infirmities and bore our diseases I want to read in your hearing verse 16 again. When evening came, many. When evening came, many who were demon possessed were brought to him and he drove out the spirits with a word and he healed all the sick. Family, it is my assignment to preach to you for the next few minutes using this as a topic. Prepare to be sick of me. Subtitle, I need Jesus. Here it is.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Family, I'd like to begin our time together by bringing your attention to a familiar ancient proverb. This particular proverb, as we know it, has been incomplete from its original 9th century context. The origin of this proverb was an attempt to extol the value of silence over speech. While its modern form most likely originated in Arabic culture, it has since been adopted into English culture where only the second half of the proverb became prominent. Here's the proverb. Speech is silver, but silence is golden. Most of us in this room are probably only familiar with the second half of this ancient proverb. We're familiar with the idea that silence is golden. However, if you're like me, you probably were
Starting point is 00:02:53 not introduced to this phrase by way of some literary finding. On the contrary, I became familiar with this phrase by way of the AMC movie theater. In this context, this would be a whole moment at the end of the previews, right before the movie would start. They would flash this phrase to communicate to the viewers that at this time, everyone's experience would be better if we all would be silent and give the film our undivided attention. Silence is golden. But just as Thomas Carlisle focuses on extolling the value of silence, I'd like to extol the value of speech. There are just some instances where you cannot stay silent. There are moments in time where the atmosphere puts a demand on your voice. There are some spaces in which you just should not leave things to chance. There are places that require you to speak and speak with authority. We must understand that when it comes to your relationship with God, silence is not always golden.
Starting point is 00:03:57 When you are in a moment of crisis or in a moment of need or when your hunger produces in you desperation or when you find yourself in a place that you can't get yourself out need or when your hunger produces in you desperation or when you find yourself in a place that you can't get yourself out of or when you have something wrong that only god can fix you better learn the art of speaking up and asking god for what you need ah and since need produces in me a boldness that puts a demand on my desire excuse me while I holla I need Jesus and you can't be silent about that you cannot be silent when you walk in here and things are broken at home you cannot be silent when you walk in here barely in your right mind you cannot be silent when you broke and you need a miracle you cannot be silent when you got a disease and you need a healing you better learn how to speak up and ask for
Starting point is 00:04:49 what you want silence is not always golden and I wish that there was somebody in this room who can scream with me I need yeah I need Jesus for my family I need Jesus for my finances I need Jesus for my sanity I need Jesus because I'm a sinner I need Jesus for my healing I need Jesus for my emotions I need Jesus in my friendships
Starting point is 00:05:18 I need Jesus and if Jesus is anywhere near me prepare to be sick of me if he's anywhere close you gonna hear me yell you gonna hear me scream you gonna see me jump you gonna see me run you gonna hear me holler because I don't care about you being disturbed I care about getting Jesus's attention I don't know who you are but you acting too cool with what you got going on in your life you too silent with how hard the enemy's been fighting you I need you to get hip
Starting point is 00:06:03 to the fact that that's what church is for it's for you to come and see the physician but don't come to the doctor and act like you're not sick listen prepare to be sick of me because he's going to hear me call his name. And because you're next to me, you are going to hear me call his name. And it doesn't matter what I have to go through or endure. You don't know my struggle. And because you don't know my struggle, it's easy for you to try to judge my tone. It's easy for you to judge my volume. But if you only knew that I had something going on that only Jesus can fix, you would be yelling with me,
Starting point is 00:06:53 I need Jesus. And then your reply would be me too. That's the real me too movement It is when somebody says I need Jesus And you got enough sense to say Child, me too Homeboy, me too I don't want You to be in service
Starting point is 00:07:17 And miss out On what God desires to do for you Because you feel like you got a fake in front Because of people around. Man, forget the people around you. You mean to tell me you woke up early this morning, picked out your clothes. Hopefully y'all earned. I'm from Texas. We say earned. We don't say iron. Hopefully you ironed your clothes. You got the kids ready.
