2819 Church - GOD OF MIRACLES | Refined By New Wine | Matthew 9:14-17 | Philip Anthony Mitchell

Episode Date: January 4, 2025

Welcome to the official Youtube channel for 2819 Church. This channel features powerful and life-impacting messages from Philip Anthony Mitchell and guest communicators. As you listen to these sound ...biblical messages you can expect to be challenged, stirred, matured and inspired in your faith and walk with God. For more information about us visit 2819Church.org.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's week 10 of our series, God of Miracles. In this series, we've been looking at the supernatural healings of Christ. As we've been studying together Matthew chapter 8 and 9 in this particular series. There's only three more messages in the series, two more. The series will end on September 3rd. And for all my note takers, today we're going to be camped out at, let's see, we're going to be camped out at Matthew chapter 9, verses 14 through 17. And my prayer for you through this series is that God is building your faith and his ability, his kindness. And for all my note takers today, we're going to study together.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Study. Only four verses, Matthew chapter 9, verse 14 through 17 is where we're going to camp out. And I want to tag a title to this text, this small periscope scripture. We're going to call this message, Refined by New wine. Not that old Cabernet. Not that stale Chardonnay. Not that old Marlowe. My prayer for you is by the end of this message, many of you are going to be refined. Refined.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Transformed. Restored. Made better. By new one. How should we pray? Eternal God and ever wise Father, weary in our bodies but strong in the spirit, give us stamina now for teaching and for listening. For there is nothing more we're gonna do
Starting point is 00:02:07 important but the worship of you through song and the proclamation of your holy word Lord I am a weakened vessel there is no s on my chest even now I am tired. I am physically tired. I ask for strength to communicate the truth. That word that's being threatened in our culture. The truth of your holy, eternal, forever settled word. I come against everything in this room that would try to fight the seed of the word of God. From being sown into good ground, the hearts of men,
Starting point is 00:02:56 even the atheists and the unbeliever in the room, let them be provoked by the preaching of the word and let the seasoned saints be provoked by the preaching of the word and let the seasoned saint be provoked by the preaching of the word. We don't want to be just comfortable where we are. Push us to the better version of us. We ask in the mighty name of Yahshua HaMashiach, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:03:24 If you agree with me, would you just say amen? It's not a religious word. It's just a Greek word that means so let it be. Christ is the amen. We say amen. We say amen. We say Christ, let it be. Thank y'all.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Thank y'all. Amen. Amen. Thank y'all. Thank y'all. Amen. Thank y'all, gentlemen. Amen. Amen. Refined by fine, by new wine. Family, when I was preparing for this message, the Holy Spirit brought back to my remembrance a sister that I used to know as a friend many years ago.
Starting point is 00:04:10 She was a radical Christian on fire for the Lord Jesus Christ. She prayed. She worshiped. She went to church. She read her Bible. She served. Man, she had a public devotion for God that was undeniable. She was single.
Starting point is 00:04:33 At some point in time in her Christian journey, she met a very handsome young man. He's tall, brown skin, had a smile that could light up a room, could talk very well. Man, he was a very lovable and likable brother. Anybody who came around him would like him. A little friendly banter in a corner, a little exchanging of numbers. Y'all know how that part go. A little hollering at her and a little batting her eye at him. Exchanging of numbers led into dating.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Dating turned to courtship. Courtship led them to an altar, and some years after, they were married. They began to build a life and a home together. Sometime after their marriage, they start inviting children into their home and into their union. Their children began to grow. They were not yet teenagers. And as their marriage began to develop, they started seeing cracks in the foundation that they were building. They started seeing cracks in the union that they were building. They started seeing cracks in their marriage.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Arguments was ensuing every single day. Fights was ensuing every single day. Fights was ensuing every single day. Discussions about God was ensuing every single day. They were fighting at the kitchen table and sleeping in separated rooms at night because they were divided in their home along a major fault line. She was a faithful follower of Jesus
Starting point is 00:06:02 and he was a devoted person of an Eastern religion, Islam. On Saturday, he's taking the children to the mosque. On Sunday, she's taking the children to the church. The children are now confused. Who is God? Is Allah God? Is Muhammad a true prophet? Is Jesus a true prophet? Is Jehovah God? There's arguments in the house along this theological fault line. This fault line begins serious rifts in their relationship. They tried everything they could to hold on to that marriage, but ultimately that divide was too strong for that marriage
Starting point is 00:06:47 to stand. They would end up at another desk, the desk of divorce. They would be parted in a painful separation. They would split children and go their separate ways. Now, my brothers and sisters, look right at me. What destroyed their marriage was not their fights. What destroyed their marriage was not them sleeping in separate rooms. What destroyed their marriage was not the little differences they were having in the kitchen. No, what destroyed their marriage was this one
Starting point is 00:07:17 powerful word that's going to be buried at the basement of our text. I'm going to go into the basement of our text and pull that word out from our text. It was just one word, this one powerful word that is a tough reality to deal with that destroyed their union. And the word was incompatibility. Incompatibility. I want to define incompatible for you. Put my definition up on the screen, okay? Let me define for you what incompatible means. When something is incompatible, it is unable to exist together in harmony. When something is incompatible or two things are incompatible, they are not able to exist in harmony. Next one. When something is incompatible they are contrary or opposed in character.
Starting point is 00:08:09 They don't seem the same. They don't see the same. They don't feel the same. They don't move the same. Next one. When something is incompatible it is that which, watch this word, cannot coexist or be conjoined.
Starting point is 00:08:27 So when two things are incompatible, they cannot coexist. Let me get this in your soul before we get to the text. When two things are incompatible, they cannot coexist. You can try, but they cannot. You can force it, but they cannot. You can try to hang on try but they cannot you can force it but they cannot you can try to hang on but they cannot when two things are incompatible they cannot coexist in harmony and in this life there are many things that you and I are familiar with that are incompatible. Let's talk about some of them, for example. We know what it is sometimes.
