2819 Church - KINGDOM CALLINGS | Called & Courageous | Matthew 10:26-33 | Philip Anthony Mitchell
Episode Date: January 4, 2025Pastor Philip A. Mitchell delivers a must-hear message on Matthew 10:26-33 for week five of KINGDOM CALLINGS. Welcome to the official Youtube channel for 2819 Church. This channel features powerful a...nd life-impacting messages from Philip Anthony Mitchell and guest communicators. As you listen to these sound biblical messages you can expect to be challenged, stirred, matured and inspired in your faith and walk with God. For more information about us visit 2819Church.org.
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To all of my 2819 family, I'm just so grateful to see you.
To all of our visiting brothers and sisters of the faith, we're thankful that you're in the room.
To those of you who are not followers of Christ, the unbeliever, we recognize that you are here and we're thankful that you're in the room
and to all of our digital disciples
of 2819
across this country and around the world
we welcome you wherever you're streaming from live
right now
and if you're watching me right now
and you live in the city
if you're watching me right now
live and you live in the city
last week
I learned yesterday
of a woman
just like you.
It was 10 minutes from this gathering watching us live.
And according to the report, that sister may be in the room watching this gathering,
surrendered her life to Christ in her house 10 minutes from here.
When she saw that the Holy Spirit had led us
to pray and lay hands on
everyone in the room,
hundreds of us,
she got dressed and jumped in her car and drove.
Ten minutes.
Came through that door and jumped on a line
and stayed in that line for hours
and refused to remove from that line
until she received prayer right here at this altar.
All right! from that line until she received prayer right here at this altar.
So I'm talking to you, all of you digital disciples who are being fed by this house,
and you live right here in the city. You have no church home. You could be long before you believe. Man, get off that couch right now.
Even if you got to get here halfway through the message,
we'll put out a chair for you.
The room may be full, but we'll put out a chair for you.
Man, meet us right here in the room.
Meet the presence of God right here in the room.
You are welcomed here.
And if you're not still trying to figure out, is this real?
And just come and hang out for three months or six months, but don't keep watching through this camera and you're 10 minutes up the street. Just come and let us love on you
and hug you and welcome you. Maybe your story will change just like this sister who made this room
today. And to our family in other cities, just thank you for watching every week.
We want to acknowledge that you are part of this family
and if you have no church home,
we are thankful for the opportunity
to feed you God's word week in and week out.
I would be remiss if I did not pause and acknowledge.
I know a lot of people have been looking
for the gathering last week.
We chose not to put it up for personal reasons
just for protection of my own family
but I do want to come back and testify
I want to thank all of you for your prayers
for my family and I and for my child
I want to report that that child is doing better this week.
And not for anything, but I want to tell everybody in this room who's still hiding in the dark.
The only reason we had an opportunity
to step into my child's suffering,
that satanic attack
that the enemy launched against him
is because he was exposed.
And there is a blessing of God in exposure.
That sometimes you could be battling something in the dark for a season
and maybe for some of you may be ashamed to come out ashamed of being judged ashamed of what people
might say but it is actually the love of god to bring exposure to your life to to to drag you out of darkness into the light
to beam the light of the gospel into that area that you want no one to know about
because the only thing happening in darkness is that we give the devil lanes to traffic
so if you've ever been exposed if your sin has ever come out, if the Lord has ever drug you out of darkness and threw you on the carpet of the light, I've been there.
Nobody know what that feels like.
That is the love of God to not leave you in a dark place, especially in times when you feel like you can't get out on your own.
Does anybody know what that feels like like
I'm in a dark place and I feel like I can't get out on my own but some way
somehow the Spirit of God runs into that dark place and snatches you out and
drags you into the light of the gospel and says, my son, no more. My daughter, no more. We're going
to deal with this together. Watch. In the light. My waist ain't going to be the only thing that
gets snatched. I wish that would be your testimony. My soul is going to be snatched my spirit is going to be snatched come on
we're not living in the dark we walk in the light as jesus is in the light
and we have fellowship with jesus in the light
somebody shout no darkness here I'm talking about you.
You think I'm talking about the room?
No, this is an inanimate object.
I'm talking about you.
Now shout, no darkness here.
I drag every issue into the prayer closet
I drag it into the hands of an accountability
partner I drag it to my
wife I drag it to my spouse
we drag issues out of
darkness into the light
we are people of the light
nobody dying in silence on our watch.
No silent sufferers on our watch.
Somebody shout, no darkness here.
It's like this in your prayer closet.
Lord, search my heart.
If there be any grievous ways in my heart,
if there's any darkness in my heart,
if you see any blind spots in my heart,
let your light shine into that area.
I pray this every day of my life.
True story.
True story.
Lord, if there's any darkness in my heart,
fill up Anthony Mitchell.
Any jealousy in my heart,
any lust in my heart,
any covetousness in my heart,
any bitterness in my heart,
any unforgiveness in my heart,
if there's anything in my heart that I can't see,
anything in that blind spot I can't see,
Lord, let your light shine into that area.
Hurt me if you have to.
I'd rather be dealt with by the hand of God than dealt with by the hand of Satan.
Who am I talking to?
I'm talking to y'all.
Get into the habit,
especially you part of 2019.
Get into the habit.
No darkness here.
Now, I know you want to get to the message.
This is important.
No darkness
here. Because I'm not going to
let what I've been through in my own home just let it
spill out on the floor.
No, I'm not going to let my pain not have purpose.
That's why I laid hands
on all of you last week.
And I'm telling you right now in this room,
no darkness here.
We don't allow
We don't treat sin
as a pet.
We don't cuddle
up next to cobras
and vipers. They will bite you
and kill you. We
hate sin
here. It's not your friend it's not a pet it is it is
the pain and the source of all of our suffering so I want the people of my
church watch I want you to hate sin with a passion hate it in the world hate it in your in your heart. Hate it in your house. I want you
to see sin and despise it with a passion. We give no room for sin, not even a crack in the door
for the devil. And when it rises up in me, I hate it. And when I feel it in my mind, I hate it.
And when it comes up in my flesh, I hate it. And when I have desires that are not pure, I hate it and when I feel it in my mind I hate it and when it comes up in my
flesh I hate it I'm gonna have desires that are not pure I hate it and when I
see it in the world I hate it so at least for our church we're not going to
treat sin like a pet we're gonna take it off the leash and kick it out the house.
I'm so serious.
It is the source of all of our pain and suffering.
So why do we love it so much? Why do we drink it in like water?
Repeat, Philip Mitchell.
Sin is the source of all of your pain and suffering
all of your insecurities
all of your mental, emotional and spiritual issues
if you dislike anything in yourself
the origin of that is sin
because we're fallen human beings
your insecurities
your desperateness to be seen that that is sin because we're fallen human beings. Your insecurities.
Your desperateness to be seen and liked.
You're thinking you have to flaunt yourself to get a man.
The abuse of women.
Treating them like toys to get off.
Your envy, your jealousy, your bitterness, your unforgiveness, your rage, your misplaced anger, your hatred, your racism, your dislike for white people.
So pro-black, you don't like white people,
you're so pro-white, you don't like black people,
all of it, sin.
Our divorces, our issues, all of it,
all of it began in Genesis 3. All of it, the origin of sin.
So don't be mad. Don't point the fingers
this way. Be mad at sin. I want you to be angry at the real culprit, the enemy who deceived our
pristine parents. I feel like I'm in a whole sermon right now.