Starting point is 00:07:52 You probably had a little argument because your husband wasn't ready. You went through all of that. Drove all the way here. Because I'm willing to bet y'all don't live up the street. But you drove all the way here. And you mean to tell me you're just going to sit down and act like everything is peaches and cream are you kidding me I don't know about you but I got kids that need me to scream I got family that need me to scream I got circumstances that need me to scream I got issues that need me to scream. I don't know who you are and who I'm talking to, but even my father's, Father's Day is too hard of a day for you to be quiet. And when you look at the scripture, you have to understand that we're spoiled in our context.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Because although we're talking about the miracles of Jesus, hear me. They had to have Jesus. Because there were no doctors they had to have Jesus because there were no dentists there was not anybody dedicated to me being well right
Starting point is 00:09:23 this is why when we read about the leper it's easy to judge the people who made the lepers live in lepers colonies but the only reason why they did that is so that it wouldn't spread because there were no doctors so it's like certain things in the old testament told that told us not to do a thing were only there because there were no doctors. So since there was no doctors, they had one thing to do and that was belief. And for the people who did believe, they did not get what was available for them. But I'm afraid
Starting point is 00:10:04 that in 2023. That we stand amongst believers. Who really don't believe. We sit amongst people. You would be surprised. Who sit next to you. Who just lifted their hands in worship. But don't believe God can give them a miracle.
Starting point is 00:10:26 You would be surprised that you sit next to somebody who tithed every time faithful in their giving and still don't believe that something is for them. Because challenges will test your belief.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Issues will shake your belief up. It'll mess up your faith. It'll mess with you a little bit when you've been praying for something for years and it still ain't happened. I'm only talking to the real people in here. It'll mess with your faith when you keep praying about something and you see no change. It'll mess with your faith when you keep coming to God about the thing over and over and over and over and nothing shifts. It'll mess with your faith.
Starting point is 00:11:09 But allow me to help you with some faith this morning. Are you ready? Here it is. Sometimes God will leave that thing in your life because it is that thing in your life that keeps you pursuing him. Y'all be real in here. If you hit the lottery, would you pursue him the same? If you were all the way good, would you pursue him the same? If you were perfect, would you pursue him the same? No, you only jumping because you're not perfect. You only lifting your hands because you ain't got
Starting point is 00:11:37 it all together. You're only yelling because you're ratchet. But if you were perfect, would you still pursue him the same? I'm wondering in the room if we've got church set aside in this Western perspective where we feel like the gathering is where we come to feel good for the a non-negotiable. Not because it makes me feel good, because it feels me in order to make it through the week. Because if God does not keep me, I might go off. If God does not keep me, I might lose my mind. If God does not keep me, my boss is in trouble. My children are in trouble. Anybody who's around me, when God is not with me, you might be in trouble. I pray that somebody leaves here saying, you know what? After this day, that's for me in my house.
Starting point is 00:13:12 My mother was a crack addict from the day I can remember. She was addicted to drugs from a very young age. And she never, never, never, never got off. I'm 41 years old and when my mother passed mother passed last year she was still addicted to drugs but you know one thing this woman did she didn't go to church but she didn't give me no option ain't that crazy she did not she did not go to church but she made sure I woke up every Sunday morning and caught that church van that was coming through the hood. And the Lord showed me something.
Starting point is 00:13:51 The Lord showed me that even though you were born in that situation, my hand was still always, I wish I could talk to somebody. My hand was still always on you what kind of sense does it make for a mother not to go to church but make sure her kids went to church but if you would look look back you can see my hand just every every now and again, he just would. I had some teachers in school who would just, didn't have no lunch money, so Miss Young would just slip me $2 every night. She didn't know I had no food at home, but something told her, Brandon needs $2 today. And she didn't know that that was the only meal I was going to get. I'm trying to tell you, even if you don't come to church and shout because of what you need, come to church and shout because of what he's done.
Starting point is 00:14:54 I'm in the wrong church. He's been too good for me to be quiet. He's been too good for me to be silent listen sit down y'all making me nervous y'all making me antsy I'm just I'm just saying he's been to coming to good Watch this. In case you didn't know or you are unfamiliar with this local colloquialism that is the title of our message today, let me help you understand. On January 1st, 2022, Kim Jenkins set the digital space on fire when she posted her declaration for 2022 saying, hey, 2022, prepare to be sick of me.