Starting point is 00:09:08 There are some relationships in the end have proven that two people were not compatible. Looked good. Pipe game was dope. Looked good. P pipe game was dope, had your mind spinning. Only to find out later, we were not compatible. Pretty, hourglass shape, fill in your blank, only to find out she was not compatible. Some of us know that some of our relationships have proven, watch, to not be compatible. Some of us have had friendships that have proven to not be, talk to me.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Some of us have had business partnerships that have proven to be not compatible. Some of us have had alliances with people that have proven to be not, not compatible some of us have had alliances with people that have proven to be not not compatible some of us have gone to churches and we get around people and we listen to a preacher and be like man they're twisting the text that sound like static in my soul my spirit and your teaching are not. Some of us realize, man, we've had companies, entrepreneurial ventures, have hired people and realized they were not compatible. Watch. And in this life, all of us know or just keep living long
Starting point is 00:10:41 enough and you will discover that there are things in this life, people, places, things we discover discover they are not compatible. They cannot coexist in harmony. And when you try to force two things together that are not compatible, it's only a matter of time before you hit a fork in the road, and either there's going to be a separation, or watch this word, there's going to be pain. Either we're going to go the right way down the fork
Starting point is 00:11:08 or we're going to have regrets. Now watch, in its lightest forms, you can bounce back from a separation or a fork in the road because two things was not compatible. In its lightest form, you can bounce back from that. But watch me, pay attention. In its worst forms, some people will never make it back from something that was not compatible. Some people are separated from God right now for all eternity because they try to do something that was not compatible.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Because sometimes incompatibility is too strong, watch, to survive. Let me say this one more time. I'm almost done. It's only four verses. Oh, take my time? I was trying to get you out, you oh I could take my time cannot proceed I see some of y'all like you're looking at me funny like you just want to get to your restaurant like this ain't better food than where you going? So look at me, everybody in the room from the front row to
Starting point is 00:12:35 the risers, look at me. I'm telling you right now in love, there are some things, there there's something so incompatible that you won't make it back from. Enter the wisdom of Jesus in the text. Matthew, the book we're studying, was an outcast Jew. He records for us the most read gospel of the four. The one gospel that anchored the church for 1,700 years, the one gospel they used to raise up disciples is why we're walking through it right now. Might take us a year to get through it. We in no rush, line by line, verse by verse,
Starting point is 00:13:15 we unpacking God's word. We releasing the power of God's word one verse at a time. Matthew records for us, watch, the birth of Christ. And for those of you who not peeping what i'm saying the incarnation of christ because he was not a created being he always existed he just came from eternity into earth and took on a body so matthew records for us the incarnation or the birth of christ cause for us the early days of christ he records for us the early days of Christ. He records for us the people who try to kill Christ when he was a child because the enemy will always try to come after those who pose a threat to the kingdom of darkness.
Starting point is 00:13:54 See, some of you, you'll be mad at all the trouble you're going through. You don't even know the target on your back is not because you're doing anything wrong. The target on your back is you pose a threat to the kingdom of darkness. Can I say something some of you to hell you've been through is just Jesus bragging on you my son my daughter go ahead test them watch how they won't blaspheme me to my face blood deal with them for three months watch they still keep praising me anyway all trouble ain't bad trouble like where did this come from maybe the Lord is bragging on you job so Matthew records a herod the king who tried to kill christ the killing he tried to he was killing children sound familiar killing prophets fresh out the room
Starting point is 00:14:59 i don't care see I'm free from the approval of men so I could tell the truth and go home and sleep Matthew records the rise of the cousin of Jesus John the Baptist this is important follow pay attention the man who God called to prepare the hearts of people for the coming of Christ. That's gonna make sense in the text in just a moment. Matthew records the explosion of the ministry of John the Baptist, the cousin of Jesus, the forerunner of Christ.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Matthew records the rise of Christ, the baptism of Christ, the temptation of Christ, the first teaching of Christ that was recorded for us full length, the Sermon on the Mount. Matthew records the healing miracles of Christ. Matthew records his own calling to Christ. As Jesus was walking by the tax collector's booth, he sees a man working for the Roman government, an outcast Jew. He looks them in his eyes. I love this. He looks outcasts in their eyes. People the world would never choose.
Starting point is 00:16:08 People the church throws under the bus. And he says, I want you. And he calls them into fellowship and into relationship and into ministry. And look, y'all, I don't know if y'all peep this, but the person who Jesus called, we're reading his book. All right, pause. Let me get this through you real quick. The person who Jesus called, we're reading his book. He wrote this in like the 60s AD.
Starting point is 00:16:35 We're reading his book like in 2023. You have no idea what God would do with a surrendered life. Some of you don't even realize what's in you until you fully surrender. You think you're talented. You think you gifted. There's things God want to pull out of you. You haven't even seen yet because you're not fully surrendered yet. Matthew did not follow Christ and take his tax job with him. He left everything behind. It's going to make sense in a moment to follow Christ. Watch. It's all going to tie together in a moment.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Watch. Then Matthew, watch, records when he invited Jesus to the crib. The crib. The house. Matthew is a rich young dude. He a watch feast for Jesus watch Matthew invites all his cronies other outcasts sinners prostitutes robbers tax collectors and there is Jesus peep the scene sit it so spiritual there is Jesus I remember one time i was hanging out with dj envy and my boy matt garland and uh somebody somebody wrote me my dm why you why you why you with dj envy
Starting point is 00:17:55 why why you spending time with people like that like jesus wasn't having conversations with Nicodemus. You know that John 3, 16, that y'all love so much for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten. Jesus didn't preach that in a sermon. He said that in a conversation with one man, a Pharisee named Nicodemus. He even had relationships with non-believers with the hopes that his light would shine bright enough to win them.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Why are you with them? Whose influence is stronger, yours or theirs? Whose influence is stronger, yours or theirs? You're not pulling me back into that kingdom I came out of. But you hang out with me for a little while, I might pull you into the kingdom that I've been saved into. So there is Matthew, house full of cronies, and there is Jesus. Peep the scene. It's going to make sense in a second. There is Jesus sitting at the table with his disciples, eating and drinking, enjoying themselves, sipping wine, sipping cabs, eating lambs and bread and fish.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Right? And as we're leading up to that dinner, if you read the text, he's healing, watch, and being rejected. Anybody know what that feel like? He's doing miracles and being rejected. He's rejected by people who live in a town because they're more concerned about the economy than miracles demons that went into pigs they're more concerned about the economy than miracles so they said get out of here they're rejecting the Lord of glory he heals people who were bound man they rejected him you can't heal on the Sabbath and all around Jesus is now
Starting point is 00:19:59 dealing with rejection and now rejection comes to the house of Matthew now peep the scene and peep the text. Matthew records this dinner with Jesus, his followers, and his cronies. Then Matthew records this next incident, four verses we're about to unpack together. Matthew chapter 9, verse 14. Now watch the text. Then the disciples of John came to him saying,
Starting point is 00:20:31 why do you or why do we and the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not fast? Stop. So Jesus is at the meal. So Jesus is hanging out and watch. The disciples of John, who's John? The cousin of Jesus come to Jesus, right? And look what they say to him.