I'm getting wary with believers who are trying to do Christ and do sin at the same time.
Yo, I already know somebody,
somebody not going to come back next week.
That's all right though.
We can't keep trying to do Christ and sin at the same time.
We can't keep mixing the blood of Christ with ratchetness and sin at the same time.
If we're in Christ, we got to despise sin.
We got to love the light and hate darkness.
And before you point a finger, you got to look in a mirror.
See, you don't like this kind of talk.
But this talk will save you in the future.
No, I know what it is to be bound by pornography and have a deranged mind with no peace.
I can't love my wife right because every time I see her, I see somebody else.
I know what it is to get delivered from that demon, from that stronghold,
and be able to look at my wife and be fully attracted to who she is.
To have a changed soul and a changed mind.
You don't like this kind of honesty, I know.
Some of you will be messed up because we love sin.
And if you would just get rid of it, you might have clarity for a moment.
If you close your legs, you might have clarity for a moment if you close your legs you might have clarity for a moment
put the lid on that cookie jar you might have clarity for a moment
stop being a gossip you might have clarity for a moment moment. Stop being so thirsty for lights and shine and try to build your own monument to yourself.
Maybe if you put Christ first, you might have more clarity in your mind.
See, I know what y'all want, man. I'm in a whole message right now. You want pixie dust.
You want some prophet or somebody to sprinkle you with something and make everything right.
No discipline, no.
No self-reflection, no.
No deal with your own heart or deal with your own sin, no.
Let me tell you, some of that stuff you call demons, it's discipline.
Some of that stuff you keep blaming, the devil ain't got that much power.
I don't even know why I'm here.
I'm all out of my message right now. if Paul wrote to the church at Colossae and said that when Christ died on the cross,
he disarmed the power of Satan. If Satan was disarmed at the cross, he doesn't have that much power over you. He can suggest. He can try to push you.
All that stuff.
At the end of the day, you have an exit.
You have a choice.
You have a will.
I choose not to.
I choose not to.
I choose to repent.
I choose to pray.
I choose to confess.
I choose to come out of darkness.
I choose to come out of darkness. I choose to stop.
I choose.
Can I go deeper?
Can I go deeper?
Can I go deeper?
I choose to stop listening to people that makes me want to compromise.
You love to listen to people that make sin attractive.
So we over preach God is love
and God is grace
and we make grace a license
for licentiousness.
Let me tell y'all something about God.
Look right at me because I've been to the Holy Land.
God is a holy being.
And he's not that gracious.
That grace is going to run out.
He's not that gracious.
He's the same God that says, you want that so bad?
I'll turn you over to it.
You can have all of it, but you can't have it and me at the same time.
Romans 1.
Give them over to what they want.
Look right at me.
You know what's the most dangerous place to be
when you when you can't feel the conviction of the holy spirit
when when the lord trying to trying to tap you to get your attention
and you can't feel him that's when you guide in this life i don't even know why i'm doing this
huh i didn't even get into my message
my time clock is already gone there is no greater guide in this life than the person, not it, the person.
That's his pronoun.
John 14, 15, 16, 17.
When he comes, not when it comes.
Holy Spirit has a pronoun.
He's not an it.
He's not a dance.
He's a person and the greatest guide friend partner you'll ever have in this life is the person of the holy spirit but but all right try driving somewhere
you ain't never been and your gps working. You know how that make you feel? Vulnerable. You get nervous.
You need this to work with that GPS. God's positioning system. You need that GPS to work.
You need to be guided by the Holy Spirit.
Are you listening to me?
Are you really?
All right, we're going to pray together right now.
No, no, don't bow your head.
Don't bow your head.
Let's get more gangster.
Since the Lord can see you look up the scripture says
Jesus will often he would he would look up to the father look up he can see you right there with
your guilty eyes look up say Lord see you don't want to talk look Lord, forgive me for all of my sin. Make me sensitive to your Holy Spirit.
I surrender. You ready for the second message?
I'll speed through it because I took up all that time.
No, you don't know.
Take your time.
Y'all say that and then you force me out for keeping you too long.
Stay there, Frank.
Stay there.
Message two.
Week five of Kingdom Callings.
A teaching through Matthew 10 and 12.
Matthew, the most read New Testament document in the history of the world.
The document used to train up disciples for 1,700 years.
We are walking through this document together as a church, and it may take us two years.
It may take us three years.
We're not in no rush because it's God's word.
Amen. It may take us three years. We're not in no rush because it's God's word.
For my note takers, today I will quickly unpack for you Matthew 26 through 33.
We have preached to you called and commissioned. We have preached to you called and commissioned.
We have preached to you called and sent.
We have preached to you called and persecuted.
Today I want to preach to you called and courageous.
Called and courageous. Eternal God and ever wise Father,
Spirit of the living God,
we feel your presence in this room right now.
Walking these aisles and these rows,
arresting the attention of our digital disciples across this camera.
For the times that we are living in, Lord, I pray you would draw us to yourself.
We don't want to be entertained. We want to hear from you, Lord, your holy word.
Even in the fog of my own pain and weakness, Lord, I appeal to you for help before my brothers
and sisters to declare the wonders of this eternal scriptures. And I pray for them hearts that are
open to receive that the seed of God's word would not fall on the ground and be trampled but it would land on the hearts
of good soil
that it will bear fruit today.
God, I confess
I am foggy in my mind
but Holy Spirit, you are greater.
it's going to be, let it be so.
For these, my
brothers and sisters,
in Christ's name I pray
everybody agree with me
shout amen
shout amen
shout amen
it's not a churchy word
I'm going to keep telling you
it just means so let it be
you hear something
you agree with it
you say amen
as Lord I agree with that
I want all of that for myself
called and courageous now family i want to talk to you about something this morning that's very
serious and probably more serious for our brothers and sisters overseas. But I feel in my spirit, man, that the United States is heading down the same road.
And so this message may not hit you today,
but 10 years from now,
you might go back and watch this on YouTube somewhere
and it might make more sense to you.
So just stick with me for a few moments.
Can you do that?
Now, you have to be living under a rock or in a cave
to not be aware of what's happening right now in the earth. The nation that bears the name of our God, the city of Jerusalem that bears the name of our God,
is in a full-blown war against Hamas,
an Iranian-backed terrorist organization
that is hell-bent on destroying the nation of Israel
and wiping out Jews off the face of the earth.
And they are not the only ones.
All week I have posted about us praying for Israel, and all week I have watched trolls
creep up on my page. My beautiful wife reminds me, pay the haters no attention.
They do not even deserve your fingers, your words, or your voice.
For many of them troll in their own ignorance of God's word.
And I make a simple argument that it was God, after 1600 years of no existence, said,
I will make my people a nation again, spoke that through the prophet Isaiah and in 1949 God supernaturally created Israel back into a nation again and then the flag with the star of David was raised in the earth God made
sure his word was kept because he is not a liar so he prophesied hundreds of years ago I will
reform this nation this nation has been reformed and settled in Israel.
From that moment on, God has made a promise to keep that nation until Christ returns,
according to the scriptures, to rule bodily from the city of Jerusalem.
He's not coming back like a spook.