Starting point is 00:16:10 She followed this up by saying, I will not back down. She followed that up by saying, I will not let up. Now watch this. Our working definition for the saying prepare to be sick of me is simply this, to serve notice to others to get ready to be overwhelmed by what I'm about to overcome. Prepare for you to be overwhelmed by what I'm about to overcome. That means I might need to put a sign on the seat next to me. Just so you know, I'm overcoming some things. Beware, I might yell to put a sign on the seat next to me just so you know I'm overcoming some things.
Starting point is 00:16:46 Beware, I might yell at any time. It's to serve notice that God is doing a work in my life and what he's doing in my life is too powerful for me to be silent and this only makes sense to the people who ain't got no sense where y'all at holla at your boy it only makes sense to the people who are not perfect it only makes sense to the people who've been divorced it only makes sense to the people who really don't do relationships well it only
Starting point is 00:17:38 makes sense to the people who question if they're good parents it only makes sense to the people who continuously struggle it only makes sense to the people who continuously struggle it only makes sense to the people who say listen i'm either in a struggle coming out of struggle or on my way to a struggle that's the only way that this makes sense because when that is what your life looks like you can't help but to yell and scream and jump and holler when god comes through for you. And this is not. A message. About yelling and jumping. But I am definitely serving you notice.
Starting point is 00:18:13 That in the black community. People may say. That we too emotional. But I would say to them. You ain't emotional enough. Because it's something about when something is good to us oh I feel like jumping off this stage it's something about
Starting point is 00:18:34 let's not even take Jesus for example have you ever drank some real good Kool-Aid have you ever ate some real good food i don't know about nobody else but it's that first bite that just sends a shock wave through your body and it's like oh my god today who made this and if i'm gonna feel that way about some food and if i'm gonna feel that way about some food, and if I'm going to feel that way about some Kool-Aid, if I'm going to feel that way about a concert, if I'm going to feel that way about all of these things,
Starting point is 00:19:15 surely I should feel that way when God steps into my life and does the impossible and does the thing that nobody else could have done. I'm at least going to say, ooh, who did that? I just had to give you that. That was free. Just trying to help you know where it comes from. I know you heard that Jesus was, I'm not present.
Starting point is 00:19:49 And he's omniscient. I know you've heard this word, he's omnipotent. But if you're from the hood like me, I don't know what that word means. Okay? So let me help you to what omnipotent means it is two words I'm not potent okay the the operative word in omnipotent is potent which means take sweet tea for an example take Kool-Aid for an example. Take a dill pickle for an example. It's potent with its flavor.
Starting point is 00:20:28 And that means when you taste it, something happens to your taste buds that sends senses through your nerves to your brain to say, Mmm, this is different. Jesus is omnipotent. That means everything he does sends a shockwave through your system of potency. What potency of his goodness? What potency of his kindness? What potency of his faithfulness? So, I want you to see how Peter's mother-in-law handles this miracle watch
Starting point is 00:21:08 this in our text today Matthew now records his third account of a very specific miracle on this journey of miracles following the Sermon on the Mount we first get to witness how Jesus heals the leper if you were not here for that go back and get it it was a good message if i'd say so myself then we get to witness the exchange between jesus and the centurion which is really an exchange of faith between jesus and somebody who supposedly doesn't know him okay we got to talking about surrogate faith because the centurion was approaching Jesus on behalf of his servant right which means what about your friends please tell me that you have enough faith for you and them if you weren't here last week I would suggest you go watch the message okay now watch
Starting point is 00:21:55 this then we find ourselves following Jesus on this healing crusade And he ends up at Peter's house. And he comes to Peter's house. And when Jesus enters Peter's house, he sees his mother-in-law lying in the bed sick with a fever. All she had was a fever. All she had was a fever. Now, just like today, back then, fevers were not a big deal. But Jesus thought it was such a big deal that he went out of his way
Starting point is 00:22:39 to heal her of just a little fever. But at first glance, it's easy to say, oh, it was just a little fever. And Jesus just healed the little fever. But the reality of it is, Jesus knew what kind, my God today, what kind of Jesus would I be if I healed everybody else but not do something for the people closest to me?