Starting point is 00:20:51 He said to Jesus, why do we and the Pharisees fast and Jesus, your disciples, do not fast? Now, this is crazy to me. It's crazy to me because of who's asking the question. Everybody watch. Watch this. Listen, we're going to work the text now for insight and instruction. Okay? Let's work the text.
Starting point is 00:21:11 Now, peep who's asking the question. Not the Pharisees. Not the scribes. Not his religious enemies. The followers of John the Baptist. The disciples of his cousin. Now, why does that blow my mind? Because in John chapter three, we don't got time to read it, but can I just tell you what happens in John chapter three?
Starting point is 00:21:31 In John chapter three, John records Jesus' ministry blows up. Watch. Jesus, he's popular. The disciples of John go to John and say, John, there's another man, Jesus. He's baptizing. His ministry is blowing up. It's bigger than yours. All of your followers are leaving us, and they're going to Jesus' church. Do something about that, John. John says to his followers, yo, chill out with all that smoke. Listen, didn't I not, I'm paraphrasing, Philip Anthony Mitchell translation. Didn't I not already tell you that he who is coming after me is greater than me?
Starting point is 00:22:08 That I am only a signpost? That I've come to proclaim the way of the one who's coming after me? Didn't I tell you that he was the Lamb of God and the bridegroom? Didn't I tell you that? Watch. Then John says, watch. No man can receive anything more than what Jesus or God intends for him. You're not getting anything more in this life than what God wants to give you. And then he says, I must decrease and he, Jesus, must increase.
Starting point is 00:22:33 He told this to his followers. So they should have known who Jesus was. Now go back to the text. The disciples of John come to Jesus and say, how come we and the Pharisees fast, but your disciples don't fast? So they should have known whose presence they were in. All right. Keep the other detail in the text. Watch who they include in their complaint how come we and the Pharisees fast watch the text and your disciples do not fast peep the text the disciples of John partner with the Pharisees to bring a complaint
Starting point is 00:23:17 against Jesus how fast good men can be corrupted by bad men. How fast good believers can be corrupted by bad people. These men have been following the cousin of Jesus, and yet because of their association with the Pharisees, the enemies of Christ, now their hearts have been corrupted by the wrong company. It's all in the text. Now their hearts have been corrupted by the wrong company. It's all in the text. Now their hearts have been corrupted by the wrong company because I know you think you're strong,
Starting point is 00:23:50 but the wrong company can corrupt any man, any woman. The people who ran with the followers of John get corrupted by the enemies of Christ. And then instead of the Pharisees bringing a complaint, the disciples of John partner with them, and they are the witness against Jesus. You see people got something to say about you,
Starting point is 00:24:15 and I'm like, I wonder where that's really coming from. Watch. Watch. Who has gotten into your ear? Jesus. Jesus. And what are they asking about? They're asking about how come they don't fast. Now, everybody watch.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Fasting is very normal. Everybody watch. Pay attention. Fasting is normal normal. Now everybody watch. Pay attention. Fasting is normal. We are called to fast. Biblical fasting is the crushing of this flesh to draw closer to God. The most biblical fast is the denial of food. Then we have a Daniel fast, which is like vegetables and water.
Starting point is 00:25:00 I know now we be doing these little soft fasts, like no social media and no candy and all this other stuff, right? These little soft, wimpy fasts fast if that's where you got to start start there but a real fast is the denial of food because your stomach is a God according to the word Paul talks about the God of the stomach and when you deny this you discipline your flesh to say you don't rule over me now watch now in the Old Testament now remember there's no New Testament at the time this is written can I teach the only scriptures they have are the Old Testament scriptures and in the Old Testament there's only one commandment
Starting point is 00:25:36 to fast and only once a year during a feast when were they commanded to fast once how often once a year according to the Old Testament once a year on my desk right now in my house there's a small book says the Didache and the Didache is this book that I have on my desk that has inside of it listen the writings of followers of the original disciples and church fathers that were found and put together from the first century AD and in theache, it tells us in the Didache, in that book, sit on my desk, that during the days of Christ, the followers of God, the religious men, became so hyper-religious, they started adding to the laws of God.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Watch, man-made traditions that by the time Jesus came on the scene, they were no longer fasting once a year, they were fasting twice a week, according to the Didache on the second and fifth day of the week, which is Monday and Thursday, which happened to be the busiest time in the streets. Now put it together. Their fasting went from something holy unto God to something that became religious and wrote
Starting point is 00:26:45 only to impress people who were watching. Okay? Every Monday and Thursday, they're out in the street fasting and looking sad so everybody can see, oh, they're so holy, they're so holy, they're so holy. Now they come and say, how come we fast, the Pharisees fast?
Starting point is 00:27:03 Everybody watch. And your disciples don't fast. Okay. Can I teach? All right. Now watch Jesus' response. Matthew 9, verse 15. And Jesus said to them, can the wedding guests mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? Watch the text. The days will come when
Starting point is 00:27:28 the bridegroom is taken away. Powerful word in the original language, taken. Taken away from then, and then they will fast. So now Jesus said to them, slow down with all that smoke. And he asked them a question. You ask me a question, I'm going to ask you a question. Can the guest of the bridegroom fast while the bridegroom is with them? Now pay attention. In the days of Christ, weddings were not like weddings today. Today, we go to a wedding, we have a, what comes after the wedding? The reception, we dance, we throw on all the cha-cha slides, we do all of that, we get the garter, okay, we cut cake, we do everybody go home, honeymoon is done. In the days of Christ, weddings was not like that.
Starting point is 00:28:11 Now watch. In the days of Christ, watch how a wedding went. A groom, God, this is so powerful. This is so darn powerful. A groom, well, watch, would leave his home. He would travel to the house of the bride. He would pay a price for the bride. He would then take the bride from where she was.