He's coming back in a physical body to be the last president
the world would ever see it's all in the word of god he will be the last president the world
will ever see and the scripture says he will rule from the city of jerusalem and those who are saved
we will rule with him man you have no idea what your future is going to be like. Like, you think you got it
good now. And no matter what anybody does, no matter what enemy rises up against the nation
of Israel, no man, no nation, give me that camera, no Islamic organization, no terrorists,
no haters of the Jews, nobody is going to remove Israel from their
homeland because God said so. How about that? And he has made a commitment and a promise to keep
that nation in the earth until Christ returns. And since he's not a liar, any war against Israel is an exercise in futility.
They will not be wiped off the map.
The only way for that to happen is for the scriptures to be a lie.
Now, I'm not going to pretend like everybody in this room cares about the fact that Israel is not just being attacked, but they're under a full-scale war.
I'm not going to pretend like everybody in this room cares.
So let me just put my passion on the table.
If I posted on social media that my crib got shot up and bullets came through the window and my daughter got hit in her elbow and my son got
hit in his leg and we had to take them to the hospital you know what would probably happen
i want to assume that some of y'all really love me and then you start texting me posting me dming
me saying pastor are you okay is your wife okay is your family okay you would be watch this word
concerned about me because you heard that my house
got shot up you would be concerned about me because you heard my house got shot up some of
you might even like pull up like yo we here though we got them things too like yo, we here though. We got them things too. Like, yo, we ready.
Like, you be, I know Rhonda, we be ready to go to war.
Like, we carry Bibles, guns, and oil around 2819. Somebody think that's ungodly.
I hear the haters right now.
Like when Jesus was going on a ministry assignment, he turned to him and said, y'all got a sword?
They said, yes, Lord, we have a sword.
He said, sell your jacket and buy another one.
So Peter was always strapped.
That's how he cut off a man's ear in the garden.
Yeah, run up on us if you want to.
If my crib got shot up watch you would care though
but the nation that carries the name of our god is getting shot up
and how many of his sons and daughters really care though
wow his sons and daughters really care though we're just busy eating breakfast and doing what we do
never mind that the nation of israel is in a war not an attack a full-scale war now my family
anytime israel's in a war for me i pay attention to that and the reason i pay attention to that. And the reason I pay attention to that because the scripture teaches me,
now follow me,
that a day is coming
when a man named the Antichrist,
it's in the word of God,
is going to emerge with political power,
and he will sign a seven-year peace treaty
with the nation of Israel.
That begins the seven-year tribulation and sometime before that they're
supposed to be a catching away of the church a rapture of the church spoken of in the bible
theologians argue is it pre-trib mid-trib post-trib I believe it will happen before
the tribulation so anytime Israel's in a war, believers should be paying attention.
Nah, they don't want that.
That's too deep.
If the Antichrist has to come with a peace treaty,
that means Israel can't be in peace
when he comes with the treaty it's too much eschatological teaching let me repeat this to you
this is simple common sense if the antichrist arises with a peace treaty that means israel
will not be in peace when he arrives that means a good sign that he's in the earth is when we start seeing wars around Israel.
Now, am I telling you the rapture is going to happen next week?
Am I telling you the rapture is going to happen this year?
Am I telling you the rapture may going to happen this year maybe am I telling you the rapture may
happen in our lifetime watch maybe but Israel's in war and the believers should be paying attention
especially for the fact that God commanded us in his word to pray for the peace of Jerusalem
Psalm 122 6 that yes according to first, we are commanded to pray for all people.
So yes, we pray for the Palestinians and we pray for everyone getting hurt.
But there is specific commandments in the word of God to lift up a prayer for that holy nation.
Now I wonder how many of y'all have prayed for that holy nation since the war began.
And why am I talking to you like this?
You know why I'm talking to you like this?
Because I keep shouting from my platforms that time is running out. And you can smell,
not just my cologne,
but the fragrance of Matthew 24
in the atmosphere.
Wars and rumors of wars
and earthquakes in diverse places.
And although we don't know the time,
the day, nor the hour,
you can smell the fragrance of Matthew,
the beginnings of Matthew 24 in the earth.
And what I'm trying to do for 2819, can't speak for nobody else's church.
I'm going to speak for my brothers and sisters, that you're not going to sit under my voice
and live without awareness of what's going on on the prophetic timetable.
I want the people of God under my voice
and all of our digital disciples, watch,
to live your Christian life with a sense of awareness
of what's going on around you.
Because Jesus told the parable about 10 virgins.
Five of them had no oil when the Lord came.
The other five had oil when the Lord came,
and the five who had no oil was begging the other ones,
please give us oil.
They were not prepared for the return of their Savior.
You think the Lord saved you to just have church?
See, that's that garbage that you've been listening to in this nation.
The Lord saved you to bring you to himself, to change the way that you see,
to make you his representative in the earth,
and that you live a life that you're always prepared for his return.
If the Lord shocked us this Wednesday,
would you be ready?
Oh, is the preaching you're listening to
even preparing you
for biblical Christianity
and the return of your Savior?
See, all your hope is in things you can
touch. That's American gospel. When the scripture tells me to look up and to keep my heart fixed on
things that are above and that I should live with a constant expectation of the return of my Savior.
And when you live that way, it changes the way you live.
See, some of you live like you have all the time in the world to get right
if the lord shocked us this thursday would you be ready
or watch according to the parables will he find you being faithful when he comes
like i know what it is to stand before a judge and have my fate in his hand
staring at me because I look some kind of way you don't know the terror of what that is to
stand before a man who with one gavel has your whole future and I've been there more than once
and we treat God like he a sucker like he don't have the ultimate gavel
like a day ain't coming we're gonna stand before him with the fate of our eternity in his hands so we need to be paying attention to what's
happening in the world because listen to me i'm gonna say it right here october 2023 the lord is
shifting all the pieces globally preparing the world for the return of his son.
And my, y'all, this is heat right here.
My question is, I wonder, us American Christians, like, are we?
We have no type, it's like we doing Christianity like this, family.
We skipping around like this and going to conferences like this and reading books like this and just attending church like this.
And thinking I got all the time in the world like this.
Won't get right like this.
Don't have a prayer life like this.
Won't open the Bible like this.
We just live in Christianity.
I'm like right on the edge about the fall of the platform like this.
This is the way we do in Christianity.
Blinded from the Christ of the platform like this this is the way we do in christianity blinded from the christ of the bible so i want my people my brothers and sisters to live with an awareness
of what's happening to earth because so much of what you're seeing right now is coming right out
of the pages of the word of god now let's talk about hamas and how it connects to you. Hamas, a terrorist organization backed by Iranian money,
launches a full-scale offensive against the nation of Israel
from air, land, and sea.
Coordinated attack catches them completely by surprise,
rocking the nation of Israel on that border of the Gaza Strip.
And when terrorists strike, everybody watch this,
when terrorists strike, they just come unplanned,
just like Satan be coming for us unplanned,
just like he hit my house last week unplanned, right?
It's the same way the enemy will strike human beings in your mind,
with your thoughts, in your heart.
He'll pummel you.
He'll physically attack you in your life.
Some of you will be arguing with your husband and wife, don't know you're under demonic attack.
Dealing with issues with people, don't know that the enemy is the one motivating them to give you hell in your personal life.
Some of the people giving you hell is the devil using them to give you hell.
I mean, like, I know what it is to be up under attack. Anybody else? In your mind, like,
these thoughts are crazy. In your heart, it's in the basement. These people, these ninjas are crazy. And some of them got my last name. Got the same motivated by the enemy oh no we understand that flesh and
blood is never really as the satanic forces working through hamas working through people
to frustrate the heck out of us but but but let me ask you a question look right at me when
hamas struck when the devil strikes your mind, your heart, your life, your marriage, what is he really trying to do?