Starting point is 00:23:11 So Jesus goes into Peter's house looking for how he could be a blessing. He comes upon Peter's mother. She's sick with a fever. Now watch this. This is where it get real good. Y'all ain't gonna like this part but it gets good right here he he he touches her she immediately is whole and then she gets up and immediately starts to wait on him she's laying down he touches her she gets up and starts serving she don't wait till it take hold she don't wait to see if the fever is gone she doesn't wait to see if what he did really worked all she knows is he went out of his way I feel like running to touch me and the least I can do is respond to his touch
Starting point is 00:24:08 I think you're the only one who got it see we cannot come in church and get touched by God and then sit and wait for an opportunity to respond the moment you come in here if the worship touches you you should respond if the prayer touches you you should respond if the word touches you you should be respond why because it's all God touching you. So she responds.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Now watch this. It's important to pause here and let you know this. That if you're ever going to come out of anything, you're always going to have to come out head first. I wish y'all had spiritual eyes. The fever was a condition of the head that then flowed through her body. But what Jesus did was not touch what the origin was. He touches her hand. He touches her hand. He touches her hand. And I got to asking God questions like, why is this significant?
Starting point is 00:25:30 It's significant so that you can understand that Jesus does not have to touch what's wrong. He actually can touch what's right and the thing that's right can clear up everything that's wrong so don't argue with what he touched just respond when he touches i had a problem with my head you touched my hand hand. Yeah, but when I touched your hand, it spoke to your head, and your head said, we got to be better
Starting point is 00:26:09 because the hand just got better. If you are going to go through anything and come out of it, you're going to have to come out of it head first. But I need to let you know that Jesus can touch another part of your life that can shift the condition of your head he can touch any part of your life and it shifts
Starting point is 00:26:32 the condition of your head watch this I want you to see now how Peter's mother-in-law responds to Jesus touch she got up she immediately began to serve him be careful that you are not the person that gets healed but won't serve. Be careful that you're not the type of person that gets delivered but still won't serve. Be careful that you're not the type of Christian that comes and sits week after week and receives but you never give back. My question for you is, who raised you? Did mama them not tell you to say thank you? That the least you could do is say thank you? And one of the ways you can say thank you is about putting in on this man?
Starting point is 00:27:31 Right? you can say thank you is about putting in on this man right serving is her way of saying thank you just like today serving is a way to tell God thank you he's been too good for me to just come and sit it's time for me to say thank you not just with my words, but with my actions. Y'all ready? Now, when Jesus was doing all of this, he was doing this at Capernaum. And this had to have been a task because these were all moments where he was sought out. These moments that we're reading about are not moments in which Jesus went to the people. It was a moment in which the people came to him. Prepare to be sick of me because I'm not going to wait until Jesus comes down my road. If I see him anywhere
Starting point is 00:28:23 in the building, somebody's going to get trampled. Somebody I see him anywhere in the building, somebody's going to get trampled. Somebody's going to get moved out the way because like the woman with the issue of blood, what I'm going through is that important that I need him to touch me now. Now watch this. Now, the significance of this means that the people had to have broken protocol.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Here's why. Because this was the Sabbath. And they were forbidden to do work on the Sabbath. But people needed what they needed. So even though it was the Sabbath, they still were coming to Jesus. Now, no, no, no, no. I want you to see this. Watch this. You could possibly face real stiff penalties when breaking this pharisaical law.
Starting point is 00:29:16 But they put themselves in a position for one reason only. Desperation. It's something about desperation that gets all up desperation. It's something about desperation that gets all up in you and makes you do things you wouldn't normally do. When you get desperate enough, you will do the unthinkable. When you get desperate enough,
Starting point is 00:29:39 you will become the unmovable. When you get desperate enough, your mind will go to a place that throws out all logic anybody ever been in that situation I'm talking to myself it's like I'm not gonna be in church knowing that I need a miracle and then leave that to chance. I'm going to do what I can do.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Watch this. It's not like God doesn't see us, but I'm going to make sure he sees me. And I think the reason why we're not a desperate people is because we don't believe because if you really believed that God could do what he said he could do
Starting point is 00:30:37 your actions would reflect that now the Bible says the Bible says when the evening came See I said all of that about Sabbath To help you understand possibly the context of the evening While people were coming to him That was just like a few people here and there taking chances But some people was waiting
Starting point is 00:31:03 Till the Sabbath was over And waiting till the Sabbath was over. And in those days, Sabbath was over at sundown. I feel like running. And I can just imagine the people in their house, like, is the sun still out? Yeah, it's still out waiting.