Starting point is 00:28:38 He would carry the bride back to his home where there were guests waiting. And then there would be no honeymoon. The wedding would be the honeymoon and the party, watch, and it would last for seven days. I don't got time to really get into this real deep, but just peep the foreshadowing of the Jewish wedding because all the stuff the Lord made the people do was foreshadowings of Christ.
Starting point is 00:29:12 There is another bridegroom who one day is gonna come. He's gonna leave his house. He's gonna come for a bride without spot and without wrinkle. She's called the church. He's going to rapture her and take her back to his home in heaven. Read the New Testament, then read Revelation. Then Christ and his bride will sit down at the marriage supper of the lamb,
Starting point is 00:29:40 and they will feast for seven years during the great tribulation. While during that time, the Lord executes full wrath and judgment on the earth as he deals with the nation of Israel to show them that Christ is the Messiah. And unless God shortened that time, the scripture says all human beings will die. Now notice how Jesus calls himself the bridegroom. Who's he talking to? Jews. Why does this matter? Because they have the what? The Old Testament. And in the Old Testament, Yahweh calls himself the bridegroom. Jesus now in front of them calls himself the bridegroom. He takes the same title given to Yahweh and gives it to himself. As if to say, I'm going to let you know that I have clarity about my identity. I have clarity about my identity.
Starting point is 00:30:43 And your life will change when you get clarity about your identity. Watch. I don't know who I'm talking to. You are not your mistake. You are not where you came from. You are not who left you. You are not who betrayed you. You are not the divorce.
Starting point is 00:31:03 You are not the rape. You are not the molestation. You are not the season you you are not the divorce you are not the rape you are not in the molestation you are not the season that you failed you are if you save the righteousness of god in christ jesus you've been given a new identity and when you get that in your soul it'll change the way you pray it'll change the way you love it'll change the way you walk it'll change the way you love. It'll change the way you walk. It'll change the person you see in the mirror. It'll change how you treat people. It would even change some of them tears you keep crying about things that Lord already forgave you for because everything under the blood has been weaponized for God's glory. So watch, if it's in my past and I'm saved and I'm bold, I can use it now
Starting point is 00:31:48 as a testimony to help somebody else. You want to see what boldness look like? Here is boldness. Married for three months, caught with pornography on the computer, hurt his wife named Lena, dealt with that in my closet.
Starting point is 00:32:06 Free from pornography. Weaponized under the blood. Now say something. Say something to me now. See? All that stuff you're trying to hide, as soon as it comes out of the dark, that power is released from it holding you. See?
Starting point is 00:32:24 So no longer am I ashamed to say I was caught with pornography by my new wife. That power is released from it holding you. See? So no longer am I ashamed to say I was caught with pornography by my new wife. Who showed me grace. And that I've been delivered from that. And now when I see it, I feel hurt for those involved. Because you're really looking for love, You don't know your self-worth. And I feel grieved that we treat women like meat. See?
Starting point is 00:32:52 Ain't no shame there. Why? Because I'm free now. See, and anything you keep in the dark, it has power over you. It only take one, listen, I'm trying to tell you one confession to somebody you love. You see how that, the power of that thing,
Starting point is 00:33:04 it just begins to break. I struggled with this. I was wrestling with that. I can't, now you don't confess to everybody because everyone's not mature enough to handle your confession. This is why when Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane, he left a group of disciples over here. He took Peter, James, and John over here, that he confesses to them, my soul is sorrowful unto death.
Starting point is 00:33:30 The Lord confessed his weakness in the company of those who can handle it. Everybody ain't mature enough to handle your past. So Jesus, watch. Let me finish. Let me finish. Let me finish. So Jesus calls up the bridegroom.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Now, everybody watch this. Watch the question. How could the guests of the groom mourn while the bridegroom is with them? Watch. They were fasting in those days as a sign of sadness. Every Monday they sat. Every Thursday, they sad. Next Monday, they sad. Next Thursday, they sad. Thursday after that, they sad. The Monday, man, two days a week, if that's the purpose of your religious fasting, watch. My people can't do that in my presence. If the purpose of your religious fasting is to be sad twice a week, my people can't do that in my presence.
Starting point is 00:34:44 They don't have nothing to be sad about in this moment. Why? Because my physical presence is with them. The only thing they're going to feel in my presence, watch this, is joy. The only thing they feel in my presence watch this is joy they have no reason to be sad while i'm physically with them because watch watch the coming of christ into the world was supposed to bring joy of the kingdom a new world order now watch what j Jesus says everybody watch he says a time will come when the bridegroom will be watched taken from them that word in the original language taken means to violently remove what is he talking about he's prophesying his execution and death on the cross a time is coming when I will be crucified violently removed that's what it means in the original language.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Violently taken away. Watch. And when I am gone, then they will mourn. Did that happen? Yes. The Lord was killed. They scattered. They wept.
Starting point is 00:35:57 Now watch. We still call to fast today to get closer to God. But can I tell you something? I'm learning this. because I used to struggle with depression really bad. I had a good therapist, sat on her chair every month. Like, you got to take soul care. Don't think a therapist is unholy. It's godly, right? That's for somebody, right? I used to be like that guy from the Peanuts that always had the cloud over my head, and it was always raining in my thoughts.
Starting point is 00:36:25 Not like that. Let me tell you one of my prayers for years because it's supposed to be for you. The dominant disposition of the New Testament Christian should be joy. Can I repeat that? Everybody look at me the dominant disposition of the new testament believer is supposed to be joy should be your dominant disposition yes you get hurt yes you cry yes you mourn yes you fast yes you seek God yes we hurt you but but when that all smoke clears your dominant disposition is supposed to be joy. Nobody want to serve the God you serve when you moody and depressed all the time You can't praise you can't lift a hand you can't shout don't want to go to church
Starting point is 00:37:14 You don't got a hallelujah. You're always in the basement. Your house is always dark. You don't like sunlight You always depressed that the. Didn't Paul said the kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit? That if you keep having fellowship with the Holy Spirit, eventually joy is going to hit your soul. And joy should not be contingent upon circumstance. You don't need everything to be right for you to feel joy. Joy is a silent emotion in the basement of my soul based on an assurance that Christ is with me.