You know what he's really trying to do?
He's trying to bring intimidation.
And you know what intimidation gets birthed to?
You know what fear destroys?
Some of us be so paralyzed by fear, we won't take that next step.
Some of us are so paralyzed by fear, we won't come out of that darkness. Some of us are so paralyzed by fear, we won't fully surrender
because we know what it is to do Christianity and fear at the same time. So we're afraid to
fully surrender. We're afraid to give our hearts really to Jesus. We're afraid to take that next step. We're afraid to go deeper.
We're afraid to sit alone in a room and talk to God unless I have a prayer partner with me on the phone.
We're afraid to be vulnerable.
We're afraid to be honest.
We're afraid to be naked with somebody.
We're afraid to walk away from the job that God told me to walk away from.
We're afraid to leave the church God told you to leave. You're afraid to come to 2819. You're
afraid of what they're going to say. You're afraid of what they're going to think. You're afraid.
You're afraid. You're afraid. It's fear all out this room. Jesus calls a group of men just like he calls you.
He shows them a harvest field just like he tries to change the way that you see.
He tells them, I'm going to anoint you to do my work just like he anointed
and gave out gifts in his room for us to do his work not to hoe out your gifts to make for self
aggrandizement in the world let me repeat that he gave you gifts for his work not to just hoe it out
to the world for personal self-aggrandizement.
It's 1 Peter 4.10.
Go read it.
How could you say that?
1 Peter 4.10.
He gave you your gift, charis, in the Greek to serve him and serve others,
not to hold it out in the world
for personal self-aggrandizement.
Can't take the gift away from you
because they come without repentance
and you will use it any way that you want.
He shows them a harvest field, watch.
He tells them, I'm about to send you out there amongst wolves.
When you go out there, you're going to deal with persecution.
The same way he calls us, changes the way we see,
sends us out to serve him and says, when you go out into into that world some people are not going to like you because of me
and then after he talks to him about persecution can i run through this text real quick
can i run through this text real quick? After the Lord talks about persecution, watch me, watch.
He will now address the common emotion that everyone in this room has felt at some point in time in your life.
You will feel again and you may be feeling right now.
You want to take a guess what that emotion is?
Anybody ever felt that before?
Anybody ever felt fear before? I right. Anybody's ever felt fear before?
I see some liars in the back.
Oh, there you go.
Got you, brother.
My brother in the risers.
Ever felt fear before?
I see your hand right there.
There you go.
Right in the risers.
I thought I had some liars in the back.
You know where all liars are going, right?
So the Lord would address. Everybody watch, I'm going to speed through this. I
love you, man of God. I don't know your name, but I love you. Solomon? Solomon. Nice to
meet you, Solomon. I like that name. You a man of wisdom telling me to take my time. The Lord will address this emotion that we all deal with and I
want y'all, everybody pay attention. You will feel fair again. So I want you to pay attention to what
Jesus says to us. Everybody paying attention? Listen, this ain't just no, I'm not up here just doing sermons.
I'm expounding the word of God, Jesus, to you.
So because you're going to deal with fear again, I just want you to pay attention really quick.
It's short.
It's not even that long.
Watch what he says to his followers.
Watch what he says to you.
Can we unpack the text together?
Verse 26 of Matthew 10. So, have no fear.
That is, stop being afraid.
And he puts a subject to the fear of them.
For nothing is covered that will not be revealed or hidden that will not be known.
So I want to first draw your attention to the word so.
The word so is a transition word in the text that connects what Jesus said before so and the encouragement he's about to give.
So so is a conjunction word that joins the previous thought with the thought encouragement he's about to give so so is a conjunction word
that joins the previous thought with the thought that he's about to give what was he talking about
before this he was talking about persecution and people want to kill them and flee in cities
and all that stuff and then he says so have no fear of them who Who is them? Anyone that has an issue with you for the name of Jesus Christ.
Hamas, militant organizations, unsafe family members and friends, people who betray you,
trolls on your Instagram and social media. I got them more and more every week now. Oh my, they like gnats buzzing around my page.
I just want to spray them with gospel truth.
My wife says keep the can inside.
I will fight them, but the Lord says no.
Through the wisdom of my wife.
Like y'all are stupid and ignorant.
I can tell you make your ignorance palpable by the foolishness you keep writing on my page.
I know you have not read the word of God.
I'm talking to you.
He said, don't be afraid of them.
Everybody watch.
You know what he's telling you?
Don't fear people.
Don't fear Hamas.
Don't fear threats. Don't fear unsafe people or anybody, watch, who got an issue with you for the sake of Jesus Christ. Why? He said, watch, because nothing is covered that will not be revealed
or hidden that will not be known. That is anybody that got an
issue with you in the dark, I'm going to take what they got going on in the dark. I'm going to drag
it to the light. There's nobody plotting on you that I don't know about. There's nobody plotting
on none of my sons or daughters that I don't know about. You don't got to be afraid about nobody's motive because I got
your back though. He's saying to his followers, when y'all go out there, you're going to deal
with people that don't got your best interests at heart. They're going to kill you, persecute you,
trash you, tear you down. Some of them are going to smile in your face, but they'll be plotting
your death behind your back. He said, don't even worry about people that behave that way.
Anything they're doing in the dark, I'm going to bring it into the light.
There's nothing they're doing in the dark that's going to remain hidden.
They're talking about you right now in some back room.
It's not going to stay in the dark, though.
They're scheming on you right now at the family barbecue,
but it's not going to stay in the dark, though.
They're going to be plotting on y'all when you go out there to preach my word, but it's not going to stay in the
dark though. He's telling his followers, there's nobody plotting on you right now that I won't
deal with that for you. And just like he's telling you right now in this room, there's nobody right
now that's speaking negatively about you behind your back that I will handle them for you.
You know how that makes me feel?
If anybody got my back, Yahweh.
Come on, man.
If Yahweh has your back, why do I fear people?
I ain't afraid of you.
I ain't afraid of you or they're going to cancel you because you talk too much on IG.
I ain't afraid of you.
Or they're not going to invite you to preach at their conference.
I ain't afraid of you.
Or they're talking bad about you in some back room in some city.
I ain't worried about y'all.
Ain't nothing y'all doing in the dark behind my back that the Lord is not going to expose.
Gosh, see?
He's trying to get that in your mind so you don't be worried all the time about what are they saying about me.
Or you walk into the space and you wonder, wonder man do they really like me in this space he said you ain't got to even be worried about that all the
time and be concerned but not afraid of people because watch whether in this life or the next
nobody's getting away with their evil in the dark. So he says, he says, nothing that be hidden will be remain in
the dark. Now watch verse 27. I like this verse because I see me all up in here and I'm about to
get at least 800 of y'all to join me right here in this verse. Y'all ready? You ready? You ready? Verse 27, he says, what I tell you in the dark.
Oh, I like this.
Stop being a coward.
Man, say it in the light.
Come on, Jesus.
And what you hear whispered from me in the dark.
Come on, Jesus.
Man, proclaim that on the housetops.
Oh, my God.
That's so much heat. Come on, Jesus. Man, proclaim that on the housetops. Oh, my God.
That's so much heat.
This is heat to me.
For people like me, this is heat.
Watch it.
Darkness here is not evil.
Darkness here is intimacy.