Starting point is 00:31:18 We just, we gonna wait. And as soon as the sun went down, somebody said, I heard he was at Peter's house he had people where did Peter stay at I don't know but I know a few other people told me that they were gonna go to Peter's house so soon as sundown comes we gonna follow them and we just gonna go to Peter's house. And Jesus is going to have to heal all of us. And so the Bible says that when evening came, many not came.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Y'all are missing what? Y'all didn't read the Bible. It said many not came. Many were brought to him. Hmm. Things that make you go. Because last week I could have. I just knew that I preached a message last week about people bringing people. And then this week
Starting point is 00:32:27 again, we see people bringing people. That must mean that there's something about people bringing people. And the Bible says that they were bringing people who were demon possessed and they were bringing people who were sick possessed. And they were bringing people who were sick. And they were bringing all types of people. And Jesus healed them all. He did not just heal who came. He healed who was brought. So this morning.
Starting point is 00:33:11 All I'm doing. Is taking my big arms. And gathering all of y'all up. In an attempt. To bring you. To Jesus. That's what this message is about. This message is about. The fact to Jesus. That's what this message is about. This message is about the fact that Jesus heals the many.
Starting point is 00:33:34 So one person got healed. It's cool. But when the Bible said he healed them all, I'm crazy enough to believe that every request I prayed over this week that all these sticky notes I prayed over I'm just crazy enough to believe that this was me
Starting point is 00:33:58 bringing them to the feet of Jesus and he's going to heal who has been. Propped to him. So I don't know who was on these sticky notes. But I prayed for you all week. And I refuse.
Starting point is 00:34:13 For you to leave here. Without being touched by Jesus. Because he's here. To not just heal one. He's healed. It's all available for you. Now,
Starting point is 00:34:31 somebody bring me that cross. Bring me that cross real quick and I'm almost done. Bring me that cross. I want to show you I want to show you something. I want to show you something. I feel something getting ready to break out in this room. Buckle your seatbelts because something is about to break out.
Starting point is 00:34:50 Come on, bring him across. My man need help. Help him, help him, help him. Come on, bring him across. I want to show you how easy it is to forget. I want to show you how. Simple it can be. To forget. Not only.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Who God is. But what he's done. So when you see. A cross. I know. That it prompts you. To go out and buy a piece of jewelry. With a cross on it. And I know that it prompts you to go out and buy a piece of jewelry with a cross on it and I know that it prompts you to look at the cross and be like oh that's cute and I know that it prompts you to even go to Bed Bath and Beyond or or or Michael's or or Hobby Lobby. And get a cross.
Starting point is 00:35:45 And put it on your wall. And I know you got a cross. Somewhere in your house. And you may got a cross on the mantle. And there may be two candles in a cross. Somewhere the cross is incorporated. In your life. However I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:36:00 That you see the cross right. Because the cross was not just some wooden tree. The cross represented his faithfulness. The cross represented his sacrifice. The cross represented
Starting point is 00:36:22 healing. The cross was a place of relatability. He only went through what he went through to relate to the people who would look at him to be savior. The cross represents possibility. And I don't want you to be a believer who allows their belief to fluctuate. Whenever there is a reminder, I want you to always come back to the true meaning of this old rugged cross. This is not just for Easter this is not just for Resurrection Sunday guys this is for 365 days of the year
Starting point is 00:37:18 to show you he's still healing and he's still saving and he's still delivering and he's still saving and he's still delivering and he's still moving and he's still Jesus. My prayer is that anytime you see a cross, it does something in your spirit. It becomes symbolism to the possibilities in your life but what they were running to was not a cross they were running to the actual Jesus who not just was on the cross but the Jesus who came off. And I can just imagine as the people were coming, then here comes Jesus. Can you imagine what it looks like? Can you imagine what it feels like?