Starting point is 00:37:59 And even in the middle of the difficult week I just had, I can still feel joy, righteousness, and peace in the Holy Spirit. Now somebody shout for joy. It don't matter what I'm going through. It don't matter what I'm going through. I got to praise of joy. It's stuck down there. I'm going to reach down, and I'm going to pull it out. I'm going to cry, and then I'm going to pull it out. I'm going'm going to reach down and I'm going to pull it out. I'm going to cry and then I'm going to pull it out.
Starting point is 00:38:27 I'm going to be depressed, but then I'm going to pull it out. I'm going to be sad, but then I'm going to pull it out. I'm going to snot my nose, but I'm going to go down there and I'm going to pull that out. Somebody shout hallelujah. Hallelujah. We just work in the text. So in his presence there is what? In his presence there is what? In his presence there is what? So they presence, there is what? In his presence, there is what?
Starting point is 00:39:06 So they can mourn while I'm physically with them. All right, let's work the text. Now, everybody watch carefully the last two verses. Pay attention. Pay attention. Don't let the devil trick you right now. Because this is it. I'm about to land the plane on these two verses.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Now, pay attention carefully what's coming out of the next two verses. Look at what Jesus says in the next two verses. Okay, watch. He tells them the bridegroom is with them. They can't mourn. They ask a question about fasting. We know that they're being hyper-religious because the fasting that they're doing is not for God's pleasure. It's for man's pleasure and all this other stuff, right? Now watch. Everybody watch the text. The Lord would then use the next two verses to drop a bomb on them to show them the ignorance and the error of the fact that y'all are trying to do something that is incompatible. You remember that word?
Starting point is 00:39:59 Now let's come back to that word, incompatible. Watch verse 16. No one, watch incompatibility no one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment for the patch tears away from the garment and a worst here is made so what would you say Jesus say now I'm gonna teach y'all that what you're trying to force my disciples to do is incompatible it doesn't fit together you're trying to force them to fast when they're not supposed to you're trying to force them to be sad when they're not supposed to I'm gonna tell you that the
Starting point is 00:40:35 way y'all think believe act and move is incompatible with what I'm doing now watch so to prove to them that they're that what they're thinking believing a do is incompatible with his nature. Everybody watch. He tells them nobody takes an unshrunk cloth. Everybody watch. And puts it on an old garment. Now pay attention.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Pay attention. In those days, clothes were made out of wool. And if you washed wool, what happened to wool? It would shrink. So if you took a new piece of cloth and you put it on an old sweater. And then you put that sweater to wash in water and it comes out. When the sweater shrinks again, because this cloth was not shrunk before, it's going to rip the sweater even more violently.
Starting point is 00:41:14 And the second hole is going to be bigger than the first one. Okay, now watch. Oh my God. Lord, help me. You know what Jesus was trying to tell them? The same thing he's trying to tell many of you in this room. Jesus was trying to tell them, I, Christ, did not come to try to patch up the old systems of your perverted religion. Jesus!
Starting point is 00:41:39 Jesus! I did not come to put a holy patch on your dysfunction. I did not come to put a holy patch on your false religion. Watch. I did not come to put a holy patch on your false believing. I did not come to try to patch up the old life that you're trying to keep. And the same thing that David was doing is the same thing many of us are doing.
Starting point is 00:42:08 Watch. We're trying to take little holy patches. So like God first in my bio, but my life is crazy. I come to church a holy patch, but my life is crazy. And the Lord loves you so much, he's trying to get a message to you today that too many of us, especially in this nation, we try to take these little holy patches,
Starting point is 00:42:28 and we're trying to get Jesus to patch up the old life that we don't want to let go. So we have this old life that we keep holding on to, these old ways that we keep holding on to, these old things that we keep holding, we're so afraid to let them go, and what we're trying to do is put a little holy patch here and there.
Starting point is 00:42:46 So really, if you can see us in the spirit, we're walking around, we got a patch here, a patch here, and a patch here. Church on Sunday, crazy. God first in my bio, crazy. A little patch on my knee, but hate people. Call myself a Christian, no evidence of that. And what we're trying to do is trying to appease our conscience by trying to force God to patch up a life that he does not want to patch up. That old car you've been driving,
Starting point is 00:43:17 the Lord don't want to fix your old tire. And he don't want to put gas in your old car. The Lord pulled up next to you in the cross and said, here is a new car. And what he's trying to do is trying to get you to hop out of that old car you're driving because that old car is going to go over a cliff of damnation, and he's trying to put you in a brand-new vehicle, a vehicle called life. And some of us, man, all we know is the world that we've been in. I feel you.
Starting point is 00:43:43 I've been there, and I know. I feel you. You're afraid to surrender. You're afraid to let go. You're so terrified of what God might do. Instead of thinking, if he's a loving father, he has your best interests at heart, and maybe, just maybe, he might have a better life for you than the one you're living right now. I know nobody can't see it. I know we don't know. I know everything looks perfect on
Starting point is 00:44:06 the outside, but could it be possible that the Lord Jesus Christ has a better life view than the one you have right now? And you know what? I'm talking to people who are new in the faith. I'm talking to people who are seasoned in the faith. I'm talking to atheists. I'm talking to everybody in here. You already know who you are, who when you leave this room, you already know how you get down, and you're just trying to patch up your life with these holy patches. Listen to me. My brother and my sister, look right at me. This is love talking.
Starting point is 00:44:35 The Lord did not come to patch up your old life. He came. Listen to me, please. I'm about done. Look at me. He came to give you a new one. Listen, do you know what God saved me from? Womanizing, drug dealing, robbing, running the streets, taking advantage of people.
Starting point is 00:44:58 You think I was going to keep doing that and just throw a patch here and throw a patch there and throw a patch there? No, what the Lord gave Philip Anthony Mitchell was a brand new life, a healthy marriage, children who I love, purpose, calling, a future, a name recorded in heaven. I wake up every day thinking about purpose I'm not living for money or living for fame or living for people's approval I'm living to hear these seven words well done let me let me let me look watch watch hold on y'all watch because I'm trying to help you now we can't keep the text he says if you put an old patch on that on that you know what's gonna happen it's gonna tear it's gonna be worse we pray a preacher i don't get it you keep trying to keep those patches on the old
Starting point is 00:45:49 life eventually at some point time it's gonna bring pain to you watch it's gonna bring torment to your mind it's gonna bring torment to your heart you know what this is this is like yo i'm good in public and when i lay down at night i'm tormented because you're straddling the fence between two worlds you you halfway in the world halfway in the kingdom and you full of patches and he says if you continue to live like that at some point time is gonna rip you apart it'll be better for you to be fully devoted to the devil or fully devoted to Jesus but if you try to keep your life patched up he says eventually, eventually it's gonna rip you apart. Now watch.