Gosh, there's so much heat.
What you hear me giving to you when nobody can't see.
He says, man, don't keep that to yourself.
I gave you a revelation in the scriptures.
Now tell somebody and set them free. God.
I gave you a revelation about this word in prayer.
Now tell somebody and set them free.
I gave you a revelation about sin because what happened in your family last week.
And about darkness.
Don't keep that to yourself, Philip.
Be vulnerable and set somebody else free.
The darkness in the text, watch this,
assumes that the followers have intimacy with God.
It assumes that they were learning from Jesus in private,
gleaning from Jesus in private,
watching Jesus in private,
hearing Jesus in private. Now he says, all that stuff you learn, all that from Jesus in private, watching Jesus in private, hearing Jesus in private. Now
he says, all that stuff you learn, all that stuff I taught you, everything that you read, everything
that you know, stop keeping that to yourself. Watch. Say something. say something but they're not gonna like me if i
talk like that have no fear of them watch say something but they might excommunicate me from
the group have no fear of them say something But I might offend somebody on my social media page.
They might unfollow. Have no fear of them. Say something. Because some of that fear is not even
because of threat. Some of that fear is rooted in our unhealthy desire
for approval from people that don't care about you anyway
so go ahead and follow me now i'm going to talk about jesus on this page
why are you always talking about christ go ahead and unfollow me now
watch how does this apply to you it assumes that you have a prayer life
it assumes that you're learning something from jesus in the dark it assumes that you're learning something from Jesus in the dark it assumes that you're reading
one morning and get a revelation about a text and you jump on your page that morning and post
that revelation even if it offends somebody
like me reading Psalm 122 6 and saying saying, ain't nobody going to remove Israel.
And then have all of these haters on my page.
I don't care though.
I heard from the Lord, watch, in the dark.
And then his command to me is, say that in the light.
And then watch, have no fear of them.
I'm just trying to put some fire in your mouth.
I'm trying to deliver you from being a coward I'm trying to help you to be bold
for the Lord Jesus Christ
especially in this hour
when the Lord needs his servants
to stand up and say something
man say something
you know what that looks like it looks like this And say something. Man, say something.
You know what that looks like?
It looks like this.
Perversion is sweeping our nation.
No fear.
We got to stop learning from drag queens.
No fear.
You're going to stop teaching my kids things in school that God hates.
No fear.
You're going to not change the definition of marriage. No fear.
You're going to not keep preaching a cotton candy gospel that robs the Bible of its power. No fear.
You're going to stop lying to people and promising them things in a gospel that is humanistic that the Lord didn't say no fear
they said over Philip they're gonna unfollow you they're gonna hate you
they're gonna threaten you do not fear them how can you be bold when you grip by approval addiction
you got a loved one that needs to hear your testimony you got family that needs to hear
your testimony you got unsafe people following you on social media that needs to hear your
testimony some of them will never step foot in a gathering you're going to be the only jesus they
see and how would they see him if you so you're so afraid you won't speak up for
the Lord Jesus Christ? I know why you won't post because you know sister so-and-so is following
you somewhere down there and you know if you say something about God she gonna get offended. So
watch your approval addiction for her muzzles you from being a witness for Christ.
I wish I could just smack somebody in their mouth right now and say, fire come to your mouth.
Fire come to your mouth.
Fire come to your mouth.
I'll just smack you right now.
Use your mouth to make Jesus known. I'll just smack you right here by the Spirit.
And then fire, come to your mouth.
Somebody shout fire!
In your mouth!
I like what Psalm 96 says.
Publish his glorious acts.
Make them known. Talk about it. He set you free. Talk about it. I like what Psalm 96 says. Publish his glorious acts.
Make them known.
Talk about it.
He set you free.
Talk about it.
You got delivered?
Talk about it.
You got a revelation?
Talk about it.
You got something in your devotion?
Talk about it.
Man, make Jesus known. He told him, what you hear from me, watch this.
I want you to shout it from the rooftop.
In the first century AD, the houses was not made with A-frame roofs.
It was made with flat roofs.
And men would stand on top of the roof and use it as a podium, a platform for people down below to listen.
Whatever your platform is, stand on it and declare boldly. You know what God needs in this minute,
in this hour? All these cowards looking at me. You know what God needs right now in this hour? Our bold witnesses for Christ.
Even if it comes at the expense of persecution.
Can I go deeper?
You know what I'm trying to say to you? You will not keep me silent.
To keep you silent is mean you're being intimidated. You're being bullied and
punked out. You go to make the post and then you recoil because you're afraid of who it might
offend. Instead of saying Jesus is Lord, you won't post that. There is no other God except Jesus.
There is only one way to heaven and it has a name and his name is Jesus. You won't
post that because some Muslim is following you and you don't want them to be offended.
No, no, no. You're not going to keep me silent.
You want to see what boldness feels like? Somebody shout, I will not be silent.
You see what that feels like
let's pray somebody shout God give me fire In my mouth!
We're going to pause right here for two minutes. Fire!
Fire in your mouth.
Come on, fire in your mouth.
You need fire in your mouth.
Fire, fire.
Fire in your mouth.
Come on, we need to speak up for the Lord Jesus.
Speak up. Wake need to speak up for the Lord Jesus. Speak up.
Wake up and speak up.
Put in your mouth.
Wake up and speak up.
You need to fire your mouth.
Fire. Speak up and speak up! You need fire in your mouth! Woo! Chocobababas tatakababas kisi
Fire in your mouth!
Come on! Fire! Fire!
Fire! Fire!
Fire! Fire!
Fire in your mouth!
Fire! Fire in your mouth! Fire.
Fire in your mouth.
The Lord is trying to anoint our mouths to be witnesses for him in this dark hour.
You got to wake up and speak up.
Come on, man!
Coming off of your lips, heat!
Coming off your mouth, fire!
Coming off of your mouth!
Wake up and speak up
fire fire fire
fire fire fire
fire fire fire
fire fire fire
fire fire Fire! Fire! Fire!
Fire in your mouth!
Fire in your mouth!
Fire! Fire! Fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, turns to fire
Fire, fire, fire
Turns to fire, fire, fire, fire
Turns to fire, fire, fire, fire
Turns to fire, fire, fire, fire, from the fire in fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, Holy Ghost in fire, Holy Ghost in fire, Holy Ghost in fire, Holy Ghost in fire, Holy Ghost in fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire Holy Ghost and fire
Holy Ghost and fire
Fire, fire, fire, fire Thank you. Stamford St I gotta
I gotta finish this text
I don't care
I'm gonna obey the Holy Spirit
I got to finish this text,
but look right at me.
Don't, don't, don't blame me.
I want, if, only if,
don't blame me.
This ain't for no show.
I got to finish this text,
but I'm going to obey the Holy Spirit
right here in the middle of the message.
Don't blame me.
If, listen to the words, if, and God knows if you're a liar, you know for a fact, I mean like beyond a shadow of a doubt, you could put your life on it.
I just got to obey the Holy Spirit real quick.
That the Lord called you to either a teacher, pastor, like a preacher.
Just move towards me really quickly.
Because I got to finish this text.
Don't move beyond a shadow of a doubt.
He called you to be a teacher, preacher.
Maybe there's a pastor in this room, a prophet or an evangelist.