Starting point is 00:38:29 That as the people were coming, Jesus was coming. I want you to sit right where you are and I want you to imagine they're bringing all of their infirmities, they're bringing all of their infirmities they're bringing all of their circumstances they're bringing all of their issues they're bringing every disease
Starting point is 00:38:52 and as they're coming Jesus comes out the house and when he comes out the house healing just arrived when he comes out the house healing just got there when he comes out the house a blessing just came when he comes out the house healing just got there when he comes out the house a blessing just came when he comes out the house the possibilities
Starting point is 00:39:10 are endless when he comes out the house everything that is broken is fixed when he comes out the house everything you need is taken care of when he comes out the house death comes to life when he comes out the house everything that everybody has brought to him comes to life and what makes it even more special it's because when he's here then people who didn't even come for him start to come to him and he heals their infirmities and he bears their affliction I want you to know that you serve a God that who is not dead you serve a God who was not thinking about
Starting point is 00:39:58 healing you serve a God who was not contemplating healing you serve a God who wants to heal you he's looking for disease he's looking for healing he's looking for it he's looking for it he's looking for you to bring him everything you got and even the demon-possessed who don't know him will come to know him that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord and I want you to understand that there is nothing too hard from God even the woman in the wheelchair there's nothing too hard from God even if you haven't walked and you limp in here and you got crutches and you're stuck, that Jesus is still here to heal everything in your life. What is this all a picture of?
Starting point is 00:41:17 It's a picture of the possibility when men and women come together and they come together and they believe and they come together and they come together and they believe and they come together and they trust and they come together and they contend and they come together and they fight and they come together and they believe they all believe for one thing they believe that he is who he says he is and they believe he could do what he says he can do. Now watch this. Before you get a miracle, you got to prepare for it. I want to give you a few points. I want you to look at these men and women and I want you to understand that what's available for them
Starting point is 00:42:08 is available for you now watch this point number one prepare your head your mind gotta be right in order to get a miracle your mental capacity has to be stable enough to receive a miracle why do you got to prepare your head because the moment it doesn't look like he's doing something you will quit believing
Starting point is 00:42:40 you got to prepare your head and tell your mind that even if it doesn't look like it, I believe there will be a miracle for me. Number two, you got to prepare your hands because he desires to put something in your hands and I'm afraid that he can't get it into your hands because your hands is full of stuff and maybe you're in here this morning and you came with a handful of baggage but my question is will you trust him enough to let go of the baggage and open up your hands. Prepare your head, prepare your hands. Then, you gotta prepare your heart. For out of the heart,
Starting point is 00:43:34 the issues of life flow. And that's a man thinking in his heart, so is he. So if you're not saying in your heart you healed if you're not saying in your heart you're whole
Starting point is 00:43:52 if you're not saying in your heart it's fixed see sometimes you gotta talk to your body you have to talk to your flesh and let it line up with your spirit. You're not going to always walk out of church and feel something. That's why you got to prepare your heart. And then lastly, you got to prepare your house.
Starting point is 00:44:25 Because this miracle is bigger than you. Listen, there was never a story or a time in the history of Scripture where Jesus came on the scene and everything didn't change. He's not just changing you. He's changing everything connected to you. You've got to prepare your house. Because I'm a firm believer that while you're trusting and believing God here, He's working back at the home.
Starting point is 00:45:06 He's working in areas you can't see. But my question to you this morning is, do you believe in? Why must you prepare in these four areas?
Starting point is 00:45:22 Because these are the areas God has spoken to me that he's getting ready to touch. He's touching someone's head. He's touching someone's head. He's touching someone's heart. And then somebody here is going to be lucky enough for him to touch your house. Just like Peter's mother-in-law, and just like the many who were brought to him,
Starting point is 00:46:04 they all had one thing in common they needed Jesus they needed Jesus I'm not talking to the people in the room who don't feel like they need him I'm only talking to the
Starting point is 00:46:22 people who when I said that something in your spirit leaped and you said me too I need Jesus I need him over here I need him over there I need him in my heart I need him in my space And as these people leave, I want you to watch them. And I want you to see yourself. I want you to see yourself moving up and down the aisle. I want you to look at him and I want you to see the picture of possibility
Starting point is 00:47:06 and yo man maybe this is for me maybe he can do this for me maybe he will do this for me and then I want that maybe to go from a maybe to saying, He will. He will. We got together on a Thursday night to come up with this illustrative sermon not to wow you but to hopefully give you a visual aid
Starting point is 00:47:55 of what it looks like when Jesus enters a room. And just in case you don't know I want to submit to him. Can you see him? And your unfixable situation is why he came. Your messed up situation is why he came. He came to get the impossible.
Starting point is 00:48:51 He came to mend the broken hearted The word says that he's the lifter of your hand So lift up your head All you gates And be ever lifted up Be everlasting the worst And the king of glory will come in. Who is this king of glory? The Lord God strong and mighty. Who is this king of glory?