Starting point is 00:46:28 Now I know you, I already know. I know you're cringing right now in your seat. But watch the love of Jesus. Everybody watch. Watch his love and grace for you. Verse 17, the last verse. Put it up on the screen for me. Neither is new wine put into old wineskins.
Starting point is 00:46:46 I'm landing the plane. Everybody watch. Pay attention. Pay attention. This is monumentally important. It's changed my life. If it is, the skins will burst, and the wine is spilled out,
Starting point is 00:46:59 and the skins are destroyed, but new wine is put into fresh wines skins, and so both are preserved. Now, everybody watch. I'm closing. Watch. In those days, they did not put wine in bottles. There's no more wet bottles. They would take animals.
Starting point is 00:47:20 They would kill animals. They would leave the neck open, and where the arms and the legs was, they will stitch that up. And while the animal, watch this, was fresh, they will pour wine into that skin, animal skin. Now watch. Wine, in its purest form, must ferment. It must expand as it ferments. And if the wine skin was new, watch, as the wine expanded,
Starting point is 00:47:42 the skin will be flexible enough to expand with the wine what's the word flexible watch open to change but when they were done with a wineskin watch what washes when it's When it's like, I can't use this wineskin no more. Everybody pay attention. The wineskin would get old, old life. It would get brittle, can't flex. And if you put wine in an old wineskin, as the wine expanded, can't handle the revelation of the new thing that I'm doing,
Starting point is 00:48:18 the wineskin would break. You missed that. It would break, and everything you put in it would leak out of it. I'm done, Sam. you miss that it will break and everything you put in it would leak out of it you know what the Lord is trying to say to everybody listening the people listening then the people isn't it now I did not come to fix that old thing you've been doing for so long. I came to refine you, transform you, do something fresh in you with brand new wine.
Starting point is 00:48:50 You know what wine is? It's the revelation of the kingdom. Watch. And you know what expansion is? It's the expanding revelation of what the Lord is trying to do in your life. Watch.
Starting point is 00:49:00 But if you are hardened of heart and brittle and you keep doing this to God, you keep coming here every week. You go listen to somebody else's podcast. Go read somebody else's book. Keep running to all these conferences. You know what's going to happen? You're hopping from conference to conference, book to book, Sunday to Sunday, and all that God is trying to reveal to you
Starting point is 00:49:27 because your heart is hardened and brittle, the bottle of your heart keeps breaking open. And watch, in a moment, you get inspired in a moment. And then by Wednesday, it leaks out of you. And I came today to tell someone the Lord loves you too much to leave you where you are. When the Lord found me suicidal over a toilet seat in a bathroom, I made my heart a new wineskin.
Starting point is 00:50:07 I said, God, I fully surrender. Watch this. Here is what wineskins do. Whatever, watch this, whatever you want to do in my life, whatever it is, watch this. I'm open to that. Watch. So, Philip, move three states. That's the expansion of the wine.
Starting point is 00:50:25 I'm open to that. Philip, cut off your locks. That's the expansion of wine. I was open to that. Philip, you got to break off some of these relationships. That's the expansion of wine. I was open to that. Philip, I want you to go to a city that you don't like and start a church there.
Starting point is 00:50:42 That's the expansion of wine. I was open to that. Philip, I want you to change the name of your church from Victory to 2819. That's the expansion of wine. I was open to that. What is the Lord trying to say to you? But you won't flex. You won't expand.
Starting point is 00:51:02 You won't run all the way to see what the Lord will do in your life. And right now as I'm sitting here, it's like 700 people in this room. I'm staring at hundreds of brittle wineskins. You already know who you are. You do church well. You do conferences well. You do books well. You do posting well.
Starting point is 00:51:21 But on the inside, you don't want to expand. The Lord is trying to pour into you wine you've never tasted before some of you he got bottles of Revelation you ain't even conceived a whole life that has they try to pour into you you think when the Lord saved me over a bathroom I knew I would be standing him one day preaching to men and women you think when I was a former womanizer I knew I would be standing here one day preaching to men and women. You think when I was a former womanizer, I knew I would have a loving wife and good children? You think when I was robbing people at gunpoint and selling crack cocaine at 12,
Starting point is 00:51:59 you think I would have known that one day that the Lord would take this wretched man and use me to proclaim the truth of his word? Yo, you staring at a wineskin. You're sitting in the manifestation of somebody else's wine. Don't you want to sip your own? I know what my cab tastes like. I know what my Chardonnay tastes like. What does yours taste like? Don't you want the wine of the kingdom? Don't you want to at least see what Jesus would do with a completely surrendered life? You have no idea. And you think all
Starting point is 00:52:34 he's coming is to take from you. Yes, he is a taker. He's coming to take sin, take regret, take shame, take your past. And listen, what happens if you just say, you know what? You know what's upsetting me right now? That there are Christians in this room.
Starting point is 00:52:49 You're thinking about somebody in your role who's not saved and the Lord is talking to you. Because you are a believer and you are hard-headed and rebellious. And you're trying to do two things that's not compatible. His will and yours. So like the Lord is nudging you to forgive, you won't do that. He's nudging you to make 2019 your home, you won't do that.
Starting point is 00:53:18 He's nudging you to go say sorry, you won't do that. Like the Lord is trying to pour wine into some of you and some of you who've been saved forever. He's trying to pour new, and look, oh, thank you, Holy Spirit. Some of the worst wineskins are people that have been saved forever quote unquote because you're so caught up in your traditions that the lord can't even break them so god forbid like you was raised in a tradition where they don't lift their hand and they're not expressive and you say well i'm just shy and that's not me but what if he's trying to pour in new wine
Starting point is 00:53:42 you're gonna let your personality make you brittle you're gonna let your personality make you brittle you're gonna let your past make you brittle you're gonna let the church you came out of make you brittle or maybe right now in this moment right now somebody would hear the cry of a wineskin that's expanding with the fermentation of Jesus and say, you know what? Enough is enough. He's catching those tears, my sister. He's catching those. He sees you, my brother. Man, look, let me just follow the Spirit. I'm going to pray for you. You know what I want to do? Lord, help me God Jesus I can't even do this because prideful people won't move
Starting point is 00:54:30 because there's unbelievers in here you are stale wineskin and you're going to keep letting the gospel spill out of you until you end up in damnation and there are Christians in here you're all wineskin and you're doing Christianity but you got so much of yourself against Jesus in here, you're all wineskin, and you're doing Christianity, but you got so much of yourself against Jesus in your heart. You're not fully surrendered.