Don't move because I'm gonna finish this text
don't play me i'm only if that is you
get in the aisle just you don't even have to if you can't get close you can just stand right there
in the aisle just stand right there i just want a sign of faith and this ain't for show because I'm going to finish this text. I just got to pause to obey
the Spirit. And I'm not just talking about I post. I'm talking about you know for a fact you've been
called to teach, preach. You're an evangelist, a prophet. You have a speaking gift that God gave
you. I'm only talking to you in this moment and I'm going to finish this text. Okay, if that's you and you're in the aisle or you're near me, okay,
turn your head towards heaven with your eyes closed.
Just stay still. Father, I pray a special prayer in the middle of this sermon.
In the middle of this message, according to the obedience of your Holy Spirit for every man and woman,
you have called in this hour to a speaking assignment.
The evangelist in the room, the prophet in the room, the pastor in the room, the teacher in the room.
The one you have put a special anointing on their mouth to declare.
Specifically them.
As these mouths are turned up to heaven.
I pray you would send down from glory fire upon these lips.
I pray you take a coal from the altar and burn these lips.
That from these lips would come
the unadulterated gospel.
These will not be lips of compromise.
They will not be lips of lies.
They will be bold lips
even if it costs them their lives.
Jesus! even if it costs them their lives.
I pray a fresh anointing over these lips and the lips of the digital disciples watching me right now.
Let something from heaven fall on these lips for this hour.
We need more voices of truth in this hour.
Let these lips be powerful voices of truth.
Now if you received that, praise him like it's already done.
Come on.
Come on, praise him.
Somebody praise him like you received.
Praise him. Hold on.
Hold on.
Thank you, Holy Spirit.
Father, I pray.
Thank you, Holy Spirit, for every songwriter in the room.
I heard you, Holy Spirit.
Every person you have called to spread the gospel through song,
I pray you would flood their soul with gospel lyrics that glorifies Jesus. Every artist, every rapper,
every R&B person,
fire burn their lips
in the name of Yeshua HaMashiach.
Now praise him. Somebody shout!
Shout! shout shout shout All right.
I need y'all.
I need, I need, dang, I need like 15 minutes.
Can I get 15 minutes?
Can I get 15 minutes?
No, don't play me and walk out the room.
All right.
Well, however you want to do this, you can go back to your chair or you can sit in the
aisle. I don't care. You can sit right where you are. Just let me finish. You can sit down right
where you are or you can go back to a chair. You ain't got to get all formal. You stay right here.
Who's this? Kiosha? Stay right here. Some of y'all right here, this altar, just sit down right here
on the floor. Just stay here.
If you're in the aisle, you can just sit down.
We ain't got to be all formal.
Just sit.
Just sit.
At 2019, it's proclamation and presence.
We make room for the Holy Spirit.
If you don't like that, you got to find someplace else to go. We're going to teach and obey God's Spirit. Lock the doors. I ain't joking.
Don't let nobody out. All right. Can I just finish this? All right.
You know what?
Just stay right there.
Very softly.
Okay, just listen.
Listen carefully to the words of your Savior.
No, not the outline of a man.
I'm just preaching. I'm just, listen to the words of your Savior. I'm just preaching.
Listen to the words of your Savior.
Everybody look right at me.
No cotton candy here.
The words of the Savior. Now watch what he says next.
Verse, just watch.
Everybody watch.
Please don't. Stay still watch, 28. Everybody watch. Please don't, stay still.
Verse 28.
Some of you may never see this in your life.
Somebody prophesied this might be my end.
I'm not worried about it.
My body may not end up in a box somebody told me my end may not be like a glorious one I'm not worried about it however the Lord bring me to him I'm
gonna accept that now everybody watch verse 28 because I think this is coming to the United States and do not fear those
who kill the body
cannot kill the soul
fear him
who can destroy not annihilate but
punish permanently both soul and body in hell.
So listen to the words of your Savior carefully.
He wants you to be so courageous that you're not even afraid of death.
Listen to me he wants you to be so free from appeasing people
that you will speak for him even if it cost you your life like i i've been told it may cost mine
i've been threatened by islamic organizations my IG was hacked by an Islamic organization during the pandemic.
I get threats all the time.
Ain't nobody going to shut me up because he says the worst they can do to you is take that out of shell.
This is heat.
So now God is talking, Jesus told me there's two type of fears and you got to direct
which way you want go you can either be afraid of people who the worst they could do to you is
take that shell or be afraid of me who has the last say so over your soul
so watch he says choose your heart fear men who the worst they can do is kill you
but can't touch your soul or fear me who i have the final say so over your soul
you're gonna be quiet you're gonna not talk up you're gonna not obey you're gonna not follow
after me you got more fear of men than you do me and this ain't fear like run this is reverence
it's respect like baby said put some respect on my name watch this is powerful this is the most
gangster thing what this is one of the most gangster things jesus ever said you know how
bold you will be if you walk around like man the worst they could do to me is kill me, but you ain't going to shut me up.
If you talk like that, what is anybody going to do to threaten you?
Now, can I show you what this looks like outside the U.S.?
Give me that picture I sent to y'all.
Look at this.
Pay attention.
This is coming to the U.S.
Pay attention.
This is 2015.
Watch. These are Coptic Christians captured by radical Islamic extremists.
And shoved them to say,
deny the Lord Jesus Christ
and we may let you go.
Where are they though?
We will not deny the Lord.
The worst you can do.
You ain't going to scare me to the point of denying my Savior.
The worst you can do is take this house.
But you can't touch my soul, though.
How gangster is that?
This is Christianity.
This is standing for Jesus at the extreme.
You think you're this gangster? You want to take for granted that you can gather in a room and nobody waiting for you in the parking
lot so you want to stay home on sunday you want to take for granted that we can come to this sacred
gathering and nobody waiting for you in the parking lot when this is what our brothers and
sisters are dealing with watch every day outside the u.S. Let me repeat.
Every single day,
your brothers and sisters are facing this outside the U.S.
And we complaining?
And we can't be faithful?
And we can't stand for Jesus
with the little bit of trolls we got to deal with on our
page ain't nobody dealing with this heat yet but watch watch why I say yet Hamas is calling for the
hatred and the murder of all Jews worldwide.
In my home city in New York, they had a whole protest on 42nd Street to hate Jews.
Now, you don't care about that.
But if the call to hate Jews is first, what do you think is the next call coming?
Oh, you think Islam is going to play nice if the call right now is to hate jews
what do you think is the next call that is coming in the future
say it again say it louder hate all christians kill them wherever they are.
You don't think that's coming?
Like 1999, Columbine High School.
Dylan and his friend walks into a high school. Two white dudes walk into a high school with shotguns and artillery.
Shooting up students and teachers.
They go to one student and put a gun to her head.
Denounce Jesus.
Some of them looked that barrel right in the eyes and got their brains blown out on the floor.
And what it may, it may not,
these dudes' heads was found floating in the ocean
none of them survived but you know where they are right now crowned
this this is see this ain't american gospel
you know what this looks like for us now laws against christianity
hatred on your page for standing for jesus it's only gonna get worse and my thing is are you gonna
be are you are you gonna be courageous are you are you going to be courageous are
you going to be a coward like who in this room when the heat comes to this nation is really
going to stand for christ i want to know who you're sitting under are they preparing you for
what's coming you're not going to say pastor philip anthony mitchell did not prepare us
for what has come.
All right.
Now, watch the rest of the text.
Very important.
This part is for you.
Can I finish this?
Nobody moving, right?
Okay, everybody watch verse 29.
Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Watch this. I love this. And not one of them
will fall to the ground apart from your father, but even the hairs of your head are all numbered now he comes back again fear not therefore
you are more valuable than many sparrows can i make this very simple for you a sparrow in the
first century was considered an insignificant animal god God, this is so heat.
And Jesus says,
if the father looks out for an insignificant animal,
how much more
is he going to look out for you?
Are you not more valuable
than an insignificant bird?
That he will keep you and even if he does not in glory you will be kept any way it goes you are kept it don't matter if they hit you now or they take me out this world now any way you look at it
you can't touch my soul i'm a kept man you are a kept woman okay you see y'all
see that the lord is trying to say and he talked about the hairs on your head and i don't got that
much but you know he's trying to say you know what the hairs on your head means it's a metaphor for
i know all the details of your life so you ain't gotta fear nobody i know your insecurities your
problems i know you perfectly.
This is another reason why you should not be afraid to pray even when you mess up because he knows you perfectly. He already knows you're going to mess up two weeks from now. Still want
you to come back and talk to him. Why? Because this is comforting to me because he knows me even when I mess up perfectly. So now watch. Now watch how he finishes.
I'm done now. Watch Rocio. He's talking to men who's facing real persecution, right? Right?
Who's facing real death, right? They're living in a brutal first century world, right?
Now watch this. Watch how he closed.
If there be any temptation in you, watch this, to shrink back because you're afraid of the calling.
Watch how he anchored them and pins them down to the ground.
Watch how he pins them to obedience.
Now this part right here is heat.
Y'all ready for this?
Are you sure you're ready?
You sure you're ready?
Watch how he pins his followers to obedience if there be any temptation in you to shrink back from what i'm saying because you're
more concerned about men than me now watch how he closes the passage verse 32 so everyone who acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge before my Father
who is in heaven.
Watch the transition.
But, pay attention,
whoever, that includes how many people?
Now watch the heat of the words of the Savior.
Whoever denies me before men, you're so afraid of them.
I will also deny before my Father who is in heaven.
You stand for me now.
I will stand for you in the judgment. You reject me now,
I will reject you in the judgment. You be bold for me now, I will be bold for you at the judgment.
You be a coward for me now, I will act like I don't know you at the judgment. You'll be a coward for me now. I will act like I don't know
you at the judgment. You ain't getting past God without the blood of Christ. So he says, choose
your heart. You either be more afraid of men or you'd be more afraid of me. because you know what creates courage when i think about the end creates courage for me right now
now how watch how i close this message because i can't let y'all leave
i gotta close this message this way everybody pay attention
god has everybody in this room ever felt fear yeah so i've uh every sunday you know the lord does not call people who deal with fair cowards because he's trying to tell them to be courageous
so the opposite of being courageous is being a coward. Now I want
you to ask me a question. How does the Lord define being a coward? He does not define being a coward
as having fear. How does the Lord define being a coward? Now this is going to shock you and I
already know you're not going to like this. I already know they're not
going to like this part. Who does the Lord consider a coward? No, no. Give me Revelation 21, 1 through 8.
This is coming in the end. This is who the lord considers a coward then i this is john receiving a revelation
from jesus saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth had passed
away and the sea was no more verse two and i saw the holy city okay that's why it's not going to
be destroyed new jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a
bridegroom, adorned for husband, because God is going to make his abode on earth. Verse 3, and I
heard a loud voice from the throne saying, behold, the dwelling place of God is with man, and he will
dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God.
Verse 4.
He will wipe away every tear from their eyes and death shall be no more.
Neither shall there be any mourning nor crying nor pain anymore.
For the former things have passed away.
Verse 5. And he who was seated on the throne said, behold, I am making all things
new. Also he said, write this down for these words, not the words of your favorite person. These words, they are trustworthy and true. Verse 6,
and he said to me, it is done. I am Alpha and Omega. You want to be here.
Don't let no ninja keep you from being here. I am Alpha and Omega. Ain't fear of nobody going to keep me from being here. I am Alpha and Omega.
The beginning and the end.
To the thirsty I will give from the spring of the water of life without payment.
You're going to be satisfied forever.
The one who conquers, don't go to the next verse, will have this heritage and will be with his God
and he will be my son and my daughter. Now in the next verse, the Lord will tell you who he thinks
is a coward because it ain't people who deal with fear because you're going to deal with fear.
But he's about to show you this is what a coward looks like in my eyes and i already know the room is about to get
quiet if i was a bad shepherd i wouldn't i'm because i love you is why i'm doing this i want
you to see how jesus defines a coward y'all ready for the next verse are you sure after this i'm gonna pray for you but i i gotta crush
you right here for just a moment this is biblical gospel here is how jesus defines a coward
verse 8 but as for the cowardly and then he tells you who the cowardly are,
the faithless, no faith, the detestable, nasty behavior,
oh God, murderers, people who even hate without cause, the sexually immoral, sorcerers,
since you love all that stuff
and fortune telling
and zodiacs and horoscopes,
crystals and mystics
and psychics and signs
and all liars,
those who love things more than me,
their portion will be in the lake
that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the
second death. Pastor, I don't get it. Who does God consider a coward? Not the person with no fear
or the person that God considers a person, a coward who has no fear of God.
No reverence.
No respect.
No living for him for real.
He calls the one that would rather enjoy all your sin instead of living for me.
And seeing what I would do with a surrendered life. That person the Lord calls the one that would rather enjoy all your sin instead of living for me and seeing what I would do with a surrendered life.
That person the Lord calls the coward.
You're so afraid, watch, to just rock with me for real. For real.
Anybody want to put up your Baptist finger and slide out right now?
So look, you don't get it.
It takes courage to say, I'm going to walk with the Lord.
It takes courage to say, I'm going to pray.
I'm going to read. I'm going to come to church. I'm going to pray. I'm going to read.
I'm going to come to church.
I'm going to be faithful.
I'm going to keep dealing with the sin in my heart.
I'm going to be telling God, man, purify me.
It takes courage to say, I want to do this thing.
Watch this word.
For real. you have no idea what the lord would do with just a fully surrendered life he loves you more than anyone else would ever love you some of you your fear is that you're
running from him instead of just i'm just gonna live for him for real i'm gonna love him i'm
gonna serve him i'm gonna come to church i'm gonna get in a squad i'm gonna give faithfully i'm gonna
be found just faithful you know what the lord you and me we're gonna do this right now for real like
right here at the back half of 2023
I'm making a decision right here you know what I ain't gonna be a coward no more
I'm just I'm gonna I'm gonna walk with Jesus for real and see what he does in my life
eternal God and ever wise Father
Lord deliver us from being cowards we are living in the last days.
Father, Lord, I pray for all of my brothers and sisters
that you would do something supernatural
in their heart in this moment.
Save the unbeliever in this moment.
Let boldness come up in the heart of some woman in this moment,
some man in this moment some man in this moment i'm even asking that we will start to see the foolishness of worldliness
that something in us will say
lord i want to walk with you for real let prayer lives be born tonight let there be a new hunger for your presence
let some woman some man who don't even fully understand just
begin to pursue you with what little knowledge they have let them just
just draw them to yourself I feel
like for someone they've been running
for long enough
you are a loving
I pray for a
spirit of just surrender.
Like that baby is crying, may we cry for you and long for you.
May we be tired of just going through the motions.
I pray in this moment something shifts in men, in women,
in children, in someone
these mouths on fire.