Starting point is 00:49:14 The Lord God mighty in battle. I don't know where you are. I don't know who you are. He's here for you. He's here for you. Come pray with my man. Come pray with my man. If you are in this room And you need him
Starting point is 00:49:50 Come get him Come get your miracle Come get your miracle Come get your miracle Come get your miracle. Come get your miracle. Come get your miracle. Come get your miracle. Come get your miracle.
Starting point is 00:50:34 Come get your miracle. Come get it. At the cross. The foot of the cross. Is where he will bear your infirmities at the foot of the cross is where he'll take your load off now listen if you're in this room And you didn't get up to come to the altar
Starting point is 00:51:09 Because you feel like the altar is too crowded I want you to just stand up where you are I don't want you to miss out on this moment Now hear me I am not saying You have to stand up That's not what I'm saying I'm not saying you have to receive this That's not what I'm saying either
Starting point is 00:51:38 What I am saying is If you know You got something in your life that you really need him to fix it's time now for coming to church and acting like everything is okay Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!
Starting point is 00:52:20 Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!
Starting point is 00:52:24 Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Viva! Thank you. Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!
Starting point is 00:53:24 Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!.. I need thee I need thee Let me be Oh, let me come
Starting point is 00:54:48 Say, I come I come To I come to thee. I come the air. Free of my fear I am a saint Savior I come to thee To Thee I come to Thee
Starting point is 00:57:14 Oh, how I need Thee Oh, how I need Thee Oh, how I need me oh how I need these people at this time, I feel led. I usually don't do this at anybody's church because I don't like to lay hands on people who are not submitted to me.
Starting point is 00:57:59 But I do feel like there's something on my life that I want to transfer. And so for the next five minutes, I'm just going to move through this crowd and I'm going to lay my hands on a few of you. Now, listen, this is what I don't want you to do. I do not want you two things. Number one, I don't want you to resist whatever you feel. And then number two, I don't want you to resist whatever you feel and then number two I don't want you to feel like my hand has any power okay my hand has no power at all but there is something on my life. And it's powerful. And some people can't stand it because it's so heavy. So I just want you to be open.
Starting point is 00:58:57 Whoever you are, I'm just going to be led. Whoever you are, I want you to be open to receive what God wants to do to you in this moment. Amen. I want you to sing that again. And I want to you in this moment. Amen. I want you to sing that again. And I want to move through this crowd. And I want to touch and believe with some of you. Because there's some people in here, you just came to church.
Starting point is 00:59:20 But then there's a few of you in here, this was your last option. This was the final straw. And I don't want you to leave here the same way you can Thank you. I'm feeling blue Every hour I need you O ferni nace, I never knew of you Oh I knew Di aeum Ia te rea Mai tisi Nini Oh, baby
Starting point is 01:01:50 Nini Oh, baby Baby, oh Oh, I know Oh, I come. Yes, I come. Oh, I come. Here I am, here I am pleased I know, with arms wide open pleased I know, my heart is open I know, my hands are open I know I'm surrendered, I'm forever
Starting point is 01:02:55 I know Here I come again Here I come Oh Jesus Here I come Only surrendered Only surrendered I go What is surrendered? What is surrendered? I go I go
Starting point is 01:03:39 I go, I go, I go Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
Starting point is 01:04:24 Yeah Yeah I have touched the Him of your garden and He delivered me me And He delivered me I have touched the Him of the scarlet And He delivered me I have touched the hymn of His garment I have touched the hymn of His garment Yeah I have touched the hymn of His garment Yeah Yeah I have touched the hymn of this garment
Starting point is 01:05:46 I have touched the Him of this garment Touch the Him of this garment Touch the Him of this garment I'm just going I have touched the him of this garment I have touched the heels of this garden Listen. Listen. There are a few of you in this room who you bear the weight of your family and it's weird because your weight is not about you
Starting point is 01:07:34 it's about your family lift your hands if that's you I felt it all over this room I bear the weight of my family this is why I felt it all over this room. I bear the weight of my family. This is why, listen, this is why I said you have to prepare your house. Which means, listen to me. When you walk in the room, peace just walked in the room.