Starting point is 00:54:51 You know who you are. You're not fully surrendered. So wine keeps spilling out of you. And what the Lord is trying to do in your life is a brand new thing. He's not trying to patch up your old life. He's trying to refine you with new wine
Starting point is 00:55:11 and i only got one question for you one and i'm gonna pray for you you know my question is watch right above your head is wine It's tipping towards you right now. And my only question for you is, do you have the capacity to contain it? Every head bowed, every eye closed. Nobody moving. There are men and women in this room right now under the sound of my voice. You don't belong to God. You've done church, you've done religion, you don't belong to him.
Starting point is 00:55:59 You're not here by accident. We don't need trumpets. We don't got to perform. This ain't entertainment. This is the most important moment of your life. No magic, prayer, no pixie dust. God sovereignly saves. Had nothing to do with it.
Starting point is 00:56:17 I just arranged the date. He already knew you would be in this room. He's saving you right now in your seat. It's a sovereign work of the Holy Spirit. I can't pray you into that. I just want to acknowledge who's God's heart. He's moving on. So here is the gospel.
Starting point is 00:56:32 The gospel is not good behavior. That's bad teaching. Here is the gospel. You are and I am a sinner. And you have broken God's laws. And if you think you're righteous, you were born a sinner. You came out your mother's womb, separated from God. You're headed for damnation. If you die in your sin,
Starting point is 00:56:48 you're gonna be separated from God for all eternity. Play around if you want. But God in his love for you, not wanting you to perish, sent his son, the Lord Jesus Christ into the earth. And look what he says. If anyone would turn from their sin, put their faith in Christ, he will save you, erase your past, write
Starting point is 00:57:05 your name in heaven, make you a brand new creature. The Lord wants to do that for you right now. And I want to pray for you. Nobody can't see you. It's between you and God. I just want to know who I'm praying for because the Lord is doing something right now in your heart, in your seat, right across the screen. If I'm talking to you, you feel the Lord moving in your heart. Well, I see hands already. I didn I didn't say nothing and you are you was right where Jesus you was right where I was I see you over that toilet seat would you just on the count of three lift your hand so I can just see who you are you feel Jesus drawing you to himself lift your hands right now one two three lift them I see
Starting point is 00:57:44 you my brother one two I see that. One, two, I see that hand, three, four, five, six, I see that hand, seven, eight, nine, I see that hand, nine, ten, I see that hand, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, I see that hand, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, I see that hand. In the rises, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. You know what? I can't keep counting. Every hand raised. Why don't you shame the devil?
Starting point is 00:58:09 Tell the person next to you, get out your way and meet me right here, right now at this altar. Just tell them, get out my way. Tell them, tell them, tell them, tell them, get out my way. Get out, get out my way. Just come, run down here right now. Just tell them, get out my way. Get out the way. Get out the way.
Starting point is 00:58:30 Come on, come close. Christians are celebrating. Just. Come close. If you can't make it to the altar, just get in the aisle. Just come close. If you can't make it to the altar, just get in the aisle. Just come close. Maybe you're a believer and you feel like, Lord, I just want to surrender afresh. I know you don't want to get out your seat because you're worried about whom I see you.
Starting point is 00:58:59 Okay, surrender right there in your seat. The Lord can see. Come on, just surrender right there. Enough is enough. Man, make yourself a new wineskin. Let God refine you with fresh wine. It's all right. It's all right.
Starting point is 00:59:15 It's all right. All right, hold on. There are people in this room, you know I'm talking to you. You're so afraid to be known and seen. You think you're really saving walking with God, but you already know you're a brittle wineskin. You know it. You know you got a patched up Christian life. You know it. The Lord got something better for you than all them patches. Do you want a patched tire or do you want a brand new one? You want a patched up life or you want a brand? I don't want enough parts of what I was.
Starting point is 00:59:47 I'm thankful for what God has made me. If you're at the altar, please don't stare at me. I'm just a man. Your focus is not on me. Your focus is on the Lord. He's the one saving you right now. I'm just a man. No eyes on me.
Starting point is 00:59:59 Eyes on him. You can even look to heaven. He's not blind or deaf. Somebody sitting in the seat. You are a believer believer i know it's so hard to move i know you don't want to my seat right in your seat you could just i oh i see you i see you on your knees the lord sees that it's okay he's it's okay cry cry yep cry put your hand on this altar cry let it all out right there cry sister that's repentance Cry. Put your hand on this altar. Cry. Let it all out right there. Cry, sister. That's repentance.
Starting point is 01:00:32 No show. Hold one note for me, Sam. He's catching those tears, my sister. I don't even know how many people on their feet. It might be 50, 60, close to 100. I don't know. I don't know. With your head bowed or your head lifted but not looking at me.
Starting point is 01:00:58 Right there in your heart, just confess sin. Tell the Lord you surrender. If you're a believer, just tell the Lord I make myself a new wineskin. That's it. I'm going to be open to whatever you want to do in my life. Right now, a believer, just tell the Lord, I make myself a new wineskin. That's it. I'm going to be open to whatever you want to do in my life. Right now, this moment, right here. Right now, this moment, right here. Completely just surrender. Even believers, like Lord, I've been hard-headed. I've been disobedient and rebellious. But right now, I just surrender completely to you. I let go. Let it go. He sees you, brother. Just let it go. Just like in this moment, this was my toilet seat moment. I fully surrender. No more rebellion. No
Starting point is 01:01:36 more fighting my will against your will. They cannot coexist. They are incompatible. Your old life and the new life the Lord wants to give you are incompatible. Your old life and the new life the Lord wants to give you are incompatible. They're incompatible. And now, Father, I pray over all of these men and women only you know what has happened in their hearts i do not only you can save i cannot lord there might be a hundred people on their feet and at the altar you know who is truly repentant only you can regenerate i cannot so father by faith i pray for those you have saved in this moment.