Set these lives
on fire.
Deliver us from the fear of people.
Let it only be fair,
be our reverential fear of you.
Let us not feel conviction
that leads to condemnation,
but conviction that leads
to celebration and joy
as you're wooing us
closer to yourself in this moment.
Encourage my sister.
Encourage my brother.
Let something shift in their life today.
In Christ's name I pray.
If you agree with that, would you just say amen?
Amen. If you agree with that, would you just say amen?
Everybody look at me.
I want to ask you to do three things.
The first thing I want to ask you to do is to
is to not leave here feeling bad or down or convicted.
Don't leave here like that.
Scripture says in Hebrews 12,
those he loves, he disciplines.
So if you felt something hit you if
you felt convicted that's a sign of love i want you to leave here feeling loved
i want you to leave here feeling bold i want you to leave here feeling like the lord sees you and
he has need of your mouth and your life and your testimony. I want you to leave here listening to your
pastor saying we're living in the last days
and man the people of God
we gotta rise up and
stand up.
I want you to do that.
I want you to leave here feeling bold.
The second
thing I want you to do, look right at me.
I want you to help me
help us
to get our own facility.
please stay still.
Please don't dishonor me in this moment.
Thank you.
Listen, I'm not a manipulator.
I'm not a money man.
I'm not trying to deceive you.
I'm trying to expand the gospel.
This contract ends in 36 months.
We want to be good stewards while we're here, but we want to expand our ability to do more ministry.
This room, there is no space for our kids.
We don't have proper facilities for them. They're in a basement.
We can't meet here during the week. We're trying to raise five million dollars in the next 36 months. We're going to do
a big giving Sunday on the last Sunday in February. I'm going to challenge you to just sacrifice and
bring an offering to God's house. We're going to do this a couple times a year trying to raise that
capital. Somebody watch me right now. You're wealthy. You could send the five million dollars next week.
We saw a building, my wife and I, a couple days ago for seven million dollars. We don't have the
money for that, but if we did, we could have took tenancy of that building because, you know,
preparation has to meet opportunity. So I know you want to say, oh, show us the building on the
screen. I don't have it. I want to be prepared. So when the Lord says, there it is, we have the resources in the bank
to do that. And I don't want to be drowning in debt. I have no personal debt. My wife and I
have no debt except a mortgage, no credit card bills, no car notes. We have zero debt. We don't
believe in debt. I'm trying
to get my mortgage paid off. Like the barber or a slave to the lender. So we don't want to be on
the mountains of debt for a facility. We want to do that cash. And we can do that if we come together.
So I'm telling you now in advance, there's a big giving Sunday coming in February. And I am going
to challenge you to support
that initiative i am and i'm not going to be ashamed to do that because i've never done this
for 10 years and the lord has apprehended me to do this to challenge his people to support the gospel
with sacrifice another way we can do that and this is the part that you fight the most with your check your income man
give a portion of that to the church even if more of us would do that faithfully we can start putting
that aside much quicker without having to if everybody was doing that we wouldn't even need
big giving sundays
it's almost a thousand people call this church home it's more than enough of us to get this done
you think i'm trying to buy a jet
or i'm trying to get brands and like come on man the lord is returning soon don't you want to invest
your money in a place it will go ahead of you into eternity? Jesus taught about that.
Make friends for yourself in eternity.
A portion of your money you should be using to support things that will outlast you.
So here it is.
Like, just be a faithful percentage giver.
Take a portion of what God blessed you with,
and don't put it in your hair or your gas tank or your fridge.
Man, bring it to the house of God.
You do that electronically.
We don't pass buckets because people used to steal from them.
So we do everything.
True story.
So we just do everything electronically.
There's no cash, so you can't.
I don't think you're going to come rob us.
There's no brick pulling up in the back.
It's all digital.
People used to steal from us during the gathering.
Yo, we've been through some hard times.
You remember that?
Stealing money, right?
We pass in the buckets, money gone.
They don't know.
We've been through hard times as a church.
So there ain't no brick truck pulling up.
You ain't going to rob.
I remember one of our people, somebody stole the offering on the drop.
So ain't no money, ain't no cash here't no cash it's all digital be faithful go online do your giving faithfully i don't know how we do it text to give like just just when your check comes in just be
some of you could just do it automatically just be faithful of just a percentage say lord for all
you've done for me i'm gonna going to honor you with this percentage.
Just do it every check, just faithfully.
We can stack that much quicker.
My mind's come out of my check automatically.
I don't even see it.
My budget begins after my percentage is gone.
I put God first.
I trust him with the rest.
He's always been a good provider. I put God first. I trust him with the rest.
He's always been a good provider. The last thing I want to ask you to do
is just I want you to just join me in prayer
for our church
we have no space in this room
no space in our parking lot
no space for our kids
we're planning to add an additional gathering at the top of the year to make space for more souls
and i feel god's favor on this house for whatever reason and i'm asking if you would join me in
prayer that god would protect this house that he would provide for this house that he would
trust us to keep harvesting souls that they can come to a place
where they would hear truth and be loved on, and we're not perfect. It's messy, but we're trying.
And just, would you just pray for the church? Pray for your brothers and sisters. Pray for the spread
of the gospel. Pray that God would give us the wisdom to know how to handle the growth and what
he's doing. Pray that he would give us the resources we need to spread this gospel. Pray that God would give us the wisdom to know how to handle the growth and what he's doing. Pray that he would give us the resources we need to spread this gospel.
Pray that God would use us as a beacon of light to inspire other churches in gospel ministry.
Man, pray.
Something is happening here that we want to infect the culture.
We want to awaken the body of Christ.
We want to make Matthew 28, 19 the second most recognized scripture in the world.
We want to remind the church of the Great Commission.
We don't want to just have services.
We don't want to do that.
We want to start revival.
We want to prepare as many men, women, and children as possible
for the coming of
our Savior.
Can you do those three
things for me?
Father, bless the gift and the giver.
Our digital disciples,
we want to challenge you to
partner with us also in generosity,
even if you're watching from another city.
If you believe in tithing or percentage giving,
that belongs to your local church.
We don't want that.
But if you're getting something from this house
and you care to sow offerings,
anything above what belongs to your local house,
help us in the spread of the gospel.
Father, bless the gift and the giver.
I pray, God, for economic blessing over this house. I pray for jobs in this house. I pray for
promotions and open doors. I pray for those who are investors, you would bless their investments.
For business owners, their businesses will flourish. I pray you would give us, God, a heart for the spread of the gospel
that as we support your mission, you will care for everything
that is also important to us.
May a spirit of generosity fall on this house like never before.
Just faithful, radical givers.
And Father, some way, somehow, I don't know,
would you use this body of believers to raise
the sum of five million dollars or more we can do it and we can have something prepared
for that facility i believe is here in atlanta for us. Deliver us from treating money like a god.
Let it not have a hold on our hearts.
We know that time is running out
and we're going to do everything we can
to spread this gospel.
Bless your people as they're generous.
And set fire to our lips as we leave i pray there will be an explosion of christ's witnessing
on social media this week like we've never seen before inviting people to church and posting
scriptures and lifting up the name of jesus and posting gospel. I pray there would be a flood of the exaltation of Christ
across social media this week.
Boldness to speak up for Jesus.
I pray that over all of these, my brothers and sisters,
firebrand evangelists,
in Jesus' mighty name I pray.
Where's my Bible? Amen and amen and amen. I love y'all.