Starting point is 01:08:08 When you walk in the room, reconciliation just walked in the room, which means you have to live your life in a way that brings glory to God. Okay? Now hear me. Some of you, you pick the weight up it had nothing to do with you and this is a moment for you to let that weight go then there's another half of you
Starting point is 01:08:40 you didn't have a choice. They call you for everything. They look to you for everything. People older than you expect you to fix their problems. But hear me, this is important. Listen, everybody under the sound of my voice listen you cannot afford to have a god complex which means you need to know you are not god and you cannot try to fix everybody's problems okay i'm gonna say something very very very, very, very, very, very, very, very strong. Hear me. I'm going to say it and then we're going to curse it.
Starting point is 01:09:30 Some of you, because you picked up the weight, you signed up to fight demons that weren't assigned to you. And the fight that you're under is because of what you're connected to and I decree and declare right now by the power and authority of Jesus Christ that every assignment against your life is canceled every assignment against your mind is canceled that there will not be an assassination on your character I come against the spirit of suicide you're in here I come against the spirit of suicide I come against it right now I come against the spirit that says that I am NOT enough I come against it now
Starting point is 01:10:21 suicide won't hold you low self-esteem won't hold you. Low self-esteem won't hold you. Secondly, listen, listen. Prophetically, prophetically, you're in this room. You are secretly battling depression. And I'm not talking about a little bit. I'm talking about this person who is a couple of y'all in here. You go home.
Starting point is 01:10:49 The blinds are closed. You don't get out the bed like you used to. You don't want to talk to anybody. You literally are putting yourself in a dark place. Lift your hands. Lift your hands. Father, right now, in the name of Jesus I break every curse every yoke of bondage I break it now off of this man's life and I decree and declare that he will be all that
Starting point is 01:11:19 you've called him to be in the mighty name of Jesus Satan take your hand off now in Jesus name listen last thing last person in the room is you're somebody who has chronic anxiety. It's chronic. I'm not saying you get anxious every now and again. You live in anxious. Lift your hands. Where are you?
Starting point is 01:12:01 Come on. Now listen. If you want this broken off of your life I want you to hear the words that I'm about to speak to you alright, so lift your hands again chronic anxiety, chronic anxiety okay, now listen we're going to all pray a prayer
Starting point is 01:12:24 and we're literally going to curse it from the root. However, however, listen to me. There's something you need to know about this anxiety. And I happen to be the person God called to tell you. Listen to me. Anxiety is really about control. Okay? Now, I'm not talking to you as if I deal with anxiety too.
Starting point is 01:13:01 I just don't have chronic anxiety. When it's time for me to fly or when I go into certain rooms, there's something that comes over me. And the reality of it is it's all about control. Here's what you got to learn to do. You have to learn to relinquish control. This is not easy. But this is the part you have to play in it. Now, if you're ready to be disconnected from this anxiety, I want you to lift both clear this prayer covers it settles it and
Starting point is 01:13:49 breaks it but then you have to leave here and do the work okay the Bible declares be anxious for nothing but in all things through prayer and supplication, make your requests known to him. Okay, that's what you have to continue to do. Lift your hands, Father, right now in the mighty name of Jesus. we are lifting this to you because this is something that only you can do right now I'm praying for the fire the fire of heaven
Starting point is 01:14:39 to hit this place like never before to eradicate anxiety. To push it back. To arrest it right now in the name of Jesus. And I decree and declare by the power and the authority and the blood of Jesus Christ. That right now the curse has been broken over every life. Off of every mind. off of every heart and not decree and declare freedom in this room freedom in this room in In Jesus name. Listen.
Starting point is 01:15:27 We got to go. But before we leave. I want everybody under the sound of my voice to lift your hands. Why does he keep saying lift your hands? Because the altar has no magic. My hands have no magic. All of the power is in you. As a sign of surrenderance that says, Lord, I am giving this up to you.
Starting point is 01:16:04 I am not walking out of here with it. I'm not going to come back and pick it up at the altar. But when I leave here, I left them here. I left that here. I left it here. And when I walk out of here, I will be free. I'll live free. I'll speak free.
Starting point is 01:16:24 I'll act free.'ll speak free I'll act free because I am free now father I pray to sweep through this room like never before let the power of the Holy Ghost blow through this room like never before and Jesus now let your healing virtue flow let your healing power flow let miracles and signs and wonders be the evidence to the people that you were here

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