Starting point is 01:02:27 I pray for believers who are fully surrendering in this moment. I pray for people who are saying, Lord, I want the new wine of what you want to do in my life. I fully surrender to you. I pray for them. According to Ephesians, fill them with your spirit and seal them for the day of redemption. Give them brand new eyes that they can see. Give them brand new hearts to believe. Make them brand new wineskins that they can flex and expand with the new wine of the revelation of what you're trying to do in their lives.
Starting point is 01:03:06 A year from now, they will not recognize who they are. Five years from now, they will not recognize who they are. They will be brand new creatures in this moment and growing in the name of Jesus. Father, by faith, we receive new wine, the wine of salvation, the wine of your perfect calling. I see you, sister, let it go. Cry, let it go. Keep crying, let it go. Go ahead, right there.
Starting point is 01:03:40 Let it go. We didn't come to play church. We are the church. Let it go. Let it go. We didn't come to play church. We are the church. Let it go. Let it go. Father, I pray for them that you would keep them. And according to your word, may the Lord bless you. May the Lord keep you.
Starting point is 01:04:00 May the Lord make his face to shine upon you and give you peace in this moment in your heart. In Christ's name. Now the scripture says when one sinner repents, all of heaven rejoices. So right now we rejoice. Somebody celebrate! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Yeah! Hallelujah! Come on, praise Him, praise Him.
Starting point is 01:04:50 Praise Him for just a moment. Praise Him. Somebody praise Him for just a moment. Praise Him. Praise Him. Praise Him. Praise Him. New wine, God.
Starting point is 01:05:04 New wine, God. New wine. New wine, come on! New wine, come on! New wine! New wine, boy! We thank you for new wine, God We thank you for new wine, Jesus We thank you, we thank you Hey! We thank you, we thank you We thank you, we thank you
Starting point is 01:05:24 Oh, yeah! thank you for new life. Now, everybody in the aisle, everybody at the altar, look at me. Now look at me. I want to see your eyes. Look at me. Eye contact. Eye contact. I see husband and wives.
Starting point is 01:05:41 Eye contact. Look at me. I see repentance all over you, brother. Eye contact. Look right at me. Eye contact. Look at me. I see repentance all over you, brother. Eye contact. Look right at me. Eye contact. Look right at me. Listen to the unbeliever who just crossed from death to life. Let me address you first. The Lord says if anyone is in Christ, you are a brand new creation. Look at me. The old is gone. It's all Bible. The new has come. The old is gone.
Starting point is 01:06:26 It's all Bible. The new has come. It's all Bible. Your sins have been forgiven. It's all Bible. Your name has been written in the Lamb's book of life. It's all Bible. Hell was your destination. It's all Bible.
Starting point is 01:06:40 Heaven is your new home. It's all Bible Look at me It's all Bible And when the enemy try to remind you of what you was you just remind him of this moment you see those tears that you shed in you see those tears that you said in you know what the scripture says it says in the Old Testament that one tear falls to the floor but that God bottles all our tears that even when you're not speaking he knows exactly what you're saying through
Starting point is 01:07:23 these tears he knows you're forgiven that, he knows exactly what you're saying through these tears. He knows you're forgiven. That's called joy now. No more tears of sorrow. That's called joy in the Holy Ghost, in the name of Jesus. You see those tears you're shedding? Shake my hand.
Starting point is 01:07:39 That's called joy. You're a brand new woman in Jesus' name. You understand that? You receive that yes look at me the word says you're a brand new creature and when hold that brother and when the devil reminds you of your past remind him of this moment everything from your past is under the blood has been weaponized they're just testimonies now they're just testimonies now. They're just testimonies now. Look at me. No, look at me. They're just testimonies now. Look at me. We're living in the last days. The Lord is going to return
Starting point is 01:08:14 soon. The best thing you could do with your life is just run after him and see what he does with the rest of it. No, I'm serious. Look at me. Just run after him and see what he does with the rest of it. Now watch. A new Christian is a baby. And every baby needs food. So if you're out of town or when you get back to your city, find a Bible teaching church where you can plug in where there's healthiness and there's teaching and there's worship and there's community and there's opportunity. Go there and be fed the word of God. Not man-made doctrines.
Starting point is 01:08:52 Be fed the word of God. And if you live in the city, look, we don't do membership here. You don't have to keep running. We invite you to be a part of our family. You don't have to go nowhere else. Come on, look at me. If you feel like uncomfortable about that, just date us for six months.
Starting point is 01:09:13 And if six months from now you don't like what we're doing, then we'll pray you someplace else. The kingdom is bigger than 2819. But we believe you can learn here, grow here, have friends here, find community here, be transformed here, sip fresh Cabernet here. We're going to get drunk in church on the word of God. Now watch, because you're new in faith, we want to help you. Everybody watch.
Starting point is 01:09:43 Look at me. Eye contact. When you leave today, there is to help you. Everybody watch. Look at me, eye contact. When you leave today, there is a black tent outside this building. On your way out, stop at that black tent. We will give you a gift bag. Inside that bag, you have tools that will guide you in all your next step with Jesus. We will even put a brand new Bible in your hand. It's all in your gift bag.
Starting point is 01:10:05 And then all you got to do is keep coming back every week and watch and just let us love on you as the Lord transforms you. At 2019, it's okay to not be okay. You can even belong before you could believe. Just keep coming back and watch. Just watch what the Lord does with your new life get your bag at the black tent on your way out you understand me and for the believer who's on their feet the Lord don't condemn you I've been there before look just try something different you know what I want you to try? Just stop fighting. You're tired. Take off the boxing gloves.
Starting point is 01:10:51 Stop being afraid. And just say, Lord, I fully surrender. Watch this. Whatever you want to do with me after this, I know that's scary. Watch. I'm an open wineskin for that. And watch how he expands your heart, your mind, your life. You have no idea where you'll be a year from now, five years from now, Philip Anthony Mitchell, 20 years from now.
Starting point is 01:11:16 Amen, my sister. Amen, my brother. Amen, my sister. Now, let's shame the devil. Somebody give God praise for what he did.

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